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Responds to NRC 790521 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-400/79-07,50-401/79-07,50-402/79-06 & 50-403.79-06. Corrective Actions:Procedures Implemented & Necessary Repairs Accomplished
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1979
From: Howe P
To: James O'Reilly
Shared Package
ML18003A605 List:
NUDOCS 7907240210
Download: ML18003A604 (5)


June 12, 1979 Mr. James P.. O'Reilly States Nuclear Re gulatory Commisssion Region Atl 1 Mariettaa S, S

org a Northwest 30303

Dear MM r. O'Reilly:

In reference to yo g to

, 50-c02l79-06 9-06 er & Li ht Comps eficiencies

e. It ered th preventive a en axe ution of Appendix A, Item A..

taken in ng efforts too resolve n

xA Item 3 and A di B Item A.

Thank you for or your coo peration e inn this th matter.

urs You very truly, P. M. Hove Vice President Technical S ervices NJC/)pr Attachment cc: Mr. J.. A. Jones

DEVIATION Condition Re orted:

A. PSAR Appendix SE i Design B as s for Structures sst ates, llThe material usse d as b ackfill against Category o I structures will be compacted co to 95 percent standard proctor densit s y at optimum moisture content."

Contrary to the above, select backfill placed p aced against a a Category I or safet- e y-related structures has no not b een placed at o p timum moisture or at a speci fie minxmum plus or minus of opt imum as is generall y dooone in standard engineeer ing practice with imperviouss t ype materials.

Corrective Ste s Taken arrl Results Achieved:

References cDuffie - - Submitted eci B

A. McD O'R ill' to Denton - M May 4, 1979 4 1979 - "P laced Hold s

o ei y May 4, 1979 - Submitted specxfications s e and proced ures Really to Jones placed (in place}

- May 10 1979 - Released d ams and dikes where no fill was E. Parr to Jones - May 17, 1979 - Additional Add concerns on Cat F. McDuffie to t Denton - M y 18 1979 - S bmitted M P O'Reilly to Jones - June 5, 1979 - M une , 1979 - First submittal on 1974 fill 1

Su~atu Corrective action as been has be taken and accepted b y NRR and a NRC relative to specifications and implementing procedures,s, CPKL has as been released to lace f there is noo previously placed materi 1 All placed 1 ced material must be evaluated a e by CP6 L and NRR must concur that a material in place meet s d es i-gn re q uirem ents.

To date, material around the V.P.B. has been reviewed h o d Idi id 1 areas w i 11 be routinel y evaluated and submitted in acccordance with constru ruc t'ion priority p rior p




o top o

INFRACTION Condition Re orted:

B. As required by Criterion V of Appendix B to 1QCFR b C ol P d LiLgh PSAR Section lit h 11 b r ib e d b y documented d instructi ons, procedures or drawings and shall be ac accomp li h d in accordance w shed wi th these instructions procedures or drawings " Sh earon Harri.s s p ecifi cat@on CAR>>SH-CH-4 "Eman- b k-ments, Dams Dikes an and Ch anne ls 1

" and Appendix ix 2E of the PSAR require that moisture content of emb m an km ent cores be contro lied to within plus or minus 2 percent of optimuaf'.

Contrary to thee above, a impervious embankment cor d d

' ike h ave b een placed usin g fieeld control methods which allow moisture contentss o f pplus or minus 'nus 4 percent of optimum during, compaction.

Corrective Ste s Taken and Results Achieved ~

References A. McDuffie to Denton - May 4, 1979 - Submitted s p ec'ification changes B.

C. McDuffie to O'Reill ei ly - May 4, 1979 - Submitted sp c o D. - Released dams and dikes where no p

fillwas placed (in place) y, Parr to Jones - Ma 17 19 79 - Additional concerns on C cDuffi to D to - M 18 1979-- Submitted M.P.B evaluation McD G 0 ReLlly to Jones - June 5, 1979 - W backfill release o arr - June ll 197 1979 - FLrst submittal on 1974 fill

~Su@ma r Corrective action has been taken and accepted ha e b y NRR and NRC relative to spe"'- cl fications and implementin ing procedures.

d . CP6 L haas been released to place fil' L

'f'nd material where there re Ls no previously placed material b 1 d b CP6L d NR must concur that material in place meets desitn requirements.

All west auxiliary separatining dike core material was removed placement operations were resumed utilizing revised specL ications and roced

'd d th an t h e required evaluation ion. Two (2) small sections

~f xn-place core materialr a xn e t h west auxilia ry a.

dam core co trench are being evaluate c ~

hand will be submitted in i th e near future.. '

This will complete action on embankment ore fills.


~ ~

Re orted: ~

A. As re q uired by Criterion.V of Appendix B to 10CFR50 and as implemented by Carolina Power and Light PSAR Section "Activiti s ff ti


sshall a bee prescribed by documented instructions l procedures or d i 1'nd sshall a be accomplished in accordance with these instructions, procedures or drawings." Shearon Harris Specification CAR-SH-CH-6, "Concrete" states, "Each truck shall be equipped with an accurate revolution counter."

Contrary to the above, on April ll, 1979, on pour number 1WPSL236005 in the waste process building (shared by 4 units) at 6:00 p.m., the revolution counter on truck number 30 was not working.

Corrective Ste s Taken and Results Achieved:

Concrete truck was removed from service until the counter was repaired/replaced.

Counter was repaired and truck returned to service.

Corrective Ste s Taken to Avoid Further Noncom liance:

This is considered a normal failure of mechanical equipment which is handled as stated above. Drivers check trucks, including counters, before placing in service and concrete inspectors check counters as each load is delivered. Failure o counter occurred between loads and was noticed by the NRC Ins ect nspector pr ior to isc arge and prior to being inspected by the concrete inspector.

11 C m liance Will Be Achieved:

Full compliance was achieved when the counter repair was accomplished on April ll, 1979.