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Revision of Three Forms That Implement the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP)
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/2017
From: Hafenstine C
Wolf Creek
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RA 17-0023
Download: ML17079A233 (2)


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'NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION Cynthia R. Hafenstine March 13, 2017 Manager Regulatory Affairs RA 17-0023 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-482: Revision of Three Forms that Implement the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) for Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

To whom it may concern:

Three forms that implement the WCGS RERP have been revised. The revised documents are identified below:

Forms Effective Dates EPF 06-001-08, Rev. 1A February 21, 2017 EPF 06-004-09, Rev. 3 February 21, 2017 EPF 06-018-16, Rev. 4A February 21, 2017 The attached summary of the changes to the implementing forms explains that these changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the WCGS RERP. This letter contains no commitments. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4204.

SincerelY., ~

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/cynthia R. Hafenstine CRH/rlt


  • Summary of Changes to Three Forms that Implement the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) cc: K. M. Kennedy (NRC), w/a B. K. Singal (NRC), w/a N. H. Taylor (NRC), w/a Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector (NRC), w/a Senior Resident Inspector (NRC), w/a P.O. Box 411 /Burlington, KS 66839 I Phone: (620) 364-8831 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/HCNET

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Attachment to RA 17-0023 Page 1 of 1 Summary of Changes to Three Forms that Implement the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP)

1. Form EPF 06-001-08, "Off-Site Communicator Checklist," Rev. 1A This revision changes the facsimile machine telephone number to 620-256-0223. This change is editorial in nature and does not decrease the effectiveness of the WCGS RERP.
2. Form EPF 06-004-09, "Media Center Checklist," Rev. 3 The reference to a cell phone has replaced a reference to a radio in step one in the Stage 1 Activation section because cell phones have replaced radios as the means of communication between the Joint Information Center (JIC) and the Media Center in Topeka, Kansas. The wording in step 1 of the Stage 2 Activation section has been revised for simplicity. These changes are administrative in nature and do not decrease the effectiveness of the WCGS RERP because adequate facilities and equipment continue to be provided in support of the WCGS RERP at the Topeka facilities.
3. Form EPF 06-018-16, "Topeka Joint Information Clearinghouse (JIC)

Inventory Checklist," Rev. 4A The descriptions of supplies and printers used at the Topeka JIC have been changed to more accurately describe those supplies and printers. Adequate supplies and equipment continue to be provided at the Topeka JIC'and these editorial changes do not decrease the effectiveness of the WCGS RERP.