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Revised Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel (Agenda Discussion Item Appended)
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/2004
From: Grobe J
Download: ML040711267 (23)


March 11, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel /RA by C. Lipa Acting for/



The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held on July 15, 2003. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel, Radiation Protection Inspection Plan, the Open Action Items List, and those Restart Action Matrix Items closed at this meeting.

Attachments: As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII R. Gardner, DRS B. Clayton, EICS G. Wright, DRP DB0350

MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel



The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held on July 15, 2003. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel, Radiation Protection Inspection Plan, the Open Action Items List, and those Restart Action Matrix Items closed at this meeting.

Attachments: As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII R. Gardner, DRS B. Clayton, EICS G. Wright, DRP DB0350 DOCUMENT NAME: C:\ORPCheckout\FileNET\ML040711267.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box:"C" = Copy without enclosure "E"= Copy with enclosure"N"= No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII NAME RBaker CLipa /RA by C. Lipa Acting for/ JGrobe DATE 03/11/04 03/11/04 03/11/04 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

MEETING MINUTES: Internal IMC 0350 Oversight Panel Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DATE: July 15, 2003 TIME: 1:00 p.m. Central ATTENDEES:

J. Grobe J. Rutkowski R. Doornbos D. Passehl C. Lipa B. Ruland D. Hills J. Hopkins J. Stang P. Lougheed M. Phillips J. Strasma S. Thomas V. Mityling Agenda Items:

1. Discuss Davis-Besse RCP Allegations P. Lougheed briefed the Panel on an allegation with several concerns associated with the reactor coolant pumps. The response to the allegation should be sent out this week or early next week.

NEW ACTION ITEM: Jan Strasma took action to put a discussion of the actions the NRC took in reviewing concerns involving the reactor coolant pumps in the August 2003 newsletter.

2. Discuss New Incoming Letters and Plan V. Mityling, J. Strasma, and R. Doornbos presented to the Panel the options for responding to the emails and letters from citizens of Ohio and elsewhere regarding Davis-Besse. The specific concerns relate to citizens requests that Davis-Besse should remain shutdown and that Davis-Besse management is not emphasizing safety over schedule or profit.

NEW ACTION ITEM: Jan Strasma took action to put a discussion of the actions the NRC is taking to respond to the emails and letters from concerned citizens regarding Davis-Besse in the August 2003 newsletter. This includes responding to the citizens and Amy Rider with a letter including a copy of the most recent newsletter.

NEW ACTION ITEM: J. Grobe took action to send an email to E. Merschoff and L. Chandler inquiring how the Panel should handle the correspondence in ADAMS.

3. Discuss New Allegations M. Phillips informed the Panel that there were no new allegations.
4. Discuss Any Allegations for Which an Extension Was Requested M. Phillips informed that Panel that there were no allegations for which an extension was requested.
5. Discuss Closed Restart Action Matrix (RAM) Items and Closure Forms M. Phillips presented the closed Restart Action Matrix (RAM) items and closure forms.


6. Discuss Section B3 of Process Plan D. Passehl discussed Section B3 of the Process Plan. Mr. Passehl will incorporate the Panels comments.
7. Discuss Action Items The Panel discussed recent Action Items.

Item 188 (Closed) - Arrange for Radiation Protection Inspection to evaluate stability in Radiation Protection organization effectiveness. An inspection plan is to be drafted and presented to the Panel for approval, including applicable Restart Action Matrix items, for an inspection to be conducted in the July 2003 time frame J. Grobe approved the inspection plan. THE APPROVED RADIATION PROTECTION INSPECTION PLAN IS ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES.

Item 189 (Open) - Investigate how the NRC handled communication of potential inspection issues and findings during in-progress inspection work at Millstone in regards to their organization and human performance problems The Panel decided to change the title of this item to "Collect Information on the Regulatory Approach to Research the Process to Ensure Proper Regulatory Footprint upon Restart."

Item 191 (Closed) - Prepare Questions and Answers (Qs and As) once the GT 221 letter to Rep. Kucinich is issued to ensure consistent communications regarding how the NRC articulates issues to the public The Panel determined that this item was already captured by Action Item 197.

Item 194 (Closed) - Add to the Restart Checklist the licensees Technical Specification Amendment Request to relocate the high pressure injection and low pressure injection subsystems flow balance testing requirement in Technical Specification 4.5.2.h to the Updated Safety Analysis Report Technical Requirements Manual

Action was complete with issuance of Restart Checklist dated July 2, 2003.

Item 198 (Closed) - Call Billie Garde on the section of the letter regarding "missed opportunities." The specific paragraph includes the statement: "Mr.

Siemasko has identified at least twenty-three separate "missed opportunities" that could have prevented the propagation of G9 nozzle crack during the 14 years prior to 12 RFO in the spring of 2000." This action is due June 27 B. Clayton called Ms. Garde.

Item 199 (Closed) - Contact the EDOs office to discuss the Panels question on how to include whether the Billie Garde response to 10 CFR 2.206 Petition should be addressed J. Hopkins stated that the response to the 2.206 Petition will include an acknowledgment of the letter from Ms. Garde.

Item 200 (Open) - Draft a TIA letter to send to B. Ruland regarding whether the proposed modification that the licensee is performing to the high pressure injection pumps is sufficient to address the design deficiency A teleconference was held on July 14, 2003, with the licensee to get an updated status.

Item 201 (Open) - Coordinate with L. Gerke and ask her to call Rep. Kapturs staff regarding the June 13, 2003, letter from Chairman Diaz to Kaptur. The purpose of the call would be to update Rep. Kaptur on the recent issues with the HPI Pumps and provide information on NRC actions to review LER 2003-02 The Panel determined that when the communication plan is developed for the preliminary significance determination for HPI Pump issue that we consider interfaces with those people who receive the letter.

8. Discuss Plant Status and Inspector Insights and Emergent Issues List The Panel discussed plant status and inspector insights and emergent issues list.
9. Discuss ROP Sample Status 2nd quarter 2003 S. Thomas led a discussion on the ROP Sample Status for the 2nd quarter 2003.

The Panel agrees with the status and approach going forward.

10. Discuss New/Potential Licensing Issues The Panel discussed new/potential licensing issues. J. Hopkins mentioned a possibility that the licensee may need a license amendment for one of the modifications planned for the electrical transient analysis program project.
11. Discuss Work NRC Research Is Performing Related to PWR Sump Performance The Panel discussed work NRC research is performing related to PWR sump performance. J. Hopkins will inform Davis-Besse during the weekly call that issues coming out of the work doesnt apply to Davis-Besse at this time.
12. Discuss Items for Licensee Weekly Calls The Panel discussed items for the weekly calls with the licensee.
13. Discuss/Update Milestones and Commitments The Panel reviewed and discussed upcoming milestones and commitments.
14. Discuss Restart Checklist Item 2.b: Containment Vessel Restoration Following Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Replacement The Panel reviewed and closed this Checklist Item.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 24a Discuss making Panel Discuss by June 30, after safety information related to significance assessment complete; HQ/licensee calls publicly 6/27 - Invite Bateman to panel mtg.

available To discuss what else is needed to closeout the CAL (i.e. quarantine plan); 7/2 - NRR not yet ready to discuss; 7/16 - See if procedures have changed on CAL closeout -

does JD need to send letter?; 7/18

- Discussed - is there an applicable regional procedure?; 8/6 -

Discussed. Need to determine the final approach on the core removed from the head and the final approach on the head before the quarantine can be lifted; 8/22 -

Revisit action item after letter sent to licensee confirming plans with old vessel head (head may be onsite longer than originally anticipated); 8/29 - Memo to be sent to Region, with a letter to go out next week; 10/01- Discussed.

1) Conduct NRC staff survey-due 10/7 2)Memo to NRR - due 10/11
3) Region to issue letter; 11/07-Letter required from NRR on head quarantine status; 11/19 - Letter in draft; 01/03 - A. Mendiola to look at phone conference writeups on quarantine decision making to determine if they can be released to the public; 01/07 - discussed; 01/21 - discussed; 01/31- A.

Mendiolas action; 02/11 -

Completion of Licensee Phase 3 sampling plan required; 02/21 -

17.5 Rem to cut samples, Less samples may be required; 04/03 -

Completion of Phase 3 sampling plan scheduled for late April -

discuss again then; 04/08 - Revisit in June 2003; 07/01 - Nozzle specimen removal begins tomorrow.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 73 Send feedback form on Lipa 8/6 - Generate feedback after IMC 0350 procedure to Mendiola panel meetings reduced to once IIPB (8/6) per week; 8/29 - Discussed - no change; 10/1 - Discussed; 11/7 -

D Passehl sent email to C Carpenter and D Coe indicating that we would be able to perform a review of the draft IMC 0350 during the first quarter of 2003; 12/3- discussed; 01/03 - 2 parts, short part- C. Lipa with P. Harris, long part- B. Dean; 01/07 - 2nd larger response will require meeting between all parties; 01/21

- Communications with P. Harris; 01/31-Meeting with P. Harris on Feb 4; 02/11 - Many concerns identified by the panel for inclusion; 02/21 - July 1 due date for larger input; 07/01 - Christine to request two month extension of due date.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 136 NRR acceptance of NOP W. Ruland/J. 01/07 - Item discussed. Meeting criteria and method Grobe summary of November 26, 2002 (01/03) meeting has notation of NRR staff J. Grobe to send an email impressions of test plan. Once week of 05/19 with drafted, issue will be surveyed to question of whether the staff to determine if consensus is licensees method and correct; 01/21 - Meeting summary criteria are adequate to to discuss Flus System, Test address the TS for zero agreement, and future inspections; unidentified reactor 1/31 - T. Chan fwd to J. Hopkins; coolant leakage from the 2/11 - J. Jacobson questions need reactor coolant system. to be folded in (chem-wipes); 2/21 By the end of the week of - Polling of staff discussed; 2/24 -

05/19 NRR to formulate a Polling of staff by March 7; 3/25 -

proposed position for Staff to be polled after 4/4/03 discussion. The position meeting in headquarters, and by NRR will be discussed meeting should address whether a by the Panel during the rational basis exists that the 05/27 0350-Panel bottom head is not leaking, and meeting. After discussing whether a critical flaw size will not on 05/27 the issue is to be appear during the next operating presented internally within cycle; 04/08 - J. Hopkins writing the NRC for dissenting mtg summary for 4/4, licensee to views address additional questions on (05/27 - Reopen) 4/9 telephone call; 05/16 - Closed; 05/27 - Reopen; 06/17 - Meeting held in HQ the week of June 9. R.

Barrett et. al. discussed that the licensee has no basis that the nozzles are not cracked. May need a TS Amendment. The next step is to engage the licensee; 07/01 - Phone call held 6/30 with licensee. Licensee to provide written response to John Jacobson.

138 Evaluate the effectiveness A. Mendiola, 01/31 - Ongoing; 02/21 - New EDO of the Comm Plan (01/07) C. Lipa Comm Plan for Crisis Update, A.

Mendiola to review for inclusion.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 147 Generate a list of items to D. Passehl 01/31 - working; consider after restart as 02/11 - Include dates and well as transition back to deadlines to Manual Chapter 0350 the normal 0350 when restart inspections planner; 07/01 -

terminating the 0350 Discussed; Panel. The items should include plans to augment inspection of corrective actions, inservice inspection, and safety culture monitoring.

(01/09) 156 Read Generic Safety C. Lipa 01/21 - Determine status of GSI-Issue-191, "Assessment of 191; 02/21 - Check GL98-04 Debris Accumulation on response on coatings. Draft GL PWR Sump Pump and Draft Reg Guide needs review Performance" (01/09) for DB relevance; 02/24 - Request Response Review and Program Implementation to GL98-04; 03/04

- activity to be reassigned to Reactor Engineer who will close sump LER; 04/08, D. Hills to discuss with K. Coyne and A.

Dunlop work assignments; 06/17 -

K. Coyne requested to review the emergency sump modification against the Bulletin 2003-01; 7/1 -

Discussed and reassigned lead.

174 Review 2/4 transcript for R. Lickus 7/1 - In review Mr. Witts recommendations (2/18) 178 Determine the type of C. Lipa backlog assessment that will be performed and by whom. Two attributes need to be considered: (1) the capability of the licensee to manage the backlog in an operating environment; and (2) the impact of the backlog on equipment reliability.


DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 186 Add Dennis Kucinich to A. Saso the standard distribution list on documents for Davis-Besse. Then remove Dennis Kucinich from distribution 90 days after the final NRC reply to his 10 CFR 2.206 Petition is signed out.

(04/22) 188 Arrange for Radiation K.Riemer 07/1 - Discussed - Request Mr.

Protection Inspection to Riemer provide planner to panel evaluate stability in members directly for review ASAP; Radiation Protection 07/15 -Plan approved, action organization effectiveness. closed.

An inspection plan is to be drafted and presented to the Panel for approval, including applicable Restart Action Matrix items, for an inspection to be conducted in the July 2003 time frame. (04/29) 189 Collect Information on the B.Ruland 05/27-Discussed; 07/01 - The Regulatory Approach to Millstone Order was reviewed and Research the Process to the approach is not appropriate.

Ensure Proper Regulatory Bill also look at the South Texas Footprint upon Restart approach; 07/15 -Discussed, title (05/16) changed.

191 Prepare Questions and C.Lipa/ 07/15 - Item captured by Action Answers (Qs and As) A.Mendiola Item 197- closed.

once the GT 221 letter to Rep. Kucinich is issued to ensure consistent communications regarding how the NRC articulates issues to the public. (05/16)

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 193 Consider TIA on an issue T. Mendiola A concern was identified for the pertaining to 10 CFR 50 shutdown function performance Appendix R Section III-L, goal of maintaining reactor coolant "Alternative and Dedicated level. An NRC safety evaluation Shutdown Capability." report issued in 1991 apparently (05/27) allows the licensee to maintain reactor coolant level above the top of active fuel instead of maintaining level within the range of indication in the pressurizer; 7/1

- John Hannon to determine if a TIA is necessary or the issue is moot.

194 Add to the Restart D. Passehl 6/24 - Approved the concept of Checklist the licensees adding the licensees Technical Technical Specification Specification Amendment Request Amendment Request to to the Restart Checklist. A letter relocate the high pressure has been drafted and will be routed injection and low pressure for concurrence; 07/01 - Letter in injection subsystems flow concurrence chain; 07/15 - Action balance testing was complete with issuance of requirement in Technical Restart Checklist dated 07/02/03 -

Specification 4.5.2.h to the closed Updated Safety Analysis Report Technical Requirements Manual.

(06/17) 195 Review worker fatigue S. Thomas 6/24 - J. Grobe took action to issues at the site during contact L. Myers and discuss the current inspection period. (06/17) 196 Determine whether the S. Thomas 6/24 - Closed; 7/1 - Re-opened -

shift manager is qualified see meeting minutes for additional to fulfill the shift engineer information.

position in an emergency and whether there is an adverse impact on the licensees emergency procedure Implemention.

(06/17) Item re-opened at 7/1 Panel meeting.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 197 Develop a communication A. Mendiola 6/24 - Lead changed plan with restart Qs and As. (06/17) 198 Call Billie Garde on the B. Clayton 07/01 - Discussed; 07/15 - closed.

section of the letter regarding "missed opportunities." The specific paragraph includes the statement:

"Mr. Siemasko has identified at least twenty-three separate "missed opportunities" that could have prevented the propagation of G9 nozzle crack during the 14 years prior to 12 RFO in the spring of 2000." This action is due June 27.

(06/20) 199 Contact the EDOs office J. Hopkins 6/24 - Revised description; 07/01 -

to discuss the Panels Discussed; 07/15 - The response question on how to include to the 2.206 Petition will include an whether the Billie Garde acknowledgment of the letter from response to 10 CFR 2.206 Ms. Garde - closed Petition should be addressed. (06/20) 200 Draft a TIA letter to send C. Lipa 6/24 -The Panel assigned D. Hills to B. Ruland regarding with action to send an email next whether the proposed week with summary of the modification that the concept; 07/01 - On hold pending licensee is performing to a licensee decision on whether to the high pressure injection pursue this option or replace the pumps is sufficient to pumps; 07/15 - A teleconference address the design was held on July 14, 2003, with the deficiency. (06/20) licensee to get an updated status.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 201 Coordinate with L. Gerke T. Mendiola 6/24 - The Panel determined that and ask her to call Rep. when the communication plan is Kapturs staff regarding developed for the preliminary the June 13, 2003, letter significance determination for HPI from Chairman Diaz to Pump issue that we consider Kaptur. The purpose of interfaces with those people who the call would be to update receive the letter; 07/15 -

Rep. Kaptur on the recent Discussed.

issues with the HPI Pumps and provide information on NRC actions to review LER 2003-02.(06/20) 202 Put a discussion of the J. Strasma actions the NRC took in reviewing concerns involving the reactor coolant pumps in the August 2003 newsletter.

(07/15) 203 Put a discussion of the J. Strasma actions the NRC is taking to respond to the emails and letters from concerned citizens regarding Davis-Besse in the August 2003 newsletter. This includes responding to the citizens and Amy Rider with a letter including a copy of the most recent newsletter. (07/15) 204 Send an email to E. J. Grobe Merschoff and L. Chandler inquiring how the Panel should handle the correspondence in ADAMS. (07/15)

RAM Item No. - E-34 Closed: Y Date of E-Mail - 07/01/03 Author - Gurdziel to Lipa (& Telecon to Grobe)

Description of Issue - Respond to E-mail concerning the adequacy of the new sump based on Gurdziels review of report 03-06.

Restart Checklist Item: N/A Description of Resolution - Jack Grobe spoke with Tom Gurdziel by phone on July 1, 2003, and answered all his questions on the sump report (Inspection Report No. 03-06). During the call, which Mr. Gurdziel initiated, Mr. Gurdziel stated that he was satisfied with the answers he received and had no further questions. No further action is necessary.

RAM Item No. - LER-06 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Review and Evaluate EDG Missile Shield LER. See also Condition Report 02-5590 and URI-43.

Description of Resolution - This item was closed in Inspection Report 50-346/02-19 to an Unresolved Item. For the purposes of tracking, this item is closed, and the details will be discussed in the closure of URI-43 in this RAM, which was assigned to the Corrective Action Team Inspection (CATI) for resolution.

Reference Material - Inspection Report 50-346/02-19.

RAM Item No. - URI-39 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to adequately evaluate radiological hazards (White Finding).

Description of Resolution - A supplemental team inspection was conducted in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002, Inspection For One Degraded Cornerstone or Any Three White Inputs In a Strategic Performance Area, to assess the licensees root cause evaluations and corrective actions for the two White findings in the occupational radiation safety cornerstone. In addition, relevant sections of Inspection Procedure 95003, Inspection for Repetitive Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Yellow Inputs, or One Red Input were used as guidance during this inspection. The purpose of the supplemental inspection was to: (1) provide assurance that the root and contributing causes for the individual White findings in the occupational radiation safety area and the collective performance which resulted in the degraded cornerstone were understood; (2) independently assess the extent of condition and generic implications of these performance issues; and (3) provide assurance that the corrective actions were sufficient to prevent recurrence. The team concluded that the licensees root cause evaluations for the White performance issues were completed using systematic techniques, were conducted at the appropriate depth, and adequately identified the primary and contributory causes of the issues. The NRC also

concluded that the licensees corrective action plans were adequate to address the root and contributing causes that were identified in the licensees evaluation so as to prevent recurrence.

Additionally, the team determined that significant progress had been made to improve the licensees radiation protection program. The licensees analyses of the White performance issues determined that inadequate work direction and management systems, including problems with radiation protection management oversight, were the root causes of the performance problems, and recent changes have been made in radiation protection management. The team did not identify any significant concerns associated with the current radiation protection programs effectiveness, or significant problems related to the licensees root cause evaluations for the radiation protection performance problems.

Reference Material - DRS Inspection Report No. 50-346/03-08 (ADAMS Accession No.


RAM Item No. - URI-40 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to obtain timely and suitable measurements (White Finding).

Description of Resolution - A supplemental team inspection was conducted in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002, Inspection For One Degraded Cornerstone or Any Three White Inputs In a Strategic Performance Area, to assess the licensees root cause evaluations and corrective actions for the two White findings in the occupational radiation safety cornerstone. In addition, relevant sections of Inspection Procedure 95003, Inspection for Repetitive Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Yellow Inputs, or One Red Input were used as guidance during this inspection. The purpose of the supplemental inspection was to: (1) provide assurance that the root and contributing causes for the individual White findings in the occupational radiation safety area and the collective performance which resulted in the degraded cornerstone were understood; (2) independently assess the extent of condition and generic implications of these performance issues; and (3) provide assurance that the corrective actions were sufficient to prevent recurrence. The team concluded that the licensees root cause evaluations for the White performance issues were completed using systematic techniques, were conducted at the appropriate depth, and adequately identified the primary and contributory causes of the issues. The NRC also concluded that the licensees corrective action plans were adequate to address the root and contributing causes that were identified in the licensees evaluation so as to prevent recurrence.

Additionally, the team determined that significant progress had been made to improve the licensees radiation protection program. The licensees analyses of the White performance issues determined that inadequate work direction and management systems, including problems with radiation protection management oversight, were the root causes of the performance problems, and recent changes have been made in radiation protection management. The team did not identify any significant concerns associated with the current radiation protection programs effectiveness, or significant problems related to the licensees root cause evaluations for the radiation protection performance problems.

Reference Material - DRS Inspection Report No. 50-346/03-08 (ADAMS Accession No.


RAM Item No. - NCV-02 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to provide acceptance criteria or requirements to follow inspection plans used for the extent of condition inspections of systems in containment.

Description of Resolution - As a corrective action for this issue, the licensee issued three procedures (EN-DP-01500, "Reactor Vessel Inspection Procedure; EN-DP-01501, Inspection of RCS Alloy 600 Components/Welds, Threaded/Bolted Connections and Targets; and EN-DP 01502, Containment Area Inspections) to control the inspection activities inside containment.

These procedures contained appropriate instructions and acceptance criteria, and were classified as safety-related. These procedures contained requirements to confirm visual quality requirements during the inspection (e.g., discern lower case letters of 0.158 inches in height printed on a visual acuity VT-2" card at six feet under a minimum of 15 foot candles of illumination). The licensee inspectors identified new areas of corrosion/boric acid deposits on components during inspections using these procedures, which had not been previously identified. This indicated a more thorough licensee inspection effort for SSCs under the DBCHAP than that previously completed under the Containment Boric Acid Extent of Condition Plan. The boric acid or corrosion deposits observed on components by the NRC inspectors within containment (including the reactor vessel) had, in each case, been identified and documented by the licensee staff during these inspections. Therefore, the NRC inspectors concluded that the licensee had taken effective corrective actions to address the lack of inspection quality and thoroughness associated with implementation of the original licensee plans to inspect SSCs within containment.

Reference Material - DRS Inspection Report No. 50-346/02-12 (ADAMS Accession No.


RAM Item No. - NCV-03 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to adequately train personnel for VT-2 certification to perform containment area extent of condition walkdowns.

Description of Resolution - As a corrective action for this issue, the licensee developed a new standard to qualify/certify personnel as Boric Acid Corrosion Control Inspectors. This new standard required 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br /> of relevant work experience. The NRC inspectors reviewed licensee certification packages for 14 certified Boric Acid Corrosion Control Inspectors and noted that these personnel typically had extensive experience and/or previous training/certification in several nondestructive examination methods. The licensee trained and certified over 20 contract personnel to augment existing staff members in performing these inspections. The NRC inspectors observed the classroom training and reviewed written examinations administered to the licensee contract inspectors. The training scope and depth was more extensive than that used in the original VT-2 Certification Process. Licensee staff had to pass a General and Specific written examination intended to meet qualification requirements for an ASME Code VT-2 visual examination. Additionally, licensee staff were given in-depth training and tested on the procedural requirements and expectations for the conduct of the boric acid/corrosion inspections. Further, licensee staff had to pass a practical examination on actual areas/components in containment. This practical examination included a standardized checklist of criteria which needed to be demonstrated by the student for a passing

grade. Twenty-two licensee staff initially failed certification tests, which indicated that this series of certification tests was challenging. Most of these personnel were provided additional training and satisfactorily completed the certification process. The certification for each individual was recorded in a Job Familiarization Guideline that had specific requirements for each type of inspector (mechanical, structural, electrical) and was unique to each procedure used for conducting inspection of components for boric acid/corrosion. The NRC inspectors concluded that the licensee had developed a well defined training standard with appropriate training and testing for the Boric Acid Corrosion Control Inspectors who conducted inspections of SSCs within containment. This corrective action adequately addressed the previous NRC finding associated with inadequate training of licensee support personnel for this activity.

Reference Material - DRS Inspection Report No. 50-346/02-12 (ADAMS Accession No.


RAM Item No. - NCV-04 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to placard vehicles used to transport radioactive materials.

Description of Resolution - The panel reviewed this NCV and determined that no added followup was needed. The issue was in the licensees corrective action program and was being addressed commensurate with its safety risk. This item is closed.

RAM Item No. - NCV-05 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to conduct adequate surveys of workers prior to leaving the site.

Description of Resolution - This related to inadequacies in the radiation protection program that allowed individuals to leave the site with radiological contamination present on the individuals. As a result of this and the two white findings identified in other inspections, a supplemental team inspection was conducted in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002, Inspection For One Degraded Cornerstone or Any Three White Inputs In a Strategic Performance Area. In addition, relevant sections of Inspection Procedure 95003, Inspection for Repetitive Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Yellow Inputs, or One Red Input were used as guidance during this inspection. The purpose of the supplemental inspection was to: (1) provide assurance that the root and contributing causes for the collective performance which resulted in the degraded cornerstone were understood; (2) independently assess the extent of condition and generic implications of these performance issues; and (3) provide assurance that the corrective actions were sufficient to prevent recurrence. The team concluded that the licensees corrective action plans were adequate to address the root and contributing causes that were identified in the licensees root cause evaluation so as to prevent recurrence. Additionally, the team determined that significant progress had been made to improve the licensees radiation protection program. The team did not identify any significant concerns associated with the current radiation protection programs effectiveness, or significant problems related to the licensees root cause evaluations for the radiation protection performance problems.

Reference Material - DRS Inspection Report No. 50-346/03-08 (ADAMS Accession No.


RAM Item No. - NCV-15 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to properly control access to locked high radiation areas (LHRAs) as required by Technical Specifications.

Description of Resolution - The panel determined that no additional follow-up was necessary.

The licensee had promptly corrected the problem once it had been identified by the NRC inspector and the problem had been entered into the licensees corrective action system to ensure corrective actions would prevent recurrence. The panel considers this item closed.

Reference Material - DRS Inspection Report No. 50-346/03-08 (ADAMS Accession No.


RAM Item No. - NCV-16 Closed: Y Description of Issue - Failure to Respond to Dosimeter Alarms.

Description of Resolution - The panel determined that no additional follow-up was necessary.

The licensee had entered the problem into the licensees corrective action system to ensure corrective actions would be implemented that would prevent recurrence. The panel considers this item closed.

INSPECTION PLANNER Facility: DAVIS-BESSE Inspectors: HOUSE, NELSON Inspection Report No: 20030017 Inspection Date(s): 07/14-18/2003 Pre-approved Overtime: 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> Resident Notified: Yes Inspection Type: Baseline X Supplemental. Team Reactive Other (specify)

Announced X Unannounced Inspection Activities/Focus Module/TI AREA IPE Open No. Code Items (IFS)

Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 71121.01 Plant BI (1) Plant tours Support (2) RWP reviews (3) Problem ID and Resolution (4) Radiological incidents ALARA Planning and Controls 71121.02 Plant BI (1) Observe radiologically significant work. Emphasis Support placed on the adequacy of radiological controls/planning, exposure control and tracking, radiation worker practices and pre-job briefings.

(2) Problem ID and Resolution Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 71122.03 Plant BI (1) Control of radioactive materials Support Transportation: 71122.02 Plant BI (1) Evaluate waste characterization-Part 61 analysis. Support (2) Review shipment packaging and documentation including cask COC.

(3) Review package shipment records.

(4) Walkdown radwaste system, verify that it conforms to the FSAR.

Plan Prepared By: John House Date: 07/02/2003 Lead Inspector Plan Approved By: /RA/ Date: 07/02/2003 DRS Branch Chief Plan Reviewed By: /RA/ Date: 07/02/2003 DRP Branch Chief


1. Determine that the licensees Radiation Protection organization can identify, characterize, and prioritize problems involving both occupational and public radiation safety.
2. Evaluate the licensees processes, such as the corrective action program, for resolving these identified problems.
3. Define the licensees radiation protection managements role in problem identification and resolution.
4. Evaluate the licensees ability to identify repetitive deficiencies and/or significant individual deficiencies in the Radiation Protection organization.
5. Evaluate the licensees ability to comply with NRC regulations relative to 10 CFR Part 20.

ROP SAMPLE STATUS 2nd Quarter 2003 PROCEDURE INSPECTION SAMPLES SAMPLES MINIMUM NUMBER PROCEDURE COMPLETED COMPLETED REQUIRED (2ND QTR) (2003) (PER YEAR) 71111.01 Adverse Weather 1 1 3 Protection 71111.04Q Equipment Alignment 3 5 11 71111.05 Q Fire Protection 7 12 24 (6/qtr) 71111.06 Flood Protection 2 2 2 71111.07 Heat Sink Performance 0 0 1 71111.11 Licensed Operator 0 0 1/qtr Requalification 71111.12Q Maintenance 5 6 8 Effectiveness 71111.13 Maint. Risk Assessnt 7 12 15

&Emergent Work 71111.14 Personnel Perf. During 3 5 6 Non-Routine Evols.

71111.15 Operability Evaluations 4 8 15 71111.16 Operator Workarounds 1 1 As required 1 1 2 (Cum. Effect) 71111.17 Permanent Plant 0 0 1 Modifications 71111.19 Post Maintenance 3 7 20 Testing 71111.20 Refueling and Outage 0 0 TBD Activities 71111.22 Surveillance Testing 2 10 18 71111.23 Temporary Plant 2 3 5 Modifications 71114.06 Drill Evaluation 2 2 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> 71151 Performance Indicators 0 0 TBD 71152 Problem Identification 0 0 3 and Resolution 71153 Event Followup 2 5 as required

For the second quarter, the samples required to verify the licensee progress toward restart matched up pretty closely with what the ROP requires for samples. This data reflects the following:

  • We were one sample short for 71111.11. Operator requalification will more appropriately looked at closer to restart.
  • Most of the performance indicators that the residents evaluate are meaningless for Davis-Besse. We do plan on looking at those that do provide meaningful data (Safety System Unavailability for Decay Heat Removal and Emergency AC, and Safety System Functional Failures).
  • No hours have been charged to 71111.20 because the various samples that have been selected were better suited for other inspection procedure. This does not preclude its use in the future.
  • The residents have not utilized 71152 due to the specific focus on the licensees corrective action program by a number of 0350 team inspections.

During the 2nd Quarter, the resident staff used approximately 264 hours0.00306 days <br />0.0733 hours <br />4.365079e-4 weeks <br />1.00452e-4 months <br /> DIE utilizing ROP Inspection Procedures, 289 hours0.00334 days <br />0.0803 hours <br />4.778439e-4 weeks <br />1.099645e-4 months <br /> on Plant Status, approximately 180 hours0.00208 days <br />0.05 hours <br />2.97619e-4 weeks <br />6.849e-5 months <br /> supporting the 0350 process, and approximately 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> evaluating issues utilizing the resident inspectors special inspection procedure (93812 - resident inspection of restart issues).

Due to the special status of Davis-Besse as an 0350 plant, the resident staff focus was not on completing the ROP sample requirements, but to use the inspection procedures, in conjunction with W90086 (0350) and IP 93812 (resident special inspection of restart issues), to inspect the required activities to assess the licensee progress toward being able to restart the plant.