05000263/FIN-2014009-03 | 2014Q4 | Monticello | Failure to Maintain Procedures to Ensure Design Requirements Would Be Met During Construction of the External Flooding Protection Levee |
05000263/FIN-2014009-01 | 2014Q4 | Monticello | Failure to Satisfy 10 CFR 50.73 Reporting Requirements for an Unanalyzed Condition |
05000263/FIN-2014009-02 | 2014Q4 | Monticello | Failure to Satisfy 10 CFR 50.72 and 10 CFR 50.73 Reporting Requirements for an Unanalyzed Condition |
05000293/FIN-2014008-02 | 2014Q4 | Pilgrim | Failure to Complete Several Corrective Actions as Required by Program Requirements |
05000293/FIN-2014008-01 | 2014Q4 | Pilgrim | Failure to Fully Derive the Causes of a Manual Scram |
05000263/FIN-2014009-05 | 2014Q4 | Monticello | Failure to Update the USAR for a Change to the Mitigation Strategy for the Design Basis External Flooding Event |
05000293/FIN-2014008-04 | 2014Q4 | Pilgrim | Parallel White Unplanned Scrams with Complications PI Finding |
05000293/FIN-2014008-03 | 2014Q4 | Pilgrim | Parallel White Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours PI Finding |
05000263/FIN-2014009-06 | 2014Q4 | Monticello | Failure to Perform a Written Safety Evaluation |
05000263/FIN-2014009-04 | 2014Q4 | Monticello | Safety/Security Interface Assessment Failure |