MONTHYEARTXX-9924, Forwards Responses to Questions by NRC Re Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,by Incorporating Changes Increasing RWST low-level Setpoint from Greater than But Equal to 40% to Greater than But Equal to 45% of Span1999-10-22022 October 1999 Forwards Responses to Questions by NRC Re Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,by Incorporating Changes Increasing RWST low-level Setpoint from Greater than But Equal to 40% to Greater than But Equal to 45% of Span ML20217M5711999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-15 & 50-446/99-15 on 990822- 1002.Two Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy TXX-9923, Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per Plant TS 5.6.4.No Failures of Challenges to PORVs of SV for Units Occurred1999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per Plant TS 5.6.4.No Failures of Challenges to PORVs of SV for Units Occurred ML20217E7951999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards COLR for Unit 1,Cycle 8,per TS 5.6.5 ML20216J5571999-10-0101 October 1999 Provides Final Response to GL 98-01,suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps ML20212L2891999-10-0101 October 1999 Discusses Closeout of GL 97-06, Degradation of Steam Generator Internals. Purpose of GL Was to Obtain Info That Would Enable NRC to Verify That Condition of Licensee SG Internals Comply with Current Licensing Bases ML20212G0721999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to Augmented Inservice Insp Plan for CPSES, Unit 1. Future Changes & Revs to Unit 1 Augmented Inservice Insp Plan Will Be Available on Site ML20212F7481999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards SER Authorizing Relief from Exam Requirement of 1986 Edition ASME Code,Section XI Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) for Relief Request A-3 & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) for Relief Requests B15,16,17 & C-4 TXX-9922, Forwards Rev 6 to CPSES Glen Rose,Tx ASME Section XI ISI Program Plan for 1st Interval on 9908201999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 6 to CPSES Glen Rose,Tx ASME Section XI ISI Program Plan for 1st Interval on 990820 ML20212F1041999-09-23023 September 1999 Requests That NRC Be Informed of Any Changes in Scope of Y2K System Deficiencies Listed or Util Projected Completion Schedule for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20212E6661999-09-21021 September 1999 Advises That Info Contained in Application & Affidavit, (CAW-99-1342) Re WCAP-15009,Rev 0, Comache Peak Unit 1 Evaluation for Tube Vibration Induced Fatigue, Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20212D9111999-09-16016 September 1999 Informs That on 990818,NRC Completed Midcycle PPR of CPSES & Did Not Identify Any Areas in Which Performance Warranted Insp Beyond Core Insp Program.Core Insp Plan at Facility Over Next 7 Months.Insp Plan Through March 2000 Encl ML20212A7601999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-14 & 50-446/99-14 on 990707-0821.Four Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Ncvs.Conduct of Activities Was Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations & Sound Radiological Controls TXX-9921, Suppls 981221 LAR 98-010 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89, Clarfying Conditions of Use Re Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits,Per Telcon with NRC1999-09-10010 September 1999 Suppls 981221 LAR 98-010 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89, Clarfying Conditions of Use Re Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits,Per Telcon with NRC ML20211P3761999-09-0707 September 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 990615,transmitting Rev 30 to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p).No NRC Approval Is Required ML20211L9871999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Rev 31 to Technical Requirements Manual. All Changes Applicable to Plants Have Been Reviewed Under Util 10CFR50.59 Process & Found Not to Include Any USQs ML20211J3801999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Corrected TS Page 3.8-26 to Amend 66 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,respectively.Footnote on TS Page 3.8-26 Incorrectly Deleted ML20211G1081999-08-26026 August 1999 Responds to NRR Staff RAI Re Util Mar 1999 Submittal for NRC Review & Approval of Changes to CPSES Emergency Classification Procedure TXX-9920, Forwards Revs 29 & 30 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). Attachments 1 & 2 Contain Description of Changes for Revs 29 & 30 Respectively1999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Revs 29 & 30 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). Attachments 1 & 2 Contain Description of Changes for Revs 29 & 30 Respectively ML20211G3441999-08-25025 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI on LAR 98-010 for Cpses,Units 1 & 2.Communication Contains No New Licensing Commitments Re Cpses,Units 1 & 2 ML20211C4661999-08-18018 August 1999 Discusses Proprietary Info Re Thermo-Lag.NRC Treated Bisco Test Rept 748-105 as Proprietary & Withheld It from Public Disclosure,Iaw 10CFR2.790 ML20211B2861999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-13 & 50-446/99-13 on 990720- 23.No Violations Noted.Insp Included Implementation of Licensee Emergency Plan & Procedures During Util Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20210U3981999-08-17017 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per TS Failures or Challenges to PORVs or SVs for Plant Occurred TXX-9919, Forwards Relief Request A-3,Rev 1 to Unit 1 ISI Program,Per Conversations Between NRC & Txu Electric on 9908021999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Relief Request A-3,Rev 1 to Unit 1 ISI Program,Per Conversations Between NRC & Txu Electric on 990802 ML20211C4571999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Omitted Subj Page of Contractor TER ML20210R6561999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRR 990805 Telcon RAI Re License Amend Request 98-010,to Increase Power for Operation of CPSES Unit 2 to 3445 Mwth & Incorporating Addl Changes Into Units 1 & 2 TS ML20210R2221999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-10 & 50-446/99-10 on 990510-0628.Violations Noted & Being Treated as Ncvs, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20210S6411999-08-12012 August 1999 Informs That Wg Guldemond,License SOP-43780,is No Longer Performing Licensed Duties.Discontinuation of License Is Requested ML20210N1101999-08-0404 August 1999 Provides Supplemental Info to Util 990623 License Amend Request 99-005 Re Bypassing DG Trips.Info Replaces Info Contained in Subject Submittal in Attachment 2,Section II, Description of TS Change Request ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ML20210J6071999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards line-by-line Descriptions of Changes in Amend 96 to CPSES UFSAR Transmitted by Util Ltr TXX-99166,dtd 990802. Replacment of FSAR Figures with Plant Process Flow Diagrams Meets Intent & Requirements of NRC Reg Guide 1.70,rev 2 ML20210J2301999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards Amend 96 to CPSES Ufsar.Replacement of FSAR Figures with Plant Process Flow Diagrams Meets Intent & Requirements of NRC Reg Guide 1.70,Rev 2 ML20210K2321999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-12 & 50-446/99-12 on 990530-0710.No Violations Noted TXX-9918, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period of Jan-June 19991999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period of Jan-June 1999 ML20210J0121999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Summary of Methodology for Determination of NDE Measurement Uncertainty,In Response to Recent Discussions with NRC Re LAR 98-006 Concerning Rev to SG Tube Plugging Criteria ML20210D8231999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation of Relief Requests Re Use of 1998 Edition of Subsections IWE & Iwl of ASME Code for Containment Insp ML20210D3211999-07-21021 July 1999 Provides List of Estimates of Licensing Actions,In Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02,dtd 990603 ML20210C3331999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Exam Repts 50-445/99-301 & 50-446/99-301 on 990618- 24.Exam Included Evaluation of Six Applicants for Senior Operator Licenses ML20209H0111999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Relief Request C-4 to CPSES Unit 2 ISI Program for Approval TXX-9917, Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2 & Containment ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2,per ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Paragraph IWA-62301999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2 & Containment ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2,per ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Paragraph IWA-6230 ML20209H7501999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation on GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20209G0721999-07-13013 July 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per TS Failures or Challenges to PORVs of SV Occurred During Reporting Period ML20209F0681999-07-0909 July 1999 Informs That Effective 990514,TU Electric Formally Changed Name to Txu Electric.Change All Refs of TU Electric to Txu Electric on Correspondence Distribution Lists ML20209E0421999-07-0909 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Addl Info on LAR 98-010.Attachment 1 Is Affidavit for Info Supporting LAR 98-010 ML20196L0121999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Granting First 10-Year Interval Inservice Insp Requests for Relief B-6 (Rev 2),B-7 (Rev 2), B-12,B-13,B-14 & C-9,pursuant to Tile 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) ML20209G7421999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards SER Concluding That Licensee Individual Plant Exam of External Events Process Capable of Identifying Most Likely Severe Accidents & Severe Accident Vulnerabilities & IPEEE Met Intent of Supp 4 to GL 88-20 ML20196K6771999-07-0202 July 1999 Ack Receipt of & Encl Scenario for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Emergency Plan Exercise Scheduled for 990721-22.Determined That Exercise Scenario Sufficient to Meet Emergency Plan Requirements & Exercise Objectives ML20209B6021999-06-30030 June 1999 Submits Second Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Readiness Disclosure for Reporting Status of Facility Y2K Readiness Encl ML20196J0401999-06-29029 June 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Plant,Units 1 & 2 Proposed Changes to Emergency Plan 1999-09-07
MONTHYEARML20217M5711999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-15 & 50-446/99-15 on 990822- 1002.Two Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20212L2891999-10-0101 October 1999 Discusses Closeout of GL 97-06, Degradation of Steam Generator Internals. Purpose of GL Was to Obtain Info That Would Enable NRC to Verify That Condition of Licensee SG Internals Comply with Current Licensing Bases ML20212F7481999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards SER Authorizing Relief from Exam Requirement of 1986 Edition ASME Code,Section XI Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) for Relief Request A-3 & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) for Relief Requests B15,16,17 & C-4 ML20212F1041999-09-23023 September 1999 Requests That NRC Be Informed of Any Changes in Scope of Y2K System Deficiencies Listed or Util Projected Completion Schedule for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20212E6661999-09-21021 September 1999 Advises That Info Contained in Application & Affidavit, (CAW-99-1342) Re WCAP-15009,Rev 0, Comache Peak Unit 1 Evaluation for Tube Vibration Induced Fatigue, Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20212D9111999-09-16016 September 1999 Informs That on 990818,NRC Completed Midcycle PPR of CPSES & Did Not Identify Any Areas in Which Performance Warranted Insp Beyond Core Insp Program.Core Insp Plan at Facility Over Next 7 Months.Insp Plan Through March 2000 Encl ML20212A7601999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-14 & 50-446/99-14 on 990707-0821.Four Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Ncvs.Conduct of Activities Was Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations & Sound Radiological Controls ML20211P3761999-09-0707 September 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 990615,transmitting Rev 30 to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p).No NRC Approval Is Required ML20211J3801999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Corrected TS Page 3.8-26 to Amend 66 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,respectively.Footnote on TS Page 3.8-26 Incorrectly Deleted ML20211B2861999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-13 & 50-446/99-13 on 990720- 23.No Violations Noted.Insp Included Implementation of Licensee Emergency Plan & Procedures During Util Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20211C4661999-08-18018 August 1999 Discusses Proprietary Info Re Thermo-Lag.NRC Treated Bisco Test Rept 748-105 as Proprietary & Withheld It from Public Disclosure,Iaw 10CFR2.790 ML20211C4571999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Omitted Subj Page of Contractor TER ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20210R2221999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-10 & 50-446/99-10 on 990510-0628.Violations Noted & Being Treated as Ncvs, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ML20210K2321999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-12 & 50-446/99-12 on 990530-0710.No Violations Noted ML20210D8231999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation of Relief Requests Re Use of 1998 Edition of Subsections IWE & Iwl of ASME Code for Containment Insp ML20210C3331999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Exam Repts 50-445/99-301 & 50-446/99-301 on 990618- 24.Exam Included Evaluation of Six Applicants for Senior Operator Licenses ML20209H7501999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation on GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20209G7421999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards SER Concluding That Licensee Individual Plant Exam of External Events Process Capable of Identifying Most Likely Severe Accidents & Severe Accident Vulnerabilities & IPEEE Met Intent of Supp 4 to GL 88-20 ML20196L0121999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Granting First 10-Year Interval Inservice Insp Requests for Relief B-6 (Rev 2),B-7 (Rev 2), B-12,B-13,B-14 & C-9,pursuant to Tile 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) ML20196K6771999-07-0202 July 1999 Ack Receipt of & Encl Scenario for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Emergency Plan Exercise Scheduled for 990721-22.Determined That Exercise Scenario Sufficient to Meet Emergency Plan Requirements & Exercise Objectives ML20196J0401999-06-29029 June 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Plant,Units 1 & 2 Proposed Changes to Emergency Plan ML20196J4881999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs That as Result of Staff Review of Util Responses to GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1,NRC Revised Info in Rvid & Releasing Rvid as Version 2 ML20196E6641999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-11 & 50-446/99-11 on 990418- 0529.No Violations Noted.Licensee Conduct of Activities Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations,Sound Engineering & Maintenance & Acceptable Radiological Control ML20195G3771999-06-0909 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr & Encl Objectives for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Emergency Plan Exercise Scheduled for 990721.Based on Review,Nrc Determined That Exercise Objectives,Appropriate to Meet Plan Requirements ML20207H3801999-06-0909 June 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-08 & 50-446/99-08 on 990503-11.Violations Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violations ML20207G3291999-06-0707 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Rev 27 to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station EP Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(q).Based on Determination That Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of EP No NRC Approval Required ML20207E9291999-06-0202 June 1999 Discusses 990526 Request That USNRC Exercise Discretion Not to Enforce Compliance with TS Re Performance of Battery Performance Discharge Test,In Lieu of Battery Svc Test.Concludes Action Satisfactory & Discretion Exercised ML20207D7111999-05-28028 May 1999 Advises That Info Contained in Licensee 990514 Submittal Re License Amend Request 98-01-0 Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790. 10CFR2.790 ML20207D7011999-05-27027 May 1999 Advises That Info Contained in TU Electric 990514 Submittal (TXX-99115) Re License Amend Request 98-010 Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure (Ref 10CFR2.790),per 990511 Application & Affidavit ML20207B7241999-05-25025 May 1999 Advises That Info Contained in Application & Affidavit 990507 (CAW-99-1333),submitting WCAP-15004,dtd Dec 1997,will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) ML20206Q0031999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Response to GL 92-08, Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers, Dtd 921217,for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Unit 1 ML20206P5961999-05-12012 May 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-09 & 50-446/99-09 on 990419- 23.No Violations Noted.Nrc Determined That Releases of Radioactive Waste Effluents Controlled,Monitored & Quantified Well ML20206N7061999-05-12012 May 1999 Informs That NRC Ofc of NRR Reorganized,Effective 990328. Reorganization Chart Encl ML20206S5841999-05-11011 May 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-07 & 50-446/99-07 on 990307-0417.No Violations Noted.Insp Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations,Sound Engineering & Maint & Acceptable Radiological Controls ML20206K0311999-05-0707 May 1999 Informs That on 990407,NRC Administered Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam.Licensee Facility Did Not Participate in Exam,However,Copy of Master Exam with Answer Key Encl for Info,Without Encl ML20206H1701999-05-0606 May 1999 Forwards Copy of Exemption & Safety Evaluation Supporting Requirement in App K to 10CFR50.Proposal Will Use New Feedwater Flow Measurement Sys to Allow More Accurate Measurement to Thermal Power ML20206K3931999-05-0505 May 1999 Ltr Contract,Task Order 41, Comanche Peak Safety System Engineering Insp, Under Contract NRC-03-98-021 ML20206G1221999-05-0303 May 1999 Discusses 981215 Request That Document, Responses & Further Clarifications to NRC Questions from 980929 Meeting, Be Withheld from Public Disclosure.Determined Information to Be Proprietary & Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20206F5711999-04-30030 April 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-06 & 50-446/99-06 on 990329-0402.No Violations Noted.Insp Re Focus on Radiation Protection Program Activities During Unit 2 Refueling Outage ML20206E5211999-04-27027 April 1999 Discusses GL 96-01 Issued on 960110 & TU Responses, ,970102 & 980502 for Cpses,Units 1 & 2.Determined That Submittals Provided Both Info Requested & Responses Required by GL 96-01 ML20206B3831999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards FEMA Final Rept for 990311,Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Medical Drill.No Deficiencies or Areas Requiring Corrective Actions Identified ML20206B5321999-04-22022 April 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltrs Dtd 970407,09 & 0204,which Transmitted Revs 6 & 7 to Safeguards Continency Plan,Rev 10 to Security Training & Qualification Plan & Rev 29 to Physical Security Plan Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) ML20206A2301999-04-14014 April 1999 Refers to Public Meeting Conducted on 990329 in Glen Rose, Tx Re Results of Plant Performance Review Completed on 990211 & Transmitted to Licensee on 990319.List of Attendees Encl ML20205L8711999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-03 & 50-446/99-03 on 990124-0306.No Violations Were Identified.Review of Operability Evaluation Re MOVs Disclosed That Licensee Failed to Include Info About Degraded ECCS Performance ML20205L1051999-04-0606 April 1999 Informs of Completion of Review of Tuec 980312 Submittal Re GL 97-05, SG Tube Insp Techniques. No Concerns Identified with SG Insp Techniques Employed at Cpses,Units 1 & 2,that Would Indicate Noncompliance with Current Licensing Basis ML20205F9141999-04-0101 April 1999 Informs That as of 990329 Dh Jaffe Has Been Assigned as Senior Project Manager for Plant IR 05000446/19920491999-03-24024 March 1999 Discusses Concern That Postulated Fire in CR Could Create Single Hot Short in Control Circuitry of MOVs Resulting in Spurious Operation.Required Hardware Mods Implemented to Control Circuits of Affected Mov,Per Insp Rept 50-446/92-49 ML20204F3311999-03-23023 March 1999 Forwards Discussion Items for 990323 Telcon 1999-09-07
[Table view] |
ka RECg
ARLINGTON, TEXAS 760118064 g
41993 Dockets: 50-445 50-446 Licenses: NPF-87 NPF-89 TV Electric ATTN:
W. J. Cahill, Jr., Group Vice President Skyway TowerNuclear Engineering and Operations 400 North Olive Street, L.B. 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 SUBJECT:
NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-445/92-60; 50-446/92 60
Thank you for your letter of April 8,1993 and Notice of Violation dated March
, in response to our letter 11. 1993.
find it responsive to the concerns raised in our NWe have reviewe j
otice of Violation.
review the implementation of your corrective actions du i We will r ng a future inspection to determine that full compliance has b maintained.
een achieved and will be
W A.e-
- m,
x Bill Beach, Director W
Division of ReactorQrojects,
i TU Electric j
Roger D. Walker, Manager of Regulatory Affairs for Nuclear Skyway TowerEngineering Organization 400 North Olive Street, L.B. 81 Dallas, Texas 75201
9305110130 930504 PDR ADOCK0500g5 G
l l
TV Electric-2-Juanita Ellis President - CASE 1426 South Polk Street Dallas, Texas 75224 GDS Associates, Inc.
Suite 720 1850 Parkway Place Marietta, Georgia 30067-8237 TV Electric Bethesda Licensing 3 Metro Center, Suite 610 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Jorden, Schulte, and Burchette ATTN: William A. Burchette, Esq.
Counsel for Tex-La Electric Cooperative of Texas 1025 Thomas Jefferson St., N.W.
8ashington. D.C.
20007 Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.
Jack R. Newman, Esq.
1615 L. Street, N.W.
Suite 1000 Washington. D.C.
20036 Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation ATTN:
G. R. Bynog, Program Manager /
Chief Inspector Boiler Division P.O. Box 12157, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Honorable Dale McPherson
County Judge P.O. Box 851 Glen Rose. Texas 76043 Texas Radiation Control Program Director 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756 Deen L. Thero, President Quality Technology Company P.0. Box 408
- 201 West 3rd Lebo, Kansas 66856-0408
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MAY - 41993 TV Electric-3-bEEtWIDM8MIE01)Tfl l i i bcc distrib. by RIV:
J. L. Milhoan Resident Inspector (2)
DRP Section Chief (DRP/B)
Lisa Shea, RM/ALF, MS: MNBB 4503 MIS System DRSS-FIPS RIV File Project Engineer (DRP/B)
Section Chief (DRP/TSS)
DRS 100008
E -4IE TU Electric-3-bcc to DMB (IE01)
bcc distrib. by RIV:
J. L. Milhoan Resident Inspector (2)
DRP Section Chief (DRP/B)
Lisa Shea, RM/ALF, MS: MNBB 4503 MIS System DRSS-FIPS RIV File Project Engineer (DRP/B)
Section Chief (DRP/TSS)
DD:DRP D:DRP t ; // /
TReis:df 4 LAYandell6M TPGwynnh ABBeach[/[
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Log # TXX-93150 PM File # 10130
C IR 92-60
Ref. # 10CFR2.201 TUELECTRIC
April 8',:1993- --
u imam J. cahili, Jr.
a..., uce r,<,,sav
, < l gg
- q t
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk j
Washington. DC 20555 SUBJECT:
1) TV Electric letter logged TXX-93001 from W. J. Cahill, Jr. to the NRC dated January 30, 1993 2)
NRC memorandum from James L. Milhoan, Region Administrator, Region IV to Thomas E. Murley, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, dated March 29, 1993 Gentlemen:
TV Electric has reviewed the NRC's letter dated March 11, 1993, concerning the inspection conducted by the NRC staff during the period December 6. 1992, through January 30, 1993.
This inspection covered activities authorized by NRC Operating License NPF-87 and Construction Permit CPPR-127.
Attached to the March 11, 1993, letter was a Notice of Violation.
TV Electric understands the concerns identified in the letter pertaining to the control and status of plant systems and abnormal operating procedures.
TV Electric believes the actions identified in the enclosed response to the Notices of Violation and the actions defined in Reference 1 provide additional assurance that system status and operating procedures are correct and are being properly maintained.,
A number of these actions were reassessed during the NRC Operational Readiness Assessment Team (ORAT)
inspection which occurred from March 24 through March 28, 1993.
Comments by the inspectors during the exit meeting on March 29, 1993, relevant to configuration control and procedure adequacy were positive.
TV Electric's assessment of these areas indicates that the enhanced controls have been effective.
The conclusions are supported by NRC Region IV's recommendation (Reference 2) that CPSES Unit 2 be issued a full-power operating license in which Region IV provides that the ORAT concerns have been satisfactorily addressed.
f3-sof p#
_. s_ _
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9tt -
TXX-93150 Page 2 of 2 The March 11. 1993, letter also identified commitments made by TU Electric
during the January 29. 1993, exit meeting.
The commitments as stated in the
letter are correct.
Valve lineup verifications on the Unit 2 safety-related systems were performed prior to entering Mode 6 and field verifications of the Unit 2 and common abnormal operating procedures were performed prior to entering specified operating modes.
TU Electric hereby responds to the Notice of Violation (NOV) in the attachraents to this letter, i
William J. Cahill. Jr.
M Ro'ger"D. Walker Manager of Regulatory Affairs t
TRT:ds Attachments c - M J. L. Milhoan. Region IV
Resident Inspectors. CPSES (2)
l Mr. T. A. Bergman, NRR
Mr. B. E. Holian. NRR l
Mr. L. A. Yandell, Region IV
, _...
Attachment 1 to TXX-93150
Page 1 of 3
i VIOLATION A (445/9260-01)
10CFR Part 50. Appendix B, Criterion V.-states..in part, that activities affecting quality shall be accomplished in accordance with procedures of a type appropriate to the circumstances.
Operations Department Administrative Procedure ODA-410. " System Status
Control ' Revision 4. Section 6. states, in part, that the. documentation of the position of components other than that specified in the system status file will be maintained within the document controlling the activity that
repositioned the component.
Contrary to the above, on December 30.'1992. several valves in the Chemical and Volume Control System were not in the positions specified by the document controlling the activity that repositioned the component.
i i
Response to Violation A
i TV Electric accepts the violation and the requested information follows:
Reason for Violation In December 1992. TV Electric management had the Nuclear Overview Organization perform an independent investigation to determine how the valves,were positioned in the as-found condition.
The investigation identified seven cases of mispositioned valves or valves missing remote operator covers. The investigation found the following, a.
2-8471A CCP 2-01 Suction Valve (found closed) - The valve was closed during an authorized system flush.
An operator discovered the valve in the closed position after the flush had been completed but before the system was restored. Therefore, the valves position was explainable.
2CS-8419, VCT Drain Valve (found open) - The valve was part of an authorized clearance which positioned it open.
However, the clearance did not require the valve to be restored in accordance with the 50P ' valve lineup position of. closed.
Therefore, the-valves position was explainable.
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Attachment 1 to TXX-93150 Page 2 of 3
Remote Operator Valve Covers (found removed) - Although the c.
covers were removed, the investigation revealed the valves r
had not been mispositioned and the covers were removed as
part of maintenance to find and correct. leakage.
Corrective Actions Taken and Results Achieved The following corrective actions were initiated immediately following
the event:
A team was assembled from the Nuclear Overview Organization to 2.
perform an independent investigation of these events. The team was to determine if sufficient evidence existed to substantiate a l
generic concern of unauthorized manipulation of station
The investigation concluded that unauthorized l
i manipulation was not a generic concern relative to the events.
A ONE Form and Plant Incident Report (PIR) were generated to document this event.
i A root cause analysis was performed by a l
Task Team. Task Team results are discussed throughout this response.
Valve lineups were performed for the following Unit 1 systems to c.
assure correct positioning with its operating procedure.
RHR Train A OPT-203A
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SI Train A OPT-204A CT Train A & B OPT-205A
SSW Train A OPT-207A CCW Train A OPT-208A
BA Flow Path OPT-202A ECCS/CVCS OPT-201A I
Valve lineups were performed for CVCS in Unit 2 using the 50P.
Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence The Task Team assembled to determine the root cause also a.
investigated valve mispositionings in seven other similar events in other systems.
.These events are discussed in Inspection Report 50-446/92-201 and had been documented on ONE forms.
The team concluded that the events were caused by 1) lack of thorough technical reviews of in-process work clearances, 2) lack of thorough impact reviews for clearances, 3) the need to promptly backout of a procedure when appropriate (for shift change, when problems are encountered, etc.). 4) failure to take appropriate operator action when inconsistencies are encountered.
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Attachment 1 to TXX-93150 Page 3 of 3 b.
The team also identified numerous contributing factors and short term and long term corrective actions.
The intent of the corrective actions was to correct all causes and contributing factors associated with the CVCS event and those identified in other systems.
In general, the corrective actions included providing feedback to the operations staff on lessons learned,
increased monitoring of plant configuration changes, procedure enhancements, increased and enhanced communications, and a restatement by management to all responsible personnel concerning who has the authority to operate plant equipment.
Date When Full Comoliance Will Be Achieved Full compliance has been achieved.
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Attachment 2 to TXX-93150 Page 1 of 1 VIOLATION B (446/9260-02)
i Appendix B of 10CFR Part 50, Criterion V, states, in part, that activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented procedures of a type appropriate to the circumstances and that procedures shall include appropriate acceptance criteria for determiaing that important activities l
have been satisfactorily accomplished.
i Contrary to the above, the licensee did not incorporate valves 2RH-0031 and 2RH-0032 into the valve lineup in Procedure SOP-102B,
" Residual Heat Removal System," and, consequently, the valves * positions had not been verified on
the valve lineup contained in the active system status file.
r Resoonse to Violation B
l TV Electric accepts the violation and the requested information follows:
L 1.
Reason for the Violation The two valves had previously been identified on the valve lineup performed during Hot Functional Testing and noted as missing in the l
System Operating Procedure (50P).
However, the 50P was not revised to l
include these two valves because of a lack of communication between l
Startup and Operations.
Corrective Action Taken and Results Achieved The Unit 2 System Operating Procedure (SOP) Valve lineup for Residual Heat Removal (RHR) was revised to include the two vent valves.
Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence A comparison was made between 50P valve lineups and the system flow diagrams for the following systems:
i Residual Heat Removal, Chemical Volume Control (CVC) System Safety. Injection, Reactor Coolant, Station
Service Water, Containment Spray, and Auxiliary Feedwater.
The comparison identified minor discrepancies which have been corrected.
i In addition, a review was made of the valve lineups performed during Unit 2 Hot Functional testing to determine if there were any other valves that may not have been incorporated into system operating
The review indicated that'four vent valves in the CVC
System were similarly identified.during Unit 2 Hot Functional testing.
The associated SOPS have been revised to include these four valves.
Date When Full Comoliance Will Be Achieved
Full compliance has been achieved.
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Attachment 3 to TXX-93150
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Appendix B of 10CFR Part 50 Criterion XVI, states, in part, that measures a
shall be established to assure that conditions adverse to quality, such as I
deficiencies, are promptly identified and corrected.
Contrary to the above, following the identification of abnormal operating procedure deficiencies on two separate occasions, the licensee did not
identify and implement effective corrective actions regarding additional abnormal operating procedural deficiencies..Specifically, Procedure ABN-
i 104, " Residual Heat Removal System Malfunctions," directed the operator to
manipulate valves in Unit 2 when the valve numbers referenced in the
procedure were applicable only to Unit 1.
ResDonse to Violation C (446/9260-03)
TU Electric accepts the violation and the requested information follows:
Reason for Violation
Unit 2 ABNs were written-based on their Unit 1 counter parts: however, controls to identify differences between the two units did not preclude the noted errors.
i 2.
Corrective Action Taken and Results Achieved A walkdown was performed to compare the ABN against the actual plant installations.
Identified discrepancies have been corrected.
Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence Additional reviews and walkdowns of the Unit 2 and Common ABN procedures have been performed to verify that components used in the ABNs-are correctly identified and located by procedure.
The ABNs were divided into three groups (Mode 6. Mode 4 and Mode 2) for this. review depending on complexity and mode requirements.
Errors were corrected prior to the mode for which the applicable procedure was required.
Date When Full ComDliance Will be Achieved Full compliance has been achieved.
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