IR 05000440/1996007

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Insp Rept 50-440/96-07 on 960812-15.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Observations & Findings of Maint Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1996
Shared Package
ML20129F602 List:
50-440-96-07, 50-440-96-7, NUDOCS 9610020042
Download: ML20129F629 (8)






Docket No:

50-440 License No:

NPF-58 Report No:

50-440/96007 Licensee:

Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Facility:

Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 Location:

Post Office Box 5000 Cleveland, OH 44101 Dates:

August 12-15, 1996 Inspector:

M. S. Holmberg, Inspector, DRS


Approved by:

John M. Jacobson, Chief Engineering Branch 1 9610020042 960925 PDR ADOCK 05000440 G


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ReDort Details II. Maintenance



M3 Maintenance Procedures and Documentation M3.1 Inservice Inspection (ISI)


Inspection Scope (73753. 73051. 73052. 73755)

The inspector reviewed and evaluated the ISI program, procedures, ISI personnel certifications, and ISI data taken during the 1996 refueling outage for compliance with technical specifications, ASME Code, SNT-TC-1A and NRC requirements.


Observations and Findinas


The inspector's review of the ISI program concluded that it met ASME


Code Section XI, 1983 Edition through Summer addenda requirements.

The ISI plan was well organized with augmented inspections of applicable welds and core internal components scheduled and distinguished by


separate, well defined inspection categories based on the requirement source (e.g., NRC generic letters, NUREGs, vendor guidance (GE SILs) and i

USAR commitments).

l The inspector reviewed ultrasonic testing data reports for volumetric examination of recirculation and feedwater nozzle to safe end welds completed during the 1996 refueling outage (RF0 5). Automated ultrasonic equipment, using shear and refracted longitudinal-wave transducers had been used for these examinations. The inspector considered these examinations to be thorough and of high quality.

On February 18, 1996, during visual examination of core internal componests, ISI personnel identified a potential gap between a set screw of the jet pump restrainer bracket and mixer section of jet pumps 12 and 14.

No evidence of vibration induced wear / damage was detected and the affected restrainer bracket set screw tack welds were intact.

On July 18, 1996, the licensee issued PIF 96-2455 to document concerns for the potential set screw gaps after receiving General Electric Nuclear Energy (GE) RICSIL 078, " Jet Pump Restrainer Bracket Set Screw Gaps" (issued June 3, 1996).

RICSIL 078 identified that a number of GE Boiling Water Reactor Plants (BWRs) had observed set screw gaps and/or wear at the restrainer bracket pad and wedge interface. Jet pumps 12 and 14 were considered operable based on GE's evaluation of the l

estimated gap size with gaps observed at other BWRs and the absence of vibration wear / damage.

The inspector reviewed commitment identification form B00929, which committed to incorporate future RICSIL 078 inspections into the ISI program.

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Conclusions The ISI program complied with NRC and AS'iE Code requirements and no violations or deviations were identified. The inspector considered the ISI plan particularly well organized and documented.

The use of " state of the art" equipment to perform ultrasonic examinations for the Inservice Inspection Program demonstrated an important element of a quality program.


M3.2 FAC Proaram Review a.

Insoection Scoce (49001)

The inspector reviewed the FAC program used during RF0 5 to verify compliance with NRC requirements, commitments and industry standards, b.

Observations and Findinas In 1992, inspectors concluded that management commitment to a quality Erosion Corrosion (E/C) Program was weak (Inspection Report (IR)

50-440/92007). An independent EPRI review of the FAC program completed j

in July of 1993 concluded that the Perry FAC program was significantly behind the majority of U.S. plants. The licensee implemented


improvements to their FAC program (formerly E/C Program) based oa

standards established in EPRI document NSAC-202L, " Recommendations for an Effective Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Program." Program improvements have been completed, which included; system susceptibility studies, detailed system modeling and implementation of the latest EPRI software.

Full implementation of the current FAC program concluded during RF0 5 with the completion of susceptible system and component baseline inspections.

Based on reviews of the FAC program, Perry Course of Action Updates, and discussions with the Program Manager, the inspector concluded that the current FAC program met industry standards.

The inspector reviewed CEIO 28.0602, Revision 0, " Flow Accelerated


Corrosion Small Bore Piping Risk Assessment Document," completed in April of 1994.

This document assessed the susceptibility and risk of Perry's small bore piping systems (two inch and smaller in diameter).

The inspector noted that the components of these small bore piping systems assessed as "high risk" had not been evaluated for incorporation into the FAC program.

The inspector discussed with the FAC Program Manager this potential opportunity for further improvement of the program.

The Program Manager indicated that the licensee would evaluate and incorporate "high risk" small bore piping components into their FAC program.


Conclusions No violations or deviations were identified.

Changes have been made which bring the Perry FAC program up to the current industry standards


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l and demonstrated increased support for this program important to plant safety and reliability.




V. Manaaement Meetinas



XI Exit Meetino Summarv


At the conclusion of the inspection on August 15, 1996, the inspector met with licensee representatives identified herein and summarized the i

scope and findings of the inspection activities. The inspector l

questioned licensee personnel as to the potential for proprietary


information in the likely inspection report material discussed at the i

exit. No proprietary information was identified.



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Licensee D. Cobb, Systems Engineering Supervisor D. Dietrich, Systems Engineering C. Wirtz, Systems Engineering


D. Dervay, Systems Engineering


R. Portman, Systems Engineering i

L. Zerr, Regulatory Assurance NRC D. Kosloff, Senior Resident Inspector, Division of Reactor Projects

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IP 49001:

Inspection of Erosion / Corrosion Monitoring Programs IP 73753:

Inservice Inspection IP 73755:

Inservice Inspection, Data Review and Evaluation IP 73052:

Inservice Inspection, Review of Procedures IP 7305I:

Inservice Inspection, Review of Program l

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i LIST OF ACRONYMS USED ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers BWR Boiling Water Reactor Plant E/C Erosion-Corrosion FAC Flow-Accelerated Corrosion GE General Electric Nuclear Energy EPRI Electric Power Research Institute USAR Updated Safety Analysis Report

GL Generic Letter IP Inspection Procedure IR

Inspection Report


Inservice Inspection


Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Rapid Information Communication Services Information Letter



Refueling Outage



Technical Specification


Ultrasonic Testing






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