IR 05000440/2013001

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Annual Assessment Letter for Perry Nuclear Power Plant (Report 05000440/2013001)
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/2014
From: Pederson C
Region 3 Administrator
To: Harkness E
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML14063A287 (6)


March 4, 2014



Dear Mr. Harkness:

On February 12, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed its end-of-cycle performance review of Perry Nuclear Power Plant (Perry). The NRC reviewed the most recent quarterly performance indicators (PIs) in addition to inspection results and enforcement actions from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. This letter informs you of the NRCs assessment of your facility during this period and its plans for future inspections at your facility.

The NRC determined that overall, Perry operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety and met all cornerstone objectives. The NRC determined the performance at Perry during the most recent quarter was within the Licensee Response Column (Column 1) of the NRCs Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Action Matrix because all inspection findings had very low (i.e., green) safety significance, and all PIs indicated that your performance was within the nominal, expected range (i.e., green).

As discussed in our mid-cycle assessment letter dated September 3, 2103, performance at Perry during the first and second quarters of 2013 was within the Degraded Cornerstone Column (Column 3) of the ROP Action Matrix because of greater than green issues in the Occupational Radiation Safety Cornerstone. In the third quarter of 2013, with the change of the Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness PI from yellow to green and the successful completion of an Inspection Procedure 95002 team inspection in the Occupational Radiation Safety area, we assessed the performance at Perry to be in the Licensee Response Column (Column 1) of the ROP Action Matrix. Therefore, with Perry performance in Column 1 for the fourth quarter of 2013, the NRC plans to conduct ROP baseline inspections at your facility.

As a result of the Safety Culture Common Language Initiative, the terminology and coding of cross-cutting aspects were revised. All cross-cutting aspects identified during inspections conducted in calendar year (CY) 2014 will reflect this revision to Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0310. The CY 2013 end-of-cycle assessments were conducted using the IMC 0310 guidance in effect in CY 2013 (dated October 28, 2011). Cross-cutting aspects identified in 2013 using the 2013 terminology will be converted to the latest revision in accordance with the cross-reference in IMC 0310 during the mid-cycle assessment review and evaluated for cross-cutting themes and potential substantive cross-cutting issues in accordance with IMC 0305. The enclosed inspection plan lists the inspections scheduled through June 30, 2015. Routine inspections performed by resident inspectors are not included in the inspection plan. The inspections listed during the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the mid-cycle performance review. The NRC provides the inspection plan to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues. The NRC will contact you as soon as possible to discuss changes to the inspection plan should circumstances warrant any changes. This inspection plan does not include security-related inspections, which will be sent via separate, non-publicly available correspondence.

Additionally, an NRC audit of licensee efforts towards compliance with Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, is ongoing. This audit includes an onsite component in order for the NRC to evaluate mitigating strategies as described in licensee submittals, and to receive and review information relative to associated open items. This onsite activity will occur in the months prior to a declaration of compliance for the first unit at each site, and will aid staff in development of a Safety Evaluation for the site. The date for the onsite component at your site is being coordinated with your staff. A site-specific audit plan for the visit will be provided in advance to allow sufficient time for preparations.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS) component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Please contact Mr. Michael Kunowski at 630-829-9618 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or its attachments.



Cynthia D. Pederson

Regional Administrator

Docket No. 50-440 License No. NPF-58


Perry Nuclear Power Plant Inspection/Activity Plan

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