IR 05000346/2002007

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IR 05000346-02-007, on May 6, 2002 Through June 28, 2002, Davis Besse
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2002
From: Mel Holmberg
Download: ML031070162 (4)


INSPECTION PLAN Davis Besse Special Inspection Inspection Report number 50-346/02-007 Inspection Background and Objectives An 0350 Oversight Panel has been established for Davis Besse. This panel determined that an NRC review of the licensees implementation of repair activities for the vessel head is required.

This special inspection will include direct observation of activities associated with repair of the vessel head to ensure compliance with ASME Codes and NRC requirements.

Inspection Dates - May 6, 2002 through June 28, 2002 (Tentative)

Inspection Procedure IP 93812 Special Inspection. This procedure implements the requirements for Special Inspection (SI) responses to operational events at power reactor licensee facilitie Prepared by: M. Holmberg /RA/ 5/16/02 Reviewed by: J. Gavula /RA/ 5/16/02 Reviewed by:

Chief, Projects Branch 4. DRP Reviewed by:

Chief, Mechanical Engineering Branch, DRS

INSPECTION PLAN DETAILS I Inspectors: M. Holmberg, Reactor Inspector J. Gavula, Senior Reactor Engineer II Detailed Inspection Schedule:

Send Inspection Request List: May 1, 2002 (msh)

Inspection Preparation: May 6-10, 2002 (msh)

Entrance Meeting (by phone): May 1, 2002 (msh)

Lynchburg, VA (FTI) May 13 - 17, 2002(msh)

Norcross, GA (WSI) June 3 - 12, 2002 (msh)

Onsite Inspection: May 6 -10, 2002 (JAG), May 23 -June17(JAG)

Jun 17, 2002 through June 28, 2002 (msh)

Exit Meeting: TBD III Specific Inspection Activities:

The inspectors will send the attached list of documents needed for in-office review prior to the onsite and vendor inspection activitie The inspectors will then observe a sample of the following inspection activities associated with repairs to the Davis Besse Vessel Head with dates as proposed by the licensee on April 25th and 26th:

Site Activities:

Waterjet cut two test samples to 17.25 inches and bore out to final 17.5 inch dimension (

May 7th).

Waterjet cut head (May 10th).

Machine head cut to final size (May 24th).

Dye penetrant test head cut (May 27th).

Butter head cut (May 29th with 300 hrs duration).

Fit and tack plug (June 16th)

Weld root pass and final weld (June 17th with 14 day duration)

Framatome - Lynchburg, V Plate material from Indiana (SA-533) will be shipped to Lynchburg, VA (April 28, 2002).

Plate will be clad (May 4th and 5th).

Bore two mockup head cuts (May 7th and 8th).

Design Review Board meeting on mockup head boring (May 11).

Install nozzles in mockups (May 6 thru May 7 and May 10 and May 11).

Butter mockups (May 8 thru May 28).

Design review board meet on buttering (May 19).

WSI - Norcross, GA Install and weld plug to mockup (May 28 thru June 10).

A. Please provide the following information to Melvin S. Holmberg at the Region III NRC office located at 801 Warrenville Rd, Lisle IL 60532, no later than May 06, 2002. This information is needed to support the upcoming NRC Special Inspection (IP 93812) of the Davis Besse Nuclear Power Statio ) Drawings of proposed repairs associated with corrosion of the vessel head. This should include drawings showing the details of the weld construction used in the repai ) Drawings of proposed welding mockup to demonstrate weld repairs of the vessel head. This should include drawings showing the details of the weld construction used in the mocku ) Provide a list in sequence of the weld repair related processes and procedures to be used for each step of the vessel head repairs. Specifically identify the procedures to be used in weld surface preparation (including nondestructive testing), component fit-up, deposition of weld metal (butter layer, tack welds, root pass and filler) and number of layers of each type of weld meta ) Provide the same type of information requested in item 3 for construction of the weld mocku ) Provide a copy of the procedures to be used that are identified in steps 3 and 4 above. For the weld procedures also provide the supporting procedure qualification records and weld/base metal test records referenced in the qualification record (e.g. tensile tests, bend tests and impact tests).

6) Identify the weld acceptance criteria and applicable Code standards which will be applied to the vessel head repair weldin ) Provide the same type of information requested in item 6 for construction of the weld mocku ) Identify the specific acceptance Code/standards to be applied to the vessel head repairs and the procedures were these standards will be applied. Identify the post weld repair non-destructive testing to be applied and the procedures which implement these test ) Provide the same type of information requested in item 8 for construction of the weld mocku ) Provide a copy of the procedures identified in items 8 and 9 abov B. Information to be provided/made available for the inspector on-site (or at vendor facilities performing mockup welding):

1) Ready access to the applicable Edition/Addenda of Codes and standards to be used in vessel head repairs and weld mockup constructio ) Ready access to radiographs of the weld repair or mockup welds and access to equipment to allow viewing radiograph ) List of welders/weld operators used to perform welding on the head mockup and vessel head weld repair and ready access to welder/weld operator qualification record ) Copies of all non-conformance reports or condition reports associated with the vessel head repair or weld mocku ) Copy of the Certified Mill Test Reports for weld material and base materials used in construction of the weld mockup and repair of the vessel hea ) Copy of the current Revision of the weld procedures in use for mockup and vessel head weldin ) Copy of the design change package for the vessel head repai