IR 05000341/1982006

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IE Insp Rept 50-341/82-06 on 820301-0430.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Insp Findings,Ol Issuance,Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance,Fuel Load Date Meeting & Preoperational Test QA
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1982
From: Konklin J, Little B
Shared Package
ML20054F574 List:
50-341-82-06, 50-341-82-6, NUDOCS 8206170121
Download: ML20054F578 (7)






Report No. 50-341/82-06(DPRP)

Docket No. 50-341 License No. CPPR-87 Licensee: Detroit Edison Company 2000 Second Avenue Detroit, MI 4822 Facility Name: Enrico Fermi Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 Inspection At: Fermi Site, Monroe, MI Inspection Conducted: March 1 through April 30, 1982 G/l/f &


Inspector: B. I Littic t "

Approved by: .~Konklin, Chief 6/lMS

ojects Section 2A Inspection Summary Inspection on March 1 through April 30, 1982 (Report No. 50/341-82-06(DPRP)

Areas Inspected: Routine inspection of Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings; Operating License Issuance; Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP-2); NRR/ Licensee Meeting Regarding Fuel Load Date; Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) Evidentiary Hearing; Pre-operational Testing Quality Assurance; and Plant Tours. The inspection involved a total of 187 inspector-hours on site by one NRC inspector in-cluding 34 inspector-hours on site during off-shift Results: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie PDR ADOCK 05000341 0 PDR



DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted T. Alessi, Director Project QA

  • F. Agosti, Assistant Manager, Startup Testing H. Arora, Startup Engineer
  • W. Fahrner, Manager Fermi 2 Project
  • E. Griffing, Plant Superintendent A. Godoshian, Systems Completion Director
  • G. Newton, QA Supervisor, Operational Assurance T. Nickelson, Startup Director S. Noetzel, Site Manager
  • G. Trahey, Assistant Director, Project QA H. Walker, QA Supervisor, Construction The inspector also interviewed other licensee employees, including members of Construction, Operations, Quality, and the Technical Staf * Denotes those attending monthly management meeting . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item (341/80-03-01): Preventive maintenance program during preoperational testing. The licensee recently implemented Procedure No. 12.000.17T, Interim Preventive Maintenance Program. The procedure provides program requirements, responsibilities, and authority for preventive maintenance during preoperational testin The inspector completed a review of the interim program, including the licensee's administrative controls over the maintenance activitie Also reviewed were requirements for equipment protection and clean 11-ness, and requirements and schedules for roatine QA surveillance and audits of this program. The inspector considers the licensee's Interim Preventive Maintenance Program to be adequat (Closed) Noncompliance (341/81-08-01): Project Procedures Manual not maintained up to date with forms. The inspector reviewed DECO Project Procedures Manual, Section 3-3.20, " Design Change Notices,"

3.21, " Design Change Requests," and 3.22, " Field Modification Request."

The referenced forms are of correct format and contain the required approval (Closed) Open Item (341/81-18-01): Overall preoperational test program. This open item resulted from the many organizational changes by the licensee in an area previously inspected by NR These changes affected administrative controls, methods and respons-ibilities for preoperational testing activities. The inspector has completed a review of the licensee's programs and procedures which define control over tt.ese activities and which include:

Startup Manual Sections 8 (Preoperational Test Phase) and 10





JQuality Assurance); Project Quality Assurance Procedures Manual S3ction 7 (Operational Assurance); and Procedure SPOWP-03 (System Con.pletion Organization). In addition, the inspector met with key members of the licensee's staff from interfacing organizations to determine their understanding of these changes. The inspector considers the licensee's administrative controls over preoperational testing to be adequat (Closed) Unresolved Item (341/81-16-03): Condensate storage tank level instrumentation. This item identified technical concerns relating to freeze protection and seismic design of the automatic switchover instrumentation for the RCIC and HPCI systems. The inspector's concerns were included and adequately addressed in Fermi SSER2 Section II.K.3.2 Security of the instrument cabinet and surrcillance requirements will be included in the plant Technical Specifications. The inspector has verified that interim controls have been implemented by the licensee which provide for the locking and surveillance of the instrument cabine No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Operating License Issuance Supplement No. 2 to the Safety Evaluation Report (SSER No. 2) for Fermi 2 (NUREG-0798) identifies the following open items which are to be verified by the Office of Inspection and Enforcement prior to the issuance of an operating license:

(0 pen Item No. 341/82-06-01): Inclusion in plant procedures of the emergency procedures to establish safe shutdown conditions in the event the power distribution system is disrupted by a control room fire and the control functions are lost at the control room and remote shutdown panels (Reference: SSER No. 2, Appendix E,Section V.A.).

(0 pen Item No. 341/82-06-02): Completion of modifications to the lubricating oil system of the emergency diesel engines (Reference:

SSER No. 2, Section 9.5.7).

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP-2)

The inspector participated, as a member of the NRC SALP Board, in the preparation and coordination of inputs for the SALP-2 repor The inspector, with other NRC staf f members, met with representatives of Detroit Edison Company at Detroit, Michigan, on March 16, 1982, to present and discuss the NRC assessment of the licensee's performance during the SALP-2 appraisal period. NRC assessment of the licensee's performance is documented in NRC Inspection Report 82-0 . . .- __

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No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . NRR/ Licensee Meeting Regarding Fermi 2 Fuel Load Date On March 26, 1982, the inspector, other NRC staff, and representatives of Detroit Edison Company met to discuss the current estimated fuel load date for Fermi 2. During the meeting the licensee presented current schedules and analysis of critical path items. Without further schedular improvements, the licensee's current projected fuel load date is June 198 Based on the data presented by the licensee, the NRC staff arrived at an estimated fuel load date of

December 1983. The NRC's Caseload Forecast Panel will neet at Fermi 2 in August 1982 to reassess the estimated fuel load dat No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) Evidentiary Hearing The inspector prepared and submitted NRC staff testimony for the ASLB cvidentiary hearing on Fermi- In addition, the inspector reviewed the applicant's and intervenor's testimony and attended a pre-hearing conference. The ASLB evidentiary hearing was held the week of March 29, 1982, at Monroe, Michigan. The inspector was one of the NRC staff witnesses for hearing matters relating to Quality Assurance and Security at Fermi-2. At various times during the week of the hearing the inspector met informally with local officials and residents. The concerns expressed during these informal discussions were addressed during the ASLB proceedings through Limited Appearance Statements or filed contention No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Preoperational Testing Quality Assurance Management of the Quality Assurance Program and Quality Verification The inspector completed review of Fermi-2 FSAR Section 17.2, the Project Quality Assurance (PQA) Manual, the Startup Manual, and the PQA Procedures (PBAP), and determined that the licensee's QA program covering preoperational testing activities has been implemented and is consistent with FSAR commitments and regulatory requirements. The PQA Manual provides overall QA program re0 quirements. Formal requirements, authorities, and responsibilities of individuals and groups managing the quality assurance programs are defined in PQAP (Organizational Section). Formal requirements for periodic audits and surveillance of preoperational testing activities are provided in PQAP Section The inspector interviewed the following personnel in the 11-censee's on-site QA organization to ascertain their understanding of QA requirements and responsibilities relating to preoperational testing activities:

_ . .

Director, Project QA Assistant Director, Project QA Supervisor, Project QA (Construction)

Supervisor, Project QA (Finished Construction /


Supervisor, Project QA (Operational Assurance)

Operational Assurance (Lead Auditor)

Operational Assurance (QA Inspectors)

The inspector determined that the personnel interviewed clearly understand their responsibilities, including their functional independence, b. QA Audits, Surveillance, and Inspection The inspector completed a detailed review of the following Project Quality Assurance Procedures (PQAP).

PQAP 9.701 - Operational Assurance, Preop Testing Phase PQAP 9.705 - Review of Procedures PQAP 9.710 - Inspection of Test Activities PQAP 9.713 - Audit Schedule PQAP 9.715 - Qualification of Inspectors PQAP 9.720 - Review of Test Packages PQAP 9.725 - Control & Tagging of Material PQAP 9.730 - Nonconformance Reporting & Tracking PQAP 9.735 - Stop Work Authority PQAP 9.745 - Surveillance of Plant Activities PQAP 9.750 - Qualification of Audit Personnel PQAP 9.760 - Plant Audits The inspector verified that the above ,rocedures have been imple-mented and that they contain written requirements for periodic audits, surveillance, and inspections of preoperational testing activities, including the use of schedules, procedures, and checklists. The procedures provide for reporting, tracking, corrective measures and re-inspection of nonconforming item The inspector reviewed the 1982 operational assurance audit schedule for scope, detail, and required approvals. The schedule was documented, reviewed, and approved and covered the major areas of the Quality Assurance Progra The inspector selected for review the following three Quality Surveillance Reports covering the Startup Organization's pre-operational activities:

0A-0033 Processing of Nonconformances OA-0039 Personnel Training and Certification OA-0053 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment




The above surveillance activities were performed in accordance with PQAP 9.745 (Surveillance of Plant Activities). These

. activities were documented, reviewed, and performed using QA checklist In addition, the inspector reviewed 0A-0453 (QC Inspection of Preoperational Test - PRET. R3201.001, 260/130 Volt Direct Current System). QA this activity

_ included 25 signed QA witness point To date, only one safety system (260/130 V.D.C. System) has been turned over to the Startup Organization for testing. This limited turnover precludes a meaningful inspection of QA/QC involvement in the turnover prccess at this time. However, the inspector attended the Technical Review Committee Meeting for the release of this system for preoperational testing. In this matter, QA involvement and independence were eviden Training and Qualification of QA Personnel The inspector completed review of the licensee's administrative controls for the training, qualification and certification of QA personnel. This program has.been established in writing and implemented, and includes requirements and responsibilitie The inspector verified the existence of written requirements for auditors and inspectors which cover position descriptions, minimum education, qualification requirements,.and experienc The requirements apply to newly assigned QA-personnel and provide for maintenance of qualificatio The inspector reviewed personnel records for the following QA personnel:

Operational Assurance Supervisor QA Inspector (2)

QA Lead Auditor The inspector verified that the documented education, training and qualifications of these personnel met or exceeded the pro-visions of ANSI N45.2.6-1978. In addition, the training re-ceived was documented. Individual training file folders con-tained training attendance records and examinatiot. result No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Plant Tours The inspector conducted tours of the RHR complex, the Reactor, Auxiliary, and Turbine Buildings, and the Rad Waste and Chemistry areas. The inspector toured the areas to observe housekeeping, fire protection, and control of work activities. The inspector reviewed control room logs and o'oserved shift turnove The li-censee continues to provide effective controls in this are ______________ - ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection and summarized the scope and findings of the inspectio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ -