IR 05000237/2018002

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NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2018002 and 05000249/2018002
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/06/2018
From: Jamnes Cameron
Reactor Projects Region 3 Branch 4
To: Bryan Hanson
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
EA-18-016 IR 2018002
Download: ML18218A215 (18)


2-UNITED STATES ust 6, 2018



Dear Mr. Hanson:

On June 30, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an integrated inspection at your Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3. On July 9, 2018, the NRC inspectors discussed the results of this inspection with Mr. J. Washko and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report.

The NRC inspectors did not identify any finding or violation of more than minor significance.

This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding.



Jamnes Cameron, Chief Branch 4 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-237; 50-249 License Nos. DPR-19; DPR-25


IR 05000237/2018002; 05000249/2018002


Docket Nos: 05000237; 05000249; 07200037 License Nos: DPR-19; DPR-25 Report No: 05000237/2018002; 05000249/2018002 Enterprise Identifier: I-2018-002-0024 Licensee: Exelon Generation Company, LLC Facility: Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Location: Morris, IL Dates: April 1 through June 30, 2018 Inspectors: A. Nguyen, Senior Resident Inspector N. Féliz-Adorno, Acting Senior Resident Inspector J. Mancuso, Acting Resident Inspector R. Baker, Senior Operations Engineer B. Bergeon, Operations Engineer C. Norton, Senior Resident Inspector, Duane Arnold Approved by: J. Cameron, Chief Branch 4 Division of Reactor Projects Enclosure


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring licensees performance by conducting an integrated quarterly inspection at Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more information.

List of Findings and Violations No findings or violations were identified.

Additional Tracking Items Type Issue Number Title Report Status Section LER 05000237; 05000249/ Non-Conformance to Design 71153 Closed 2018-001-00 for Tornado Missile Protection













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Unit 2 began the inspection period at rated thermal power. On May 19, 2018, operators

reduced power to 60 percent to perform feedwater regulating valve (FWRV) work, a rod

sequence exchange, turbine testing, and SCRAM functional testing. The unit was returned to

rated thermal power on May 20, 2018. On June 18, 2018, operators reduced power to

percent to perform power suppression testing to identify the location of a leaking fuel

assembly. The leak was identified and suppressed and the unit was returned to rated thermal

power on June 22, 2018. The unit remained at or near rated thermal power for the remainder of

the inspection period.

Unit 3 began the inspection period at rated thermal power. On June 2, 2018, operators reduced

power to 47 percent to perform FWRV and feedwater heater maintenance, main steam isolation

valve (MSIV) testing, and turbine surveillances. The unit was returned to rated thermal power

the same day and remained at or near there for the remainder of the inspection period.


Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in

effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with

their attached revision histories are located on the public website at

rm/doc-collections/insp-manual/inspection-procedure/index.html. Samples were declared

complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met

consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, Light-Water Reactor Inspection

Program - Operations Phase. The inspectors performed plant status activities described in

IMC 2515 Appendix D, Plant Status and conducted routine reviews using IP 71152, Problem

Identification and Resolution. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records,

observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance

with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.


71111.01Adverse Weather Protection

Summer Readiness (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated summer readiness of offsite and alternate alternating current

power systems.

71111.04Equipment Alignment

Partial Walkdown (3 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated system configurations during partial walkdowns of the following


(1) 2/3 emergency diesel generator on April 3-5, 2018;

(2) U2 standby liquid control on April 6, 2018; and

(3) U3 low pressure coolant injection on May 7-8, 2018.

Complete Walkdown (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated system configurations during a complete walkdown of the Unit 2

isolation condenser system on June 5-6, 2018.

71111.05AQFire Protection Annual/Quarterly

Quarterly Inspection (6 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated fire protection program implementation in the following selected


(1) Fire Zone (FZ), Unit 2 standby liquid control area, Elevation 589 on

April 5, 2018;

(2) FZ 8.2.2.B, Unit 3 containment cooling service water pumps, Elevation 495 on

April 5, 2018;

(3) FZ 9.0A, Unit 2 diesel generator, Elevation 517 on April 6, 2018;

(4) FZ 9.0C, Unit 2/3 swing diesel generator room, Elevation 517 on April 6, 2018;

(5) FZ 7.0.A.1-3/8.2.7, Unit 2 battery room, Elevation 549 on April 17, 2018; and

(6) FZ 8.2.6.A, Unit 2 control room envelope ventilation, Elevation 534 on April 17, 2018.

Annual Inspection (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated fire brigade performance during an unannounced drill on

May 4, 2018.

71111.06Flood Protection Measures

Internal Flooding (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated internal flooding mitigation protections for the diesel generator

cooling water pumps, located in the basement of the cribhouse, on April 18, 2018.

71111.11Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

Operator Requalification (1 Sample)

The inspectors observed and evaluated an out-of-the-box simulator evaluation for Cycle 4

performed on April 2, 2018.

Operator Performance (2 Samples)

The inspectors observed and evaluated operator performance during dual unit load following

activities concurrent with performing the 2/3 emergency diesel generator endurance test on

April 30, 2018 and the Unit 2 downpower for feedwater regulating valve work and SCRAM

functional testing on May 19, 2018.

Operator Exams (1 Sample)

The inspectors reviewed and evaluated requalification examination results on May 22, 2018.

Operator Requalification Program (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the operator requalification program from May 7, 2018 to

May 18, 2018.

71111.12Maintenance Effectiveness

Routine Maintenance Effectiveness (2 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of routine maintenance activities associated

with the following equipment and/or safety significant functions:

(1) Unit 2 intermediate range monitors; and

(2) east turbine building ventilation.

71111.13Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the risk assessments for the following planned and emergent

work activities:

(1) elevated plant risk for Unit 3 Division I low pressure coolant injection/containment

cooling service water maintenance on April 10, 2018;

(2) emergent troubleshooting on 2/3 emergency diesel generator due to loss of phase trip

during endurance run on May 7, 2018;

(3) elevated plant risk for Unit 3 Division I core spray maintenance on May 2, 2018;

(4) elevated plant risk for Unit 2 Division II containment cooling service water/low pressure

coolant injection maintenance on May 14, 2018; and

(5) emergent downpower on Unit 2 for power suppression testing and emergent repair of

Unit 3 high pressure coolant injection room fan on June 18-22, 2018.

71111.15Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the following operability determinations and functionality


(1) rod block monitor system identification of single failure vulnerability;

(2) emergency flood pump failed to prime;

(3) Unit 3 reactor protection system Channel B after receiving a half scram;

(4) Unit 3 emergency diesel generator (EDG) ability to run with no visible lube oil; and

(5) Unit 2 EDG load shed capability when Unit 2 reactor building ventilation fan 2C failed to


71111.19Post Maintenance Testing (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the following post maintenance tests:

(1) DOS 6600-01, Unit 2/3 EDG surveillance test following planned maintenance on

March 30, 2018;

(2) DOS 1100-01, 2A standby liquid control system quarterly/comprehensive pump test

following planned maintenance on March 27, 2018;

(3) DOS 1500-01, Unit 3 Division I low pressure coolant injection system valve operability

test following planned maintenance on April 11, 2018;

(4) DOS 6600-01, 2/3EDG surveillance test following potential transformer replacement on

May 1, 2018; and

(5) DOS 1500-02, 2B containment cooling service water pump test following planned

maintenance on May 15, 2018.

71111.22Surveillance Testing

The inspectors evaluated the following surveillance tests:

Routine (5 Samples)

(1) DOS 1400-05, 3A core spray system pump operability and quarterly IST test with torus

available on May 8, 2018;

(2) ER-DR-200-101, Unit 3 low pressure coolant injection Division II periodic monitoring for

gas accumulation on April 30, 2018;

(3) DOS 0500-08, 0500-10, and 0500-22, Unit 2 reactor protection system instrumentation

functional testing on May 19, 2018;

(4) DIS 0263-22 and 0263-24, Unit 2 and Unit 3 quarterly reactor scram high pressure

functional tests on May 11, 2018; and

(5) DIS 1300-01, Unit 2 isolation condenser sustained high reactor pressure calibration on

June 6, 2018.

In-service (1 Sample)

(1) DOS 1500-15, Unit 3 low pressure coolant injection system quarterly flow rate test on

May 24, 2018.


71151Performance Indicator Verification (4 Samples)

The inspectors verified licensee performance indicators submittals listed below:

(1) MS06: Unit 2 Emergency AC Power Systems-1 Sample (April 1, 2017 -

March 31, 2018);

(2) MS06: Unit 3 Emergency AC Power Systems-1 Sample (April 1, 2017 -

March 31, 2018);

(3) MS07: Unit 2 High Pressure Injection Systems-1 Sample (April 1, 2017 -

March 31, 2018); and

(4) MS07: Unit 3 High Pressure Injection Systems-1 Sample (April 1, 2017 -

March 31, 2018).

71152Problem Identification and Resolution

Semiannual Trend Review (1 Sample)

The inspectors reviewed the licensees corrective action program for trends that might be

indicative of a more significant safety issue.

71153Follow-Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion

Licensee Event Reports (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the following licensee event reports which can be accessed at

(1) Licensee Event Report (LER) 05000237/2018001-00, Non-Conformances to Design for

Tornado Missile Protection. The underlying technical issue was previously reviewed by

the inspectors and documented in Inspection Report 05000237/2018001;

05000249/2018001 (ADAMS Accession Number ML18121A021).


No findings or violations were identified.

71152Problem Identification and Resolution

Observation 71152 - Semi-Annual Trend Review

The inspectors identified a potential trend related to the timeliness of documentation of issues

during their daily corrective action program (CAP) and operational logs reviews. The untimely

generation of condition reports for issues that are conditions adverse to quality could present

more significant safety issues if the concerns are not appropriately classified, corrected, or

evaluated for their operational impact.

The inspectors discussed their observations with the licensee, including specific examples, of

issues that were not captured in the corrective action program issue report system in a timely

manner. One example was IR 4141007, Unit 3 [emergency diesel generator (EDG) Lube Oil

Lower Sightglass Empty. After a surveillance run of the Unit 3 EDG, there was no indication

of lube oil visible in the sight glass for as long as 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after completion of the test. This

issue was not captured in an IR until one day after that (or 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> after the test). After

completing a review of the operator rounds data, the inspectors identified that equipment

operators log on a shiftly basis (every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />) the lube oil level. Even though there was

historical data that suggested the lube oil level was not visible for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after a surveillance

test, most likely because of blockage in the line that taps off of the system and runs to the

sight glass, the equipment operators had ample data to identify that in this instance the oil

level was not returning to prior normal levels. This issue could have been a more significant

safety issue because the operability of the EDG needed to be evaluated to ensure it could still

perform its safety function for its required mission time with the lube oil level not being visible

in the sight glass.

The licensee had also identified some examples of issues that were not captured in the CAP

system in a timely manner. The licensee shared the inspectors observations with the various

departments on-site and provided refresher training on their procedural requirements for

identification of issues and the expectation for timeliness of capturing those issues in the CAP


71153Follow-Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion

Observation 71153

The licensee submitted LER 05000237/2018-001-00, Non-conformances to Design for

Tornado Missile Protection, on April 13, 2018. This issue was reviewed and dispositioned in

accordance with Enforcement Guidance Memorandum (EGM) 15-002, Enforcement

Discretion For Tornado Generated Missile Protection Non-Compliance, issued on

June 10, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Number ML15111A269) and revised on February 7, 2017

(ML16355A286). The LER documented tornado generated missile protection non-

compliances which resulted in violations of NRC requirements. This issue has received

enforcement discretion and has already been documented in Inspection Report 05000237/2018001; 05000249/2018001 (ML18121A021).

Basis for Discretion: The NRC exercised enforcement discretion in accordance with

Section 2.3.9 of the Enforcement Policy, and EGM 15-002 because the licensee initiated initial

compensatory measures that provided additional protection such that the likelihood of tornado

missile effects were lessened. In addition, the licensee implemented more comprehensive

compensatory measures to address the nonconforming conditions within the required 60 days.

These comprehensive actions were to remain in place until permanent repairs were

completed, which for Dresden Station were required to be completed by June 10, 2018, or until

the NRC dispositioned the non-compliance in accordance with a method acceptable to the

NRC such that discretion was no longer needed. On March 13, 2018, the licensee submitted a

request to extend the period of enforcement discretion (ML18082A081). On April 12, 2018,

the NRC approved the extension until June 10, 2020 (ML18094A796).

The disposition of this enforcement discretion closes LER 05000237/2018-001-00.


The inspectors confirmed that proprietary information was controlled to protect from public

disclosure. No proprietary information was documented in this report.

  • On May 18, 2018, the inspectors presented the biennial licensed operator requalification

training (LORT) program inspection results to Mr.

J. Washko, Plant Manager, and other

members of the licensee staff.

  • On May 22, 2018, the inspectors presented the completed 2018 LORT annual operating test

inspection results to Mr.

D. Suida, Operations LORT Lead per teleconference.
  • On July 9, 2018, the inspectors presented the quarterly integrated inspection results to


J. Washko, and other members of the licensee staff.


71111.01Adverse Weather Protection

- IR 4153067, NPDES Excursion Hours Utilized

71111.04Equipment Alignment

- DOP 6600-E2, Unit 2/3 Standby Diesel Generator, Revision 06

- DOP 6600-M2, Unit 2/3 Emergency Diesel Generator Checklist, Revision 29

- DOP 1100-E1, Unit 2 Standby Liquid Control Electrical Checklist, Revision 08

- DOP 1100-M1, Unit 2 Standby Liquid Control System Checklist, Revision 14

- Drawing: M-33, Diagram of Standby Liquid Control Piping, Revision HZ

- DOP 1500-M1, Unit 3 LPCI and Containment Cooling Valve Checklist, Revision 38

- DOP 1500-E1, Unit 3 LPCI and CCSW System Electrical Checklist, Revision 14

- Drawing: M-29, Diagram of

L.P. Coolant Injection Piping, Sheet 1, Revision CQ

- Drawing: M-29, Diagram of

L.P. Coolant Injection Piping, Sheet 2, Revision BI

- IR 4146459, Portable Iso Co Diesel M/U Pump HL80M Surveillance Failed

- IR 4144631, NRC Question Regarding DGCW Supply to the Iso Condenser

- IR 4144225, Isolation Condenser 2-1301-3 Valve Troubleshooting

- IR 4144079, 2/3A Iso Condenser Makeup Pump Starting Issues

- IR 4141412, MOV 2-1301-3 As Found Stroke Length High

- IR 4134005, Ops Troubleshooting 2/3B Iso Cond M/U Pmp B for IR 4132887

- IR 4114152, Time Delay Relay 2-0595-117A Found Out of Tolerance

- EC 624559, Dresden MOV Program Scope and Determination and Risk Ranking,

Revision 000

- EC 372073, Unit 2 Isolation Condenser Valve 2-1301-3 Opening Setting Adjustment,

Revision 003

- DAN 902(3)-3 C-4, Isol Condr Temp Hi, Revision 15

- DAN 902(3)-3 D-4, Isol Condr Lvl Hi/Lo, Revision 13

- DOP 1300-M1/E1, Unit 2 Isolation Condenser System Checklist, Revision 22

- DOP 1300-2, Unit 2/3 Isolation Condenser Makeup Pump Fuel Oil System, Revision 03

- DOP 1300-01, Standby Operation of the Isolation Condenser System, Revision 55

- DOP 1300-02, Automatic Operation of Isolation Condenser, Revision 27

- FSG-60, Flex Flood Pump Deployment/Operation, Revision 03

- DOA 0010-04, Floods, Revision 55

- Drawing: M-359, Diagram of Isolation Condenser Piping, Revision BQ

- Drawing: M-4203, Flow Diagram Isolation Condenser Make Up System, Revision G

71111.05AQFire Protection Annual/Quarterly

- Dresden Generating Station Pre-Fire Plan for each Fire Zone Listed

71111.06Flood Protection Measures

- IR 0120311, Unit 2 & 3 EDGCW Pump Submersibility Qualification

- Engineering Change(EC) 338568, Install Water Tight Seals Around Power Cables for the

2/3-3903 DGCW Pump, Revision 00

- EC 347742, Replace Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump and Motor with New,

Revision 001

71111.11Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

- DGP 03-01, Power Changes, Revision 135

- DOP 0202-03, Reactor Recirculation Flow Control System Operation, Revision 45

- DOS 0300-14, Control Rod Drive Scram Testing at Power, Revision 44

- DOS 0500-08, Unit 2 Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Scram Circuit Functional Test,

Revision 46

- DOS 0500-10, Turbine Stop Valve Closure Circuit Functional Test, Revision 29

- DOS 0500-22, Unit 2 Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure (Load Reject) Scram Circuit

Functional Test, Revision 11

- Simulator Scenario 18-4A Evaluation Form, Cycle 4


- TQ-AA-150, Operator Training Programs, Revision 15

- TQ-AA-155, Conduct of Simulator Training and Evaluation, Revision 07

- TQ-AA-201, Examination Security and Administration, Revision 17

- TQ-AA-306, Simulator Management, Revision 08

- TQ-JA-155-03, Simulator Evaluation Job Aid, Revision 1

- OP-AA-103-102; Watch-Standing Practices; Revision 16

- OP-AA-101-111-1001; Operations Standards and Expectation; Revision 20

- OP-AA-105-101, Administrative Process for NRC License and Medical Requirements,

Revision 21

- OP-AA-105-102, NRC Active License Maintenance, Revision 13

- OP-AA-102-106, Operator Response Time Program, Revision 04

- OP-DR-102-106, Operator Response Time Program at Dresden, Revision 09

- OP-DR-108-101-1002; Operations Department Standards and Expectations; Revision 27

- OP-DR-103-102-1002, Strategies for Successful Transient Mitigation, Revision 23

Action Requests

- IR 2682964, TRGN - Simulator Test Report Changes Not Yet Reviewed at SRB

- IR 2685027, NOS ID - Simulator to Station Comparison Not Completed

- IR 2687558, NOS ID - Revise Simulator SS Test Acceptance Criteria

- IR 2687583, NOS ID - Simulator Fidelity Differences Were Not Evaluated

- IR 2717185, 4.0 Critique for U2 Downpower on 9/10/16, 09/19/2016

- IR 2734757, 3A RWCU Pump Trip During Shutdown

- IR 4004024, U3 CRD HCU L2 N2 Leak

- IR 4028299, Crew 6 4.0 Critique & Clock Reset - Emergent Switching

- IR 4077864, Ops Crew 3 Discretionary Clock Reset

- IR 4079053, Crew 4 Clock Reset

- IR 4100653, Crew 4 - 4.0 Critique & Clock Reset - DOA 4200-01 Entry

- IR 4113744, Crew 6 Discretionary Clock Reset - Expired Quals

- IR 4118497, 4.0 Critique: Unit 1 Power Supply Swap From TR12 to TR13

- IR 4099885, Licensed Operator Failed to Inform OHS of Change in Medical

- IR 4112612, LORT Clock Reset: Training Gaps Identified in 1019 Crosstie

- IR 4111818, 2 Licensed Operators Did Not Have Spectacle Kits in the MCR

- IR 4133014, Operations Crew 4 Clock Reset - LORT Requal Exam Failure

- IR 2602366, 10 Minute Limit for TCA4, Torus Cooling Requires Revisiting

- EC 404565, Justification to Extend Suppression Pool Cooling Initiation Time for Appendix R

Actions, Revision 0


- Dresden 2017 LORT NRC Exam Week 2 - RO

- Dresden 2017 LORT NRC Exam Week 2 - SRO

- Dresden 2018 Dynamic Scenario OPEX-AW, Revision 4

- Dresden 2018 Dynamic Scenario OPEX-O, Revision 12

- Dresden 2018 Dynamic Scenario OPEX-I, Revision 12

- Dresden 2018 Dynamic Scenario OPEX-P, Revision 13

- Dresden 2017 JPM P2-1100-03, Revision 14

- Dresden 2017 JPM P2-6600-02, Revision 14

- Dresden 2017 JPM P3-1100-03, Revision 14

- Dresden 2017 JPM P3-6600-02, Revision 14

- Dresden 2017 JPM S-0700-12, Revision 03

- Dresden 2017 JPM S-1300-04, Revision 01

- Dresden 2017 JPM S-AR-03, Revision 02

- Dresden 2017 JPM S-EP-22, Revision 05

- Dresden 2018 JPM P2-5400-01, Revision 02

- Dresden 2018 JPM P2-6400-01, Revision 02

- Dresden 2018 JPM P3-5400-01, Revision 02

- Dresden 2018 JPM P3-6400-01, Revision 17

- Dresden 2018 JPM S-0700-13, Revision 02

- Dresden 2018 JPM S-0700-13, Revision 03

- Dresden 2018 JPM S-2300-07, Revision 03

- Dresden 2018 JPM S-5400-01, Revision 06

- Dresden 2018 JPM S-RD-01, Revision 02

- Simulator Work Request (SWR) 16945, EC 401418, PPC

- SWR 17019, EC 403794, EHC System Upgrades

- SWR 132476, DEOP Screen Revision

- SWR 132942, EC 401316, Cyber Security

- SWR 133261, EC 406696, TR-81 MOD Modification

- SWR 133418, EC 388779, TR22/TR86 Open Phase Protective Relaying

- 2018 Dresden 71111.11 Self-Assessment, 03/13/2018

- Reactivation of License Logs (various), June 2016 - April 2018

- Active License Tracking Logs (various), June 2016 - April 2018

- 2018 Crew 5 TQ-AA-155-F03A, JPM Evaluation Results, May 18, 2018

- 2018 Crew 5 TQ-AA-155-F04, Simulator Evaluation FormIndividual, 05/16/2018

- 2018 Crew 5 TQ-AA-155-F05, Simulator Evaluation FormCrew, 05/16/2018

- 2017 Cycle 5 TQ-AA-155-F04, Simulator Evaluation Form - Individual, 09/12/2017

- 2018 Cycle 1 TQ-AA-155-F04, Simulator Evaluation Form - Crew, 02/05/2018

- 2018 Cycle 1 TQ-AA-155-F04, Simulator Evaluation Form - Individual, 02/05/2018

- 2018 Cycle 1 TQ-AA-224-F100, Remedial Training Notification and Action on Failure,


- 2018 Cycle 1 TQ-AA-224-F100, Remedial Training Notification and Action on Failure,


- 2017 Cycle 1 TQ-AA-224-F100, Remedial Training Notification and Action on Failure,


Simulator Performance Testing

- Dresden 2 Cycle 26 Simulator Reactor Physics Test Results, October 2017

- Dresden 2 Cycle 26 Simulator Steady State Test Records, dated April 9, 2018

- Dresden NPS Simulator vs. Station Hardware Comparison, dated April 3, 2018

- Dresden NPS PPC Replacement Site Acceptance Test (SAT) for Simulator Interface, dated

February 12, 2018

- Dresden 2 Cycle 26 Simulator Core Performance Testing Records, dated April 3, 2018

- Dresden NPS Simulator Transient Test TT2, Loss Of All Feedwater (Normal and Emergency),

March 2018

- Dresden NPS Simulator Transient Test TT5, Single Recirc Pump Trip, March 2018

- Dresden NPS Simulator Transient Test TT6, Turbine Trip from A Power Level Such That A

Scram Does Not Occur, March 2018

- Dresden NPS Simulator Transient Test TT8, LOCA With A Loss Of Off-Site Power,

March 2018

- Dresden NPS Simulator Post Event Transient Analysis, 2B Reactor Recirc Pump Trip 6/26/17,

October 6, 2017

- Scenario Exercise Guide OPEX - I, Scenario Based Testing Report, March 20, 2018

- Scenario Exercise Guide OPEX - P, Scenario Based Testing Report, March 21, 2018

71111.12Maintenance Effectiveness

- IR 2618377, Adverse Trend and SRM & IRM System

- IR 2619680, IRM 15 Spiking Hi-Hi Causing Numerous Alarms

- IR 2734119, IRM 15 Spiking Hi-Hi Alarms

- IR 2735577, IRM 18 Hi Hi/Inop

- IR 2736333, IRM 18 Hi Hi/Inop

- IR 2738244, IRM 18 Erratic Behavior

- IR 3942885, IRM 18 Erratic During Startup

- IR 3959793, Trend IR: Dresden IRM Performance

- IR 3968564, IRM 18 Recorder Indication Erratic During Troubleshooting

- IR 3973220, IRM 18 Pegged Upscale

- IR 3984274, IRM 15 Spiked and Caused Alarms

- IR 3992057, Identified Potential Failure Mode in IRM 18

- IR 4002804, Identified Discrepancy With PM Strategy of IRM Electronics

- IR 4018045, IRM 15 Spiking - Unexpected Alarm

- IR 4056590, IRM 18 Spiking Hi

- IR 4060214, Unexpected Alarm 903-5 C-15 IRM B Hi Hi/Inop

- IR 4060374, IRM 15 Spiking - Unexpected Alarm

- IR 4068406, IRM 13 1/2 Scram

- IR 4068407, IRM 14 1/2 Scram During S/D

- IR 4071371, Point C020 Not in Alarm for IRM 15 During DOS 0700-04

- IR 4074331, Unexpected Alarm 903-5 C-5 IRM Downscale

- IR 4075651, IRM 15 Does Not Pass Channel Check

- IR 4076044, IRM 11 Spike Resulted in Half Scram During D2R25 Startup

- IR 4077829, IRM 14 Inop

- IR 4092480, Unexpected Alarm on IRM 15

- IR 4094923, Trend IR: Unit 2 IRM Issues Need Evaluation

- IR 4112084, OPRM 6 Power Supply Failure

- IR 4123936, Intermittent LPRM Downscale Alarms (a)(1) Action Plan Monitoring for U2 SRM

and IRM Systems, Revision 00

- IR 4132425, MRule Function 5711-1 Needs (a)(1) Determination

- IR 4125665, 2C ETB Exhaust Fan Trip

- IR 4111089, 923-5 E-2, E Turb Bldg Fan Trip/Sys Trouble

- IR 4102560, 2A ETBV Trip After Fin-E Troubleshooting

- IR 4099318, 2C ETB Vent Exh Fan Trip

- IR 2694066, 2A East Turb Vent Fan Trip

- WO 00535396, 2A East Turb Bldg Supply Fan A

- WO 01380920, 2C ETB Vent Exh Fan Trip

- WO 01382043, 2A ETBV Trip After Fin-E Troubleshooting

- WO 01384774, 923-5 E-2, E Turb Bldg Fan Trip/Sys Trouble

- WO 01391134, 2C ETB Exhaust Fan Trip

71111.13Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control

- OP-AA-108-117, Protected Equipment Program, Revision 5

- Protected Equipment Lists for Unit 2 and Unit 3 Risk Significant Systems

- IR 4133457, NRC Question on SR for U2 & U3 EDG

- IR 4132832, 2/3 EDG Loss of Phase During Endurance Run

- IR 4132963, Multiple Spurious Alarms During 2/3 EDG DOS 6600-12 Run

- WO 01948071-01, Need Contingent Troubleshooting WO for U2/3 EDG

- IR 4147287, U2 Offgas XE-138/XE-133 Ratio < Limt & XE-133 >2 Incr

- IR 4147812, Entry into DGA-16 Coolant High Activity/Fuel Element Failure

- Unit 2 Failed Fuel Monitoring Plan, Revision 01

- DGA-16, Coolant High Activity/Fuel Element Failure, Revision 22

- NF-AB-431, Power Suppression Testing, Revision 8

- IR 4148949, NRC Question Personnel Cleaning Near Protected Equipment

- IR 4148346, Unit 3 HPCI Room Cooling Degrading

- WO 04797971, Unit 3 HPCI Room Cooling Degrading

71111.15Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments

- IR 4121472, RBM 7 Has an Input Being Displayed for a Bypassed Detector

- IR 4127833, NRC Identified: RBM Tech Spec Basis Question

- Drawing: 12E-2473W, Schematic Diagram Power Range Neutron Monitoring System RBM

Input Relay Selection, Revision C

- Drawing: 12E-2473Y, Schematic Diagram Power Range Neutron Monitoring System RBM

Input Signal Selection, Revision A

- Drawing: 12E-2473X, Schematic Diagram Power Range Neutron Monitoring System RBM

Input Signal Selection, Revision A

- IR 4123817, Emergency Flood Pump Fails to Prime

- DOA 0010-04, Floods, Revision 54

- DOS 1300-04, Operation of the Isolation Condenser External Flood Emergency Make-Up

Pump, Revision 11

- IR 4110251, Partial 1/2 Scram Due to RPS Contractor Failure

- IR 4114024, DOA 0500-02 Entry U3 CH B Partial 1/2 Scram

- IR 4114764, 4.0 Critique for DOA Entry Due to U3 Partial Half-Scram

- IR 4118050, 4.0 Critique for U3 Partial Half-Scram Response

- IR 4144969, Light Indication for 2C RB Exh Fan

- IR 3999014, Historical Operability Review for IR 03986581

- IR 3986581, 2V RX Bldg Exhaust Fan has No On Indication While Running

- IR 0727307, U3 EDG Lube Oil Gallery (Lower Bulls Eye) Site Glass Empty

- IR 4141007, U3 EDG Lube Oil Sightglass Empty

- Operability Evaluation 08-001, Unit 3 EDG Pre-Lubrication System, Revision 5

71111.19Post Maintenance Testing

- WO 0081541-05, D2/3 18Y PM Repl Head/Liner Gaskets, Head/Seat Rings & Cyl

- WO 01379082-03 -10, and -11, D2/3 40Y PM EDG Replace Fuel Oil Transfer Pump

Motor 2/3-520

- WO 01724263-03, D2/3 4Y PM Repl D/G Air Start Motor Solenoid

- WO 04629567-02, D2/3 AN Com Replace Air Start Regulating Valve on EDG

- WO 04669250-02, D2/3 12Y EDG Lo Cooler Outlet Check Valve Replacement

- WO 04686047-05, 2/3 EDG Lube Oil Circ Pump

- WO 04700684-02, 2/3 EDG Fuel Oil Priming Pump Connection Leak

- DOS 6600-01, Diesel Generator Surveillance Tests, Revision 138

- WO 01725427-02, D2 4Y PM Repl 2A SBLC Accum N2 Charging Valve

- WO 01740113-04, D2 6Y TSPR/IST Disassemble & Insp 2-1101-43A per MA-AA-733-1

- WO 01850836-03, 2A SBLC Pump Assembly Small Boron Leak

- WO 01330816-02, D3 8Y PM Lubricate Coupling, 3B CCSW Pmp

- WO 01330817-03, D3 8Y PM Lubricate Coupling, 3A CCSW Pmp

- WO 01672659-03, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV Bkr UTC 0000997107

- WO 01696551-03, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV Bkr, UTC 0000874035

- WO 01715208-03, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV Bkr UTC 0000997126

- WO 01715208-04, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV Bkr UTC 0000997126

- WO 01725085-03, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV Bkr, UTC 0000874043

- WO 01807848-02, Trend in ECCS Mtr Oil Coil Leaks

- WO 01807850-02, Trend in ECCS Mtr Oil Coil Leaks

- WO 01883781-21, D3R24 PMTS Not Reqd for Mode 2

- WO 04709184-05, EWP MM to Replace LPCI/CCSW Heat Exchanger Relief Valve

- WO 01948071-02, Need Contingent Troubleshooting WO for U2/3 EDG

- DOS 6600-01, Diesel Generator Surveillance Tests, Revision 139

- WO 01205300-02, D2 10Y COM MOV Diagnostic Testing & Limitorque Surv 2-1501-1

- WO 01376364-02, D2 16Y PM CCSW PP Dsch Ck Vlv Sample Replace/Insp 2-1501-1D

- WO 01710498-04, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV Bkr UTC 0002861736

- WO 01794580-04, 4Y PM Inspect 4KV BKR UTC 0002861737

- WO 01330816-02, D3 8Y PM Lubricate Coupling, 3B CCSW Pmp

- WO 01330817-03, D3 8Y PM Lubricate Coupling, 3A CCSW Pmp

- WO 01883781-21, D3R24 PMTS Not Reqd for Mode 2

- WO 04709184-05, EWP MM to Replace LPCI/CCSW Heat Exchanger Relief Valve

71111.22Surveillance Testing

- IR 4132438, ECCS Gas Management Enhancement Identified

- Engineering Change 371152, NRC GL 2008-01 Dresden LPCI System Evaluation to Support

Response to NRC GL 2008-01, Revision 5

- ER-DR-200-101, Periodic Monitoring for Gas Accumulation in ECCS Systems, Revision 07

- DOS 0500-08, Unit 2 Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Scram Circuit Functional Test,

Revision 46

- DIS 0263-22, D3 Qtr TS RX Hi Press Scram - Chan Func Test & Trip, Revision 14

- DIS 0263-24, D2 Qtr TS RX Hi Press Scram - Chan Func Test & Trip, Revision 10

71152Problem Identification and Resolution

- PI-AA-120, Issue Identification and Screening Process, Revision 8

- PI-AA-125, Corrective Action Program (CAP) Procedure, Revision 6

- IR 4141007, U3 EDG Lube Oil Lower Sightglass Empty

- IR 4117365, Unexpected Alarm During Post-Maintenance Testing

- IR 4129855, Clean Area Internal Contamination

- IR 4150902, Piece of Fire Insulation Broken Off Ceiling in U3 EDG Room

- IR 4104624, NOS ID: Degraded Plant Components were Not Entered in CAP

- IR 4110606, 2 Level 1 PCEs from Externally Contaminated Bottle