IR 05000010/1978018

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IE Insp Repts 50-010/78-18,50-237/78-16 & 50-249/78-18 on 780503,04,18,19,23 & 24.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Lers,Organization & Administration,Review & Audits & Review of Plant Operations After Refueling
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/1978
From: Barker J, Chrissotimos N, Knop R
Shared Package
ML19338E344 List:
50-010-78-18, 50-10-78-18, 50-237-78-16, 50-249-78-18, NUDOCS 8009250530
Download: ML19338E345 (5)









Report No. 50-10/78-18; 50-237/78-16; 50-249/78-18


Docket No. 50-10; 50-237; 50-249 Licenses No. DPR-2; DPR '9; DPR-25 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company P. O. Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unitr 1, 2 and 3 Inspection At: Dresden Site, Morris, IL Inspection Conducted: May 3, 4, 18, 19, 23 and 24, 1978


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J. Barker



  1. 78


N. J.

hrissotinos d' 2 7 Approved By:


Knop, Chi


Reactor Projects Section 1 Inspection Summary Inspection on May 3, 4, 18, 19, 23 and 24, 1978 (Reports No. 50-10/78-18; No. 50-237/78-16; No. 50-249/78-18)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of onsite review of LER's, organization and administration, review and audits, review of plant operations after refueling, Unit 3, reactor system decon-tamination, and review of plant operations, Units 1, 2 and 3.

The inspection involved 63 hours7.291667e-4 days <br />0.0175 hours <br />1.041667e-4 weeks <br />2.39715e-5 months <br /> onsite by two NRC inspectors.

Results: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


8009250 f3C












Persons Contacted

  • B. Stephenson, Station Superintendent
  • A. Roberts, Assistant Station Superintendent
  • B. Shelton, Assistant to the Station Superintendent
  • D.

Farrar, Technical Staff Supervisor

  • G. Reardanz, Quality Assurance Coordinator
  • R. Kyrouac, Quality Control Engineer The inspector also talked with and interviewed several other


licensee employees, including members of the technical and engineering staffs, reactor and auxiliary operators, shif t engineers and foremen, and maintenance personnel.

  • denotes those attending the exit interview.


Onsite Review of Licensee Event Reports (Unit 2)

Through direct observations, discussions with licensee personnel,


and review of records, the following licensee event report was reviewed to determine that reperting requirements were fulfilled,


immediate corrective action was accomplished, and corrective action to prevent recurrence had been accomplished in accordance with the facility's Technical Specifications.

LER 78-009, Resin Intrusion Conductivity Exceeding Technical Specifications.

The inspector determined that an extensive investigation is underway to determine the cause and correct the recent occurrences of resin intrusion into the reactor. The licensee has replaced four of the seven post strainers on the demineralizer service units and has the remaining post strainers on order for replace-ment of all post strainers for Units 2 and 3 demineralizer ser' rice units. During recent excessive 21P's across the condensate demineralizer beds, the lic nsee found that although resin beads were released from the resin bed, they were caught in the newly replaced post strainers. The licensee is also undergoing extensive chemical of the resin material to better determine if shelf-lives and deterioration of the resin bead in the resin beds may be contributing factors to the loss of resin from the demineralizer beds. The Station Nuclear Engineering



_ _ _ _ _.. _ _









Department is investigating the possible deficiencies involving the condensate booster pump minimen flow lane to determine any


contributing factors which may have caused the recent resin intrusion. Recommendations from SNED are not yet available.

This item will be closed for record purposes but.will remain as an outstanding item for further review by the inspector.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Organization and Administration A review of the licensee's onsite organization structure was conducted to determine the personnel qualification levels are in conformance with the technical specifications, authorities and responsibilities are as delineated in the technical specifi-cations, operating crew compositiei and the license personnel requirements are in compliance with the technical specifications, onsite and offsite review committee membership qualifications are satisfactory, and licensee organization and structure changes have been reported to the NRC.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.



Reviews and Audits


The inspector reviewed the records relating to onsite and offsite review committee meetings and determined requirements had been satisfied, proposed tests and experiments which affect nuclear safety whose performance may constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59 were reviewed as required, violation of facility technical specifications were reviewed as required and proposed changes to the technical specifications were reviewed in accordance with the f acility's technical specifications. A review of the records relating to all offsite audits conducted during the previous year verified that audits were conducted in accordance with written procedures and check-lists by trained personnel not having direct responsibility in tha ares of being audited, au/.it results were documented and reviewed by site management and cooperative management, followup on action had been initiated, and audit frequency was in conformance with the technical specifications.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.










Review of Plant Operations af ter Refueling. Unit 3


The inspector verified that systems disturbed or tested during the refueling outage will be returned to an operating status prior to plant startup, the control rod withdrawal sequence and rod withdrawal authe izations were available and in effect prior to startup after rstueling, and that surveillance tests were performed during the refueling outage as required by technical specifications. The inspector reviewed control room daily logs, reviewed the shift supervisor's log, reviewed 13 surveillances to insure completion within Technical Specifi-cation periodicity, and reviewed the complete startup package (including all startup checks, valve lineup checks, and outage checklists). The inspector reviewed in detail licensee pro-cedures DGP 2-1, " Unit 2/3 Normal Unit Startup," DGP l-S1,

" Unit 2/3 Master Startup Checklist," DGP 1-S3, " Unit 2/3 Master Outage Checklist," and DOS 1600-10, " Pre-Startup Dry-well Inspection Plan."

The inspector determined through this detailed review of procedures and checklists that the refuel-ing outage recently conducted was extremely well coordinated J

and well managed. There was considerable improvement cver l

refueling outages completed during earlier dates.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.



Reactor System Decontamination The inspector determined that the licensee has not performed any decontamination of reactor coolant pressure boundary components for Units 1, 2, or 3.

A complete primary system decontamination is planned for Unit 1 following the October, 1978, shutdown. This decontamination plan will have and has undergone extensive review by the NRC prior to commence of


the Unit i decontamination. No other decontamination of reactor coolant pressure boundary components is planned tor the licensee until results from the Unit 1 primary system decontamination have been received and reviewed.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Review of Plant Operations (Units 1, 2 and 3)

The inspector reviewed the plant operations including exami-nation of control room log books, routine patrol sheets, shift engineer log book, equipment outage logs, special enerating orders, and jumper and tagout logs for the period of April 26-4-








1978 through May 24, 1978. The inspector also made visual observations of routine surveillance and functional tests in


progress during this period. This review was conducted to confirm that facility operations were in conformance with requirements established under Technical Specifications, 10 CFR, and administrative procedures. A review of the licensee's deviation reports for this period was conducted to confirm that no violations of thw licensee's Technical Specifications were made. The inspector also conducted a tour of the Units 1, 2 and 3 reactor buildings and turbine buildings throughout the month of May, and noted that monitoring instru-mentation was recorded as required, radiation centrol was properly established, fluid leaks and pipe vibrations were minimal, seismic restraint oil levles appeared adequate, and equipment caution and hold cards agreed with c.atrol room records.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on May 24, 1978.

The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection.

The inspector agreed that the completion date of the modification


to allow blowdown of the diesel air start systems could be extended from May 31, 1978 to June 30, 1978 without any effect


on the health and safety of the public.
