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Insp Rept 50-302/85-21 on 850426-0524.Violation Noted: Failure of Two Members of Plant Mgt Staff to Approve Temporary Procedure Change & Failure to Meet FSAR Commitment to Maintain Emergency Diesel Generator
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/14/1985
From: Panciera V, Stetka T
Shared Package
ML20128K328 List:
50-302-85-21, NUDOCS 8507100555
Download: ML20128K391 (12)

See also: IR 05000302/1985021



               .    ' sMr                                   UNITED STATES
  *  Dh -                   ~
                              o                   NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                 [              o                              REGION 11

, 3

                                j-                     101 MARIETTA STREET, N.W.
           ,      ,                                     ATLANTA, GEORGI A 30323
                 Report No.:. 50-302/84-21
                 Licensee:     Florida Power' Corporation
                               3201 34th Street, South


                               St. Petersburg, FL 33733

L- Docket No.:' 50-302 License No.: DPR-72

                 Facility Name: Crystal River 3
                 Inspection Dates: April 26 - May 24,1985
                 Inspector: [M [[                                           Mj           d         U
                             T.F.Stetka,SeniorResidentf(spectof7                         Date Signed
                 Accompanying P rsonn           . E. Tedrow, Resident Inspector
                 Approvedby:k       .Il . i Amech
                                 V. W. Pariciera, Chief, Project Section 2B,
                                                                                         / //
                                 Division of Reactor Projects
                 Scope:    This routine inspection involved 128 inspector-hours on site by two
                 resident inspectors in the areas of plant operations, security, radiological
                 controls, Licensee Event Reports and Nonconforming Operations Reports, facility
                 modifications, and licensee action on previous inspection items. Numerous
                 facility tours were conducted and facility operations observed. Some of these
                 tours and observations were conducted on backshifts. This inspection also
                 surveyed the licensee's response to the steam binding in the auxiliary feedwater
                 pump and mispositioned control rod issues.
                 Results: One violation and one deviation were identified (failure to have two
                 members of the plant management staff approve a temporary procedure change,
                 paragraph 5.b.(8); and failure to rreet the FSAR commitment to maintain emergency
                 diesel generator air start pressure, paragraph 3.).
                         B507100555 850621
                         PDR     ADOCK 05000302
                         G                    PDR
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                                                        REPORT DETAILS


             1.         Persons Contacted
                        Licensee Employees-
                        W. Bandhauer, Nuclear Safety Supervisor
                      *C. Bennett, Nuclear Operations Planning Supervisor
                      *G. Boldt,. Nuclear Plant Operations Manager
                      *    Bufe, Nuclear Compliance Specialist
                        M. Culver, Senior Nuclear Reactor Specialist
                      *L. Floyd, Nuclear Document Control Supervisor


                        E. Howard, Director, Site Nuclear Operations
                      *W. Johnson, Nuclear Plant Engineering Supt.
                        P. McKee, Nuclear Plant Manager-
                      *R. Murgatroyd, Assistant Nuclear. Maintenance Supt.
                      *W.   Pittman, Senior Nuclear Maintenance / Bldg. Service Sup.
                      *V. Roppel Nuclear Plant Engineering Technical Services Mgr.
                      *W. Rossfeld, Nuclear Plant Engineering Technical Services Mgr.
                      *D. Smith, Nuclear Maintenance Supt.
                      *S. Sullens, Nuclear Electrical /I&C Sup.
                      *R. Thompson, Nuclear Mechanical / Structural Engineering Sup.
                        K. Wilson, Supervisor ~ Site Nuclear Licensing
, '                   *R. Wittman, Nuclear Operations Technical Advisor
                        Other_ personnel contacted included office, operations, engineering, main-
                        tenance, chem / rad and corporate personnel.
                      * Attended exit interview
            2.          Exit Interview
                        The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at
                        the conclusion of the inspection on May. '24,1985. During this meeting, the
                        inspector sumarized the scope and findings of the inspection as they are
                        detailed in this report with particular emphasis on the violation, deviation
                        and inspector followup items.
                        Also during this meeting, the inspector discussed his observations from a                                        -
                      -walkdown conducted on the' Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System.- The following
< items were identified:
                        -      There is no identification tag for valve DHV-117 located on top of the
                               Borated Water Storage Tank (BWST);
f                       -      Several DHR system valves in the reactor building are missing iden-
                               tification tags; and,
                        -    . The operating area for valve DHV-68 (the BWST drain valve) is flooded,

, which could result-in accelerated corrosion of this valve.

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                The licensee acknowledged the inspection findings and did not identify as
                 proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspectors
                during this inspection.
           3.   Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Items
                 (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/83-10-04): The licensee has completed
                 their investigation into the ASV-5 failure as documented in revision 1 to
                LER 50-302/83-009. This investigation concluded that the failure was caused
                by a sticking motor contactor.       This contactor was cleaned and the valve
                 returned to service.
                 (Closed) Inspector Follwup 1...m (302/82-28-10): The licensee has revised
                 the affected drawing and has resolved the Field Problem Report by initiating
                a Modification Approval Record (MAR) 82-11-13-01 to install a check valve in
                 the applicable air line to prevent recurrence of this event.      The drawing
                 revision and the MAR installation was reviewed by the inspector and action
                 on this item is considered to be complete.
                 (Closed) Violation (302/84-21-04): Procedure MP-123, Disassembly and
                 reassembly of Nuclear Service Closed Cycle Cooling Water Pumps SWP-1A, IB,
                 and 1C, was revised to allow sufficient time to take the required readings
                and procedure SP-104, Hot Channel Factors Calculations, was revised to
                 assure that the data sheet agrees with the body of the procedure. In
                 addition, procedure SP-442, Special Conditions Surveillance Plan, was
                 revised to ensure that the verification of the average flux / flow / delta-flux
                 trip setpoint is accomplished as required. These changes should prevent
                 recurrence of this violation.
                 (Closed) Unresolved Item (302/85-19-02): The licensee has been unable to
                 determine the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) minimum air start pressure
                 required to satisfy the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) consnitments.
                The FSAR states that starting system air pressure will be maintained between
                 225-250 psig and that this air pressure will be sufficient to provide for
                 six successive start attempts.
                As stated in NRC Inspection Report 50-302/85-19, the inspectors found that
                 the air starting pressure for EDG-3A was at 200 psig on March 29, 1985, and
                 that surveillance procedures SP-300, SP-301, and SP-354A/B allowed a minimum
                air pressure c7 215 psig.      Failure of the licensee to justify the use of the
                 lower air starting pressures to meet the six successive start criteria is
                 contrary to the commitment made to one NRC in the FSAR and is considered to
                 be a Deviation. For record purposes this Unresolved Item is considered to
                 be closed.      Followup on this item will be tracked by Deviation
                 Deviation (302/85 ^1-01): Failure to meet the FSAR commitment to maintain
                 EDG air starting pressure at 225-250 psig and to provide for six successive
                 start attempts.


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, a.,

          (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/85-11-03): The licensee has revised
         procedure SP-421, Reactivity Balance Calculations, to include a requirement
         to submit the computer generated data sheets with the completed procedure
         data sheets to ensure this data is retained in the procedure record system.
          (0 pen) Inspector Followup Item (302/85-19-04): The licensee has developed a
         test to check the integrity of the SBM switch contacts. This test consists
         of a five pound pull exerted on a contact.      If the contact remains intact
         after this test, contact integrity is considered to be acceptable.       This
         test will be applied to a sampling of SBM switch contacts (approximately 312
         contacts) to provide a representative sample.
         During the test conducted on May 21, 1985, that was observed by the resident
          inspector, a fracture of the cam follower (constructed of a Lexan material)
         that holds the contact assembly occurred. As a result of this occurrence,
         the licensee inspected other cam followers and determined that cracking was
         evident. This cracking was not caused by the testing and appears to be
         caused by aging of the material. The licensee has stopped testing of these
         switches and is reviewing the situation to determine what additional actions
         need to be taken.
          (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/83-30-02): The licensee has finalized
         the list of qualified reviewers and has implemented the use of this list.
         The inspector has reviewed this list and the reviewer certification sheets
         and considers action on this item to be complete.
          (0 pen) Unresolved Item (302/84-21-06): The licensee has revised the Plant
         Review Committee (PRC) charter to clarify the use of the alternate members.
         Review of this revision by the inspector indicates that alternates could
         still be used to replace a full member during a lor.g absences by the member.
         This finding was discussed with licensee representatives at which time the
          inspector stated that for a person to replace a full time member that person
         must assume, in total, the job responsibilities of the member that is being
         replaced. The licensee representative acknowledged the inspector's comments
         and stated that the charter would be revised to reflect this total job
         position philosophy. This item remains open pending the additional revision
         to the PRC charter.
          (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/82-24-06): As a result of the
         engineering study, the licensee developed modification packages (MARS)
         numbers 79-7-4-2 and 79-7-4-3 to install restraints on the Once Through
         Steam Generator (OTSG) blowdown lines. These restraints are being installed
         during the current refueling outage.
          (Closed) Unresolved Item (302/84-33-02): The licensee has conducted a
          review of operating cycle records and determined from this review that any
         adjustments made to the curves were acceptable and not contrary to Technical
         Specification (TS) requirements. The inspector has reviewed the results of
          this review and has no further questions on this item.



, o.,

         (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/84-33-03): The licensee has had their
         consultant, Babcock and Wilcox (B&W), complete the re-analysis on the boron
         concentration curve. This re-analysis was reviewed by the inspector and
         discussed with NRC Region II personnel. The inspector has no further
         questions on this item.
         (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/84-33-05): The licensee has revised
         procedure PM-100, Preventive Maintenance Program, to ensure that "as found"
         conditions are not affected by the performance of preventative maintenance.
         (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (302/85-04-04): The licensee counseled
         personnel to be more aware of clearance order releases and subsequent system
         restoration to ensure proper return to service.     In addition, the procedure
         that controls equipment clearance issuance, CP-115, was revised to clarify
         and enhance the proper procedure to be used to return a system to service.
         (Closed) Violation (302/84-16-01):     The inspector verified that procedures
         SP-333 and SP-321 were properly completed.       In addition the inspector
         verified that the principle procedure reviewers, i.e., the shift supervisors
         and assistant shift supervisors, were counseled to ensure that a thorough
         review of data from completed procedures is conducted. The inspector also
         verified through document review and observation of on-going activities that
         the second level review of completed data was being performed.
      4. Unresolved Items
         Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to
         determine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or
         deviations. No unresolved items were identified during this inspection
      5. Review of Plant Operations
         The plant was shutdown with the reactor vessel de-fueled for the duration of
         this inspection period,
         a.    Shift Logs and Facility Records
               The inspector reviewed records and discussed various entries with
               operations personnel to verify compliance with the TS and the
               licensee's administrative procedures.
               The following records were reviewed:
               Shift Supervisor's Log; Reactor Operator's Log; Equipment Out-of-
               Service Log; Shift Relief Checklist; Auxiliary Building Operator's Log;
               Active Clearance Log; Daily Operating Surveillance Log; Work Request
               Log; Short Term Instructions (STIs); selected Chemistry / Radiation
               Protection Logs, and Outage Shift Manager's Log.
         - - '
   .   ,
                 In addition to these record reviews, the inspector independently
                 verified clearance order tagouts.
                 No violations or deviations were identified.
              b. Facility Tours and Observations
                 Throughout -the inspection period, facility tours were conducted to
                 observe operations and maintenance activities in progress.        Some
                 operations and maintenance activity observations were' conducted during
                 backshifts. Also, during this inspection period, licensee meetings
                 were attended by the inspector to observe planning m management
                 The facility tours and observations encompassed the following areas:
                 Security Perimeter Fence; Control Room; Emergency Diesel Generator
                 Room; . Auxiliary Building; Intermediate Building; Battery Rooms;
                 Electrical Switchgear Rooms; and Reactor Building.
                 During these tours, the following observations were made:
                 (1) Monitoring Instrumentation - The following instrumentation was
                       observed to verify that indicated parameters were in accordance
                       with the TS for the current operational mode:
                       Equipment operating status; Area, atmospheric and liquid radiation
                       monitors; Electrical system lineup; Reactor operating parameters;
                       and Auxiliary equipment operating parameters.
                       No violations or deviations were identified.
                 (2) Safety Systems Walkdown - The inspector conducted a walkdown of
                       the decay heat removal (DHR) system to verify that the lineups
                       were in accordance with licensee requirements for system opera-
                       bility and that the system drawing and procedure correctly reflect
                       "as-built" plant conditions.
                       No violations or deviations were identified.

, (3) Shift Staffing - The inspector verified that operating shift i staffing was in accordance with TS requirements and that control

room operations were being conducted in an orderly and profes-
                       cional manner.      In addition, the inspector observed shift

!- turnovers on various occasions to varify the continuity of plant-

                       status, operational problems, and ot'n er pertinent plant informa-
                       tion during these turnovers.
                       No violations or deviations were identified.
 , o l
         (4) Plant Housekeeping Conditions - Storage of material and components
              and cleanliness conditions of various areas throughout the
               facility were observed to determine whether safety and/or fire
              hazards existed.                                                  ,
              No violations or deviations were identified.
         (5) Radiation Areas - Radiation Control Areas (RCAs) were observed to
              verify proper identification and implementation. These observa-
              tions included selected licensee conducted surveys, review of
              step-off pad conditions, disposal of contaminated clothing, and
              ares posting.     Area postings were independently verified for
              accuracy through the use of the inspector's own radiation
              monitoring instrument.      The inspector also reviewed selected
              radiation work permits and observed personnel use of protective
              clothing respirators, and personnel monitering devices to assure
              that the licensee's radiation monitoring policies were being
              No violations or deviations were identified.
         (6) Security Control - Security controls were observed to verify that
              security barriers are intact, guard forces are on duty, and access
               to the Protected Area (PA) is controlled in accordance with the
               facility security plan.    Personnel within the PA were observed to
              ensure proper display of badges and that personnel requiring
              escort were properly escorted. Personnel within vital areas were
              observed to ensure proper authorization for the area.
              No violations or deviations were identified.
         (7)' Fire Protection - Fire protection activities, staffing and equip-
              ment were observed to verify that fire brigade staffing was


              appropriate and that fire alarms, extinguishing equipment,

, actuating controls, fire fighting equipment, emergency equipment,

              and fire barriers were operable.
              No violations or deviations were identified.
         (8) Surveillance - Surveillance tests were observed to verify that

l approved procedures were being used; qualified personnel were

              conducting the tests; tests were adequate to verify equipment
              operability; calibrated equipment, as required, were utilized; and
              TS requirements were followed.

! The following tests were observed and/or data reviewed: i

                     SP-210, ASME Class 3 Hydrostatic Testing;
              -      SP-326B, Toxic Gas Detection System (Semi-Annual);

1 l l L

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                                                          SP-354A, Emergency Diesel Fuel Oil Quality and Diesel
                                                          Generator Monthly Test; and,
     -                                              -
                                                          SP-602, ASME Section XI Relief Valve Testing.
                                                    On Pay 14, 1985, while observing surveillance testing in
                                                    accordance with procedure SP-354A, the inspector noticed that step
                                                    6.2.2 of procedure SP-354A, which requires that either air
                                                    handling fan AHF-22A or AHF-228 be operating, was not completed by
                                                    the operator. Instead, the operator noted at the bottom of the
                                                    page that AHF-22A was tagged for an equipment clearance and that
                                                    the control switch for AHF-22B was in the '" Normal After Stop"
                                                    position. The inspector verified that neither fan was operating
                                                    and questioned licensee representatives about this apparent
                                                    deviation from the requirements of the procedure. The inspector
                                                    was informed that neither fan was operable and that the fans were
                                                    not necessary for diesel generator operations.                                                                                                              The inspector
                                                    noted that this deviation from the procedure constituted a
                                                    temporary change to the procedure.
                                                    TS 6.8.3 allows temporary changes to be made to facility proce-
                                                    dures provided the intent of the procedure is not altered and that
                                                    the change is approved by two members of plant management staff,
                                                    at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operators (SR0)
                                                    license. The licensee has a method for implementing a temporary
                                                    change, called an Immediate Temporary Change (ITC), and delineates
                                                    this change method in Administrative Instruction AI-401.
                                                    This change was made without the approval of two members of the
                                                    plant management staff, at least one of whom holds an SR0 license,
                                                    and is considered to be a violation. This appears to be a
                                                    recurrent and uncorrected violation since similar violations were                                                                                                         "
                                                    identified in NRC Inspection Report 50-302/85-08 on February 8,
                                                    1985 and NRC Inspection Report 50-302/85-11 on March 9, 1985.
                                                    Violation (302/85-21-02): Failure to have two members of the
                                                    plant management staff, at least one of whom holds an SR0 license,
                                                    approve a temporary procedure change to SP-354A as required by TS
                                               (9) Maintenance Activities - The inspector observed maintenance
                                                    activities to verify that correct equipment clearances were in
                                                    effect; Work Requests and Fire Prevention Work Permits, as
                                                    required, were issued and being followed; Quality Control
                                                  -personnel were available for inspection activities as required;
                                                    and TS requirements were being followed.


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                                                           Maintenance was observed and work packages were reviewed for the
                                                           following maintenance activities:
                                                           -     Inspect, repair, and set Nuclear Services Closed Cycle
                                                                Cooling relief valves SWV-373, 374, and 384 per procedure
                                                                Repack feedwater valve FWV-38 in accordance with procedure
                                                                 Installation of the control switch for the            "B" Emergency
                                                                Diesel Generator output breaker;
                                                           -    Surveillance Specimen Holder Tube (SSHT) bolt replacement in
                                                                accordance with procedure MP-522 and modification
                                                           -    Troubleshooting and repair of the "A"
                                                                                                                 Sulfur Dioxide (S02)
                                                                Toxic Gas Monitor (AH-653-CE);
                                                           -    Contact testing of SBM control switches; and,
                                                           -    Lower grid shell forging to core barrel bolt replacement in
                                                                 accordance with MAR-84-03-11-01.
                                                           On review of modification MAR-84-03-11-01, Lower Core Barrel (LCB)
                                                           Bolt Replacement, the inspector noted that only 60 out of the 108
                                                           LCB bolts were replaced.     The remaining 48 LCB bolts could not be
                                                           replaced due to their location near guide blocks which interfere
                                                           with the bolt removal tool. Discussions with licensee represen-
                                                           tatives revealed that an ultrasonic test of the LCB bolts showed
                                                           that seven bolts had indications of possible cracking and that
                                                           only two of these bolts had been replaced. The inspector
                                                           questioned the effect that five potentially cracked LCB bolts
                                                           would have on the lower core barrel support. Although licensee
                                                           representatives stated that approximately 15 LCB bolts were needed
                                                           to ensure adequate core barrel support, no documentation could be
                                                           produced to support this position. The licensee will locate the
                                                           necessary documentation that will identify the minimum number of
                                                           lower core barrel support bolts required for safe operation.
                                                           Inspector Followup Item (302/85-21-03):             Review documentation to
                                                           ensure that a sufficient number of LCB bolts are installed for
                                                           adequate lower core barrel support.
                                                           No violations or deviations were identified.
                                                      (10) Radioactive Waste Controls - Solid Waste Compacting Operations and
                                                           selected liquid and gaseous releases were observed to verify that
                                                           approved procedures were utilized, that appropriate release
                                                           approvals were obtained, and that required surveys were taken.




                  No violations or deviations were identified.
             (11) Pipe Hangers and Seismic Restraints - Several pipe hangers and
                  seismic restraints (snubbers) on safety-related systems were
                  observed to ensure that fluid levels were adequate and no leakage
                  was evident, that restraint settings were appropriate, and that
                  anchoring points were not binding.
                  No violations or deviations were identified.
     6. Review of Licensee Event Reports and Nonconforming Operations Reports
        a.   Licensee Event Reports (LERs) were reviewed for potential generic
             impact, to detect trends, and to determine whether corrected actions
             appeared appropriate. Events, which were reported immediately, were
             reviewed as they occurred to determine if the TS were satisfied.
             LERs 84-64 and 85-03 were reviewed in accordance with current NRC
             enforcement policy. As a result of these reviews, these LERs are
             considered to be closed as follows:
             (1) LER 83-64, which reported the failure of radiation monitor RMA-6,
                  was left open in NRC Report 50-302/84-02 pending results of an
                  engineering investigation. This investigation was completed and
                  it was determined that the system operated as designed and that no
                  modification was necessary. This corrective action was discussed
                  in revision 1 of .this LER dated April 24, 1985.      The inspectors
                  have reviewed the results of this investigation and have no
                  further questions.
             (2) LER 85-03 reported the failure to perform an adequate eddy current
                  inservice inspection (ISI) of the "B" Once Through Steam Generator
                  (OTSG) tubes in 1980. Since the licensee cannot perform the
                  required ISI on some of the OTSG tubes due to tube damage caused
                  early in plant life, the licensee has proposed an amendment to the
                  TS to change-the ISI requirement. The licensee's activities will
                  be tracked by Inspector Followup Item (302/85-17-02) identified in
                  NRC Inspection Report 50-302/85-17.
        b.   The inspector reviewed Non-Conforming Operations Reports (NCORs) to
             verify the following:       compliance with the TS, corrective actions as
             identified in the reports or during subsequent reviews have been
             accomplished or are being pursued for completion, generic items are
             identified and reported as required by 10 CFR Part 21, and items are
             reported as required by TS.
             All NCORs were reviewed in accordance with the current NRC enforcement


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                As a result of this review, the inspector noted that NCOR 85-71
                 reported the finding of a loose contact on a relay that was used in the
                control circuit for circuit breaker 3206.        This relay, which is
                numbered 0213, could have resulted in a failure to trip breaker 3206 if
                 required. The licensee is evaluating this occurrence to determine if
                 there is a generic problem.
                 Inspector Followup Item (302/85-21-04):       Review the licensee's
                 investigation into the loose contact on relay 0213 which is in the
                control circuit of circuit breaker 3206.
       7.   Review of Licensee Activities on Selected Safety Issues
            a.  Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps
              . The inspector conducted a special survey of the licensee's activities
                 in this area to determine that appropriate procedures have been
                developed to prevent, detect, and correct backleakage through check
                valves and that personnel training to detect such trends is being
                accomplished.     The licensee was notified of this issue by IE
                 Information Notice No. 84-06 dated January 25, 1985.
                As a result of this survey the inspector noted that while the licensee
                 had directed operators to check for hot pipes around the Emergency
                 Feedwater Pumps (EFPs) during their normal rounds, there was no formal
                 procedure that documented that these activities were being accom-
                 plished. In addition the inspector noted that the licensee did not
                 appear to have a procedure that addressed actions to be taken if a pump
                 became steam bound.
                These findings were discussed with licensee personnel and the
                 inspectors comments were acknowledged. The licensee will make appro-
                 priate procedure changes that will provide a formal check for hot pipes
                 during the operator's rounds and will provide instruction for recovery
                of a steam bound EFP.
                 Inspector Followup Item (302/85-21-05):    Review procedure changes that
                will require operators to check for hot pipes near the EFPs and to
                 recover from a steam bound EFP.
            b.   Improper Control Rod Manipulation
                The inspector conducted a special survey of the licensee's activities
                 in this area to determine whether procedural changes have been
                 initiated and personnel training is being accomplished to cover
                mispositioned control rods. The licensee was notified of this issue by
                 IE Information Notice No. 83-75 dated November 3, 1983.
                 The results' of this survey indicate that the licensee has developed
                 appropriate procedure changes and that personnel training in this
                 regard is being accomplished.
       .  -           --
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               The inspector has no further questions in this area at this time.
      8. Design, Design Changes and Modifications
         Installation of new or modified systems were reviewed to verify that the
         changes were reviewed and approved in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, that the
         changes were performed in accordance with technically adequate and approved
         procedures, that subsequent testing and test results met acceptance criteria
         or deviations were resolved in an acceptable manner, and that appropriate
         drawings and facility procedures were revised as necessary. This review
         included selected observations of modifications and/or testing in progress.
         The following modification approval records (MARS) were reviewed and/or
         associated testing observed:
               Installation of hard piping on the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) recircu-
               lation line in the Reactor Building Spray (BS) system in accordance
               with MAR 84-02-03-01; and,
         -     Installation of a check valve between the instrument air (IA) system
               and the fire service (FS) system in accordance with MAR 82-11-13-01.
         No violations or deviations were identified.
      9. The following inspector followup items (IFIs) were evaluated by the
         Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch.     Based on this
         review, these items were determined to require no additional specific
         followup and are closed.
               IFI Nos. 81-14-58
