IR 05000295/1985039

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Insp Repts 50-295/85-39 & 50-304/85-35 on 850917-1114.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Unit 2 10-yr Inservice Insp Program & Followup on Licensee Actions on IE Bulletins
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 12/16/1985
From: Danielson D, Key W
Shared Package
ML20138N580 List:
50-295-85-39, 50-304-85-35, IEB-82-02, IEB-82-2, IEB-83-06, IEB-83-6, NUDOCS 8512240078
Download: ML20138N587 (12)


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          .. REGION III?    -

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. ,  Report Nos. 50-295/85039(DRS);50-304/8503$(DRS))       ,
  .  .
     . ,  .
        , .
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_ Docket 1;Nos.150-295; 50-304 A' License Nos. DPR-39; DPR.48:

    * ,       .   -
       .. .
  - Li.censee: .Commonwealth Edison 1Companyi ;
     'P. 0. Box'767 . P    '
     .: Chicago,' ~ Illinois ' 60690    A
.    . .  .
           :::    ~

LFacilityjName: ;LZion Nuclear. Power Sja' tion; Units 1 and 2


Inspe' c tion At:. Zion, Illinois-


Inspection' Conducted: September 17-19',' October 30-31 ,

        -November 1,.5-7 and 13-14, 1985
      .  ,   .
  - Inspector:   . /[///M'
      -5 .

e . IIate r V 'W

. L:  ..
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  : Approved:By:   D. H.;:Danielson;1 Chie .

- r Materials.and Processes Sectio Date

.        ;


  -Inspection Summary
        :f ,





Inspectionlon Septembert17-through November 14; 1985 (Report Nos.' 50-295/85039(DRS); , ;,-

.  - 50-304/85035(DRS)). y     ,       _
               :. W
         .    . .

- , ,

   -Areas' Inspected:    1 Review:of the Unit 2st'en year inservice inspection-(ISI)L program, including review of proced0res,' observation of examinations and-  ~
               ": '
  , evaluations,land ieview of examination documentation.for the reactor'-vesse ,.
  : Land l followup. onflicensee actions on IE: Bulletins. This inspection involved a

' total'of 84. inspector-hours onsite by. one NRC inspecto t

  .Results: ' No violationsfor deviations were identifie '
       .e  ,
     .  <-y-    9, v <

' r

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     - ex . ;u a ..
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.   'B512240078.851216     7 y       '

bc -. 22 " PDR . ADOCK ' 05000295 r * . G PDR ys-l l ..l~--

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1 IPersons Contacited' w Commonwealth-Edison (CECO) 4  : _N ' ~ . . L*G.iPlial,{ Station. Manager .., 9*T.SRieck,esuperintendent,. Services.


-                ,
    "*W.lR.:Kurth, Assistant: Superintenden ~
 .-   ,
    ~.*ML Madigan,'ISI Coordinator .
 '                4
           . .

E ' - *C.cJG Schultz, Assistant Technical-Staff Supervisor N' ' . 4*R.,.N nCascarano,TTechnical Staff Supervisor-WJ ~

  -  <

y* C Stone,' Station QA' Supervisor-m

   / )J ;?*J. E.n;Ballard,:' QAiSuperviso . ,

cy M,?

  -s ,

x U West.inghouse Electric Corporation (W)

     . . . .  .. .
        , _

L e7 . y**JRA.-Johnson,JEngineer Lefebvre, L Project Sup,erviso~r


y ~ os.c~ 4 m

     .-  .:

i, l Hartford-Steam Boiler Insurance-(Hartford):

. ,.
   #  *

P.l Fisher,1 Supervisor: lJ.?Becker,iANI '

. 4  ~x
 ?.4 p   [ I ~

My g - (a* Denotes!thoseattendingexit.and/orentrancemeeting , a - , . J@4

  ' _ ( Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program

Ym TJ f



    .ithelfir'st.; outage ofsthe 'second insp~ection.: interval. The first interval

J. , iprogram was'accordance'with Technical Specification ; based on.the 1974' Edition of the ASME' Boiler:and Pressure Vessel Code

:Q       ~

M 6 !Section XI,? including the:Suismer)1975 Addenda. '.The second interval '

    )programwas[developedin(accordance'withTechnical; Specification *

tbased'on:the^1980 Edition of1the: Boiler-and Pressure Vessel: Code, . N  ! 2Section'XI,: including;the Winter:1981 Addenda.

, Jrf - iItemsLand areas to be examined during this out' age' included the reactor '


vessel: remote examinations a'nd nozzleiexaminations. ~These examinations-


s are being performed by(Westinghouse (W) using the remote examination 4 . ,  : tool .a

  . ,  c .
l ' > ,

LTubes.of the steam generators.are'also scheduled forceddy current

    : examination. Approximately 900 tubes of each generator are to be ,~
    : examined through both'the hot and cold legs _ including the U-ben t
 > ~   ,_
      ! Interval l 1,' Period 3F0utage 3 (Final).


 -  -
    ) a .~

1 - .

       ,   .

m 2The-items and areas listed below are. scheduled for examination in A . laccordance'with .the first interval program using the Westinghouse t

     ' i(W)_ remote inspection too .
    ,  -

k' - 3 -

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N - e- *MA ,naw m w- ,-- wgem .ew,-u-,,-e--,. er m.,,,g , ,. ,.-m-,--., n,g,r ,,w, e------ .-,,,y +, ,,,.m

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JY; s - 1 J' Code.l . Codel l1 Reactor' Vessel- ' l LCME, y '


s ' Item ' Category- . Item / Area Sketch-

         -.!! Intermediate Shell-Course-Longitudinal 'l 7-8
    '              '

y ~' B1.1 ?.;1 L ' -_ B-A



         - -l: Welds,i100%9,    '


      .. J .11 '   l ,.  . l-
?, .


     ' J Bl.1Lll~ 1B- ; Intermediate to' Lower Shell Course     l'4:

slj ' Ll Circumferent.ial Welds,J 100%

                .I cl
       - I .
             .. ..


 .     '81.1l
        [B-AL- Ll' Lower:Shell Course. Longitudinal Welds,    l_9-10-

_ ,9 ~

         .. l_ '100%-       l

w . . . -1L .

              . .  :l-q- ' ~     _ ..l Bl.1:; s l, ; B-.A .   'l-Upper to; Intermediate Shell' Course     _l3-  r
        -- l t  l Circumferential. Welds,-100%  -



s e _* _ ,


_Bl.2! l l LB-B' l .

         :l Circumferential Weld in' Nozzle Course,-_.-l 2
             .   . l  .

N .  : 13 , . -l ~ l 5% of Weld Circumference 2. C 9 90* and-l

  ' ,      l -
         'l 2.5% 9-270*=      l u  -
      .. .I  .
         . l-... -
           .. . .

l , 1 Lower Shell Course'to Lower Head, 5% of l 5


Bl.2: 11 _B-B:

       .1'  ll1 Weld' Circumference fros'200* to 220*     l W %,.<      . . 11  l   . :l Flange to Vessel Weld 100% Acce'ssible' l1
      .B1 3 ilf B-C


   ' '

1 -l~ tis from; Vessel'ID and from Seal Surface,0.-I - c ,'i - . ]l70* through 110* l

        .[:  l;180* through 183.33'      l fl 210* through 230*:
' -

l I

       ?!-   l:310* through-330*~.   .


't ;l '  ,l'356.67_*.through 16.67*      [
 ,       1:  ~I . ..  . .  . l
      <8 .

l' B-D l Vessel Welds and Nozzle i 12-13:

  ~       l- Raaius,.100%'      - 1-16-17
         - l Loop Ali Weld 12-      l s       .l, ,
         -lLLoop;B4, Weld 13'      l
^y .       .l:  - l1 Loop:C2, Weld'17    4 l
 > .       ;l  (l Loop D3,-Weld 16      l o   .   -
       : l
      ;Bl.6- l   'B-F_ 'liInlet' Nozzle Safe'-end Welds     l 16-16
         ,l Loop Al- Weld,lCom-1-4100-16

l l 16-16- '


g :l l Loop B4 ' Weld, Com-1-4400-16 - l-


r -ll 'l; Loop?C2> Weld,-Com-1-4200-16 l

;'        l;  .I; Loop D3- Weld, Com-1-4300-16

l s " . l: . _ l~ _


l .

'1m.- '
     < :Bl.9 ' B-G-1 l Flange Ligament Areas at Stud Holes     l Total I Ligs 15
         'l;8 through.10 - 14 through'16; .

m ' l ' :l~ m :1 26 through-30 - 42 and 46 through 48 l

  : -   .

1  : .

           ' '
           ,, . L ]
g , b '. .' Interval-2,' Period'1, Outage l'
#_ N       The" areasJ and'it' ems of<the reactor < vessel listed below are. scheduled       t
   - lfor> examination ^in-accordance with the second interval ISI. program,

y < l'

, . _
*    -


      ,-      3


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n ,

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s .. . .

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l Item 1-? Code ~ :l Reactor 1 Vessel'- I. :. CME _ Category' -Item / Area ' Sketc '

  ~.   '!Ites=

l u,;Bl.30 l i (B' A

  ~           ~

i' .

         ~ li Flange !ts Vessel Weld' a Total 6f 180'  'l 1 '
  .     :l   ; I: from Flange Seal : Surface-.
           ~ z      ll   -lL16.67' through-70*J :   :l-
 .m    -

il ll. -110' through'156.67 l J - l -ll230' through 310* 1


J - ,

     .o B3.90  il' ~ B-DD li0utlet Nozzle to Vessel Welds,-100%
 ~ ,
     *  l       -l 11-14E-l:   1: Loop A1, Weld 11

1 15-18 ;

    '1   -l ~   .B4, Weld 14_   l
  %  .
       .; l _  -l' Loop,iC2, Weld 15
         .l, Loop     l  .
       -l   (l_ Loop D3,' Weld.18    l fl
 '         '
           .. - . l
     .B5.10:ll  B-F  _ll Outlet Nozzle:. Safe'-end Welds,- 100%  ml'
~    .~
         <l Loop Al?. Weld,--Com-1-4100-1; 4    ,

g3 I1

    ,   :l-   -l:LoopLB4EWeld,7 Com-1-4400-1   .. l 1
       ..l  d Loop C2 Weld, Com-1-4200-1-   -l 1 3;a

_ :l- _ l Loop D3 : Weld,'Com-1-4300-1


l l' -

     . _ . 1:
      -  .

l . . .l 7 -

     'B6.40 ll  BG-li  1. Flange Ligament Areas at.: Stud. Holes _


*        ll  .l_1 through 7 - IT through :25   l

W -l 31 through 35 - 49 through 54--

;$       lE       'l-Lc/ R ISI Procedures-L
  ' ~

The p'rocedures;1isted be1ow were developed by Westinghouse (W),.

 ; ,
   *'  ! approved for use by_ the : licensee' and'were reviewed by the' inspector:
 -  ,
      -NSD-ISI-10, Revision 4'   .. _,

lPreservice and Inservice Examination Manual Ultrasonic-

   '  "

_-Equipment. Qualification - c . 4 'Jo '.: 0PS-NSD-1 1,' Revision 5 b . ,.


Preserv' ice and Innervice' Inspection 1Documehtation

     < * <RV-ISI-01, Revision:1xc
      .       a .
, ,

l Reactor Vessel Inspection Program. Preparation"and' ~

  .'   .

c Documentation:~ ~ :t - 1 t , ,,

; ce '     -
     ;. - IISI-154,' -
...~      - -Preservice.and Inservice' Inspection of-Reactor Vessel
:{ f' ' . a
   ,  ' ? *:  ~ISI-55,' Revisio e      Manual. Ultrasonic Examination of Ligament Araas-

1 '


rRemote Visual Examination of Reactor Vessel Internals

-   ~
 :  <
,  - ,
     *  f
   + J
- /~-
 - #

C..- .L ,. j,

7 _ _

",  ,
 . . Personnel Certification / Qualificatio "
  -Certification records of.the (W) insp'ection personnel' listed below were re' viewed by the. inspector.for.conformance to ASME Code and NRC requirement Meth'od/ Level Name-  R U PT MTL 'VT-B..J; Lefebvre   III III 'III
 . 0. Kure III' II III III G.'Pushnik  II 'II J. Bell
 ~ '


  ~ R. H. Haines   -III i  '

T. J. Walsh'. II L. E. Markle II W..E. Hazlett II Remote Tool Calibration JThe-(W) remote inspection tool is calibrated at the (W) plant in Watts Mill, Pennsylvania, using calibration biccks of the same material and heat treatment process as the. reactor vessel. Prior to this examination'the licensee calibration blocks

  ' that were used -for this calibration.' . These -blocks are maintained at (W) for the' licensee. Tool calibration for examinations scheduled for-this outage were witnessed by the licensee and theLauthorized
  : inspector. The' calibration record; packages--listed below were L   reviewed by the NRC. inspector:


  * Calibration Package No. 1, Weld No. 1, From Flange

Seal' Surface Sketch,_Com-1-1100 . Calibration' Block ~CWE-40

  -Search Units TR-06, S/N-Y6066, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz TR-09, S/N-Y6065, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz TR-10, S/N-Y7427, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz

TR-11, S/N-Y7420,-size 1.5", 2.25 mhz


TR-12,'S/N-Y7421, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz Calibration Package'No.-2, Flange Ligaments


i -Search Unit _

  ;TR-LOO, S/N-E21204, size 1/2" x 1", 5 mhz
  * Calibration Package No. 3, Inlet Nozzle Welds No. 12, 13, 16 and 17 Search Units TR-0, S/N-Y6049, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz TR-05, S/N-7425, size L 5", 2.25 mhz TR-06, S/N-Y6066, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz
  --TR-07, S/N-T2227, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz
  :TR-08, S/N-Y6056, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz
  .TR-13,-S/N-Y7422, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz y
  .  -_ . _ _ -  . . _ . _ _ _ -.

y .: _ n: .

         ,    ,
      -D wg
  ' ,o  4 ,

m.: ,


f*: , , 4 '.' .* ,

-   r    ,

_ -. 3

       * LCalibration' Package No. 4, . Weld -No.16
, 4. ~    >   -
       ; Sketch Com-1-4100, Loop'Al"

11-4100,; Loop C ,


M  ;


L1-4300,1 Loop D3' 1-4400,, Loop ~B4{

   ;     _ . .  . . . .
      ~ ^
       -Search ~ Units ~   . _ . _
              . . _

TR-0, S/N-Y6069,' size:.75",.2.25 shz;

       ,  TR-01, .S/N-11598, size 1.75",H 1.0 mhz ~

TR-02, S/N.Y11594, size .75".,-1.0 mhz

     -  -
       :TR-03,JS/N-Y11597,; size.:.75",11.0 mhz)
       !TR-04,sS/N Y6081, size .75", 1.0 shz. .

e  ;*? : Ca.libration_ Package'No.-5 Circumferential Weld' i

- -   .-
       ~No;L11and 2
       ? Calibration Block:- CWE-41-
-;        Search Units:   . -
-  ' ~ -   '

_ Channel No. 0,-TR-20,rS/N-Y6058,Lsize 1.5", 2.25 shz

       ? Channel No. 1,.TR-21,.S/N-Y6063, size 1.5"-,.2.25 shzi i'    >
       ; Channel No. 2,3TR-22,tS/N-Y11572, size 1'5", 2.25 shz    .
 .    .

Chadnel No. .-3, TR-23,. S/N-Y6050, size l' 5",' 2.25 mhz - . Channel:No C4fTR-24,'S/N-Y6456,: size 1.5", 2.25~mhz



       . Channel;No'. 5,3TR-25,LS/N-Y6067,1 size 1.5",72.25 mhz

m , c

 ,    , ! Channel!No. 6,BTR-26;lS/N-Y6061, size 1.'5",:2;25 mhz:

y m-  : Channel-No.c7, TR-27,~S/N-Y11573,Lsize 1.'5"! 2.25 mhz -


_ _' , Channel _No'. 8,:TR-28, LS/N-Y6060, size 1.5"?2.25 mhz o

 +       ,  ~   .
             . .

1*1 Calibration-Package.No. 6', Vertical Welds

 >W'  '

_ t ~ LNo. 3-4,<7-8,19-10 . ,


Calibration Block No. CWE-42

        . Search Units 1


       " Channel:No. 0,;TR-20, S/N-Y6058, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz
./, _       -Channel No.11,TR-21, S/N-Y6063,' size 1.5", 2.25 mhz
' %        ' Channel No. ;2, :TR-22,; S/N-Y11572n size 1.5'? ,- 2.25. mhz
  , J     . _ . Channel No.;3,;TR-23, S/N-Y6050,-size 1.5", 2.25 mhz
*.        . Channel . No. ' 4,^ TR-24,a S/N-Y6456, ~ size - 1. 5'! , 2.'25. mhz -



y' !Channe1~No.(5, TR-25,vS/N-Y6067,1 size 1.5",E2.25~mhz


Channel No;z6,~TR-26,4S/N.Y6061,'sizeL1.5",12.25'mhz .

       - Channel No. 7, .TR-27, S/N-Y11573, size 1.5, :2.25 mhz

Channel No.o8,;TR-28, S/N-Y6060, size 1.5",'.2.-25 mhz N< -

     -   Channel:No.':9, TR-29,-S/N-Y6064,. size'1.5". 2.25 mhz
       : Channel No.[10,.TR-30, S/N-W4271,. size 1.5",.2.25 mhz-I  '

s  : Channel No.c 11,ETR-31,i S/N-Y6057, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz



  - -     Channel lNo. 12,--TR-32,1S/N-Y11575,' size 1.5",.2.25~mhz
 ?          . .



__ Calibration : Package No. 7, . Weld No. - 5, bottom head to

- ,
       "shell. ~            *
   -  s
       : Calibration Block No. CWE-43
       . Search Units    .        ,
       : Channel No.E0,:TR-20, S/N-Y6058, size 1.5",_2.25 mhz
       ' Channel:No. 1, TR-21, S/N-Y6063, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz 7    ,
        . Channel:No. 2,:TR-22, S/N-Y11572, size 1.5", 2.25.mhz


       .. Channel No.1-l 3,1TR-23, ' S/N-Y6050, .. size 1.5", 2.25 shz

Channel:No. 4, TR-24, S/N-Y6456, size 1.5", 2.25 mhz






t . , W nn,-' - m-e .e en-.,e- me e-, ,e . .m.-m.go ,p- .. ~ s ga q-.,,- ,y y 4w 4-,.,y n,,7- ,4 - y,,,,._, , , - 4-y.,_4 , . . - - . , , ,. .

             -  -



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_ _ ,

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y , y -

      <  .
        ., >  . , - ..  . . . . .

Channel / No.S 5,!TR-25, S/N-Y6067, size;;1.5'.', 2.25 shzl


_ _ 7 j e i f7 34 Channeli No. ;6, TR-26,: S/N-Y6061,J size'1.5", 2.25. shzi

% ,e 1Channe1~No. 7,iTR-27, S/N-Y11573 Jsize 1.5", 2.25"mhz
@ ' -
      ' ,, !ChanneliNo.-8,;TR-28,fS/N-Y60CO,-_ size 1.5", 2.25 mhz/    _

M~/fp 'c

     . .

T Transducers- ~ g . g' gM 11 M -


The calibration RF waveform records.offttieltran'sducers used for.-the-

      ; vessel; remote l examinations-listed below were reviewed by-the t :1      Linspector-

j _ iManbfacturer' 'ID/Aize' S/Ni ' Frequency

  #  ~
     ' -  . -
         . . . .. .  .

_-4 :Harisonic 1 '-TR-3Dr.l.5" liW427 ^2.251shz

  .        2l: TR-6 4 ;75"
            'I Y6080L(sp~are) :l; '1.0 mhz;


        - n;  :lz LTR.4 -1.5".'   .l-Y6081.' : .0 mhz

il~rTR-0 il.5" "I;Y6049 2.25.shz

     ' '
" ~


  ,   .. "'  ll ;TR-8.-1.5" '

l Y605 l~ 2.25 shz

         - l KTR-31 1.5":    'l: 2.25 mhz

c ". l-Y6057-

    ' '
       ."".-  : l TR-20 gl.5"   l.Y6058 ~l 2.25'mhz
,,      w  :";  l.LTR-28M1.5"  .l'Y606 l 2.25 shz'

y , 7"- T:TR-26 :1.5" InY6061' l 2.25.mhz

       -- .  .l 1TR-21M 1.5"'-   l Y6063 -l 2.25 mhz=

n-mv _


l:1TR-29 11.5" l:Y6064 l 2.251mhz-

   ' '
      ('   Jl .TR-9.:1.5" . l Y6065 l 2.25 shz

S 1. :TR-25~ :1. 5"  :.l Y6067: l- 2.25 mhz

         : l: TR-24-J1.5"-   l ' Y6456.- l 2.25 mhz
        "l - :l ;TR-111 1.5"-   :l Y7420  1- 2.25 shz-
  - ,
       ."'. JI 7TR-13_ 1.5".. I Y7422 -1- 2.25 mhz , ,

_ ,


1- TR-10 nl:5" l Y742 l 2.25 mhi e m ""


l =TR-34 .1.5" ~ l'Y11582: 1 2.25 mhz l

   -  *
        -.: . : l , TR-2 ; . 75   lLY11594 l .1 O mhz

KB Aerotech ;l =TR-LOO? l'.'x15" . l .Y21202 (spare). l ' 5.0 mhz-

 ' '   -
       :"  1JTR-LOO;.5"x1"lLY21204   -l 15.0 mhz w,  , s,     .

3 ObservationTof Activities , M (Thbinspector'witnessedultrasonic; scanning'performedonweld'sN #

  * -

f land No. 5 ofithelreactorLvessel b and;the'icollectionlfrecording and ~

-    -
      - ievaluation of examination data in the (W) trailers located outside
    - -

_ containment During' examination;of' Loop Al and C2 reactor' outlet '


inozzle-to-shell: welds, using theLprogrammed. remote tool procedure Mand. technique, .:four reflectors were identified in weld No.11~a'nd - -

'  '

twolin: weld NoL 18 tin outlet nozzles-to-shell welds. The preliminary

      . : evaluation 1of:theseireflectors determined that they: exceeded the

m~ , l facceptanceicriterialof1Section XI,; Paragraph IWB-3512.1. Fourteen-

 "   -

reflectors'were; identified during examination =of all the outlet

      : nozzles'and these were all?sub'sequently' evaluated._ The licensee

Jrequested from the NSSS Supplier (W),'that:the1 fabrication radiographs tbe retrie'ved and sent to Zion: Station for review. Subsequently,-it '


was.-discovered-th'tLth radiographs for Unit 2 were previously sent



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  -p %


 .1 Y   ,

y ,

[ l J_    '
    ; .:

n . w;' + 3

      . _ _ . - _

$ to ths site with the Unit ~1 radiographs. The NRC inspector and the

 : licensee reviewed the radiographs of weld No.1 11 and 18. No

rejectable-indication's the radiographs. Some


acceptable. slag-and porosity.was present in the general area of


the weld root.- ~



 'In order:to' evaluate.the questionable ~ reflectors, Westinghouse suggested using techniques previously~ utilized at other site 'During ultrasonic examination of the Ginna Station' reactor vessel, by Southwest.Research-Institute (SWRI) in March 1979, similar reflectors

were identified in the "B" inlet nozzle, and at Point Beach5 Unit 1, Lin February 1984,-(Licensee Event Report No. 84-02-00) similar reflections'were identified in the A and C outlet-nozzles of the


reactor vesse _ For!both: sites SWRI used a technique they developed in accordance with ASME Code Section XI, Paragraph IWA-2240 for measuring transducer

 ' beam sprea'd toJevaluate ultrasonic reflectors in vessels examined in accordance~with Regulatory Guide 1.150 by drilling a 3/8" flat bottom
 . hole in the. calibration block at an; angle so that the-search unit

produces a beam perpendicular to the flat bottom a metal path Jwithin 110 of the flaw indication metal path. Using information contained in the SWRI report for the Ginna Station and at Point Beach, the Westinghouse' examiners determined the beam spread of the

 ~ search units bei_ng used at Zion Statio ; Fol' lowing instrument recalibratiion, weld No. '18: indication No._1, was freexamined without the' correction _ factors using the 10 longitudinal wave from the bore and the outside diameter. Indication No. 2 was
 ' examined using 0 _ longitudinal __ wave from the: bore and outside. diamete .Both indications were mapped and sized in accordance with Regulatory
 ; Guide 1.150, evaluated by the-Level III examiner and accepted in n  accordance with ASME. Code Section XI, Paragraph IWB 3512.1. Weld
 'No._11, indication.No.;2 and 4,.were reexamined without the correction
 . factors'from the bore and outside diameter'using the 10* longitudinal
 : wave from the bore- for indication' No. 2 and 45 shear wan e for
"y indicationLNo. 4. Indications No. 1 and 3 were reexamined using
 - correction" factors lat 10* longitudinal wave from the bore'and from
 ;theLoutside' diamete All indications ~were mapped and sized in accordance with' Regulatory Guide 1.150 and were found acceptable to

ASME Code Section X ' Documentation Review

 . Following completion of all scheduled examinations and evaluations by the Level III examiner, records of the examinations listed below

n were' reviewed by the. inspector:

  * Weld No.-1, Flange _to Upper Shell Weld Calibration Package No. 1

From'the seal-surface-at 30.0 to 76.7 " 76.7 to 43.3 , 176.7* to 163*, 136.7 to 18 .7 to 103.3 , 103.3 to 30


_ _ _ ._ . - . _ _ _ __

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!Eb { \  ; _ _ Q ~

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        \l8 -
        ,; ); .  , ,


 .         7  ,

nc <>: r

     '-2f  -> < ; 3; - e

f - E*L Weld No.22,-Circumferential Weld lin~ Nozzle Course V

    +  >s  ,at'90*:and:270*'
:,     -
      . Calibration Package No.J5j
      ~ - . .
         .. . .
         . .e
      *" ! Weld No.112,: Inlet ~ Nozzle to Vessel' Weld at 68.50*

s ~ > w 1 Calibration Package No.73

^',     ,

4 . _ ,

   "  '
 - js     s *: -Weld:No'f15/ Outl'et Nozzlelto Shell Weld at'157.61*:

DE fCalibration Package..No.l3

.      , .. J
's' .

a: Je: , Weld No. 16,l Inlet Nozzle;to Shell Weld at 111.49* v  ; Calibration Package No.D3

   :   ,,
      *i Flange" Ligaments; Arot:nd' Stud Hdles M    '  '
      -No.'.'46-54, 28-37, Land:14-21

y ' a , _

      . Calibration' Package No. 2
- -   ,  ,  A  . . ..
.;      *- ^ Weld No. 5; Lower Head to Shell Weld x     . < Calibration-Pa'kage  c No;17-f   5  ,11.. : .

Conclusio~ns -

  . : ~'
,       _

C /Examinatio'n ofLthe Unit'2. reactor pressure vessel were performed by .

     -(W) using their/ remote ultrasonic inspection accordance,with


   '" "
     .c the last. outage of the.first interval inspe'ction program ~and th ><     '  "

E ~ first~ outage of1second interval inspection 1 program. Using (W) s ,

     :: approved ~ procedure No.E154,~ Revision 1, developed to meet th _

Ypi ' Jrequirements of.; Regulatory Guide No. 1.150.~ All reflectors dete'cted - M 4

     . :-during. examination of the inletfand outlet. nozzle. welds were recorded
     ?and evaluated and determined to be within the Code acceptance criteri '

Based on:hisl review of; fabrication radiographs, mapping and. sizing.of t _s '.the-reflectors,-the inspector concluded that the reflectors are from WL

     !small_: entrapped slag and, the root of the weld that have

theen there since fabrication and are not service relate sin . . - . . . .

    ;No'.vi'olationslor deviations-were identifie 
 ['f I'EL Bsilitin' Fol'10wup .
   ,  1(a) qIE;Bu11etin'No. 82 .02:    Degradation'of Threaded Fasteners In The Reactor Coolant: Pressure Boundary (RCPB) of PWR Plant n  .  <
  ' ('  ;,

Thisibulletinfwas.issuedtoPWR.facilitiesholdingoperatinglicensesfor-actions on June 2, 198 : Actions-required included

      *1 Develop and; implement maintenance procedures for threaded
     . fastener practices, where they do not exis ~

1*i Identify those bolted closures of the RCPB that have

      ; experienced leakage! Describe the inspections made and-

corrective measures taken to eliminate the proble u


y .

  ..t        9

ad,;. . ,f , __;' , _ 1 dyp , 0 , v ' ;;; wg y * ry ,

 --.: -  ,
   " ..  "
      [,  * -

j w '

    .a  -
; Lv   ,,  , .

E' >*- Identify those closures and connections whereifastener

 ~   '

7 lubricants and_ injection sealant materials have been-or-


cs ,

       :are beingiused on' plant experience:with their application
       .and~any; instances of SCC ofLfastener '
  -    ;*1 LSubmit?a;writtenlreport to;the Regional _ Administrator of-
     .  :the appropriate NRC Regional-Office.within 60 days'following 3 completion of the outage during which Action Item No. 2.was'

f y s q ~

      , 1 performed. y   ,

       : .L hf -  I>, , ..
          . --

d '

     ' M ei O Submit:a written report to-theLRegional Administrator.of C
    .   .lthefappropriate Regional;0ffice providing information<
~       requested by" Action Item No.' WM       On July;23,'1982,ethe licensee submitted an Ons'ite Review-(OSR-180/82)~
%    m
      !. listing ~ components,.theirileakage history,'and chemical analyses of-

m lubricants used.' ThusLthis action satisfied Action ~ Item No.- '

      ;On June'-9,:1983',"the licensee submitted an~Onsite Review (OSR-043/83).

m 1- tidentifying;the Unit 2: components inspected.during the'1983 outage,- W the results*of the11nspection;and that11nspection' requirements.have

.      (
     ")been-incorporatedLintoftheir   maintenance procedures. Thus, this-action satisfied.'the requirement-of' Action. Item No. 4 for' Unit :
  . u  '

J0n March 26,:1984,athe-licensee submitted an Onsite Review.(OSR-26/84)- - r - 4 , -~ identifying the, Unit'1 components inspected during' thel 1983 outage,

.t   '

_ ?-the:results=ofithe inspections and that inspection requirements have F *


Obeenfincorporated into-their maintenance procedures. Thus,-this action

: >    _  _ satisfied the. requirement'of Action' Item No. 4 for Unit .

The inspector; reviewed the actions taken by the licensee during this _ win'spection an'd considers;their actions comprehensive and satisfactor mn . '


J ~

    ;(b); TIE Bulletin No.583-06: Nonconforming Materials _ Supplied By Tube-Line
. ',  '

i(T-L) Corporation Facilities at'Long Island City, New.Yo'k; r Houston,'

, . .
      (Texas;'and: Carol > Stream,. Illinois. This bulletin'was issued to
      : facilities: holding operatingilicenses or construction permits'on



r; 'f  % 1 July. 22,~ (198 '

      ' Actions to be taken. included:
 ~   '

- ~*' l Determine ifiany T-L' supplied ASME Code materials have E been; supplied to their facilit _ 6 - LProvide"a -list of T-Lisupplied ' materials and identify the'

  (  ,
      .: * :

systems in4which these materials are or will be installed.

' a .. r -

    -   ' Implement a-program which provides assurance.that materials M~%       . comply'with ASME. Code:Section III, or demonstrates that   !

Rf . such materialsTare ' suitable for = intended servic ,

       ^ Replace fittings and flanges with materials which have been

I' ~ ,

    ',   manufactured in, full compliance with ASME. Code Section III
       :and-the' procurement specification requirements.

}/ [[ ~

  "            '


,,   , , -
     ,  .. . - . _ .
         . - . . . . - - .- -.- - .- - -- - - - - - .
    -           >
      #     ~        ,

& y[ . .)

' i,   -

77 - . 1 -

- ,


  -     .
        : ..
 - ,           -

3; .

, ,     %   --
  *  ~'   ~

p _? ~,

            ,, ,


-_ , -  ; response.: - ' ' l , , 1 ^ ' Provide a: written report withinT120 days of-the date of ' . (*x ~ the' bulleti ' ~ .u .._ ' , :c- .= . . * .' (OnSeptembeE2'8,11983fthelicenseesubmitted~onOnsite' Review (OSR-081/83) responding;to the the' bulletin identifying.the. disposition'of 44 flanges ' , - _ . ' supplied;to one ofjtheir contractors by T- a ' , - . . ' Dat J'o.'of N Flanges- Installed'. Syste :~ , ~ c 8: s J3-82: Main Steam-(non-safety) .  % - 3 ' C4 -8-82 Waste: Disposal-(non-safety) , ~ . 4 ' El-83- Aux Feedwater (safety). - _ - -4 . _2-83 . Aux Feedwater_(safety)-- . 14~ _ 3-83 ' Aux.Feedwater-(safety)- y . , ' " .w ~4= c *  :.3-83 - Primary Sample System (non-safety) :2: Primary Samp.le System'(non-safety) ' , , s ..J4-83 + * -14: - ' . 6-83: , Discarded ' ' .- ~ Thelicenseeireviewed'theirpurchasingrecords,includingthose.of . J . 1theirfonsite; contractors, = and determine _d" that"only their onsite < ' ,  : contractor;had: purchased 44; stainless'ste'll1/2",1150 e psi: raised face . .  ; flanges from thel Carolc Stream branch;of T-L7 through +a distributor in .W _ - two separate. orders. The :first order of 24' flanges we.s received in- , <~ . " ~ November:1981, and were identified as A-182,. type 1304, heat code? 4  : A8JD. . The second: order of 20.f1anges was received on January 1983, ' fand..were. identified as.SA-182, type'304,' heat code-ABJD; Of the 44 _ -  : flanges purchased, 30 were installed:in various systems in the plant . prior to. notification of Tub'e-Line problem. The remaining 14 flanges ~ n- ~ t' were'stilllin'the contractors warehouse and discarded 2s scrap in- 1' "' CE (June;1983 as a; precautionary measure against pos'sibly installing  ; defective 1 flange . , . ' ^ - - : Location lofJinstalled flanges and' disposal'of the remaining flanges . .- Dp ,W - - 1were'the result of action taken: originally initiated by IE'Information - ~ > ^ ~ Notice. nob 83-07 covering:T-L defective material + m ~ w J ^ ' 10f h'e(30fflangesinstalled,'only12.were-installedinthesafety-related ' s'ection of1the- Auxiliary Feedwater-system and were of concer The V..i - (remaining s18 other flanges were installed in non-safety-related-- ? _ , - isystems. Following a review by the~ station metallurgist in conjunction ' .. x - Jwith' SNED 'of theil2 flanges in the AFW system, it was decided that 1 #W c ~ , , (the potentially non-heat treated flanges would not endanger the .. > ~  : system' operation,-therefore,:the flanges were not_ removed for the ' T ifollowing reas'ons.' { " ". , or - Normal 1 system ' pressure in the 1ine'with installed f1anges t is)approximately 20 psi. Mechanical properties of the .. ' t . -  ! flanges f are not significantly reduced for. this application '  ; ' - "l(lubrication oil? pump); even at pressures of 100 ps p - <  : *' > . - [ . . A ', .o - av ,, e ..-.-++~w,.~.~. ~- - .: -. - - - - - . . . ~ . - --- _ .- ----.-- ,,- -,- -- " ' - - - - -- - - -- g;. - - ,y ~ -.- / .. . , .w > ., . . , , ,Lg , u . 2 .- + r s+ . ',,; - 8 -  : . ,, , c.: # si s - , ' ' ;g} ' ~' < ~  ;*C fMaxiaus podtul'ated, temperatures within~and outside th . , ^ - s system will. not. effect the performancs of.Lthe flanges. - , >p . - ~ , , p' ~ , 'c 1*: TFatiUuepropertiesfare<notsigni.ficantly:. effecte ' ^ ' (*1 : Resistancs its corrosion in thei flange to pipe weld is ~ ~  ? A RL i.not significantly reduce , ' m; , . . . . . . . . . 'l ' " J A Lej  ? Mill tsst conducted by;T-L on s'amples. from heat' cod < - . _ _ "ABJD subsequent,to;thisLIEzBulletin indicate _that the- . materi al y requi rements t were "ast.~ ' , , ' 3.' ; * ' - ;TheEinspectorireviewed.'the actions Maken to meet this IE Bulletin- :during;this: inspection and considered.these' actions: satisfactory.:. y wg; ' ' ' * - , l - ; w ) .=. . . : . . . 7 Exit ~ Interview ^ ' 2 . ,  :::Thel inspectori met withclicensee' representatives (denoted in-Persons ,~ ; Contacted' paragraph),at the" conclusion of the:in'spection~. The. scope iand.findingsLof the: inspection;were discussed along'with ths' closing , iof two IE: Bulletins., The inspector alsoidiscussed.the likely ' informational: content of.-the-inspection report with regard to. documents , 4or processesireviewed by the-inspector. The licensee'did not identify- - , :any;such documents / processes as proprietar . F  ;,' **. " d m  :. , . . s s t , * , ,- m- , - 1 + .g', ,- < -.  % ~ ' - . ,-4A - ' .- ~~~.g[' N .. < .\. ' ' < w-e_@ h * 5 s m #- * * , k ~_. '. 12 i '  ; %-} , " . . . . _ - a --2 . ._ _ - , _ . . . . . _, - . . . - , , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ._ _ . . , . , - . . , , . . - - ,- }}