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Requests Advance Route Approval for Shipment of Sectioned Irradiated BWR & PWR Fuel Rods for Waste Disposal or Addl Research.Loaded Trailer Will Weigh Up to 100,000 Lb.Portion Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 08/08/1979
From: Emswiler T
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
13823, NUDOCS 8002250303
Download: ML19296C159 (2)


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August 8, 1979 i

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Director, Of fice of Nuclear


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bbterials Safety and Safeguards c

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g,

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Washington, D. C. 20555 C-r c) g Subj ec t : Advance Route Approval - 10 CFR 73 Section'73.37(a)43

Dear Sir:

Battelle-Columbus Laboratories (BCL), in order to comply with the require-ments of 10 CFR 73, submits the following information for your review and a pp rova l.

NUREG-0561, Appendix 2-A is used as a guide.

I - Cargo Description a.)

Sectioned irradiated BWR and PWR fuel rods being shipped for waste disposal or additional research. These rods contain UO2 plus generated plutonium and result from the post irradiation destructive R and D examination for the USSRC, DOE and commercial sponsors.

The burnup histories vary from about 7 to 25 CWD/MIU.

The quantity of material in each shipment is dependent on the cask license limits, disposal site limits and research sample size required.

In general the shipment will consist, but not be limited to, about 200 grams of low enriched U-235 and about 175 grams of generated plutonium.


Primary casks to be used:

1) Cask NECO B-3, USA /6058/B(): 20,000 pounds maximum load.


Cask BMI-1, USA /5957/B()F; 2',,500 pounds maximum load.

3) Cask BCL-4, USA /5950/B()F; 2,500 pounds maximum load.
4) Cask BCL-3, USA /9067/B()F; 3,000 pounds maximum load.
5) Cask CNS1-13C, USA /9081/B(); 2.,000 pounds maximum load.
6) Other USNRC/ DOT approved casks or containers as may be dictated by the types and quantities of radioactive waste and/or specimen samples.


Loaded weight of trailer - up to about 100,000 pounds depending on the trailer weight and type of load being shipped.

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.a Director, Office of Nuclear

>bterials Safety and Safeguards 3

August 8, 1979 e.)

Location of planned stopovers, food and fuel supplies:


To be determined following receipt of USNRC overview and coordination with Tri-State Motor Transit Company.

As stated in tiUREG-0561, we understand that the USNRC will provide on a one-time basis a route overview (Appendix 3. A), for food and fuel stop locations, and safe havens in order that we, as licensees, will be able to comply with Section 73.37 (a)(b)(d) and (e).

BCL has been informed by Messrs. Tom Allen, Don Kasan and Charles Ilillnan of the USNRC that a determination has not been made by the USNRC whether this application is subject to fee or is fee-exempt. We assume that BCL will be notified immediately of any fee which may be assessed and that this application will not be detained from processing because a fee schedule has not been estab-lished by the USNRC.

Your earliest attention to this matter is requested in order that packaging and shipping schedules can be established and finalized. You will be informed of final schedules or any deviation from the plan as herein presented. All correspondence in this matter should be directed to my attention.

I may be contacted by telephone at AC 614/424-4336.

Very truly yours,

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Thomas R. Emswiler Senior Specialist West Jefferson Nuclear Services TRE/cm

  • Attachment - Routing Plan 7 --, -..,

