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Opines That Decision Re Continued Plant Operation Must Weigh Health Effects of Replacement by Coal Burning Plants
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1983
From: Jaffe H
To: Ahearne J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8305240441
Download: ML20071G924 (2)


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A Mernbership Not-for Profit New York Corp.

P.O. Box 12423. Albany. N.Y. 12212 (518) 765-2223 --y' lay' 16, s1983 @

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Q' Commissioner John F. Ahearn e

A f Atomic Safety and Licensing Board i,

Nuclear Regulatory Commission W

g j g /, U Washington D.C. 20555



Hearings re emergency planning Pr;sj nt h

at the Indian Point Nuclear complex orn 1523 Dean Street

-e Schenectady. N Y.12309

Dear Sir:

(518)372-8976 Executive Vice-President Jonnso iev Your commission is about to take actions on the gcamegoad,3 matter of emergency planning in the event of accident at


,,s the Indian Point nuclear complv;x that will affect the m43 sn 5439 entire nuclear power industry.

I am sure your commission Vice. Presidents

$5lll,, g"l,]***'

understands that emergency planning was suggested to give the public confidence in a new technology.

This worthwhile Amany N Y 12203 mai 4asaacs purpose has been perverted by some groups whose interest 5s'$i uSn'Iow stree, men % h cndhg he ad Msuda emg wr ddzus.


Buffalo. N Y 14202

< 7:s3 849-7"'

I believe that any decision regarding danger to the 7',5",'

public that would accompany the continued operation of the n

,c, Indian Point nuclear complex must weigh the health effects ta st Ann s Road "j,"ap32E43 of replacement by coal burning plants.

  • N

'26 '

Secretary ACCording to a 1979 study of the Biological Effects Glenn N Ourban

    • Ir'nss'$e. N Y.12186of the Ionizing Radiation Committee of the National Academy o

(518) 765-2223 of Sciences, the probability of death from a 1000 megawatt nuclear plant is one person per year per reactor; for a DIRECTORS

<Tne overs and) coal burning plant the probability is 30 per year. A Conclusion of the same order of magnitude was reached by Kennern Beckerman te$"2"DIsrson a study done at the University of Pittsburgh. (copy of Conclusions enclosed)

Watertown. N Y Ed*aed M Griest Painted Post N Y If the Indian Point nuclear complex is forced to s.reert aana Hl,;j%",j,"o!ac, close as a result of actions of this committee, the danger Green cn conn.

to the public health will be multiplied by a very substantial

" '2aYa'e**Fia faetor.

H Henry Menter T U'n"*Elu'p"ny enclosure Sincerely, Y

l Gien cove. N Y A catalogue cuent n Regens'*a of risks New Canaan. Conn us urnt R.cnter Herbert Jaffe, director pn!TO,'fi"'

57 Elinor Place Forest Hdis. N f Freeport N.Y. 11520 Russen A. Sciey Rochester. N Y Wilham R Trautman East Aurora. N Y 8305240441 830516 PDR ADOCK 05000247 H

PDR Dedicated to the financialintegrity of tam. paying investor. owned New York utilities.


[- hjQ Q

A Mimbership N:t-fir Prafit NIw York Corp.

P.O. Box 12423. Albany, N.Y. 12212 (518) 765-2223 A CATALCGUE OF RISKS Introduction to a study called L. Cohen and I-Sing Lee of the Dept."A Catalogue of Risks" prepared by Bernard of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pa. 15620 "The public is constantly harrangued about all sorts of risks, and its perception of risks plays an important role in governmental decision making.

The risks of radiation have expecially been emphasized in the popular press.

This creates a very serious prob]em since the public does not understand risk.

It gets highly excited about radiation rjsks which are almost never fatal, whereas it largely ignores other risks which claim thousands of lives every year."

THE CHART BELO'il WAS TAKEN FRCM THIS STUDY Table 26. Loss of life espectancy (AE) due to oarious causes C.use days Beies unmamedd 3%0 Cisareite smokies -male 2150 Heart diseaw 2l00 Beins unmained-female 1600 Being 3(73 overweight 1300 Beins a coal mener 1100 Cancer 900 2ty% Overweight 900

< seh Grade education 350 Cisarette smokmademale 800 Low socconomec status Lawins in unfavorable state 500 Army in Viemam 400 Cigar weting 330 Dangerc us pidents 300 Pipe smokins 2.N Increasins food intake 100 cal / day 2to Mosor veh cle accidents 207 Pneumonie-enauenza 141 Alcohol (U.S average) 130 Accidents n home 95 Suicide 95 Dabetes 95 Beins murdered (honucide) 90 Lessa drus masuse

'90 Average Mcidents 74 Drowning 41 Job with radiation esposure 40 Falls 39 Accedents to pedestrians 37 Safest jobo-accidents 30 Fi,e-. burns 27 Generation of energy 24 Ill. cit drugs (U.S. ever.)

la Poison (solid. Iaqueda 17 Sunocation 13 Firearms accidents Il N atural radiation (B EIR) 8 Medical X-ra y 6

Poisonous gases 7

CoRee 6

Orni contraceptives 5

Accidents to pedaleychas 3

Alicatastrophes combined 3.3 Det Jreaki 2

Reactor accidents-UCS 2*

Reactor accidents-Rasmusses 0.02*

Radiaison from auc. industry 0.02*

PAP sest

-4 Smnke alarmin home

- 10 Air bass en car

- 50 Mohele coronary care unit:

- 125 Safety improvements 19476

- 110

'These items asaw thaa all U.S. power is nuclear.

UCS is Union of Concerned Scientists, the most prom.

inent aroup of nuclear critics.
