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Rev 5 to Procedure 91401-C, Assembly & Accountability
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/07/1989
Shared Package
ML20092F288 List: ... further results
CON-IIT05-002-083D-90, CON-IIT5-2-83D-90, RTR-NUREG-1410 91401-C, NUDOCS 9202200360
Download: ML20092G802 (9)




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[D>dQ NUCLEAR OPER@ONS 91401-c o.1.

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i 1-ASSEMBLY AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for performing assemb1 and g

g accountability of all site personne during emergency conditions.

2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 The Emergency Director shall order assembly and accountability of all Protected Area (P.A.) mersonnel for any emergency classified as an Alert or higher.

2.2 The Supervisor Nuclear 3ecurity (SNS) shall have the following responsibilities:


2.2.1 Activating the Security Force to assist in P.A.


2.2.2 Directing and coordinating all functions necessary to perform accountability of personnel within the P.A.

2.2.3 Assuring that accountability of all security personnel is conducted.

2.3 The Security Coordinator shall have the following responsibilities:

2.3,1 Assisting the SNS with accountability once the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is operational.

2.3.2 Assessing accountability reports as they are received, and reporting information to the Emergency Director.

2.3.3 Maintaining accountability for the duration of the emergency condition.

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4 2.4 Emergency Response Facility Managers of the Control O

Room (CR), Technical Support Centet (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC) have the following responsibilities:

2.4.1 Assuring'that accountability of all personnel assigned to their emergency facility is conducted.

2.4.2 In t..e event of Security Cotr.puter failure, submitting accountability reports to the PESB within about 20 minutes of the start of the accountability process.

2.4.3 Maintaining accountability of assigned personnel for the duration of the emergency condition.

3.0 PREREQUISITES An emergency has been classified per Procedure 91001-C.

" Emergency C,1,assification and Implementing Instructions 4.0 PRECAUTIONS NONE 5.0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PROTECTED AREA 5.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR (ED)

I 5.1.1 To initiate assembly and accountability for the P.A., the Emergency Director shall have the emergency signal sounded and/or provide the appropriate plant page announcement.

5.1.2 The ED shall receive a report from the SNS on I

accountability within approximately 30 minutes of initiation of assembly and accountability.

5.1.3 The ED or designee shall announce the names of any I

missing individuals over the plant page system requesting a response.

5.1.4 The ED shall implement Procedure 91402-C, " Search and l

Rescue", to locate any missing individuals _in the P.A.



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NOTE Accountability should be completed within approximately 30 minutes and reported to the ED.

5.2.1 The SNS will direct Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) to generate at app' Badge Accountability Report" from the roximately 20 minutes after the Alert declaration a Security computer.

This report will contain the names of all personnel still listed in the P.A.

Security offa.cers at all permanent or temporary exists will'be directed to segregate badges of any aersonnel that exit after the generation of this report has begun.

The exit officers will compile _these names and badge numbers (NOT ACAD) and report this information to SAS.

SAS will make a cross check of the " Badge Accountability Report" and segregate badge list to determine accountability.

NOTE This information maybe obtained by telephone or radio and should be received within 20 minutes of Alert declaration.

5.2.2 Obtain accountability lists from the CR and the Security Department of personnel assigned but not in the CR, Central Alarm Station (CAS), or SAS.

5.2.3 The following personnel are considered accounted fort Personnel coded as badged in the CR, TSC, OSC, CAS, or SAS on the " Badge Accountability Report". Personnel on the CR or Security Department Accountability lists. Personnel accounted for by other valid authority (OSC Manager, TSC Manager, ED, OSOS, SNS, etc.)

I 5.2.4 Unaccounted personnel should be listed on Data Sheet 1 and the ED informed.

I 5.2.5 The SNS should request that the CR make a plant page announcement requesting the unaccounted personnel-to call Security at phone number (insert appropriate phone number)


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5.3 SECURITY COORDINATOR Once the EOF becomes operational, the Security Coordinator shall determine if the SNS has performed the necessary actions to ensure protected area accountability.

If not, the Security Coordinator shall assist as per Subsection 5.2.

5.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITY IMNAGERS 5.4.1 The CR On-Shift Operations Supervisor (OSOS) shall conduct an accountability of all persons assigned to.

the CR.

This accountability will consist of personnel that are assigned to the Operations Department Shift Staff.

This accountability list will be provided within approximately 20 minutes of the sounding of the emergency signal to the SNS.

5.4.2 In the event of a Security Computer failure, the TSC and OSC Managers shall assure the conduct of accountability of all persons assigned to their ERF and.

provide a list of all personnel accounted for to the SNS within approximately 20 minutes of the sounding -I the emergency signal.

Data Sheet 2.or a similar type roster may be used to list personnel within the ERF.

5.4.3 Each ERF Manager shall be responsible for assuring that O

accountability of all personnel in that facility is being maintained.

5.5 PROTECTED AREA PERSONNEL 5.5.1 Personnel with primary or alternate responsibilities in the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) to their assigned ERF as soon as possible. shall report 5.5.2 Personnel outside the P.A. who must enter the P.A. to assume their emergency positions shall follow normal P.A. entry procedures including proper use of the entry card reader.

5.5.3 All other P.A. personnel and visitors with no responsibility in the ERO shall exit the P.A. following.

use of the exit card reader, and shall report to designated assembly areas.

areas is provided in Table 1.A complete list of assembly O

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5.5.4 operators not badged into the CR, TSC or OSC should report to their location as soon as practical.

5.6 SECUR17Y CONTROLLED ACCESS SYSTEM INOPERABLE 5.6.1 If the Security Computer System or card readers are inoperable, the accountability of the P.A. will be completed as follows: Plant Entry Security Building (PESB) security officers will collect all ACAD identification badges from exiting personnel and place them in appropriate badge rack. PESB badge island security officers shall make a list of empty badge holders by badge numbers and give this list to the $NS. The SNS will ensure that the accountability lists cf the OSC, TSC, security department and CR are received at the PESB. The SNS in conjunction with the SAS operator will compare the PESB badge numbers list with the accountability lists frem the OSC, TSC, security departaent and CR.

O Badge numbers of personnel that are on the PESB badge list and the OSC, TSC, security department and CR account. ability lists are eccounted for.

All other badge numbers are unaccounted for and are to be reported to the ED cn Data Sheet 1. The SNS should request that the CR make a plant page announcament requesting the unaccounted personnel to call Security at phone number.

(insert appropriate phone number).

5.7 EVACUATION The ED shall implement Procedure 91403-C, " Site Evacuation", if required.






6.1 VEGP Emergency Plan 6.2 PROCEDURES 6.2.1 91001-C, " Emergency Classification and Implementing, Instructions" 6.2.2 91402-C, " Search and Rescue" 6.2.3 91403-C, " Site Evacuation"

-l 6.3 NUREG-0654, FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1 " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" END OF PROCEDURE TEXT O

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TABLE 1 DESIGNATED ASSEMBLY AREAS AND GROUPS Assembly Group Assembly Area Supervisor 1.

Control Room Emergency Control Room Shift Supervisor Staff 2.

TSC Emergency Staff TSC TSC Manager 3.

OSC Emorgency Staff OSC OSC Manager 4.

EOF Ltre sgency Staff EOF-EOF Manager i

1 5.

Non-essential Administration First Reporting Protected Area Building or (in Supervisor Personnel and the event of Until Relieved Visitors site evacuation) designated relocation center O


Non-essential Remain at present First Reporting Personnel and Visitors location or Supervisor outside the Protected assemble at Until Relieved Area administration building or (in the event of site evacuation) designated relocation center l

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Sheet 1 of 1 DATA SHEET 1 MISSING PERSON ROSTER Date/ Central Time FROM:


EMERGENCY DIRECTOR Personnel Not Accounted For Name Last Known Location 4

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Signature O


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Sheet 1 of 1 DATA SHEET 2 O


._ Facility Date/ Central Time Badge Name Badge Name Number Number O


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