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Requests Relief from Requirements of ASME Section Xi,Per 10CFR50a(g)(5)(iv) & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i).Summary of Changes Attached for Review
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1996
From: Hutchinson C
Shared Package
ML20117H125 List:
GNRO-96-00057, GNRO-96-57, NUDOCS 9605280038
Download: ML20117H124 (7)



r s - Cnt:rgy Cpir;tirnz,Inc.

ENTERGY r>o sox 758 Port Gibson.MS 39150 Tel 601437 2800 C. R. Hutchinson yte Prescent Opvatons Grard GuF Nuciaar Staton May 21, 1996 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-37 Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 ASME Section XI Relief Requests GNRO-96/00057 Gentlemen:

This submittal requests relief from the requirements of ASME Section XI, in  ;

accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv) and 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i). A summary of '

the changes is attached for your review. Justification is also included to provide our basis for requesting relief. The proposed relief requests are needed to support closure of our first interval.

Additionally, several relief requests are being deleted. These deletions are being submitted in order that your staff may update their records, l

Your review and approval of these changes are requested prior to September 12, l 1996 in order to allow scheduling of activities to be performed in our upcoming I refueling outage, October 1996.

If you require additionalinformation regarding this submittal, please contact Riley Ruffin at 601-437-2167.

Your truly, g u_

a H//

h ent: v 1. Summary of Relief Request Revisions

2. Revised Relief Requests


9605280038 960521 Ob PDR ADOCK 05000416  ; i G PDR g g



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May 21, 1996 l 'GNRO-96/00057 i Page 2 of 3

! cc: Mr. J. Tedrow (w/a)

Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/a)

Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a)

Mr. H. L. Thomas (w/o)

Mr. J. W. Yelverton (w/o) .

Mr. L. J. Callan (w/a)

Regional Administrator i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Region IV I

611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011 Mr. J. N. Donohew, Project Manager (w/a)

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 13H3 Washington, D.C. 20555 t

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l Att: chm::nt 1 to GNRO-96/00057 I -

Page 1 of 4


OF RELIEF REQUESTS AND RELIEF REQUEST REVISIONS Relief Reauest 1-00002. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated July 22,1986)

Revised Section VI, item 5 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

I Relief Reauest 1-00004. Revision 3 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated September 29,1986)

By revision, this relief request has been deleted because it applied to a Category B-A, item 81.10 weld. In accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(1), all previously j granted relief for volumetric examination of reactor vessel shell welds specified in Item  !

B1.10 of Category B-A are revoked. Additionally,10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) requires  !

these subject welds be examined meeting the requirements of the 1989 Edition of l ASME Section XI except that examination of 90% of the Code specified volume is l determined acceptable. Augmented examinations to obtain the 90% volume are not l possible and additional correspondence to address this issue is forthcoming. l Relief Reauest 1-00005. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated July 22,1986) l e By revision, this relief request has been deleted because it applied to a Category B-A, Item B1.10 weld, in accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(1), all previously s granted relief for volumetric examination of reactor s,essel shell welds specified in item B1.10 of Category B-A are revoked. Additionally,10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) requires  !

these subject welds be examined meeting the requirements of the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI except that examination of 90% of the Code specified volume is determined acceptable. Augmented examinations to obtain the 90% volume are not possible and additional correspondence to address this issue is forthcoming.

Relief Reauest 1-00006 Revision 2 (Earlier revision appros ed by the NRC in letter dated July 22,1986)

. By revision, this re!!ef request has been deleted because it applied to a Category B-A, item B1.11 weld. In accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(1), all previously granted relief for volumetric examination of reactor vessel shell welds specified in item B1.10 of Category B-A are revoked. Additionally,10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) requires these subject welds be examined meeting the requirements of the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI except that examination of 90% of the Code specified volume is ,

determined acceptable. This relief request identified limitations on weld "AC" that equaled less than 10% of the Code required volume. Weld "AC" meets the requirements of 10CFR50 (90% of the examination volume) without imposing augmented examination requirements.

Relief Reauest 1-00007. Revision 2 1

Attachm nt 1 to GNRO-96/00057-

. Page 2 of 4 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated August 5,1986)

. Revised Section VI, item 8 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

. Revised Table 1, item 3 system No. from E51 to 821 in order to correct an error.

. Revised Table 1, item 9, deleted W12 from the relief request, newer technology has permitted examination without limitations.

Relief Reauest 1-00008. Revision 3 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated October 6,1986) t

. Revised Section VI, item 3 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing ,

program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

Relief Reauest 1-00009. Revision 3 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated April 15,1992)

. Revised Section VI, item 8 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing

. program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1. j

. Table 1, E22 HPCS Pump Casing



1. Moved weld SB-4 from the list of welds with partial examinations to the list of welds with complete examinations. Original coverage of this weld equated 96%,

because of Code Case N-460, this coverage is acceptable and relief is not required.


2. Correct a typographical error in weld designation from "SH-28" to "DH-28".  ;

Relief Reauest 1-00010. Revision 6 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated May 25,1993) ,

. Revised Section VI, item 3 and dc!cted liem 4 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing program resuking from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

. Table 1

1. Revised item 22 to change the percent of examinable volumetric area from 73% ,

to 51% which was an error in the original calculations, i

2. Added items 78 through 81 to address newly identified items, t



Att: chm:nt 1 to GNRO-96/00057 l . Page 3 of 4 l

3. Deleted item 17 (weld G33G002W179), because of improved technology,

! examination of this weld has been completed without limitations.

4. Deleted an asterisk from items 3,13,14,15,21, and 72, and the corresponding note that indicated these welds to be outside of the hydrostatic test boundary.

l With the adoption of Code Case N-498-1, this note is no longer required.

l l Relief Reauest 1-00011. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated July 22,1986)

! . By revision, this relief request has been deleted. Due to enhanced technology, the limitations that initially prevented full examination coverage have been overcome and full coverage has been obtained.

Relief Reauest 100012. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated July 22,1986)

. Revised Section VI, Item 5 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing f program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

Relief Reauest 1-00015. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated September 29,1986)

. Revised Section VI, item 2 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

. Deleted reactor vessel welds AD, BB, BC, BH, BJ, BK, BM, BN, BP, and BR from the l

scope of the relief request. The deleted welds are specified as Category B-A, item B1.10. In accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(1), all previously granted relief for volumetric examination of reactor vessel shell welds specified in item B1.10 of Category B-A are revoked. Additionally,10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) requiles these subject welds to be examined meeting the requiremerds of the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI except that examination of 90% of the Code specified volume is determined acceptable. This relief request identified limitations on tN listed welds that equated less than 10% of the required Code volume. The listed welds meet the requirements of 10CFR50 (90% of the examination volume) without imposing augmented examination requirements. The remaining welds in the relief request are not Category B-A, item B1.10 and relief is still applicable.

. Deleted Figures 2,8,9,10,11,12,13, and 20 because they corresponded with the deleted welds.


Attachm:nt 1 to GNRO-96/00057

. Page 4 of 4 Relief Reauest 1-00017. Revision 1 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated September 29,1986)

. By revision, this relief request is deleted. This relief request adopted the 1983 Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda of ASME Section XI to clarify the test boundaries of Class 2 pressure tests. With the use of Code Case N-498-1, as approved by the NRC, use of these later Code boundaries no longer required.

Relief Reauest I.00018. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated August 15,1986)

. Revised Sections Ill, V, and VI to address the use of Code Case N-498-1 as approved by the NRC. The relief request is revised to recognize the application of a system leakage test performed at each refuel outage (Category B-P, items B15.50, B15.60, and 815.70) and a leakage test performed as an alternative to hydrostatic test (Code Case N-498-1). Because the test boundary for the two leakage tests are different,'

relief is still required for those leakage tests performed at refuel outages.

Relief Reauest 1-00019. Revision 2 (Earlier revision approved by the NRC in letter dated August 5,1986)

Revised Section VI, items 1 and 2 to incorporate changes to the GGNS pressure testing program resulting from NRC approval of Code Case N-498-1.

Relief Reauest 1-00024. Revision 0 (Initial submittal)

. This is a new relief request seeking permission to use the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI, Examination Category B-L-2 and B-M-2, Note 2 to preclude disassembly of Class 1 pumps and valves solely for the purpose of performing visual inspection of the intemal surfaces. With approval of this relief request, the visualinspection will be performed when the pump or valve is disassembled for other reasons, e.g.,

maintenance, repair, or volumetric examination.


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Attachment 2 i

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GNRO-96/00057 t