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Forwards SE by Division of Reactor Licensing in Matter of Cyap & SE by Division of Reactor Licensing in Matter of Nsp,Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant,Unit 1,dtd 670504.W/o Encls
Person / Time
Site: Monticello, Haddam Neck  File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 05/25/1967
From: Boyd R
To: Schroeder F
NUDOCS 9212010463
Download: ML20127N962 (9)


.- . - .. .


^ 852pplemental Jpf'$'

Deth Reading V RP51 Reading .

Orig:H8teele  !

""I I' 1 R. S. Boyd  ;

D. R. Muller Dooket Nos.30-213 ai 30 26 si? i

(  ;

.\ >

Mr. Frank Sehroeder , .Ii' 8~-/ ' #*

Manager,-Water Itsester Safety J' .

Program Offies 6

Phillipe Petroleum Ceepany tlt * #c P. O. Dez 2067 Idaho Falle, Idahe_ _ 83401 Dear Mr. Schroeder Copies of safety evoluations listed below are encioned for your informations i

1. Safety Svaluaties by the Division of Roaster 1 Licenstag in the matter of Canaseticut Yankee -

Atomie Power Company, dated May 11,1967

2. Safety Evaluaties by the Division of Remotor U - 4== in the matter of Northern States Power Campsey, Montieelle Nealear Generating Plant, Unit 1, dated May 4,-1967 ,

aineerely yours,


Original mgnedg IL S Wde h 3. Boyd, Assistant Direeter for Remoter Projects Division of Hometer Lisensing Emeleeures

1. Safety Evaluaties, Casa-Yankee
2. Safety Kyminaties, NSP - Mestiselle o

f .-

t i-orner > ....DRLFRP - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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l om> .5/25/67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . - . . . . . - - . . - .

Itsrtn AFKJ 81N (h.v.$-SD El m m p9m7pesWTO 1 M 2H.A 9212010463 670525 PDR- ADOCK 05000263

.A- PDR '

U.S.P.H.S. )

12720 Twinbrook Parkway Rockville, Maryland 20852 April 2, 1968 Dr. Dean E. Abrahamson 1092 25 Ave., S. W.

Minneapolis, Minn. 55414

Dear Dr. Abrahamson:

This is in reply to your ictter of March 2, 1968, in which you raised various technical quest.ons concerning the Monticello reactor, our participation in its evaluation, and the release of tritium from it and reactors in general.

As stated in " Surveillance of Nuclear Power Reactors,"

Public Health Reports, Vol. 82, No. 10, pages 906, we recommended that states conduct pre-operational surveillance for a period of one year primarily to evaluate plant operations after startup. We feel that the Minnesota Health Department, by virtue of past experience, need not conduct a pre-operational program of this extent. The main objective of the pre-operational survey at Monticello is to establish the icvels of environmental radioactivity at the time of startup and any anomalies that exist; the period of time over which this is done is relatively unimportant. Therefore, the Minnesota Health Department's plan to establish these levels is, in our -

opinion, adequate primar!.ly because they presently possess sufficient experience to conduct the necessary operational surveillanc e .

To our knowledge, the State of Pennsylvania is the only state to impose stricter limits on reactor operators than the AEC.

This practice, however, has not been based on a concern that the levels generally released from a reactor are high or unsafe, but merely on the basis that such a facility does nec need a limit as high as an AEC discharge limit in order to operate. Pennsylvania limits the total annual tritium discharge from Shippingport to the amount it is calculated to produce. On this basis the average concentration in condenser V


- 2-A cooling water is in order of magnitude below the discharge concentrations permitted by the AEC. The upper limit used by_all states thus far has been the 10 CFR 20' values or


equivalent values as given by the ICRP. As a Federal agency we examine nuclear facilities to insure that discharge concentrations conform with the PHS Drinking Water Standards l and that guidelines of the FRC are met. Enclosud are copies '

of the Drinking Water Standards and FRC Reports 1 and 2. A reprint entitled, " Digest of Protection Standards and State ,

Regulations for Radioactivity in Water," is also enclosed. [ '

The Monticello reactor will use zirconium clad fuel elements.


t The boron shim plates as far as we can tell will be clad with stainless steel though this may change in light of boron being a primary source of tritium. The R&D aimed at determining a tritium escape coefficient for Zr clad fuel is yet incomplete. Battelle Manorial Institute is doing; work ,

on this subj ect. Members of our staff have, through personal communication 'vith the people at Battelle, been informed that the tritium tends to react with the Zr and form a hydride '

resulting in a lower escape coefficient than is the case with stainless steel. This would tend to agree with the tritium concentration data printed by Smith in his paper. You apparently used the Yankee primary coolant concentration data in your calculations. Yankee uses stainless steel clad. fuel and is a PWR. A PWR uses a chemical shim (boric acid is added to the primary coolant) whereas a BWR uses cladded shim plates. Therefore, data from a BWR which uses Zr clad fuel could be used in calculating tritium discharges from Monticello '

but data from a reactor with a different configuration is not t


Attached is a calculation giving.the tritium unit conversion and a brief evaluation of the dose from tritium, which we -

-- hope answers some of your specific questions.

t l


--.+.=.=-e m.n+. , . - .%.e%.......4.w.

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3-l-- We appreciate your concern on this subject, and wish to reiterate that we will review the Monticello site in light of the discharge limits when they are submitted to assure l

that no public health problems exist relative to the reactor operation.

Sincerely yours, Ernest D.11arward, Chief Nuclear Facilities Section Enrironmental Surveillance _

and Control Program.


.. W


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'D e ' . elm;o, t b .t cr 2 o f .w n; b..n!.t ir. tb aty ets t e t o f n-  ; * ' e 'T r 1 ini'. ;: on m. ur ;:rntras tht tha M.C, This pr s.d ; y , M. rcer, Lu n;;t 1,:wa ta.*ci un a ran ctn t.h:t the icvole

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_ - ~--- ~~'---'----- - _


f [ f

,, - l i

. J I. TRIT!UM UNIT CONVER$10N J .- . _ _ . 3 18 1 One Tritium Unit (TU) = 1 atom H/10 atoms 11 water contains f

  • l


23 22 2 (6.0225x10 /18.015 = 6.686x10 atoms of hydrogen por gram.  !

M Assuming a maximum density of Ig/ml (3.98 c), then 1 TU corresponds. .

i l- _

10 3

-J to (1 TU)(6.686x1022 ,t,c, IN/gm)(1gm/ml)(1/10 atoms H/

1 atom !! TU1 '= N' = 6.6859x10 atoms of tritium por ol.

4 If the half l life of tritium is taken as 12.262 years (C.M. Lede cr,,  ;

Table of Isotopes, Wi'.cy,1967) then a (12.262 years)(3.156x10 sec/ycar) = 38.70x10 s 7

The docay constant is A = in 2/Tta .


- i-O.6932/3/87x10 8 = 1.791x10

- 9 see

-l' or dis /sce atom. Tho' activity 0

l (AN) corresponding to 1 TU is 31.791x10~9 dis /sec atom)(6.696x10

~5 atoms) = 11.99x10 dis /sce m1' ,

~to' 1 pico curic (pC1) = 10 curies .

10 l 1 curic = 3.7x10 dis /sce i -n ~ 3. N n &:r.frec ,

e ,

. ....c.c. ,

i. - '
. :N. :' ' M .< n: ml.::. x' 2~~ itslssa 7Ci =


3. 2 4>.10 pCi/mlj or l1 TU = 3.24 pCi H/literHOj 2 This value probably differs from the 3.3 pCi/ liter in Smith's .g paper due to a different value for the half-life,

&p 9p La II. EVALUATION OF THE DOSC FROM TRITIUM If one assumes that the body water reached equilibrium

  • with the - '

i trithm icval of the intaka then fcr & constant inecke'of a level


of ITU (3.24,pci H per liter of 'iater) the body water would have

~ ~

a - n;i'. ip; e f 277r:st=: f.; '.h12-5 3g 7, l

' *This equilibrium should be reached fairly rapidly (~ -100 days) due to the reported effective half-life of triciated water in the body-of 12 days. .


t 8 m

4 y e,e,- ,-y-,,y,q,--- PW ==rn-v'==ew=---se-+> v --rvr-- c - -e -e 'r e eW w e m G N s-+*-#- 'T* 'r-*--~~m--mart--*m=*=e-aw a ea-+ r v m---~s*

  • aa b' *' '*-#m't
  • -'6*

- - . - . - ~ . - - - - - - . -_ _ . - - - . - -.-. - .-- - - . _ -



= .. .

~ ~

{  :

The maximum beta particle energy emitted by tricium decay ic 0.018 McV. The average beta cacrgy should be approximately 1/3 of this or O.005 McV '(6KcV) . The dose to the oody water from this activity  ;

-6 'crg/McV)(1.2x10'0 dis /sec g)(6x10'3 Hov/

icyc1 would bc . 60x10 dis)'(100 crg/g rad =1.15x10 rads /sc$ .15x10"I0 rad /sec)

~7 H'

I (3.156x10 sec/ year) = 3.635x10 . rad /ycar = 3.635x1 h 6 year ,


Therefore 1 TU = 0.364x10*3 mrad /ycar to body water

........__......,_m..._-.__.... ...,.. .

4 If a quality factor

  • of 3 is assumed for the low energy beta

~3 mrad /ycar)(3 mrce/ mrad) particles of tritium then TU (0.364x10 9

I 1 TU = 1.092x10-3 mrem /ycar;

~ ~~

l A constant intake of 1000 TU =_1.092_ mrem /ycar ~,1_ mrem /yoarj _

These calculations cay not be strictly accurate when applied to i

calculation of soft tissue dose for .the following reasons: .


! 1. The dose to cellular components other than vator was negicceed.

2. Tissues vary in their water content
3. The biological half-life of tritium encorporated into cellular t

molecules might be greater than the biological half-life of tritium in body water.


4. The relative biological offect of tritium encorporated in DNA f 4 and other cellular components may be greater than cormaonly. ,

.I assumed on the basis of specific ioni;:ation.

I o

' *This is the current- terminology for the rad to rem conversion factor rather than RBE which now only applies to a specific effccc. -

= . - .


. g,

.j +

,-. +,,.y ,n--... -- ,,.,,--,-,n,-,,,., ,,.,-,.nn. ve.nw.,,.,. rem.,,.s..-_,, -

n w , .m n . .,,x--.,,..--m,-.,mm.-

t t: .

( (

5. There may be a possibility of tritium enrichment in tissues due to differences in membrano diffusion and chemical reaction rates caused by the mass difference between 1!TO .

and 110. It is known, for example, that the sap of weepin?.

2 willow trecs is slightly enriched in deuterium ( 11) compared to the norr.a1 isotopic ratio of 11/ 11 found in water.


4 h

e 4

m 9


.,r - wene., --,ee. * - - * * ~ ~ ~ - -


. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. w