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Forwards Supplemental Request for Addl Info Re 840309 SPDS Safety Analysis & Implementation Plan & 841102 & s Concerning E-MAX Isolation Devices to Complete Review of Spds.Response Requested within 90 Days
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1985
From: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tucker H
NUDOCS 8505310383
Download: ML20128L542 (3)



]c May 15, 1985 DISTRIBUTION:

Docket'Nos. 50-369/370r

.NRC POR Docket Nos: 50-369 Local PDR and 50-370 PRC System LB #4 r/f EAdensam JJoyce Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President DHood Glapinsky Nuclear Production Department MDuncan Duke Power Company Attorney, OELD

-422 South Church Street JPartlow, I&E Charlotte, North Caralina 28242 BGrimes, I&E EJordan, ISE

Dear Mr. Tucker:

ACRS (16)


Supplemental Request for Additional Information Regarding E-MAX Isolation Devices for the McGuire SPDS The NRC staff is reviewing the McGuire Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) based upon your SPDS Safety Analysis and Implementation Plan submitted March 9, 1984, and your supplemental letters of November 2, 1984, and February 8, 1985.

'We find that these subinittals do not address the E-MAX electrical isolators used on the radiation monitoring inputs to the SPDS. Therefore, the additional infonnation identified in the enclosure is needed for completion of our review of electrical isolation aspects of the SPDS.

Your. response to the enclosure is requested within 90 days of this letter. If y(ou 301)have questions regarding the enclosure, contact our project manager at 492-8408.

The reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements contained in this letter affect fewer than ten respondents; therefore, OMB clearance is not required under P.L.96-511.

Sincerely, DiUrl Oigd 3y Ehcr C. AJg:;u Elinor G. Adensam, Chief Licensing Branch No. 4 Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page D%

DL:LB #4 L: g:h#4

LB #4 DHood/hmc M n Tn E sam 5/ 3/85 SQ/85 5/f85 8505310383 850515 PDR ADOCK 05000369 F PDR E

McGuire Mr. H.dB.. Tucker, Vice President Nuclear Production Department Duke Power Company 422-South Church Street

-Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 cc: Mr. A. Carr-

' Duke Power Company

-P. 0. Box 33189.

422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242

.Mr. F. J. Twogood Power Systems Division Westinghouse Electric Corp.

P. O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Mr. Robert Gill Duke' Power Company

' Nuclear Production Department P. O. Box 33189 Charlotte, North Carolina '28242 J.' Michael McGarry, III Esq.

Bishop Liberman, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1200 Sesenteenth Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Mr. Wm. Orders Senior Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Route 4,-Box 529 Hunterville, North Carolina 28078 Regional-Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

~ Region II~

.101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900

. Atlanta, Georgia - 30323 R. S. Howard Operating Plants Projects Regional Manager Westinghouse Electric Corporation - R&D 701 P. O. Box 2728 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 I



- The following additional information is needed.regarding the E-MAX isolators used on the radiation monitoring inputs to the SPDS:

a. 'For the E-MAX device used to accomplish electrical isolation, describe the specific testing performed to demonstrate that the device is accept-able for this application. This description should include elementary diagrams when necessary to indicate the test configuration and how the maximum credible faults were applied to the device.
b. Provide data to verify that the maximum credible faults applied during the test were the maximum voltage / current to which the device could be exposed, and define how the maximum voltage / current was determined.-
c. -Provide data to verify that the maximum credible fault was applied to the out
-return)put andofthat theother-devicefaults in thewere transverse mode(i.e.,

considered (between signal open and and short circuits).

d. Define the pass / fail acceptance criteria for this device.

e .' State whether or not the isolation devices comply with environmental qualification requirements (10 CFR 50.49) and with the seismic qualifi-cation requirements which were the basis for plant licensing.

~f. Provide a description of the measures taken'to protect the safety systems from electrical interference (i.e., Electrostatic Coupling, EMI, Common Mode and Crosstalk) that may be generated by the SPDS.

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