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Application for Amend to License DPR-54,changing Tech Spec to Specify That Beginning W/Cycle 8,10CFR50.59 Submitted for Future Core Reloads Will Be Via Core Operating Limits Manual.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/27/1986
From: Reinaldo Rodriguez
To: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20140E163 List:
RJR-85-610, TAC-61488, NUDOCS 8602030194
Download: ML20140E160 (9)


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$ SMUD SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT 6201 s Street. P.o. Box 15830. sacramento CA 95852-1830.1916)452 3211 i

AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEAR T OF CALIFORNIA RJR 85-610 January 27, 1986 DIRECTOR OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ATTN FRANK J MIRAGLIA JR DIRECTOR PWR-B DIVISION U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC 20555 DOCKET N0. 50-312 LICENSE NO. DPR-54 PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 141 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District proposes to amend its Operating License DPR-54 for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Unit No. 1.

NRC approval for each fuel reload is presently obtained through submittal of (1) B&W Topical Report (Cycle "X" Reload Report) and (2) the affected curves an4 narratives of the Tecraical SpecH u tions. The latter submittal comprises pages copied directly from the B&',' * ~ Jad Report. Thus, the second submittal is redundant, adding unece: wrily to NRC review time and to SMUD's fees pursuant to 10 CFR 170.21.

It is proposed that beginning with Cycle 8, the 10 CFR 50.59 submitted for future core reloads will be by a Core Operating Limits Manual as specified in Specification, and referenced elsewhere in the Technical Speci-fications as required. The Core Operating Limits Mar.ual will be essen-tially the same as, and will supplant, the Cycle Reload Reports referenced above.

Attachments I, II and III to this submittal consist of the Safety Analysis, "No Significant Hazards" Evaluation and Description of Proposed Changes, respectively.

Enclosed is a check in the amount of $150.00 as required by 10 CFR 170.21,

" Schedule of Fees."

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'I Ot /YM M//3 8602030194 060127 PDR ADOCK 05000312 P PDR RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION C 1444o Twin Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638-9799;(209) 333-2935 i

k F J MIRAGLIA Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), the Radiological Health Branch of the California State Department of Health Services has been informed of this Proposed Amendment by copy of this submittal.

Should you require any further information with respect to this proposed amendment, please contact Mr. Ron W. Colombo at Rancho Seco Nuclear Gener-ating S tion Unit No. 1.


Attachments (3)

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~ ATTACIMENT I SAFETY ANALYSIS The proposed substitution of the fuel cycle related curves and narrative in the Rancho Seco Technical Specifications with a single dedicated docu-ment (Core Operating Limits Manual) is solely an administrative change leading to the elimination of submittal redundancies each fuel cycle and a resulting reduction in review time and related costs. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District judges this proposed administrative change as having no adverse effect on the safety of the plant.


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ATTACHMENT II "N0 SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS" EVALUATION Proposed Amendment No. 141 to the Rancho Seco Technical Specifications has been evaluated and the District has determined that there are "No Significant Hazards Considerations". The basis for this determination is the Commission's guidance concerning the application of the standards of 10 CFR 50.92 provided in 48FR 14870 which presents examples of amendments that are judged not like-ly to involve significant hazards considerations. Included in these examples are purely administrative changes to the technical specifications as repre-sented below by the one for Rancho Seco.

Proposed Amendment No. 141 consists of the removal from the Technical Specifications of the fuel cycle dependent curves and narratives relating to the reactor power, core imbalance and control rod positioning, and replacing them with identical material in a Core Operating Limits Manual addressed in Spec-ification This change, which has no impact on plant operation or safety, is judged to be purely administrative.

On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that the proposed amend-ment does not involve a significant hazards consideration.


4 s.


1. List of Figures, page xi: The following Figures were deleted:
a. Figure 2.1-2, Core Protection Safety Limits, Reactor Power Imbalance, Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
b. Figure 2.1-3, Core Pratective Safety Bases, Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
c. Figure 2.3-1, Protective System Maximum Allowable Setpoints.

Pressure vs. Temperature.

d. Figure 2.3-2, Protective System Maximum Allowable %tpM nts, Reactor Power Imbalance, Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
e. Figure 3.5.2-1, Rod Index vs. Power Level For Four-Pump Operation 0 to 40 EFPD -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
f. Figure 3.5.2-2, Rod Index vs. Power Level For Four-Pump Operation After 30 EFPD -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
g. Figure 3.5.2-3, Rod Index vs. Power Level For Four-Pump Operation After 300 EFPD With APSRs Withdrawn -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
h. Figure 3.5.2-4, Rod Index vs. Power Level For Three-Pump Operations, 0 - 40 EFPD -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
1. Figure 3.5.2-5, Rod Index vs. Power Level For Three-Pump Operation After 30 EFPD -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
j. Figure 3.5.2-6, Rod Index vs. Power Level For Three-Pump Operation After 300 EFPD With'APSRs Withdrawn -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
2. List of Figures, page xii: The following Figures were deleted:
a. Figure 3.5.2-7, Core Imbalance vs. Power Level, O to 40 EFPD--

Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.

b. Figure 3.5.2-8, Core Imbalance vs. Power Level After 30 EFPD--

Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.

c. Figure 3.5.2-9, Core Imbalance vs. Power Level After 300 EFPD with APSRs Withdrawn -- Rancho Seco 1, Cycle 7.
3. Section 2.1.1, page 2-1: Substituted reference to Figure 2.1-1 with reference to Core Operating Limits Manual of Specificaiton
4. Section 2.1.2, page 2-1: Substituted reference to Figure 2.1-2 with reference to Core Operating Limits Manual.
5. Bases, page 2-1: Deleted superscripts 1,2,3 and 4 from first paragraph.
6. Bases, page 2-2: Deleted superscripts 1 and 4, first line.
7. Bases, page 2-2: Substituted various referenced to Figures 2.1-1, 2.1-2 and 2.1-3 with references to Core Operating Limits Manual.
8. REFERENCES, page 2-3: Deleted all references.
9. Figure 2.1-1: Deleted.
10. Figure 2.1-2: Deleted.
11. Figure 2.1-3: Deleted.


12. Bases C., Reactor coolant system pressure, page 2-7: Substituted reference to Figure 2.3-1 with reference to Core Operating Limits Manual of Specifica-tion
13. Figure 2.3-2: Deleted. I
14. Section, page 3-6: Substituted references to Sections and with references to Core Operating Limits Manual.
15. Bases, page 3-17: Substituted reference in second paragraph to 9586 gallons to reference to minimum required gallonage in the Core Operating Limits Manual of Specification, and changed " borated", last line to " boric".
16. Bases, pages 3-17 and 3-18: Substituted minimum volume of 10,000 gallons in second paragraph with reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual.
17. Section, page 3-31: Added reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual of Specification
18. Section F., page 3-32: Substituted reference to Specification with reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual.
19. Section C., page 3-33: Substituted reference to Figures 3.5.2-1 through 3.5.2-6 with reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual of Specification
20. Section, page 3-33a: Substituted reference to Figures 3.5.2-7 through 3.5.2-9 with reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual of Specification
21. Bases, page 3-33a: Changed 25% i to 25% i 5%.
22. Bases, page 3-33b: Substituted references to Technical Specifications and 3.5.2.D.2 in last paragraph with reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual.
23. Bases, page 3-33b: Substituted values of 87% to 92% with reference to the Core Operating Limits Manual.
24. Figure 3.5.2-1: Deleted.
25. Figure 3.5.2-2: Deleted.
26. Figure 3.5.2-3: Deleted.
27. Figure 3.5.2-4: Deleted.
28. Figure 3.5.2-5: Deleted.
29. Figure 3.5.2-6: Deleted.
30. Figure 3.5.2-7: Deleted.


31. Figure 3.5.2-8: Deleted.
32. Figure 3.5.2-9: Deleted.
33. Figure 3.5.2-10: Deleted.
34. Figure 3.5.2-11: Deleted.
35. Figure 3.5.2-12: Deleted.
36. Section, page 6-12: Changed Section to Core Operating Limits Manual and renumbered Startup Report to Section
37. Section, page 6-12a: Renumbered Section to and relocated narrative on pages 6-12b, c, d and e to accommodate adding Item 36.

5 RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1-1 Core Protection Safety Limit, Pressure vs. Temperature 141> 2.1-2 Deleted 2.1-3 Deleted 2.3-1 Deleted

< 2.3-2 Deleted 3.1.2-1 Reactor Coolant System Pressure-Temperature Limits for Heatup for the First 5 EFPY 3.1.2-2 Reactor Coolant System Pressure-Temperature Limits for Cooldown for the First 5 EFPY 3.1.2-3 Inservice Leak and Rydrostatic Test (5 EFPY) Heatup and Cooldown 3.1.2-4 Reactor Coolant System, Emergency / Faulted Condition-Cooldown Limitations, Applicable for 5 EFPY '

3.1.9-1 Limiting Pressure vs. Temperature for Control Rod Drive Operation 141> 3.5.2-1 Deleted 3.5.2-2 Deleted 3.5.2-3 Deleted 3.5.2-4 Deleted 3.5.2-5 Deleted

< 3.5.2-6 Deleted Proposed Amendment No. 141 xi i i


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Figure 141> 3.5.2-7 Deleted ,

1 3.5.2-8 Deleted

< 3.5.2-9 Deleted 3.5.2-10 Deleted 3.5.2-11 Deleted 3.5.2-12 Deleted 3.5.4-1 Incore Instrumentation Specification Axial Imbalance Indication 3.5.4-2 Incore Instrumentation Specification Radial Flux Tilt Indication 3.5.4-3 Incore Instrumentation Specification 3.18-1 General Layout of Site 4.13-1 Main Steam Inservice Inspection 4.13-2 Main Feedwater Inservice Inspection 4.13-3 Main Steam Dump Inservice Inspection 6.2-1 SMUD Organization Chart 6.2-2 Plant Organization Chart Proposed Amendment No. 141 xii