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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-35 & NPF-52,revising Tech Specs to Delete Upper Head Injection Sys.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1987
From: Tucker H
Shared Package
ML20215B599 List:
TAC-65589, TAC-65590, NUDOCS 8706170378
Download: ML20215B597 (5)



DUKE POWER Godmm P,0. HOX 03180 CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28242 HAL H. Tt:CKER TEI.EPHONE vmc paramnwt PO4) 373 4531 nrotum peopa:ctmw j June 12, 1987 j U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555


Re: Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 Technical Specification Amendment Deletion of Upper Head Injection System Gentlemen:

This letter contains a proposed amendment to the Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52 for Catawba Units 1 and 2. The attachment request involves the deletion of the Upper Head Injection (UHI) System.

Attachment 1 provides the proposed Technical Specification revisions and includes a brief summary page addressing all of the desired changes. b Attachment 2 provides a Discussion of the Justification and Safety Anal,ysis in support of the proposed changes.

Attachment 3 provides the analysis required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91, rhis analysic concludes that the proposed changes do not involve any significant hazards consideration.

Attachment 4 provides marked-up FSAR pages. These changes will be incorporated in a future update to the FSAR.

It is Duke's intent to remove the UHI System from Units 1 and 2 during their upcoming refueling outages. Unit 1 is currently scheduled to enter its second refueling outage on October 25, 1987 and Unit 2 is scheduled to enter its first refueling outage on December 24, 1987.

Please note that these changes have been reviewed and approved for the McGuire Nuclear Station (see letter dated May 13, 1986 from Mr. Darl Hood, NRC/NRR, to Mr.

H. B. Tucker transmitting amendments 57/38 to Facility Operating Licenses NPF-9 and '

hT F- 17) .

The only differences between the McGuire submittal and this submittal is that the modification for Catawba vill not require the phased-in approach. Also, some minor input changes have been incorporated into the BASH methodology. A discussion of these changes is contained in Attachmant 2.

A " gross estimate" of the occupatfonal radiation exposure for the UHI deletion modification is provided in Attacht ent 5. The estimate is based on anticipated stay times for each major subtask aid estimated dose rate measurements. ~

0 3 8706170378 G70612 I PDR ADOCK 05000413 P PDR pg, //50 # O

h 1 U. S. Nuclsar Ragulatory Commission June 12, 1987 Page Two All physical modifications will be done in accordance with applicable codes, standards and prudent design practices.

This letter involves one amendment request to Catawba's Technical Specifications.

Accordingly, pursuant to 10 CFR 170.21 a check for $150.00 is enclosed.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91 (b) (1) the appropriate South Carolina State Official is being provided a copy of this amendment request.

Very truly yours, E.&

Hal B. Tucker RWO/68/sbn -

Attachment * ,.

xc: Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Regional Administrator .

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission [

Region 11 ]

101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 {

Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. Heyward Shealy, Chief Bureau of Radiological Health South Carolina Department of Health &

Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street ,

Columbia , South Carolina 29201  !

American Nuclear Insurers I c/o Dottie Sherman, ANI Library l The Exchange, Suito 245 270 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06032 M&M Nuclear Consultants 1221 Avenste of the Americas New York, New York 10020 INPO Records Center Suite 1500 1100 Circle 75 Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Mr. P. K. Van Doorn l NRC Resident Inspector Catawba Nuclear Station

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 12,'1987 Page Three-HAL B. TUCKER,.being duly' sworn, states that he,'is Vice President of Duke Power Company;.that he is authorized on the part of sai_d Company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this revision to.the Catawba Nuclear Station Technical Specifications, Appendix A to License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52; and that all statements and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge.

M k -d.r' Ccc ~

Hal B. Tucker, Vice President Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of June, 1987.

YD Eb Y s be, J N_o-rnrf Public L/ J '/ ,omnasor My Commission Expires: j' .. " * .( g 5"! otAn, s E

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The required revisions to the Catawba Nuclear Station Technical Specifications associated with the removal of the UHI System are provided via the attached pages.

A brief discussion of each revision is given below.

3/ - Fire Detection Instrumentation The fire detection instruments in the UHI buildings will no longer be required to be in the Technical Specification since they will no longer provide protection for Safety-Related equipment.

3/4.4.6 - Reactor Coolant System Leakage )


The deletion of the UHI System will involve copping of the reactor vessel upper

' head penetrations as close as practicable to the upper head. Associated piping and -

valves are thus removed from the Reactor Coolant System and leakage verification is no longer applicable for the UHI related equipment in Table 3.4-1.

3/ - ECCS, Cold Leg Injection )

The contained water volume will be revised to reflect the volume assumed in the new analyses. The nitrogen cover pressure will be increased to a minimum value of'585 peig in order to enhance cold leg injection water delivery during LOCA scenarios.

Other specifications related to the accumulators remain unchanged. -

3/ - ECCS, Upper Head Injection

  • The specifications associated with the maintenance of the UHI System within specified tolerances will be deleted.

3/4.6.1 - Primary Containment Table 3.6-1 will be revised to reflect the sealing of UHI related containment penetrations.

3/4.6.3 - Containment Isolation Valves Table 3.6-2 will be revised to reflect the removal of containment isolation valves associated with UHI containment penetrations.

3/4.8.4 - Electrical Equipment Protective Devices Table 3.8-1A and 3.8-1B will be revised to reflect the deletion of the UHI System and related containment penetration conductor overcurrent protective devices.

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