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Monitoring Rept 27 on Nine Mile Point-2 Nuclear Power Plant to State of Ny Dept of Public Svc, for Period of Sept-Oct, 1986
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1986
Shared Package
ML20235G041 List:
FOIA-87-438 NUDOCS 8709300338
Download: ML20235H025 (16)


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8709300338 870924-PDR FDIA WETTERH87-438 PDR i



1. Management
2. Schedule
3. Cost
4. Cons t ruction
5. Engineering j
6. Procurement
7. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i
8. Continuing Engineering Services Contract Negotiations Under Way 9A. Control of Changes Reorganized 9B. Proposed Modifications / Deferred Changes (MODS) Stat'us Development j Initiated '
10. Transition f rom " Project Team" to " Operations" Direction Ef fected
11. The MSIV Leak and Actuator Problems Have Delayed Fuel Load
12. NMPC Requests Low-Power' License j
13. A Schedular Exemption Request will not be Required j
14. NRC's Low-Power License Has Criticality Restrictions j
15. Additional Schedular Exemptions Requested by NMPC I
16. Surveillance Test Program Makes Good Progress to Fuel Load
17. NRC Has Additional Licensing Conditions Following Criticality {

l' But Before. Exceeding Five Percent Power i

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4 PREFACE This report reflects a partial carryover of some of the old format due to the delay in obtaining the NRC license to load fuel and an introduction to some.of the items that will be followed in the near future.

While the cost estimate has not yet been of ficially updated, the delays recently experienced with the MSIV valves will result in total costs including AFUDC of approximar.ely $6 billion. Direct costs will be in the area of $4 billion.

The NRC, on October 31, 1986, announced the granting of a license to load fuel. Fuel load began on November 2, 1986. The license contained certain qualifications before steam generation could commence. The maj or work items that must be completed to NRC's satisf action prior to criticality are:

o Resolution of Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) problems o Meeting minimum voltage requirements o Completing specific pre-operations tests.

Start of heat-up (criticality) is currently scheduled for Christmas day, December 25, 1986.


1. MANAGEMENT a) Rate of Reduction of Total Project Manpower Is Slowed As a result of the Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) problem, addi-tional engineering and construction effort was expended during this report period. Engineering effort included the development of a back-up design using Y-pattern globe valves and analysis of the valve problem per se. Construction effort involved the assembly, disassembly, and reassembly of the valves and associated testing facilities. The net result was a slowdown in the reduction of manpower in both areas.

Oct 1986 Aug. 1986 June 1986 SWEC Personnel Manual 583 748 1,310 Non Manual 546 675 1,155 SEG 213 251 Subcontractor Personnel Manual 56 75 309 Non Manual 58 87 115 TOTAL SITE 1,456 1,836 2,889 Engineering (CHOC) 215 236 300 NMPC (Equivalent Manpower) 1,437 1,365 1,200 TOTAL 3,108 3,437 4,389



2. SCHEDULE a) License to Load Fuel Initiates Power Ascension Schedule With a license to load-fuel being granted on October 3 clock has begun ticking on NMPC's 250-day schedule ward achiev ng commercial operation, which calculates out to abo t July 8, 1987.

As previously expressed, the 250-day schedule is ve , but achievable. It does not have any indicated contingency.

The next maj or post-fuel load milestone will be the start of heat-up, which is currently scheduled for Christmas day, December 25, 1986.

b) , Master Tracking System (MTS) Open Items Significantly Reduced Our July-August report indicated 4,212 MTS open items, of which 515 systems were related to buildings and 3,697 were related to process systems.

As of October 30, 1986 this has been reduced to a total of 2,602, broken down as follows:

Process Discipline Buildings Systems Construction 238 220 Engineering 5 200 Start-Up and Test 21 352 Operations 5 1,003 Other 67 491 TOTAL 336 2,266  !

GRAND TOTAL 2,602 Better than 20% of the open items must be completed by heat-up.

Their rate of closeout could stand improvement.

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.- a) Total Project Cost Increases f Expenditures through 'the October 1986 report period were about

$3.79 billion (without AFUDC) compared to the trend estimate of

' S3.957 billion (excluding AFUDC) and a total estimate of $5.907 billion with AFUDC. The estimates were based on a May 1987 commercial operations date. The current predicted time period for comme rcial operation is July 1987. Using the previously cited approximate cost of $60 million/ month could result in a total estimate of $6.027 billion (with AFUDC).

4. CONSTRUCTION a) Limited Construction Continues As of the end of October 1986 the following construction items were scheduled for completion:


1. Approximately 100 penetration seals remained to be completed before heat-up.
2. 3700 feet of insulation before heat-up.

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3. 7000 feet of insulation before commercial operation.
4. Painting of all high radiation zones will be completed by January 1987. All painting deemed to be required (by NMPC) in the primary containment area, exposed to greater than 5 millirem /hr, has been completed.
5. Completion of MTS open items required.

b) Construction Provides Assistance to Operations During the start-up and test, pre-op and power ascension period, Construction forces will be called upon to provide additional support.

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5. ENGINEERING a) Engineering Effort Continues Into 1987 Some of'the areas of Engineering continuing into 1987 include:

1.; Service Water . System Hydraulics Analysis (upset conditions considerations).

2.- Equipment qualification studies. l 3.- Design backcheck supports. -

4. Analysis and designs to fulfill license conditions.
6. PROCUREMENT As of November 1986 all open CHOC purchase orders will be transferred to the' site for close out. As of October 15, 1986 the number of open purchase orders had been reduced to 37 compared with 59 as of August 1986.

-Tabulated below is the status of the open purchase orders, together with the category reason why they remain open.

Number of Open Category Purchase Orders

1. Missing Acceptance Copy of P.O./C.0. 3
2. Outstanding Commercial Issues 9
3. Backcharges 10
4. Outstanding Accounting Balance 31
5. Equipment Delivery 1
6. Spare Parts Delivery 3
7. Outstanding Unsats, N6D's and OS&D's 0
8. Vendor Documents (4) 3
9. Vendor Drawings (31) 8
10. Equipment Qualification (35) 5 1'


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7. NUCLEAR REGULATORY _CgMISSION a) Most NRC Open Items Require Close Out by Start of Heat-up The following are the number of open NRC itama ' as of October 27,

/ 1986 most of which need to be closed before initial criticality.

Item i Items Open 50.55e 6 .

Violations 1


Identified 4 Open 30 Unresolved 5

8. CONTINUING ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT NECCTIATIONS UNDER WAY In anticipation of an imminent fuel load, NMPC issued a request for proposal (RFP) to provide continuing services to Stone & Webster on
  • July 8, 1986. Stone & Webster submitted a proposal on August 13, 1986, which resulted in two meetings (September 15, 1986, and October 8 --

and 9, 1986) aimed at providing clarification of details relating to cost and personnel. It is anticipated that additional discussions will take place before arriving at a finalized document, which is projected for the year-end - January 1987 time period.

The draft contract resulting from the meetings will be reviewed when received during the November-December 1966 report period.

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., 9A. CONTROL OF CHANCES REORGANIZED As of July 1986, the Change Control Board (CCB), which had been processing " Change Assessment Packages" (CAP's), ceased to function.

The processing of changes has been assumed by the

  • Change Review Committee" (CRC), which was originally chartered to review proposed changes not included within the scope of the NMP-2 project.

The CRC is composed of the Station Superintendent of NMP-2, who serves as Chairman, the Manager of Nuclear Engineering, and the Manager of 1Relear Technology of Niagara Mohawk.

Suggested changes processed by the CRC will be categorized by cost class, system, QA category, schedule and need based on NMPC assessment.

This assessment is open to periodic reconsiderat'on based on developing circumstances.

Cost classes are as follows:

1. Changes due to evolving regulatory requirements deferrable to the first refueling outage.
2. Deferred changes, part of NMP-2 project scope.
3. New changes not required to license or operate plant and not included with past or present scope. May be implemented prior to commercial operation.

Schedule evaluation factors are:

0. Prior to fuel load.
1. Anytime during first operating cycle, but prior to comme rcial operation.
2. Anytime after comme rcial operation, but before first refuelling outage.
3. During a plant outage within the first operating cycle.
4. During the first refuelling outage. ,
5. During the second operating cycle.
6. Prior to heat-up.

Categories of changes (need) are:

R- Reject.

I- Indeterminate (further input).

D- Desirable - long-range benefit.

N- Necessary - due to NRC or cost benefit.

M- Mandatory.



95. PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS / DEFERRED CHANCES (MODS) STATUS DEVELOPMErr INITIATED NMPC has initiated a proposed Modification / Deferred Changes Status.

Development Program. The listing of MODS reviewed by the Change Review Committee since its criginal charter and including its augmented function (July 1986) numbers 104 as of October 31, 1986.

a) Of this number, 69 have been assigned cost classes as follows:

Cost Class Number of Mods in Class 1 4' 2 15 3 50 b) One hundred four (104) of the 104 have been assigned a category of change (evaluation of need), broken down as follows:

Category of Change (Need) R, I D, N M, Total Number of Changes 2 4 51 9 38 104 c) The Change Review Committee began reprioritization in June 1986 and has been carrying out its augmented function thereaf ter. It meets periodically to review the changes brought to their attention.

Urgent or immediately-required changes to permit the plant to meet the safety and operability requirements and commitments to the NRC are not required to be handled through the CRC process.

The results of the CRC's recent decisions are summarized as follows:

(Proposed) Mod. Item Prioritization Decisions CRC Meeting M N D I R_ Total 06/10/86 -

1 6 -

5 12 06/27/86 -

1 - -

13 14 07/30/86 - - - -

1 1 08/20/86 -

1 3 -

22 26 09/05/86 5 2 1 -

2 10 10/01/86 1 3 2 -

8 14 .

TOTAL 6 8 12 -

51 77 l ,


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It is important ' to note the Committee's rejection rate. It is still possible for a rejected item to be resurrected based on new or develop-ing data and/or circumstances. Likewise, it is possible at future meetings for items to change category or class.

  • PROJECT TEAM" TO "0PERATIONS" DIRECTION EFFECTED The NMP-2 project is currently going through a transition phase wherein project direction has been assumed by Operations. The NMP-2 project team has for several months been working toward the penultimate key milestone - fuel load. In preparation for assuming operations respon-sibility, the project team responsible for construction has been phasing out through the testing period and the Operations Group has been increasing its role in project direction. The project team continues to be responsible for completion of construction and testing and will provide support to operations during the " power ascension" period (fuel load through 100-hour warranty run).
11. THE MSIV LEAK AND ACTUATOR PROBLEMS HAVE DELAYED FUEL LOAD The major problem that has surfaced during the July to October 1986 transition period has been the failure of the main steam isolation ,

l valves (MSIV's).

The MSIV's , which developed actuator problems during the last report period, were plagued by further problems which surfaced at the time our .

last report was being issued. A breakdown of the tungsten carbide l coating on the ball resulted in failure of the valves meeting the required leaktightness specification. Since demonstrated leaktightness and operability of these valves are required for fuel load, a delay resulted beyond September 1986, the then-projected likely fuel load until October 31, 1986 when NMPC was granted a license to load fuel.

A prototype test program has been initiated by NMPC to enhance the operability, lif e and leaktightness of the MSIV's. The NRC has out-lined specific objectives that must be achieved by the program.

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12. NKPC REQUESTS WW-POWER LICENSE '} l NMPC advised the NRC by letter dated October 28, 1986 that the " design, construction and preoperational testing required for fuel loading of the unit has been substantially completed" and requested "the issuance of an operating license to permit fuel loading and operation at power levels up to five percent of rated power" on the basis set forth below:
1. "The plant has been constructed in accordance with the Application, .

including the Final Safety Analysis Report and pertinent licensing l, submittals, the Technical Specifications to be issued with the low power license and the Staf f's Safety Evaluation Report. A certifi-cation to that effect explaining the basis for this conclusion has been submitted to the NRC.

2. Requests for exemptions, alternate requirements, test deferrals, and other relief necessary to permit fuel loading have been (

submitted to the NRC.

3. The systems required for fuel load have been completed and trans-ferred to the Niagara Mohawk operating staff. The associated

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preoperational tests required for fuel load have been completed and -

the test results reviewed. Any remaining test exceptions and punch list items will be closed before fuel load or reviewed to assure no effect on safe operation of the facility. y

4. Surveillance tests required for fuel loading will be successfully perf ormed prior to the commencement of fuel loading.
5. Sufficient personnel have been licensed by the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR Part 55 and are on shif t in accordance with the Technical Specifications. Other personnel at the Station and in support roles, including Station and Corporate management, are prepared to operate the plant in accordance with the Application and Technical Specifications.
6. The security and emergency plans described in the Application are being implemented.
7. Procedures necessary for Operational Conditions Modes 4 and 5 have been identified, reviewed and approved and are effective. The remainder of the procedures will be approved and made ef f ective as required.
8. Either an interim or final response to matters identified pursuant to all 10 CFR Section 50.55(e) matters has been provided to the NRC.
9. Responses to identified non-compliances identified by the NRC have been provided to the NRC.


10. All safety related open items identified by the Quality First program have been reviewed and found not to impact fuel loading.

I1. All Part 21 reports have been closed out.

12. The NRC Resident and Regional Inspectors and Region I management have been provided the results of preoperational tests for their review and are being kept current with regard to the status of the facility."
13. ,A SCHEDULAR EXEMPTION REQUEST WILL NOT BE REQUIRED Our previous report outlined the likely schedular exemptions that would form part of the license to load fuel had the MSIV leak problem not occurred. The delay in resolving the MSIV leak problem has permitted the completion of work which would have proceeded concurrently with fuel load.

Only one schedular exemption that NMPC had requested of the NRC for the automatic depressurization system preoperational test has been withdrawn. NMPC completed the preoperational tests for the automatic depressurization system.

Containment atmosphere monitoring system and the reactor coolant and emergency core cooling system leak detection system preoperational tests were also completed, but the necessary reviews and approvals of the tests were not completed in time to be withdrawn from the exemption request list.



The major work items that must be completed to NRC's satisf action prior to criticality are:

a) Resolution of Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) problems:

. Cracked MSIV roller bearings

. Failure of MSIV's to close in required time Failure of MSIV's to meet local leak rate test requirements.

b) Meeting minimum voltage requirement for 120 V AC and 125 V DC.

c) Completing pre-operation tests for:

. Feedwater heater and extraction steam

. Containment atmosphere monitoring

. Hydrogen recombiner l Emergency core cooling system and reactor coolant leak detection A further NRC requirement relating to the above (except for item b and Feedwater heater and extraction steam in item c) calls for NMPC to furnish NRC, 10 days prior to criticality, with a certification "that all systems, components and modifications have been completed to meet the requirements of the regulations for which the exemptions have been granted and shall provide a summary description of the actions taken to assure the regulations have been met."

In essence, the generation of steam (criticality) cannot commence until NRC have satisfied themselves that all the above have been achieved.

On the basis of the current schedule, this should be achieved by Christmas and NMPC should be writing a letter by December 15, 1986, certifying that the above items have been completed as per the license conditions.

Upon achieving criticality, the license restricts operation of the f acility "to power levels not to exceed five percent of rated power (166 megawatts thermal)." The full 100% rated power is 3323 megawatts thermal.

A new license must be granted by NRC in order to proceed to full power.

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! 15. ADDITIONAL SCHEDULAR EXEMPTIONS REQUESTED BY NKPC a) By letters dated October 15, 1986 and October 17, 1986, NMPC requested an exemption from 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix A General Design Criteria 17 (Electric Power Systems) and 21 (Protection System Reliability) until such time that the mini-outage is comple- l ted. The mini-outage will occur within 12 months of commencing (

power operation.

The exemption is for:

o Installation of certain redundant Class IE protective devices for non-Class 1E circuits having Class IE power supplies in the G.E. Power Generation Control Complex (PGCC) panels, i

AND FOR 1 o Installation of certain Class IE components for those cases ,

where non-Class 1E components are presently used in Class lE '

circuits in the PGCC panels.

The above schedular exemption requests result from the f act that NRC found unacceptable a plant-unique Failure Modes and Effects Analyris (FMEA) which was performed to comply with the recommenda-tions of Regulatory Guide 1.75 and which arrived at justifying the existing design, based on operating history in other operating plants.

b) By letter dated October 15, 1986, NMPC requested that an exemption be granted for the installation of back-up ove rcurrent devi ces subsequent to fuel loading but during the mini-outage which will occur within 12 months of commencing power operations. .

The overcurrent devices are additional fuses for certain identified containment penetrations.

16. SURVEILLANCE TEST PROGRAM MAKES COOD PROGRESS TO FUEL LOAD The Cold Functional Surveillance Test Program (CFT) has completed all of its 229 CFT's required for fuel load.

The Hot Functional Surveillance Test (HFT) Program completed 140 of the required 223 surveillance tests. Two of the original 225 tests have been deleted from the heat-up required test list.

l l The challenge NMPC Operations faces is to complete the remaining j

required HFT's before heat-up starts.





17. NRC HAS ADDITIONAL LICENSING CONDITIONS FOLLOWING CRITICALITY BUT BEFORE EXCEEDING FIVE PERCENT POWER The following conditions relate to license items that must be completed before exceeding the five percent power level:

o Complete pre-op test of the Post-Accident Sampling System o Complete and correct all human engineering discrepancies in control room o Complete temporary zone banding of meters o Complete off-gas system pre-op o Complete electrohydraulic control pre-op o Changes to initial test program (30 days before making change) o Submittal of initial leak rate test results (2 months af ter fuel load complete), except RCIC system.

Other deferred pre-ops not specifically called out in the license but included by reference to NRC regulations are:

o Complete containment inerting o Complete solid radwaste.

The scheduled date for exceeding 5% power is currently January 20,  ;

1987. This date is the next major milestone date following the i Christmas criticality date.

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