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Approves 890518 Request for Mod to License Condition 4.7 to Safeguards Amend SG-1 of License SNM-368 Re Items Included in Comprehensive Measurement Control Program
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 06/14/1989
From: Kasun D
To: Collopy T
NUDOCS 8906260225
Download: ML20245C621 (2)




l SGDB:RLJ JUN 141969 70-371 . . . . . . .

UNC Naval Products  :

ATTN: Mr. T. J. Collopy, Manager huclear Material Controi 67 Sandy Desert Road j Uncasv111e, CT 06382-0981

Dear Mr. Collopy:

This letter is in regard to your letter, with enclosures, dated May 18, 1989, l whereby you requested a clarifying modification to License Condition 4.7 to current Safeguards Amendment SG-1 of your License No. SNM-368.

i Current License Condition 4.7 states that: "All measurement systems utilized for material control and accounting purposes shall be included in the comprehensive measurement control program."

Based upon staff discussions with you during the SSNM material control and accounting inspection conducted at your facility during the week of April 10, i 1989 (Inspection Report No.89-200 dated May 2,1989. - Ifl 89-200-03) by NRC Headquarters MC&A inspection personnel D. Joy and R. L. Jackson, and due to further review of your previously referenced May 18, 1989 submittal, it has been deter-mined that it is proper to modify License Condition 4.7 per your request. When License Condition 4.7 was originally issued, it was not intended to apply to dimensional measurements or U-235 factors used in volumetric calculations of SNM content of sectioned element pieces. In addition, we have determined that the enclosed revised pages to your FNMC Plan providing clarifying details of volu-metric measurements for sectioned elements are acceptable to satisfy Itcm 2 of IFI No. 89-200-03 of the previously referenced inspection report.

Our approval of the requested modification to License Condition 4.7 and approval of the changes to your currently approved FNMC Plan are based on our review conclusion that the changes are consistent with acceptable e.urrent industry practices ano meet the intent of regulatory guideline; and standards. We have further determined that the changes will not decrease the effectiveness of your safeguards program, nor will they adversely affect the common defense and security nor the public health and safety, and are otherwise in the public interest. Accordingly, License Condition 4.7 to Safeguards Amendment SG-1 to your License No. SNM-368 is hereby revised, effective upon receipt of this letter, to read as follows:

4.7 All measurement systems utilized for material control and accounting purposes, with the exception of the volumetric measurements identified in Section of the licensee's FNMC Plan [pages 4-21 and 4-21(a)

- Revision 15 dated June 1, 1989], shall be included in the comprehensive measurement control program. ,

8906260225 890614 L

PDR ADOCK 07000371 PDC [.fb

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We have determined that the enclosures to your letter dated May 18, 1989 contain information Of the typed specified in 10 CFR 2.790(d). Accordingly, pursuant to -

Section 2.790(d)(1), such information is' deemed to be commercial or financial withinthemeaningof10CFR9.17(a)(4)andshallbewithheldfrompublic L disclosure unless subject to the provision os CFR 9.23. -

l l

Sincerely, f Is/

Donald J.. Kasun, Acting Chief y, .

Domestic Safeguards and Regional.

Oversight Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS f


W RC File Center Docket File 70-371 PDR Case File SGDB r/f.-

RJackson ESuarez 1' WFloyd RBurnett LRouse

<. DWeiss,'LFMB SG Amendment File i

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Closes: 07000371F10M


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