IR 05000482/1989022

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Insp Rept 50-482/89-22 on 890828-0901.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Surveillance Procedures & Records & Followup of Previous Insp Findings
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1989
From: Murphy M, Seidle W
Shared Package
ML20247M960 List:
50-482-89-22, NUDOCS 8909260098
Download: ML20247M962 (5)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/89-22 Operating License: NPF-42 i Docket: 50-482

' Licensee: Wolf Creek Nuclear Operatint, :orporation(WCNOC)

P.'0. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839


Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)'

Inspection At: WCGS, Burlington, Kansas Inspection Conducted: < August 28 through September 1, 1989


Inspector: 7 1 M. E. Murphy, Fgattof lespector, Test Programs Date Section, Division of Heactor Safety Accompanied By: W. C. Seidle, Chief, Test Programs Section Division of Reactor Safety (August 31 through September 1, 1989)

Approved: /fh7 W. C. Seidle / Chiet Test Programs Section Date Division of Reactor Safety Inspection Summary i

Inspection Conducted August 28 through September 1, 1989 (Report 50-482/89-22)

' Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of surveillance procedures and records, and followup of previous inspection finding Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. The review of actions taken on previous inspection findings resulted in the closing of one violation. In the area of surveillance procedures and records, the licensee was found to have a strong program with an effective scheduling and tracking syste PDR ADDCK 05000482 O PNV

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, Persons' Contacted




. Anderson, Surveillance Technician

  • J. Bailey, Vice President Nuclear Operations
  • R. Benedict, Manager. Quality Control'

L. Blackwell, Fire Protection Engineer

  • G. Boyer, Plant Manager
  • R. Flannigan. Manager, Nuclear Safety Engineering


  • C.. Fowler, Manager, I&C
  • R. Holloway, Manager, Maintenance and Modifications
  • W. Lindsay, Manager. Quality _ Assurance
  • 0. Maynard, Manager, Regulatory Services
  • B. McKinney, Manager, Operctions


  • M. Megehee,' Compliance Supervisor
  • D. Moseby, Operations . Supervisor


  • W. Norton, Manager, Technical Support
  • C. Parky, Manager, Site Quality *M. Piteo, 0perations- Surveillance Coordinator l' A.' Scott, Engineer, Inservice Inspection (ISI)
  • R. Sims. Supervisor Equipment Engineering


D. Walsh, Engineer, Inservice Test (IST)

  • S. Wideman, Licensing Specialist III NRC
  • B. Bartlett, Senior Resident Inspector
  • D. Pickett, Project Manager (NRR)
  • Indicates persons attending the exit meeting on September 1, 1989. Followup of Previous Inspection Findings (92702)

v (Closed) Violation 462/8839-01: Failure to report an emergency diesel generator failure. Emergency Diesel Generator "A" failed a 24-hour endurance test on December 4, 1986, and the failure was not reported to the commission within 30 day The licensee had issued Licensee Event Report 86-072 concerning the failure to report a valid failure on Emergency Diesel Generator "A" and adjustment of the testing frequency in accordance with Technical Specification Administrative controls have been established to ensure all events are properly classified in accordance with the criteria .


provided in Regulatory Guide 1.108. Procedure ADM 01-015, "Superviscr Compliance Duties and Responsibilities," has been revised to require a

. review by the compliance group to verify and document that the proper test classification has been performed. WCGS Standing Order 30. " Emergency

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Diesel Generator / Operating Guidelines," was also revised to further ensure proper review and' documentation of diesel generator test runs.

! (0 pen) Violation 482/8839-02: Failure to take adequate and timely corrective actions. A fuel oil accumulator fill / vent line experienced vibrationally induced failure on December 4, 1986, on Emergency Diesel Generatcr "A." The corrective action to prevent recurrence was inadequate in that the identical line on Emergency Diesel Generator "C" experienced vibrationally. induced failure on November 27, 198 This item remains open pending completion of the additional reliability runs scheduled for the remainder of 1989. Additional reliability runs are also scheduled before and after the Technical Specification required overhauls to be conducted during the iourth refueling outage, presently scheduled for March 199 . Surveillance Procedures and Records (61700)

To determine that the licensee had an acceptable surveillar.ce program developed and implemented which provides for Technical Specification, inservice inspection, inser" ice test, and fire protection / prevention required surveillance tests, the inspector reviewed the following administrative procedures:

" ADM 02-300, Revision 13, July 18, 1989, " Surveillance Testing"

  • ADM 02-311. Revision 5. April 20,1989, " Surveillance Test Master Cross Reference and Review Requirements"
  • ADM 02-301, Revision 6. June 6, 1989, "ASME Code Testing of Pumps and Valves"


" ADM 08-213. Revision 3, November 29, 19E8, " Maintenance and Modification Surveillance Testing"

  • ADM 04-020. Revision 17, July 11,1989 " Chemistry Surveillance Progrems"
  • ADM 08-807, Revision 7, August 21, 1989 "IEC Group Surveillance Testing"
  • ADM 13-100, Pevis19n 2, August 9,1988, " Fire Protection Venual" This review verified that the licensee has a well defined surveillance program. Responsibilities are properly id?ntified ior scheduling, tracking, and followu _ _ _ - _ _ _ .

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-4-It was noted that this is one of the first licensees in Region IV to have the fire protection / prevention program removed from the Technical Specifications. The surveillance requirements are now in the non-Technical Specification classification. However, since the program is under the responsibility of the operations' department, the surveillance tests are scheduled, tracked, and followed up under the same computer program system as the Technical Specification required tests. The inspector also noted that there are now two limiting conditions for operation in the non-Technical Specification program. This was discussed by the inspector with NRR and found to be acceptable since the approve fire protection / prevention program implementation is a license conditio The inspector reviewed the following completed surveillance tests to determine that prerequisites, preparations, acceptance criteria, and systen or component restoration to operability were included in each:

STS-AL-102, " Motor Driven Auto FK Pump 'B' Inservice Pump Test" STS-BB-201, "RCS Inservice Valve Test"

STS-BG-002, "ECCS Valve Check and System Vent"

STS-CR-002, " Shift Log for Modes 4, 5, and 6"

  • STN-FP-211. " Diesel Fire Pump IFP01PB Monthly Operation ano Fuel Level Check"
  • STN-FP-212. " Electric Motor Driven Fire Pump Monthly Operation"
  • STS-CR-001, " Shift Log for Modes 1, 2, and 3"
  • STS-AL-103, " Turbine Driven Auxiliary FW Pump Inservice Pump Test"
  • STS-AB-201, " Main Steam System Inservice Valve Test"
  • STS-NB-005, " Breaker Alignment Verification"
  • STS-GS-202, " Containment H System Position Indication Test"



  • STS-RE-005, " Core Reactivity Balance"


  • STS-IC-201, " Analog Channel Operational Test 7300 Process Instrumentation Protection Set I (RED)"

The review also included technical content and compliance to the requirements of the Technical Specification, Inservice Inspection (ISI).

Inservice Test (IST), and fire protection / prevention surveillance testing I

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-5-program. The completed tests were reviewed, as required by the licer.see's procedures. Surveillance tests were found to be performed within the time frequencies specified by the program. Where required, appropriate action was taken for items failing to meet the required acceptance criteria. All the reviewed tests were found to be performed by qualified personne Some discrepancies were noted by the inspector in data recording and step sign-off. These were discussed with the licensee's representatives and prompt action was initicted to correct them. None of the noted discrepancies affected the acceptability of the final test results.

I There were no violations or deviations identified in this area of the inspectio . Exit Meeting An exit meeting was held September 1, 1989, with the individuals noted in paragraph 1 of this report. At this meating, the scope of the inspection and the findings were summarized. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the information provioed to, or reviewed by the inspecto . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _