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Forwards Updated Draft of Proposed Environ TS for Plant
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/16/1974
From: Ward E
To: Regan W
NUDOCS 9211190306
Download: ML20127J358 (30)


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  1. E 3 .



August 16, 1974

/x <p r c' ?,

j^ ('?/ ! fx Mr William H Regan, Jr, Chief Environmental Projects Branch 4

^t.';,;/p9 AUGj g 8/./ j Directorate of Licensing Q Office of Regulation ^!y U S Atomic Energy Commission h *. J/

g [' '

Washington, DC 20545 -

V< M. .i Dear Mr Regan MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PIANT E-5979 Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR 22 updated Draft - Environmental Technical. Specifications Your letter dated August 5, 1974 to our Mr A V Dienhart of Northern States Power Company requested that we furnish an updated draft of proposed Environmental Technical Spec-ifications for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.

Attached are six copies of this document that we have redrafted.

When these Environmental Technical Specifications are issued, the following portions of the Appendix A Technical.

Specifications should be deleted:

4.8.F (on page 173A)

Table 4."81 (pages 174, 175 and 176)

Basis 4.8F (on page 179B) 6.7.A.2.h (on pages 215 and 216)

Your letter enclosed a proposed Section 2.4 for the Environ-mental Technical Specifications covering limitation of radioactive discharges from the plant. Because there is l

b? Docqrto UU..:

S^ MG191974- b 9211190306 740816 )g @6 $7 PDR ADOCK 05000263 /

P PDR h - /



Mr William !! Regan, Jr August 16, 1974 much new information in this Section 2.4, we have not completed our review of this material and our updated draft of the Environmental Technical Specifications therefore does not incorporate this material. Further-more we are evaluating the impact of including this Section 2.4 in the Environmental Technical Specifications and as a consequence it may be necessary for our appro-priate personnel to meet with AEC staff representatives.

Yours very truly, ECdhd E C WARD, Director Engineering Vice Presidential Staff Cc: G Charnoff L 0 Mayer


. Exhibit A i



B. Offsite: All other properties or areas not considered onsite.

C. Discharge Canal: That portion of plant facilities starting at the cooling tower puatp house and extending

, to its intersection with tho' river's edge (See Figure 1.0-2) .

D. Point of Discharge: End of the discharge canal at the river's shoreline (See Figure 1.0-2) .

E. Ambient River Temperature Temperature of river water flowing into the plant intake, unaffected by heat discharge from the plant.

F. Environmental Event: Exceeding a protection condition.

G. Protection Conditions: The quantitative specifications as found in Section TS B-2.0.

H. Week: 7 consecutive days'i 2 days.

I. Month: 30 consecutive days i 5 days.

J. Years 360 consecutive' days i 30 days.


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Exhibit A i

K. Biweekly: 14 consecutive days 1 4 days.

I L. Quarterly: 90 consecutive days i 15 days.

j M. Semi-annual: 180 consecutive days i 20 days.

j l




2.1.1 Maximum Change in Temperature (delta T)

Across the condenser

To reduce possible entrainment j loss by limiting the delta T across the
inlet and outlet of the condenser.

Specification: During any consecutive seven-i day period the arithmetic mean delta T shall not exceed the limits of Table 2.1.1-1. The yearly mean delta T shall not exceed 27'F.

i 5 Tabic 2.1.1-1 4

Calendar Period Maximum delta T April 1 - October 31 35'F ,

November 1 - March 31 43*F Basis: Mortality of entrained organisms is dependent on the. upper incipient lethal tem-perature. For April through October, a delta T of 35'F should provide sufficient protection.

l The period November through March represents low' ambient temperature during which correspond-ing higher temperatures can be tolerated by fish for short-term durations.

2.1.2 Maximum Receiving Water Temperature Obiective: To limit. maximum Mississippi River temperature downstream of the point of discharge.

4 TS-B. 2.1-1

I o Exhibit A t

-4 J Specification: Maximum temperature of the j

river as a result of plant operation, shall not exceed 90'F over more than one-half of 2 the river's surface width, i

! Basis: The environmental analysis as found in l the Final Environmental Statement (FES) related 1 to operation of Monticello Nuclear Generating j Plant, Northern States Power Company, November 1972, published by USAEC Directorate of Licensing, has determined that the protection

condition is sufficient for protection of the 4
2.1.3 Rate of Change of Discharge Temperature i

Objective: To limit rate of temperature li - . decrease for protection of fish in the discharge i

canal during scheduled reductions in power during October through April.

Specification: For the months of October through i

April, temperature decrease shall not exceed

. S'F each hour at point of discharge during l scheduled power decreases of 15% or more. This specification does not apply to emergency shut-down, testing procedures, or initiation of

cooling tower operation. .

l Basis: A fish kill-due to cold shock during

plant reduction in power is most likely in the

, wintertime. Although some fish mortality may i result from winter shutdowns, total numbers killed are small-due to low fish densities in l the discharge canal. Operational fisheries population dynamics studies and creel census studies have shown no influence of winter shut-l down on relative abundance of fish or quality of fishing. Thus the protection condition is sufficient to protect the natural fish popula-tions from cold shock during normal power operation.

l TS-B.2.1-2 l


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Exhibit A 2.2 Hydraulic 2.2.1 Flow Rate Restrictions Obiective: To limit the amount of water appropriated.

Specification: Whenever river flow at the plant is less than 860 cfs but greater than 240 cfs, the maximum allowable appropriation from the river shall not exceed 75% of river flow at the intake. During river flows above 860 cfs the plant shall withdraw no more than 645 cfs.

Basis: The Mississippi River at Monticello experiences a high variation in flow rates.

The specification allows for plant flow rates in proportion to river flow such that the present quality of the river's biota is

  • maintained.

2.3 Chemical 2.3.1 chlorine .

Obiective: To regulate the use of chlorine for cleaning of the condenser and service water' system.

Specification: During chlorination periods the free chlorine at the point of discharge to the river shall not exceed a concentration of 0.05 mg/l for more than two hours per day or 0.1 mg/l for more than thirty minutes per day.

Basis: The main condenser and service water system are normally treated four times per day for 30 minutes during each treatment. Residuals as specified provide sufficient protection of the indigenous aquatic biota.


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Exhibit A i

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4 2.3.2 Retention Basin Effluent Chemicals i

) Objective: To limit the amount of chemicals i released from the retention basin.

l l Specification: The following maximum limits j shall apply to discharges from the chemical ,

. retention basins Maximum Total lbs/ month 3bs/ year 1

Sulfate (as 50 4) 3,600 21,600 Sodium (as Na2) 1,600 9,600 Phosphate (as P) 1 6 Calcium (as Ca2) 250 1,200

Bicarbonate (as HCO3) 350 1,500 In addition, the effluent from the retention basin shall not exceed an arithmetic monthly i mean of 30 mg/l added suspended solids and 25 added Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU's).
Amounts of chemicals as listed in the

! protection condition allow for monthly varia-

. tions in chemical discharges, yet insure

. protection. Based on plant operating condi-tions and assumed flows of 280,000 gpm in the

discharge canal and 237 gpm from the retention basin, the following concentrations would be

> found in the discharge canal:

Based on Based on 1 Max lbs/mo Total lbs/yr l Discharged Discharged (ug/1) (ug/1) l

! Sulfate (as SO4) 35.1 ,17.6 Sodium (as Na2) 15.6 7.6 Phosphate (as P) 0.970 0.005 Calcium (as Ca2) 2.4 1.0 Bicarbonate (as HCO3 ) 3.4 1.2 These concentrations are within State standards and therefore' protect the environment.

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TS-B.2.3-2 l

i i

Exhibit A s

2.3.3 pH Objective: To limit the range of pH levels due to plant additions in water discharged to the river.

Specification: pH of water discharged to the river shall be no lower'than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5.

Basiss A pH range of 6.5 to 8.5 provides suffi-cient protection of the river's natural plant and animal populations.

3.0 MONITOR 1tJG REQUIRF.MENTS 3.1 Thermal .

3.1.1 Maximum Change in Temperature (delta T) across the condenser.

Objective: To measure the delta T across the condenser.

Specification,: The delta T across the condenser will be measured once every hour. The mean hourly delta T for each , day will be used for' calculation of maximum and-yearly average protection conditions.

Basis: The delta T across-the condense,r does not fluctuate greatly over a 24-hour period during constant plant power levels. Thus, use of the mean daily delta T will provide adequate monitoring.

3.1.2 Maximum Receiving Water Temperature ,

Objective: To measure maximum receiving water temperature.

l TS-B.3.1-1 l


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Exhibit A Specification: Receiving water temperature shall be calculated once per day whenever the temperature of the circulating water at point of discharge is equal to or greater than 90*F.

Basis: If the discharge temperature does not exceed 90'F the protection conditions of TSB 2.1.2 cannot be exceeded. compliance with the protection condition will be made with the use of a plume model developed and verified with physical data by January 1975. The model will be,used once per day to demonstrate compliance when the discharge temperature is in excess of 90'F. Periodic verification of the model temperatures will be made throughout the year.

3.1.3 Rate of change of Discharge Temperature Objective: To measure temperature decrease at point of discharge during October through April.

Specification: Temperature decrease over a one-hour period at point of discharge will be-measured during normal plant power decreases of 15% or greater from October through April.

'This specification does not apply to emergency shutdowns, testing conditions, or initiation of cooling tower operation.

Basis: Decreasce in power levels of 15% or less are not expected to cause any appreciable effect on resident fish populations in the discharge canal, 3.2 Hydraulic

.3.2.1 Flow Rate Restrictions Objective: To monitor water appropriated from the river.

Specification: Once per day the river flow and amount of water appropriated.will be recorded.


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Exhibit A -

Basis: Changing river flows require daily monitoring of the river to determine circulating water system operating modes to minimize aquatic environmental impacts.

i 3.2 chemical 3.3.1 Chlorine Objective: To ensure the amount of free chlorine discharged during chlorination does not exceed the protection condition.

Specification: Once each month during a chlorination cycle, a sample will be taken at the point of discharge and analyzed for free chlorine.

Basis During normal power operation, the service water system will be chlorinated to control slime growth in the system. Seasonal curves for chlorine feed rates and-concentrations at the point of discharge will'be developed -rom 4 data obtained by. sampling. Feed rates will be teste:d to insure that the free chlorine does not exceed the protection condition. Testing will consist of taking a total of three samples, one each at the start, half way through 74nd-at the end of a chlorination cycle.-. Sampling will be at the point of discharge to the'r'iver. If the free chlorine at this' point-is found greater than the protection condition, the feed rate will be reduced until the concentration is less than or equal to the protection condition.

Once the established feed rates have been verified to produce free chlorine concentrations less than or equal to the protection condition ~, it will not be necessary to sample the discharge water'during crery chlorination. cycle as--long as the chlorine injection feed rate remains less than'or equal to the maximum verified feed rate. A monthly sample at the point of discharge will be taken l TS-B.3.3-1

Exhibit A during a chlorine injection cycle to verify '

that the protection condition is not exceeded.

All analyses will be made by appropriate sampling techniques and analytical methods as outlined in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and wastewater published by the American Public Health Association.

3.3.2 Retention Basin Effluent Chemicals Objective: To measure the amount of chemicals discharged from the retention basin.

Specification: Once per month, the amount of chemicals in the retention basin discharge will be determined. .once per week, the suspended solids and turbidity of the retention pond effluent 1 411 be determined and the monthly arithmet 2 _an will be calculated from the weekly st?ples.

Basis: carefully controlled releases from the retention basin will provide the necessary control of chemical releases. Because the protection condition is based on the maximum possible flow ~

rate from the retention basin and rate of dilution from discharge canal flow, the monitoring fre-quency provides for sufficient sampling to determine compliance.

3.3.3 pH Objective: To measure the pH levels at the point of discharge to the river.

Specification:- The pH value of the discharge water prior to entering the river will be measured two times per week.

Basis:' A measurement frequency of two times per week will insure cont,cil of pH value and monitor compliance with the protection condition.


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Exhibit A 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEILLANCE AND SPECIAL STUDIES 4.1 Biological -s 4.1.1 Aquatic A. General Ecological Survey Obiective: To evaluate the impact of the facility on the biotic environment. ,

! Specification:

1. Investigate any changes in the biota that may occur by comparing preoperational data to operational data and control stations
to ex,perimental stations.
-2. -Identify any change in the ecosystem induced
by plant operation.

-3. Evaluate significance of induced changes, -

4 if any, on sustenance of a healthy ecosystem j as determined in preoperational studies or j as defined by regulatory standards.

I Basis: A general ecolo'gical survey was initiated in May 1968, three years prior to the beginning of plant operation in June 1971. This program has been extensively expanded since its-inception.

Information gathered from preoperational environ-mental studies was published in the 1968,-1969 j and 1970 Monticello Nuclear: Generating Plant Annual Environmental Monitoring _and Ecological j Studies Program Reports.

1. The program may be modified as necessary to accommodate sampling requirement changes.

This program has been continually reviewed and reevaluated.since its conception.

After 60 months of data have been obtained from 'the beginning of commercial operation, some of the special studies in Section TS B-4.1.1 may be eliminated if the results of these studies are conclusive and show no significant harmful environmental effects.


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Exhibit A I.

2. These changes and results will be presented j in the Annual Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Studies-Program Report for the facility.

4 1 3. These studies are performed as follows:

The program for aquatic ecological studies of the Mississippi River in the vicinity.of i

the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant has been designed to establish ecological charac-l teristics prior to and during plant operation.

Preoperational data are being compared with-operational data to verify that the plant is not deleteriously altering the aquatic ecosystem. This study began 3 years prior i,

to plant operation and will continue until specific effects of the plant can be determined j and the data show a stabilized aquatic environ-ment. Studies are organized to investigate the aquatic biota and the physical and chemir .1-composition of the environment. Species'are identified'and their population and size are determined. Food habits and reproductive

cycles of dominant species are studied when-

. ever possible. Due to the seasonal fluctua-

tions of these factors, most sampling programs are-_ carried out on a scheduled-year-roun,d basis. -It should be noted that this program

, is designed to remain flexible, so that changes can be made immediately if required. Factors studied are: ,

Biotic Communities s

Periphyton i Benthic Macroinvertebrates-l Fish Physical and Chemical Water Parameters Dissolved Oxygen Biological Oxygan Demand TS-B.4.1-2 s j i


1 1

Exhibit A i

I Physical and Chemical Water Parameters (cont)

Temperature i pH Conductivity Turbidity Current Velocity l

Total Dissolved Solids Total Alkalinity .

Total Phosphate Ortho-phospate Nitrate Nitrogen f

1 Chlorides Iron Sulfates Basic proceduresLfor these studies are:-

a. Periphyton 4

Periphyton sampling was initially conducted at 13 locations at the Monticello facility.

} Comparison of three years of preoperational l studies with three years of operational indicate that only five stations are re-quired to monitor any changes that may occur in species diversity, abundance and chloro-phyll cont,ent due to the plant effluent.'

The locations are shown in Figure TS-B.4.1.1.

I There is one control station upstream of the discharge canal. One of the downstream stations is outside the thermal plume.-

I Samples are analyzed every two weeks except when flooding destroys samplers or i hazardous ice conditions exist.

b. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Study Three years of preoperational and three -

years of operational studies have shown

-that there have been no significant changes in species diversity or abundance. Because.

TS-B . 4 .1-3

1 Exhibit A i

1-of this the program has been reduced to one upstream control transect C-2 (Figure

! TSB-4.1.1-2) and one downstream experimental

, transect E-2 (Figure TSB-4.1.1-2). The

experimental transect is located 75 m down-
stream from the point of discharge. .This transect serves as a reliable indicator of changes in species abundance and/or diversity l

that may occur due to plant discharges. Each

, transect consists of at least three stations l spaced equidistant from each other. Four i concrete block artificial substrates are located on the bottom at each station.

These are removed monthly for enumeration,

! weighing and identification of colonized i organisms.. Some stations may not be sampled in the winter when unsafe ice conditions exist or when flooding' removes sampling devices.


c. Fish j Electro-fishing and seining are the dominant i methods used in the fish study. Trapnetting will be used in the future, as an additional sampling method. A representative sample of fish are measured and weighed with some j scales removed for age and growth deter -

, minations. The fisheries data is used to l determine changes in relative abundance and l distribution due to the plant-discharge. A i creel census of the being conducted to determine quality of fishing. -The cens,us usually is conducted.from May through November with the exact smmpling time dependent upon 1 angler-presence.

A biweekly fish census will be conducted in the discharge canal during winter months to determine species distribution and abundance.

This data will be used to predict possible harm should a winter shutdown occur.

3 TS-B.4.1 4

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Exhibit A

d. Physical and Chemical Water Quality i

Parameters i

The water quality study includes the physical and chemical parameters of water which might affect aquatic life. The

chemical factors studied and their fre-quency of measurement is as follows

Parameter Frecuency 4

. Dissolved Oxygen Quarterly l Biological oxygen

. Demand _ Quarterly

! Temperature Continuous at two locations pH . Quarterly conductivity Quarterly Turbidity Quarterly Current Velocity Quarterly Total Dissolved Solids Quarterly

Total Phosphate Quarterly 4

Ortho-phosphate Quarterly Nitrate Nitrogen Quarterly i

Chlorides Quarterly Iron Quarterly Sulfates Quarterly A subsurface sample of one gallon of water is taken from each of three stations. One i station ~is located 1000 feet upstream of the intake structure, one is in the. discharge canal,-and the downstream station is 1000 feet below the point of discharge to the river. Intake and-discharge temperatures are measured continuously by the plant computer, i

TS-B.4.1 5 L

D -T' W 7-+- 7 r +  %- w +rw-r

-. a & 4 ; .-a-n -n .L... ~ h Exhibit'A B. Impinged and Entrained Fauna

. Objective: To determine monthly variations in j species, size, and numbers, of all-life stages of fish entrapped; to identify and count any other impinged vertebrates and to record that portion of the entrained fauna which is killed due to passage through the plant.

Specification: Impingement and entrainment studies shall be carried out for two years after the Appendix B Environmental Technical j Specifications are in effect. Impingement

studies shall be conducted every two weeks when the plant is operating.' Entrainment studies shall be conducted from May through August for fish and May through october for aquatic insects.


. Data collected during plant operation will be 4

compared with appropriate control station data, thereby providing information to help determine the effect of the plant upon the impinged and i- entrained biota, i


l. Fish Impingement Presently the plant is designed to return all impinged fish from the intake traveling screens to the river via low gradient sluice canal.' Impinged fish are removed from the screens by periodic washings.

l All screen washed material is sampled by.

i placing a 1/4 inch mesh net in the sluice canal. All fish collected will be iden--

tified, counted and a representative.

sample measured to determine monthly and 4 seasonal trends in impingement and survivor-ship.

TS-B.4.1-6 j

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. Exhibit A ,

I 2.. Impingement of Other Vertebrates-and-


Macroinvertebrates-I If aquatic or semi-aquatic vertebrates ,

j (such as salamanders, frogs and snakes) or j macroinvertebrates (including crayfish and


clams, but excluding insects) are impinged, l they will be identified, counted _and reported. _

1 i 3. Entrainment '

t i

l , a. Estimates on numbers-of entrained

ichthyoplankton, incletding. organisms l up to 3/8 inch in diameter, shall be l made monthly from May through August-i when= peak-numbers.of fish fry and eggs-e are_present innthe river._ Since pre-l vious studies have_shown no great
diel number of fish' col--

. lected during the day, a representative ,

sample-for;a: day-will:be collected, j- identified-and-mortality-determined.


[ b.- Estimates on number and mortality of en-

! ' trained aquatic' insects will be performed

! monthly from_May1through October to l coincide with high standing crop, drift l

rate, and growth peri'ods. A representative subsample.of the insects collected will be-counted,: identified and' mortality estimates

[. performed.

i ~

4.2- Environmental Radiation Monitoring

  • l


p 4.2.1 Environmenta1 Monitoring of Plant Environs Obiective: To ascertain that. radioactive j

releases are being maintained as low sur practicable <and within.allowableivalues.-


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! TS-B.4.2-1 l


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Exhibit A f

Specification: An environmental radiation surveillance program described in Table TSB 4.2.1 shall be conducted.

Basis The number and distribution of J

sampling locations and types of measurement, j together with preoperational background data, will provide verification of the effectiveness of plant effluent control and indications of measurable changes in environmental radio-activity due to plant operation.

J i 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE 5.1 Organization, Review and Audit 5.1.1 Organization A. The Plant Manager has the onsite respon-sibility for operation of the facility and to assure that the plant operating limits in the Appendix B protectiun. conditions are not exceeded. During periods when the Plant Manager is unavailable he will delegate this responsibility to other qualified i supervisory personnel.

l .

B. The radiation protection engineer in the plant organization has responsibility for the onsite chemical measurements re-lated to plant releases at_ discharge to the envi'ronment.

C. The Supervising Scientist of th'e Engineering Vice Presidential Staff Department has the l general office responsibility for the i initiation and execution of_the environ-mental surveillance and special studies which have been described in this appendix to the operating license. The Supervising l


d Exhibit A i

Scientist has the responsibility for j directing the sampling programs and

assignments for special environmental studies by independent consultants, j 5.1.2 Review and Audit l

A. The Plant Manager will have the responsibility l for providing the appropriate review of those plant operations covered under Appendix B protection conditions.

B. The Supervising Scientist shall have the responsibility of'providing for appropriate review of the results of the environmental surveillance and special studies programs detailed in Appendix B.

4 C. The Engin'eering Vice Presidential Staff will conduct periodic audits to determine:

1. Conformance of plant operations with 4 the appropriate Appendix B protection conditions and monitoring requirements.
2. Conformance of the environmental sur-l veillance and special studies programs with the appropriate Appendix B pro-

. tection conditions and monitoring requirements, i .

5.2 Action to be Taken in the Event of an Environmental Event An environmental event as defined in TSB-1.0.F shall i be reported to the Gen'eral Superintendent-of Nuclear Power Plant Operati~on and the Director,-Engineering

Vice Presidential Staff, or their designated alter-i nates in their absence. The environmental event shall be reviewed _by the appropriate individuals in TSB-5.1.1. Reporting to the AEC shall be'in accordance with section TSB-5.4.2.A.

TS-B.S.2-1 i


Exhibit A 5.3 operating Procedures 5.3.1 Preparation of Procedures Written procedures for the conduct of operations, monitoring, surveillance, and special studies covered in Appendix B Technical Specifications shall be prepared under the direction of responsible individuals as referenced in TSB-5.1.1. The following is a list of the major areas requiring procedures:

1. Control of release of chemicals in the circulating water discharge.
2. Control of the flow of discharge waters to remain within the allowable rate of change, discharge, and temperatures.
3. Sampling methods, frequencies and locations.
4. Calibration procedures and accuracies for various instruments used in measuring and analyzing samples which are required by these specifications.

5.3.2 Procedure Review .

A. All procedures required by these Technical Specifications shall be reviewed and approved by an individual under the direction of the Plant Manager or Supervising Scientist in accordance with the division.of responsibility provided for in TSB-5.1.1.

B.- Temporary changes in procedures which do not l change the intent of the original procedure may be made provided such temporary' changes are approved by-a member of the management-staff for the responsible group and an individual with technical knowledge in the l

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] Exhibit A


1 1

area covered by the procedure. . Such changes should be documented and sub-sequently reviewed in accordance with TSB-5.3.2.A.

l 5.4 Reporting Requirement j

5.4.1 Routine Reports A. An Annual Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Studies Program Report covering

the year's operations and surveillance

! monitoring shall be submitted by August 1 i of the subsequent year.

.i B. A Semi-Annual Environmental Studies Report l cov'ering the previous six months surveil-lance monitoring shall be submitted within 60 days after-January 1 and July 1 of each year. This report will include a summary description of all environmental events, a summary of data from section TSB-3.0, summary of surveys completed within section TSB-4.1 and data analysis from section

, TSB-4.2.

5.4.2 Non-Routine Reports A. Environmental Event Reports i Notification shall be made within 30 days by a written report to'the Director of the l Regional Regulatory Operations Office, upon the occurrence of an environmental event

, as defined in TSB-1.0.F. The report shall describe the event,' analyze and' evaluate the environmental impact, determine the cause, and outline corrective-measures taken or planned to prevent repetitions of the event.

TS-B . S . 4- 1

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Exhibit A 1

i B. Changes to the Plant or Procedures 4

I 1. Changes in the plant or procedures which

> increase the environmental impact as evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement will be reported in the-Semi-Annual Environmental Studies Report.

The report shall include ~an evaluation

! of the environmental impact resulting i

from the changes.

1 2. Minor changes may be made in the mon-itoring and sampling procedures and

., analytical techniques referenced in

. this Technical Specification when

, weather or other conditions afrect sample availability or the use of specified techniques. These changes shall be noted in the Annual Environ-mental Monitoring and Ecological Studies Program Report.

3. Requests for changes to Appendix B Environmental Technical Specifications


shall be submitted to the Director-of Licensing. An evaluation of the environ-mental impact, which would result from such a change in procedure, shall 1x3-included.

The National Pollution Discharge Elimina-tion System (NPDES) permit authority will include thermal and chemical effluent limitations and related monitoring require-ments which by definition (P.L.92-500),

will protect the environment. As such, the NPDES permit will supersede the

< equivalent requirements of this Technical Specification. When the NPDES final permit is issued, a license amendment request will be processed for' transfer of all non-radiological authority from this Technical Specification to the designated NPDES authority, i

l l

TS-9.5.4-2 l


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Table TS-B 4.2.1 -

SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS MONTICELLO NUCLEAR PLe%'T - ENVIRO.NMENTAL RADIATION MONITORING PROGRAM Type of Sample Type of Analysis Collection Site Collection Frequency River Water Upstream within 1000 ft of intake canal. Weekly gB, GS H (M) Downstream within 1000 ft of discharge canal.

St Paul raw water intake.

Lake Water GB, GS, H 2 local lakes. Quarterly (water and ice conditions permitting)

Well Water GB, GS, H 6 sites within 5 miles of plant site Quarterly including the Monticello well.

3 Meteorological Station at plant. Monthly Precipitation ggy GS90 "'-

I, Sr State Health Dept Bldg - Mpls.

Lake and River GB, GS 2 local lakes. Semi-annually Bottom Sediment 137 Upstream of plant.

Cs Downstream of plant.

Plankton or Algae GB, GS, Cs, 2 local lakes. Semi-annually or Insects 90 Upstream of plant. (when available)

Sr Downstream of plant.

Aquatic GB, GS, 2 local lakes.- Quarterly vegetation 137 Upstream of plant. (when available)

Cs Downstream of plant. .


. e

Table TS-B 4.2.1 -

Continued ,

Type of Sample Type of Analysis Collection Site Collection Frequency Clams GB, GS Upstream of plant. Quarterly Downstream of plant. (when available ,

i Fish GB, GS Upstream of plant. Quarterly (water and' Downstream of plant. ice conditions permitting)

Milk GS, I Two farms / region Monthly 90 " '*9 "*

SR (Q) , Cs (Q)

GS, Cs (Q) Uncomposited samples from two Monthly ( I 90 131 nearest dairy farms. weekly during the Sr (Q) , I grazing season)

Topsoil' GB, GS, From 3 fields in the vicinity of plant Semi-annually 137 site, also 3 fields irrigated with Cs river water downstream of plant.

Vegetation GB, GS, I From 3 fields' downwind of the plant Semi-annually site Agricultural GB, GS, Cs From 3 fields irrigated by river Annually (at harvest) water downstream from the plant Air Samples GB, GS (M) Meteorological Station at plant and Weekly (filters) 131 7 other stations located within 15-mile radius of plant.

Air Samples -Beta Gamma Same locations as filters plus 6 on- Every 4 weeks (film badge) site stations t


Table TS-B 4.2.1 Continued * .

t Type of Sample Type of Analysis Collection Site Collection Frequency Air Sampics Gamma Same location as filters plus 6 Every 4 weeks (with.onej (TLD) on-site stations day down for calibratiot NOTES :

90 If Srconcentrationsgganyoftheenvironmentalmediamonitored.increasetotwicethatofthe

'preoperational period, Sr analyses shall be conducted on the following samples at the indicated frequency until it has been demonstrated that the increase is not attributable to plant operations:

Sample Sr Analysis Frequency River Water Quarterly Lake Water Quarterly well Watbr Quarterly Lake & River Bottom Sediment Semi-annually Plankton, Algae or Insects Semi-annually Aquatic Vegetation Quarterly

, Fish Quarterly Milk Monthly

Topsoil Semi-annually Agricultural-Crops Annually at harvest


GB - gross beta i GS - gamma scan (M)- monthly-(Q)- quarterly. .

i 4

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