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Complies W/W Fuel Specification F-5.1, Instructions, Precautions & Limitations for Handling Rod Cluster Control Assemblies & Core Component Assemblies, Rev 1,dtd 860101,of NRC Bulletin 96-01,per 960404 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1996
From: Mueller J
IEB-96-001, IEB-96-1, NUDOCS 9610290002
Download: ML20129F011 (4)


Commonw cah h I dNm Company

/ ion Generating Mation C 101 Shiloh ih min ard

, , Zion,11. (MN 2797 TelM17 % 2084 October 18,1996 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Attn: Document Control Desk


Required 30 day Report on Timed Rod Drop Testing

Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2; NRC Docket Numbers 50-295 and 50-304 ,



1. NRC Bulletin 96-01, " Control Rod Insertion Problems," dated i March 8,1996 I I
2. J. B. Hosmer letter to Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation dated  !

April 4,1996, transmitting Commonwealth Edison's response to NRC I

Bulletin 96-01
3. Westinghouse Fuel Specification F-5.1, " Instructions, Precautions, and Limitations for Handling Rod Cluster Control Assemblies and Core 4

Component Assemblies," Revision 1, dated January 1,1986 l 3

' i 1

The purpose of this letter is to comply with Required Response (3) of NRC Bulletin 96-01, as committed to for Zion Station in the Reference 2 letter.

Required Response (3) of NRC Bulletin 96-01 stated, in part, "Within 30 days after completing Requested Action (3) for each outage, submit a report that summarizes the data and that documents the results obtained; this is also applicable to Requested Action (4) when any abnormal rod behavior is observed."

Requested Action (3) stated, in part, " Measure and evaluate at each outage of sufficient duration during calendar year 1996, the control rod drop times and rod recoil for all contiel rods. If appropriate plant conditions exist where the vessel head is removed, measure and evaluate drag forces for all rodded fuel assemblies."

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%% -om ,< 1 9610290002 961018 PDR ADOCK 05000295 G PDR A l nh om nimpan3

s Requested Ac: ion (4) stated, in part, "For each reactor trip during calendar year 1996, verify

, that all control rods have promptly fully inserted (bottomed) and obtain other available 1

information to assess the operability and any performance trend of the rods. In the event that all rods do not fully insert promptly, conduct tests to measure and evaluate rod drop times and rod recoil."

On September 19,1996, at approximately 00:40 hours, Zion Unit 2 was tripped from 0%

power to begin refueling outage Z2R14. When the reactor was tripped, one rod, N-5, indicated 118 steps withdrawn; all other rods indicated full insertion. Investigation found that the signal conditioning module for Rod Position Indicator (RPI) N-5 had failed. The control rod for position N-5 was verified to be fully inserted, and the RPI for N-5 was repaired.

To meet Requested Actions (3) and (4) of NRC Bulletin 96-01, Zion Station performed the applicable sections of Technical Staff Surveillance (TSS) 15.6.57, " Rod Position Indication Calibration and Rod Drop Timing Surveillance," on September 21,1996, at the end of Unit 2 Cycle 14, prior to refueling. All rods had acceptable rod drop times and exhibited normal recoil. Included in Attachment I are the rod drop times for the Unit 2 beginning and end of Cycle 14 tests. In addition, rod drag forces were measured prior to unlatching control rods from their drive shafts in accordance with Fuel Handling Instruction (FHI)-26, " Full Length Control Rod Drive Unlatching Tool." No drag force was measured to be outside of the forty (40) pound acceptance criterion (reference 3). Included in Attachment 2 are the drag test results.

The fuel assembly with the highest burnup (H8 at the center of the core,47,651 MWD /MTU) had a slightly increased drop time. T1 time from loss of stationary gripper coil voltage to entry to dashpot was 14% higher than the time measured at the beginning of the cycle, but still within acceptable bounds. Drag testing on this assembly resulted in a maximum net drag force of only 15 pounds for the approximately ten feet over which the Rod Cluster Control Assembly (RCCA) was withdrawn and reinserted.


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j _I affirm that the content of this transmittal is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, j information and belief. In some instances these statements are not based on my personnel j knowledge, but on information furnished by other Comed employees, contract employees and T consultants. Such information has been reviewed in accordance with company practices, and I 1 believe it to be correct.

I 3

j If you have any questions or require further information, please contact John Parker, Rod l Control System Engineer, at (847) 746-2084, extension 2300.

i, i

i Sincerely, l > , LI W

! j. ff. Mefle'r' i Site Vice President j Zion Station j l t


!' Subscribed an sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for  !

l the State of tlhiuso and County of ~fa Ar_ , ,this /ffb day  !

j of defnbrL ,19_7f2

} Notary Public l

Attachment 1: Rod Drop Test Results l Attachment 2: Drag Test Results i i

cc: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region Ill ,

C. Y. Shiraki, Zion Project Manager, NRR l Acting Senior Resident Inspector, Zion Station J. Yesinowski, IDNS Inspector, Zion Station

. w,in. ne ,r 3

4 .. Attxhment i n


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Unit 2 Unit 2 BEGINNING OF CYCLE 14 END OF CYCLE 14 4/1/1995 9/21/1996 ASSEMBLY TIME TO 1 OTAL DROP EIGHTH CORE ASSEMf LY TIME TO TOT AL DROP EIGHTH CORE LOCATION DASHPOT TIME ASSEMBLY LOCATION DASHPOT TIME ASSEMBLY (SEC) (SEC) BURN-UP (SEC) (SEC) BURN-UP D2 1 28 2.10 21942 D2 1.28 2.02 32154 B12 1.24 1 89 21942 B12 129 1 96 32154 Mid 1 25 1 96 21942 M14 1 36 2.07 32154 P4 1 29 2 01 21942 P4 1.26 2 02 32154 i

B4 130 1 96 21942 B4 L32 1 98 32154 2

Did 1 36 1 98 21942 Did 1 37 2 00 32154 d

P12 1 28 1 98 21942 P12 1.34 1 98 32154 M2 1 32 2.04 21942 M2 1 39 2 07 32154 G3 1 32 1 96 0 G3 1 33 2 00 22685 C9 1 36 1 98 0 C9 1 35 2 03 22685 J13 1 34 1 88 0 J13 1.36 2.03 22685 N7 1.32 2 02 0 N7 1.36 2 02 22685 i C7 1 33 1 95 0 C7 1 37 1 74 22685 G13 1 30 1 95 0 G13 1 36 1 82 22685

N9 1 31 1 96 0 N9 134 199 22685
J3 1 26 1 94 0 J3 1 34 2 02 22655 i

E3 1 25 1 96 0 E3 1 33 2 01 22226 C11 1 21 1 92 0 C11 1 35 2 03 22226 L13 1.26 1 96 0 L13 1 39 2 '1 22226 N5 1 22 1 90 0 N5 1 36 2# 22226 C5 1 26 1 95 0 C5 1 35 2 02 22226 E13 1 23 1.91 0 E13 1 35 2 04 22226 N11 1 28 1 90 0 N11 1 33 1 98 22226 L3 1 20 1 93 0 L3 1 35 2 09 22226

. H6 1.24 1 99 21220 H6 1 34 2 00 38767 H10 1 24 1 95 21220 H10 1 31 2 03 38767

, F8 1 31 1 98 21220 F8 1 40 2 05 38767 K8 1.28 1 95 21220 K8 1 38 2 02 38767

. F2 1 36 2.08 0 F2 1 36 2.08 20715 B10 1.32 1 98 0 Bio 1 32 1 99 20715 Kid 1 34 2.06 0 Kid 1 38 2 04 20715 P6 1.30 2 02 0 P6 1 37 2.01 20715 B6 1.31 1 92 0 B6 1 37 2 00 20715

, F14 L28 1 98 0 F14 1 37 2 04 20715

, P10 1 31 2 00 0 P10 1 38 2 03 20715 K2 1 32 0 K2 139 1 99 20715 H2 1.17 1 94 16895 H2 1.29 1 91 32042 B8 1.24 1 82 16895 B8 1 30 1 91 32042 H14 1 20 1 97 16895 H14 1 33 2.08 32042 P8 1 30 2 06 16895 P8 1 35 2 02 32042 F6 1 30 1 92 22296 F6 1 39 2.19 40775 F10 1 31 1 94 22296 F10 1 32 1 98 40775 K10 1 32 1 84 22296 K10 1 37 2 03 40775 K6 1 32 1 85 22296 K6 1 37 2 09 40775 j D4 1.28 1 98 0 D4 1 28 1 92 22461 D12 1 30 2 02 0 D12 1 30 1 96 22461 M12 1 26 2 02 0 M12 1 31 1 99 22461 M4 1 26 2.00 0 M4 1 29 2 02 22461 )

H4 1 19 1 91 21804 H4 1 30 1 76 39570 D8 1 29 2 02 21804 DB 1.34 1.79 39570 H12 1.25 1 93 21804 H12 1 35 1 77 39570 M8 1.23 1 94 21804 M6 1 39 1 73 39570 HB 1 30 1 96 30929 H8 1 48 2 03 47651


e. AttachmInt 2 ZION UNIT 2 EOC 14 RCCA DRAG TEST UNIT 2 EOC RCCA DRAG TEST Weight of Tool, Drag Test Maximum Core Drive Shaft, & (Ibs.) Net Drag Location RCCA (Ibs.) Max Min Force (Ibs.)

D2 480 485 472 8 B12 480 485 475 5 M14 483 498 478 15 P4 485 497 482 12 B4 480 481 480 1 D14 480 490 475 10 P12 482 488 473 9 M2 485 496 475 11 G3 480 488 465 15 C9 480 485 475 5 4 J13 480 500 473 20 1 N7 482 494 476 12 C7 480 483 476 4 G13 480 487 473 7 N9 480 491 472 11 J3 477 494 471 17 E3 480 485 475 5 C11 480 486 469 11 L13 484 500 475 16 N5 486 491 480 6 C5 480 490 475 10 E13 480 486 478 6 N11 483 494 480 11 L3 486 495 476 10 H6 495 505 485 10 H10 485 500 478 15 F8 480 496 470 16 K8 490 502 490 12 F2 480 484 466 14 B10 480 485 476 5 K14 487 499 481 12 P6 480 491 473 11 B6 480 485 475 5 F14 480 490 467 13 P10 484 495 477 11  !

K2 487 500 478 13 H2 480 496 463 17 B8 480 480 476 4 H14 483 490 475 8 P8 497 507 491 10 F6 480 490 466 14 F10 480 494 462 18 K10 496 507 492 11 K6 485 495 474 11 D4 480 492 468 12 D12 480 493 472 13 M12 484 501 476 17 M4 483 494 468 15 H4 480 491 462 18 D8 480 487 469 11 H12 482 501 470 19 M8 488 504 479 16 H8 500 515 485 15 l

