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Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Program Plan for Plant
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1991
From: Parker T
NUDOCS 9111060145
Download: ML20079L183 (4)


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Northem States Power Company 414 Nicollet Malt Minneapolis, Minnesota $54011927 Telephone (612) 330 5500 October 28, 1991 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN.- Document Control Desk k'a sh ingt on , DC 20555 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR 22 Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Imojementation Plan In accordance with the requirements of Section V1.4.a of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, this letter submits the Emergency Response Data System implementation program plan for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. The implementation plan is provided as Attachment 1.

Please co:rcact Joe Sofge at (612) 295-1289 if you have any questions concegin.MetticelloERDSimplementationplans,

// W homas N Parker Manager Nuclear Support Services c: Regional Administrator, Region III, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Monticello Site, NRC NRR Proj ect Manager,- NRC J Silberg i

l Attachments: Attachment 1 - Monticello ERDS Implementation Prograir Plan l

i 9111060145 911028 PDR ADOCK 05000263 F PDR


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-Attachment 1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR CENERATING PIANT Monticello ERDS Implementation Program PlaD-General Overvitsi Section VI.4,a of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 requires that each licensee develop and submit an Emergency Response data System impleaentation program 3 plan to the-NRC by October 28, 1991. The implementatio.1 program for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is as described below.

The Emergency' Response Data System 'ERDS) is required to be operational as ,

soon as possible within one hour of declaration of an alert or higher emergency classification level. The Monticello Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures will be modified to ensure that ERDS is started within the required timefframe, The ERDS will require procedures to ensure the integrity of the ERDS hardware and software configuration. Monticello will utilize existing Computer Work Instructions-to provide ERDS hardware and software configuration management.

The Computer. Work Instructions will be changed to include provisions to provide NRC review of system modifications which could affect the data communication protocol at.least 30 days prior to the modification. The Computer Work Instructions will be changed to ensure that changes to the Data Point Library are submitted using the Data Point' Library Reference File Form within 30 days of the change. The 11 steps required to incorporate the plant into the ERDS, as presented in NUREG-1394 (Rev.1), Appendix A, are addressed as follows:

Step 1. The NRC-notifies the contractor, Halliburton NUS, that a utillcy has received a site survey questionnaire.

This requires no action by NSP and has already been completed.

Step 2 After-the utility has; received the questionnaire, they will be contacted by Halliburton NUS, JThis step was-completed ~during the visit to the NRC ReSi on III..

office on October 3, 1991.

Step-3. A site visit will be arranged.

.This step was completed during the visit to'the-NRC Region III office on October 8, 1991.

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Attachment 1


Page 2 ,

Step 4. The NRC vl11 install phone lines at the site.

Per NRC Generic Letter 91 14, instal'stion of FTS 2000 service for  !

Honticello is scheduled for March of 1992. l 1

Etep $. The utility vill answer and return tb2 site urvey questionnaire,  ;

containing the Data Point !.ibrary and Plant Attribute Library  ;

information to the NRC. '

The completed questionnaire will be returned prior to February 1, i 1992. l I

Step 6. If the plant requires customized ERDS reception software, specific ERDS code vill be developed and implemented by Halliburton NUS. '

t h generic ERDS software protocols will be used. Customized ERDS

-reception software will not. be required. i i

' Step 7, The utility vill desigt' and write their data transmission  :

software.  !

NSP will develop a Vax based data transmission so'tware system  ;

based on the generic ERDS software protoccis. Software development  ;

will be completed prior to April 1, 1992. '

t Step 8 Preliminary software testing.

Preliminary software testing will occur during the April Juno 1992 time frame. This is:the software debugging period for-the

  • purpose of identifying and resolving any problems.

Step 9. _

Following the preliminary software test, a formal test will be conducted at Halliburton NUS, prior to adding the licensee to the  :

ERDS, The lla111 burton NUS-formal testing can take place any time after preliminary testing is completed. This should occur in the April -

June.1992 time frame.

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, Step 10. A formal test w Il then be conducted on the TRDS computer at the NRC Operat1ons enter.

l The NRC dperations Center forrnal test wilt occur after successful  !

completion of the llallibt.reon NUS forrnal testing and installation onto the NRC ERDS corriputer systein. These activities will be  !

perforrned and coordir:ted by the NRC and lla111 burton NUS, thus, the schedule is as deterrained by the NRC and lla111 burton NUS. i

.Stcp 1?. The uti11ty is-on.11ne vith all development and testing completed.

- Upon successful cornpletion of NRC Operationn Center forinal test, ffonticello will be on line and fully integrated into the EHD9 system, i

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