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Provides Certification for License DPR-22 & Application for Conversion of License to full-term OL
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/1977
From: Gardebring S
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9102080310
Download: ML20024G202 (32)



l L

c. EEdiBil D3CKET F0_EC0W Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 30 263 ,  %

M #\

4 kJ h December 19, 1977 ..,

7 1,IAN3 B7 6 2 y m ,- _ m E Mr. Victor Stello **W Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I Division of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. g Washington, D.C. 20555 RE: Certification for NRC Provisional Operating License DPR-22 and Application for Conversion of Said License to a Full-Term Operating License - Northern States Power Company, Monticello Plant

Dear Mr. Stello:

On March 6, 1973, pursuant to Section 401(a) (1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency issued a certification for the above-referenced nuclear generating plant. It is my under-standing that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that a recertification is necessary prior to issuance of a full-term operating license.

Since the issuance of the prior certification, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit (Permit No, MN 0000868) pursuant to Section 402 of the Act and State Disposal System permit (same permit number) pursuant to Minn. Stat. S115.07 (1976) for the Monticello nuclear generating plant. In addition, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Northern States Power Company have entered into a stipulation agreement regarding the reduction of the chlorine discharges from the plant. Copies of these permits and the stipulation agreement are enclosed.

To the extent Northern States Power is in compliance with the L above-referenced permits and stipulation agreement and any modifi-cations of such documents, the undersigned certifies that there  !

is reasonable assurance that the plant is being operated in a ,

manner that will not violate Minnesota water quality standards '

and other applicable limitations under Section 301(b) of the Act.

9102030310 771219 PDR I

ADOCK 05000D63 i P ppg r

{ ,

1935 West County Road B2. Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Regional Offices . Duluth / Brainerd / Fergus Falls / Marshall / Rochester / Roseville l EqucI opportunity Employer

f'i V ,

" J a 1 b

Mr. Victor Stello *


Page 2 y December 19, 1977 1 In addition, the under31gned certifies that to the best of my ]!

knowledge there is no standard applicable to the Monticello plant '

j 6 under Sections 302, 306, and 307 of the Act. i s This certification is made on the basis of information submitted k by Northern States Power and also other information made available 1 to the Agency. Any omission, misrepresentation or error in the h information submitted renders this certification null and void. a Any change in the operations of the applicant's facility which i results in a discharge of a lesser quality than that upon which  !

this certification is based, without the written consent of the Agency, renders this certification null and void.

It is expressly made a condition of this certification, that nothing herein shall prevent the future adoption and establish-ment of any additional, more stringent water pollution control requirements applied to the discharge than those now in existence.

Further, no requirements for permits or licenses by any units of government are waived by this certification.

Yours truly, I

fan ra -; keri Execut'/e Director Enclosures cc: Steven Lewis, NRC Joseph Bizzano, NSP Jay Silberg, NSP Gary Welk, NSP 1 A. Manzardo, EPA, Chiccgo 4


  1. f Y I




1 4


Public Hearing on Seven National) ON CHLORINE ISSUES j Pollutant Discharge Elimination ) POR THE MONTICLLLO 5 System Permit Applications from ) NUCLEAR GENERATING {

Seven Separate Northern States ) PLANT ] ^

Power Company Electric Generat- )

ing Plant. )

A. Recitals

1. Parties. The parties to this Stipulation are the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (hereinafter 11PCA) and Northern States Power Company (hereinafter NSP).
2. Permit Application. 1;SP has applied for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sys tem for its Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. In response to that application, a proposed permit was drafted and public notice of the application was issued by the MPCA. NSP requested a public hearing with respect to several conditions of the proposed permit including the proposed limitations on the discharge of chlorine. The MPCA authorized a public hearing on those issues raised by NSP in its request for hearing.
3. Stipulation. This stipulation shall constitute a settlement between the MPCA and NSP of all issues relating to the discharge of chlorine from the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.

B. Agreement Therefore for the purposes of settling all issues reluting ,

to the discharge of-chlorine from the t'onticello Nuclear Generating i


O O >

Plant, the MPCA a'nd NSP stipulate and agree as follows: -

1._ The NPDES permit for the Monticello Nuclbar Generating 3 d'


Plant shall contain limitations on the discharge 'of chlorine as ll follows: 1 ,.

(a) From the ef fective date of the permi,t until July 1, 1978, the discharge of chlofine from outfall 001 shall not at any time exceed a L

concentration of .2 mg/l measured as +otal O residual chlorine and the discharge of I

. t chlorinated water shall not exceed a total l-of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> per day.

(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a) above, for L i.

the purpose of avoiding condenser fouling, on not more than 30 days per year beginning with the effective date of the permit the Permittee may discharge chlorine at concentra- tl tions above that specified in subparagraph (a) but in no event above a maximum of .5 mg/l and an average of .2 mg/l measured as free avail- l-able chlorine with the discharge of chlorinated I'

water not to exceed a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> per day.

The Permittee shall notify the Agency at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in advance of commencing chlorinations under this subparagraph (b).

(c) From July 1, 1978, to the expiration of the

, permit the discharge of chlorine shall not at any time exceed a concentration of .2 mg/l measured 9

g .

9 .

  • 4.

as, total residual chlorine and the discharge 1:

of chlorinated water shall not exceed a total ,g of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> per day. This limitation is subject to the results of tha study provided in . .

i paragraph B.2. of this stipulation. .g If the 4


'results of the study demonstrate that NSP cannot comply with the limitation of this 't paragraph (c), then NSP shall construct facilities or implement procedures to comply and shall be granted the shortest feasible Period of time within which to construct such f acilities or implement such procedures. During any construction or implementation period, the limitations of paragraphs 1(a) and (b) shall remain in force and effect until the construction or implementation is complete at which time the i limitation of this paragraph shall become effective.

2. NSp shall by July 1, 1978, ascertain the minimum concentrations and dosage time of total residual chlorine which it requires for the cleanliness and efficient operation of its condensors. This study shall be conducted as set forth in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

This study shall be. submitted to the MPcA by July 3

1, 1978, and shall include an opinion as to whether or not NSP can comply with the liJnita tion of paragraph B. l. (c) .

+. .

. o -

o i.


~. '




]y' J ;

3. If NSP is unable to comply with the lim tations of w.

);x ,

paragraph B.l. (c) of this agreement-through' mini,hization of i A,

chlorine usage as required to be studied under paragraph B.2. of '

this agreement, then NSP agrees to install within the shortest ,. '

feasible period pollution abatement equipment o'r implement

'i ' [

procedures which will achieve compliance with khe' limitations j l

of paragraph B.l. (c) . No later than April 1, 1978, NSP shall l

. submit to the MPCA a study identifying and analyzing methods for achieving compliance with the limitation of paragraph B.1. (c) .

The analysis of each method shall include an estimate of the t

cost of each method and a schedule for implementation of each N.


If NSP cannot comply with the limitation of paragraph '

B.l'.(c), it shall indica te by July 1, 1970, which method.for .


achieving compliance it will implement and construct such '

b facilities or implement.such procedures in the shortest feasible period.

I l

4. This Stipulation Agreement shall become binding when L

l signed by NSP and the MPCA and shall be enforceable by either a court of competent jurisdiction.





_ . . _ . .o-. o 5 3

.t .-.

Nothin~g herein shall' prevent the future adoption of f 9

any regulations, standards, statutes or orders relating to the I subject of this stipulation.


. 4 Dated this 3rd day of August , 1977 '


  • ., \

j .


\) ,, hit Is

). \

N $\ -l 'I\\ .{

IM2IS J. CRAIN Sandra S. Gardebring, Executive Director \

/~) , t\

s$'t{,'a/\ ,- / ,

. * 'f $

Marion h'a tson j


Chairwoman e

9 l

l l

l' L l L lI l


  • e l

l l


9 l

'e' k-

n. ' Exhibit A l

>} \

s k

Chlorine Reduction AJ I'

Study d

.$ )


1 This. study shall determine the optimal use of chlorine .

at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant by reducing the ,

l amount of chlorine discharged to the Mississippi River to the $_

lowest concentrations and shcrtest dosage commensurate with the $

i clean and efficient operations of the condensers. For purposes of conducting this study NSP shall submit a defailed outline to the Director of the MPCA by August 16, 1977, and'shall

i. proceed with the study after written approval Ly the Director of the MPCA. This study shall at a minimum include the

. following:

lt! I. A Determination of the Relationship Between Chlorine il , Injection and Discharge Concentrations of Total i Residual Chlorine 4


. Lag Time -

The period of time during which dye

]- or chlorine is injected into the cooling I. water before the condenser but is not detected in the condenser cooling water discharge at outfall 001.

p '

, Injection Time -

The period of time during which dye or ch.lorine is actually injected into the circulating water.

Contact Time


The period of time (specific to an in-jection time) during which dye or

. chlorine is detected at the condenser cooling water discharge at outfall 001.

, 7 i .


. 3, Ilrr'RODUCTION 3

Many times, chlorine is present in tne condenser cooling i p

water discharge in concentrations lower than the detectable limit


1 of the amperometric titration method.

i As a result, the proposed  ;

rnethod for calculating daily average and daily maximum free and f' total chlorine residual requires information regarding lag and  :



contact times. To eTNet!.vely estimate lag and contact times in i

condenser cooling water, NSP will correlete injection tirnc with contact time to determine lag time and if .m usary in the judgment of the Agency Director conduct aje studies.

DYC STUDI_ES Since condenser cooling water requires time to travel from the point of chlorine injection to the point where grab sanples

i J of the discharge water will be taken, dye studies will be cen-I ducted to characterize this lag period. The results of the dye o

studies will be confirmed by the chlorine sampling program.

Dye vill be injected into the conc'.enser cooling water via

. the chlorine pump. Dye.will be injacted for a time period  ;

equivalent to the duration of normal chlorine injection. During the. injection of the dye, grab samples will bV tchen simultaneously 1

at the discharge from outfall 001. Samples will be analyzed as

  • coon as possible for dye using a fluorometer. For each separate '

l L injection point, three replicate, dye injection studies will be performed.

! Alto to be determined by the dye studies will be contact times. Due to diffusicn and mixing of dyc or chlorine injection,

. ~, -

. - - . - _ _ - . - -- _ -_ - -. . . . - - - - ~ . -

O o

= - i b,,


[1 Hence, Mi contact time cannot be equated with injection time.

contact times will be estima*,ed using dye.


.I After lag and contact times have been established for each injection point, sampling procedures for free and total chlorine will begin. At the end of the lag period (See Tabic 1) samples will be collected every two minutes for a duration equal to the contact time. For example, if a five minute lag time and a seventeen minute contact time have been previously established, e p!

sampling for chlorine in the condenser cooling water discharge  !

o area would commence five minutes after chlorine injection begins {r and terminate seventeen minutes later (see Table 1).

Two people will be required during the sampling procedures.

1 One person will collect the samples from the discharge while hy

-the-other measures the concentration of free and total chlorine residual in the grab samples. The method used in determining chlorine residuals will be the imperometric titration method, which is an approved EPA procedure found in ASTM, 1975. Sampics ,

a will first be measured for free chlorine residual and then j for total chlorine residual since free chlorine dissipates rapidly.


Daily average shall be defined as the arithmetic average of the chlorine concentrations obtained for each chlorination j

, 3 period.

_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ur. _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _


. 7 b

.t 7


3, i Daily inaximum for total residual chlorine Js' hall be '

. , , r h '

defined as the average of the two highest instagiancous chlorine j

concentrations obtained for each chlorination period. , i -

, -2 >


I '

A time-concentration relationship for chlorine shall be l done veekly and displayed as illustrated in Table 1 of this exhibit. The frequency of determining the time concentration relationship may be reduced by the Agency Director upon a showing i

that this relationship is consistent.

11. Chlorine Reduction A. NSP shall reduce the amount of chlorine used to a level at which the discharge of chloriao from outfall 001 l does not exceed .2 mg/l measured as total residual and a total '

chlorinated discharge time of 2 hrs. per day. This reduction shall not eliminate the use of chlorine from March through June wi thout the approval of the Director of the MPCA.

B. Monitoring. In addition to the weekly determina-


tion of the time concentration for chlorine, NSP shall monitor as follows:

i Parameter Loca ti on '

frequency l Total residual chlorine Outfall 001 daily during contact time Free available chlorine Condenser daily sample in let shall be taken in accordance with 1975 practice

, - - - . -. * -, ,.<m=.-=g ag+r -


I l

. ;1 Parameter Location Frequency N' I 1

Chlorine feeC Chlorine Feed daily a' 4i

  • Chlorine demand of intake water Intake weekly .

d ,

River N!!3 Intake weekly l s .

f p il Intake daily i

i River temperature Intake daily "

j Dack pressure -----

daily all daily monitor 1 t

ing shall be exclu sive of weekends &


C. Reporting.

NSP shall report the results of the chlorine reduction program quarterly. The report shall include i

a table of monitoring results and an evaluation of the ability to meet the limitations stated in 11.1. (c) of the Stipulation.

l 4

4 4



p.. .

.' O ' Tabic 1 O.

- r.

. S .1


  1. Calculation of Daily


-Average Concentrations for. Free andA liypothetical Cas


Total Residual Chlorine: .



}iypothetical Assumotions: t pl chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) is injected for 15 '!m .


1) (i.e., injection time = 15 min.). injection for  :

re co11ceted,

2) It takes 5 minutec from-the point -of chlo - -

n (i.e . ,. the la g time = - 5 minutes) . , tudy. ,,

' Contact Time = 17 minutes Ls _ determined by the

_j 3) -

- Dischart;c Chlorinc Time After - -

ConcentrationsEmole (D: Data)

Injection 1(mr,r/1)

. (minuteri .

o 7O , . . . .

. .a a -

c la 2

..:. .e . . . . . . . .

. .a GU (n ,3 _h o '7

l. , - ', E 40.02

._ a ' <: ,-

vn 16 E<



.' c

- a 0.03 c. o

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o ri OB 8 .a -

o o o O.3ll u  :

  • uor 1 .

. U -

.e4 -

10 o * . -


?o La n a2 i

c . O.30 r ;,

H y

43 12

'. 0.20 y'j

. . g

- l-

$ 1;1

.m 0.05 s'h n I o -

aa .

n e 16- .


. . . .o -

0.02 :r m

s ;o c 18 < .


- ;c .

4 0.02 @

. a, p 20 . - .

o 40.02 a '

a 22 w

. ,e .

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O Page 1 of 13 (

Dennit No. MN0000868 h[






In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, es amended, (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq; hereinafter the "Act"), Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 116 as arrended and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency .

Regulation WPC 36 (hereinafter Agency Regulation WPC 36) l NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY L is authorized by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to construct waste- .

water treatment facilities and/or to discharge from i Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Monticello, Minnesota to receiving water named Mississippi River, in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I and II, thereof.

This permit shall become effective on the date of issuance by the Director f pending final approval by the Agency. The Permittee shall be notified of the final decision of the Agency regarding this permit.

This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, June 30,1922. The Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the above date of expiration. In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond j the above date of expiration, the Permittee shall sulEit such information t-and forms as are required by the Agency no later than 180 days prior to the above date of expiration pursuant to Agency Regulation WPC 36.

10Aa (14 e Date: U62ON7 .

Sandra S.,Gardebring /\ .l Executive Director d Minnesota \Eollution Control Agency 3,.

y-V j


r ._

o O

  • . Page 2 of 18 Permit No. MN0000868 Description- r This facility is a nuclear fu21ed steam electric generating plant with a 3 maximum nameplate generating capacity of 558 megawatts. The disposal sys- q tem presently consists of a cooling tower system, radwaste treatment sys- .

tem, waste holdup pond, waste sump treatment system, pumps and piping. [1 Plant cooling water, radwaste treatment system effluent, and holdup pond  ?

effluent are discharged from outfall serial number 001. k6dwaste treatment }

( system effluent is discharged via outfall serial .: umber 001a to outfall 001. ]

fioldup pond effluent consisting of heating system bicwdown, softener waste, demineralizer regenerant, filter backwash and deicing water is discharged i via outfall serial number 00lb to outf all 001. Turbine building sump ef-fluent, miscellaneous floor and area drainage, and roof drains are dis-chatged from outfall serial number 002. Screen baci. wash water is discharged from outfall serial number 003. The discharges at this facility art crarac-terized as follows:

Discharge Maximum T3,ical Ser_tal fio. Type of Was_tewater Flow flow 001 Plant Cooling Water 417 MGD 400 MGD 001a P.adwaste Treatment System Effluent 150,000 g/d 0 g/d 00lb fioldup Pond Effluent 25,000 g/d 20,000 g/d i

j 002 Turbine Building Sump and Miscel- 58,000 g/d 46,000 g/d

laneous Drainage Effluent I

003 Screen Backwash 2.2 MGD 1.5 MGD t

i i i,

! I f,

o a; 4

. ; , gnmawgn= = = + - a

, - a, .

Page 3 of 18 Permit o: MN0000868 f


2. During the period beginning on July 1.1977 and lasting until June 30, 1982 the Permittee is authorized to discharge plant cooling water. radwaste treatment system effluent, and holdup pond i i effluent from outfall serial number 001. 1 l Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:


Measurement Samplc.

Monthly Ava Daily Max Monthly Ava Daily Max Frenuancy Tvoe Flow-M 3/ Day (MGO) - - - -

Continuous Daily Average estimate i* Temperature *C (*F) (See Page 8 of 18) Continuous -

i Plant Capacity Factor - Percent Total Capacity - - - -

Monthly Average -

Total Residual Chlorine - - -

W  ;

The discharge of chlorine (Total Residual) shall be limited to a total of two hours per day. Thc Permittee shall monitor the amount and time of chlorine annlication daily and report it monthly along with other monitoring reports.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam except that which occurs naturally in the river in other than trace amounts. -

The discharge shall not contain oil or other substances in amounts sufficient to create a visible color film on the surface of the receiving waters.. .

1 Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at a point representative

  • of the, discharge. ,

j l

  • f
  • Intake and discharge ,


    • See,page 9a of 18  !
  • s
  • E*__3- .PC * *M N AT .s

m - -- - ~.. . . . .,i w w w , ; ,.... _..

^ ~ ~

Page 4 of 18 '


3. During tha period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until June 30,1982, the Permittee is authorized to discharge radwaste treatment system effluent from discharge serial number 001a.

,D Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:


l b

kg/ day (lbs/ day) Other Units (Specify)  :

Measurement Sample Monthly Avc Daily Max Monthly Avc Daily Max Frecuency Tvoe 3

Flow-M / Day .(Gals / Day) - - - -

Weekly Dail'y Average Estimate  ;

Total Suspended Solids - -

30 mg/l* 100 mg/1* Weekly Grab Turbidity ,

25 NTU Weekly Grab

!h The pH shall not be less than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5 and shall be monitored by weekly grab samples. These upper and lower limitations are not subject to averaging and shall be met at all times.

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at a point representative of the discharge prior to mixing with other waste streams.

  • I.n addition to the .mor.thly average and daily maximum limitations, the seven (7) consecutive day average concentration shall not exceed 45 mg/1.


  • 6 O d
j. -

,. _~~,rer_ _ - - - ;_ -

77 .

Page 5 of 18 -


'4. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until (

Permittee June 30.1982 the a:~.:. ; : - is authorized to discharge holdup pond effluent from outfall serial number 00lb.


O; ~3 *


Such disch~5rges shall be- limi-ted and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:



' kg/ day.(Ibs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Monthly Ava Measurement Sample Daily tiax Monthlv Avg Daily Max Frecuency Tyce 3 '

Flow-M / Day (Gals / Day) - - - -

Weekly Daily Average Total Suspended Solids Estimate 30 mg/1* 100 mg/l* Weekly Grab Turbidity - - -

25 NTU Weekly Grab

() . 4 t

The pil shall not be less than 6".5 nor greater than 8.5 and shall be monitored by weekly grab samples.

These upper and lower limitations are not subject to averaging and shall be met at all times. i Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring raquirements specified above shall be taken at a point representative of the discharge prior to mixing with other waste streams.


  • In addition to the monthly  !

concentration shall not exceed average and daily maximum limitations. the seven (7) consecutive day average 45 mg/1. l

. . . . .. .. _ . . _ = - . - - .

- - = - -

" ' " T : +,~,; =:

^ -

..e e,-

n~;=mr.a.x QQ - - - - - -

Page 6 of 18

~. .f Permit Nc: MN0000868 '


5. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until June 30.1982 the Permittee is authorized to discharge turbine building sump and miscellaneous drainage from outfall serial number 002.

', Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:


ficasurcment Sample .

tionthly Ava Daily Max Monthly Ava Daily Max Frecuency Tyo?


Flow-M / Day (Gal.s/Dav) - - - - -

Weekly Daily Average Estimate Total Suspended Solids - -

30 mg/l* 100 mg/l* Weekly Grab Turbidity - - - -

25 NTU Weekly Grab 011 and Grease - - 10 mg/l 15 mg/l Monthly Grab

.O The pH shall not be less than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5 and shall be monitored by weekly, grab samples.

_ These upper and lower limitations are not subject to avcraging and shall be met at all times.

i There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam except that which occurs naturally in the river in other than trace amounts. .

The discharge shall not contain oil or other substances in amounts sufficient to create a visible color film on the, surface of the receiving waters.

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at a point representative , ~

, of the discharge. ,

  • 1d addition to the monthly average and daily inaximum limitations, the seven (7) consecutive day' average 2 ,

concentration shall not exceed 45 mg/1. .

- Page: 7 of' 18

Permit No: fG0000868 p .

I '


l. and lasting until June 30,1982 the l-6.' During the period beginning on the effective date of-this permit Permittee is authorized to discharge screen backwash from outfa!I serial number 003.

n .

Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified 'below:




kg/ day (1bs/ day Other Units (Specify) l .

Measurement Sample Type

- Monthly Avg Daily Max. Monthly Avg Daily Max Frequency _


^ - - - - Continuous Daily ' Average Flow-M 3f Jay (MGD) Estimate i

i O

For the purpose of this permit, the above discharge shall be limited solely to screened river water used to


1 backwash intake screens. Debris,. sludges, or other pollutants collected as a result of treatment of the intake water prior to use by the. Permittee shall be disposed'of as specified-on page 10 of 19.


The discharge shall not contain oil or other substances in ' amounts sufficient to create a visible color film.on - __

the surface of the receiving water. .

4 m.

q -

- suu , - _. aw 4 = .

e W

____..w... ,. - h - _C _ h ._ _ )

U PART I Page 8 of 18 b Pemit No: MZ 000868 i



i. cl.
1. Interim Effluent Requirements ..y '

j ,.

e During e period beginning with the effective date of the pemit and lasting [gl until the final determination by the Agency on final effluent limitations, g the cooling tower system shall be operated as specified below: t, i

(a) Both circulating water pumps at the plant screen house shall be operated (f to limit temperature rise through the condenser and thereby minimize cold '

shock potential except in the event one of the pumps is out of service due i to equipment failure or performance of nonscheduled maintenance tn pre-vent equipment damage.

(b) All the existing cooling towers shall be operated in a helper mode whenever anbient river tenperature measured at some point unaffected by the plant's discharge is consistently at or above 20*C(68'F) except in the event the cooling towers or a portion of the cooling towers is out of service due to equipment failure or performance of nonscheduled maintenance to ptevent equipment damage. In such case the portion of the cooling towers out of service shall be limited to ti .ae portions necessary to perforTn said repair or nonscheduled maintenance work.

(c) In no case shall the maximum daily average temperature at the end of the discharge canal exceed the following limiting temperatures:

(i) During the months April through October - 35*C(95*F) r (ii) DuringthemonthsNovemberandMarch-29.4*C(8gF)

(iii) DuringthemonthsDecemberthroughFebruary-26.7'C(80*F)  ;

(d) Whenever the permittee is required by the terms of its water appropriation permit dated March 12, 1970, from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to operate the cooling towers in a " partial recirculation" or

" closed cycle" mode, the permittee nay discharge heated water in excess of the limitations estcblished in PART I, B.1. (c).

2. Final Effluent Limitations The discharges from this facility are subject to the thennal limitations established by Minnesota Regulation UpC 15 (d) (2) Class B. The permittee has submitted a demonstration in support of alternative effluent limitations '

pursuant to Minnesota Regulation KPC 36 (u) (3). Final effluent limitations shall be established by the Agency after public hearing on the permittee's  ;

request.  ;



4 e o .

PART I Page 9 o'f 18 I'

Permit No: MN0000368 t B. Other Requirements

$ l

% (

3.  :;

There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl dompounds such as y those commonly used for transformer fluids. 1 lj

4. Intake Requirements +

1 i

(a) The Permittee shall conduct a study of its intake structure. This t


study }

by theshall be carried out in accordance with a study design approved Director.

Such study will be commenced upon approval of the 4 study design and a final rep.rt on the study will be submitted to the ~

Director within 6 months of the effective date of this permit.

s The report shall contain a detailed demonstration showing that the location, design, construction, capacity and operation of the ex-isting cooling water intake structure reflects the best technology-available for minimizing adverse environmental irpact on the sur-rounding water body. The report shall provide a summary of all mon-itoring data relevant to determining the effects of the existing in-ta).e structure. In addition, the report shall contain an estimate of the amounts take screens. of debris and other litter which are collected on the in-The development of this report shall be guided by the Minnesote Pollution Control Agency's " Guide for Intake Monitoring Programs and the Development Docunent for Best Technology Available for Minimizing Adverse Environmental Impact of Cooling Water Intake Structure," as promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

If the Permittee's existing system is not determined by the Agency to mect the Best Available Technology requirement of Section 316 (b) of the Act then the Per.iittee shall have the right to request a public Agency's within hearing thirty (30) days of being advised in writing of the determination.

(b) Large Debris collected at the trash racks shall be disposed of in k such a manner as to prevent the materials from entering waters of the State. Until completion of the intake report specified in (a),

the Permittee may return all material collected on the intake screen to the receiving water except that during any collection of intake material for purposes of the report the Permittee shall not return to the receiving water debris of other litter. Following completion of g

the intake report, this permit may te modified to specify the manner of debris disposal. l T


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5. (a) From the ef fective date of the permit .unti) July 1, 1978, fp the discharge of chlorine from outf all 001 shall not at i any time exceed a concentration of .2 mg/l' measured as , jh total residual chlorine and the dischargei bf chlorinated water shall not exceed a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> .per day. '


(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a) above; for the purpose of avoiding condenser fouling, on not more than 30 days I per year beginning with the effective date of the permit the Permittee may discharge chlorine at' concentrations above that specified in subparagraph (a) but in no event above a maximum of . 5 mg/l and an average of .2 mg/l measured as free available chlorine with the discharge of chlorinated water not to exceed a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> per day. The Permittee shall notify the Agency at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in advance of commencing chlorinations under this subparagraph (b).

(c) From July 1, 1978, to the expiration of the permit the  !

discharge of chlorine shall not at any time exceed a concentration of .2 mg/l measured as total residual chlorine and the discharge of chlorinated water shall not exceed a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> per day. This limitation is subject to the results of the study provided in a stipulation between the Permittee and the Agency. If the results of the study demonstrate that the Permittee cannot comply with the limitation of this paragraph (c), ,

then the Permittee shall construct facilities or implement procedures to comply and shall be granted the shcrtest I feasible period of time within which to construct such '

facilities or implement such procedures. During any construction or implementation period, the limitations of paragraphs 5(a) and (b) shall remain in force and I effect until the construction or implementation is complete at which time the limitation of this paragraph shall become effective.

t (d) Monitoring. From the effective date of this permit until the completion of the study provided in the

, stipulation between the Permittee and the Agency, the Permittee shall monitor in accordance with the stipulation. Thereafter, chlorine shall be monitored daily during application except holidays and weekends.


Page 10 of 18 Pcrmit fio: MN0000868 C. MONITORIi;G AND REPORTING ',

1. Representative sa_mpling ,

r, Samples shall be taken at a point representative of the discharge. Any

. monitoring measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of {yl the volun;e and nature of the monitored discharge. J

2. Monitoring Plan 4


1 The Permittee shall submit a monitoring plan or an amendment to any appreved }

monitoring plan, to the Director within forty five (45) days after date of g, issuance of this permit for approvt.', and thereafter submit a written report Y 1

to the Director each month in compliance with such plan. The monitoring plan I shall include the items described in Agency Regulation WPC 35 (n) (2). A p4 new monitoring plan need not be submitted if the Permittee has a orevicusly approved monitoring plan. Amendments to previously epproveo monitoring plans shall be submitted if additional or' different monitoring is required by this penni t.


3. Reporting _

Monitoring results obtained during the previous month shall be suamarized end reported on the designated " Discharge Monitoring Report Fora", and received or postmarked no later than the 21st day of the month following tha comple ad reporting period. The first report is due on the 21st cay cf the maath following ,

approval of the monitoring plan specified in PART I. C. 2. Signed copies of i

, these, and all other reports required herein, shall be sutcitted to the Director at the following address:

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1935 West County Road B2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 s Attn: Compliance c.nd Enforcement Section

4. Reduction or Elimination of Monitorino Requirements If the Permittee after monitoring for six (C) months or some other recsonable time as determined by the Director, determines that he is censistently meeting the effluent limits contained !,erein, the Permittee may request of tr.a Director that the monitoring requirew.nts be raduced or eliminated.
5. Monitoring Report

' The Permittee shall report the results of thehonitoring requirements in the units specified in this permit. A report or written statencnt is to be submitted even l

if no discharge occurred during the reporting period. The monthly report shall include (a) a description of any rodifications in the mste collecticn, trcatm:nt and disposal facilities; (b) any changes in operational procedure:; (c) any other significant activities which alter the nature or frequency of the discharge;  !

i (d) any other material factors regarding the ccqditions of this permit and such I information as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or Director may reasonsoly ,

require of the Pavittee, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 ano 116 as amended and Agency Regulation WPC 35 (n).


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Pemit No: MN0000868

6. Definitions
a. " Monthly Average" Discharge .

J j i

1. Weigh _t Basis _ - The " monthly average" discharge means the total discharge q IIy~ weight during a calendar conth divided by the number of days in the j month that the facility was operating. Where less than daily sampling 1 is required by this pemit, the monthly average discharge shall be ,

determined by the summation of the measured daily discharges by weight . t divided by the number of days during the calendar month when the ,

h measurements were made.


2. Concentration Basis - The
  • monthly average" concentration means the

' arithmetic average (weighted by flow value) of all the daily determina- ,

tions of concentration made during a calendar month. Daily determinations j of concentration made using a composite sampic shall be the concentration of the composite sat.ple. When grab samples are used, the deily deter-mination of c:mcentrction shall be the arithmetic average (we @ ted by flow value) of all the sampics collected during the calendar day.

b. " Daily Maximum" Discharge
1. Weight Basis - The " daily" discharge means the total discharge by weignt curing any calendar day.
2. _ Concentration Basis _ - The " daily maximum" concentration means the daily determination of concentration for any calendar day.

' c. The " Agency" means the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, as constituted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 116.02, Subd.1.

d. The " Director" means the Executive Director of the liinnesota Pollution Control Agency as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 116.03 as amended.
e. The " Regional Administrator" mecos the EPA Regional Administrator for the region in which Minnesota is located (now Region V).

l I

' f. The "Act" means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended 33 U.S.C.1251, et seq.

9. A " Composite" sample, for monitoring requirements, shcil be defined as no less than a series of grab samples collected at equally spaced hourly intervals and proportioned according to flow, unless otherwise approved in the monitoring pl a n,
h. Pollutants, Toxic Pollutants. Other Wastes, Point Source, Dispose 1 System, Waters of the State and othet terms for the purpose of this permit are defined in Section 502 of the Act and Minnesota Statutes Section 115.01 as amended and Agency Regulation WPC 36 (b).


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7. Tes_t Procedures _

Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall confonn to regulations k promulgated pursuant to Section 304 (g) of the Act, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 115.03, Subd. 1 (e) (7), as amended. '

The Permittee shall periodically calibrate and perform maintenance on all y monitoring and analytical instrumentation used to monitor pollutants discharged ,

under authorization by this permit, at intervals to insure accuracy of measure- (a 3 ments. The Permittee shall maintain written records of all such calibrations and maintenance.

8. Recording of Results_ I for each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the Permittee shall record the following information:
a. the exact place, date, and time of sampling;
b. the dates the analyses were performed;
c. the person who performed the analyses;
d. the analytical techniques, procedures or methods used; and
e. the results of such analyses.
9. Additional Monitorino by Permittee

[ If the Permittee monitors any pollutant at the location (s) designated herein more frequently than required pursuant to this permit, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation 'nd reporting of values submitted on the designated Discharge lionitoring Report Form. Any increased monitoring frequency shall also be indicated on such designated form.

, 10. R_ecordi_ng and Reco_r_ds Retention All sampling and analytical records required by the conditions of this permit I

shall be retained by the Permittee for a mirimum of three (3) years. The

$ Permittee shall also retain all. original recerdings from any continuous monitoring instrumentation, and any calibration and maintenance recoros, for a minimum of three (3) years. These retention periods shall be extended during the course of any legal or administrative proceedings or when so

( requested by the Regional Administrator, the Minnesota Pollution Control i Agency or the Director.

l f

Page 13 of 18 Permit flo: W1 0000868 PART 11 A.  !%!iAGEMEllT REQUIREME!1TS .

1. Change in Discharge )

All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in .


this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authori:ed shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any anticipated facility ex-pansions, production increases, or process modifications which will result { ,

in new, different, or increased discharges of pollutants shall be reported y by submission of a new hPDES application or, if such changes will not violate 1 the effluent limitations specified in this permit, by notice of such changes ,

to the Director. Following such notice, the permit may be modified to h specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited.

flon-ccmpliance !!otification 2.

a. Telephone Communication t if for any reason, a discharge from the facility identified in this permit occurs accidentally or otherwise which:
1) violates any daily maximum effluent limitation or cther provision of this permit which violation may cause substcntial envirennental effects including any adverse health effects; cr
2) contains a pollutant that is not identified and limited in this permit; or
3) contains oil above the effluent limitations of the permit, any polychlorinated biphenyls, ce toxic pollutant; then the Permittee shall immediately notify the Ccmpliance and Enforcement Section by telephone (612) 296-7373 of the occurrence of such discharge and theil immediately recover as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible such discharged substance (s) and take such other ections es may be reasonable to minimize or abate pollution of the uters of the state caused by such discharge. This telephone notification sh&1l be confirmed in writing within five (5) days which written confir. nation shall include to the extent known:

a) a description of the discharge and its cause; b) the duration of the discharge, including exact dates and times and all remedial action; or, if not corrected, the anticioated time the discharge is expected to continue and all actioni taken to correct and reduce, eliminate or prevent the discharge and its reoccurrence.

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b. Written flotice
  • j If, for any reason, the Permittee does not comply with or Will be

'1' '


. unable to comply with any daily reaximum effluent limitation specified  ;

in this permit or other provisions of this pemit, the Permittee shall a notify the Compliance and Enforcement Section in writing, within five i (5)dcysofbecomingawareofsuchcondition. The written notification .j shall contain the following infomation: 's s

a) a description of the discharge and cause of non-compliance; and j b)theperiodofnon-compliance,includingexactdatesandtimes;or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the non-compliance is ex- f pected to continue; and steps being taken to correct, reduce, g ,

eliminate and prevent recurrence of the noncomplying discharge. '

3. Facilities Operation and Quality Control All waste collection, control, treatment, and disposal facilities shall be operated in a manner consistent with the following: .

a) The Permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible any facilities er systems '

of control installed or used to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit, b) The Permittee Wall provide an adequate operating s.aff which is duly qualified under flinnesota Regulations ir,,'031 if applicable (as determined by the Director pursuant to Agency Regulation WPC 36 (1) (6) (ee) to carry out the operation, mainteur.ce and testing functions required to insure compliance with the conditions of this permit. ,

4 Adverse impact The Pemittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any adverse impact to navigable waters resulting from non-compliance with any ef fluent linita- l tions specified in this permit, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the nature and impact of the non-complyino discharge. The results of such monitoring shall be sutmitted to the Directcr as required under this provision.

. 5. Bypassino Any diversion from or bypass of facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit is prohibited, except (i) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe property damage, or (ii) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage any facilities or processes i

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  • - . Permit No: 6 0000868 'j .

0, [N necessary for compliance with the effluent limitations [hnd prohibitions of [

this permit. The Fermittee shall promptly notify the Director, Att: Com- i' pliance and Enforcement Section, in writing, of each s;uch diversion or d bypass. i fi Notification of any hypass which causes noncompliance wjth the daily effluent i .

limitations shall be donc in accordance with PAP,T 11. 2. (a) Mon-comoliance -

J Notification. s

[3 i

6. P,emoved Substances~

4 The Parmittee shall dispose of solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed f rom or resulting from treatment or control of waste-waters in such manner as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the state. The Permittee in disposal of such material shall comply with all applicable water, air and solid waste statutes and -

regulations. When requested the Penaittee shall submit a plan for such  ;

disposal for approval by the Director.


7. P_ower Failures Upon the t eduction, loss, or failure of the sources of power to the waste-water control f acilities, the Permittee shall reduce or otherwise control production and/or all discharges to the great 3st extent possible ccTrensurate i with maintaining the reliability of the Pentiittee's electrical generativn '

system, provided that this condition shall not authcrize a violation of any condition or limitation of this permit.  ;

8. Construction This permit only authorizes tbc construction of treatment works to attain I compliance with the limitations and conditions of this permit, af ter plans e and specifications for treatment facilities have been submitted and approved in writing by the Director prior to the start of any construction.

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Permit No: MN0000868 ,

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1. Right of Entry !

. g The Permittee shall pursuant to Section 303 of the Act an Minnesota Statutes 115.04, allow the Director of the flinnesota Pollution Control Agency, the j J Regional Administrator, and their authorized representatives: ,



a. to enter upon the Permittee's precises where a disposal system or other i l

point source or portion thereof is located for the purpose of obtaining ,

infornation, or examination of records or conducting surveys or investi-gations; and

b. to bring such equipment upon the Permittee's premises as is necessary to conduct such surveys and investigations; and 1
c. to examine and copy any books, paper, records or memoranda pertaining to

- the installation, maintenance, or operation or discharge, including but not

limited to, monitoring data of the disposal system or point source or rccerds required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and f d. to inspect any monitoring equipment or monituring pruwdur es requirsd in

( this permit; and . .

e. to sampic any discharge of pollutants, s
2. Transfer of Ownership or_ Control In the event of any changes in control or ownership of facilities from which the authorized discharges emanate, the Perr.ittee .,5311 notify the succeeding owner or controller of the existence of this permi. by letter, prior to the effective date of the transfer. A copy of this letter shall b2 forwarded to  ;-

the Regional Administrator and the Director. Any succeeding owner or controller shall ccmply with the terms and conditions of this permit.

3. Availability of Reports l' Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 30S of the Act, and Minnesota Statutes Section 116.075, Subd. 2, all reports prepared in l- accordance with the terrs of this permit shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Regional Administrator. Procedures for submitting such confidential material shall be pursuant to Minnesota Regulation UPC 36 (j) (2). As required by u

the Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. The Permittee shall imediately upon discovery report, in writing to the Director any errors or omissions.of such record, reports, plans or other documents prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Knowingly making any f alse statement on any such report, confidential or otherwise, may result in g'

the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 309 of the Act and Minnesota Statutes, Section 115.071 Subd. 2 (b).

l< ,


O PART 11 Page 17 of Q

18 Permit lio: Mil 0000868

4. Permit Modification >

After notice and opportunity for a hearing, this permit may be modified suspended or revoked in whole or in part during its term for cause in- ,

r ciuding, but not limited to, the following: 3 3

a. violation of any terms or conditions of this permit;
b. fully obtaining this perr^

all relevant facts;nitorby misrepresentation or failure to disclose 1 4 '

c. a change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge; or 0 j
d. Agency P,egulation WPC 36 (s) (1). ~
5. Toxic Pollutants liotwithstanding PART II, B, 4, above, if a toxic efflucnt standard or standard or prohibition) is established under Section 30 ,

liinnesota Statutes, Chapters 115 and 116 as amended, for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is nore shall be revised or raodified in accordance with the tox or prohibition and in accordance with applicable laws and regulation.


, Civil and_ Criminal 1.iability ,

or criminsi penalties for nonccmoliants with the term as othentise provided in PART 11, A. 5 7.

Byvpassino and PART 11, A. 7. Power Failures.

Oil and Hazardous Substance liability ,

p Nothing in this permit shM1 be construed to preclude the institution y of an legal action or relieve the Permittee from any responsibilities , liabilities, 1 of the Act and Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 115 and 116 a  !

8. -Federal, State and Local Lays Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution cf an legal or administrative proceedings or relieve the Permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties for violation of effluent and water quality limitations not included in this perrait.


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PART 11 O -

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Permit !!o: MN0000368

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9. Property 11ichts__ .;[,

The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights, in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any violaticn of Federal, State, or l'ocal laws or regulations. l

} i

10. Severability .- ., ,


l The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this  ;

permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any  ;

circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other i circumstances, and the rcraainder of this permit, sh511 not be affected thereby.

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1NG LICENSE A Lc nRu 'tes -


  • -701 3

[O ** $b3


TO: FROM: cATE oP ooCUitENT l Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 12/19/77 Hr. Victor Stello Roseville, Minnesota oATE REcaivEo Sandra S. Gardebring 1/3/78 2.4TTSA CNOToml2ED PROP lNPUTPoRM 'AbMBER oF coPtES REC &1VED C".lGIN A L ,GtfNC LAS$1FI E D s Ccorv w %yp ENcLCSU R E s>


Cartification for NRC Provisional Oper'ating License DPR-22 & Application for ' , .v s' Conversion of Said License to a Full-Term .I Opsrating License w/att Permits and s tipula tion a greement. . . . .

( 2-P )+( 5-P )+( 25-P ;

PLANT NAME: Monticello I 5MCL./gm pmg


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