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Revision 043/003 to Procedure 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/2016
From: Saenz K
Energy Northwest
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
13.4.1, Rev. 043/003
Download: ML16333A323 (36)


DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13 - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Kim Saenz, Records and Information Supervisor at (509)377-2492 or

Distribution Date: 11117/16 LMB Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision 13.4.1 043/003 EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Copy# Location Procedures 26 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All 28 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) All 57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All 75 Department of Health Radiation Protection All 87 Document Control Desk - NRC All 142 Hanford EOC/SMT All 164 Oregon State Department of Energy All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All Updated 10/27/14

DISTRIBUTION-VOLUME 13- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES Distribution Date: 11/17/16 LMB Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision 13.4.1 043/003 Security Receipt Acknowledgement for Control Copies 58, 59 and 214.

I hereby agree that the above stated revisions have been received.

Printed Name: Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date_ _ _ __


Copy# Location Procedures Mail Drop 2 Control Room - Shift Mqr Office All 964Y Control Room STA Desk Distribution List Only 964Y 31 Technical Support Center/Operations All 964Y Suooort Center 58 CGS Security- SAS-CR - S English 13.1.1 13.5.1 13 .5.5 13.11.10 13.12.19 13.13.4 ---

Call for pickup - RA Memo Req'd 13.4.1 13.7 .5 13.10.8 59 CGS Security - CAS-GSB - S English 13.1.1 13.5.1 13.5.5 13.10.8 13.11.10 13.13.4 ---

Call for pickup - RA Memo Req'd 13.4.1 13 .7. 5 13.1 2.19 68 Remote Shutdown Room 13.1.1 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.4.1 13.5.1 13.1 0.9 964Y 13.10.1 78 Control Room ST A Desk All 964Y 83 MUDAC (EOF) All 964Y 90 Joint Information Center All 964Y 94 Emergency Operations Facility All 964Y 160 Technical Support Center/Operations All 964Y Suooort Center 214 Security Control Center- PAAP- S English 13.4.1 13.5.1 13.10.8 13.11. 10 13.13.4 13.14.1 964Y Call for pickup RA Memo Req'd 238 Alternate Emergency Operations Facility All 964Y Updated 10/27/14

DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13 - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES OTHER FILING/ACTIONS Copy# Location Procedures Mail Drop 6 Simulator All 1500 35 NRC Resident Inspector All 988C 86 Simulator - STA Desk All 1500 129 Operations Training Classroom All 1050 132 Operations Training Classroom All 1050 219 Operations Training Classroom All 1050 220 Operations Training Classroom All 1050 999 Security Liaison - ICP Kit- EP 13.11.10 PE30 Updated 10/27/14

Initials Date Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 f----------------'-------------1 Minor Rev: 003




Illllll 111111111111111111111111111111111 13.4.1 11/17/16

Number: 13.4.1 ' I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 2 of 33 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Adding guidance on reporting to emergency response facil,ities during a loss of normal communications.

Page 7 Section 4.1.1, deleted "Use 'WNP2' as the password. Otherwise, follow the normal notification protocol." Language is not necessary as process is contained in the referenced form 26171.

Page 7 Section 4.1.2, deleted "Use 'WNP2' as the password." Process is contained in the form and password is not necessary.

Page 9 Section 4.1.10 Conduct a roll call of the Off-site Agencies and transmit the following information:

  • Type of notification, This is a DRILL I EMERGENCY (select one)
  • Individual making call Facility experiencing emergency, Columbia Generating Station Time of classification Emergency Classification

. Applicable Protective Action Recommendations (PARs)

This was added to align to EPlan Section 4.6.5.


Pages 12 and Sections 4.2.2 and 4.3.2 were rewritten to clarify completion of the CNF 13 form and PAR review.

Page 14 Section 4.4.3 pertaining to Followup Notifications was rewritten as follows:

Follow-up messages containing applicable information will be transmitted to the response organizations. This information may include such items as: Individual bullets were modified for consistency to the EPlan Section 4.6.6.

Page 16 Section 5.0 References. Modified to be consistent with SWP-PR0-01.

Page 18 Attachment 7.1, Agency Notification List, 4., changed to read DOE-RL EOG. Language previously referred to the ONG. DOE-RL previously changed from ONG to EOG and this modification reflects that change.

Page 19 Attachment 7.2, Bullet 2 rewritten for clarification as follows: A complete list of ERO members' work, home, and pager numbers is maintained in selected Emergency Phone Directories for use in the Main Control Room, EOF, TSC, and SCC personnel in these locations may use the Part B Notification List to contact ERO personnel in the event of an auto-dialer or paging system failure.

Page 20 Attachment 7 .3, Title changed to title listed in the Emergency Phone Directory: Offsite Support Agency Notification Checklist

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 3 of 33 Page 20 Attachment 7 .3, Second bullet changed to read "A Part C - Offsite Support Agency Notifications Checklist is located in the Part A/C Notifications Section of the Emergency Phone Directory.

Page 20 Attachment 7.3, Added a fifth bullet which reads as follows: sec makes the initial Part C Notifications until relieved of that function by the EOF Site Support Manager. This language accurately reflects the process being performed.

Page 20 Attachment 7.3, Agency Notification List. Deleted "Chemical & Nuclear Preparedness and Protection Division (CNPPD)" and replaced it with "Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)." This change makes this language consistent with the Emergency Plan, Table 4.1, Notification of Principle Emergency Response Organizations.

Page 22 Attachment 7.4, Fifth paragraph, changed SWP-FFD-1 to SWP-FFD-01 for accuracy.

Page 30 Attachment 7.6, CRASH Failure, d. Changed phone number for DOE-RL

, EOG to 9-376-3030 due to a previous typographical error.

Page 18 Minor Revision 001 (Editorial) --, Updated PPM 13.5.1 title to current title Page 11 Minor Revision 002 (Editorial) - Updated Section 4.1.16 reference Section 4.5 to 4.4 Page 14 Minor Revision 003 (Editorial) Section 4.4: Added Note box with directions on what to do for a CNF with incorrect information .

Number: 13.4.1 j Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 4 of 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 General ...........................................................................................................................;........ 5 2.2 Security Considerations ........................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Precautions and Limitations ................................. '. .......................................... :........................ 6 2.4 Information Requested by NRC ................................................................................................ 7 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Shift Manager. .................................................................................. ~ ....................................... 7 3.2 TSC Manager. ..................................... :.................................................................................... 7 3.3 EOF Manager .. ; ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Security Communications Center (SCC) .................................. .'............................................... 8

  • 3.5 Site Support Manager .............................................................................................................. 8 4.0 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................:................. 8 4.1 Notifications Made by the Shift Manager Acting as Emergency Director (ED) .......................... 8 4.2 Notifications Made By the TSC Manager Acting as Emergency Director (ED) ........................ 12 4.3 Notifications Made By the EOF Manager Acting as Emergency Director (ED) ........................ ~ 3 4.4 Followup Notifications ................................................................................................ ~ ........... 14 4.5 Notifications Made By the Security Communications Center (SCC) ...... :................................ 15 4.6 Notifications Made by the Site Support Manager .................................................................... 16 4.7 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Operations ....................................................... 16 4.8 Notification of Transitory Events ................................. ,........................................................... 16 4.9 Notification of Event Termination ..................................... :.......................... ,..... ~ ..................... 17


...................................................................................................................... 18 6.0 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 19 7.0 ATTACHMENTS .............................................. :..................................................................... 19 7.1 Emergency Notification Lists Part A - Immediate Notification List ........................................... 20

. 7.2 Emergency Notification Lists Part B - ERO Notification List.. .................................................. 21 7.3 Emergency Notification Lists Part C - Offsite Notification Checklist ........................................ 22 7.4 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions ............... 23 7.5 Notifiction of Transitory Event ................................................................................................ 32 7.6 Crash Failure ......................................................................................................................... 33

Number: 13.4.1 J Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 5 of 33 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for notification of Federal, State and County organizations should a classified emergency provided for in PPM 13.1.1 be declared, upgraded, terminated, or a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) be made or modified. It also provides instruction for notification, acknowledgment, and response actions by Energy Northwest emergency response personnel. {R-1586}, {R-1587}, {R-1588}

{R-1589}, {R1590}

2.0 DISCUSSION 2.1 General Initial notification of Washington State and local authorities must be made within 15 minutes following declaration of the emergency event. For Energy Northwest, local authorities are defined as Benton County, Franklin County, Washington State, and the Department of Energy, Richland .. Initial notification of the NRG via the Emergency Notification System (ENS) should be made immediately after notification of the appropriate state and local authorities, and must be made not later than one (1) hour after emergency event declaration. Immediate notifications are outlined in Attachment 7.1, Emergency Notification List, Part A - Immediate Notification List. Notification of other offsite agencies is outlined in Attachment 7.3, Eme~ency Notification List, Part C - Offsite Agency Notification List. {R-5731}

  • Notification of selected non-ERO supervisory staff (Construction and Project Management) is intended to prompt them to notify personnel they are responsible for of an emergency declaration so that appropriate protective action may be initiated for individuals in high *noise environments or otherwise out of public address range within the owner controlled area.

Emergency notifications are one of the responsibilities assigned to the designated Emergency Director (ED) and will transfer along with the ED function from the Shift Manager to the TSC Manager or EOF Manager. The ED cannot delegate the decision to notify offsite authorities responsible for offsite emergency measures, but may delegate notification actions to other individuals in accordance with this procedure.

If a Transitory Event is discovered as outlined in PPM 13.1.1, ENS notification to the NRG must be made withjn one (1) hour of the discovery of the undeclared (or mis-classified) event.

State and county authorities will be notified by Emergency Preparedness.

2.2 Security Considerations 2.2.1 The authority to temporarily suspend affected security measures is given to the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Director.

2.2.2 Affected security measures may be suspended per 10 CFR 50.54(x) and 10CFR50.54(y) in an emergency when this action is immediately needed to protect the public health and safety and no other immediately apparent action, consistent with the Columbia Generating Station license conditions and technical specifications, can provide adequate or equivalent protection. Suspension of security measures must be approved as a minimum by a licensed senior reactor operator before taking this action. * {R-20124}

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EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 6 of 33 2.2.3 During severe weather, affected security measures may be suspended when immediately needed to protect the personal health and safety of security force personnel and no other immediately apparent action consistent with the license conditions and technical specifications can provide adequate or equivalent protection. This suspension of security measures must be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator, with input from the security supervisor or manager, before taking this action. {R-20125}

2.2.4 The temporary suspension must be approved by the Emergency Director pripr to taking the action unless a life-threatening situation exists and there is insufficient time to obtain prior approval. {R-20124}

2.2.5 If security measures are temporarily suspended, the NRC Operations Center should be notified as soon as practicable, and in all cases, within one hour of the occurrence. Upon restoration of security measures, the NRC Operations Center shall be notified as soon as practicable. {R-20127}

2.2.6 Suspended security measures must be restored as soon as practical. {R-20126}

2.3 Precautions and Limitations 2.3.1 State and local authorities are required to receive emergency event notifications

-* NOTE:

within 15 minutes of event classification, a change in event classification, or changes in Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).

. The time of classification entered on the new CNF should be the time of the new classification or Protective Action Recommendation.

2.3.2 If after beginning to fill out a Classification Notification Form (CNF), but before the event is communicated to anyone offsite, event conditions change which make it necessary to reclassify the event or change PARs, discontinue completing the first CNF and begin filling out a new one. If the hard copy CNF is used, mark the discontinued CNF void and include it with the After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4.

The initial 15 minute notification requirement is not waived and the new CNF must be completed within 15 minutes of declaring the previous classification.

2.3.3 If event conditions change which make it necessary to reclassify the event or .

change PARs and offsite notifications are in progress, the current 15 minute notification requirement is not waived. Notifications in progress for the lower level classification or PARs must be completed. Inform the offsite agencies on the Crash phone that classification or PARs will be upgraded and another notification will be forthcoming shortly.

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043


Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 7 of 33 2.4 Information Requested by NRC The following information may be requested by the Headquarters Operations Officer:

  • Is there any change to the classification of the event?
  • What is the ongoing/imminent damage to the facility, including affected equipment and safety features?
  • Have toxic or radiological releases occurred or been projected, including changes in the release rate? If so, what are the projected onsite and offsite releases and what is the basis of assessment?
  • What are the health effects or consequences to onsite and offsite people? How many onsite or offsite people will be or are affected, and to what extent?
  • Is the event under control? When was control established, or what is planned to bring the event under control? What mitigative action is planned or underway?
  • What onsite protective measures have been taken or planned?
  • What offsite protective actions have been recommended to state or local officials?

What is the status of state, local or other federal agencies responses, if known?

If applicable, what is the status of public information activities, such as alarm, broadcast, or press releases by the state, local, or other federal response agency?

Has a Joint Information Center been activated?

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Shift Manager The Shift Manager while acting as the Emergency Director is responsible for:

3.1.1 Approving and ensuring required notifications of Offsite Agencies are performed; 3.1.2 Ensuring notification of the ERO.

3.2 TSC Manager The TSC Manager while acting as the Emergency Director is responsible for:

3.2.1 Approving and ensuring required notifications of Offsite Agencies are performed; 3.2.2 Ensuring notification of the ERO .

IUse Category: REFERENCE Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



The EOF Manager while acting as the Emergency Director is responsible for:

3.3.1 Approving and ensuring required notifications of Offsite Agencies are performed; 3.3.2 Ensuring notification of the ERO.

3.4 Security Communications Center (SCC)

The SCC is responsible for:

3.4.1 Activating the ERO Notification System; 3.4.2 Providing approved information to offsite agencies; 3.4.3 Notification of additional offsite agencies (Part C) until relieved by the Site Support Manager.

3.5 Site Support Manager The Site Support Manager is responsible for:

  • 4.0 4.1 3.5.1 PROCEDURE Notification of additional offsite agencies (Part C).

Notifications Made by the Shift Manager Acting as Emergency Director (ED)

NOTES: When making a classification change and full Emergency Response Organization (ERO) activation was initiated by a previous classification, it is not necessary to repeat ERO notification.

The following steps may be performed out of sequence.

4.1.1 !Ethe need to activate the TSC and OSC exists at the Unusual Event classification, THEN refer to the instructions contained on Form 26171, Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule Message, to start the autodialer and record an "on-the-fly" message.

  • Notify the SCC that the Control Room will initiate the autodialer scenario.
  • If an autodialer scenario is already running, cancel the operating scenario.

4.1.2 IF special instructions are required for ERO activation, THEN prepare an "on-the-fly" message notification using form 26171 .

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EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 9 of 33 4.1.3 IF security event conditions exist for an emergency classification, THEN declare the appropriate classification and initiate the offsite agency notification process, but do not summon the ERO or activate emergency centers until it is safe to do so. Confer with the Security Supervisor to make that determination.


  • lE it is determined that is safe to activate the ERO and all emergency centers, THEN initiate the appropriate autodialer scenario.
  • IF it is determined that it is NOT safe to activate the ERO or any emergency center, THEN initiate the security contingency autodialer scenario (#191).

Based on consultation with the Security Supervisor, instruct on- site TSC and OSC responders to delay reporting to their emergency centers. Refer to form 26045 (pink form) to prepare an appropriate PA announcement for on-site responders. Otherwise, inform the OSC and TSC responders to report to their emergency center directly.

4.1.4 WHEN emergency classification decisions are made,

  • 4.1.5 THEN notify the sec Duty Officer on the dedicated ring down line or available phone line if the dedicated line is unavailable to initiate the appropriate ERO notification system.

At Site Area Emergency, direct the SCC to initiate Industrial Development complex evacuation, and inform the sec if an offsite radiological release is in progress.

4.1.6 Complete the Classification Notification Form (CNF), Form 24075 or Electronic Classification Notification Form (ECNF). Refer to PPM 13.2.2 to determine if the event classification also requires Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) 4.1. 7 Transmit the CNF to the SCC and offsite agencies via facsimile.

IF facsimile failure occurs, THEN go directly to Crash phone notification.

4.1.8 Initiate the Crash call by either;

a. Using the dedicated CRASH Phone and dial 400, or
b. Using the Shift Manager's phone (either in SM Office or on Main Control Room Podium), SELECT "EN Crash" and dial 400.

4.1.9 IF the CRASH system does not initiate; THEN Refer to Attachment 7.6; CRASH FAILURE.

Number: 13.4.1 \ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 1O of 33 NOTE: Offsite agencies that must be notified within 15 minutes are:

  • Benton County
  • Franklin County
  • DOE-RL 4.1.10 Conduct a roll call of the Off-site Agencies and transmit the following information:
  • Type of notification, This is a DRILL I EMERGENCY (select one)
  • Individual making call
  • Facility experiencing emergency, Columbia Generating Station
  • Time of classification
  • Emergency Classification
  • Applicable Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) 4.1.11 Verify the SCC Duty Officer has received the CNF and is prepared to address the Offsite agencies on the Crash phone.
  • !Ethe SCC has NOT received the faxed CNF or is otherwise not prepared to address the Offsite agencies on the Crash phone, THEN the Control Room must read the CNF information block by block in numerical sequence to the agency representatives .

4.1.12 WHEN the sec Duty Officer has received the CNF and assumes responsibility for addressing the Off-site agencies on the Crash line.

THEN the SCC Duty Officer will read the CNF information block by block in numerical sequence to the agency representatives.

4.1.13 Ensure that plant PA announcements are made using the format of Form 26045.

Also ensure that the override switch for the public address system is in the "override" position. Return it to the normal position when done.

4.1.14 Ensure that immediately after notification of the appropriate state and local agencies but not later than one hour after event classification, a designated communicator:

\ {R-1932}

  • Provides the NRC with event information using guidance contained in the Event Notification Worksheet, NRC Form 361, (Form 25665) via the NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS) by dialing:

(301) 816-5100, (301) 951-0550 or (301) 415-0553 If ENS is not available, use any commercial phone and dial:

9-1-301-816-5100, 9-1-301-951-0550 or 9-1-301-415-0553

  • Provides information to the NRC on event classification changes .

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



  • Maintains continuous communication with the NRC for whatever period they request or until relieved by the Plant/NRG Liaison in the TSC.
  • When the TSC Plant/NRG Liaison .comes on line, provides turnover information via ENS which includes, as a minimum, classification level, reactor status and other relevant plant status items.
  • Obtains permission from the NRC ENS communicator prior to transferring ENS responsibilities to the TSC Plant/NRG Liaison.

4.1.15 IF security measures are temporarily suspended per 10C CFR 50.54(x) and 10 CFR 50.54(y) to protect the health and safety of the public, THEN notify the NRC as soon as practicable and in all cases, within one hour of the occurrence. Notify the NRC upon restoration of security measures as soon as practicable. {R 1124}

4.1.16 About once per hour, or when radiological or plant conditions change, initiate a follow-up message by Crash phone and fax to offsite agencies. Refer to Section 4.4, Followup Notifications.

4.1.17 Direct that the Control Room's facsimile transmittal activity reports be attached to

  • 4.1.18 applicable CNFs and that CNFs and NRC Event Notification work sheets be attached to After Action .Reports.

Monitor Plant conditions and, if changes in the emergency classification are required, repeat Steps 4.1.1 - 4.1.12 .

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 12 of 33 4.2 Notifications Made By the TSC Manager Acting as Emergency Director CED)

NOTE: The following steps should be completed in order, however, under certain circumstances such as equipment failure or time constraints, steps may be performed out of sequence.

4.2.1 !E a change in event classification or PARs is indicated, 1

THEN confer with the Shift Manager using the Emergency Director ringdown phone as necessary.

4.2.2 Complete the CNF, Form 24075 or ECNF. Refer to PPM 13.2.2 to determine if the event classification also requires Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).

4.2.3 Direct that the CNF be sent to the Offsite agencies via facsimile.

  • IF facsimile failure occurs, THEN. go directly to Crash phone notification.

4.2.4 Initiate the Crash phone system by dialing 400.

4.2.5 !Ethe CRASH system does not initiate; THEN Refer to Attachment 7.6; CRASH FAILURE.

4.2.6 Review CNF information with the Offsite agencies on the Crash phone, ensure their questions are answered and that they understand the information regarding current conditions.

4.2. 7 Direct that facsimile transmittal activity reports be attached to all original CNFs and retained for records.

4.2.8 !Ethe Columbia River/Horn Rapids siren alerting system cannot be activated by Benton County Emergency Dispatch Center (EDC) personnel, THEN if requested direct the Security Communications Center (SCC) personnel activate the sirens and announce the prescripted messages over the alerting system.

4.2.9 About once per hour, or when radiological or plant conditions change, initiate a follow-up message by Crash phone and fax to Offsite agencies. Refer to Section 4.4, Follow-up Notifications .

Number: 13.4.1 J Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 13 of 33 4.3 Notifications Made By the EOF Manager Acting as Emergency Director (ED)

NOTE: The following steps should be completed in order, however, under certain circumstances such as equipment failure or time constraints, steps may be performed out of sequence.

4.3.1 !E a change in event classification or PARs is indicated, THEN confer with the TSC Manager and the Shift Manager using the Emergency Director ringdown phone as necessary.

4.3.2 Complete the CNF, Form 24075 or ECNF. Refer to PPM 13.2.2 to determine if the event classification also requires Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).

4.3.3 Coordinate with the TSC Manager to have announcements of plant conditions, hazardous areas to avoid, or security conditions be made to personnel in or near the plant, using the public address system microphone in the TSC.

4.3.4 Direct that the CNF be sent to the Offsite agencies via facsimile.

!E facsimile failure occurs, THEN go directly to Crash phone notification .

4.3.5 Initiate the Crash phone system by dialing 400.

4.3.6 !Ethe CRASH system does not initiate; THEN Refer to Attachment 7.6; CRASH FAILURE.

4.3.7 Review CNF information with the Offsite agencies on the Crash phone, ensure their questions are answered and that they understand the information regarding current conditions.

4.3.8 Direct that the facsimile transmittal activity reports are attached to all original CNFs and retained for records.

4.3.9 !Ethe Columbia River/Horn Rapids siren alerting system cannot be activated by Benton County Emergency Dispatch Center (EDC) personnel, THEN if requested direct the Security Communications Center (SCC) personnel activate the sirens and announce the prescripted messages over the alerting system. ,

4.3.10 About once per hour, or when radiological or plant conditions change, initiate a follow-up message by Crash phone and fax to offsite agencies. Refer to Section 4.4, Followup Notifications .

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EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 14 of 33 4.4 Followup Notifications NOTE: If it is discovered that incorrect information has been transmitted on a previous.CNF, an informational CNF should be initiated and transmitted along with a CRASH call to correct the incorrect information.

4.4.1 About once per hour, or when radiological or plant conditions change, initiate a followup message by Crash phone and fax to offsite agencies.

4.4.2 Use form 24075, Classification Notification Form, Indicate "Information" as reason

- ~\

for notification.

4.4.3 Follow-up messages containing applicable information will be transmitted to the response organizations. This information may include such items as {R-1587}

  • Name and phone number of caller
  • Location of incident
  • Date and time of incident
  • Classification of Emergency
  • Type of actual or projected release, estimated duration/ impact times
  • Estimate of the quantity of radioactive material released or being released, and the point of the release
  • Chemical and physical form of released material including estimates of relative quantities and concentration of noble gases, iodines, and particulates
  • Meteorological conditions or changes
  • Actual or projected dose rates at the site boundary; projected integrated dose at the site boundary
  • Projected dose rates and integrated dose at the projected peak and at 2 miles and 10 miles, including sector(s) affected
  • Estimate of any surface radioactive contamination; in plant, on site or offsite
  • Emergency response actions underway
  • Recommended emergency actions, including PARs


Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



  • Request for Offsite organization needed support
  • Prognosis for worsening or termination of event based on plant information 4.5 Notifications Made By the Security Communications Center (SCC) 4.5.1 !f. the Columbia River/Horn Rapids area Public Alerting system cannot be activated by the Benton County Emergency Dispatch Center (EDC) or Franklin County Emergency Management personnel, THEN upon request activate the sirens and announce prescripted messages on the alerting system.

4.5.2 IF notified of event classification by other than the Crash or alternate Dial-Up phone system, THEN call the Shift Manager back on the dedicated line for verification prior to providing notification to offsite agencies.

4.5.3 Upon receipt of official notification of emergency event classification, implement Form 26573, SCC Duty Officer Checklist.

4.5.4 For notifications of event classifications or changes prior to ERO activation, activate the ERO notification system using the automatic dialer. Do not initiate a new scenario if the Control Room has activated the auto-dialer at the Unusual Event classification unless upgrading to an Alert or higher emergency.

4.5.5 For event notifications or changes prior to ERO activation when automatic dialer is not operational, activate the ERO paging system.

4.5.6 Monitor Crash system CNF notifications to Offsite agencies, and for notifications from the Shift Manager, follow up with any necessary clarifications or missed data.

4.5.7 Log a record of offsite agency CNF notifications.

4.5.8 Instruct the Central Alarm Station (CAS) Operator to inform the Security Supervisor of the incident, and request a responder to the Security Communications Center to provide notification assistance.

4.5.9 When the responder arrives, give briefing on event notification status, Benton

'County EDC requests for siren activation or PA announcements, and direct the responder to assist with sec operations.

4.5.1 O For initial or fast breaking classifications where the Site Support Manager has not yet arrived at the EOF to take over Part C notifications,

a. Make two (2) attempts to contact the listed agencies in the Part C notification list (Attachment 7.3). If requested, provide Items 1-6, 8, 12 on the CNF.
b. When contacted, inform the EOF Site Support Manager of those listed agencies you were unable to contact.

4.5.11 Each time the classification is changed, and the Emergency Director function is still in the Control Room, cease the notification sequence and start over from Step 4.5.1 .

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EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 16 of 33 If the ERO Notification system was already activated at the Alert or higher classification, do not reactivate it.

When contacted by the Site Support Manager in the EOF, turn over responsibility for Part C notifications.

4.6 Notifications Made by the Site Support Manager 4.6.1 Upon arrival at the EOF, contact the SCC Duty Officer and assume responsibility for making the Attachment 7.3, Emergency Notification List, Part C Offsite Notification Checklist.

4.6.2 Make the Part C notifications as required for appropriate event classifications.

Provide items 1-6, 8, 12 on the CNF as requested.

4.6.3 Make two (2) attempts to contact the agencies/locations listed in Part C. Inform the EOF Manager of those listed agencies you were unable to contact.

4. 7 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Operations NOTE: The responsibility for EROS activation resides with the on-shift Chemistry Technician. The Control Room Incident Advisor, the on-call Emergency Planner, the TSC Plant/NRC Liaison or the POIS Analyst in the EOF should activate EROS if not already accomplished.

4.7.1 Activate EROS as soon as possible, but not later than one (1) hour after declaring an Alert or higher emergency classification. {R-1932}, {R-1936}

4.7.2 Use instructions on Form 26497, Activation and Termination of EROS to activate system.

4.8 Notification of Transitory Events NOTE: This notification is the responsibility of the Shift Manager or Emergency Director following discovery of the event.

4.8.1 If a Transitory Event has been discovered per PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency, complete the following notifications:

. a. Ensure ENS notification to the NRC is made within one (1) hour of the discovery of the undeclared (or mis-classified) event.

b. Contact the Emergency Preparedness Manager and request that Emergency Preparedness inform the Offsite agencies of the Transitory Event.

IUse Category: REFERENCE Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003 -


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 17 of 33 4.8.2 Upon notification of a Transitory Event, the Emergency Preparedness Manager completes notification of Offsite agencies in accordance with Attachment 7.5, Notification of Transitory Event. The completed Attachment 7.5, Notification of Transitory Event, is filed in the EP File and sent to Plant File in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.9 Notification of Event Termination NOTE: When conditions have improved, stabilized and the following conditions have been met, the Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated in accordance with Procedure 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations.

  • Emergency Action Level criteria are no longer exceeded or met,
  • Situation prognosis is stable or improving.

4.9.1 For notification of termination of an Unusual Event or Alert, perform the following:

  • Fill out an event termination CNF.
  • Initiate a Crash call informing offsite agencies of the event termination .
  • Notify NRC using the ENS line of the event termination.

4.9.2 For transition from a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency event to the Recovery phase, terminate emergency operations and transition to Recovery Operations in accordance with PPM 13.13.2. Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003




5.1 10 CFR 50.47(b), Emergency Plans {R-1586}, {R-1587}, {R-1588}, {R-1589}, {R-1590}

5.2 10 CFR 50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors


5.3 10 CFR 73.55, Requirements for Physical Protection of Licensed Activities in Nuclear Power Reactors Against Radiological Sabotage {R- 20124}, {R-20125}, {R-20126}, {R-20127}

5.4 10 CFR 50 Appendix E (IV)(C), Activation of Emergency Organization {R-5731}

5.5 Columbia Generating Station Physical Security Plan 5.6 10 CFR 26, Fitness for Duty Program 5.7 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 5.8 NUREG-1022, Event Reporting Systems 5.9 IEN 98-08, Information Likely to be Requested if an Emergency is Declared

  • 5.10 5.11 5.12 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 4 SWP-FFD-01, Fitness For Duty PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 5.13 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 5.14 PPM 13.5.1, Local, Protected Area and Site Evacuation 5.15 PPM 13.10.6, Plant/NRG Liaison Duties 5.16 PPM 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations 5.17 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 5.18 Initiation and Termination of EROS, 26497 5.19 Classification Notification Form, 24075 5.20 Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Messages, 26045 5.21 Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule Message, 26171 5.22 SCC Duty Officer Checklist, 26573

,IUse Category: REFERENCE Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 19 of 33 6.0 DOCUMENTATION All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the,Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Emergency Notification Lists, Part A - Immediate Notification List 7.2 Emergency Notification Lists, Part B - ERO Notification List 7.3 Emergency Notification Lists, Part C - Offsite Notification Checklist 7.4 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions 7.5 Notification of Transitory Event

  • 7.6 Crash Failure

IUse Category: REFERENCE Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



  • This is a list of State and local authorities that shall be notified within fifteen (15) minutes of all emergency event classifications, changes in classification and Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) as required by 10 CFR 50.72.
  • Notification to these agencies is normally by Crash dedicated phone, but in the event of Crash phone failure, the Dial-Up system should be used for contact. The agencies should be contacted in order of listing when using the Dial-Up system.
  • These offsite agencies are entitled to know ALL information contained on the Classification Notification Form (CNF). A copy of the CNF should be transmitted by facsimile concurrent with phone notification.
  • Agency Notification List
1. Benton County EOC
  • 2.



Franklin County EOC Washington State EOC DOE-RL: Contact the DOE/RL EOC.


  • Attachment 7.1, Emergency Notification Lists Part A - Immediate Notification List

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFE.RENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



  • The Part B notification represents the essential and augmenting Emergency Response Organization (ERO) positions for Energy Northwest that shall be notified as soon as possible after classification of an emergency event.
  • A complete lisf of ERO members' work, home, and pager numbers is maintained in selected Emergency Phone Directories for use in the Main Control Room, EOF, TSC/OSC and SCC.

Personnel in these locations may use the Part B Notification List to contact ERO personnel in the event of an auto-dialer or paging system failure.

  • Selected Energy Northwest supervisory staff not on the ERO is also included in this notification list. This assures that Energy Northwest staff and contractor personnel out of public address system range or in high noise environments within the owner controlled area will be notified bf an emergency declaration at Columbia Generating Station.
  • These positions are normally notified by pager, computerized phone system, or public address system.
  • ERO Notification List See Emergency Phone Book END
  • Attachment 7.2, Emergency Notification Lists Part B - ERO Notification List

Number: 13.4.1 J Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



  • These offsite agencies are notified as soon as possible after Part A notifications are made.

Notification is made at the indicated emergency classification level and at any subsequent reclassification (except as noted below), including termination.

  • Notifications are made via commercial phone, radio or facsimile. A Part C Offsite Support Agency Notification Checklist is located in the Part A/C Notification Section of the Emergency Phone Directory.
  • These agencies are normally provided information contained in items 1-6, 8 and 12 of the CNF.
  • The agencies are listed in the order of preferred notification. However, Energy Northwest reserves the right to modify the order as required for effective emergency preparedness coordination.
  • SCC makes the initial Part C Notifications until relieved of that function by the EOF Site Support Manager.
  • After two (2) unsuccessful attempts to contact a listed agency, further attempts will be*

discontinued and an "unable to contact" notice given to the Site Support Manager.


1. Bonneville Power Administration (SPA)
2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

At Alert or Above

3. Industrial Development Complex Manager (or Industrial Development Authority (IDA)
4. Security Training Facility
5. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
6. American Nuclear Insurer (ANI)

At Site Area Emergency or Above

7. Areva

. 8. General Electric of San Jose END Attachment 7.3, Emergency Notification Lists Part C - Offsite Notification Checklist

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003



NOTIFICATION AND RESPONSE INSTRUCTIONS General Instructions If the ERO is summoned during freezing or snowy weather, call the Hanford Patrol Operations Center and request that the roads to the plant be cleared or sanded as necessary. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for the number.

If an evacuation is necessary beyond the Exclusion Area, contact the Benton and Franklin County Emergency Operations Centers and request that the Benton and Franklin County road supervisors be contacted to assist in determining evacuation risk. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for the number.

At Alert or higher emergency classification, on call and Support personnel should report to their assigned emergency centers. Selected ERO personnel may also be instructed to respond at the Unusual Event classification. Security personnel at Energy Northwest roadblocks will direct Plant responders reporting from home to the Health Physics Center (HPC) at the Kootenai Building before going to the Plant if there are hazardous conditions to consider. Otherwise, personnel will report directly to their assigned emergency center.

Emergency centers are required to be activated within about 90 minutes of classification and of notifying the ERO to report. The 90-minute time window starts at the time ERO pagers activate.

On call ERO members must meet Energy Northwest's Fitness for Duty criteria contained in SWP-FFD-01. Personnel should not acknowledge a telephone notification or report to their emergency center unless Fitness for Duty criteria is met.

10 CFR 26 and Energy Northwest procedures, such as SWP-FFD-01, specify that the consumption of alcohol is prohibited for five hours prior to "any scheduled working tour" and "during the period of any scheduled working tour." Abstinence is not specifically required for other periods. For Emergency Preparedness purposes, a scheduled drill/exercise is considered as a scheduled working tour.

Response to an actual event is considered as a call-in situation or unscheduled working tour.

10 CFR 26 and SWP-FFD-01 address alcohol consumption for call-in/unscheduled working tours.

The called-in person(s) must state whether alcohol has been consumed within the preceding five hours, and the Supervisor/Manager must ensure this information is provided. For those reporting for a call-in/unscheduled working tour and not meeting the five hour abstinence period, a determination of fitness must be made (including any necessary controls or conditions such as supervision or monitoring).

During events that would impact the safe operation of CGS, such as a large scale loss or degradation of the electrical grid, and area communications (pagers, cell towers, internet, land line phone systems) are being challenged or are not working, ERO personnel are expected to ensure their family and home are safe then report to their Emergency Response Facility if they cannot contact the plant for additional guidance .

  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 24 of 33 Notification Acknowledgement/Response While at work, ERO personnel may be notified of emergency classifications by one of the following:

  • Pager notification
  • Public address (PA) announcements
  • Word of Mouth
  • Telephone message from an automatic dialer Required response to the autodialer is detailed below.

If you receive an ERO notification on your home phone:

  • Follow the scripted directions using a touch tone phone. The auto-dialer cannot recognize a Rotary dial or pulse tone phone.

If you miss part of the message, you may call 375-6201. Otherwise, report directly to your emergency center, or as directed .

ERO Response Expectations NOTE: The following section applies to all Actual Events, Off-hours Drills, and any other ERO related notification real or simulated EXCEPT for regularly scheduled, pre-advertised Day Shift ERO Team Training Drills (for which the drill team has been pre-designated).

Day Shift ERO Team Training Drills are typically held four or m0re times per calendar year and are listed on the published ERO Team Drill/Exercise Schedule.

IF in doubt about whether the drill is one of the few regularly scheduled, pre-advertised Day Shift ERO Team Training Drills, THEN respond as described below for your ERO category as if it is an actual event.

  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 25 of 33 Essential Category

1. When an ERO Call-out Notification occurs, all available "ESSENTIAL" category personnel from all four ERO teams (A, B, C, and D) should arrive at their emergency centers as soon as possible but within approximately 60 minutes, regardless of which ERO team is the scheduled duty team at the time of the Call-out Notification. All four teams are required to respond to assure that at least one person arrives in time to fill each "ESSENTIAL" category position within about 60 minutes so as to provide the best chance that all emergency centers will be activated within the 90-min~te requirement.
2. All ERO personnel in positions classified as "ESSENTIAL" category should report to their emergency centers immediately when paged with either a "222" or "444" code (or to their designated alternate location for Security Contingency codes "191" or "393" wheri received while off-site. Onsite response to Security Contingency pager codes "191" or "393" is in

!=lCCordance with the plant PA announcement.) "ESSENTIAL" category members are not expected to call the auto-dialer. "ESSENTIAL" category personnel on all four ERO teams (A, B, C, and D) will receive contact calls from the auto-dialer soon after the pager notification.

However, "ESSENTIAL" category personnel should not wait for the auto-dialer call or take the time to interact with the auto-dialer unless the auto-dialer's call is their first notification contact.

3. "ESSENTIAL" category members who receive a pager notification with either a "000" (informational message) or "333" (Unusual Event) code should call the auto-dialer and follow its instructions.
4. "ESSENTIAL" category members not on-call are not required to remain fit for duty when not on-call. "ESSENTIAL" category members not on-call are expected to carry their pagers with them at all times. However, if an ERO Call-out occurs, all available "ESSENTIAL" category members not on-call are to report if fit for duty.
5. The 90-minute center activation time requirement is measured from the point in time when the pagers are activated, not at the time the event is declared by the Shift Manager.
  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

IUse Category: REFERENCE Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 26 of 33 Augmenting Category

1. All "AUGMENTING" category personnel should call the auto-dialer promptly when paged before reporting to preclude the auto-dialer from attempting to fill the position with members from the ERO teams that are not on-call.
2. However, if an "AUGMENTING" category ERO member from a team that is not on-call is contacted by the auto-dialer that means the on-call member in that position has not responded to the auto-dialer and presumably will not respond. In this event, that "AUGMENTING" category team member not on-call is needed to support the on-call ERO team and should respond to the dialer and report to the emergency center if fit for duty.
3. On-call "AUGMENTING" category ERO members who cannot contact the auto-dialer (despite multiple attempts) or who receive notice upon contacting the auto-dialer that their position has already been filled (presumably by an off-duty member) should respond to their assigned location to fill their position during actual events (pager code "444" or "191") or call-out drills (pager code "222" or "393") or when subsequently directed by appropriate ERO authority. This expectation for on-call staff is necessary to maximize team fidelity and establish team rotation sequence, should subsequent shift staffing be needed.
4. "AUGMENTING" category members who are not on-call are not required to remain fit for duty when not on-call. However, if an ERO Call-out occurs, all "AUGMENTING" category members who are contacted by the auto-dialer should report if fit for duty, regardless of whether or not they are on-call.
5. Although a 60-minute response expectation does not apply to "AUGMENTING" category members, all "AUGMENTING" category ERO members responding to a Call-out should report as soon as possible. -
  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 27 of 33 Support Category

1. All "SUPPORT" category personnel should respond to the auto-dialer when called before reporting to preclude the auto-dialer from attempting to fill the position with members from the ERO teams that are not on-call.
2. However, if a "SUPPORT" category ERO member from a team that is not on-call is contacted by the auto-dialer, that means the on-call member in that position has not responded to the auto-dialer and presumably will not respond. In this event, that "SUPPORT" category team member not on-call is needed to support the on-call ERO team and should respond to the dialer and report to the emergency center if fit for duty.
3. On-call "SUPPORT" category ERO members (with a Pager) who cannot contact the auto-dialer (despite multiple attempts) or who receive notice upon contacting the auto-dialer that their position has already been filled (presumably by an off-duty member) should respond to their assigned location to fill their position during actual events (pager code "444" or "191 ") or call-out drills (pager code "222" or "393") or when subsequently directed by appropriate ERO authority. This expectation for on-call staff is necessary to maximize team fidelity and establish team rotation sequence, should subsequent shift staffing be needed.
4. An approximate 60-minute response expectation applies to "SUPPORT" category members from telephonic notification. All "SUPPORT" category ERO members responding to a Call-out Notification should report as soon as possible.
5. "SUPPORT" category members who are not on-call are not required to remain fit for duty when not on-call. However, if an ERO Call-out occurs, all "SUPPORT" category members who are contacted by the auto-dialer should report if fit for duty, regardless of whether or not they are on-call.
  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

IUse Category: REFERENCE Number: 13.4.1 Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 28 of 33 ERO Response Expectations -ERO Scheduled Team Training Drills ONLY

1. For published, regularly scheduled, pre-advertised ERO Team Training Drills, the scheduled ERO team's members, scheduled fill-ins, and other ERO staff designated to support the drill are expected to respond to the Drill notification according to the guidance provided by category below.
2. Scheduled ERO Team Training Drills are typically held four or more times per calendar year, involve a pre-designated drill team, and are scheduled.months in advance. See the published ERO Team Drill/Exercise Schedule to confirm the team assignment for Scheduled ERO Team Training Drills .

. 3. To minimize unnecessary impact to other scheduled station activities, those ERO members not designated to participate in the Scheduled ERO Team Training Drill on a given day should initially allow the designated training team to respond.

4. ERO members who are not scheduled to participate in that day's Scheduled ERO Team Training Drill should give the scheduled team time to call in to the auto-dialer (about 20 minutes).
5. Response to Scheduled ERO Team Training Drills by the scheduled participants should be as prompt as safely possible, and should not exceed 60 minutes from initial notification .
  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 29 of 33 Essential Category Response Expectations -ERO Team Training Drills

1. "ESSENTIAL" category ERO members who are scheduled to participate in the drill should report to their designated drill location without delay. They should not take time to contact the auto-dialer. Prompt arrival is critical to ensure full staffing to activate.
2. "ESSENTIAL" category ERO members who are not participating in the drill should confirm they received a pager code for a training drill (either "222" or "393") or that the plant announcement stated it was for an ERO Drill and await contact by the auto-dialer.

rrhis is done to ensure the notification was not for an actual event and to keep auto-dialer lines open to accept calls from the designated training team.

a. After confirming that the occurrence is a Drill, the non-participating

. "ESSENTIAL" category ERO members should await contact from the auto-dialer, listen to the call (to confirm it is for the scheduled Drill) and decline the position. This is done to "free up" auto-dialer resources to contact ERO members who are participating in the drill.

b. IF a non-participating "ESSENTIAL" category ERO member is contacted by ERO personnel & asked to respond, THEN they must do so immediately, if fit for duty. This request indicates that the scheduled "ESSENTIAL" category team member is presumed to be unable to respond and the non-scheduled person is needed to report to their designated location to support center activation.
3. Non-scheduled ERO Members will be released upon arrival of and completion of turnover from their counterpart who was scheduled for that drill.
  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions


Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 30 of 33 Augmenting Category Response Expectations -ERO Team Training Drills

1. "AUGMENTING" category ERO members who are scheduled to participate in the drill should contact the auto-dialer immediately and repeatedly (if needed) in order to report their intent to respond.
2. "AUGMENTING" category ERO members who are not participating in the drill should confirm they received a pager code for a training drill (either "222" or "393") or that the plant announcement stated it was for an ERO Drill and await contact by the auto-dialer.

This is done to ensure the notification was not for an actual event and to keep auto-dialer lines open to accept calls from the designated training team.

a. After confirming that the occurrence is a Drill, the non-participating "AUGMENTING" category ERO members who receive a call from the auto-dialer should neither accept nor decline the first call. They should listen to the call and hang up before accepting or declining the position. This is done to allow the scheduled participant additional time to call in and accept the position, while keeping the auto-dialer primed to call this person back if the scheduled person does not fill the position.
b. "AUGMENTING" category ERO members who receive a second call from the auto-dialer should then listen to the call, accept the position, and report to their designated location. In this event, the scheduled "AUGMENTING" category team member is presumed to be unable to respond and the non-scheduled person is needed to support the responding ERO team and should report to their designated location if fit for duty.
c. "AUGMENTING" category ERO members who receive a call from their ERO center requesting their support should accept the position, and report to their designated location. In this event, the scheduled" AUGMENTING" category team member is presumed to be unable to respond and the non-scheduled person is needed to support the responding ERO team and should report to their designated location if fit for duty.
3. Non-scheduled ERO Members will be released upon arrival of and completion of turnover from their counterpart who was scheduled for that drill .
  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Categ~ry: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 31 of 33 Support Category Response Expectations -ERO Team Training Drills

1. "SUPPORT" category ERO members who are scheduled to participate in the drill should contact the auto-dialer immediately and repeatedly (if needed) in order to report their intent to respond.
2. "SUPPORT" category ERO members who are not participating in the drill should listen to plant announcements to confirm that the occurrence is an ERO Drill and then await contact by the auto-dialer. This is done to ensure the notification was not for an actual event and to keep auto-dialer lines open to accept calls from the designated training team.
a. After confirming that the occurrence is a Drill, the non-participating "SUPPORT" category ERO members who receive a call from the 'auto-dialer should neither
  • accept nor decline the first call. They should listen to the call and hang up before accepting or declining the position. This is done to allow the scheduled participant additional time to call in and accept the position, while keeping the auto-dialer primed to call this person back if the scheduled person does not fill the position.
b. "SUPPORT category ERO members who receive a second call from the auto-dialer should listen to the call, accept the position, and report to their designated location. In this event, the scheduled "SUPPORT" category team member is presumed to be unable to respond and the non-scheduled person is needed to support the responding ERO team and should report to their designated location if fit for duty.
c. "SUPPORT" category ERO members who receive a call from their ERO center requesting their support should accept the position, and report to their designated location. In this event, the scheduled" SUPPORT" category team member is presumed to be unable to respond and the non-scheduled person is needed to support the responding ERO team and should report to their designated location if fit for duty.
d. Non-scheduled ERO Members will be released upon arrival of and completion of turnover from their counterpart who was scheduled for that drill.


  • Attachment 7.4, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification and Response Instructions

Number: 13.4.1 \ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 32 of 33 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSITORY EVENT I. TRANSMITTAL OF INFORMATION A. An event occurred at _ _ _ _ _ _ on _ _ _ _ _ _ which would have Time Date required the declaration of a(n):

D Unusual Event D Alert D Site Area Emergency D General Emergency B. This event was exited at _ _ _ _ _ _ on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ prior to Time Date any offsite notifications. Current emergency classification at Columbia Generating Station is:

D None D Unusual Event D Alert D Site Area Emergency C. The event was: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

Approval signature for release of this information: Manager, Emergency Preparedness Print Name Signature Date Time II. NOTIFICATION DOCUMENTATION NOTE: This notification of Transitory Event is for information purposes only. NO RESPONSE ACTION is required on the part of the individual receiving this notification.

The following notifications were made for the event:

DATE TIME PERSON NOTIFIED Benton County EOC Franklin County EOC WA. State EOC '

DOE-RL NRC (By Control Room)

END Attachment 7.5, Notification of Transitory Event

Number: 13.4.1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 043 Minor Rev: 003


EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Page: 33 of 33 CRASH FAILURE lE the CRASH system does not initiate, THEN perform the following:

a. Dial 400 and then press 400.
  • # #. Hang up and attempt to initiate the Crash by dialing
b. lE the above step does not work, THEN Dial 444 and then press Crash call.
  • # #. Hang up and dial 400 to attempt to initiate the
c. IF you are not successful in initiating the Crash, THEN begin using the Dial-up system to make notifications, SELECT "Dial-up" and use the following phone numbers:

Benton County EOC --------------3630 Franklin County EOC -------------3641 Washington State EOC ----------3654 D 0 E-R L ---------------------------36 3 5

  • d. lE Crash system failure requires that you provide notification by other means, THEN use the commercial I business phone system (refer to Emergency Phone Directory, Crash and Call Roster section, for instructions).

Benton County EOC (Emergency Dispatch 9-628-0333 or 9-628-2616)

Franklin County EOC (Dispatch 9-545-3510 or EOC 9-545-3546)

Washington State EOC (9-1-800-258-5990 or 9-1-253-912-4901)

DOE-RL EOC (Shift Office 9-376-3030)

e. lE using an alternate method, THEN you may receive call backs to verify the notification is authentic.


  • Attachment 7.6, Crash Failure