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Energy Northwest, Emergency Preparedness Procedures
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/2024
Energy Northwest
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML24159A027 (1)



05/30/24 Filed By:

Prepared by:

Tia M.

Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision 13.14.11 017 TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Alan Page, Records, and Information at (509)377-8595 or


Location 26 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emeroencv Manaoement Aoencv (FEMA)

All 57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All L.8-7 9eeument-GMtr-eJ-9esk~R-G



142 Hanford EOC/SMT All 164 Oreoon State Department of Energy All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All

& PPM 13.1.1 and is printed in color, single sided, on 11 " x 17" paper, folded, 3-hole punched, stapled on top and distributed by Document Control. All ERO Positional-Specific Binder procedures are stapled.

% Contact Security - All Security Procedures go to the sec for signature NOTE: Distribution of the PPM 13.1.1 wall flow charts are controlled by PPM 13.1.1 A and distribution is performed by EP.

Procedures Updated 01/18/2024 I

I l Initials I Verify Revision Information Pnor To Use 1 Date I Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE

  • Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 1 of 65 PLANT PROCEDURES MANUAL PCN#:

N/A I llllll lllll llll llllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111 Effective Date:

13.14.11 05/30/24

Number: 13.14.11

/ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 2 of 65 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Justification (required for major revision)

Revision 17 removes unnecessary specificity on what type of area radiation monitor is used in the TSC and EOF. The TSC did not have a line item listed for the area radiation monitor so that was added.


Description (including summary, reason, initiating document, if applicable) 45 Added line in equipment for an area radiation monitor.

50 Removed specificity in the type of area radiation monitor employed in the EOF.

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 3 of 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................ 4 3.0 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................... 5 4.0 PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................... 10 6.0 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................ 11


...................................................................................................................... 14 8.0 ATTACHMENTS.................................................................................................................... 14 8.1 EP Related Important Equipment by EPN.............................................................................. 15 8.2 EP Related Important Equipment by Function........................................................................ 32 8.3 EP Related Important Equipment - TSC................................................................................ 42 8.4 EP Related Important Equipment - OSC............................................................................... 46 8.5 EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)........................................................... 48 8.6 EP Related Important Equipment - Alternate EOF................................................................. 57 8.7 EP Related Important Equipment - JIC.................................................................................. 60 8.8 Unplanned Loss of Equipment............................................................................................... 64 8.9 Planned Loss of Equipment................................................................................................... 65

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 4 of 65 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to ensure when equipment important to emergency response is removed from service for maintenance or is in a degraded condition, the correct restoration priority is assigned, compensatory measures are implemented, and the equipment is promptly restored to a functional condition.

This procedure provides identification of Important Emergency Preparedness (EP) related equipment. The equipment identified in this procedure is essential to implementation of the Emergency Plan.

For Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) and associated equipment that are not included in the station work management process, the corrective action process is used to ensure issues are identified and corrected.

The information and direction in this procedure applies to on-site and off-site equipment and facilities normally operated or maintained by Columbia Generating Station that are necessary to meet the requirements of the Emergency Plan. This procedure does not implement the Emergency Plan but provides guidance for compensatory measures and Alternate Methods for EP equipment which is non-functional.

2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Emergency Preparedness Manager 2.2 2.3 The Manager, Emergency Preparedness is responsible to assure that Important EP-related equipment is identified and repairs are executed expeditiously as necessary.

Shift Manager The Shift Manager is responsible for ensuring that a Condition Report and/or Work Request is generated for Equipment identified in Attachment 8.1 and 8.2 of this procedure, and to ensure identified compensatory actions are put in place.

Work Control Manager The Work Control Manager is responsible to assure that deficient conditions of Important EP-related equipment are appropriately prioritized and scheduled to be corrected promptly in the corrective maintenance program.

2.4 Emergency Planners The Emergency Planners are responsible to assure issues with Important EP-related equipment are identified for correction.

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 5 of 65 2.5 Unit Coordinator (Work Control)

Unit Coordinators are responsible to assign appropriate repair priorities to assure that Important EP equipment is factored into the daily work schedule for expeditious repair and return to service.

2.6 Corrective Action Program Manager Responsible for ensuring that the corrective action program supports the tracking and trending of deficiencies related to EP equipment.

2.7 Design Engineering Manager 2.8 Responsible for ensuring that the design change process identifies any impacts to emergency plan commitments and emergency response capabilities.

Regulatory Affairs Manager Responsible for providing guidance on compliance with the station licensing basis and related reportability issues.

NOTE: The Emergency Plan is designed as a last line of defense to address design basis accident events at a nuclear power plant, including the capability of protecting public health and safety during and following the accident. Therefore, regulations that govern EP equipment may require more timely restoration than technical specifications or other administrative controls. This procedure provides identification of Important Emergency Preparedness related equipment. The equipment identified in this procedure is essential to implementation of the Emergency Plan.

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 INPO 10-007, Equipment Important to Emergency Response, was used as guidance in the development of this procedure. The information contained in this procedure assists Information Technology (IT), Maintenance, and Facilities planners in identifying Important EP equipment and assigning appropriate repair priority to assure prompt return to service of any EP-related component identified here.

3.1.1 Equipment with an identified EPN is listed in Attachment 8.1.

3.1.2 IF there is no EPN, THEN reference Attachment 8.2 to determine if the affected equipment impacts the ability of the ERF to function (i.e. power, HVAC, communications).

3.1.3 Items specific to an Emergency Center are listed in Attachments 8.3 through 8. 7.

These items will impact the Centers ability to function but will NOT render the center non-functional.

Number: 13.14.11 j Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 6 of 65 3.2 Regulatory guidance provided by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in their guidance NEI 13-01, which was endorsed by the NRC in NU REG 1022 Revision 3, differentiates between "Methods" and "Compensatory Measures," as applicable to the context in which these terms are used for equipment and facilities important to EPlan functions. Those definitions are included here verbatim as they appear in the NEI 13-01 guidance, so that their significance with respect to EPlan functions and EPlan event notifications is understood.

3.2.1 METHOD

A means that could be employed to perform an emergency response function as described in the site emergency plan or an implementing procedure described in the emergency plan. [Site emergency plans and implementing procedures typically describe primary and one or more alternate methods for performing a given function. Provided that at least one METHOD is available, then the ability to perform the associated function has not been lost.]

3.2.2 COMPENSATORY MEASURE: A temporary means, established as part of a planned activity, to perform a given emergency response function during a period when the normally used methods are unavailable such that, when implemented, there is a reasonable expectation that the function would be accomplished during an actual emergency, albeit in a possibly degraded manner. [A COMPENSATORY MEASURE need not meet the same design or operating requirements as the normally used methods but must be sufficient to support effective implementation of the site emergency plan. Also refer to the related term "VIABLE. '1

3.2.3 VIABLE

A COMPENSATORY MEASURE that (1) can restore a required function in a reasonably comparable manner and (2) is proceduralized prior to an event.

[Proceduralized means that the necessary instructions to perform a function exist in a document (e.g., a procedure, a user aid, a night or standing order, etc.) that will be followed by response personnel should an emergency occur. Further, individuals expected to implement the COMPENSATORY MEASURE must be aware of the measure, in advance of its potential or actual implementation. A VIABLE COMPENSATORY MEASURE does not include reliance upon "skill-of-the-craft" or individual judgment.]

Number: 13.14.11 j Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 7 of 65 4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Discovery of Degraded or Nonfunctional Equipment Important to Emergency Response (Unplanned Loss)

See Attachment 8.8, Flowchart: Unplanned Loss of Equipment Important to EP. This illustrates the process for addressing an unplanned loss of equipment, such as unplanned maintenance.


This section pertains to unanticipated degradation or failure of equipment important to emergency response.

4.1.1 Generate a Condition Report and prioritize to restore function. This allows tracking and trending, as well as ensuring timely repair. The priority given to these actions should be commensurate with the significance of the impact on the associated emergency response function.


Compensatory Measures identified in this procedure, which is not an Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure (EPIP), may or may not be acceptable Alternate Methods unless so recognized in another EPIP. See PPM 1.10.1, Notifications and Reportable Events, for potential notifications on loss of EP equipment.

4.1.2 Compensatory measures associated with the degraded or nonfunctional equipment can be found in the attachments to this procedure.

4.1.3 IF the equipment is INPO 10-007 Category A1 or Category A2 equipment, THEN implement identified compensatory measures.


The Shift Manager will implement compensatory measures to address the loss of plant equipment necessary to implement the station emergency plan. The compensatory measures should be documented in the lnop. Equip/LCO/RFO Log section of the Operations Logging System.


The status of out-of-service equipment can be obtained from the Operations Logging System Out of Service EPNs report.


Evaluate the loss of response capability. If the function requires more time to implement or cannot be implemented, evaluate the reportability requirements.


The Shift Manager coordinates with the licensing/regulatory affairs staff to evaluate Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reporting requirements for out-of-service EP equipment per PPM 1.10.1.

Number: 13.14.1 1 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 8 of 65 4.1.4 For INPO 10-007 Category B equipment:


Verify the availability of redundant equipment for degraded or nonfunctional Category B equipment. If redundant equipment is not available, then the equipment should be reevaluated as Category A 1 or Category A2 equipment.


Category B equipment is allowed to be out of service provided redundant equipment is available to maintain the emergency response function.


Notify emergency response personnel of the degraded condition and the compensatory measures in effect.

4.2 Removal Of Equipment From Service For Planned Maintenance (Planned Loss)

See Attachment 8.9, Flowchart: Planned Loss of Equipment Important to EP. This illustrates the process for addressing a planned loss of equipment.


A rigorous work management process, which includes guidance for EP equipment, is essential to ensure that maintenance is completed and that the equipment is restored to service expeditiously.

4.2.1 Individuals who are trained on and knowledgeable of emergency plan requirements should help evaluate equipment configuration changes that may impact emergency plan functions or EAL assessment capabilities.

4.2.2 For INPO 10-007 Category A1 or Category A2 equipment, ensure compensatory measures are in place before equipment is removed from service for planned maintenance. Ensure the compensatory measure is controlled in accordance with PPM 13.14.11, PPM 1.3.68, or WCl-4.


Evaluate the loss of response capability. If the function requires more time to implement or cannot be implemented, evaluate the reportability requirements.


The Shift Manager will implement the compensatory measures as soon as practical.

4.2.3 For INPO 10-007 Category B equipment, verify the availability of redundant equipment to ensure the emergency preparedness function is maintained prior to removing the equipment for planned maintenance or testing.


Ensure that the equipment being removed from service is not being credited as a compensatory measure for another piece of equipment.


When redundant INPO 10-007 Category B equipment is not available to maintain the function, the affected INPO 10-007 Category B equipment is treated as INPO 1-007 Category A equipment.

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 9 of 65 4.3 Degradation or Loss of Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs)


Maintain ERFs, including alternate or backup facilities and their associated equipment, in a state of readiness. The following direction is related to planned maintenance and emergent issues and extends to all ERFs, including primary, alternate, and backup facilities as well as the equipment required to support their operation and habitability. Because of the broad scope of emergency preparedness functions conducted from these facilities, the loss of an ERF can have a significant impact on emergency plan implementation. Restoration of nonfunctional or degraded ERFs requires prompt management attention.

4.3.1 ERF Emergent Issues:


Degraded or nonfunctioning equipment associated with these facilities is restored in a timely manner.


If primary pcwer is lost to any ERF, then establish emergency power (if available).


If power cannot be restored to the ERF, then contact Emergency Preparedness to establish a backup or an alternate ERF (if available).


If INPO 10-007 Category B equipment used to perform a specified ERF function is lost or degraded, then verify the availability of redundant equipment. If redundant INPO 10-007 Category B equipment is not available, then treat the equipment as INPO 10-007 Category A.


If INPO Category A1 or Category A2 equipment used to perform a specified ERF function is lost or degraded, then implement the appropriate compensatory measures.


To ensure effective implementation of the emergency plan, keep the affected members of the emergency response organization informed of changes to ERF status or availability and any associated compensatory measures.

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 10 of 65 4.3.2 ERF Planned Maintenance


Before a facility or its associated support equipment is removed from service, the Emergency Preparedness manager or designee should evaluate equipment and structural configuration changes that may impact Emergency Plan functions.


Identify and implement compensatory measures before the facility is removed from service or is otherwise rendered uninhabitable. Minimize the out-of-service time for the facility.


Maintenance should inform station management, including EP, of unanticipated delays in restoration.


To ensure effective implementation of the emergency plan, keep the affected members of the emergency response organization informed of changes to ERF status or availability and any associated compensatory measures.

4.3.3 ERF Restoration


In order to apply the appropriate priority and resources to the restoration effort, the Emergency Preparedness manager or designee notifies station management when the ERF or supporting equipment cannot be restored promptly.


Following the restoration of ERF electrical power after an unexpected loss, the center Emergency Planner will walk down the facility to ensure the necessary support functions are available including the following:

Habitability Communications Dose assessment Lighting and electrical power Computers and Intranet Technical data acquisition and display 5.0 DOCUMENTATION None

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 11 of 65 6.0 DEFINITIONS 6.1 Alternate Indication - a backup means of monitoring a parameter or condition that should approximate the primary indication it is replacing.

6.2 Alternate Method - A means that could be employed to perform an emergency response function as described in the site emergency plan or an implementing procedure described in the emergency plan. [Site emergency plans and implementing procedures typically describe primary and one or more alternate methods for performing a given function. Provided that at least one method is available, then the ability to perform the associated function has not been lost.] (See PPM 1.10.1 Notifications and Reportibility Events) 6.3 NOTE:

With regards to Compensatory Measures, a major loss of emergency assessment capability includes those events that would significantly impair the licensee's emergency assessment capability if an emergency were to occur. Planned maintenance which impacts the accident assessment functions of the ERF, or its supporting systems, need not be reported if (1) the ERF's assessment capabilities could be restored to service within the facility activation time specified in the emergency plan in the event of an accident or the licensee had implemented viable compensatory actions, and (2) the planned outage is not expected to, and subsequently did not, exceed 24/72 hours. See PPM 1.10.1 Notifications and Reportibility Events Compensatory measures should be documented. Examples of acceptable documentation includes procedures, night orders, or work orders instructions or impact statements.

Compensatory Measure - a temporary means of mitigating the degradation or loss of an emergency response function or of maintaining the emergency response function until the equipment is restored to a fully functional condition:

6.3.1 A compensatory measure is the best available means to maintain the emergency preparedness function. Compensatory measures may include the use of redundant equipment.

6.3.2 Compensatory measures are put in place prior to scheduled equipment outages and design modifications and without delay following equipment loss or facility functional failures, to prevent or mitigate any loss of function that could result from the equipment being out of service.

6.3.3 Compensatory measures are incorporated into appropriate station processes, programs, and procedures. The station work management priority criteria appropriately address emergency preparedness equipment. Measures are in place to adjust work priorities when the compensatory measure put in place exceeds the time allowed in the evaluation or when the compensatory measure itself no longer maintains the emergency preparedness function.

Number: *13.14.11 J Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 12 of 65 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.3.4 Compensatory measures that rely on periodic monitoring also have an event-based trigger that prompts immediate and more frequent monitoring. For example, periodic sampling (such as once per shift) may be used to compensate for a nonfunctional ventilation radiation monitor. However, any increase in elevated area or airborne radiation levels in the affected buildings after the compensatory measure is put in place should trigger immediate and more frequent sampling.

Critical Digital Assets - Some of the components included in this document may be considered Critical Digital Assets. Contact Cyber Security Assessment Team (CSAT) for further information if necessary.

Emergency Response Facility (ERF) - facilities, buildings, and structures necessary to implement the site emergency plan Equipment Important To Emergency Response (EP Equipment) -

6.6.1 Systems, structures, and components, as well as essential tools and equipment, necessary to implement the emergency plan.

6.6.2 The level of detail used in determining the functionality of these items should be sufficient to allow the shift manager (SM) or station leadership team members to identify any loss or degradation of function that supports the emergency plan.

6.6.3 Essential tools and equipment include facility computer links to the plant computer, dedicated telephone lines, handheld radiation survey meters, air samplers, and specially equipped radiation monitoring team vehicles. The loss or degradation of these items would result in the loss of an emergency response function, as identified in the emergency plan.

6.6.4 Nonessential tools and equipment are those items that, although useful, would not result in a loss of function or diminish the emergency response capability and that are not considered equipment important to emergency response. Nonessential tools and equipment include emergency response facility fax machines, white boards, furniture, and loudspeakers.

6. 7 Functional readiness -

6.8 6.9

6. 7.1 The capability of emergency response facilities and EP equipment to do what they were designed to do 6.7.2 Consult the documents listed in the References section for regulatory guidance related to "unavailable time" and restoration timeliness.

INPO 10-007 Category A 1 equipment - equipment providing the sole indication or with little or no redundancy for a parameter used to assess an emergency action level (EAL) threshold.

INPO 10-007 Category A2 equipment - equipment providing the sole means of fulfilling an emergency response function.

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EP Equipment Page: 13 of 65 6.10 INPO 10-007 Category B equipment - equipment having redundant components or trains that fulfill an emergency response function or redundant indications for a parameter used to assess an EAL threshold.

6.11 Loss of function - the inability of a facility, system, or component, including essential tools and equipment, to fulfill its emergency response purpose 6.12 Maintenance actions that restore -

6.12.1 6.12.2 6.12.3 6.12.4 Restoring the capability of an emergency response function by repair, overhaul, or replacement.

This includes servicing, parts replacement, surveillance, modification, and testing as defined in INPO AP-913, Equipment Reliability Process Description.

As required by INPO AP-928, Work Management Process Description, maintenance activities that impact emergency preparedness equipment, systems, or facilities must be controlled by a work management process specific to the process owner requirements.

This procedure applies to EP equipment that site personnel or their contractors normally control and maintain.

6.13 Plant equipment -


In some cases, the equipment required to maintain emergency preparedness systems may be outside the scope of the plant work management process. In such cases, maintenance or repair of that equipment should be managed under processes applicable to the responsible organization.

6.13.1 Includes components defined by INPO AP-913, Equipment Reliability Process Description, as critical, noncritical, or run-to-failure 6.13.2 Plant equipment required to maintain federal or state regulatory compliance or emergency preparedness systems will be included in this grouping. If a component does not have a criticality code assigned per AP-913, the equipment should be considered run-to-failure.

6.14 Timely restoration - Actions site personnel take to return degraded or out-of-service EP equipment to service commensurate with the significance of the associated emergency response function.

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 14 of 65


7.1 INPO 10-007, August 2010 Equipment Important to Emergency Response 7.2 INPO 08-007, Emergency Preparedness Manual 7.3 SWP-MAl-01, Work Management Process Overview 7.4 SWP-SEC-11, Protection of Sensitive But Un-classified Information 7.5 PPM 1.3.68, Work Management Process 7.6 01-41, Operations Work Control Expectations 7.7 IMC 0609 Appendix B, Emergency Preparedness Significance Determination Process 7.8 INPO AP-913, Equipment Reliability Process Description 7.9 INPO AP 928, Work Management Process Description 7.10 10 CFR 54(q), Code of Federal Regulations

7. 11 NUREG 0696, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities 7.12 WCl-4, Online Work Control Processes 8.13 PPM 1.1 0.1 Notifications and Reportable Events 8.0 ATTACHMENTS 8.1 EP Related Important Equipment by EPN 8.2 EP Related Important Equipment by Function 8.3 EP Related Important Equipment - TSC 8.4 EP Related Important Equipment - OSC 8.5 EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34) 8.6 EP Related Important Equipment - Alternate EOF 8.7 EP Related Important Equipment - JIC 8.8 Unplanned Loss of Equipment 8.9 Planned Loss of Equipment

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A



EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descri~tion Catego~

Com~ensato~ Measure Annunciator Off-gas Pretreatment I 1 I 2 I 3 I I


P602.A5-3. 3:

Radiation Hi Hi Alarm.

Establish periodic monitoring of Refer to EPN "SJAE CONDRS B

MU4.1 OG-RR-604.


Alternate Method Hi Hi" Annunciator Operating Basis I 1 12 13 14 I 5 I def I P851.S1-5.1.

Earthquake alarm.

Establish periodic monitoring of Refer to EPN "OPERATING B

HU2.1 H13 P823 (Board L).

SE IS-COMP-NCC BASIS EARTHQUAKE" AEA-AD-51 TSC I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

M.O. Exhaust Air If a FAZ signal occurs, manually Damper for AEA-FN-A2 NA close AEA-AD-51. Otherwise, 51 consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

AEA-AD-52 TSC MO Suction Damper I 1 I 2 I 3 j 4 j 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

If a FAZ signal occurs, manually for AMA-FN-52.

A2 NA open AEA-AD-52. Otherwise, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

AEA-FN-51 TSC Exhaust Fan.

I 1 12 13 14 is I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

A2 NA If a FAZ signal occurs, de-energize the fan at PP-TSC-1.

AMA-AD-51 TSC I 1 I 2 I 3 14 Is I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

MO Exhaust Damper If a FAZ signal occurs, manually for AMA-FN-52 A2 NA open AMA-AD-51. Otherwise, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

AMA-CF-52 TSC I 1 12 13 14 is I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

AMA-FU-52 Charcoal Establish periodic radiological Filter/ Adsorber A2 NA monitoring of the TSC. If a FAZ occurs, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room..1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 16 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!)l ComeensatoDl Measure AMA-FL-S2 TSC I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I S I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

AMA-FU-S2 Pre filter Establish periodic radiological A2 NA monitoring of the TSC. If a FAZ.

occurs, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

AMA-FN-S1 AMA-AH-S1 I 1 i 2 I 3 I 4 I S I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner Recirculation Fan Establish alternate cooling as A2 NA needed. If a FAZ. occurs, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

AMA-FN-S2 TSC I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 i s I def I Emergency Supply A2 NA Fan AMA-FU-S2 TSC I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 I s I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Establish periodic radiological Emergency A2 NA monitoring of the TSC. If a FAZ.

HEPA/Carbon Filter occurs, consider relocating the Unit TSC to the Main Control Room.

AMA-HF-S2 TSC I 1 i 2 I 3 I 4 I S I def I AMA-FU-S1 HEPA A2 NA Filter AOA-AD-S1 TSC I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 i s I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

M.O. Outside Air If a FAZ. signal occurs, manually Damper A2 NA close AMA-AD-S1. Otherwise, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

AOA-EHC-S1 TSC I 1 i 2 I 3 I 4 I S i def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

AMA-AH-S1 Outside A2 NA Establish alternate Air Duct Heater cooling/heating as needed.

AOA-FN-S1 TSC Remote Air I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 i s I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Intake Fan Establish periodic radiological A2 NA monitoring of the TSC. If a FAZ occurs, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room..1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 17 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments DescriE!tion Catego~

ComE!ensato~ Measure AOA-V-51A TSC Remote Air I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Intake Isolation Valve If a FAZ occurs, manually open A2 NA AOA-V-51A or 51B, as appropriate. Otherwise, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room..

AOA-V-51B TSC Remote Air I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Intake Isolation Valve If a FAZ occurs, manually open A2 NA AOA-V-51A or 51 B, as appropriate. Otherwise, consider relocating the TSC to the Main Control Room.

ARE-CR-51 TSC Chiller I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 I 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Establish alternate cooling as A2 NA needed. Establish periodic temperature monitoring of the TSC.

ARE-TCV-1 TSC I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

AMA-CC-51 Establish alternate Temperature Control A2 NA cooling/heating as needed.

Valve (Expansion Establish periodic temperature Valve) monitoring of the TSC. Verify ARE-TCV-2 is functional.

ARE-TCV-2 TSC I 1 I 2 I 3 I4I 5 l def l Notify the TSC EP Planner AMA-CC-52 Establish alternate Temperature Control A2 NA cooling/heating as needed.

Valve (Expansion Establish periodic temperature Valve) monitoring of the TSC. Verify ARE-TCV-1 is functional..1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 18 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!'.)l Comeensato!)l Measure ARE-TIC-51 TSC Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Temperature I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Establish alternate cooling as Indicating Controller A2 NA needed. Establish periodic For ARE-CR-51 temperature monitoring of the TSC. If needed, establish alternate temperature control.

TSC I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Notify the TSC EP Planner.

ARE-TIS-52 AOA-AD-51 Supply A2 NA Establish alternate Plenum Temp Switch cooling/heating as needed.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 19 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Commentt; Descrietion Catego!l'.

Comeensato!l'. Measure ARM-RIS-1 Reactor Building 606' I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Fuel Pool Area RU2.1 I 1 12131415 I def I B

Refer to PPM ARM-RIS-2 Reactor Building 606' RA2.2 Fuel Pool Area ARM-RIS-4 Reactor Building 522' 1

2 3 14 5

I East CRD Area ARM-RIS-5 Reactor Building 522' 1

2 3 14 5

West CRD Area ARM-RIS-6 Reactor Building 572' 1

2 3 14 5

B H2 Recombiner Area CG1.1 ARM-RIS-7 Reactor Building 501' 1

2 3

4 5

TIP Drive Area CG1.2 Alternate Method ARM-RIS-8 Reactor Building 572' 1

2 3

4 5

FS1.1 SGT System Area FA1.1 Refer to PPM RCS Potential Loss ARM-RIS-9 Reactor Building 422' 1

2 13 4

5 def "A RHR Pump Room FG1.1

  • RA3.1 only applies to B


ARM-RIS-10 ARM-RIS-10 Reactor Building 422' 1

2 3

4 5

def "B" RHR Pump Room ARM-RIS-11 Reactor Building 422' 1

2 3

4 5 I "C" RHR Pump Room ARM-RIS-12 Reactor Building 422' 1

2 3 14 5 I B

RCIC Pump Room ARM-RIS-13 Reactor Building 422' 1

2 3 14 5 I HPCS Pump Room.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 20 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments DescriRtion Catego!)i'.

ComRensato!)l Measure ARM-RIS-19 Rad Waste Building I 1 12131415 I def I RA3.1 Non-wireless Area Radiation 501 '

B Monitor Main Control Room Refer to PPM ARM-RIS-23 Reactor Building 422' I 1 I 2 I 3 1 4 1 5 I

I CG1.1 CRD Pump Room CG1.2 Refer to PPM Alternate Method B

FG1.1 ARM-RIS-24 Reactor Building 471 '

I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I FS1.1 5.3.1 Table 24 RCS Potential Loss Northwest Area FA1.1 ARM-RIS-30 Radwaste Control Rm I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I RA3.1 Refer to PPM B

ARM-RIS-32 Reactor Building 4 71 '

I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I CG1.1 High Range ARM CG1.2 Refer to PPM Alternate Method B

FG1.1 ARM-RIS-33 Reactor Building 501' I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I FS1.1 5.3.1 Table 24 RCS Potential Loss High Range ARM FA1.1 ARM-RIS-34 Reactor Building 606' I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I RU2.1 High Range ARM B

RA2.2 Refer to PPM Alternate Method.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 21 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!)l Comeensato!)l Measure CMS-LR-3 Suppression Pool CA1.1 Level Recorder I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I CU1.1 CG1.2 CMS-LR-4 Suppression Pool B

CS1.2 Redundant Instrument HCTL Level Recorder I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I

I MA3.1 MU3.1 MS6.1 CMS-PR-1 Primary Containment I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I CG1.1 Pressure PC Loss CG1.2 CMS-PR-2 Primary Containment I

1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I RCS Loss 1

FA1.1 Pressure HCTL B

FS1.1 Redundant Instrument I

1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I

I Note: Wetwell CMS-PR-3 Wetwell Pressure 1

pressure is a subset FG1.1 of Primary CMS-PR-4 Wetwell Pressure I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I

I MU3.1 Containment Pressure MA3.1 CMS-RIS-27E In-Containment Hi I 1 I 2 I 3 I I


PC Potential Loss Range Area Radiation RCS Loss Readout Fuel Clad Loss CMS-RIS-27F In-Containment Hi B

URI Redundant Instrument Range Area Radiation FA1.1 Alternate Method:

Readout I

I 2 I I


I FS1.1 If both are lost use CMS-RIS-PPM 13.1.1, Table "F" PC 1

3 FG1.1 27 NB OR Perform Core RAD equivalents for CMS-Damage Estimate if needed RIS-NB Alternate Method values are 0.2R/hr (70 R/hr), 9R/hr (3600R/hr),

42R/hr, (14000R/rh)..1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 22 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion CategoD£ ComeensatoDt'. Measure CMS-SR-13 CG1.1 CG1.2 H2/02 Analyzer I 1 1 21314 is I I

FG1.1 CMS-SR-14/13 PC Potential Loss FS1.1 CMS-SR-14 CMS-TR-5 MA3.1 i 1 I 2 I 3 I


I MU3.1 B

M36.1 Redundant Instrument PC Potential Loss CMS-TR-6 WetwellTemp FG1.1 HCTL FS1.1 FA1.1 EDR-FRS-623 Reactor Bldg CA1.1 EDR-FT-37 and Drywell FDR-FT-38 I

1213 1415 I I

CU1.1 Manual Determination Recorder 1

MU5.1 E-LP-TSC1 TSC Lighting Power Notify the TSC EP Planner.

Supply I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 j def I

A2 NA TSC power supply.

Relocate TSC E-MC-7AB E-PP-TSC1 TSC Power Panel E-VM-DPS1/1 125 voe VITAL DIST CU4.1 PNL S1 /1 I

1 2 1 3 14 is I I

1 A1 MS2.1 Local voltmeter or on back of E-VM-DPS1/2 125 voe VITAL DIST MG1.2 remote indication meter.

PNL S1 /2.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 l useC~ego~:REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 23 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descri~tion Catego!'.Y Com~ensato!'.Y Measure FDR-RIS-606 Radwaste Liquid I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 J def I B

RU1.1 Perform Sample and Verify Effluent Rate meter Release Rate Calculation Prior RA1.2 to Release.

FDR-LS-41 RHR "A" pump room level high annunciator FDR-LS-42 RHR "B" pump room level high annunciator CG1.2 FDR-LS-43 RHR "C" pump room level high annunciator I I 2 I J 4 I I I

CS1.2 1

3 5

B CA6.1 Visual once per shift FDR-LS-44 RCIC pump room MA8.1 level high annunciator HU3.2 FDR-LS-45 LPCS pump room level high annunciator FDR-LS-46 HPCS pump room level high annunciator FPC-Ll-21 RG2.1 RS2.1 FPC-LIT-21A, 21 B or 21 OR FPC-LIT-21A Spent Fuel Pool Water Visual twice per Shift OR Prefered compensatory Level I I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

RA2.1 Skimmer Surge Tank Low Level measure is a level 1

indicator FPC-LIT-21 B RA2.3 Not In With FPC Flow RU2.1 LD-Fl-620 RWCU Diff Flow I 1 J 2 I 3 I I I I

B MU5.1 System flow evaluation.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 24 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descri~tion Catego!)l Com~ensato!)l Measure LD-TE-3NB RWCU-P-1A Rm LD-TE-3C/D RWCU-P-1B Rm LD-TE-4NB RCIC Pump Rm LD-TE-18NB RHR-P-2B Rm LD-TE-18C/D RHR-P-2A Rm LD-TE-RHRA HX Rm 18E/F/G/H LD-TE-RHR B HX Rm FA1.1 18J/K/L/M I 1 I 2 I 3 I I I I B

Use Leak Detection temperature PC Loss FS1.1 LD-TE-24NB RWCU Pipe Area RB element in same vicinity RCS Potential Loss 548 N (R509)

FG1.1 LD-TE-24C/D RWCU Pipe Area RB 548 S (R511)

LD-TE-24E/F RWCU Pipe Area RB 522 N (R408)

LD-TE-24G/H Above RWCU Pump Rms RB 522 (R409)

LD-TE-24J/K TIP Mezzanine RB 501 NE (R313)

LD-TE-Main Steam Tunnel 31NB/C/D.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 25 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego~

Comeensato~ Measure MET-CPU-1A Primary Control Rack Channel B Met Tower CPU instruments Hanford FFTF Website MET-CPU-1B Backup Control Rack Channel A Met Tower CPU instruments Hanford FFTF Website MET-TE-10A Primary 245' 245' temperature on Channel B FFTF is Alternate Method Temperature Element on eDNNPDIS Hanford FFTF Website MET-TE-10B Backup 245' 245' temperature on Channel A Temperature Element on eDNNPDIS Hanford FFTF Website MET-TE-11A Primary 33' 33' temperature on Channel B Temperature Element I 1 I 2 I 3 1 4 I 5 I def I

B N/A on eDNNPDIS Refer to PM 13.8.1 Hanford FFTF Website attachment 7.3 for MET-TE-11B Backup 33' 33' temperature on Channel A alternate methods for Temperature Element on eDNNPDIS obtaining met data.

Hanford FFTF Website MET-TR-1 Temperature Delta temperature (245'-33') on Recorder Channel A or B on eDNA Hanford FFTF Website MET-WDR-4 Wind Direction 33' wind direction on Channel A Recorder or 8 on eDNA Hanford FFTF Website MET-WMON-1A Primary 245' Wind CA6.1 245' wind speed/direction on Speed/Direction MA8.1 Channel 8 on eDNNPDIS Monitor Hanford FFTF Website.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 26 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Regulred Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descril,!tion Catego!)l Coml,!ensato!)l Measure MET-WMON-18 Primary 245' Wind 245' wind speed/direction on Speed/Direction Channel A on eDNA/PDIS See above Monitor Hanford FFTF Website MET-WMON-2A Primary 33' Wind 33' wind speed/direction on Speed/Direction Channel B on eDNA/PDIS Monitor B

I 1 I 2 I 3 14 Is I def I CA6.1 Hanford FFTF Website MET-WMON-28 Backup 33' Wind MAB.1 33' wind speed/direction on Speed/Direction Channel A on eDNA/PDIS Monitor Hanford FFTF Website MET-WSR-4 Wind Speed Recorder 33' wind speed on Channel A or Bon eDNA Hanford FFTF Website MS-LR-615 RPV Level - Fuel CG1.1 Zone CS1.1 I I I I Is I I

CS1.2 TAF 1

2 3

4 CA1.1 SAG Entry B

FA1.1 Redundant Instrument FS1.1 RCS Loss FG1.1 Fuel Clad Loss MG1.1 MS6.1 MS-LR/PR-623A RPV Press & Level CS1.1 Recorder (Post Ace CA1.1 Ckt A)

I I I 14 Is I I

MS-LR/PR-6238 RPV Press & Level B

CU1.1 Redundant Instrument Potential HCTL Recorder (Post Ace CU3.2 Ckt B).1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 27 of 65 EPN Noun Name I EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!l'.

Comeensato!l'. Measure OFMA-HF-1C HEPA Filter Bank for AHU1 Cold Deck EOF confirms habitability I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I NA Notify EOF Emergency Planner upon reporting and A2 OFMA-HF-1H HEPA Filter Bank for relocates if necessary AH U 1 Hot Deck OFMA-HF-3 EHPA Filter bank for supply fan 3 OG-RIS-612 Off-Gas Pretreatment Refer to EPN -Annunciator Rad Rate meter P602.A5-3.3:

I 1 I 2 I 3 I I I I

B Direct HP to establish WRM per "SJAE CONDRS OUTLET MU4.1 PPM RAD Hi Hi" Alternate Method PRM-DPT-2 Reactor Building Flow RG1.1 PRM-SQRT-2 Rate Instruments I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I RS1.1 PRM-Fl-2 B

Refer to ODCM 6.1.2.D Alternate Method ODCM RA1.1 6.1.2.D RU1.1 PRM-RE-11 Reactor Building I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

RU1.1 Direct HP to establish Stack Exhaust, Low Door Monitor (SDM) per PPM PRM-RE-12 Reactor Building I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

RA1.1 -- radiation monitoring Exhaust, Intermediate at the RB Stack Access Door SDM is Alternate Method PRM-RE-13 Reactor Building RG1.1 (R-DOOR-R515). SDM readings are obtained from HP Exhaust, High or from eDNA Point EP99M in B

RS1.1 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I ENW.WRM.

REA-RIS-609A-D Reactor Building Vent I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 1 def I B

RA2.2 Redundant Instrument.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 28 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!)l Comeensato!)l Measure RFW-Pl-605 Reactor Pressure CA3.1 (0-1200 psig)

FG1.1 FS1.1 I 1 I 2 I 3 1 4 I


FA1.1 PC Potential loss B

Redundant Instrument HCTL MU3.1 MA3.1 MS6.1 RWCU-Tl-607 RWCU-P-1A, 18 CA3.1 Only accurate if an RRC Discharge Header I


1 4 I 5 I

I CU3.1 Temporary Thermocouples or pump is running and Temp B

RPV RTDs RRC-TR-650 RHR-TRS-601 RWCU flow is greater than CU3.2 50 gpm.

SE IS-COMP-Seismic System

  • If only the Annunciator is NCC lost, Refer to EPN-Refer to PPM ABN-Annunciator P851.S1-5.1:

I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I

B HU2.1 EARTHQUAKE if full "OPERATING BASIS instrumentation is lost.


  • ABN-EARTHQUAKE is an Alternate Method SGT-FT-1A1 SGT A-1 Flow SGT-FT-1A2 SGT A-2 Flow

\\ 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Field Team Results SGT-FT-181 SGT 8-1 Flow SGT-FT-182 SGT B-2 Flow.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 29 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!l'.

Comeensato!l'. Measure SOFT-TECH-Electronic CNF on I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I ECN LAN B

NA Form 24075 SOFT-TECH-eDNA Application I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I If eDNA is lost, CGS MET EDNA Service B

NA POIS information can only be obtained from MCR Bd. L.

Dose Software Emergency Dose I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I RA1.1 Projection System RS1.1 Redundant dose projection B

station or Table 3 of PPM 13.1.1 RG1.1 SPTM-Tl-5 Suppression Pool Avg I 1 I 2 I 3 I I I I

MA3.1 Temp B

MU3.1 Redundant instrument HCTL PC Potential Loss MS6.1 SW-RIS-604 RHR-HX-1NB Outlet I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 I 5 I def I Perform grab sample every 12 SW-RIS-605 Radiation RU1.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and analyze for See PPM 1.10.1 A1 (0.1-1,000,000 CPS) radioactivity TDAS-SOFT-Plant Data Information I 1 I 2 1 3 1 4 I 5 I def I POIS System (Control B

NA Control Room instruments Room)

TEA-FT-13 TG Building Elevated I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 I 5 I def I Release Air Flow A1 NA Refer to ODCM 6.1.2.D Alternate Method TEA-RIS-13 Turbine Building I 1 121314 I 5 j def I Refer to PPM 13.8.1 Exhaust RG1.1.6 for RS1.1 Notify Chemistry to set up converting frisker readings (in cpm) to equivalent B

RA1.1 Sample Cart (Frisker in a Brick)

TEA-RIS-13 readings (in per 12.5.35B


RU1.1 Sample cart is an Alternate Method..1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 30 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Regulred Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments Descrietion Catego!Y Comeensato!Y Measure TSC-CP-RAD/1 TSC Radiation Monitoring Rack TSC-FN-21 TSC Mechanical Equipment Room 1-3 CFM Sample Pump TSC-RE-1A TSC Airborne Radiation Detector -

Particulate TSC-RE-18 TSC Airborne Radiation Detector -

Iodine Notify the TSC EP Planner.

TSC-RE-1C TSC Airborne Establish periodic radiological Radiation Detector -

A2 NA monitoring of the TSC. If a FAZ Noble Gas occurs, consider relocating the TSC Airborne TSC to the Main Control Room.

TSC-RIS-1A Radiation Monitor -

I 1 12 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Particulate TSC-RIS-18 TSC Airborne Radiation Monitor -

Iodine TSC-RIS-1C TSC Airborne Radiation Monitor -

Noble Gas TSC-RR-1 TSC Airborne Radiation Monitor Recorder TSW-RIS-5 Ratemeter-Plant Serv I 1 I 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 def I

Perform grab sample once per Water Sample Rack A1 RU1.1 See PPM 1.10.1 TSW-SR-34 shift.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 31 of 65 EPN Noun Name/

EP Reguired Mode 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and / or Comments DescriE!tion Catego!)l ComE!ensato!'.)l Measure WEA-RIS-14 Rad Waste Building Refer to PPM 13.8.1 Exhaust I I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I

RG1.1.6 for 1

Notify Chemistry to set up converting frisker readings RS1.1 (in cpm) to equivalent B

RA1.1 Sample Cart (Frisker in a brick)

WEA-RIS-14 readings (in per PPM 12.5.37.


RU1.1 Sample cart is an Alternate Method.

WEA-SUM-1 RW Bldg Exhaust I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I

B NA Refer to ODCM 6.1.2.D Alternate Method Stack Air Flow END.1, EP Related Important Equipment by EPN

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 32 of 65 EP RELATED IMPORTANT EQUIPMENT BY FUNCTION EPN Noun Name / Descri~tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!l'.

and / or Com~ensato!l'.

Measure N/A Emergency Response I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I See PPM 1.10.1 (Alt. EOF)

Facility Function - Alternate As determined by Emergency Preparedness EOF 8

NA Emergency is to be informed prior to Preparedness ANY maintenance activity in this center.

Dose Projection I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I RG1.1 Stand alone software Software RS1.1 Perform dose projections installed on selected 8

RA1.1 in other centers individual computers PM 13.1.1 Table 3 Inter Facility I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I Communications Dedicated X300 and x500 Circuits 8

NA Dial-Up Line Ring down Line 8

NA Commercial Line Commercial Line No satellite phone assigned 8

NA Satellite Phone to the Alternate EOF. One available in the JIC.


NA Scan documents to email Field Team Radios Field Teams would be 8

NA Cell Phone dispatched to the plant to retrieve Field Team vehicles Ventilation I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Initiate work request Contact EOF Planner 8

NA Establish alternate cooling/heating as needed.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 33 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descril;!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!l'.

and / or ComE!ensato!l'.

Measure NA Emergency Response I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I (Control Facility Function - Control B

NA Remote Shutdown Room Room)

Room AC Power I 1 I 2 J 3 I 4 J 5 I def I PPM 5.6.1 - Station B

NA Blackout Dose Projection I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I RG1.1 Standalone software Software RS1.1 Perform dose projections installed on selected B

RA1.1 in other centers individual computers PPM 13.1.1 Table 3 Inter Facility I

Communications 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Dedicated X300 B

NA ABN-Communication and x500 Circuits Dial-Up Line Dial-Up Line B

NA ABN-Communication Commercial Line Ring down Line B

NA ABN-Communication Commercial Line Commercial Line B

NA ABN-Communication Satellite phone stored in Satellite Phone TSC FAX B

NA Scan documents to email Repair Team B

NA Plant phone system Radios Ventilation I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA ABN-HVAC.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11

/ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 34 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Commenls Catego!)l and / or Comeensato!)l Measure NA Emergency Response I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

See PPM 1.10.1


Facility Function - EOF Emergency Preparedness B

NA Alternate EOF is to be informed prior to ANY maintenance activity in this center. Alternate Method is Atlernate EOF at MPF.

AC Power I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

115 KV Line supplies power to Kootenai - EOF.

B NA Diesel (Bldg 34 DG)

Diesel {Bldg 34 DG) supplies EOF Backup Power for RED Outlets and Emergency Lighting Dose Projection I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

RG1.1 Standalone software Software B

RS1.1 Perform dose projections installed on selected RA1.1 in other centers individual computers PPM 13.1.1 Table 3 Health Physics Center I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

Use decontamination Decontamination B

NA facilities located in-plant Shower (RW 487') and at ENOC Health Physics Center Contact EOF Planner ERO to implement alternate Receiving Area B

NA location as defined by Initiate work request 13.11.7 Inter Facility I

Communications 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

Dedicated X300 B

NA Dial-Up Line and x500 Circuits Dial-Up Line B

NA Commercial Line Ring down Line B

NA Commercial Line Commercial Line B

NA Satellite Phone FAX B

NA Scan documents to email Field Team Radios B

NA Cell Phone.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 35 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego~

and / or Comeensato~

Measure NA Ventilation I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Contact facilities and (EOF) confirm Kootenai HVAC EOF confirms habitability B

NA Establish alternate upon reporting and cooling/heating as relocates if necessary.

needed Air Handling Unit 1 Verify normal Kootenai AHU-1 HVAC available Backup to normal Kootenai A2 NA HVAC Relocate to Alternate EOF HVAC Test performed EOF if necessary quarterly by MWO 00GCF3 Fan SF-3 Verify normal Kootenai HVAC available A2 NA Supply Fan 3 Relocate to Alternate EOF if necessary Radiation Monitor, Confirm no release in Intake Air progress Only required if center is A2 NA Shift to filtered air if activated.

release in progress Radiation Monitor, Confirm no release in Return Air progress Only required if center is A2 NA Shift to filtered air if activated.

release in progress.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 36 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descril;!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!}'.

and / or ComE!!n&ato!}'.

Measure NA Emergency Response I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I Notify JIG Planner (JIG)

Facility Function - JIG B

NA As determined _by Emergency Preparedness Emergency is to be informed prior to Preparedness ANY maintenance activity in this center.

AC Power I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Diesel backup power Inter Facility I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Communications Dedicated X300 B

NA Dial-Up Line and x500 Circuits Dial-Up Line B

NA Commercial Line Ring down Line B

NA Commercial Line Commercial Line B

NA Satellite Phone FAX B

NA Scan documents to email Ventilation I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I Initiate work request Contact JIG Planner B

NA Establish alternate cooling/heating as needed News Conference I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I MPF Auditorium Capability -

B NA Walkley Rm Skamania Room.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 37 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descri~tion EP Regulred Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego~

and / or Com~ensato~

Measure NA Emergency Response I 1 I 2 I 3 1 4 I 5 I def I See PPM 1.10.1 (OSC)

Facility Function - OSC Notify OSC Planner Emergency Preparedness B

NA Relocate the OSC as per is to be informed prior to "OSC Manager ANY maintenance activity in this center. Alternate Checklist" (Form 26522)

Method is Skamania Room at MPF AC Power I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 J def I Relocate the OSC as per B

NA "OSC Manager Checklist" (Form 26522)

Inter Facility I

Communications 1 I 2 I 3 1 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Dedicated X300 and x500 Circuits Dial-Up Line Dial-Up Line Commercial Line Ring down Line Commercial Line Commercial Line OSC has no Emergency None Response Function that requires commercial lines.

FAX Scan documents to email Repair Team Plant phones Radios TSC Building Ventilation I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I Initiate work request Contact OSC Planner OSC confirms habitability B

NA upon reporting and Establish alternate relocates if necessary cooling/heating as needed.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 38 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!}'.

and / or Comeensato!}'.

Measure NA Emergency Response I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I See PPM 1.10.1 (TSC)

Facility Function - TSC Notify OSC Planner Emergency Preparedness B

NA Relocate the TSC as per is to be informed prior to "TSC Manager Checklist" ANY maintenance activity in this center. Alternate (Form 26506)

Method is Skamania Room at MPF; Control Room AC Power I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I def I Relocate the TSC as per B

NA "TSC Manager Checklist" See Attachment 8.1 (Form 26506)

Dose Projection I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 1 5 I def I RG1.1 Standalone software Software installed on selected B

RS1.1 Perform dose projections individual computers RA1.1 in other centers PPM 13.1.1 Table 3 Inter Facility I

Communications 1 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 I def I B

NA Dedicated X300 and x500 Circuits Dial-Up Line Dial-Up Line Commercial Line Ring down Line Commercial Line Commercial Line Satellite Phone FAX Scan documents to email Ventilation I 1 I 2 I 3 14 I 5 I def I Initiate work request TSC confirms habitability Contact TSC Planner upon reporting and B

NA relocates if necessary Establish alternate cooling/heating as See Attachment 8.1 needed.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 39 of 65 EPN Noun Name / DescriRtion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!l'.

and / or Comeensato!l'.

Measure NA ERO Notification Function I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4I 5 I def I See PPM 1.10.1 (ERO Notification)

Auto-Dialer Required only when Radio B

NA Planner Call-Tree Paging System unavailable Normal Power Also powers company B

NA Backup Generator phone system Backup Generator Required only when normal Confirm Normal Power power unavailable B

NA Contact Emergency Backup generator known Preparedness as TEL-COM-GEN,30-209, or DG-2(TEC)

Cellular Phone B

NA Commercial Line Commercial Line B

NA Cellular Phone Radio Paging Manual Activation Radio paging is the primary B

NA OR Auto Dialer method of ERO notification.

Public Address Partial loss: make PA Announcement from other center.

B NA Total loss:

Radios Pagers Area Sweep NA NRC Notification Function I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I def I B

NA See PPM 1.10.1 (NRC Notification)

ENS Line Commercial NRC HOO Line HPN Line Commercial Line ERDS Verbally via ENS call FTS 2001 Commercial Line.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 40 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descri~tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!Y and / or Com~ensato!Y Measure NA Offsite Notification Function (Offsite I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA See PPM 1.10.1 Notification)

CRASH Line Dial-Up Line Dial-Up Line Commercial Line Commercial Line Alternate phone switch (377, 372, 375)

Normal Power Backup Generator Also powers company phone system Backup Generator Confirm Normal Power Backup generator known as TEL-COM-GEN,30-209, Contact Emergency or DG-2(TEC)

Required only when Preparedness normal power unavailable Radio Alternate channels Commercial Line LERN Commercial Line SCAN Commercial Line FAX CRASH Line Commercial Fax.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11

/ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 41 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Catego!'.Y and / or ComeensatoDt Measure NA Site Evacuation Notification I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

Function Public Address CGS Site Evacuation Area Sweep This also applies for a Pagers combined loss of sirens Siren System B

NA Radios and PA system HNES Units NA Pulic Alert & Notification I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

See PPM 1.10.1 System (ANS) Function Sirens For siren system loss:

For single siren loss:

(Primary Public ANS)

Confirm functionality of Contact IS to confirm ETNS system.

functionality of adjacent sirens Emergency Telephone B

NA Confirm functionality of Contact County EM Staff Notification System Public ANS Siren and ETNS vendor for (ETNS) system.

resolution as needed (Backup Public ANS)

Tone Alert Radios KONA AM/FM Radio

    • TARs are in very limited (TARs)**

KORD FM Radio use within the CGS 10-Mile Emergency Planning Zone.

See CGS ANS Design Report for details.

END.2, EP Related Important Equipment by Function

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 42 of 65 EP RELATED IMPORTANT EQUIPMENT - TSC EPN Noun Name / Descri~tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Egui~ment and / or Come!nsato!:Jl Catego!:Jl Measure NA Computers I 1 I 2 / 3 / 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS (TSC)

Chemistry / Effluent Engineer 1 Engineer 2 Engineer 3 Information Coordinator NRC Liaison NRC Computer Print station w/ large Computer or hard copies monitor from TSC Library NA Printers/Copiers I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS


Print Station Plotter Printer, Engineering Area Lan Printer/Copy Contact Vendor Also for OSC Machine NA Fax Machines J 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Also for OSC (TSC)

Dedicated Commercial.3, EP Related Important Equipment - TSC

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 43 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguiement and / or Comeensato!:}'.


Measure NA Headset, Information I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS (TSC)

Coordinator NA Telephone I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/ tested by (TSC)

Telecom TSC Manager Operations Manager Radiation Protection Manager Technical Manager Plant/NRG Liaison Administrative Manager Chemistry/Effluent Manager Maintenance Manager Plant Technical Staff Plant Technical Staff Plant Technical Staff Plant Technical Staff Security Liaison Admin Support Staff Computer Engineer.3, EP Related Important Equipment - TSC

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 44 of 65 EPN Noun Name/ Descri~tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Egui~ment and / or Com~ensato!Y Catego!Y Measure NA NRC Emergency I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Headset and phone (TSC)

Notification System (ENS)

NA NRC Communications I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/ tested by (TSC)

Telecom NRC Health Physics Network (HPN)

NRC Management Counterpart Link (MCL)

NRC Rad Safety Coordinator NRC Reactor Safety Counterpart Link (RSCL)

NRC Reactor Safety Ops Coordinator NRC Reactor Safety Specialist NRC Senior Resident Inspector NRC Protective Measures Counterpart Link (PMCL).3, EP Related Important Equipment - TSC

Number: 13.14.11 l useC~ego~: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 45 of 65 EPN Noun Name/ Oescril,!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguil,!ment and / or Coml,!ensato!l'.


Measure NA Radios I 1 j 2 I 3 I 4 j 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried and tested (TSC) by Telecom Base Station (x2)

On-Site Channels There are 2 more base stations for OSC Area Wide channels (total of 4)

NA Flat Screen Monitors (TSC)

I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA White Board N/A (TSC)

Area Radiation Monitor I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I Def I B

NA Portable Monitor Tested I Calibrated by RP END.3, EP Related Important Equipment-TSC

Number: 13.14.11 j Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 46 of 65 EP RELATED IMPORTANT EQUIPMENT - OSC EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and Comments Eguiement I or Comeensato!l'.

Cateeort Measure NA Computers I 1 j 2 j 3 j 4 j 5 j def j B

NA Contact IS Tested by EP, (OSC)

Maintained by IT HP Lead Repair Team Coordinator I Manager Electrical Craft Lead l&C Craft Lead Mechanical Lead NA Repair Team Coordinator I 1 j 2 j 3 j 4 j 5 j def j B

NA Contact IS (OSC)

Headset NA Telephones I 1 j 2 j 3 j 4 j 5 j def j B

NA Contact IS Inventoried and tested by (OSC)

Telecom Manager HP Lead Repair Team Coordinator Team Tracker Electrical Craft Lead l&C Craft Lead Mechanical Craft Lead Craft Area.4, EP Related Important Equipment - OSC

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 47 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and Comments Eguiement

/ or Comeensato!}'.


Measure NA Radios I 1 I 2 I 3 J 4 I 5 J def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried and tested by (OSC)

Telecom Base Station (x2)

On-Site Channels There are 2 more base stations for TSC (total of Area Wide channels


Repair Team hand held (x6)

END.4, EP Related Important Equipment - OSC

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A



EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguiement and / or Comeensato!l'.


Measure NA Computers (EOF)

I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Tested by EP, Maintained by IT Asst EOF Manager DOH Dose Projection Energy Northwest Dose Projection EOF PIO Information Coordinator (x2)

INPO Network POIS Analyst Radiation Detection Engineer Telecom Manager NA Emergency Diesel I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I A2 Confirm 115 kV available DG Load Test performed (EOF)

Generator Relocate to Alternate monthly by EOF.

MWO#00GBK0 DG Switch Test performed quarterly by MWO#00GBK2.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 49 of 65 EPN Noun Name / DescriE!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments EguiE!ment and / or ComE!ensato!l'.


Measure NA Fax I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried / tested by (EOF)

Telecom - EP CNF Dialogic Incoming Outgoing NA Health Physics Center I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Kit at Alternate EOF Inventoried/tested by (EOF)

Vehicle Field Team Air Contact HP to provide Radiation Protection Sample Kit (x3) additional equipment quarterly - MWO 01050707 NA Health Physics Center I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Kit at Alternate EOF Inventoried/tested by (EOF)

Vehicle Field Team Field Contact HP to provide Radiation Protection Sample Kit (x3) additional equipment quarterly - MWO 01050707 NA Health Physics Center I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Kit at Alternate EOF Inventoried/tested by (EOF)

Vehicle Field Team Contact HP to provide Radiation Protection Instrumentation Kit (x3) additional equipment quarterly - MWO 01050707 NA Health Physics Center I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Kit at Alternate EOF lnventoried/testet1 by (EOF)

Vehicle Field Team Contact HP to provide Radiation Protection Protective Clothing Kit (x3) additional equipment quarterly - MWO 01050707 NA Printers I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Tested by EP (EOF)

HP Dose Projection INPO Network Coordinator Laser24 Laser147.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 50 of 65 EPN Noun Name/ Descril,!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguil,!ment and / or Coml,!ensato!l'.


Measure NA Area Radiation Monitor I

(EOF) 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Portable Monitor Tested/ Calibrated by RP NA Radios (EOF)

I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried and maintained by Telecom Field Team Console EOF Radio inventory Field Team Monitoring Field Team Vehicle EN1 Field Team Vehicle EN2 Field Team Vehicle EN3 Portable Field Team (x6)

NOAA Weather WA State Field Team Console Security Area Wide Call sign KZl509 DOE Patrol Call sign Station 51 DOE Safety Console Call sign Station 51 Law Enforcement Radio Call sign KOM785 Network.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 51 of 65 EPN Noun Name/ Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguiement and / or Comeensato!Y Catego~

Measure NA Telephones I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried / tested by (EOF)

Telecom Admin Support Admin Support Assistant Manager Benton County Emergency Management BPA Representative FEMA Representative Decon Showers Dept. of Energy Representative Dept. of Health Field Team Coordinator Dept. of Health Protective Action Decision Group Liaison Dose Projection HP Dose Projection HP.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 52 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descril!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguil!ment and / or Coml!ensato!l'.


Measure NA Engineering General I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 j def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/ tested by (EOF)

Area Telecom Engineering Manager Engineering Support Field Team Coordinator Field Team Dispatcher Franklin County Emergency Management Health Physics Center INPO Network Coordinator Instrument Calibration Lab Manager Manpower Scheduler NRC Deputy Site Team Director NRC Deputy Protective Measures Branch Leader.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 53 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguiement and / or Comeensato~


Measure NA NRG Chronology I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried / tested by (EOF)

Documentation Telecom Branch Leader NRG Dose Assessor NRG Dose Assessor Modem NRG ENS NRG Information Technology Specialist NRG Liaison Leader NRG Management Counterpart Link NRG Protective Measures Counterpart Link NRG Protective Measures Branch Leader NRG Chronology Documentation Communicator NRG Deputy Technical Assessment Branch Leader.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 l useC~ego~:REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 54 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Regulred Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguiement and / or Comeensato!:}'.


Measure NA NRC Deputy I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried / tested by (EOF)

Technical Assessment Telecom Branch Leader NRC Deputy Technical Assessment Branch Leader Modem NRC Reactor Safety Counterpart Link (RSCL)

NRC Response Branch Leader NRC Response Branch Leader Modem NRC Site Team Director NRC Technical Assessment Specialist NRC Technical Assessment Branch Leader Oregon State Liaison Oregon Radiological Dose Analyst POIS Analyst.5, EP Related Important Equipment - EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 55 of 65 EPN Noun Name/ Descril;!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguii;!ment and / or Coml;!ensato!)l Catego!)l Measure NA Public Information I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 / def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried / tested by (EOF)

Officer (PIO)

Telecom Radiation Detections Systems Engineer Radiological Emergency Manager (REM)

Respiratory Testing Area Secretary Secretary Security Manager Site Support Manager State/County Liaison Technical Liaison Telecom Manager Washington Dept. of Agriculture Washington State Emergency Management Liaison Washington State DOH Liaison.5, EP Related Important Equipment-EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 56 of 65 EPN Noun Name/ Descri!;!tiOn EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Egui!;!ment and / or Com!;!ensato!l'.


Measure NA Vehicles I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Acquire other ENW Maintained by CMS -

(EOF) vehicle EP verifies operable on a Field Team EN1 Contact Vehicle monthly basis Field Team EN2 Maintenance Contact WA to request Field Team EN3 DOH supplement NA Whelen Siren Console, Site I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Activate from SCC Inventoried/Tested by (EOF)

Evacuation Siren System Telecom NA Wireless CRASH phone I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/Tested by (EOF) system Telecom and EP NA Overhead Projector (x2)

I (EOF) 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS NA Flat Screen Monitors I

(EOF) 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS END.5, EP Related Important Equipment-EOF (Building 34)

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 57 of 65 EP RELATED IMPORTANT EQUIPMENT-ALTERNATE EOF EPN Noun Name / DescriRtion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments EguiRment and / or ComRensatorx Categorx Measure NA Radios I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA (Alt. EOF)

B.5.b Radios Cellular phones Field Team Base Cellular phones Station NA Fax 11 1 2 I 3 14 1 51 def I B

Inventoried/tested by (Alt. EOF)

Telecommunications NA Health Physics Center I 1 I 2 I 3 14 1 5 I def I B

NA Kit at EOF Inventoried/tested by (Alt. EOF)

Vehicle Field Team Air Contact HP to provide Radiation Protection Sampling Kit additional equipment quarterly - MWO 01050707 Health Physics Center Vehicle Field Team Field Sample Kit Health Physics Center Vehicle Field Team Instrumentation Kit NA Telephones I 1 I 2 I 3 14 1 51 def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried / tested by (Alt. EOF)

Telecom Assistant Manager Benton County Commissioner Dept. of Energy Field Team Coordinator Dept. of Energy Field Team Dispatcher.6, EP Related Important Equipment - Alternate EOF

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 58 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descri!;!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguil!ment and / or Coml!ensato~


Measure NA Dose Projectionist j 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/ tested by (Alt. EOF)

Telecom Engineering Manager Manager Secretary Field Team Coordinator Field Team Dispatch Franklin County Commissioner Manpower Scheduler NRC/FEMA NRC Protective Measures Branch Lead NRC Reactor Safety Counterpart Link (RSCL}

Communicator NRC Response Coordination Leader NRC Site Team Director.6, EP Related Important Equipment - Alternate EOF

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 59 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrietion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication Comments Eguiement and / or Comeensato!l'.


Measure NA NRC Technical I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 j def I B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/ tested by (Alt. EOF)

Assessment Branch Telecom Leader Oregon State Liaison REM Site Support Manager Security Manager Technical Liaison Telecom Manager Washington State Representative Washington Department of Health NA Headset I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 j def I B

NA Contact IS Controller and Information (Alt. EOF)

Coordinator NA Computer, Dose Projection I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS (Alt. EOF)

END.6, EP Related Important Equipment - Alternate EOF

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 60 of 65 EP RELATED IMPORTANT EQUIPMENT -JIC EPN Noun Name I Descri~tion EP Regulred Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and Comments Egui~ment I or Com~ensato!)l Catego!)l Measure NA AM Tuner I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA FM Tuner (JIC)

Internet NA Computers I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Tested by EP, (JIC)

Maintained by IT Alternate EOF/ENS AV Walkley Room Benton County PIO Franklin County PIO HP Spokesperson Internet News Monitor JIC Secretary News Release Editor NRC PIL Oregon PIO Phone Team (x8)

Rumor Control Technical Spokesperson)

Washington PIO).7, EP Related Important Equipment - JIC

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 61 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descri!;!tion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and Comments Egui!;!ment I or Com!;!ensato!l'.


Measure NA Copy Machine I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact Vendor (JIC}

NA DISH Network Receiver I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact Vendor (JIC}


NA Fax Inventoried/Tested by (JIC)

Telecom Commercial (x2)

B NA Contact IS Dedicated (x2) 1 2 1 3 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS NA Flat panel displays (5) 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 1 def I B

NA Contact IS JIC, Phone Team Room (JIC) and MPF Lobby NA FM Tuner 1

2 1 3 4 1 5 1 def I B

NA AM Tuner (JIC}

Internet NA Headset 1

2 1 3 4 1 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS (JIC)

Phone Team, (x8)

Spokesperson NA Printers I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact Vendor (JIC)

PIO Work Area Rumor Control Work Area NA Projection Booth AV I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I def I B

NA Contact IS Prox card and booth key (JIC)

Equipment and DVR located in Support Manager's center desk drawer.7, EP Related Important Equipment - JIC

Number: 13.14.11 j Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 62 of 65 EPN Noun Name / Descrigtion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and Comments Eguigment I or Comgensato!Jl Catego!Jl Measure NA Telephones I 1 j 2 j 3 j 4 j 5 j def j B

NA Contact IS Inventoried/Tested by (JIC)

Telecom AudioNisual Benton County Representative Distribution Team Supervisor DOE-RL Representative FEMA Representative Franklin County Representative HP Spokesperson Information Manager Manager Media Phone Team News Release Editor NRC Representative Oregon State Representative Public Phone Team Receptionist.7, EP Related Important Equipment-JIC

Number: 13.14.11

/ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 63 of 65 EPN Noun Name / DescriRtion EP Reguired Mode INPO 10-007 EAL Alternate Indication and Comments EguiRment I or ComRensatorx Categorx Measure NA Spokesperson

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def /

B NA Contact IS Inventoried/Tested by (JIC)

Telecom Support Manager Technical Spokesperson Washington State Representative EMO Washington Department of Agriculture Washington Department of Health NA Televisions, broadcast (x2)


I 1 I 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def I B

NA White Board NA Video (JIC)

I 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / def I B

NA Contact IS JIC Projector Walkley Room Projector END.7, EP Related Important Equipment - JIC

Number: 13.14.11 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A


EP Equipment Page: 64 of 65 Unplanned maintenance or loss of function Reclassify equipment as Cat A. Reprioritize work accordingly.

UNPLANNED LOSS OF EQUIPMENT Generate appropriate deficiency tracking documents and prioritize to restore function Identify redundant or backup indication or method YES (Cat A)

Implement compensatory measure(s)

YES NO Evaluate reportability requirements Review with mgmt. and determine actions Track OOS equipment

.________ and return to service date Communicate need for heightened management awareness and deficiency tracking

'-------- Notify ERO as necessary i.------------------'

Perform work as necessary END.8, Unplanned Loss of Equipment

  • A function requires more time to perform or cannot be performed.

Number: 13.14.11


EP Equipment Evaluate maintenance

~--- activity or planned loss of function NO NO (CatB)


I Use Category: REFERENCE PLANNED LOSS OF EQUIPMENT NO Is the compensatory measure available?

YES NO Implement compensatory measure(s) prior to removal from service YES Major Rev: 017 Minor Rev: N/A Page: 65 of 65 Evaluate reportability requirements Review with mgmt. and determine actions

~---------1~ Notify ERO as necessary 1-4-------~

Perform work as scheduled END.9, Planned Loss of Equipment

  • A function requires more time to perform or cannot be performed.