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Revision 019 to Procedure N. 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/2016
Energy Northwest
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
13.2.2, Rev 19
Download: ML16014A135 (19)


DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Kim Saenz, Records and Information Supervisor at (509)377-2492 or KDSaenz@ enera v-no

Distribution Date: 01/05116 LMB

-Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision 13.2.2 019

-I-I EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Coy#Location Procedures 26 Region IV- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All- Plus any updated checklists 28 Region IV- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All--Plus any updated checklists 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) All.

57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All, 75 Department of Health Radiation Protection ................................ .All

's any updated checklists 142 Hanford EC/SMT "All 164 Oregon State Department of Energy All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All ~3LW 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All Updated 10/27/14


Procedure Number 13.2.2 Revision 019 j Procedure Number IRevision Procedure_______Number___jRevision II Security Receipt Acknowledgement for Control Copies 58, 59 and 214.

I hereby agree that the above stated revisions have been received.

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Copy # Location Procedures Mail Drop 2 Control Room - Shift Mgr Office *All 9640 Distribution List Only 964C3 Control Room STA Desk Support Center/Operations All 9640 31 Technical Support Center_________________________________________

58 CGS Security- SAS-CR - SMurphy 13.1.1 13.5.1 13.5.5 13.11.10 13.12.19 13.13.4 Call for pickup - RA Memo Req'd 13.4.1 13.7.5 13.10.8 _ ____

59 CGS Security- CAS-GSB- SMurphy 13.1.1 13.5.1 13.5.5 13.10.8 13.11.10 13.13.4 Call for pickup- RA Memo Req'd 13.4.1 13.7.5 13.12.19 ______

13.1.1 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.4.1 13.5.1 13.10.9 9640 68 Remote Shutdown Room 13.10.1 ______

All 9640 78 Control Room STA Desk All 9640 83 MUDAC (EOF)

All 9640 90 Joint Inforrntion Center All 9640 94 ... Emergency Operations Facility Support Center/Operations All 9640 160 Technical Support Center_________________________________________

13.4.1 13.5.1 13.10.8 13.11.10 13,13.4 13.14.1 9640 214 Security Control Center -PAAP- SMurphy

____Call for pickup RA Memo Req'd__________________ __________________

All 9640 238 Alternate Emergency Operations Facility Updated 10/27/14

DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES OTHER FILING/ACTIONS Copy # Location Procedures Mail 6 Simulator Drop All 35 NRC Resident lnsp~cor .... 1500 All-Plus any updated checklists 86 Simulator-=STA Desk 988C All 129 Operations Training Classroom 10 All -1050 132 ,, Operations Training Classroom All 219 Qperations Training Classroom 1050 All 220 Operations Training Classroom 1050 All 999 Security Liaison -ICP Kit -EP 1050 13.11.10 PE30 Updated 10/27/14

  • /er*i~e~sl n~lforat o*R$ InitiaUse Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE 1Major Rev: 019 1Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations *,Page: 1 of 16*




IllIii Effective Date:

13.2.2 :01/05/16

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A 3ns Page: 2 of 16 O


Determining Protective Action Recommendatic DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Noreisonbas reinluedin this major revision due to over 30% of the procedure content/

[changing (reformatting)..

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 3 of 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................ 4 2.0 DISCUSSION......................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................. 5 4.0 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 6 4.1 Automatic PARs at a Site Area Emergency OR a General Emergency.......................... 6 4.2 Initial PARs for General Emergency Classifications ............................................... 7 4.3 Updating Offsite PARs Based on Projected Doses or Offsite Field Monitoring Data ............ 8 4.4 Updating Offsite PARs Based on Change of Wind Direction with No PAG exceeded ........... 9 4.5 PARs Beyond 10 Miles ............................................................................. 10


..................................................................................... 11 5.1 Regulatory / Licensing Documents ................................................................ 11 5.2 Procedures.......................................................................................... 11 5.3 Forms................................................................................................. 12 6.0 DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................ 12 7.0 ATTACHMENTS............................................................................. ....... 12 7.1 Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE ....................... 13 7.2 PAGs for the Early Phase of a Nuclear Incident .................................................. 16

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 4 of 16 1.0 PURPOSE

....... The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance for the formulation of

........ offsite Protective-Action Recommendations (PARs) based on plant or radiological conditions and determining onsite protective action decisions. {R-1595}, {R-1596}

2.0 DISCUSSION 2.1 The responsibility for making PARs resides with the individual who has the responsibility of the Emergency Director. Ifthe ERO is manned, The Emergency Director (ED) should obtain input from the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) in the EOF for offsite PARs, and from the Radiation Protection Manager (RPM) in the TSC for recommendations for onsite protective actions, if possible.

2.2 PARs are based on plant or radiological conditions.

Recommendations for sections impacted are based on the following;

  • Plant Conditions - use attachment 7.1 note 5 "Downwind Section" table to definelselect the downwind section(s) impacted.
  • Radiological Conditions - use dose projection program to define/select the downwind section(s) impacted.

2.3 Additional EPZ sections should not be recommended for evacuation unless conditions make it necessary to do so. Expanding the evacuation zone when conditions do not require this action could present a greater hazard to evacuees than allowing them to remain in place. Needless evacuation also reduces the effectiveness of the offsite resources used to accommodate the evacuation.

2.4 Changes in wind direction may indicate that if a release begins, it would affect different downwind section(s). If there are indications that containment may fail, a new PAR for new section(s) should be issued. If a radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or ongoing containment source term is not sufficient to cause exposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, the PAR should not be expanded based only on changes in wind direction.

2.5 Industrial Development Complex personnel are evacuated at the Site Area Emergency classification per PPM 13.5.1.

2.6 There are precautionary offsite protective actions that are recommended automatically at the Site Area Emergency and General Emergency classifications. These are specified under the Site Area Emergency and General Emergency boxes on the Classification Notification Form (CNF) (Form 24075). If there are PARs in addition to those that are automatic, they are addressed for the General Emergency in box # 6a. Implementation of protective actions for


- areas within the 10 mile EPZ is the responsibility of Benton and Franklin Counties and DOE-RL officials.

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 5 of 16

- - 2.7 The protective actions outlined in this procedure are limited to actions for minimizing the exposureof the public within the 10 mile EPZ to external and internal radiation exposure from plume passage or inhalation of the radioactive plume and actions to determine PARs beyond the 10 mile EPZ. Other protective actions for minimizing public exposure via the ingestion pathway will be determined and implemented by Energy Northwest and Washington State.

2.8 -- Plant and offsite officials should continue assessment actions based on additional plant information, dose projections, and field monitoring results. After performing the initial early evacuation actions near the plant, licensee and offsite officials should modify their protective action recommendations as necessary based on field monitoring and dose projections, which indicate that EPA protective action guide doses may be exceeded in areas beyond those that have been evacuated. On the basis of this information, plant and offsite officials may expand the evacuations to encompass other areas in the plume EPZ and, for the worst case accidents; protective actions may be required beyond the plume EPZ.

2.9 Once a PAR is made for evacuation of a 10 mile EPZ section and action has been taken by an agency to implement that recommnendation as a Protective Action Decision (PAD), do not replace the evacuation PAR with a sheltering PAR. (5.1 .2}

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emercqency Director is responsible for:

3.1.1 Determining and making offsite Protective Action Recommendations (PARs);

3.1.2 Ensuring PARs are transmitted to the appropriate Offsite Authorities.

3.2 The Radiation Protection Mana~qer (RPM) is responsible for:

3.2.1 Assess offsite doses and make recommendations concerning protective actions to the TSC Manager until the Radiological Emergency Manager at the EOF takes over this function.

3.3 The Radiological Emergqency Managqer (REM) is responsible for:

3.3.1 Managing radiological dose assessment and field monitoring activities.

3.3.2 Assists in development of PARs and, during the late phases of the response, coordinates this activity with the States of Washington and Oregon and the US DOE and provides offsite radiological PARs to the EOF Manager.

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendatic 3ns Page: 6 of 16 4.0 PROCEDURE NOTE: Protective actions are not required at the Unusual Event or Alert I emergency classification levels.I 4.1 Automatic PARs at a Site Area Emergqency OR a General Emergency RECOMMEND evacuation of the following areas for SAE or GE classifications:

.. Columbia River

  • Ringold Fishing Area
  • Wahluke Hunting Area
  • Horn Rapids Recreation Area/ORV Park

INumber: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Pg:f16

_ - 4.2 Initial PARs for General Emeraqencv Classifications SNOTE: Do not delay recommending offsite protective actions for areas within the EPZ, while


  • waiting for field monitoring results to verify the accuracy of the dose projection results.I

-4.2.1 -REFER to Attachment 7.1, Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE, to ensure appropriate PAR is determined.

a. IF a dose projection has been made, and indicate either;

>1000 mRem TEDE or >5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs),

THEN DETERMINE appropriate downwind section(s) based on the dose projection program output.

b. IF a dose projection has been made, and indicate both;

<1000 mRem TEDE and <5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs),

... THEN DETERMINE-the appropriate downwind section(s) based on attachment 7.1 note 5 "Downwind Section" table.

c. IF NO dose projection has been made, THEN DETERMINE the appropriate downwind section(s) based on attachment 7.1 note 5 "Downwind Section" table.

4.2.2 INDICATE the PAR on the Classification Notification Form, Form 24075, (CNF).

O 4.2.3 IF there is to be a Controlled Release (such as containment venting),

THEN DISCUSS activity with offsite authorities to inform them of the intent to vent the containment.

4.2.4 WHEN aware of circumstances such as severe weather, or concurrent emergencies that may impact specific areas for which PARs are being proposed, THEN INFORM the Benton and Franklin County EOCs which sections are most affected (so that routes to be taken or avoided may be identified), or provide other special considerations in the notification to offsite agencies.

4.2.5 COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.

4.2.6 The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

4.2.7 CONTINUE event assessment after making the initial PAR for the General Emergency classification based on:

  • available plant data,
  • meteorological data
  • dose projections ,
  • field monitoring data

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 8 of 16 4,.3 U..

Updatingq Offsite PARs Based on Proiected Doses or Offsite Field Monitoringq Data i~

iii_ INOTE:. ...Do not delay re~c~hmending offsite protective actions for areas within the EPZ, while

- waiting for field monitoring results to verify the accuracy of the dose projection results.I 4.3.1 OBTAIN AND REVIEW applicable offsite dose projection and/or survey data.

4.3.2 DETERMINE if the dose projection or survey data indicates either;

>1000 mRem TEDE or >_5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs).

a. IF review of dose projections or survey results indicate the limit has been exceeded in any sections not already evacuated, and evacuation is determined to be warranted, THEN ISSUE a new PAR for additional affected section(s).
b. IF dose projections or survey results indicate a PAG may be exceeded beyond 10 miles, THEN REFER to step 4.5.

4.3.3 WHEN aware of circumstances such as severe weather, or concurrent emergencies that may impact specific areas for which PARs are being proposed, THEN INFORM the Benton and Franklin County EOCs which sections are most affected (so that routes to be taken or avoided may be identified), or provide other special considerations in the notification to offsite agencies.

4.3.4 IF any of the above actions result in a change to established PARs; COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF.

PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.

4.3.5 The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A S


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 9of 16 4.4 Upjdatinaq Offsite PARs.Based on Chanqe of Wind Direction with No PAG exceeded 4.4.1 ISSUE a new PAR ONLY ifthe following conditions are met:


  • The change in wind direction affects a downwind section (see Attachment 7.1, note

- 5, for Downwind Sections) for which an Evacuation PAR has NOT been issued.


  • Containment Radiation Monitor reading GT 14,000 R/hr.


  • LOSS OR POTENTIAL LOSS of Primary Containment as indicated by the Fission Product Barrier Degradation Table in PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency.

4.4.2 WHEN aware of circumstances such as severe weather, or concurrent emergencies that may impact specific areas for which PARs are being proposed, THEN INFORM the Benton and Franklin County EOCs which sections are most affected (so that routes to be taken or avoided may be identified), or provide other special considerations in the notification to offsite agencies.

4.4.3 IF any of the above actions result in a change to established PARs; COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.

4.4.4 The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 10 of 16 4.5 PARs Beyond 10 Miles S4.5.1 CONSIDER plume PARs beyond 10 miles if dose projections indicate either;

* .>1000 mRem TEDE or >5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs), may be exceeded beyond 10 miles. {5.1.1}

NOTE: If downwind field monitoring data is not available, base PAR on dose projection results.

  • For the Control Room, (Shift Manager as Emergency Director):
a. IF dose projections exceed PAGs beyond 10 miles, THEN OBTAIN downwind field monitoring data to verify dose projection results.
b. USE dose projection program 50 mile map to determine extent (distance) of the GE plume.
1. Determine the distance to the leading edge of the GE portion of the plume, then round up to the next whole mile.
2. Select the extended quadrant section(s).

_. _c. MAKE Evacuation PAR to include the previously affected downwind section(s) and to the additional extent (distance beyond 10 miles) indicated for the extended quadrant section(s).

d. COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.
  • For the EOF or TSC, (EOF Manager or TSC Manager as Emergency Director):
a. IF dose projections exceed PAGs beyond 10 miles, THEN OBTAIN downwind field monitoring data to verify dose projection results.
b. USE dose projection program 50 mile map to determine area encompassed by the GE plume.
1. Determine the distance to the leading edge of the GE portion of the plume, then round up to the next whole mile.
2. Select geo-political boundaries such as roads, rivers and county lines (that encompass the GE portion of the plume) to define the boundaries of the PAR beyond 10 miles.
c. MAKE Evacuation PAR to include the previously affected downwind section(s) and

................... to the additional area indicated by the geo-political boundaries beyond 10 miles.

d. COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and

~PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1,

~Emergency Notifications.

e. The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 11 of 16


5.1 Regqulatory / Licensinq Documents

_5.1.1 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Area Requiring Corrective Action, ARCA S873 {5. 1.1) 5.1.2 NRC Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2003-12, Clarification of NRC Guidance for Modifying Protective Actions {5. 1.2}

5.1.3 Columbia Generating Station Physical Security Plan {R-1 123) 5.1.4 10 CFR 73.55(a), Requirements for Physical Protection of Licensed Activities in Nuclear Power Reactors Against Radiological Sabotage {R-1 124}

5.1.5 10 CFR47(b)(10) {R-1 595), {R-1 596) 5.1.6 NRC RIS 2005-08, Endorsement of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Guidance "Range of Protective Action for Nuclear Power Plant Incidents" 5.1.7 EP-01, Emergency Plan 5.1.8 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 3 5.1.9 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 5.1.10 EPA 400, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents", May 1992 5.1 .11 Evacuation Time Estimates for Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone, Columbia Generating Station, October 2012 5.2 Procedures 5.2.1 State of Washington - Department of Health, "Response Procedures for Radiation Emergencies" 5.2.2 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency 5.2.3 PPM 13:2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 5.2.4 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 5.2.5 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 5.2.6 PPM 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations 5.2.7 PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 12 of 16 5.3 Forms 5.3.1 Classification Notification Form (CNF), 24075 6.0 DOCUMENTATION 6.1 All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

6.2 A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE 7.2 PAGs for the Early Phase of a Nuclear Incident

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 13 of 16

....... DECISION GUIDE FOR OFFSITE PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS AT A GE SGENERAL DECLARED EMERGENCY Continue Assessment of PARs EVACUAT E (note 3) SHELTER (note 4) 2-miler radius 2-mile radius anld and 2 -10 miles down 2 -10 miles ALL sections (note=-55)

ALL otherss sections scin

  • ,(note 4)

SHELTEFR(ot4 EVACUATE (note 3) 2-mile radius and 2 -10 miles downwind section(s) Controlled Release (note 5) Stopped?

ALL others sections

  • .SHELTER (note 4) rr Continue Assessment ' NO (Note 6)

I l Attachment 7.1,-Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 14 of 16 Note 1: Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident A rapidly progressing severe incident is a General Emergency (GE) with rapid loss of containment integrity (emergency action levels indicate containment barrier loss) and loss of

~ability to cool the core. This path is used for scenarios in~which containment integrity can be determined as bypassed or immediately lost during a GE with core damage.

If this scenario cannot be immediately confirmed, assume it is not taking place and answer "no" to this decision block.

A rapidly progressing severe incident may be defined as:

1. The PAR is the first after a GE has been declared.


2. There is loss of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND
3. EITHER of the following:
a. Containment Radiation Monitor CMS-RIS-27E and CMS-RIS-27F reading GT 14,000 RIHr.


b. A significant radiological release (greater than PAGs at 1.2 miles) in about an hour.

Note 2: Known Impediment(s) to Evacuation or Controlled Release

  • If the General Emergency is due to Hostile Action, then this would be considered an Impediment to Evacuation. This impediment is effective until the Off-Site Incident Commander has determined that conditions are safe for evacuations to proceed and communicated this to CGS Emergency Director.
  • If notified by OROs prior to beginning the PAR determination that; adverse weather, earthquake, wildfire, etc... would preclude the safe or timely evacuation of the public at the time of the emergency, then that condition constitutes a known Impediment to Evacuation.
  • Controlled Release, Primary Containment venting that is performed to prevent containment failure and can be terminated within one hour. Controlled means that the release was initiated by Operator Action and can be terminated by Operator Action.

Note 3: EVACUATE Evacuation and control of access to an affected area can be the most effective protective action for reducing the dose to the public unless circumstances as discussed in note 2 exist.

Attachment 7.1, Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 15 of 16 Note 4: SHELTER (Shelter in Place)

A type of protective action in which instructions are given to members of the public to remain indoors, turn off heating or air conditioning (as appropriate for the season), close windows,

-- monitor communications channels, and prepare to evacuate.

... -.. Sheltering in buildings with windows and doors closed and ventilation turned off can provide partial protection from a passing radioactive plume. The extent of the protection depends on the duration and isotopic mixture of the release and the type of building.

Given that a decision could be made to Shelter for a short duration release (containment venting), it should be recognized that Shelter is a temporary measure and does not provide long-term protection from airborne radioactive materials. It loses effectiveness as interior air equalizes in concentration with the outside environment. Therefore, any recommendation for the public to Shelter should be followed by additional instructions at the appropriate time.

See also note 6.

Note 5: Downwind Section(s)

Sections for the surrounding 10-mile EPZ are divided into 4 - 900 sections.

Determining which section(s) that are impacted may be performed by:

  • Using dose projections software, or
  • Using the following table.

Downwind Sections Wind Direction Sections (from) Impacted 0120 to 0790 3 080° to 1240 3, 4 125° to 1460 4 147° to 214° 1, 4 215° to 259° 1 260° to 304° 1, 2 35 05 to 3260 2 327° to 011 ° 2, 3 Note 6: Continue Assessments Radiological and meteorological assessments should be continued and evacuation considered for any areas where dose projections or field measurements indicate that PAGs may be exceeded.

Note 7: Are Impediment(s) to Evacuation Removed? And Controlled Release Stopped?

Both actions must be yes if either condition had occurred earlier (note 2) or the condition is not applicable.


........ Attachment 7.1, Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 16 of 16 PAGS FOR THE EARLY PHASE OF A NUCLEAR INCIDENT From EPA 400, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents PROTECTIVE PAG CMET ACTION (projected dose) CMET Evacuation 1 - 5 Remn TEDE Evacuation (or, for some (or sheltering') OR situations, sheltering') should normally be initiated at the lowesi 5 - 25 Rem CDE thyroid level of the range.

OR 50 - 500 Rem skin Sheltering may be the preferred protective action when it will provide protection equal to or greater than evacuation, based on consideration of factors such as source term characteristics, and temporal or other site-specific conditions.

Evacuation vs. Sheltering Because of the higher risk associated with evacuation of some special groups in the population (e.g.

those who are not readily mobile), sheltering may be the preferred alternative for such groups as a protective action at projected doses up to 5 Rem TEDE. In addition, under unusually hazardous environmental conditions, use of sheltering at projected doses up to 5 Rem to the general population (and up to 10 Rem to special groups) may be justified.

While Offsite Officials will determine when the use of Sheltering is appropriate, the CGS Emergency Director will consider these principles when deciding to recommend to Evacuate or Shelter in accordance with this procedure.

END Attachment 7.2, PAGs for the Early Phase of a Nuclear Incident

DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Kim Saenz, Records and Information Supervisor at (509)377-2492 or KDSaenz@ enera v-no

Distribution Date: 01/05116 LMB

-Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision 13.2.2 019

-I-I EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Coy#Location Procedures 26 Region IV- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All- Plus any updated checklists 28 Region IV- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All--Plus any updated checklists 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) All.

57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All, 75 Department of Health Radiation Protection ................................ .All

's any updated checklists 142 Hanford EC/SMT "All 164 Oregon State Department of Energy All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All ~3LW 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All Updated 10/27/14


Procedure Number 13.2.2 Revision 019 j Procedure Number IRevision Procedure_______Number___jRevision II Security Receipt Acknowledgement for Control Copies 58, 59 and 214.

I hereby agree that the above stated revisions have been received.

Printed Name: ____________Signature: Date______


Copy # Location Procedures Mail Drop 2 Control Room - Shift Mgr Office *All 9640 Distribution List Only 964C3 Control Room STA Desk Support Center/Operations All 9640 31 Technical Support Center_________________________________________

58 CGS Security- SAS-CR - SMurphy 13.1.1 13.5.1 13.5.5 13.11.10 13.12.19 13.13.4 Call for pickup - RA Memo Req'd 13.4.1 13.7.5 13.10.8 _ ____

59 CGS Security- CAS-GSB- SMurphy 13.1.1 13.5.1 13.5.5 13.10.8 13.11.10 13.13.4 Call for pickup- RA Memo Req'd 13.4.1 13.7.5 13.12.19 ______

13.1.1 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.4.1 13.5.1 13.10.9 9640 68 Remote Shutdown Room 13.10.1 ______

All 9640 78 Control Room STA Desk All 9640 83 MUDAC (EOF)

All 9640 90 Joint Inforrntion Center All 9640 94 ... Emergency Operations Facility Support Center/Operations All 9640 160 Technical Support Center_________________________________________

13.4.1 13.5.1 13.10.8 13.11.10 13,13.4 13.14.1 9640 214 Security Control Center -PAAP- SMurphy

____Call for pickup RA Memo Req'd__________________ __________________

All 9640 238 Alternate Emergency Operations Facility Updated 10/27/14

DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES OTHER FILING/ACTIONS Copy # Location Procedures Mail 6 Simulator Drop All 35 NRC Resident lnsp~cor .... 1500 All-Plus any updated checklists 86 Simulator-=STA Desk 988C All 129 Operations Training Classroom 10 All -1050 132 ,, Operations Training Classroom All 219 Qperations Training Classroom 1050 All 220 Operations Training Classroom 1050 All 999 Security Liaison -ICP Kit -EP 1050 13.11.10 PE30 Updated 10/27/14

  • /er*i~e~sl n~lforat o*R$ InitiaUse Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE 1Major Rev: 019 1Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations *,Page: 1 of 16*




IllIii Effective Date:

13.2.2 :01/05/16

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Determining Protective Action Recommendatic DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Noreisonbas reinluedin this major revision due to over 30% of the procedure content/

[changing (reformatting)..

Number: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 3 of 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................ 4 2.0 DISCUSSION......................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................. 5 4.0 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 6 4.1 Automatic PARs at a Site Area Emergency OR a General Emergency.......................... 6 4.2 Initial PARs for General Emergency Classifications ............................................... 7 4.3 Updating Offsite PARs Based on Projected Doses or Offsite Field Monitoring Data ............ 8 4.4 Updating Offsite PARs Based on Change of Wind Direction with No PAG exceeded ........... 9 4.5 PARs Beyond 10 Miles ............................................................................. 10


..................................................................................... 11 5.1 Regulatory / Licensing Documents ................................................................ 11 5.2 Procedures.......................................................................................... 11 5.3 Forms................................................................................................. 12 6.0 DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................ 12 7.0 ATTACHMENTS............................................................................. ....... 12 7.1 Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE ....................... 13 7.2 PAGs for the Early Phase of a Nuclear Incident .................................................. 16

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 4 of 16 1.0 PURPOSE

....... The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance for the formulation of

........ offsite Protective-Action Recommendations (PARs) based on plant or radiological conditions and determining onsite protective action decisions. {R-1595}, {R-1596}

2.0 DISCUSSION 2.1 The responsibility for making PARs resides with the individual who has the responsibility of the Emergency Director. Ifthe ERO is manned, The Emergency Director (ED) should obtain input from the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) in the EOF for offsite PARs, and from the Radiation Protection Manager (RPM) in the TSC for recommendations for onsite protective actions, if possible.

2.2 PARs are based on plant or radiological conditions.

Recommendations for sections impacted are based on the following;

  • Plant Conditions - use attachment 7.1 note 5 "Downwind Section" table to definelselect the downwind section(s) impacted.
  • Radiological Conditions - use dose projection program to define/select the downwind section(s) impacted.

2.3 Additional EPZ sections should not be recommended for evacuation unless conditions make it necessary to do so. Expanding the evacuation zone when conditions do not require this action could present a greater hazard to evacuees than allowing them to remain in place. Needless evacuation also reduces the effectiveness of the offsite resources used to accommodate the evacuation.

2.4 Changes in wind direction may indicate that if a release begins, it would affect different downwind section(s). If there are indications that containment may fail, a new PAR for new section(s) should be issued. If a radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or ongoing containment source term is not sufficient to cause exposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, the PAR should not be expanded based only on changes in wind direction.

2.5 Industrial Development Complex personnel are evacuated at the Site Area Emergency classification per PPM 13.5.1.

2.6 There are precautionary offsite protective actions that are recommended automatically at the Site Area Emergency and General Emergency classifications. These are specified under the Site Area Emergency and General Emergency boxes on the Classification Notification Form (CNF) (Form 24075). If there are PARs in addition to those that are automatic, they are addressed for the General Emergency in box # 6a. Implementation of protective actions for


- areas within the 10 mile EPZ is the responsibility of Benton and Franklin Counties and DOE-RL officials.

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 5 of 16

- - 2.7 The protective actions outlined in this procedure are limited to actions for minimizing the exposureof the public within the 10 mile EPZ to external and internal radiation exposure from plume passage or inhalation of the radioactive plume and actions to determine PARs beyond the 10 mile EPZ. Other protective actions for minimizing public exposure via the ingestion pathway will be determined and implemented by Energy Northwest and Washington State.

2.8 -- Plant and offsite officials should continue assessment actions based on additional plant information, dose projections, and field monitoring results. After performing the initial early evacuation actions near the plant, licensee and offsite officials should modify their protective action recommendations as necessary based on field monitoring and dose projections, which indicate that EPA protective action guide doses may be exceeded in areas beyond those that have been evacuated. On the basis of this information, plant and offsite officials may expand the evacuations to encompass other areas in the plume EPZ and, for the worst case accidents; protective actions may be required beyond the plume EPZ.

2.9 Once a PAR is made for evacuation of a 10 mile EPZ section and action has been taken by an agency to implement that recommnendation as a Protective Action Decision (PAD), do not replace the evacuation PAR with a sheltering PAR. (5.1 .2}

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emercqency Director is responsible for:

3.1.1 Determining and making offsite Protective Action Recommendations (PARs);

3.1.2 Ensuring PARs are transmitted to the appropriate Offsite Authorities.

3.2 The Radiation Protection Mana~qer (RPM) is responsible for:

3.2.1 Assess offsite doses and make recommendations concerning protective actions to the TSC Manager until the Radiological Emergency Manager at the EOF takes over this function.

3.3 The Radiological Emergqency Managqer (REM) is responsible for:

3.3.1 Managing radiological dose assessment and field monitoring activities.

3.3.2 Assists in development of PARs and, during the late phases of the response, coordinates this activity with the States of Washington and Oregon and the US DOE and provides offsite radiological PARs to the EOF Manager.

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Determining Protective Action Recommendatic 3ns Page: 6 of 16 4.0 PROCEDURE NOTE: Protective actions are not required at the Unusual Event or Alert I emergency classification levels.I 4.1 Automatic PARs at a Site Area Emergqency OR a General Emergency RECOMMEND evacuation of the following areas for SAE or GE classifications:

.. Columbia River

  • Ringold Fishing Area
  • Wahluke Hunting Area
  • Horn Rapids Recreation Area/ORV Park

INumber: 13.2.2 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 019 Minor Rev: N/A


Determining Protective Action Recommendations Pg:f16

_ - 4.2 Initial PARs for General Emeraqencv Classifications SNOTE: Do not delay recommending offsite protective actions for areas within the EPZ, while


  • waiting for field monitoring results to verify the accuracy of the dose projection results.I

-4.2.1 -REFER to Attachment 7.1, Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE, to ensure appropriate PAR is determined.

a. IF a dose projection has been made, and indicate either;

>1000 mRem TEDE or >5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs),

THEN DETERMINE appropriate downwind section(s) based on the dose projection program output.

b. IF a dose projection has been made, and indicate both;

<1000 mRem TEDE and <5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs),

... THEN DETERMINE-the appropriate downwind section(s) based on attachment 7.1 note 5 "Downwind Section" table.

c. IF NO dose projection has been made, THEN DETERMINE the appropriate downwind section(s) based on attachment 7.1 note 5 "Downwind Section" table.

4.2.2 INDICATE the PAR on the Classification Notification Form, Form 24075, (CNF).

O 4.2.3 IF there is to be a Controlled Release (such as containment venting),

THEN DISCUSS activity with offsite authorities to inform them of the intent to vent the containment.

4.2.4 WHEN aware of circumstances such as severe weather, or concurrent emergencies that may impact specific areas for which PARs are being proposed, THEN INFORM the Benton and Franklin County EOCs which sections are most affected (so that routes to be taken or avoided may be identified), or provide other special considerations in the notification to offsite agencies.

4.2.5 COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.

4.2.6 The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

4.2.7 CONTINUE event assessment after making the initial PAR for the General Emergency classification based on:

  • available plant data,
  • meteorological data
  • dose projections ,
  • field monitoring data

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 8 of 16 4,.3 U..

Updatingq Offsite PARs Based on Proiected Doses or Offsite Field Monitoringq Data i~

iii_ INOTE:. ...Do not delay re~c~hmending offsite protective actions for areas within the EPZ, while

- waiting for field monitoring results to verify the accuracy of the dose projection results.I 4.3.1 OBTAIN AND REVIEW applicable offsite dose projection and/or survey data.

4.3.2 DETERMINE if the dose projection or survey data indicates either;

>1000 mRem TEDE or >_5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs).

a. IF review of dose projections or survey results indicate the limit has been exceeded in any sections not already evacuated, and evacuation is determined to be warranted, THEN ISSUE a new PAR for additional affected section(s).
b. IF dose projections or survey results indicate a PAG may be exceeded beyond 10 miles, THEN REFER to step 4.5.

4.3.3 WHEN aware of circumstances such as severe weather, or concurrent emergencies that may impact specific areas for which PARs are being proposed, THEN INFORM the Benton and Franklin County EOCs which sections are most affected (so that routes to be taken or avoided may be identified), or provide other special considerations in the notification to offsite agencies.

4.3.4 IF any of the above actions result in a change to established PARs; COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF.

PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.

4.3.5 The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 9of 16 4.4 Upjdatinaq Offsite PARs.Based on Chanqe of Wind Direction with No PAG exceeded 4.4.1 ISSUE a new PAR ONLY ifthe following conditions are met:


  • The change in wind direction affects a downwind section (see Attachment 7.1, note

- 5, for Downwind Sections) for which an Evacuation PAR has NOT been issued.


  • Containment Radiation Monitor reading GT 14,000 R/hr.


  • LOSS OR POTENTIAL LOSS of Primary Containment as indicated by the Fission Product Barrier Degradation Table in PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency.

4.4.2 WHEN aware of circumstances such as severe weather, or concurrent emergencies that may impact specific areas for which PARs are being proposed, THEN INFORM the Benton and Franklin County EOCs which sections are most affected (so that routes to be taken or avoided may be identified), or provide other special considerations in the notification to offsite agencies.

4.4.3 IF any of the above actions result in a change to established PARs; COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.

4.4.4 The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 10 of 16 4.5 PARs Beyond 10 Miles S4.5.1 CONSIDER plume PARs beyond 10 miles if dose projections indicate either;

* .>1000 mRem TEDE or >5000 mRem CDE Thyroid (PAGs), may be exceeded beyond 10 miles. {5.1.1}

NOTE: If downwind field monitoring data is not available, base PAR on dose projection results.

  • For the Control Room, (Shift Manager as Emergency Director):
a. IF dose projections exceed PAGs beyond 10 miles, THEN OBTAIN downwind field monitoring data to verify dose projection results.
b. USE dose projection program 50 mile map to determine extent (distance) of the GE plume.
1. Determine the distance to the leading edge of the GE portion of the plume, then round up to the next whole mile.
2. Select the extended quadrant section(s).

_. _c. MAKE Evacuation PAR to include the previously affected downwind section(s) and to the additional extent (distance beyond 10 miles) indicated for the extended quadrant section(s).

d. COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications.
  • For the EOF or TSC, (EOF Manager or TSC Manager as Emergency Director):
a. IF dose projections exceed PAGs beyond 10 miles, THEN OBTAIN downwind field monitoring data to verify dose projection results.
b. USE dose projection program 50 mile map to determine area encompassed by the GE plume.
1. Determine the distance to the leading edge of the GE portion of the plume, then round up to the next whole mile.
2. Select geo-political boundaries such as roads, rivers and county lines (that encompass the GE portion of the plume) to define the boundaries of the PAR beyond 10 miles.
c. MAKE Evacuation PAR to include the previously affected downwind section(s) and

................... to the additional area indicated by the geo-political boundaries beyond 10 miles.

d. COMPLETE the appropriate parts of the CNF, and

~PERFORM the required notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1,

~Emergency Notifications.

e. The EOF Manager should ENSURE the status of PARs is tracked.

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 11 of 16


5.1 Regqulatory / Licensinq Documents

_5.1.1 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Area Requiring Corrective Action, ARCA S873 {5. 1.1) 5.1.2 NRC Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2003-12, Clarification of NRC Guidance for Modifying Protective Actions {5. 1.2}

5.1.3 Columbia Generating Station Physical Security Plan {R-1 123) 5.1.4 10 CFR 73.55(a), Requirements for Physical Protection of Licensed Activities in Nuclear Power Reactors Against Radiological Sabotage {R-1 124}

5.1.5 10 CFR47(b)(10) {R-1 595), {R-1 596) 5.1.6 NRC RIS 2005-08, Endorsement of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Guidance "Range of Protective Action for Nuclear Power Plant Incidents" 5.1.7 EP-01, Emergency Plan 5.1.8 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 3 5.1.9 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 5.1.10 EPA 400, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents", May 1992 5.1 .11 Evacuation Time Estimates for Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone, Columbia Generating Station, October 2012 5.2 Procedures 5.2.1 State of Washington - Department of Health, "Response Procedures for Radiation Emergencies" 5.2.2 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency 5.2.3 PPM 13:2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 5.2.4 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 5.2.5 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 5.2.6 PPM 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations 5.2.7 PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 12 of 16 5.3 Forms 5.3.1 Classification Notification Form (CNF), 24075 6.0 DOCUMENTATION 6.1 All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

6.2 A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE 7.2 PAGs for the Early Phase of a Nuclear Incident

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 13 of 16

....... DECISION GUIDE FOR OFFSITE PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS AT A GE SGENERAL DECLARED EMERGENCY Continue Assessment of PARs EVACUAT E (note 3) SHELTER (note 4) 2-miler radius 2-mile radius anld and 2 -10 miles down 2 -10 miles ALL sections (note=-55)

ALL otherss sections scin

  • ,(note 4)

SHELTEFR(ot4 EVACUATE (note 3) 2-mile radius and 2 -10 miles downwind section(s) Controlled Release (note 5) Stopped?

ALL others sections

  • .SHELTER (note 4) rr Continue Assessment ' NO (Note 6)

I l Attachment 7.1,-Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 14 of 16 Note 1: Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident A rapidly progressing severe incident is a General Emergency (GE) with rapid loss of containment integrity (emergency action levels indicate containment barrier loss) and loss of

~ability to cool the core. This path is used for scenarios in~which containment integrity can be determined as bypassed or immediately lost during a GE with core damage.

If this scenario cannot be immediately confirmed, assume it is not taking place and answer "no" to this decision block.

A rapidly progressing severe incident may be defined as:

1. The PAR is the first after a GE has been declared.


2. There is loss of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND
3. EITHER of the following:
a. Containment Radiation Monitor CMS-RIS-27E and CMS-RIS-27F reading GT 14,000 RIHr.


b. A significant radiological release (greater than PAGs at 1.2 miles) in about an hour.

Note 2: Known Impediment(s) to Evacuation or Controlled Release

  • If the General Emergency is due to Hostile Action, then this would be considered an Impediment to Evacuation. This impediment is effective until the Off-Site Incident Commander has determined that conditions are safe for evacuations to proceed and communicated this to CGS Emergency Director.
  • If notified by OROs prior to beginning the PAR determination that; adverse weather, earthquake, wildfire, etc... would preclude the safe or timely evacuation of the public at the time of the emergency, then that condition constitutes a known Impediment to Evacuation.
  • Controlled Release, Primary Containment venting that is performed to prevent containment failure and can be terminated within one hour. Controlled means that the release was initiated by Operator Action and can be terminated by Operator Action.

Note 3: EVACUATE Evacuation and control of access to an affected area can be the most effective protective action for reducing the dose to the public unless circumstances as discussed in note 2 exist.

Attachment 7.1, Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 15 of 16 Note 4: SHELTER (Shelter in Place)

A type of protective action in which instructions are given to members of the public to remain indoors, turn off heating or air conditioning (as appropriate for the season), close windows,

-- monitor communications channels, and prepare to evacuate.

... -.. Sheltering in buildings with windows and doors closed and ventilation turned off can provide partial protection from a passing radioactive plume. The extent of the protection depends on the duration and isotopic mixture of the release and the type of building.

Given that a decision could be made to Shelter for a short duration release (containment venting), it should be recognized that Shelter is a temporary measure and does not provide long-term protection from airborne radioactive materials. It loses effectiveness as interior air equalizes in concentration with the outside environment. Therefore, any recommendation for the public to Shelter should be followed by additional instructions at the appropriate time.

See also note 6.

Note 5: Downwind Section(s)

Sections for the surrounding 10-mile EPZ are divided into 4 - 900 sections.

Determining which section(s) that are impacted may be performed by:

  • Using dose projections software, or
  • Using the following table.

Downwind Sections Wind Direction Sections (from) Impacted 0120 to 0790 3 080° to 1240 3, 4 125° to 1460 4 147° to 214° 1, 4 215° to 259° 1 260° to 304° 1, 2 35 05 to 3260 2 327° to 011 ° 2, 3 Note 6: Continue Assessments Radiological and meteorological assessments should be continued and evacuation considered for any areas where dose projections or field measurements indicate that PAGs may be exceeded.

Note 7: Are Impediment(s) to Evacuation Removed? And Controlled Release Stopped?

Both actions must be yes if either condition had occurred earlier (note 2) or the condition is not applicable.


........ Attachment 7.1, Decision Guide for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations at a GE

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Determining Protective Action Recommendations Page: 16 of 16 PAGS FOR THE EARLY PHASE OF A NUCLEAR INCIDENT From EPA 400, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents PROTECTIVE PAG CMET ACTION (projected dose) CMET Evacuation 1 - 5 Remn TEDE Evacuation (or, for some (or sheltering') OR situations, sheltering') should normally be initiated at the lowesi 5 - 25 Rem CDE thyroid level of the range.

OR 50 - 500 Rem skin Sheltering may be the preferred protective action when it will provide protection equal to or greater than evacuation, based on consideration of factors such as source term characteristics, and temporal or other site-specific conditions.

Evacuation vs. Sheltering Because of the higher risk associated with evacuation of some special groups in the population (e.g.

those who are not readily mobile), sheltering may be the preferred alternative for such groups as a protective action at projected doses up to 5 Rem TEDE. In addition, under unusually hazardous environmental conditions, use of sheltering at projected doses up to 5 Rem to the general population (and up to 10 Rem to special groups) may be justified.

While Offsite Officials will determine when the use of Sheltering is appropriate, the CGS Emergency Director will consider these principles when deciding to recommend to Evacuate or Shelter in accordance with this procedure.

END Attachment 7.2, PAGs for the Early Phase of a Nuclear Incident