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Major Revision 010, Minor Revision 002 to Plant Procedures Manual, Procedure No. 13.13.4, After Action Reporting
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/2015
Energy Northwest
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16020A015 (37)


DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13 - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Kim Saenz, Records and Information Supervisor at (509)377-2492 or KDSaenz @

Distribution Date:

12115/15 cmg Procedure Number Revision 13.13.4 010/002

-Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision I

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Coy#Location Procedures 26 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All - Plus any updated checklists 28 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All - Plus any updated checklists 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

All 57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All 75 Department of Health Radiation Protection All..........

~~nt Control Desk-NRC 142 Hanford EOC/SMTAl 164 Oregon State Department of Energy All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All Updated 10/27/14

Initials Verify Revision Information Prior To Use Date Number: 13.13.4 aTitle: After Action Reporting Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010

-Minor Rev: 002 Page: 1 of 9 w


III III I 111111111 II IIEffective Date:

13.13.4 12/15/15


13.13.4 Number: 13.13.4


After Action Reporting Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002 Page: 2 of 9 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Reformat procedure to conform with SWP-PRO-03, Procedure Writer's Manual and to standardize EPIP procedure sections. As more than 30% of numbering changed Revision Bars are not used in this revision of the procedure. Editorial:

Corrected organizational titles due to corporate reorganization.

Updated to new cover page template on 8/27/1 4.

7 Editorial Change to References section, updated ANI Information Bulletin to 15-01

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 3 of 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pacie 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................. 4 2.0 DISCUSSION.......................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................. 4 4.0 PROCEDURE.........................................................................................

5 4.1 Emergency Response Organization Member....................................................... 5 4.2 Emergency Facility Managers......................

".................................................. 6 4.3 Manager, Emergency Preparedness................................................................ 6 4.4 Designate Assistant FOF Manager.................................................................. 7 4.5 EOF Manager......................................................................................... 7


........................................................................................ 7 6.0 DOCUMENTATION...................................................................................

8 7.0 ATTACHMENTS...................................................................................... 8 7.1 Final After Action Report Development Guidelines................................................. 9

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 4of 9 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure establishes the process for emergency organization personnel to document the circumstances and actions taken during the emergency response phase of a Plant event.

This process can be completed during the recovery phase, however, it is not intended to be used to document the recovery activities required to be taken after an event.

2.0 DISCUSSION After Action Reports document Energy Northwest emergency response actions taken in support of the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan. Final After Action Reports (FAARs) may be subject to inspection and/or evaluation by federal and state regulatory agencies, by private organizations, or in litigation proceedings. For that reason, After Action Reports need to be as complete and accurate as possible.

After Action Reports are not intended to evaluate the operational aspects of an event, since there are other reporting and analysis procedures such as the Licensee Event Report (LER) process that are performed to assess Plant operational matters. Operational aspects, i.e.,

meter readings, component failures, etc., should only be included when necessary to provide a basis for a specific emergency response action such as emergency classification or a repair team activity.

O After termination of an emergency, both a verbal and a written summary should be provided to offsite authorities. Following an Unusual Event, the written summary is to be provided within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Following an Alert or higher emergency, the written summary is to be provided within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. The written summary for these situations is considered to be the Classification Notification Form issued upon event termination. This summary contains insufficient detail for a final closeout report, thus, the After Action Report process was developed.

In order to record the findings and implement any identified corrective actions in a timely manner, the FAAR should be completed within 30 days following event termination.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Individual Members of the ERO 3.1.1 Members of the ERO are responsible for completing After Action Reports upon shift change and/or termination of an event.

3.1.2 ERO Members may also be required to participate in investigations and critiques of activities occurring during declared emergencies at the Columbia Generating Station.

3.2 Emergqency Response Facility Managqers 3.2.1 Ensuring members of the facility staff complete After Action Reports.

3.2.2 Collecting and reviewing facility documentation and After Action Reports

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 5 of 9 3.2.3 Leading facility critiques 3.2.4 Participating overall critique and development of final reports on event.

3.3 Emergqency Preparedness Department 3.3.1 For an Unusual Event, developing the Final After Action Report and submitting it to the Plant File.

3.3.2 For events classified as and Alert or higher, assisting the Final After Action Report Committee in development of Final After Action Report.

3.3.3 Receiving the approved Final After Action Report and taking appropriate actions to address any identified issues.

3.4 Desigqnate Assistant EOF Managqer For events classified as an Alert or higher, convene Final After Action Report Committee and act as Committee Chairman (Reference Section 4.4).

3.5 After Action Report Committee O

For events classified as an Alert or higher classification, a Final After Action Report Committee will be established to write the report and submit it to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

Manager for approval.

3.6 Desigqnate EOF Managqer For events classified as and Alert or higher, reviewing and approving the Final After Action Report.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Emergqency Response Orgqanization Member 4.1.1 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency, complete an Emergency Event Individual After Action Report, Form 26072, and include the following:


Specific problems encountered or observed.


Recommendations for corrective actions.


Any data sheets or log forms, such as the Emergency Response Log, Form 23895, or other compilations of data kept during the emergency.

4.1.2 Deliver your After Action Report and all attachments to the person designated as your Emergency Facility Manager, or to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness, if

~the emergency facility was not activated.

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 6 of 9 4.2 Emergqency Facility Managqers 4.2.1 Collect the After Action Reports, logs and attachments applicable to your emergency area of responsibility.

4.2.2 Review After Action Reports for accuracy and completeness.

4.2.3 Evaluate any incomplete or inaccurate entries that appear in the reports of your staff and resolve or explain discrepancies.

4.2.4 Deliver After Action Reports, attachments, checklists and logs through the emergency organization chain to:


The TSC Manager (for Protected Area personnel).


Assistant EOF Manager (for all personnel outside of the Protected Area).

4.3 Managqer. Emergqency Preparedness 4.3.1 For emergencies classified as Unusual Events, direct that a Final After Action Report be prepared in accordance with Attachment 7.1.

4.3.2 Submit the Unusual Event FAAR to the Plant File. Retain a copy for the EP file.

4.3.3 For emergencies classified as Alert or higher, obtain the approved Final After Action Report from the EOF Manager.


Guidance for retention of nuclear liability insurance records is contained in ANI/MAELU Information Bulletin 80-1A.I 4.3.4 Ensure completed FAARs are maintained and are retrievable.

4.3.5 Distribute approved FAARs to the Plant General Manager, Vice President, Operations, and the Vice President, Nuclear Generation/CNO as a minimum.

4.3.6 Initiate actions to closeout program weaknesses identified in the FAAR.

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002 STitle: After Action Reporting Page: 7 of 9 4.4 Desigqnate Assistant EOF Manaqer 4.4.1 For emergencies classified as Alert or higher, establish a Final After Action Report Committee consisting of the following:


TSC Manager


Radiological Emergency Manager


Radiation Protection Manager


Others, as deemed appropriate, based on the nature of the emergency event.

4.4.2 Function as chairman of the committee and complete a Final After Action Report as outlined in Attachment 7.1.

4.4.3 As necessary, interview selected persons to obtain first-hand information or assign persons to develop special sections for the overall report.

4.5 EOF Managqer 4.5.1 Review and approve the FAAR prepared by the Final After Action Report O


4.5.2 Deliver the approved FAAR to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness.


5.1 Regulatory I Licensing Documents 5.1.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan 5.1.2 ANI Information Bulletin 15-01 5.1.3 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Appendix 1 5.2 Procedures 5.2.1 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 5.2.2 PPM 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations 5.3 Forms 5.3.1 Emergency Response Log, Form 23895 a

1 5.3.2 Emergency Event Individual After Action Report, Form 26072


13.13.4 Number: 13.13.4


After Action Reporting Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002 Page: 8 of 9 6.0 DOCUMENTATION All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Final After Action Report Development Guidelines

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 9 of 9 FINAL AFTER ACTION REPORT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES A Final After Action Report (FAAR) is an organized portfolio of emergency event After Action Reports and supporting documentation. It is to be completed within 30 days of event termination.

1. The FAAR portfolio should have a preface report that contains:

1.1 A table of contents.

1.2 An executive summary of the emergency and its consequences.

1.3 An event review detailing the emergency, highlighting the significant events and the actions taken.

1.4 A chronological timeline listing the events and actions taken.


If during the evaluation it is discovered that an emergency condition had been inappropriately classified, ensure that a transitory event classification notification is performed in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency.

1.5 A section for evaluation of the emergency actions taken, including:

1.5.1 Timeliness of event declaration 1.5.2 Appropriateness (basis) for event declaration 1.5.3 Timeliness of notification of offsite response organizations 1.5.4 Timeliness of notification of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1.5.5 Timeliness of the notifications made to the public, if any were required 1.5.6 Timeliness/appropriateness of event termination, including notification and consideration of the concerns of offsite response organizations and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1.6 An evaluation section listing any emergency planning problem areas, including recommended corrective actions, should be developed by reviewing the written statements provided in the individual After Action Reports and interviewing the personnel involved.


The FAAR should include Attachments that provide:

2.1 A summary of the individual After Action Report comments.

2.2 A listing of participanfs and the emergency position they staffed.

2.3 Performance Indicator documentation.

2.4 Any additional documentation generated by the event not already included with the Performance Indicator documentation, such as approved event dose projection print-outs, and in-plant and field team tracking/data sheets, etc.

END.1, Final After Action Report Development Guidelines

ENERGY NORTHWEST SITE SUPPORT MANAGER CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities Provide liaison to the NRC Site Team Arrange for logistics support Make Part C notifications Oversee staffing of EOF and assist with staffing, as necessary, for other facilities Provide input for facility briefs and updates Section 1, Initial Actions Section 2, Ongoing Actions 2.1 Notifications and Communications 2.2 Resources and Services 2.3 Other Functions and Responsibilities 2.4 Shift Turnover Section 3, Situational Actions 3.1 Site Evacuation 3.2 Security Contingency 3.3 Transportation Considerations Section 4, Closeout Actions NOTES:

Steps in this checklist may be performed in an order other than listed or they may be omitted if not applicable.

Contact numbers for ERO positions and facilities are in the Emergency Phone Directory.

1 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Mobilization 1.1.1 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:

Name: ___________________Date: _____Initials:____

1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.11.3, Site Support

[1 Tab 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed

[II to the Alternate EOF.


Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your LII emergency position.

26532 R2 MR001 Page 1 of 7


,Obtain your Supply basket and/or other needed equipment from



1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response Li Tab 2 Log, to document signif icant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the EOF Manager of your presence in the facility.


1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation

  • i, 1.2.1 Monitor arrival of EOF Personnheland* thd *EOF Stafing B,.o~rd, k~e~ th'e EoF° 1Li Manager informed on Sttunts *f staffin'g.:


Inform the EOF Manager when full staffing is reached.

L 1.2.2 Assist the EOF Manager with EOF activation and callout of additional :..


personnel if directed.

NOT: heSCCprvies ar Cnotifications of plant emergency classification....

levels until relieved of *this responsibility....

1.2.3 Contact the Security' Communications'Center (SCC) A¢cpess Control.Officer, Li*

'iTab 3 and assume responsibility for making the Part C Notificatiosn in accorda~nce.

with Procedure 1,3.4,1, Emergency.Notifica~ions.Yi?:..

1.2.4 Assign and supervise administrative support staff as they arrive.

Li 2_

ONGOING ACTIONS 2.1 Notifications/ICommunications



Refer to th*e Part"C Notification Checklist in~the Emnergency Phone Directory included in the Offsite Agency section.

Phone numbers are located in the Emergency Phone Directory under Offsite Notification Checklist.

2.1.1 "Make,. or delegate support staff members to make, the Part C notifications Li as required for the approplriate ev~ent classificat{ions by p~roviding information

.....on items 1-6, 8, & 12 on th~e' CNF,; as r~eqluested;.

2.2 Resources and Services NOTE:

Tlhe on call procurement person shoul d-be contacted to assist with' procu~renient and purchasing services. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for the roster."

0 26532 R2 MR001 Page 2 of 7



  • EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.2.1 Coordinate the obtaining of resources neededto support emergency :

operations that include, but are not limited to:

  • o Administrative services and equipment;
  • Accommodations and transportation for responding offsite personnel, including GE personnel responding to the site under the BWR Emergency Support Program; Finance and pu~rchasing services;...

Commissary services;....,,,,

Ernergen~cy Resp~onse organizajiiQnshijft relief (fo~r pro1onged*

ern'6rgencies, action i'normally taken by Manpower SchedUler);

LI Labor Relations or Human Resources services; Legal or insurance services,

  • aility Sevcs. "


All requests for Outside assist-ahce mu~st first be approved bythe....-.

E eg n y Director..-.......'....

2:.2.2 *WHEN. requests for outside assistance, equipment or personnel are received LII

";: THEN locate and obtain requested iternm.
  • i A.

Coordinate movement of suppliesror personnel with the Security

~Manager and the Radiological Emergency Manager..

... B..

IF contacted by the Tsc TIe.chn~ical Manager to re-staff the A*slhe


i Substation following a site evacuation, THEN perform the following:

1)- Determine-if Ashe Substation operators are present at the Offsite " -1...

Assembly Area by. contacting the JIC HP Spokesperson..


2) IF they are present, THEN have them stand by for re-staffing of the sub-station.

3). IF NOT present, THEN contact Dittmer Control Center and


request BPA personnel who can assist with Ashe Sub-Station -

  • operations be sent to the Offsite Assembly Area to re-staff the.

Ashe Substation.

4,) Coordinate, with REM and Security.. Manager to determine requirements to move personnel tO. th~e Ashe SubstationS.,

5) Provide instructions to the JIC HP Spokesperson on actions


required to return Ashe Substation operators.

2.2.3 Coordinate with the.TSC Plant Administrative Manager on providing

    • ".I*

personnel, equipment, training, or other administrative resource support..for.

the plant staff...,:.,.

26532 R2 MR001 Page 3 of 7

JI ENERGY NORTHWEST SITE SUPPORT MANAGER CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.2.4 Coordinate delivery of food and other services with the following positions:


  • The Secu'rity Maniager for access to site Location; The Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) for radiological concerns;
  • The Plant Administr'ativ~e Man~ager for OSO I TSC needs;.

The JIG Support Manager for purchases of supplies.

2.2.5 Keep the :EOF Manager informed of offsite agencies' decisions, req*uests, and offers of assistance that are brought to your attention.


2.3 Other Functions and Responsibilities "

2.3.1 Ensure that the following are maintained by the Information Coordinator:


Significant Events Status Board,.,

i Plant status display

  • c:

Emergency Classification/Protectivel-Action status di*.play*

2,3.2 Suppo~rt FEO briefing'S using the site Support Manager's sect*ion of form LI

.Tab 4 26028, Emergency Response Facility (E OF) Briefing Guidelines...

2.3.3 IF the state or county is not rep~resented at the 'EO)F, THE£N request the *state


and County Liaison to obtain information on county r esponse actions from the Energy Northwest representative at the Washington *State, Benton, and..

Franklin County Emergency Operation's Centers (EOC) 2.3.4 At General Emergency, *recommend an airspace or airport closure request


. Tab 1 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in accordance with*

procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and Staff Duties, Attachment 7.2.,


Copy the completed Attachment 7.2 airspace closure request form...

III and provide it per the distribution list on the Attachment.


If airspace or airport closure occur~s, and you,becomne aware that F

aircraft providing support for emergency operations may need airspace or airport access, request exceptions with the FAA.


.. T 26532 R2 MR001 Page 4 of 7


':EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.3.5 WHEN. the NRC Site Response Team arrives THEN perform duties as the*

EOF NRC Liaison to the NRC Site Response Team. Consider the following:

Attend the EOF Manager's NRC response team briefing

  • Provide NRC members with copies of the EOF seating chart,'.1 of Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and S~taff D u tie s, Provide directions on locations of restroom facilities Coordinate administrative support*


Identify phone locations anid p~hone use instru(*tions...

Provide the NRC Response Team copies of the current CNF and news*



Introduce NRC response team members to their EOF counterparts:

~~-Site Team Director to EOF Manager,.,

', ~

-Protective Measures. Bra~nch.,Leade~r to.R3EM...:

  • ,"r Technical Assessment EBranch Leader to0 Enginieering Manager

!II Tab 1 2.3.6 Discuss relief shift schedulin'g vxitti thl-eEmergency Director, and dlirect the

  • "Manpower Scheduler to arrange for Emergency Response Organization.

i (ERO) 'relief staffing, if ne~cessary.

2.3.7 When preparing to enter the recov~ery phase, compile the recovery action

,. 1 lists developed by the TSC and 0SC, wh~ich' identify short and long term

... recovery items. Forward these action lists to the EOF Manager* for input into' Sthe master recovery plan.

2.3.8 Refer any calls from the media to* th'e JointlInformation Center (372-5100).

1 2.4 Shift Turnover.,

2.4.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transpired and' status of any work LII in progress.

2.4.2 Inform the EOF Manager when you have been relieved.

2.4.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After L[I Tab 5

Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 6


2.4.4 Deliver the completed after action report to the EOF Manager.

1II 26532 R2 MR001 Page 5 of 7



II 3


This is a courtesy call and no action is required of the Hanford Occurrence Notification Center (ONO) at this time. Refer to the Emergency P~hone Dire'ctory, 'Offsit~e*Agency tab, for the phone number.

3.1.1 Contact the Hanford Emergency Operations Center and inform them when the site is being evacuated.

3.2 Security Contingency Zr:'.


During a Security Event it may be nfecessary tO~stage the ERO,Off'-site a~t U

the Multi Purpose Facility (MPF) inRichland until it is safe to return to..

Site. In this case a strategy will be required to return the ERO to Site.

3.2.1 Arrange for transportation of Ihe ERO to the -site.' i,


i! -,v Li i

.A. *,,confer with the EOF Manager to identify thea population initially to be


returned to S ite.

1): Only ERO members identified as required to'mitigatethe ':


immediate needs of the evient shouldl be amon0g th~e fir~st ERO.

'.staff to return to the site.


Coordinate all transportation plans with,t.he E.OF Security Manager. :,.[

"i1) The EOF Security Manager shoul~d coordtinate with Benton


County Sherriff (BCS) and provide-ceredentialing.for. each returning ERO staff and. provide a security officer as an escort to facilitate prompt passage onto the site,.,.


'Use of btusseS is recommended to transpdrt ERO staff to theSite.

1 These can be obtained through the Behton COunty EOC, Incident" Command Post (ICP), or any other means.........

D...g. Enasure the ICP (if.established) is informed and ap~prov*es of any


transportation plans..,

3.3; Transportation 'Considerations,,

3.3.1 If ground transport to the site is not possible and helicopter support for

[]J movement of equipment is needed, contact all three of the following:,1) the National SAFER Response Center for commercial helicopter support; 2) the State of Washington for National Guard support; and 3) the NRC for USA military support.

4 CLOSEOUT ACTIONS 4.1 Return and direct you staff to return the area and equipment used to a state LII of readiness.

26532 R2 MRO01.....'

Page 6 of 7


'EPIPRef: PPM 13.11.3 4.1.1 Replenish the contents of this ERe position binder in accordance with the,


table at the end of this checklist.


.Assemble and review documentation pertaining to the event for accuracy LI and completeness.'-*

4.3 Prepare an after-action re port in accordance with procedure. 13.13.4, After, LII Tab 5 Action Reporting, using-form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action-Tab 6 R eport.

4.4, Deliver the completed after action report and* event documentation to the L.

Emergency Preparedness Manager.

4.5 Particip~ate in ev~en,, oritkques / reviews as necessary,-.*

~Site Support Manager Position Binder Tab Index: :.. :.

,Tab #


ty S**

For'm 26532, Site Support Mana0ger,Checklist

.2 1

Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and staff-Duties 2

2 ForI'n 23895,-EmergenCy Respons'e Lo0g 10 3

Procedure 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications-.-.

_1 4

Form 26028, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Briefing Guidelines 5

5 Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual:After Action Report*

5 6

Procedure 13.13.4,, After Action. Reporting,.


Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the positi~on binder (initially or when binder is restocked after event). The minimum number needed to make binder functional is,

one. Additional documents can be copied, taken f~rom other ERe position binders or be obtained electronically.

    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.:

. i *.:' * ".,,, :...

26532 R2 MR001 Page 7 of 7

ENERGY NORTHWEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities 0 oiinFntosRsosblte Assist the ERO with the operation and repair of communications equipment Section 1, Initial Actions 1.1, Mobilization 1.2, Preparation for EQE Activation Section 2, Ongoing Actions 2.1, Support ERO Operations 2.2, Shift Turnover Section 3, Situational Actions Section 4, Closeout Actions NOTES:

Steps in this checklist may be performed in an order other than listed or they may be omitted if not applicable.

Contact numbers for ERO positions and facilities are in the Emergency Phone Directory.

1 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Mobilization 1.1.1 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:

Name: ___________________Date:


1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Lii Tab 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed


to the Alternate EOF.


Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your J]

emergency position.

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response II Tab 2 Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the Site Support Manager of your presence in the facility.


1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation 1.2.1 Print out and distribute report of inoperable equipment:

26533 R2 MR002Pae1o4 Page 1 of 4



Access the Plant Logging System on the Network using the default


-- "GUEST" Network ID.


Select "Operations" from the Main Menu.




Select "lnop Equip/LCO/RF0 Log"' from the Operations Logging*-


System Main Menu.-


Select "LcQ/LcS/RFO*/MRE/INOP.Log"' from the LCO IINOP / Safety

[7 Function Determination Menu.


Select "Reports/Query" from.the Tech., S pec Inope~rable/LCO/RFO,


Log screen.


From the Reports/Query menu, select "Read Query Fromi Disk."



From the Stored Query List, select "OPEN LCO/INOP/RFO.



" and click "OK."


From the Reports/Query menu, select "Activate/Deactivate Que'ry."'


Select "Reports/Query" from the Tech. Spec Inoperable/LCO/RFO


Log screen.



From the Reports/Query menu, select. "Print Reports," verifythe


default selections below and click "dontinue."

Report Type = Summary Report".,

Scope = Current Query Sorted Order = Type/Log Number K.

The report will print out to the workstation's default printer. Make


three copies of the report and distribute a report to the following EOF*


Radiological Emergency Manager Engineering Manage~r Information Coordinator 1.2.2 *Assist EOF Sta~ff with establishing required communications.


1.2.3 Activate CRASH monitoring system.,

r-I A. Tur'n on antenna switch in Room 140 (key 1C2)-,,[

2 ONGOING ACTIONS 2.1 Runnnrt I=RO Onerations 2.1.1 Assist ERO personnel With the operation, of telecommunications equipment.

2.1.2 Monitor telecommunication problem calls and. assign technicians to correct system problems.

26533 R2 MRO02Pae2f4 Page 2,of 4


'Prior to dispatohing Telecommunications Personnel outside the EOF,

.J-contact the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM), to determine-

  • safe approach routes, and the need for protective clothing.


B. -

Direct personnel you dispatch to the plant, to notify Operations


Support Center (OSC) of their arrival for accountability purposes.


Prioritize work assignments -as directed with consideration to *assure.[

',that maintenance or.repa~r~of the following c~ommur~ication systemis is"

....Perform e~d. first.:.....

.. !. i Energy NorihwestEmergency Center Netwvork; Response.Agency Network.......

. NRC.Emergenc~y Notifiatio System......

  • megnc'espbn'Se Data Sys'tem' R adio-Network:....



  • Sound Powered P-hone System
  • ~~~

In-Plant Public Addre'ss System'*...


Area W ide Radio Pagini 2.1.3 IF the Alternate EOF (AEOF) is being used, THEN arrange for necessa~ry communications equipment to permit ongoing facility operations.

2.1.4 Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Information Center (372-5.100).,LII.

2.2 Shift Turnover.

2.2.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transpired and status of any work LII' in progress.

2.2.2 Inform the Site Support Manager when you have been relieved'[

LI I 2.2.3 Prepare an after action report in accordanice with procedure 13.13.4, After Tab 3 Action Reporting, using form 26072", Emergency. Event-Indi vidual After Actioni..

Tab 4 Report.

2.2.4 Deliver the completed after action report to the Site Support Manager.,


3 SITUATIONAL ACTIONS 3.1 Incident Command Post (ICP) Established 3.1.1 In the event of the need to relocate to-the Alternate E-OF and / or an lOP is


established; then provide oversight an.d support0 do nsure reliable communications are established and maintained between the Emergency Director and the lOP, includihg any CGS iaiasons sent to the* lOP.I'"..

26533:R2 MR002Pae3f4

  • Page3 Of 4



  • ,EPIPRef: PPM 13.11.3 4

CLOSEOUT ACTIONS 4.1 Return your area and equipment used to a state of readiness.

4.1.1 Replenish the contents.of this ERO position binder in accordance with the


table at 'the 'end of this checklist.

i 4.2 Assemble and review documentation pertaining to the event for accuracy.,


and completeness.

4.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After LIII Tab 3 Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 4


4.4 Deliver the completed after action report and event documfentation to the site'


Support Manager.

4.5 Participate in event critiques / reviews as necessary..

LIII Telecommunications Manager. Position Binder Tab-Index.

Tab #

Contents Quantity*

For'm 26533, Telecommurnications Manager Checklist '

  • 2 1

Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and Staff Duties 1


2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log

,.:1..0 3

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report 5,

4 Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting....

1 0

  • Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position-binder (initially or when binder is restocked after event).-The minimum number needed to make binder functional is one. Additional documents, can be copied,! taken'from other ERO position binders or be obtained electronically.
    • Posit ion Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

26533 R2 MR002 Pg o

,' P, age 4
of 4


MANPOWER SCHEDULER CHECKLIST "EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities Ensure EOF personnel have been properly notified and are responding to the facility Develop ERO shift relief rosters and coordinate notification of personnel Operate the call center for incoming messages to ERO respon'ders involved with the emergency Section 1, Initial Actions...

1.1 Mobilization..

1.2 Preparation-for EOF Activation.

Secti~on 2, Ongoing Actions "

2.1 Arrange and Callout of ERO Shifts.-.

2.2. Other Functions and Responsibilities.....-

2.3 Shift Turnover,-

Section 3, Situational Actions......

3.1 Impaired Site Access Section 4, Closeout Actions NOTES:

if not applicable.

Contact numb~ers for ERO positions and,facilities are in the Emergency Phone.Directory.



1.1 Mobilization.

1.1.1 WH.EN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed 1-to the Alternate EOF.

b: Print your name on the BOF staffing board in the space next to your emergency position.

1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.1 1.3, Site SuppOrt* "

  • Tab: 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:

Name: ___________________Date: _____Initials:____

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

26536 R6 MR001Pae1o6

' ' Page"l of 6



EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 1.1.5 Notify the Site Support Manager of your presence in the facility.

1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation 1.2.1 Complete Form 26.061, EQEFStaffing and Organizatio~n Chart as personnel I-

,Tab 3 sign into the EO:F sta~ffing board.


Provide a copy. of..the, completed form :to ther EOF Manager, and Site Support M anager."'


Fax-completed EOF staffing chart to the TS.C, 0S0, and JIC.-.....

1.2.2 Comple~te Form 26377, -Offsite-Agency Responders to EOE,-as-offsite...

Li Tab 7 responders sign into the offsite agency-responder status: board::*.,

1.2.3 Assist, as necessary, in callout of individuals to fill ERO PoSitions or augment. L[..i.*i.

emergency Response......

1.2.4 Obtain completed staffing charts from other emergency-centers.



TSC 1.2.5 Notify site support Manager when.EE! fulLtffi...



2.1 Arrange and Callout of ERO Shifts

  • NOTE: Establishment of ERO Shift schedule and callout is coordinated with-the',.

TSC Plant Administrative Manager (for all ERO within the Protected Area-)

and the JIG Support Manager,"

2.1.1 Complete' EOF first shift portion of.Form 26094, Emergency Manpower.


Schedule for all facilities,.AND:


"obtain other rcompleted portions from oth~r facilities.



-'--I LJIC NOTE: Attempts Should be made tO select second shift personnel from the same team if possible.

2.1.2 WHEN directed to prepare for an ERO relief shift, Li Tab 4 THEN determine the EOF secondl shift per~sonnel AND* Obtain oth~er-facility:. '

shift data, completing F'orm 26094, Emer'gency Manpower Sc~hedule.. -...

O 26536 R6:MR001


" Page20f 6


EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.1.3 ContaCt.the REM and determine if any radiological-driven restrictions to. t~he

[I site, areas to be avoided, or special instructions are identified..

2.1.4.Obtain.the. time shift relief is to occur from the Site Suppo0rt Manager.° j':.° NOTE: Plant Operations and security ape on rotating schedules. Additidnal Operaltibns and Security ERO positions will be coordinated by Operations and Secu~rity management, respectively.

2.1.5 WHEN directed by theSite Suppo~rt Mahager,.due to callout system failure,:

II :

THEN coordinate with the TSC Plant Admin Manager to manually call out the, E RO using the Part BNotification Checklist...

2.1.6 Contact the REM to-identify safe access routes to the plant.

.. 1 2.1.7 When it is determined that a shift change is, required, activate the, autodialer L

Tab 8 S

using,~Form 26171, Energy Northwest Partial-Activation or Manpower.

Schedule Message, and the foll6dving instructions:.,"

Team. B should be rel.ieve Team A, Team C contacted to"rehieve"" ':-..."


-eam B, Team D contacted to relieve Team C, and Team A Contacted to" relieveTeam D.


. Prior to contacting ERO m'embers, determine from the Radiological r-J Emergency Manager (REM) and Security Manager if any hazardous

!0or security conditionis requirespecial response instructions to

'resPonding Personnel. cons§ide~ration may' need to be given for"-"

responding personnel to assemble at a remote location so tha~t pool, transportation or monitoring escort may be arranged.

2.1.8 Approximately two hours prior to shift change, initiate an informational


announcement (scenario 1010), using Form 26171, Energy Northwest-Partial Activation or Manpower" Schedule Message.


Prior to contacting ERO members, determine from'the Radiological


  • Emergency Manager (REM) and Security Manager if any hazardous.

or security conditions require sp'ecial *response instructions to "*..

responding personnel. Consideration may need to be givenffor -

  • responding personnel to assemble at a remote location so that pool

,transportation or monitoring escort may be arranged.

2.1.9 Review the autodialer report for Unfilled positions. If positions are unfilled,,-

I-refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for qualified responders and contact

.them via the telephone......

NOTE: T"he autodialer report is automatically emailed to all Manpower Schedulers..........

2.1.10 Ntfthe Site Support Manager, TSC Plant Administrative Manager, or, the

-: 'LI;*:"!*

JIC Support Manger,,as appropriate, of any ERO positions you, are unab~le to.

  1. ii, '.

2.1.11 Furnish a copy of the compiled list of relief!/ supplemental staff to center I--


26536 R6 MR001 Page 3 of 6


  • MANPOWER SCHEDULER CHECKLIST" EPIPRef: PPM 13.11.3 2.2 Other Functions and Responsibilities 2.2.1 Assist the' Site Support Manager with contacting and obtaining resources to*


support the Emergency Response Organization (ERO).

2.2.2 Fill open positions in the other emergency-ceniters by-contacting qualified

[] -



Refer to the E~mergency Phone Dire~ctory,, Part B Notifications sectiqn.*:"

This should be behind a tab titled, "ERO"...........


Locate the applicable emergency center position for quai!ifiedi'

-,. :,!1

-individuals' phone and pager numbers........


Ask individuals contacted if they meet Fitness'fo" DutV*(FFD)

  • '~

-requirements. Refer to the Fitness for Duty. P~oster."Attenpiqn..

Responders" above the Sign-in Board for FFDi details....

2.2.3 When contacted with requests for informfation* about emPloyees involved with

[7 the emergenc'y perform the following,; with assista'nce fbrom' Admirn S'UppOrt:

Staff, if required:


Take a call back number and message'. *-";"*:



Forward the message and call back number to the ERO member.


2.2.4. Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Info~rm.ation Center (372-51:00).



Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory center assignments and phone numbers of each ERO member.

Refer to the autodialer report to determine ERO personnel present.

2.3 Shift Turnover 2.3.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transpired and status of any work in progress.

2.3.2 Inform the Site Support Manager when you have been relieved.

Li 2.3.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After

[i Tab 5 Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 6 Report.

2.3.4 Deliver the completed after action report to the Site Support Manager.

[]I 26536 R6 MRO01Paeo6

- ' Page4-0f 6*



EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 3



3.1 Impaired Site Access 3.1.1 In the event of major seismic activty or flooding that impairs site access and.

LII Tab 9 relief shift staffing is necessary, refer to ABN*SlTE-ACCESS....,,

3.1.2. Using Form 2617-1,-direct relief shift personnel to report to a designated.-.

I[ Tab 8 marshaling ar'ea as-identified in ABN-SITE-ACCESS?,



,. 1.1 Return your area us~ed to a *state of readiness.

4.12 eplnih he onens o tisERO'position binder in accordanc6e with the

:T- the end of this checklist:".!.:._.i:


4..3Asemleand revi ew docum~entation pertaining 'to the event for, accuracy and L..


4.1.4 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4,.After.*.[

Action Reporting, using form 26072; Emergency Event individual After Action Report.,

4.1.5 Deliver the completed after action r'eport and event documentation to the Site, -[]

Tab 5

" Support Manager.

Tab 6 4.1.6 Participate in event critiques / reviews as necessary.

LII 26536.R6 MR001Pge5o6 Page' 5:of 6


EPI~P R~ef: PPM 13.11.3 m


____Manpower Scheduler Position Binder Tab Index Tab #

Contents j..


Form 26536, Manpower Scheduler Checklist 2

1 Procedure 13.11.3, Site Suppor't Manager and Staff Duties "1

2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log

':*10 3

Form 26061, EOF Staffing and Organization Chart 5

4 Form 26094, Emergency Manpower Schedule


5 5

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report 5

6 Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting

  • .,1 7

Form 26377', Offsite Agency Responiders to EOF y:

5" 8

Form 26171, Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule Me.ssage 5

S 9J Procedure ABN-SITE-ACCESS.......................1

  • Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position binder (initially or*

when binder is restocked after event). The m~inimum. number needed to make binder functional is one. Additional documents can be copied, taken, from,other ERO position binders or be Obtained electronically.

    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

26536 R6-MR001Pae6o6

,,,Page 6 of 6


EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities Monitor, Information Network and announce key information to Center Staff Maintain facility, status boards....

.*communicate key information between the facilities ov~er, the Information Network Section 1, Initial Actions 1.1, Mobilization.

...1.2, Preparation for EOF Activation...

Section 2, On.going Actions, 2:

-,.::i 2.21, Support ERO Operations 2.2 glif-Cu~no er...

I Section 3,. Situational Actions.................

Section 4,Closeout Actions"""...

1 NOTES: -Steps in this checklist may be performed in an. order other than listed. or they may be omitted if not a~pp icable.....

Contact* numbers for E=RO positions and facilities ar-e in the Emergency Phone Directory.




  • iz ati o n"'

., : " 1.

  • ' :-2*"

1.1.1i Print your name, today's date and initi~I th'at you are theindividual


performing this checklist:




1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.11.3, Site Support

[II Tab 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed,,THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed Li to the Alternate EOF.


Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your LI emergency position.

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response 1II Tab 2 Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the Site Support Manager of your presence in the facility.

1II 2654$2 R3 1MRO01Pgeof

.,Page 1 of 6



1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation 1.2.1 IF the EOF Field Team Cabinet is Iocked, THEN obtain ithe key from the red' key box mounted, on the side and oPen the cabir~t."......

1.2.2 Activate the appropriate overhead or wall mounted display systems and use

-II Tab Misc.

them to comm'unicate needed :infodrmation within, the emergency facility. A Job Aid, Initiating and Displaying Information on the 'Watll-of Monitors" is available at the Miscellaneo6us TFab. Rlemoi'tes for the odverhead 'nd wall '

mounted display are available in thde EOF Field Team' 'cabin~et.* ',,:,*-:

1.2.3 Boot up the PC loc~ated o~n the right side of the overhead screens using Your.


personal user ID, and password.:


1.2.4 Verify that the PC screen image for each of the monitors is 'projected on th~e

, LI.........

pull down screens.

1.2.5 Access WebEOC. ACcess WebEOC and use it to cmmnu'nicate information I-I Tab Misc.

associated with your ERO position as desc~ribed in. theq.WebEO*C Utser's Guide and WebEOC Quick.Reference Car~d.

,1.2.6 Access PDIS through eDNA..


-On the right hand monitor, double click on the "eDNA View" icon on.


~th Dsktp ndseiect-the' "DNA'Applicatibn2Servce"'in :the Select Storage DeviCe window. In the Application Service Utility window,

  • select "ENW.APP", then "PDIS", and "CONTSTAT.RTV."' Click OK to obtain the "Containment Status" screen......


On the right hand monitor, double click on th6 "eDNA View" icon on -I the Desktop to open anothereDNA viewv window. Drag the screen to

  • the left hand monitor. select the "'DNAArplication Service" in the Select Storage Device window. In the Application Service Utility window, Select "ENW.APP",i then;"PDIS"', and "RADSTAT.RTV."

Click OK to obtain the "Radiological Status" screen.


Refer to the laminated aids stored at the EOF Information Coordinator's work station for a directory of other useful displays and two screen display operation.


Change displays~as requested.,


0 265:42 R3, MR001Pae2o6

"; Page 2*of'6


  • EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 1.2.7 Man the Information Network in the EOF as follows:


If using the cordless headset, set up the unit as follows, lif necessary:

1); Ensure the cordless phone base unit phone line is conn~ected to

[3 the phone jack outlet on wall.

2) Ensure theAC adapter on the base unit is-plugged in to an-outlet.


3) Plug the..headse.t-with micropho0ne into the hanpdset cord, if":.

necessary. Use.the lTALK but-ton to turn the phone "on, and the

... MUTE button to mute the phone* when not'speaking. Push the":

  • MUTE button *again t0speak."..
4) If the battery is changed out for a fresh one, place the handset L" I i in the base unit momentarily to synchronize.

~~~~If using the attached headset:

5) Plug the headsget in~to-the Jackset adapter attached to the...


Informnation Coordiha'tor phone.-""

~~~6)i Ensure that the phone is plugged into the Information Coordinator*


~ ~~line...

.7)-Attach the headset control unit-to your belt..


8) Push the rocker switch on thle.Jaclkset so the red bar is showing.


9) select MUTE o n the headset when not actually speaking on t~he;.: "I-'



IF using the attacihed h afndset, THEN:


Push the rocker switchl on t'he Jackset so the red bar* is NOT LI showing..


Announce your presence on line to the other emergency centers.

LI*1 2 ONGOING ACTIONS 2.1 Support ERO Operations" NOTE:

Use three way communications when transmitting or reporting key'

  • information.-

26542 R3.MR001Pae3f.

Page 3.of.6


  • EP;IP*Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.1.1 Monitor data, EOF activities and communications on the Information Network


-for-significant-items*-Key-informatien-that-should be-announced-within-the--

EOF and/or passed over the Information Network is:*

Time EOF was "activated"'

When the EOF Manager assumed Emergency Director responsibilities When Field Teams detect above background readlings Changes in PAR status Radiation release initiation or termin~ation3.

PADs for-Energy Northwest-workers and.the public.........

  • Protected.Area or site evacuation, updates and status...

Potassium Iodide (KI) recommendations Information from EOF Manager briefings'..

  • Offsite agency representative arrivals
  • - Airspace Closure.
  • .. Technical analysis results 2.1.2 Announce. significant information to the EOE Staff:...........


Obtain cordless microphone from the emergency supplie cabnet NOTE:

DO NOT activate this microphfone at the samte tithie as the EQE

  • Manager's microphone. ' "
  • v,. : "-

.-- i When speaking into the microphone, hold it close (within one inch) and speak at an even level.


Preface each announcement with, "Attention in the EOF..."


"*C, Make short announcements of events ('T'he S.C]S is Activated",.'T'he


Plant has Tripped", "TSC has,,indication of a release",* etc,)


Ensure that you obtain a repeat back acknowledgment from the EOF


Manager or the Assistant EOF Manager" for each announcement."

2.1.3 Maintain the Significant Events board.



iWHEN the screen becomes full,.:THEN p rint~the screen and provide

  • the. copy to an EQE Administr'ative Support Staff individual for".


2.1.4 Maintain the Power Supplies and ECGS board. Indicate power supplies or


ECCS systems out of service or inoperable.

2.1.5 Maintain the Emergency Classifications board.

[i 26542 R3 MR001 Pg f

.:h Page 4 of-6

ENERGY NORTHWEST EOF INFORMATION COORDINATOR CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: P5PM 13.11.3 2.1.6 IF eDNA is not available, THEN use form 25918, Plant Status, to record aind, 1 L

Tab 3 report key plant parameters.*

I 2.1.7 Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Information Center (372-5100)., { -i 2.2 Shift Turnover 2.2.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have tran~ipired an~dstatuS of any work [-I in progress.

2.2.2 Inform the Site Support Manager when you have been reli'eved."

L1-2.2.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After, L

,i Tab 4

'x Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emrriigency Event Individual After Action....

Tab 5 Report..":

,_2.2.4 Deliver After, Action R*,eport to the EOF Man*ger or tou-

- Emergency S, Preparedness.

3 SITUATIONAL ACTIONS 4l CLOSEOUT ACTIONS, 4.1 Return your area and equipment Used to a state of readiness.


i 4.1.1 Replenish the contents of this ERO position binder in accordance With the r-i..

table at the endof this Eled checKliSt.....,.

4.2 Assemble and review documentation.pertaining to the event for accuracy Li7 and completeness.

'4.3 Prepare an after action, report in accOrdance with procedure 13.13.4, After Li

Tab 4 Action Reporting, using form*26072, Emergency Event Individual After ACtion *Tab 5


4.4 Deliver the completed after action repor*t and evJent documentation to the.

L-[-i EOEhManager or to Emergency Preparedness.

4.5 Participate in eVent critiques / reviews* as necessar'y.*


26542 R3 MR001Pae5f6

, '," Page 5:of 6


.EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3

-EOF Information Coordinator Position Binder Tab* Index Tab #

Contents Quantity*

Form 26542, EOF Information Coordinator Checklist 2

1 Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manage and Staff Duties 1

2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log

,.10 3

Form 25918, Plant Status 10 4

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report

.5 5

Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting

1. '.

Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position binder (initia~lly or when binder is restocked after event). The minimum number needed to make binder functional'is one. Additional documents can be copied, taken from,other ERO position binders or be obtained,;


    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

, 'l" 26542 R3.MR001Pae6o6 Page 6 of 6



... TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 Position Functions/Responsibilities-Assist PlO With gathering technical data and station activities for drafting news release and answering JIC questions Section 1, Initial Actions 1.1 M obilization.

1.2 Activation Section 2, Ongoing Actions..

S2.1 PlO.Support.

2.2 Shift Turnover Section 3, Situational Actions I

....N o n e.

Section 4, Closeout Actions:


Steps in this checklistmay be performed in~a~n *order other than~listed or'they may be omitted if not applicable."

Contact numbers for ERO positions and facilities are in the Emergency Phone Directory 1

INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Mobilization 1.1.1 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:




1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with Procedure 13.12.19, JIC

[i Tab 1 Management.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).



Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your

[i emergency position.

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using Form 23895, Emergency Response Li Tab 2 Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the EOF PlO of your availability and receive initial briefing on event Li from Assistant EOF Manager or EOF Manager.

26544 R0 MR001 Pg:1o Page: I of 4


...TECHNICAL, SUPPORT CHECKLIST, EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 1.2 Activation 1.2.1 Assist the PlO in obt~ining~PIO nfiaterialS~from the EOF cabiniet and obtain" ;


assigned task descriptions from the PlO



2.1 PleOSupport 2.1.1 Obtain latest status information on the eme*rge~ncy event."



Use the resources of the EOF to research questions on technical s:,' U *.

,aspects or licensee requirements for-the emergency-event.....

w B.

Use thle following questions and guidelines in preparing io a~ssist with ',ci*

obtaining information needed to draft News Re le~ase.;.......

What is the current state of th& emergencoy9 *.-

o Is there any risk to the pu~blic?......: '::


" What is being done to co rrect the.'pro*ble'm 9 *:.:'i*

How. soon.will it be safe?

Who is in charge?':"

Are there injuries or fatalities?

What hazardous materials are involvied?.......

Have personnel been evacuated from Site and Exclusion...

How many have been evacu~ated?.

o Who is-point of contact?...

Is the situation'stable Or dieteriorating?*r:: :'

  • .. Why did the accident happen?

2.1.2' Keep the! EOF Public',Information. Officer (,PlO) :advised on developments that, ci may be of public or media interest or assist JIC Spokesperson to present

  • - Energy Northwest, news-..

2.1.3 Assist the PlO in explaining plant status and technical information so-the


general public and media have opportunities, to.develop accurate'

... understanding of the situation.

2.1.4 Review News Releases or technical bulletins, as requested, for technical

[LI accuracy and use of technical jargon.

2.1.5 Perform other tasks as assigned by the PlO.

[-I 265;44 R0' MR001

  • ae f4 Page: 2 bf 4'


TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 2.1.6 Attend EOF status briefings.

Lii 2.1.7 Observe EOF operations and~listen for changingevents that should be 17I brought to the PIO's attention.


Use caution to ensure that your primary focus is supporting P10, with, public information task. Aid EOF Staff only as time permits.


.With concurrence from the PlO, assist the EOF En~gineering Manager with

7 explaining technical issues to EQE Personnel.

2.2 Shift Tu*rnover, 2.2.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transp~ired and status of any work


in progress.

"r 2.2.2 Inform the PlO when you have been-rolieved.:*:


2.2.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with pr'ocedure 13.13.4, After LII Tab 3 S

Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event.Individual After Action Tab 4 Report.

2.2.4 Deliver After Action Report to the PlO.

P 1


CLOSEOUT ACTIONS 4.1 Return all equipment used to a state of readiness.

1 4.1.1 Replenish the contents of this ERO position binder in acc~ordance with the 17i table at the end of this checklist.

4.2 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After


Tab 3 Action Reporting,: using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 4 Report...

4.3 Deliver After Action Report and event documentation to the PlO.


4.4 Participate in event critiques I reviews as necessa'ry.

,I 26544 RO MR001 Pg:3f Page: 3 of 4


TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 EOF PlO Technical Support Position Binder Tab Index Tab #

Contents Quantity*

Form 26544, EQE Public Information Officer (PlO) Technical Support 2

Checklist 1

Procedure 13.12.19, JIC Management 1

2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log 10 3

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report 5

4 Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 1

Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position binder (initially or when binder is restocked after event). The minimum number needed to make binder functional is one. Additional documents can be copied, taken from other ERO position binders or be obtained electronically.

    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

w 26544 RO MR001 Pg:4f Page: 4 of 4

DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13 - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROCEDURES TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Kim Saenz, Records and Information Supervisor at (509)377-2492 or KDSaenz @

Distribution Date:

12115/15 cmg Procedure Number Revision 13.13.4 010/002

-Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision I

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Coy#Location Procedures 26 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All - Plus any updated checklists 28 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All - Plus any updated checklists 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

All 57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All 75 Department of Health Radiation Protection All..........

~~nt Control Desk-NRC 142 Hanford EOC/SMTAl 164 Oregon State Department of Energy All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All Updated 10/27/14

Initials Verify Revision Information Prior To Use Date Number: 13.13.4 aTitle: After Action Reporting Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010

-Minor Rev: 002 Page: 1 of 9 w


III III I 111111111 II IIEffective Date:

13.13.4 12/15/15


13.13.4 Number: 13.13.4


After Action Reporting Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002 Page: 2 of 9 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Reformat procedure to conform with SWP-PRO-03, Procedure Writer's Manual and to standardize EPIP procedure sections. As more than 30% of numbering changed Revision Bars are not used in this revision of the procedure. Editorial:

Corrected organizational titles due to corporate reorganization.

Updated to new cover page template on 8/27/1 4.

7 Editorial Change to References section, updated ANI Information Bulletin to 15-01

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 3 of 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pacie 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................. 4 2.0 DISCUSSION.......................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................. 4 4.0 PROCEDURE.........................................................................................

5 4.1 Emergency Response Organization Member....................................................... 5 4.2 Emergency Facility Managers......................

".................................................. 6 4.3 Manager, Emergency Preparedness................................................................ 6 4.4 Designate Assistant FOF Manager.................................................................. 7 4.5 EOF Manager......................................................................................... 7


........................................................................................ 7 6.0 DOCUMENTATION...................................................................................

8 7.0 ATTACHMENTS...................................................................................... 8 7.1 Final After Action Report Development Guidelines................................................. 9

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 4of 9 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure establishes the process for emergency organization personnel to document the circumstances and actions taken during the emergency response phase of a Plant event.

This process can be completed during the recovery phase, however, it is not intended to be used to document the recovery activities required to be taken after an event.

2.0 DISCUSSION After Action Reports document Energy Northwest emergency response actions taken in support of the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan. Final After Action Reports (FAARs) may be subject to inspection and/or evaluation by federal and state regulatory agencies, by private organizations, or in litigation proceedings. For that reason, After Action Reports need to be as complete and accurate as possible.

After Action Reports are not intended to evaluate the operational aspects of an event, since there are other reporting and analysis procedures such as the Licensee Event Report (LER) process that are performed to assess Plant operational matters. Operational aspects, i.e.,

meter readings, component failures, etc., should only be included when necessary to provide a basis for a specific emergency response action such as emergency classification or a repair team activity.

O After termination of an emergency, both a verbal and a written summary should be provided to offsite authorities. Following an Unusual Event, the written summary is to be provided within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Following an Alert or higher emergency, the written summary is to be provided within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. The written summary for these situations is considered to be the Classification Notification Form issued upon event termination. This summary contains insufficient detail for a final closeout report, thus, the After Action Report process was developed.

In order to record the findings and implement any identified corrective actions in a timely manner, the FAAR should be completed within 30 days following event termination.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Individual Members of the ERO 3.1.1 Members of the ERO are responsible for completing After Action Reports upon shift change and/or termination of an event.

3.1.2 ERO Members may also be required to participate in investigations and critiques of activities occurring during declared emergencies at the Columbia Generating Station.

3.2 Emergqency Response Facility Managqers 3.2.1 Ensuring members of the facility staff complete After Action Reports.

3.2.2 Collecting and reviewing facility documentation and After Action Reports

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 5 of 9 3.2.3 Leading facility critiques 3.2.4 Participating overall critique and development of final reports on event.

3.3 Emergqency Preparedness Department 3.3.1 For an Unusual Event, developing the Final After Action Report and submitting it to the Plant File.

3.3.2 For events classified as and Alert or higher, assisting the Final After Action Report Committee in development of Final After Action Report.

3.3.3 Receiving the approved Final After Action Report and taking appropriate actions to address any identified issues.

3.4 Desigqnate Assistant EOF Managqer For events classified as an Alert or higher, convene Final After Action Report Committee and act as Committee Chairman (Reference Section 4.4).

3.5 After Action Report Committee O

For events classified as an Alert or higher classification, a Final After Action Report Committee will be established to write the report and submit it to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

Manager for approval.

3.6 Desigqnate EOF Managqer For events classified as and Alert or higher, reviewing and approving the Final After Action Report.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Emergqency Response Orgqanization Member 4.1.1 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency, complete an Emergency Event Individual After Action Report, Form 26072, and include the following:


Specific problems encountered or observed.


Recommendations for corrective actions.


Any data sheets or log forms, such as the Emergency Response Log, Form 23895, or other compilations of data kept during the emergency.

4.1.2 Deliver your After Action Report and all attachments to the person designated as your Emergency Facility Manager, or to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness, if

~the emergency facility was not activated.

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 6 of 9 4.2 Emergqency Facility Managqers 4.2.1 Collect the After Action Reports, logs and attachments applicable to your emergency area of responsibility.

4.2.2 Review After Action Reports for accuracy and completeness.

4.2.3 Evaluate any incomplete or inaccurate entries that appear in the reports of your staff and resolve or explain discrepancies.

4.2.4 Deliver After Action Reports, attachments, checklists and logs through the emergency organization chain to:


The TSC Manager (for Protected Area personnel).


Assistant EOF Manager (for all personnel outside of the Protected Area).

4.3 Managqer. Emergqency Preparedness 4.3.1 For emergencies classified as Unusual Events, direct that a Final After Action Report be prepared in accordance with Attachment 7.1.

4.3.2 Submit the Unusual Event FAAR to the Plant File. Retain a copy for the EP file.

4.3.3 For emergencies classified as Alert or higher, obtain the approved Final After Action Report from the EOF Manager.


Guidance for retention of nuclear liability insurance records is contained in ANI/MAELU Information Bulletin 80-1A.I 4.3.4 Ensure completed FAARs are maintained and are retrievable.

4.3.5 Distribute approved FAARs to the Plant General Manager, Vice President, Operations, and the Vice President, Nuclear Generation/CNO as a minimum.

4.3.6 Initiate actions to closeout program weaknesses identified in the FAAR.

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002 STitle: After Action Reporting Page: 7 of 9 4.4 Desigqnate Assistant EOF Manaqer 4.4.1 For emergencies classified as Alert or higher, establish a Final After Action Report Committee consisting of the following:


TSC Manager


Radiological Emergency Manager


Radiation Protection Manager


Others, as deemed appropriate, based on the nature of the emergency event.

4.4.2 Function as chairman of the committee and complete a Final After Action Report as outlined in Attachment 7.1.

4.4.3 As necessary, interview selected persons to obtain first-hand information or assign persons to develop special sections for the overall report.

4.5 EOF Managqer 4.5.1 Review and approve the FAAR prepared by the Final After Action Report O


4.5.2 Deliver the approved FAAR to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness.


5.1 Regulatory I Licensing Documents 5.1.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan 5.1.2 ANI Information Bulletin 15-01 5.1.3 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Appendix 1 5.2 Procedures 5.2.1 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 5.2.2 PPM 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations 5.3 Forms 5.3.1 Emergency Response Log, Form 23895 a

1 5.3.2 Emergency Event Individual After Action Report, Form 26072


13.13.4 Number: 13.13.4


After Action Reporting Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002 Page: 8 of 9 6.0 DOCUMENTATION All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Final After Action Report Development Guidelines

Number: 13.13.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 002


After Action Reporting Page: 9 of 9 FINAL AFTER ACTION REPORT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES A Final After Action Report (FAAR) is an organized portfolio of emergency event After Action Reports and supporting documentation. It is to be completed within 30 days of event termination.

1. The FAAR portfolio should have a preface report that contains:

1.1 A table of contents.

1.2 An executive summary of the emergency and its consequences.

1.3 An event review detailing the emergency, highlighting the significant events and the actions taken.

1.4 A chronological timeline listing the events and actions taken.


If during the evaluation it is discovered that an emergency condition had been inappropriately classified, ensure that a transitory event classification notification is performed in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency.

1.5 A section for evaluation of the emergency actions taken, including:

1.5.1 Timeliness of event declaration 1.5.2 Appropriateness (basis) for event declaration 1.5.3 Timeliness of notification of offsite response organizations 1.5.4 Timeliness of notification of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1.5.5 Timeliness of the notifications made to the public, if any were required 1.5.6 Timeliness/appropriateness of event termination, including notification and consideration of the concerns of offsite response organizations and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1.6 An evaluation section listing any emergency planning problem areas, including recommended corrective actions, should be developed by reviewing the written statements provided in the individual After Action Reports and interviewing the personnel involved.


The FAAR should include Attachments that provide:

2.1 A summary of the individual After Action Report comments.

2.2 A listing of participanfs and the emergency position they staffed.

2.3 Performance Indicator documentation.

2.4 Any additional documentation generated by the event not already included with the Performance Indicator documentation, such as approved event dose projection print-outs, and in-plant and field team tracking/data sheets, etc.

END.1, Final After Action Report Development Guidelines

ENERGY NORTHWEST SITE SUPPORT MANAGER CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities Provide liaison to the NRC Site Team Arrange for logistics support Make Part C notifications Oversee staffing of EOF and assist with staffing, as necessary, for other facilities Provide input for facility briefs and updates Section 1, Initial Actions Section 2, Ongoing Actions 2.1 Notifications and Communications 2.2 Resources and Services 2.3 Other Functions and Responsibilities 2.4 Shift Turnover Section 3, Situational Actions 3.1 Site Evacuation 3.2 Security Contingency 3.3 Transportation Considerations Section 4, Closeout Actions NOTES:

Steps in this checklist may be performed in an order other than listed or they may be omitted if not applicable.

Contact numbers for ERO positions and facilities are in the Emergency Phone Directory.

1 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Mobilization 1.1.1 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:

Name: ___________________Date: _____Initials:____

1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.11.3, Site Support

[1 Tab 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed

[II to the Alternate EOF.


Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your LII emergency position.

26532 R2 MR001 Page 1 of 7


,Obtain your Supply basket and/or other needed equipment from



1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response Li Tab 2 Log, to document signif icant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the EOF Manager of your presence in the facility.


1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation

  • i, 1.2.1 Monitor arrival of EOF Personnheland* thd *EOF Stafing B,.o~rd, k~e~ th'e EoF° 1Li Manager informed on Sttunts *f staffin'g.:


Inform the EOF Manager when full staffing is reached.

L 1.2.2 Assist the EOF Manager with EOF activation and callout of additional :..


personnel if directed.

NOT: heSCCprvies ar Cnotifications of plant emergency classification....

levels until relieved of *this responsibility....

1.2.3 Contact the Security' Communications'Center (SCC) A¢cpess Control.Officer, Li*

'iTab 3 and assume responsibility for making the Part C Notificatiosn in accorda~nce.

with Procedure 1,3.4,1, Emergency.Notifica~ions.Yi?:..

1.2.4 Assign and supervise administrative support staff as they arrive.

Li 2_

ONGOING ACTIONS 2.1 Notifications/ICommunications



Refer to th*e Part"C Notification Checklist in~the Emnergency Phone Directory included in the Offsite Agency section.

Phone numbers are located in the Emergency Phone Directory under Offsite Notification Checklist.

2.1.1 "Make,. or delegate support staff members to make, the Part C notifications Li as required for the approplriate ev~ent classificat{ions by p~roviding information

.....on items 1-6, 8, & 12 on th~e' CNF,; as r~eqluested;.

2.2 Resources and Services NOTE:

Tlhe on call procurement person shoul d-be contacted to assist with' procu~renient and purchasing services. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for the roster."

0 26532 R2 MR001 Page 2 of 7



  • EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.2.1 Coordinate the obtaining of resources neededto support emergency :

operations that include, but are not limited to:

  • o Administrative services and equipment;
  • Accommodations and transportation for responding offsite personnel, including GE personnel responding to the site under the BWR Emergency Support Program; Finance and pu~rchasing services;...

Commissary services;....,,,,

Ernergen~cy Resp~onse organizajiiQnshijft relief (fo~r pro1onged*

ern'6rgencies, action i'normally taken by Manpower SchedUler);

LI Labor Relations or Human Resources services; Legal or insurance services,

  • aility Sevcs. "


All requests for Outside assist-ahce mu~st first be approved bythe....-.

E eg n y Director..-.......'....

2:.2.2 *WHEN. requests for outside assistance, equipment or personnel are received LII

";: THEN locate and obtain requested iternm.
  • i A.

Coordinate movement of suppliesror personnel with the Security

~Manager and the Radiological Emergency Manager..

... B..

IF contacted by the Tsc TIe.chn~ical Manager to re-staff the A*slhe


i Substation following a site evacuation, THEN perform the following:

1)- Determine-if Ashe Substation operators are present at the Offsite " -1...

Assembly Area by. contacting the JIC HP Spokesperson..


2) IF they are present, THEN have them stand by for re-staffing of the sub-station.

3). IF NOT present, THEN contact Dittmer Control Center and


request BPA personnel who can assist with Ashe Sub-Station -

  • operations be sent to the Offsite Assembly Area to re-staff the.

Ashe Substation.

4,) Coordinate, with REM and Security.. Manager to determine requirements to move personnel tO. th~e Ashe SubstationS.,

5) Provide instructions to the JIC HP Spokesperson on actions


required to return Ashe Substation operators.

2.2.3 Coordinate with the.TSC Plant Administrative Manager on providing

    • ".I*

personnel, equipment, training, or other administrative resource support..for.

the plant staff...,:.,.

26532 R2 MR001 Page 3 of 7

JI ENERGY NORTHWEST SITE SUPPORT MANAGER CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.2.4 Coordinate delivery of food and other services with the following positions:


  • The Secu'rity Maniager for access to site Location; The Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) for radiological concerns;
  • The Plant Administr'ativ~e Man~ager for OSO I TSC needs;.

The JIG Support Manager for purchases of supplies.

2.2.5 Keep the :EOF Manager informed of offsite agencies' decisions, req*uests, and offers of assistance that are brought to your attention.


2.3 Other Functions and Responsibilities "

2.3.1 Ensure that the following are maintained by the Information Coordinator:


Significant Events Status Board,.,

i Plant status display

  • c:

Emergency Classification/Protectivel-Action status di*.play*

2,3.2 Suppo~rt FEO briefing'S using the site Support Manager's sect*ion of form LI

.Tab 4 26028, Emergency Response Facility (E OF) Briefing Guidelines...

2.3.3 IF the state or county is not rep~resented at the 'EO)F, THE£N request the *state


and County Liaison to obtain information on county r esponse actions from the Energy Northwest representative at the Washington *State, Benton, and..

Franklin County Emergency Operation's Centers (EOC) 2.3.4 At General Emergency, *recommend an airspace or airport closure request


. Tab 1 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in accordance with*

procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and Staff Duties, Attachment 7.2.,


Copy the completed Attachment 7.2 airspace closure request form...

III and provide it per the distribution list on the Attachment.


If airspace or airport closure occur~s, and you,becomne aware that F

aircraft providing support for emergency operations may need airspace or airport access, request exceptions with the FAA.


.. T 26532 R2 MR001 Page 4 of 7


':EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.3.5 WHEN. the NRC Site Response Team arrives THEN perform duties as the*

EOF NRC Liaison to the NRC Site Response Team. Consider the following:

Attend the EOF Manager's NRC response team briefing

  • Provide NRC members with copies of the EOF seating chart,'.1 of Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and S~taff D u tie s, Provide directions on locations of restroom facilities Coordinate administrative support*


Identify phone locations anid p~hone use instru(*tions...

Provide the NRC Response Team copies of the current CNF and news*



Introduce NRC response team members to their EOF counterparts:

~~-Site Team Director to EOF Manager,.,

', ~

-Protective Measures. Bra~nch.,Leade~r to.R3EM...:

  • ,"r Technical Assessment EBranch Leader to0 Enginieering Manager

!II Tab 1 2.3.6 Discuss relief shift schedulin'g vxitti thl-eEmergency Director, and dlirect the

  • "Manpower Scheduler to arrange for Emergency Response Organization.

i (ERO) 'relief staffing, if ne~cessary.

2.3.7 When preparing to enter the recov~ery phase, compile the recovery action

,. 1 lists developed by the TSC and 0SC, wh~ich' identify short and long term

... recovery items. Forward these action lists to the EOF Manager* for input into' Sthe master recovery plan.

2.3.8 Refer any calls from the media to* th'e JointlInformation Center (372-5100).

1 2.4 Shift Turnover.,

2.4.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transpired and' status of any work LII in progress.

2.4.2 Inform the EOF Manager when you have been relieved.

2.4.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After L[I Tab 5

Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 6


2.4.4 Deliver the completed after action report to the EOF Manager.

1II 26532 R2 MR001 Page 5 of 7



II 3


This is a courtesy call and no action is required of the Hanford Occurrence Notification Center (ONO) at this time. Refer to the Emergency P~hone Dire'ctory, 'Offsit~e*Agency tab, for the phone number.

3.1.1 Contact the Hanford Emergency Operations Center and inform them when the site is being evacuated.

3.2 Security Contingency Zr:'.


During a Security Event it may be nfecessary tO~stage the ERO,Off'-site a~t U

the Multi Purpose Facility (MPF) inRichland until it is safe to return to..

Site. In this case a strategy will be required to return the ERO to Site.

3.2.1 Arrange for transportation of Ihe ERO to the -site.' i,


i! -,v Li i

.A. *,,confer with the EOF Manager to identify thea population initially to be


returned to S ite.

1): Only ERO members identified as required to'mitigatethe ':


immediate needs of the evient shouldl be amon0g th~e fir~st ERO.

'.staff to return to the site.


Coordinate all transportation plans with,t.he E.OF Security Manager. :,.[

"i1) The EOF Security Manager shoul~d coordtinate with Benton


County Sherriff (BCS) and provide-ceredentialing.for. each returning ERO staff and. provide a security officer as an escort to facilitate prompt passage onto the site,.,.


'Use of btusseS is recommended to transpdrt ERO staff to theSite.

1 These can be obtained through the Behton COunty EOC, Incident" Command Post (ICP), or any other means.........

D...g. Enasure the ICP (if.established) is informed and ap~prov*es of any


transportation plans..,

3.3; Transportation 'Considerations,,

3.3.1 If ground transport to the site is not possible and helicopter support for

[]J movement of equipment is needed, contact all three of the following:,1) the National SAFER Response Center for commercial helicopter support; 2) the State of Washington for National Guard support; and 3) the NRC for USA military support.

4 CLOSEOUT ACTIONS 4.1 Return and direct you staff to return the area and equipment used to a state LII of readiness.

26532 R2 MRO01.....'

Page 6 of 7


'EPIPRef: PPM 13.11.3 4.1.1 Replenish the contents of this ERe position binder in accordance with the,


table at the end of this checklist.


.Assemble and review documentation pertaining to the event for accuracy LI and completeness.'-*

4.3 Prepare an after-action re port in accordance with procedure. 13.13.4, After, LII Tab 5 Action Reporting, using-form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action-Tab 6 R eport.

4.4, Deliver the completed after action report and* event documentation to the L.

Emergency Preparedness Manager.

4.5 Particip~ate in ev~en,, oritkques / reviews as necessary,-.*

~Site Support Manager Position Binder Tab Index: :.. :.

,Tab #


ty S**

For'm 26532, Site Support Mana0ger,Checklist

.2 1

Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and staff-Duties 2

2 ForI'n 23895,-EmergenCy Respons'e Lo0g 10 3

Procedure 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications-.-.

_1 4

Form 26028, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Briefing Guidelines 5

5 Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual:After Action Report*

5 6

Procedure 13.13.4,, After Action. Reporting,.


Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the positi~on binder (initially or when binder is restocked after event). The minimum number needed to make binder functional is,

one. Additional documents can be copied, taken f~rom other ERe position binders or be obtained electronically.

    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.:

. i *.:' * ".,,, :...

26532 R2 MR001 Page 7 of 7

ENERGY NORTHWEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities 0 oiinFntosRsosblte Assist the ERO with the operation and repair of communications equipment Section 1, Initial Actions 1.1, Mobilization 1.2, Preparation for EQE Activation Section 2, Ongoing Actions 2.1, Support ERO Operations 2.2, Shift Turnover Section 3, Situational Actions Section 4, Closeout Actions NOTES:

Steps in this checklist may be performed in an order other than listed or they may be omitted if not applicable.

Contact numbers for ERO positions and facilities are in the Emergency Phone Directory.

1 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Mobilization 1.1.1 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:

Name: ___________________Date:


1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Lii Tab 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed


to the Alternate EOF.


Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your J]

emergency position.

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response II Tab 2 Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the Site Support Manager of your presence in the facility.


1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation 1.2.1 Print out and distribute report of inoperable equipment:

26533 R2 MR002Pae1o4 Page 1 of 4



Access the Plant Logging System on the Network using the default


-- "GUEST" Network ID.


Select "Operations" from the Main Menu.




Select "lnop Equip/LCO/RF0 Log"' from the Operations Logging*-


System Main Menu.-


Select "LcQ/LcS/RFO*/MRE/INOP.Log"' from the LCO IINOP / Safety

[7 Function Determination Menu.


Select "Reports/Query" from.the Tech., S pec Inope~rable/LCO/RFO,


Log screen.


From the Reports/Query menu, select "Read Query Fromi Disk."



From the Stored Query List, select "OPEN LCO/INOP/RFO.



" and click "OK."


From the Reports/Query menu, select "Activate/Deactivate Que'ry."'


Select "Reports/Query" from the Tech. Spec Inoperable/LCO/RFO


Log screen.



From the Reports/Query menu, select. "Print Reports," verifythe


default selections below and click "dontinue."

Report Type = Summary Report".,

Scope = Current Query Sorted Order = Type/Log Number K.

The report will print out to the workstation's default printer. Make


three copies of the report and distribute a report to the following EOF*


Radiological Emergency Manager Engineering Manage~r Information Coordinator 1.2.2 *Assist EOF Sta~ff with establishing required communications.


1.2.3 Activate CRASH monitoring system.,

r-I A. Tur'n on antenna switch in Room 140 (key 1C2)-,,[

2 ONGOING ACTIONS 2.1 Runnnrt I=RO Onerations 2.1.1 Assist ERO personnel With the operation, of telecommunications equipment.

2.1.2 Monitor telecommunication problem calls and. assign technicians to correct system problems.

26533 R2 MRO02Pae2f4 Page 2,of 4


'Prior to dispatohing Telecommunications Personnel outside the EOF,

.J-contact the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM), to determine-

  • safe approach routes, and the need for protective clothing.


B. -

Direct personnel you dispatch to the plant, to notify Operations


Support Center (OSC) of their arrival for accountability purposes.


Prioritize work assignments -as directed with consideration to *assure.[

',that maintenance or.repa~r~of the following c~ommur~ication systemis is"

....Perform e~d. first.:.....

.. !. i Energy NorihwestEmergency Center Netwvork; Response.Agency Network.......

. NRC.Emergenc~y Notifiatio System......

  • megnc'espbn'Se Data Sys'tem' R adio-Network:....



  • Sound Powered P-hone System
  • ~~~

In-Plant Public Addre'ss System'*...


Area W ide Radio Pagini 2.1.3 IF the Alternate EOF (AEOF) is being used, THEN arrange for necessa~ry communications equipment to permit ongoing facility operations.

2.1.4 Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Information Center (372-5.100).,LII.

2.2 Shift Turnover.

2.2.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transpired and status of any work LII' in progress.

2.2.2 Inform the Site Support Manager when you have been relieved'[

LI I 2.2.3 Prepare an after action report in accordanice with procedure 13.13.4, After Tab 3 Action Reporting, using form 26072", Emergency. Event-Indi vidual After Actioni..

Tab 4 Report.

2.2.4 Deliver the completed after action report to the Site Support Manager.,


3 SITUATIONAL ACTIONS 3.1 Incident Command Post (ICP) Established 3.1.1 In the event of the need to relocate to-the Alternate E-OF and / or an lOP is


established; then provide oversight an.d support0 do nsure reliable communications are established and maintained between the Emergency Director and the lOP, includihg any CGS iaiasons sent to the* lOP.I'"..

26533:R2 MR002Pae3f4

  • Page3 Of 4



  • ,EPIPRef: PPM 13.11.3 4

CLOSEOUT ACTIONS 4.1 Return your area and equipment used to a state of readiness.

4.1.1 Replenish the contents.of this ERO position binder in accordance with the


table at 'the 'end of this checklist.

i 4.2 Assemble and review documentation pertaining to the event for accuracy.,


and completeness.

4.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After LIII Tab 3 Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 4


4.4 Deliver the completed after action report and event documfentation to the site'


Support Manager.

4.5 Participate in event critiques / reviews as necessary..

LIII Telecommunications Manager. Position Binder Tab-Index.

Tab #

Contents Quantity*

For'm 26533, Telecommurnications Manager Checklist '

  • 2 1

Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and Staff Duties 1


2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log

,.:1..0 3

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report 5,

4 Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting....

1 0

  • Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position-binder (initially or when binder is restocked after event).-The minimum number needed to make binder functional is one. Additional documents, can be copied,! taken'from other ERO position binders or be obtained electronically.
    • Posit ion Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

26533 R2 MR002 Pg o

,' P, age 4
of 4


MANPOWER SCHEDULER CHECKLIST "EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities Ensure EOF personnel have been properly notified and are responding to the facility Develop ERO shift relief rosters and coordinate notification of personnel Operate the call center for incoming messages to ERO respon'ders involved with the emergency Section 1, Initial Actions...

1.1 Mobilization..

1.2 Preparation-for EOF Activation.

Secti~on 2, Ongoing Actions "

2.1 Arrange and Callout of ERO Shifts.-.

2.2. Other Functions and Responsibilities.....-

2.3 Shift Turnover,-

Section 3, Situational Actions......

3.1 Impaired Site Access Section 4, Closeout Actions NOTES:

if not applicable.

Contact numb~ers for ERO positions and,facilities are in the Emergency Phone.Directory.



1.1 Mobilization.

1.1.1 WH.EN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed 1-to the Alternate EOF.

b: Print your name on the BOF staffing board in the space next to your emergency position.

1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.1 1.3, Site SuppOrt* "

  • Tab: 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:

Name: ___________________Date: _____Initials:____

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

26536 R6 MR001Pae1o6

' ' Page"l of 6



EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 1.1.5 Notify the Site Support Manager of your presence in the facility.

1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation 1.2.1 Complete Form 26.061, EQEFStaffing and Organizatio~n Chart as personnel I-

,Tab 3 sign into the EO:F sta~ffing board.


Provide a copy. of..the, completed form :to ther EOF Manager, and Site Support M anager."'


Fax-completed EOF staffing chart to the TS.C, 0S0, and JIC.-.....

1.2.2 Comple~te Form 26377, -Offsite-Agency Responders to EOE,-as-offsite...

Li Tab 7 responders sign into the offsite agency-responder status: board::*.,

1.2.3 Assist, as necessary, in callout of individuals to fill ERO PoSitions or augment. L[..i.*i.

emergency Response......

1.2.4 Obtain completed staffing charts from other emergency-centers.



TSC 1.2.5 Notify site support Manager when.EE! fulLtffi...



2.1 Arrange and Callout of ERO Shifts

  • NOTE: Establishment of ERO Shift schedule and callout is coordinated with-the',.

TSC Plant Administrative Manager (for all ERO within the Protected Area-)

and the JIG Support Manager,"

2.1.1 Complete' EOF first shift portion of.Form 26094, Emergency Manpower.


Schedule for all facilities,.AND:


"obtain other rcompleted portions from oth~r facilities.



-'--I LJIC NOTE: Attempts Should be made tO select second shift personnel from the same team if possible.

2.1.2 WHEN directed to prepare for an ERO relief shift, Li Tab 4 THEN determine the EOF secondl shift per~sonnel AND* Obtain oth~er-facility:. '

shift data, completing F'orm 26094, Emer'gency Manpower Sc~hedule.. -...

O 26536 R6:MR001


" Page20f 6


EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.1.3 ContaCt.the REM and determine if any radiological-driven restrictions to. t~he

[I site, areas to be avoided, or special instructions are identified..

2.1.4.Obtain.the. time shift relief is to occur from the Site Suppo0rt Manager.° j':.° NOTE: Plant Operations and security ape on rotating schedules. Additidnal Operaltibns and Security ERO positions will be coordinated by Operations and Secu~rity management, respectively.

2.1.5 WHEN directed by theSite Suppo~rt Mahager,.due to callout system failure,:

II :

THEN coordinate with the TSC Plant Admin Manager to manually call out the, E RO using the Part BNotification Checklist...

2.1.6 Contact the REM to-identify safe access routes to the plant.

.. 1 2.1.7 When it is determined that a shift change is, required, activate the, autodialer L

Tab 8 S

using,~Form 26171, Energy Northwest Partial-Activation or Manpower.

Schedule Message, and the foll6dving instructions:.,"

Team. B should be rel.ieve Team A, Team C contacted to"rehieve"" ':-..."


-eam B, Team D contacted to relieve Team C, and Team A Contacted to" relieveTeam D.


. Prior to contacting ERO m'embers, determine from the Radiological r-J Emergency Manager (REM) and Security Manager if any hazardous

!0or security conditionis requirespecial response instructions to

'resPonding Personnel. cons§ide~ration may' need to be given for"-"

responding personnel to assemble at a remote location so tha~t pool, transportation or monitoring escort may be arranged.

2.1.8 Approximately two hours prior to shift change, initiate an informational


announcement (scenario 1010), using Form 26171, Energy Northwest-Partial Activation or Manpower" Schedule Message.


Prior to contacting ERO members, determine from'the Radiological


  • Emergency Manager (REM) and Security Manager if any hazardous.

or security conditions require sp'ecial *response instructions to "*..

responding personnel. Consideration may need to be givenffor -

  • responding personnel to assemble at a remote location so that pool

,transportation or monitoring escort may be arranged.

2.1.9 Review the autodialer report for Unfilled positions. If positions are unfilled,,-

I-refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for qualified responders and contact

.them via the telephone......

NOTE: T"he autodialer report is automatically emailed to all Manpower Schedulers..........

2.1.10 Ntfthe Site Support Manager, TSC Plant Administrative Manager, or, the

-: 'LI;*:"!*

JIC Support Manger,,as appropriate, of any ERO positions you, are unab~le to.

  1. ii, '.

2.1.11 Furnish a copy of the compiled list of relief!/ supplemental staff to center I--


26536 R6 MR001 Page 3 of 6


  • MANPOWER SCHEDULER CHECKLIST" EPIPRef: PPM 13.11.3 2.2 Other Functions and Responsibilities 2.2.1 Assist the' Site Support Manager with contacting and obtaining resources to*


support the Emergency Response Organization (ERO).

2.2.2 Fill open positions in the other emergency-ceniters by-contacting qualified

[] -



Refer to the E~mergency Phone Dire~ctory,, Part B Notifications sectiqn.*:"

This should be behind a tab titled, "ERO"...........


Locate the applicable emergency center position for quai!ifiedi'

-,. :,!1

-individuals' phone and pager numbers........


Ask individuals contacted if they meet Fitness'fo" DutV*(FFD)

  • '~

-requirements. Refer to the Fitness for Duty. P~oster."Attenpiqn..

Responders" above the Sign-in Board for FFDi details....

2.2.3 When contacted with requests for informfation* about emPloyees involved with

[7 the emergenc'y perform the following,; with assista'nce fbrom' Admirn S'UppOrt:

Staff, if required:


Take a call back number and message'. *-";"*:



Forward the message and call back number to the ERO member.


2.2.4. Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Info~rm.ation Center (372-51:00).



Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory center assignments and phone numbers of each ERO member.

Refer to the autodialer report to determine ERO personnel present.

2.3 Shift Turnover 2.3.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transpired and status of any work in progress.

2.3.2 Inform the Site Support Manager when you have been relieved.

Li 2.3.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After

[i Tab 5 Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 6 Report.

2.3.4 Deliver the completed after action report to the Site Support Manager.

[]I 26536 R6 MRO01Paeo6

- ' Page4-0f 6*



EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 3



3.1 Impaired Site Access 3.1.1 In the event of major seismic activty or flooding that impairs site access and.

LII Tab 9 relief shift staffing is necessary, refer to ABN*SlTE-ACCESS....,,

3.1.2. Using Form 2617-1,-direct relief shift personnel to report to a designated.-.

I[ Tab 8 marshaling ar'ea as-identified in ABN-SITE-ACCESS?,



,. 1.1 Return your area us~ed to a *state of readiness.

4.12 eplnih he onens o tisERO'position binder in accordanc6e with the

:T- the end of this checklist:".!.:._.i:


4..3Asemleand revi ew docum~entation pertaining 'to the event for, accuracy and L..


4.1.4 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4,.After.*.[

Action Reporting, using form 26072; Emergency Event individual After Action Report.,

4.1.5 Deliver the completed after action r'eport and event documentation to the Site, -[]

Tab 5

" Support Manager.

Tab 6 4.1.6 Participate in event critiques / reviews as necessary.

LII 26536.R6 MR001Pge5o6 Page' 5:of 6


EPI~P R~ef: PPM 13.11.3 m


____Manpower Scheduler Position Binder Tab Index Tab #

Contents j..


Form 26536, Manpower Scheduler Checklist 2

1 Procedure 13.11.3, Site Suppor't Manager and Staff Duties "1

2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log

':*10 3

Form 26061, EOF Staffing and Organization Chart 5

4 Form 26094, Emergency Manpower Schedule


5 5

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report 5

6 Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting

  • .,1 7

Form 26377', Offsite Agency Responiders to EOF y:

5" 8

Form 26171, Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule Me.ssage 5

S 9J Procedure ABN-SITE-ACCESS.......................1

  • Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position binder (initially or*

when binder is restocked after event). The m~inimum. number needed to make binder functional is one. Additional documents can be copied, taken, from,other ERO position binders or be Obtained electronically.

    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

26536 R6-MR001Pae6o6

,,,Page 6 of 6


EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 Position Functions/Responsibilities Monitor, Information Network and announce key information to Center Staff Maintain facility, status boards....

.*communicate key information between the facilities ov~er, the Information Network Section 1, Initial Actions 1.1, Mobilization.

...1.2, Preparation for EOF Activation...

Section 2, On.going Actions, 2:

-,.::i 2.21, Support ERO Operations 2.2 glif-Cu~no er...

I Section 3,. Situational Actions.................

Section 4,Closeout Actions"""...

1 NOTES: -Steps in this checklist may be performed in an. order other than listed. or they may be omitted if not a~pp icable.....

Contact* numbers for E=RO positions and facilities ar-e in the Emergency Phone Directory.




  • iz ati o n"'

., : " 1.

  • ' :-2*"

1.1.1i Print your name, today's date and initi~I th'at you are theindividual


performing this checklist:




1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with procedure 13.11.3, Site Support

[II Tab 1 Manager and Staff Duties.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed,,THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OR if directed Li to the Alternate EOF.


Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your LI emergency position.

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using form 23895, Emergency Response 1II Tab 2 Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the Site Support Manager of your presence in the facility.

1II 2654$2 R3 1MRO01Pgeof

.,Page 1 of 6



1.2 Preparation for EOF Activation 1.2.1 IF the EOF Field Team Cabinet is Iocked, THEN obtain ithe key from the red' key box mounted, on the side and oPen the cabir~t."......

1.2.2 Activate the appropriate overhead or wall mounted display systems and use

-II Tab Misc.

them to comm'unicate needed :infodrmation within, the emergency facility. A Job Aid, Initiating and Displaying Information on the 'Watll-of Monitors" is available at the Miscellaneo6us TFab. Rlemoi'tes for the odverhead 'nd wall '

mounted display are available in thde EOF Field Team' 'cabin~et.* ',,:,*-:

1.2.3 Boot up the PC loc~ated o~n the right side of the overhead screens using Your.


personal user ID, and password.:


1.2.4 Verify that the PC screen image for each of the monitors is 'projected on th~e

, LI.........

pull down screens.

1.2.5 Access WebEOC. ACcess WebEOC and use it to cmmnu'nicate information I-I Tab Misc.

associated with your ERO position as desc~ribed in. theq.WebEO*C Utser's Guide and WebEOC Quick.Reference Car~d.

,1.2.6 Access PDIS through eDNA..


-On the right hand monitor, double click on the "eDNA View" icon on.


~th Dsktp ndseiect-the' "DNA'Applicatibn2Servce"'in :the Select Storage DeviCe window. In the Application Service Utility window,

  • select "ENW.APP", then "PDIS", and "CONTSTAT.RTV."' Click OK to obtain the "Containment Status" screen......


On the right hand monitor, double click on th6 "eDNA View" icon on -I the Desktop to open anothereDNA viewv window. Drag the screen to

  • the left hand monitor. select the "'DNAArplication Service" in the Select Storage Device window. In the Application Service Utility window, Select "ENW.APP",i then;"PDIS"', and "RADSTAT.RTV."

Click OK to obtain the "Radiological Status" screen.


Refer to the laminated aids stored at the EOF Information Coordinator's work station for a directory of other useful displays and two screen display operation.


Change displays~as requested.,


0 265:42 R3, MR001Pae2o6

"; Page 2*of'6


  • EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3 1.2.7 Man the Information Network in the EOF as follows:


If using the cordless headset, set up the unit as follows, lif necessary:

1); Ensure the cordless phone base unit phone line is conn~ected to

[3 the phone jack outlet on wall.

2) Ensure theAC adapter on the base unit is-plugged in to an-outlet.


3) Plug the..headse.t-with micropho0ne into the hanpdset cord, if":.

necessary. Use.the lTALK but-ton to turn the phone "on, and the

... MUTE button to mute the phone* when not'speaking. Push the":

  • MUTE button *again t0speak."..
4) If the battery is changed out for a fresh one, place the handset L" I i in the base unit momentarily to synchronize.

~~~~If using the attached headset:

5) Plug the headsget in~to-the Jackset adapter attached to the...


Informnation Coordiha'tor phone.-""

~~~6)i Ensure that the phone is plugged into the Information Coordinator*


~ ~~line...

.7)-Attach the headset control unit-to your belt..


8) Push the rocker switch on thle.Jaclkset so the red bar is showing.


9) select MUTE o n the headset when not actually speaking on t~he;.: "I-'



IF using the attacihed h afndset, THEN:


Push the rocker switchl on t'he Jackset so the red bar* is NOT LI showing..


Announce your presence on line to the other emergency centers.

LI*1 2 ONGOING ACTIONS 2.1 Support ERO Operations" NOTE:

Use three way communications when transmitting or reporting key'

  • information.-

26542 R3.MR001Pae3f.

Page 3.of.6


  • EP;IP*Ref: PPM 13.11.3 2.1.1 Monitor data, EOF activities and communications on the Information Network


-for-significant-items*-Key-informatien-that-should be-announced-within-the--

EOF and/or passed over the Information Network is:*

Time EOF was "activated"'

When the EOF Manager assumed Emergency Director responsibilities When Field Teams detect above background readlings Changes in PAR status Radiation release initiation or termin~ation3.

PADs for-Energy Northwest-workers and.the public.........

  • Protected.Area or site evacuation, updates and status...

Potassium Iodide (KI) recommendations Information from EOF Manager briefings'..

  • Offsite agency representative arrivals
  • - Airspace Closure.
  • .. Technical analysis results 2.1.2 Announce. significant information to the EOE Staff:...........


Obtain cordless microphone from the emergency supplie cabnet NOTE:

DO NOT activate this microphfone at the samte tithie as the EQE

  • Manager's microphone. ' "
  • v,. : "-

.-- i When speaking into the microphone, hold it close (within one inch) and speak at an even level.


Preface each announcement with, "Attention in the EOF..."


"*C, Make short announcements of events ('T'he S.C]S is Activated",.'T'he


Plant has Tripped", "TSC has,,indication of a release",* etc,)


Ensure that you obtain a repeat back acknowledgment from the EOF


Manager or the Assistant EOF Manager" for each announcement."

2.1.3 Maintain the Significant Events board.



iWHEN the screen becomes full,.:THEN p rint~the screen and provide

  • the. copy to an EQE Administr'ative Support Staff individual for".


2.1.4 Maintain the Power Supplies and ECGS board. Indicate power supplies or


ECCS systems out of service or inoperable.

2.1.5 Maintain the Emergency Classifications board.

[i 26542 R3 MR001 Pg f

.:h Page 4 of-6

ENERGY NORTHWEST EOF INFORMATION COORDINATOR CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: P5PM 13.11.3 2.1.6 IF eDNA is not available, THEN use form 25918, Plant Status, to record aind, 1 L

Tab 3 report key plant parameters.*

I 2.1.7 Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Information Center (372-5100)., { -i 2.2 Shift Turnover 2.2.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have tran~ipired an~dstatuS of any work [-I in progress.

2.2.2 Inform the Site Support Manager when you have been reli'eved."

L1-2.2.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After, L

,i Tab 4

'x Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emrriigency Event Individual After Action....

Tab 5 Report..":

,_2.2.4 Deliver After, Action R*,eport to the EOF Man*ger or tou-

- Emergency S, Preparedness.

3 SITUATIONAL ACTIONS 4l CLOSEOUT ACTIONS, 4.1 Return your area and equipment Used to a state of readiness.


i 4.1.1 Replenish the contents of this ERO position binder in accordance With the r-i..

table at the endof this Eled checKliSt.....,.

4.2 Assemble and review documentation.pertaining to the event for accuracy Li7 and completeness.

'4.3 Prepare an after action, report in accOrdance with procedure 13.13.4, After Li

Tab 4 Action Reporting, using form*26072, Emergency Event Individual After ACtion *Tab 5


4.4 Deliver the completed after action repor*t and evJent documentation to the.

L-[-i EOEhManager or to Emergency Preparedness.

4.5 Participate in eVent critiques / reviews* as necessar'y.*


26542 R3 MR001Pae5f6

, '," Page 5:of 6


.EPIP Ref: PPM 13.11.3

-EOF Information Coordinator Position Binder Tab* Index Tab #

Contents Quantity*

Form 26542, EOF Information Coordinator Checklist 2

1 Procedure 13.11.3, Site Support Manage and Staff Duties 1

2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log

,.10 3

Form 25918, Plant Status 10 4

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report

.5 5

Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting

1. '.

Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position binder (initia~lly or when binder is restocked after event). The minimum number needed to make binder functional'is one. Additional documents can be copied, taken from,other ERO position binders or be obtained,;


    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

, 'l" 26542 R3.MR001Pae6o6 Page 6 of 6



... TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 Position Functions/Responsibilities-Assist PlO With gathering technical data and station activities for drafting news release and answering JIC questions Section 1, Initial Actions 1.1 M obilization.

1.2 Activation Section 2, Ongoing Actions..

S2.1 PlO.Support.

2.2 Shift Turnover Section 3, Situational Actions I

....N o n e.

Section 4, Closeout Actions:


Steps in this checklistmay be performed in~a~n *order other than~listed or'they may be omitted if not applicable."

Contact numbers for ERO positions and facilities are in the Emergency Phone Directory 1

INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Mobilization 1.1.1 Print your name, today's date and initial that you are the individual performing this checklist:




1.1.2 Implement this checklist in accordance with Procedure 13.12.19, JIC

[i Tab 1 Management.

1.1.3 WHEN notified of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, THEN:


Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).



Print your name on the EOF staffing board in the space next to your

[i emergency position.

1.1.4 Initiate and maintain a position log using Form 23895, Emergency Response Li Tab 2 Log, to document significant actions performed and communications related to your position.

1.1.5 Notify the EOF PlO of your availability and receive initial briefing on event Li from Assistant EOF Manager or EOF Manager.

26544 R0 MR001 Pg:1o Page: I of 4


...TECHNICAL, SUPPORT CHECKLIST, EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 1.2 Activation 1.2.1 Assist the PlO in obt~ining~PIO nfiaterialS~from the EOF cabiniet and obtain" ;


assigned task descriptions from the PlO



2.1 PleOSupport 2.1.1 Obtain latest status information on the eme*rge~ncy event."



Use the resources of the EOF to research questions on technical s:,' U *.

,aspects or licensee requirements for-the emergency-event.....

w B.

Use thle following questions and guidelines in preparing io a~ssist with ',ci*

obtaining information needed to draft News Re le~ase.;.......

What is the current state of th& emergencoy9 *.-

o Is there any risk to the pu~blic?......: '::


" What is being done to co rrect the.'pro*ble'm 9 *:.:'i*

How. soon.will it be safe?

Who is in charge?':"

Are there injuries or fatalities?

What hazardous materials are involvied?.......

Have personnel been evacuated from Site and Exclusion...

How many have been evacu~ated?.

o Who is-point of contact?...

Is the situation'stable Or dieteriorating?*r:: :'

  • .. Why did the accident happen?

2.1.2' Keep the! EOF Public',Information. Officer (,PlO) :advised on developments that, ci may be of public or media interest or assist JIC Spokesperson to present

  • - Energy Northwest, news-..

2.1.3 Assist the PlO in explaining plant status and technical information so-the


general public and media have opportunities, to.develop accurate'

... understanding of the situation.

2.1.4 Review News Releases or technical bulletins, as requested, for technical

[LI accuracy and use of technical jargon.

2.1.5 Perform other tasks as assigned by the PlO.

[-I 265;44 R0' MR001

  • ae f4 Page: 2 bf 4'


TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 2.1.6 Attend EOF status briefings.

Lii 2.1.7 Observe EOF operations and~listen for changingevents that should be 17I brought to the PIO's attention.


Use caution to ensure that your primary focus is supporting P10, with, public information task. Aid EOF Staff only as time permits.


.With concurrence from the PlO, assist the EOF En~gineering Manager with

7 explaining technical issues to EQE Personnel.

2.2 Shift Tu*rnover, 2.2.1 Fully brief your relief as to events that have transp~ired and status of any work


in progress.

"r 2.2.2 Inform the PlO when you have been-rolieved.:*:


2.2.3 Prepare an after action report in accordance with pr'ocedure 13.13.4, After LII Tab 3 S

Action Reporting, using form 26072, Emergency Event.Individual After Action Tab 4 Report.

2.2.4 Deliver After Action Report to the PlO.

P 1


CLOSEOUT ACTIONS 4.1 Return all equipment used to a state of readiness.

1 4.1.1 Replenish the contents of this ERO position binder in acc~ordance with the 17i table at the end of this checklist.

4.2 Prepare an after action report in accordance with procedure 13.13.4, After


Tab 3 Action Reporting,: using form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Tab 4 Report...

4.3 Deliver After Action Report and event documentation to the PlO.


4.4 Participate in event critiques I reviews as necessa'ry.

,I 26544 RO MR001 Pg:3f Page: 3 of 4


TECHNICAL SUPPORT CHECKLIST EPIP Ref: PPM 13.12.19 EOF PlO Technical Support Position Binder Tab Index Tab #

Contents Quantity*

Form 26544, EQE Public Information Officer (PlO) Technical Support 2

Checklist 1

Procedure 13.12.19, JIC Management 1

2 Form 23895, Emergency Response Log 10 3

Form 26072, Emergency Event Individual After Action Report 5

4 Procedure 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 1

Denotes the number of copies of procedure or form to be placed in the position binder (initially or when binder is restocked after event). The minimum number needed to make binder functional is one. Additional documents can be copied, taken from other ERO position binders or be obtained electronically.

    • Position Specific Checklist placed before Tab 1.

w 26544 RO MR001 Pg:4f Page: 4 of 4