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Energy Northwest, Emergency Preparedeness Procedures 13.13.4, Revision 010/006, & 13.14.4, Revision 057/001
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2023
Energy Northwest
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML23080A119 (1)



03/09/23 Filed By:

Prepared by:

MARIA Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision Procedure Number Revision 13.13.4 010/006 13.14.4 057/001 TO: ENERGY NORTHWEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLED COPY PROCEDURE HOLDERS The following documents have been revised and are to be inserted into your controlled copy manual and the superseded revisions removed and destroyed. No receipt acknowledgement is required for the listed document(s).

Should you have questions on this distribution please contact Alan Page, Records and Information at (509)377-8595 or


Location 26 Region IV - US Nuclear Regulatory Commission All 52 State of Washington, Military Department All 55 Federal Emergencv Management Aoencv (FEMA)

All 57 Benton County - Department of Emergency Management All 87 Document Control Desk NRC All 142 Hanford EOC/SMT All 164 Oregon State Department of Enerav All 223 Franklin County Emergency Management All 224 Washington State Department of Health - Office of Radiation Protection All

& PPM 13.1.1 and is printed in color, single sided, on 11" x 17" paper, folded, 3-hole punched, stapled on top and distributed by Document Control. All ERO Positional-Specific Binder procedures are stapled.

% Contact Security - All Security Procedures go to the sec for signature NOTE: Distribution of the PPM 13.1.1 wall flow charts is controlled by PPM 13.1.1A and distribution is performed by EP.

Procedures Updated 02/03/2022 I


I Verify Revision Information Prior To Use Initials I Date I Number: 13.13.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 1 of 9 PLANT PROCEDURES MANUAL PCN#:

N/A 1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII IIII IIII Effective Date:

13.13.4 03/09/23

I Number: 13.13.4 I Use C~tegory: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 2 of 9 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Justification (required for major revision),

  • Page(s)

Description (including summary, reason, initiating document, if applicable)

  • Reformat procedure to conform with SWP-PRO-03, Procedure Writer's Manual and to standardize EPIP procedure sections. As more than 30% of numbering changed Revision Bars are not used in this revision of the procedure. Editorial:

Corrected organizational titles due to corporate reorganization.

Updated to new cover page template on 8/27/14.

7 Editorial Change to References section, updated ANI Information Bulletin to 15-01 6

Minor Rev 3: Editorial Change to note following step 4.3.3, updated ANI Information Bulletin to 15-01.

4 Minor Rev 4: Added" {R-5.1.1 }" to the end of Section 1.0 Purpose 7

Minor Rev 4: Revised Reference 5.1.1 to read "EP-01, Emergency Plan".

6 Minor Rev 5: Change "Vice President Operations" to "Site Vice President" 7

Minor Rev 5: Deleted PPM 13.13.2 from the Reference section. This procedure does not meet the SWP-PRO-03 criteria for references.

6 Minor Revision 6: Changed title "Vice President, Nuclear Generation/CNO to

_ "Executive Vice President/CNO as part of a reorganization.

Number: 13.13.4 JuseC~ego~:REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 3 of 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................ 4 4.0 PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Emergency Response Organization Member........................................................................... 5 4.2 Emergency Facility Managers.................................................................................................. 6 4.3 Manager, Emergency Preparedness........................................................................................ 6 4.4 Designate Assistant EOF Manager.......................................................................................... 7 4.5 EOF Manager.......................................................................................................................... 7


..................... :.................................................................................................. 7 6.0 DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................................. 8 7.0 ATTACHMENTS...................................................................................................................... 8 7.1 Final After Action Report Development Guidelines................................................................... 9

Number: 13.13.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 4 of 9 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure establishes the process for emergency organization personnel to document the circumstances and actions taken during the emergency response phase of a Plant event.

This process can be completed during the recovery phase, however, it is not intended to be used to document the recovery activities required to be taken after an event.


2.0 DISCUSSION 3.0 3.1 3.2 After Action Reports document Energy Northwest emergency response actions taken in support of the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan. Final After Action Reports (FAARs) may be subject to inspection and/or evaluation by federal and state regulatory agencies, by private organizations, or in litigation proceedings. For that reason, After Action Reports need to be as complete and accurate as possible.

After Action Reports are not intended to evaluate the operational aspects of an event, since there are other reporting and analysis procedures such as the Licensee Event Report (LER) process that are performed to assess Plant operational matters. Operational aspects, i.e.,

meter readings, component failures, etc., should only be included when necessary to provide a basis for a specific emergency response action such as emergency classification or a repair team activity.

After termination of an emergency, both a verbal and a written summary should be provided to offsite authorities. Following an Unusual Event, the written summary is to be provided within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Following an Alert or higher emergency, the written summary is to be provided within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. The written summary for these situations is considered to be the Classification Notification Form issued upon event termination. This summary contains insufficient detail for a final closeout report, thus, the After Action Report process was developed.

In order to record the findings and implement any identified corrective actions in a timely manner, the FAAR should be completed within 30 days following event termination.

RESPONSIBILITIES Individual Members of the ERO 3.1.1 Members of the ERO are responsible for completing After Action Reports upon shift change and/or termination of an event.

3.1.2 ERO Members may also be required to participate in investigations and critiques of activities occurring during declared emergencies at the Columbia Generating Station.

Emergency Response Facility Managers 3.2.1 Ensuring members of the facility staff complete After Action Reports.

3.2.2 Collecting and reviewing facility documentation and After Action Reports

Number: 13.13.4

\\ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 5 of 9 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.0 4.1 3.2.3 Leading facility critiques 3.2.4 Participating overall critique and development of final reports on event.

Emergency Preparedness Department 3.3.1 For an Unusual Event, developing the Final After Action Report and submitting it to the Plant File.

3.3.2 For events classified as and Alert or higher, assisting the Final After Action Report Committee in development of Final After Action Report.

3.3.3 Receiving the approved Final After Action Report and taking appropriate actions to address any identified issues.

Designate Assistant EOF Manager For events classified as an Alert or higher, convene Final After Action Report Committee and act as Committee Chairman (Reference Section 4.4 ).

After Action Report Committee For events classified as an Alert or higher classification, a Final After Action Report Committee will be established to write the report and submit it to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

Manager for approval.

Designate EOF Manager For events classified as and Alert or higher, reviewing and approving the Final After Action Report.

PROCEDURE Emergency Response Organization Member 4.1.1 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency, complete an Emergency Event Individual After Action Report, Form 26072, and include the following:


Specific problems encountered or observed.


Recommendations for corrective actions.


Any data sheets or log forms, such as the Emergency Response Log, Form 23895, or other compilations of data kept during the emergency.

4.1.2 Deliver your After Action Report and all attachments to the person designated as your Emergency Facility Manager, or to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness, if the emergency facility was not activated.

Number: 13.13.4

\\ Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 6 of 9 4.2 Emergency Facility Managers*

4.2.1 Collect the After Action Reports, logs and attachments applicable to your emergency area of responsibility.

4.2.2 Review After Action Reports for accuracy and completeness.

4.2.3 Evaluate any incomplete or inaccurate entries that appear in the reports of your staff and resolve or explain discrepancies.

4.2.4 Deliver After Action Reports, attachments, checklists and logs through the emergency organization chain to:


The TSC Manager (for Protected Area personnel).


Assistant EOF Manager (for all personnel outside of the Protected Area).

4.3 Manager, Emergency Preparedness 4.3.1 4.3.2 For emergencies classified as Unusual Events, direct that a Final After Action Report be prepared in accordance with Attachment 7.1.

Submit the Unusual Event FMR to the Plant File. Retain a copy for the EP file.

4.3.3 For emergencies classified as Alert or higher, obtain the approved Final After Action Report from the EOF Manager.


Guidance for retention of nuclear liability insurance records is contained in ANI Information Bulletin 15-01.

4.3.4 Ensure completed FMRs are maintained and are retrievable.

4.3.5 Distribute approved FMRs to the Plant General Manager, Site Vice President, and the Executive Vice PresidenVCNO as a minimum.

4.3.6 Initiate actions to closeout program weaknesses identified in the FMR.

Number: 13.13.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 7 of 9 4.4 Designate Assistant EOF Manager.

4.4.1 For emergencies classified as Alert or higher, establish a Final After Action Report Committee consisting of the following:


TSC Manager


Radiological Emergency Manager


Radiation Protection Manager


Others, as deemed appropriate, based on the nature of the emergency event.

4.5 5.0 5.1 4.4.2 Function as chairman of the committee and complete a Final After Action Report as outlined in Attachment 7.1.

4.4.3 As necessary, interview selected persons to obtain first-hand information.or assign persons to develop special sections for the overall report.

EOF Manager 4.5.1 Review and approve the F AAR prepared by the Final After Action Report Committee.

4.5.2 Deliver the approved FAAR to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness.

REFERENCES Regulatory / Licensing Documents 5.1.1 EP-01, Emergency Plan 5.1.2 ANI Information Bulletin 15-01 5.1.3 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Appendix 1 5.2 Procedures 5.2.1 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 5.3 Forms 5.3.1 Emergency Response Log, Form 23895 5.3.2 Emergency Event Individual After Action Report, Form 26072

Number: 13.13.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 8 of 9 6.0 DOCUMENTATION All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Final After Action Report Development Guidelines

Number: 13.13.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 010 Minor Rev: 006


After Action Reporting Page: 9 of 9 FINAL AFTER ACTION REPORT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES A Final After Action Report (FAAR) is an organized portfolio of emergency event After Action Reports and supporting documentation. It is to be completed within 30 days of event termination.


The FAAR portfolio should have a preface report that contains:

1.1 A table of contents.

1.2 An executive summary of the emergency and its consequences.

1.3 An event review detailing the emergency, highlighting the significant events and the actions taken.

1.4 A chronological timeline listing the events and actions taken.


If during the evaluation it is discovered that ar. emergency condition had been inappropriately classified, ensure that a transitory event classification notification is performed in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency.

1.5 A section for evaluation of the emergency actions taken, including:

1.5.1 Timeliness of event declaration 1.5.2 Appropriateness (basis) for event declaration 1.5.3 Timeliness of notification of offsite response organizations 1.5.4 Timeliness of notification of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1.5.5 Timeliness of the notifications made to the public, if any were required 1.5.6 Timeliness/appropriateness of event termination, including notification and consideration of the concerns of offsite response organizations and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1.6 An evaluation section listing any emergency planning problem areas, including recommended corrective actions, should be developed by reviewing the written statements provided in the individual After Action Reports and interviewing the personnel involved.


The FAAR should include Attachments that provide:

2.1 A summary of the individual After Action Report comments.

2.2 A listing of participants and the emergency position they staffed.

2.3 Performance Indicator documentation.

2.4 Any additional documentation generated by the event not already included with the Performance Indicator documentation, such as approved event dose projection print-outs, and in-plant and field team tracking/data sheets, etc.

END.1, Final After Action Report Development Guidelines

I Verify Revision Information Prior To Use Initials I Date I Number: 13.14.4 J Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 1 of 20 PLANT PROCEDURES MANUAL PCN#:

N/A 1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII IIII IIII Effective Date:

13.14.4 03/09/23

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Mainten ance and Testing Page: 2 of 20 D ESCRIPTION OF CHANGES vision)

Justification (required for major re Updated frequency of PMID's 9054, 9053, and 17351 to 24 months based on manufacturers recommendations.

Page(s) 11 12 20 3,4,5,6,7 Description (includ ing summary, reason, initiating document, if applicable)

Updated incorrect mo del work order number from 02148990 to the correct number 02165761.

Corrected an incorre ct action request number from 235576 to 323612.

Updated frequency a weeks to all having a nd title of PMID 9054, 9053, and 17351 from 18 months and 96 24 month frequency.

Minor Revision 1: Tit le changes from "Manager to "Director for reorganization

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 3 of 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................ 4 4.0 PROCEDURE...................................,........................... *........................................................... 6 4.1 Radiological Services Director................................................................................................. 6 4.2 Operations Support Manager............,...................................................................................... 6 4.3 Emergency Preparedness Manager......................................................................,.................. 6 4.4 Occupation Health Supervisor.................................................................................................. 7 4.5 Security Operations Manager................................................................................................... 7 4.6 Information Services Director/CIC............................................................................................ 7 4.7 Facilities and Commercial Engineering Manager..................................................................... 7 4.8 Maintenance Director............................................................................................................... 7


.............................,.......................................................................................... 8 6.0 7.0 DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................................. 9 ATTACHMENTS.......................................................,.............................................................. 9 7.1 Radiation Protection Supporting Activities.............................................................................. 1 O 7.2 Operations Supporting Activities............................................................................................ 11 7.3 Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities..................................................................... 12 7.4 Occupational Health Supporting Activities.............................................................................. 15 7.5 Nuclear Security Supporting Activities.................................................................................... 16 7.6 Information Services/ CIO Supporting Activities..... :.............................................................. 17 7.7 Facilities and Commercial Engineering Supporting Activities................................................. 19 7.8 Maintenance Supporting Activities......................................................................................... 20

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 4 of 20 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes requirements for inspection, inventory, and functional testing of emergency equipment and supplies which are maintained for emergency operations and are implemented using Asset Suite Model Action Requests (ARs) and Work Orders (WOs).

{R-5.1} {R-5.4}, {R-5.3}

2.0 DISCUSSION Quantities listed in the Model AR and WO instructions are minimum amounts. More than the minimum amount listed is acceptable. Minimum amounts are allowed to be less than specified provided that quantities in question are returned to the proper amount as soon as practicable.

The Manager, Emergency Preparedness, may make determinations for changes to quantities, types of items, or functional tests as required for good emergency preparedness practices.

A Level 1 library is maintained by Document Control as part of the Technical Support Center.

Sufficient Level 1 Procedures, drawings, and other documentation are maintained in this library to support the Technical Support Center staff.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Radiological Services Director 3.1.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain radiological equipment used to implement the Emergency Plan.

3.1.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

3.2 Operations Director 3.2.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain plant equipment used to implement the Emergency Plan.

3.2.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

3.3 Security Operations Manager 3.3.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain security equipment used to implement the Emergency Plan.

3.3.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 5 of 20 3.4 Information Services Director/ CIO 3.5 3.4.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain computer and communications equipment used to implement the Emergency Plan.

3.4.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

Facilities and Commercial Engineering Manager 3.5.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain Emergency Response Facilities.

3.5.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

3.6 Emergency Preparedness Manager 3.7 3.8 3.6.1 Ensuring activities supporting Emergency Preparedness are performed.

3.6.2 Ensuring that hardware or software changes that affect transmitted EROS data points are provided to the NRC within 30 days after the change is made.


3.6.3 Monitoring compliance with this procedure's requirements, take action to ensure discrepancies are documented using the corrective action process and corrected.

3.6.4 Completing assigned ARs required to support emergency preparedness.

Occupational Health Supervisor

3. 7.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain industrial safety equipment used to support the Emergency Plan.

3.7.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

Maintenance Director 3.8.1 Providing support to Emergency Preparedness to inventory and maintain plant equipment used to implement the Emergency Plan.

3.8.2 Completing assigned work order packages required to support emergency preparedness.

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 6 of 20 4.0 4.1 PROCEDURE Radiological Services Director 4.1.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.1, Radiation Protection Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.1.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

4.2 Operations Support Manager 4.3 4.4 4.2.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.2, Operations Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.2.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

Emergency Preparedness Manager 4.3.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.3, Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.3.2 Ensure that hardware or software changes that affect transmitted EROS data points are provided to NRC within 30 days after the change is made.


4.3.3 Ensure that hardware or software changes, except data point modifications, that could affect EROS data transmission format or computer communication protocol with EROS are provided to NRC at least 30 days prior to implementing the modification.


4.3.4 Monitor compliance with this procedure's requirements, take action to ensure discrepancies are documented using the corrective action process and corrected.

4.3.5 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

Occupational Health Supervisor 4.4.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.4, Occupational Health Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.4.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 7 of 20 4.5 Security Operations Manager 4.5.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.5, Nuclear Security Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.5.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02 4.6 Information Services Director/Clo 4.7 4.6.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.6, Information Services/CIO Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.6.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

Facilities and Commercial Engineering Manager 4.7.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.7, Facilities and Commercial Engineering Supporting Activities are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.7.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

4.8 Maintenance Director 4.8.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 7.8, Maintenance Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.8.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to the permanent plant file in accordance with SWP-REC-02.

I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057

'-----------------1 Minor Rev: 001 Number: 13.14.4


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 8 of 20


5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 EP-01, Emergency Plan 10 CFR 50, Appendix R FSAR Appendix F, Table F.03-01, B.5, Administrative Procedures, Controls, and Fire Brigade 10 CFR 50, Appendix E NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness In Support Of Nuclear Power Plants, Section H (10)

NRC IN 2008-15, Emergency Response Data System Test Schedule Revised CVI 1025-00, 1, EROS Datapoint Library Columbia Generating Station Final Safety Analysis Report, Appendix F, Table F.3-2, Section 111.H PPM 13.14.9, Emergency Program Maintenance EPl-15, EROS Quarterly Test EPl-19, Communications Test GO2-92-257, letter to NRC regarding EROS Data Point Library, 11-24-92 GO2-02-016, letter to NRC regarding level of protection afforded lessees within Columbia Generating Station exclusion area, 01-28-02


Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 9 of 20 6.0 DOCUMENTATION 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Transmit documents to the Permanent Plant File under DIC 2304.2.

A sub-set of documents generated during drills shall be maintained in the Emergency Preparedness Department files, as necessary, to support completion of drill/exercise commitments.

ATTACHMENTS Radiation Protection Supporting Activities Operations Supporting Activities Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities Occupational Health Supporting Activities Nuclear Security Supporting Activities Information Services/Clo Supporting Activities Facilities and Commercial Engineering Supporting Activities Maintenance Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 10 of 20 RADIATION PROTECTION SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 02154178 Fire Brigade Station Inventory Monthly WO PMID 14416

{R-5.2}, {R-5.3}


  • Type A First Aid Kit Inventory
  • Type B First Aid Kit Inventory
  • Inspect Fire Brigade Stations (includes SCBAs)
  • Verify batteries and perform operational tests on portable radios MWO 02154182 TSC Emergency Protective Kit Monthly WO PMID 16482 Inventory Instructions MWO 02154185 OSC Emergency Protective Kit Monthly WO PMID 19452 Inventory Instructions MWO 02154179 Decontamination Kit Inventory Quarterly WO PMID 14836

{R-5.3}, {R-5.4}

Instructions MWO 01050707 Emergency Kit Inventories Quarterly WO PMID 20977

  • Field Sample Kit Instructions 1 FS, 2FS,3FS,4FS Inventory (MWO Attachment A)
  • Protective Clothing Kit 1 PC, 2PC, 3PC,4PC Inventory (MWO Attachment B)
  • Air Sampling Kit 1AS,2AS, 3AS,4AS Inventory (MWO Attachment C)
  • Instrumentation Kit 1 IK,2IK,3IK,4IK Inventory (MWO Attachment D)
  • Decon Cabinet Inventory (MWO Attachment E)
  • Protective Clothing Kit 1XP,2XP Inventory (MWO Attachment G)
  • Alternate Assembly Area Decon Supplies Inventory (MWO Attachment K)

MWO 02154183 Replace Rubber Goods In OSC 96 weeks WO PMID 19452 PC Kit Instructions END.1, Radiation Protection Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 11 of 20 OPERATIONS SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 02148990 Public Address & Building-Wide Monthly SOP-COMM-OPS PMID 15035 Alarm System Test MWO 02148802 Control Room Emergency Quarterly WO Instructions PMID 15046 Supplies Inventory MWO 02165761 FPSYS104 Emerg. Lant Annually WO Instructions PMID 15886 END

  • .2, Operations Supporting Activities

Major Rev: 057 t-------------------~-------------l Minor Rev: 001 Number: 13.14.4 Use Category: REFERENCE


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 12 of 20 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document AR 323612323612Perform MET Tower data backup Monthly AR Instructions source verification for PPM 13.8.1 AR249908249908Emergency Centers Walkdown Monthly AR Instructions AR 216342216342EROS Systeni Test Quarterly AR Instructions EPl-15 AR 236173236173Pager activation test / notification Quarterly AR Instructions drill EPl-19 AR 236207-01 TSC Inventory Quarterly AR Instructions AR 236207-02 OSC Inventory Quarterly AR Instructions AR 236207-03 EOF Inventory Quarterly AR Instructions AR 236207-04 Alternate EOF Inventory Quarterly AR Instructions AR 236207-05 JIC Inventory Quarterly AR Instructions AR 236241-01 ERO Database Position Quarterly AR Instructions Verification AR 236241-02 "Shift" ERO Position Report

. Quarterly AR Instructions AR 236243236243"Open Lines" Newsletter Quarterly AR Instructions Distribution AR 236134-01 Hospital Emergency Kit 1 HK Quarterly AR Instructions Inventory AR 236134-02 Hospital Emergency Kit 2HK Quarterly AR Instructions Inventory AR 236134-03 Hospital Emergency Kit 3HK Quarterly AR Instructions Inventory AR 236166236166Emergency Phone Directory Quarterly AR Instructions Review AR 245370-01 Integrated Fixed Facility Annually AR Instructions Radiological And Chemical (E-Plan Appendix 1)

Protection Plan AR 245370-02 Benton County Fixed Nuclear Annually AR Instructions Facility Emergency Response (E-Plan Appendix 1)

Plan.3, Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 13 of 20 Process Method Activity Frequency Document AR 245370-03 Franklin County Radiological Annually AR Instructions Emergency Response: Energy (E-Plan Appendix 1)

Northwest AR 245370-04 CGS/Hanford Emergency Annually AR Instructions Response Plan (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-05 DOE-RL Emergency Plan Annually AR Instructions Implementing Procedures (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-06 AREVA EMF-32 Emergency Plan Annually AR Instructions And Procedures (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-07 INPO Emergency Resource Annually AR Instructions Manual (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-08 OHS National Response Annually AR Instructions Framework (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-09 Region IV Incident Response Annually AR Instructions Supplement To NUREG-0845, (E-Plan Appendix 1)

Volumes 1 and 2 AR 245370-10 Dosimeter Badge Services Annually AR Instructions Contract (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-11 Basic Ordering Agreement Annually AR Instructions (E-Plan Aooendix 1)

AR 245370-12 Hanford Fire and Ambulance Annually AR Instructions Contract (E:.Pfan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-13 Benton County Sheriff's Office Annually AR Instructions LEA Plan Review (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 245370-14 APEL Intra-Organizations Annually AR Instructions Work Authorization 12-52300 (E-Plan Appendix 1)

AR 236245-01 Industrial Development Annually AR Instructions MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-02 DOE Richland Operations Annually AR Instructions MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-03 County of Benton Annually AR Instructions MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-04 State of Washington Annually AR Instructions MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-05 County of Franklin MOU Review Annually AR Instructions (E-Plan Appendix 4).3, Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 14 of 20 Process Method Activity Frequency Document AR 236245-06 AREVA MOU Review Annually AR Instructions (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-07 Kadlec Medical Center Annually AR Instructions MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-08 Lourdes Medical Center Annually AR Instructions MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-09 State of Oregon MOU Review Annually AR Instructions (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 236245-10 Trios Health MOU Review Annually AR Instructions (E-Plan Appendix 4)

AR 249408-01 Emergency Plan Review Annually AR Instructions AR 249408-02 Public Information Instruction Annually AR Instructions Review AR 249408-03 Media Day Briefing Annually AR Instructions AR 249408-04 ERO Members Information Annually AR Instructions Verification EPl-11 AR 249408-05 EP Sign Maintenance Annually AR Instructions EPl-8 AR 249408-06 EAL Review With State & Local Annually AR Instructions Governments AR 249408-07 Population Study Review Annually AR Instructions EPl-12 AR 249408-08 Exclusion Area Briefing {3.8}

Annually AR Instructions AR 249408-09 GET Training Materials Review Annually AR Instructions AR 249408-10 State EOC Communication Annually AR Instructions Channel Check AR 249408-11 Annual Activation Test of Siren Annually AR Instructions and ETNS System AR 322527322527Replenish Extended Coping Quadrennial AR Instructions Cabinet Supplies (every 4 Years)

AR 249907249907Air Sampler O-Ring Replacement Quinquennial AR Instructions (every 5 Years)

AR 217615217615TSC/OSC, EOF Emergency Hexennial AR Instructions Center Evacuation

( eve"}'.' 6 years)

END.3, Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE


Emergency Equipment Main tenance and Testing Process Method AR 308700308700OCCUPA TIONAL HEAL TH SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Activity t and Inventory FR lnspec Cabin ets/Nurse's Station Frequency Quarterly*

Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001 Page: 15 of 20 Document AR Instructions

  • E-Plan requirement remains qua rterly, although the task is being performed monthly.


END.4, Occupational Health Supporting Activities

Major Rev: 057 t-------------------~------------1 Minor Rev: 001 Number: 13.14.4 Use Category: REFERENCE


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 16 of 20 NUCLEAR SECURITY SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document AR 351648351648

    • CRASH Phone Test Weekly Form 26938 AR 295114295114SCC Inventory Monthly AR Instructions AR 295116295116CASI SAS Inventory Monthly AR Instructions AR 271542271542SCC Walkdown Quarterly AR Instructions AR 271541271541CAS I SAS Walkdown Quarterly AR Instructions
    • Weekly CRASH Phone Test with; Benton County, Franklin County, Washington State Emergency Operations Center and DOE-RL Document weekly CRASH Phone test on Form 26938 Send completed Form 26938 to Emergency Preparedness END.5, Nuclear Security Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 j Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 17 of 20 INFORMATION SERVICES/ CIO SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO-02154180 EP Siren Polling Test Weekly TSl-6.2.32 PMID 15959 MWO 01041119 NRC FTS Phone Test Monthly TSl-6.2.19 PMID 16001 (Dedicated telephone lines with NRC Headquarters)

MWO 01044104 Facsimile System Test Monthly TSl-6.2.29 PMID 15955 (Facsimile System Test with Benton and Franklin County Emergency Dispatch Centers, DOE-RL and Washington State Emergency Operation Center

AND, among Energy Northwest Emergency Facilities)

MWO 01044107 Ringdown Circuit Test Monthly TSl-6.2.6 PMID 18289 (Dedicated telephone lines among Energy Northwest Emergency Facilities)

MWO 01044154 Crash Phone Functional Test Monthly TSl-6.2.31 PMID 18290 (Dedicated telephone lines with Benton and Franklin County Emergency Dispatch Centers, DOE-RL and Washington State Emergency Operation Center AND among Energy Northwest Emergency Facilities)

MWO 01044156 Dial-up System Functional Test Monthly TSl-6.2.30 PMID 18291 MWO 01163788 Radio Audio Control Unit Test Monthly TSl-6.2.41 PMID 16693 (Installed Radio Links)

MWO 01163791 Radio Control Unit Functional Test Monthly TSl-6.2.38 PMID 23879 (Installed Radio Links)

MWO 02028187 HNES Unit Functional Test Monthly TSl-6.2.9 PMID 20981

  • MWO 01044226 Public Address Microphone Monthly TSl-6.2.14 PMID 18369 Override Test
  • .6, Information Services/ CIO Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 I Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 18 of 20 Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 01044227 Zetron 2200 Functional Test Monthly TSl-6.2.5 PMID 25417 MWO 01044247 Radio Pager System Test Monthly TSl-6.2.7 PMID 16782 MWO 01044158 Dedicated PIO System Functional Monthly TSl-6.2.28 PMID 18292 Test MWO 01168858 EAS Broadcast System Monthly TSl-6.2.8 PMID 23954 (EAS Radio receivers test)

MWO 01044121 Information Coordinator Network Quarterly TSl-6.2.13 PMID 15994 Functional Test MWO 01044159 E/R Team Radio Functional Test Quarterly TSl-6.2.10 PMID 20979 MWO 01045535 Field Team Portable Radio Quarterly TSl-6.2.10 PMID 22961 Functional Test MWO 01163799 CGS Public Address Functional Quarterly TSl-6.1.16 PMID 23886 Test MWO 01200168 EP Biannual CCCF Battery Semi-Annually TSl-6.3.4 PMID 25427 Preventative Maintenance (twice per year)

MWO 02154181 EP Emergency Response Siren Annually TSl-6.2.22 PMID 15993 System Activation Test MWO 02115937 EP Siren Site Inspections IAW Annually TSl-6.2.48 PMID 23779 ANS Design Report

  • Annual PM on Repeaters and RF Equipment (FCC Radio Checks, etc.)

MWO 01044224 EP HNES Batteries Preventative Annually TSl-6.3.2 PMID 20982 Maintenance MWO 01044222 Team Radio FCC & Calibration Annually TSl-6.2.66 PMID 20980 Functional Test MWO 01050681 Annual E/R Industrial Area Public

. Annually TSl-6.2.16 PMID 21022 Address Test MWO 01045536 ER Vehicles Communication Test Annually TSl-6.2.1 PMID 20986 MWO 01045938 Radio Paging Sites Battery Annually TSl-6.3.5 PMID 21024 Maintenance & Load Test END.6, Information Services/ CIO Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Minor Rev: 001 Page: 19 of 20 FACILITIES AND COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING S UPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 02150787 Emergency CTR Diesel Generator Monthly WO PMID 15965 Inspection at CGS (monthly)

Instructions MWO 02150927 EOF HVAC Test Quarterly WO PMID 15966 Instructions MWO 02150789 Emergency CTR Diesel Generator Annually WO PMID 15963 Tests at CGS (annual)

Instructions END.7, Facilities and Commercial Engine ering Supporting Activities

Number: 13.14.4 J Use Category: REFERENCE Major Rev: 057 Minor Rev: 001


Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Testing Page: 20 of 20 MAINTENANCE SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 02154177 EOF (OFMA-HF-1 H) HEPA Test 24 Months WO PMID 9054 Instructions MWO 02144619 EOF (OFMA-HF-1C) HEPA Test 24 Months WO PMID 9053 Instructions MWO 01172978 AMA-CF-52 Replace Carbon, 24 Months WO PMID 17351 Inspect (Filtr-1-1-9.3)

Instructions END

  • .8, Maintenance Supporting Activities