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Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1981
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1981
From: Kamishlian J
Shared Package
ML19345F570 List:
NUDOCS 8102180432
Download: ML19345F572 (7)




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T E L E P H V l4 E I912 ) 367-776! x 203 3 M 'mb t4 t H l - 81 m h v L k e. C E Lhi;Y f out R LEVEL DAY m g , _ C n V, AVEPAGE DAILY F0WEk L Ev[t _ _ _ _ , , _ ( MWe-He t ) ( MWe-Het ) 9

              .I                   SIU           -

II _ 'E0 . . . . . . . - . - 2 144 18 623 1 -11 19 623 3

  • 4 -9 20 ' 622~ '~~ ~ ~ ~

5 -to 21 620 6 -13 22 625 m 7 63 23 619 '

     *~ S                          465                              24                        614

(' 9 to 576 607 25 26 571 612 m 11 132 27 615 12 504 20 615 ' (- 13 600 29 617 14 613 Ju 6 ( 4, (~ IS 622 31 534 N 16 647 (~ I)

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( I OrEF47tNG (ATA FEPDFT g 00ttET HG 50-321 C' A T E g C0lir L E T E t. CY TELEFHONE t 912 ) 367-7731 y 203 L ........+......+.....+...... ..........................

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~ I CTErATIUG tinrOS
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g" 1 Unit Honat E I. Hatch tNelear Plant Unit 1 + . '--u/ g Repor ting Ter.odt e1-81 *

  • I ^~'
2. * '

1 Licensed Thar ng 1 Fover (HWE): 2436 * + g' 4 5 Haneptate Rat ng (Gross MWe): 809 3 Letige Electsic41 #4teng (Hat MWe )r 777.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . - 'h g h
6. Maximum 0
  • T e n i r. b i e capacitu (Cross nua i: 7?6.1 .

{{yg g' 7 11 o 3 4 hun [' a r e n t a b l e ( e g o c i '. g 'het .W e ) ! 756 8 *******************+++++++++++++++*******ee+,e+e.+eee 8 If Changes Occur en Capacity Retings (Items Humber 3 Through 7) S i r. c e Last Peport. Gswe Fegsons (_], ) g

9. Fouer Level To Wh6ch Restricted, if Any (Het NWe ): hb5b in. Reesont For restrictions. If uny l .

te Th s Month Yr.-to-tste Cunulstese f4l


744 744 44184 I II. Hours In Reporting Period

12. Hunber Of Hours fesctor kes Crit 6 col 652.2 652 2 33767 8
13. Peacter Res=rve Shut down Hours 0.6 0.0 9 0 g g,

14 Houre Generator On-Line ~ 611.3 '~ ~ 611.3 31687 3

15. Unit Peserve Shutdoun Hours' 4.0 o o (.n

(, 16. Gross T h e r r.a t Energy Generated ( N 'J H ) 1126258 1126259 662507n8 j

17. Gr o ss E lactr s ca 1 Energy Genert'ed iMWH) 371920 ~~' 371020 2145332o -
18. Het Electrics 1 Energy Genereted (MWH) 352593 352593 2 01*
  • h o g, 19. Unit Service Factor c2.2 82.2 '. 7 g 20 Unit Avselebility Factor 82.2 02.2 71 7 ~
21. Unit Co pec it y Factor ( tt s i n g P0C Net > 62 6 62 6 61 0

(, 22. Unit cepec et y Factor (Using DEP Net ) 61.0 41,0 59.4 g

23. Unit Forced Outogt Rate . . , .l 7. 8 . ,

__ _ ,1 7 . 8 , 20 2 24 Shutdowns Scheduled Over Heat , . ,6 Months (Tupe, tete, and Duration cf Ea ch ): (, I

25. If Shut Doun At End Of Report Period, Es t i nat ed Date of S t o r t u'p ' ~~

y 26. Units In Test Status tPr4or to Connerc6tl Operation): F oreca st Ach.eved j IHITIAL CPITICAtttY'


i g, INITIAL E LE C TR IC I TY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ .......____.. g CONMEFCIAL OrEPATIPH .._. _....____. ......_____.... (?/III w 3

                                                       .-_                          _                  . . - - ~ . . . - . . .                                _. ..                                                         .

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DOCKET NO. 50-321 UNIT SilUT110WNS AND l'0WER REDUC 110NS UNil NAME _!ldtilt.1 ^ DA1E 7- 19-iI REFORT MONTil

                                                                                                            .lanoary COMEl{f{ EI3'bIlg I        h h !k d 1

e. Cause & Correct'ive 5g 'd Licensee [g vl, El Attiun to i No. D.aie  % 3g "! } g a: Event ti 3 d'O Psevent Hecussence t- g!E M jig Report # [U 21.3 F 5 ftA ZZ. ZZZZZZ Management limitation ct 80% thennal 81-01 810101 S power 1 I l 1 Load reduced due to "A" Rx recirc 81-02 810101 F 14.8 A 5 1-81-2 CB PUMPXX pump seal leakage 2 1-81-2l CB PUMPXX Unit off line due to above problem 81-03 810102 F 97.6 A 1

                                                                                                                                      #81-02 4                                                                                                      l 17.4     A         5              1-82-2             CB.~        PUMPXX       Unit on startup ramp from above 81-04     810117            F
                                                                                                                     ,          ,     shutdown #81-03      ,

(< 2) Management limitation of 80% thermal 1 W 81-05 810108 S '62.4 F 5 NA ZZ ZZZZZZ power G D' Load reduced to perfonn weekly 81-06 810110 S 5.1 B 5 NA Z Z,. CONROD turbine test and rod pattern adjust-c_c, , '

      ,                                                                                                 8                             ment 4

FM i F: Forced 2 Reason: 3 Method: Exhibit G -Instructions for Pieparailun of Data A !:quipment Failure (Explain) 1. Manual i " S: Scheduled 2-Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for 1itenser 11 Maintenance of Test Esent RepurI(LEHi File INURIG-b 3 Automatic Scram. C Refuelin; . 01611 D-Regulatory Restriction 4 -Continuations E-Operatur Training & Ucense Examinellas 5 fload 11xtuction 5 F Mministrative 9-Other (Idxplain) . En! bit I Sam:Souice G "d:<rallonal Essoc (Explain) * (9/77) ULther (Emplain) (

O 4

DOM EI NU-UNIT SilUIDOWNS AND r0WER ftEDUC110NS UNii N AME Ilafth I DATE __ _7 H I COMPLETED fly J. l1. Famic,h1ian REFORT MONill __ J anua ry 1ELEFIIONE 91P-367-77H1 "L

                                                                                                    %                     Cause & Coirecbr
                             -,        $3          E       .(        Licensee          E%          ht                          A<. tion to No.          Date      g        gg          g     ,ye          Everit           u lj H

a6 rY jdic Report # $'O gd" Prevent Recurrenct m -

                                                                       !!A             Cil        PUMPXX    Rx auto scram due to RFPs tripe irig 81-07       810111      F         10.9         A      3 flA             CH         PUMPXX    Unit on startup ramp from above 81-08       810111       F        29.1         A       S l                        shutdown #81-07 ilA             ZZ         ZZZZZZ    Managerr.ent limitation of 80% thennal 80-09       810112       S        267.6        F       5 power (unit was allowed to run at 90% thennal power for a period of 15    hours)

HE- TURBlft Load reduced to perfona weekly turbine 80-10 810123 S p.I B 5 il A - test t flA ZZ ZZZZZZ Management limitation of 80% thermal 81-11 810124 S 31.5 F 5 power


3' 4 I 3 Exhibit G -Instructions Reason: Method: F: Force 1 14f anual for Preparation of Dara S: Sclieduled A liquipment Failure (Explain) Entry Sheets for I.itensee 11 Maintenance of Test 24tanual Scram. 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File INUREG-C-Refueling . 0161) D.Itefulatory Restel-Ilon 4 --Continuations E Operator Training A Ucense Examinctluri 5-Ioad Peduction 5 F-Administrative 9-Other (Explain) Exhibit I Same Source G-Operational Error (Erpl !n) * (9/77) llother(Erple'n) I g

                                                                                                                                    .                                                                        i I

e s d, U F ' UNil SilU1 DOWNS AND FOWER REDUC 110NS U E Ul 3 DATE . /~ lll-HI A c COMPLET ED ilY d. M. Famisalian REr0R1 At0NT11_ January TELEril0NE 917- %/-//8I i y "L jE Licensee Eg k, C2 2 & Correctise No. Date g r. g

                                                                                                                                             };;    } if h og&              Event            3,'g                                         At'ilon in                       j H      j gr;       y     j gg           nepor a           mo          g                            Pnvent Recurrence                     .

F 17.7 A- i 5 NA HH HEATER Reduced load due to s.eam leak on 81-12 810125 "B" 5th stage heater 1 114.2 F 5 flA Z ZZZZZZ Management limitation of 800 thermal } 81-13 810126 F power k ZZ C0flR00 Reduced . load to perfonn rod pattern 81-14 810130 F 26.3 B 5 NA adjustment

                                                                                                                                                                                          ;,                                            ,

3 4 t 2 Exhibit G Instructions Reason: hicthod: F: Tmc:d 8 Stanual for Pseparattun of Data S: Scl:tdelet! A f.quipment Failure (E"F lain) Ent y Sheets for I.icensee B4taintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. 3 Autum.itic Scram. Event Repor (LERI Elle(NUREG-C-Refueling . D Regulatory Restriction 4 -Continntions 0161) - E Operator Training & IJcense Euminetton 5-Ioad reduction 5 l F-Administrative 9 -Other (Explain) Exhibit I- Same Sonrce  ! G Occrattonal Error (Earl.1i)

  • l flother(Ent ein) l

(?/77)  : i

NARRATIVE REPORT UYIT 1 Jan. 1st Unit limited to 90% thermal power by man-agement Jcn. 1st At 21:20 reduced load due to "A" R. recirc punp seal leakage Jan. 2nd Unit off line at 12:26 due to "A" Rx recirc pump leakage; Rx in cold shutdown Jan. 7th Unit on startup ramp from above shutdown; Rx critical at 20:52 on 810105, generator on line at 14:07 on 810107 Jan. 7th Unit limited to 80% thermal power by man-agement Jan. 10th At 21:55 reduced load to perform weekly turbine test and rod pattern adjustment Jan. lit? Rx auto scram due to RFPs tripping at 2:57 Jan. lith Unit on startup ramp from above shutdown; Rx critical at 3:46; generator on line at 13:5' Jan. 12th Unit limited to 80% thermal power by man-agement (unit was allowe d to run at 90% thermal power f e r a period of 15 hours) Jan. 23rd At 23:15 reduced load to perform , weekly turbine test , Jan. 24th Unit limited to 80% thermal power by management l Jan. 25th At 9:50 load was reduced due to steam leek on B Sth stage heater Jan. 26th Unit limited to 80% t her*nal power by management l Jan. 30th At 21:45 load was reduced to perform rod pattern adjustment

HATCH 1 SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE RE0UESTS TO BE REPORTED FOR JANUARY 1980 NU.'iB ER DATE COMPLETED DESCRIPTION 70-4/a0 1-o-51 InspecTea tiange studs and flange for leakage on RCIC tur-bine IE51-C002 80-5058 12-29'-80 Removed hood and cleaned the shaft, clutch and spring assem-bly on X41-C017B IB diesel gen. room roll up door 80-5060 11-3-80 1X41-C017A, B, 6 C roll up fire doors were satisfactorily tested 80-6659 12-30-80 Disassembled, polished poppett, replaced motor and set limit switches on RCIC trip and throttle valve 1E51-C002-2 80-2671 1-5-81 Completed work according to DCR 79-194 on reactor ' building Ess MCCs R21-S011, S012 , 79-5566 12-19-80 inn alled new governor and performed necessary wiring. to implement DCR 77-208 for Wood-ward Governor mod "DSL NOT Af SYNC SPEED" alarm 1R43-S001C S0-6523 1-8-81 Seat in RHR inboard . isolation valve 1E11-F015B was . lapped, both seats polished, bonnet pressure seal area was cleaned, stem -polished, new gate in-stalled with bluing and the valve reassembled}}