ML20211H525 | |
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Site: | Hatch |
Issue date: | 10/01/1997 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20211H514 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9710060450 | |
Download: ML20211H525 (31) | |
s I
. Enclosure 1 :
Unit 1 O/cle 17 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) -
Revision 3 l t
L s
l f
1 4 ,
. 9710060450 971 PDR ADOCK 05 1 I
1 1: HL 5487 l
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Hevision 3 I
l O I f
Southern Nuclear Operating Company Post Omce Box 1295-Birmingham. Alabama 35201 0
O ,
l Edwin 1. Ilatch Nuclear I'lant Unit i Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title fage 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Rod Illock hionitor 1 3.0 APLilGR Limits 2 4.0 hiCPR Operating Limits 14 O 5.0 APRM Flow lilased Simulated Thermal Power -- liigh Time Constant 23 6.0 References 23 i Revision 3
l'lant llatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits lleport O
TAllLES lable No. J31g pg 31 Al'LilGR Operating Flexibility Options 3 41 MCPit Operating Flexibility Options 16 l d
n i
e il llevision 3
l Plant llatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 p Core Operating Limits Report l
l FidVRES Figure No. Iills pagg 31 Flow Dependent APLllGR hiultiplier - 4 (h1APFACFr) versus Core Flow 3 2A Power Dependent APLilGR_ hiultiplier 5 l (hiAPFACPp) versus Core Power (One Turbine l
Pressure Regulator Operable) .
-3 211 Power Dependent APLllGR Multiplier 6
- (hiAPFACPp) versus Core Power (Two Turhine Pressure Regulators Operable) 3-3 APLilGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure 7 (GE9B P8DWB33010GZ 80M 150 T) 34 APLilGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure X (GE911 P8DWB314 8G4.0 80M 150 T) 35 APLilGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure 9-(GE9B P8DWB331 10GZ 80M 150 T)'
'3 6 APLllGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure 10 (GE13 P911TB32712GZ 100M 146 T-LUA-RECON) 3 7' APLilGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure - 11
~ (GE9B P8DWB34610GZ 800150 T) 38 - APLilGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure la D
(GE12 P10llSB331-605,0/4G4.0100T-150 T) 39 - APLHOR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure 13 (GE9B P8DWB331 10GZ 80M 150 T MAPL)
O iii Revision 3
Plant flatch Unit 1 Cyle 17 Core Operating Limits Report e i l
FldURES (Continued)
Eigure No. Title Eage 41 Power Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPR,.) versus 17 Core Power from 25% to 30% of Rated Core Power 4 2A Power Dependent MCPR Multiplier (Kr.) versus Core 18 Power (one Turbine Pressure Regulator Operable) 4 2B Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (K .) i versus Core 19 Power (Twa Turbine Pressure Regulators Operabic) 43 Plow Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRr) versus Core 20 Flow 4-4A MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time 21 (EOC RPTSr. stem Operable and Turbine Bypass l'alves Operabic) 4 4B MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time 22 (EOC RPTSystem inoperable and Turb:ne Bypass l'alves Operabic) 4 4C MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time 23 (EOC-RPTSystem Operable and Turbine Bypass l'alves Inoperabic) 44D MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time 24 (EOC-RPTSystem inoperable and Turbine Bypass l'alves inoperable)
O iv Revision 3
Plant llatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 !
Core Operating Limits Report ,
The Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 is prepared [
in accordance with the requirements of Technical Speci0 cation 5.6.5. The core operating limits presented herein were developed using NRC approved methods (References 1 and 2)c Results flom the fuel vendor's reload analyses for the fuel in Unit 1 Cycle 17 are documented in References 3 through 8. >
l l i
The following core operating limits are incidded in this report:
- a. Control Rod lilock Instrumentation -- Technical Speci0 cation
- b. Average Planar Linear lleat Generation Rate (APLilGR) - Technical I
' Specification 3.2.1 i er Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) Technical Specifications 3.2.2 .
and O ' d. - APRM Flow Iliased Simulated Thermal Power - 111gh - Technical Specifications '
Surveillance Requirement 2.0 HOD HLOCK MONITOR (Technical Specincation
- lloth Rod 131ock Monitor (RBM) channels shall be operable as specified in Technical-Specification and when: .;
f a; Therer.1 Power is 2 29% and < 90% of Rated Thermal Power, and MCPR is < l 70:
or -
. . h
l I i'
V 1 Revision 3
_ .- - - . _ . . _ - _ , , - . 1_ _ _ . - _ . _ _ _ , _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _
l'lant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating 1 imits lleport 9
3.0 APLilGit LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.1)
The APLilGR limit for each fuel type is given by the applicaNe rated power. rated flow APLil'R limit taken from Figures 3 3 through 3 9. multiplied by the smaller of either:
- a. The flow dependent multiplier, M APFACr. from Figure 31, or
- b. The power dependent multiplier, MAPFACp from Figure 3 2A or Figure 3 28. as deter.nined by Table 3 1.
For the fuel types whose APLilGR limits are shown in Figures 3 3 through 3 9 the APLilGR limit shall be applied to each axial location in the fuel assembly.
As required by GESTAR il(Reference 1),if the APLilGR values are hand calculated, all of the lattices in a multi lattice fuel bundle (i.e., GE9B P8DWB33010G7-80M 150 T, GE9B P8DWB331 10GZ-80M 150-T, GE13 P911TB327120Z-100M 146.T-LUA-RECON, GE9B P8DWB346-10GZ-80U 150 T.GE12 P10HSB3316GS.0/4G4.0100T-150-T, and GE9B P8DWB331 10GZ-80M 150-T-MAPL)must have APLilGR values less than or equal to the APLilGR limits shown in Figures 3 3,3 5,3 6. 3-7,3 8. and 3 9 respectively. When APLilGR values are determined by the process computer, the lattice-dependent APLilGR limits are used. Under these ;onditions, some axial locations may have APLllGR values exceeding the values shown in the figures.
O 2 Revision 3
P Plant llatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 -
. Core Operating Limits Report
, i, Table 31 APLilGR Operating Flexibility Options
Number of Operable Use Turbit e Pressure Regulators One Figure 3-2A Two Figure 3-2B v
. 'v i
3 Revision 3 O - - .\
Plant Hatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report O
g .
io - . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _
o9 , . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _
._.___..,_ ,(( q 7 _ __ _. _, . _ _;
M " l 112%
117 %
g oe - - _ . . - _ . - - .1_.__.-._ - .
J 1
5 07 - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
? 06 - - - - -
1 4
o6 - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - -
- . .. l 30 0 40o so o so@ 70 o aoo go o too o 11 o Core Flow (% of Rated)
MAPFACr = Minimum [1.0,(A + B*F), MAPMULT]
Maximum Core '
Flow (% of Rated) A B 102.5 U.4861 0.6784
,g7.0 0.4574 0.6758
'12.0 0.4214 0.6807 117.0 0.3828 0.6886 1 = Percent of Rated Core l' ion MAPMULT = 1.0 for F > 61 0.86 for F 5 61 FIGURE 3-1 Flow-Dependent APL lGil Multiplier (MAPFACr) versus Core Flow O
4 Revision 3
4 Plant Hatch. Unit 1 Cycle 17 f~g Core Operating Limits Report Q
t0 7 .
TWO LOOP OPERATION (TLO) 09 -- - --- _
- . ~ . . ,
r i 1P f
^ oa 550% CORE FLOW SINGLE LOOP OPERAf)ON (SLO) j of . _ _ _ _ .
- 50% CORE F4t)W 4
-j o. . . . . _ _ , , _. . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__
- L y
os. . _ . _ _ . _ . . . - - - __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 . i 04 25 - 30 35 45 SS 65 76 65 95 Core Power (% of Rated)
l MAPFAC P= A - 11 (Po- P)
Operating Conditions Values of Variables P. F -SLO /TLO A H P.
25 s P < 30 Fs50- SLO /TLO 0.46C 0.0000 =30 25 s P < 30 F > SO SLO /TLO 0.433 0.0052 30 30 s P < $0 All -SLO /TLO 0.650 0.0095 50 50 5 P < 57,09 All SLO /TLO 0.791 0.0141 60 57.09 5 P < 60 All - TLO 0.791 0.0141 60
- 60 s P < 70 All 1LO 0.843 0.0052- 70 70 $ P < 80 All TLO 0.896 0.0053 80
- P 2 80 All - TLO l.000 0.0052 100
= P 2 57.09 All SLO 0.750- 0.0000 -
j P = Percent of Rated Core hmer f a Percent of Rated Core I' low FIGURE 3-2A Power-Dependent APLHGR Multiplier (MAPFACp) versus Core Power
.,x (One Turbine Pressure Regulator Operable) 5 Revision 3
Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report to TWO LOOP CPERATION (TLo) l 0p -_-_-_--,_-.___1 E
s50% CORE FLOW "
.I O 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
g , ,,, c,,, ,to, sinots Loomenafon cstoi E
@ 07 a
k ,
r ,
v6 --
4 :
fes h _ _ _ - . _ . _._ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ ~ ___ . . . _ l l
04' 25 E 35 45 55 65 75 es es Core Power (% of Rated)
M APFACp = A - B (PO - P)
Operating Conditions Values of Variables P F SLO /TLO A l 11 P.,
25 s P < 30 F $ 50 SLO /TLO 0.585 0.005224 30 25 s P < 30 F>50 SLO /TLO 0.433 0.005224 30 30 s P < 52 All SLO /TLO 1.00 0.005224 100 P252 All TLO l.00 0.005224 100 P252 All SLO 0.75 0.00 -
P = Percent of Rated Core Power i = Percent of Rated Core How FIGURE 3-2B Power-Dependent APLHGR Multiplier (MAPFACp) versus Core Power (Two Turbine Pressure Regulators Operable)
O 6 Revision 3 l
.1 Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 fm Core Operating Limits Report A Y v
i Average '
[ Planar APLHGR i- 0 .
! Exposure l Limit i
- 0.00 ! 11.52 i30 . .-. . _~ . . UNACCEPTABLE
-1 0.20 1 -11.58 OPERATION, _
1.00 11.71 12 0 - - - _- _ _ . = _. _ . . _ - _ - __ .. .i d
3.00 12.10 , l 4.00 12.30 "O -
- ---- - - - - - - - d l 5.00 12.52 e !
6.00 12.71 l too -
7.00 - 12.88 f-i 8.00 13.05 i a} <0
- - - . _ . - - _I, 9.00 13.19 ! g ACCEPTABLE i 10.00 13.30 f 13.36
- - - - -- - - _ , ION- --
12.50 15.00 13.12
{ so _ . - - ,
l 20.00- 12 48 7.0 ;- - _. ._J 25.00- 11172 i 35.00- 10.19 ,,
j 45.00 8.79 l
-O 51.64 - 5.70 t
( --
$0 - - - - LI 40 00 60 10 0 15 0 20 0 25 0 30 0 35.0 40 0 45 0 80 0 ' 55 0 Average Planer Exposure (GWdist) -
i s
. FIGURE 3-3
j APLilGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure (Fuel Type: GE9B-P8DIl'B330-10GZ-80M-150-T)
,O x..r 7 Revision 3 l
l t
Plant llatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report
, Average j Planar i APLHGR 1 "O-Exposure i Limit ! l 0 00 1 11.8 l ,3 , ,
p**_ __ _
l 0.20 11.9 i j ~
i 1.00 12.0 I
/ UNACCEPTEBL5 I 2.00 12.2 i 12 0 g d----------- -- ---
[ 3.00 12.3 i 4.00 12.5 t
"* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
l 5.00 12.7 l o-.
6 00 7.00 12.9 {
13.1 j l" 300 ,
8.00 13.2 1 .g 9.00 13.3 i d 10.00 13 4 'O - - - ~"- ~ ~ - - - - - -- - - - -
E 12.50 13.5
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
i 0.00 12.5 ACCEPTABLE t 25.00 1 11.8 ! OPERATION i 35.00 i 10.5 i 70 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -
9.0 l f6 45.00 l 51.87 j 5.8 ,, __ _ _ . _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _
60 00 60 10 0 15 0 20 0 25') 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 Average Planar Exposure (GWd/st)
FIGURE 3-4 APLIIGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure (Fuel Type: GE9B-P8DH'B314-8G4.0-80M-150-T)
O 8 Revision 3
Plant Hatch Unit I Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report P
. j Average j
-i- Planar- l APLHGR ! - - "O
! Exposure i- ' Limit -!
- i. 0.00 1 11.57 -I- 13 0 __ .
0.20 l 11.62- ! .
1.00- t 11.75 ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~
-2.00 .i -11.95 l- ' ^^" ^ ~ " ~ ' - ~ ~
'I i = 12.17 j '
3.00 f
=g 4.00 12.41 i "O -- --
- i 5.00 -12.66 i m l
6.00 - 1 12.90 l l 10 o __ _ _ . - - . . . _ - .
7.00- 13.07 I E t 8.00 9.00
-13.22 13.32
g ACCEPTABLE OPERATION ~ - - - "~- --~
l 13.25
[~ 10.00 i 12.50 13.13 i ,8 - - ~ - - - - - -
15.00 12.98 i
-j-20.00 -12.15 l to -
- _ _ _ .i 25.00 -11.33 1- .._ . ,l_ -
35.00 9.77 I
-e0 -.
/]: 50.06 j 5.65 -j- j 50 f - -
j ,
>40 0 00 6 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 55.00 Average Planar Exposure (GW Ust)
I 1
i FIGURE 3-5 APLIIGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure (Fuel Type: GE9B-P8DWB331-10G7-80M-150-T) fD
'w) 9 Revision 3 --
Plant Hatch Unit I Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report i Average i Planar iAPLHGR: i20, i Exposure i Limit p* N ^^ ^ ^ ^
0 00 1 11.07 UNACCEPT BLE i 0.20 i 11.14 i uo [- - - - --.
[ 1.00 i 11.32
! 2.00 1 11.58 !
3.00 1 11.70 ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ' ~~
4.00 1 11.70~
5.00 i 11.70 4 6.00 7.00 I 11.70 i 11.70 i l"
- ~ - ~~~- ~ ~~-~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' -~~~~' - '~ "~~ ~
r i
l 8.00 9.00 11.70 11.70
]8 d -ACCEPTABL5^ - - - - --
10.00 l 11.70 i g OPERATION _
k to - - -
I 17.50 l 11.70 l 20 00 1 11.56 I so .
25.00 l 10.86 - l 30.00 1 10.19 t 35.00 l 9.54 so - , - - - - -
40.00 l 8.90 45.00 l 8.25 i 50.00 1 7.57 i 4o 55.00 1 6.88 l 'om sm to m is ao 20 m 25 m 30 m 35 00 40 oo 45 m so m ssao sooo
! 57.27 I 6.51 l Average Planar Exposure (GWdist)
FIGURE 3-6 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure (Fuel Type: GE13-P9HTB327-12 GZ.10031-146-T-L UA -RECON)
O 10 Revision 3
Plant Hatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 -
- gy - Core Operating Limits Report' d
l _ Average Planar "O -
! Exposure I - Limit
.I 0.00 =1 11.67 i
~~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~
. [ 0.20 l 11.73 '
1 . 1.00 1 11.84- t rr .
2.00- 12.00 I' 12 0 - -- - - - -- -
_ . , . _ _ _ . _ . _ . __j 12.16 j-3.00 4 -
4.00- 12.34 1 !
"# ~ ~
5.00- 12.51 i m 6.00 7.00 12.03 i 12.86 i E l 30 0 ._
8.00 13.04 i j 9.00 i -13.19 -$ " '
i 10.00 i - 12I0 - @
I 12.50 - i- 12.65 E OPERATION
_ 15.00 12.52 ; ,, _
20.00 - 11.91 i ,
25.00- 11,22 i 35.00 l 9.92- 7c - - - - - - ._
45.00 8.76
.N 51.71 - 5.84 i g i l- ...
t 50
- 0 00 5 00 10 00 15.00 20.00 25 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 55 00 Average Planar Esposure (GWd/st) ,
l l
FIGURE 3-7 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure (Fuel Type: GE9B-P8DWB346-10GZ-80U-ISO-T) i O
11 Revision 3 l-1.
Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report
, Average j Fianar iAPLHGR
- Exposure ? Limit i i 0.00 9.12 . to o - . _ - - - - . . . . -
i 0 20 1 9.14 t I 1.00 t 9.23 i es h i, 2 00 l 9.35 i j. . - _ , -- - - -- . - _ - - - - -
3.00 l 9 46
4.00 l 9.55 i eo - . _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . , _ _ .
5.00 1 9.61 e 6.00 { 9 67 !7 55 7.00 9.73 I
8.00 9.81 9.00 9.92 $ so j l 10.00 10.03 i 11.00 9.94 4 12.00 9.80 75 -- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
13.00 9.66 14 9 7o . . _ - . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _.
17.00 i 9 29 I
20.00 l 9.02 65 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -
i 25.00 l 8.57 i i 30.00 i 8.14 35 00 l 7.71 o.o so to o ts o no 25 0 zo ss o 40 0 45 0 so o o Average Planar Exposure (GWd/st) i 50.00 6 43 }
FIGURE 3-8 APLIIGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure (Fuel Type: GE12-P10HSB331-6 G5.0M G4. 0-100 T-ISO- T) 9 12 Revision 3
' Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17
- f-Core Operating Limits Report l ' (f
' Avgerage Planar APLHGR ! "o~ -
Exposure 0.00 l 1.imit !
11.24 i
/ ,
'" ~ ~~ ~'
0.20 -11.29 j ~
1.00- 11.42- i f OPERAT ON 2.00 - 11.61 J 11 0 - - - - - - ~ - - - - .--- - ..- . - . __ ., : cm . . .
a 3.00 11.83 i
-4.00 12.06 i
'" ~
5.00- 12.30 -
"-~ ~ ~" -i 6 00 7.00 12.55 12.71 f
- t. eo _ _ . .
fi 8.00 12.85 l 9.00 12.95
[ i-10.00 12.88 l- h" - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ " - - '
12.50 - 12.76 {
" - - ACCEPTEBL5' ~ ~ - - - - "- - - - -
0 4 25.00 10.35 . OPERATION 35.00 10.05 00 - - - - - - - - - - ~~I 36.00 - 10.04 .
37.00 10.00
~~ ~~ ~~
38.00 9.96- t 39.00 9.92 l I 40.00 9.89 -40 i i 42.50 9.42 0" '0 00 20 00 30 00 40 00 ' 60 00 - 80 00 45.00 8.15 Average Planar Esposure (GWdlet) 50.06- 5.63 NOTE: THIS IS THE APLHGR LIMIT FOR THE MOST LIMITING LATTICE AS A FUNCTION OF AVERAGE PLANAR EXPOSURE.
g FIGURE 3 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure
-h (Fuel Type:GE9B-P8Dil'B331-10GZ-80M-150-T-MAPL) .
V- '
13 Revision 3
, . . = - .
, Plant liatch Unit I Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report 4.0 MCPR OPERATING LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.2)
The MCPR operating limit (OLMCPR) for each fuel type is a function of core power.
core flow, average scram time, number of operating recirculation loops, operability of the end of-cycle recirculation pump trip (EOC RPT) system, operability of the turbine bypass valves, and number of operating turbine pressure regulators.
With both recirculction pumps in operation (TLO), the OLMCPR for each fuel type with various combinations of equipment operability, scram times, core power and core flow is determined as follows:
- a. For 25% 5 power < 30%, the power-dependent MCPR limit is given in Figure 4-1,
- b. For power 2 30%, the OLMCPR is the greater of either:
- 1) The product of the appropriate value from Figure 4-2A or Figure 4 2B and the appropriate value from Figures 4-4A through 4-4D, as determined by Table 4-1, or O
- 2) The flow-dependent MCPR limit determined from the applicable maximum core flow limit line of Figure 4-3, With only one recirculation pump in operation (SLO), the OLMCPR for each fuel type is the TLO OLMCPR plus 0.01.
Operation with intermittent feedwater temperature reduction is included in the MCPR limits presented in Figures 4-4A through 4-4D.
In Figures 4-4A through 4-4D, Option A scram time MCPR limits correspond to i = 1.0, where t is determined from scram time measurements performed in accordance with Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements and Option B values correspond to T = 0.0. For scram times between Option A and Option B, the MCPR limit for each fuel type corresponds to T. If t has not been determined Option A limits are to be used. Refer to Table 4-1 to detennine the applicable set of fuel-type dependent curves.
O 14 Revision 3
. . -.m_, _ _ . . - - - , . _ . . . - - _ - . .
Plant lidtch Un_it'l Cycle 17 - l W,-j !C6te Operating Limits Report _
- Af .
. The average scram time of the control rods. T. is dermed as:
- -n tm in -
- t. '= 0,or : ._whichever is greater. ,
[r TA-in '
where:' ig= 1 081 sec (Technical Specification 3.1.4, Table 3.1.4 1, scram time '
limit to notch 36). ,
In 4
NI in = p + 1.65 -- + o - * , ,
{ vhere: p- = 0.822 sec (mean scram time used in the transient analysis), j c ca 0.018'sec (standard deviation of ).
4 1
- z ,= ,
[ 1..Ni
- where: ?n:. : = number of surveillance tests performed to date in the cycle.
p .
I N,1 =. number of active control rods measured in the ith surveillance test.
[ T- i = average scram time to notch 36.of all rods in the ith surveillance test, t lN, = =' total number of active rods measured in Technical Specifications
t 2
k Y 15 Revision 3
. s-. . , . - . . ..,z , -
Plant Hatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report Table 4-1 MCPR Operating Flexibility Options l
With Use One Turbine Pressure Regulator Operable Figure 4-2A Two Turbine Pressure Regulators Operable Figure 4-2B
With Use EOC-RPT Turbine Bypass Valves l
Operable Operable Figure 4-4 A
. inoperable Operable Figure 4-4B Operable Inoperable Figure 4-4C Inopen.ble Inoperable Figure 4-4D O
16 Revision 3 1, 1
. _ __. _ . - __ _ . _ _ , . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . - _. _ _ .. _ ._.m _ ___ . - _ . . _ . _ -
P Plant Hatch Unit 1 Cy cle 17
_X . Core Operating Limits Report lb 26 j i i~
3 24 --
350% Fkpw c e .
23 -
- W ;
~2 2 I f' k 150% Flow }
- i e W I-
/ }
20 j 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0
(/ Core Power (% of Rated) l OLMCPR = A + B (30 - P) 1 F A B F 5 50 2.00 0.02 F > 50 -2.40 0.02 P = Percent of Rated Core Power I = Ivrcent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-1 Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) versus Core Power from 25% to 30 % of Rated Core Power iO
! 17 Revision 3
t l Plant llatch Unit i Cycle 17 Core Operating 1.imits lleport 9
17 - . - _ _ . - . _ . - , _ . . . _ _ . . _ . -
te' _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . , , ____ _ . . _ _ _ _ _
T i E
} 15 ~. -. _. ~.- - .- - _.__-__..- ._- ___
l ^i 5
x .
g 14 .
W i 13 .- _ . , _ , . _ . _ _ _ . _ _
_.._ _. _ . _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ .g 4 12 c.
11 . - - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . ._i i
10 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 00 0 65 0 90 0 95 0 100 0 Core Power (% of Rated)
Kp = A + B (Po - P)
P A 11 P, 30 $ P < 40 1.50525 0,010311 40 40 s P < 50 1.42103 0.008422 50 50 s P < 60 1,17649 0.024454 60 60 5 P < 70 1.09478 0.008171 70 70 s P < 80 1.04959 0.004519 80 80s P 1.00000 0.00248 100 P = Percent of Rated Core Power FIGURE 4-2A Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (Kp) versus Core Power (One Turbine Pressure Regulator Operable)
O 18 Revision 3
Plant liatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report 7
X t 7.
i j$ . .r-.e.~.. .w+ , . . _.---..,w. .m .. -.
} !
i sl . _ - _ - _ . _
.______._-.._2.__. . _ - - _
l 34 _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _
is . _ . _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ . .
_ . . _ - - _ _ . . . __ -}
i g32 ___ _ . .
ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ . - _ . _
10 30 0 ~ 35 0 40 0 450 50 0 65 0 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 0 100 0 Core Power (%of Rated)
Kp = A + H (Pi- P) l' A- 11 P. -
30 $ P < 45 - 1,28 0.01340 45 45 s P < 60 - 1,15 - 0,00867 60 60sP l.00 0.00375 100 P = Percent of Rated Core Iwer FIGURE 4-2B
- Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (Kr) versus Core Power (Two Turbine Pressure Regulators Operable)
- J. .
19 Revision 3
Plant flatch Unit I Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report 17 -
1s - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - --- .-
- Maximum flow Rate:
[ 117.0 %
u %
112.0 %
(E 16 -
- --107.0% ^-- --
-- ~1 102.5 %
e g i4 ___ _ . . -
__ . _ - . . _ _ - - - _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . ~ ..__-_._q i
e !
$c .
13 __
_ _ _ _ . . . . ~
c t ,
i 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -
I 11' 30 40 50 60
! G 70 80 90 100 110 120 Core Flow (% of Rated)
MCPRr = Maximum l1.2,(A*F + B)C]
Operating Values of Variables Conditions Masimum Core Flow (% of Rated) A H 117.0 -0.00632 1.809 112.0 - 0.00602 1.747 107.0 0.00586 1.697 102.5 0.00571 1.655 F C F<10 l + 0.0032 * (40 l')
I'2 40 1.000 l' = Percent of Rakd Core Flow FIGURE 4-3 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) versus Core Flow 20 Revision 3 1
Plant Hatch Unit l Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report a
1 40 1 36 --
13e _
l 1 34 , - - -
1 l
f- .5 GE13 g 1 32 A
< ism -
i 30 _ _. _.._. _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .
i 2e -~
sees - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i t re . ~ ... _ I
_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ i i
O 1 24 00 01 02 0.3 04- 06 Tau 06 07 08 09 10 FIGURE 4-4 A MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time (EOC-RPTSystem Operable and Turbine Bypass l'alves Operable)
O 21 Revision 3
l 1
Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Iteport I 1 50 t 43 . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ . - . . _ _ , , - - . . - _ , . -___ _.-
1 46 _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . . - , _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . _ . - . _ . . _.
GE12 1 44 . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ . .._ _ - . . _ _ _
1 42 ~-- . - _ - . - - - . . - . . _ - . _ -
- " b I 1 38 - - - - - - - - - - -
, 33s . . _ _ _ .
1 34 - - - - - - -- -
- - ~ - - - - - - - - - --.- ---
GE98 I 4 1 32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
-l 1 30
! W 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 06 09 10 Tau FIGURE 4-4B MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time (EOC-RPTSystem inoperable and Turbine Bypass l'alves Operable)
O' 22 Revision 3
Plant flatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating 1.imits Report s
.1 1
er* . .._
1 42 - - - - GE 12 ----- - - - -
1 1
ie ____. ___ . - . _ _ _ , _ _ _ . . _ 3 f
a A l
m 1 Q, 1 38 . _ . . _ . . _ _ - - - _ . . , _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , , _.___. _ . _ ,. __j W GE13 i
1 36 .-_.. _ . . . .. - . . . . _ . , _ _ _ , _ . _ . , _ , . _ . _ . , . _ _ . _
f GE98 l
-- t u -- - - - - - - - - . _ . .. . . . , .;
1 22 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Tau i
FIGURE 4-4C MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time (EOC-RPTSystem Operable and Turbine Bypass Valves inoperable) 23 Revision 3
Plant llatch Unit 1 Cycle 17 Core Operating Limits Report O
f i $7 _ _ ___ _ _.
1 55 - - - -- - ---
1 SJ - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
GEt2 ,
t si - - - . - - - - - -~ - - -- . - - - - - -- . - - - -
-- l 3 4, . _ -__ _. . . _ - _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ ... ;
E i
.[ 3 47 ._ _- . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.. i E i y 3 45 ~~~ utr-
~~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - ' ~
i 43 . . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - - __ .
i 1 41 --~ - -- - - - . - - - - - - _ - - , . - - - - _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ _ --- I i 3, - .. .-
q 3 37 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . - . . . . . _ _ _ . . ._
1 35 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 06 09 to Tau FIGURE 4-4D MCPR Limits versus Average Scram Time (EOC-RPTSystent inoperable and Turbine Bypass l'alves inoperable) 9 24 Revision 3
i 1 Plant Hatch Unit'l Cycle 17 f3 Core Operating Limits Report.
.(1 5.0 APRM FLOW HlASED SIMULATED TilERMAL POWER -lilGil Time Constant (Surveillance Requirement
The allowable value for the APRM Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power High time
' constant is s 7.0 seconds.
- 1. - " General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," NEDE-24011-P-A US, August 1996.
- 2. L "er, L. P) Crocker (NRC) to W, G. Hairston (GPC)," Issuance of Amendment No.168 to Facility Operating License DPR-57 and Amendment No.- 106 to Facility Operating License NPF 5 Edwin 1. Ilatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (TAC Nos.
% : 73614 and 73615)" December 29,1989 r v
- 3. " Supplements! Reload Licensing Report for Edwin 1, Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Reload 16. Cycle 17." General Electric Document 24A5353. Revision 0, March 1996.
4 4. "Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units' I and 2 SAFER /GESTR - LOCA Loss-of '
Coolant Accident Analysis," NEDC-31376-P, December 1956.
- 5. Letter REK:96-146,"Feedwater Controller Failure Transients for Hatch I Cycle 17," R. E. Kingston (GE) to K. S. Folk _(SNC), April 25,1996.
- 6. - Letter LDN97093," Hatch 1 Cycle 17 ARTS Limits for PROOS." L. D. Noble (GE) to K. S. Folk (SNC), August 8,1997.
- 7. Letter LDN97094. " Hatch 1 Cycle 17 Updated MCPR Operating Limits, MAPLHGRs. and Process Computer Update," L D. Noble (GE) to K. S. Folk -
(ShC), August 18,1997.
- 8. Letter LDN97106. "New MAPLHGR Limits for Bundle 2190." L D. Noble (GE) to R. G. Cocherell (SNC). September 9.1997.
m 25 Revision 3