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Forwards Plans for Complying W/Guidance for Emergency Response Facilities,Contained in NUREG-0696.Based on Two Exercises & Four Drills from Sept 1980-Feb 1981,adequate Capabilities Exist to Protect Public in Event of Emergency
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1981
From: Parker W
To: Adensam E, Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0696, RTR-NUREG-696 NUDOCS 8106050415
Download: ML19346A219 (6)



DUKE POWER COMPANY Powan Buttorwo 422 SocTa Cacacu Srazzr, CHAntoTTE. N. C. 28242 WILLI A M O. PA R M E R, J R.

/sce persictm, TELtpwht; Aeth 704 set. p coverio~ June 1, 1981 3734ess


.i Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director ,

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation s ,, e U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .' g~  : [. j [ %f\:n Washington, D. C. 20555 ,

y h t..Ji,j ,Q d Attention: Ms. E. G. Adensam, Chief i "' " O E 3 01 * {3]I Licensing Branch No. 4 u s. w n m m ,

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McGuire Nuclear Station L

[D Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370 \"'[,

Dcar Mr. Denton: -

Attached are Duke Power Company's plans for complying with the guidance for.emer-gency response facilities as contained in NUREG-0696. 2ese plans are a part of more extensive overall emergency planning which has beet. under formulation and implementation since September 1979. This planning has incorporated NRC and AIF guidance as it became available. All appropriate levels of corporate. management have been and are involved in this Crisis Management Plan, which makes maximum use of existing facilities and recognizes the fact that accidents are not pre-dictable. The organization, plan and' supporting facilities are structured for maximum fleicibility and are not dependent upon data system hardware for .uccess-ful execution.

Duke's approach to emergency planning lead to the early operability of our emer- ,

gency facilities (both Oconee and McGuire facilities were operable in early 1981) l 1

and takes advantage of the large instrumentation data base available through existing computer systems. These computer systems are part of a family of similar 1 systems which have been successfully applied in fossil, hydro and nuclear plant - l installations since 1963. Total availability of these systems, including those


installed in the 1960's, averages approximately 99%. This availability factor considers computer outages during periods of no 'need (unit outages, etc.).

Furthermore, very little additional training is required of plant operators since they are already familiar with existing computer systems and no new source of confusion will be introduced into the control room.

Duke's Crisis Management Organization and Nuclear Station Emergency Teams conducted .

four drills and two exercises during the time period from September, 1980 to February, 1981. Regulatory agency and internal review of these events has in-dicated that adequate capabilities exist to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of an actual emergency. The data acquisition and transmission system described within this conceptual design description is adequate to allow those persons within the Technical Support Center (TSC), Control Room, and Crisis Management Center (CME, i.e. , Emergency Operations Facility) . to perform their assigned roles.

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8106050 N [

D-Mr.' Harold R. Denton, Director June 1, 1981 Page Two The availability of well-organized plant, meteorological,'and radiological data-in the TSC, Control Room, and CiC during these drills and exercises has enhanced the organizations' capabilities in accident assessment, in making timely pro-tective action recommendations, and in radiological exposure control.


The combination of a well trained emergency organization and emergency facilities which enable timely review of present and past data satisfies the intent of NUREG-0696, while providing sufficient flexibility to deal with.the unexpe,cted.

Very truly yours, ,

-Q f f h/ w,


William O. Parker, Jr. -

MS RLG:pw Attachment cc: Ms. M. J. Graham Mr.J. P.' 0'Reilly, Director Rcsident Inspector - NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission McGuire Nuclear Station Region II

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DUKE POWER COMPANY EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES McGUIRE-NUCLEAR STATION I. . Technical Support Center I. Duke Power Company has established ~a Technical Support _ Center for McGu' ire Nuclear Station as identified, located and the corporate Crisis Management Plan.~ The TSC is on the same elevation and within two,

, minutes walking distance from the Control Room. .The TSC.have the follow--

ing capabilities and characteristics:

1. . Redundant two-way communication with the Control Room,-the Crisis Management Center (Emergency Operations Facility) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center.


2. Monitoring for direct radiation land airborne radioactive contami-nants, with local l readout of radiation level and alarms if preset
levels are-exceeded. Laboratory analysis is required if it be-comes necessary to detect radioiodines at concentrations as low-as 10-7 microcuries/cc. *
3. Display, printout or. trending of comprehensive data necessary to monitor reactor systems status and to evaluate. plant system ab--

normalities; in-plant and off-site radiological parameters and meteorological parameters are also available. ThisLeapability is

provided via each unit's Operator Aid Computer, as descri$ed in Section VI.

[ 4. Ready access to as-built plant drawings suc5 as general arrange-ment, flow diagrams, electrical one-lines,-instrument details, etc.

5. Habitability during postulated radiological accidents to the same degree as the Control Room.

l l 6. Provisions for staffing by the Station Manager, group superin-( tendents, advisors and representatives frem the station's health

! physics, chemistry, performance, instrument and electrical and f maintenance' groups, the NSSS supplier and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Space for up to.25 persons plus the necessary in-strumentation displays is provided and 1M sufficient for the personnel, activities and equipment necessary for response to l emergencies.

II. Operational Support Center The OSC is described in Section 7 of the-Station Emergency Plan and the Crisis Management Plan.

l l





III. Emergency Operations Facility The' Crisis Management Center consists of both a near-site facility and an' off-site facility. 'For McGuire, the near-site the Training and Technology Center, located within one-half mile of the site outside the protected area boundary. Duke's corporate. headquarters in Charlotte, N. C. serves as the off-site' facility. .The near-site facility will be-staffed by the-off-site radiological coordinator and the crisis news groups. The Recovery Manager and his immediate staff may initially lo-cate at either the.near-site or.the off-site facility depending upon specific circumstances. The remainder of the Crisis Management organi-zation will locate at the off-site facility.

'These facilities have the following capabilities and characteristics:

1. The CMC is a substantial. structure, providing significant shielding (protection factor >50) from direct outside radiation.
2. The CMC is large enough to provide working space and facilities.for at least'50 persons, including ten NRC personnel. Conference rooms are also available, one of which has been designated for media brief-ings. Anticipated occupants are the Recovery Manager and his advisors and staff, clerical support, crisis news representatives and appro-priate local, State and Federal agency representatives.
3. Redundant, dedicated two-way communications with the TSC, Control Room, NRC and appropriate off-site support agencies (including local govern-ment agencies).
4. Provisions for receipt of periodic' summaries of plant data sufficient-to allow accurate and timely assessments of the actual and potential on-site and off-site environmental consequences of an accident. Timely plant systems and meteorological data can be received periodically as described in Section VI; environmental radiation monitoring data is gathered by monitoring teams and provided to the CMC via radio. These capabilities are in accordance with the requirements of our corporate


Crisis Management Plan.

l Ready access to as-built plant drawings such as general arrangements, I 5.

I flow diagrams, electrical one-lines, instrument details, etc.

i There is a possibility of a radiation release of sufficient magnitude l

! 6.

to render the'near-site facilities uninhabitable. Although this is an extremely unlikely event, alt'ernate facilities have been designated as indicated below. During the evacuation from primary to alternate j facility, control of emergency activities will be handled from the TSC.

l McGuire: Backup near-site CMC and media center = corporate head-quarters approximately 15 miles away in Charlotte, N. C.

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IV. Sefsty Paramettr Display' System'


Duke Power' Company is in the process of developing formats for displays 4 of plant variables -representative of safety status of 'the. plant.-

l The functional objectivesLand-display techniques will' be. addressed as part of,the final resolution of Duke's control room review plan

- and NUREG-0700, and will use those parameters determined _ by AIF/NSAC  ;

as being representative. Displays will be provided.via the existing

- Operator Aid Computer,-with data discussed below.


Displays will be available for callup in both the Control Room and-the TSC. Displays in the Control Room are readily accessible and visible i from the normal operation area. SPDS displays;will notLbe provided in the CMC, since real-time ~ data is not necessary to perform the required CMC functions.

V. Nuclear Data Link t Periodic snapshots of plant. conditions will be provided on a one-page summary transmitted via telecopier. Voice communications may be used to obtain additional data or to confirm questionable areas. . Any. '

real-time means of data transmission to the NRC' would-only) serve to impact ' existing information available to the operator and add con-fusion in an emergency situation. Additional justification for' this position was provided in W.O. Parker's April 3, 1981. letter to H.R.



VI. Data Acquisition and Transmission l

i Each unit's Operator' Aid Computer (OAC)'is utilized for the acquisition l

of data for the emergency response facilities. The Capability exists s ,

l --

to access and display / print thousands of parameters, individually-or in groups. A CRT,' operator panel and line printer are provided-in the TSC such that this capability is independent of control' room actions.



-Duke Power's experience with similar process computer -installations ,

would lead to expectations of data- availability in the -TSC of over ,

99%, including'the effects of power supply outages.

Power to the OAC is provided from an inverter, which is fed by a battery / charger combination. Automatic swapover to an alternate regulated source occurs in the event of inverter failure.

f. Scheduled outages 'cannot be limited to 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> nor can ' t'he capabil'ity

'to be fully operational within 30 minutes during these outages be-assured. Overall unavailability,-however, is expectedito be less-than 0.01 when the reactor is above cold shutdown status, f A combination of. strip charts and event recorder and'0AC printouts 1 '

l provides' sufficient analyze an incident from a pre-event / post event aspect. Circuit transients will not cause a loss-of this


stored data and will not affect vital TSC functions.

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- Data is provided' to the Control Room, TSC and CMC via a combination of _ the.

OAC, laboratory analyses and manually gathered measurements. The Regula-tory Guide 1.97 parameter set, display techniques and design criteria will be addressed in responses specific to tLac reg 21 story guide. Information and conclusions are transmitted to the facilities based.upon the functions to be performed in each facility.


The OAC is utilized to acquire most of the -data needed in offsite facilities.

That data can either be printed in the TSC for subsequent transmission via-telecopier or written on-floppy discs'for subsequent. entry into local batch terminals ~for additional calculations or transmission to corporata head-quarters. ' Data which is not gathered by the'0AC (samples, environmental radiation monitor readings, etc.) can be manually entered via keyboard.

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