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Monthly Operating Rept for May 1981
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/1981
From: Elam G
Shared Package
ML20004F707 List:
NUDOCS 8106220209
Download: ML20004F710 (13)


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3 16 Cross T hor ne t Ener2g Generated (MWH) 0 2156314 67959196

17. Gross Electr6cel Energy,Cenerated (hWH) y 0 709680 22009330 Net Electr6cti Energy Genera ted (MWH) -5886 658768 20911246 , _ , _ . _ _ y y _ _ l _8 19 Unit Service Fector 0_ o 32.0 69,7 Un6t Ave 6 tab 6tity Tector 0.0 32.0 63,7 20
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22 Unit cepec6ty Factor ( U s 6 ng DE_R_ft e t ) -

                                                                                                                                                                                    -1       0                                   23.4             -


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DOCKET NO' 50-321

                       .                                                               UNIT SilUIDOWNS AND POWER REDUCIl0NS                                                    .

UNIT N AME Hatch 1 DATE 6-10-81 G. ,1. Elam COMPLETED BY

       .                                                                                          REPC~lT M0b Til                              5-81                                                   TELEFil0NE                    91?-367-7851
                                        /                                           -
                                                                                             "t.o                                                         -

a -, . ' . Eg " " y ~>~ Licensee 83,  % Cause & Correcilic jg Nie. Daic $ 3gd Event 3,3 v3 o Action to Prevent Recurrence t- g M jg Repori# g

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                                     ~ '
                                                                                                              " NM                            ZZ     ZZZZZZ:             Scheduled" refueling.' outage 744.0 81-33           810501                S                    C-        11                                                                                                                                                     ,                           ,
m. .
                                                                        .f C:::l3                                                                  '.


  • C. .

====. .. O  ! I 3 3 . i m Method: Exhibit G. Instructions - f: Forced Reason: .. . for Preparation of Data 5: Scheduled A l:quipruent Failure (Explain) . I Manual

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841:.intenance of Test

                                                                                                                                           '2 Manur' 3.crain.                                           Entry Sheels for Licensee b
  • C. Refueling ..- 3.Autor. ...c Scram.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ' Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-4 --Continuations D Itegolatory Reurletion 0161)                                                .

E-Operator Training & Ucense Examtr3tiott . . . 5-Ioad aeduction $

                                   ,                      F AJndnistrative                                         -
                                                                                                                                       .-.-9-other -(Explain)                                 .

Enhibill-Same Source Goperational Error (Expiato). . . 4 . IlOlhcr(Explain) - .

             .    (9/T7)                 .
                                                   . .. .                                                               .~
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                                           ,-'.,* * -       -                                   i;                      .                       ..           .-

NARRATIVE REPORT UNIT 1 , May 1st Unit 1 in scheduled refueling outage e 0 ed -f $ O ee eb .P O 4 9 en G e


 ,         81-3146        5-20-81          Repaired    HPCI          exhaust     stop
               .                           check valve lE41-F021 81-1448        5-5-81           Repaired LLRT pressure boun-dary valve lEll-F065B 81-1513        4-14-80          Pulled    cable           required      to complete DCR 78-60,                recirc system 1B31/lC71
          '81-1568        5-22-81          Repaired LLRT test             boundary valves lEll-F026A 81-1932        5-6-81           Repaired LLRT test             boundary 7,     ,
                                         , valves lEll-F097 81-3684        5-21-81    ,

Spliced B06 cable with B04 cable for circuits R24-S022-ES6-M07C and M07D in pull box E41-F006, HPCI pump discharge valve E41-F006 81-3297 5-16-81 Put blank under RHR relief valve Ell-F025B and removed after completion of hydrostat 81-3292 5-16-81 Blocked RHR check valve Ell-F089 for RHR hydrostatic test PT-1 and returned to service after test . 81-3299 5-16-81' Blocked RHR check valve Ell-F090 for RHR hydrostatic test PT-1 and returned to service after test 80-4864 3-25-81 Modify instrument piping supports, PS2, to meet IEB 79-14 81-1850 5-22-81 Removed snubber 1B31-SB6, replaced seals and FTed 81-3295 5-20-81 Repaired LLRT test boundary


valve 1-Gil-F019 81-2886 5-9-81 Installed lugs on DW/ torus vent header downcomer T23

                                                             , , . .         v-1        T

z : 81-1831 5-20-81 Repaired LLRT test boundary valve lEll-F007A - 81-1848 5-16-81 Rebuilt and FTed snubber 1B31-SS-A12

        .81-1851~       '5-17-81               Rebuilt     and            FTed         snubber 1B31-SS-B7 81-1852         5-16-81               Rebuilt      and           FTed         snubber 1B31-SS-B8 81-1853         5-17-81               Rebuilt     and            FTed         snubber 1B31-SS-B13 81-1890 5-23-81               Rebuilt     and           _FTei         snubber 1B31-SS-B2 81-1940         4-1-81                Repaired      10"          RCIC         exhaust line stop check valve E51-F001 81-1956' 4-3-81 e -   e        Repaired LLRT test                     boundary valve lE51-F040 81-1957         4-26-81               Repaired LLRT test                     boundary valve 1T48-F335A 81-2545         5-15-81            _ Repaired     LLRT test                  boundary
,                                              valve 1B21-F016A 81-1695         4-27-81               Installed              motor            control center concrete pad R24-S021A                                  '

81-1438 5-17-81 Leisconnect all LPRM cables 1C51 under vessel prior to word on CRD and LPRM replace-ment, reconnect and TDR test all LPRM cables when work is complete 81-1449 4-26-81 Repaired LLRT pressure boun-dary valve-Ell-F028B

        ,81-1451         5-5-81                Repaired LLRT pressure- boun-dary valve-Ell-F049 81-1926         4-28-81               Pulled annunciator cable per DCR 78-80            for        addition of battery        fuse                 monitoring system 1R42-F001A 81-965          4-16-81               Rebuilt and stored CRD from following        positions               26/15, 18/19,   34/19,            22/23,        18/31, 26/39,   18/27,            18/35,         26/17~,


                                                    ~                                            ---    -- ~
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r _, -- . . _ , -.y . - .

S i . 81-3504' 5-22-81 Repaired conduit on torus to drywell vacuum breakers 1T48-

  • F323A-L 81-1928 4-28-81 Pulled and terminated inter connecting cables in battery RMS 1A.and 1B (per DCR 78-80) 1R42-S001A&B 81-i925 4-22-81 Installed J boxes and conduit (per DCR 78-80) for addition of fuse monitoring station service battery 1R42-S001A&B 81-3452 5-20-81 Repaired 20" butterfly valve 1T48-F309 81-3473 5-20-81 Repair e.d 4" gate valve Gil-F020 81-3478 5-14-81 Repaired 16" check valve
                             #^ '

lE41-F049 81-2991 4-21-81 Rewelded RBCCW discharge from "B" recirc motor 1P42 81-2795 5- 13-81 Repaired valve T48-F308 81-2796 5-13-81 Repaired valve T48-F307 81-1888 5-20-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed snubbers 1B31-SS-B5 81-1889 5-22-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed snubbers 1B31-SS-B4 81-2001 5-5-81, Disassembled and inspected HPCI iso valve lE4-F001 81-2447 4-26-81 Repaired valve T48-F103 81-967 5-23-81 Removed dryer / separator shield plugs ( 3-5-81) and reinstalled on 5-16-81 Bil shielding l 80-3225 5--11-81 Repaired RE R BHX' inlet valve l lEll-F091B i 81-973 5-23-81 Removed RPV head 1Bil-A001

                   -              for    refueling       ( 3-4 -81)       and reinstaa. led (5-21-81) 81-4057      5-22-81      Repaired valve Ell-F053A ein.u     b

s . 81-2791 4-26-81 ' Repaired'RHR test. valve lEll-

                                     'F024B                                         ,

81-4046 5-22 Repaired valve Ell-F028A 81-4020. 5-22-81 Replaced torus to drywell vacuum breakers 1T48-F323A-L 81-3980 5-19-81 Tested and repaired safety relief valve Ell-F030B 81-3905 5-23-81 Repaired flex conduit to solenoid T48-F311 81-3904 5-23-81 Repaired flex conduit to solenoid T48-F307 81-3'670 5-2'0-81 Blocked valve 1B31-F019 for. hydro test and removed block after test 81-18'48 5-24-8T ' # Removed', rebuilt,. and FTed snubber 1B31-SS-B3 81-1437 5-8-81 Removed tip tubing 1C51 from under vessel to pedastal . wall and reinstalled when work was complete , 81-970 5-18-81 Removed steam dryer / separator assembly 1Bil and reinstalled on 5-18-81 81-486 3-5-81 Removed seal plate from RHR and weld to pipe lEll-18" GEE 81-491 3-5-81, Removed seal plate from exterior end of service water pipe P41-30" HEE 81-1844 5-6-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed snubber 1B31-S-A2 81-1845 5-6-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed snubber 1B31-S-A3 81-1846 5-8-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed snubber 1B31-S-A6 81-1884 4-11-81 Repaired valve lE51-F104L5 81-2146 4-30-81 Removed shield plug and CRD l manway 1C11 shield and replaced when work was completed l-

                                           .w                      ,  J.          ,
                , . , ~     ,    _                                        .-,.

81-1951- 4-27-81 Repaired strainer backwash P41-G001 at intake structure , 81-1950 4-11-81 Repaired 18" RHR service water pipe Ell-G001 81-19'31 4-26-81 Repalred valve lEll-F055B 80-26 4-3-81 Repaired bolts on CRD drive flange C11-34-35 81-2797 5-13-81 Repaired butterfly valve 1-T48-F324 31-2583 5-5-81 Disconnected cables Hil-P654-C230, C233 ad C234; replaced 1" portion with 3" conduit, labeled, and repulled to their RTDs 81-2516 4-16-81 Repaired copper deposit on drywell' torus vent headter 1T23 81-2515 4-21-81 Repaired copper deposit on main steam relief valve E piping 1B21-MSRVP 81-2446 4-27 Repaired valves 1B21-F010A and 1B21-F0llA 81-1847 5-12-81 Removed, repaired, and Fted snubber 1B31-SS-A8 81-1549 4-22-81 Repaired 30" plant service water pipe P41-C001 81-4307 4-24-81' Repaired valve 1P41-F313A 80-120 4-7-81 Repaired valve 1P41-F313A 80-120 4-7-81 Repaired recirc pump "B" discharge valve 1B31-F031B. 79-3686 3-10-81 Rnpaired ion chamber power supply 1C51-K605 81-2413 4-30-81 Repaired control room HVAC unit lZ41-B003C 81-2191 s 4-26-81 Fabricated and installed conduit supports for primary containment high pressure switch 1C71-N004

                                                                                                - ;
f. O  :

81-1526 4-13-81 Installed conduit supports to complete remote shutdown , system:1C82-P001&2 81-1550 4-22-81 Repaired 30" service water pipe P41-30" HEE-G001 81-1573 3-25-81 Repaired seal L.on RHR SW pump D 1 Ell-C001D . . 81-7.822 3-18-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed hydraulic subber lEll-RHRH-234 81-1823 3-24-81 Removed, repaired, and FTed hydraulic subber 1B21-FDH-12B 81-1566 5-21-81 Repaired valve lEll-F025A i 81-1569 5-5-81 Repaired valves lE41-F002&3 81-3601 5-10-817' '7 Installed new 0-ring on purge , exhaust' valve 1T48-F326 l 81-3514 5-20-81 Replaced cable on torus water , level high alarm lHil-P654, l 1T48-R607B l 81-2879 4-9-81 Repaired valve 1B21-NO31C l i 81-1824 4-15-81 Installed new snubber (ser

                                                 #2500-10-71) 1B31-FDH-19                           ,

81-1862 4-15-81 Installed new snubber (ser

                                                 #2.500-10-66) 1B21-FDH-25 81-1836            4-16-81           Installed         new   snubber       (ser 92500-20-144) 1B21-557 f

81-1838 4-15-81 Installed new snubber (ser 42500-30-84) 1B21-SS-23 81-1839 4-7-81 Installed new snubber (ser

i. 52500-3-105) 1B21-SS-44 81-1840 4 -7~-81 Installed new snubber (ser
                                                 #2500-3-110) 1B21-SS-43 81-1841            3-26-81           Installed         new   snubber       (ser l                                                 #2500-10-59) 1B21-SS-5 l'

81-1842 - 3-26-81 Installed new snubber (ser

                                                 #2500-10-78) 1B21-SS-12 81-1843            3-26-81           Installed         new   snubber       (ser
                                                 #2500-10-85) 1B21-SS-3 3B e           . s.

F "^ e e

                         . , ,        ,            r - s- ---e   e          . - -               ,   w,

l . .- l 81-1516 4-13-81 Fabricated and installed conduit supports for recirc , system logic 1B31/lC71 81-1854 4-16-81 Installed new snubber (Ser

                                  #2500-30-83) lEll-RHR-52 81-2386      4-21-81        Cleaned    and    prepared    RCIC turbine nozzle E51-C002 79-5368      4-6-81         Replaced gauled stem on feed-water 'A' loop isolation MOV N21-F006A 81> tii ')   3-17-81        Installed      lock-out      relay 86-711 and terminal blocks             -

and wire (per DCR 74-174) on 4160V SWGR bus R22-S005 81-1181 3-17-81 Installed locked relay 86-713

                          # ~   #

and terminal blocks and wiring ~*(per DCR 78-144) on 4160 V SWGR bus R22-S006 81-1182 3-17-81 Installed locked relay 86-715 and terminal blocks and' wiring (per DCR 78-144) on 4160 V SWGR bus R22-5007 81-1187 3-7-81 Pulled cables H21-P2 37-AB33, H21-P237-AC40, H11-P652-ESC-C27J, Hil-P652-ESB-C21J, Hil-P652-ESA-C0JJ, H21-P237-AA40, emergency bus alt. supply ACBs R22-S005,6,7 79-4432 4-25-81 Performed visual inspection of torus support welds 1T23 81-1825 4-7-81 Installed new snubber (ser # 2500-3-106) 1B21-FDH-22A 81-2254- 4-5-81 Repaired reactor vessel level recorder 1B21-R615' 81-3168 5-6-81 Installed vacuum protection plates in pressure switchee 1B21-NO301A-H, J-L 80-4118 4-21-81 Replaced RPIS probe on


control rod 06-19 80-2884 4-21-81 Replaced RPIS probe on control rod 26-39  ;

                                                                            -I l


           . 81-2374        4-21-81       Replaced SBLC                  squib          valves 1C41-F001A&B                                                       ,

81-1018 4-14-81 Replaced detector, drive tubes and assembly on SRM

                   ,                      C51-K600C 81-3032         4-21-81       Installed new RPIS probe in alarm rod block 1C51 81-123          1-25-81       Replaced seals on RHR service water "lA" pump 1Cll-C001A 81-1856         4-7-81        Installed                new   snubber          (ser
                                          #2500-3-109) lEll-RHR-S17

2466' 4-13-81 Installed new snubber (ser

                                          #2500-10-75) E51-RHRH-1305 81-19'44       3-20-81       Repaired                DW pneumatic test r .,   line isol valve 1P70-F083 r                .<                                                            >

81-26'18 4-24-81 Replaced flexible air line 1T48-F333A


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                                                         - 3
  ; .; . s NARRATIVE REPORT UNIT 2                                     .

May 2nd Load reduced to perform weekly turbine test

             'May 6th       Load reduced to perform rod sequence exchange May 8th       Load reduced to repair main steam isolation valve May 15th      Load reduced to perform rod pattern adjustment May 22nd      Load reduced to check for condenser tube leaks May 29th      Load reduced to perform weekly turbine test
                                     >#   r$       pf O

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