MONTHYEARML20212H0531999-09-27027 September 1999 Responds to Addressed to DA Cool Re NRC Fees for DOE Subcontractors Performing Sealed Source Recovery Work ML20212H1061999-06-0808 June 1999 Submits follow-up to from J Orban Expressing Concerns Over Issue of Fees Assessed by NRC on Subcontractor to DOE Performing Source Recovery Actions Under Off-Site- Source Recovery Program ML20195F8721998-11-19019 November 1998 Ack Receipt of Correspondence to NRC Re West Valley,New York Facility.Correspondence Forwarded to NRC Staff for Appropriate Action ML20195F8901998-11-0505 November 1998 Requests That National Decommissioning Standards Be Applied to West Valley,Ny Nuclear Waste Site ML20153G5971998-09-25025 September 1998 Ack Receipt of Comments on Science Applications Intl Corp Various Preliminary & Revised Performance Assessments for West Valley & Other Info Provided ML20134C1141996-09-20020 September 1996 Discusses Processes That Could Be Followed to Set a Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for Western Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Western Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20134C1531996-08-14014 August 1996 Requests NRC Guidance Re Process to Set Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20056E2661993-08-14014 August 1993 Forwards Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20056E2711993-08-14014 August 1993 Discusses Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20035E1851993-04-14014 April 1993 Advises of Transfer of Responsibility for Licensing of Facility & Project from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Licensing Branch,Effective 930208.Future Correspondence Should Be Addressed,As Listed ML20097G6521992-06-10010 June 1992 Forwards Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sluge Wash Cement-Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20101F3131992-06-0808 June 1992 Forwards Review & Discussion of Vertical Fractures Reported at Wv Site Working Draft Re DOE Request for Rulemaking on Tru Limits ML20097F5281992-06-0202 June 1992 Responds to DOE Request for Rulemaking on Transuranic Limit in West Valley Demonstration Project Wastes.Requests Copies of Communications Exchanged Between DOE & C & Overall Schedule for Major Steps in Rulemaking ML20096H4181992-05-21021 May 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to Waste Form Interim Qualification Rept WVDP Stabilized Sludge Wash Cement-Waste & Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20095L5991992-05-0101 May 1992 Forwards Vols 1 & 2 of West Valley Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid for Info & Comment ML20096C0991992-04-29029 April 1992 Forwards Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, Wvdp Operational Safety Requirements ML20095J1141992-04-22022 April 1992 Informs of Approval to Commence Phase II Sludge Wash Operations on or About 920427 ML20094S5591992-04-15015 April 1992 Requests NRCs Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Waste Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act.Discusses Need for Redefinition & Actions Needed by NRC ML20101R4031992-03-23023 March 1992 Requests NRC Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act ML20091A5021992-03-18018 March 1992 Forwards Fully Executed RCRA 3008(h) Consent Order Which Becomes Effective 920315.W/one Oversize Drawing ML20090H5331992-03-0808 March 1992 Discusses Future Decision Making Process & Existing Obligations at West Valley & Effects on low-level Radwaste Siting by State of Ny ML20090G5111992-03-0404 March 1992 Forwards DOE Responses to NRC SER W/Recommendations on West Valley,Ny Supernatant Treatment Sys ML20094G6931992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash. Advises of 920309 Board Meeting & Overview & Summary of Results Will Be Discussed on 920319 ML20100P9831992-02-0404 February 1992 Forwards West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook - Replacement for Use & Info.Notebook Supports West Valley Waste Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20092F1571992-01-17017 January 1992 Forwards Inquiry from Constituent,J Kozlowski,Re West Valley Demonstration Project.Constituent Questions Radiation Leakage from Cansiters at Site ML20091K6551992-01-14014 January 1992 Requests That State of Ny Energy R&D Authority,Doe & NRC Examine Possible Conflict W/West Valley Demonstration Project & Possible NRC Concerns from NRC Licensing Standpoint Re Const of Commercial LLW Facility ML20086F5391991-12-0303 December 1991 Ack Receipt of Transmitting, Vitrification Control Room Design Plan. Concerns Raised That Maint Personnel Not Involved in Conceptual Design Meetings ML20085H6271991-10-15015 October 1991 Forwards Rev 6 to Wvns SAR-004, Supernatant Treatment Sys. DOE Approves Rept ML20079K3191991-10-11011 October 1991 Forwards Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3551991-10-0101 October 1991 Forwards Official Update of Info to Be Entered Into West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook,Per 910829 Meeting ML20079G7101991-09-30030 September 1991 Forwards Rev 4 to WVDP-043, Oil,Hazardous Substances & Hazardous Wastes Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasures Plan ML20083D3281991-09-20020 September 1991 Responds to Request for Items 1,2 & 3 of 910718 Closeout Meeting ML20083C2241991-09-18018 September 1991 Extends Invitation to Participate in Operational Readiness Review Planning for West Valley Irts Operations - Sludge Wash ML20082K4701991-08-22022 August 1991 Forwards Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissle Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator & Rev 3 to WVNS-SAR-005, SAR for Liquid Waste Treatment Sys ML20091C2141991-07-26026 July 1991 Forwards DOE West Valley Project Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Operations,High Level West Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20082E9291991-07-23023 July 1991 Provides Documentation & Data Discussed W/Nrc During 910603-06 Meeting & Interface Meeting W/Region I on 910516- 17.Viewgraphs Encl ML20076D4031991-07-19019 July 1991 Forwards Run Rept,Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys, Campaign 21,901031-910111 ML20079B1121991-06-10010 June 1991 Forwards Wvns SAR-004,Rev 6,Draft A.4, SAR for Supernatant Treatment Sys (STS) for Review.Operational Safety Requirements/Technical Requirements Applicable to STS Encl Also ML20024H2941991-05-23023 May 1991 Confirms Listed Agenda,Per Telcon & Forwards Names & Titles of NRC Personnel to Visit Facility During Wk of 910603 ML20024G9811991-05-14014 May 1991 Forwards Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20077D1921991-04-30030 April 1991 Forwards West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc Response to Comments from 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20081G8601991-04-29029 April 1991 Requests Written Concurrence W/Understanding on Confirmation of Compliance W/Land Disposal Restrictions for Storage & Treatment of high-level Radioactive Mixed Waste at West Valley Demonstration Project ML20073K8701991-04-25025 April 1991 Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency Re Project Completion & Site Closure EIS Prepared Jointly by DOE & New York State Energy Research & Development Authority ML20073H0991991-04-25025 April 1991 Discusses West Valley Demonstration Project Completion & Closure of Western New York Svc Ctr.Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency for Project Completion & Site Closure Environ Impact Statement ML20077D1981991-04-19019 April 1991 Advises That Concrete Const Activities Appear to Be Adequate & Final Product Acceptable Re Response to Comments for 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20073L3581991-04-19019 April 1991 Forwards Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Campaign 20 Run Rept,For Info ML19325F3831989-11-0909 November 1989 Forwards Draft Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan, for Review & Comments by 891124 ML20247E5541989-03-16016 March 1989 Forwards Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement Manual TR/IRTS-7, Operational Safety Requirements ML20245E9991989-01-26026 January 1989 Informs of Conclusion That West Valley Demonstration Project Appropriately Focused & Results Favorable,Per 890123-24 Meeting ML20195K1621988-11-29029 November 1988 Provides Supplemental Qualification Data Re Cemented Low Level Waste Form & Reaffirms Project Position on long-term Mgt of Subj Waste 1999-09-27
MONTHYEARML20212H1061999-06-0808 June 1999 Submits follow-up to from J Orban Expressing Concerns Over Issue of Fees Assessed by NRC on Subcontractor to DOE Performing Source Recovery Actions Under Off-Site- Source Recovery Program ML20195F8901998-11-0505 November 1998 Requests That National Decommissioning Standards Be Applied to West Valley,Ny Nuclear Waste Site ML20134C1531996-08-14014 August 1996 Requests NRC Guidance Re Process to Set Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20097G6521992-06-10010 June 1992 Forwards Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sluge Wash Cement-Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20101F3131992-06-0808 June 1992 Forwards Review & Discussion of Vertical Fractures Reported at Wv Site Working Draft Re DOE Request for Rulemaking on Tru Limits ML20097F5281992-06-0202 June 1992 Responds to DOE Request for Rulemaking on Transuranic Limit in West Valley Demonstration Project Wastes.Requests Copies of Communications Exchanged Between DOE & C & Overall Schedule for Major Steps in Rulemaking ML20096H4181992-05-21021 May 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to Waste Form Interim Qualification Rept WVDP Stabilized Sludge Wash Cement-Waste & Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20095L5991992-05-0101 May 1992 Forwards Vols 1 & 2 of West Valley Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid for Info & Comment ML20096C0991992-04-29029 April 1992 Forwards Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, Wvdp Operational Safety Requirements ML20094S5591992-04-15015 April 1992 Requests NRCs Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Waste Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act.Discusses Need for Redefinition & Actions Needed by NRC ML20101R4031992-03-23023 March 1992 Requests NRC Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act ML20090H5331992-03-0808 March 1992 Discusses Future Decision Making Process & Existing Obligations at West Valley & Effects on low-level Radwaste Siting by State of Ny ML20090G5111992-03-0404 March 1992 Forwards DOE Responses to NRC SER W/Recommendations on West Valley,Ny Supernatant Treatment Sys ML20094G6931992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash. Advises of 920309 Board Meeting & Overview & Summary of Results Will Be Discussed on 920319 ML20100P9831992-02-0404 February 1992 Forwards West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook - Replacement for Use & Info.Notebook Supports West Valley Waste Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20092F1571992-01-17017 January 1992 Forwards Inquiry from Constituent,J Kozlowski,Re West Valley Demonstration Project.Constituent Questions Radiation Leakage from Cansiters at Site ML20091K6551992-01-14014 January 1992 Requests That State of Ny Energy R&D Authority,Doe & NRC Examine Possible Conflict W/West Valley Demonstration Project & Possible NRC Concerns from NRC Licensing Standpoint Re Const of Commercial LLW Facility ML20085H6271991-10-15015 October 1991 Forwards Rev 6 to Wvns SAR-004, Supernatant Treatment Sys. DOE Approves Rept ML20079K3191991-10-11011 October 1991 Forwards Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3551991-10-0101 October 1991 Forwards Official Update of Info to Be Entered Into West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook,Per 910829 Meeting ML20079G7101991-09-30030 September 1991 Forwards Rev 4 to WVDP-043, Oil,Hazardous Substances & Hazardous Wastes Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasures Plan ML20083D3281991-09-20020 September 1991 Responds to Request for Items 1,2 & 3 of 910718 Closeout Meeting ML20083C2241991-09-18018 September 1991 Extends Invitation to Participate in Operational Readiness Review Planning for West Valley Irts Operations - Sludge Wash ML20082K4701991-08-22022 August 1991 Forwards Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissle Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator & Rev 3 to WVNS-SAR-005, SAR for Liquid Waste Treatment Sys ML20091C2141991-07-26026 July 1991 Forwards DOE West Valley Project Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Operations,High Level West Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20082E9291991-07-23023 July 1991 Provides Documentation & Data Discussed W/Nrc During 910603-06 Meeting & Interface Meeting W/Region I on 910516- 17.Viewgraphs Encl ML20076D4031991-07-19019 July 1991 Forwards Run Rept,Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys, Campaign 21,901031-910111 ML20079B1121991-06-10010 June 1991 Forwards Wvns SAR-004,Rev 6,Draft A.4, SAR for Supernatant Treatment Sys (STS) for Review.Operational Safety Requirements/Technical Requirements Applicable to STS Encl Also ML20024G9811991-05-14014 May 1991 Forwards Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20077D1921991-04-30030 April 1991 Forwards West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc Response to Comments from 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20073H0991991-04-25025 April 1991 Discusses West Valley Demonstration Project Completion & Closure of Western New York Svc Ctr.Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency for Project Completion & Site Closure Environ Impact Statement ML20073K8701991-04-25025 April 1991 Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency Re Project Completion & Site Closure EIS Prepared Jointly by DOE & New York State Energy Research & Development Authority ML20073L3581991-04-19019 April 1991 Forwards Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Campaign 20 Run Rept,For Info ML19325F3831989-11-0909 November 1989 Forwards Draft Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan, for Review & Comments by 891124 ML20247E5541989-03-16016 March 1989 Forwards Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement Manual TR/IRTS-7, Operational Safety Requirements ML20195K1621988-11-29029 November 1988 Provides Supplemental Qualification Data Re Cemented Low Level Waste Form & Reaffirms Project Position on long-term Mgt of Subj Waste ML20154J8831988-05-20020 May 1988 Forwards Addl Comments on Draft Progress Control Plan for West Valley Demonstration Project.Doe 880516 Reply & Encl Respond to All NRC Concerns Re Low Level Cement Waste Form ML20151G3561988-04-14014 April 1988 Notifies of NRC 880503-04 Visit to Plant to Review Activities Underway Re Low Level Liquid Waste Treatment. Provisional Agenda Encl ML20234F4311986-06-0202 June 1986 FOIA Request for Documents Re Listed Facilities,Including Risk Diversion Analyses or Repts Prepared from 741101-761231 That Discuss Risk That Plutonium Could Be Diverted from Facilities ML20202G0031986-05-26026 May 1986 FOIA Request for Documents Re Disposition of project- Generated Waste at DOE West Valley Demonstration Project. Documents Identified on App B Denied in 860411 Response. Documents Should Be Forwarded & Made Available in PDR ML20128C0421985-06-10010 June 1985 Forwards West Valley Demonstration Project Sar,Vol 1, Project Overview & General Info & West Valley Demonstration Project Sar,Suppls. Documents Prepared by West Valley Nuclear Sys Co,Inc in Support of Other SARs ML20127G9541984-12-0303 December 1984 FOIA Request for Memos,Documents,Repts & Correspondence Re Migration of radioactively-contaminated Kerosene at NRC Licensed Burial Ground at West Valley,Ny ML20127H2371984-09-13013 September 1984 Comments on Draft Rept, Plan for Diagnosing Solvent Contamination at West Valley Facility Disposal Area, Per NRC 840705 Request ML20114A8031984-07-10010 July 1984 FOIA Request for All Correspondence of 1982-83 Between Util & NRC Re Shipment Routes for Irradiated Fuel Between Former Reprocessing Plant at West Valley & Facilities ML20113D8141984-06-27027 June 1984 FOIA Request for Documents Re Shipment of Fuel Assemblies from Western Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr to Bnwl Occurring May-Jul 1978 ML20080P3311983-09-30030 September 1983 Requests Consideration of 2.206 Petition Directing NRC to Determine Whether License Amend Required for Each Util Wishing to Ship Irradiated Fuel from West Valley,Ny ML20080G9801983-09-0909 September 1983 Requests Institution of Proceedings to Modify,Revoke or Suspend Facility Ols,Per 10CFR2.206 ML20080D4311983-08-24024 August 1983 Contends That Shipment of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel from West Valley Reprocessing Plant Back to Respective Utils Hazardous & Unnecessary.License Amend,Safety Evaluation & Pertinent Repts Should Be Submitted Before Decision ML20078G1931983-06-27027 June 1983 FOIA Request for Documents Re Costs & Const of & Improvements to Western New York Nuclear Svc Ctr,West Valley,Ny ML20071A3721983-02-10010 February 1983 Forwards Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement B-29,per 830112 Request.Amend Reflects NRC Order Terminating NFS Authority 1999-06-08
MONTHYEARML20127G9541984-12-0303 December 1984 FOIA Request for Memos,Documents,Repts & Correspondence Re Migration of radioactively-contaminated Kerosene at NRC Licensed Burial Ground at West Valley,Ny ML20114A8031984-07-10010 July 1984 FOIA Request for All Correspondence of 1982-83 Between Util & NRC Re Shipment Routes for Irradiated Fuel Between Former Reprocessing Plant at West Valley & Facilities ML20080D4311983-08-24024 August 1983 Contends That Shipment of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel from West Valley Reprocessing Plant Back to Respective Utils Hazardous & Unnecessary.License Amend,Safety Evaluation & Pertinent Repts Should Be Submitted Before Decision ML20062B2511982-07-14014 July 1982 Expresses Concern Re Approx Three Dozen Drums Found Near Site in Poor Condition.Listed Questions Should Be Appended to Sierra Club 820326 Petition Re License Change 32 to License CSF-1 ML20063C9201982-06-18018 June 1982 Forwards Response to NFS & Ny State Energy R&D Authority 820524 & 27 Ltrs,Respectively,On Sierra Club Petition to Reconsider Change 32 to License CSF-1 ML20050B9371982-03-26026 March 1982 Forwards Show Cause Petition on Why Change 32 to License CSF-1 Should Not Be Rescinded Pending Public Meeting ML20010G3741981-08-21021 August 1981 Requests List of NRC Research Review Group Members to Review West Valley Burial Ground Study.Detailed Description of Sampling Work Planned for Site Also Needed ML20009D3361981-06-0303 June 1981 Requests That Study of Geology of Burial Ground Be Made Both Before & During Drillings.Study Should Include Systematic,Detailed Survey of Area to Eliminate Previous Confusion ML20009D0321981-05-0101 May 1981 Expresses Concern That Method of Sampling Sand License Is Inadequate in Response to .Further Info Re Expanded Research Program in Area of Licensed Burial Ground Requested ML20030A7751981-05-0101 May 1981 Requests Addl Info Re Expanded Research Program in Area of NRC Licensed Burial Ground,Per NRC .Backhoe Method of Sampling Is Inadequate to Demonstrate Either Depth or Extent of Sand Lense ML20126J2621981-04-0404 April 1981 Requests NRC Assessment of Sandy Strata Located at state-licensed Burial Grounds.Strata Could Intersect Burial Ground & Constitute Route for Lateral Migration of Radioactive Matls.Fact Sheet Encl ML19345B7721980-10-0707 October 1980 Requests Explanation of Evacuation Rumor & Name of Inspector Involved in Rumor ML19295A6331980-09-29029 September 1980 Comments on Rulemaking 50-5:GESMO Proceeding Should Be Rescheduled ML19295A6351980-09-29029 September 1980 Forwards Comments on Behalf of NRDC on Rulemaking 50-5:GESMO Proceedings Should Not Be Reopened ML19338E6321980-09-26026 September 1980 Recommends Reopening of Gesmo Proceedings ML19337B2691980-09-26026 September 1980 Comments on Reopening of Gesmo Proceedings Re Rulemaking 50-5:no Further Action Needed Due to Completion of Evidence ML19345B8771980-09-24024 September 1980 Expresses Concern Re 800917 Ltr Discussing Leakage of Radwaste at Burial Grounds.Sees Better Energy Alternatives in Development of Solar Energy & Practice of Conservation ML19295A6411980-09-23023 September 1980 Recommends Resumption of Gesmo Proceedings.Persian Gulf Area Warfare Necessitates Technical Development of Spent Reactor Fuels to Lessen Dependence on Imported Oil ML19345B9141980-09-21021 September 1980 Forwards Review of NRC Seismic Study of NFS Neutralized High Level Waste Tank.Rept Generally Well Done But Does Not Address Highly Significant Factors.Rept Does Not Give Reassurance Re Health & Safety of Public ML19336A3731980-09-17017 September 1980 Comments on Rulemaking 50-5:GESMO Proceedings Should Be Reopened.Draft Article Encl Which Should Have Some Input in Forming Policy on Recycling Pu ML19338D2671980-09-15015 September 1980 Comments on Rulemaking 50-5:GESMO Proceedings Should Be Reopened.Technical,Economic & Safety Issues Must Be Addressed in Order for Decisions to Be Made Re Use of mixed- Oxide Fuels ML20008D8421980-09-15015 September 1980 Comments on Rulemaking 50-5:Commission Should Reopen Gesmo Proceedings ML19338D2701980-09-15015 September 1980 Comments on Rulemaking 50-5:GESMO Proceedings Should Be Resumed & Completed.Reprocessing & Recycle of LWR Fuel Should Be Considered ML19350A1021980-09-15015 September 1980 Requests Repts Re Facility Listed But Not Encl in NRC ML19332A0601980-09-0303 September 1980 Comments on RM 50-5:public Should Be Advised of Advantages & Disadvantages of Implementing Pu Recycle.Nrc Should Not Have Terminated Efforts on Gesmo Fuels ML19347B1951980-09-0303 September 1980 Comments on Proposed Rule RM 50-5:re NRC Termination of Efforts on Gesmo Fuels.Nrc Should Resume Gesmo Proceeding. Certificate of Svc & Svc List Encl ML19351D2921980-07-31031 July 1980 Requests Listed Documents Re Fuel Storage at Facility ML20126C3581980-02-12012 February 1980 Requests Address of Bulletin of Atomic Scientists & Documents Re NRC Response to Kemeny Rept ML19242C9811979-06-11011 June 1979 Discusses Vitrification Problems.Vitrification Is Better Method of long-term Radwaste Containment than Shale Fracturing or in-tank Solidification ML19225A3001979-05-16016 May 1979 Ack Receipt of 790329 Rept of Safety Evaluation of Pan 8D-2 Defect at West Valley,Ny.Rept Is Inadequate.Situation Is Bordering on Edge of Major Catastrophe.Suggests Matl Be Removed & Solidified as Soon as Possible ML19281A7901979-03-0505 March 1979 Requests Reanalysis of Discharging Radioactive Contaminants Over Allowable Limit Into Lake Erie.Does Not Believe Radiation Can Be Diluted to Harmless Degree by Mixing W/ Large Amounts of Water ML19263D9031979-03-0303 March 1979 Requests Copy of Nuclear Fuel Svc,Inc Quarterly Rept of Fuel Received or Removed from Spent Fuel Pool.Also Requests Info Re Defective Pan Under High Level Waste Tank & Floatation of High Level Waste Tank ML19276F5281979-02-0707 February 1979 Ack Receipt of 790202 Ltr.Informs That Trip Rept Referred to in Ltr Has Not Been Received ML19225A9901979-01-18018 January 1979 Expresses Concern Re AEC 720912 Memo Describing Proposed Action Concerning Possible Violations at Facility.Requests Details of Any Action Taken ML19269B9621978-12-20020 December 1978 Requests Copy of Rept & Other Info Pertinent to Incident of Defect in Saucer in High Level Waste Facility.Also Requests Address Change in Distribution ML20064C9851972-09-0303 September 1972 Recommends Investigation of Working Conditions,Careless Exposures & Core Conditions at Facility 1984-07-10
[Table view] |
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d September 21, 1980
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Division of Fuel Cycle and Mate $i$1, $$fsYy
U N 0.S. Nuclear Regulatsry Commissio'tg y & g
'{j 1: " 24 Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Seismic competence of neutrd)ized 3 '@
high level waste facility a6 West 'gliey S
Dear Charlie:
We have now reviewed five reports by the Nuclear Regulatory Comission of the seismic competence of the nuclear facilities at West Valley. The enc-losed report pertains to the neutralized high level waste facility and the NRC-connissioned study," Seismic Analysis of the High Level Neutralized Liquid Waste Tanks at the Western New York State Nuclear Service Center, West Valley, New York", UCRL-52485. In general, we find the analysis well done, but we be-lieve that too many highly significant factors were ignored. We are not re-assured that the hea'th and safety of the public is protected. These factors are discussed in the enclosed report.
There are three aspects that require closer examination that we would like to discuss in this letter.
a) It is clear that much of the discussion of the seismic competence of the HLW tanks is now moot because of the Federal legislation that authorizes DOE to remove and solidify the HLW. It doesn't make sense for the NRC to expend further dollars on such theoretical studies to correct any deficiencies. How-ever, we do believe that further analysis regarding the reprocessing plant and spent fuel pool are appropriate. In particular, we consider it important to provide an analysis of the spent fuel pool building; your studies .only relate to the spent fuel pool itself.
b) In analyzing the spent fuel pool building, we think that there is need for a discussion of the basis for the NRC assumption regarding a surface acc-eleration of 0.2 g. The regulations,10 CFR 100, /,pp. A appear to allow a lat-itude, and that the Staff assumption may not be conservative. According to he regulations, the 1929 Attica earthquake of 0.2 g should be placed at the hest Valley site. Accordingly, Lawrence Livemore Laboratories assumed an earthquake of 0.15 g at the underlying rock at the site, to produce an earth-quake of 0.2 g at the surface. Since the Attice earthquake had an accelerat-ion of 0.2 g at rock outcroppings, it is also consistent with the regulations to assume 0.2'g at the underlying rock at the site, and a greater number at the surface.
c) We were quite surprised to note that the HLW vault side walls are cracked
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pag 2 two
due to the thermal gradient, the difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the vault wall. The extent of the' cracking of the vault walls can be determined by Rockwell Hanford with a remote TV camera. We believe it is important to know thc extent of water seepage into the vault, if any.
Several of our concerns about the LLL study might be answered by supply-ing Appendices IIIA through E of the above mentioned study. As far as we can tell, all of the studies released by the NRC contained copies of Appendices I, II, and IIIF, but not IIIA through E. We would appreciate it if.you could supply these.
i.e await your response to the above points. Thank you for your atten-tion to these matters. If any points raised in our review are unclear, don't hesitate to call.
cc: C. :longerson J. Larocca Best,
- u. Pyles S. Fink g
- g/ jf R. Vaughn S. Lundine v J. Dingell R. Ottinger
/* arvin fMN/f/k
Resnikoff M. Udall
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, ,, , wRC S21s"1c Study;
Page two , , .
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A brief review of the structure, history and location of the high level waste tanks is necessary in order to understand the difficulty of accurately developing a model' for seismic analysis. The neutralized waste tanks and con-crete vaults are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The tanks consist of a working tank .
(80-2) and.a spare tank (80-1), both 70 feet in diameter and 27 feet in height
- with a volume of 750,000 gallons. Tank 80-2 contains approximately 560,000 gal-c lons of highly toxic liquid. radioactive waste. The tank-is constructed of car- ,
bon steel plate with a wall thickness of h inch for the sides and 5/6 inch for i the bottom. The tanks sit on Perlite concrete blocks within a carbon steel pan !
3/8 inch thick. The pan, in turn, sits on pea gravel within a cylindrical re-inforced concrete vault. Each 78 foot diameter vault sits on a concrete pad which rests on a gravel layer. The vaults are 8 feet below the earth's surface.
Each vault has a wall thickness of ih feet and a roof thickness of 2 feet.
For years the government has claimed that the vault sits within rela-tively impermeable silty till soil, a dense clay with occasional lenses of gray-el and sand. However, only one boring was done in the vicinity of the waste
- tanks so the silty till theory is based on limited evidence. Furthermore, the boring did not reach bedrock hence the depth to bedrock is unknown. It.is also
not known whether the borehole, which could provide a pathway for the migration of radioactive material should the tank leak, was ever plugged. The location and extent of the underground sand:and gravel lenses is also unknown.
The cement slab holding the concrete vaults sits on a gravel Led.
! Water is injected via an 8 inch standpipe in order to keep the clay moist and im--
pemeable. If the clay dried, it would crack and allow water to floa more eas-
- ily.
The carbon steel tanks are not finnly attached to the concrete vault.
The tanks rest on Perlite blocks and do not slide because of the friction between the blocks and the waste tanks. The purpose of the Perlite blocks between the -
saucer and the tank was to insulate the concrete vault from the heat when the j tanks were stress-relieved in the field. In order to stress-relieve the tank, temperatures within the tank reached 10000F, a temperature which would have de-graded the concrete.
l As can be seen in Figure 2, the tank, vault structure is complicated.
by the fact that the tank is not simply' shaped like a flat pancake, but has 6 columns through the interior of the tank. Concrete columns extend from the floor to the roof of the concrete vault. The tank has six 48 inch steel diameter col-
umns through which the vault columns pass from base to ceiling. The tank also has other internal columns which support the roof of the tank. In~ addition, var-ious appurtances are attached to the tank and vault such as air spargers or bub-
- blers and ventilatton equipment. ;
The method of analysis is simple to describe, but quite complicated to model in detail. dssentially, the weight of the vault, pan, tank and liquid
waste and surrounding soil (including the 8 feet of overburden) and certain ef-
fects of the flotation incident (not including the cracks in the vault), were ad-ged to the seismic. loads to calculate the stress components. Thermal loads and
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~ 3164 Main Street Butf ato, New York 14214 (716) 832 9100 ,
INTRODUCTION In a series of reports 1-5, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Thesehas analyzed the seismic competence of the nuclear facilities at ween May,1978 and March,1979, evaluated the acid and neutralized high level liquid waste tank facilities, the reprocessing building and the spent fuel sto-rage pool. These analyses show that all structures would site.
sustain Most damage under importantly, the stu-the maximum earthquake which could occur on tha dies demonstrate that the concrete vault surrounding the neutralized waste This tank extreme-must be already cracked due to the heat of the high level wastes.
ly disturbing fact has never been published in the media or publically admitted to by policy makers.
In this report, the Sierra Club Radioactive Waste Campaigrexamines the study of the neutralized high level waste tank. The NRC concludes that the vault would crack slightly under an earthquake without damaging the high level
waste tank. We find that this re-assuring conclusion is based on an analysis
Specifically, the NRC has ignored that has ignored highly significant factors.
the cracking of the vault due to the heat of the liquid wastes and due to the The NRC has also ignored the possible rocking and flotation incident of 1965.
sliding of the tank within the vault due, in part, to the sloshing liquid with-Other factors not given sufficient weight by the NRC in their seis-in tae taic tank.include possible impingement of the tank on the roof supporting in-alysis
ternal columns, the effect on the tank of the movement of pipes and ventilation system components, the possibly damaged condition of the Perlite blocks, and the uncertainties regarding tank stresses resulting from the flotation incident of
1965.. We conclude that the damage effects calculated by the NRC are seriously estimated. It is not clear that the tank as well as the vault would main-Enderain integrity during an earthquake. Additionally, as each year passes, Tne tank's tne ability l
- carbon steel tank continues to corrode and therefore weaken.
to withstand an earthquake can only continue to decline further from its present uncertain state.
What is The waste tank contains a large amount of toxic materials.
While a hazardous dose of strontium-90 is on the ord-meant by a "large amount"7er of one millionth of a curie, the waste tanke contain S r-30. A leak of high level liquid waste into the Cattaraugus Creek watershed
could contaminate the water supply of millions of persons in New York and Canada, l because of the possible consequences, we support strongly the move to solidify i the high level liquid waste with all due speed.
sierra club !
radioactive waste campaign .
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MRC S;ismic Study
page three ,
and liquid-tank interactions (sloshing liquid) were neglected. If certain maxi-zum stress were exceeded, the tank or vault was deemed to fail. We believe the analysis was competently performed by the contractors Lawrence Livermore Labora-tories, but the uncertainties, described in the next section, do not allow a def-initive conclusion to be made.
r,ertain aspects of the analysis, such as the dead weights of the struct-ures, are quite simple to ascertain. Inputting the seismic load, on the other hand, was not straight-forward. The stiffness properties of the soil, as well as the underlying soil and sand composition, and rock structure, are modelled.
An earthquake is assumed for underlying rock structure and transmitted through the soil colurn to the vault. The earthquake is not a simple shaka. but a ser-
- ies of vibrations in the horizontal and vertical direction extending over sev-eral seconds. One then sums the loads, dead plus seismic, and determines whe-sher the stresses exceed limiting criteria for the vault and the tank. There is some uncertainty regarding the limiting criteria. For tne tank, an empiri-cal formula from test data for cylindrical objects subjected to axial compression, was used. On this basis, the limiting buckling stress for the tank wall was es-Limated at 4,320 pounds per square inch (psi).
The results show that the reinforced concrete vault walls will exceed the limiting criteria with a maximum peak acceleration in the range of 0.13 g to 0.i69 and that the center of the base slab surpasses the limits at 0.189 Con-crete will crack on the inside and the outside of the vault at accelerations less than 0.2 g. On the other hand, analysis shows that the thin-walled tank will
withstand a maximum earthquake without leakage and that, because of friction, the
tank will not slide on the Perlite blocks. Thus, cased on the assumptions made above and ignoring the uncertainties we discuss in the next section, the NRC does -
not expect the tank to leak and the highly toxic contents of the HLW facility to enter the vault under the maximum earthquake which could occur on the site.
- 1. Cracked Vault due to thermal loading. As was pointed out in the introduction, it is not well-known by the public-that the concrete vault is al-ready cracked due to the thermal gradient, the difference in temperature between and outside the vault. The thermal gradient is the primary stress on the inside vault. The JRC assumes the high level liquid wastes are at 1800F and the temp-erature outside the vault is 500F. This 1300F difference is sufficient to cause the vault to crack. Between 1968 and 1972, dFS operated a heat exchanger within the tank to boil off excess liquid because the low level waste evaporator in the reprocessing plant did not operate properly. At that' time, the temperature with-in the tank was not 1800F, but 2120F. ..
According to the NRC, the vault has formed cracks on the exterior sur-face due to this thermal gradient. " Based on experience with similar reinforced concrete structures, we assumed the stress relief resulted from creep and for-mation of cracks in the concrete." It is important to determine if the cracks are just on the exterior or extend through the vault. When the NRC observes the interior of the vault with a TV camera, it can be determined whether water is leaking inward due to this cracking.
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- - . .;RC Seisac stuoy ,-
, .page four
These cracks, which undoubtedly have weakened the concrete vault, were Obvious-not taken into account in assessing the stresses due to an earthquake.
ly, a cracked and weakened vault will undergo more damage during an earthquake than an uncracked and solid vault. We believe this is a major defect which in-validates the NRC analysis.
It is important to add that this cracking due to the thennal gradients occurred because the HLW facility was poorly designed. Had the inside of the vault been ventilated, a relatively inexpensive modificationThis to cool the vault, is a design de-no cracking due to a thermal gradient would have occurred.
- 2. Flotation Incident. During construction, afteJ the tank and vault had been cercleted, but before the excavation was backfilled, The vaults,water filled the with tanks and construction pit, apparently to a depth of 30 feet.
saucers within, weighing 2850 tons each, floated 3 to 4 feet off the concrete pad.
The cause of this incident is mysterious. Perhaps a water pipe broke, flooding the pit. It is also unknown to us the effect of this incident on the pipes and other auxiliary appurtenances to the waste facility. While
the vaults were float-When the-water in the ex-ing off the concrete pad, mud washed under the vaults.cavation pit was p top and bottoms of the vault cracked. With the present liquids in the two tanke, over 9,000 tons of concrete, liquid and metal are sitting on the damaged conc.ete Since water is flooding the exterior of the vaurcs, pad, only 4 inches thick.this weight is somewhat counterbalanced by a buoyant forc a the single slab for both vaults.
2 The HLW facility was repaired by grouting under pressure the area at the base of the slab. Then the silty till was washed from between the vault and The vaults contir.ue the base slab and cement was introduced to fill the void. Wheth-to rest at an angle; in the case of the alternate tank, the angle isWhether 10 all er the repaired structure is as strong as the original is unknown. -
cracks were filled, whether cement formed unevenly under the slab, and The GA0 what suggest-stresses presently aist on the slab and the vault is unknown.
ed in 19'1 that because of the flotation incident, the integrity of the tank was in quest A and needed to be evaluated. This evaluation has not yet been con-ducted.
The NRC has attempted to model the situation and bound the uncertainties by ring.
assuming, in the worst case situation, that noThegrout reached NRC states,
This does not take into account the effect of the vault cracking.
"Had this situation actually occurred (of grout not reaching the bottom girder),
The full ef-the capacity of the vault would have been significantly reduced."
fect of this worst case situation, and its consequences, are not discussed in the NRC report.
It is important to remind the reader that the pan under the tank has It has been reported to us by former a defect, the cause of which is unknown.
workers that the pan was tested during construction and did hold water at the It is quite The defect has occurred during the intervening 15 years.
possible that the flotation incident and/or thermal gradients, has caused the i
l vault to crack further, placing stresses on the pan and leading If thistohypothesis stress corro-sion and the pan defect. The pan is only 3/8 inch thick.
l i
is correct, the pan may be placing additional stresses on the tank and this may l lead to stress corrosion of the tank.
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- 3. Shifting of tank during earthquake. Shifting of the tank would cause the tank to strike one of the six internal concrete columns, possibly causing a tank rupture.. The tank is only held in place within the vault by .
friction between it and the Perlite blocks. In App.III of the NRC study, the NRC has measured the coefficient of static friction and detemined that the tank would not move. However, the NRC analysis has neglected the rocking of the tank. Since the great balk of weight of the tank is the contained liquid, not the tank itself,,it is quite possible that in the event of an earthquake, the sloshing liquid and shaking vault, could together cause the tank to rock. Rock-ing would introduce a large stress on the bottom rim of tne tank. Further, if the tank tilted a mere 1.50, it would impinge the internal concrete columns and perhaps rupture the tank.
- 4. Seismi'c Effect on tank apourtenances. The tank is not entirely free-standing within the concrete vault. Piping connects the reprocessing plant, the ventilation system and air sparsers to the tank. Piping connects the underly-ing saucer back to the tank and the exterior. The seismic effect on the integ--
rity of the tank must take into effect these appurtenances. This was not done in the NRC analysis.
- 6. .iaximum earthquake. The NRC has instructed Lawrence Livemore Labor-dtories to use an earthquake of 0.2 g horizontal acceleration at the surface of the West Valley site. The underlying rock outcropping is assumed to accelerate at 0.15 g to produce a surface acceleration of 0.2 g. This is not a conserva-kbe ca,assu m
ption according to theofregulations. Because the West Valley site, and new York, the epicenter a large earthquake, do not lie at the edge of a tectonic plate, the regulations require that the largest earthquake in the
region be placed at the site for the purpose of design analysis. The Clarendon-Linden fault is assumed here to be a capable fault. This would require an earth-quake of 0.2 g at any rock outcropping, and therefore greater than 0.2g at the level of the tank. This would make the maximum acceleration greater than ass-umed by the NRC.
- 6. Unpublished NRC studies. The NRC, in a table of contents for '
Appendix III, contracted with Lawrence Livemore Laboratories, for important studies concerning the HLW tank. However, all but one of the six studies is missing from the final report. The missing studies, report numbers and comple-tion dates are listed below:
A. " Review of Liquid-Tabk Interaction Analysis Techniques", UCRL-13835, Dec. ,1977.
B. "is Study of Time Related Properties of Concrete", UCRL-13836, Dec. ,1977.
C. " Environmental Effects on Metal Structures and Connections in NFS Waste Tanks",
UCRL-13837, Dec. ,1977. .
ii. " Plan for Dynamic Testing of NFS Tank and Vault", UCRL-13838, Dec. ,1977.
E. " Evaluation of the Integrity of Existing NFS Waste Tank", UCRL-13839, Gec.,
F. " Test Report r.oefficient of Friction Between Carbon Steel and Perlite Ccn-crete Surfaci ', UCRL-13840, Dec. ,1977. (completed).
These studies are very important for a complete understanding of the l tank's seismic competence. E.g. , App. IIIA details the known literature on the effect of sloshing liquid on tank dynamics during an earthquake. This would par-tially answer the question of'whether the tank would rock during an earthquake.
The NRC should make these studies publicly available.
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' " ' '
NRC' Scicmic Study
Pags si.r- .
- 1. A.M. Davito, R.C. Murray, T.A. Nelson and D.L, Bernreuter,.
" Seismic Analysis of High Level Neutralized Liquid Waste Tanks at the Western New York State Nuclear Service Center, West Valley, New ' York", May, 1978, UCRL-52485, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory,
- 2. C.Y. Liaw, A.M. Davito and R.C.'Murray, " Seismic Analysis of the Acid Liquid Waste TanksLat the Western New York State Nuclear Service Center, West Valley, New York", March, 1979, UCRL-52600, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
R.G. Dong and'S.M. Ma, " Structural Analyses of the Fuel Re-
ceiving Station Pool at the -Nuclear Fuel Service Reprocessing Plant, West Valley, New York", May 5,1979, UCRL-52575, Law-rence Livermore Laboratory.
4 R.C, Murray, T.A. Nelson and A.M. Davito, " Seismic Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Service Reprocessing Plant at West Valley, New Ycrk", May 24,1977, .UCRL-52266, Laurence Livermore Lab-oratory.
- 5. Review letter from Nathan M. Newmark, Consulting Engineering Services to A.T. Clark, Nuclear Regulatory' Commission, dated January 4,1978, under contract AT(49-24).-0116, NMSS
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