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Forwards Responses to FSAR Acceptance Review Questions & Environ Rept Questions in NRC 811125 Ltr.Requests Streamlined Distribution for Quick Resolution of Questions & Concerns
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1982
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18017B605 List:
NUDOCS 8202170471
Download: ML18017B604 (6)



NO FACIL:50"400 Shearon Harris Nuclear power'Pl anti'Uni.'t 1~Carolina 50-401 Shear on Harris Nuclear Power'Plant~'Unit 2~.Carolina TH~NAME.AUTHOR AFFILIATION MERMAN<'S,R.

Carolina Power.8 Light Co.'C IP~NAME RECIPIENT AF F IL'I ATION MIRAGLIAsFeJo Licensing Branch 3 DOCKET 0500'0400 05000001


Forwards responses to FSAR acceptance review'questions 8 environ rept questions in NRC 8111?5 1:tr,'Requests streamlined distribution for-quick resolution of questions 8 concerns'ISTRIBUTION CODE: B001S~COPIES 1RECEIVED:LTR 4'ENCL~"SIZE:,: 3.<<'3O TITLE: PSAR/FSAR AMDTS and Related~Correspondence NOTES: t 5+A gE'VIe4/~~r~a~S+g,~w~S~cc 8wv~~~++/9'~~M-g~~(X+~+~v'<~+~~~REC IP IENT COPIES RECIPIENT~COPIES ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME'7TR ENCL ACTION: A/D LICENSNG 1 0 LIC BR 03'BC 1 0 LIC BR P3 LA 1 0 LICITRAgM~'1 1 1 INTERNAL: ELD IE/DEP/EPDB 35 MPA NRR/DE/EQB, 13 NRR/OE/HGEB 30 NRR/OE/MTEB 17 NRR/DE/SAB 20 NRR/DHFS/HFEB40 NRR/DHFS/OLB 34 NRR/DSI/AE8 26 NRR/OSI/CPB 10 NRR/OS I/ETSB.12 NRR/DSI/PSB 19 NRR/D SB'23 FIL 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g0 1 0 3 2 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IE 06 IE/DEP/EPLB 36 NRR/DF/CEB 11 NRR/DE/GB 28 NRR/DE/MEB

'8 NRR/DE/QAB 21 NRR/DE/SEB 25 NRR/DHFS/LQB 32 NRR/DHFS/PTRB20 NRR/DS I/ASB 27 NRR/DS I/CSB 09 NRR/DSI/ICSB 16 NRR/DS I/RAB 2?NRR/DST/LGB 33'3 3'3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS 41 16 FEMA<<REP D I V 39 1 NRC PDR 02 1 NTIS 1 16 1 1 1 BNL(AMDTS ONLY)LPDR 03 NSIC 05 1 1 1 Cp LP~nibs~Sl C TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: L'TTR 63 ENCL58

  • '4 h N j, l*1 ty ,I hf 1 H CRQE Carolina Power&Light Company February 8, 1982 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ATTN: Mr.F.J.'Miraglia, Chief Licensing Branch No.3 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555~4~e~l~g~!gg f>5ev>>FEg y'6)9&~gg SNICK+~i+ggSVR mil r'HEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NOS.1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS.50-400 AND 50-401'CCEPTANCE'REVIEW UESTIONS'ear Mr.Miraglia: As requested by Mr.E.A.Licitra of your staff, please find enclosed 60,copies of Enclosure 1 and 41 copies of Enclosure 2 to our letter of January 29, 1982 which forwarded Carolina Power&Light Company's responses to the Acceptance Review Quesgions contained in Mr.D.G.Eisenhut's letter of November 25, 198.J,,Enclosure 1 addresses Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)questions and Enclosure 2 addresses Environ-mental Report (ER)questions.

Additionally, copies of Enclosure 1 have been provided to the three national laboratories requested by Mr.Licitra.ER Question 470.3 requested reprints of some ER tables.Because these tables are oversized, only five copies of these tables have been provided and are separated from Enclosure 2.Additionally, as directed by Mr.Licitra, additional copies of ER references have not been'<<t'n'O OO l fgg o thK<<t CD ,OO'NA i iQl C7!L I 0JA (Q)n<<c>>As has been previously indicated to you, CP&L is.dedicated to being responsive to NRC's needs and to streamlining the licensing process.It was with this in mind that we provided the answers to the Acceptance Review Questions two months ahead of your requested schedule.It would be extremely helpful, however, if your staff would develop a streamlined distribution for the quick resolution of questions and concerns.Pro-viding 40 to 60 copies of correspondence is cumbersome and potentially wasteful, given the cost associated with printing and mailing 60 copies of large documents, such as question responses, and the fact that these responses are provided for reviewer use;not as FSAR or ER Amendments.

Formal amendments to the FSAR and ER will, of course, be provided in the specified numbers, but advance answers to questions would seem to be an area where fewer copies were required.We stand ready to continue to work with you to make the process as responsive and streamlined as possible, but feel this is an area where improvement is<i/0 gdfpp',~C,q p go1 yO~tt+~pO 411 Fayettevllle Street e P.0.Box 1551 o Raleigh, N.C.27602 it@" i(u~IF pi~ytuce

~If~"~t C ph k l V I pit'g ,~r Mr.F.J.Miraglia February 8, 1982 If you have any questions on this matter, please do not hesi-tate to call our staf f.Yours very truly, S.R.Zimmerman Manager Licensing&Permits JJS/lr (5794)cc: Mr.E.A.Licitra (NRC)w/o attachments Mr.J.P.O'Reilly (NRC-II)w/o attachments 4~r