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Forwards RAI Re Licensee 981223 Request for Amend to Revise Plant TS 5.6, Fuel Storage, to Increase Sf Storage Capacity by Placing Sf Pools C & D in Service
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1999
From: Richard Laufer
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Scarola J
TAC-MA4432, NUDOCS 9908110003
Download: ML18016B054 (25)


Mr. James Scarola, Vice

.ident Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Carolina Power 8 Light Company Post Office Box165, Mail Code: Zone 1

New Hill, North Carolina 27562-0165 August





Dear Mr. Scarola:

By letter dated December 23, 1998, you requested a license amendment to revise Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Technical Specification (TS) 5.6, "Fuel Storage," to increase the spent fuel storage capacity by placing spent fuel pools C and D in service.

1 During the course of its review, the U. S. Nuclear, Regulatory Commission staff has determined that additional information is necessary to complete its review. The enc/osed request for additional information was discussed with your staff on July 28, 1999. A'mutually agreeable target date of September 3, 1999, for your response was established.

If circumstances result in the need to revise the target date, please call me at the earliest opportunity.

Sincerely, Docket No. 50-400


As stated Original signed by:

Richard J. Laufer, Project Manager, Section 2 Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation EDunning ton OGC CGratton cc w/encl: See next page Distribution Docket File PD II-1 Rdg Suttai PUBLIC RLaufer HBerkow JZwolinski/SBIack ACRS BBonser, Rll GHsii FILENAME-G:>PDII-2)HARRISFRAISPLBA4432.WPD

  • no ma'or chan es to RAI OFFICE PM:PDII/S2 LA:PDII/S2 BC:SPLB SC:P II/S NAME RLaufer EDunnin ton JHannon
  • SP rso DATE P'/5


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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 August 5, 1999 Mr. James Scarola, Vice President Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Carolina Power 8 Light Company

,Post Office Box 165, Mail Code: Zone 1

New Hill, North Carolina 27562-0165



Dear Mr. Scarola:

By letter dated December 23, 1998, you requested a license amendment to revise Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Technical Specification (TS) 5.6, "Fuel Storage," to increase the spent fuel storage capacity by placing spent fuel pools C and D in service.

During the course of its review, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has determined that additional information is necessary to complete its review. The enclosed request for additional information was discussed with your staff on July 28, 1999. A mutually agreeable

- target date of September 3, 1999, for your response was established.

If circumstances result in the need to revise the target date, please call me at the earliest opportunity.

Sincerely, Docket No. 50-400


As stated cc w/encl: See next page Richard J. Laufer, Project Manager, Section 2 Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

-. Mr. James Scarola Carolina Power 8 Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 CC:

Mr. William D. Johnson Vice President and Corporate Secretary Carolina Power 8 Light Company Post Office Box 1551 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Resident Inspector/Harris NPS c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 5421 Shearon Harris Road New Hill, North Carolina 27562-9998 Ms. Karen E. Long Assistant Attorney General State of North Carolina Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Public Service Commission State of South Carolina Post Office Drawer Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Mr. Mel Fry, Director Division of Radiation Protection N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 3825 Barrett Dr.

Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-7721 Mr. Terry C. Morton Manager Performance Evaluation and Regulatory Affairs CPB 7 Carolina Power 8 Light Company

.Post Office Box 1551 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-1551 Mr. Bo Clark Plant General Manager - Harris Plant Carolina Power & Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 165 New Hill, North Carolina 27562-0165 Mr. John H. O'eill, Jr.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts &Trowbridge 2300 N Street, NW.

Washington, DC 20037-1128 Mr. Chris L. Burton Director of Site Operations Carolina Power 8 Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Post Office Box 165, MC: Zone 1

New Hill, North Carolina 27562-0165 Mr. Robert P. Gruber Executive Director Public Staff NCUC Post Office Box 29520 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626 Chairman of the North Carolina Utilities Commission Post Office Box 29510 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0510 Mr. Vernon Malone, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Wake County P.

O. Box 550 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Mr. Richard H. Givens, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Chatham County P. O. Box 87 Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312 Ms. Donna B. Alexander, Manager Regulatory Affairs Carolina Power 8 Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 165, Mail Zone 1

New Hill, NC 27562-0165 Mr. Johnny H. Eads, Supervisor Licensing/Regulatory Programs Carolina Power 8 Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box165, MailZone1 New Hill, NC 27562-0165 Ms. Diane Curran Harmon, Curran, Spielberg, and Eisenberg, L.L.P.

1726 M Street NW., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036

Request for Additional Information Proposed License Amendment: Spent Fuel Storage Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-400 The following request for additional information concerns the proposed license amendment to activate spent fuel pools C and D at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP):

In September 1983, the staff issued NUREG-1038, "Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2," which included a review of the spent fuel storage facility. The review of the spent fuel storage facility, including the two spent fuel pool cooling systems (SFPCSs) and the four fuel storage pools, was performed in accordance with the applicable sections of NUREG-0800, "Standard Review Plan." The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staffs review found the design of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 fuel storage facilities acceptable.

At the time NUREG-1038 was issued, construction of the Unit 2 SFPCS was still ongoing and expected to be completed.

In November 1983, plans to complete Unit 2 were canceled and construction of the partially completed Unit 2 SFPCS was placed on hold.

On December 23, 1998, Carolina Power 8 Light Company (CP&L) requested a license amendment to activate spent fuel pools (SFPs) C and D. The submittal provided information to the staff regarding the activation of the pools; however, no information was provided on the design of the SFPCS supporting SFPs C and D. Given that the SFP C and D SFPCS was never placed in operation, and that significant changes to the design were proposed in the December 23, 1998, submittal, please provide information to show how the portions of the Unit 2 spent fuel storage facility (e.g., SFPs C and D, and the fuel pool cooling and cleanup system - as built), that are not already addressed in the December 23, 1998, submittal, meet the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.13, "Spent Fuel Storage Facility Design Basis," and NUREG-0800.

You may reference the NRC's acceptance of those portions of the fuel storage facilitythat have not changed from the design the staff previously accepted.

As shown on Table 9.2.2-1 of the SHNPP Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), each of the two Component Cooling Water (CCW) heat exchangers (HXs) has a design heat transfer rate of 50 MBtu/hr. Table 9.2.1-3 of the SHNPP FSAR shows the maximum service water heat load from the CCW HXfollowing a loss-of-cooling accident (LOCA) to be 273 MBtu/hr.

The unreviewed safety question (USQ) analysis in Enclosure 9 of the license amendment appears to indicate that one RHR HX (a single failure assumption) and one CCW train could remove 111.1 MBtu/hr. Discuss the differences among FSAR Tables 9.2.1-3, 9.2.2-1, and the USQ analysis.

In Enclosure 6, Section 5.0, "Thermal-Hydraulic Considerations," of the license amendment request, Holtec provides a summary of the methods, models, analyses, and numerical results to demonstrate the compliance of the SHNPP SFPS C and D with the provisions of Section III of the NRC OT Position Paper for Review and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Storage and Handling Applications (April 1978). Section 5.3 discusses the bulk pool temperature analysis.

Holtec's conclusion is that the cooling water system must meet the design flow versus inlet water temperature specifications displayed on Figure 5.3.1 of Enclosure 6.

Given that the SFPCS is already designed and constructed, and that the licensee has proposed to limitthe heat load in SFPs C and D to 1.0 MBtu/hr (proposed Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.3.d), provide a thermal-hydraulic analysis using the system parameters for the SFPCS that support SFPs C and D that show the maximum bulk pool temperature for SFPs C and D willnot exceed 137'F assuming a single active failure.


Table 5.2.3 of Enclosure 6 states the bounding decay heat input from stored fuel in SFPs C and D assumed in the thermal-hydraulic analysis totals 15.63 MBTU/hr. The proposed TS 5.6.3.d limits the heat load in SFPs C and D to 1.0 MBtu/hr. Explain the difference between the maximum heat load requested in the license amendment and the heat load calculated and used in the Enclosure 6 decay heat analysis.


Section 5.4.1 of Enclosure 6 discusses time-to-boil assuming a complete loss of cooling to SFPs C and D. The analysis assumes a decay heat load of 15.63 MBtu/hr, which results in a heatup rate of 5.4 'F/hr. Given that the storage pools are limited to 1.0 MBtu/hr by the proposed TS, provide a pool heatup analysis using a decay heat rate of 1.0 MBtu/hr. In addition, discuss the available makeup sources to SFPs C and D and their capacities relative to the calculate boil off rate.


The USQ analysis results of Enclosure 9 indicate that a minimum CCW system (CCWS) flow rate of 4874 gpm at 120'F is required at the beginning of the containment sump recirculation phase of a LOCA and that, assuming a 6% model uncertainty and degraded inservice test (IST) pump performance, the specified CCW flowto the residual heat removal (RHR) HXwould be 5166 gpm, which is less than 5600 gpm in the existing analysis.

This result is based on (1) the RHR HX heat rejection rate of 111.1 MBtu/hr, which is said to be consistent with the existing post-LOCA containment pressure/temperature calculations, and (2) the use of a "dynamic" RHR HX performance model, in which the tube side inlet temperature is postulated to rise to 244.1'F during the initial phase of sump recirculation, rather than a fixed 139'F assumed in the existing analysis, resulting in an increase of the overall RHR HX heat transfer coefficient (HTC) of approximately 10% due to change in tube side fluid viscosity.

Provide the dynamic RHR HX heat transfer analysis during and subsequent to the recirculation phase of a LOCA. Important parameters to be provided include the time-dependent decay heat rate, the containment sump water temperature, and the HTCs, heat transfer rates and flow rates (both tube and shell sides) of the RHR HX, and CCW HX, etc.

Also describe how the effects of HX degradation mechanism such as fouling and tube plugging of the RHR and CCW systems are accounted for in the RHR and CCW HX heat transfer calculations.


The USQ analysis also indicates the need to increase the current minimum required emergency service water (ESW) flow to the CCW HX from 8250 gpm to 8500 gpm, which is said to have been verified to be within the capacity of the current system.

WillFSAR Table 9.2.1-1 be revised to require the ESW flow through the CCW HX to be 8500 gpm?

Sections and of the SHNPP FSAR describe the CCWS, which includes information regarding the CCWS surge tank. This surge tank accommodates changes in the fluid volume of the CCWS from thermal expansion and contraction and accommodates water which may leak into the system from cooled components.

The surge tank also provides the CCWS with a limited water supply until a leaking cooling line can be isolated.

Discuss the effects of the additional system volume and heat load (from the piping and components added to support SFPs C and D activation) on the capability of the CCWS surge tank to perform its design function.

Willthe SFPCS and makeup system(s) for SFPs C and D be included in the inservice inspection program or an inspection program similar to those used with systems that support SFPs A and B?

10., Part 1 of the significant hazards consideration determination discusses the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

In the fourth paragraph, you allude to the movement of fuel assemblies "...required to be performed to support this activity (e.g., installation of racks)...."

Since SFPs C and D are currently empty, and no re-racking of SFPs A and B are included in this licensing amendment, what fuel movements do you anticipate willbe required during the course of the modifications authorized by this license amendment?

The following questions pertain to the CP8L calculation SF-0040, "Spent Fuel Pools C and D Activation Project Thermal Hydraulic Analysis."

In Section 4.6, "CCWS Hydraulic Margins," the first paragraph refers to a modification to the CCWS piping to SFP HXs C and D to be able to throttle flow to 2.03% for the Hot Shutdown (350'F) alignment.

CP8 L staff note that the CCWS valves to these HXs must be heavily throttled and willrequire a suitably sized bypass line with a smaller throttle valve in order to achieve acceptable throttling characteristics.

Willthese modifications be performed as part of the system activation?

Ifnot, how willoperators throttle fiowto the SFP HXs to meet the design conditions specified in SF-0040 Table 6?

12. Tables 7a through 7j present the results of a CCWS flow analysis to determine the hydraulic margins for various CCWS lineups.

In its summary in Section 4.6, CP8L states that the evaluation of the system thermal analysis results during the "LOCA: Recirculation (RHR and SFP) alignment" (Table 7i) shows that the steady state equilibrium temperature of the fuel pool NB does not exceed 136'F even with degraded CCWS pump flow and design fouling of all HXs. Please provide a copy of Attachment (Z), "Containment Sump Recirculation (RHR and SFP) Alignment Thermal Performance," or provide the bases, assumptions, and results for this calculation, including the assumed decay heat load, the duration of time the CCWS system is providing insufficient flow to SFP HX A, and the maximum SFP bulk temperature for all SFPs.

13. CP8L's description of the refuel-normal and abnormal full core offload analysis results (Tables 7e and 7f) indicate that the SFP HXA (or B) can just accommodate an assumed full core offload heat load of 31.7 MBtu/hr at design SFPCS thermal conditions; therefore, the negative CCW flow margin is acceptable under these extreme thermal-hydraulic.

conditions; however, no basis is provided for this conclusion.

Please provide your justification for concluding that operating the SFPCS with CCWS flow 7% less than the minimum flow stated in Tables 7e and 7f assures the design limits for the SFPs are not exceeded.

In addition, in Table 7f, the minimum CCWS flow to RHR pump A with a 6% uncertainty is calculated to be 8% less than the minimum required flow rate, yet no justiTication is given why this deficient condition is acceptable.

Please provide the basis why this condition is acceptable.


On page 28 of SF-0040, you state that the SFPs are conservatively assumed to be at the maximum temperature limitof 105'F prior to the beginning of the transient.

What administrative controls are used at SHNPP to assure that the SFP bulk coolant temperature willnot exceed 105'F during normal operation?

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Distril7.txt A053 - OR Submittal: Updated FSAR (50.71) and Amendments Docket: 05000400 Page 2

CÃQD Carolina Power &Light Company PO Box 165 New Hill NC 27562 James Scarola Vice President Harris Nuclear Plant NOV 0 6 2000 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTENTION:Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 SERIAL: HNP-00-164 10 CFR 50.71(e)


Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e), Carolina Power &Light Company (CP&L) hereby submits the periodic update to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for the Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP).

Amendment No. 50 to the FSAR includes changes to the plant since the submittal of Amendment No. 49 and analyses prepared pursuant to NRC requirements.

Amendment No. 50 is current through May 12, 2000 (end of RFO 9).

Some changes and analyses completed after May 12, 2000 have also been included in this amendment.

Enclosed are one original and ten copies of the amendment.

Questions regarding this submittal may be referred to Mr. E. A. McCartney at (919) 362-2661.

Sincerely, MGW Enclosure c:

Mr. J. B. Brady (NRC Senior Resident Inspector, HNP)

Mr. Rich Laufer (NRR Project Manager, HNP)

Mr. L. A. Reyes (NRC Regional Administrator, Region II) 5813 Shearon Harris Road New Hill,NC Tel 919 362-2502 Fax 919 362-2095 Web'9N 0'l

SHNPP FSAR CAROLINAPOWER & LIGHTCOMPANY SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-400 FINALSAFETY ANALYSISREPORT AMENDMENTNO. 50 INSTRUCTION SHEET This amendment contains additional or revised technical information and editorial changes in the form of replacement pages for the SHNPP FSAR. Each revised page bears the notation "Amendment No. 50" at the page bottom.

Vertical bars have been placed in the margins to indicate the location of revisions on the page.

Since many SHNPP FSAR pages are printed double-sided, the replacement pages in this amendment may consist of original information on one side of the page and revised information on the other side. Reference to the amendment identification number in the lower right corner of the page will enable the user to determine the amendment status of the page.

The followingpage removals and insertions should be made to incorporate Amendment No. 50 into the FSAR.

REMOVE EXISTING PAGES INSERT REPLACEMENT PAGES ctive Pa e List PL-1 through EPL-119 General Table Of Contents xxxi/xxxii Cha ter 1

vV ure 1.2.2-1 igure 1.2.2-2 gigure 1.2.2-3

~i use 1.2.2-23 ig re 1.2.2-27

're 1.2.2-39 Sheet 1

i ure 1.2.2-48 ure 1.2.2-60 igure 1.2.2-64 Effective Pa e List EPL-1 through EPL-119 Cha ter 1

1.2.2-1 1.2.2-2 1.2.2-3 1.2.2-23 1.2.2-27 1.2.2-39 Sheet 1

1.2.2-48 1.2.2-60 1.2.2-64 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure General Table Of Contents xxxi/xxxii

REMOVE EXISTINGPAGES figure 1.2.2-76 Sheet 1

're 1.2.2-80 Sheet 2 gure 1.2.2-84





~8- '2

. -43/1.8-44 Ob/1.8-50c P-7 /1.8-72 29

. 8-1 '49/1.8-1 50

.8 81


~Cha ter2 vK 1 2-1/2 1 2-2 i ure 2.1.3-4


.3.3-7b INSERT REP ACEMENTPAGES Figure 1.2.2-76 Sheet 1

Figure 1.2.2-80 Sheet 2 Figure 1.2.2-84 1.6-2 i.6-4 1.6-14 1.8-8/1.8-9 1.8-10 1.8-11 1.8-12 1.8-43/1.8-44 1.8-50b/1.8-50c 1.8-71/1.8-72 1.8-129 1.8-149/1.8-150 1.8-181 1.8-182/'i.8-183

~Cha ter 2 2.1.2-1/2.1.2-2 Figure 2.1.3-4 2.3.1-5/2.3.1-6 2.3.3-7b

~Cha ter3

42. 1-19 4~2.1-31

'L8.2.1-37a figure 3.4.1-1


~Figure 3.8.4-42 C9.3-3/3.9.3-4



~Cha ter3 3.2.1-19 3.2.1-31 3.2.1-37a Figure 3.4.1-1 3.8.1-6a Figure 3.8.4-42 3.9.3-3/3.9.3-4 3.9.3-5/3.9.3-6 3.9.3-1 7 Amendment No. 50


&9.3-22 49.3-23 9.3-34



~9.3-54 P9.3-62

~B-1/3.98-2 AC-1/3.9C-2


@.11.0-8 vent ure 3.1 1 8-4 igure 3.118-23

~Cha ter4 U4,3.2-15/4,3.2-16 A.3.3-1/4.3.3-2 nkef. 4.3R-3 A.4.3-1/4.4.3-2 u6,4-1/4A.4-2

+4,4-3/4,4,4-4 ef. 4.4R-2

~Cha ter 5 Wigure 5,1.2-1 A.3.1-1/5.3.1-2

%3.1-5/5,3.1-6 v6.3.1-7/5.3.1-8 A.3.1-11 4.3.1-17 A;3.1-18 A.3.1-19 A.3.1-33

+.3.2-1/5.3.2-2 v6.3.3-1/5.3.3-2 3.3.3-3/5.3.3-4 3.9.3-22 3.9.3-23 3.9.3-34 3.9.3-51 3.9.3-53 3.9.3-54 3.9.3-62 3.98-1/3 98-2 3.9C-1/3.9C-2 3.9C-29/3.9C-30 3.11,0-8 Figure 3.118-4 Figure 3.118-23

~Cha ter4 4.3.2-15/4.3.2-16 4,3.3-1/4.3.3-2 Ref. 4.3R-3 4.4.3-1/4.4.3-2 4.4.4-1/4.4.4-2 4,4,4-3/4,4,4-4 Ref. 4.4P-2

~Cha ter 5 Figure 5.1.2-1 5.3.1-1/5.3.1-2 5.3.1-5/5.3.1-6 5.3.1-7/5.3.1-8 5.3. 1-1 1

5.3.1-1 7 5.3.'l-l 8 5.3.1-19 5.3.1-33 5.3.2-1/5.3.2-2 5.3.3-1/5.3.3-2 5.3.3-3/5.3.3-4 Amendment No. 50



~Cha ter6


.2.4-15 M.2.6-1/6.2.6-2


/2.6-4a M2.6-5/6.2.6-6

~2.6-7/6.2.6-8 figure 6.2.2-11 Sheet 2 Aigure 6.2.2-13 Sheet 4 IFure 6.2.2-14 Sheet 1

M.3.2-5/6.3.2-6 M.3.2-16

~3.2-30 Figure 6.3.2-02

~Cha ter 7


~ ~


,~l.2-17/7.1.2-18 W2.2-7/7.2.2-8

,gigure 7.2.1-1 Sheet 12


&3.1-17/7.3.1-18 P'.3.2-3/7.3.2-4 X3.2-7/7.3.2-8

~Figure 7.3.1-8 Sheet 1

Qigure 7.3.1-8 Sheet 2 gigure 7.3.1-8 Sheet 3

+4.0-1 5,3R-1

~Cha ter 6 6.2.4-13a 6,2.4-1 5 6.2.6-1/6.2.6-2 6.2.6-3/6.2,6-4 6.2.6-4a Deletion Sheet 6.2.6-5/6.2.6-6 6.2.6-7/6.2.6-8 Figure 6.2,2-11 Sheet 2 Figure 6.2.2-1 3 Sheet 4 Figure 6.2,2-14 Sheet 1

6.3.2-5/6.3.2-6 6.3.2-16 6.3.2-30 Figure 6.3.2-2

~Cha ter7 7-xxiii/7-xxiv 7.1.2-13/7.1.2-14 7.1.2-17/7.1.2-18 7.2.2-7/7.2.2-8 Figure 7.2.1-1 Sheet 12 7.3.1-9/7.3.1-1 0 7.3.1-1 7/7.3.1-18 7.3.2-3/7.3.2-4 7.3.2-7/7.3.2-8 Figure 7.3.1-8 Sheet 1

Figure 7.3.1-8 Sheet 2 Figure 7.3.1-8 Sheet 3 7A.0-1 Amendment No. 50


~4.1-15/7.4.1-16 figure 7.4.1-8



're 7.5.1-6

~Cha ter8



igure 8.1.3-3

,A2.1-5/8.2.1-6 141



+3.1-41/8.3.1-42 A3.1-53

+8.3. 1-54


.3.1-68 figure 8.3.1-1

~Cha ter9

-xxvii/9-xxviii M1.3-1/9.1.3-2 P1.3-3/9.1.3-4




.1.4-11/9.1.4-12 ZlR-1 figure 9.2,1-1 Sheet 1

figure 9.2,1-2 Sheet 2 figure 9.2.3-3 J"igure 9.2.4-1 figure 9.2.8-1 P.3.1-1/9.3.1-la A.3. 1-2/9.3. 1-2a P.3.1-3/9.3.1-4 INSERT REPLACEMENT PAGES 7.4.1-15/7.4.1-16 Figure 7.4.1-8 Figure 7.5.1-6

~Cha ter8 Figure 8.1.3-3 8.2. 1-5/8.2.1-6 8.3.1-29/8.3.1-30 8.3.1-37/8.3.1-38 8.3.1-41/8.3.1-42 8.3.1-53 8.3.1-54 8.3.1-57 8.3.1-68 Figure 8.3.1-1

~Cha ter9 9-xxvii/9-xxviii 9.1.3-1/9.1.3-2 9.1.3-3/9.1.3-4 9.1.3-5/9.1.3-6 9.1.3-9 9.1.4-6a/9.1.4-6b 9.1.4-11/9,1.4-12 9.1 R-1 Figure 9.2.1-1 Sheet 1

Figure 9.2.1-2 Sheet 2 Figure 9.2.3-3 Figure 9.2.4-1 Figure 9.2.8-1 9.3.1-1/9.3.1-1 a 9.3.1-2/9.3.1-2a 9.3.1-3/9.3.1-4 Amendment No. 50


%3.1-6 A.3.2-3/9.3.2-4 A.3.2-5/9.3.2-6 M3.2-6a/9.3.2-6b


~3.4-5/9.3.4-6 A.3.4-31/9.3.4-32

~3.7-1/9.3.7-2 A'.3.7-2a

~3.7-3/9.3.7-4 uFigure 9.3.1-1 di. Ore 9.3.1-2 igure 9.3.1-2a U"igure 9.3.1-3 figure 9.3.2-1 figure 9.3.2-1 a

~inure 9.3.2-1b figure 9.3.2-2 W ure 9,3.3.1 igure Wg.O-7

.4.3-7/9.4.3-8 pA.3-13

~$ 3-14 A.4.3-15 W4.3-17 v@4.3-19 A.4.3-20 A4.3-21


/4.3-26 P'.4.3-27

.4.3-29 riir'A.3-33


/4.3-33 A.4.4-1/9.4.4-2

/4.4-5 9.3.1-5/9.3.1-5a 9.3.1-6 9.3.2-3/9.3.2-4 9.3.2-5/9.3.2-6 9.3.2-6a/9.3.2-6b 9.3.2-9 9.3.4-5/9.3A-6 9.3.4-31/9.3.4-32 9.3.7-1/9.3.7-2 9.3.7-2a 9.3.7-3/9.3.7-4 Figure 9.3.1-1 Figure 9.3.1-2 Fi ure 9.3.1-2a

.igure 9.3.1-3

,Figure 9.3.1-3a Figure 9.3.2-1 Figure 9.3.2-1a Figure 9.3.2-1b Figure 9.3.2-2 Figure Figure 9A,0-7 9.4.2-10 9.4.3-7/9A.3-8 9.4.3-13 9A.3-14 9A.3-15 9A.3-17 9A.3-19 9A.3-20 9A.3-21 9.4.3-24 9A.3-26 9A.3-27 9A.3-29 9A.3-33 9.4.3-34 9A.3-38 9A.4-1/9A.4-2 9.4.4-5 9A.4-7 Amendment No. 50


~4.4-9 v9.4.4-1 1

4.4-1 3

~4.5-5/9A.5-6 P4.5-6a/9A.5-6b


~A.7-9 P.4.7-1 1


~4.10-4 figure 9.4.3-4 vfigure 9.4.3-6 figure 9.4.4-1 M+.1-9/9.5.1-10

'4.5.1-11/9.5.1-12 A.5.1-13/9.5.1-14 1'-14a


. A.5.1-19/9.5.1-20


~ 1-21/9.5.1-22

~ ~ 1-25/9.5.1-26 A.5.1-26a

~5.1-27/9.5.1-28 v@5.1-29/9.5.1-30 v@5.1-35/9.5.1-36 A.5.1-37/9.5.1-38


~ 1-45/9.5.1-46


/5.3-1/9.5.3-2 QA..3-4 igure 9.5.1-1 Sheet 1

3 igure 9.5.4-1 W>gure 9.5.4-2 A'i ure 9.5.5-1 i ure 9.5.5-02 i ure 9.5.6-1 igure 9.5.7-1 9A.4-9 9.4.4-1 1

9.4A-13 9A.5-5/9.4.5-6 9.4.5-6a/9.4.5-6b 9A.7-7 9A.7-9 9.4.7-1 1

9.4.9-7 9.4.10-4 Figure 9.4.3-4 Figure 9A.3-6 Figure 9.4.4-1 9.5.1-9/9.5.1-1 0 9.5.1-1 1/9.5.1-1 2 9,5.1-13/9.5.1-14 9.5.1-14a 9.5.1-15/9.5.1-16 9.5.1-19/9.5.1-20 9.5.1-21/9.5.1-22 9.5.1-25/9.5,1-26 9,5.1-26a 9.5.1-27/9.5.1-28 9.5.1-29/9.5.1-30 9.5.1-35/9,5.1-36 9.5.1-37/9.5.1-38 9.5.1-45/9.5.1-46 9.5.2-5/9.5.2-6 9.5.3-1/9.5.3-2 9.5.3-4 9.5.3-5 Figure 9.5.1-1 Sheet 1

Figure 9.5.4-1 Figure 9.5.4-2 Figure 9.5.5-1 Figure 9.5.5-2 Figure 9.5.6-1 Figure 9.5.7-1 Amendment No. 50



.5A-11/9. 5A-12


~5A-39/9.5A40 MA-41/9.5A-42




~ A-102/9. 5A-103

. A-147/9.5A-148

. A-149/9.5A-150


~5A-156/9.5A-157 P.5A-l 58/9.5A-159

+5A-170/9.5A-1 71


~A-180/9.5A-181 5A-182/9.5A-183

+.5A-1 86/9. 5A-187 Cha ter10 0-vii/10-viii

~ ~

igure 10.1.0-1

~F'pure 10.1.0-3 figure 10.1.0-4 figure 10.1.0-5 W0.2.2-5/10.2.2-6 uT5.2.3-5/10.2.3-6 figure 10.2,2-5

~i ure 10.2.2-6 igure 10.2.2-7 Sheet 1


~.4.5-3/10 4.5-4

~0.4.7-3/10 4.7-4

~.4.7-5/10.4.7-6 J6.4.8-1/10.4.8-2

~.4.8-3/10 4.8-3a Cha ter 9.5A 9.5A-9/9.5A-10 9.5A-11/9.5A-12 9.5A-13/9.5A-14 9.5A-39/9.5A-40 9.5A-41/9.5A-42 9,5A-42a

'.5A-81/9.5A-82 9.5A-102/9,5A-103 9.5A-147/9.5A-148 9.5A-149/9.5A-150 9.5A-151/9.5A-152 9.5A-156/9.5A-157 9.5A-158/9.5A-159 9;5A-170/9.5A-171 9.5A-172/9.5A-173 9.5A-180/9.5A-181 9.5A-182/9.5A-183 9.5A-186/9.5A-187 Cha ter10 10-vii/10-viii Figure 10.1,0-1 Fi re 10.1.0-3

'gure 10.1.0-3a Figure 10.1.0-4 Figure 10.1,0-5 10.2.2-5/10.2.2-6 10.2.3-5/10.2.3-6 Figure 10.2.2-5 Figure 10.2.2-6 Figure 10.2.2-7 Sheet 1

10.4.3-1/10.4.3-2 10.4.5-3/10.4.5-4 10.4.7-3/10.4.7-4 10.4.7-5/10.4.7-6 10.4,8-1/10.4.8-2 10 4.8-3/10.4.8-3a Amendment No. 50



.4.9-13 nfl ure 10.4.5-01 igure 10.4.6-1 figure 10.4.7-01 gfgure 10A.7-03 Cha ter ll Ital.6-1/11.1.6-2 vFjiy0re 11.2.2-2 vfigure 11.2.2-3

~22 t





figure 12.1.1-1


~2.5.1-3/12.5.1-4 M5.3.13/12.5.3-14

.5.3.15/12.5.3-16 Cha ter13

&.1.1-1/13.1.1-2 vT3,1,2-) /13,1.2-2 P3.1,2-3/13.1.2-4 g8;1.2-5/13.1.2-6 d5 '1.2-7/13.1.2-8


~ure 13.1.1-1 gure 13.1.2-1 figure 13.1.2-2

&.2.1-1 3.4.2-1 10A9.12a 10.4.9-13 Figure 10.4.5-1 Figure 10.4.6-1 Figure 10.4.7-1 Figure 10A.7-3 Cha ter ll 11.1.6-1/11

~ 1.6-2 Figure 11.2.2-2 Figure 11.2.2-3

~ch t

12 12.1.1-1/12.1

~ 1-2 Figure 12.1.1-1 12.3.3-1/12.3.3-2 12.5.'1-3/12.5.1-4

'i 12.5,3.15/12,5.3-16 Cha ter13 13.1.1-1/13.1.1-2 13.1.2-1/13.1.2-2 1 3.1.2-3/13.1.2-4 13.1,2-5/13.1.2-6 13.1.2-7/13.1.2-8 13.1,2-9/13.1.2-10 Figure 13.1.1-1 Figure 13.1.2-1 Figure 13.1.2-2 13.2.1-1 13.4.2-1 Amendment No. 50


~.5.1-3/ i3.5.1-4 M5.1-5

~.5.2-1/13.5.2-2 g8,

.2-3/1 3.5.2-4 Q.2-7/13.5.2-8 y6.5.2-9/13.5.2-10

~Ch 1

14 M4.


.12-49/14.2.12-50 4.2.'i 2-65/14.2.12-66 Cha fer15

~vii/15-viii A- '15-xv

-xviii/15-xix Wxxv/15-xxvi


~~xxiii/15-xxxiv H 5-xxxv/15-xxxvi 5.0.3-3/15.0.3-4


+.10-1/15.0.10-2 Ag-11-3/15.0.11-4 M 5/15.0.11-5a


&5.1.5-3/15.1.5-4 MP;5-5/15.1.5-6 M 1.5-7/15.1.5-8 5.1.5-9 A 1R-1 igure 15.1,5-1 13.5.1-1/13.5.1-2 13.5.1-3/13.5.1-4 13.5.1-5 13.5.2-1/13.5.2-2 13.5.2-3/13.5.2-4 13.5.2-7/13.5.2-8 13.5.2-9/13.5.2-10 Cha ter14 14.2.12-39/14.2.12-40 14.2.12-49/14.2.12-50 14.2.12-65/14.2.12-66 Cha fer15 15-vii/15-viii 15-xiv/15-xv 15-xviii/15-xix 15-xxv/15-xxvi 15-xxix/15-xxx 15-xxxiii/15-xxxiv 15-xxxv/15-xxxvi 15.0.3-3/15.0.3-4 15.0.3-14 15.0.10-1/15.0.10-2 15.0-11-3/15.0.11-4 15,0-11-5/15.0.11-5a 15.0.13-5/15.0.13-6 15.0R-3 15.1.5-3/15.1.5-4 15.1.5-5/15.1.5-6 15.1.5-7/15.1.5-8 15.1.5-9 15.1.5-12 15.1.5-13 15.1.5-16 15.1R-l Figure 15.1.5-1 10 Amendment No. 50


>Pi ure 15.1.5-3 ignore 1 5.1.5-4


re 15.1.5-5 gure 15.1.5-6 W5..3-6

~2.3-8 figure 15.2,3-1 figure 15.2.3-2 figure 15.2.3-3 figure 15.2.3-4


~4.3-3/15.4.34 M,4.3-5/15 A.3-6 M4.3-7/1 5A.3-8 W5.4.3-10 H5.4.3-1 1

~4.3-12 1


~4.8-5/15A.8-6 A.4R-1 1i5AR-2 figure 15.4.3-1 figure 15.4.3-2 W i ure 15.4.3-3 igure 15.4.3-4

~ure 15A.3-5 figure 15A.3-6 4"i ure 15.4.3-7 gi ure 15.4.3-8 4i ure 15.4.3-9 jgure 15.4.3-1 0 figure 15.4.3-1 1

45.6.1-1/15.6.1-2 vl'

~.6.5.5/1 5,6.5-6

.6.5-7/15.6.5-8 5.6.5-19 Figure 15.1.5-2 Figure

'l5.1.5-3 Figure 15.1.5-4 Figure 15.1.5-5 Figure l5.1.5-6 1 5.2.3-6 15.2.3-8 Figure 15.2.3-1 Figure 15.2.3-2 Figure 15.2.3-3 Figure 15.2.3-4 15A.1-5 15A.3-3/15A.3-4 15A.3-5/15.4.3-6 15A.3-7/15.4.3-8 15.4.3-10 15.4.3-11 15.4.3-12 15.4.7-1/15.4.7-2 15.4.8-5/15.4.8-6 15.4R-l 15.4R-2 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 15.6.1-1/15.6.1-2 15.6.5-7/15.6.5-8 15.6.5-19 15.4.3-1

'l5.4.3-2 15.4.3-3 1 5.4.3-4 15A.3-5 Del ~ Sheet 15.4.3-6 15.4.3-7 15.4.3-8 15A.3-9 Del. Sheet 15.4.3-10 15A.3-11 Amendment No. 50


~6.5-21 15.6.5-21 15.6R-3 15.6R-4 figure l5.6.5-2 figure 15.6.5-3 Wi ure 15.6.5-3a igure 15.6.5-4 figure 15.6.5-5 Wjigure 15.6.5-6 vfgure 15.6.5-7 i ure 15.6.5-8

'gure 15.6.5-9 figure 15.6.5-10 Pf ure 15.6.5-1 1

gure 15.6.5-12 gi ure 15.6.5-13 vf-igure 15.6.5-14 figure 15.6.5-1 5

/igure 15.6.5-1 6 figure 15.6.5-1 7 figure 15.6.5-18 igure 15.6,5-19 Pigure 15.6.5-20 gure 15.6.5-21 figure 15.6.5-22 igure 15.6.5-23 figure 15.6.5-24

~pure 15.6.5-25 vfi ure 15.6.5-26 igure 15.6.5-27

.7.4-1/15.7.4-2 g;7.4-3/15.7.4-4 W.7.4-5/15.7.4-6

$.7.4-11 gg.7.4-1 2 g5.7.4-'l3 15.7R-1 Figure 15.6.5-2 Figure 15.6.5-3 Figure 15.6.5-3a Del Figure 15.6.5-4 Figure 15.6.5-5 Figure 15.6,5-6 Figure 15.6.5-7 Figure 15.6.5-8 Figure 15.6,5-9 Figure 15.6.5-10 Figure 15.6.5-11 Figure 15.6.5-l2 Figure 15.6.5-13 figure 15.6.5-14 Figure 15.6.5-1 5 Figure 15.6.5-1 6 Figure 15,6,5-17 Figure 15.6.5-1 8 Figure 15.6.5-19 Figure 15.6.5-20 Del ~

Figure 15.6.5-21 Dei.

Figure 15.6.5-22 Del ~

Figure 15.6.5-23 Del ~

Figure 15.6.5-24 Del ~

Figure 15.6.5-25 Del.

Figure 15.6.5-26 Del.

Figure 15.6.5-27 Del.

15.7.4-1/15.7.4-2 15.7.4-3/15.7.4-4 15.7.4-5/15.7 4-6 15.7.4-11 15.7.4-12 15.7.4-13 15.7R-1

. Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet 12 Amendment No. 50

REMOVE EXISTING PAGES INSERT REPLACEMENT PAGES Cha ter16 A.a-a W6.3.12/16.3-13 Cha ter16 lb.3-8 16.3-12/1 6.3-13 16.3-40 1 6.3-42 16.3-57 Cha ter17 Cha ter17


&3.1-1/17.3.1-2 y3:1-3/17.3.1-4 W.2-3/17.3.2-4

~.3-1/1 7.3.3-2


. -3/17.3.3-4


'MI 17-'/-1 7-ii

-iii/17-iv 1 7.3.1-1/1 7.3.1-2 1 7.3.1-3/1 7.3.1-4 1 7.3.2-3/1 7.3.2-4 1 7.3.3-1/1 7.3.3-2 17.3.3-3/17.3.3-4 17$.3-5


~3.4-3/17.3.4-4 Jrt.3.4-5/1 7.3.4-6 JL$.4-7/17.3.4-8 P7.3.4-9 TMI I-8 TMI-8 13 Amendment No. 50