IR 05000445/1985018

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Forwards Corrected Page 8 to App C of NRC Insp Repts 50-445/85-18 & 50-446/85-15.Corrected Page Issued Prior to Issuance to Make Insp Repts Technically Correct
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/22/1986
From: Westerman T
To: Phillips S
Shared Package
ML20237F760 List: ... further results
NUDOCS 8708210056
Download: ML20238A699 (3)


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MAY 2 21986 MEMORANDUM FOR: S. H. Phillips, Senior Resident Inspector - Construction, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station FROM: T. F. Westerman, Chief, Reactor Safety Branch. ORSP SUBJECT: CHANGE TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-445/85-18; 50-446/85-15


A change was made to page 8 of Appendix C to NRC Inspection Report 50-445/85-18; 50-446/85-15, prior to issuance, to make it technically correc A copy of the original page and the corrected page are attached.

l Odgital SWk T. F. Westerman T. F. Westerman, Chief Reactor Safety Branch Attachment cc:

E. Johnson I. Barnes RIV File RIV:RSB T esterman hl/86 DR 6 070019

kf0fX0500o445 PDR,


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i that the containment ventila$ior; system (which contains eight f subsystems /compor3enti) is seismic C:stegory 11 and* poesafetT-rch4ed, j with tha exception cf the containment parge exhiust dntwork, support, I

debris screen, ud isolation nives, w!".ch are seismic' Category i Only thq inlation valver. which"ars safety and code class 1, safety-relat,ed and seismic Category $



l 1ha Gibbs & Hill Inc. specification for HVnc systems is 2323-76-85,


'levision 3. Selected portions of this specification were reviewed to select the the hardware to be inspected. Isolation dampes'.or; valves '


and hydrogen purge systems were selected for inspecti m i  ;

' Work ob,rrvad: The NRC inspector used Drawings 2323-W 2-0301, RevisioiTFT, and 2323-M2-0502, Revision 1, to irerify the equipment as-installed; 1.e. , identification, location, ard' configuration of the hydrogen supply / exhaust, and containment supply / purge / relief system '

The following were inspected: ,


PENETRATION 14759-1B 12191 M III 18 2HV 5543 12191

. 2HV 5563 14759-18 2HV 5542 14759-1F 12191 2VA 001 ,

AF 074 9579 I 14759-1A 12191 M III 19 2HV 5541 12191 '

2HV 5562' i 14759-1B 2HV 5540 14759-1C 12191 2VA 002 AF 003 9579-14759-3C 12191 MV2 2HV 553 HV 5538 14759-30 2HV 5549 14759-2A 12191 M V 14 ,12191 2HV 5548 I4759-28 2VA 005- AD 213 06565

. .

2HV 5537 14759 3A 12191 MV1 12191'

2HV 5536 14759-X 2VA 003 AD 219' 08509 C RecordsRev'idirTheNRCinspectorreviewedRIRpackages: 12191, 13710, .

13186, iscTT!IS7. . These packages contained a receiving checklist, '



l drawir,gs, QA cracklist, and a documentation ytekage which ,fecluded:


drawings, order specificatie sheet, meterial tracesility list, t<4 , d mill test report-(NTR),afisc NTR,\stra NTR, disc pin NTR, gasket retair,er NTR, g4sket retainer, bolts certification (Cert), filler acto j test r6 port ,(TQ,' manufacturer'rmterial TR, certificate of complianceji .

liquid penetrant:TP;. sid repair' retet, bo% radiogrer$ TR,. well . ,





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-8-that the containment ventilation system (which contains eight '

subsystems / components) is seismic Category II and non-nuclear-safety with the exception of the containment purge exhaust ductwork, support, debris screen, and isolation valves, which are seismic Category Only the isolation valves, which are safety and code class 2, are safety-related and seismic Category The Gibbs & 11111 Inc. specification for HVAC systems is 2323-MS-85 Revision 3. Selected portions of this specification were reviewed to Isolation dampers or valves select the the hardware to be inspecte i and hydrogen purge systems were selected for inspection, Work observed: The NRC inspector used Drawings 2323-M-2-0301, Revision CP-4, and 2323-M2-0502, Revision 1, to verify the equipment as-installed; i.e., identification, location, and configuration of the hydrogen supply / exhaust, and containment supply / purge / relief system The following were inspected:


14759-1B 12191 M III 18 2HV 5543 12191 2HV 5563 14759-18 2HV 5542 14759-1F 12191 2VA 001 AF 074 9579 14759-1A 12191 M III 19 2HV 5541 12191 2HV 5562 14759-18 2HV 5540 14759-1C 12191 2VA 002 AF 003 9579 14759-3C 12191 MV2 2HY 5539 12191 2HV 5538 14759-30 2HV 5549 14759-2A 12191 M V 14 2HV 5548 14759-2B 12191 2VA 005 AD 213 08565 .

14759-3A 12191 MV1 2HV 5537 12191 2HY 5536 14759-3B 2VA 003 AD 219 08509 l

l Records Review: The NRC inspector reviewed R1R packages: 12191, 1311 , and 1318 These packages contained a receiving checklist, i drawings, QA checklist, and a documentation package which included:

j drawings, order specification sheet, material traceability list, body mill. test report (MTR), disc MTR, stan NTR, disc pin MTR, gasket l


retainer MTR, gasket retainer bolts certification (Cert),' filler metal test report (TR), manufacturer's material TR, certificate of cumpliance, Hquid penetrant TR, weld repair report, body radiography TR, wall l f  ;



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  • k, - 811 AYAN PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 1000 ,



l May 12, 1986 <



la L lb Handwritten draft for Linit 2 construction inspectio (Submi tted 3rd week Dec. 1985)

2a L 2b First revisions per. comments on I First draft of repor First draft reviewed by management and management writes in conclusion and directed changes on pages 7,8,12 and 13, Para. 6 was revised because status change Sa & Sb Second draft and Final draft. Final incorporates minor revision a Final report is a composite of construction, operations, and RIV technical review team followu Exit Inspector informed TUGCO of violations on December 4, 198 KEY * Ori gi nal Submission

    • Difference
      • Mgt directed change implemented i


Report Cover Pace * * ** *** Violations dropped.


Action on 10CFR50.55(e)

! Def i ci enci es Identified by the Acolicant/ Para TUGCO failed to * NA *** Violation droppe devel op /i mpl ement a **

procedure to show or reference objective evidence that defi-ciencies were correcte Vi ol ati on of Criterion V " Procedures. Instruc-t2cns and Drawings"


of 10 CFR Part 50, l Appendix (Phillips,McCleskey finding; Phillips wrote the violation).


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5/12/86 SUBJECT / PARAGRAPH DOClfMENTS i COMMENTS Pg 2 (Inspector) la 2 a ?.< b C 4 Sa TUGCO failed to re- * NA *** Violation droppe vise implementing- **

procedures before corporate NED Pro-cedure CS-1 was implemented, result-ing in conflict with five other proce-dure Violation of Criterion VI " Document Control".- (Phillips finding and wrote the violation.) TUGCO failed to main- * *** Violation droppe tain 50.55(e) files **

(OA records) that were retrievable; i.e, could not pro-  ;

duce record in almost  !

a mont Violation of Criterion XVII "OA

. Records". (McCleskey I

/ finding) Phillips wrote ,

the violation. )

f TUGCO failed to re- * *** Violation droppe I port to the NRCathe ** I corrective action actually taken and changes to commitment regarding corrective action reported to l NRC. Violation I 10CFR50.55(e)

(McCl es k ey, Phillips finding; Phillips wrote the violation. )

l TUGCO failed to have * ** Mgt changed finding l a procedure. This *** .to a positive state-violation of Criterion ment about TUGCO V was changed to an action. TUGCO unresolved statement never. discussed in 1.a. (revision 4 this commitment para. 3.) (Phillips) with inspector's before this change was made to repor Insert # .

.s+-t=,***rav W W we9, te -NMWfee c.**f P e *r*pt# * e, N18 9 1- g* ~9 % t*

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. 5/12/86  ;

SUBJECT / PARAGRAPH DOCUMENTS , COMMENTS .Pg 0 'l (2nspector) la 2abb 3 4 5a  ; TUGCO files were not * * * ** Mgt. dropped para, auditable with respect *** and substituted to. corrective actio para. where TUGCO Violation of 1G CFR admitted violation Part 50.55(e) and many but was taking ,

TUGCO letters which action. Insert # j stated records avail- I able. Changed from violation to strong paragrap (McCleskey)

Aeolicant Acti on on l

IE Bulletins Para. 4 TUGCO never responded * *** Statement droppe to all aspects of ** Unresolved item IED 79-14. Unresolved dropped per item pending further directio revi ew. (McCl eskey, Phillips) TUGCO IEB files for * *** Statement droppe / 1982 and 1985 did ** Unresolved item not contain suf fi- dropped per cient records or ref- . directio erence to records which show IEB action /

corrective action compl?te. Unresolved item. !'hillips, McCloskey)

c. TUGCO had replaced * *** Violation dropped NAMCO switches per ** to unresolve IEB 79-28 but 2 of 14 that were field inspected were not properly identified on installation traveler. Violation of Criterion VIII {

" Identification /

control of Materials, '

Parts,and Components" (McCleskey,.Phillips findin Phillips wrote the violation. )





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. '. 5/12/86 j DOCUMENTS


SUBJECT / PARAGRAPH ) COMMENTS Pg 4 (Inspector) la 2a t<b !- 4 Sa TUGCO procedures for * * ** *** Mgt. dropped and handling IEB are wrote insert #2 are deficient in that in Document #4 )

they do not describe i how construction manage-ment / personnel hanole IEB requiring action,


especially hardware  ;


} repair, replacement


and modificatio Prior to writeup, I stated to management that this is a viola-tion but mot. disagreed and I wrote it as unresolved.(McCleskey, Phillips finding) No TUGCO construction * * ** *** Mgt. dropped and focal point was found wrote insert #2 i for tracking such IEB .in Doc.# action Prior to writeup I stated to management that this l / is a violation but mot.

! disagreed and I wrote it as unresolve (McCleskey,Phillips)

. Action on Previ ous l Inscettien Findino Para 2

. Failure to properly re- * #* * ** The dropping of view design change i . this violation was DCA 18728, not reviewed coordinated with for impact before sign- T. Young by ing DCA 2989 Viola- Messers McCleskey tion dropped.(McCleskey, and Phillips as Phillips) additional infor-

  • i mation was foundito I show complianc Mr. Young agree . Electrical Penetration Seals

. Whole paragraph changed * ** ** ** *** Viol ation droppe after management di- Request for office


l rected additional in- l spection in late De investigation to j review also l 1985 and after BISCO droppe i Memo to IE reviewed by RIV Mgt.(T. Young)





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