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Forwards Pleadings,Motions & Orders Filed in Alchemie Reorganization Action.Alchemie Currently Preparing Reorganization Plan Which Will Serve as Framework for Future Company Business Activities
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, 05000603, 05000604
Issue date: 10/11/1989
From: Irving S
To: Thompson H
25995, NUDOCS 8910180245
Download: ML19327A844 (149)


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AKhemIE, Inz. y: mu au&%%M s, av

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All Chernicot isotope Enrichment, Inc. [h-fD , n. S %cktrio uu*c 9  %' Dsuc Q Mr. Hugh L. Thompson Jr. 7 7 US Nuclear Regulatory Commiss in OCTy y IO83) J,0 __ OCTy0/sg3),- Washington, D.C. 20555 { { p l

Dear Mr. Thompson,

4 _ (' ' t_ [ Along with this letter, I enclose copies of pisadings, motions, and orders which have been filed in the A1ChemIE Reorganization , Action since my last submittal. I am endeavoring to get the NRC added as an addressee so you will receive from the Bankruptcy , Clerk copies of all papers as they are filed. A1ChemIE continues to work towards resolution of its critical issues with DOE. We are currently preparing a reorganization plan which will serve as the framework for future company business activities. I want to thank the NRC staff for your fair monitoring of this situation. I know all parties involved would like to see the benefits of this technology transfer effort brought to the American people. If you need any additional information on this matter, please advise and I will see that the same is sent to you. Very,trul yours,

                   /                    ,i     s

fM Stephen A. Irving Attorney of Record i Ii 8910180245 ADOCK891011 05000603, PDR Q-V11 Pine Ridge Office Park. Suite 202-B 702 lilinois Ave., Ook Ridge. TN 37830 (615) 482-0029

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orm i- ti/H) httch f>tates Bankruptcg Gourt Eastern District of Tennessee i ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICllMENT, 3-89-01695 INC. a/k/a ALCHEMIE, INC. Bankruptcy Case No. l la re Debtor UNIVERSAL BROKERS OF EQUIPMENT, INC.

v. Plaintiff ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC. Adversary Proceeding No. 3-89-0154 f a/k/a ALCHEMIE, INC. and ANDERSON COUNTY BANK Defendant t

SUMMONS IN AN ADVERSARY PROCEEDING YOU ARE SUMMONED and required to submit a motion or answer to the complaint which is attached to . this summons to the clerk of the bankruptcy court within 30 days after the date of issuance of this sum. ' mons, except that the United States and its offices and agencies shall submit a motion or answer to the com-plaint within 35 days.

                         '#'             United States Bankruptcy Court                                                    F Suite 1501, Plaza Tower
  • l 1

Knoxville, Tennsesee 37929-1501 At the same time, you must also serve a copy of the motion or answer upon the plaintiff's attorney. Name and Address of Plaintiff's Attorney James R. Moore, Esq. ** , l L P. O. Box 1790 r l Knoxville, TN 37901 if you make a motion, your time to answer is governed by Bankruptcy Rule 7012. IF YOU Fall TO RESPOND TO Tills SUMMONS, YOUR FAILURE WILL HE DEEMED TO HE  : YOUR CONSENT TO ENTRY OF A JUDGMENT HY Tile HANKRUPTCY COURT AN - l MENT HY 1)EFAULT MAY llE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOlt Tile REllEF DEMANDED COMPLAINT. .

       ** Stanley G. Emert, Jr.
  • P. O. Box 107 37901 Knoxville, TN Clerk of the BanLruptcy Court t
                                                                         ^/ , , o                  n , , e .'  /

September 29, 1989 By:  ! Deputy Clerk page


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AKhemIE, Inc. M Chemicalisotope Enrichment. Inc. l

                 ~ January 31, 1989 Mr. Joe Parks Director, Enrichment Operations Division U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations Post Office Box 2001 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8757

Dear Mr. Parks:

Attached please find a rough- draft to a possible compromise agreement for D&D. This is in accordance with our previous conversation. I will'be at GCEP the rest of this week. Please advise at that location your comments. i Sincerely, l '

                             , INC.
               .ALCHEM XN          (gg/7IJJ fz }p     J         s J .n H. Smelser, Jr.

I isf Executive Officer, L JHS:as i l l Pine Ridge Office Park. Suite 202-B 702 tilinois Ave.. Ook Ridge. TN 37830 (615) 482-0029

I ge AlchemIE/ DOE contract no.

                                                                                                                   , dated November 20, 1987, is amended to provide as follows:


1. Financial Guarantees for Ultimate Decontamination and Disposal of Classified and/or Contaminated Equipment,._ A1ChemIE has ,

herebefore agreed to bear the expenses associated with l decontamination and disposal of its classified and/or i contaminated equ'ipment. In order to address DOE's concerns that j AlchemIE has available or will reasonably have available. the , funds to meet this obligation, A1ChemIE and DOE agree as followel  ; i

a. A1ChemIE has previously provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a Standby Letter of Credit in the amount of
                             $517,000.00 to cover its ultimate decontamination and                                                        !

disposal obligations. AlchemIE will keep this letter of ' credit in force during its leasehold tenure at CPDF.

b. Additionally within days after Ooing into production, ,

A1ChemIE will post an installment surety instrument in the amount of , and will increase this amount quarterly, as reasonably directed by DOE, in like amounts until such time as the maximum sum of  ! shall be posted.

c. As A1ChemIE conducts on-going operation D&D activities, the l I

maximum amount listed above will be concomitantly adjusted.

2. Title to Classified Equipment. Once title to the classified  ;

equipment has passed to AlchemIE, the same shall not revert to [ DOE unless and until A1ChemIE has pe:.'f orme d necessary D&D activities on said equipment. A1ChemIE ehall be entitled to sell such equipment as provided by law and applicable regulations. l

3. DOE will affirmatively assist AlchemIE in the process of 4 declassifying equipment, the rational for classification of which no longer exists.
!.                m             FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE (NORTHERN DIVISION) t in Re:                                                                                   ;

ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC., l a/k/a ALCHEMIE, INC., , Debtor Ch. 11 #3-89 01695 MOTION TO INSPECT EQUIPMENT Comes Universal Brokers of Equipment (hereinafter "UBE") and Diane Mealer by and through counsel and would move the court to order that movants: On the 3rd day of October,1988 the debtor All Chemical isotope , Enrichment, incorporated, ("AIChemlE") entered into a contact with the Movant, Universal Brokers of Equipment, Incorporated, ("UBE*) a TN corporation. The  : contract called for UBE to sellitems of equipment, scrap or supporting systems  ; which ALCHEMIE designated as available for sale, both classified and unclassified, which were located at the gas centrifuge in the Portsmouth Plant in 1 Piketon, Ohio ("GCEP"). The Debtor's schedules show the remaining l equipment as being worth $63,000.000.00, however it is believed that this equipment has a liquidation value of approximately $5,000,000.00. L USE hired specifically qualified people in order to handle the very unique nature of the equipment and property being sold. Both Diane Mealer and L Edward Griffin, employees of UBE, were approved by the Department of Energy (" DOE") to be on the site of GCEP, and having inspected the equipment and handled its sale, are very familiar with the equipment belen0 i n0 to the debtor at [ this site. UBE sales have generated $1,748,380.00 with regard to the equipment, and UBE is due in excess of $300,000.00 in commissions.

                                                 - . .             -    ~        _      -               . .-

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As a result of the difficulties encountered by UBE in attempting to fulfillits obligetlons under the contract a complaint was filed by UBE against the Debtor j on May 19,1989 and a Temporary Restraining Order was obtained. On June


19,1989 at a hearing before Judge James B. Scott, Jr., the Court ordered from the bench that a special master be appointed. Prior to the Order being entered as a result of the June 19,1989 hearing, the Debtor herein filed the present proceeding before this Court.' Prior to the filing of the bankruptcy petition th debtor refused to allow the movant to inspect the Portsmouth equipment. Given the present situation of the debtor, and the actions of the U. S. l Attorney the movant believes it to be in the best interests of the Debtor and its l creditors for an immediate inspection of the debtor's equipment at GCEP to occur, in order to determine not only what equipment is there but also its ' condition and the effects of the removal of previously sold equipment. From the testimony of the debtor's board of directors it is apparent that there is no one who is quite certain of the condition of the equipment belonging to the debtor.

  -                       located in Portsmouth.

Movant has contacted the U. S. Trustee and both Anderson County Bank and John Smelcher who are the only parties claiming to hold a security interest in the equipment and none have an objection to the movants immediate inspection of the equipment. Given the hearing presently scheduled for August 9,1989 on not only the motion to dismiss but the motion to lift the stay with regard to part of the equipment, movant would request that the court enter the requested order as soon as possible. WHEREFORE, movant would request that the Court issue an order allowing Diane Mealer and Ed Griffin, to inspect the equipment of the debtor located at the Portsmouth facility in Piketon Ohio, subject to any conditions and requirements of the Department of Energy. l

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g DATEDi I /i p f/ Respectfully Submitted, f

                                                                          )     &nk                     M
                                                                        ' STANLEY CyEMERT,JR.

LOCKRIDGE & BECKER, P. C. #% P. O. BOX 107 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37901 (615) 522-4194 MELNICK & MOORE ' BY: 4Mhe . AfpGS R. MOORE 6p2 S. Gay Street, Suite 900 P. O. Box 1790 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 s- (615) 637 2523 ~ Counsel for Universal Brokers of Equipment, Inc. and Diane Mealer CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby represents that a true and exact copy of the

-                             foregoing Motion for 2004 Exam to Andrew Carey, Alchemie, Inc., Pine Ridge -

Office Park, Suite 202-B,702 tilinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 and to William Sonnenburg, Assistant U S. Trustee, U.S. Courthouse, Room 58, Chattanooga, TN 37402, this the Vd day of August,1989.

                                                                               .b          W /-

M/ inspection Portsmouth 89 f , - - * . .

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in Re: ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC., alk/a ALCHEMIE, INC., _ Debtor = Ch. 11 #3-89-01695 ORDER TO INSPECT EQUIPMENT Upon motion Universal Brokers of Equipment (hereinafter "UBE") and  ; Diane Moater by and through counsel and for good cause shown it is hereby ORDERED that the representatives of UBE includinD Diane Mealer and Ed Griffin, may inspect the equipment of the debtor located at the Portsmouth facility in Piketon Ohio, subject to any conditions and requirements of the Department of Energy. . DATED:

                                                                         ~                          ~~


                            /b         sW          e STANLEY N/E!ME'RT,'JR.        // ~

LOCKRIDGE & BECKER, P. C. 3'J P. O. BOX 107 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37901 (615) 522-4194 1

3", g .- 6' MELNICK & MOORE

                                         /,-                                                                    ,

BY: / h4 ~ s MES R. MOORE 02 S. Gay Street, Suite 900

                                    . O. Box 1790
                                - Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (615) 637 2523                                                               .

Counsel for Universal Brokers of Equipment, Inc. and Diane Mealer CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby represents that a true and exact copy of the foregoing Motion for 2004 Exam to Andrew Carey, Alchemie, Inc., Pine Ridge Office Park, Suite 202-B,702 lllinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 and

                                                                         . Trustee, U.S. Courthouse, Room 58, to   William    Sonnenburg, Chattanooga, TN 37402, this the # Assistant   Ugday of August,1989.-

A 7 l

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                   -In re Case No. 3-89-01695 ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC.                                                                                                     ,

a/k/a ALCHEMIE, INC. Debtor .. ORDER p July 4 I', The- debtor's Motion To Dismiss filed 1989, after notice, came on for hearing on July 24, i 1989. The court, after hearing statements of counsel i and receiving limited evidence, directs that the Motion 1 continued further hearing to To Dismiss be for August 9, 1989, at 9:00 a.m., in the Courtroom, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower, Knoxville, Tennessee. . The debtor provide documents or copies thereof - is directed. to  ; relating to its dealings with the investor group which )

                    < led to the execution of a " Memorandum Of Understanding"                                                                            ,

1989. These documents will be executed May 30, [ delivered to the office of the United States Trustee, , [ 6th- Floor , Plaza Tower, Knoxville, Tennessee, on or l l u - - -- - - . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]

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                               ' before' Joly- 128, -1989,   for    inspection     by. interested-l
 $ ')' e parties.

This ~ order is entered nutic pro tunc for - July 24,  ;

                                                                                                                 'f 1989.

l SO ORDERED. , ENTER: July-31, 1989 2-BY THE C00 / - t ~1 RICHA STAIR, p . United States Bankruptcy-Judge 7 j ". l'. i, -I i., 1 l l l 1

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DEBTOR AFFIDAVIT OF PROPOSED ATTORNEYS STATE OF TENNESSEE COUNTY OF SEVIER 1 Before me, the undersigned authority personally u . appeared - Charles W. Kite, who being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I, Charles W. Kite, . am an attorney at law duly t

licensed to practice in this State and admitted to practice in  ! this Court.

2. I . am a' -member of the firm of Brabson, Kite and o Vance and maintain offices at Citizens National Bank Plaza, '

1. Sevierville, Tennessee. L l

                       !3. I and the firm of Brabson, Kite and Vance have been requested -to . represent the Debtor specifically for the purpose of being general counsel for the Board of Directors and to advise it on non-bankruptcy matters, and for the purpose of representing the Debtor in the completion of contracts between l

,. ; y the Debtor and the U.S. Department of Energy and _ between the Debtor and the investors currently having a contract including ( the preparation and review of all documents to be prepared to consummate the contracts. ' 4.- To the best of my knowledge, neither I or any member of the firm of Brabson, Kite and Vance has or represents ,. an interest adverse to the Debtor or its estate. The firm of Brabson,- Kite and Vance is owed One-Thousand and 00/100 (S1,000) Dollars by the Debtor for services rendered prior to the filing of the bankruptcy proceeding which is not connected with or related to the preparation of the original Petition, and Schedulo and Statement of Affaire filed herein. The firm of Brabson, Kite and Vance or its members have two executory contracts with the Debtor, one to acquire funding and a capital contribution and one for the sale of isotopes. BRABSON, KITE ,VANCE

                                                                                               )     l~ ,                                ,

BY: f/ I ' ' ' Chufles W. Kite P.O. Box 5260 Sevierville, TN 37864

                                             -(615) 673-9938 Subscribed and sworn before me Witnoss by hand and Official Seal this // '* day        Gune 1989.
                  ,       n. .

_ / i nt t, *

                   )'  76,% o ArO d NOTARY [PUBLIC My Commission Expires:         . - / 9 vM
    <[ .. ;


                                                     .QEDIB ja n.hantsa>

This matter came to be hearddon the Cth day of September, 1989 before the' Honorable Judge Stair, Bankruptcy Judge, in the 1. ! Eastern District of ~ Tennessee, Northern Division, upon Anderson County Bank's Motion to Reconsider his prior to twruling shofpathat y.e day sisy ganouf directing Anderson County Bank to deposit $2,000,000.001 plus Jens 4*~ a f. ' u n tels n e tt> < 4- '2..eascon < s use w m a u .Wp interest pursuant to th' e% ~ August Sn 24, 1989 hearing? and the Court-  ! b counsel, review of the " Motion to finds, upon argument of hos Reconsider" including the fact that Anderson County Bank. W - , j pLsJys) s s w e, +oe s u '

             -$1,604,699.00 inideposit at the Federal-Reserve Bank of Atlanta, amount of Nashville    branch,    and a cashier's check in the                                                                          1 I
               $416,397.00, at the time of the hearing whose aggregate amounts add up to the sum total of $2,000,000.00 plus interest accrued to
             .date, and for good cause shown, the court finds that the Motion to Reconsider is well taken and granted under the following terus and conditions:

l i l

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f /4Jgs/ ses,.edse* ey Thatt the $1,604,699.004 deposit . in' the Federal _ Reserve

 "                              1.                                                                                               '

Bank of Atlanta, Nashville branch, shall be taken out-of a joint. U p st< 0 - M o b-s account so as to allow the Erd:::1 ";r.hrr;t:/ Trustee sole dominion and control over the account;

2. The parties acknowledge by signature below that all ,

documents necessary to transfer sole custody and control of the on deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank of funds / securities Du ds.l S+a40 have been Nashville branch, to the9 Trustee herein, Atlanta, properly executed by Anderson County Bank and delivered to the (/ ,, .}. . J m ts$ g

  • Trustee herein. '
3. That Anderson County Bank has issued a check in the amount of $416,397.00 payable to the United States Trustee and c u t An /ra c J s

that said check shall be deposite[S.[n.h 1am. account with First Tennessee Bank in the name of the Trustee. Further, upon receipt of the Ginnie Mae certificates from Merrill Lynch to the Federal UashN b+nb+ Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Nashville branch, the 1 Trustee or his designate shall, release the $416,397.00 back to the Anderson County Bank upo proper verification by the Trustee that the y I,3 Vs as Jdduanl Ginnie Maes are1]HPeper collateral in the Federal Reserve Bank of i Atlanta, Nashville branch, together with any cash deposits necessary to provide 110% collateral of the $416,397.00 amount in the Federal Reserve Bank.

4. That all the documentation, paperwork and other items hereinabove mentioned have been properly executed and in place by 12:00 noon on September 6, 1989.

It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Anderson 2 l l I

     . k +-   ...

County. Bank's' Motion to. Reconsider is well taken under the terms M-

                  -and oonditions as horeinabove specified.

ENTERED.this 6th day of September, 1989. FOR THE COURT RICHARD STAIR, JR. /  ! f U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge APPROVED FCR ENTRY: COUNTY BANK L ANDJi3tS 1


By: e . PAUL E. DUNN I B N l J ES Y. (BO)' REED l-JENKINS & JENKINS 2121. Plaza Tower

                      -Knoxville, Tennessee- 37929
                                   '615-524-1873 l.



I [' ,, ' a .. . PAMELA G. STEELE

                   ' Assistant U.S. Attorney 201 U.S.P.O. & Courthouse P.O. Box 872                                                           i Knoxville, Tennessee         37901                                       l Phone:    615-673-4561 i

des i

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IM-PATRICIA. FOSTER- 1 Counsel for U.S. Trustee 610 Plaza Tower Knoxville,. Tennessee 37929 Phone: 615-673-4246 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the l- foregoing has been furnished to all attorneys of record, by placing a' copy in the U.S. Mail, first class, postage prepaid,


hand delivery and/or FAX transmittal, this the 6th day of August, 1989. At rney . Alchl.ord 9 I l l l l 4 l

l County Bank's Motion to Reconsider is well taken under the terms :q and conditions as hereinabove specified. ENTERED this, 6th day of September,.1989. FOR THE COURT / .

                                                                                    /           '

RICHARD STAIR, JR. / U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge P APPROVED FOR ENTRY: ;i AND 4 COUNTY BANK L ./ i . By: _ m-PA'OL E. DUNN .,

                  -B              N J   ES Y. (BO) REED JENKINS & .TENKINS 2121 Plaza T'ower Knoxville, Tennessee          37929 Phone:     615-524-1873                                                ,


                                    . .: . . . {'~   l 1

PAMELA G. STEELE Assistant U.S. Attorney e 201 U.S.P.O. & Courthouse P.O. Box 872 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 Phone: 615-673-4561 3 l"

 *- v
        -il_ k!;
      *  :   GN-SNDERSON COUNTY BANK Member FDIC 101 South Main Street Clinton, Tennessee 37716 615/457 4200 h
                                           . LISrDC & BALE SUIRITES (1)-$50,000 face value U.S. Treasury Bill maturing 9-29-89 (2) $508,627 Qth (JLhbo Midget) 10% due 12-20-02      .

(Principal r-iningn= $455,338.00, currant market value=$453,630.00)

                 '(3) 1,020,000.00 face value U.S. Treasury Bill maturing 11-24-89.

(4) $300,000.00 Federal National m rtgage Assn. matiring 11-12-90.  ! (5) $175,990 Federal Home loan mrtage maturing 03-01-01, i i


a ;g+ H $pdersor 1 Lt)wounty 3an. ( Member FDIC j 101 South Main Street - Clinton, Tennessee 37716 1 615/457 4200  ; Corporate Resolution of *bE \  ; l' Anderson County Bank -J 1 1 Be it resolved that a quorum was called of the Board of Directors who duly met for the purpose mentioned herein and passed the following resolutions, as. depicted by-their signatures affixed thereto, to wit: i It is resolved that the directors waive all notice of meeting and/or special meeting of the Board , of Directors; and It is resolved that the Board of Directors authorizes

                     -and directs James F. Griffin to sign any and all documents necessary to allow the Federal Trustee to have sole and exclusive control and direction of any and all funds or accounts with the Federal Reserve' Bank of Atlanta, Nashville Branch in Anderson County Banks sole or joint name.

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b n i I , S b ' t W NYYf Ad

                                                ?uu NO.$

y 'j m RESOLUTION OF ANDERSON COUNTY BANK BE IT RESOLVED that since the original Charter and By-Laws are-in the possession of the appropriate regulatory authorities'in Nashville we, the Directors, heretofore attest

               ~ that the attached unsigned copy of the Charter and By-Laws are a strue'and exact copy of the signed originals properly recorded          .

with the Secretary of State in Nashville, Tenessee. Dated this,6th-day of September, 1989. t DIRECTOR

                                                   /                                 ~


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ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE- ) BK No. 3-89-01695 4 ENRICHMENT, INC., a/k/a. ) ALCHEMIE, ) Chapter 11


Debtor. ) 1 . ORDER l This matter, pursuant to the Joint Motion _ to compel E Compliance With Agreed Order and To Assure ' Adequate Protection- { the United States of America, on behalf of its agency, the Department of Energy, rOl the United States Trustee, having come on to be heard by this Court on September 1, 1989,'and , September 5, 1989, it is HEREBY ORDERED that Anderson County Bank deposit in this  ! Court by close of Court September 5, 1389, the amount of $2 million plus any and'all' interest accrued-since the date of the filing-of the bankruptcy petition, June 20, 1989. L

                                                                               //,6  -

ENTER: September 5, 1989 /f ' r Richard / Stair, Jr. ' / L United States Bankrupt'cy Judge > APPROVED FOR ENTRY: JOHN W. GILL, JR. - United States Attorney 7 ,,

                                                       / , ,       .,

By: i / - 1# ' PAMELA G. STEELE

                       -Assistant U.S. Attorney 201 U.S.P.O. & Courthouse Post Office Box 872
                       ' Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 615/673-4561/FTS 854-4561
                    . des
  ,,_7.          , .

l , . g c4 - j

            ' s nJo;
                     .E.: FRANKLIN:CHILDRESS,-JR.                       .:

United States. Trustee- j

                     ' Region'XIII                                        J r..                       .   .

By:- aiYrE# N i FATRICIA C. . FdSTER.

        '                    Attorney-for the United                      ;

States Trustee 900 Georgia Ave., Room 48 Chattanooga, TN 37402 615/752-5153 i t t

      .'                                                                 g i

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3, 2
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                                 'ALL CHEMICAL ISO 1DPE                          )             _

ENRICHMENT, INC.. . ) , Docket No. 3 89-01695 a/k/a ALCHEMIE,. ) Chapter 11 ,


Debtor. ') j


NOTICE OF APPEARANCE II McCampbell' & Young hereby gives notice of its appearance as counsel for  ; 1: Judith- A. Wilson. It is requested that copics of all notices, orders and other documents to be e served in this bankruptcy case be served upon Ms.' Wilson through her attorneys at the following address: , Mark K. Williams, Esq. L McCampbell & Young Post Office Box 550 l Knoxville, Tennessee 37901-0550 < i h,

                                                                                                        <     . W\

M trl yilliams McCAMPBELL & YOUNG 2021 Plaza Tower -

  ^                                Post Office Box 550 Knoxville, Tennessee L 37901-0550

, Telephone: (615) 637-1440 Attorneys for Judith A. Wilson

                 ...          .s w; ,       >-       .,.


                                                 -I cerify that a true and perfect copy of the foregoing Notice of Appearance has been served upon AlChemIE, by placing same in- the United States Mail' with sufficient postage thereon, this 3rd day of August,1989.

Mi sk'QIlliarhs '

                                  ' MKWO80/A:8204. DOC /2
l l:

e s b L L l i 2 l l l I

t l-I

    ~,r-      ,                       IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE               ,

1 i IN RE: )

           - >; ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE                    )

l ENRICHMENT, INC.,a/k/a ) Docket No. 3-89-01695-j! ALCHEMIE, ) Chapter 11 '


Debtor. )

             ,'                                        )

ORDER Upon Motion of John H. Smelser, Jr., it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion for Relief from the Stay filed by John H. Smelser, Jr. J.s hereby withdrawn.) i ,l l ENTER: September 21, 1989 _

                                                                         ' 'M             -

Richard Stair, Jr. / United States Bankruptcy Judge Approved for Entry: l

                    ~       b,    -

N M. Edward Owens, Jr. MORTON, LEWIS, KING & KRIEG I Post Office Box 2425 620 Market Street, Fifth Floor L Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Telephone: (615) 546-4646 Attorneys for John H. Smelser, Jr. des


     . a --



ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ) Case No. 3-89-01695 ENRICHMENT, INC., aka ) .ChapterL11


Debtor. ) . AGREED ORDER This cause-came before the Court on the Motion to Alter or Amend an Order and opinion filed by the Debtor on August  ; 25, 1989,-and a Motion For Sanctions For Violations of the

                   ' Automatic Stay filed by the Debtor;on August 23,-1989. Based on representations of counsel-for the Debtor and counsel for the Department of Energy that each party has agreed to an                   ,

extension of time-for the filing of responses and memoranda ' in support and opposition of the aforementioned motions, it is hereby- ,

  '                       ORDERED that the Debtor shall-have to and including September 11, 1989 to file a memorandum in' support of its
  • Motion to Alter or Amend an Order and Opinion, and it is further l ORDERED that the Department of Energy shall have through and including September 18, 1989 to file briefs and responses l.

to the Motion to Alter or Amend an Order and Opinion and the Motion for Sanctions For Violations of the Automatic Stay. r

                                                                            -- ,  -   y ---



g. 3., -g p;
( o a -

4 ENTERED this l' -day of=449%EngSeptember, f 89. 10


l' .

                                                                            ~                   ,


                  -APPROVED FOR ENTRY:.
                 '. HEISKELL, ' DONELSON, BEARMAN,
                  . ADAMS, WILLIAMS & KIRSCH

By: 824 T Da if E. Fibider Mary W. Miller Suite 600, Plaza Tower-

                   -Knoxville,-Tennessee-37929 (615) 522-4400 L
                  ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ~

By:b OdRL M lh (f-

                                                  //n$JR7kk Pamela Stoele Assistant United States-Attorney P.O.; Box'872
                   . Knoxville,iTennessee 37901 adm12.72 L

1 2

< ~ - .              _                                          _


                'ALL CHEMICAL. ISOTOPE-                       )  BK-No. 3-89-01695          i ENRICHMENT, INC., a/k/a                     )       .
                --ALCHEMIE,                                   )  Chapter 11-

Debtor. ) ,

      <                                         AGREED ORDER' This cause came before the Court on debtor's Motion for       ,

Sanctions for Violations of the Automatic Stay filed on August 23, 1989,~which~the Court has set for hearing on October 10, 1989. Based:on representations of counsel for the debtor and counsel for the United -States of America, on behalf of its agency, -the


Department of Energy, that the debtor has agreed to an extension of time for the United States to file its response to said motion, it-is hereby: 1. f. JORDERED that the United States'shall have through and - including - September 25, 1989, to file its response to debtor's I

                 -Motion for Sanctions for Violation of-the Automatic Stay.


        .U des

(. '

          ., a y. % ,
        .l g-
                    -APPROVED FOR ENTRY:-
                 -    HEISKELL,'DONELSON,'BEARMAN,  -
 .                  iADAMS,-WILL AMS &'. KIRSCH r              '       By:                                      #

i; . DAVIDJ.?- FIEF!OER V l' .- MARY ~ D'. ' MILLER Suite-600, Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessea- 37929

                           ~(615)'522-4400 UNI                TATES OF AMERICA
                     .By.              4 Vrt / d(
                         'pAMELA G. STEELE Assistant.U.S. Attorney 201'U.S.P.O. &' Courthouse
Post Office Box 872 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 615/673-4561-
                         'FTS 854-4561 i

i l [f

    < s T

2 e

ff:% ,

n . v.2 -

t B i i \; * ' 1 Y N' CERTIFICATE OF-SERVICE I.hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing Agreed- , L, II order _. was served by mail, postage; prepaid, .to the following , parties,p this 18th' day of September,-1989:

                  ' Michael H. Fitzpatrick,' Esquire                                            -

Jenkins and Jenkins 2121~ Plaza-Tower Knoxville, TN: 37929

                  -Patridia C.


                  ~ Attorney for the U. S. Trustee-                                             ;
                  -Suite 610, Plaza Tower                                                       i
                  ~800 S. Gay Street:
                  -Knoxville, TN 37929 Linda Stewart

( Adroit: Office Supplies ' 122 East Division Road-Oak' Ridge, TN 37830 1 Advantage-Leasing ' 10501 Wayzata Blvd. Minnetonka,LMN- 55343-

                  'Americanl Photocopy
                   -P.O.. Box 61' Knoxville,;TN       37901                                                   ,

Millwrittb* Billinos s Rosemary J.: Pomeroy, Attorney }

 ,                  225 E.' Broad Street                                                        '

Columbus,zOH 43215-3709 John,H. Smelsor, Jr. P.O. Box 595 Knoxville,'TN 37901 s y c - 3

                              '      '   s er y
        ; 7 7 ;,         .);
    's gp City ofLOak Ridge
                          ~P.O. Box l-
                      + Oak-Ridge, TN               37831 William E. Wynne Ebasco' Two World Trade Center-

!- New: York, NY 10048-0752 Ann Hasden= H & R Technical-Associates 575 Oak Ridge Turnpike-Oak Ridge,-TN .37830 JimtHarbin

              <           'Harbin Company-706 S.-Illinois = Ave, m                          -Suite D105.-

l Oak' Ridge,'TN 37830 i. L IHR' P.O.: Box 23345 Knoxville,- TN. 37933 , Insurance Service Group  ; 130 Main Street- , Clinton, TN 37717-0703 Peat Marwick , f7671Fifth Avenue New York, NY- 10153

                           -Pike' Sanitation:Co.
  • 120.S. Lock Street Waverlyj OH 45690-1389 PolarisLTravel i 136 S. Illinois Avenue  ;

L Oak Ridge, TN 37830 L Principal' Mutual

                          ! Rusty Farrell, Ins.:Admrs.
                       "    P.O. Box 4998 i                            Knoxville,=TN: 137921-0998 l
                           -Mr.. day Pinkstaff-                                                            -


                          .Pugh &LCompany.

P.O.-Box 50250 Knoxville, TN 37950-0250

          -                                                                  4 m


                                           -. , .-        . . . .   ,,.n. , - , , - - - - , . , ., . . , -
                                                       - .                .w._       _%         2.w..   .._.4    . . ~.                       .A
 ' _i                t g
p *; vi. .
 $e -

t l

   ' .'                           ~ Mike'A'nderson Rent-A-Maid:

tRouteJ-8,(Box 238 i

                            .i Clinton,(TN~ 37716                                                                                               ,
Gordon Sams' Scott Sams Enterprises .

6500 Papermill Road . Suite 210 ,

                                  -Knoxville,'TN- 37919                                                                                                )
                                   -TN'Comm.-Credit                                                                                                j
      #'-                             P.O. Box 188'
v. Loudon,' TN 37774 Terminal Steel-
                                   -6562~E. Seven Mile Road                                                                                        -,


                                    ; Detroit, MI. 48234-John Weaver,. Esquire
        ,                      ,  tMcCord 6' Weaver-22nd' Floor,sPlaza Tower
                                    ' Knoxville,4TN              37929.

1 i Stanley G..Emert,tEsquire Lockridge &'Becker, P.C. , Suite 600,'One Centre _ Square

                       ,              P.O.3 Box'107. .

Knoxville, TN 37901- ,

                                     . Edward'M..Owens,JJr., Esquire fHorton eLewis, King &-:Krieg LP.0L Box 2425-C                                   LKnoxville,; TNl L37901                                                                                           -


                  ,               l James R.; Moore, Esquire
                                     ~P.O.iBox'1790-o                                   .1400~Riverview Tower'                                                                                            ;

l! 1900;S.: Gay: Street Knoxville, TN 37901 1: EAnn Ward,. Esquire- # L y 1 Department of Energy; Office.of Chief Counsel P.O.- Box 2001 Oak. Ridge, TN 37831-8510 >

.e L

I 5 1 '. I


 ;:-       ,o.

I t f William Bonnenburg, Esquire , Offi,ce of the U.S. Trustee Room 62 ' U.S.P.O. & Courthouse

       +    ' Chattanooga, TN 37402                                                           f Internal Revenue Service                                                       l special Procedures-                                                            !

P.O. Box 1107 Nashville, TN 37202 , i Attnt John Dyess h)'Y .L k_ - PAMELA G. STEELE Assistant U.S. Attorney i i i k i i t O 6 I e i t 6 e - , w k , e -a -- ., , . , -.. ,n-a. .c

P ij.

 *- o 3 %m                                                                                                                                                       ,

i (lO L Mutteb f>tates Bankrupttg Gourt l Eastern District of Tannemana  ; ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE l H ankruptcy Case No. 3-89-01695 lare b INC. Debtor PINE RIDGE LTD./LNRC Plaintiff ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT' Adversary Proceeding No* 3-89-0136 INC., a/k/a d/b/& ALCHEMIE, INC. , Defendant j i ALIAS SUMMONS IN AN ADVERSARY PROCEEDING YOU ARE SUMMONED and required to submit a motion or answer to the complaint wh!-h is attached to this summons to the clerk of the bankruptcy court within 30 days after the date of issunnce of this sum- 3 mons, except that the United States and its offices and agencies shall submit a rnotion or answer to the com-plaint within 35 days. Address of Clerk United States Bankruptcy Court l Suite 1501, Plaza Tower  ; Knoxville, TN 37929-1501 At the same time, you must also serve a copy of the motion or answer upon the plaintiff's attorney. Name and Address of Plaintiff's Attorney Hugh W. Morgan, Esq. . P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901-0629



l. Clerk of the fluntruptcy Court September 6, 1989 By-d n,b <. qZ /
                                                                                         $)e'puty' Clerk Dat.'
                                                                                   - - -    ---_-_____________m              _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,



Debtor ) PINE RIDGE LTD/LNRC, ) ' 6408 Clinton liighway )  ! Knoxville, TN 37912,- ) ,


Plaintiff ) '

                                                        )      ADVERSARY PROCEEDING
v. ) NO. 3 - 9 '3 -(") L b ( o ,



ALL CilEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC., )  ! 11 T db,'-o41-$3- - ~ ~ j aka/dba ALCHEMIE, INC., )

yr: c . c,b.*;;,t c0uM ,
                                                         )                             , .

5 1 Defendant ) ic;%;ilasattict or 1LCE%fC - j itt-C0MPLAINT Comes PINE RIDGE LTD/LNRC, through its General Partner, ' Jim Harbin, and files this complaint against All Chemical Isotope , Enrichment, Inc., aka/dba Alchemie, Inc., and says: i

1. Plaintiff, Pine Ridge Ltd/LNRC, as landlord, entered i into a lease on September 13, 1988, with debtor-defendant, All Chemical ,

t i Isotope Enrichment, Inc., d/b/a Alchemie, Inc., covering 5,000 square  : feet of office space located in Suites B-202 and B-203 on the Second Floor of Duilding B in Pine Ridge Office Park located at 702 South


for a term of one (1) year, Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1989, at an anntial beginning October 1, 1988, and ending September 30, rental'of $45,000.00 payable in monthly installments of $3,750.00 each on the 1st day of each calendar month of the term, plus a proportionate

s t
         * .N5

b F

  !'                                                                                  i A copy    *
       ' share of any operating expenses of the building.                 ;

of the lease is filed herewith as Exhibit A. i

2. Plaintiff, as landlord, entered into a separate and L

additional lease on January 10, 1989, with defendant as tenant, cover-j ing 1,875 square feet of office space located at Suite A-104 on the First Floor of Building A in Pine-Ridge Office Park, 700 South Illinois f j Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for a term of one (1) year, beginning i February 2, 1989, and-ending January 31, 1990, at an annual rental of $16,875.00 payable in monthly installments of $1,406.00 each on the 1st day of each month, plus tenant's proportionate share of any increase in the amount of operating expenses of the building as

 !      ' described in the contract. A copy of said lease is filed herewith          ,

as Exhibit B.

3. Defendant filed its Voluntary Petition under Chapter 11 j

on June 20, 1989. Defendant neither assumed nor rejected such leases I and on August 20, 1989, sixty (60) days after the date of the Order , For Relief ~in the case, such leases terminated pursuant to 11 U.S.C. S 364 (d) (4) .

4. Defendant retains possession of the leased property and continued using it as office space even though the leases are rejected pursuant to 11 U.S.C. S 365 (d) (4) .
5. Plaintiff further says that the defendant failed to pay rent on either lease on June 1, 1989, hence, it was in default within the meaning of 11 U.S.C. S 365 (b) (1) when it filed its petition for relief in this action.

l E 6. Plaintiff seeks an order from this Court decreeing that i it is entitled to an order modifying the stay pursuant to 11 U.S.C. L S 1362, to regain the occupancy, use and possession of the property.

            .% a 1
7. Plaintif f, Pine Ridge Ltd/LNRC, says that it is entitled to an order from this Court decreeing that it is entitled to be restored to possession of the leased premises.
8. Plaintiff says that it is entitled to recover as damages the reasonable rental value of the premises until it regains possesslor of the premises plus reasonabic costs of restoring the premises to ,

thejr condition at the begianing of the leased period. WilEREFORE, plaintiff, Pine Ridge Ltd/LNRC,. sues for relief from the aatomatic stay, a judgment of possession, and damages. PINE RIDGE LTD/LHRC, Plaintiff DY: w Nh', C N ' General Partner c 4,$lt/)'7?vn.sp n~- ilugh Wi' Morgan Attorney for Plaintiff OF COUNSEL: KRAMER, RAYSON, McVEIGil, LEAKE & RODGERS Post Office Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901-0629 (615)+525-5134 i I J


  • I ISO INVESTORS A Ca11tornin 1.imited Partnorship  ;
  • 1 Mr. A. Andrww Caruy '

All Chemical inotupu l Enrichnent, Inc.  ! Pine Ridge Offico Park, Sulta 202-H  ! 102 4 1111nols Avenuu  ! Cak Ridgu, Tonnuouve 37830 Re hun _Conmitm.unt ' l Dear Hr. Carey j this letter will confirm the agreemunt of tha undersigned \to i advance fundo to All chemical Isotope Enrichinent, Inc. up to an aggregatu of not nore thhn $300,000.00. These will be < discretionary.advunces mndo by the undersignud on the following terms: 1

1. The loan will bo in the original principal anount of tip  ;

to $100,000.00 which may be drawn by the babtor as  ; 6dministrative exponnus nee incurred, brave will be in i the discretion of the lender. ,

2. The loan proceedn will be used primarily to pay for  :

administrative oxponoun of the pobtor pure'uant to 11 > U.S.C. 650)(b) including, but not limited to oporating , expansen and a rotninur of $10,000 to Heiskeit, bonelson, Bearnan,. Adams, W1113nma & Kirsoh. l

3. The lo n shall bear no interent.
4. The loan shall be unnacured.
5. The loan aball be an adminjutrativa texpenue; provided, ,

however, repayment of the loan chall be subordinate to  : all other adminiptrativo expanuou.

6. The loan'nhmll be duo and payable upon tho earlier of confirmation of a plan of reorganization, 63nmicnal of the case or conversion of thu cauu to chaptor. ?! '

provided, howeverf the loan may be repaid over a parlod , of not more than five years aftar nunrirmation of a plan or reorganization it the ochtor is al>1e to successfully reorganimo. Dhould you have any questions, plcuse foot frco to contact the undorsigned. flindaroly yourn, 1so investors, u CA ltd. partnernhlp by cheth rook, Inc u uunoral. partne.- lI , - C) Jaint

                              'Y                                                 -


         .,    -      - . _ .      , . , . .,     ,       .   . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ _   . , - __ _ . . _ . _ .    . . . . . , . . . .             .-     ~ - . _ -
   ,  s. d                                                                       !

CE]l?1 PTcATI: OF SEIWI_CE 1 It is hereby certified that the undersigned has served a l true and correct copy of the foregoing Application by U.S. Hail, on the this partfesretforthontheattachedlist, 1989. 3.//-_ day of August, IIEISKELL, Dol 4ELSolf, !!EARMAli, ADAMS, WILLIAMS & KIRSCll ny: -( dI id E.' Fic1 der  ; l i Mary D. Miller 600, Plaza ToWor l Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 (615) 522-4400 . s mdm11.64 l l l~ l l^ 1, i l l L


( .. heuraneu Servicu Otuup Mlke Fitrintrick, Euquira p . g. 130 Main Street Jenkins & Jenkins l Clinton,1N 37717-0703 2121 Plaza 1bser G*- l'noxvillo,1N 37929 l l > Linda Stwart Peat Marwlck Stanley G. Drcrt, Esquire Adrolt^ Office Stppllos 767 Fif th Avente Suito 2100 Plaza Toser 122 East Division lead liow Yori:, NY 10153 Knoxville, 'IN 37929 Oak Eidge, 'IN 27030 Eddard M. Osons, Jr. , Era, i Advantago 14asing Piko Sanitation Co. ibrton, Iwls, King & Krieg l 501 Nayzata Illvd. 120 S. lock Street P.O. Ibx 2425 l Minnetonka, Mt1 55343 Naverly, Oil 45600-1389 Knoxvillo,'IU 37901 Polaris Travel Jancs lbott, Epquire Anerican Pholooopy 136 S. Illinois Ave. Suite 301 P.O. Mx M Oak Itidge, 'tN 37030 620 Market 'IN Knoxvillo, St. ,37902 , i Kno)cville, 'IN 37901 i P. Ann Ward, P. squire  ! Principal 110t ual (bpartant of Energy I M111 wright Billinos Icusly Farre11, ins. Atimrs. Of fice of Chlef Counsel Ibsemary E. Pcutcroy, At ty. p O. Ibx 2001 , P.O. Ibx 4998 Oak Illdge,'IN 37831-8510

 !. 225 E. Broad Street                  Knoxville, 'IN 37921-099Il
     , Coltmbus, ott 43215-3709 Panela Stoolo, Esquire         ,

Mr. Ray Pinkutaff U.E. Ibpartncnt of Justice John 11. Suolnor, Jr. Pugh & Coopmy P.O. lux 872 CID, Inc. p,g, ,o 50250 Knoxvillo, '111 37901 P.O. Pa M5 Knoxvillo,'IN 37950-0250 . Knoxville, 1H 7901 Wi11iam Sonnenborg, Esquiro C1ty of Oak Illago Nihe Anderuon OffIco of tho (l.S. Trustoo I on t.- A-M 3 i d Iccan 62 P.O.- Ibx 1 Houto 3, Pax 230 Oak Itidge, 1N 37031 U.S.P.O. and Courthouse C11nt o- di 37716 Chattanocxja, '111 37402 Patricia Poster, Esquire

       'Nilliam E. Wynno                  (bolon Sana                       Offlco of the ll.S. Trusteo ScoLL Sann Enterprinos            6th Floor, Plaza Tcuer id)asco                            6500 PapormilI Hoad 1ko World Trade Contor Knoxville,'IN 37929 New York, NY- 10040-0752           Sut to 210 Knarville, 'IN       37919 Intemal llevenue Service Ann liasdon                       1N Ccinn. Credit                  Sepcial Procedures P,0. Nx 108                      p O. Ibx 1107 11 & R Tedinical Associates                                         Nashv1110, 1N 37202 575 Oak Ridge Turnpiko            loud n, 1N 374 Oak Ridge, 'IN 37830                                                A'I'IN : C. G. (NICK) IIIILIA David Iblehert, Esquire Tenninal Stect                   Rolchert, Strauas & Ibad Jim liarbin                       656) 12. Seven Mile ibad liarbin Conpany                                     48234 2510 Carew 1bwor 706 S. Illinois Ave.

Detrolt, MI Cincinnati, Oil 45202 Suite D 105 Oak 11109 0, 'IN 3711:10 John Heaver, Esquire R McCord & Weavor P.O. M M 22nd Floor, Plaza Tcuer llarrogate,~1N 37752 Enoxvil10, 'IN 37929

      .c 4         a.'



ALL CilEMICAL ISOTOPE ) Caso llo. 3-89-01695 ENRICilHENT, INC. ) OllAPTER 11


Dobtor. ) APPLICATIoH OF Tile DEDTOR-Ill-POSSESSIOll FOR APPROVAL OF POST-PETITION Ul1 SECURED FIllANCIllG The Debtor, by and through counsel, applios to this Court for an ordor approving post-petition unsecured financing under the provisions of 11 U.S.C, 9364. In support of.this Application, the Debtor would show to the Court as follows:

1. Appilcant is the Debtor-in-possession and is operating its business, known as All Chemical Isotopo Enrichment, Inc. d/b/a AlChomIE, Inc., which is a business formed to acquire equipment to produce isotopes and to soll such isotopos for commercial purposes.


2. The Debtor noods fundu for administrativo expensos including but not 1imited to normal operating expensos of the Debtor. In addition, such funda are nooded to pay the other
      -              e,s t-Yt h               administrativo expensos including, without limitation, a
    , . . - vj I                            retainer of $10,000 to be paid to lloiskoll, Donelson,
            ' {':15 s      .g      g Ilcarman, dams, Williams & Kirsch ("lloiskc11, Donelson"),
                 ' ' , 12 which retainer will be applied against foes and expensos
    ,     U        3
                      , 8. 6 { incurred in reprosenting the Debtor in this caso.

4 i U 1

sa n* i

   . e 3.

The loan will be made by cortain investors and/or potential investors who will land the funds to the Debtor for  ! forth in the expensos described abovo on the terms set Earanraph 4 below, A copy of the proposed agrooment to lond , funds is attached to this Application.

4. The terms of the loan for which the Debtor socks approval are as follows:

(a) The loan will bo in the original principal amount of' up to $100,000.00 which may be drawn by the Debtor as administrativo expensos are incurred. Draws on the loan will be in the discretion of the londor.  ; (b) The loan proceeds will be used primarily to pay for administrative expenses of the Debtor pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 5503(b) including, but not limited to operating expensos and a retainer of $10,000 to lloiskoll, Dunolson.

                    .(c) The loan shall bear no interest.

(d) The loan shall ba unsecured. (c)' The loan shall be an administrative expense, provided, however,. repayment of the loan shall be subordinato , to all other administrativo expensos. , (f) The loan shall bo duo and payable upon the earlier of confirmation of a plan of reorganization, dismissal of the caso or conversion of the caso to Chapter 7; provided, however, the loan may be repaid over a period of not more than five yearu after confirmation of a plan of reorganization if the Debtor is able to successfully ronrganize. l

         .c &
b. The Debtor noods to obtain approval of the financing ,

as soon as possiblo to assist it in its reorganization, and the Debtor requesta that this court shorton the notico requirement and hold an expedited hearing on this l Application. , WitLREFORE, the Debtor prays as follows: r l

1. That after notico and a hearing, the Court authorize a

the Debtor to obtain post petition unsecured financing as set i forth above; D

2. That the Court shorton the timo for notico of the hearing pursuant to Bankruptcy Rulo 2002; and
3. That the Court grant such further relief as may be  :

necessary or appropriato. . Respectfully Submitted, llEI S KELI., DOllELSoll, DEARMA11, ADAMS, W1 1.I A S & KIRScil byt_ (v# /, av d :. Fiolder Mary D. Millor Suite 600, Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 (615' 522-4400 l

IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE (NORTHERN DIVISION) in Re: . ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC., l alk/a ALCHEMIE Case No. 3-89 01695 l Debtor Chapter 11  : f ORDER LIFTING AUTOMATIC STAY AS TO UNIVERSAL BROKERS OF EQUIPMENT, INC. Upon motion of Universal Brokers of Equipment (hereinafter "UB and through counsel pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 9362(d) and for good causes IT IS ORDERED that, the automatic stay is lifted as to the debtor to t extent necessary to allow the movant to file an adversary proceeding ag the debtor as set forth in movant's motion. ENTERED: Auoust 21, 1989 7e




j U. S. Bankruptcy Judge' i l i JAMES R. MOORE

     '/,     1400 Riverview Tower                                                        l ,

P. O. Box 1790 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 l (615) 637 2523 , l Counsel for Universal Brokers of Equipment, Inc. O/2004BucetaBKV/uBE/79 i ., li . Il j il r des



                                              )                                      i ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE                  )   Once No. 3-89-01695                ;

ENRICHMENT, INC. ) Chapter 11


Debtor. ) l MOTION TO ALTER OR AMEND AN ORDER AN 0581N10N Comes now the Debtor, All' Chemical isotope Enrichmont, s Inc. and moves this Court to alter or amend its order and opinion rendered on the Debtur's Motion to extend the termination date of its Contract with the Department of Energy (" DOE *) to clarify whether 11 U.S.C. 5108(b) is  ; opplicable to such Contract, and in support of this Motion the Debtor would si)ow to the court as follows:

1. The Debtor moved to extend the termination date of a Contract dated No.vember 20, 1987 between DOE and the Debtor l on August 11, 1989. After a bearing on the matter on August 10, 1989,.the Court denied the Debtor's motion.
2. In its opinion, the Court stated that "Section 100 of Title 11 has no application to the Debtor's ability to cura any default under its November 20, 1987 agreement with  ;

the Department of Energy".

3. The Debtor avers that 11 U.S.C. 5108(b) does apply by.its terms to all contracts, including the contract with DOE, and, therefore, operates to extend the termination date of.the Contract sixty (60) days from the dato the petition


, HDU4ptki dipXVILLE 1,N     N);   ,    ,

615,971 5191 Apg 25,89 ,g9:31 P,0,3


l . i was filed in this case. Since the bankruptcy petition was

      , filed on-June 20, 1989, the sixty (60) day period ended on                                    !

August 19, 1989. This date was a Saturday, therefore, the deadline was extended to August 21, 1989 pursuant to l 1 Bankruptcy Rule 9006. l WHEREFORE, the Deb:ar prays as follows:

1. That the court alter or amend its Order and opinion i to find that 11 U.S.C. 5108(b) operates to extend the j termination date of the contract with DOE through and  !
         -including August 21, 1989; and                                                            ;
               .2. That the Debtor be granted any and all other further relier which this court dwems appropriate.                                       ;

Respectfully submitted,  ! HEISKELL, DONE LSON , BEARMAN, ADAMS, WILLIAMS & KIRSCH By: ,e Day d E. Tielder  ; Attorneys for the Debtor i' suite 600 Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 (615) 522-4400 , 1 i t k A P 2

       . u,               ,                                                                                                                                            1
     ', [:-* , I    *                                                     .
                                                                              )                Case No.                                   3-49-01695
              'ALL CH3NICAL ISOTOPE BNR10NN8NT,                               )                                                                                -

INC., ) Chapter 11


l 1  : Deb,ter. l i NOTION TO CONVERT TO CNAPTER 7 co... new no Unit.d . tete. Tr..t.e en r.., m y ..x. l this court pursuant to.11 U.S.C. 6 1113(b) to convert this proceeding to 4 asse under chapter 1 of Title 11 of the United . l > l States code. , I In support of this Motion, the United states Trustee asserts:

1. On June 20, 1989, the debtor voluntarily filed teis -

p < reorganisation preceeding.. '

f. The debtor's contreet with the United States Department ,

of snergy.was terminate 2. en August 15, 1989, and as a result reorganisation of this debtor is no longer feasible.

3. .The debtor's sontreet termination evidonoe's en inability to effectuate a Plan of Reorcanisation which is e ground for , -

i conversiefi under 11 U.8.c. 9 1112(b)(2).

                    ~4. The evidence turnished to the,U. 8. Trustee of insurance severage on the debtor's equipment shows that such coverage expired on August it, 1989, while personal property severage at 701 8     Illineio Avenue in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, expired on August 15, 1989.        The fans amount of the policy which covered the ggp 3 g ggg,-

ritto 1 WILTED STAfts IAMP.RuPict COURT EASTEM 0151RICT M "*WF-1615 !!6 ST9 'oN NJ 3111AVONN NtR680H TO'd 61:51 68'81 das

m = a



  . p....

4 equipment was only $10,000,000, while the.debter listed such property in its petition sehedules as having a value et

        .463,000,000. The face enount of the personal property N11cy was          '

enir $5,000, while the debtor listed such property en Schedule l s-3, Itea $. se having a value of $27,000. The debtor also ) I furnished evidence of insurance on a 1988 Jeep Waggemeer, but no vehicles are listed in the debtor's scheduise filed with the t . ! petition. WNBRarons, the United states Trustee asks that this court i ! enter an order pursuant to 11 U S.C. S'11:2(b) converting this I i proceeding te a esse under Chapter 7 of Title 11 of the United states code. l Respectfully submitted, J

5. Franklin Childress, Jr.

United States Trustee Region vzzz , N , 'n 0-Ftttlete C. Feste:r W

  • Attorney for U. 5. Trustee s00 eservia Avenue, Room 48 chattenooga, TN 37408 (sts) 7sa-stas l

a l 3 20*d OC:51 68'81. des 1615 126 C19 'oH N1 3171Av0NN Mm880H

i g ,. 6 l-CERT 1FICATS of SERVICE l l 1 hereby certify that e true copy of the atteshed Netion to Convert to chapter 7 was sent by U. s.. Mail properly oddressed end . with sorrect postege to the following


David 3. Fielder i Attorney for Debtor - r l Butte 800, viese Tower .! Raonville, TN 37929  ! Ob day of M M , i 1989. i DOWS this '  : WL:x C.] ravrtete c. roster Attorney for U. 8. Trustet , Rees 48 900 Georgia Avenue,7408 Chettanooga, TN 3 (415) 788-5153 i h 1


3 1615 126 S19 'ON N1 3771oXONX X3RU80H PO*d 05:51 68'81 das _ __________...__ __.__ _ __._.._ _.._ _ _..,_._._____..___._.. __ .._ _._ _. . ~ _ .-._ . , _ _ .

No. 615 971,,5191 Aug 25.89 15:13 P.0? HDBRW8K KNOXVILLE TN ,, e~ w l,' 1' E



                                    .                                                      1 IN ret                                  )
                                                         )                                 >
                                                         )     Case No. 3-89-01695 ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE                          Chapter 11                  f ENRICHMENT, INC.                       )


                                                         )                                 >

E Debtor. )  !




Comes now, the Debtor, All Chemical Isotopo Enrichment, Inc. and moves this court to impose sanctions upon the Department of Energy-(" DOE") for the willful violation of the automatic stay (31 U.S.,0. 5362(a)). In support of this Motion, the Debtor would show to the Court as fol3ows:

1. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant 5157(b), 13 U.S.C. G106(b), 11 U,5.C. 106(c) and to.28 U.S.C.

< 12 U.S.C. $362(a).

2. DOE has mada demand for moneys in which the Debtor has an interest which is Peld by Anderson County Bank, and i

such demand constitutes a claim against the bankruptcy estate thereby waiving DOE's immunity from suit. In addition, DOE is not immune from suit under 5362 since under the provisions of $362 the automatic stay is applicable to "all _ entitles." Section 10G(c) provides that a provision of this title (the Bankruptcy Code) applies to a governmental unit as long as that provialon contains the word entity.

3. On or about June 20, 1989, the Debtor filed a ntro A- --

ciIto sit r;. uns w fu w mt M PJ 1 m Kctri

HDBAWSK.KNUXV1LLE IN Ho. , 615 971 5191 Aug 25.89 15:14 P.03

  ...   ~' . : ,                                                                                         I l

l 1

     .                                                                                                    1 bankruptcy petition for protection from creditors under l

Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy code. l

4. Prior to the filing of the bankruptcy petition, the Debtor entered into a contract with DOE which provided that the Debtor would enter into an Escrow Agreement with a bank into an escrow depositing Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000)

These funds were to compensate DOE for unclassified f account. ) equipment, should the Debtor not obtain ownership of 1 classified equipment under the terms of the contract and were held by Anderson county Bank pursuant to the terms of an Escrow Agreement between Anderson County Bank and the Debtor, Though DOE a cony of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. approved the Agreement, the only two parties to the Escrow As a Agreement are the Debtor and Anderson County Dank. i party to the Escrow Agreement, the Debtor has an interest in the funds held in escrow therefore, such funds constitute property of the bankruptcy estate.

5. DOE made written demand upon the Anderson County Bank for the funds in the escrow account on August 16, 1969.  :

A copy of the demand letter is attached Exhibit D.

6. The Debtor gave notice to the United States Attorney, as counsel for DOE, that such demand was a violation of the automatic stay on August 16, 1989. A copy of the letter to the United States Attorney is attached as Exhibit C.


140 .[ ,, , , yd I?) 5191 Aug 25.59 15:15 F.v4 ,. , HDB,,W8); A KiduxvitLE Iti l 7. The following day, DOE again made written demand on Anderson County Bank for the funds held in the" escrow 1989 account. A copy of the demand letter dated August 17, D. is attached hereto as Exhibit l 1

s. doe sent these demand letters and made other demand ,

upon the Bank despite actual knowledge of the Bankruptcy 1 l Petition filing. '

9. The Debtor also avers that DOE has taken action to take control of certain equipment owned by the Debtor which is located at the Portsmouth, Ohio DOE Facility in violation ,

of 11 U.S.C. $362(a) and has intentionally interfered with Specifically, DOE on or about the Debtor's business affairs. f August 23, 1989 took action to revoke security clearances and , to deny access to the DOE Facility of two contractors who l Were working on behalf of the Debtor to coordinate , prospective sales of the Debtor's equipment located at the DOE Facility. The Debtor avers that these actions were taken l~ willfully with intent to take control of the Debtor's assets i and have substantially damaged the Debtor, all in violation l of the automatic stay,

10. The Debtor avers that the actions of the DOE l.

violate subparagraphs (1) , (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of 11 and the Court should impose sanctions for such U.S.C. 6362(a) attorneys' fees, costs violations, including, actual damages, and punitive damages. l

1 3


             ,        r-,,,.e        .._...._-...,m.,             , , _ -                     - ,

u No. 615 971,5191 Rug 25.39 15:15 P.05

  ,     HDBAWB,K KNOXVILLE IN                                                                                  3
            -                                                                                                  i l

the Debtor, prays as WilEREFonE, premises considered, follows:  ; 1. That this Court determino that the actions by DOE 6362(a). constitute willful violations of 11 U.S.C. f

2. That this Court impose sanctions on DOE for its l

willful violation of the automatic stay including, without attorneys' fees, costs and limitation, actual damage,  ! punitive damages and l 3. That the Debtor be granted any and all other further l relief which this Court deems appropriate. Respectfully Submitted, HEISKELL, DONELSON , BEARMAN, ADAMS, W LIAMS & KIRSCH Dy:_[ u- ,__ Dav M'.~Ffelder d Mary D. Miller Suite 600, Plata Tower Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 (615) 522-4400 i EgFTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is hereby certified that the undersigned has served a true and correct copy of the. foregoing Motion for Sanctions and an Injunction for Violations of the Hall or by hand Automatic delivery, this Stay upo the Ja day 22--r tached liet, by 1989. of August, U.S. 1 HE1SKELL, DONELSoti, BEARMAN, L ADAMS, WILLI AMS & KIRSCil By:. // o/w ,,


David f7" Fielder Mary D. Miller Suite 600, Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 (615) 522-4400 4 s

Ho ., ,t,1 v71 5191 Aug 25.89 15:16 P.06- a no urg,K sist,nv a u ut. ,i u , insurance S3rviou Group Mik3 Fitzpatrick, Esquim  ! 130 Main Street Jenkins & Jenkins

  • Clinton,1H 37717-0703 2121 Plaza Tower Knoxville, TN 37929 Jnda Stawart  ;

droit Office Stpplies Pont Marwick Stanley G. Diwrt, Esquire j 767 Fif th hvonty, L22, Bast Division Ibad Suite 2108 Plaza Tower hk Ridge,'7N 37830- 14cw Yori:, NY 10151 Knoxville, '1N 37929 Edward M. Nons, Jr. , Esq. Wantage IAasing Pjke Sanitation Co. Norton,Iewis, King & Krieg_ 30501 Mayzata Blvd. 320 S. tock Street P.O. Box 2425 l Mnnetonka, Mi 55343 Haverly, Oil 4S600-1389 Knoxville, 'IN 37901  ; Polaris Travel James Moore, Esquire  ; American Photootpy 136 S. Illinois Ave, suite 301 1 9 0. Box 61 Oak Bidge, mi 37830 620 MarketUN Knoxville, St. ,37902 , Knoxville, UN 37301 Ann Ward, Esquire J Millwright Dillinos Principal Muttual Department of Energy i Rosemary E. Pomeroy, Atty. Itusty Farrell, ins Murs. Offlee of Chief Counsel P.O. Box 2001 225 E. Droad Strcot P.O. Box 4990  ! Knoxville, 1H 37921-0990 Oak 111dge, 7N 37831-8530 Colunbus, oli 43215-3709 Panela Steele, Esquiro Mr. ftny Pinkstarf U.S. Department of Justice John II.' Sins 1sar, Jr. Pogh I Cmgany P.O. Box 872 CEO, Inc. P.O. Hox 502S0 Knoxville, UN 37901 lP.O. Box 595 Knoxvillo, 'IN 37950-0250 , Knoxville, 'IN 37903 William Sonnenberg, Esquire ' City cf Oak Ridgo Mike Anderson office of the U.S. Trustee P.C. Box 1 Bent-A-Maid ficam 62 l Oak Rjdge, 'IN 37031 tbute 3, Dox 230 U.S.P.O. and Courthouse Clintoa,1N 37716 Chattanooga, 'IN 37402 Patricia Poster, Esquire-William E. Hynne Gordon Stuns - Of fice of the U.S. Trustee , I!basoo ' Scott Sans Entemrir,es 6th Floor, Plaza Tcuer

 . Iwo Wor 3d Trade Center
   '                                           6500 Paponnill nond                    Knoxville, 'IN 37929 How York, NY 100411-0752                   Suite 210 Knoxvi]]e, 'IN 37919 Internal Bevenue Service
  ' Ann Hasden                                 1N Ccmn. Credit                        Sepcial Procedures
11 t. R %dsnical Associates P.O. Dox 188 P,0. Box 1107
   ~575 Oak Ridge Turnp.lke                    loudon, 'lH 37774                      Nashville, 'IN 37202 Oak Riage, m 37830                                                                A'rIN : C. G. (NICK) WIILIAM!

Jbn thrbin 'Ibnninal Steol ..

   -Harbin Cortpany                             6561 C. Sovon Mile Road Detroit, MT    48234 706 S. Illinois Ave.

Suite D 105 ,. Oak Ridge,.1N 37030 l John Weaver, Esquire IllR ': - McCord 6 Denvor P.O. Dox 60

615 971 5191 Aug Z .89 15:17 F.0,(- - - , , , j No. .  ;




EXilIDIT A E19(tQbLtdillEEHCtlT

                     /d* Tills day ofEscit0H                AGRECHUllT in tendo end ontored into Jo
                                           @Mr                      .,

IsoT0PR ENiticiiHEMT, Inc., a Tennnsnen corpotation ber dV s#d o#r referred to by its acronym "AlchemIt" and <[d'eum #ginnf ' 9 hereinafter referred to ao 88Escrov Agant." , ' HITilEnsHTil: TilAT Hl!EltEAS ALCll) HIE and the United Stater; Departscht of Energy (USDOE) have entered into a contract for the sale by I

f. USDOE to AlchemID of equipment f rom the terminated OA8 Cl:HTRIM10E EllRICHMEllT Pit 0 GRAM, and ,

l l 8 WilEllEA5, said equipment in currently located at DOE n Gan

  • contrifuge plant <in Portsmouth,.Oblo, and a benefit to USDOP.
  • g from the AlchemIE/USDOE transaction is the coat avoldance of  ;

reinoving said eqdipment, and A) Chem 1H han agreed to pay tho l cost thorcot, and . HHEREAS, to additlonn!')y cotipensato DOE under certain '

'   I                  circumstancon, AlchomIE han agrond to post an encrow account in the amount' of 't'wo Hillion Dollara, with tha torina and conditions of said account governed by thic doenment, and HilEfttAS, the applicab)e portion't of the A1ChemIE/USDOE                               ao agreement addtencing the encrow account are stated verbt.tfr.1 fallows "A. ownership of the unclasalfied equipment shall vest in AlchemTC upon                                                                                           .

(11) Deponit by' AlchemIE of $7. million in

  • f an encrow necount purnuant to an
  • agreement'between Alchem1E and a hank,-tho-terrns of which havo *
                                                                                                                                                 .4 heretof ore been approved by USDOE; The approved form of encrow agreement in attached hereto and inade a part
  • hereof no' Attachment 2.

II . The purpose of the $2 million encrow account la to additionally coinponsnte UsDoc for the uncinpolfled equipment.nhould AlchomIE not obtain ownership of the clascitind equipmont. Thernfore, the partlas agree that: 4; *ti m . ,

                                      /                  ['{i' '
                                        .              . .W '
                                 . _ l$ '. .                    .
                                                  --_ .         _ -_                           ~                -      - - - - . . - . - _ . _ _ - . . - - -

No. 61o v71 5191 Aug 25,89 15:18 P.08 HDBAWSK KNOXVILLE TH i (1) Intoient on the escroind fundo chall be the property of ALChenIEt i I (11) The encrow agroenent shall terminatoand the funda bl

  • l when AlchenIE acquires ownership or j,

tha' classitled equipment puruunnt to , l

  • paragraph 4 horooff .

Should AlchonTU not obtain owneruhlp -

                       ,      (111)   '

of the RLasalliad equipnnnt and thiu ' Agreemanh is terminated under < paragraph 4 after ownnt. chip of theEDELA881fied  ! A1ChamIE, the esotownd funds _shall ' become the property of Doc WJthout .

  • requiremont et any legal action. .  ;

C. If the Attorney General advicen that tho . l transfer antitrust wouldlaws, thic ha inconsistent Agrooment shall with the terminate. '


If AlchemIr. has not depoof.ted $2 million in tho i

 ..                                 esorow account within 30 days aftnr the date of                                                                                                                                              '

receipt of the opinion of the Attorney General '

                                  'that the proposed transfer of equipment to A1Chonit is not inconsistent withsaid                                                                 the30-         antitrust                                                          '

laws, this Agreement shall terminate, day period ha ', of the parties." , i-(Alchem1E/UspoE Agreement, pagos 4 and 5)

  • t l
           -             lloW, THEREroRC, in order to entabilsh an                                                  encrow accoun l

Whi S hjnests the.' foregoing critaria, A1 Chemin and - agros as follows: _N, UL :.7/ .

1. A49heATEJereby H. F. , O, deposits two Hillion pollars withwhich nh .

Agent. . . r..,

2. Interest generated 'from the escrowed funda phall be the .

property of AlchemIE and shall be paid periodically to , AlchemIE, at AlchamIE8 s direction. .

3. The disposition of the encrowed funds shall occur as ,

followns j-a) The encrowed funda ($2 million without g:,j. deduction) shall be romitted to USDOE, inacco ' b) If AlchemIE performs the actions necessary toch , , equipment pursuant to Paragraph 4 of the . e 2- .


__' ....___.1.__ __.-.._..__8.._.,_-._._. . . . . _ , , , _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ . . . _ , _ _ _ - _ - . _ . . , . . - .- - . _ .

huonW6K hitvAvalt. ' i h (4u . 0 4 :, 871 5191 Aug 25.69 15:19 P.09 . . I

  • A 1
             ,e       .                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '

Alcham10/USDOE agrooment, then, upon cubiniacion {':

           ?.'..'                      of proof thereof to the Escrow Agent, the escrow funds shall be disburned upon demand to A1 Chem 1H.

7 c) If AlchemIS obt'ains ownership of the, unclassified gas centrifuge equipment but does " not obtain ownership of the classified i s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ?*             l

' equipment, then, upon nubmisalon of proof , i thercot to the Escrow Agent, the encrow funds *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .j shall be dir.hurned upon demand to USDOE.                                                                                                                                                               :

g-I For purposes of this Agrooment, "Proofa shall bo j d) defined as an instrument signad by USDOB and -

  • attesting to thn Escrow Agent the appropriata , l
                                       - dispositaon of the cocrowed funds.                                                                                                                                                                     !

c) At the time of disburnament under any *' conditions hareof, accrued interest shn11 he , l paid to AlchenIC. . j

4. It is exprensly understood and noknowledged that, the accrowed funds are not to be pledged, ansigned, or in any unanner encumbered except as addressed horain. '

( IN WITHE 55 HilEREOF, the parties boreto now pign this Escrow  ; Agreement, attesting by the signaturen below that this docuinant has baon road, understood, and concurred with in full. J , . OdhMaW )/%l>l9l$ tr

         "                   $, -
  • P D fdf (hwu op bktym$ '
                   ' Ail 4fenical'Isotopa Ui                                              chment, Inc.                                                    Jate

_; r at.


c pp.nw Approvedt 4 .h >V 4 pato

                                                                                                                                                                                  /N U.S., Departinent of                                                      norgy                                                                          ,

a L .. . ,,,,.,- r e o 8 g

                                                                                                                                                    .                      E e em mW . " - -

e- - _ _ . . . . . . , , _ . , ...~.-s . , . . . - _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . , - , , , _ . . . . , _ _ . - , -

No ., 616 371 5191 A,ug 25.89 15:20 P.10 . g JHu"H $K KNOAvlLLE ili-

    ,                                                                                                                                                                            EXil! BIT B Department'of Ensegy Oah Riege Operelions                                                                                                                           ;

P.O.eo=2001 ook nhage,Tosineesee arsat 8756 August 16, 1909 .

                 .Hr. James T. Griffin, President                                                                                                                                                                :

Anderson County Bank 101 South Main Street ' Clinton, Tenonssaa 37716 De6r Mr. Crlffint l SALES AGRtfMENT (COH1HACT NO. DE A005 880Rtl??6)  ; Sales Agreement (Contract No. DE-R005 660Rtl??6) between the Department ' of thergy (DOEL and All Chemical isotopes thrithment Company, Inc.  : (A)Chemir) exp' red or its own terms yesterday, August 16, 1909, and was t not' extended. The enclosed letter of August 11, 1989, from 000 to  : A1Chemlf. contains soaie details you styht find useful about the l expiration of the 361es Agrooment,  ! The Escrow Agreement dated May 4 19nn, executed by A1ChemlE and the Bank- of' Anderson County, with D0['s appr ovu), provides in part as fellows t i 3.c) If Alcheelt obtains ownership of the unclassif ts'd gascentrifugeequipmentbutdoesnotobtain ownership of the classified equipment, then, upon sulwitission of proof thereof to the Escrow Agent, the  ; L escrow funh shall be disbursed upon demand to i l lJSb00.  ! d) for purposes of this Agreenmnt.

  • Proof' shall be darined as an instrument signed by USDnr. und '

attesting to the Escrow Agent the appropriate disposition of funds. ' l Tleis is to inform you officially that the Sales Agreement between 000 '

                 &nd AlCheml[ expired of its nwn terms on Au0ust 15, 1989, without                                                                                                                               '


            . A)ChemlE havinji obtained ownership of the classifted equipment. DOE l                 hereby officit ly domands that the funds in the escrow account be

'.h , disbursed to it by Anderson County Bank by making a wire transfur of the

  • funds today, August 16, 1989. The wire transfer should be made to the ,

rederal Reserve Bank of New York for credit to DOE Oak Ridgu. 1hu ' following Inf ormation is provided for use in siiakleiy thu wire transfer L 4 s---y. ,...%-- -,,,,m... . - v. ,r,-.. , , , , _ . . . - _ _ _ . . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

pas v/a 519A Aug 25.89 15:21 P.A6 Hutac66. al4bnviu t ist 14 0 . , o l' .- Mr. Jar,es l'. Crlf fin August 16, 1989 heceiving Bank TREASURY DEPARTMENT Line 2 Receiver DFit (To Bank) 011030004 Line 5 Hec-Dft Name 6 Product Code TREAS NYC/c1R/ Line 6 Third Party information BNf./AC 89186369 OBI-DOE Cak Ridge. TN ORv involet No.

                                                               $siv> Doc Ho. DE-R005 880Rtl776 Sincerely.

I . ( Robert f. Lynch \, Contracting Officer inclosure ccW/ enclosure , Dr. A. Andrew C6 rey, Prestrient  ; AIChemit, Oak Ridge, TN 37831


P e4 8

                                         +0 e


mu,m c. . n  %. v. R4 5.191. Aug 25.8s 15:22 P.A.'

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llA14D DEI.TVERY Pam Steele Assistant U.S. Attorney P.O. Dox 072 Knoxville, 'runnesseo 37901 . RP,1 In Re A) chemin ' Case No. 3-09-01695

Dear Pam:

It has como to our attention that the Department of Energy has made domand upon the Anderson county Dank for funds held in an escrow account at the Anderson County Bank for the benefit of AlchemTC, becauso of the expiration of the . I an30s contruct hotwoun Alchum16 and the Department of Energy. l. Irrelevant of the time for porformanco of the contract, jt is our position that thono fundo are property of the bankruptcy

                                       -estate and as such, the Dopartment of P.norgy is subject to the provisions of tho automatic stay pursuant to 11 U.S.C.                                                                                           ;

5362. We consider this demnnd a violation of the automatic ! stay. As you will noto, 11 U.S.C. $362(a) does use the word

                                         " entitles" as requirod by 11 U.S.C. 9106(c), and, therefore, If the Department of Energy would not be immune from suit.                                                                                              ,

i l l i

                                   .       (         .,                                                -            .,-
                                     ' hv . -     6Ad 971 5191         Aug 25.89 15:22 P.25.       <

MUbHWS.L Kh0AV4LLt. id

  ,'w ., n. .

}[... . 1 i Pam Stecic_ August 16, 1909 Page 2 actions are not taken'to retract. Lills demand, we Will have to to pursue marictions against tino popartmont of Energy pursuant 11 U.S.C. li3 62 (h) . Sincorcly, llE I S KULI., DOH E LSON , DEhkM Ali, ADAMS, W I I.LI MS & KIllSCil Ity [M'ff . d p- - Daviq:.Picider liary .I). Hiller ladna12.29 i 8 e l e

                                   -                            ~~                . _ . .  . - - .      .-     - .      . - - . .
                                                       'No,               6AS 971-5191        Aug 25.89 15:23 P a4-                           ;

HD,{WSKKNOXVILLE..TN-exninvr o Department of Energy 1

                 *                                        . ook rudge operettens                                                               ,


                                                              . P.O. tion 2001.

( -

                                                      ' 04k fuelge.l onnost.60 37831, H7 %-

1 August 17, 1989 q

                                                        .                                                                                    i
     ~<            LMr.'Jamed F. G.iffin, President Anderson County Bank                                                                                                      ;

101' South Hain Streel

        <            Citnton.: Tennessee 37716                                                                                      .

M ;DeariHr. Celffini

                    -sal.ES AGRitHEl(f. (C0HT8ACT Ho. Dr. R005-eson2i??6)                                                                    ,

n_ 16, 1989, thJt the above. referenced

                   - You were notified by letter dated August                                                                                ,

o sales aptcoment between All Chemini isotope Enrichment Company. loc.

                    '(AIChem E) and the Ocpartment of Energy reement                                  (Dor.) dated    expired           byl (Sank),w AugustMay 4;-1988,:execut40 by A'IChemifLand                                             Agreement.: the-An j

ascrow acenunt upon demand by DOE after the expiration-of'the Sales The August 7

16. 1969, letter directed you-to-disburse.the funds by wire transfer on' that date toAsan account held by the U.S. Department of. Treasu of this dete, the funds have not< been' othe Federal ~Dnurve Sank.Unless--you comply irmediately with-00E's demand for e  ; transferred.
the funds, DOE will have to take any appropriate-steps to force compliance.

[ interest. accruing.on the funds in the

This: letter 1st to notify you that any is the property of the U.S. Government--

escrow accountJ af ter August 15i 1989, Provisions in the Escrow Agreement allow-

                       .and shall not be paid to                  Once DOE; A1ChamlE properly mado demand to be  for paid intere funds were properly being' held in                       escrow.the untti  the funds aremoney paid to In 00E. the account, a!
               -         to interest earned from August- 15, 1989,
                        -Thank you for your c.noperation.

Sincerely. h ,

                                                                             'YLW           .C          .

Robert E. l.ynch ContractinD Officer cci Dr. A. Andrew Carey, President AlChomlE, oak Ridge, IN 37831 . ll

         - y                                       . .

From :. Jul. ti.19df9 03:53 PH P02 3 4 , (-; N 4-a IN TWE UNITED STATEfs BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EhBTERN D1BTRICT OF TENNESFtE l' IN RE: ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICdhENT, INC. DBA ALCHEMIE, INC. I Debtor Case No. 3-se-01ses DBJECTION To HQII91_T9.3118KIAA AND/OR HOTIDH FOR CONTINUhNCE j 1 COMES *.dOW Dennis L. Bell, a shareholder and creditor in this cause, and Maurice Hill and Paul llayden as shareholders, k hereinafter collectively. referred to as Respondents, by and through counsel and in support of his objection to Debtor's Motion to OI Dismiss-would say unto this Honorable Court as follows:

1. On or about the 14th day of July,1989 the Debtor filed for a Motion to Dismiss the bankryptcy.
2. In Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Motion to Dismiss the Debtor .

1 indicates that it has solved it's differences with the bank and can. j

                              . pay it's 3egitimate debt when it falls due.                     pursuant to information available to Respondents as of Friday, the 23st of                        4 i

L July, 1989, the Respondents believe that there is a substantial :j likelihood that the Debtor has r.ot solved these differences and in , not in a position to satisfy it's creditors.

3. . Respondents are of the opinion that in order to satisfy ,

4 the bank and other creditors that the Debtor must have an b

                               $8,000,000 bond that is accepted by the Department of Energy and                      ;

is in place and that the Debtor must also have the agreement of the i sharehniders of the company to dilute the shares of the company i-

1. before outside investors, on which Debtor is counting to satisfy L

i the creditors, have a legal obligation to cos.e forward and participate with the Debtor in satisfying the creditors. I l i 1

y > from 1_ _Jul.N.1999-03:93 PM P03 { 4. Rospondents are of the opinion that- before .these conditions are met, the Debtor should remain in Chapter 11 as the

       's Respondents wish for the court to oversee the reorganisation of s                      the Debtor and oversee any proposal that is made that will affect the creditors and the shareholders of the Debtor.
        ,                            5.      Respondents have just received late on Thursday, July 20, 1989 various documents which purport to be the Memorandum of                   1 l

Understanding and other documents involving the Debtors ability to satisfy the creditors, copies of which are . attached hereto as Collective Exhibit A to this Motion, and the Respondents'believe that it should have substantially more time to review these documents than two business days n',d would therefore request the Court to continue this hearing on ' he Netien to Dismiss until such time as the Respondenta and other creditors and the shareholders of AlchemIE have an opportunity to review this transaction.

6. The . Respondents are aware that the Debtor is alleging i that the dismissal of the chapter 11 must occur on July 24th and the dilution of the ntock occur on Saturday the 29th or the investors that Debtor is relying upon to satisfy the creditors will no longer be a viable option for the company. The Rospondents feel that the urgency of the time frame is' invalid and improper and would show this Honorable Court that in the event a dismissal is in the best- interest of the creditors and the shareholders of AlchemIE that the decision can be made af ter the information is distributed to all interested parties and after the conditions precedent have been met.

WHEREPORE, premises considered, the . Respondents would - pray unto this Honorable Court as fo13cvet

1. That this Motion to Dismiss the bankruptcy be denied.
2. That in the alternative the Motion to Dismisc this bankruptcy be continued until such time as the creditors and shareholders of AlchemIE have had ample opportunity to roview this critical information and until such time as the conditions procedent to any relief available for the creditors of AlchemIE have been met.


j; Frca

  • 4# . Jul.81.1989 03:53 FN ' FG4 j lll "j. '3. For such other further and general relief to' which Respondents may be entitled._-
4. That costs of this die seal be taxed to the Debtor.'

W.'THESSETH this the 2 /" ' day of ' h _, 1989 I y

                        '                                                       Respectiv y submitto By:       '>W, Gaetg's M. DoJ6 son                       ,

David A. BurKhalter Counsel for Respondents CERTIFICATE CF SERVICE , I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing has been served upon those entities below by malling a copy of same to them with

  • first class postage prepaid, or by hand delivery, and in addition thereto a copy has been faxed to those e ties indicated.
                                                                                        $1~             K Coo Mo M.~J p son l

l l 1 i J l I j 3 l 1 l

r . - . - . . . - _ - _ .-. - . __ 1
           = - gg 10
             '(Rev.-8/83) l
                                       ~ UNITED STATER BANKRUPTCY COURT
                                    -For the EASTERN Distr *.ct of TENNESSEE lIn-re
                      -A/K/A   ALCHEMIE Case No.      09-01695 Chapter 11 Debtor (s)

NOTICE' TO PARTIES IN INTEREST Notice is hereby-given that: A hearing held _ October 19. 1989 __ at 1:30 P.M. in the courtroom, 15th Ficor, Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessee, on the following: -




h cc Debtor

                            ' David E. Fielder, Attorney for Debtor United States Tructee M. Edward Owens, Jr., Attorney for John H. Smelser, Jr.

L and-C.E.O.,;Inc. l District Director of Internal Revenue j United States Att.orney 1 l All Creditors  ! 4 h RALPH T. BROWN Clerk of Bankruptcy Court By: < b itC -- Date'of issuance: 09/29/89 ' DeputyClerkQ 235 N. E' '

           +.                                                                                          ,

i < ff

            - BK -' 10 .
?      ,
              - (Rev.- 8/83)


             ' In're.


v Chtpter~11 Debtor (s)

NOTICE TO PARE 1ES IN INTEREST -l thstice is hereby given that: A hearing will be held October to. 1989 , i at. 09:00 A.M. in the courtroom, 15th Floor, PJaza Tower

                         'Vooxville, Tennessee, on the following MOTION,-FILED BY TENNESSEE COMMER-CIAL CREDIT CORP. ON SEPT. 22,1989,                             -

FOR RELIEF FROM THE AUTOMATIC STAY. i cc All Chemical Isotope Enrichment, Inc., Debtor . David E. Fielder, Attorney for Debtor United States Trustee j R.. Louis Crossley, Jr., Attorney for movant Creditors Committee Members M. Edward Owens,_-Jr., Esq.

                           -L. Caesar Stair, III, Esq.

Mark K. Williams, Esq. Pamela G. Steele, Asst. Ultited States Attorney , Charles II. Child, Esq. Jennifer J. Fowler, Esq. Michael H..Fitzpatrick, Esq. Daniel J. Moore, Esq. RALPH T. BROWN Clerk of Bankruptcy Court i Date of issuance Sept. 28, 1989 g, y ghh. ' D Deputy Clerk


19 n

     .y                                      ..        . -                ..              -
      'SK 10                                                                                                    !


       . Debtor (s)                                                          Chapter 11 NOTICE           TO         PARTIES             IN       INTEREST Notice'is hereby given that A hearing will be held ,_ September 14. 1989                                            i e

in the courtroom, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower -l at- 1:30 P.M.-

                     ' Knoxville, Tennessee, on t,he followings                                                ,

MOTION FILED aY THE DEBTOR ON AUG.:31, 1989, FOR APPROVAL OF POST-PETITIDN UNSECURED FINANCING. b cc- Debtor L- David E. Fielder, Attorney for Debtor l Mary D. Miller, Attorney for Debtor , United States Trustee

                          -Creditors Committee Membera

! Parties shown in certficate of service attached to motion l L-1' RALPH T. BROWN _ Clerk of Bankruptcy Court Date of Issuance: 09/07/89 By: Mlb Deputy Clerk Q (j 39 N.

  $              s' s
           .8K 10 (Rev. 8/83)-



Notice is hereby given that: 1: 1 A hearing will be held ._ September 13. 1989 1 in.the courtroom, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower i R at 09:00 A.M. a .: Knoxville,-Tennessee, on the f=11owing

  • l.





TO ALTER OR AMEND AGREEis ORDER OF AUG.-25, 1989. cc Debtor .- David E. Fielder, Attorney for DebtoL-Mary D. Miller, Attorney for. Debtor United States Attorney Michael H. Fitzpatrick, Esq. Creditors Committee Members M. Edward Owens, Jr., Attorney for Movant [ United States Trustee i l. RALPH T. BROWN Clerk of Bankruptcy Court Date of 1ssuance 09/07/89 By: '

                                                                           ,   1 MT                                                                               1e i Deputy Clerk u.

4 1

       .V',     .g' go .
              .    (R;v. 8/B3)                                                                                      7.jy,,gp '     l UNITED STATE 3 BANKRUPTUY COURT i'                          -

For the EASTERN District of' TENNESSEE l l In re-

                          - ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHelENT, INC A/K/A ALCHEMIE, INC.                                                                                   l Case No.              3-89-01695                       ,


                -Notice is hereby given that:

1 A hearing will be held Aucius t 24. 1989 at 1:30 P.M. in the courtroom, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower - Knoxville, Tennessee, on the following: MOTION, FILED.BY BEN BRABSON AND RICHARD VANCE ON AUGUST 2, 1989, FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND SANCTIONS. cc- Debtor Charles W. Kite, Attorney for Debtor k United States Trustee Ben D. Eranson, Jr., Esq. James R. Moore, Esq. Stanley G. Emert, Jr., Esq.

l. Jerrold L. Decker, Esq.

l t l L l RALPH T. BROWN Clerk of Bankruptcy Court 1 Date of Issuance: August 11, 1989 By: ll M 13 7 Deputy Cle ' > (7 N.) , i .

                                , . , , . c..                  ,,.        _         . , . -    -.                             r

5- b,b,. .



         ,--{BK 10    ._


                         'AKA ALCHEMIE Case No.       3-89-01695 Chapter 11 Debtor (s)
      ,1 NOTICE               TO      PARTIES              IN     INTEREST Notice is hereby given that:

A hearing will be held August 9. 1989 at 09:00'A.M. in the courtroom, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower Knoxv i l l er, Tennessee, on the following:


l CC Debtor Charles W. Kite, Atty, for Debtor . l United States Trustee James R. Moore, Attorney for Universal Brokers I ! John F. Weaver, Attorney for Movants i l t-i i l: 1 l'  ! L ] L RALPH T. BROWN Clerk of Bankruptcy Court l Date of issuance: August 2, 1989 ey: (td_Co_q ud LePufy Clerk sp I (SN.)

 %y,                     .
     "le    r     nCBrSOC p+

p-- 9 t ourr:y 3ank Membe' FDIC 101 South Main Street i Clinton, Tennessee 37716

A 615/457 4200' f:

August 25, 1985 5

Bankruptcy Court Clerk ,

1501 Plaza Tower

               . Knoxville, TN 37927


.Alchemie A11'. Chemical' Isotope F.nrichment, Inc.

?- Case #3-89-01695 I am Pret.ident of ' Anderson County Bank, Clinton, Tennessee . I hereby acknowledge the $2,000,000.00 Escrow Account .! between Anderson County Bank and Alchemie has been collateralized

                ' for the amount in excess of - the F.D.I.C Insurance with -                                      ;

Treasety Bills'and Covernment Securities. Sincerely, h SM-James F. Griffin President. ii Sworn to and subscribed before me on the date first above-written. AY ~

                                                      ' Notary Pul)lic hy courission expires            .Mc1             .
                                               !                            nL utrT _



G . i



                   ~IN RE:
                          -ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT,                                Case No. 3-89-02695                              i INC., d/b/a ALCHEMIE, INC.,                                     (Richard Stair, Jr.)                           {

Debtor.. . t

    ,                                                                  AGREED ORDER                                                         '

This~ matter came before the Court on. August 24, 1989, upon the agreement reached between Anderson County Bank and the Debtor concerning the Motion for Relief from Stay, or in the alternative for adeque ce protection, filed by the Bank after preliminary hearing held' August 9, 1989 and entered by the Court on August

                  ' 16 ', 1989. with objections to be considered this date and the
                  . objections to the agreed order of John Smelser, Universal Brokers                                                      i of ' Equipment               and the        Department of Energy.                        The. Court has                ;

considered'the' objections.-filed and the statements of~ counsel for the Debtor, Anderson County Bank, and the objecting creditors and directs as follows: ' Wherefore it is ORDERED as follows:  ;

1. The Debtor in conjunction with Anderson County Bank may begin soliciting contracts for sale of the surplus unclassified equipment owned by Alchemie which is the equipment owned as a ,,

result of the Bi.L1 Of Sale between the Debtor and DOE dated 1 November 20, 1987 excluding the equipment designated as " hold" equipment by the Debtor as listed in Exhibit A attached hereto ATTEST. A tnn und coneet copf. p 15% der r 4-O'e"' 'k BT-k h dl A p.,ury clar*


 ,2      ,

and made'a part hereof and all necessary expenses associated with preparing and removing the equipment to consummate the contracts -

     .g          for sale.
2. The ' Debtor and Anderson County Bank shall comply with' '

dll' requirements for security or otherWise of the Department of Energy or Martin Marietta in removing and selling the' surplus-unclassified equipment. , Tim Rowe shall be retained as an independent contractor


3. by the Debtor and be designated as the cite representative of the - Debtor ~ at the location of the equipment in Ohio, but his - I L L consultant's - fee of $700.00 per week shall be paid by Anderson County Bank and which expense the Bank shall recover from the sales of equipment as a cost of sale.

4. The Bank will commit to pay the independent l

L contractors to be nired for the purpose of dismantling, removing i and otherwise preparing the equipment for sale and such costs shall be deducted from any sales proceeds.

5. The Bank may designate a site representative in Ohio on its behalf, to be a person approved by -the Debtor, but is not required to designate a site representative.
6. All bids- for the purchase .of surplus unclassified-equipment must bear the written approval of A. Andrew Carey on l behalf of the Debtor and William Arowood on behalf of Anderson
               -County Bank or they shall not be enforceable.
7. All bids in excess of $10,000.00 or any bid at any amount for-technical equipment shall not be consummated prior to 2


                                                               ,e.-  ---r-,   , - ,            ,   ,-- ,

n: *. 8 , M , a. l

               - s'

notice tol,Pamela~ Steele, Assistant U.S. -Attorney, -Patricia 1

                       ~ Forter,' Counsel for:the U.S. Trustee, the 20 largest creditors of                   .;

the Debtor, James Moore, Counsel for Universal Brokeri of Equipment, and M. Edward Owens, counsel for John Smelser of the  ! intended sale and an~ opportunity for objection. )

8. All sales of surplus unclassified equipment shall be-  ;

for cash, certified cc.eck or cashier's check at time of delivery. 9. The funds received from sale shall be deposited in n' new account to be opened at Anderson County Bank in the'name of the Debtor, as a Debtor in posaession, sales escrow account, with A. Andrew Carey to be the authorized signatory. The Bank shall prepare . written reports of the account on a weekly basis for

                    ' submission to the Debtor.         In the event that the account balance-                 ,

ever exceeds $100,000.00, the Bank shall pledge government-securities to collateralize the account in excess of the FDIC insurance of'$100,000.00. No withdrawals shall be made from the account-except for the expense of sale except upon order of the-Court. (; -

10. The site representative of Alchemie shall provide weekly reports to the Debtor and Anderson County Bank (through
 .-                     Bill Arowood) of all Exit Orders.
11. The Debtor shall make monthly reports beginning September 15, 1989 to the Court of all sales consummated and-j .- expenses paid or incurred whicit reports shall be in addition to l

the monthly operating reports required of the debtor. I 3 4 4 y .- . . . .

W  ;


,' Try ,

12. The - escrow account at Anderson County Bank in the.

criginal amount of $2,000,000.00 shall-be'collateralized by the  ; close' of business on August 25, 1989 or transferred' to' another

- bank' which has the inclination and financial capacity to collateralize-the account. No witildrawals shall be. made from the $

The interest on 'the

account except upon the orders of the Court.

deposit shall be capitalized and also insured or collateralized.

             . ENTERED:    August 25, 1989-FOR THE CO RICHARD STAIR, JR U.S. Bankruptcy          dge APPROVED:'                                                                                         ,

A W DAV:9 E.'?IELDER Counsel for Debtor . HEISKELL, CONELSON, BEARMAN, ADAMS, WILLIAMS & KIRSCH Suit 600, Plaza Tower Knoxville, TN. 37929 Phone:. 615-522-4400 -

                                     -}  -

MICy'AEL H. FI'fZPA'TRJOR Attorney for Anderson County Bank JENKINS & JENKINS 2121. Plaza Tower Koxville, TN 37929 Phone: 615-524-1873 4 D des


              ,                                                                            1
       -                                                                                    j
 .<p     ,.                                                                                ,

rg' GANL Pamela Steele, Esquire-Assistant U.S. Attorney U.S. Courthouse and~P.O. Bldg. 37901 Knoxville, TN l CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify- that -a true and correct copy of the foregoing Agreed Order has been. served upon the following parties at the indicated addresses by hand delivery this the 6?d H day of i

                   -August, 1989:

U.S. Trustee - c/o-Patricia C. Foster 610 Plaza Tower. Knoxville,-TN 37929 Att'o ney

                                                                               , dnZ$tl
                                                                              ' pf Alch.ord Y

5 4 5 K. <n ,

l1AKhemRE,  ;.? - p.y. Inc. [g k i 1 All Chemical isEtope Enrichment. Inc. . i Junel9,-1989


Ms.'Melda Raffarty

                       -U.S.       Department.of Energy Portsmouth Enrichment Office P.O.~ Box 700-                                                                                                        .

_Piketon, OH-. 45661-0700 ll o

Dear Ms. Rafferty:

      ,                 Enclosed'is~a copy.of A1ChamIE's " Hold: List," which was prepared by : Ernie . C., - Evans. . This list is supplemented .by the " Critical.

Items List foreRemoval of Centrifuges from_GCEP" also prepared

                       .by Mr.-Evans._                                                                                                        .E If-further information is required please let me know.

Sincerely, , ALCHEMIE, INC.  ; I

                                     .y .

t h 'q witjasnO

                       ; Amy S . ' 'Ihompson OfficetManager
                      .AST/bc-cc: Tim. Roe, Interim-A1ChemIE Site Representative Y

v Pine Ridge Office Park. Suite 202-B 702 lilinois. Ave.. Ook Ridge. TN 37830 (615) 4182-0029

                                                              .                                  /NC, QQ         N. G:          ;;.                                                                            I i'


 ',                                                                                                        1
 ,x                        -SYSID #               DESCRIPTION                QTY    -QTY ON HOLD           j 626'                 Machine installation       1         1                   i cart w/ tools,10-drawer
 '         ' f.

745 Pump, Vacuum, Purge,7.5HP TRF 1 to IDN 16457 15 to 78 15 i l IDN 18340 -l Retrofit Kit Purge Vacuum 50 15

         'hl L746 Pump c                           787-                 Valves CIV-1-FC(S) not     338       200-                .

replaceable within 9 mos. i4 1012- Main Tools, Special 2 2 1022 valves SCV-1/2-M 660 100 1024 Valves SMUA-1/2-M 519 100 l 1026 Valves SV-1/2-FC 16 16 1027- Valves SV-1-FC 100 50 f

                           '1030                  Valves SV-1-M              24        24 1426                 Flexible Connectors        999       100
                                                 ' Item 10-14                                              :
                            .1427                 Flexible Connectors Item 10-14                 999       999 1431                 Flexible Connectors Item 10-13'                1 lot-    100 1437                 Flexible Connectors        1 lot     100 Item 10-17 2585 per lot 1438                 Fles:ible Connectors       999       100 Items 10-16 h                             1446                -Isolator Mounting Kit      1 lot     2600 l                                                  6621 per lot 2600 1447                 Mounting Lug Kits          1 lot il                                                 6136 per lot p-                            1454                 Center Supports, 1680       1 lot    750            '

l per lot 1524 Flexible Connectors 368 100 Item 8-166 l V

             'f' h0T           od /-)ej10)en!E
                          -Lu--abort    . 3 ,>I u ia.,(-ediPHwT i777

r', 1 [ .;  ?- p .., .. l;, }.j -]_ SYSID #. DESCRIPTION: QTY QTY'ON HOLD

                       '1526        Flexible Connectors       47       5 L                                    Item 3-188 Planning No. 724-7                                           ,

[ 1528 Flexible Connectors 99 .5


Item 10 ~ 1530' Flexible Connectors 73. 5 Item 10-10 , [ 1540 Floor Module 40 40 '

                                                                                      .f pl-. 1541       Floor Module Lug           6        6.             j ;

1580 Ground' Straps, 3637 1 lot 100 ,

                                  .per lot 1603       O Ring Size 220            234      234 1608       O Ring Size 335            1        1 1000 per lot                                         !

1610 0 Ring Size.429 2-lots 2  ; 1924 Flexible Connectors 457 100-  : Item 10-15 2120 High Vacuum Pump, 3 HP 1 1 W/Demister. 2572 Purge Vacuum Pumps, 7.5HP- 32 15 j[ 2578 Evacuation Pressure Readout Cart Withdrawal 1 1 Unit, Side, PO AICH. Tag 0304- - 2585 Sample Cart 2 2 2587 Position; Checkout Device 1 1 2590 Secondary Alignment 7 7 Fixture 2846 -Tester, Gauge, Pressure 1 1 1 Calibration-Pressure Mobile Test System .

                       ~3173       U Pack /MDP Tester         1       1 I


l l

  .a . ..,:
                        -SYSID #:                       DESCRIPTION                QTY             OTY ON HOLD '

3175' Functional MDP Tester 1 1

          .                                             Equip. Rack consist                                    1 of 10171,73,8890,98
                                                    ~3173 3205                          MVIP Test Set Equip. Rack' 1                1 3726                          Alignment Target Kit       1                1 4059                           Harness Tester USA LSA     1                1 LDA 4551                          Optical Alignment Tool      1                1 F
           ..            4877                          Test Stand, USA             1                1 L.                        4878                          Leak Simulator.For USA      1                1 E                                                       Test Stand 4882                          Upper,Tip-Lower Tip Decay   1                1
                                                     ' Test Unit Equip. 5-0-6033                               ,

48831 DAS Computer Box, 15300-A: 1 1 jk 14886 ~ Transducer, LDA Bond Test 1 1 Supports IDN 4889 4890 Transducer & Motorized 1 1 Turntable 4894, Torque & Load Cell for LDA 1 1 Bond Test ALCH. Tag 1240 4898 Leak Stand & LDA Assoc. 1 1 Valves , 4919 Leak Detector 1 1 4922 Pump, Vacuum, Foreline 1 1 Duo-Seal 150 CFM 5 HP 230/460V 3 PH 60 HZ d[[ 24924 Pump, Vacuum, w/ Roots 1 1 Blower 460 CFM 1775 RPM 25HP 460V 3PH 60HZ 4957 Buggy, Electric Test - 1 1 Position Checkout Device (PCOD) is Mobile

                                  . - - - . - - , , . , ~       y   -       - , .        - , . - .

T~1 a- . SYSID # DESCRIPTION- QTY QTY ON HOLD' 4971 ' Buggy, Electric-Test - 1 1 Position Checkout Device e

                            .(PCOD)-is Mobile                               l 5003-    Jackstand, Transmission   5      2 1/4 Ton
                  -5144      Tool T-735880-01          1      1 51'45    Tool - T-735881-01        1      1
                   -5146     Tool T-735882-01          1      1
                  ~5147      Tool T-735888-01          1      1 5148     Tool T-735882-01          2      2 5149,    Tool T-735888-01          1      1 5150     Tool T-735889-01          1      1
                  .5765     . Torque Screw Drivers 75     25 5784-   Lift Tool Support          6      6 Assembly 5785    Transfer' Head Lift Tool   6      6-5786     Lower Column Assembly      12     2 Guide 1                  5787     Rotor Bundle Guide         1      1 1

5788 Rotor Internal Lift Bails 372 -5 l 5789. Upper Col. Ass. Support 6 6 5793 Slinger Nut Removal Tool 12 2 l 5794 LSA Lift Tool 6 6 L 5795 Column Component Clamp 60 50 Ass. 5796 Column Wave Washer Tool 1 1-5797. Upper Col Tip Holding Tool 1 1 L 1 i

l r

o -

4 s,

 ,        - .x i ^SYSID f#     DESCRIPTION             OTY   OTY ON HOLD   !

5798 l static Stand, CTTF 2. 2 5860 LSA Fixture 2 2 5861 Laser Fixture 1 1 5862 Tool Roll Stand 2 2 5863 LSA Lift Fixture 2 1- ,

                  - 5864         USA Lift Fixture        2     1            ,
5865 Column Gap Control Box 4 4 5866 Laser Alignment Fixture 8 8 ,

5869 Rotor Guides 1 1 5870


Rotor Cover 8 8 5871 Lower: Support Fixture 2 2 c

                   - 5872        Transfer' Handles       5     5 5873       Slinger Nut Tool        2     2
                     -5874       Rotor Centering Tool    2     2
                   . 5875       LSA Lift Tool            4     4 5876      LDA Lift Sling           2     2-5877     . Lower Support Lift      2     2 Adapter H

5878 16 L- Roll' Stand (Tooling) 8 , l ; i 5879 LDA Fixture 2 2 5880- Rotor. Centering Tool 1 1

                    -5881       USA Lowering Guide       2     2
                    -5882       Rotor Grim Guide         2     2

? 5883 Column Sleeve 2 2 5884 Bumper Bearing Holdown 3 3

                               - Tool 9

6 e k -

e y. . 4

                                   .5886~    LSA Lift Fixture                             2          -2              ;

4 C 5887 Feed: Port Batons 2 2 i 5888' DP Holders 5 5 I 5889 DP Transfer Racks $ 3 58901 -Lower Column Removal 2 2 Tool. , 5891 Column Extractor Tool 1 1 . 5892 .LDA Receiving Lift Tool 5 2

                                  '5893      LSA Carts                                    6           6
        ~~i 5894      Invar Nut Wrench.                            12          5 5895-     USA Lifting. Tool                            6           6
5896 LDA' Lift Tool 6 6 5897. Diffusion Pump Lift Tool 6 6 l 5898 Secondary Alignment Equip. 6 2 5899_ Support-Handling. Fixture 6 2 5900- Install Tool' Column Dowel 1 1 Ass.

5901- Column Lift Balls 372 5 5903 Casing Primary Alignment 4 4 System 5904 Setting Tool Column 6 6 Assembly. l 5905 Installation Tool 6 6 L Column Baffle 5906 O Ring Clamp Casing 5 5

5907 Column lower Tip Holding 6 6 Device l

L 5908- Rotor Guide Upper (Static) 5 5 p L f.




                     -5910       Rotor Guide Lower           9     9 5911      Column Lift Balls           24   24-           :

5912 Column Guide Exten Tool 6 6 Assembly 5913 O Ring Clamp Lower Drive- 5 5  :

 ,                              Assembly 5914      Arm and Plate Weichts       32    32 5915      LSA Vac Fun.; :iystem       2     2 W/1/2 HP 1 PH Motor
   <                  5925      Machine Valve Sets          999   25            ,

Loc _T-51,52,53,54,55,56 j 6059- Terminal CRT-ADP System 1 ~1 XX Slide Repair Area 4th F1. Center 6060 Printer Data ADP System 1 1

                               -XX ALCH. Tag 1247                               ;

60611 Line Printer DEC. Writer 1 1 l III ADP. System XX ALCH. L Tag 1257 6062 Terminal Hardcopy.ADP 1 1 System XX ALCH. Tag 1258 6063 Computer ADP System _ 1 1 XX ALCH. Tag 1262 16064 Disk Drive ADP System 1 1 ,) XX'ALCH. Tag 1262 l l L 6066 . Plotter, 8 Pen Vector 1 1 n ADP System XX l-6072 Computer, series 1000 1 1 ADP System XX, Rotor Ba1. 6079 1-Programmer ADP System XX 1 l I I

9, % - SYSID # DESCRIPTION- QTY OTY ON HOLD l 6234 Workbench, 30 x 60 1 3/4 1 1 j Maple W/2: Drawers- 1 1 6240 Wiring Harness Tester 1 1 6299' Tool #735882-01 2 2 6300 . Tool #735888-01 1 l' 6301 Tool #T-735889-01 1 1

  • 6307 Guide Pins' (Set of 4 ) 1 1 l

6310 Leak Detector 1 li-

                                                                                 '04    M    .
                      -6314              Dolly, Motorized          1       .1 Stationary, 5-Ton                            +
                      -6320           - Base Assembly for Rotor    1        1 Accept
j. ..

6412 Col. Damper Transfer Rack 15 2 ,

                      --6413             Manifold Transfer Rack    50       2              ,


                      ~6414              LDA Transfer Rack         124      5              'i
                      -6415              USA Transfer Rack         120      2 16428              Lower Tip Transfer Rack   15       2 6429              Upper Tip' Transfer Rack  10       2

, 6470 Rotor Dollies 6 6 f[ 6471 Rotor Upending Bicycle Wheels 1 2

           %          .6472              Rotor Upending Bicycle-   1        1               '

6474 Upper Col. Lift Bail 20 2 6476 Rotor Loader /Unioader 1 1 L W/ Gold Power Winch , 6477 ~ Casing Lift Bail 2 2 l L 6479 Rotor Lift Bail I-Beam 1 1 jI 6494 Leak Detector 1 1 o 6519 Rotor Internal Lift Balls 18 18


L t ,

                                   - - -                     ~
                                                                     ~   ~


  ,fr              6525      Casing Dollies                 20  5                   i 6526     . Dolly Casing Upending        4    2                   :

6530 Lancer Boss (Smali 1 1 sideloader) ALCH. Tag t 0356-6574- Lower' Column Insertion 5 2 Tool- l 6575 LDA Lift Adaptor 5 5 i 6576 Lower Rotor-Guide 5 5 { 6581 LDA Lift Bell 2 2 -l 6582 Support Handling Fixture 4 2 6583 Lift Bail, Diff Pump 5 5 6584 Bumper Assy Tool 6 2 > 6585 Upper' Rotor Guide 4 2 6586 Fifth Member'A11gnment 4 2 Tool

  • 6589 Column Assy Console 4 2
                 - 6590     Lower Column: Transporters-   3'   3 6591'     Extracting Tool               2    2 6595      Heat Shield Loader / Unloader 1    1                   ;

Trough ~ 6599 Casing Lift Fixture 2 2 6696~ Hydraulic Cylinder 31n. X 1 1 251n Steel Double Acting 6702 Vacuum Pump Rotary W/1 HP 1 1 115 VAC 6703 Laminar Airflow Booth 1 1 8x8x8 ft. Window Walls 1 s

F: a xn a. f x* E SYSID #' 1 DESCRIPTION. OTY. OTY ON HOLD' 16711- - LSATE Support Module 1 1 7  %,


PA143401-1-1 6712: . LSATE Dynamio Stand 1 1

 -                                      - PA143502-1-1 6714.           Terminal, Electronic Data     1       1 6717            USA = Repair Stand W/ Tooling 1       1                 .

8, 6719 USA TST.STD W/ Console 1 1 Hydraulic Pump 6758 Feed, Carts Two Cy1 2 2 ALCH. Tag 0499 6766 MDP Storage Cabinets 7 7 6768 . Vacuum Cart Feed & 2 2 Withdrawal'ALCH. Tag 0500 o 1 L 6796 HGP valves 300 50 L o 6802 Valve,. Hand 4" 139 50  ! s 6810 Valve, Hand 2" 179 179 6820~ Pressure Transducer 70 25 Baratron . i

                       '6821-            Pressure Transducer           210     50 Baratron
                        '6822            Valve Instrument-Isolation    500
                                                                              . 100            l:i 4

l- 6828 Transfer Head' Lift' Tool 2 2 -l 6963 LSA Lift Fixture 1 1 7014 Damper Transf Cart 1 1 1 I 7195 LDA Removal Fixture 1 1 j 7198- Column Puller 1 1 7249 Pump, Vacuum loin 3 1 Diffusion Cont , 7250 Vacuum Valve 10 in angle. 3 1 l-e

l l -, .. [ SYSID # DESCRIPTION grY QTY ON HOLD i 7279 Sample Panel, Gas Test 11 5 l 5 Torr Gages ALCH Tag l 1205 7397 Fault Detector Ascambly 1 1 7987 Cold Trap, Webber 1 1 7988 Cold Trap, Webber 1 1 7589 Cold Trap, Webber 1 1 8019 Strongbeck 30 Ft. 5 Ton 1 1 W/4 Leg Wire Rope S11n's W/2 Comalongs, 6 Ton 8032 Tool. USA Magnet Keeper 2 2  ; Removal j , t 8033 Component Part USA 6 6 Disassembly Fixture l 8037 Cart Oil Filtrated in 12 12 Strict Accord 8044 V Band Clamps 30,686 1 lot 500 per lot, 13,700 8188 Arm & Plate Fixture 3 3 Assy. 8190 Machine Valve Panels 23 21-8220 Demister, oil for vacuum 1 1 pump J-1221 8222 Demister, oil for Vacuum 1 1 Pump.J-1216 8225 Pump, Vacuum Air, 300 CPM 1 1 W/ Roots Blower, 3HP, 60HZ and controls 8226 Pump, Vacuum, Air, w/ Roots 1 1 Blower 3 HP, 3 PH, 60 HZ , W/ Oil demis & Contr. 8227 Pump, Vacuum, Air, 75CFM, 1 1 W/ Roots 1.5 HP. 3 PH, 60 HZ W/ Oil Demis & contr. 9 4 4

                                        . . + . , ' - -    -. ,-     w.       , , - , . , .   , . - - . . . .

( a. N l l

         ,                                                                   i
    .*                                                                       l SYSID #   DESCRIPTION                  OTY   QTY ON HOLD,   I 8228      Pump, Vacuum, Air, 75 CFM,   1     1 W/ Roots, Blower, 1.5 HP, 3 PH                    1 60 HZ, w/ controls
               - 8260      Pump, Vacuum, W/ Roots,      1     1              i Blower,300 CPM 1750 RPM 10 HP, 460 V, 3PH,-60HZ w/ controls 8263      Contaminant Monitor Mass     1     1              !

Spect. 3"-60 Deg Analyzer, ) E.B. Ion Source ALCH. Tag j t 0277 ) l 8264 Demister, Air, 2500 SCFM 1 1 i AMB Temp, Vertical, Air l Flow Poly Woven Pad 8265 Demister, Air 2500 SCFM 1 1 AMB Temp Vertical Air Flow Poly Woven Pad  ; 8535 Index - Syn Positioner 4 2

               . 8828      Flowmeter, Back Fill Cart    1     1 i

8829 Flowmeter, Back Fill Cart 1 1 8831 Flowmeter, Back Fill Cart 1 1 j 8837 Analyzer, Yibration- 1 1 > Operators Diagnostic Unit. (ODU) ALCH. Tag 0299 j 8838 Analyzer, Vibration 1 1 . Operators Diagnostic Unit (ODU) ALCH. Tag 0301 8881 Plotter, Curve, 1 1 X-Y Recorder 8883 LSA Calibr Cab 1 1  : (Incl ~X-Y Recorder) , ALCH Tag 1259 l 8900 Mass Spectrometer 1 1 ALCH. Tag 0824 8940 Tractor, Industrial 1 1 Towing (IPTT) CM Transport Tractor (IPTT) ALCH. Tag 0525 1 4 4 4 e ,s , . . .-

e  !

                .                                                             i i

SYSID # DESCRIPTION OTY OTY ON HOLD ] i  : [ 8941 Tractor, Industrial Towing 1 1 i (IPTT) CM Transport 1 Tractor (IPTT) ALCH. Tag 0527 ) 9021 Detector, Leak Salt Cart i 1 l ALCH. Tag 0279 9022 Detector, Leak Salt Cart 1 1

 ,                9023      Buggy, Gas Sampling         1     1              :

I 9024 , Buggy, Gas Gampling 1 1 9025 Buggy, Electric Test 1 1 Position Check-Out . Device ALCH. Tag 0282 . 9118 Withdrawal Unit, Side 1 1 Portable Roughing Pump - Sys. (Props Cart) . ALCH. Tag 0349 9119 Withdrawal Ursit, Side 1 1 Portable Roughing Pump Sys (Props Cart) ALCH. Tag 0348 9129 Withdrawal Unit, Side, PO 1 1 Dump Cart i II 9135 Cart, Drive Down 1 1

           %I     9137      Cart, Drive Do.n            1     1 l

l 9214 Cart, Maintenance (Special) 1 - 1 ! 9217 Cart, Maintenance (Special) 1 1 l 9223 Cart, Maintenance (Special) 1 1  ; l 9225 Cart, Maintenanca(Special) 1 1 9252 Monitor, Temperature 1 1 40-140 DEGF VDC Input 24U 0.12A DC Chassis 9255 Controller, Temperature 1 1 i 40-140 Indicator Adjustable Setpoint i 1 e

                                ,+                                        ~.
   --g      -

I 4 l l L SYSID #, DESC?IPTION OTY OTY ON, HOLD 9294 Trailer, Heavy Duty 1 1 I

' (IPT) Intra-Plant Transporter CM (IPT) 9296 Trailer, Heavy Duty (IPT) 1 1 I 9297 Trailer, Heavy Duty (IPT) 1 1  ;

i Irtra-Plant Transporter i CM (IPT) l 9300 Trailer, Heavy Duty (IPT) 1 1 i Intra-Plant Transporter . L CM (IPT) !' 9302 Trailer, Heavy Duty (IPT) 1 1 Intra-Plant Transporter CM (IPT)  ! 9303 Trailer, Heavy Duty (IPT) 1 1 Intra-Plant Transporter CM (IPT) l 9304 Trailer, Heavy Duty (IPT) 1 1 Intra-Plant Transporter  ; CM (IPT) ALCH. Tag 0539 9305 Trailer, Heavy Duty (7PT) 1 1 , Intra-Plant Transporter l

                                  . CM (IPT)                                                     l
                    - 9309         011 Changing Cart                          1     1 9818        Secondary Alignment                        1     1            i Fixture 9924        Proximity Probes                           54 54           ,

9959 Regulator Inertgas 1 1 0-200 PSI from 3000  ; TRF to IDN 18014  ; 9961 Regulator Inertgas 1 1 0-200 PSI from 4000 Trf to IDN 18014 10043 Trap, Vacuum, Contaminants 2 2 Particles, Liquids 10273 Cold Trap Assembly 1 1 10299 USA Electronics Console 1 1 , SN 31-101 4 6 4

                                      -. _ _ . ~   . - . . .    - . _ _ _ _.-         , , . y ,


    . c
                'SYSID #   DESCRIPTION               QTY     QTY ON HOLD 10506     Contaminate Monitor       2       1 P/N 10-50002 11972     Continous Monitor         1       1 for Flourine 120V 1PH 60HZ Assoc. With SYSID 11978                                           ,

12049 P1 Tape I.D. 20IN to 25IN 10 5 12052 2C Vacuum Pump 011 12 12 12053 2C Vacuum Diff Pump Oil 5 5 dI 12194 Cables for tecting MVIPS 3 3 jI 12195 P3nel Drive Up Contro1~ 2 2 f( 12196 Panel Switch and Monitor 1 1 l 12576 Af.r Turbine 3 2 13522 Container, Shipping 46 46 , (USA-P1D) 37.5/29 OD/OH 13523 Container, Shipping 13 13 > (Manifold P1D) 37.5/20 l OD/OH  ; l 13524 Container, Shipping 15 15 9-Pack (Rotor) ' 540/96/102 L/W/H . 13525 Container, Shipping 18 18 (PLA, UCA) 525.25/43.5/50 - L/W/H  : r l 13526 Container, Shipping 205 205 (USA) - 13527 Container, Shipping 73 73 (LSA) , 13528 Container, Shipping 74 74 (Mcnifold) 37.5/29 OD/OH 13529 Container, Shipping 124 124 (LDA) 37.5/29 OD/OH 13530 Container, Shipping 62 62 (LCA) 27.5/47 OD/OH 4 w

   .     ~

SYSID # DESCRIPTION QTY QTY ON HOLD 13531 Container, Shipping 40 40 (UTA) 27.5/29 OD/OH 13532 container, Shipping 36 36 (LTA) 27.5/47 OD/OH 13533 Container, Shipping 29 09 (A&P) 37.5/29 OD/OH 13660 Container, Heat Shield 3 3 8 ft. wide, 8 FT 91N High, 44ft long 13661 Trailer, Flat Bed for 1 1 Heat Shields NBH2-F2-44 13975 Fomblin Vacuum Pump Oil 7 7 (50KG Containers) 15244 Displacement Measuring 1 1-System Probes W/Osci13 ator Demodulator 15318 Displacement Probe 60 60 15460 Lifting Cleats for V Pole 2 2 RTF 15856 Pump Diffusion 60 25 DEAC05790R20342 16071 Telescope Alignment 1 1 W/ Micrometer Adjustment L 16455 Generator, Diesel, 24 OKW 1 1 l 300KVA 277/480 Volts 361 L AMPS 0.8 PF 375 HP 1800 i RPM I 16620 Compressor, Air 1 1 L 5HP Motor 16621 Receiver, Air, 9 Feet 1 1 Tall . 16632 UPS System Inverter Output 208/120V 3 Phase 1 1 , 16634 Battery 120 Bank for UPS 120 120 16640 Generator Switchgear 1 1 Control Panel Standby Unit for Diesel Generator 4

                          -- - - , - - -  y      _      ~~.

t . ip SYSID # DESCRIPTION QTY OTY ON HOLD I 17344 Cascade of Service Modules 1 1 120 Machine Positions Steel Grades ASTM 501 17345 Cascade of Service Modules 1 1 120 Machine Positions: Steel Grade ASTM 501 17564 Trap, Chemic.a1 8 4 17603 Stand, Rotor Balance RBS 3 1 17701 Local control Center 5 2 Includes 1 RDS, 2 TC Panels RDS-50000 Automatic Switch Co. Temp. t / 74 To f /710Y l t e i e I 1 I



    'l       ,
       '4 (1

L ADDITIONAL I'4' EMS NEEDED BY ALCHEMIE MVIPS MDP'S Fifth Points Microcompoters (By Lot) (1) F Valves, instrument 3/8"(X3001, South) New - Hundreds c Purge Vacuum retrofit kits, pumps (RA Bldg ist Floor) - 3

 -l         4" dia.. aluminum elbows w/ bolt flanges (X3001, SE wall)   -

30 ! Complete Rotor Balance Stand L. All Train 4 and Train 3 e n 4 e

AIChesn5Ea Inc, ane d A A l 4 All Chemicalisotope Eht,Inc. . 1 INTEROFFICE M E M O_'.:t A N D U M l DATE: February 9, 1989 TO: John Smelser ' ,


FROM: E.C. Evans h [[

           $UBJECTt Critical Item T+1st for Removal of Centrifuges from GCEP_                                                                           ,

i Recently you mentioned to me that a Critical Items List (CIL) was needed for centrifuge removal from GCEP. I have worked with Henry Smith and Sam Senatore and . prepared such a list. l


I recommend these itema be brought under control now so I these are not removed, sold, disconnected, disabled, or  ; otherwise -rendered unavailable to A1ChemIE. The  : AlchemIE site representative (Bruce Clark) should ,


approve any action relative to any of the listed items. The site representative should have the movable items (not cranes, etc.) placed in the CTTF or other area and locked up. Then a physical inventory should ' be taken. , i Many of the listed items do not have 3YSID numbers. Leveral of the items, such as cranes are to remain at GCEP. r 9 h Copy Buddy Scruggs  ; e en 4 4

     =           ...e.        . . - - , . - . .         %       ..,,_...,.,,.,,,.,,e-.      g w,%,     _ . , , , , , , .   ..- , -.. , +,..,.,-.c.,

rr i

 ! '                                                                                                                                      t l
                                                                                                                                                                                   .l I



1 e e e f

                                                                                               /AICinemIE, Dire.

l All Chemical isotope Enrichment, Inc. PineRksoeC*ncePark. Suite

  • e D 702SHnob Ave.,ookRidge.1N37830 (615)4824029
             , .,-     .     ,_ - , . - . - . . . . _ , , , ,  _cy,       .e,,..4--%.-.                  .w,.m.w.,              .,_m.s..-

7 2/7/89  !

     . ECE REMOVAL OF CENTRIFUGES FROM GCEP                                                             '

LIST OF CRITICAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED , i i l 6 i To remove the approximate 1400 centrifuges from GCEP will  ; i require demounting, transporting, disassembling, . packing and shipping actions. Some equipment items such as eranus and j special tractor-trailer combinations and special tooling will be  ; i necessa*y. Some additional items will expedite the removal and l eid in avoiding damage to components. To aid in assuring the necessary items which exist at the GCEP are retained for this removal the following list has been prepared. This list does not include the sdditional tooling required by A1ChemIE, Inc., to assemble centrifuges. Tha items listed should be brought under control to assure availability when needed. Since the items are presently at many , locations the immediate control should be on removal from GCEP. This control shculd be followed with a physical and functional Then, examination of each to datormine if each can be used. , where feasible 'not inatalled cranes, for example) the items i abould be removed to locations where these will .be used ac3 I controlled by locks. The machine disassembly tooling could be l ' placed in the CTTP and the CTTF kept locked. 1 0 9 i v--m<-m -e-w, , - = , - - , , , - ,-,,-w-,,-w w,=- v ,---v--'--- w - - - - - - - > ~--e -w '

       ..s The items listed have been extracted from methods (procedures)               ;

and lists obtained from MMES/GCEP personnel. There will be some ; duplication due to differences in designations of some items and i the list is rio t all inclusive. The list does not include standard hand tools such as socket wrenches, box and wrenches, . etc. It does include all of the critical items recognized at > this time. As stated above this list should be used to prevent the removal from GCEP of any of these items until it is decided j the item is no longer needed. As the need for additional items I becomes known these should be added to the list. e r I e t 9 2 4 l .

       ,     ..                                 SPECIAL TOOLING TO BE RETAINED FOR REMOVAL                                                                                          '
  • OF CENTRIFUGES FROM GCEP (List Is In Alpha-Hum aic Order) i NOTE: Where duplicates exist in greater number than required for ,

operations and maintenance the excess tools may be sold. However, in most cases these special tools will have a very low sales value. Tool Number Description 0741-T01 ilpper Rotor Guide r 1705-701 Internal Rotor Lift Bail

 ,f                M7D07201-319-1                                   Port Cover

. iB M7D97201-333-6 O-ding MA5-1352-4-16 20 Socket-Head Screws L T-620144 Casing Lift Fixture T-735743 Casing Lift Rail , j T-735746 Uponding Cart (Rotor) '

T-735748 Column Wave Washer Compression Tool

T-735749 Casing Erection Wheels T-735750 notor Dolly T-735751 Casing Dolly T-735753 Rotor External Lift Bail T-735754 Column Joint Support  : T-735758 Slinger Nut Torque Wrench l~ T-735769 Column Lift Ball T-735770 Process-Line Dail T-735776 Lower Drive Lift Tool Receiving l T-735777 LDA Lift Adapter Assembly . T-735784 Lift Tool Support Assembly ' T-735785 Lift Tool - Diffusion Pump Assembly T-735789 Lift Tool - Transfer Head l T-735791 Coluran Lowed Tip Holding Device T-735792 Setting Tool Column Assembly , T-735794 Installation Tool - Column Baffle Catcher T-735797 Column Lift Mechanism , T-735798 Column Guide Extension Tool  ; T-735800 Conveyor - Universal Lift Fixture Assembly T-735801 Lift Tool - USA Assembly T-735802 Installation Tool - Column Dowel Assembly T-735803 Alignment Pins - USA Assembly I T-735004 0-Ring Clamp - USA T-73S805 UpperColumn Assembly - Column Support T-735813 Lifting Tool for LSA Assembly  ; T-735817 Column Upper Tip Holding Tool T-735818 Stand Small Machine Parts T-735822 Handling Fixture Support T-735825 Lower Column Assembly Guide T-735834 Upper Suspension Magnet .'o1 3 l

          -,          -  ------.--r     v= - ,e  . . , - - -    ,m   ,-       ----v4-.        , - -   , , - - , - , , - - - -      ,- -,---*y        ---w         - - - , , --
           ' Tool Nu-b r          D^scription                                                                 I l

T-735840 Lift Sling Rotor 1 T-735841 Casing Lift Sling T-735845 Shield Lift Bail T-735846 Diffusion Pump Support Stand T-735847. Rotor Horizontal Extractor T-735048 Rotor Pulling Device T-735849 Handling Fixture Upper Tip T-735852 Handling Fixture Lower Tip T-735855 - Rotor Release Vacuum Pump  ; T-735856-1 Stand Column (Linear) ) T-735857 Column Insertion - Tip Contact Tool ) 7-735858 Saddio Dolly (Shield) l T-735860 Transfer E Assembly Rack Diffusion Pump T-735861 Removal Tool - Lower Column i T-735871 Casing Cleaning Tool . T-735873 Column Wrench (Scoop Post) j T-735875 shield Horizontal Extractor J T-735876 Column Lift Bail Estension T-735878 Crane Hook - Adapter T-735879- Vertical Alignment Certification Kit T-735880 Invar Nut Special Wrench , T-735882 Sneci-'.1 Wrench - Lower Tip Adjustment ) T-735883 Special Wrench - Arm and Plate Assembly  ! T-735884 Special Wrench - Arm and Plate to Column T-735885 Special Wrench - Feed Port T-735886- Special Wrench - Tcp Sleeve to Column i T-735887 Special Wrench - Lower Tip to Column T-735888 Special Wrench - Invar Rod and Adjust Sleeve l T-735889 Special Wrench - Column Lift Dail i T-735891 Special Wrench - Lowor Tip Torque T-735893 Column Extractor Tool (Remove from Container) ) T-735894 Shaft Protective Fixture 1 T-735898 Motor Base Handling Clamp , T-735899 Column Lift Rod Assembly  ; T-735901 Tooling Dail-- Locater Lift Tool Support T-735902 Shield Safety Fixture  ; T-735904 3xternal L1ft Bail with Safety Strap V-2021 Crana 7 1/2 Ton . I V-2025 Crane 7 1/2 Ton TDD Transfer Racks TBD Tote Pans TBD Transfer Dollies No Tool Numbers Amplifier System-Cables 1 & 2 Available. All Secondary A11gnmsnt Tool at CTTF Stand. E.A.S. Electronic Levels . Amplifier Meters 1 & 2 Model No. 432 Step and Stop Work Platform Amplifier Meters Model No. 232 ! I L l

                                     -e,,--,,w--,,,,-- - . - - - , - - - - --   ,-w-   -- --- ,-   n.r ~-w~ g
  ;=< w -                                                                                                                                  1 c                                   MACHINE DISASSEMBLY-EQUIPMENT 1

l j Long Farts Extractor j container Uponder. l SidrMscdars Cab CJanes G Bridges 73 ft. Pendant Cranes (V1201-V1202) & Radio Controls 1 Maintenance Crane 73 ft. ] Rigid Mast Cranes & Bridges - Buffer Storage IPT/IPTT Hine Pack Rotor Cortainers Cassettes. Transf er Car (Nine Pack Containers) ISO Lift Fixture (Rotor Nine Pack Containers) > Internal Rotor Lift Fixture Cassette Grappler i Pendant Cranes CTTP Casing Dollion l Casing Lift Fixture  ; Casing Downendir.g Wheels End Blocks  ; Radio controls RMC Buffer Storags Fork Lifts-Jib Cranes-  ; Small Parts Elevator i External Rotor Lift Fixture

  • Rotor Loader /Unionder i Rotor Strongback & Lifting Cables l
                      -Rotor Handling Transition Hook                                                                                      '

Rotor Dollies P.otor Downending Wheels Rocor Puller (External) . Vacuum Pump for Nine Pack (C"TF) Rotor Lift Slings 1 Column Lift Fixtures Column Uponding Downending'Strongback > Containers 36 Pack (UCA & PLA) Transfer Wagon (36 Pack) I Universal Lift Fixture'& Conveyor (CTTF) - , Articulator (CTTF)~

                      . Trap Doors (CTTP Static Stands)

USA Drive Unit Dock Lavalers

                      - Rigid Mast Crane (PB1) 6 L-                                                                                                                                          ,

5 e

         .d,   .p-       - - - -


        =                                                                                                                                                        !
                                                    LIST OF PACKAGING ITEMS                                                                                    l COMPONENT                                       PACKING ITEM                                                                  PACKAGING                  l NAME                           DI NO. TO BE RETURNED                                                                I.D. NUMBER                  l Casing                               2-1       1 Upper Ring Cover / Casing                                                 M7E97201-5104               'l 1 Lower Flange Cover / Casing                                               M7E97201-S105                 l 1 Pump Flange Cover / Casing                                                M7E97201-S106                 ;

P.Tocess Line 3-1 5 Foam Co11aits/3 Process Lines X-7725-1835-MP 1 Foam Cylinders /3 Proc. Lines X-7725-1835-Mt I Upper Column 4-1 7 Foam Co11srn/1 UCA . X-7725-1802-ME  ; Assembly i Foam Cflinder/1 UCA X-7725-1802-ME  ; Lower Column 5-1 1 Metal Container X-7725-1812-ME Assembly 5 Foam Inserts / Container X-7'i25- 1812-ME '

  • 1 Protector Assembly /LCA M7E97201-S613

Lower Drive 6-1 1 Metal Container X-7725-1808-ME . Assembly 3 Foam Inserts / Container X-7725-1808-ME Lower Suaoen- 7-1 T Metal Container X-7725-1805-ME sion Assembly C Foam Insorts/ Container X-7725-1805-ME

  • Heucing Cover Assembly /LSA M7097201-S302 Upper Suspen- 8-1 1 Metal container X-7725-1804-ME siun Assembly 2 Foam Inserts / Container X-7725-1804-ME  !

1 Flange Assembly /U3A M7E97021-S410 1 Protector Assembly / USA M7E97021-5411 1 Keeper / USA M7E97201-S412 1 Hand Knob / USA - l ' l Upper Tip 11-1 1 Metal Container X-7725-1813-ME Assembly 3 Foam Inserts / Container X-7725-1813-ME 1 Proter;1ve Cover /UTA M7D97201-S633 , l Lower Tip 12-1 1 Metal Container X-7725-1814-ME - Assembly 3 Foam Inserts / Container X-7725-1814-ME 1 Protective Cover /LTA M7D97201-S643 Arm & Plate 14-2 1 Metal Container X-7725-1825-ME ' l Assembly 3 Foam Inserts / Container X-7725-1825-ME Manifold 15-1 1 Metal Container X-7725-1806-ME i Assembly 4 Foam Inserts / Container . X-7725-1806-ME 1 Protective Cover Assy/ Man. M7D7202-S143 Support 16-26 1 Wooden Box / Support GS-16-20-2 (Goodyear Only) , l \ l

  • Note: This item is classified Confidential Restricted Data (CRD).

6 4 9 l -__ __ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . . . - _- ._ . . ~ . . . _ _ .. , __ _ . _ _ _ . _

z. . 3
    !,          g

{ c ' l e o l i 4 t i l-


i I I l GCEP Inventory Report l A1ChemIE Unclassified Equipment Sorted By SyS.] ( Inventory Database i r-July 12, 1988 Items marked with H on right side cf pa99 - hold for A1ChemIE.  ; Number af ter H such as H-3 means hold 3 for A1ChemIE and sell remainder, if any, i All other items are for sale. - Hold is based upon requiremenes for a 720 centrifuge plant plus ' spares for 20 years plus critical items

  • required to remove :r.d disessemble centrifuges and related equipment from GCEP. Most l critical items will move to A1ChemIE centrifuge plant. Some will i be for sale after removal of centrifuges and related equipment.

Some will remain in GCEP as DOE owned building equipment De for example the Rigid Mast Crane on the critical items J!.st. *S Note: Many of the descriptions of items are inadequate to  ! clearly identify what they are. An inspection of the GCEP should be made before a final list is prepared. l l-

  • See also Critical Items List for additional iteme.

1 1 i l l ' l O g

                                           ,  _                   ,,                 - ~ ~

I 4 5 d , i J Critical Item List for Removal of Centrifuges from GCEP Additional Definition 4 April 7, 1989 ,


The item IPT/IPTT" on page 5 should be further defined to read , as follows: , JPT/IPTT, two tractors and 8 trailers, these tractors and trailers shall be roi.3ased when no longer required. P l i

  • 5 9

t I t 9 e y y.--- - _ , , - . .

ms g Ai?".r 1 5AKhemSE, Inca v Au Chemical isotope Entledvnent. he, b  !/ 5 /~'

  • I i

INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM , j i i l April 7, 1989 l OATE: l TO: John Smelser . FROM: E. C. Evans


Critical Item Lict for Removal of Centrifuges from GCEP, Additional Definition The subject item list includes the IPT/IPTT referring to the intraplant_ transport tractors and trailers. There are a total of six tractors and eight trailers. Only one operating tractor is required to remove the centrifuges from PBl. It would be wise to i have:a spara roady in the event the one in use requires service l


or repairs. The other four could be sold now. MMES Will probably -

          % corrervative and want all six held until no longer required.                                     t To avoid any misunderstand 1ng the Critical Item List should further define the entry of "IPT/IPTT" as follows.                                                ;
          "IPT/IPTT", 2-' tractors and 8 trailers".                                                          i e

To do this the attached' sheet should be added to'the Critical  !- Items List. . A1ChemIE's plans for removal need to be detailed to determine  ;


how many of the trailers will be required for movir.g und temporary storage of centrifuges. From this a schedule to retain some and sell some trailers could be prepared. t e e G E a em

  • 6 e

4 A

                                  ~.    ~~a. _   o     _



1H RE: Qase No. 3-89-01695 ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC. ) d/b/s ALCHEMIE, INC. ) DEBTOR H 0 T*I C E Take rotice that a hearing of the motion to dismiss will be held in tho'U. S. Bankruptcy Court, 15th Floor. 37929-1521, at 9:00 a.m., Plaza Tower,.Knoxvi11e, Tennessee J'uly 24,1939. I 0 i e 4 i ' l



                    &VANCE DY n gm -                                                                             :

i w -. l

                  .: e 4


                                                      .                                                           i 1

IN RE: *

                                                        )                                                        ,

BK No. 3-89-01695RS

             .ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE                      )

Chapter 11 l ENRICKMENT, INC., a/k/a -

                                              .          )                                                       !

ALCHEMIE, ) ^ Debtor. )  ! I ' g. ORDER TO SEGREGATE AND DEPOSIT FEDERAL TAXES i AND TO FILE FEDERAL TAX RETURNS 1 v Upon written motion of the United States of America, i fter on behalf of its agency, the Internal Revenue Service (here na

                . IRS),

to have an order entered di.recting the above-named debtor, ' l segregate, deposit, and pay in a  : or any successor, to withhold, ll as directing l timely manner'cartain taxes as detailed below, as we s in i the debtor, or any successor, to file all federal tax return l that the a timely manner; ar$d it appearing to the Court (1) requested relief is relief that IRS could, itself, direct in lief a non- , bankruptcy situation, (2) that the granting of the requested re will help protect IRS from the debtor's incurring additional and, as a liabilities during the pendency of the proceeding, result, will increase the chances for the debtor's dsuccessful relief l rehabilitation, and (3) that the granting of the requeste does not constitute a matter that requires notica and a hearing; . i l ir. - _ _ .._ 0

                        -                   .     ~                 .                      .               __ . _ - -- .                            ..
                   ,                                                                                                                                       t
    ,.                                                                                                                                                     t
         -ij l

IT IS ORDERED: l or any successor,

1. That the debtor ,in-possession, and hold separate and apart on the thall withhold, pogregate, debtor's books of account
a. All taxes due the United States pursuant tra 26 U.S.C.

i 3111, n , employer's Federal Insurance Contribution  ; e Wet (FICA) taxes; b. All taxes required to be withheld from employees El 3402 and 3102 (withheld income and FICA taxes); under 26 U.S.C.

   \                                                                                                                                                      ~i and c.

Any other taxes required to be collected from uccestor, l

            -others or imposed upon the debtor-in-possession, or any s EAs 26 U.S.C. 5 6302(b) and under any law of the United States.

Department of Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder. amounts withheld, segregated, and held That the

2. j separate and apart on the books and records as required
                                                         ,                                                                            t by paragraph 1 above shall be deposited in a separate bank accoun
                                                                                  $ 581,  in trust for the United in a bank as defined by 26 U.S.C.                                                                                                 '

l E 7512 and 26 C.F.R. States within the time prescribed by 26 U.S.C. 6 301.7512-1. or any successor, That the debtor-in-possassion, 3. h 2 above shall use the money deposited in accordance with paragrap it in , only for the purpose of purchasing federal depository rece nt of ps ' accordance with Treasury regulations or for the direct payme 2

N  ! l egulation, with the filing I cuch taxes, where permitted by TreasuryEach depositor payment made Cf appropriate federal tax returns. or any successor, shall be accompanied by a j by the debtor, FICA Taxes and/or Fcra 501 - Federal Tax Deposit, Withheld Income, S.g3 26 U.S.C. are involved. ' Form 511- if agricultural workers 5 31.6302(c)-1. or any successor,

        $ 6302 and 26 C.F.R.

I 4. That the debtor-in-possession, l Revenue chall timely file all tax returns required by the Interna d applicable Treasury f ',. Code'at the times prescribed by said code an i cooperate with IRS by  ! upon request, i Regulations and shall, concerning the tax and documentation  ! providing information ' liabilities that should be reflected on such returns.or successor,

5. That the debtor-in-possession, ,

in a timely manner, falls to make

  • notify the Court each time it, i ed by this order.

a deposit or payment or to file a esturn as requ r court shall be delivered to the Each such notice to the court P within 10 days of such failure. singular form of the . Words l

6. That the use of the in this Order is i
             " debtor," " debtor-in-possession," or " successor"                                                                                             h       applicable. l ;

intended tq' include the plural form of suchare words usedwinter-ere  ; s

                                                                          " debtor-in-possession"                                                                                    ]

The words " debtor" and  ; changeably in the Order. i as -l 7. That the provisions of this Order are effect ve and the debtor-in-of the date of the entry of this Order, ly immediately possession, or any successor, is directed to comp  ; 3 i i

l 3

                       .                                                                  ll Further, this order shall continue in offact until a h:rewith.                 ~

of the p'lan of reorganization have i

         . payments and other provis ons be:n successfully completed.

September 12, 1989 ENTER: R, JR. RICHARD ST KRUPTCY JUDGE UNITED STATES ( APPROVED FOR ENTRY: JCHN W. GILL, JR. 4. i United States Attorney i bM By:

                 .FAMEIA G. STEELE Assistant U.S. Attorney 201 U.S.P.O. & Courthouse Post Office Box 872 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 615/673-4561                                                                          a FTS B54-4551 e

t I 4 i l i 4 l


      .                         q 4                                  i
                                       ,'                                                                                                            =


                                     )       IN RE                                               )                                               .

j ) .

                                     .       ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE                                ) Casa- No. 3-89-01695 i

ENRICHNENT, INC. a/k/a ) Chapter 11 l ALCHENIE, ,


jl Debtor. 1l

                                                                                                 )                                             i!

ORDER I The MOTIONS of Don O'Sullivan and H.G. Miller TO QUASH l l SUBPOENA OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE TO MODIFY SUBPOENA came on to i be heard on the ninth day of August, 1989, whereupon the ) i l hearings on the motions, by request and agreement of ' the l  ! l \ j movants and the respondent, Universal Brokers of Equipment,, f Inc. , were adjourned to August 24, 1989, at 1:30 P.M. so that the movants and respondent could attempt to resolve the

                               !          matters out of Court.             It is
  • I l

l ORDERED that the hearings on the above referenced motions .

                                     ;    of Don O'Sullivan and H.G. Miller are adjourned to August 24, J

3 l> 1989, at 1:30 P.M.  ;  ; ( ENTER: August 11, 1989. BY THE CO f f RICHAPID STAIR,,4R.  ! U.S. BANKRUPTCY JUDGE a > TENDERED BY: l i j b  : V - e 4 F. WEA9ER, Attorney for Don 4

                                ;            ' ullivan and H.G. Miller j

cb g

                               ;           _       ____       _     -._   -   - . - - - - ~ - --         -- -- ---                    - " l-

l i t CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE j 4e.f4 ' The undersigned hereby certifies that on the n4wt:A day f of August, 1989, he served a true and exact copy of the  ; foregoing ORDER by first class mail, postage prepaid, upon l each of the following addressed as follows: 1 William R. Sonnenburg J

                      !                            Assistant U.S. Trustee U.S. Post Office & Courthouse 900 Georgia Avenue, Room 48                                                                                                          ,

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 ) r i Patricia C. Foster

                         ,i                         Attorney for U.S. Trustee                                                                                                          j Suite 610, Plaza Tower                                                                                                             ,

800 S. Gay Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37902  : t -

                           !                        James R. Moore Attorney at Law 1400 Riverview Tower 1

I Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 This day of August, 1989. ,

                              'd                                                                                              V 1                                                        Y          },=                                                  W
N F. WfAVER, At'torney for Don
                                                                                   '      ullivan and H.G. Miller                                                          i           ,

JFW3:145.ORD  ; i i t i t i


i I

                                   =>                                                                                                                                            ;

f i 1 1 i

 .        . , . , ,     - --                    -.   ,,n           - . . , . .       - - - , . - , . . . ~ , - - . - - . - , . . , , . - - - . . . - -         . . . . . .          >-


                                            )     Case No. 3-89-01695       !


                                            )     CHAPTER 11 Debtor.                      )                               ;

i ORDER i i In consideration of the annexed application for authority to j engage counsel, and good cause appearing therefor, it is hereby

 '            ORDERED AND DECREED that All Chemical Isotope Enrichment,     !

Inc., the Debtor-in-Possession, is hereby authorized to employ the firm of Heiskell, Donelson, Bearman, Adams, Williams & Kirsch to represent the Debtor-in-Possession throughout the course of these proceedings, with a retainer of $10,000 to be paid by the Debtor from the proceeds of an unsecured loan from certain I investors and/or shareholders of the Debtor, with such compensation to be based on the time, nature, extent and the value of the services rendered, as may be approved by this Court in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 2016, 5 MNTER: August 10, 1989 ' g'-  : June Pro Tunc' to / August 4, 1989 /g' -

                                                       / /        , --
  • G_! A o Richard Stair, Jr. , ydited States BanP.ruptcy ' Judge l )

L l des'

F ..- j '_, e-  ;




Attorneys for the Debtor i Suite 600, Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 l (615) 522-4400 , L I DEF14.019 i i h b l' l

e, w - p l-, . i ,

y. y ..; ,
   - . .:       ,                                                                                                    1 4


p  ;

L IN RE: A 1.LL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, Case No. 3-89-01595 INC., d/b/a ALCHEMIE, INC., (Richard Stair, Jr. ) Debtor. i ,1l ORDER i 1 i This . matter came before the Court on August 9, 1989 for hearing on the Motion,by Anderson County Bank filed July 24, 1989 j for relief- from .the automatic stay as to a portion of its. collaimral or, in the alternative, for adequate protection notice  : of %s N-#ng having been mailed to the Debtor, counsel for the Debtc,r, the United' States Trustee, the 20 largest creditors, all

                      -parties c;equesting notica of hearings, and the representatives of                         .i
John Smelser, Universal Brokere of Equipment and Diane Mealer.

^ At the; hearing, ccunsel for Anderson County Bank and the Debtor announced an agreament had been reached and that an order will be submitted' reflecting the agreement. The - parties agree that the hearing this date will be treated as a preliminary hearing on the

 -                      Motion . and that this matter will be reset for final hearing on August 24,    1989 at '1:30 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court Room, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower.
                  - +      w  ~                  w        r   ,. ---       ,--W-  -e ,        ~     ..,,-r ,

n-p g3. .; j ly ;h S.: .l I , Wherefore,it is ORDERED as follows: _1. The hearing held August 9,. 1989 on the - Motion of  ! t  ; Anderson. County Bank-shall be a preliminary hearing and'the final  ! hearing _shall be August 24, 1989 at 1:30 p.m.

 ,                      2. Anderson County Bank and the Debtor shall tender the Agreed Order concerning the Motion ~of Anderson County Bank within   [
      ,                                                                                I seven (7) days and provide notice of the filing to the same parties who received notice-of the hearing.

ENTERED: August 16, 1989 i FOR THE COURT.

                                                                      /f, Q';                  .

RICHARD STAIR, JR/ , U.S. Bankruptcy Judge APPROVED: 4M j

  • MIC%EL H.' FITZP4$K Att6rney for Andenon County Bank e JENKINS & JENKINS l 2121 Plaza Tower L -Koxville, TN .37929 l Phone: 615-524-1873 l.

l^ fLVc/ 2W DAVID E.WIELDEIR ' L Counsel'for Debtor Suit 600, Plaza Tower - Knoxville, TN 37929 Phone: 615-522-4400 - l' Alchemie.ord

     >W         ,                .                                               ..                  .
                  .c                                .
                                                                                                         .i I


                          .In re                                                                             ,

Case No. 3-89-01695

                          ~ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC.

a/k/a ALCHEMIE,. INC. 5

 -r' Debtor                                                        '

ORDER This s matter came on for an expedited hearing on , the 15th day of August, 1989, on the " Motion To ' Extend 1

                         -The Termination Date Of A Contract" filed by the debtor on- August .1 1,     '1989;  upon   the    " Opposition         of- United-States To Debtor's Motion To              Extend The Termination iL Date Of -A       Contract"   filed August        15,      1989;   and the        :
                         . court,     at the close of      the ' evidence,          having- stated orally in' .open court findings of fact and conclusions of . law as required by Fed . ' R.        Bankr. P.          7052; it is accordingly ORDERED that the debtor's " Motion To' Extend The Termination Date of A ~ontract" shall be and is DENIED.

ENTER: Augusc 16, 1989 i BY THE An RICHARD ST) R, JR.

            ,                                                     United States Bankruptcy Judge i


                         .. M
    ,4a.#                                                    .
                                                                                            -                      t W


                                                  ~FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NORTHERN DIVISION IN RE:

ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, Case No. 3-89-01695  ; INC.,~d/b/a ALCHEMIE, INC., (Richard Stair, Jr. ) Debtor. AGREED ORDER This matter came before the Court upon the agreement reached h between Anderson County Beak and the Debtor concerning the Motion for Relief from . Stay, or in the alternative for adequate protection, filed- by the Bank after preliminary hearing held - August 9, -1989. The - Court has considered the agreement of - Anderson County Bank and the ' Debtor and is of the opinion that the agreement should-be allowed as follows: c Wherefore it-is ORDERED as follows:=

                                     '1.-    The conjunction with Anderson County Bank may-              ;
                              . begin soliciting. contracts for . sale of the surplus unclassified equipment owned by Alchemie and'all necessary expenses associated with preparing and removing the equipment to consummate the contracts for sale.
                                     '2. The Debtor and Anderscn County Bank sha]l comply with all requirements for security or otherwise of the Department of                     ,

I' l l l. L ,

               .  .. ;/-                                                                                             1 1

g',,,- . I I g Energy or Martin Marietta in removing and selling the surplus- - unclassified equipment.  ;

3. Tim Rowe shall be retained;as an independent contractor -

and be designated as the site representative of the Debtor at the , location of the . equipment in Ohio, but his consultant's fee' of

                          .$700.00 per week shall be paid by Anderson County Bank and which expensa the Bank shall recover from the sales of equipment-as a cost of sale.
  #                                4.           The     Bank    will commit       to- pay   the  independent      ;
                        - contractor's to be hired for the purpcse of dismantling, removing
                          .and otherwise preparing the equipment for sale and such costs                          >

shall be deducted from any sales proceeds, bj 5. n The Bank ~may designate a site representative in Ohio'on its behalf,.to be a person approved by the Debtor, but is not L required to designate a site representative.

6. All bids for the purchase of surplus unclassified equipment must bear the written approval of A. Andrew Ca*;ey on behalf of the Debtor and William Arowood on behalf of Anderson County' Bank or they shall net be' enforceable.  !

t 7. All- sales of surplus unclassified equipment shall be- l l i a for.. cash, certified check or cashier's check at time of delivery

                       - unless otherwise - agreed upon by the Debtor and Anderson County Bank in writing in advance of delivery.                                                   I
8. The parties shall divide all proceeds from sales in u excess of the cost-of sale on a fifty-fifty (50-50) basis. The payments to the Bank shall be adequate protection payments to be 4

2 l l l I l

                 "-M   --

s' rw'Nw ury - * - - 4 erm-We -w-

U --

 ,         1c-f       ,

applied-to'the notes secured-in the collateral being sold and the  ; funds to be paid Alchemie shall be applf f to_its administrative. expenses.- The cost of sale shall begin on August 10, 1989. 9.- The funds received from sale shall be deposited in a new account to be opened at Anderson County Bank in the name of the Debtor, as a Debtor in possession, sales escrow account, with A'. Andrew Carey to be the authorized signatory, but possesnion of- 4 the checkbook _to be with William Arowood. The Bank'shall prepare-written reports of'the account on a weekly basis for submission e to: the -Debtor. In the event that the account balance ever t exceeds $100,000.00, the Bank shall pledge government securities to collateralize the account in excess-of the FDIC insurance of l $100,000.00. At any time that the account exceeds $100,000.00, L the parties shall immediately meet to pay accrued expenses and divide the proceeds as provided in this Order. ,

10. The site representative of Alchemie shall provide I ' weekly reports to the _ Debtor and Anderson County- Bank (through l_
   ,                      ~ Bill Arowood)= of all Exit Orders.
11. The service of a copy of this Agreed Order shall serve P

as notice of hearing on this Order to the parties listed in the certificate of service for the hearing on August 24, 1989 at 1:30 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Courtroom, 15th Floor, Plaza

                       ,  Tower, Knoxville, Tennessee.

ii. 12. All written objections of appropriate parties will be considered by the Court at hearing on August 24. 3 4

                                                                              -            ^            ' " ' - ' '

s ..g 'r; .g




g-i . ENTERED: August 16, 1989 ,

       % -c                                                                        lp's . )


                                                                                /: :        -


                                             //w     N
                          ' Counsel'for Debtor
                         .HEISKELL, DONELSON, BEARMAN,                                                                 ,

ADAMS, WILLIAMS & KIESCH Suit 600, Plaza Tower Knoxville, TN 37929 l Phone: 615-522-4400

     .                                                                                                                 t EICI%EL Att6rney for  H. TITfPAT' Aladerson @ County Bank                                                   '


l. 2121 Plaza Tower Koxv311e, TN 37929 l,. Phona: 615-524-1873 .


I hereby: certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Agreed Order has been served upon the following parties at- the -indicated addresses by placing a copy thereof, first
                          ' class, postage piepaid,'this the /N day of August, 1989:

? !- .M.-. Edward Owens,'Jr., Esq. MORTON, LEWIS, KING & KRIEG ' Post Office Box 2425  ; Knoxville, TN 37901  !

                          .                                      4

1 m..

                                     .                    .                                1    .     ,

u - .



 )*         ~

James M.> Moore, Esq. MILLIGAN & MOORE '

 ,                       Centre Square L                       620 Market Street, Suite 301 Knoxville, TN 37901 Stanley Emert, Esq.                                                           i LOCKRIDGE & BECKER
   -1 Post Office Box .107 Knoxville, TN            37901                                                j U.S. Attorney' ATTENTION: Pam Steele U.S.       Post Office and Courthouse Knoxville, TN            37901 U.S. Trustee c/o Patricia           C.. Foster                                             :

610 Plaza Tower. ' Knoxville, TN . 37929 Charles H. Child, Esq. KEY, LEE, LAYMAN, CHILD, O'CONNOR & PETTY Post Office-Box 219 Knoxville, TN 37901-0219

                       -Caesar'L. Stair, III, Esq.

First Tennessee ~ Bank Building, #600 , 530 Gay Street,-S.W. Knoxville, TN 37902 W.iclark Meredith, Esq. JOYCE, MEREDITH, KNOLTON & FLITCROFT l: Post Office-Box 3445 L Oak-Ridge', TN 37831-3445 L- Linda Stewart Adroit Office Supplies

i. 122' East Division Road L Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Advantage Leasing u 10501 Wayzata Elvd.

L .Minnetonka, MN .55343 [ American Photocopy i Post Office Box:61 Knoxville, TN- 37901 s 5 l l-

n ' ,

; lc.., , ;;@
     ,. -w                  :                                                                          ,

gg . m,

      +                .
&w e               q                        Millwright'Billinois
'                                     ' Rosemary E. Pomeroy,' Attorney
                                       -225 E. Broad' Street Columbus, OH    43215-3709-
John s H. ; Smelser, Jr.


                                      -702-S.~ Illinois
   $ g.. '                           ' Oak Ridge,: _TN -37830
                                      ' City ofcOak Ridge-Post office Box 1-
               ',                    = Oak - Ridge, ~ TN. :;31831 William.E.:Wynne Ebasco Two World Trade Center New; York, NY     10048-0752-
                                     . Ann Hadsen-H &-R Technical Associates-575 Oak Ridge Turnpike
.                                      Oak, Ridge,' TN      37830
                                    = Jim'Harbin HarbiniCompany                                                                                                   !

706 S.~ Illinois Ave.

                                    =Ste-D105 Oak' Ridge,!TN '37830
                                                                                                                                                      .t a

ggy i

                   ;                . Post' Office Box,60
                                    .Harrogate,-TN          37752 4


                                    ' Peat Merwick
                                     .767-Fifth Avenue
       ;                           .New York, NY ~ 10153 Polaris Travel
                                    -136 S. Illinois Ave.
     ,                                Oak: Ridge): TN 37830 Principal Mutual                          ,                                                                       1 Rusty:Farrell, Ins.'Admrs.
                                    -Post Office: Box 4998                                                                                            .I
                                    ~ Knoxville, TN. 37921-0996                                                                                         '

LMr. Ray Pinkstaff Pught& Company-Post Office Box 50250 JL Knoxville, TN 37950-0250 1 6


u ; .- _ , _ . . . . _ . .. , , .. . , _ . , _ . . - ., . _ . . . . _ ~ . .

up ; <-

  ., . l 'y .

( l

                     . Mike Anderson Rent-A-71 aid
                     ;Rt. 8, Box ' 2 3 8 -

Clinton, TN 37716 6

                   ;Gordon"Sams Sott Sams Enterprises 6500 Papermill Rd., Suite 210 Knoxville,;TN 37919                                                                          7 TN Comm.. Credit Post' Office Box 188 Loudon, TN        37774 Terminal Steel 6561 E. Seven Mile Road
                   -Detroiti MI 48234
                                                                           'f        9N     '

A orney , Alch.ord 7 l 1 1.

           ..                         .   . . - - - - - - . - - - , .., .             , ~ .        ,   . . - .   .

c: 2^

. 4 7..,   ]..$.                                      .

hiteb f>tates Bankruptcg Gourt l Eastorn- District of Tennessee t inre

                   'All Chemical Isotope Enrichr.ent, Inc.,                      Itankrupuy Case No. 3-89-01695 d/b/a Alchemie, Inc.                                                                                            :

Debtor. SUBPOENA TO WITNESS IN A HANKRUPTCY CASE Alexander Andrew Carey , i YOU ARE COMMANDED t'o appear to testify in the above named pracceding at the fol and time: Room l' Address - Lockridge &-Becker D te and Time Sixth Floor, One Centre . Square July 21, 11:30 a .m. 620 Market ~ Street Knoxville,_TN '37902

                      .YOU ARE COMMANDED TO BRING with the following document (s) and object (s):
                        !!f not applicable,' enter "None"i
                         'The docuemnts listed in the attached Notico cf 2004 Examination Inouiries may be addressed to:

Subpoena issued on the rcquest of: IAtarney's namt, address and phonel IName of Partyl M. Edv3rd Owens, Jr. John 11.. Smolser , Jr. Post Office Box 2'425 Knoxville, TN 37901 (615) 546-4646 i Clerk tof the llankruptcy Court j C ,Rii. ) # I5f? g ,, A 3r'4 s m


Deputy Clerk

       ,                                        Date 1
                                                             - _                                                           v


                                                   )                                               .
                                                   )                                            '
  • ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ) Docket No. . 3-89-01695 ENRICHMENT, INC., a/k/a ) Chapter 11 ALCHENIE,  ; '

Debtor. ) e NOTICE OF RULE 2004 EXAMTNATION Pursuant to the Order of the Bankruptcy Court entored l July 10, 1989, John H. Smelser, Jr gives notice that, through a counsel, he will conduct an examination of Alexander. Andrew i Carey at . the offices of Lockridge & Locker, 6th Floor, One t 37902, beginning at 11:30 a.m. . Centre Square, Knoxville, TN on July 21, 1989, and continuing from day to. day thereafter. Alexander Andrew Carey shall bring with him to the examine. tion the following documents:

1. All financial records of the debtor, including '

i buc not limited to, bank s t a t e.m e n t s and cancelled che.:ks ", (including but not limited to records of the checking account i at Third National Bank of Sevierville, as to which Charlos - Kito is a signatory), invoices, receipts, and purchase orders.

2. The minut.e bcoks of the corporation, including all minutes and other documents contained therein.
3. Any written attorney's opinions concerning the legality of any past or proposed issuance of stock by the debtor.

4 i

       ;.o     .
4. 'Any and all recor6 relating to sales of equip-ment,~l'ncluding but not 'imited to documents showing the pro-
                      .ceeds received from equipment sales, and the disposition of those proceeds.
5. Any and cl1 documents relating to the debtor's obtaining of necessary permits or other approval by Martin 1-
 "                     Marietta, the Department of Energy, or the Nuclear Regulatory N                       Commission with regard to the de> lor's proposed operations in 4                Anderson County, bannessee.

N i M. Edward Owens, Jr. MORTON, LEWIS,. KING & KRIEG 620 Market Street One Centre Squaro, 5th Floor P. O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 615/546-4646-Attorneys for John H. Smelser, Jr. ) i 1 5 I

w*:,e W*; i ; . , .

     -y        ,
  • y',-

cnn'tiP rcA'"E OP SR'1vTCE [^' I- hereby certify that a truo copy of the foregoing

                 .was furnished by United States Mail, postage propaid, or by hand delivery, to *he fc11owing; persons:
     -                   Charles W. Kite, Esquire Brabson, Kite &.Vance Post Office' Box 5260-Sovierv111e, TN- 37864
                            /,loxander Andrew Carey                              '

Route 7, Dixon Road Lenoir City, TN 37771 1 i Stephen Anthony Irving i' Routo 7, Dixon Road Lenoir City, Tennessee Mit,1 Miller Rou..e 2, Box 248 Pownll, TN 38749 _ 44 4 This the 17 n- day of atrrro, 1989. 0 _ l

'                                                      M. Edward Owens, Jr.
                   /meo/alchemie. nots a

i 1 6 . i

                    ,                 e-                            ,   n--


                                                                                                                                      .l H


                                                                              )        Case No. 3-89-01695 ALL CHEMICAL 'ISOTOI'E                                   )


                                                                              )        CHAPTER 11 Debtor.                                         )

ORDER WITHDRAWING MOTION TO DISMISS This cause came for hearing before the Court on August 9, 1989 on the Debtor's Motion to Dismiss its Chapter 11 petition filed in this case. Based on representations of ceunsel in open court that the Debtor desires to withdraw its Motion, and -for good cause shown, it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion to Dismiss by the-Debtor be and is.hereby withdra'an. ENTER:- August 10,-1989 ( o

                                                                                         /       OL)



l By : _ ' / - - DhVid E. Fielder Attorneys'for the Debtor Suite 600 Plaza Tower Knoxville, Tennessee 37929 l' . (615) 522-4400 DEF14.025

                                   ,     ,    ,,+---r~     - - - ~ ~ - - - = " " ' -       * *    ^ ' ' ' ~ ~ ' ' '  '
                      'M                       '

gg2 . . , b:. 3 :.sM.'

 ,p                     ..=.,(t/ssi :

Enttch Biates<Bankruptcg Eaurt

                             'n1                        :_ERAtern          - 1)is'tr8 1: o f  Tenneasce p                       _' in re
                          'All Chemical' Isotope Enrichment, Inc.,    -

llankruptcy Case No. ,-89-01659

       -                  :d/b/a'Alchemie, Inc.

s' '

                                                                                                                                        .1 Dchlor                                                                                                         {

c SUBPOENA TO WITNESS IN A HANKRUPTCY CASE i f To: Stephen Anthony Irving , YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear to testify in the above named proceeding at the following place and time:  ; Addiess . Room Lockridge & Becker Sixth Floor, One Centre Square Pate and Time 620 Market Strect: July 21, 1989 at'3:00 p.n . Knoxville, TN' 37902-YOU ARE COMMANDED TO IIRING with the following document (s) and object (s): lif not applicable, enter "None"] The documents:. listed in the attached Notice of 2004 Examination Suhpoena issued on the request of: Inquiries may be addressed to: IName of Party} l Attorney's name, address and phonel John H.-Smelser, Jr. M.-Edward Owens, Jr.. Post' Office Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 (615) 546-4646 r

   ;1; Clerk of the llankruptc) Court d       .
                                                 .l[ji. I4 MES                        Ily:       <is' 3e     (N d o-v ~'>

Deputy Clerk l; ' Date l' > 4 - , . ._



1: j he p


IN RE ) Docket No. 3-89-01695

                                                         )            Chapter 11 ALL CliEMICAL ISOTCPE, /a



Debtor. NOHC2 OF RULE 2004 EIOMTHATIO!) Court entered ' Pursuant to the Order of the Bankruptcy through gives notice that, John H. Smelsar, Jr, of Stephen Anthony July 10, 1989, exarnination

                     . counsel, . he   will conduct an                 L necker, 6th Floor, One d

the of fices of Lockri ge

                      .Irving, at                             27902, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Centre Square, Knoxville, TH              from day to day thereafter.           '

21, 1989, and continuing July i h him to the examination Stephen Anthony Irving sha1.1 bring w t including the following documents: records of the debtor,

1. All ' financial and . cancelled checks bank st atements nt but. not limited to, limited to- records .of the checking accou (including but not as to which Charles
  ,                                               Bank of Sevierville, at Third National invo'ces, receipts, and purchase              orders.

including Kito is a signatory), the corporation,

2. The minute books of ined therein.

all minutes and other attorney's documents contaconcerning- the opinions 3 Any written of stock by the legality of any past or proposed issuance debtor. 7 l l C"ZWU'W

    ,    4 n:u     ao l--
4. Any and all records relating to sales _of equip- ;
ment, ihcluding:but not limited to documents showing the pro-cmdu received from equipment sales, and the - disposition of these proceeds.

Any and all documents relating to the debtor's' 5. obtaining of necessary permits or other r;pproval by Martin i Marietta, the Department of Energy, or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with regard to_the debtor's proposed operations in- l Anderson County, Tennessee. L M. Eduard Caens, Jr. , MORTON, LElilS, KING & KRIEG 620 Mari:et Street ' One Contre Square, 5th Floor

               -P. O.' Box 2425 Knoxville,-TN- 37901 615/546-4646 Attorneys for John H. Smelser, Jr.

T 8 l

r ,

           % ..i. 4.: , :


                   '5i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE                        .

I hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing was furnished L by - United Statea Mail-, postage prepaid, or by ,

   '                          hcnd delivory, to) the following persons:

Charles W,z Kito, Esquira Brabson, Kite & Vance ,

                                        ~ Post Office Box 5260                                   .
                                        ~Sevierv111a,-TN' 37864 Alexander Andrew Carey                             '

Routo 7,-Dixon Road Lenoir City,-TN- 37771 Stephen Anthony Irving Route 7, Dixon Road ' - Lenoir City, Tennessee i; - /. .

                                        'Mitzi Miller Routo 2, Box 248 Porell, TN     38749 6N' This the. 17 p. day of Jerrb, 1989.
                                                                 !              O M. Edward Owens, Jr.


                              - /meo/n1chemie. nots l



I l 9 i

            , , 2 :

y "+

  • v (t/;:n
   -se          e,
hitch f>tates Bankntptcg Gourt h; ' Eastern District of Tennessee ,

in re All Chemical Isotope Enrichment, Inc., Bankruptcy Case No. 3-89-01695-d/b/a Alchemie,-Inc. Debtor, SUBPOENA TO WITNESS IN A HANKRUPTCY CASE .e To: Mitzi Miller YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear to testify in the above named proceeding at the following place  ; and time: e

                  . Address                                                         Room Lockridge & Decker                                                 U"I" ""d ..'*#                      '

Sixth Floor, One-Centre Square 620 Market Street July 21, 1989 at 9:00 a.n i.  ; Knoxvilla. TN 77902 YOU ARE COMMANDED TO 13 RING with the following document (s) and object (s): .i

                 . lif not applicable, enter "None"]

The documents-listed in the attached Notice of 2004 Examination 1 1 Subpoena issued on the request of: inquiries may be addressed to:


[Name of Party) [ Attorney s name, address and phonel M. Edward Owens, Jr.- John H. Smciser, Jr. Post Office Box 2425. Knoxville, TN 37901 (615) 546-4646

i (a


                                                                                 . Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court L

4 m.m(~% k._ . -

                                             -                    ny:

Date Deputy Clerk I l

m, +- ..

     . : ,   o
      ";      I ..


                                                          )        Docket No.- 3-89-01595-ALL  CHEMICALINC.,


                                                          )        Chapter 11 ALCHEMIE,                             )



Pursuant to the Order of the Bankruptcy Court entered July 10, 19Po, John H. Smelser, Jr. gives notice that, through counsel, he will conduct an examination of Mitzi Miller at the

offices of Lockridge & Eacker, 6th Floor, One Centre Squaro, Knoxville, TN 37902, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on July 21, 1989, and continuing from day to day thereafter. Mitzi Miller shall bring with her to the examination the following documents:
1. All financial records of the debtor, including  ;

but - not limited to, bank' statements and cancclied checks (including but not limited to records of the checking account-at Third National Bank of Sevierville, as to which Charles Kite is a signatory), invoices, recetpts, and purchase orders.

2. The. minute books of the corporation, including )

i I all minutes and other documents contained therein.

3. Any written attorney's opinions concerning tha l legality of any past or proposed issuance of stock by the 1 debtor.

1 l l

p _ _ x s ,s < r l n L F 14 . .Any and all records relating to sales of. equip-ment, including but not limited to documents showing the pro-coeds . received from equipment sales, and the disposition of those proceeds.

5. Any and all docurrients re3 ating to the debtor's P' obtaining of necessary permits or other approval by Martin Marietta, the Departmtint of Energy, or the Nuclear Regulatory ,

Conaission with regard to the debtor's proposed operations in . Anderson County, Tannessoa.

                                                              )  ,

M. Edward Owens, Jr. NORTON, LEWIS, KING & KRIEG 620 Market-Street One Centre Square, 5th Floor P. O. Box 2425 Knoxvil'le, TN 37901 615/546-4646 Attorneys for John H. Smelser, Jr. 9 2

L cp . o n' ,

C g * :. ' s.

                                                        -cenTIFIcATE OF SERVICE foregoing -J I hereby cortify that a true copy of the w

was furnished by United . States Mail, postago prepaid, or by . hand delivery, to the following persons: Charles W. Kite, Esquiro-Brabson, Kite & Vance

                                           . Post Office-Bcx 5260 Seviorville, TN      37064:

Alexar. der Andrew Carey ' I,cuto 7, Dixon Road Lenoir City, TN 37771 Stephen Anthony Irving Routo 7, Dixon Road i Lenoir City, Tennessee Kitzi Miller ,

    '"                                       Route 2,. Box 248 Powell, TN 38749             ,

db ph-'day o f demo, 19 89. This the M. Edward Owens, Jr. j

                                 -/meo/alchemie. nots                                                 j.

i i -/ i 3 4 i r

   .n                          s 3*

p . - -

n. i. 3 u ,
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                      - HisW)

United Rates Islankruptcg Gourt Eastern _ District of__ Tenne.ssee ,,_ in re - Al.t; CilEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICllMENT, INC., a/k/a Bankruptcy case No. 3-09-01695 Chapter 11 ALCilEMIC Dehlor - DEPOSITION SUI 1POENA IN A IIANKitUPTCY CASE To: Don O'Sullivan '. YOU AllE COMMANDED to appear pursuant to llankruptcy Itute 2001 to' testify at the taking of a deposition in the above na:ned bankrupley matter at the following place and time: Itoom Address The Offices.of t.ockridge &-!!ccker ' One Centre Square Dale and Time 620 Market Street, Suite 600 Monday, July 31, 1989 e Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 2:00 p.m. YOU AltE ALSO COMMANDilD TO IlltlNG with you the following docuinent(s) and object (s): (if not applicable, enter "None") See Attachment l l l 1 l

                                                                                                                                           -1 i

Inquiries may be addressed to: l Subpoena issued on the request of: lName of Party)  ! Attorney's name, address and phonel r James R. Moore, Esquire

       "-                     Universal Brokers of Equipment, Inc.                          p. O.11ox 1790 Knoxville, TN 37901                              4 l

(615) 637-2S?3 i 1 4 - __ ~ , _ . . . . , , , ,

I L f/ g#+



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s> 1,.

                        -J4 t,. ' . ;                                                                                                                                                           -

s ,,K 2 9.,,a, f. 3.~ - INVESTHENT:OHOUP'--STOCK OWNERUllIP-(cont'd)  %;,' f  !* .k .c.. j$' -** Per00ntege~- l.' j Namo/addresa

                                                                                                                               .,        -,       of' Ownerssl@,                                  .

D[EN." fy;f] f t tt p$ HargarotiKudo111 1.5 hjle-21522-D~Laka Forcob Drivo }6 1 - 21 Toro, Callfornin 92630 d s q.:x T -Dario L._ Ford:

  • 1.5 f,N$.
                          -21022-D Lake Forest Drive                                              ,


    . , .;                ^El_ Toro, ca11fornin                             92630 lg,,.
. ,\.
Hardell' Development: '

1.0  ?


i 14252. Culver Drive, suite A-275 'i "

      !                   .Irvino, California 92714_


                                                                         .                                                                                                                               'M;-
      ,:            e- .           :A California General Partnership                                                                                                                                                  !


                 ':                -Margarot-F. Kudell,' General. Partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .,' y, J:'                      James-A..Sohmiening:                                                                                                               1.5                                       ,,Y)4
                          ' 2100 S.E. Main Stroot, Suito - 300                    -

i I,.!:.  ! Santa Ana, California- 92714 Itobert An Ducata 1.5- i': }:.-lri

                       '100 Pearl                               -                                                                                                                                          '
                                                                                                                                                                                                          -f !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .'. ,'.:e 1

Dalbon : Island,- California 92662 - ,Nf 4'

   'e            .         Neal Papiano, P.C.                                                                                                                 1.5          '
                                                                                                                                                                                                           %$:0 624'So'. Grand Avonuo                                                                                     '
                        '27th' Floor                                                                                                                                                                       'd;'M

lLon' Angeles, California 90017-3320 , 99S 9/$.f. Lawrence-R. DoCrona 1.5 K'3 101 5cholz Plaaa-ll114- ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                           $g. _

Newport assoh.: California 92663 i q:lj ..p; . Ronald t..:Bruneck-

                                                                                                                                                            ~ 1. 5                   .                   *M 09:

14011 Devonshire Avenue ' Tuotin, California 92680 ) , '(khj

            '- _     ' . turban-Management.Parby, Ltd.* /                                                                                                   25.5                                         i 13/08 Thomaa Street i*

Wash.Perth 6005

                       'Hunturn Australia                                                                                                                                                                    f.'{ .M Box 349 Nedlands 6009                                                                              f                                                                               .f. r.h' u

Ownershipt F.D. O'Sullivan ' fi 'I Family Trust, ' ih 5

                                  ' M:                     F.D. O'Sullivan,                                                                                                      -

ManoDing Director i,%

> :u,e.

Halo'olm K. M1111ron 1.5 j!Nhi 661 So..Daywood Avenue .

8 4 San Jose, California' 95120  ;


                                  '                                                                                                                      TD'~di                                              Gbpg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .n Foreign Ownership                                 '
                                                                                                                                                                                          ,                  }.f.
                                                              ' :. : '                   i i' :6y: L;t.!;. .       ..          .                                           " .::     * ^ ?  " " ' # " "' '
  -, ; . . .. t        .


                                                            .(NORTHERN DIVISION)


                                      . ENRICHMENT, INC., alk/a h                               -

ALCHEMIE . Debtor. Case No. 3 89-01695 Chapter 11 ORDER COMPELLING ATTENDENCE AND

                                         -    PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE Upon the Motion for 2004 Examination filed by Universal Brokers of             l a-Equipment, Inc. and Diane Mealer, and Good cause having been shown, IT IS ORDERED!hal:                                                      '

1) James A. Schmlesing;

2) H. G. Miller; 3)

Don O'Sullivan;

4) Robert Bucata; 5)

Charles Kite; 6) Ben Brabson; and,

7) Richard Vance.

I  ! maybo axamined by Universal Brokers of Equipment, Inc. or their attorneys pursuant to Bankrupcty Rule 2004. I' ENTERED: July 25, 1999. , RICHARD STAIR, JR/

      '-                                                                 U. S. Dankruptcy #dge AP          VEf7 O     NTRY:
                              /JAlytGS R. K/lOORE

_ / P O. Box 1790 (, '602 Gay Street, Suite 900 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 . (615) 637-2523 Counsel for Universal Brokers of Equipment, Inc. O/20040ucataDKV/uDE/79 . t cb *

                                                                                        , , ,                       8t
                                   *e                         n*                z
 .l,'                ,1 %,
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                                                                                                                           'l Debtor                              Case No. 3-89-01695                            l r


         ,                                 Comes Charles      W. Kite and     the law     firm of Brabson,.                1 Kite and Vail c e ,. ~ and ' respectfully moves this Honorable Court for, its   Order    permitting     withdrawal     of   said    attorneys    as  counsel
                            ..for the Debtor, All Chemical Isotope Enrichment, Inc.

i Movant would show.that:

1. The Debtor filed its petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code on June 20, 1989. .
2. The Debtor filed its notice 'and application to employ said attorneys on July 5, 1989, together with the affidavit of said proposed attorneys. 'l
3. Said attorneys have represented the Debtor in i the proceedings held to date, d a .1 4 m . .,, . ' 4. Said attorneys now desire to withdraw as attorneys
    @ ti                                                                                                               ;

.[;).] y. t 7 g. . for the' Debtor and to withdraw their application for compensation. j a 'y u

           -$ [                           WHEREFORE, Charles U. Kite and            '
                                                                                    .,   'w firm of Brabson, 4  e.-     i m

g l'f Kite and Vance pray that they be permitted to withdraw as attorneys q p ;; 4 j i ,for;the Debtor and to withdraw their application for compensation. S - 2


                            ;           g., e                             <

g- m - f, ph4./dP794 ' , . ,g ' ? " o

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(,t i;ij s ' .'jH/ ;;. [ _ RESPECTFULL, YTSUENITTED i thi s9/ I -?d a y ; o ff Jul y , fl989".. e

   ?                            #

5 f ( N b . m *... BR'ABSON, 1:ITE & VANCET P p ;c 3

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YNh?) Y ito./$$$$2l% lT ': n>

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Q. sc c ao. hercUy 7 c w.i-fy,.; , th a t1 I:,have tr ' < ,. this date1 forwardedi al true 'andioxact copy of the foregoing Motion'

b. Jr.,

4 to- the~' . = U . S . --. -Trustee,'- Mr.. E. Franklin Childrena,

                                                                                                                                                    . Post Of fice andz Courthouse,.
                                                           .. Kentucky / Tennessee                                 /~RegionL-8,       'U.S.

Rooin: 62,n Chattanooga , TN 37402,-and to all creditors nd.partiens

of.; interest by regular, United Stiy.or. T Q nta e p eptid.

s currcIm eA JagAh&~aw - i

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d a W.


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DEBTOR I N O T I C E Take notice that a hearing of the motion to dismiss l-will be held in the U. S. Bankruptcy Court, 15th Floor, Plaza Tower, Knoxville, Tennessee 37929-1521, at 9:00 a.m.,

               -July 24, 1989.

l o i 1 N'

       & V4KE PYeoxi[[

uma.m 3N5260 a

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                                                                                                                  )                          cle'If IN'RE:                                                                         Case No.-3-89-OtWr I
                                     -ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, INC.                                       )#

d/b/s ALCHEMIE, INC. DEBTOR 1 MOTION TO DISMISS l To: The Honorable Richard St' air, Jr. The United ~ States Bankruptcy Judge l

1. On June 20, 1989, the Debtor filed its petition
                                      'for reorganization. proceedings pursuant to Chapter 11 of
                                      .the Bankruptcy Code.

I ' 2. The' primary reason for filing this petition L E was the commencement of foreclosure proceedings by Anderson County Bank, the Debtor's largest creditor with reference [ to the bulk of tha tangible assets of the Debtor.- f- Since the cocimancement of Chapter 11 Proceedings, l 3. the' Debtor has had certain discussions with the Bank which has resulted in a resolution of previous difficulties with l, the Bank. (:

4. On account of the resolution of the difficulties with.the Bank, the Debtor is now believes that it is in b

a position where it can pay its legitimate debts and obligations. as they fall due, and that no useful purpose would be served by the continuation of these proceedings, and further that I-

                     - BRA 880N,IGif

n- -

                                                         -.       , ... c 2 y e n         v,.,c,                          ,
           - -~;        , ,_       .s.    .. . . # 2                                                                                    8 1
. e r ek ,-
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e= no interest of any-creditor, either secured or unsecured,

                           .would be adversely affected by the immediate termination                                                    1 of-these proceedings.                                                '
5. The Debtor further requests that the Court l

expedite the hearing on this motion and that the I same be.. l scheduled for a date certain on or before July 24, 1989. r WilEREFORE, the Debtor respectfully prays that l these proceedings-under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code

                                                                             '                                                           )

be voluntarily-dismissed and for such other relief as re- . quested in this motion, and as may be appropriate. ? p BRABSON, KITE & VANCE BY:

                                                                                             '                 7 Ben D. Brdbson, Jr.                        .
                                                                  .              P. 0.-Box 5260 Sevierville, TN                37864 i

(615) 675-9938-Attorney-for Debtor 1 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE  : - L I, Ben D. Brabson, Jr., do hereby certify that I have forwarded a true and exact copy of the foregoing Motion to Dismiss to-all creditors and parties of interest in this matter, pursuant to the attached list. i This thal V Jay of July,1989. l r l Ben'D. Brabson, Jr. 0

                                                                                                                                -u- <-
         +6                      -         e   e   .,n ,  ,,   , - , - . , -            ,      -    -- - - - -}}