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Provides Addl Info Re Confirmatory Action Ltr 86-10 as Committed in Util 860829 Response Ltr.Revised Safety Evaluation Clarifying Intent & Assumptions Re Controlled Leak Path in RHR Sys Encl
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 09/17/1986
From: Lydon J
To: Strosnider J
Shared Package
ML20236H019 List:
FOIA-87-645 86-141, CAL-86-10, NUDOCS 8711030457
Download: ML20236H132 (8)


{{#Wiki_filter:. b Esecutiw Offica ( 800 Boylston street Boston Massachusetts u2199 0$Y Ef6 - / D James M. Lydon Chief Operating Offecer p . BEco Ltr. #86-141-Mr. J. Strosnider, Chief Reactor Projects Section 18 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue - Region 1 King of Prussia, PA 19405 License No. DPR-35 * { Docket No. 50-293


NRC Confirmatory Action Letter #86-10


(A) BECo Response Dated August 29, 1986

Dear Mr. Strosnider:

This letter provides additional information as committed in Boston Edison Response Letter dated August 29, 1986. The attached Safety. Evaluation.has been revised to clarify its intent and assumptions. He trust the contents of this submittal combined with information provided in our response dated August 29, 1986, will provide adequate information to address the subject. Should you have any further questions concerning these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully subeltted, SM A J s'N. Lydon-JJQ/ko Attachment forsp 97-6 KT' 8711030457 871030T PDR FOIA SORGIB 7-645 PDRi { 4 l

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                                                                                           /                                                  'I I NUC103-B12 l

hTD Proposed Change I Safety Evaluation i No.: 14T4 bd 'L-S_ATETY EVALUATION PILCR_IM M' CLEAR rors. ETAT!ON Rev. No. T PDC /PCN System Cale. Initiator: Dept: Group: No.: Name: No.: M uen,J Date: kle0 1:stu c. TN-ssoo lult M.adq  ? - ^' o ,t3 9-s-86 1 Description of Proposed change, test or experiment: Es,leashA c. tw.g{rrilQ bara .nc1W tn 1. *_ . e. 'lhia L/Elem -s e e- T> sensd n Fus, Ims s A>f M ' ' ware ' SAFETY EVALUATION CONCLUSIONS:

              'Ibe proposed change test or experiment:                                                                                           I j
1. (w4 Cues Sot t' ) Coes increase the probability of occurrenra or con-sequencesevaluatec Prevtously of .in accident in the or malfunction of equipetent impor.ast to safety TSAR.
2. t.v Does Sot ( ) toes increase the possibility for accident or malfunetton
                        - uf a dif f e:cnt t.oe than any evaluated previously in the FSAR.
3. (Q Does Set ( ) Does decrease the martin of safety as defined in the basis to any specification.

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k. Rev. No. k APPROVAL i

(X) I This proposed chanse Specifications. does not involve a change in the Technical (g) This proposed change, test or experiment does ( ) does not M involve an unreviewed" safety question as defined ' in 10CTR, Part 50.59(c). . 4 (X) This proposed change involves a change to the FSAR per 10CTR. 50.71(e) and is reportable under 10CFR50.59(b). (PAb couw) (V) Comments: fsen (14A*wo 6 9E1b dmAner w samame -- Jae we k e "- A ww. wsnur ^n ~ The safety evaluation basis and conclusion is:

                                                                                                                    % Approved              () Not Approved


                                                                                  /UWa                     16 4d k roup Leade'r/Date Disciplin Supporting     Discipline   Group Leader /Date            !

() Cosaments: i



                                                                                                                    % 8?N5i M Group Leade'r/Date C.                           ORC REVIEW

() This proposed change involves an unreviewed safety question and a requests. for authorization of this change must be filed with the Directorate of Licensing. NRC prior to taplementation. (M This proposed change does not involve as mareviewed safety ORC Cha raen v v -- - M i r y Date C/ / fd . OltC Meeting Number q.

                                                                                                                               @l /U-ec Exhibit 3.07-A Sheet 2 of 3
                                                    .                                                                                                                Rev. 1
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Safety Evaluation: __ _ ( A59 ._ Rev. No.: _ $ Date: Blj support a change List FSAR test, diagrams, and indices-affected by this change and corresponding ' FSAR revision. Affected T5AR Revasson to af fected FSAR Section is shown on: __ 5ection Preliminary Final


\ Lin sker e,e5 Attachment 1 l i eterpk 44w Attactusent 2 Dd ID " Nick Attachment 3 i uJiN k 04,9 Attachment 4 pelfti Attachment $ k ND Attachment 6 l PRELIMINARY FSAR REVISION (to be completed at time of Safety Evaluetton l preparation). Frepared by: N/A /Date: Reviewed by: WA /Date: Approved by: YA /Date:


FINAL FSAR REVIS10N (Prepared following operational turnover of related systems structures of components for use at PNPS). (1) Prepared by: /Dape: Reviewed by: __/Date. I (1) Attach completed TSAR Change Regimest Form (Refer to NOP). I Exhibat 3.07-A Sheet 3 of 3 l Rev. I

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.                                                                                         Safety Evaluation                       ,

No.: MS9 ' 5AFETY EVALUATION WORK SHFET Rev No. c1 A. System Structure Component Failure and Consequence Analyses. System Structure Conconent Failure Nodes _ Effects of Failure Comments

1. g ar M 7TMc_u h __

2. 3, 9 seneral Reference material Review FSAR CALCULATIONS REGUL.ATORY SECTION PNPS TECHNICAL SPECS. DESIGN SPECS PROCEDURES GUIDES STANDARDS CODES . Cs .1/4- Sr. .T. C 4 4 - 26 9 % . o lo e Pi. O k A P. C 3 7. A g.2.t.3/r.y.t.3- AsMe w4 PV zz- 1 l J

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A Prepared b . . Date . F, ,

                                                                                                                      /N NOTE:       it is a requirement to include this work sheet with the Safety                                      l Evaluation.

Exhibit 3.07-C Rev. 3 l

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3 BOSTON EDISON COMPANY 800 OOYLSTON STREET GOSTON, MASBACHUBETTs O 219 9 WILLIAM D. HARRIN GTO N etwinn vees ensosos**T "u=== May 15, 1986 BECo Ltr. #86-062 l l Dr. Thomas E. Murley , Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue - Region 1 King of Prussia, PA 19406 i License No. DPR-35 i Docket No. 50-293


Response to NRC Confirmatory Action Letter 86-10, Regarding the Events Which Occurred on April 4, 11-12, 1986, at Pilgrim Nuclear  ! l Power Station l I l

Dear Dr. Murley:

f This letter provides the written report required by the subject Confirmatory Action Letter prior to restart of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. The course of our investigation included the assignment of evaluation teams to each of the three potential problem areas: 1 i (1) Intersystem leakage through the motor-operated injection valves b (including the check valve) of the residual heat removal system (hereinafter referred to as the "RHR Team");  ;,Ji - (2) The primary containment isolation which occurred during shutdown af ter the reactor mode switch was repositioned f rom the run mode to the start-up mode (hereinaf ter referred to as the " Mode Switch i Team"); i (3) The f ailure of the outboard main steam isolation valves to reopen af ter resetting the primary containment isolation signal (hereinafter referred to as the "MSIV Team"). Our initial investigative efforts were conducted in close conference with i members of your staff, an NRR representative, and an NRC AIT (Augmented ! Investigation Team). At the end of the NRC Team's two week inspection, it was concluded that Boston Edison's three evaluation teams had been appropriately approaching their individual areas of concern and should continue their root cause analysis in what was observed to be a thorough and diligent manner. Those team efforts continued and the results of their efforts are included as l Attachments 1, 2, and 3 to this letter. Af ter the reports had been reviewed for technical accuracy by the Engineering Department, they were reviewed by the Operations Review Committee (ORC) f or FozH93 AR:b"? W IT q$gg - L.

i I Dr. Thomas E. Murley Page 2 cause, corrective actions, and safety significance. Subsequently, a BEco management review team was formed and reviewed each report to disposition the recommendations and their alternatives. Those decisions are documented in Attachments 4, 5, and 6 to this letter. These reports include the elements required by the subject Confirmatory Action Letter which are: I

               - Summary of events
               - Assessment of events being analyzed to previous events
                - Root cause determination (including methodology)                l
                - Corrective actions taken/ recommended
                - Basis for restart (including criteria used and analysis         l i

associated with these criteria) The following is a team-by-team summary of root cause determinations and j corrective actions taken and planned. RHR Team Due to repeated annunciation of RHR High Pressure alarms as observed while starting up the plant on 4/10/86, it was suspected that two primary containment isolation valves the RHR outboard and inboard injection valves, (M0-1001-288 and 29B) were leaking. Although the appropriate actions were taken by the control room staff, there was no method of accurately quantifying leakage through the system. Therefore, a shutdown was initiated. A historical assessment of the system was then conducted and included a review of a recent valve lineup change, written operating records, Failure and Malf unction Reports, the RHR flow recorder records, and equipment qualification modifications work done on the M0-1001-28B valve of the subject ) system. R(.st cause was determined through an investigative approach that involved two perspectives. First, a chronological approach was used to analyze cause by examining the factors that could have contributed to a change when the trend in pressurization began to deviate from normal. Second, an approach that considered the variables unique to the 'B' RHR injection loop (versus the 'A' RHR injection loop) was used to analyze the intersystem leakage. The root cause was subsequently determined to be either: (1) degradation of the M0-1001-288 valve (2) improper seating of the M0-1001-688 (a check valve) coupled with improper local venting, or (3) a combination of causes (1) and (2). l The recommendations made by the team, which will be implemented and completed prior to start-up, include: Disassembling the M0-1001-28B valve in order to facilitate its full inspection and subsequent rebuild (if necessary);

Dr. Thomas E. Murley Page 3

                               -      Mitigate the effect of the expected, nominal rate of leakage by allowing a controlled, acceptable amount of leakage to exit the system;
                               -       Install additional pressure gauges and make available system-temperature monitoring devices to enhance our system monitoring capabilities;
                               -       Remove a pressure gauge installed on the RHR injection line to allow for a vent path;
                                -      Develop a system venting program which will include adequate vent location for local highpoints;
                                -      Revise the RHR procedure to allow for control of pressurization and to provide enhanced assessment and corrective action capabilities for the control room staff.

The team's recommendations to be dispositioned after start-up include: l - Reduce the frequency of testing on both the MO-1001-28A&B valves and the 1001-68A&B valves to reduce system problems which result from overtesting. This will be done via Technical Specifications j change requests, as deemed necessary;

                                 -      Perform tests on the 1001-68 valves for pressure drop capability at a once per refuel outage frequency; Study the available options to replace or redesign the check valves to provide positive position indication;
                                  -     Trend the surveillance history of the 400# RHR injection valve interlocks for reliability.

The leakage and associated effects of leakage, such as overheating of the { piping, will have been adequately addressed through corrective actions taken j or planned prior to start-up and described in this Attachment 4. ) MSIV Team On April 4 and April 12, 1986, while reactor shutdowns were in progress, the l reactor operators tried to open the outboard MSIV's numerous times without success following a PCIS Group I isolation. The root cause analysis for the  : April 4 event concluded that the inability of the outboard MSIV's to open was l due to low air pressure which resulted in partial opening. The symptoms j exhibited during the April 12 event were identical to those experienced on ' April 4. However, on April 12, additional data on the MSIV performance was obtained due to our heightened awareness of the problem and indicated that the I outboard MSIV stems moved upward only approximately 1/2 inch and then I stopped. After reviewing previous scram reports and the refueling outage #6 records, it became apparent the problem had occurred on April 4 and April 12, 1986 but apparently at no other time in PNPS operating history. l 1 I 1 4

q i l Dr. Thomas E. Murley l Page 4 The team then utilized the Kepner-Tregoe (K-T) change analysis technique which is a systematic approach to problem solving. The system involves comparing a { problem-f ree situation with a problem situation in order to isolate causes and i effects of change. Through further analysis, the team determined that the pilot poppet disassociation from their stems was the most orobable mode of failure. A test was subsequently conducted to test this theory and I indeed, it became apparent that the stem and pilot assemblies were no longer i attached as designed. i Subsequently, all eight MSIV's were disassembled and examined. A combination of visual examinations, dimensional checks, and further analysis indicated that the rotational and vibrational forces present, are apparently strong l enough to cause the pilot and lock nut assembly to disassociate. l The three contributing f actors to the disassociation were therefore determined l to be in: (1) the design, 1 (2) the assembly process, and (3) the governing procedure The recommendations made by the team, which will be completed prior to start-up, are: A new design PDC 86-28 which will provide the redundancy of two set screws locking the pilot poppet via counterbored machined land  ; areas on the pilot poppet nut. The assembly process now includes specific,' sequenced steps with measurements and torques specified, resulting in a governing procedure with discrete steps, and quantified values being verified. Mode Switch Team On April 12, 1986, during an orderly shutdown, the turbine generator was tripped off line and the power descent continued. Before the APRM downscale alarms and main steam line low pressure alarms were reached, the Reactor Mode - Switch was moved from "Run" to the "Startup" position. As the orderly shutdown continued, the main steam line low pressure (less than 880 psi in Run) alarm Channel "B" was received and a short time later the main steam line low pressure (less than 880 psi in Run) alarm channel "A" was received. Approximately 30 to 40 seconds after the Channel "A" was received, the Main Steam Isolation Valves went closed causing a Reactor Scram. This event is similar to an event on April 4,1986, as discussed in the team report. An evaluation of the similarity of the subject events to previous events was conducted by the Mode Switch evaluation team. The evaluation showed that (4) MSIV closures have occurred previous to the Aprii 4 event with the plant in other than the "run" mode. The dates of those events were 10/3/72, 7/27/75, 4/9/78 and 3/22/86.

t Dr. Thomas E. Murley l Page 5 Using the Kepner Tregoe (K-T) change analysis process and other investigative techniques, exhaustive testing and evaluation of the potential root causes was performed by the team. All tests resulted in the instrumentation and associated circuitry being shown to operate properly. Physical inspection and walkdowns of the relays, contacts and wiring identified loose grounding  ! connection on the PCIS relays and instrument sensitivity to vibration could have contributed to the subject event. Other items which could not be eliminated as potential root causes are the reactor water level instrumentation and the Reactor Mode Switch. To address the mode switch concern, Boston Edison will replace the unit with an improved, G.E. recommended model prior to start-up. This action is also in response to the i l G.E. SIL issued on this subject. Per the Mode Switch team's recommendation, the plant will conduct a limited l power ascent and descent through the problem area. This approach was agreed l to by INPO representatives who concurred that this method of testing would be the only appropriate method to determine root cause. In order to perform this testing, we would need to secure your approval for re-start. Under our  ; current shutdown condition, it is impossible to duplicate the conditions that f would lead to possible excess vibration, or water level transients, since they I can only be duplicated during plant operation. Performance of such a test should indicate whether water level perturbations or instrument rack i sensitivity to vibration were contributors to the spurious isolation signals. l j The test coupled with the extensive monitoring of PCIS logic circuits should j identify the source of the PCIS initiation if it has not already been corrected. l General Electric has been contracted to supply the Transient Analysis Recording System (GETARS) for this startup test. This monitoring equipment will be left in place and utilized to supply performance monitoring evaluation data until the EPIC computer becomes operational. During this test, twenty-eight individual digital signals will be monitored in panels C915 and C917. These signals will be one of each of the following from the four PCIS sub-channels: Reactor low Low Water Level Steam Tunnel High Temperature Steam Line High Flow 1 Main Steam Line Low Pressure

            -    PCIS Group I Isolation Relay
            -    Reactor High Water Level                                                                 ;
            -    Main Steam Line High Radiation                                                           i l

These signals will be extracted f rom unused " dry contacts" on the associated relays, wired out to terminal blocks and monitored by the GETARS. Additionally, eight resistive voltage divider circuits (two per PCIS l sub-channel) will monitor mode switch bypass circuitry. l I i 3

                                                                               ._-------_ - ________ - _ f

Dr. Thomas E. Hurley Page.6 Finally, five analog (Non-Q) signals will be used to monitor. Reactor Pressure

 .and Reactor Water Level. The analog signals will be read by high quality, high input impedance amplifiers and will not interfere with Control Room indication. One spare contact from the mode switch will be monitored to flag       -;

switch movement, plant personnel will'be stationed at key locations (e.g., ' control room) to observe any abnormal or unusual conditions. This testing will include bringing the plant up to approximately 20 percent of rated power and allowing the plant to stabilize'for approximately eight hours. An orderly-shutdown will be conducted'and monitored with~the'GETARS. If the isolation event occurs during this shutdown', this system will~ capture it and an applicable corrective action plan will be _ developed. Barring an MSIV closurel and Scram,: a normal ascent to full power operation is- scheduled. Monitoring. j ' of the PCIS. system will continue until.the installation of the EPIC computer I system is completed,'at which time the temporary monitoring system (GETARS) will_be removed. The EPIC system project scope will'be increased ~in-accordance with our Long Term Planning process to include'" monitoring" points similar to those selected to be' monitored by GETARS. Tho:e additional points will allow us to more readily assess the root cause or initiating events for transients of the nature that we experienced in March and April, 1986. Conclusion The basis for re-start (from the RHR perspective) is partially based or recently conducted local leak rate testing on the RHR injection-line wnich l indicate rates averaging one-sixth (1/6) of the 10CFR50' Appendix J acceptance i criteria. MO-1001-28B valve will be physically opened and' inspected to l determine the need for further work. The existing design features have been 3 j tested and found to perform as designed. These will be supplemented with modification to limit the potential for overpressurization of the low pressure portion of the RHR system through the use of a controlled leak-off path and enhanced capability to monitor for intersystem leakage._ The basis f or re-start (f rom the MSIV perspective) is that root' cause has been l established and recurrence of the MSIV pilot poppet disassociation has been l precluded'by repairs made. Additionally, MSIV leakage rates will be reported I and evaluated under separate cover (LER). The basis for re-start (from the perspective of the1 Mode Switch) is that testing performed to date indicates the only failure mode'to be a spurious = PCIS Group I isolation. It is possible that the root cause(s) for the spurious closure of the MSIV's'will have been corrected by replacement of the mode switch, the redressing of the water level instrument cables, or the repairing of the neutral connections on the PCIS relays. 'The controlled L L operational test under carefully monitored conditions will determine if-the' problem has been corrected or indicate the need for additional corrective

  . action. Should the operational testing not'cause a duplication of this event, a normal increase to full power operation is scheduled to take place.

l Continued improved methods of monitoring shall serve-as a means to analyze any future transients of this kind.

Dr. Thomas E, Murley , Page 7 He would ask, therefore, that you review the information enclosed at your earliest convenience and, if you concur, provide us approval to re-start PNPS. If you require further information on these issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. 1 Sincerely, N W. D. Harrington f Attachments: Attachment (1) RHR Team Report Attachment (2) MSIV Team Report , Attachment (3) Mode Switch Team Report  ; Attachment (4) BECo Dispositioning of RHR Team Recommendations Attachment (5) BECo Dispositioning of MSIV Switch Team Recommendations Attachment (6) BECo Dispositioning of Mode Switch Team Recommendations . ' ] 1l l l



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                                                                                                                                                                                       'IABLE CF CONIH11'S
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Mm 'IAE FOICE REPORT
1. Deport Summary
11. Mm Task Fo:ce Menbers I. Purpose II. Technical Description of Ieakage Path III. Description of Event IV. Thsk Force Focus V. Description of Prchlem VI. Inpact of Ieakage VII. History VIII. Investigation -

IX. Influerce of MIR Ieakage on Other RHR System Prcolems

                                                                                                                   'X.                                         Root Cause Analysis

_ XI. Recommendations . XII. Restart Analysis Apperdix A - 1986 Mm Chronology Apperdix B - Possible Sources of High Pressure Fluid Icakage Into RHR Apperdix C - Failure & Malfunction Reports (86-036, 86-084, 86-085) Apperdix D - MIR Task Force ESR's Issued Apperdix E - OBC Meeting Minutes 86-16, Including SE 1918 Appendix F - RHR System Flow Recorder Information Part I - Determination of the Nunber of 'B' RHR Loop Pressurization Part II - FR1040-7 History Part III - FR1040-7 Raw Data Apperdix G - RHR Task Force Walkdowns Apperdix 3 - Hydrodynamic Test Pesults Apperdix I - Local Ieak Rate Test Results

er f 4

                                ABLE & CONTORS (continued)                                                                   -,         .            .t
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s"c Apperdix J - Procedures used by PJiR Task Force >

                                                                      .. i                                                                        .,                                     y
                                              *Walkdown Plan             ' ,
                                              *TP86-56                                                                      <
                                              *'IP 86-58                                                                                        ....
  • Procedure .j ,

Apperdix K - Listing of Documents Reviewed by;1ER Task' Force l i t e , Appendix L - Local Ieak Rate History of 1001-29B-288 \ p Apperdix M - PDC 66-20 Containing Cause Analysis of Head Spray Failure 4, 'Di 95-13 H01001-36 Valve Repair a Appendix N.- RHR hk> tor Operate 3 Valve Maintenance History Apperdix 0 - Chec) Valve 1001-688 Rebuch> a Ibcords ,

                                                                             . . ,                                                                                                     'l 3                                                                                             .


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Wis report provides an analysis of the MIR system corditions which led to the declaration of an unusual event and subsequent shutdown on April 11, 1986. Repeated annunciation of the "MIR Discharge or Shutdown Cooling. Suction High Pressure" alarm procpted speculation that MO-1001-28B and 29B were leaking. Although appropriate operator action was taken, there was no method of accurately quantifying leakage through the system. Wis led to the assunption that there was a failure of primary containment isolation valves (MO-1001-28 and 29 B) and a shutdown was initiated.

                                                                                           'Iba Task Force was assenbled and "as found" walkdowns were performed. With this initial data, the team proceeded along two primary paths: one of further testing and analysis and the secord, gathering historical data.

Se results of these investigations formed the basis for this report. The Apperdix J criteria for MO-1001-288 and 29B is 7.89 SLM at 45 psig. Wese valves were tested on April 18th with leakage rates of 1.5 and 1.0 (respectively). Wese tests show that there was not a failure of these primary containment isolation valves on April 11, 1986. We have performed a problem analysis of this situation ard provide two (2) alternatives for inmediate (prior to startup) resolution. A) of corcern is the leakage past check valve 1001-68B and the I MO-1001-28B and 29B valves which was the cause of the MIB pressuri-zation problerrs. We reconcerd at least one of these valves be dis-assenbled, inspected ard repaired (as necessary) . ) OR B) The 68 valves have no leakage criteria (they are not primary con-tainment bourdary) and the 288 ard 29B valve leakage is well within 10CPR50 Apperdix J criteria. An altemative to Besolution A is to allow a controlled leakage path in the MIR system to mitigate system pressurization. Although the Task Force does not recomaerd this approach, it is an alternative. In a3dition to the above, several further recommendations are presented no natter which approach is taken:

1. Perform a once per Fefueling Outage leak test on 1001-68A ard B
2. Install a3ditional pressure gauges in the system
3. Develop a detailed system venting program
4. Provide a neans for system temperature nonitoring
5. Bevise the alarm procedure for a$ditional corrective action

1 I j fAPEAW (continued) I Also, several lorg term recommendations have been made and are described in the bo3y of this report. It is the conclusion of this task force that given the uncertainties of the PHR system on April 11, the decision to declare an unusual event and comence shutdown was appropriate (especially in light of stbsequent plant events) . However, focusing only on the RHR system (the initiating event), we have determined that the health and safety of station personnel and the general public was not jeopardized, and the shutdown would not have been required if additional system monitoring capabilities had been available to assess the leakage intgrity of the containment isolation valves. 1 s


     'Ihe MIR Task Force consisted of the following enployees. 'Ihe dedication ard involvement of the individual team nenbers led to the expedient identifica-tion and quantification of this problem.

MEMBER NOINAL DEPAR'IMENT Paul Cafarella NED - FSOC David Heard NED - FSOC Charles Martin NCD - OSS&P l Peter Manderino NCD - OSS&P ' Paul Cormier NID - Technical Richard Mattos NCD - OSS&P - l Andrew Felix NCE - OSS&P

   ' Michael Maguire                                           MD - Maintenance l     Marie Ienhart                                              VP - RA&P-Donald Phinney                                          ' NCD - Maintenance Dennis Kuba                                               NCD - OSS&P .

Jack Coughlin NED - PS Leo Judge NED - I&CS Stanley Wollman NCD - OSS&P - l . k . ? l l i 1 i.

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MIR TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Page-2 DFECRIPTION T EVERT (continued) We torque switch for the M01001-29B was increased to a setting of 3 (up from 1.5) on April 10, 1986. We 'B' loop was in Torus cooling until 1200 hours on 4/11. At 1415 hours, the mm system high pressure alarm was


received and the first ICO for LPCI inop and containmnt isolation valve i failure was entered when M01001-28B was closed in the line (reference Tech. Specs. 3.5.A.5 and 3.7.D.2 respectively) . Tech. Spec. 3.5.A.5 is a 7-day ICO. At 1653 hours, the Mm high pressure alarm annunciated again with 2 containment valves in series closed causing entry into Tech. Spec. 3.7.D.3, a 24-hour ICO and an unusual event. It should bg noted that because leakaae into M system yh f,hg CIV's could DQt be. quantified, .tbg valves hgl 12 be assumed .t2 D2t aggt 10CPR50 Accendix 1 leakaoe criteria. IV. TASK FOICE FOCUS The task force focurJ in on the 'B' Mm Loop because: A. If PS1001-82 pressure switch (outboard the shutdown cooling line Containment Isolation Valves) was the cause, letdown of pressure via M01001-34A & 36A would not relieve the pressure cordition. Also, if leakage occurred through the shatdown cooling path, the leakage would go to the Torus via the M01001-7A-D valves rather than to the system because static pressure is 6 psig in the Torus versus 100+ psig in the system.

         ,        B. When the alarm on Panel C903 annunciated, in January 1986, the 29
      -r    and 28 valves for both systens were walked down. Se 28B valve was reported
            " hot" . Derefore, the conclusion was made that the leakage path was the 'B' RHR loop.

An additional review of possible inleakage sources was corductcd ard is contained in Apperdix B of this report. We results of the review also conclude that the 'B' loop injection path was the source of the pressurization. V. OffCRIPTION T PRCBLFN: 1 Severe leakage through containment isolation valves (CIV's) in the Mm  ; system leads to two fun 3amental problems: Problem 1: The Mm valves are suspect in their ability to provide contain-  ; ment isolation with respect to primary containment leakage. j I Problem 2: Leakage from the high pressure reactor coolant system could lead I I to overpressurization of the lower pressure rated Mm piping. At its worst, failure of the Mm system could result with a consequent loss of reactor  ! water coolant inventory. Such a worse case condition is termed "an inter- l system LOCA" or an " Event V of WASH 1400" occurrence, j i i i 9 1


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OurLINE VALVE [01001-29

                                                                          ' NO.             PART I l800Y I ' 2 iBODY WEDGE GUIDE                                 I 3 : BODY WEDGE GUIDE PINS 4 BONNET                                      I U
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MG TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Design features to prevent a worst case event of overpressurizing the low .] pressure system are: l A. Valves M01001-28B(A) and M01001-29B(A) are interlocked, to prevent j simultaneous opening of both valves in the line when reactor pressure. is above 400 psig. B. Pressure switch PS1001-74B(A) ' alerts the Operator to a high pressure condition'due to high pressure leakage or loss of Mm flow path. C. Relief valve PSV1001-22B(A) is on the RHR system outboard of q M01001-28B and has been tested to lift at 428 psig and allow a flow of 54 gpm . ] (at 500 psig) to mitigate overpressurization of low pressure rated piping. I D. Check valve 1001-68B(A) serves to limit the amount of leakage and

         ' preserve vessel inventory until the M01001-28B(A) aM/or 29B(A)' valves go closed should there be a pipe break in the Mm system.

VI. IMPACT T LEAKAGE Leakage past the M01001-28A(B) aM 29A(B) valves has the. potential to overpressurize the Mm system and overheat thus create steam voids in the RHR system. Overpressurization of the Mm systern was evaluated by the neasuring of high pressure fluid . leakage. We B' loop injection path had a measured outleakage of .33 gpm. nis is not a viable concern because 8 (1) We system is designed for pressures in excess of PSV-1001-22's relieving pressures (428 psig), an3 (2) ne measured f3 cw rate of 0.33 gpm past the valve is well below the relieving capacity of the two 54 gpm PSV-1001-22 valves. Leakage could also cause overheating and voiding of the PER systen. If a large steam bubble formed downstream of an isolation valve, it could contribute to a water hammer during RHR punp startup. Leakage of 500 F water into the Mm piping in large volumes could result in these local conditions, since the saturation temperature of water at 110 psig (keep fill pressure) is approximately 345 F. Although it might be possible to raise the water temperature locally above 345 F and create a steam bubble, there is no evidence'of severe water hamner in the vicinity of the 28 or 29 valves. S e supports have been inspected and show no sign that a water hammer event had occurred. During operation it was noted that the piping between the Mol001-288 and NO1001-29B valves was " hot", " Hot" was interpreted as being a sur-face temperature of approximately 150 F. Cbserved leakage rates do


not appear sufficient to cause formation of a steam void. It should be noted that there is evidence of vibration in theB' Mm line. A one-inch test connection between 33 arx3 66 valves suffered a L fatigue failure at a sockolet weld and the pressure seal bolting on the 29B valve had two loose nuts, f

i l l-RHR TASK FOICE REPORP (continued) Page 4 IMPACT T LEAKAGE (continued) Because of the uncertainties of analytical methods of determining local temperatures in bulk systems, it is reconnended that local . temperatures be monitored and the systen be vented periodically to determine if a problem exists. ) i VII. HIS'IORZ_ Leakage past the closed M01001-29A and B valves occurred in the mid to late 70's. One corrective a: tion taken was to change the valve lineup from M01001-29 A&B normally closed to normally open and M01001-28 A&B from normally open to normally closed. Written operating records are silent on the pressurization sWject until January 26, 1986. At this time, the RHR pressurization alarrrs (Panel C903) were notal to occur at a regular frequency. 'Ihere were discussions con-cerning the prcblem but no action was taken. On February 18, Failure and Malfunction Report (F&M) 86-036 was issued .to officially identify the , problem. NED was consulted on the issue for advice in two areas: First, could the leakage through M01001-28B be quantified by calculation? Secord , could the valve alignment be changed to M01001-29B closed and 28B open? NED resporded to the calculational question by saying that a correlation between _ air (for Local Leak Rate 10CFR50, Appendix J) and water were not defensible -4 as this correlation would have to be based on enperical data which was i w' specific for the valves in question. Appendix C of this report contains the Failure & Malfunction Reports and the disposition of F & M 86-036. NED resporded to the valve alignment change with Safety Evaluation (1918 which permitted valve realignment. In fact, the "new" alignnent was in accordance with original system design. Both of NED's responses were presenta3 at OIC Meeting Nunber 86-16 held on February 19 ard are part of i the neeting minutes. OIC Meeting 86-16 minutes are incorporated into this I report as Appendix E. The valve alignnent was changed as per Safety Evaluation (1918 ard the pressurization problem was not evident for 16 days (until the IIead Spray shutdown) . Failure ard Malfunction Report 86-036 was closed out regarding significance by an evaluation presented in Memo STA86-026 dated March 4, 19 % .

1 Page 5 Mm TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) HIS'IDFU (continued) Onset 91 M Pressurization Events: Because there were questions about the initiation of the Mm pressurization problem, the Task Force performed a review of plant logbooks. %e Operating Supervisor's logbook, the STA logbook and the Watch Digineer's logbook were reviewed to determine when the Mm events occurred. We logbooks were reviewed and a conposite chronology was made. His chronology is Appendix A of this report. Se first formal log entry was in the Sn logbook for January 26, 1986. %ere are no other notations of any abnormalities in the Mm system prior to this date. Verbal information obtained from various plant staff menbers indicata3 that the Mm pressurization problem was present prior to January 1986. Since written logbooks do not provide a positive reference, another investigatory nethod was discovered. %e alternate nethod involves a unique phenonena that is manifested in MIR flow recorder FR1040-7. When the Mm piping was pressurized, the B system flow pen on FR1040-7 responded, providing a recorded history of the Mm system. Appendix F of this report explains the connection between Mm pressurization events and the response of FR1040-7 and presents the data collected from the charts for the 1985-1986 pericd. We record of Mm pressurization events is presented as Figure 5. An examination of Figure 5 reveals, for the period of January 1985 through August 1985, that pressurization were infrequent, with only 27 days when pressurization events occurred. Here is some correlation between Mm pressurization events aM reactor startups; there were 6 unit startups in the January to July 1985 period. Were were 4 Mm pressurization events on the same day or day after unit startup. This correlation may be due to the use of Shutdown Cooling ard/or Inservice Test Program Opening tests of 1001- 1 688. In Septenter 1985 there is a significant increase in the frequency of l occurrence as presented in Figure 5. %ere are 15 pressurization events  ! between Septenber 9 and Septenber 30 or a 70% occurrence rate. This frequency increase occurred directly after the unit startup from the B' recirc punp seal outage on Septenber 7,1985. ne 'A' Mm system was used for shutdown cooling for this shutdown but Procedure 2.1.7.B was performed when shutdown cooling was terminated. Procedure 2.1.7.B requires the establishment of 4400 gpm for a short tire through the Mm loop not used for shutdown cooling, in order to verify injection check valve 68B opening operability. Procedure 2.1.7.B is performed to meet the Inservice hst Prcgram (IST) requirements of valve operability. Another significant finding from Figure 5 is that equipnent qualification modifications on Mm valve M01001-28B were begun on Septenber 13, 1985 - four days after the frequency of pressurization increase, i

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Page 6' I Mm 'IASK FOICE IEPORT (continued) HIS'IORY (continued) Further examination of Figure 5 for the months of Octcber 1985 through February 1986 shows that the frequency of pressurization remains high. Se FR1040-7 chart for Octcber 10 through Novenber 10 could not be located in Document Control, so that a frequency similar to Septenber and Novenber is assued. VIII. INVESTIGATION A. Investigation Method he Mm Task Force initiated investigation of the pressurization problem in nultiple paths. Specific procedures used by the mm Task Force are 1

                 . contained in Appendix J of this report.                                               )

2e paths were: 1 1

                          *As found walkdown of the system to capture existing corditions and       ,     l configurations i
  • Hydrodynamic test to determine actual high pressure system leakage -

through the 3 valves in series on the 'B' ME loop

  • Hydrodynamic test to determine high pressure systm leakage through O the M01001-28A valve on the 'A' Mm loop
  • Air leakage test on check valve 1001-68B, followed by Apperdix J tests on valves M01001-29B ard Mol001-28B j
                           *Research of PNPS operating records, maintenance histories, Failure and Malfunction Reports, LER's arri other documents to aid in a search for     j root cause and interrelationships
  • Collection of irdustry data from INPO, valve verdors and other utilities for input of technical information ard lessons learned by others i

B. Walkdowns Walkdowns of 'B' Loop Mm were corducted to look for the effects of over-pressurization on system piping and couponents. The latent effects of water hamrrer, over tmperature corditions, ard leakage were the train focus of the 3 walkdown. There were no significant findings; minor findings included a pipe support ] that had a questionable design, loose pressure seal nuts on 29B and- ) irdication of high temperatures between 28 and 29B. None of the findings  ! were irdicative of a water hammer event. l I I l

PER TASK FOICE IEPORT (continued) Page ~/ DNESTIGATICN (continued) . One notable walkdown observation is that little or no leakage exists on the  ! j T' IER system outboard isolation valves. he leak tightness of the system is seen as a contributor to the frequent high pressure alarms.

                     %ere was evidence of water leakage at the hinge pins of the 1001-68B check valve, and the blanket insulation on it exhibited evidence of wetting. Scxne but not all of the wetted insulation is attributed to the 1-inch test connection leak that was discovered in January 1986. %e water leakage may be indicative of vibration problems in the system or from wear on the hinge pin seals. Task Force walkdown results are contained in Appendix G of this report.

C. Water Tests The high pressure water (hydrodynamic) test was performed on the 'B' loop to quantify the actual leakage at pressure. Se results of the S' loop water i tests were: l

  • Differential pressure was seen across the 68B check valve during oressure increases.
  • Pressure equalizM around the 68B check valve during steMy state conditions. This suggests that the check valve does not prevent small
 ,,                            leakage but would function to prevent an intersystem LOCA.


                             *We leakage through the closed Mo1001-29B and 28B valves was                  l calculated at .33 gpm at 975 psig. %is is the flow rate that was            (

causing the alarm initiation on Friday, April 11, 1986. ne measurM leakage of .33 gpm is well within and represents no challenge to the relief capacity of PSV1001-22B. %erefore, na concern exists reaardina overpressurization at this leakaae rate.  ; I 1 Ee high pressure water test was performed on 'A' IER injection line for two reasons. The primary reason was to determine the actual outleakage on the

                       'A' loop in the normal operating coMition. %e second reason was to provide quantitative evidence that the 'A' loop was not the scurce of the pressurization events. The results of the 'A' loop water test were:
  • Pressure equalized around the 68A check valve at steady state coMitions. This suggests that the check valve does not prevent minor leakage but would function to mitigate an intersystem IACA.
                              *The leakage rate thru the closed M01001-28A valve was 0.068 gpm. Bis rate is, through one closed valve, approximately one-fifth of the 'B' system leakage rate through 2 closed valves. % is result proves that the 'A' system is not the source of outleakage and that the MO1001-28A is a very tight seat. The 'A'   loop results in comparison to the 'B' loop results imlies that it is_ oossible to imrove the. seatina ability of. the. 'B' loop yalves. Water testing data and results are contained in Appendix H of this report.

l t

1 l Page 8 MIR TASK FOICE REPORP (continued) l IINESTICATION (continued) D. Air Leakage i Air leakage through the 68B check valve was measured to be 76 Sud at 45 psig. Were is no absolute criteria for this valve because it is not j considerd a primary containment isolation valve. The test did prove that the 68B was seated becmse pressure was maintained in the test volume. l Appendix J tests on valve M01001-29B resulted in a leakage rate of 1.0 SLM at 45 psig. Tests on valve M01001-28B resulted in a leakage rate of 1.5 SLM at 45 psig. Both of these values are well within the acceptance criteria of 7.89 SLM at 45 psig, and in fact, indicate the valves are tighter now than I they were during the WO 86 LLRT when the 28 and 29 valves ha3 leak rates of 1.9 and 0.1 respectively. It should be noted that the torque values of both valves have oeen increased which could lead to these inproved readings. l Therefore, Da concern exists recardina 1,be_ ability of. these valves ta meet { 4 spntainmerit leakme criteria. These results also prove that the event of 4/11/86 was not an indication of a true containment isolation valve failure. The leakage rate on the motor-operated valves also demonstrates that no repairs are necessary for Mol001-29B or 28B to meet established Appendix J leakage criteria. We inability to quantify high pressure fluid leakage in l operation resulted in the unit shutdown. Air leak test results are J contained in Appen31x I of this report. _ l l E. Pesearch Efforts , Information and Evaluation of PNPS and Industry Information A listing of documents reviewed by the MIR Task Force is contained in Appendix L. Salient results of Pesearch are:

             *The notor-operated injection valves for RHR, 29s and 28s were cycled in excess of 62 tines for surveillance between Novenber 1984 and February 1986. It is a conclusion that this repeated cycling may have contributed to pemature wear on the Valve 28B seat and the result has been seen through pressurization in 1986. De same conclusion holds for 29B. We torque switch settings for both valves were increased in 1986 on February 15 for. MQ1001-28B and on April 10 for M01001-29B.

The increase in torgae switch setting may have increased the seating characteristics of the valves resulting in Local Icak Rate Test results lower that the WO 16 startup values.

             *The actual alarm on PS1001-74B was found to be at a system pressure of 365 psig. The setpoint, according to calibration records, is 394 psig.

The alarm actuation at 30 psig lower than necessary irx:reases the f requercy of high pressure alarms.

                                                                     ,                      m    ,
                                                                                                          'i i

Mm SSK FOICE IEPORT- (continus3). .Page 9


IESEAICH DTORTS ' (continued) ' ,j l

                    *The maintenance history for. Valve M01001-28B shows that the valve                      !

itself has never been disassembled. We motor operator-for,M01001-28B has seen several maintenance activities. In Decenber 1984, prior ;to

startup from IFO 6, M01001-28B had grease contamination of the notor and spring pack of its Limitorque SMB-5 operator. Oil, from grease con -

tamination, was again discovered in Septenber 1985 when ' Equipment ~ Qualification (EQ) refits were performed.- h motor forl the 91B-5 operator was replaced at the time of EQ work. Valve seating ~ motor ,j current was left at 100 amps when EQ was coupleted. When investigations were performed in February 1986 on the pressuri-l zation problem, the as found seating current was 75 anps. An rJjust-ment to 90 anps was attenpted, but-the seating current was not , repeatable. Since a variation in seating current was an abnormality  ! not previously experienced, the SMB-5 operator was disassembled. Nothing was foun3 wrong in the SMB-5 operator. S e operator was-reassembled and a torque switch setting was made to provide a valve

  • seating current of 105 anps.' The 105 anp seating cerrent was tested and found repeatable. We M01001-28B was tested for seating current on May 4,1986. he current was found at 55 anps. he lack of repeatability of seating torque could be a significant finding with '

e respect to root cause of M01001-28B seat leakages. . j I he maintenance history of the four Mm' injection path motor operators is contained in Appendix N of.this report. j

                     *We 1001-68A and B check valves were refurbished as part of the Pecirc.

l pipe replacement project. AppeMix 0 contains the documentation i I concerning the refurbishment of 1001-68B. Wis check valve was rebuilt after chemical decon had been con 3ucted. The internals were therefore very clean and easily inspected. : The seating surfaces were examined under 5X magnification and.only a light lapping was . l recommended. We seating surfaces were acceptable after lapping.- It is noteworthy that after 14' years of service, the condition of the i check valve only required minor maintenance. Se valve was i reassembled using new packing anS gaskets. IX. INFLUEtCE & Mm LEAKAGE ON CflEER_ MS_ SYSTEM PROBLDiS l During the past few months, a nunber of problems have occurred in the Mm system. The team attenpted to identify any correlation between events. %e events considered were:

  • Loss of seat stellite on Valve M01001-36A  ;
  • Leakage of Mm head spray line
                      *l-inch test connection failure between 1001-33B and check valve 1001-68B i

Mm ESK FOICE REPORT (continued). Page 10 IWLUE2CE T Mm IEXKE ON OHER MB SYS'ID4 PROBIR4S (continued) Se increased pressurization of the Mm line led to increased usage of the M01001-36A valve to relieve the water in the line. M01001-36A was used extensively to relieve Mm system pressure and repeatedly for 'Ibrus cooling in 1986. We 'A' loop of Mm was used for Torus cooling in excess of 377 hours in this cycle to date. Torus cooling flow rates are 2000 to 4000 gpn. nis repeated severe throttling service likely caused or at least contri-buted to the damaged seat segment and body erosion recently noted in the M01001-36A valve. A more likely scenario is that use of the M01001-36A valve to clear the Mm high pressure alarm resulted in the formation of air pockets in the head spray line and contribute 3 to the occurrence of pressure pulses / water hanners in that line. Reference the cause analysis presents 3 in PDC 86-20 which is included as Appendix M. We 36 valve discharges below the Torus level; however, when the valve is opened to relieve system high pressure, a vacuum will develop in the upper portions of the system. This will ten 3 to draw in air through valve packings. If this trapped air is not properly vented, it can contribute to water hamrrer events. R ese pressure pulses / ~ water hammers caused the head spray failure. It should be noted, however, that the head spray failure was the result of a long pericd of pressure pulse / water hammer going back many years. "he letdown of system pressure accelerate 3 failure but was not the sole cause. t ne 1-inch test connection failure was discovered in t"e January 1986 j

  • Wrbine outage. This test connection is located in the drywell inboard of j the 1001-68B injection check valve. We test connection exhibited fatigue  ;

failure in the heat-affected zone above the scck-o-let weld. E is  ! information ccubined with walkdown information of 1001-68B hinge pin j leakages, points to the preserce of a vibrational condition in the line.  ; The cause of the vibration may be from the B recirc pump, which had sustained { a bearing failure, or from another phenomena such as 1001-68B disk a oscillation. X. EpcrI' CAUSE ANALYSIS _ t i ME'H1CDOLOGY j The Mm pressurization problem can be viewed from two perspectives. A) From a chronological approach, the cause was analyzed by examining the factors that could have contributed to a change when the trerd in l pressurization deviated from normal. B) An approach that considered the j variables unique to the 'B' Mm injection versus the 'A' Mm systen was used j to analyze system outleakage. Both approaches are based on the Task Force's determination that Mm system pressurization was caused by bourdary valve leakage from the 'B' Mm injection line. This conclusion is presented in i Sections II, III, IV and Apperdix C. The results of the two methcds are both presented because interrelations exist and ccaron cause may be present. i f

                                                                                                                       .l Mm TASK FOICE (continued)                                                                         Page 11 BXff_CAUSE ANAINSIS (continued)

A) CHRONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Following an approach taken from Kepner-Tregoe, the onset of Mm , pressurization events was decided to be a startpoint for a deviation from ) normal condition. Research into this deviation is presented in Section VII of the report with supporting documentation contained in Appendix F. Figure 5, the plot of Mm pressurization events versus time, is a major tool in  ! this analysis. Figure 5 shows that prior to Septenber 9,1985, pressurization events are infrequent with only 27 occurrences out of 243 days. nis is an occurrence rate of 11%. In Septenber 1985, the occurrence rate is 15 out of 30 or 50%. %e occurrence rate for Novenber is 70%, Decenber is 25%, January is 80%, and F&ruary is 57%. October's data is incouplete because of a missing chart, but the available data is a 60% occurrence rate. nis is a statistically significant change and is determined to be that September 1985 is the point of deviation from normal. We exact date of deviation is Septenber 9,1985. %e station had just begun a power increase after the Septaber 1-8 outage. Additional examination of Figure 5 also shows a correlation between startup from unit shutdowns and an occurrence of Mm pressurization events. In the January through August 1985 period, there were 6 startups, 4 of these startups had Mm pressurization events occur within 1 to 2 days afterward. - Although the sanple is not large, the rate of correlation is 75%. The root cause of Mm pressurization ev'ents lies in the answer to the question "What happened just prior to or during the Septenber 1 to 8,1985 outage?" Prior to the Septenber 1 outage, drywell leakage from the floor j sunps was increasing. nere was a severe coastal storm that had struck that had fouled the main condenser and contaminated the switchyard with salt spray. The reactor power had been reduced to backwash the condenser and to wash down the switchyard. At 0520 bcors the ACB104 arced over during ] washdown. This resulted is a load rejection. Since power was less than 45%, the autcoatic scrarn function was bypassed, but reactor scram resulta3 from reactor high pressure when the turbine bypass valves could not handle l the steam flow. Concurrent with this shutdown, the observed increase in drywell unidentified leak rate was discovered to be a seal failure on the 'B' recirc pump. Activities related to the Mm systen for this shutdown and their potential i effects are:

  • Recirculation Punp B Seal Peplacenent. The punp is isolated and drained for seal replacement. Were is a potential for air entry into the system which could propagate to the 'B' Mm injection line. %is activity was performed twice in this outage.

j MIR TASK FOICE RIPORP (continued) Page 12 IOOT CAUSE ANALYSIS (continued)

     *%e 'A' RHR loop was used for shutdown cooling for this event. However, the operating logbook nentions that Procedure 2.1.7B, an opening flow. test for check valve 1001-688, was performed. his test is required- by the IST        i' program and cauees the check valve to be bunped open using a flow rate of 4400 gpm. %is operation disturbs the seating conSition of the check valve        a ard may leave the valve off it's seat. Water testing proved that pressure will equalize across the check valve, and as reactor pressure increases,         l this situation allows greater volume of pressurized fluid to act against        t the seat of the closed 28B valve. This could allow increased leakage.           j i

Possible Root Cause Consideration

           *%e physical arrangement of the piping between the 'B' recirculation i
   . punp discharge line and the 'B' MIR injection line is shown on Figure 6.

Essentially, if air entered the system as part of the reCirC seal replace- j ment, any air present should have been vented through the pump as part of l refill. Any non-purged air should have traveled out of the punp and risen l up the discharge line. At the point where the RHR line ties in, trapped air would have hai to travel horizontally into the tee rather than continue l i upward. From a trapped air standpoint, the recirc seal replacement is not considered a viable cause for RHR outleakage. f

             *The act of unseating the check valve has definite implications in a
 -    possible cause of RHR system outleakage. If the volume between the M01001-      g 29B and 288 is not conpletely vented, the condition is nultiplie3. We pipe        !

run between 28B and the drywell penetration is a local highpoint because the pipe rises through the 23 ft. elevation floor an3 runs horizontally at an i elevation of 30 f t. to the drywell penetration X51B. Inside the drywell, the pipe drops down to Elevation 20 f t. This local high point is not regularly vented; the only possible vent point has a pressure gauge installed on its test connection. It is therefore conceivable that air got i trapped in this pipe run. When the check valve is unseated sr allows j leakage past the seat, the pipe volune outside of the drywell becomes pres-I surizcd. If air is present in the line, the compression of this volune can act as an accumulator. This action can have two effects. When the air accumulator " springs back", pressure forces act against the 28B valve seat which may create more leakage and degrade the seat. Also, the 68B check valve is bunpcd open allowing even more leakage to occur. From the standpoint of a possible root cause of 'B' loop RHR pressurization events the unseated check valve coupled with air entrapment is viable. In response to a question of why this does not happen in the 'A' loop, the response is rraybe it is and the 28A valve seat is not yet degrtded enough to l exhibit the pressurization. Secondly, the answer is that the 'A' loop is used extensively for shutdown cooling and trapped air is swept out of the pipe with the flow rate. l l

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MD1 TASK FOICE RIPORT (continued) Page 13' B. Variables Analysis Other documentation and data has confirmed that the Mm system inleakage existed only in the 'B' Mm injection path. S e root cause of leakage into the low pressure systs is because the boundary valve (s) allowed seat leakage to exit the high pressure bourdary. Se root cause of seat leakage is not easily determined. 2ere are several variables which enter into the possible ca1ses o ne nunber of valve strokes experienced by the valve. o he amount of flow or service the valve has experienced. o ne torque for closure and the motor operator type. o The materials used for seat ard disk construction. o Ba:kground environment of - temperature or vibration. o The type of valve. o ne quality of the fluid passing through the valve. o The maintenance history of the valve. o ne maintenance history of the motor operator. The Mm system injection path is conposed of 2 loops which use identical l conponents in a nearly-identical configuration. We configuration differences are minor. For instance, the 'A' loop rises 3 feet higher prior to entering its recirculation purp discharge point. At the point when this problem became visible, the boundary valves in use were M01001-28A ard M01001-288. Leakage existed through the 28B valve ard not the 28A. High h water pressure test data has shown that, the outleakge from the 'A' system is .068 gpm with only M01001-28A as a bcurdary. We 'B' systs ha3 an (f outleakage of .33 gpm with 2 valves used for boun3ary, the M01001-29B and M01001-28B. We variables listed will be conpared for the M01001-288 versus M01001-28A. o Nunber of strokes for surveillance are approximately the sane; 28A, in fact, has ha3 more strokes when service use is acccunted. 1 o Service for the 1985-1986 period: ne 'A' loop has been used for shutdown cooling for overy shutdown except for the head spray and M01001-36A outages. Also, the leakage problem existed prior to these outages. Shutdown cooling service puts flow rates of 2000 to 5000 gpm through the injection path valves. Pilgrim's operating l history irdicates an exclusive preference for use of the 'A' system for shutdown cooling. Werefore, since service tine ard flow is biased to the 'A' system, this variable would inply that service is i not the cause of degradation in 28B valve. o The torque required for valve closure torque switch settings have been increased for 28B. For 28A the 1985-06 torque history is that torque switch settings on the SMB-5 operatur has remained the sane. This variable supports the con:lusion that M01001-28B malfumtion is the root cause. o The materials of construction for 28A and 28B are identical.


v , j RHR TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Page 14' VARIABIE.RALYSIS (continued) o %e environment of the valves has differences. We M01001-28B valve is in the same room as the EECI MO2301-4 valve. Valve MO2301-4 is normally open' with reactor steam in the line. %e 'B' valve;roce is physically smaller than the 'A' valve-room and there is less venti-lation. ~ his makes the area temperature higher which may have an effect on the M01001-28B valve with regard to & served grease contamination.

       evidence of vibration inside tne drywell as exhibited by the failure of the 1-inch test connection 'on the 'B'LRHR line.

Vibration measurements taken as part of the recirc pipe replacement startup, however, indicate theA' recirc -loop has marginally. higher vibration levels. Since the PHR injection lines tie into the recirc loops, there may be an induced vibration, but data indicates that the 'A' RHR injection line would be higher. Vibration in the

                                                                                     'B' .

recirc line may have changed as a result of the 'B' recirculation


puup bearing fallure in early 1985. , From a local temperature standpoint, MO1001-288 may be subject to degradation because of the thermal effects of grease' thinning. Se vibration data would iMicate a problem in the 'A' system but these measursents are relatively old ard may not represent a current , condition. o Both valves are 18-inch globe Valves of the same model and manufacturer. .l l I o ne quality of fluid passing through the valves should be equal. Both systems are supplied from the.same sources'- keepfill and l Torus. There may be a potential . that the .'A' system water has less contaminants from stagnation because the 'A' loop does see nore use for both shutdown cooling and Torus cooling. o The maintenance history for the valves is as tabulated:

                    -Both 28A ard B have never been disassenblcd.       .
                    -Both 28A aid B have had their packing leakoff cut and capped.                l
                    -Both 28A and B have had pa: king replacement post ILRT.

With respect to the valve internals, both have seen similar repair at similar frequency. Both the 28A and B valves have a relatively good local leak rate history (See Apperdix L). Since no furdanental differences exist in valve repair, this variable does no,t account for root cause. s j ____ _ a

MU' TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Page 15' VARIABLFS_NMNSIS (continued) o Motor Operator - 2e M01001-28A and B valves both have Limitorque 9 G 3 operators. We 28A valve has had a problem with gear meshing (12/22/84), an inleakage problem (the reactor was receiving MIR in-leakage while shutdown), EQ modification for PDC 64-60 ard valve actuator reorientation for EQ flocding corcerns. We 28B valve has had grease contamination in the motor operator ard spring pack; the notor was replaced at the tine of EQ work when grease was again found in the notor. %e 28B valve has exhibited inconsistent closing current values. When work was performed in February 1986 to mitigate MH1 outleakage, the as fourd seating current was 75 anps. An attapt to increase the seating current to 90 anps was unsuccessful. ne seating current was erratic ard would not con-sistently remain at 90 a ps. We noter operator was disassembled , nothing abnormal was found. When reassembled, the seating current was set to 105 anps on February 14, 1986. We seating current was checked again on May 4,1986. It was fourd at 55 anps. We grease , i contamination of the notor coupled with the unaccounted for relax-ation of notor seating torque in an anomoly that inplies that the , 28B valve may not be performing adequately. Wis is considered l viable as a root cause with respect to RHR system pressurization. { The variables that could scount for a differerce in the leakage charteter- I istics between M01001-28A ard 28B are:

                     -Closure torque
                     -Fluid quality
                     -Motor op3rator nistory The corclusion of the variables analysis for root cause is that M01001-288 has a greater leakage rate for water than M01001-28A because of environ-nental ard notor operator repair history. ne prc61em may lie in the motor operator or in the valves' internals.

C. An alternative to the analyses presented is to state that the leakage exiting the 'B' RHR loop is acceptable at .33 gpm. The pressurization of the system is manifested because the low pressure system has been trade tig hter. Because of rcduced system cutleakage as evidenctd by valve packing observations and the demonstrated tightness of the RHR punp discharge check valves and overall system, the minor leakage past the isolation valves resultcd in system pressurization. Alarm annunciation at lower system pressure than setpoint contributed to the frequency of occurrence. It is possible that the conbined effects of decreased system outleakage coircident with gra3ual valve seat wear have lead to the cbserved increcse in MIR system high pressure alarms. It should be noted that there is no eviderce of parameters being outside Tech. Spec. limits and all systems operated properly to eliminate the alarm cordition. Ha3 the alarm not operated or htd the operator failed to retCt, there are pressure safety valves in the system which are set to open at 428 psig. Each valve has a relieving capacity of 54 gpm at 500 psig. E

IER TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Page 16  ! XI. FECCMiFMATICNS he RHR pressurization prcblem has been defined ard root cause has been proposed in prior sections of this report. Foot cause is either valve degradation of the M01001-288, inproper seating of check valve 1001-688 1 < i coupled with inproper local venting or a combination of both. l Alternatively, the prcblem can be viewed as acceptable if mitigating / i t neasures are taken. ] i Management is presented a decision regarding the RER prcblem. %e decision can be made that either the leakage from 1001-28B is unacceptable or that the leakage is acceptable. %ere is no definite regulatory criteria available because Local Icak Rate (Appendix J,10CFR50) leaksjes are accep-table by a significant nargin. %ree sets of reconnerdations are presented,  ! I one for each branch of the decision block and one set that remain camnon to I deal with future issues. , ., 1 L , A. If the .33 gpm leakage from the M01001-288 val've is determined to be l unacceptable when conpared to the .068 gpm from M01001-28A 0 1



1. Evaluate the notor operator for M01001-28B to determine the cause of inconsistent seating current. Valve disassembly is recom- l nerded only to evaluate the valve seat chara:teristics if motor operator investigations warrant such action. _

11 OR 2. Disassemble and repair 1001-29B to ensure its leakage will be less


than .33 gpm in lieu of M01001-28B disassembly. OR 3. Disassemble and inspect check valve 1001-688 for evidence of J j seating and oscillr.tlon., Va3 te 68B is the first obstruction  ! from the pressure source and ray be a cause contributor. OR 4. Similar degradation may be occurring in the 'A' RHR, loop. It is optional to expand these reconaerdations to the 'A' system as well. B. If the leakage exiting 'B' RHR loop ic determined to be acceptab13:

1. Mitigate the effect of thd leakage by allowing a controlle3 'anount of leakage to exit the system. A suggested nethod is to open an RHR discharge check valve bypass valve (1001-100A, B, C or D) a specific and controlled amount. %is would allow a known leakage to return to the Ubrus. If the neating of RHR valves further degrade, the Im.unt of leakage to pressurize the system will be known. A dec3 sion for additional action can be nede when this occurs.

OR 2. Valves in this system originally had packing leakoff lines i installed. %ese lines have been removed for Appendix J 1eakage l concerns and for outleakage control. Reinstallation of the packing I leakoff could be re-established if an Engineering analysis  ! 1 supported such an action.


6 h

                                                                        -    --     ._-----_--_-___a

l I RHR TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Page 17 RfCOtO DATIW S (continued) C. Reconmen3ations Common to Either Decision he following reconmen3ations are in a3dition to Reconnendation A or B and' each should be resolved. Se reconnen3ations are expressed as safety and . J operating concerns.

1. CCtCERN 68B (A) check valve can be enployed to mitigate Intersystem IEA, events in the ER system.
  • Check valves are not periodically testa 3 for degradation. - .;
  • Check valves have no closure verification test.


a. Provide for an accepttble startup seating test / verification'of -

both 1001-6EA and .B when shutdown cooling is secured - A trial f 1 procedure is required prior to startup from CAL 86-10 outage. 4 OR i

b. Perform 1/ Refueling Outage leak test on 68's for pressure drop 1 capability - his is to be ini.tiated in RE'O 7. f s,




c. Replace / redesign check valves to provide positive position indication. (%is is a long term item and should be based on a needs evaluation) .

l 2ere is no system pressure monitoring or trending capability for . severity assessnent. I 1 FICGME2MD ACTION

a. Install additional pressure gauges. in system: between 28 arri 29, and outboard of 28 - prior to startup from CAL 86-10 outage.
3. COtCEFN RHR system overheating (pctential steam void formation in leakage path) l and inadequate system venting.



E, 3



t 1i e RHR TASK FOICE REPORT (continued) Page 18

    ,                   PlrONF20ATIONS (continued)


a. Develop systen venting progran - 1/hluling adequate vent location A for local highpoints - and nethod to centrol by results -

concurrent with startup from CAL V4-z? outage. -

                                                                      ,                                      y a
                                                /       y         ;


                                      'b. Provide means for systen yrteratur6raonitoring - co1 current with , 

DCAL 86-10 outage. , y l

                                                                                   '                .                                                     ]

1 i HiO ' i

                                       'c . Pemove pressure gauge installe$ on RHR injection line to allow for                                             J a vent path - prior to startup from CAL 86-10 outage.                                                       i
4. CotCERN l Operating practice may have lea 3 to event.

RECOHF20ED ACTION Two system operating przctices are considercd cause contributors to y ~; pressurization events. Ee. following changes are recamended: [

-- r >
a. IST Pregram opens bot $ 68A ard B check va es orre per quarter if .

In cold shutdown - change frequercy of 'tcst to orce per refuel.  ! i his, ection is long term because the IST Pepgran relief may not be j possible. b ., Ihcess stroke of 28 & 29 isolation valves - Reduce frequercy of

                      \                         test. 1001-288, 29B were stroked 62 times between 11/'84 and 2/86.

his action is long tenn because it requires extensive Tech Spec  ;

                        / 5.           COtCEIN                                                                            <

1 1 i

                                         %e alarm procedure does not provide action to assess gYd correct                        -
                 ,             leakage.                                                                             ,


a. Pevise procedure to allow for control of repressurization and to  ;


                /                                provide a3ditional assessannt and corrective action coredrrent with
               '                 <               startup from CAL 86-10 ande. Action from corcerns 2 and 3 nust                                            l
                 >     /                         be complete. This action ..

is deperdent upon instrumentation. l 1

            / /                                                                ,
                                                                               l                                                               '

t 5

      ;                                      ;/

t L r' e i t

3. $ i

MIR TASK FOICE REPORP (con'tinued) Fage ~19 l. RECONMDATIONS (continued)

6. CONCERN 400 psig injection permissive'- If undetected failure' occurs, there is no protection against simultaneous opening of 28 and 29 valves. .

RECONEt0ED X"f10N Trend surveillance history for reliability. Were is no inmediate need for action-present surveillance tests are considered adequate. XII. RESTART AtaLYSIS Ikcal leak rate testing has been corducted and results for the MIR injection line are 1.5 standard liters per minute (SLM) for M01001-28B and 1.0 SEM for M01001-25E. Se acceptance criteria for Appendix J 'is 7.89 SIN. On an individual basis, both valves are acceptable as is. m a total containment leakage basis, the least pathway analysis of 1.0 SLM containment ' leakage for the 'B' loop of MIR is acceptable. No failure of containment has occurred and Tech. Spec. 4.7.A.f(2) and (3) are met. From a containment - integrity standpoint, the unit is acceptable for restart as-is.


From the stardpoint of a concern over MIR system pressurization ard

  3                          integrity, the measured water outleakag,e- from the MIR line of 0.33 gpm is not a hazard when coupared to the design overpressurization relief capacity      ;

of 54 gpm for each of 2 pressure relief valves. Associated effects of I leakage, such as overheating of the piping, can be monitored ard actions can be taken for correction. %e Task Force has made recommendations associated  ; with a decision on the acceptability of the 0.33 gpm. Se leakage-is  ; correctable with Iraintenance on the valves or the leakage can be mitigated - by allowing a leakoff.

4 e Ab


f 4 1 e-y 1

f r APPENDIX A RHR 1986 CHRONOLOGY Key: (05) Operating Supervisor's Log (1/1 thru 4/14)' (WE) Watch Engineer's Log (1/1 thru 4/12) l (ST) STA Log.(1/1 thru 4/12) (RW) Information provided from Radwaste (SD) Shutdown

           -(MR) Maintenance Request (F&M) Failure and Malfunction Report 01/01/86                     *** Mode Switch - RUN ***

01/02/86 0006(05) "A" RHR in torus cooling. ((WE) for chem lab sample) . 0905(0S) Secured "A" RHR pump from torus cooling. 01/04/86 0749(05) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 1130(05) RHR injection socket weld on RHR line. between H0338 and l testable check found leaking. F&M 86-05 and MR 86-12 j issued. . 1615(OS) Completed zinc flush for RHR system. Unable to open MO-1001-50 valve. Electricians investigating probable i

                                                                                                       ,I cause.                                                            ~

1815(OS) Issued F&M 86-06 on M0-1001-50; inboard shutdown cooling valve. Issued MR 86-17. Valve would not open. ((WE) maintenance got valve open but still investigating). ((ST) Overrode limit switch and valve opened - suspect water in switch or Drywell).


1830(05) Established shutdown cooling mode of "A" RHR. Mode Switch.- REFUEL *** (- 2250(05) 1600-2400(WE) Tagging out MO-1001-33A-for weld leak still draining. (MR 86-18) 1 01/05/86 2400- "A" RHR in S/D cooling. Head spray vents open - ' 0800(WE) welding socket weld leak. 0818(05) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 0930(ST) Made inspection of "A"'RHR Quad for leaks. Found small packing leak on MO-1001 43A,and grease. dripping out of MO-1001-18A. MR 86-23 issued to check and/or repair. 01/06/86 0630(ST) I&C starting;to test drywell door seals prior to. starting work on MO-1001-50. 0735(0S) Secured "A" RHR pump from S/D cooling. 0830(05) Placed "A" RHR into S/D cooling. 1005(OS) Removed "A" RHR from S/D cooling. 0800- Completed work on M0-1001-50 & 18A 1600(WE) 1940(05) *** Mode Switch - RUN *** 1959(05) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 01/07/86 0840(05) *** Mode Switch - RUN *** 0844(05) *** Mode switch - STARTUP ***- 0855(0$) *** Mode switch - RUN *** , PAge 1 of'll

                                                                                           -l 1
                                                               -                             1 01'/09/86  0004(05)     Put "A" RHR pump in torus cooling.                ~

0802(05) Taking "A" RHR pump out of torus cooling' .


01/10/86 1830(05) JI&C completed 8.M.2-2.10.2 Loop Selection Logic j System B. 4 01/11/86 0300(05) - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surveillance Test . 0302(05) - LPr Motor Operated Valve Operability Test-01/13/86 0018(05) Placed "A" RHR in torus cooling in order to transfer .i some torus water to radwaste. ((RW) 14,000 gal) 0027(05) Secured "A" RHR pump from torus cooling. 01/15/86 1500- Reviewed F&M 86-15'(MR 86-53) on MO-1001-29ALcontrol

               '2300(ST)     circuit. Circuit found with blown _ fuse (Control panel, lights out). Investigation by electrical maintenance and NED revealed that a solid link
       .                     should be installed for.F-10 series fuse list and E-5000 series. Control room drawings MlH series.

show a fuse in this circuit. Further evaluation will be conducted by NED. 1640(OS) "A" LPCI' valve M0-1001-29A inop. . 1900(0S) Via phone call with NED, LPCI system is operable with fuses in control power circuit but not by 1 design. Paperwork to follow in the AM. Notified i NRC. 2111(ST) Inspection of contro1' circuit for MO-1001-298 i revealed a fuse the same as M0-1001-29A. . Replaced


with a solid link. F&M 86-17 (MR 86-54) submitted. 1600- F&M on MO-1001-29A valve. Lost light indication 2400(HE) fuse for control power blew. Investigation of points-show a link not a fuse. . Replaced fuse under 3.H.3.8 i (Inspect / trouble shooting-electrical circuits) timed valve, in spec._' Declared A-LPCI' loop inop l until Engineering evaluation. Replaced link and j Engineering CQI to validate and. certify link. Doing  ; this makes "A" LPCI loop operable per Engineering via phone call with NED-John Pawlak the system is 'l operable with the fuse in the control power circuit but not by design. Paperwork to document.this to-follow in the a.m. 1/10/86. M0-1001-29B had fuse not a link changed out fuse to link. 01/16/86 0002(05) Placed "A" RHR pump in torus cooling for Radiochem lab. 2246(05) Rx scram. 2246(05) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 01/18/86 1106(05)- *** Mode Switch - RUN *** i Page 2 of 11 l 4 V


01/20/86 1611(OS) 8.M.2-2.7 - CSCS pump discharge monitors. . 8.M.2-2.1.3 - Reactor Water Level Containment Spra'y Permissive. 1657(OS) Placed."A" RHR pump in torus cooling in order to-send.some. torus water-to radwaste. '((RW) 8,000) 1703(05) Secured "A" RHR from torus cooling. 01/21/86 0700- Reviewed F&M 86-22 on PS-1001-83A. 1500(ST) 01/22/86 2340(0S) Dropping torus water to radwaste. ((RW) 9,000) 01/23/86. 0001(05) Putting RHR into torus cooling for chemistry. 0808(05) Secured from torus cooling, chem lab got their sample. 01/24/86 1600(ST) Reviewed F&M 86-22'on PS-1001-83A (containment high i pressure switch) which failed to actuate on 1/21/86

        -                   surveillance.

1706(OS) 8.M.2-2.10.2-9 .RHR Reactor Pressure Permissive Loop Selection Logic Functional Test. 8.M.2-2.10.2 LPCI. Break Det logic Functional Test. . 2030(OS) Pumped SK from torus to RW via RHR. 01/26/86 0740(05) Pumped SK of torus water to RW. 0920(ST) Inspected A&B RHR valve rooms. Felt. pipes. B loop hot indicating check valve leaking. In conjunction of RHR high discharge piping pressure alarm on 903.


Check valve 1001-688 and MO-1001-28B apparently leaking. Pressure sensor is upstream.of MO-1001-288 valve. Informed W.E. Cycled MO-1001-288 valve. Monitoring alarms to see if repressurization occurs. 01/27/86 0043(OS) 8.M.1-23 (manual scram). 01/30/86 0050(0S) "A" RHR pump in torus cooling. ((WE) for Chem Lab Sample) .;' 0858(OS) Stopped "A" RHR torus cooling. 01/31/86 0000- "A" Priority.MR on "B" RHR Valve Room Door Latch. 0800(WE) 02/02/86 1625(OS) Pumped 6K from torus to radwaste via RHR. 2/06/86 0010(OS) Placed "A" torus cooling for chem. (Note: WE log states "C" pump) 0832(OS) Secured from torus cooling for cooling sample. j I 02/08/86 1530(05) Started "A" RHR pump in order to transfer some torus I water to RW. ((RW) 6,200 gal) 1540(05) Secured "A" RHR pump. i 02/10/86 0417(ST) Reviewed Flow Rate Test "C" RHR pump in low alert. Notified H.E. and Compliance via form - l 8.I.3D-1. Required range 183.5-213.4 psig. Tested at 180 psig. Lge 3 of'11

I 02/11/86: 0045(05) Completed - LPCI Motor Operated Valve-Operability Test. . 0320(OS) Completed 8.A.16 - RHR System Integrity Surveillance. 0321(05) Completed - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surveillance Test. j 0437(05) Completed LPCI Pump Flow Rate Test. 1 " Breaker 604 trip, loss of B-20 MR84-46-512. . Oper 5 initiated due to PCIV Inoperable. Unusual 0 1115. Cleared at.1117.  ! 02/12/86 1500- Operations-took up on M0-1001-288 valve by hand-2300(ST) results being assessed.  ! 02/13/86 0500(05) "A" RHR pump in torus cooling. ((ST) for' chem. lab q sample) 4 0802(05) Transferred 6300 gal. of torus water to RW. 0904(05) Secured torus cooling mode of "A" RHR' loop. 1845(ST) Surveillance started to inop RHR MO-1001-288 valve-valve cycled'by maintenance and closed to 100 . amps-limit switch to be worked on in a.m. (MR-86-109) 1 1600- Doing surveillance for LPCI sub-system Inoperable. 1 2400(WE) Electrically seated M0-1001-288 valve at 1921 hrs. l If alarm comes in tonite, declare MO-1001-288 valve. ' J inoperable'and call M. McBride at home, otherwise I the valve will be inoperable at 0800 in morning j (after surveillance are done.)


02/14/86 0300(05) Completed - Containment Cooling Valve l [. Operability Test. Put "C" RHR pump in torus cooling. ( 0211(OS) 0845(05) MO-1001-28B (RHR/LPCI) valve made inoperable for maintenance. . 1010(OS) Secured torus cooling mode of RHR. i 1032(05) Unusual event due-to A diesel and MO-1001-288. Unusual event over. { 1232(05) 2130(05) - Containment Cooling Valve Operability Test . I for LPCI inoperable. l ' 1600- Installed gage between MO-1001-28A &'29A valves TM 86-06. 2400(WE) ((ST) Pressure reading 1150 psig)' 02/15/86 0447(05) - LPCI Pump operability. 2220(ST) Reviewed for MO-1001-288. valve. Open 26.06 sec, close 27.83 sec. ' 2225(0S) Declared HO-1001-288 valve operable and signed'off MR 86-109. 1900- Reviewed - Containment Cooling Valves 0700(ST) Operability Test. 02/17/86 0811(OS) Received annunciator "RHR discharge on S/0 cooling-section hi presure" - took appropriate action to-clear annunciator. i Page 4 of 11

                                                                                 ..t 1303(0S)        Received annunciator "RHR discharge on S/D. cooling section hi pressure" - took appropriate action to clear annunciator.

1330(05) Declared the LPCI MO-1001-28B inoperable due~to-leakage past valve seat' Commence procedure' (LPCI Subsystem inoperable) - f&M 86-36 and~ MR 86-ll5. issued. 0800 . . Received hi pressure' alarm on shutdown cooling. ] 1600(HE) Had electrician check closing torque (105 amps) notified McBride. LPCI Inop going to' set.torq'e u to 125 Amps. ' 2125(0S) Maintenance completed on MO-1001-288 valve (RHR/LPCI), M0-1001-288 valve is closediand MO-1001-29B valve is open. 2259(05) Completed surviellance - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surviellance Test. 02/18/86 0615(ST) As of this time, "B" Loop RHR high pressure:has not- { l l alarmed (MO-1001-288 valve leakage' indication). 0700- Reviewed surveillance. "LPCI HOV. operability 1500(ST) Test" performed for past work' test-on MO-1001-288, results acceptable. H 1205(05) Completed MR 86-115 and declared LPCI MO-1001-288. . j operable. 1202(OS) LCO 3.6.C.2 - 7 day on 0/W sump. 1548(0S)- RHR Discharge / Shutdown Cooling Suction High Pressure Annunciator received. NWE declared valve MO-1001-288 (RHR/LPCI)- I 1550(OS) inoperable. NOM notified, MR initiated, F&M . I ( ( WE-) started Subsystem C'8 initiated. Inoperable). 1631(05) NRC Region I (Mr. Ray Smith) notified via ENS line that valve M0-1001-288 is-inoperable and 7 day LCO' j in effect. 3 1822(OS) Completed maintenance on M0-1001-288,- verified MO-1001-28B closed, and opened valve MO-1001-298. ((ST) 29B on 24 hrs. operability check.) . . 2057(0S) Completed surveillance, (LPCI Subsystem Operability Surviellance Test). 1600- When closing M0-1001-28B, hold switch 3 seconds 2400(HE) after closed indication. At 1822 reopened ]' M0-1001-298 and waiting to see if alarm comesLin prior to declaring _LPCI operable. Placed caution tag on.MO-1001-28B.'to make operations aware of 3 seconds closing after full' closed indication. Safety Evaluation #1918 on LPCI. If RHR discharge.  ; alarm comes in, call Mathis for' ORC to institute this evaluation. 02/19/86 0410(OS) Purhped 10K from torus to radwaste via RHR. 0800- Waiting 24 hrs on MO-1001-28B. Time is up at 1822-if-1600(HE)- RHR discharge hi pressure alarm does not'come in by then-LPCI will be declared operable. 1822(0S) NWE declared M0-1001-288 operacle, 7 day LCO is no longer in effect. 1845(05) Notified NRC Region 1 (Ray-Smi th)- that MO-1001-28B ' operabi'e and that we are no longer in a 7 day LCO. Page 5 of 11-

02/20/86 0011(0S) "A" RHR pump in. torus cooling for chem sample. ~

                                                                                        .f 0805(OS)     Removed "A" RHR pump from torus cooling.

0800- I&C working.on FR 1040-1 B Loop RHR total flow 1600(WE) ' appears to be working OK now. 2258(05) Completed 8.E.10 - LPCI System Instrumentation-calibration. 02/21/86 0510(05) Placed "A" RHR pump in suppression pool cooling. 1025(0S) Removed "A" RHR pump from torus cooling. 1736(0S) Pumped torus to radwaste via "C" RHR pump. Remaining in torus cooling. ((RW)?l2,000 gal.) 2219(05) Took "C" RHR out of torus cooling. 02/25/86 0800-- Two A priority MR's (86-140,141) on PS-1001-74 A&B 1600(HE) to calibrate RHR discharge alarm. 02/26/86 0540(05) Received annunciator entitled "RHR discharge on shutdown cooling hi pressure". Took appropriate action to clear alarm. 1407(OS) RHR discharge / shutdown cooling hi press" alarm cleared by NPO. 1930(OS) SRO '86-24 to 2.2.86 RHR System 86-25 to . Safety Class 2 and 3 Hydrostatic Test Procedure 86-26 to 2.2.125 -; Primary Containment Isolation Control System 86-27 to - LPCI'MOV Operability Test 86-28 to - LPCI Pump Flow Rate Test - 86-29 to 2.2.19 - LPCI System

 '.                                 86-30 to - LPCI MOV Operability from ASP r            1945(ST)      Completed SRO changes.with HE to reposition MO-1001-298 and 28B.

2020(ST) MO-1001-29B closed-(closing amps 15) and MO-1001-28B cracked open. Bled pressure to torus. M0-1001-288' position full open. Low pressure alarm came in for a few minutes then cleared when keep fill pressurized. Hi point vent on "B" RHR loop to be opened to insure system is solid. 2020(05) M0-1001-29B closed and MO-1001-288 open per PEM in instruction log book. 02/27/86 0005(05) Placed "A" RHR in suppression pool cooling for chem lab sample. 0905(OS) Secured torus cooling. "A" RHR pump off. 2300- Pressure between M0-1001-288 & 29B being monitored. 0800(ST) Pressure holding at.100 psi.

                -1415(05)     RHR loop B pressure approximately 75 psig.                  '

2142(05) Completed - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surviellance Test. 2200(ST) After completing (LPCI MOV Operability Test)- for "B" LPCI valves, pressure was at 270 psig between M0-1001-288-and 298. Operations to check in 1 hr to see trend. 2230(ST) Completed review of valve time for ISI and'  ; OK. 02/28/86 2200(05) Pressure between M0-1001-28B & 29B approximately 100. Page 6'of 11 l l . l 1


Pressure between MO-1001-288 & 29 valve is 90#,


03/01/86 0640(05) ~ 1400(OS) "B" RHR' loop pressure approximately 90 psig between

  • MO-1001-29B & 288.

1835(0S) Pumped 5200 gallons of torus water to radwaste. ((RH) RW States 5,000) 2005(OS) "B"'RHR pressure 110~ps) between M0-1001-28B & 298. 03/02/86 0600(05) Press between M0-1001-298 & 288 is 110#. 1300(OS) BRHR press approximately 90 psig between MO-1001-298

                                       & 288.

2200(05) 110 psi between MO-1001-28B & 298. 03/03/86 0330(05) Completed 8.2.6 - High Energy Piping Instrumentation Inspection. 0410(OS) 110# between M0-1001-288 & 298 valves. 1943(05) 100 psi between M0-1001-288 & 298. 03/04/86 0115(0$) Putting "A" RHR pump into torus cooling.

                .          0410(0S)     105# between M0-1001-298 & 28B valves.

2201(OS) 80 psi between MO-1001-28B & 298. i 03/06/86 2320(0S) Switch "A" RHR pump and put torus suppresion pool cooling. 0010(05) Drained 5700 gallons of torus water to radwaste. 0320(05) Completed LPCI MOV Operability Test. i 0615(OS) 250# pressure between MO-1001-29B & 288. Secured from torus cooling, chem lab got a torus I 0815(05) - water sample, 4 2157(05) 110 psi between MO-1001-288 & 298. . r 2300- Reviewed LPCI Motor Operated Valve. 0700(ST) Operabi!ity Test. Results satisfactory but 28A valve showed a 1 sec increase in opening time. 03/07/86 1000(05) 110 psi between M0-1001-29B & 298. 1640(OS) Initiated oper 5.F due-to pinhole leak-in. seamless elbow on line to headspray (RHR) which can't be isolated. 1640(ST) Operator on tour discovered leak in elbow of head spray line in torus room. Shutdown in progress to i repair. -F&M 86-47 and MR 86-152 issued on same, j Visual inspection of head spray line show 3 = hangers broken, two-90* elbows (leaking elbow and adjacent elbow) sprung open to approximately 110*. Pipe section and elbow that enter pipe chase from torus room partially crushed and deformed. Although the area could not be inspected at this time, it is likely that further problems exist'op the pipe chase. 03/08/86 0432(0S) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 1120(05) Placed "B" RHR pump in S/D cooling. 1356(OS) *** Mode switch - SHUT 00HN *** 0800- Preparing to tag RHR loop "A" and drain for head 1600(WE) spray MR (86-166). ((ST) Review of root cause analysis for head-spray line) 2300- Submitted MR (86-165) for hydro of "A" RHR.


Page 7 of'll

l 03/09/86 0530(ST) Replacing gaskets and tightening FE-1001-85 on head spray line. { NOTE MR 86-171, 172 issued on 3/9/98. 03/10/86 0800- Started hydro on upper cap. 2000(WE) i 2130(05) Took up on packing on 1001-33A valve. ((WE) leak  ? stopped) NOTE MR 86-179 issued on 3/10/86. 03/11/86 2000- MR 86-180 on 1001-51 to check grease in gear box. 0800(WE) Removing insulation from piping to check weld at 18" pipe connection on RHR system. 0612(ST) Tag out complete for "A" RHR hydro. Vent tags will be hung when purging system of air. Waiting for results of x-rays to start filling. j 1356(0S) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 1545(05) Placed NWE tags on MO-1001-60 & 63 head spray valves per PDC 86-20. 2125(0S) Closed 1001-53 valve due to leakage. Still draining down "A" RHR loop via 34 and 36 valves. 03/12/86 0330(ST) Completed Detagging, filling, and venting of "A" RHR l loop. . 0426(ST) Started "A" and "C" RHR pumps. 0515(ST) Reviewed and RHR pump and valve operability. 0521(05) Completed surviellances 8.5.2 and "A" loop RHR system operable.

    +                    0000-       RHR-A Loop tagging cleared (double verified) and
   .r                    0800(WE)    was filled and properly vented in all areas.
                                     "A" RHR loop testing completed.

1020(05) Remov'ed "B" RHR pump. ((ST) from S/D cooling)  ! 03/13/86 1710(OS) Started "A" RHR pump in order to drop torus water to l R/W approximately 5400 gal. l 0205(05) "* Mode swi tch - RUN * * *

                                      *** Mode Switch - STARTUP ***                                                                          l l        03/15//86         1905(05) 03/16/86          0245(0$)    Placed "A" RHR pump in S/D cooling.

0353(05) *** Mode Switch - SHUTDOWN *** 03/17/86 2300- Reviewed LPCI MOV Operability Test for"B" 0700(ST) loop. 03/18/86 2335(05) Completed - LPCI MOV Operability Test 0120(05) Completed - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surviellance Test on "B" & "0" RHR pumps. 03/20/86 0720(05) In torus cooling on "0" RHR. 1515(05) Secured torus cooling. 1600- "A" RHR in S/D cooling. 2400(WE) Page 8 of 11

3/24/86 1300-. Revieeed F'MA; Surveillance 8.M 2-2.2.1-(Recirc system 2300(ST) delta P for LPCI selection) exceeded by +25% date. 03/29/86 0730(0S) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 1115(05) Took "A" RHR' pump out of S/D cooling. Dropped torus water level to RWi ((RW) 6500 gal.) j


J 03/30/86 0114(05) Secured S/D cooling due to I&C surv. 0128(0S) "A" RHR pump back in S/0 cooling. 04/01/86 0900(05) *** Mode Switch - RUN ***

                                           *** Mode Switch - STARTUP ***
                                           *** Mode Switch - RUN ***

2304(05) Out of S/D cooling. 04/02/86 '0900(05) Pumped 7500 gal of torus water to R/W. 1345(WE) Declared MO-1001-36A valve inop at 1345 hrs due to execessive leakage past valve. Issued F&M 86-79 and MR 86-244. Electrical Maintenar..; will-increase l l . torque switch setting. Surveillance in progress - one containment cooling loop inop. 1350(05) -Started surveillance for one containment cooling system inop (M0-1001-36A valve). 1620(05) Start "A" RHR pump in torus cooling to attempt to-flush out M0-1001-36A valve. 1645(05) Secured "A" RHR pump. 2040(05) Completed (Containment Cooling Valve Operability Test) and (LPCI Subsystem . Operability Surviellance Test). b 2047(OS) Completed - One Containment Cooling Subsystem inoperable. ' 1500- M0-1001-36A valve leaking by. Subsystem of 2300(ST) containment cooling inoperable. (Torus spray and i suppression pool cooling). Reviewed - Containment Cooling Valve Operability Test with exception of MO-34A, M0-36 & 37 and all other "A" side valves.  ! 04/03/86 0114(OS) "B" RHR pump in torus cooling. ((WE) for chem lab sample) 0000- Water level pertubation test. 0800(WE) 0820(05) Secured from torus cooling. 0800- Hold off water level pertubation surviellance until 1600(WE) some discussion is made on the unit as far as MO-1001-36A and turbine inspection. 1500- Reviewed for "C" Pump. 2300(ST) Reviewed containment valve times. 1600- A containment cooling subsystem inoperable. l 2400(WE) (M0-1001-36A leaking). WE Tag on MOV-1001-34A and breaker open. 2132(05)" Completed - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surviellance Test for "B" loop only. Page 9 of 11 l l

  --_ _---_-__-_-              -__- _           _  _                                                    a

s I~ 04/04/84 0300(05) Going into S/0 cooling. 0700- Surveillance 8.A.2 - Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker 1930(OS) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP.*** 1500(ST) Leak Rate Test done. 2029(ST) "B" RHR pump placed into torus cooling in preparation for starting HPCI. 04/06/86 0800- *** Mode Switch - SHUTDOWN *** 1600 (OS) 0000- Placed "B" RHR pump in 5/D cooling. . Closed 0800(WE) H0-1001-53 caution tag on MO-1001-19. Maintenance working removing operator on MO-1001-36A 1600- *** Mode Switch - REFUEL *** 2400 (OS) Opened M0-1001-37 to drain water from MO-1001-36A. 1600 - Found approximately 5" piece missing from-2400(WE) MO-1001-36A. Plans grind out and make'new one in shop. Should be approximately-2 days. 04/07/85 0000- Received call from D. Swanson about MO-1001-36A 0800(WE) valve minimum threshold. See memo. 0752(05)' Installing Temp mod 86-13 on MO-1001-36A valve. 2028(0S) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** 2242(05) *** Mode Switch --REFUEL *** , 04/08/86 0907(05) *** Mode switch - STARTUP *** 1616(05) Completed review of the temp mod associated with the MO-1001-36A valve with the watch. d 04/09/86 0435(05) Completed review of temp mod concerning the

  -*                        MO-1001-36A valve and operation of mock up mode switch.

0940(05) "B" RHR in S/D cooling. 1130(05) MO-1001-36A valve. 04/10/86 1209(OS) *** Mode switch - RUN *** 1500(ST) Unit at 30% power. Electrical Maintenance looking l at M0-1001-298 leakage. 1600- Maintenance (electrical) torque up on 2400(WE) MO-1001-298. . NOTE MR 86-273 was issued 4/10/86. '! 04/11/86 0246(05) Received S/D cooling - RHR discharge hi press. alarm. 0315(0S) Received S/0 cooling-RHR discharge hi pres, alarm. 0326(05) Completed - LPCI Subsystem Operability Surviellance Test. 0327(05) Completed - LPCI MOV Operability Test. 0336(05) "B" RHR in torus cooling for chem lab. 2300- Reviewed three (LPCI'MOV Operability Test) 0700(ST) Surveillance. On the first, the MO-1001-298-showed a large (approximately 3 second) closing time, but returned to normal in two subsequent tests. Page 10 of 11

4/11/86 1115(OS) Secured from torus cooling.  : Pumped 9000 gal of torus water to R/W. 1150(05) 1158(OS) Received alarm "RHR discharge high pressure". 1415(0S) Received alarm "RHR discharge high pressure". Declared LPCI inop, starting surveillance l and closed MO-1001-288. ((ST) suspect MO-1001-29B { 0700- leaking) "B" RHR loop in torus cooling mode for l chemistry. 1500(ST) Status of MO-1001-298 valve will be observed when out of torus cooling. 1653(OS) Received annunciator "RHR discharge on S/D cooling i suction hi press" with both MD-1001-28B & 29B shut, j Initiated oper 5 section F. i Proc - LPCI Subsystem Inoperable. I 1720(OS) 1954(05) Decrease to be increased 107. if annunciator comes on j again double rate of decrease. , 2017(05) Notify NRC when alarm comes in (ENS) until cold S/D. i ' 2215(OS) Received alarm. ((WE) notified NRC) 1600- Received call in conference with Region I and j 2400(WE) Washington about current status. Got N.O.M. and got j back to Conf. call. l Read log aoubt NRC notification. l Discussed with C.O.E. and he stated increase rate to l come down and if alarm comes back in to double rate. i (Info: Remember to put "A" RHR Loop into S/D { cooling). l 04/12/86 0136(0S) *** Mode Switch - STARTUP *** i l . 0645(05) Out of torus cooling '

                                                 !            0845(05)  "A" RHR pump in 5/D cooling.

0908(05) *** Mode Switch - SHUTDOWN *** 0908(WE) Out of unnusual event. 1 l l l l Page il of 11 4

APPENDIX A RHR 1985 CHRONOLOGY , NOTE: The 1985 Chronology is from the Operating Supervisor's Log only, 1986 is from a variety of logs as noted by the key at the beginning of that document. 01/02 0104 A to S/D cooling. 01/06 0910 A out of S/D cooling. 01/06 2052 A to S/D cooling. 01/07 1020 A out of S/D cooling. 01/07 1200 A and C to S/D cooling. 01/d7 1823 A out of S/D cooling.


01/07 1905 C out of S/D cooling. 01/11 0040 8K to R/W (unknown loop) 01/11 1925-1957 Testing for HPCI inop. 01/12 0558 7.5K to RW (unknown loop) 01/12 1335 C to Torus cooling 01/12 1705 C out of Torus cooling 01/17 0115 A to Torus cooling I 01/17 1102 A out of Torus cooling 01/19 0330 Testing for HPCI inop i 1 01/20 1520 8.H.2-2.1.7,8,9 j 01/31 0018 A to Torus cooling l 1 01/31 0900 A out of Torus cooling 02/07 0130 C to Torus cooling l 02/07 1130 C out of Torus cooling i 02/10 1430 Flushed A in preparation for S/D cooling 1 02/11 0130 A to S/D cooling i 02/14 0005 B to Torus cooling l 02/14 0848 B out of Torus cooling I' 02/15 1605 Started C pump S/D cooling


l 02/17 1706 Secured S/0 cooling.


02/17 1730 Torus water to RW thru A pump. 02/17 1748 Secured Torus cooling, j 02/18 1729 A pump-water to R/W 1738 Secured 02/21 0010 C pump to Torus cooling 0820 Secured Torus cooling 02/28 0007 Placed C in Torus cooling for Chem Lab 0915 Secured j l 03/07 0126 Started A&C for test j 0140 Secured test 0212 MO-1001-36A inop 0656 B&D for test 0701 Secured test l 36A - 22.7 close, 23.3 open j 02/09 0429 0900 36A operable 03/14 2357 A RHR pump to Torus for sample j 1104 Out of Torus cooling  ; 03/15 2350 Placed A RHR in S/D cooling

r. 03/16 1330 Secured from S/D cooling for I&C  !

1342 A RHR to S/D cooling 03/21 0000 A RHR to Torus cooling for Chem Lab 0830 Secured from Torus cooling ' 03/26 1640 M0-1001-32-15 sec closed. Completed for , l MR#84-10-278 , 1 03/27 2230 Completed work on M0-1001-143A 1 03/28 0200 A pump to Torus for Chem Lab 1044 Secured from Torus 03/29 2300 Timed 1001-43C-87 sec open, 86 closed 1 04/01 0150 started (HPCI inop) 0730 Completed 1035 Stroked MO-1001-19 valve 61 sec open, 68 sec close 04/02 0615 Timed 1001-21 @ 16 sec close 1247 A RHR pump to torus cooling 1311 A RHR secured 2121 7K to RW from C pumo _2_

i 04/03 0300 Removed C pump from Torus cooling l 04/04 0010 Placed A pump to Torus for Chem Lab 04/06 0418 " 0430 04/07 0017 A RHR pump to Torus cool 0327 Secured A pump 04/09 0220 Started A RHR pump-Torus to RW l 0232 Secured A pump 04/11 0030 A pump to Torus cooling for Chem Lab i 04/16 1030 Drywell Hi Rad Maint 1001-606A not working 04/18 0012 A pump to Torus for Chem Lab

       .      0838    Secured 1     04/24    1145    While performing calibration check of PT-1001-601A (containment pressure Low Range) it was found that the transmitter was an absolute pressure transmitter versus a required diff. pressure transmitter. A further check showed the transmitter for PT-110-601B is also an absolute PT. Issue F&M. Entered 7 day LCO.

04/26 0400 A pump to Torus for Chem Lab 1120 SRO change 85-75 (PT-1001-601 A&B) 1248 Secured A pump l 05/01 0044 A pump to Torus cooling. 0208 Secured A pump 1 05/02 0002 A RHR pump Torus for Chem Lab 0844 "A" secured Torus Cooling (A Pump) 05/06 0115 05/07 1035 "A" started torus cooling l 1120 Secured 05/08 1437 "C" pump started for PASS 2237 Secured 05/09 0956 "A" pump started for PASS 1343 Secured 05/12 2000 "A" pump started Torus Cooling 05/13 0045 Secured 05/18 0010 "C" pump started for CHEM 1040 "A" pump started for CHEM 1050 Secured "A"

05/18 1300 "C" pump started for CHEM _ 05/23 0022 "C" pump started for CHEM 1004 Secured 05/30 2355 "A" pump started for CHEM 0856 Secured 0910 "RHR" valve overload annunciator came in when. securing  ; from Torus cooling. l 0935 Investigation revealed overload-relay tripped on 1001-34a possible motor problem 06/03 1440 "C" pump started for PASS Testing . 06/04 1118 "C" pump started for PASS Testing 1207 Secured q i 1315 "C" pump started for PASS Testing 1456 Secured i l 06/05 0852 "A" Pump started for PASS Testing. . 1004 Secured 1414 "A" pump IN 06/06 0319 "A" pump IN 0524 Secured 0739 "A" pump IN 1310 "RHR" A valves overload alarm 903 two heaters found burnt

 )06/07      1236   Started "B" RHR pump send water to radwaste 1240    Secured 1247    Started  "0"- RHR pump PASS Testing 1436    Secured 06/09     0925    "A" pump in torus cooling (for HPCI run)                                   l 1

06/10 0404 Secured 06/13 0130 "A" RP9 pump in service Chem Samp 0820 Secured 1605 "A" pump IN 06/15 0118 "A" pump IN 0825 "B" pump IN 06/16 0452 Secured l l 06/17 1657 Secured "C" RHR pump 06/19 1335 Started A Loop RHR in Torus cooling mode with A pump. PASS vivs 71,72.65,66 open for PASS test. 2210 Removed A pump from Torus cooling 1301 Exceeded 1998 06/23 1900 Completed (to inop Core Spray) a-

I 06/24 0003 While performing, FI-1040-IA and FR 1040-7 did not respond, F&M submitted UE-MR issued. Commenced for LPCI. 0320 Signed off MR 85-424 for A RHR loop inop completed 0325 Declared A loop operable 06/26 0130 Tagged out loop fill for A core spray 06/27 0001 Started C RHR pump and put A loop into Torus cooling 0838 Secured C pump from cooling 1300 A pump to Torus cooling for PASS sample 06/27 1649 Secured A RHR pump from Torus cooling and returned PASS l valves to normal. I 6/29 1831 Both A&B recirc jumped up in speed. 2034 MHT,.1045 PSIG no "out of limit temperatures or pressure" observed. Recirc , speeds reduced, power and pressure returned to normal. 06/30 0610 Placed "A" pump in Torus cooling 1220 16K Torus water to RW i 1255 "C" pump in Torus cooling 2225 "A" RHR pump in Torus cooling 07/01 0637 Secured "A" pump from Torus cooling _ l 1 07/02 1301 Exceeded 1998 ) 07/04 0550 Placed "A" RHR pump in Torus cooling 1404 Removed "A" pump from Torus cooling 07/05 1140 Exceeded 1998 07/06 6700 Exceeded 1998 07/07 2000 , 07/08 2013 Exceeded 1998 \ 07/09 2001 Exceeded 1998 l 07/10 0202 Exceeded 1998 ' i 0920 Power spike to 2014 MHT reduced speed of Recirc pump 07/11 0545 Started A RHR pump in torus cooling 07/12 0254 Took C RHR pump out of Torus cooling 07/17 2300 Exceeced 1998 l 07/15 0025 0305 8.5.2.lA 2001 Exceeded 1998 2105 Exceeded 1998 l l

07/17 0020 (RX water level pertubation) , 0846 Placed A pump to Torus cooling for PASS sample 1441 Secured "A" pump 1615 Exceeded 1998 07/18 0244 "A" RHR pump in Torus cooling , 1101 Secured "A" pump i 07/20 0530 8.9.10 (one diesel out) 0703 8.H.2-2.1.8 07/21 1023 "A" pump to Torus cooling 1025 Oper 16 1040 Removed "A" pump from Torus cool 07/22 0510, 0620 HPCI inop 0816 "B" RHR pump to Torus cooling for I&C

       -     0818    Secured "B" pump from cooling 1039   Started and secured A,B,C,D pumps (and A,B core spray) for I&C surveillance.                                                                   3 1

07/23 1145 F.xperienced an increase in flow on both Recirc pump i loops. Reactor pressure approx 1042 and the bypass valves l opened. l


07/24 0335 l

  'a 07/25    0006    Put "A" RHR pump in Torus cooling for Chem Lab                                      l 0950    Removed "A" pump 07/26    1926 2035                                                                               !

07/27. 0103 "C" pump to torus cooling 0630 Removed "C" pump 1350 Starting "A" RHR pump for Torus cooling and "B" RBCCH pump 2159 Secured "A" recirc pump-started on Oper 5 Sec 0 07/29 0014 "C" pump to Torus cool 0124 14.7K gal Torus water to R/W 0532 Secured "C" RHR pump 1320 07/29 1750 Completed 2346 "A" pump to Torus cooling 08/01 0843 Removed "A" RHR from Torus cooling 08/04 1802 Exceeded 1998 1820 on "B" loop to inop "A" cont cool 2100 8. 5. 3.1 on "B" l oop

I 08.'05 0003 Running "B"&"0" RHR to inop "A" cont cooling - 0030 Completed 0031 Exceeded 1998 0515 l 0530 "A" loop inop 08/06 0200 08/07 0245 0940 for MO-1001-26A 08/08 0230 0300 i 08/08 2046 "A" operable "A" operable s 08/11 1905 2008

                                                                                               -1 08/12       0139                                                      ;

l~ 08/13 2048 (equip inop) 2117 Secured (equip now op) f l 08/15 0100 "A" pump to Torus cooling 0844 Secured pump l

         $08/18            2200                     -

2230 3 08/19 0115 All surveillance complete for making "A" LPCI nop 0530 Tagged out MO-1001-28A j l 2034 q l 2209 1 08/20 0100 "A" LPCI inop 2100 , 2102  ! 08/21 0100 "A" LPCI inop 2250 l i l- 08/22 0050 f 0100 i 08/22 0105 "C" RHR to Torus for Chem Lob 1 0225 Tagged MO-1001-16A for Equal 1210 Removed "C" from Torus cooling 1230 Removed Temp Mod 85-36  ?? 1420 Installed Temp Mod 85-39 ?? 2122 Completed f 2142 Completed 1 _7- J _ _ - - . - _ - - - - - . - . - - - -- J

08/23 0342 Surv for LPCI complete _ 2127 8.5.33 2157 8.5.21 08/24 0135 LPCI complete 1700 1729 LPCI operable 2251 Surv to inop Core Spray completed 08/25 0930 4 1130 l 08/26 0929 1000 9K from Torus to RW (unknown pump) 1119 1155 Power excursion from "A' Recirc Loop 08/27 0453 1030 2101 Exceeded 1998 08/28 0034 1048 1121 "A" pump to Torus cool 1136 "B" pump to Torus cool 1344 1530 14,500 Torus to R/W - 1950 Secured "A"-RHR pump, Chem lab got sample 4 08/29 0527 0528 1307 08/30 0540 0600 1358 08/31 0503 0530 1332 09/01 0520 RX Scram (yard washdown) 2000 "A" pump to S/D cooling 09/03 0415 "B" pump to Torus cool 1211 Removed "B" from Torus cool 09/04 0140 2.1.78 (operability of 1001-68 A/B) j 1 09/05 1250 "A" pump in S/D cooling l 09/06 0148 Credit taken for previous & l 0250 Secured RHR from S/D l 09/07 1243 Unit on line i l i

n 09/08 1430 "B" pump to Torus cool ^ 1847 RWCU problems (started approximately 1545) 1 1 09/09 2210 I 2230 09/12 0530 "A" pump to Torus cooling 1 0703 Exceeded 1998 . j 1554 9700 gal from Torus to RW 1812 Removed "A" pump from Torus cool 09/13 0010 "C" pump to Torus cooling, 4500 gal to R/W 09/14 0805 "A" loop to Torus cool for PASS testing 1348 Secured Torus cooling  ! I f 09/i5 2030 ) 0'9/16 0245 Completed 8.A.16 f 0545 LPCI system inop MR 84-10-254 l 1856 l 2056 . 1 I 09/17 0130 RX Puturbation 0235 LPCI inop < 1709 Temp Mod 85-46 MR 85-572 1725 ) [5 1807 , l ' Q: 09/18 0210 Temp Mod 84-46 Mo-1001-288 0 Ring replaced by packing 0215 1 1530 "A" pump to torus cool for PASS sample 1540 Secured , 1902 1 1253 09/19 0130 , 0735 10.5K gal to RW from Torus 1 0850 Problems 1001-29B 1435 Started "A" pump to torus for PASS Secured "A" pump 1556 1829 ) 2035 , 1 09/20 2110 09/21 1716 MO 28B & 298 operable a 1 i 09/22 2203 l I ) i i j i

1 09/23 0100 , 0540 "A" LPCI inop 1720 1800 j 1830 1 1845 l 1925 l 2010 j 09/24 1700 Survs for LPCI inop l 09/25 0225 2000 Survs for LPCI inop 09/26 0406 "B" pump in Torus cool for Chem Lab (Hurricane Gloria) )

                 "B" RHR secured from Torus                              j 1331 LPCI declared operable                                  j 1540 09/27    1620   "A" RHR to Torus cooling 2015    Secured "A" pump 09/30    1315 I          1320

! 0900 RIT 1001-606A inop 1700 Exceed (d 1998, took corrective action 10/03 0015 "A" pump to Torus cooling Secured from Torus cooling I 0900 10/04 1438 RIT 1001-606A operable (MR 85-596) 10/06 0142 0417 l 0418 i 1 1501 Exceeded 1998 1818 l 1841 1947 1 10/07 0505 Exceeded 1998 10/08 0254 Surveillance for Containment Cooling EQ (36 & 37 B) 0255 Cont cool inop 1027 10K from Torus to RW. Put "A" pump to Torus cooling 1838 Secured from Torus cooling 1845 Survs for containment cooling eq 2030 Tagged out MO-1001-10B for Equal 10/09 1700 MO-1001-378 1815 "B" loop inop 1915 TP 84-309 "B" loop inoo i 2030 2045 i l

l 10/10 0013 "A" pump to Torus for Chem Lab ~ 1829 Secured "A" pump 1845 Survs for "B" loop out 10/11 0702 Exceeded 1998 1800 Survs for "B" loop inop ) 10/12 0350 for 1001-34B l 0539 "B" subsystem operable 10/14 1941 (LPCI inop) 1910 . 1908 TP-84-309 f 2340 Completed 8.9.1 inop LPCI 10/15 0600 LPCI inop ) ( 0745 Per COE, "B" LPCI not inop, "B" cont cooling inop

       . 0830 for "B"   cont cooling inop 1633 MO-1001-168 1651  TP-84-309 MO-1001-168 1804 1806 10/16    1942  TP 84-309, 8.5.32 M0-1001-16B 2313    "B" cont cool subsystem operable                      .

10/17 0200 to inop "A" cont cool

  %           0449   TP-84-309 0505                                            '

0550 "B" pump in Torus Chem sample 1400 Secured from Torus Cool 1415 MO-1001-34A, 37A closed-inop 2047 2048 2049 TP-84-309 2230 EQ on MO-1001-37A finished 10/18 1400 "A" subsystem return to service 1608 8.H.2-2.1.7

                           -2.1.3                                          ,
                           -2.1.8                                        l 1631   8.M 2-2.1.9 10/19    1815   "A" pump Torus water to RW                           i 1819   Secured "A" pump                                   l 10/21    2100   Exceeded 1998                                     i I'

10/24 0015 "A" pump to Torus cool 0815 Secured Torus cooling - 10/25 0300 h

10/27 0830 "A" Pump Torus water to RH Secured "A" RHR pump 0837 10/28 0445 (Core Spray inop) 10/29 1312 Exceeded 1998 10/31 0005 "C" RHR for Torus cooling i 0820 Secured Torus cooling , 2225 ... reduced Recirc's to min speed 11/03 2129 , i 11/04 0442 Completed "A" loop inop 1200 LPCI inop for EQ j- 11/d4 2230 While performing, M0-1001-36A would not open - l unusual event 11/05 0815 36A operable . j 0830 t'roken wire pn1 904 "B" recirc MG set speed 1610 0) served RR-1001-606A and RIT-1001-606A on Pam Panel C-170 ' cycling on a periodic basis l I 2110 j l 11/06 0522 QC hold /NCR tag placed on C/S for "A" RHR pump 1840

  ;          1908      Completed MR 85-10-73 on "A" RHR pump-operable
  ;          1910      Tagged out "C" RHR pump for maint 2048 11/07   0401      MO-1001-28A operable (MR 85-10-76) l             0957 1506     LPCI operable                                                 i 2030      Completed MR's on "C" RHR pump-operable                       l I

11/07 2035 Survs to make LPCI inop i 11/08 0110 "B" pump out for EQ l 1455 Clearing MR on "B" RHR pump (due to Op5) } l 1715 Completed MR 85-10-72 for "B" pump - declared operable 1720, LPCI operable 1722 "D" pump inop surv (credit taken) 1725 Tagged out "D" pump 1750 Secured Oper 5 11/09 0921 "0" operable t 1 11/11 2016 f 2046 2250, j i 1 1

                                      ,q; p                   . 7--

t . 11/12 0600 Tagged MO-1001-348 ' for Equal f-1253 Exceeded 1998 EJ 1805 \- 2148 11/13 0330 for 34B ,

                                                                                      ,f 1023    "B" cont cool operable                                    E e

2200 '

                                                                  'i                              '

2219 ' j

                                                                                                    '1 11/14    0130    TP-84-309"A"conEcooiinop                                                        1 0230    "B" to Torus cool' hr Chem Lab                                   xt t 0900    " A" cont cool 10m                                             ]'

1147 Secured "B" from' Torus cool i. 'l h 2124 s 2140 - , l 2337 MO-1001-34 EQ cimplete operable


11/15 0000 Exceeded 1998 11/19 0924 8.M.2-2.1.8, 8.M.2-2.1.9 11/20 2324 "B" pump to Torus cooling t  ; j 11/21 0301 Exceeded 1998 0501 Exceeded 1998 0550 Dropped 6480 gal Torus to R/W

     .           0830    Secured "B" pump l

11/22 1520 7000 gal from Torus l to R/W 2354 Put "A" RHR pump in Torus cooling-Torus bulk temp @ 77 11/23 0435 Removed "A" RHR pump from Torus cool, 11/24 2330 11/25 0340 11/26 2001 Exceeaed 1998 3 , l 11/28 0035 Put "f." RHR pump in Torus cooling for Chem Lab 0715 Dropping Torus water to RW 845 "A" RHR out of Torus cooling j 11/29 1617 Completed 8.H.2- 12/04 2003 Exceeaed 1998 l l 12/05 0022 Placed "C" pump in Torus cooling for Chem Lab 0837 "C" pump out of cooling 0900 Exceeded 1998 1800 Exceeded 1998 12/06 0180 , 1 I


12/07 0801 Exceeded 1998 , 12/11 0040 started A/C RHR 0050 Started B/D RHR 0100 Completed 0130 Completed 12/12 0002 Started "A" RHR to Torus cool for Chem Lab 0900 Secured Torus cool 0501 8.H.2- (RHR Iso v1vs) 12/12 1945 1948 2000 12/1.3 1202 Exceeded 1998 12/16 2030 8.M.2-1.5.4 12/18 0016 "A" loop in Torus cooling

    !2/25  2345 "A" RHR pump to Torus cool 12/26   0830 Secured from torus cool I

12/30 0745 8.M.2- 8.M.2- l l


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1. What are the sources of HP fluid (OT 400 psig) at PNPS?

Reactor vessel -1000 psig l RHR. Core Spray pumps (at shutoff) SBLC (1100 psig when tested) RUCU -at Rx pressure HPCI. RCIC at test 4 Main steam Recirc Feedwater Condensate Trans fer (l l

2. Which of the above sour ces t ie into RHR?

Rx vessel RHR. Core Spray test line HPCI RCIC (min, flow) RWCU 7 Recirc.-RHR inject'.on lines . enter a recirc pump discharge j s RHR Punp discharge Fuel pool int er -t i e

3. Wher e do the above sources tie into RHR?

Rx vessel - at in j ect ion point. shut down cooling suction Recirc. - at injection point l Core spray into Torus cooling test line inboar d of 1001-36' s Checi vi. l HPCI - int; Torus test line inboar d of 2001-36's Chec6 v1v RCIC - int o Torus test line inboar d of 1001-36' s Check viv l RHR - in the system it sel f - and shut down cooling RUCL - branch off of shutdown cooling l i r. e . No other i *. t e r - t i e I F.P. cooling - branch of f of cross connect

APPENDIX B (continued) Page-2 Of the above sources, state reason for elimination: l 4. CORE SPRAY - Normal core spray test pressure is 253 psto. Pumps do not  ; approach shutoff head; thereforee a source of pressurc l greater than 400 psig is not provided. Alse. this sour ce ties into RHR inside of M01001-36A and'B in or der to pressurize'the RHR system. Two (2) .aormally-closed valves would have to leak thru rather than Ciave this source go a r. l l the unobstructed path to the Torus. I 1 1 RHR PUMPS - N'or m a l system test pressure is 172 psig: pumps ar e not commonly run near shutof f conditions. When system is run-the flow path provided relieves pressure in the system' d I l thereforei the alarm does not annunicate. i l ( l \ l HPCI. RCIC - Minimum flo lines tie into RHR at same point as Core - j Spray. This source is eliminated for the same reason. Also, there is no correlat ion with ECCS sur veillance test ing with the frequency of occurrence of RHR pressurization alar ms. RUCU - The only inter-connection is the commcn suction off the Recirc loop with the shutdown cooling suct2cn line. CONDENSATE 1RANSFER - Ties into RHR for th2 keeptill system outbcard of the RHR pump discharge. The maximum condensate ] transfer pressure is 100 psig. W I FUEL POOL INTEFTIE - This source joins at the cr oss tie t.ut is isolated by 2 manually-operated and closeJ valves and a spectacle flange. System pressure is nor mal l s 225 ft (approx. 100 psig). This path is not a l litely source. , 1 I f

                     - -- -              -               -             - ~                                                -- -                                         ,     ,

7 e Page 3 , APPENDIX B (continued) l kage7 What sources remain possible causes for In ea 5. cooling suction. A & B Loop. Reactor - Shutdown Reactor /Recire discharge - LPCI injection point disprove the sources of Item 5?

6. What evidence is available to prove orThe leakage must E. pr opagat any of a M01001-43 A, REACTOR SHUTOOWN 1001-43 COOLING SUCTION:f The path'of least t the ollowing boun Pressure beyond the C. O system. 6 psig in the Torus. 0 valves ic pump discharge check valves. open 1001-7A. B C or ciates.
                             -resistance isAdditionally, through the normallywhen the RHRling              highline:


                                                                                                             ' i f the alarm annun the Torus.                                                                     (meaning the pressure         is  relieved cooling suction through ~

the Torus coopath were.the ' pre} shutdown was the device tr ipping the alarm) PS1001-82 ' woul d have no ef fect. This source would propagate P gate value-REACTOR / RECIRCULATION B check valvei PUMP OISCHARGE: the M01001-29 A or d). Only one thr ough the 2001-6SA orand the M01001-2EA or B globe valve (if closeThe ' (if closed). is normally closed. Since the RHR loop cross tie is-of the motor oper at or s 1001-74A or B. to pr es sur i-alarm would be either is essentially open MSen the nor mall y open. the whole RHR systeminjection topaths light. could (in Janu'ary be the s urce. zation. Either or both in it i ally t.r'ovshiThe wali down, f ound the " A" pressurization problem was walkdowns of both loops were made. l g with'the shutdown het 1986). RHR valve room at normal, ambient "B" temper RHR valve atureroom' a onfound extreme This 1/the cooling line. The walk down level of pain when touched. with pipe temperatures at'the that RHR system pr essor s:at t ori was observation "E" System. allows the conclusionleakage thr ough the caused by  ! l 1 4 I _

                                                                                                                 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ - ' ' -          - - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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                                     ]                                    '

PNPS FAILUtt AND MALFUNCTION t!P0ti 1 F4M No. _ 6fo -03(o EVEN1 Dhit A /M*8d EVENT T18E /8 M

                                    . -                      *                 .      [ VENT - (Ot!GINATOR)

A. EVENT DESCA!Pil0N: 1 Activity in Progress Ste ec/v .'$ tWe NuM r (h rez,o~ w /m % L,r_

                                    .'4 g'
                                                       . , , 3' *
                                                                              ,            2. Circumstances Leading to twent '                    Nous               '
3. twent Description fi< r e r nd s ~ dNX /-),_vAme /wth /%/m GN,so. N,,4 As uun*Au~vroe Mar ret ss sk' '

ivwE sa 12M volw

  • Mn 26 A anmre s si 2d /'55 0 4 Probable Cause VMvs MO -M Ps lep O no b v.

Reported by Almu K. % irver ' ' OAlt f . i t-W

                                                              ,'               l      Cotti VI ACTION INiilAf ten - (WATCM INGINEtt RIVIEW)
                                                                               .      A.        (N) Event is safety Related
                                                           -                                    (N) Event is Tech. Spec. Related                                          System No.                                    ,
                                                                            '.                  (N) Tech. Spec. Action Statement (ntered                                  Tech. Spec. Section i r/r5
4. En11VI ACTION IN111ATie Efur*M d M-1 #X) A'24t& A, l - ,


  • J r+- / Da A)
                                                                            ~*                                                                             '                                    ~                  -
                                         ,..4.            ,

y,' . (N) Maintenance sequest issued M.R. Nuncer K6 NY (N) Procedure Utilized Proce re Nuncer .6 4 / C. COM Y ON (To sitigate effects of failure) %4d'7TO pnX

0. N011flCA110NS Telephone Time 41 red Ctiteria Notification Ilse Limit Wotified Person Coelsted.

(tef er 2.2.1T) Nuc . Ops . Mg r . 24hr, 4hr, Ihr fj (Ref er 2.2.17) NRC (via ENS) 24hr. 4hr, Ihr p (Ref er 2.2.17) Loss P h ,'__, , WATCH [N61atti SIGNATual >a u

                                             '"r    - ~ -t u n '             -3 EYtNT t[Vitw - ($NIFT f tCHNICAL ADVISOR REY!tW)


1. (@ (N) Rs. Critical 2. Ex. Pressure /o O 3. Es. Coolant Temp. r n's
4. Ex. Mode SW lh~ 5. tz. Pwe Lv1 / >.
1. Redundant safety systees available and operable are: W. /**/- its ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                      /. . . M r..                  l
2. Saf ety systees r.ot operable are: ne /.e r . A re
3. Major consern m /or/ - s e n an u aa h ~ ar te m ._ s eu, t A khv us a n.- ran me w Aguas '

so n r.:- so na in sw


ff*/~rw s ce.a ses n tw u , a m:- ~ i C. 5AFlis A E55 Mist ,

                                                                         -                  1.   (Y)          Constitutes an accident or malf anction ut a different type thas                         -4 wated                    I
                                                                     -.                                       previewsly in the FSAR.                                                                                                 l (Y)          Reduces the margin 8 safety as defined in the basis of Tech. Spec.

(Y) Increases probab 11 f occurrence or consequence of an accident answer is l M ne if acti tred Te . Soft. is taken. l STA 51GNATutt CATE ,M/R/ ed REP 0111 A. (COMPLIANCEREVlty) Licensee Event Rpt. (Lit) Recoseended Per 10 CFR 50.13 5ection: Oct Re>-eMlt


(Y) B. Best or recommendation 2Ae miot le a b ru h_ Arn e e d A nr+ haue_ c re ve sn > +ht., I h l d Wr # M LP/t M eh h m tvm e r fb r s d 6+ ttn + H md. 46*m ftu mig ) C. lead' Group Ass 1(ned: *' Na rv+- 4. I COMPLI AMCl INGIN[tt SIMAlutt Ur-/h /n-xtL.f L.

                                                                                                                                        '-                                                   DAit g24/fk_

51A110N MANAGER APPROVAL I /WM CAi( ,/x'c/ /

                                                                                                                                                              % '         c. f. yg                       't     i .~
0. (Y) % Significant n: su u v c,-v %u r/w
                                                                                                      ~ n (sees St0AR.         e e x . S,ection
                                                                                                                                             ~ . m 16) i, tap 1a.o          - .m              -           --

m l* O %P LEADit SIGNAlWil fr/.///af/w h '. .! 0 g( / a ORC REVitW - CRC MitTING NO. CAtt 015P051110N - Method COMPLIAmtt Gaout (( Adit 5IGNATUet Daft CLO5t-0U1 - Aufnoellte ST CATE r 1,3.24 A-1 Rev.11 j cedd s hi\ C(tA

  • MIct0 t %LC11og (q, ,, .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ;l REC'D At4R 0 61986 -

STA OFFICE OFFICE MENORANDUM Boston Edison Company  % G302947 [ /. , e __MGR Control Number ___________________ T0: Mr. C.J. Mathis FROM: g- ,,

                                                                                                                                             ~~ ~ ' ~~~~

DATE: March 4. 1986 DEPT. 00C. STA86-026 RecordTypeAEIbb~ - Non-Safety Related 1


EVALUATION OF F&M 86-036 - N01001-288 LEAKAGE l Distribution: J.A. Seery P.E. Mastrangelo . A.L. Oxsen H.N. Drosce  ; , P.O. Smith R.E. Sherry STA Memobook l l e _________________________________-- ____________________'____________________ l I. SEVEBlIY_6SSESSdEUI The alara "RHR Discharge / Shutdown cooling suction high pressure" is indicative, in this case, of leakage past the closed 1001-200 valve. Cucn j tification of actual leakage cannot be per formed; howeveri it is judged te, be lecs than the relief capacity of the downstream' pressure relief valvei  ! PSV1001-228. PSV1001-228 has a setpoint (tested RF0 #5) of 428 psig and a . { capacity of 110 gom.  ! l In this case, the prinary containment boundary is assur ed because the isolation valve M01001-298 was operable and capable of closure. Also. over-pressurization protection is provided by operator action to relieve pr essure when the alarm annunciated and by relief capacity of PSV1031-228. The pipe in cuestioni outboard of 1001-288 is C ess 09-10. design rating of 500 psig 350*F. normal operation 256 psig 80*F. naximum 600 psig. 300 F (Ref M300). l In r esponse t o pot er.t ial overprecsurization concernsi the normally , closed position of M01001-28B and the nornally open position of M01DDI-29B were reversed. This change took effect on 2/26/06 at approximately 2020 hrs, j l \ l t II. SI001EICOU;E_DEIEBbIU6IIQU  ! 4 From the standpoint of a Significant Condition Adverse to Quality. the event is not significant per present ersteria. Since we are to change  ! criteria to the NSAC/ INFO criteric soon. this screening sheet ( dr a f t ) wac used. Evaluation per the new criter ia classi fies this event as c- teser s v til "A single failure occurs in a redundant system"; there for e not signi ficant . III. JV111EIC61109 i OtSee s (non-BECo) have r eviewed this event and have had cencerns. in l igh t o f both the c ont a inner.t i s ::l a t i on issue an 1 the os er pressur t re t icn issue. Fundamentally, this er. tire event reveals that check valve 1001-627 J is not lealtight. In the orinion ci this e alustor a r. d e. i n e r F C-Tr?l FJ'.U s reviewers. the 638 check vcive is not intended to be a leu t r,Vgcf,g y s MAR 0 51933  ; } i l l _.m__. .______.__d

   ,                Doc. STA86-026 TO: C.J. Mathis                             DATE:     March 4 1986                   Page 2


EVALUATION OF FEH 86-036 - M01001-28B LEAKAGE III. JUSIIEIC6IIQU_Issoilowedl .. Our Appendix J. submittals of the 1976-1977 era. requested exemption.(and NRC granted the exemption) from local leak rate testing the 1001-603 (an d 3 ! 68A) valve and to test the 1001-29 and 1001-28 valves instead. In a response to violation 83-23-01. BECo stated its position with respect to downstream piping overpressurization in the RHR system (and core . spray) in letter 64-130 as "The downstream piping in the les pressere. , l systems is protected by the closed valve in conjunction with a valve logic. interlock that prevents siavitaneous opening of both the 28 and 29. valve or i the 24 and 25 valve above 400 psig reactor pressure. There is a piping high pressure alarm outboar d of M01001-28 to annunciate if the line exceeds 4C0 psig. Additionally, both systems have relief valves downstream of *he motor-operated valves to mitigate downstream piping overpressure:ation within the capacity of the relief valve." Based on the preceding statements. this reviewer concludes that the subject event of FEM 86-036 is not a Significant Condition Adverse to Quality. Corrective action of closing the 1001-298 valve is more than . edequate in response to leakage past the 1001-28B. The valve lineup has been returned to its original design l i n,eu p . Operation in this lineup

     @,             proves that containment integrity was not compromised. i.e.. M01001-29B does not leak and would have provi.ded a containment isolation if called upon.                                  ,

IV. C6 VIE A root cause of this event cannot be pcsitively declared. The absolut? l answer of the reasen for 1001-28B leakage will probably not be identified J until it is local leak rate tected in RFG 7. Ther e are some facts that aie l recorded bere as possible contributors to'cause.

1. Local leak rate history of 2001-282: ,

1980 - As f o u n d .1 S'_ M . As left .2 SLM l 1982 - As found .5 SLM. As left .5 SLM l 1984 - As found 1.9 SLM. A"s l e f t 1.9 SLM i

4 A predicted "as found" leakage of 1001-28B has been made J l 3raphically at 4.75 SLM assuming an exponential rise: r. ingle penetration leakage inmit is 7.89 SLM. The prediction graph is  !


2. As seen above. LLRT history of M01001-280 is good. TFece have been 8

i no failures to date. l ,, J I l

P~R ,

                                                                                                    .           :)

l 1

 ~.                                                                                       .

Doc. STA86-026 TO: C.J. Mathis Date: March 4, 1986 :Page 3


EVALUATION OF FEM.86-036.- M01001-288 LEAKAGE ,


l 8 IV. C6VSE.IGentioWedl

  • l
3. There are no reports of.28B valve suspect' leakage' prior to January a 1986. A contributing factor may have been the ' draining of the 'B' RHR injection line to repair the 1" pipe leak . inboard of 1001-688 during the January 4 shutdown. '
4. Initial findings by Electrical Maintenance revealed that closirg amperages on the valve were not repeatable initially. This led' to
            .            the disassembly of the valve operator. No abnormalities.were found. Upon reassemb'ly. the valve' closed consistently, with 200 Lto '

108 amps.

5. A similar leakage problem is not evident in the A loop of RHR. .

Based on the above information, a root cause is speculated to be incomplete seating of the valve caused by foreign' material or wear.


V. BECQudEUQellous

1. Realign the A loop RHR to be Udentical to B loop.

s This is ) suggested to eliminate confusion for operation an d lineu- I 1

2. At the next r ld shutdown. provide shutdown cooling ~ flou through the B loop. This may lush the valve seat and may reseet the injection check valve. A test could be per formed af ter shutdown and ct'resctor pressure to assess leakage through 1001-288 by temporarily r ever sing valve positions.
3. Prepare for preventative maintenance to valve 1001-28B per'd a ns local leak rate test results in RF0 7.


4. In light of this event and the NRC-I&E involvement > consider re:ent-NRC-NRR conce. ns regar ding Pressure Isolat ion Valve (PIV) test:ng. but negotiate acceptance criteria to a ' practical level. Thic testing would be 1
              .per forme d at functional differential pressure across the velve. There w:li be procedural and budget inpacts associated with this recommendation.          A                 ,i possible outcome; however, of the present IST Program review will be a                           I requirement to per form FIV test ing.

SSU: 1f Attachment l

u. _

F&M No. 86"(84 Date 'l/// / 8 (,

                                                                             /   /


1. Verified event descri,ption. Synopsis: Eca* IMP a # N /dd/-298 (s picsscarte.s~g ftf' d m nSYv w & Mo foot-zgg, l 76L4 & Atkadlar-+c ecc.e o u <. f-ef'N b Pd MA @S .3 f

W t - ssL O t 0 0 / - 2 9 V a^~d- ( G & seyne tc & hee,,, ,

              & &n 4 oce 16 d es~

Pip aa 4 ze e eg a '

             & a M)n fe    & l<n. 3 SO*F & 6 W f ? p Q yulge                       5 g/ce t-r.zy t+2.e,(sip M tb M /-a /to g f A A                "4 t 3 Jdk 9e
2. Most probable cause: M #*

1 l {F.el . Actions Completed / Planned (include dates):

                %Twa6            ud ITH      'l 9 /3   THVT' - $f l-fA M b b U ^#                      1 Os4q       iM    S* v GSG (Pv &M L f & l'1- ti^A)   GoTb cor-p TNJCo^'%

i l

4. Recommended Actions to further determine most probable cause/or preclude recurrence:

C7VGLNAv L V A W G ~ A W A L-y 2 6 C en.l/ S C , Completed by: Agreed to: Lead Investigat Lead Group, Group Yeader b Date Y ~~ //' [6 or Chief Date 1.3.248-1 Rev.12

M a

        . .                                                                    ATTACHMENT D                                                                                 bb~b l

h -- INPO SIGNIFICANT SCREENING CRITERIA CosrDIT10stA1.LT 83CW2F3'CaJrf otPr 83GM3F1CaMT 83Guir3CAart le failuse escure La 51. A alag te f ai5 sr e struts S1. Two or more f eatures eerur C1. aAman sthesedundantsystem. &a e redundams eyesen. ta redundant erstamns during I **** * *** e Does the failers violate 32. See-critisit degradation ed.tneundaries servt (pesa- j

52. toe et more failures eve to primary, secondary, et senteanaans preneure boomd- &as leets, east leaks, e temsmen cause scrus ensing take lesas, etc.).

the same event, ary. - o pees se f allste lead ta e 33. perses nel errets and pre-

83. Three er more failures occur ealer plant transient (e.g.,

seessa3 deficiencies ase dering O . same event. sour.ittet ust de met everosoling, lose of best

                  """" . Ceumpenent idlates escur                              st ak , 1,acA, e tc . )                                  result fres e inadamenul

_ 84 4. hot *euld have ses11y ads ender stand tag . escaped detection by saattag C3. Two apparently mateleted et sannimation. f ailures eerus daring the W4. Salamait deficiencies occur

                                                                               **** ****                                               IEIP*         '*'** ** " **

sl. An event proceeds in a way ' *3*

                                                                                                                                 . . c."e,
                  "*'~                                                     o                                            .
                                                      Ase.the   is11st,es
d. teammam sid edifoned.

f erent item . e ., o u e,e ,. o set of at

                  ,__ u . sa ... n t ., e.,.                               . >14           f a s a. 1.a to s. .
,";,ct":",':7'atn, e,,s. emu u . -- . .t r. a .,t e n . ~

f e~u.,e

                                                                                      ,..,., of         e      e,
                                                                                                                                        ,,,,  ,e , o, en.aie,ed er ae ,is1a.s                                                                           ,e ue.e     , e,, ,, ., se
                  ..           wa-                                  . _ ca. . ,, sue. o.o u 4.                     eff-          ,,, ,s._,,,,e,e,,,,, ,,,,,e                                .

s' a n f ra er -c.n.-e 4. "';,dj",;; eat ~~. e so e.e.u ~~.

                                                                                                                                 "'- a a-r
                                'Ig"finl't" ";r':!a:

e ,s u . . is ue sos of ,ut.u. savowally high?

                                                                                                                                 ,,,,5. Done.g r ad ed f r om Cand i .

I Mmally H gnidunt. e old the release of ealmoeste

  • occur under saasual cassis >= *
                  """*    St. &onisd attative. Pfecedural et              C4. & design er neoufacturing eparational errors ats ce==         """'"

matted tAst resulted' free e defielency to identatted as f atidsmental alsunderstanding the cause of a failmse er

  • et plant performaase ar pountial f ailure. ,,
  • aatety repitsmeau. , g, g , g,gggg,,,y ,, .

aevieus , eeaerOable bar18-ware defort?- _SR An event or operatinf. - e g , , ,,,g , , ,, g , g , , 3,,,,  ! i f l condition occurs ov u e , m.3., .guip-e t l which causes, or coulc

                                                                           . old the preets, une a unit                                            -

cause, loss of life owu,e of lo esp er le net or severe injury to e old ue pre *1= r gvin re-pl. r,- sCation personnel. p. ire e to t.er3e, u uwr..ip.e.t t .. , as.g . , ste am gene r tor, tas- i nine , seanot ecot u t pump, m es. An tsr'.et u u e. eesses f daring an event.

!                                                                           e old o . .cs.. u en tovel e                                                                                                       ,

any un. at carewmatuesst j I 1



i. Y. Upgrahd from e , conditionally signif- ,,,,, es, otse r c rplein) .

feant o . zm , DNteF//46 Time /670 Determination

                                                                                                           .        .                                     Jn                                                  -

c - l 1 r l l.3.240-1 Rev. 12 l E

                                                                                                                                    ."                                                                         I


1. Verified event description. Synopsis: l W k's\L k 4 5 lo o

tpwGr id ? 0A y L CO Dv6 To 2e8 5 ua4 v4 t~6 (coc t) GGl~'t Cc-osco, N 16 N P^-6 s Cv^-6 i LAn m cn M G i'\) o^) /J t o o t' l flf /V4AP i) jr CtJnt2-6f IV f4DftL , GWTCA 2 + 1fru i csO T.T. 7.9.D.3.) D &ct,1y.& vussunu G.v'Gur fou VGovs(owr couwantJr grovnney vAva6C /wirf.  ! l 2.- Most probable cause:

               $ 0 IS , % 8 0           290 LIAWbf              UANJ Wh~ /$ y 56Ai~C 1
       *1.                                            da l

A#ct 4 /eja-7 e= Te Q Act'onsCompleted/ Sr Planned (incluIOc)fes- 9[, /Od/-2 f:PB . O v C A.-Ain v t_. 2-9 8 VA { /LG g pfg. g g @ f' s913 a4 7 L A rG'u QATG) I

4. Recomended Actions to further determine most probable cause/or preclude recurrence:
                       /$MOL-y f G        (95 (OUWO           f8)LU/Lf, Completed by:    Lead Investigator ,             [~             Oate   Y'//' Ob Agreed to:       Lead Group, Group Leader or Chief                                       Otte
1. 3. 24 B-1 Rev. 12 l


   .                                                                       ATTACHMENT D                                                                 f (c 'O 1

INPO SIGNIFICANT SCREENING CRITERIA l 1 SisN2r2CA8f7 CostD3730mmT SICM!r3'CAprf 80F SteMiracAarf f . Y 81. Two or mere fe11mros arrus *""" C1. A eingle felture eerste ta ' 51. A single f aiteure servra to redundant eyesens during e mee redundant systas. Sa e redundant erstem.

                            * **'" " "
  • e Dame the fe11ere wielste 53. Deer-critisit degradations 33, tw or more felleres due to primary eesondary, or of.teundaries estwa ipesa. '

o tecnon cause scrut darias sentelament pressure homed. &as aesta, seal Seats. the same evoet. ary. - taase le6As # ets.t. B1. Thrse or mere falleros secur o seea the ialiste leed to e """ af3. peroomme2 errers ead pre-durist the same seemt. mejor pleet transient se.g., esental deficiencies ase overnmeling. lees of heat eneumattei c at de met

54. Component f ailuros mont sank. 3acA. ete.) eesult f res a f undamental O et woulf beve e4Sily @We r s tandig ,

essaped detection by tootleg """" C3. Two appetently eerelated Sallures occur dartog the 54. Osjemir deficiencies occur or samalaatten. le aps h'*at.ars. saubmars. e*** e'est. St. An event presseds is e osy ****I* esgrdf acantly dafferent from e Are ne fallarea seamen  % mat weels he empersed. cause er endet WS. Coeupsements operate set o'

  • S= c* " " " ~ '"' va n
u. s-. ....t u e,.r a t s.g e ds. e old e 1.a se se.

etruraemee ei the other d'I#3 * '"I *# **I*"* tJos occur

              .         e..o       d .a, SAat is mete ,ia.t desis.        f.une,                                                 ;erom*e~<:; t- ~"-

beoes. C3. A problem teoutta in ea'eff. 96. Wan-radielesical envaren.

         -          "a                         g;;e4. .. .                *3:e'n;'i'";;e'               i:~ " -        -
                                                                                                                                 - ~ ~ ~ ~ -
                          ..rgy m" ~~, e             ,
                             . u n ~ t ,er.
                                                                      . is o s n.e             t of ,. u . u e.             =' - <- " t >-

seuswally high? _E, Dunangraded f rom Conda-e Did the rolesse or espeeste Menally signinsant. escur mader ensaua3 eissase. *

  • St. Adsninjatratswo, procedaral er operettenal arrers are een- Cd. A design er assufortaring ma tted that resulted ' ires a deficiency is identified me l fundamental misunderstand 8aq the sense of a f allare er
  • i 0A et plant performance er eaf ety regviremsau. ,

potaatial failure. 3, g ,g,gg,g,,,y ,, ebvious , describable hard-7* - were defect? - _SR An event or operatinf. Cs. A prouen r sete se a leang condition occurs ev ta v e w ma s er og.1p===

  • which causes, or coulc '*"* -

e sad us ps,ihte saeos e emis cause. loss of life

                                                                         , evuto er a dare er se.gerv or severe injury to                            e old us prontes regvtre re-pl.ce-mai er utana e re-station personnel.                                pai,e to m.3e, e,yi,                                         ,
10. ==r -

61.9.e.. er t ue n. ctage eeolant

n. r e t er pe=p. es. An tsr'erte.tson ocar.

d. rang u ees t.

e rds us ectuuen smies er carssaut aunt

               ._ Y. IJpgraded from
              .           conditionally signif- ___ ca. oner curloo, iennt t

DEte MP$pTime /tG Determination By , , 1.3.240-1 Rev. 12 I

l W9 .. , (-* i $c? '

  • PNPS FAILURE AND MALFUNCTION REPORT Fan N0. 86-at"L tytw1 oATE W/VMS EVE 7 Tlat 2# .'.3/-)
                                                          ,          ~~ $:L                 .
                                                                                                                                                                                                               .,     i Uk{*.5 .p.&[1*'. .w'                                                                                           ff)                        y g fff,Q ,* _ Qp@

1 2. Circumstances Le ing to Event <"'e*4 44 Wo

c. ($'.r;m. *,j i.. ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #' 'W// . Ihr ma
                                               .%' h ,'.J"$                                                                                .a M nf                             ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "       ~'                                                      ;
                                                   ,               '4.',,,            '" ' W y
3. Event Descr7ptiort-rs e Test c<ws ecia ., em bd ## PMk ue/

P!PF And(O Hsefa % Aew n o-f h a h o ct ir h a %- r&+ //rs m. U4 *.. R.a .W;:, f', i It) fro v u r few //dl wNt/ 2 o' art A u Pf M n e & + wu a A se

4. Probable Cluse N '" "'m n u n c Jng , i -

i N

                                               .                                                                                        Reported by S ilds //Mmv                                                                                             OATE W/v /fL l MV "$
                                                        **-$y  ,.                                                         B. CORRECT - ACTION INITIAT!ON - (WATCH ENGINEER R(VIEW)                                                                                                  ]
1. (Y) N Event is Safety Related  !

(Y ) Event is Tech. Spec. Related Systee No. /0 ' (Y) och. Spec. Action Statement Entered Tech. Spec. Section

2. C0R E CTION INITIATED -rce w d Me h t'h r d Mm4M un d m(a (sid SL Mnw n ' '
                                                                                                                                     @Y(N) Maintenance Request issued                                                                    / .it. Naber          M/_- //>-/ /o (T) @ Procedure irtilized                                                                         Procedure Number-
3. LCD COMPENSATORY ACTION (To mit Qate effects of fallers)
                                                                   -2                                                            4. N0ilFICAi!ONS                                     Telephone                                                  Time

[ttg Criteria Notification Time Limit Notified _ Person Contact ! i (Refer 2.2.17) Nuc. Ops. Mgr. 24hr ahr. Ihr ,2/g f", /774Aic ef ay ( . (Refer 2,2.11) NRC (via ENS) 4 r. 4hr. Ihr 4, , "" . . ,. , z.

g. , c) (Y (Refer 2.2.17) CRPC Grp Ldr
  • P,
                                            .                 ,                                . gj .                                  WA             ENGINEER 51GNATURE                                      . -                   m --
                                                                                                    .r. .y                                                                                    W Aqp:WeCtW
a. .-- -.9.p +

M \y '. EVENT REVIEW - (SN!FT TECHNICAL ADVISOR REVIEW) 31 +a. 4 g, , 1. PLANT S S JUST PRIOR TO EVENT i i sy*gt,4 ,. .Pg v.n 9 a) (Y) Rs. Critical b) Rx. Pressure D c) Rs. Coolant Teg. //2 C# l l 7 nu <. v. /. 7

  • d) Rs. e SW e) Rs. Pwr Lvl f> l l 2. APPLICA8LE PLANT EQVIPMENT STATUS i l M@[t.Yp/,h[n 7I.dh"T. a) Redundant safety systems available an opegb1 are: //88,Ohn ./" me Drr-i b) Safety systems not operable are: R d re rrt ( M <-L j

l e.'ik$7.1..S ac.a e.n .g--r*,*g g ty y 7 ;3 *) **00f C**C*(* # A 5"" lW - ' ' I \

                                                  ".\-:,. .9 V...'bri$5WCM, s                          -m                    J     'a l


                                                                 * *'" ' * "                                                     3.


  • 5:'i ' l sci ', ' . a) (Y) N onstitutes an accident or malfunction of a different type than evaluat 1
                                                   -+ .1 *A*hrM. C
  • previously in the FSAR. I
                                                 %T L49fffif:#*W.Tt'
  • b) (Y) Reduces the margin of safety as defined in the basis of Tech. Spec. l
  • 9:MN'@'d.f.yQ.c . c) (Y) Increases probability of occurrence or consequence of an accident, answ l 4 7 xr -- xt.2.a y.s 4.

is no if action retaired by Tech. Spec. is taken, SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE (Fill out s copy of Attach. D. Proc. . 24) l 'M*t.3 bM',' IJ. . ,

                                                                                       ~                                                                                                                                                        '

A U A ! h C -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            / '/ ~
                                                 -Mw .                                                                           1.     (Y) (Ni Licensee Event Rpt. (LER) Recommended Per 10 CFR 50.73 Section:

plW _. f%g,'{ y"f j,

2. Basis for recommendation:
                                                  . s T: ts%. > +'#                                 .~
.$[ N.01 .- 8
3. (Y) (H) Root cause analysis and corrective action plan required!

[ , y . Attach. 8. Proc 1. .24. O equiv., shall be completed lj l

                                                                  ;-wg r<@Ar,'y                                                         by Lead Investigator                                                                     Lead Group
  • k,y,;# 4. (V) (N) ORC Reelew Required?

b[.l jfdi.7;

t. s
5. If Event *Significant* notify VP-Nuc Opst Person Contacted Cate l


                                                                - c #. f. s.               c ...' '.' .           .       (. CRC REY!EW - (!f required)
                                                  , ' . kh,h,.m. w., .y b.'%              . . . -

l ORC MEETING NO. DATE rs .. P. O!SPOS! TION - e W ' *  ?:g.MU Method

r. [. $ D '., [; **
                                                  .L.'                i. # Q 1:                                                     COMPLIANCE GROUP LEADER SIGNATURE                                                                                        DATE f                  . .  ' l . '.i ' ~.                                 L. CLOSE-0UT -


                                                  ^%; q . -.f. ~/ .SI7ry.i , *
                                                   ,      # . . e r e a.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rev. 1
                                                        .                            .. ;,                                                                                                                                                                   1.3.24A-1
                                                                                          .                                                                                                                                                                      f ;*                ~

a,,. .x - -* 3-

                                                                                                                                                            ~~ ;.           e.          .                                            ,

_..< t .. I y

                                                                           .                                                  p                        =                      #                4 J:.:. .
                                                                                                                                           .                                            2
  • f ,;< G  ?


                                                                                                                                                                                          . 4 Wu.,.;

T; 7.. ,

                                                                                         .                                     8                                      g                                        ,
                                                                                                                       *# * / *      ,,
                                                                                                                                                               } ^.   -E * .~                                         .

i e l 1

                                                                                . FM No.


               -1. Verified event' description. Synopsis:

1 (. y / Ik'j( \

                                                      )               I.c r
                                              ,  )

V ( f


( 2: Most probable cause: i i l I l

3. Actions Completed / Planned (include , dates):

d l

4. Recomended Actions to further determine most probable cause/or i preclude recurrence:

l Completed by: Lead Investigator Agreed to: Date Lead Group, Group Leader or Chief Date i 1.3.248-1 Rev. 12 l 1

   .e                                                                          *


  • l 1

samaracant sismarshant mer sneenraanar I l _ 33. t=se or este felleres esear Se seevadent erstems seeing _ O . A elme.tedensent e mee le fellere esemes &a syetan. _ W. A adaels fa!!ae soeure e podendent eyese. l

                       ~ ~ ~ ~ ' -                                                                                                                  e usa.o.,a.ue
                                                                         . .ees ~ neu e es.ute                                       .                                                               l
83. Two et more felleroe ene se primesy. seemedesy, er ed.tounderlos seems speaa. i e sammea sense eseur ear &eg esatesament pressere moung. See Seets the same esset. ary. . tubo Aeene,east Soaks, etc.).
        ,,,,,,, 83. Three er more f alleres esser                       e                                n
                      .e,a. ~ e e . t.                                                   ,a.                               ,,,, 33. Pu.reemmel errer.e and pre.
                                                                             .-.3e e


                                                                                     .ut            f
                                                                                                .se a seat t     e.                 t.o
e. e.. un . e
                                                                                                                                                  -u.uf       ~t e et no                             .

a aa.5=. > L-d e, eg,A*saa-ai


eere .e "e"::e!I;" - i ca.,se e,,o.o o.r4.u or ,n.ete. . ~ ,<. nasar s.nei.-les .se.

                , - .s eme u.n a. ., teau.
                                                   ,o,                      e - e o.s.

w ,oseeere.e u.

                  , . u,u
                       , e,es,    ,,esros.s n ee.            a e.t a,-

affn. . s ~ *. .sei.u.e - ,.e.. u.sse .. e . . ,e ,es. est of u.u ...t eu e u. . se na .e m. "-~ u

                                                                                                                                       ~s". ~ < ~ > ~ ~ .
                                                                                                                                                          ~ u ~ ~~ run er r.r                                            ~n .. f.on
        ,.            .u.e
                        . a,ed ,m .e ~ t ao
                                              ,u                    ..u - o ,. of~ ear                                         :to ;~;;e r a.a.

heaes- _ ... ,m ,,,,e,se,e,,,,se ,e ,,,,,,, ca. Aene pret,etenu eresu.entswoe-&a e..'ef f. pg, y,,,,,gg,g ,g,,3 ,,,g,,,, esee,, esse,, II"!2."sO;:.: me. e Ee"s*e~O'*s*",*auus.. *' e 8-n*> - envouaily ught _ ,,,,p. temmeraded free cond1= e Did the rel o u er p 'I*"*33F 8888'II8**** eerus madas enesmal sisena. .

58. 44minist.retive. procederet er *****"I * *
  • operational a,rere age om. """"" Cd. & deelge er menefereertag
  • defieleney is ident&fied as t matted that reem3.e4 inadammetal frem a.g misunderstaaet the osuse of a feinere er of plast performance er petaatiet is&lare. , , , ,

aafety requirements. e le ne defiri- ey en *

  • ekvisua. describable base.

eere oefeet? -

            ,,,,,,,$1An event or operatinf.

ts. a preuem resone an a same condition oCCurg outa,e er major egolament which causes, or coulo CauSe e loS5 of lift

                                                                       ,    * [ ,,,g ,
                                                                            ,                     ,   ,,,,, , ,a
                                                                          , ovuge of as doye or &ame.rt                                                     -

or severe injury to e mid the preu .a require oe-p3esemaat et astenelse se=

  • Station personnel. Petro n majet equi , meet ,

de.g., steam genereter, ear. bane, rescur eeelaat pump, i *

                                                             """" C4. Am            tar seteetles essere esting an evoet.

e mis the set-ue imloe say masseel strewmetaaeost

           ._.3. Upgraded from
          ,          conditionally signif- ,,_,, ca. ooer t.rpletal, feant                                                                                                                                                                          {
w. .rns i j Ditep///ATime c2/&) '

Determination ny h, Y uin m .


j i


1.3.24D-1 Rev. 12 l

W W i l i l 1 o l O l l i l l e O l l l

                               , ,37ygpgg g ~..unw%.

A4.10- NDP84El

                                                                                   /4/kfg                               D               l fa Nuc. Enr. Deputy                  Frem:     C7/84Mo$                                                 E.f,.g#ri w


  • enr. w in ,De , w
   ,            g                    $. h/[q                                                          6 '~ / S [

osts Final Pro @ct Needid IJfC R/deu l M ,j Pnged By: S &llWaa / Date erae 05.s /4 P /R R785 # 6/tronet Aree ISP - L F 6 A F G P )/ TMb M & s 4 / 9 D C V E CT (/ - 5 4  % L U kT\ o N B k S t S - P MP S P lem Summary (incl. Root ) U RW 9/of /**t llu

  • ra u ekf +&c goe nf L()4S// /(100 c:aMi-Y l
   } 4A              }A'e A h I c}n , , y             hofl_g        ag p rig n                                               '

krrnia iWrhuk a /p u n c (,pa t-i

                                                                  ~ Attachmmts YES/NO

Suppstod Solution (s) (IlSofof/1 E / all avdl f5 poceh 9AIPSW c % dim uti h hvcord


Da m a  !

      "N-5      % /d4*H 2 n WG u alua Q Vdetd det %mWMgk                                        h I a doseei 'let cluuK va lum ir>n/-Po A A & h-                                                    Leadaroup Eneinear

) O " htshments YE5/PC Target Start

   , DastredEnr.Prohctli)RG n t % rh Ird) fosetAnu /C R (7.) E v At.orreu g. D,uu wowa y,je
                                                                                        '           Target Finish Plant Omndition to implement:           af JVa r'/40 o e- ' / A2P de               "              0 n1Sisi otLYu v                                                                              mg Sugparting Dec.k Raf!            171e. J~E. AhDuJa rd                     &          -

Ef DNA' F~o/lcr /2hrPoEy- Mtschments YES&T Instructions I Justification /im /br #ms.o d #m A4Izanf<  ! n MS pactiftS.f NotPerformedoroMA-tD H - MiJe corsmera,# . I1) l'h Wv4aB [nm't iM Cif &a) cwt. , Qc edu & . fown Le e m -2= =h ' ' D 79 Attachments YES/ND Sp.Name fWl,' Lee %w, $fT, SC' b y Number /Dj /E 231) / Component Name If Onlity Class S _I/tN+1 C4cA~v/M Comp.No./yT/~.f[$'7gfy Priority ,A Input erp.Lt. , input Grp.It

       #im*1(8) .) (J)                                                                          ,

e,. Inittl 3,,,,g Ibution: Original to 0 Nuc. Engr. Deputy Menegar for Enr. ProductIan Distr (butfort NED(see abwe) a:: Properor Preparer PSMC(Trating) Requesting Dept. Mr. Dir M M1 PSEC BraintnREC'D M' A 2 8 M onsitsADM EXHIBIT I Input orp. Engr. Other(e): STA OFFICE ',

REQUESTIN0iN'PhlEihT"E ^", A4.10 WP84EI Ta k Engr. Deputy Frsa: C.74d /MY$ ggg,

                                                                                                        -f[ 5 ESR Num Meneer ihr Enr.                           nap,, ting o,pt, ng(
           ***                                                                                 N*
  ,               is nen,,,           .C./4//4sn Data fine 1 Pro &ct Neem     RSFd. 4It#W ]                   .!G QE, PreparulBy:                  lda #ew4 -                            / Y/2 F4%

erow Of58F F#l 7%$GqgstAree [E .. ygte T E M P E f 4 T d R EI Fl O N I r o ElI LM , o F R &R C L A S S 2 f I PE Problem Summary (incl. Root Cause) i e h 'Na/ A /s*< lrL Sha m<. d4,diwa h /HE / rho /S PbfC hiet loressare /esKa d ea,,+,asn. Ren Anal. Due Dsta Attachments YE5/ND G vo/a o& o v & M h r- /# w e 6 e-suppsted 17 kW- D$olutipn(s)E*J5h~5bs iPin a r d 1%L f& 0 #to )Do)-PAk fon A ) ' Vald 'Jo da tec + n / ass m m ses/rth " M /#ard u at > h aw p'o r d, a 4 ; Leedorcup Engineer . i V C'* }g.

  *                            ~

Mtachments YE5/ND

- DesiredEngr.Prohet               ED coNerk tA) C E v A L.0Armnl w I t/4                    TW Mt T         n sh cuyyested ww Plant Chndition toimplemet                                                                w,o, g supporting Doc.& Raf. P M w S e F:oec s #G-Po e r Mtachments YES/ND            instructions Mification/Impactif Hot Performed              D.eser<d /et or        '


      .Clstko' &am OlStV acdtuae.

t/ . Mtachments YES/ND Sys. Name k lYR M Number /0 CamponentName PIDB Comp. k l0 "~ G O~'O . Custityctees 6' Priority A input orp. Lt.  ! ApMl(s) J M l initti Saxrel lbution: Origine1 to o..Nuc. Enr. Deputy Manager for Enr. Production Distribution: NED(see abus) i cc:Properar REC'O #n 2 8 G Pr p P M T M ing)  ! Retpesting Dept. Mp'. PS&CC Braintree Dir out M d OnsiteADM . STA OFFICriXHIBIT 1 input orp. Engr. Othr(s). . ...

                                        '"                                            '       A4.10        Mys4Et

. REQUESTIN0 0[PMEiiM "" Ta Mr. Enr.Osputy From: C J M4 7}FkkN EfD ESR Num 5 Memgy Ibr Enr. Resposting Dept. Ngr. date  !

 >     7[neneg,              - S.&obra                                                        C #*                                l Data Final Pra1 Jct Needed      Litt ### At/ I                   39,,SL Prepared By. I S. Rb 1% n                                              /

Gram OSSGP /fNR *TKs4 F*oettolatAren nne-yng 5 4 P E T Y 5 4 k L Fo t it S G O F , L i N E Go t 06 V C K

            ) $       H    L   ~

l O Lead Group IWP NIL

           / A 8-N iE/rJ/4 Cr-                     P*'54h/e & t 'c h.e at b.

Problem Summary (incl. Root Cause) l 6e W US'ase1i)ressurG A m e<-ed J.i ce S &a I c G.h +atus twf-ER A. &$?9 v

  %s+ x
  • h* " \

a4 % l>>c- se (, R 's le-t +esfia" a ei Shu Weoit l l Jo/rA6-.r '

                                                                                                                               .i Attachments YE5/NO l" N" l

SuggestadSolution(s) ' mob- oOS M drStPrE#/ W &cf l I foa.n b; h's a Jfady e n ' use J 4Ke eau d valses D V >JP 3V 3G L dsonssari re " %R poorhe % d4 ' CAJc 'v alses 4 A A and /,M, /#h 5erssare ' '

1. sed Group Engineer j
      \+ 4dh woMd be be is 250 hsisv .                                                                                           f\

4tzhments YE5hc Terget Stat Desired try.Produpt S A fr. E+d .bc f44 srat#te Target Finish vti mTre W e eudin a Cesdot oressur4 au/ os %&ap h e PN$nitOWp$$* heter +o SVErfue 6 .e x fn_ MGi rl c u+"n t mg S@ parting Doc.& RMr. g WR TArsR Fceror eg-(642 r-i Attachments YES/NO Instructions Justification / impact if Not Performed 1/tr6 W 'r r n m I Attachments YES/NO j Sys. Name @d Sfs. Number /0 i component Home ophA camp. m M " #1-# ^#e"  ! Quality Clas @y Pricrity A Input orp. Lt. , input Orp.It 4provst(s) [t(f cn 8 **tl Satand Ibution: Original to 0..Huc. Enr. Deputy Menepr for Erg. Prockstian Distributtart NED(see atwe) cc Properar p . g.c. 2 g '

                                                    .                                         Properr        P5&Oc(Tracking)

Requesting Dept. . PS&CC Breintres Die M Md OnsiteADn STA OFFICE EXHIBIT 1 Input 0rp. Enr. Other(s). . -.

                                                        '~                                  "
  • REQUESTING OfPAR$Md ""' A4.10 N(W84El Mk$

fa hc. Ery. Deputy ' Frsa: C//74 $8I - naan ,

  • Enr. ,ue,iin,0s,t n,.i w E= numb 85 g $. (O)& N ~ ^53 Dets Final Prishet Needud WMe9/U .E2.11 4

Prepared By: IJ, Nd8# fad / ermo oss dP /O R , cantkse d .. er F V A. L U A7 E O P ? / o A 5 oF c o THh R O L L E D L e Ax o F F / 4 R S R Proble) Summary (incl. Root Quuse) 8#8- SES N I Mr/#ofr (c7nMeel w if A. ll4 4 z w .s s a et llv/n Ea na 're#,ahk k Drnt/srrta %d %JesAS 'in P kJ L G'

                     ' d kJ 2 T+ana omoed+d s eurmi c e+<bn s Attachments YE5/NO
           &gpsted301ution(s) Deooida                      ccxdro //sd & E ola /24tr                                                              i' w+4fm <{ iA A W2                 Svderst. Tio o Dro du e & A5 no&q, JD Dst of WW 2 'l00 R /n r A3 OIn lue ('dr+rharu                                            acQ "to e//ouf emin//se/ /eto & hreil rmk 4 ~ en /e,                                                             Lead Orcup Engineer runte o [rtnor1J & de1,e n do O/de f&oundo


               ^erl +ro lle d K N K 'tra t an-                   '

Mtachments YE5/M) Target Stat

      -           fredEry.ProGuct (D EAG EJ ALu Awn) 42iorc /sda6taf                       -                   T
 <                   Parmod du res la emeheity                                                          1 Plant omdition to implement:                                                                        W.0. k Amount No.

sgportire Doc. & Raf. R I/e 0 A C E Fo1 6 CE /2M, j Ore /< *,nnew rec 'r a 6 che Mtachments (Esener instructions  :

        ' Justification /im"pect if Not Performed                  ProJn e.+ff./ /4 une/=/                                                         )

D ris r h 4&n) n adoat S$srM, &dunV5) . i+ linew ts,n ~ U r Mtachmania YES/NO

             %s.Name         MN                                              M Number /6-Camponent Name d'5ck dNR /WoM Comp. No. /oo/ - Mo B (A)                                                                              .

Quality Clem d Priority A . input 0rp.Ldr.


Apprws1(s) jdj cn inittel Second tribution: Original to 0..Nuc Enr. Deputy Menegar for Erry. Prc&ctton Olstributlon: NED(see abwe) ccProperr Preparer PS&CC(Tracking) R W ing % g Ar A '2 P. P542 Braintres Die out Md onsttaADn - input orp. Ery. Other(si c.T A OFi:\CE EXHIBIT I i

                                                                                              "'           ' + ' " "'

tNUINttRIN6 SERVICE< R ST A4."10 NOP84E1 REQUESTINO DEPARTMENT USE , Ta Nuc. E . uty from: CJ87xdd/$ t / dh[6 ESa$/) ud1i5 n - Eaor. Rwnoecg. 6ei. s . a u /> . 84- /28 , ,, e ,e ,,r WD USE-Data final ProtkJct Needed I 4/$S//6 ] Prtpered By- D*b- dF #4///h / /h4 RECEIVED ( ' osta orone STA7/'o+) Trol. Tamp. ca,tsees APR 17196c (4 t o tei;1y u gn nc ta yaw /2 ## v AL V E 5 2 8 8 4 2- 9 5 4 E V A l v A TION Prt21em Summary (incl. Root Cause) b O EMdVN N N 5 b I I A I oo D A 2A 8 Lewx4Cg A/4s cuco AmvA77au bF 78 3 N' D.' ALAf441. (N4WMessvrtE3 l /M M'4 O Smup w Attadwnents YEh) Suggested Solution (s) 6V46U477 N8 Mh/C A/ A/8" / u


M NMI ' S NOW 17 /hk A>e r 2 grAt ev5t Acas:sht-'  ; 12W> AY 2.18 4 39R ferArKAtD LandGroup Ergineer - Q ^-

                                                                                             =e =

Mtg.t.T, ants YE5@/ Target Start g DesiredEry. Product BUG ///fB6/A/6 SVe(def/g Targelfinish fM8//6 Plant Condition to implement: N.A. 0 5'79M Account Nm. SJdo/ j StepartingDoc &Raf. //Yb40 'IersT 7:Pff4 _ m Attachments YESdG/ Instructions Justification / impact if Not Performed ,J:bCS/d4( #erm?>WAhUE%>T SNt2% crtof1. Mtachments YES((NO) M. None OMk Sys Numtpr /0 Camponent Home 22 8 (2@ 8 E4l'aI/85 Comp.No. (O Prfority input Orp. t.t. Quality Class Input orp. L& .

   $prtwel(s)                                                                                 T       NN Second "al
        'butlert Original to 0..Huc. Eng . Deputy Menegr for Ery. Production                  DistriMion ED(seesixws)

Preparer PS&OC(Tracking) R ng Dept. Mgr.pgD i.' c gg-PS800 Braintres . Dir Out. M 1 Input 0rp. Eny'. onsitsADM c,T A OFFiCDHIBIT I m, t.s

 . . - ~             .      ..........,,._,.,...m__,,_,,                                       ,   ,     , , _

A4.10 NOP84EI  ! 7d' REQUESTINO D[P5T iiQ 8, """ "h/[5 k TB Nur. Ery. Deputy from CJ/8 EM Num j W W E'F. Ragesting Dept f(pr,' 6ste alble Menegr r k* / W < l P. Dele final Praict Needed l 54 6 M r/#eC# l .52%1 f 1 properedet 9. 6 #me / l Orcup O $ $ N @d bas - m Rw e P hrs s o e r G o u; e s . Lead Orcup IWP h lath og ac/wvah i Probism Summary (Irr1.RootOsuse) l Oressa t'e tMSk u M Old'a.%rn fn Y2 H R"S>' Sit 0A N Les d.3sess d rf. E W 2 Svs Yv m /D'a ran.L fWs s sie f k~, 4)kdik /hdf 4 ,96dflufo%M I i Attammants YE5/NO Suggestad Solution (s) -fM s %// mes5are wxeaeb beker anIJes ^^ n d Ad /00'/-2Y?$ $ b?& ud occ%ard of- ND ino /- 2R R /"a'n. swine teed oroup ingineer A SysfM ) llabw ha J r.r # e A r e c k s NW2 t' iak&el. Rodrida u pr + asis u

     ~ m ud safs micirsit 'a sam N bA
        ~                                                                     ac/uo%{

Mtachments YES/NO

   - DesiredEngr. Product                9dd Est./ Hours Plant Condition toimplement:                                                                         w,0. Na Account &
     $@ parting Doc. & Raf.             /2pC rASK PdfdC s Esfd6?r Mtachments YES/NO                Instructions Justification / impact if Not Performed                B e5<re d #Wdr' 4 9nrfM frod A05IW Audnet o'r a VHiheILHns                      ae %             +-D
                                                                  //-esctsri2a hb=1 4 trebb                   V Ntachments YES/NO Sys.Name [d                                                  Sfs. Number /O Ornpanent Name TNS7f tL MerA) T5                             Comp. No.

Quality Class O Prfority input Orp. Lt. g,)(,) jg , input Orp. tt - m

       * 'el                                                                                              Second ibuttart Original to 0..Nuc. Engr. Deputy Manager for Erv. Prodxtlan                   Distribution NED(see atxm) cc: Preparer                                                                              PS&CC(Tracting)

REC'D # < 2 8 . Properar Requesting Dept Mgr. PS&CC Braintree Dir Out M 1 OnsiteADM . STA OFFICEXHlBIT 1 Input Orp. Ery. Other(s). . ...


         !a, mac. Eng. Deputy                     rom:          .

A 7% U q/)g g gD 5 Manager for Enr. Rapesting Dept. M'r. Dets ESR Num e enegr- b b l^.) o b M b - Date Final ProdJct Nesed 13o ATLB6 l NED USE Prepared By: 01 R. m AGUd T// boat 86 Date Orcup R W (2. Tr4 sit.'. PortL 6 CostAree Title E v v L 4 r e_ m o ro R o pe g a e o R3 Problem Summary (incl. Root Cause) Mo / do / -3 4 A e 8m M P1ot00I 41+Tb m o v n a.s-t' h n v c. n e) "s s A

           ^O   -

F2A+,ne (','v 3,CT's% o , .e. 3wt. Aan Anel. Due Dets t --

                                                             .a.his rEs/.                                  _

1 SWSolution(s) Ab Tus 7 Vs'a4/ek e r att krLo u.- n +va.4w 1  ; v LeadGroup Engmeer 1 1 '

      .y                              .

Altschments YE5/W i

                                          ?BC09$4fkgt>tJsh                                                 Target Start                                 l Desired Engr.Praict                                                        To                     Target Fint                                  i t At Ao n Aoe g s a +.p

Plant Corulltion to' Implement: 'N /4 - 0 Axmunt No. Supporting Doc. k Ref. E i Il && thstaris/s est tA<te GaJors Attachments EEAJND instructions Justification / impact if Not Performed m ofon h A J

         /91/ %             M [/ D ve 773 Q vars-f                        #1b MpqA./     '

J , Mtchments YE5/ND Sys. Mrne R l-f 62. - Sys. Number /O Component Name moh A Af Comp. No. Quality Class C Priority input Orp. Lt. Input Orp.Lt 4 Apprwel(s) * { cc qg dlbution: Original to o..Nuc. Enr. Deputy Meneger for Enr. Production Olstribution: NED(see abwe) Rapest ng Dept Mgr. //// 8/D#*O-, Preparer PS&OC(Truting) PS800 Braintree 9 c ., i,', ' i Dir Out M d i ensiteADM input Orp. Engr. REC'D Otherfs):

3. $ f A .e t ,_ ,_, _,, _ _ g g 3 O f bp _ _ _ , _ _

he ""'A." . . 5 .g ...g,,, m

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Page 2 of 2 . - l

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34) Thrust, Ibs. 774/ ess, T p*6 1
35) Torque,' ft. - Ibs. M M N-
36) Stem Nut Drawing (A/DV) **r,P///ur g\iO)
37) Limitorque Order m. Jere -d k T ggN ) '
38) Actuator Serial NoQe es(_ _

Valve Serial m.. em.ernur ,m,m ,su 39)

40) Special Features Added Me H e.# c* y't # , are.
41) Limit Switch Assembly (Material and Color /) /7 sors,7w /~ c.444..

a) Gear Housing 3Awas b) Gear lbu:ing Cover c) Drive Cam 4 W7~ 4 9 ,4 m s w d) Insulation Mn*AAriuses  : e) Eator M anors , *8so~'* * **l*<- }

42) Torque Switch (Material and Color) /Tsorg hh (de- {

a) Cam Shatt storypiusw l b) Insulation serpfeiurw '

43) O-Rings (Material and Color) 6 V,W- Tuck /# Code, t,,

u l l


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I sc/PD7/E54AQ

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  • 34' 79T4- G 6) ss-so y,.y ,;gyy c


1) "

Bechtel Purchase Order APSPF-E- SMC I*) ' q.1

2) ' Valve Tag Nuuber dra-un-5vK gi
3) Tnroue 'Soring Part Number 4a-ha-00ff /
                        ' 4) ' 95$ETEO I
5) Dial Setting' Posit' ion 4.-
6) Maxim m Dial Setting A W 7)

Limit Switch ("

8) NaberofofTrains Naber Gears,/ Contacts 4/r
9) Torque Seat 'or Position Seat . 7Ewyersme7"
10) Direction of Scam Nut Cperation Ccw fe eraN .
11) Manufacturer and Grade of bbrication in Gear f' ]
12) Housing Wiring and Limit Diagram Svitches duwName,r
                                                  /t-#FF-d*FF       .7            sp , Ausy. yewwa ar <*ay./.s-,73
13) Dimensional Drawing oa -t'/4 -s/F 7.a.
14) Valve Sire /e</* 1
15) Valve Type separ -j i
16) Differential Pressure '(Design / Tested) Aref.s r. -
17) Dasign Temperature Ty reas-4. T
      ,                '18)   Stsa Speed,; Inches / Minute & d7 M*-                                 >


19) Stem Travel, Inches e M w '
20) Stem Dimensions (Diameter, Pitch, lead, Hand) //d, IV, I'< M s

i DELF7Tp .' 21)

22) Size and Type of Actuator sF oo
23) Actuator Enclosure Type A+'ered ,
24) Motor Rating, ft. - Ibs. As'n. 4F. .j j
25) Motor RPM /taa , s s t
26) Motor Enclosure #4'en. d *
27) Duty Cycle, Minutes /#- for
28) Voltage / Phase / Cycles W8/3/4
29) Torque Switch Type (S le or Double) 57*. Me&d4 **& Nfr# S-'44'
30) Motor Gear Set Racio # b4 oste -seenw/~#'sr*We a) Pinion Part No./No. o Teeth de-f/#-a#77 / /(sf M 31) b) Gear Part 2./2. of Teeth s,-+<.ro-a/es-/ /(sy emers) .

Worm Set Ratio f'tM - s a) Worm Part W. da-Wa-asfs / b) Worm Cear Part No. Ge-fu-ast.z .t.

32) Overall Unit Ratio .54'fa -
33) Output 1GM ss,af 1 i

SC/PD7/E54AQ SFP 21316 I

                                                               'I                                                                s

/. CCNLT #10 *ID 1: M.'.-r-54A(Q) PURCHASE OP. ER NO 91s RE CU!$1 TION f.O. . N-Pag; 1 ef 2  : ITEM I

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                                                                                . . ... D. A .
1) Bechtc = -:.: e c.-dc- n P"-e - 39'n C (c) l
2) Valve ir.;; N.=cr m -/ee -f7 3 Tr roue Scri.g., .:s.r r. l. =i>c go .,c,,,,,7a./ ] '

4 .P W ~ED \

                           == 5)                Dial Se::in'; P ::.:i.on /S.                                                                                                    l
6) Ma* - DL.1 5:::1.; .:6'  ;
              .                    7)           Mtd>cr cd C.ea . ' r.:.: 5. cite:: f'
                                                                                   ,i I
8) . R.mber c " ' rt.. . ..:-.:t ~ . d '

t i 5) Torqui. -:1. ;  : . . : ~ s: 7:Pf ec s.u ,-- l

10) Directic . Of i:: ;.:- 0 :ratien e c w v . r c ,.- l
11) Manuf.s.::ce t.:.. c 1.uarie:.: ion in ce.r.r .

12) Housing W1. ring Diagrz: an:! Li=i:M-trr- Svit::hes aess .s 4:uwwaygu sp.f A,,.9. pa, /9./..s ,n ,

13) Dimensional Drawing on-m-eeer s i e 14) Valve size .ra Aa i
15) Valve Type o re i
16) Differential Pressure (Design / Tested) r.rar. i a 18)
17) Design Temperature */ nev,, re.

Stem Speed, Inches / Minute *'F# Ed"- h i

19) Stem Traval. Irdes /:- '% hu  !
20) Stem DM.:i:r.- (L' .-:cr, Pi:c ., iet.3, Mnd -

4 N.

                            =-22)              Size and Type of Actuator S* .L                                                                                                  l
23) Actuator En:1 care Type ewm '-. 1
24) Mccer Ratirg, f:. - Ib:. 4'e A v.
                               - 25;          Mota- PA + =
16) Mccor Enc'.o = e ,a^' # "-  :
                          .-17)                Duty Cycle, Mi:m:es c w. wry                                                                                    ',

i i

                           ~ 23)              Vcltaae/ Phase / Cycles .85o 6'" c                                                                                               1
29) Terque S.ritch Type (Single or Dr.1h) .:rw. Wh h'82 % f '*' GM' I
20) H~:cr Ger Set Ratio sorsA'aus a - ; v.t. u'm% Part Nce./No. of Tee:.- -+/Se .. 'c.: n u g' l

                                                 . W1 Pcrt !b./lb. of Tee:L .:'.. ; n y,-                                  .', '.      r.r e rQ                             ;
31) '. ~rc. 5.x %:10 /3 3 96 .t
                                              , 's     +;,n. 3 ,- . ]b. d ie- MS0 -s* J. ..
                                             '.'       L'o. c Ge: - Pa. No. 4 r - 6 . o -o.+.:                .-
32) 'e.mri 11 Lb: utto e/. 2.s 1
33) ' ::71 IP ' ISc.u c. -
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34) '!hrust, Ibs. 78884'#- -

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35)- Torque,'ft. - Ibs. #32 M *#- V \ b,.

36) . Stem mt Drawing (A/DV) M * * " '
37) Limito4que order m 4- g3WW0)
38) Actuator Serial &M.r,3 Valve Serial m . c w .,s.r m er )gg)1E
39) ,  ;

Special Testures Added Arov. t.c. so-tr. Nrs.

            .                         40)                                                                                                                                       t

, 41) Limit Switch Assembly (Haterial and Color)/74,,rs, A. , / , c,e,4. 1

 ;                                             a) Gear Housing ;2P h z E b). Gear Housing Cover                                                                                                       o
                                          ,    c) -Drive Can ss+749eimew                                                                         .
                     .                         d) Insulation MsA*ossage                                .           .

e) Rotor r,as,7ar, Fee.w av est,<. ) 42) Torque Switch (Haterial and Color) /Tsees; h4 (ded. a) Can Shnte por gyucosw b) Insulation serpfemys

43) 0-Rings (Haterial and Color) p Y,reu - s u c. u c.c x Y i
            .MF    : s.* n.            .
                             '              f                                                     ,

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                                                                                                                                               .t ISSUED FOR                                  ldh                       -{S h                          h       -

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                                                                                                              #       3

t s.g sc/PD7/r.54AQ CONSTRUCTION -


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  • ATTAQMENT #101010394-E-54A(Q) ~

l PURCHASE ORDER NO. l .. . M> REQUISITION NO. _ l - rey 1 et 2 r.,, J N 3N7WS .~3 (O f JF 2- sm *Ana/#fo VALVE M71tR ACIUAltR IRTA 1 Bechtel Purchase Order stP# P N - S r 4 C I*) 2)) Valve Tag Nober dur-dw-d> J I g

                                                                   ;            3) 4)

Tnraue Sprirut Part Mmber **-de* ***Fd?/

                                                                                                   . Q.E.L M E D     *
                                                                                                                                                ..i s                           ;
                                                   .                         W                     Dial Setting'Pbsitico /A%                                             !                        j                  i i                                !                        '                                  ']

i \ * ..


47 l, Maximum Dial; Setting

                                                                                                                               , Limit          s           f. #;  p'                          .I                    h                                l                        !

l 8)) i Ember ofmabagof ins / Contacts #/' N 1 ' i-f i. j Torque Seat or P4tien S nat 7J #edsaPT' l n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             '(                                      j
                                             /                                  9) f               Dires tion c f Stan Nut OpsretireJ Ccts fe op v-I l

p  ! 10)7 . j Manu'meture r and Grade of lasbric stion i b.  ! l

11)i #

l 1. Hous 4 and Limitjswitchas ersum w spy

                     ?                           \
                                                                     ! '12                         % g Dip , ram Myt?7-M4-3                                         '                       '
                                                                                                                                                                                               ;                                   g,y,J 'wpw'sc-is Ay.t.s l 113f                       Dinansiona. ' Drawig g a.8-wd-s** IV
                                        .') 's i
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Valle Sizeje Area .[-

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I o

                                                                                                                                                  y'                                          p          ..                                                                    .

I 40 81 . Yat e Type sear A ',

                                                                                                                                                                   't 4../                                     3. ) > -                                6               I q

l ( *16[ 17  ; DifParenti il Presiura(Defign/Ti sted) Design tan g atur a *) ved a ww. . . 4i k.* . i, l. i-

                                                                  ;i          M:                   Sta'sSppedl, Inche              p/Minuteinf# 8'd4 it                                                  i'                             .l              '1 49l     '
                                                                                                 . Sta a Traved; Inch is /pl# F                                          '

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a. f[

i, '

                                               .h         .           "MI,                         Matt e Ratis g, ft.             l-IM. pa p.l ps.j .;:                                                                    i,          ;            y,.: c4 y;. j{

r~ , ' I 41. Motcr RPH rdee e i f.O A, -

t. .

N 20h Mate r Ehcle rure **N4 F 3 ' S' F* N - { (4.I

                                                                        '4                                                                                Ir* . 1                                                                                    Dj E

Duty cle '.Mi A8 % s P* .

  • Cy/N
                     >                               ?      l
                                                            '       J 4r)?                         Volcae                           ab Ne/ f4d i k                                                                .

k d -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *.*' dM4 Torg se 9til                        1 Single           or DW l.- ) . #m    e                                                                      f*tdY d

29)4 . 48.C. 8 1 r. - Metc t Cenr to ers et.e . <' kr8M L - f a) Finlan & No. Mo.1 of Teeth $w*-tw y /ff% l 30)[

                       ;                                                                                                                                                                                                                             pear 4 ?

i ' b) _ Gear 7a t 2.'/h i. of 1 eth lap' [.aff#7j ' (, sir i wn){ (- k

                                           .f                 .

31), Wors . Set jRa ;io Jr Ni! a)' bra Pa bt 21 d e *** *: M */~ f .a. g5fI

                                                                                                                                                        !! . 4                            -

r  ; b 'H. s 'f4 (/ ". b)" %ra'Ge ar Part b. h @a-ee - 5 g ly,. ./ .{

32) l. I '. f.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '- h '. J Overn11 Oni k Ratio 72Aa p                                                                                                                                              -
                                                                                                                                                             .{ -

[ Outp it RPM pg. y .!; y p. l 33) , , [ . e. C . .j n .c, c.. , . ,  : , , w3. .. /T l IL mo6R, ic b #. 7, 5 5Am .., l f 1 p .i ".f.d f  ; ..; i at '

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,             t                   .                   c e                                    . J>
                                                                                                                                                                                ..i:,jl.,i 1;

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                                                                                                                                                        $. 1                                                                    1                  ,Ml h                                                       *}          .

4 ,... l j i !F f h; V k. ., r t , . s s'.

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I;i,; i. q ll 1 i . ste risis , .

i y RTTACHrnENT *lo 'To ta394.g.sny3 7 PURCHASE ORDER NO. RE QUISITION NO. . 7 Page 2 of 2 ,. STEM No. 3A'Wr44 (s) s~s 2 ,ys mi.go s , (

34) 1hrust Ibs. 7,F#a N-N y rA
35) Torque,, ft. - Ibs. M/ ^ N- pM '
36) Stem m t Drswig
37) Limitorque Order m(A/DV) ., fr4 - wer4pa/"erw LHIEy0) 4
38) *L11H)gg Actuator serial m@rre._
39) Valve Serial m. cwxrNr #4 .
40) Special Features Added /Jaut u. coy @w#rir.

41) TAmir a) GearSwitch HousingAssembly (NaterfA1 and Color)gre@, *JN w A W. FWew

                                 .                 b) cear Housing cover c) Drive Can AWr490 anew d) Insulatico 4Arr/As,ceyga-                                                   '

e) Rotor /rf as,72r, Feva w - s*A

42) Torque Switch (Material and Color) /Tasa J6sh cd*A a) Can Shaft serspyuusw
  • b) Insulation seryphurw
43) 0-Ring,s (Material and Color)

Vrow-Buck & Caet. r

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1 f ' L ;;.. - 8e" n;9 .n, ,' .. s , ., . _

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Y y ' [ Y jo I 4 l l I J l e l l O 9 i i I i l l 1 l I I M

l l M ' DOSTONEDISON Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 l l iPECIAL ORC MEETING #86-16 LOCATION: J.A. Seery's Office l LAT,[i February 19, 1986 i ATTENDEES: J.A. Seery, Chairman d P. D. Smith, Member R.E. Sherry, Member B.E. Eldredge, Member S.S. Wollman, Member 4 j i A.A. Shatas, Member j G. Fiedler, Alternate ' J. Rogers (NED) W. Clancy (NED) (Telecon) i P. Cafarella (NED) (Telecon) ( G. McHugh (NED) (Telecon) - 1 P. F. Giardiello  ! QUORUM REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED ) i PRINCIPAL TOPICS: i I *

1. Acceptance of ORC Meeting Hinutes k 2. Safety Evaluation
3. Procedures
1. Acceptance of ORC Meetina Minutes The minutes of ORC Meeting No. 86-05 were accepted as written.
2. S_afety Evaluation Mr. J. Rogers (NED) presented Safety Evaluation (S.E.) #1918 to the-ORC for review and approval. NED was asked by the Operations Section to prepare this safety evaluation as a contingency for dealing with a small amount of seat leakage being experienced by Valve 1001-288, which is the  !

LPCI outboard injection valve for B-loop. l l Page 1 of 7

iPECIAL ORC MEETING #86-16 This safety evaluation changes' current LPCI-valve configuration from-MO 1001-288 (closed)~and MO 1001-298 (open) to MO 1001-288'(open) and' MO 1001-298 -(closed). The latter valve, acting as an isolation valve ' l provides greater assurance for isolation and prevention of. leakage -I because it is a gate valve. The original p? ant configuration was with the M0.1001-288 valve open and the MO 1001-29B valve closed. This safety evaluation provides the option to restore this configuration for the 8-loop. Mr. Rogers reviewed the safety' detail with the ORC members. The situations which.were evaluated.due to the configuration. change-included: '(1) the.effect on-the LPCI injection function, (2) the effect on.the shutdown coolir.g, function,-(3) the effect on the isolation function and (4) remote. shutdown functions associated with 4 Appendix R. This safety evaluation is A-loop if the-


change is desired for that loop as~ well. It was ' concluded af ter a lengthy discussion by the ORC members that none.of the' functions would be compromised by changing the configuration. A discussion then followed as to whether leakage of water past this valve was in excess of air leakage limits for Appendix J LLRT. . Presently, maintenance efforts have been successful in stopping the leakage by this valve. Administrative 1y, it has been decided.that it is unace.eptable for the leakage alarm to come in more frequently than once per 24 hours. {D.- C, it was pointed out that during,RFO.#6 a successful LLRT of 1001-28B Valve using air indicated a leakage of 1.9 liters at 45 psig, well below the limit established by Appendix J. The ' Appendix J limits are conservatively established in anticipation of some minor degradation from routine operation during the subsequent operating cycle between.

      . tests. A calculation performed by one of the attendees showed an approximate leak rate of .003              per       t:1000 PSI. a.

small leak rate at the present ant conf gurat on. One of the ORC members felt that it was important to elicit ~from NED a way of equating LLRT (air) with existing water leakage by -28B valve. He felt that the plant should not be shutdown to perform a LLRT. A telecon was set up to include Messrs. W..Clancy, P. Caf arella and G. McHugh. It was their conclusion that present-day calculations equating air leakage to water leakage are not defensible, would not meet Appendix J. criteria and would not be accepted by the NRC. - Mr. P. Cafarella said that past data indicates that the Local Leak Rate was good even when the . leakage alarm came in af ter 4 hours. He-recommended that this type'of past data be examined for' establishing acceptance criteria. . W..Clancy requested.that the station. walk'the LPCI line for any packing leaks.' He concluded that he would confer with his Department Manager and also the Pilgrim Station Manager and, upon this concurrence, do some informal leak rate calculations. Page 2 of 7

T CALGULATK)N SHEET C"ygo")g,7,cu yo,

                                                                            ,, g,,, g 3 ,y        n,7g "FR 10fD-7 RAW DATA"                                                               ^
                                                    . $[                    CHECKED BY            DATE Eds;so,n               APPVD BY              DATE
        .sussEcT: fpg 7                                                     SWEET 4or C.hs e1-    begik).           flttl'B7           0030 yes.              sn    D 5 t oor has- z.ero - ren                                               usa D 9Ilfl81 8             W e-e-euk o* esmo o tro, /(fo 3YF (600 /we83t3, 20 Yf, i

z..,so o , y[,ijerpFoopewa75 osco o r ys  ; o7oo A L o o m necrs c.e4 (, p  % a k S  %

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CALCULATION SHEET {yJoj,,,7,3y yo.

   " APPENDIX F - PART T WEE"                                 ,,gy,go ,y              g,,
         "FR10fo-7 RAW DATA"                   gi             cHecxcD sy              DaTc _
                                           ,dison E                 APPVD Sy                DATE t      


SHEET F f,/z$ 6Lwp w

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  • 1001 6 8.E.Co. FORM 3930 ,


SPECIAL ORC MEETING #86-16 The ORC concluded that Safety Evaluation #1918 did not involve ~an unreviewed safety question and approved It for use only if the leakage alarm came in. .

                                        'It_was also pointed out that.several procedures'and drawings would have to be revised by Station Management and Nuclear Engineering.

A copy of Safety Evaluation #1918 is. attached to the minutes of this meeting. See Attachment I for further, details. 3; Procedures The following IS procedures were reviewed by the_0RC, determined not to constitute an unreviewed safety question, and. approved for implementation. , Number Title Revision S.B.21 ' Emergency Lighting Units (Fixed) 2 (SRO #86-15) Purpose and Summary of Changes This change adds circuit breaker identification, properly locates lighting units and properly identifies the names of building areas. These changes reflect actual plant conditions. Number Title Revision . j Core Spray MOV Operability Test 13 (SRO #86 16) Purpose and Summary of Changes


Changes stroke time acceptance from 18.0 seconds to 20.0 seconds per S.E. #1918. Number Title Revision Core Spray MOV Operability . 5 (SRO #86-17) from Alternate Shutdown Panel Purpose and Summary of Changes Changes acceptance criteria for stroke time from 18.0 seconds to.20.0 seconds per S.E. #1914. Number Title Revision 8.8.6 Preaction/ Deluge Sprinkler System 12 (SRO #86-18) Page 3 of 7

                                      'SPECIAL ORC' MEETING #86-16 Procedures (continued)                                                    '

Purpose and Summary of Changes Change to make written section of procedure to match numbers on sign off attachment. Number Title Revision 6.5-272 Calibration of MS-3 Mini Scaler 3 (SRO #86-19) 1 Purpose and Summary of Changes Allow calibration and efficiency determination using plated metal sources-versus filter paper with deposited-source. Procedure to be redone with proper sources as soon as' practical after they are available. Number jf.tle Revision Panel Procedures' Panel 903 Left 9'(SRO #86-20) Purpose and Summary of Changes This change corrects typographical errors and includes good operator practice for relieving excess pressure. Number Title Revision i Limitorque Type SMB. Valve (

  • 3.M.3-24.1 Operator Removal New Purpose and Summary of Changes To provide ' procedure for proper removal of operators for maintenance (work presently done using-vendor manual). Addresses INPO,.SALP and EQ concerns. j j

Number Title Revision 3.M.3-24.2 Limitorque Type S!'8 000/00 Valve New Motor Operator Overhaul Purpose and Summary of Changes To provide procedure for motor operator overhaul (work presently done using vendor manual). Addresses INPO, SALP and EQ concerns.  ; I Number Title Revision 3.M.3-24.3 Limitorque Type SMB-0 Through.-4 New Motor Operator Overhaul Page 4 of 7 1 1

SPECIAL ORC MEETING #86-16 Procedures (continued) Purpose and Summary of Chances To provide procedure for motor operator overhaul (work presently done using vendor manual). Addresses INPO, SALP and EQ concerns. Number Title . Revision 3.M.3-24.4 Limitorque Type SMB-5 New Motor Operator Overhaul Purpose and Summary of Changes I To provide detailed instructions to perform work currently done using vendor manuals. Addresses INPO, SALP and EQ concerns. Number Title Revision 3.'M.3-24.5 Limitorque Type SMB Electrical New Checkout and Adjustment Purpose and Summary of Changes . To provide done procedure using vendor manual). for electrical checkout and adjustment (work presently Addresses SALP, INPO and EQ concerns. Number Title Revision 3.M.3-24.6 Limitorque Type SMB Valve New Operator Installation Purpose and Summary of Changes To provide procedure for installation of operator (work presently done using vendor manual). Addresses INPO, SALP and EQ concerns. Number Title Revision 3.M.3-24.7 Limitorque Type SMB New Disassembly / Removal Purpose and Summary of Changes To create a procedure to enable maintenance personnel to properly disassembly / remove Limitorque Type 58-00 through 58-3 motor operators. Work is currently done using approved procedure 3.M.1-il and vendor manual. Addresses INPO, SAIP and EQ concerns. Number Title Revision 3.M.3-24.8 Limitorque Type SMB New Reassembly / Installation Page 5 of 7

SPECIAL ORC MEETING #86-16 Procedures (continued) ' Purpose and Summary of Changes To create a procedure which will enable plant maintenance personnel to properly. perform a reassembly / installation of Limitorque Type 5B-00 through SB-3 valve operators. Addresses INPO, SALP and EQ concerns. Number Title Revision l 1 3.H.3-25 Cleaning and Agitation New  ! of Station Batteries Purpose and Summary of Changes The purpose of this procedure is to provide instruction to personnel of.the proper way to clean batteries and the proper way to agitate battery electrolyte. .l l Number Title Revision Re-entry 3 Purpose and Summary of Changes Delete "II3 "unless the urgency for a re-entry is so great as to preclude the performance of these steps" and add "if necessary to preserve human life or


prevent imminent core damage, this step may be eliminated at the discretion of

 ,        the emergency director".

Number Title Revision .) 7.3.25 Particulate and Iodinc Monitoring 9 at the Main Stack and the Reactor  ! Buildino Vent Purpose and Summar.y of Changes The changes made to this procedure wert done so as to clarify present analytical practices, correct typographical error's and eliminate some unnecessary precautions. (DR 1489 related) Number Title Revision TP 85-124 Administrative Control for E203 New Project Purpose and Summary of Changes To provide administrative control of E203 walkdown project. dage 6 of 7.

                           . o . _ . .i . . . . -    ..   . .  ...              .....c. .

SPECIAL ORC MEETING'#8_6-16 . Prepared by i o Apprcved by PFG/lo


1. Safety Evaluation #1918 i ec: Standard Distribution List
                                                                                                    '1 O

l fL 1



                                                                                                          '1 i
                                                                                                      't j

l Page 7 of 7 = _ _ _ _ - - _ = .  :

i ~


h1D Proposed Change Safety Evaluation No.:,lil& SATETY EVALUATION

                                       ,    P!LCKI?! M' CLEAR TO'-F.h STAT!ON Rev. No. O PDC /PCN     System         . Calc.                           '

Initiator: Dept: Group: No.: Name: No.: Date:

            .T.V. kgus         AIEo       stsA          -

AHK. - 2-l'Y% e Description T vola of Fr posed auntNot chabo,rd10 test.or

                                                       /001 -2experiment:Q[A4*46.

7 2 (closed Currpri abjoet.29e d faorA i A10loci- 22B Yone s) amd M0/oct-29 8 (clo. sed]. SAFETY EVALUATION CONCLUSIONS: ' l 1 The proposed change, test or experiment.: . J 1

1. 00 Coes Not t ) Ooes increase the probability of occurrenc= or con- ,
                  ,ecuences ai art .tr_r.ident or malfunction of equipment impor.a st to safets-                      '

previously evaluatea in the TSAR.


0 2. 3.

                  .X Does Not f ) Coes increase. the possibility for accident or malfunet ton of a different tyoe than any evaluated previously in the FSAR.

Q() Does Not, ( ) Does decrease the margin of safety as defined in the basis to; any technscal specification. SASIS TOR SATETY TXALCATION CONCLUSIONS: Tk tu w k valk ce,1 k auh& o!s as s Md aLeve . A rool 286 valve _ s's a aloise valve. ael h U# o o l - 7,3,E va lue s& na te val ve - %t m of ( an h % \am. a <. m is eIa % a Iwe era v.h L a 2hd us m u of oos % - U.1 soln hk . %on D s.M W 1 bi e</alu ftd - &_ _ /s %k t~kaan 1 (1)f% s4it t oo L LPc.r 1e c 6x L4e hk A) C #fu.7 m & s Au %Jw . A L,aK - ' L1 ) %c e Mc.f M % Asela hk MLAn d(4)rwtr sluh61w,z Mchh s is's' e c. 4pd wM % R , Ser o flutud ska fA f 2-n of L) - Change Change I ()() Recommended ( ) Not Recommended I SE Performed by V U Date /frff(o A TTACH /- MC ?$ -/d

1 1 66 l'f I S' ite .. o. L v"t.r K u ,i b A

          % o< y plad cmt;& was                             w1L %. -228 velve opn 4%
 -2<16 va (ve e los<d. ms c4 res k <a s L's crn Rf . do'th va /ve s tecelveg am Qd synJ enes & UCI hop ulK loy'c. M Lus. s AhRkd cJ <ea e.s.                     ha Let- Aud 4 ku % 100 NG. .ZT' k LAcr                                     -

loop cet<c h. y/oy'e. ddum & 6 <<eiaa/ Ak bop h k hel.w.,6.tA. va Ives receia a clos <d s

                                                        , <. sway / %. u/w pars % ks w.'t/
  %< no aWact n <L. ofg%se
                                                        %s.                                                     ,

As i k o<,'ga l cn n value. . vill i opu a.~l k o% valve w. al ,ui elo AQ,L's s< d. &

64. dftcfel(4 e <9, if 1,efA elus uu. clow Q),), of safeQ will ,

Dwf s<nnet baA t.ocA c< n.,L %s, n. Ly o&ywell p.wm s'M O.s. oces w,%d a. co rra.,p9 low -low wk lud s,'p J. % xHK g,9 m. // u sa, m //g s A t and % afec 66 * /ve.s wi// m w + Ak fos h s ub / a Pstc, is reae he p.eba m s ,'sn y& p A us m,'d euco.nfau.,nw.t s:<e. oG 4cAscA 00 sa41s Hsd des, tLapssp.u. lu%% p la 4 des,y% eS ,<. se. p; protec p g A c o lut se' k % k ddch e f.p. n. & ut b of' as ina2vedest ope oS oru e % Mov s. TL's profedre .fuc% Aar aof bus a% fed Q %'s Q.

   % one of tru aside enMa~.<.t ekcA. alve due/ L la d o dy.

prev. des L L ass - te Lt h RIhc ie.Q r w ll ~+3 be ovwfu ssuiud.

        % % m Go//g A,ttA sLJdew,1     coa     , L. M o too t - z.9 a a's  op A                   % Moioot-tea Ls i< a l a.s a. Wefffig Va fue . W /a, L's mode of A W., en                                 M M & vala ra ca ,'se s as.

uk~he iso /a h k sa y . % s /> cas.'s % f w, % p /=mf duip bas;s . hwwu, % us vain esa b<. clos <A by rusefe naual acJ 'et . This 9 does ah% l- Wse fuse %s.

         .Ts o/a h L c%.

th sia fid pr<.v,'ca.stm % isolaL fuc% of La va la s d-<. /c ucz 19 st /se h l y te a cA7/e a % sim%cv>s cooLQ nde h not affe+ed. %.

         . of n one alue ops d one valse closed cenGyuank. M 4 Lew.
    .. 9 .dA c%y ke% of k a side u,sMund vala hu                                                   +w+ Lus-Q . % wu of a ym. valve. ets % hola% bee,'e.,- p>u v? des added a ss m 0G ya ss'% lso (0J% . %lly, W w+ k <<=liMf                                          L i+'f

btb rs nm tybt A % 15,/4h Amc6b.. <

                                                                                             /uaAh 4=s b.cayas l                                                                                 . - . . . .

9 0

                              .                                                                                                                                     s E 19 tV h
  • kpps a k bc.4434 Cunudh & Mo-loei- z9 0 <6u ud ku<. 4 %4rol s~ u e n. 3 Alba b%et Puk, & Mo toot-28 8 he s % ( sus!M A it 4 ab,+tlig a l* . ,

Co,yllama w.4k eA gM:s R. a, 4+ . h ted kg % 4 e Q . Po v , dy , , ,%. M oo i - we v am e r.w , s o% un e m u s ru New m p &uuwML29't 6 va <<. is op o < om n va lue i X:+ > a+, w,.> ~1.c ww- ws vaue ;> a w wm V; d 6 0( b b lftvuM $bMbe b b ' N'S ly M e I 9 O - l 3 . - . I t>T 4 4y -%!N y .r,

      .4 a                                            ?

e i g,;... _, , w w a. .


4 f a .

           . . . . . . s e . .,


k. APPROVAL (N This proposed change does not involve'a change in the Technical Spec 2facat1ons.

(/) This proposed change, test or experiment.does ( ).does not (d-involve an unreviewed safety question as defined sn 10CTR , - Part 50.59(c). (/) This proposed change involves a change to'the TSAR per 10CTR 50.7)(e).and is' reportable under 10CTR50.59(b). l ( ) -Comments: The safety evaluation basis'and conclusion is: (V) Approved () Not Approved

       \      f +*-                    7-I 6(o &e D2 Wapline Group Leader /Date W $upporting                           Discipline         Group  Leader /Dete B.       'REVIEV/ APPROVAL O.                            () Cosnnents : b 34. t g

V)v.PAIPs 5 E ,'s a ko des toJ fn bs'enble i loep as we%ll% to s'v.k. %4 oreubu Miot t tia uw

                                                                                                . h \0*t
  • Y' f.

1 tin eero% k iY M au m et+; YP W l$l${0 U %5A Group Leader /Date ' i C. ORC REVIEW () This proposed change involves an unreviewed safety question and-a requests for authorization of this change must be filed with j the Directorate of Licensing, NRC prior to implementation. ' This tion. proposed change does not involve an unreviewed safety ques- _l ORC Chairman (j / Date ' [ ORC Heeting Number M-//2 ' cc: . Exhibit 3.07-A Sheet 2 of 3 Rev. 'l



                                                                                        . ,,         ,,   e       /



Safety Evaluation:  ! Rev. No.: O- Date: kJ l8 SI# Support a change ' i List FSAR FSAR test,' diagrams, and indices affected by this chtnae and corresponding [i revision. Affected FSAR . Section Revision to affected FSAR Section is shovn on: I Preliminary Final i Attachment 1 b #

                                                           -sJ Tables, w ll lu. <tyderA .V Attachment'2 M 's [5 M e. VM
                                                                     ,MC             Yo k' Attachment 3    g         .g j

g .g, j i Attachment 4 } ( Attachment 5 i Attachment 6 PRE 1.IMINARY FSAR REVISION (to be completed at time of Safety Evaluation preparation). Prepared by: /Date: Reviewed by: "


Approved by: b Date:7-

                                      /         Iff;Sh FINAL FSAR REVISION (Prepared following operational turnover of related systems structures of components for use at PNPS). (1) 1 Prepared by:                     /Dape:            Reviewed by:              /Date:       ~

(1) Attach completed FSAR Change Request Form (Refer to NOP). i Exhibit 3.07-A Sheet 3 of 3 Rev. 1 i

NLCl:3-B17 Safety Evaluati.e. SATETY EVA1.UAT10N WORK SHEET No.: _ /9/8 g A. Sy. tem / Structure / Component Failure and Consequence Analyses. Systes/ Strutture/ Component Failure Modes Effects of Tailure Comme r.t s

1. 8d b'b W b bW W b

{ bas whdu ed 8L sy cky. % p<uib a news.n

2. \
3. _



General Reference Material Review s FSAR CALCULATIONS

                                                                                           . REGULATORY SECTION PNPS TECHNICAL SPECS. DESIGN SPECS / PROCEDUR                                   .

l l I l i B. For the proposed hardware change, identify the failure modes that are likely for the componee'.s consistent with FEAR assumptions. For each failure mode, show the consequences to the system structures or related components. safety basis (FSAR Especially Text show how the failure (s) 'affects the assigned Chapter 14 and Appendix *C). for each system) or plant safety functions FSAR


Prepared by 9 v --

                                                                              'i 3Date          /
h. -
                                                                                . 3. .

NOTE: It is a tion, requirement to include this' work sheet erith the Safety Evalua-t Exhibit 3.07-C ' l Rev. 1 l


l v I l l


f /,! {~ (f l l l l l l l i l 1 l l l I 1 1 i i 1 O . l l l l ______________________.a

1 . 4 4 APPENDIX F RHR FLOW RECORDER INFORMATION PART 1 Determination of the Number of 'B' RHR Loop Pressurization When leakage. exists in the 'B' RHR loop. .a pressurization occurs. Flow element FE 1048B is sensitive to this pressure in that a response in the-associated instrumentation FT 1049B SORT 1040-15B responds by becoming more negative. This phenomena is received and recorded on flow recor der FR1040-7 on Panel 903. This phenomena was observed in the February 1966 RHR pressurization events and became a predictive tool when the problem was 4Ctive.


The ' B' loop channel (the black pen) of FR1040-7 has a " live" or j upscale zero. As pressure increases in the line. which is in the low I pressure part of the system. the pen responds by trending downscale. When l the RHR high pressure alarp annunciatesi the oper ator relieves pressure te the Torus via the test line. The pen responds by spik ing upwar d and then


settling back t o the pre-event posit ion. - This phenomena has been observed by the author, sever al STA's. Watch Engineers and Operations personnel. When the ' B' RHP loop water test was conducted. the FR1040-7 pen was observed. This same phenomena repeated under the controlled test conditions. Figures F.1 and F.O ar e recer der chart copies from FR1040-7 that show the phenomena. Since this phenomena is known and can be correlated to the 'E' RHR loog. pressure events. it was used as 'a research tool b, the Task Force. All r ec or der FR1040-7 charts were reviewed and the 'F' loog response was recorded. This review notes the occurrence as "P loc: events" in the rough nctes. The nctes were then tabulated by count ing the ;f event s or e given day. The tabulation was converted to a plot of "numter o f ' B' FHF loor pressuri:ations per day versus time". The entire 19?S and 1996 data has been r eviewed and r ecor ded. The plot is Figure 5 in the body of the report. t 6


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6 s cm o wf h TO LM4 mmSmm f LW5M DATE i!IT/ E0 TIME ID W % FROM E'O b' O N COMPANY /0FFICE PMPS su,3C2, m Fu w Teme , FT- to e s , ,, , g , 1 (o ( 2.- P t 1 - 7 2 8t> l i j hver*> T t o w hum as Twe' F F-(:e c.T oc th- #% c er nse I tv Sen < Oth- S WC s* bu %f o tef w OF-(4 @ h M o w t- Pt., w w c % s r s t ncvs 7 ( c_ c m . u s , o s c) l b 5 WW8- TL-t i - e Th%- (1- bw 8s A Deoe eu %f 0 ti FW bi4"*'. "A 3 hu (n 5 < L hem r-g- a wo-, ro c,.e hv o ~ co = . (ch o v 4m c, - m 4. u % s i c-) P Action Required: (Yes) ) Copies To: a, g, H c a ctc, p , T, S. b / o t.t_ w v 4 fIS [ ' DAM Chrono File No: 2-0.T Subject File No: Page i of 1


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         " APPENDIX F - PART TmEE" PREPARED BY          DATE
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                                               , ,@'                  CHECKED BY           DATE Edign                APPVD BY             DATE



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c ,,_,,,, y u m o o 2,20 a

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         " APPENDIX F - PART ThREE" "FR 10 0 7. RAW DATA"                   %      f-                                        -

3 Y . *- y& ' /?.$O 8'2)-fb .. . Q at?os 3- 2 3 -i' C i 4r 2cee> 3 - ay-ff ap. L 0o30 3-91-W i @ 0930 2-97-85 .. n 2, ,,. e... .. a c e -. . 6239 3 - DS- ['S O ,7.5 0 - / y3 0 i

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02ie 3rd a,chs a 00 BA su wL.N, e C.

                         " APPENDIX F - PART THREE" "FR 10 0-7 RAW DATA" b                                                                   . g.       '

J [ -

    ,  Y      ".spfm                V:)-75                6a36 -o31s w Wl efL. f        !

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                                                                  " APPENDIX F - PART T mEE"                                                                                    p,gp ,go ,y I

n,7g "FR 10lO-7 RAW DATA" ,hi CHECKED BY DaTE }. - Edison APPVD BY DATE


SUBJECT.: SHEET'N OF- ) s l C4ac+ A-ap O/3 o V/4/PG sn. D. y /Cof $46 / e/ C Zd/0 NSR 0

                                                                                                                           /?t< 4r + <      Y,//7        za ra      , up ur        recyr Vfr6 mf 69                      N /* dP       im     Toe n.s         coet
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                                                                           .7//?                                            A Ioef /           Yof*S L O W /r<7 ggo , soon                                                                                                   ff     8.E.Co. FORM 3930 c                   ;1


    "FR 100-7 RAW IATA"               1M:',
                                      .                 CHECKED BY               DATE Edison eeene APPVD BY                 DATE y


SHEET / OF M [ TWer B(pM Leap SR O NSR b~//7/8[ DWS P T8"* # ' 9* O Ap etso l S,4 s 2,Vo o Kr y@ 0190 \ nf/ a w OOf O h C O nds sV/7/fr / g:n I w



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I i C20 - soot r, B E.Co. FORM 3930



   " APPENDIX F - PART TWEE" PREPARED BY          oATE "FR 100-7 RAW IhTA"                            y g!                         CHECKED BY

DATE EElign Appvo sv oATE (


    /9 gf                                                              SHEET d OF f*y'.< S//7/8 G                / 3:f 3 4 e 5 SR    _O     i Vt7          E Ioop       t- on         zera f low sf , A
  • s 8 4.oop NSR flota frik es A L-oo p ' ' }

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      }~/S[f         /'/Je // esp                  7efits cce( ,/ /k hi-                                      -

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       " APPENDIX F - PART TfREE"                                     pagpango ey_              onyg
             "FR 104)-7 RAW DATA"               ,,,,,, {gs            CHECKED SY                DATE Edsgn               APPVD BY                  DATE -



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                              / 5~mi+t /Q    tr>   2beof#r                                               )

NSR 0 OY30 bloop toeus c oat f 2 k v.s , 08 % A/oof fbkup coa /

                 /yyo        B ro op    F'0 " *st Y S. 7p,_5                                             )

l ivvy- A- to of f & w k .s r i

                /UO S (dop 72>f o s ce>o /4 to - a, tG T p /oop fullse s d g w                              y we ,j, g q Gy'7      07.16     A/00; su d .s e c s 4 / d J n to + o     n trop J4 .rM             c/ W                                  -
                         //'t'S~ 13 foof Froco nst                                                   .
                        /2 *e O    A (60JP     /q b f'<//Scf d                                         _
                       /3 30      $/ cop      & sst d XOOO fM LhD
 -0"                              Aioof fall t'ab S/'        '+

V f/ W N /9 y gg ,y,.g j mrri.oiy&u,mg p~y~ wh 4 io q Ju4' >cde r e b .s y9  ;, + m !~.e " h ,, 4

                  ,o:,'Aloy '.* fitus           n a M /9 Ars c

cuit ss,o cpo) i S cme. A foop { tow bl/ [3 ,0 00 k l0l P h TC/VS o u c f<}z. y f u , sack <4 [0 f $# p 2. -k 4 .c U OY /*L .3 h }} r.S f *E!lz brS 19c0 BL g u' % w " eestiv yr Bnwep a s,s i/ u-s g c, yj,p ,_, NMD M /2c2d f//S,/ W gg3 .eoor 8.E.Co. FOFiM 3930

                                                                                                       -1 CAPf 7At.


  " APPENDIX F - PART TmEE" PREPARED SY               DATE "FR 1040-7 RAW DATA" h                CHECKED SY                DATE Edi; son           APPVD BY                  DATE



SHEET [_d 0F fS 2 .'f.W 0 D FGl/fl~ $6 SR Q f EN UoN f OOf.5" /4 SkA cloceja1(SDc)/ 8 &4 Cod 9 NSR D 4 04 4T /6ToO c/ 4' Gr /4 V [/ 6 (s;//7 $ /oof S f) C D 4 'S V//9 A lo o ,1 .Sf ] C' 8 h 6/~s

       @'i 3          8d'emp       -f /s e 4 .r o s o S/b4        (Yloop flo41./ fci fc* o0                                                      -

Oz]y) Aleof ff///' .sec 6 Spke

                                 / cop /2/9'S cdd//Q 8h brS                                                i G/ng>Jo4 /)0 # firz- g Jzrs bae !& 4 % 7s- Ar.s d
 &      (s,lyo 4

eG /f~ A- / cop I3/US Coo' 3 4'rS o# qu(-rL 3 d 4r s /q e A 'e M / 4 e-- o t t s k i- la. Ars

                              & f ri- ).         kr.s be A th ;f-r'sback is p$4rsGd Ar-ty in o 7/t fy            A     Q in lifuS Cord <-7 0 4r.5 7/7          6 /oq Red t9
  . 7,/e B (007 F 7s w % r-7/u n> 0 A- % n m s c o k 9 4 <.5
     ,,/n 23 w hi toy? GPas co A ct t 4 '.s                                                                i 7// t- o 5 v5- 8 / sop Ho#       (Tc)      Ye h ~

c w " 1,b/FFotx j se t 0 - tool g B.E.Co. FORM 3930


                                                 @:             CHECKED BY                 DATE Edison             APPVD BY               _ OATE



                 .3749/ 0200 7//3//f
               / 9' An               A-tB (oop ftio a> n p                             nsa O 7f7             A'f
4. /00p axvase c

y?O 7zfos ec oh esis 74 o 7po of To - Lo o tc' op Pfow 7f%/ol'p.tB F/o* u t e s 19. t., f E { Floc.O bly.s"40M /0ofS lfZ 2- 6 foop floc.o ioif2 t- 'h& P S YL& _ j 7/z's w Pkt /} /cef ffsco+est 7/z(4

                 -tatiA4t tooo/ ,

8fo<f N #s7 -

      ~7/7 >      ::. - 1 $ fo s p 72teoS o ed h p t D /19.5 72&           $        ' hfe op      'Yu)k ue S re      zoco       gG-      e r *K t

C0 /f 5 fo LUPW

     /F7 eioo       e te        ro ts                                                                         i 150        kloop fo3us coeli        '
g. z rh,s l 7/z7 }h'eo A- (coop n/a s c. /Ar i 7/zq soot }} Q 7M"SGah- 18A'3 7 z 9 ifoo &&b Pts' eu ' rad
         ,       & (&&$ 789 " '                         ?s$'^'                           .

g,tg- ooi!po t(oo 8 13 f/d*> OWVe6 $9? i 6/co tooo 6 FYo w icS,7 8/7 000 E f/ou N7 9/ 8 /930 A F/sv Fes Y et'cp esso B W sa=+'W 8(tl O(po B$*,$ky#n

                                 *5                                   g&/')          .

t t 0 - 1001 cA nnwT (' c PS//3b95 00% ele.Co. FdRM 3930

T CALCULATION SHEET fygo')g,7,, yo.

                                           " APPENDIX F - PART TmEE"                                                              PREPARED BY             DATE   !
                                                                  "FR 1040-7 RAW DATAn
                                                                                                               ,,,h               CHECKED SY



/pgy-        ,,          ,,                              SHEET. h F                     f
                                                                                      -            . , - ,                                                       a 8/ V T oo y                                                                            :
                                                                                 $ toop - a                          l}                         ,,.

9 NSR ~0-  ;

                                                                      ))fqy9[              4 Lcop Ta Rd s c co it u-p- 8ArJ WWWE & % B (sof Flocs her                                        [85Rt-)                   }
                                                                    .Y1f8]' ZE O                     8 loo f       F lo w -t g ,4 Wow n>7~ ( gn,5 , 7;,

6 zo/85~ Lyco B (cop j H '( 0 t//6 f 2 3oc> 'l YW i


h(oo f Totus co,t tit u,5 8,ln/85 z to o B tseg Flow n>t hen tw< c+)  ; sp; ,g y zto > c B foeg F/ew tW

          '      (                                                 8/21/9I          l'*
                                                                                                & focf Pho A- Io ef F(oW 7% t-l Te f l(t tr 8 foop               Froes Tw-                                           i
                                                                                /n'T N loep &lk scale- spi /ces
                                                                                / 90 c) 13          ( e> o po e v e u.T* ~

WW/8[ OG00 )$ (o ap g etwT~ o ? >c l' t1 ilo 0 E D O 15 loo p 5 00 5 foop "B//p s C-lov ffi k l Oj k o 70 ci B l'a s p n c) K it: 5 oi / e-co yresp FAw spKws

                                                                                   /2:9o           5 !"o op Pfcw pg-f-Gjf t$    // 3
  • E(eap Frau t % f e ,/2e emioopres TL a na %

(Econ 5t h,.s

                                                             ,         8/'a        it:S00 5 % s / F fe u) t a p t g,/5 o   /fDc)         B/et) P(wW ftt 0 - 1001                                                         g     B.E.Co. FORM 3930

T CALCULATION SHEET {^pggg,yo, yo,

 " APPENDIX-F - PART T!-REEU                                                              !



DATE Edsyso,n APPVD BY DATE JUBJECT: / f 85"' . SHEET b OF 6/3//ps sn O ' otx &S*of M ' ' NSR 0 - lYl~V h (&Of hfota Tepf ($tir 0/kf WY 9/, nioo + ty Gk >pik< j c

        . )/'z o 3 36        A ("f in S O L @ a!H C6bfW                               [

y,4e assc> Bi%p rereasrootn


f/3' /7 W & loop e st 4 b c . 9V o!3 o 15 coo, /hw Ts f \ fc, o5/Y 8fosp Ptsu 4 y uwyr }'t hb W [ h gb fl y [o g F %> M , jew y m (wgr ) /a>+as n i f OYOD h (Cof ddlY Mak I( % /h 58, ZO W, and t DF g $ Loop euert f if..! f , / W f

                    &rY         &= tl/ D S   0 0if Ar3         $,>//l'8[

i pro - t00s g, B.E.Co, FORM 3930 '


  " APPENDIX F - PART THREE"                             PREPARED BY              DATE.   .

i "FR 100-7 RM DATA"  %:') CHECXED BY DATE E Eh' son som appvo ,y . o,,, - -


4' -

                               #'                                         fo t~

17 "". MNW_m _. SHEET. F V

                     'Vy                c/d
                                       !!         hCD [/                                      '

NSR O N' 2C' 1 h!O-1001 6 8 E.Co F ORM 3930

 "# P N ix F - PART TteEE" PREPARED BY              DATE "FR 10 0 7 RAW M TA"                         , $f,                CHECKED BY               DATE Edison             agevo By                 oATE





cW ysa ris ~~^

                                                '//M                                         sn    O W hs Itve tape a.t voo p tt/t//8r 9Bfoop             APim }my.r ed A /0 0 V.1
                                  's p -<veu+ ~f e 3 ry                                                     ;

l l /,/t t/8y 0 loa p e w n / 4 Y 073d , / E l Vy", / 4.*'/}~ , atad teee -

          / /,//.? 6        b5 fo0 f < d < 4 b O $ $0 p/f80, / kW                                   $
          ),,f y//r i        S/ sop tud           00 VT                                                 #

o .>o o y /s op in Thras e o o // up /6 4 2.r c O lo c yr e uM L1/5  % c ti,t < r/tr ? /oop .eue.a c o Vr , o 2 0c, ot's- doe i rio 0

          !!//6/ff Q

8 '007 u< t o300,riso,ziys ty/7,/6'r # foof M" /O bd7 t/ so  %,% !

        ,,j,g,,7         .B/ sap e ~ s y o o ,, o 9 ' 0/ /' o <>

{ J///f/6'f~ J/ cop <usuf oGfg/J760 y / to,/ W y f w y s w d 0 too, iro o Iff70/P.!~ 8loer ib i ofUS cepote - / d?fS- I '//tg' 4/zy'Br f /oop .md /0/G hoyp9 d' Ju S ("~ P41/y1 9 I frW A loof ewdr ho /f/F' c.yc . ES/87 B s' sop eed.s c &

         ,/ry//'y 8 f.- eo,o nM.,, 0 7h,, e> 8's e 20cc/ S~ Y.S~, t 9 K2
        "(zr/ff & /erf rfow n.t os v1 II/ 28          B '0'P '**'~ "O>/0'#i"'f
        ///zt           6 /o        en        0136
          ///t9      il/7         foof Sfo al te 37' lify           )3 Acop sve#            /V00       bbW #]
          ,qr            a toop < sew           otT to Q> B foo p>        /on) n w uole*S      (wsyes s     .,              ,      , nr, 2s s          e,m C-luwf-tu a's / k/7,/sec o9 </

5 es E D - loot S 8 E.Co, F ORM 3930

CALCULATION SHEET- rn C"ygog,,,r,9n no.

" APPENDIX F - PART TWEE"                                PREPARED BY               DATE madhi,
       "FR 10lO-7 RAW IhTA"                              CHECMED BY                DATE    i apevD.eV -

Edi_' son oare JUBJECT: /7f[ SHEET M OF C LM M*D OT'l 7 / Ef 7/8 f y l'/tV8f n ob -tyoo prow p owelr e > (toe oes ) SR O 1 1 1tj/t/er cz.oo - 5 reap cem tie.rr NSR izys/er 89$40p ffood eor ds 00 to , io eo , / 750 g nop fisou ra>r 2 oec l

        /$/3/of g feep < sow or ooi/ z W jf//'/lPf 8foop eved occ/, /7Jo
      /Ll/S/~PS* 8 foop exameA?$fce -/23o
      /afts/S1 ovoo a wp             taa ve-                                               )

tef/f/8 7 Bloop F/sw N' ' 00 s o (3 toep w a 07Ro ,17 c

        /z/ze/9.r 8n>9p ad o//F-
        /7/zr/BF 4 /so p e a a.o r z. u r                                                    l B/7@*~        15         e eo                                                         l

[. oe f<r<os a iso .s- many ieoo -we

                    > boop b' & l f h.)
  ' set 0-toog                                                 . B.E.Co. FORM 3930 g

va a CALCULATION SHEET cayggg,, q9,

  • APPENDIX F - PART T mEE" entpango ey oave Nii
          "FR 10tO-7 RAW lhTA"                                        CHECMED By                     oATE m,Elign E                   apevo sv.                      oarc-     ,
       .iUBJECT: / 986        Pb lb 40-7                              swen_c_ w                                ;

By'r n / ~/- 8(o SR O llIf86 f

            ,      (Y$0 B' & f L &                                                                             l lly'80,            B/oor N& co iG oyty                                              usa D             i ffy,/8(,       8(hof? Ileeu omI\c4m4 /(o 6o CLt ait lt 4 S /              ro / peo chor+ b oyin.s           /           ipos
               /,/9//6 [/wp &                    > o ,  //w t,/ fgs pt$xyt s'es'*g- 00to/ # 8'O f plfJ B$ fo     of? / lo a) b>7~ 0 N.'i~

lc' op .ee/& c)G / $ /0 'C gy <& a6f 5/9,, f z Y J , i.s s o -

               , ga,g g,ea                      // ac, es> o f/fC B l. Oof Euc4)T or.orFi /y v g v a yr
        /,lif84 Dr foop / /ota 3/A' /4 droo - osco 5 f 00 P /tou exo-s/<n (wecies to ao -st'oo)                                             ;

B foop Ocd i/ 4'S, 2 > vr* '

          //'t4fs6 8leof floa) Sftke 0e cr S~

1 B '

  • P ** M t *77/'* E 3 ""
       /,l/7/P4 5 f0 0 f 4 'id d 69 5 c) ,
        ///p/84 pB/oof  /oop <**
                               -ec/wt//%ooc3 Y ,/Pogd
                                                   ,/Y c!'f' s p /oop &6*f 08'c/ /?O                                                                    \

y/f4 8 foo,p &'W 0SD0 ; ?( t2

              ? / 6 G & W o o P t*t.) d M'C.)

Y 9 . 5 0 ; / *? > Oy 2) VS-

       //es/26 5 foop esg                  o Bti, ll po,i yr7,17 ed, t 9Jr, tsec                               !
     //ry/BC.        8 foqf lued #'*o/ *3'f O        t Y3 0s 0 7 YS to/S*     / / t 36,/ YYT
     //r 7,/ pro ffoop sug ozoo, y/g,ono,ogyg,,.oprjj,y o, /.9/f, 21.50, i. > 'lr                  ,gr,y l h50 S    $$ $ 00f $dOY Yl/f/'r 20$O,        2.30 O 330,    O & hD g O TYS l200, /& NO OTVf,                    g D IV) l,/l$5ll$6 0 /Co!4M 0 //$i', O S 3 0, f 7 30, 2 E f f s

i,/ye,tes 8 /oop evout o84'r, /8Jos i,/ir/84 8 leer eead to yf f 8 /mp eved 6 0 'r r

  • i9.3a 1 p/se/6Y-,,7qs e toop asw- Oavr,, /oco e o.d M t 0 - tool . r; 8 E.Co. FORM 3930 .


                                                                                  ~           '
   "FR 10LO-7 RAW MTA"                     essus'h-             CHECKED BY             DATE Edison            APPVD BY               DATE JUBJECT: /98g                                                sHrET      OF 2ft/96 57L*q m 05nffwi                i
       'zj'ejes       Bloop  cataf03ctT     7   /zi5                                sa    D ptrca $st /700
                     $foope. deut /7/r                                              NSR.0 2/y/86 8/ovp e w 000l                                                                       1 cAedc -eecls         2/+/86 02 25
     *l'IO* N' P EU t* osoo,r/ 50, /790, 2.35o
    '/Y 6 Bfcof ev<at- O rir, ado,n.30, 2 eso 2/ c 5 toop evec osv ic
            % /6oo - zzso I C. '750 sov7cdft6tt:cM                 kJL sca4
                    &B                         coop.s 2/*/Sk          M oof bre esA h d2 easo, VMbr>

B zero = o - 2/V8s Brwy eJ W noso

    ?,f/86 7       8 (c>op eveA~ Oo'/1, too o        i So ritdeea ther :g> z.ero >uf)2ress d 2////ea   8s
                 //oo-#   4  8 F(ca)    7e~ 036, pts  4toop e.W.f apy                   S toos ful.l sc A Sg t$ e 17 / 7~ p.g 5 /o e r 4 u14 .sc A wp d s Wl3/0* A leaf Tb P OS Coo                   @ of'f    't krs h'O          8foop u sItett i2.If,       y 30 4ftS          A toop Rota W9ft Icl                                                           .

2/t 3 6 loof flnJ T%t IrYT

    't//>        5 feof +nd t 9 9'f                                                             l
   ?l(tf,l86 P.> (oof 40M O 24 7                                 6.r75br-S

giecp in TspuS ccolt y Q otY7 SS 5 foop $(cu) %>f O500, A 4eop OS'<9 3,f/9l@b $ $ $ hogJ ++.SY- Oo/$~ ao vr 4(!sB&/ Twr - 2/rfl06c)@Wf & Cocy f-loco > pit 4ci . yrtk Loop /-focuo.% 5000'5hpm i

    '2/lof86 60/7 AL / cop To tus c.cesto                6 his y focf -et e                   ty yo tyty,,17eg,uco, c.>uy 2/z//96 ' $foop eow# t/6 Yy,        s-vy A tooe in Tce o> c col:4&c 6oo Fffe hes.
                  '5 Re>op ew.t tTir; /e Vf
                 & locp is T5eos coeliq tB vs fee f4-s                                          i k E D - tool                                                         B.E.Cc FORM 3930 N


  " APPENDIX F - PART TMtEE                               POEPARED BY             DATE "FR 10 0-7 RAW DATA"             as=2.g ,           cHE MED SY'      '

DATE Edison appvD Sy DATE

     -SUBJECT                                             SHEET O    OF 7/eE/Sp B leet' W //00 f E S /?'                                   sa-    0-2/ Yko 8 (wf sow os w                    ,

zfvfjgr,sloopep^~ oo a 6, / ?! ?, a 5%> Nsn O i

         */c'T/ ?E   B loof ed d o /Y ( o 6i f' 8 % p to Tbeos cm h          1600 der I t h v Bteop eo w ~clso                                                        ,

2f't4{B6 y foop gufu; f esa9, ogg,,ym,744pp,(_ egg NE7/86,A-Icop in Toeus cooltkg y 9k hn

                   & G B flow -T~epfs ao50 Sf9l 8 6 2 ( w p 7og?o S ccelu g @ o t> & /"' N h' *                           .

D - l 4 i

    -NEO-toot                                                   B.E.Co. FORM 3930


       " APPENDIX F - PART T mEE                                                                                                                                            PREPARED $Y              DATE

([(o "FR 10lo-7 RAW DATA" swa% CHECMED BY DATE /0 Edtgn APPVD BY DATE p' (


                                                                                // /    g                                             SHEET          F C,/w v+ - b sym s           3 - S- - 8 G /z</5-                                              l i          e E l-COP lodc. r- e.t- o (800pf*)

SR O [(o /#iclm.vT3

                                                                                                                     ~I'k r-M l.,ceg
                                                                                                                               'O tcep 7"5 /E' LA G (-coe f g T. c. fo deepa ( vo 4 oo 7 4 rS           NSR C
                                                                                                                         $ loop t's En 7~b AltS C
                                                                                                                                                                                 ) u) W
                                                                                                                                                                        ,   JS /c ojp x. o rd                     !

LA> lLw . A / hop Se cur e t( f e-c4 %o 8 coff W s 3l0 & /2:26 5 /wp Flow S t h c. c k ' 3 0 b E fep l O m u o u c +pi c u,t sm m, pswyt f t/7 krs

                                  ,/,./n n ..,                                                                                                                                                , ~ B /0o p S.bC Jacar<d~ ~ ~ a <. , - , . il % Ee' .

                                                                                                                      <,8 Ce>ep ze ro      5%eAS        lir e A f&op       Dox      03     2 ,oo f ~bec W on k, l

f,(m,//t 03 c/J~ A lxp k .3ddd& cos/Ap ~ TPKXeT/* S/*en owhf e ) Me;% s',9;' e csee ftoe.o N.s-r N/ 3lr,p/g(, o 7 />- g (_. 0 0,p ib S k tr o s Maco o / % gs A Loop .s p c s ecus e d 1/ff A

                                                                                                                                                                                             ~~~                  '

I4 fthc.s3f/V ,

                                                                                                                    /cs /f A l--sof bu '1 Sk                  **~

z c.3c) A Iocp k ck 4 SJ)c + i ;// o/:(g.5/.@ 3[9a,f8g 'or.vo A tasp ih SPc 2300 k roop S f < = s.e c u r c L iveo y/z.l86 y coop f4u) Sf A-Q J ( &** ysa y?,e z C&W of34 cc ry-t 5't 1

                                                                                                                      /fYf' f6 /S'
                                                                                    /b]O kloof T6Pos c Q ,Ve te ns l

8e E O - toos ,C 8.E.Co. FORM 3930


     " APPENDIX F - PART TmEE"                                                                          I PREPARED BY                DATE
            "FR 10 0-7 RAW DATA"            . $f,            CHECMED BY                  DATE Edison enener appvD Sy                   DATE
.(       .iUBJECT:
                       / C)h                                 SHEET I OF Wz/8G zo rr y c oor no w tw r                                 sn         a NSR ll}l06 6//[ $ l o ep          7~o205 Coe /**       78     r3                   .

21ssr is e..e m a ese n m, 1/ *)6 S L cop F4W ak V800 Q,- Wow om Yf /800 6 /-o q is Yo ?a': w t l


l l l 1 l I J l i l l l l l l l s E t O - 8001 g B.E.Co. FORM 3930 1



SHEET OF Chart p 9tuS tils V/Y/86 V/y 15 Lcop 14 $/t4docon codly Ge** /#43 ) NSR ffS SOh Y 3kk (20l/4f & O F ) d Yl,9 y, pes & soep wA,4 s4&oua esor 4 07.y yfogro & /ece snu He>n c oo fug,c. out- o sm Ydoop &W poo, Iu.rj t2so /.avS.; s /Eoc> 13<s,/.$.e,'ive

                                     /Y Yb /S~/V, /A M, /l?W /fle, e ocne, C/'Fj t.) sy o

f/fS[ $foOf $0c.O 'YCS Y 0 30O R / sop How MYo BfooP T'oRUS(^oImy- c)Wy B /00p w< /# wi mf@' /*% "y7,75~  % V/'Z $ 8 loc >f A i o c' p in .5/weco/iag@

                                   , Toe os H ocu.

n c als p 7071e hs u n t r S ran- Gwn cooTo9 M ~ n t 0 - s ool C B E.Co. FORM 3930

f 4/4

         ,           L'[ v
                                                                     '1 l

l 1 l l l l i i l i l l l l 9 l l 1 O l e l l

0 )' , i ADMINISTRATIVE CNECKLIST FOR RHR WALKDOWN l Date. 8[N._.TeamLeader SIONATURE h ...._. INITIALS  ; Area t o be wa 1 k e d down ;[.$_If.3.1/A_I V _e [.Q0/t1.k.f.d.8...-f.p..O.T)TJOgfg_d //lo 2/3g Ma j or C oeo on e nt s ; .,f.QLQ Oqd. A f{e.qf _wf$~,.b e,}.p2_t941 M.)ffL g })/ !O /go, ., .

               .)hO..l.00.I.~.V$A.0~b8D..C.L$._hC.E_L.06.h.f fl?!W/_kC eh.<.!%f&ll..V_R.lW9J.._S$2AUt?AL../UD_O99/?AR.

M a 16sihp.w;t;I A.e -(~mu /00 /-EG8 ad /*O oM[d[G.C.Ltl. 4ct f 5.sf_C.;c).jl]!fJt3 A t t a c h men t s t o b e u s e d ; .8_H _1_ _& jf(GO_ _/GO Mfg j'th'g jff. _ _2_g

            , f.!{.:d} p.. b.Y - . h .E N S.p..$ N..Yy -                                    Y-.?.....----..              -....--..--..

REQUIREMENTS _ _ NRC Representative has bf,e n i ied of walkdown and has received NITIALS copy of walbdown plan. *r / . .b_ . . _ _ /./2_ .'e~3 /., _ . . . . _ _ ., TIME 6-tJw % Afr. S%snud 2^{E WISPCS Approved f f., M(/ INITIALS Walkdown teas briefed per Procedur e 1.3.39 Sec t ion VI. C. ITIALS NIT ALS RWP Obtained hh-hf' l Watch Engineer's approval given 'MI

                                                      'h*bilW515$& NAN (sLW.< <va:, r4 Walkdown Commenced       _]         .{[.b.___/_..h.k.d______


                           @                   s9                 m      .       _m.....e r J . dea cc.i_......__                                  ,


                                                          .____i__.                                                g 6. ...
                                                          . D S 0 A w M .........
                                                                  ..                                               .ldL.
                                                          . % k si 2..m n s.u u ..                                 .M!B.

9 a. M A e 44 6,



Attachment 1 l VoLVE INSEECIl06 iCEIEBuell


_/_Oc)/ - 2 9_ _.8_ __.-__ _ of Valve... 8. __._ b____ Y......._......__._ M f g r . . /16!.L .d._A.N.... M0 Type / Size.___M[f_d__@__________________ l Present Valve position (from CR)_________( f._-93{f_4__ _ __.. . ) {

              . NOTE:     Annotate as appropriate if valve is a check valve.                                                  l l

VoLVE.. .._____________.. ____... ...________________.. ___ _YES_____$0 ____ Body - Evidence of thermal damage (i.e., paint l l spalling or discoloration)  : Boltino Inspection - Body to bonnet bolts appear loose v' l l l Operator to yoke bolts appear loose l / l l l Packing / Gaskets - Bolts appear loose l li

                                                - Evidence of Leakage l         l Stem                        - Damage observed                                           l         l l         : /

Improperly lubricated l l l l

                                                - Insulation damaged / missing / showing

Insulation l l signs of leakage l l As found valve position.____h . 9.h _h _____ l l l l QEEBoIOB - Grease - Leaks at Motor / Operator joint k l 5 ', / l

                                          - Leaks at Operator / Stem Area                                  :         :    V
                                          - Other leaks noted                                                        l Other                                                                                  l         l
                                          - Movement of Valve / Operator / Connections                     !         : //
                                          - Cover plate appears loose                                      :         :
              ---_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:_ E le:it u a l . f it t.a c c t a tt .12:s t _ _ _ _ _ __.    :         :

Oksetratiges and descr iption of any item under "YES": pecwe5 wr.,s Luzy(fomocL 4 Lap tesa LJ p;n, y R;q 1 LeoK.m cD- M e v w i o s u -- g g e_ r 4 y d b - F O QJce, hvnt@2.M1) mod l BU3 UW'N

ff4 $ 2x 3 v o Attachment 4 l SUEEQBI IUSEECIIQU Type of Suppor,t __ _O..C __(A1. fig.dE___Ildh_M. g#_ e L o c a t i on o f S u p p o r t . 4, 7_ _ _ f.914A .Y. J.9_i_' 0_d_ _ _d _b_b ., _ _ _ _ _ _ . ., _ _ _ ., _ _ _ _ _ ., IUSEECIION YES 60 Is there any evidence of suppor t damage? W If yesi sketch support showing damage location.  ! (Attach sketches of all supports in area then mark up sketches) f 1 l O ' l l l I l 1 l l ______.__._______J

e Attachment i VoLVE INSEECIIQU IEEIEBuell eFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC, TION Valve No.t(f$_[(F/_ M 88 Type of Valve. 8 .)..h_4_f_Y_(.________,....... Mfgr... M G_l__ k d . __ M0 Type / Sire ___i/f.d_.~.E____...___________ Present Valve position ( f r o m C R ) _ _ _ _ _ _@ ff)_ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ eNOTE: Annotate as appropriate if valve is a check valve. VoLVE__... _______....____________..___...._______......_____ YES_____UO._...  : Body - Evidence of thermal damage (i.e.. paint spalling or discoloration)  :

                                                                                                 !y Bolting Inspection - Body to bonnet bolts appear loose                     !

Operator to yoke bolts appear loose! / Packing / Gaskets - Bolts appear loose i/

                                     -   Evidence of Leakage

[$ - l Stem Damage observed l O Improperly lubricated l l l l V [ Insulation - Insulation damaged / missing / showing  !/ l signs of leakage As found valve positson. .h_9....______.  : l l QEEBoIQB . . ,

                             - Leaks at Mot or /Op er a t or joint                       !             !


                             - Leaks at Operator / Stem Area
                             - Other leaks noted Other
                             - Movement of Valve / Operator / Connections                 !            !
: /
                             - Cover plate appears loose                                   :            :

__________________:.Elecitigal.fler atatats_lseta ________ Qhattyeilocs and description of any item un der "YES": L n SMb W 43-a_d of Pd "0 Y gC2 i n.5


                                                                 . FILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC, TION PIPINGDESCRIPTION___M___y_C.[.../.Q___........__......______......_

PIPING LOCATION _. __.h.____b_D_y_,,_[$_h.._h[__..d_(/_h.._3_._.... N HO /vC/-2}B INSEECIION......_____ .._____________...___ .______..._________.YES____..UO. l #

                                             -   Is there any evidence of overpressure?                             l
                                             -   Is there any evidence of thermal damage?                           l        l f

l l (i.e. paint spalling or discoloration)

                                              - Is there any physical integrsty problem?                             l        l V
                                              -  Are there any piping attachment problems?                            :.
                                              -   Is there any damaged / missing / wet i ni,ul at s on?                            /

l Observations and description of any item under "yes".

                                                                          & b Yr fu[                                                 -

1 l

c_-- _ _. Attachment 2 EIEIUQ INSEECIIQU LEEIEBUoL1 eFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC. TION ' t-PIPINGDESCRIPTION.../8._____h_4_*.[R___________...____.________.__..___ PIPING LOC ATION .M_/[_Y8___[d)::Vf_ _.hA.T.'_ dMd_.b_$_ _/.#9_I_ ~dhO _


INSEECIIOU. .______________.. _____________..._____ ___........ YES._

                 - Is there any evidence of overpressure?                                                    /
                 -    Is there any evidence of thermal damage?                                               / '

l (i.e.. paint spalling or discoloration)  !

: /
                  -   Is there any physical integrity problem?                                .           .
                   - Are there any piping attachment problems?                                :.          l Is there any damaged / missing / wet i n s'u l a t i on ?               l /

e  : Observations and description of any stem under "yes". ca v v m t TS f n y Ve_ f,p , n ggl fie.<.n

                              ?-3'Sb            w.                                                               _

Attachment 2 21E160 INSEECIION 1EXIEBN8L1

  • FILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC. TION PIPINGDESCRIPTION___d_'___:I).O__' @ ________________________________,____ _

PIPING LOC AT ION .d_',/[8.4__[d.k@_..[_R9.Y__ _$b__..d{'_dCS[_-[ff _7__ g MO /00/-a288 INSEECIIOS________ .__...__________.........._______ .._____. ..YES _....UO.

                  - Is there any evidence of overpressure?

l y l l Is there any evidence of thermal damage? (i.e.. paint spalling or discoloration) ff 4/: - l Is there any physical integrity problem? Are there any pip'ing attachment problems? [ Is there any damaged / missing / wet insulation?  : Observations and description of any item under "yes". f [g$ah id+1 ( S C Of0ft d MOl00/ P 8 AUD yl & .ej L , u ,46 Jccl Co s p m d Ins a/a 4 har a o ,isul + e km fnoa wei-29a rm ezee 1 u.e 4

             @ Su boa,cl %-t ccwuc den V'a Ide- f0'k9                                                                                                                  h&

Th dg +o Bowict ka/c ( Dnrr"o ) l l 1

Attachment 7 IU!IButEUI READOUT

               .... 163IBVdEUI.UQ ...___LQC6I100..                         ...______.....EUU;1100__        .. _...LQte!100 g                             Bestaw Ho icot- 29B 7 No /cc /- APS
             'IUSEECIIQU                                                                         YEI   fr       ,
                                                                                                                       #                   E Are there any process leaks at pipe tap?

{ Are there any process leaks at instrument rack? Aff4 Are the instruments loose on the racis? g j4 Is the wir ing/ conduit damaged' $ I Are the gauge pointers damaged? *

                                                                                                           / A s o 6 4
  • rA c e urry,a g k Is there damage or movement in tubing runs? A Is there indicatnon of leaiage in tubing r uns? AjVA What is th g a u g e r e a d i n g ? .. . . . .$8.I_ ... . T i m e 8/_fI1. . f[ K

{cc V C-lOS-t OTHER: Describe anything answe-e d ves c- an< :the- obser<Btions. A

e. readam froC kho ynje insY "Yn W'k Yn t l'E W r k Yi f ye (ss), jt %y ' pg, y "k fy '3 f g 5 Wy^*N7 m en yp i= -

z n /. 6 ~ p f/ J Q

                           % at -f~~q~ .


                                          'B' RH R VA L v'E Rood It'CEQEI IU1EEC!l0V T s.e ot
                                  .Noac...tA' &. 32.G..M.98.-JeM. L.. Ret..Yo.(miltd.cD)

L ;< c a t i o n o( Suopert...M.........................................,,.,,..

         'lN!EECI!QN                                                         !El      NQ Is there any evidence of sus.g, ort damage?                          MA If ves. sketch support showing damage location.

(Attach sketches of all su rig.or t s an area then mark usi sketches)

          ,YO .D/S C AEfM A hf C I E S       Alo TE.D . TMERE ARE A/0          SAA SlSTEd pife           supp cb       14   russ AssA .
  • Src raece is a 7,re Wa 7 Ra.s rxnw r a rH'S MEA oF Ri's ^)G . 3E CAuS E f1,pr kJHIf' RES TAdIr)T*.5 19 AE Al f -

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                        / N f if i N c. Srg5$ S AAf8LlS /$ T~ E,y' D6
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Oii 1 I l ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST FOR RHR WALKDOWN j l 0 ate.Y,0Y./.81..TeaaL*a4ee k E ] & ....... . h ./d d . SIGNATURE , INJTIALS se e s t o b e wa l k e d down : .D.r.)tJ.J.d : ./.r 7y.t. Ag./.-3,32...te g$wfft.a.f.o.b. J S~/ g na s oe C oeo on en t s : ./29./.-'.e..Ar..AC.c.z._g..sppp)

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Aiiaehmenie to be uoed:.8.g.. . h./.((I.dd..pyhe( ((ko b/[.... . . A..t.i.i..p.A.d.y.y.A.W...a............................................. REQUIREMENTS NRC Representative has bee n if ed of walkdown and has received' INITIALS copy of walkdown plan. . .d .d[e... /../.3.l ?D........ TINE fIW +o /Mfh $-{ ros g{g&TE I.h.Y. INITIALS WISPCS Approved [/AV[ C}, Walkdown team briefed per Procedure 1.3.39 Section VI. C. INITIALS

                                               ...        RWP Obtained M '"                     /


                                        ...        _      Watch Engineer's approval given                              '

INITIALS Wa1kdown Coamenced .... ........ /_............ ... INITIALS DATE TIME Leader. M[,/h.Viif.!!k.uf... 9 . IN A Teae Neabers: . ..

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I l l Attachment 3 CONI 618dESI EE8EIF8IIQW INSEECI1QU eFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPECIION k Penetration No. , , ,,,,,,,,, INSEECIl0S- IES 60 l Is there any evidence of physical damage? (If YES. explain): e C - PROVIDE ANY OTHER OBSERVATION CF CONDITION: _ haAJ6 l

                                                                                                  +        ~

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Attachment 2 { i 21EING INSEECIl0N iEXIEBuell eFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC. TION PIPING DESCRIPTION __ .k_ ..; . _N. . __ .__......... ________,,_. ____ PIPING LOCATION _8A __..ff_../ffd.,48[.__"75. 8 66 6/2Qd_7P_Y.__[. I_[_k. INSEECIION_..________.. .......... _____..... ___________ ......YES______UO.

                            - Is there any' evidence of overpressure?                               l      l p

l l

                            - Is there any evidence of thermal damage?                             l       l V (i.e. paint spalling or discoloration)                         l       l l       l Is there any physical integrity problem?                            l       l u
                            - Are there any piping attachment problems?                            l.        V
                            - Is there any damaged / missing / wet i n s'u l a t i on?             l l

l Observations and description of any item under "yes". NA:: 0 $ # == l

                       .                       2atson,a,
                                                                                                                       ,1 i

l t I I I l I l

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Attachment ! VoLVE IUSBECI1QU LEEIE8uell

  • FILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC, TION Valve No. _ M [,"_[ [_d _ T y p e o f V a l v e _/g. .',[_@t./t,$,. 6_Nfg _ _ ,,, _ , _ _

Mfgr... MMW.d. __ MO Type / Size. _ d,__________.____________,,,,_ Present Valve position ( f r o m C R ) . _ _M _ d_ ,(, ,@_I_@_ _ _ _ _ eNOTE: Annotate as appropriate if valve is a check valve. VoLVE_________________________________________________________YE!_____U0_____ Body - Evidence of thermal damage (i.e.. paint l l L. spalling or discoloration) l l l l Bolting Inspection - Body to bonnet bolts appear loose l lu l l Operator to yoke bolts appear loose l


\ l Packing / Gaskets - Bolts appear loose Af 4' 1 Anno ' f,p ran.,a s B A i t'*t.E {We

                                                                                          - Evidence of Leakage                                :                      1            __

(, Stem - Damage observed  : l Improperly lubricated l Insulation - Insulation damaged / missing / showing 'pf y l signs of leakage  ! l As f o u n d v a l v e p o s i t i o n _ _W_K 6)_c_d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nemo l  : mi n e. 4

                                                                                                                                                                              'rA PE OBEB6 ICE Grease                             - Leaks at Motor / Operator joint                         :          .

l l

                                                                                    - Leaks at Operator / Stem Area                                      l l          l
                                                                                   - Other leaks noted                                        l          l Other                                                                                        '          '
                                                                                    - Mc.vement of Valve / Operator / Connections             l          l l          !


                                                                                    - Cover plate appears loose                               !

L l l \ _________________.: Elecitical fles.atttats_1ssst_. l ______ Obsttveilgot an d descr ipt ion of any iten un der "YES": t.h Gr o,w, or e rwo /~r-u 4 n.. uc w o,

  • N' $ $ D Ct / CR, /Atet bft M % R W P T MAye grgoDE- g t y g h >**MG .tr 841714- ,cusesA nou kup p i 4 * ** * PWW A ' * ** '
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mmc vo A ru g op m y, U2*! % . 4 % n,,,,e, ,





PIPING L0C ATION _,P/g.ta,lCL/l,..__/f.#[.; 2_M..._@.... M f_/ r_ff g.,......_ r1 E

                                                                                                           . c      f e5 es!-
                                     , I U S E E C II O N. . _ _ . . _ . _ _ A. . . . _ . . . . . . _ _ . . .. . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ Y E S. . . . . . U 0.
                                          - Is there any evidence of overpressure?

e c l l L" l  ! l l

                                          - Is there any evidence of thermal damage?

(i.e.. paint spalling or discoloration) l Q l l l g

                                          - Is there any physical integrity problem?                                                                           l       l l       l Are there any paping attachment problems?                                                                         :.      l l       l
                                          - Is there any damaged / missing / wet insulation?                                                                           '

l Observations and description of any item under "yes". b\cgkecd inb\ cmc >s ~ l Ca bcg e drr,Ak hn c. - t o d c'N 64 Cho bru d u e .m


h blacAeud sndabc>^ n ec' bC"a user t . m bowd MUL

                                       @ ins \ ch cw 63 now emt suce s e o. dea < cd hNct u>d i in A wcu t-e pcc.w ~ h s s-MC 4*M UkW OR                                                                            t CA p h prt"0c,4 O p ee.

3mp is heceu %dtwbq no %cd emb .Me me.d . insMA e.m% 4 x c<eco o.s bo \L s 5 4 e( Ocdoe3

                                                                                                                                                        .s 4


                                           ' 2 ' 12H R. (26To(2./J C.sO6 t

i X SIB PcceTRATico "To VAWE lwl- n6 Attichment 4 , it'EECEI IUIEEC::0U (H l of j7,. a


se c e suppor t W--------.........._______ N W YMMG.,.........,,,_ h lb-g. \ r)o 1 j

. :.c a i i er. o r, t ,)2.Y weu - er 1 s '

b bkb h55[~hh"[d of /2.) IUIEECI!0U YEE tfQ

                                   !s ther e an, e va der c e o f sups.or t damage?                         [

' ~ If <es. sk et ch supp or t sho.,in g damage location. IAttach sketches of all sups. or t s in area then mark up sketches)

                                 die /2&          G) % % E'Jt Oedc.E oP A6A>o(La<A<_
                        ?\PE               DfG PCACEWCulT~ 02. SVGGottT" (A w A (_.,5 ,                              '
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  • l

( ! Valve No../. 6 ._d M _. Type of Valve.. d ..... h.M E Mfdr....__...........___. M0 Type / Size.[2(ff/d4_.f/ff-d.Md __...... l Present Valve position ( f r o m C R ) . . . . . _ _ _YM_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .

  • NOTE: Annotate as appropriate if valve is a check valve.

VoLVE______......_______.......____... ...._______. ........__YES.____NO... . Body - Evidence of thermal damage (i.e.. paint  : spalling or discoloration) l  : V l l Bolting Inspectson - Body to bonnet bolts appear loose  : v Operator to yoke bolts appear loose :  : - l

l Packing / Gaskets - Bolts appear loose  :  : v'
                                                      - Evidence of Leakage                                            : #

Stem - Damage observed l l V

                                                      - Improperly lubricated                               :         :y Insulation               - Insulation damiged/ missing / showing               l         l signs of leakage                                   :         :

As found valve position _. kd__QQtf.g.,_. f h QEEBoIQD e (YCAM


Grease - Leaks at Motor / Operator joint h  !

                                             - Leaks at Operator / Stem Area                               :         :
                                             - Other leaks noted                                           l         l Other                                                                           l         :
                                             - Novement of Valve /Operater/ Connections                    :         :
                                             - Cover plate appears loose                                   l         l
                     . __________._____ Elecitical_ fits _sentata_leest..._________1_____1..______

QksetYai w a and description of any item under "YES": in%cb I cm be h d Vdd Nh d*dbd

                                     , y-_                _c m o n . - - >p. 4 . , e m 9w T' a,,, */

V mude"^eis 4.-ew w %%,, ~~eu,a.,a iu i ca-eco l%l% lO N G

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fl'e ro n1 5 C O A tachment 4 IVEEQB1 IS$EECIl0S t Pcz .[$f Type et support -------------....... _-----------------..... _______________ Location of support -----------------.......________________________________ INSEECIION - IEi 60 Is there any evidence of support damage? If yes. sketch support showing damage location. (Attach sketches of all supports in area then mark up sketches) 4 0 . l l l 1 l i l l S.


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U t ic hmen t 4 IL'EECEI IUIEEC'129 . Ob I


L M e t i o r, of Susoeri ,,

                                                      , ,Y,    _hb, h ....        ,h h.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

IUIEECI;QU YES 60 15 t her e an , e v a der.c e o f supt or t da n.a g e ?


If ees. sbetch sJoport showing damage 10.:stion.

                   ' Attach sketches of all sus.c or t s. in ar ea then mar k u t.            sletches)

Tdste w% po 61Ococe of A8 Dow AC

                   $@G DWcA ceme,UT~ 02- 40066S12 OA-wese.-

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Attachment 4

                                                                                         !L'EECEI ;UIEEC:;09                                       bO bOf ID h
                                              .c.e:<So,. pert...(.. .......... 1 0 - G..G... 19.b.........
1. : .: a t t or. of Supperi . . . . . . . Y. . .I. . . .b. . . . . . . b. . . .N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IUiEECI!0U ygt yg Is ther e an, evider ce of sur c or t damage'


If <es. sketch sacport sho ing damage 1 catien.

                                            ' Attach sketches of all surit or t s in ar ea then mar k us, sletchesi                                                            ;
                                                      ~DttiLE LUAS Qo ELIt 05cc.E op 86A)ofLNAL QtOE DI G L4c,E A er/T' d                                        TA>0666/t 04*46G .                                       ,

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[ 15 there an < eva der.ce of supt or t damage?

 "                                                                                                                                                                   i If ee s . sketch sJDDort showing damage Ih*atlCn.

(Attach sketches of all suppor ts in area then mar k up sletches) WO W% ko EUt 060W OF A6 poe_.w A< i10 6 DILPM W WCulT~ 02. SVGQotT' Ogwg c.,5 , . M YCdG CAAJ W4G /A) (75 paopsg 6.0C0 6&TT/06. w. r (G BI'

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                                    'THESE,              Wh<. A)o 6' OCA)G& Of 48 Oo/LW 4C.

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191EECII00 IES 60 Is t her e an < evi der.ce o f surcort damage? / If /es, sketch s ac por t sho.,a ng damage 1-o: st ion .

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                                                       "T>terLE                      Loss        />o Eva oesoc.e cF AsNoll^1A L pt0E                    D K 9tA<E m ex)T' aZ_ 600666/f 04
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ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST ~OR RHR WALKDOWN Oaie._. S I~ ..._ Team Leadee M d_W_{T _ _......... .

                                                                                                                                             ,, M.

SIGNATURE , INITIALS Area to be walked down:,

                                                              -rigm/GM _M8R>Hf.[ptSc       _4/            ..

e5 76~ hpd_ v5 ef._yy git.pyJM 7p 3dAA/CHES M 7pg4W Mf UJ. Major Coaponent s:_ktftk_[fG__${h)/Jy(;_{f.l(W})hf. N, xgl@@ [t'EltMf.^"_5..dMl!M.D__N!q_h_W_Ng_g$f_@_Q_U_Q_g. @fft'{_@f'_NG_gif$ Y. h..l_ ~

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Aitachmenis io be vsed:___Tfe"..d M ff_{___............ ...._. .............. REQUIREMENTS a NRC Representative has bee if d of walkdown and has received INITIALS copy of walk down plan. . _ _ . d ../_g2 [j [ ._______ DA E TIME C .. ..... INITIALS WISPCS Approved , __ . Walkdown team briefed per Procedure 1.3.39 Sect ion VI. C. INITIALS INITIALS

                              . __      RUP Obtained                   [ "[Q h 1                                                                                                                                                         ,


                                    .,  Watch Engineer's approval given                                          g % ,j                                                                  '
                                   !                                                                 /         /

L.-- WA I, ,A Walkdown Commenced _ - _J. .l/ ' . i_ // t42 ./4 /

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T 4 _L . . . . . . _ _ . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . .

l 1 l l Attachment 5 l HE8I EXC6880E83 nFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPECTION Hx No. ._E . D _l..h_________.... __ Tube Side _ M (_(_@__ _j_ D M Mfgr. _________... ____________._____ Shell Si de RM_kphm.____ I N S E E C I I O N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Y E S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U O _ Is there any indication of overpressure? I  : I

                           -of heads deformed?                                                                          !                                                     :


                           -of shell deformed?                                                                          !                                                     :       e
                                                                                                                        .                                                     . V
                           -of small lines off exchanger deformed?

l lp '

                           -o f Hx supports show movement?                                                               :                                                        t/


                           -of paint chipped?                                                                            l l /
                           -of fresh scrapes?                                                                            :                                                     I v
                            -of concrete chipped?                                                                                                                                  L-l                                                     l
                            -of bolt stretching?                                                                                                                                    -
                            -of gasket mover.ent/ leakage?


                            -of Hx relief valve leakage?                                                                                                                           -

Describe anything to which you answered "Yes": I y ht/C et e ?f, fC t h D N' ' /' b"$ f ag,, W bl A - 70ch y Provide any other observations: I i

i Attachmenf 3

                                                %{M L GGHeiM EUI EENEIB6IION INSEECI1QN eFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPEC710N      ,

PenetrationNo._#/A._______________ INSEECIIQN YES 60 , Is there any evidence of physical damage?

                       .  (If YES, explain):



Attachment 6 2002 INSEECIION - a

  • eFILL OUT BEFORE ENTERING AREA 0F INSPECTION ev.p No. _E*:JEC23.11____________________

Notor ___________________________ Mfgr. ___________________________________ coupiing Type ___________________ s INSEECIION___________________________________________________YES.______U0___ Is there any evidence of overpressure? j$d $

                                                           - Is there evidence of seals / gaskets leaking?                              .>f Is there evidence of water hammer?                                     i ,2<
                                                           - Is there any evidence of pump moved         paint cracked?              :         .

Is there any evidence of cr}}