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Docket@gO~tIO)gSoiIOqca.SVDEADLINERETURNDATEgEGlHATORV OOgKETF{KBo1.>040'/B'P~H>>@R FY"'"~'A,RBCCIIDBFACILITYBRANCHI PrI,,i7g/p11i/ji'N Introduction TABLEOFCONTENTSPacaeIdentification ofNecessary SafetyRelatedEquipment 3A.B.C.EventsAccompanying aLossofCoolantAccident3EventsAccompanying aMainSteamLineBreakor11aMainFeedLineBreakHighEnergyLineBreaksOutsideContainment 16IdentificationoftheLimitingServiceEnvironmental 19Conditions forEquipment whichisRequiredtoFunctiontoMitigatetheConsequences ofEventsIdentified AboveA.B.C~D.E.F.G.H.I.InsideContainment Auxiliary BuildingIntermediate BuildingCableTunnelControlBuildingDieselGenerator RoomsTurbineBuildingAuxiliary BuildingAnnexScreenHouse192225272730303232Equipment QualificationInformation34 1III LISTOFFIGURESFigure1LossofCoolantAccidentfSequence ofEventsDiagram]Figure2MainSteamorFeedLineBreak(Sequence ofEventsDiagram]Figure3-PlantLayoutFigure4PressureEnvelopeforGinna(FSARFigure1ofAppendix6E)Figure5Temperature EnvelopeforGinna(FSARFigure2ofAppendix6E)Figure6Radiation LevelforGinna(FSARFigure5ofAppendix6E)
Docket@gO~tIO)g So i I Oqc a.S V DEADLINE RETURN DATE gEGlHATORV OOgKET F{K Bo 1.>040'/B'P~H>>@R FY"'"~'A, RBCCIIDB FACILITY BRANCH I P r I ,,i 7g/p1 1 i/ji'N Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS Pacae Identification of Necessary Safety Related Equipment 3 A.B.C.Events Accompanying a Loss of Coolant Accident 3 Events Accompanying a Main Steam Line Break or 11 a Main Feed Line Break High Energy Line Breaks Outside Containment 16 Identif ication of the Limiting Service Environmental 19 Conditions for Equipment which is Required to Function to Mitigate the Consequences of Events Identified Above A.B.C~D.E.F.G.H.I.Inside Containment Auxiliary Building Intermediate Building Cable Tunnel Control Building Diesel Generator Rooms Turbine Building Auxiliary Building Annex Screen House 19 22 25 27 27 30 30 32 32 Equipment Qual if ication Inf ormation 34 1 I I I LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Loss of Coolant Accident fSequence of Events Diagram]Figure 2 Main Steam or Feed Line Break (Sequence of Events Diagram]Figure 3-Plant Layout Figure 4 Pressure Envelope for Ginna (FSAR Figure 1 of Appendix 6E)Figure 5 Temperature Envelope for Ginna (FSAR Figure 2 of Appendix 6E)Figure 6 Radiation Level for Ginna (FSAR Figure 5 of Appendix 6E)
LISTOFTABLESTable1LossofCoolantAccident[Required Equipment List]Table2MainSteamorFeedLineBreak[Required Equipment List]Table3Equipment QualificationTable4Environmental ServiceConditions
LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Loss of Coolant Accident[Required Equipment List]Table 2 Main Steam or Feed Line Break[Required Equipment List]Table 3 Equipment Qualif ication Table 4 Environmental Service Conditions

Environmental Qualification ofSafety-Related Electrical Equipment INTRODUCTION Theelectrical equipment described inthisreportisthatsafety-related equipment requiredtomitigatetheeffectsofhighormoderateenergylinebreaks(HELB)insideoroutsidecontainment, andtoeffecteventualcoldshutdownofthereactor.Theenvironmental qualification requirements aredescribed inthe"DORGuidelines",
Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment INTRODUCTION The electrical equipment described in this report is that saf ety-related equipment required to mitigate the ef f ects of high or moderate energy line breaks (HELB)inside or outside containment, and to effect eventual cold shutdown of the reactor.The environmental qualification requirements are described in the"DOR Guidelines", transmitted to RG6E on February 15, 1980.Although the DOR Guidelines address all electrical equipment, the emphasis in this report will be on that equipment exposed to an adverse HELB environment.
transmitted toRG6EonFebruary15,1980.AlthoughtheDORGuidelines addressallelectrical equipment, theemphasisinthisreportwillbeonthatequipment exposedtoanadverseHELBenvironment.
This is defined as that equipment located in the containment, Intermediate Building, Turbine Building, and Auxiliary Building basement (radiation only).This revised scope is consistent with the Commission Order of September 19, 1980.Equipment in other"mild" environments will be addressed at a later time.This submittal revises and supersedes our previous reports concerning environmental qualification of electrical equipment, dated February 24, 1978, December 1, 1978, and April 25, 1980.It also consolidates and updates all information submitted on June 10, 1980 and September 24, 1980.Section IV of this report presents an item-by-item response to the Draft Interim Technical Evaluation Report FRC Project C5257, concerning the review of the Ginna electrical equipment P
Thisisdefinedasthatequipment locatedinthecontainment, Intermediate
environmental qualif ication, dated August 20, 1980.New references are included with this report.However, references previously submitted are not being resubmitted.
: Building, TurbineBuilding, andAuxiliary Buildingbasement(radiation only).Thisrevisedscopeisconsistent withtheCommission OrderofSeptember 19,1980.Equipment inother"mild"environments willbeaddressed atalatertime.Thissubmittal revisesandsupersedes ourpreviousreportsconcerning environmental qualification ofelectrical equipment, datedFebruary24,1978,December1,1978,andApril25,1980.Italsoconsolidates andupdatesallinformation submitted onJune10,1980andSeptember 24,1980.SectionIVofthisreportpresentsanitem-by-item responsetotheDraftInterimTechnical Evaluation ReportFRCProjectC5257,concerning thereviewoftheGinnaelectrical equipment P
1n Section IV, it is either shown that each item is adequately qualified to perform its required safety function in its post-accident operating environment, or a commitment for additional testing or replacement is made.In all cases, sufficient justification for continued operation is given.Table 3 summarizes the equipment qualification in the format requested for SEP by the NRC in a September 6, 1978 letter.Table 4 provides the definition of environmental parameters throughout the Ginna plant.This table is comparable to Appendix A of F-C5257, and tabulates the explanatory basis given in Section III of this report.Supplement No.3 to IE Bulletin 79-01B provides the timing for submittal of qualification information for equipment in-stalled to meet the TMI Short Term Lessons Learned.RGSE intends to follow the guidance given in this supplement.
environmental qualification,datedAugust20,1980.Newreferences areincludedwiththisreport.However,references previously submitted arenotbeingresubmitted.
In a number of cases, it is possible that additional documentation or testing results may become available after November 1, 1980.Since this additional information will be of use in documenting the status of the Ginna environmental qualification, it will be submitted when received.Every effort has been made to ensure that all documentation was obtained for use with this submittal.
1nSectionIV,itiseithershownthateachitemisadequately qualified toperformitsrequiredsafetyfunctioninitspost-accident operating environment, oracommitment foradditional testingorreplacement ismade.Inallcases,sufficient justification forcontinued operation isgiven.Table3summarizes theequipment qualification intheformatrequested forSEPbytheNRCinaSeptember 6,1978letter.Table4providesthedefinition ofenvironmental parameters throughout theGinnaplant.Thistableiscomparable toAppendixAofF-C5257,andtabulates theexplanatory basisgiveninSectionIIIofthisreport.Supplement No.3toIEBulletin79-01Bprovidesthetimingforsubmittal ofqualification information forequipment in-stalledtomeettheTMIShortTermLessonsLearned.RGSEintendstofollowtheguidancegiveninthissupplement.
l II.IDENTIFICATION OF NECESSARY SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT This section of the report identifies the necessary safety related equipment for each of the Design Basis Events (DBE)of concern and a brief description of why the equipment is needed.This identification includes all electrical equip-ment required by the Ginna emergency procedures for accomplish-ing the necessary safety functions.
Inanumberofcases,itispossiblethatadditional documentation ortestingresultsmaybecomeavailable afterNovember1,1980.Sincethisadditional information willbeofuseindocumenting thestatusoftheGinnaenvironmental qualification, itwillbesubmitted whenreceived.
It must be recognized that not all electrical equipment referenced in the procedures is required to function (as opposed to being useful if available), and is therefore not required to be qualified.
Everyefforthasbeenmadetoensurethatalldocumentation wasobtainedforusewiththissubmittal.
The emergency operating procedures were not developed by considering safety-related components to the exclusion of all others.While such procedures are written with priority attention given to safety-related equipment, other systems and components are justifiably mentioned.
l II.IDENTIFICATION OFNECESSARY SAFETYRELATEDEQUIPMENT Thissectionofthereportidentifies thenecessary safetyrelatedequipment foreachoftheDesignBasisEvents(DBE)ofconcernandabriefdescription ofwhytheequipment isneeded.Thisidentification includesallelectrical equip-mentrequiredbytheGinnaemergency procedures foraccomplish-ingthenecessary safetyfunctions.
A realistic evaluation of plant incidents might result in situations and hostile environments significantly less severe than those assumed for the purposes of conducting the environmental qualification program.The absence of full qualification for certain components which fall into this category is not, by itself, a sufficient motive to classify the equipment inoperable.or to remove these components from the procedures.
Itmustberecognized thatnotallelectrical equipment referenced intheprocedures isrequiredtofunction(asopposedtobeingusefulifavailable),
A.Events Accom an in a Loss Of Coolant Accident Analyses of the course and consequences of loss of coolant accidents have been submitted previously (LOCA 1-4).A discussion of equipment required to function to mitigate the consequences of a loss of coolant accident is presented in the FSAR Chapters 6, 7 and 14.Post-LOCA operator actions are included in the Ginna Emergency Procedures.
andistherefore notrequiredtobequalified.
These procedures are consistent with the generic Westinghouse guidelines, which have been approved by the NRC.Additional descriptive material is presented in this report to provide summary information as to the sequence of events and the equipment involved at each stage.Figure 1 illustrates the sequence of events following a loss of coolant accident.Table 1 provides a specific equipment list for each numbered block in Figure 1.Also provided in Table 1 is the safety function which is required and the period of time that operability must be ensured.It should be noted that Table 1 includes all redundant equipment, not the minimum safeguards equipment assumed in the safety analysis.In the"required" column it should be noted that equipment listed as"signal initiation" is required to be operable only until its required safety function, the initiation of a safety signal, is performed.
Theemergency operating procedures werenotdeveloped byconsidering safety-related components totheexclusion ofallothers.Whilesuchprocedures arewrittenwithpriorityattention giventosafety-related equipment, othersystemsandcomponents arejustifiably mentioned.
It is important to note that the arbitrary requirement of the DOR Guidelines to qualify equipment to function for at least one hour, even if its only function is completed within seconds, is not well reasoned.In many cases, the environment would not exist unless the equipment safety function had been completed (e.g., flooding to a seven foot level in containment by necessity means that SI was initiated).
Arealistic evaluation ofplantincidents mightresultinsituations andhostileenvironments significantly lessseverethanthoseassumedforthepurposesofconducting theenvironmental qualification program.Theabsenceoffullqualification forcertaincomponents whichfallintothiscategoryisnot,byitself,asufficient motivetoclassifytheequipment inoperable
RGSE does not agree with this one-hour requirement, and it is therefore not applied as an environmental qualification requirement.
.ortoremovethesecomponents fromtheprocedures.
Equipment listed as"long term" is required to provide long term decay heat removal, post-accident monitoring and sampling, or maintaining a safe shutdown condition.
A.EventsAccomaninaLossOfCoolantAccidentAnalysesofthecourseandconsequences oflossofcoolantaccidents havebeensubmitted previously (LOCA1-4).Adiscussion ofequipment requiredtofunctiontomitigatetheconsequences ofalossofcoolant accidentispresented intheFSARChapters6,7and14.Post-LOCA operatoractionsareincludedintheGinnaEmergency Procedures.
Equipment listed as"short term" is required only for a short period of time (hours).Table 3 provides the environmental qualification require-ments and documentation references for the Ginna Class IE equipment.
Theseprocedures areconsistent withthegenericWestinghouse guidelines, whichhavebeenapprovedbytheNRC.Additional descriptive materialispresented inthisreporttoprovidesummaryinformation astothesequenceofeventsandtheequipment involvedateachstage.Figure1illustrates thesequenceofeventsfollowing alossofcoolantaccident.
1.The first event in the loss of coolant accident following the rupture is the detection of the rupture.Any 2/3 low pressurizer pressure or 2/3 high contain-ment pressure will initiate"safety injection" (SI).la.Instrumentation is available to the operator to distinguish between a LOCA and the other accidents, such as a steam line break or feed line break.It is important to note that the automatic actions and immediate operator actions (first 10 minutes)are identical in the mitigation of these accidents.
Table1providesaspecificequipment listforeachnumberedblockinFigure1.AlsoprovidedinTable1isthesafetyfunctionwhichisrequiredandtheperiodoftimethatoperability mustbeensured.ItshouldbenotedthatTable1includesallredundant equipment, nottheminimumsafeguards equipment assumedinthesafetyanalysis.
2.Upon"safety injection" signal generation, safe-guards sequencing is initiated (see FSAR Table 8.2-4).The diesel generators start and energize the safeguards buses assuming there is a loss of offsite power.With the safeguards buses energized, either by off-site power or the diesels, the three safety injection pumps,  
Inthe"required" columnitshouldbenotedthatequipment listedas"signalinitiation" isrequiredtobeoperableonlyuntilitsrequiredsafetyfunction, theinitiation ofasafetysignal,isperformed.
Itisimportant tonotethatthearbitrary requirement oftheDORGuidelines toqualifyequipment tofunctionforatleastonehour,evenifitsonlyfunctioniscompleted withinseconds,isnotwellreasoned.
Inmanycases,theenvironment wouldnotexistunlesstheequipment safetyfunctionhadbeencompleted (e.g.,floodingtoasevenfootlevelincontainment bynecessity meansthatSIwasinitiated).
RGSEdoesnotagreewith thisone-hourrequirement, anditistherefore notappliedasanenvironmental qualification requirement.
Equipment listedas"longterm"isrequiredtoprovidelongtermdecayheatremoval,post-accident monitoring andsampling, ormaintaining asafeshutdowncondition.
Equipment listedas"shortterm"isrequiredonlyforashortperiodoftime(hours).Table3providestheenvironmental qualification require-mentsanddocumentation references fortheGinnaClassIEequipment.
1.Thefirsteventinthelossofcoolantaccidentfollowing theruptureisthedetection oftherupture.Any2/3lowpressurizer pressureor2/3highcontain-mentpressurewillinitiate"safetyinjection" (SI).la.Instrumentation isavailable totheoperatortodistinguish betweenaLOCAandtheotheraccidents, suchasasteamlinebreakorfeedlinebreak.Itisimportant tonotethattheautomatic actionsandimmediate operatoractions(first10minutes)areidentical inthemitigation oftheseaccidents.
2.Upon"safetyinjection" signalgeneration, safe-guardssequencing isinitiated (seeFSARTable8.2-4).Thedieselgenerators startandenergizethesafeguards busesassumingthereisalossofoffsitepower.Withthesafeguards busesenergized, eitherbyoff-sitepowerorthediesels,thethreesafetyinjection
: pumps,  

thetworesidualheatremovalpumps,"twoofthefourservicewaterpumps,thetwomotordrivenauxiliary feedwater pumps,andthefourcontainment.
the two residual heat removal pumps," two of the four service water pumps, the two motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, and the four containment.
fancoolers-will"beloadedsequentially ontothebuses.Thetwocontainment spraypumpsareautomatically loadedontothebuseswhenthe30psigcontainment pressuresetpoint's reached.3.Abreakinthereactorcoolantsystempipingactuatesthepassiveaccumulator injection systemwhenthereactorcoolantsystempressureisreducedto700pslgTheflowpathoftheboratedwaterfromeachaccumulator-isthroughaseriesofcheckvalvesandanormallylockedopen(withACcontrolpowerremoved)motoroperatedvalve.Themotoroperatedvalves,MOV841andNOV865,arenotrequiredtofunctiontomitigatetheconsequences oftheaccident[Flood-1]
fan coolers-will"be loaded sequentially onto the buses.The two containment spray pumps are automatically loaded onto the buses when the 30 psig containment pressure setpoint's reached.3.A break in the reactor coolant system piping actuates the passive accumulator injection system when the reactor coolant system pressure is reduced to 700 ps lg The flow path of the borated water from each accumulator-is through a series of check valves and a normally locked open (with AC control power removed)motor operated valve.The motor operated valves, MOV 841 and NOV 865, are not required to function to mitigate the consequences of the accident[Flood-1].4.The main steam isolation valves 3516 and 3517 close upon receiving a high containment pressure signal and the main and bypass feedwater control valves 4269, 4270, 4271 and 4272 close upon receiving a safety injection signal.The SI signal also causes a trip of the main feedwater pumps (which in turn causes the closing of the feedwater discharge valves).All of this equipment will fail in its safety position on loss of electrical power.  
.4.Themainsteamisolation valves3516and3517closeuponreceiving ahighcontainment pressuresignalandthemainandbypassfeedwater controlvalves4269,4270,4271and4272closeuponreceiving asafetyinjection signal.TheSIsignalalsocausesatripofthemainfeedwater pumps(whichinturncausestheclosingofthefeedwater discharge valves).Allofthisequipment willfailinitssafetypositiononlossofelectrical power.  

5."Containment Isolation" and"Containment Ventilation Isolation" (referredtocollectively assimply,"Containment Isolation"
5."Containment Isolation" and"Containment Ventilation Isolation" (ref erred to collectively as simply,"Containment Isolation")is initiated by the saf ety injection signal.Containment isolation is discussed in detail in Section 5.2 of the FSAR.Most of the containment isolation valves are air operated valves.All air operated containment isolation valves close with safety injection signal with the exception of valves 4561 and 4562 which open full to insure service water supply to the containment recirculation f ans.The f ail saf e position of the valves is the desired safeguard position as described above.Six motor operated valves (313, 813, 814, ATV-1, ATV-2, ATV-3)receive a containment isolation signal.All of these valves are located outside of containment and only valves 313, 813, and 814 are fed from the safeguards buses.During normal operation ATV-1, ATV-2, and ATV-3 are closed with blank flanges installed on their respective penetrations inside containment.
)isinitiated bythesafetyinjection signal.Containment isolation isdiscussed indetailinSection5.2oftheFSAR.Mostofthecontainment isolation valvesareairoperatedvalves.Allairoperatedcontainment isolation valvesclosewithsafetyinjection signalwiththeexception ofvalves4561and4562whichopenfulltoinsureservicewatersupplytothecontainment recirculation fans.Thefailsafepositionofthevalvesisthedesiredsafeguard positionasdescribed above.Sixmotoroperatedvalves(313,813,814,ATV-1,ATV-2,ATV-3)receiveacontainment isolation signal.Allofthesevalvesarelocatedoutsideofcontainment andonlyvalves313,813,and814arefedfromthesafeguards buses.Duringnormaloperation ATV-1,ATV-2,andATV-3areclosedwithblankflangesinstalled ontheirrespective penetrations insidecontainment.
The use of the process lines associated with these valves occurs only during the containment building integrated leak rate tests.Valve 313, the reactor coolant pumps seal water return line, and valves 813 and 814, reactor coolant support inlet and outlet lines, are closed by the containment isolation signal.  
Theuseoftheprocesslinesassociated withthesevalvesoccursonlyduringthecontainment buildingintegrated leakratetests.Valve313,thereactorcoolantpumpssealwaterreturnline,andvalves813and814,reactorcoolantsupportinletandoutletlines,areclosedbythecontainment isolation signal.  

~6.TheSIsignaltripsthereactorandturbine.Otherreactortripsarediscussed intheFSAR,Section7.7.Thereactorcoolantpumpsaretrippedbymanualoperatoractionwhenlowpressurizer pressure(1715.psig)isreached,andSIflowisinitiated.
~6.The SI signal trips the reactor and turbine.Other reactor trips are discussed in the FSAR, Section 7.7.The reactor coolant pumps are tripped by manual operator action when low pressurizer pressure (1715.psig)is reached, and SI flow is initiated.
8.Selectedvalvesthroughout theplantprovideflowpathsfortherequiredsafeguards equipment withtheadventoftheSIsignal.Duringnormaloperation allrequiredvalvesintheflowpathsforhighheadsafetyinjection
8.Selected valves throughout the plant provide flow paths for the required safeguards equipment with the advent of the SI signal.During normal operation all required valves in the flow paths for high head safety injection'are normally open with the exception of valves 826A and 826C, the dis-charge valves from the boric acid storage tank to the suction of the safety injection pumps.Valves 826A;B, C and D receive the safety injection signal and valves 82 6A and C open providing borated water to the reactor coolant loop cold legs.When the level in the boric acid storage tank decreases to the 10%level, suction for the high head safety in-jection pumps is automatically switched from the boric acid storage tanks to the refueling water storage tank by the automatic opening of, valves 825A and B and closing of valves 826A, B, C and D.During normal operation, all valves in the flow paths for low head safety injection are normally open except for MOV 852A and MOV 852B, the valves in the vessel upper plenum injection lines.These valve's open upon receipt of a safety injection signal and remain open-thereaf ter.The containment spray pumps will automatically start and the discharge valves 860A Bg C and D automatically open, receiving power from the safeguards buses when containment pressure reaches 30 psig.If containment pressure does not reach 30 psig, the operator may manually start the spray pumps after all other safeguards are loaded on the safeguards buses.Automatic NaOH addition via opening of valves HCV 836A, B takes place two minutes after containment spray pump start unless defeated manually.The containment spray pumps are normally aligned to the refueling water storage tank with all suction system actuation will automatically align the two post accident charcoal f ilters to the containment recirculation system by opening inlet dampers 5871 and 5872, and outlet dampers 5873 and 5874.Loop entry dampers 5875 and 5876 will close.These dampers will fail to their safeguards position upon loss of electric power.9.The control room ventilation is automatically placed in the 100%recirculation mode (with about 25%flow through charcoal filters), when SI is initiated.  
'arenormallyopenwiththeexception ofvalves826Aand826C,thedis-chargevalvesfromtheboricacidstoragetanktothesuctionofthesafetyinjection pumps.Valves826A;B,CandDreceivethesafetyinjection signalandvalves826AandCopenproviding boratedwatertothereactorcoolantloopcoldlegs.Whenthelevelintheboricacidstoragetankdecreases tothe10%level,suctionforthehighheadsafetyin-jectionpumpsisautomatically switchedfromtheboricacidstoragetankstotherefueling waterstoragetankbytheautomatic openingof,valves825AandBandclosingofvalves826A,B,CandD.Duringnormaloperation, allvalvesintheflowpathsforlowheadsafetyinjection arenormallyopenexcept forMOV852AandMOV852B,thevalvesinthevesselupperplenuminjection lines.Thesevalve'sopenuponreceiptofasafetyinjection signalandremainopen-thereafter.Thecontainment spraypumpswillautomatically startandthedischarge valves860ABgCandDautomatically open,receiving powerfromthesafeguards buseswhencontainment pressurereaches30psig.Ifcontainment pressuredoesnotreach30psig,theoperatormaymanuallystartthespraypumpsafterallothersafeguards areloadedonthesafeguards buses.Automatic NaOHadditionviaopeningofvalvesHCV836A,Btakesplacetwominutesaftercontainment spraypumpstartunlessdefeatedmanually.
Thecontainment spraypumpsarenormallyalignedtotherefueling willautomatically alignthetwopostaccidentcharcoalfilterstothecontainment recirculation systembyopeninginletdampers5871and5872,andoutletdampers5873and5874.Loopentrydampers5875and5876willclose.Thesedamperswillfailtotheirsafeguards positionuponlossofelectricpower.9.Thecontrolroomventilation isautomatically placedinthe100%recirculation mode(withabout25%flowthroughcharcoalfilters),

10.Afterthesafetyinjection pumpsareautomatically switchedfromtheboricacidstoragetankstothere-fuelingwaterstoragetanks,theoperatorresetssafetyinjection, startsthecomponent coolingwaterpumpsandalignsflowtotheRHRheatexchangers, andinitiates SWflowtothe'CWheatexchangers.
10.Af ter the safety injection pumps are automatically switched from the boric acid storage tanks to the re-fueling water storage tanks, the operator resets safety injection, starts the component cooling water pumps and aligns flow to the RHR heat exchangers, and initiates SW flow to the'CW heat exchangers.
At the 31%RWST alarm, the operator shuts off one CS and one SI pump (if more than one are running).When the refueling water storage tank level is reduced to 10%, the plant operator stops the remaining residual heat removal, containment spray and high head safety injection pumps and establishes f low paths to the reactor vessel f or both high (if required)and low head safety injection from containment sump B.The normal (non-saf ety grade)auxiliary f eedwater supply source is from the condensate storage tanks.If this supply is exhausted the operator opens the motor operated valves 4027 and 4028 and manual operated valves 4344 and 4345 to provide service water to the suction of the auxiliary feedwater pumps.If the AFW system is not functioning properly, the operator can align from the control room the Standby AFW system to the steam generators (using'ervice water suction).11.In the recirculation phase, the operator aligns the RHR pumps to containment sump B by opening valve 850A for pump A and valve 850B for pump B, and closing 10
Whentherefueling waterstoragetanklevelisreducedto10%,theplantoperatorstopstheremaining residualheatremoval,containment sprayandhighheadsafetyinjection pumpsandestablishes flowpathstothereactorvesselforbothhigh(ifrequired) andlowheadsafetyinjection fromcontainment sumpB.Thenormal(non-safetygrade)auxiliary feedwatersupplysourceisfromthecondensate storagetanks.Ifthissupplyisexhausted theoperatoropensthemotoroperatedvalves4027and4028andmanualoperatedvalves4344and4345toprovideservicewatertothesuctionoftheauxiliary feedwater pumps.IftheAFWsystemisnotfunctioning
: properly, theoperatorcanalignfromthecontrolroomtheStandbyAFWsystemtothesteamgenerators (using'ervice watersuction).
11.Intherecirculation phase,theoperatoralignstheRHRpumpstocontainment sumpBbyopeningvalve850AforpumpAandvalve850BforpumpB,andclosing10

valve704A,704B,856,and896Aor896B.Forlowheadrecirculation, injection isthroughthevesselnozzles.,Forhighheadrecirculation, theRHRpumpsdischarge tothesafetyinjection pumpsthroughalignment ofvalve857A(forRHRpumpB)and/orvalves857Band857C(forRHRpumpA).ValvesAOV897,898areclosed.Thehighheadsafetyinjection pumpsthenprovidewatertothecoldleginjection points.Thisalignment alsoallowsCSpumpoperation, ifdesired.Longtermrecirculation tocompensate forthepossibleeffectsofboronprecipitation hasbeendescribed inRef[Flood-1]
valve 704A, 704B, 856, and 896A or 896B.For low head recirculation, injection is through the vessel nozzles.,For high head recirculation, the RHR pumps discharge to the safety injection pumps through alignment of valve 857A (for RHR pump B)and/or valves 857B and 857C (for RHR pump A).Valves AOV 897, 898 are closed.The high head safety injection pumps then provide water to the cold leg injection points.This alignment also allows CS pump operation, if desired.Long term recirculation to compensate for the possible effects of boron precipitation has been described in Ref[Flood-1]and includes the use of RHR pumped flow to the vessel nozzles and through a high head safety injection pump into either cold leg.Post-accident reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling modifications are presently being undertaken, in accordance with the implementation schedule for the TMX Lessons Learned commitments.
andincludestheuseofRHRpumpedflowtothevesselnozzlesandthroughahighheadsafetyinjection pumpintoeithercoldleg.Post-accident reactorcoolantandcontainment atmosphere samplingmodifications arepresently beingundertaken, inaccordance withtheimplementation schedulefortheTMXLessonsLearnedcommitments.
See[Ref TMI-3].Events Accom an in a Main Steam Line Break or a Main Feed Line Break The analyses of a main steam line break or a main feed line break and the consequences thereof have been discussed in Chapters 6 and'14 of the FSAR and in References
See[RefTMI-3].EventsAccomaninaMainSteamLineBreakoraMainFeedLineBreakTheanalysesofamainsteamlinebreakoramainfeedlinebreakandtheconsequences thereofhavebeendiscussed inChapters6and'14oftheFSARandinReferences
[SLB/FLB 2-4].The High Energy Line Break analyses[HELB 1-7]provide additional information regarding steam line breaks outside of containment, as 11
[SLB/FLB2-4].TheHighEnergyLineBreakanalyses[HELB1-7]provideadditional information regarding steamlinebreaksoutsideofcontainment, as11

wellasfeedwater linebreaksinsideandoutsidecontainment.
well as feedwater line breaks inside and outside containment.
Figure2illustrates thesequenceofeventsrequiredtomitigatetheconsequences ofamainsteamlinebreak.Thesameinitialsequenceofeventswouldoccurforafeedwater linebreak.Sincethesameequipment isre-quiredtooperateandthesameemergency procedure isusedfollowing afeedlinebreakasasteamlinebreak,butasteamlinebreakisamoresevereaccidentin4termsofRCScooldown(returntocriticality) andmassandenergyreleasetocontainment, thesubsequent discussion willaddressthemainsteamlinebreakonly.Table2liststherequiredequipment foreachnumberedblockinFigure2.1.Alargemainsteamlinebreak(greaterthanapproxi-matelyonesquarefoot)wouldfirstbedetectedbythelowsteamlinepressuresensors.Lowsteamlinepres-suresensedbytwooutofthethreesteamlinepressuretransmitters initiates safetyinjection accompanied instrumentation isavailable totheoperatortodistinguish amongaccidents, asdescribed intheLOCAdiscussion.
Figure 2 illustrates the sequence of events required to mitigate the consequences of a main steam line break.The same initial sequence of events would occur for a feedwater line break.Since the same equipment is re-quired to operate and the same emergency procedure is used following a feedline break as a steam line break, but a steam line break is a more severe accident in 4 terms of RCS cooldown (return to criticality) and mass and energy release to containment, the subsequent discussion will address the main steam line break only.Table 2 lists the required equipment for each numbered block in Figure 2.1.A large main steam line break (greater than approxi-mately one square foot)would first be detected by the low steam line pressure sensors.Low steam line pres-sure sensed by two out of the three steam line pressure transmitters initiates safety injection accompanied by reactor and turbine instrumentation is available to the operator to distinguish among accidents, as described in the LOCA discussion.
2.Twooutofthreelowpressurizer pressuresignalswouldprovideadditional protection foralargersteamlinebreakandalsoprovidestheinitialsafetyinjec-12  
2.Two out of three low pressurizer pressure signals would provide additional protection for a larger steam line break and also provides the initial safety injec-12  

tionsignalforsmallerbreaks.Also,high.containment pressure(6psig)willinitiatesafetyinjection.
tion signal for smaller breaks.Also, high.containment pressure (6 psig)will initiate safety injection.
3.TheGinnadesignincludesnon-return checkvalvesineachsteamlinejustupstreamofthemainsteamheaderintheintermediate building.
3.The Ginna design includes non-return check valves in each steam line just upstream of the main steam header in the intermediate building.Thus for any break upstream of the check valves, which includes all breaks inside containment, the check valves will preclude blowdown of the intact generator.
Thusforanybreakupstreamofthecheckvalves,whichincludesallbreaksinsidecontainment, thecheckvalveswillprecludeblowdownoftheintactgenerator.
Reactor trip will result in closing the turbine stop valves.As redundant protection in the event of a steam line break upstream of the check valves, and for all breaks downstream of the check valves, the main steam line isolation valves are closed by several signals.These signals include 2/3 high containment pressure (20 psig);1/2 high steam flow in either steam line plus 2/4 low Tave plus safety injection; and 1/2 high-high steam flow in either steam line plus safety injection.
Reactortripwillresultinclosingtheturbinestopvalves.Asredundant protection intheeventofasteamlinebreakupstreamofthecheckvalves,andforallbreaksdownstream ofthecheckvalves,themainsteamlineisolation valvesareclosedbyseveralsignals.Thesesignalsinclude2/3highcontainment pressure(20psig);1/2highsteamflowineithersteamlineplus2/4lowTaveplussafetyinjection; and1/2high-high steamflowineithersteamlineplussafetyinjection.
4.The safety injecti~on signal closes the main and bypass f eedwater control valves, trips the f eedwater pumps and closes their respective discharge valves.5.The safety injection signal initiates containment isolation and containment ventilation isolation as described in the sequence of events in the loss of coolant accident.
4.Thesafetyinjecti~on signalclosesthemainandbypassfeedwatercontrolvalves,tripsthefeedwaterpumpsandclosestheirrespective discharge valves.5.Thesafetyinjection signalinitiates containment isolation andcontainment ventilation isolation asdescribed inthesequenceofeventsinthelossofcoolantaccident.
6.The safeguards sequence as described in the loss of coolant accident is initiated by the safety injection signal.(For steam breaks outside containment, the spray pumps are not required.)
6.Thesafeguards sequenceasdescribed inthelossofcoolantaccidentisinitiated bythesafetyinjection signal.(Forsteambreaksoutsidecontainment, thespraypumpsarenotrequired.)
7.The safety injection signal trips the reactor and turbine.Other reactor trips are discussed in the FSAR, Section 7.8.The reactor coolant pumps'are tripped by manual operator action when low pressurizer pressure (1715 psig)is reached, and SI flow is initiated.
7.Thesafetyinjection signaltripsthereactorandturbine.Otherreactortripsarediscussed intheFSAR,Section7.8.Thereactorcoolantpumps'are trippedbymanualoperatoractionwhenlowpressurizer pressure(1715psig)isreached,andSIflowisinitiated.
9.All valves associated with the safety injection systems are aligned and automatically function as de-scribed in the loss of coolant accident discussion.
9.Allvalvesassociated withthesafetyinjection systemsarealignedandautomatically functionasde-scribedinthelossofcoolantaccidentdiscussion.
If high containment pressure of 30 psig is reached, the containment spray system operates as described in the LOCA discussion.
Ifhighcontainment pressureof30psigisreached,thecontainment spraysystemoperatesasdescribed intheLOCAdiscussion.
10.When the boric acid storage tanks are drained to the 10%level and safety injection pump suction has automatically been aligned to the refueling water storage tank, the operator will reset safety injection and if reactor coolant pressure is above the shut-off head of the RHR pumps, will stop the RHR pumps and place them in the standby mode.A high steam line flow and/or low steam line pressure will indicate to the operator which steam generator has the steam line break.When this has been determined, 14 the operator will terminate AFW flow to the faulted steam generator, and align/maintain flow to the intact steam generator.
10.Whentheboricacidstoragetanksaredrainedtothe10%levelandsafetyinjection pumpsuctionhasautomatically beenalignedtotherefueling waterstoragetank,theoperatorwillresetsafetyinjection andifreactorcoolantpressureisabovetheshut-offheadoftheRHRpumps,willstoptheRHRpumpsandplacetheminthestandbymode.Ahighsteamlineflowand/orlowsteamlinepressurewillindicatetotheoperatorwhichsteamgenerator hasthesteamlinebreak.Whenthishasbeendetermined, 14 theoperatorwillterminate AFWflowtothefaultedsteamgenerator, andalign/maintain flowtotheintactsteamgenerator.
The inventory of the reactor coolant will be maintained by the remote manual operation of the high head safety injection pumps in combination with use of the charging p Umps~At least two hours after the start of the accident, supply water for the auxiliary feedwater pumps can be manually transferred from the condensate storage tanks to the service water system, by the method described in the LOCA discussion
Theinventory ofthereactorcoolantwillbemaintained bytheremotemanualoperation ofthehighheadsafetyinjection pumpsincombination withuseofthechargingpUmps~Atleasttwohoursafterthestartoftheaccident, supplywaterfortheauxiliary feedwater pumpscanbemanuallytransferred fromthecondensate storagetankstotheservicewatersystem,bythemethoddescribed intheLOCAdiscussion
[See Ref.SLB/FLB-6]
.If the auxiliary feedwater system is not operating properly, the operator can initiate operation from the control room of the Standby AFW system (using service water suction).11.If conditions and equipment availability permit, the operator can begin a gradual cooldown and depressuri-zation to cold shutdown conditions.
.Iftheauxiliary feedwater systemisnotoperating
However, the primary safety function is to maintain the RCS in a safe condition at all times, removing decay heat at a rate comparable to the generation rate.Maintenance of this safe shutdown condition is accomplished by a combination of steam dump (to the condenser or atmosphere) with primary and secondary inventory makeup, accomplished by use of the safety injection and/or the charging 15
: properly, theoperatorcaninitiateoperation fromthecontrolroomoftheStandbyAFWsystem(usingservicewatersuction).
11.Ifconditions andequipment availability permit,theoperatorcanbeginagradualcooldownanddepressuri-zationtocoldshutdownconditions.
However,theprimarysafetyfunctionistomaintaintheRCSinasafecondition atalltimes,removingdecayheatataratecomparable tothegeneration rate.Maintenance ofthissafeshutdowncondition isaccomplished byacombination ofsteamdump(tothecondenser oratmosphere) withprimaryandsecondary inventory makeup,accomplished byuseofthesafetyinjection and/orthecharging15

Ipumps,andtheauxiliary feedwater system.ItisexpectedthatRCStemperature canbeloweredtonear212'Fbyusingthesteamgenerators.
I pumps, and the auxiliary feedwater system.It is expected that RCS temperature can be lowered to near 212'F by using the steam generators.
Thesafeshutdownconditions canbemaintained untilafinalcooldownanddepressurization toambientconditions canbeeffected.
The safe shutdown conditions can be maintained until a final cooldown and depressurization to ambient conditions can be effected.C.Hi h Ener Line Breaks Outside Containment An analysis has been provided describing the effects of pipe breaks outside containment
C.HihEnerLineBreaksOutsideContainment Ananalysishasbeenprovideddescribing theeffectsofpipebreaksoutsidecontainment
[HELB-1].The report proposed a program of augmented inservice inspection of certain piping welds in order to preclude the necessity to address further full diameter high energy piping breaks.Credible breaks of main steam lines outside containment, that is, those not included in the inspec-tion program, are bounded by a 6 inch main steam line branch connection in the Intermediate Building and a 12 inch main steam line branch connection in the Turbine Building.Credible breaks in the feedwater lines outside containment are bounded by a break in the 20 inch feedwater line in the Turbine Building.The accident environment created by these breaks, and other postulated breaks are provided in References
[HELB 8-11].The program has been accepted by the NRC[Ref.HELB 7,8].Several modifications have been performed at the Ginna Nuclear Plant as a result of high energy line break analyses.Reference[HELB-1]discusses the various modifications, but of particular note is the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater system modification.
Thereportproposedaprogramofaugmented inservice inspection ofcertainpipingweldsinordertoprecludethenecessity toaddressfurtherfulldiameterhighenergypipingbreaks.Crediblebreaksofmainsteamlinesoutsidecontainment, thatis,thosenotincludedintheinspec-tionprogram,areboundedbya6inchmainsteamlinebranchconnection intheIntermediate Buildinganda12inchmainsteamlinebranchconnection intheTurbineBuilding.
Crediblebreaksinthefeedwater linesoutsidecontainment areboundedbyabreakinthe20inchfeedwater lineintheTurbineBuilding.
Theaccidentenvironment createdbythesebreaks,andotherpostulated breaksareprovidedinReferences
[HELB8-11].TheprogramhasbeenacceptedbytheNRC[Ref.HELB7,8].Severalmodifications havebeenperformed attheGinnaNuclearPlantasaresultofhighenergylinebreakanalyses.
[HELB-1]discusses thevariousmodifications, butofparticular noteistheStandbyAuxiliary Feedwater systemmodification.

remote-manual controlled standbyauxiliary feedwater system,identical totheauxiliary feedwater systemincoolingcapability, hasbeeninstalled.
remote-manual controlled standby auxiliary feedwater system, identical to the auxiliary feedwater system in cooling capability, has been installed.
Thepumpsarehousedinaseismically designedstructure (area6Figure3)remotefromtheauxiliary feedwater andanyhighenergylines.Anyportionofthissystemrequiredtooperateinanemergency isnotsubjected toanadverseenvironment.
The pumps are housed in a seismically designed structure (area 6 Figure 3)remote from the auxiliary feedwater and any high energy lines.Any portion of this system required to operate in an emergency is not subjected to an adverse environment.
Ref[HELB-8]includestheNRC'sSafetyEvaluation Reportconcerning theRGGEmodifications resultant fromthereviewofRef.[HELB-1].
Ref[HELB-8]includes the NRC's Safety Evaluation Report concerning the RGGE modifications resultant from the review of Ref.[HELB-1].It includes a discussion of the acceptability of the instrumentation relocation and cable re-routing performed to insure that sufficient equipment will be protected from the environmental effects of a HELB outside containment.
Itincludesadiscussion oftheacceptability oftheinstrumentation relocation andcablere-routing performed toinsurethatsufficient equipment willbeprotected fromtheenvironmental effectsofaHELBoutsidecontainment.
The failure of steam heating lines in the Auxiliary Building was identified and discussed in Ref.[HELB-1].It has been determined that steam heating lines also traverse other areas in the vicinity of safety related equipment[Ref.HELB-15].Modifications are planned which will isolate the steam heating line to the affected areas in the event of a failure and therefore preclude an adverse environment.
ThefailureofsteamheatinglinesintheAuxiliary Buildingwasidentified anddiscussed inRef.[HELB-1].
The commitment to perform analyses/modifications for those pipe breaks outside containment are given in Reference[HELB-13].
Ithasbeendetermined thatsteamheatinglinesalsotraverseotherareasinthevicinityofsafetyrelatedequipment
Prior to its installation, regular inspections are being performed to reduce the likelihood of a failure creating an adverse environment.
These inspections, performed-17  
Modifications areplannedwhichwillisolatethesteamheatinglinetotheaffectedareasintheeventofafailureandtherefore precludeanadverseenvironment.
Thecommitment toperformanalyses/modifications forthosepipebreaksoutsidecontainment aregiveninReference
Priortoitsinstallation, regularinspections arebeingperformed toreducethelikelihood ofafailurecreatinganadverseenvironment.
Theseinspections, performed

duringeachplantoperating shift,woulddetectanyleakage.Plantprocedures (T-35F,"SteamtoAuxiliary
during each plant operating shift, would detect any leakage.Plant procedures (T-35F,"Steam to Auxiliary Building, Screen House, or Diesel Generators and Oil-Room")call for isolation of the affected piping promptly upon detection of the leakage.18 III.IDENTIFICATION OF THE LIMITING SERVICE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDI-TIONS FOR EQUIPMENT WHICH IS REQUIRED TO FUNCTION TO MITIGATE THE CONSEQUENCES OF DESIGN BASIS EVENTS This Section of the report defines the bases for and references to the environmental conditions encountered throughout the plant.A tabular summary is provided in Table 4.A.Inside Containment Post accident containment environmental conditions are discussed in Appendix 6E of the Ginna FSAR.These conditions result from a loss of coolant accident.The temperature and pressure profiles are given in Figures 1 and 2 of Appendix 6E with peak values being 286'F and 60 psig respectively.
: Building, ScreenHouse,orDieselGenerators andOil-Room")callforisolation oftheaffectedpipingpromptlyupondetection oftheleakage.18 III.IDENTIFICATION OFTHELIMITINGSERVICEENVIRONMENTAL CONDI-TIONSFOREQUIPMENT WHICHISREQUIREDTOFUNCTIONTOMITIGATETHECONSEQUENCES OFDESIGNBASISEVENTSThisSectionofthereportdefinesthebasesforandreferences totheenvironmental conditions encountered throughout theplant.AtabularsummaryisprovidedinTable4.A.InsideContainment Postaccidentcontainment environmental conditions arediscussed inAppendix6EoftheGinnaFSAR.Theseconditions resultfromalossofcoolantaccident.
The radiation profile is presented in Figures 4 and 5 of Appendix 6E and it is seen, for example, that the doses at 30 minutes and one year following a LOCA are 1.7 x 10 and 1.6 x 10 rads, 6 8 respectively.(These figures are repeated as Figures 4,5,and 6 of this report.)Materials compatibility with post-accident chemical environment is discussed in detail in Appendix 6E.100$humidity is assumed.Design parameters
Thetemperature andpressureprofilesaregiveninFigures1and2ofAppendix6Ewithpeakvaluesbeing286'Fand60psigrespectively.
'for environmental conditions have been conservatively selected for Ginna.As seen in FSAR Figure 14.3.4-2, the calculated peak pressure is less than 53 psig while the design value is 60 psig.The duration of the peak, similarly, bounds the cal-culated values.19 I
Theradiation profileispresented inFigures4and5ofAppendix6Eanditisseen,forexample,thatthedosesat30minutesandoneyearfollowing aLOCAare1.7x10and1.6x10rads,68respectively.
Another example of the conservatism employed is seen in the accident radiation environment used for design purposes.As noted in WCAP 7744, a release of 100%of the noble gases, 50%of the halogens, and 1%, of all remaining fission products is assumed.In addition, no credit is taken for removal of radioactivity from the containment atmosphere by sprays, filters and fission product plateout.Finally, the specific activity in containment was roughly doubled by assuming a contain-ment free volume associated with an ice condenser con-tainment.Thus the radiation environment clearly over-states that which would be present even in a minimum safeguards case.This conservation is apparent from a comparison to the DOR Guidelines, which suggest a post-LOCA integrated dose of 2 x 10 rads gamma.7 Submergence of valves inside containment.
(ThesefiguresarerepeatedasFigures4,5,and6ofthisreport.)Materials compatibility withpost-accident chemicalenvironment isdiscussed indetailinAppendix6E.100$humidityisassumed.Designparameters
has previously been discussed in Reference[Flood-4]and it has been shown that operation following submergence is not required.Submergence of instrumentation has been discussed in Ref[Flood-5].
'forenvironmental conditions havebeenconservatively selectedforGinna.AsseeninFSARFigure14.3.4-2, thecalculated peakpressureislessthan53psigwhilethedesignvalueis60psig.Thedurationofthepeak,similarly, boundsthecal-culatedvalues.19 I
Since the instrumentation is not required to function while flooded, no qualification for submergence is specified (see e.g., Section IV.19 of this report).The peak pressure following a MSLB is given in Section 14.2.5 of the FSAR as 52 psig, assuming no credit for containment pressure reducing equipment.
Anotherexampleoftheconservatism employedisseenintheaccidentradiation environment usedfordesignpurposes.
Recent analyses 20 for other facilities indicate that the containment vapor temperature following a MSLB in contaiment may briefly exceed those derived for a LOCA.These higher temperatures should not be limiting, however, for qual if ication of equipment required f ol lowing a MSLB, because: 1)the fact that the high temperature transient.
AsnotedinWCAP7744,areleaseof100%ofthenoblegases,50%ofthehalogens, and1%,ofallremaining fissionproductsisassumed.Inaddition, nocreditistakenforremovalofradioactivity fromthecontainment atmosphere bysprays,filtersandfissionproductplateout.
is very brief and there is superheated steam (with its lower heat transfer capability) as opposed to saturated steam, 2)the equipment is protected from the direct effects of the steam line break by concrete floors and shields, and 3)the sensitive portions of the electrical equipment are not directly exposed to the environment, but are protected by housing, cable jackets, and the like.For these reasons, the humidity and steam environment following a LOCA remains limiting.This is consistent with the NRC's position 4.2 of the"Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors;" Radiation levels in containment following a MSLB are not limiting since fuel failures are not projected to result from a MSLB.Chemical environment and submergence are bounded by the LOCA conditions.
Finally,thespecificactivityincontainment wasroughlydoubledbyassumingacontain-mentfreevolumeassociated withanicecondenser con-tainment.
Thustheradiation environment clearlyover-statesthatwhichwouldbepresenteveninaminimumsafeguards case.Thisconservation isapparentfromacomparison totheDORGuidelines, whichsuggestapost-LOCA integrated doseof2x10radsgamma.7Submergence ofvalvesinsidecontainment.
haspreviously beendiscussed inReference
andithasbeenshownthatoperation following submergence isnotrequired.
Submergence ofinstrumentation hasbeendiscussed inRef[Flood-5].
Sincetheinstrumentation isnotrequiredtofunctionwhileflooded,noqualification forsubmergence isspecified (seee.g.,SectionIV.19ofthisreport).Thepeakpressurefollowing aMSLBisgiveninSection14.2.5oftheFSARas52psig,assumingnocreditforcontainment pressurereducingequipment.
Recentanalyses20 forotherfacilities indicatethatthecontainment vaportemperature following aMSLBincontaiment maybrieflyexceedthosederivedforaLOCA.Thesehighertemperatures shouldnotbelimiting, however,forqualificationofequipment requiredfollowingaMSLB,because:1)thefactthatthehightemperature transient.
isverybriefandthereissuperheated steam(withitslowerheattransfercapability) asopposedtosaturated steam,2)theequipment isprotected fromthedirecteffectsofthesteamlinebreakbyconcretefloorsandshields,and3)thesensitive portionsoftheelectrical equipment arenotdirectlyexposedtotheenvironment, butareprotected byhousing,cablejackets,andthelike.Forthesereasons,thehumidityandsteamenvironment following aLOCAremainslimiting.
Thisisconsistent withtheNRC'sposition4.2ofthe"Guidelines forEvaluating Environmental Qualification ofClassIEElectrical Equipment inOperating Reactors;"
Radiation levelsincontainment following aMSLBarenotlimitingsincefuelfailuresarenotprojected toresultfromaMSLB.Chemicalenvironment andsubmergence areboundedbytheLOCAconditions.

B.AuxiliarBuildinTheauxiliary buildinghasaHVACsystemwhichprovidesclean,filteredandtemperedairtotheoperating flooroftheauxiliary
B.Auxil iar Buil din The auxiliary building has a HVAC system which provides clean, f iltered and tempered air to the operating floor of the auxiliary building, and to the surface of the decontamination and spent fuel storage pits.The system exhausts air from the equipment rooms and open areas of the auxiliary building, and from the decon-tamination and spent fuel storage pits, through a closed exhaust system.The exhaust system includes a 100 percent capacity bank of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)filters, and redundant 100 percent capacity fans discharging to the a'tmosphere via the plant vent.This arrangement insures the proper direction of air flow for removal of airborne radioactivity from the auxiliary building.Included in the auxiliary building exhaust system is a separate charcoal filter circuit, which exhausts from rooms where fission product activity may accumulate, during normal plant operation, in concentrations exceeding the average levels expected in the rest of the build-ing.Following a loss-of-coolant accident, this circuit is capable of providing exhaust ventilation from the areas containing pumps and related piping and valving which are used to recirculate containment sump liquid.A full flow charcoal filter bank is provided in the circuit, along with two 50 percent capacity exhaust 22 Vg fans.The air operated suction and discharge dampers associated with each fan are interlocked with the fan such that they are fully open when the fan is operating and fully closed when the fan is stopped.These dampers fail to the open position on loss of control signal or control air.The fans discharge to the main auxiliary building exhaust system, containing the HEPA filter bank.To assure a path for the charcoal (and HEPA)filtered exhaust to the plant vent if, the main exhaust fans are not operating, a fail open damper is installed in a bypass circuit around the two main exhaust fans.The residual heat removal, safety injection, containment spray and charging pump motors are provided with addi-tional cooling provisions to maintain ambient temperatures within acceptable limits when'the pumps are operating.
: building, andtothesurfaceofthedecontamination andspentfuelstoragepits.Thesystemexhaustsairfromtheequipment roomsandopenareasoftheauxiliary
The charging pumps and RHR pumps are located in their own rooms, each room being provided with two cooling units consisting of redundant fans, water-cooled heat exchangers, and ductwork for circulating the cooled air.The capacity of each unit is sufficient to maintain acceptable room ambient temperatures with the minimum number of pumps required for system operation in service.The safety injection and containment spray pumps are 0 provided with cooling units providing cool air directly to the motor.There is a separate fan for each of the motors.23  
: building, andfromthedecon-tamination andspentfuelstoragepits,throughaclosedexhaustsystem.Theexhaustsystemincludesa100percentcapacitybankofhighefficiency particulate air(HEPA)filters,andredundant 100percentcapacityfansdischarging tothea'tmosphere viatheplantvent.Thisarrangement insurestheproperdirection ofairflowforremovalofairborneradioactivity fromtheauxiliary building.
Includedintheauxiliary buildingexhaustsystemisaseparatecharcoalfiltercircuit,whichexhaustsfromroomswherefissionproductactivitymayaccumulate, duringnormalplantoperation, inconcentrations exceeding theaveragelevelsexpectedintherestofthebuild-ing.Following aloss-of-coolant
: accident, thiscircuitiscapableofproviding exhaustventilation fromtheareascontaining pumpsandrelatedpipingandvalvingwhichareusedtorecirculate containment sumpliquid.Afullflowcharcoalfilterbankisprovidedinthecircuit,alongwithtwo50percentcapacityexhaust22 Vg fans.Theairoperatedsuctionanddischarge dampersassociated witheachfanareinterlocked withthefansuchthattheyarefullyopenwhenthefanisoperating andfullyclosedwhenthefanisstopped.Thesedampersfailtotheopenpositiononlossofcontrolsignalorcontrolair.Thefansdischarge tothemainauxiliary buildingexhaustsystem,containing theHEPAfilterbank.Toassureapathforthecharcoal(andHEPA)filteredexhausttotheplantventif,themainexhaustfansarenotoperating, afailopendamperisinstalled inabypasscircuitaroundthetwomainexhaustfans.Theresidualheatremoval,safetyinjection, containment sprayandchargingpumpmotorsareprovidedwithaddi-tionalcoolingprovisions tomaintainambienttemperatures withinacceptable limitswhen'thepumpsareoperating.
ThechargingpumpsandRHRpumpsarelocatedintheirownrooms,eachroombeingprovidedwithtwocoolingunitsconsisting ofredundant fans,water-cooled heatexchangers, andductworkforcirculating thecooledair.Thecapacityofeachunitissufficient tomaintainacceptable roomambienttemperatures withtheminimumnumberofpumpsrequiredforsystemoperation inservice.Thesafetyinjection andcontainment spraypumpsare0providedwithcoolingunitsproviding coolairdirectlytothemotor.Thereisaseparatefanforeachofthemotors.23  

Intheeventofalossofoffsitepower,theauxiliary buildingventilation systemmainsupplyandexhaustfanswouldbeinoperable.
In the event of a loss of offsite power, the auxiliary building ventilation system main supply and exhaust f ans would be inoperable.
However,allotherfansintheauxiliary buildingventilation systemaresuppliedbyemergency dieselpowerincluding thecharcoalfiltercircuitandthepumpcoolingcircuitsforsafetyrelatedpumpmotors,asdescribed above.Sincetheauxiliary buildingisaverylargevolumebuilding, itisnot'\expectedthattherewouldbeapost-accident tempera-tureincreaseexceptinsomelocalareasnearhotpipingandlargemotors.Thissituation existsonlyinthebasementoftheauxiliary buildingwherethesafety-relatedpumpsandrecirculated sumpfluidpipingarelocated.AsshowninReference
However, all other fans in the auxiliary building ventilation system are supplied by emergency diesel power including the charcoal filter circuit and the pump cooling circuits for safety related pump motors, as described above.Since the auxiliary building is a very large volume building, it is not'\expected that there would be a post-accident tempera-ture increase except in some local areas near hot piping and large motors.This situation exists only in the basement of the auxiliary building where the safety-related pumps and recirculated sump fluid piping are located.As shown in Reference[HELB-14]the ventila-tion system for these areas is expected to be adequate to maintain the post-accident temperature with normal"ambient" levels.Further detailed evaluation of the environment in these areas is being addressed with the final resolution of the"mild" environment qualification requirements
.The radiation levels in the auxiliary building will increase in the event of a LOCA.Using very conservative post-accident fission product activity levels, the post-accident environment in the auxiliary building was calculated in Appendix A to Reference[TMI-3].It is apparent from Table 5-1 of this reference that the only major radiation field in terms of equipment qualification 24  
theventila-tionsystemfortheseareasisexpectedtobeadequatetomaintainthepost-accident temperature withnormal"ambient" levels.Furtherdetailedevaluation oftheenvironment intheseareasisbeingaddressed withthefinalresolution ofthe"mild"environment qualification requirements
.Theradiation levelsintheauxiliary buildingwillincreaseintheeventofaLOCA.Usingveryconservative post-accident fissionproductactivitylevels,thepost-accident environment intheauxiliary buildingwascalculated inAppendixAtoReference
[TMI-3].ItisapparentfromTable5-1ofthisreference thattheonlymajorradiation fieldintermsofequipment qualification 24  

willbeinthevicinityoftherecirculated fluid.Therequiredqualification dosesareaddressed foralltheaffectedequipment inTable3.TheRGEEcommitments to-ensurethataHELBintheauxiliary buildingwillnotaffectthecapability ofeffecting andmaintaining asafeshutdowncondition isprovidedinReference
will be in the vicinity of the recirculated fluid.The required qualification doses are addressed for all the affected equipment in Table 3.The RGEE commitments to-ensure that a HELB in the auxiliary building will not affect the capability of effecting and maintaining a safe shutdown condition is provided in Reference[HELB-13].
Flooding is not a concern in the Auxiliary Building.Even in the event of leakage, two 50 gpm sump pumps are provided in the low point of the*building.
FloodingisnotaconcernintheAuxiliary Building.
This is described in Section 9.3 of the FSAR, and has been evaluated by the NRC in Reference[HELB-15].
Intermediate Buildin Implementation of an augmented inservice inspection program for high energy piping outside containment has reduced the probability of pipe breaks in these systems to acceptably low levels[Ref.HELB-7, 8].A six inch main steam line branch connection is the intermediate building DBE.Based on the f ailure capacity of portions of the exterior walls, the limiting pressure is established in Ref.[HELB-1]as being a pressure of 0.80 psig.Assuming saturation conditions, one obtains a limiting I'I temperature of approximately 215'F.A 100%humidity steam-air mixture is assumed.If the pipe crack or branch line break were in a portion of the steam or~~f eed line that could be isolated, the isolation would immediately halt the mass and energy addition to the intermediate building.A pipe crack or branch line 25 which could not be isolated is the limiting DBE for intermediate building environment.
Thisisdescribed inSection9.3oftheFSAR,andhasbeenevaluated bytheNRCinReference
Mass and energy release in this case would be limited by the dryout of the steam generators with the duration of the environment dependent on the size of the leak or break.Based on flow through a main steam safety valve (a 6 inch line)of 247 lbs/sec at a steam line pressure of 1100 psia and the inventory available for release from a main steam break of 165,500 lbs (FSAR Section 14.2.5), the mass and energy flow will continue for at least 11 minutes.Smaller leaks may continue substantially longer.Zt is expected that within 30 minutes to an hour, action could be taken to provide added ventilation to the building by opening doors.Within several hours, return to near ambient could be accomplished.
Table 4 provides an estimate of the duration of the environmental transient expected.The exact duration is not critical in terms of affected equipment qualification; therefore, no explicit calculations have been performed.
Intermediate BuildinImplementation ofanaugmented inservice inspection programforhighenergypipingoutsidecontainment hasreducedtheprobability ofpipebreaksinthesesystemstoacceptably lowlevels[Ref.HELB-7,8].Asixinchmainsteamlinebranchconnection istheintermediate buildingDBE.Basedonthefailurecapacityofportionsoftheexteriorwalls,thelimitingpressureisestablished inRef.[HELB-1]asbeingapressureof0.80psig.Assumingsaturation conditions, oneobtainsalimitingI'Itemperature ofapproximately 215'F.A100%humiditysteam-air mixtureisassumed.Ifthepipecrackorbranchlinebreakwereinaportionofthesteamor~~feedlinethatcouldbeisolated, theisolation wouldimmediately haltthemassandenergyadditiontotheintermediate building.
Chemical spray is not a design consider-ation in this building.The effects of submergence need not be considered, as described in References
Apipecrackorbranchline25 whichcouldnotbeisolatedisthelimitingDBEforintermediate buildingenvironment.
[HELB-1],[HELB-4], and[FLOOD-11'].
Massandenergyreleaseinthiscasewouldbelimitedbythedryoutofthesteamgenerators withthedurationoftheenvironment dependent onthesizeoftheleakorbreak.Basedonflowthroughamainsteamsafetyvalve(a6inchline)of247lbs/secatasteamlinepressureof1100psiaandtheinventory available forreleasefromamainsteambreakof165,500lbs(FSARSection14.2.5),themassandenergyflowwillcontinueforatleast11minutes.Smallerleaksmaycontinuesubstantially longer.Ztisexpectedthatwithin30minutestoanhour,actioncouldbetakentoprovideaddedventilation tothebuildingbyopeningdoors.Withinseveralhours,returntonearambientcouldbeaccomplished.
This latter reference presents the result of an analysis performed to ensure that safety-related equipment would not be flooded in the event of an feed line break in the intermediate building.26 The radiation environment was reviewed in response to the TMI Lessons Learned commitments
Table4providesanestimateofthedurationoftheenvironmental transient expected.
[see Ref.TMI-3].It can be seen from Table 5-1 that the radiation environ-ment is not significant in terms of equipment qualification.
Theexactdurationisnotcriticalintermsofaffectedequipment qualification; therefore, noexplicitcalculations havebeenperformed.
Cable Tunnel Since the cable tunnel is open to the Intermediate Building, the limiting environmental conditions for the cable tunnel are identical to the Intermediate Building conditions.
Control Buildin The limiting environment of the Control Building which includes the control room, relay room, and battery rooms, is normal ambient conditions.
Theeffectsofsubmergence neednotbeconsidered, asdescribed inReferences
Protection against high energy line breaks and circulating water line breaks which could occur outside the Control Building and affect the Control Building environment are identified and discussed in References
[HELB-1, HELB-6, HELB-7, HELB-13, HELB-15, FLOOD-1, and FLOOD-5].The air conditioning system for the control room is described in Section 9.9 of the FSAR.The main air handling unit and circulation fans for the control room are powered from a single Class IE motor control center (MCC-1K), which receives power from a diesel-backed emergency bus (diesel 1A).If there were a failure of this train during the post accident period, it would be possible to crosstie to the 1B diesel.The operator, after assuring that any faults are cleared, would close 27
Thislatterreference presentstheresultofananalysisperformed toensurethatsafety-related equipment wouldnotbefloodedintheeventofanfeedlinebreakintheintermediate building.
26 Theradiation environment wasreviewedinresponsetotheTMILessonsLearnedcommitments
[seeRef.TMI-3].ItcanbeseenfromTable5-1thattheradiation environ-mentisnotsignificant intermsofequipment qualification.
: Building, thelimitingenvironmental conditions forthecabletunnelareidentical totheIntermediate Buildingconditions.
ControlBuildinThelimitingenvironment oftheControlBuildingwhichincludesthecontrolroom,relayroom,andbatteryrooms,isnormalambientconditions.
Protection againsthighenergylinebreaksandcirculating waterlinebreakswhichcouldoccuroutsidetheControlBuildingandaffecttheControlBuildingenvironment areidentified anddiscussed inReferences
[HELB-1,HELB-6,HELB-7,HELB-13,HELB-15,FLOOD-1,andFLOOD-5].Theairconditioning systemforthecontrolroomisdescribed inSection9.9oftheFSAR.Themainairhandlingunitandcirculation fansforthecontrolroomarepoweredfromasingleClassIEmotorcontrolcenter(MCC-1K),whichreceivespowerfromadiesel-backed emergency bus(diesel1A).Iftherewereafailureofthistrainduringthepostaccidentperiod,itwouldbepossibletocrosstietothe1Bdiesel.Theoperator, afterassuringthatanyfaultsarecleared,wouldclose27

thebustiebetweenbuses14and16'toenergizethein-operable-Control Roomairhandlingunitfromthe1Bdiesel,whilemakingsurethattheoperational diesel-doesnotbecomeoverloaded.
the bus tie between buses 14 and 16'to energize the in-operable-Control Room air handling unit from the 1B diesel, while making sure that the operational diesel-does not become overloaded.
Thisemergency buscross-ties procedure haspreviously beenincludedintheGinnaEmergency Procedures
This emergency bus cross-ties procedure has previously been included in the Ginna Emergency Procedures
.The control room HVAC system has been out of service several times in the last 11 years for maintenance.
Asatisfactory environment hasbeenmaintained byopeningthetwocontrolroomdoorsandtworelayroomdoors,connecting thetworoomstogetherandwithoutsideair,toprovidenaturalcirculation.
A satisfactory environment has been maintained by opening the two control room doors and two relay room doors, connecting the two rooms together and with outside air, to provide natural circulation.
Equipment failurehasneverbeenexperienced duringtheseeventsbecauseofatemperature increaseduetolackofHVAC.Itisalsopossible, ofcourse,toprovidefortheuseofportableair-conditioning unitsorfanstomaintainenvironmental conditions withinproperspecifications.
Equipment failure has never been experienced during these events because of a temperature increase due to lack of HVAC.It is also possible, of course, to provide for the use of portable air-conditioning units or fans to maintain environmental conditions within proper specifications.
Furtherevaluation ofthelong-term effectsofthelossofventilation willbemadeatalatertime,whensafety-related equipment notexposedtoa"harsh"accidentenvironment isaddressed intermsofenvironmental qualification.
Further evaluation of the long-term effects of the loss of ventilation will be made at a later time, when safety-related equipment not exposed to a"harsh" accident environment is addressed in terms of environmental qualification.
Therelayroomisnormallycooledbytwonon-safety-related airconditioning systems,whichcanbemanuallyalignedtotheemergency busesbyclosingtheproperbus-tiebreakers.
The relay room is normally cooled by two non-safety-related air conditioning systems, which can be manually aligned to the emergency buses by closing the proper bus-tie breakers.28  

Naturalcirculation withthecontrolroom,andtheuseofportableair-conditioning unitsandfans,areoptionsavailable tomaintainenvironmental conditions withintherequiredspecifications.
Natural circulation with the control room, and the use of portable air-conditioning units and fans, are options available to maintain environmental conditions within the required specifications.
Furtherevaluation con-cerninglossofventilation willbemadeatalatertime,togetherwiththecontrolroomstudy.Tofurtherassurethatalossofventilation tothecontrolandrelayroomsisnotexpectedtobeaconcern,RG&Econducted an8-hourtestonSeptember 15,1980.Itwasdemonstrated that,foralossofallHVAC,no,significant temperature increaseoccurredinthecontrolroomorrelayroom.Onlytheplantcomputer, locatedinitsownroomwithintherelayroom,andnotrequiredforaccidentmitigation orsafeshutdown, appearedtobesusceptible tooverheating.
Further evaluation con-cerning loss of ventilation will be made at a later time, together with the control room study.To further assure that a loss of ventilation to the control and relay rooms is not expected to be a concern, RG&E conducted an 8-hour test on September 15, 1980.It was demonstrated that, for a loss of all HVAC, no, significant temperature increase occurred in the control room or relay room.Only the plant computer, located in its own room within the relay room, and not required for accident mitigation or safe shutdown, appeared to be susceptible to overheating.
Thebatteryroomshaveasetofinletandexhaustfans,aswellasanair-conditioning system.Additional fansaretobeinstalled inthenearfuture.Thesefanswillbed.c.-powered
The battery rooms have a set of inlet and exhaust fans, as well as an air-conditioning system.Additional fans are to be installed in the near future.These fans will be d.c.-powered
'directly fromthebatteries.
'directly from the batteries.
Whilethismodification isinprogress, thepresentEmergency Procedures provideformanualalignment totheemergency busesbyclosingofbus-tiebreakers.
While this modification is in progress, the present Emergency Procedures provide for manual alignment to the emergency buses by closing of bus-tie breakers.If necessary, portable fans could be used to provide sufficient air handling capacity to maintain the battery rooms at acceptable ambient conditions.
Ifnecessary, portablefanscouldbeusedtoprovidesufficient airhandlingcapacitytomaintainthebatteryroomsatacceptable ambientconditions.
29 F.Diesel Generator Rooms G.The emergency diesel generator rooms each have their own HVAC system, powered from the diesels.As soon as the diesels are brought up to speed, stabilized, and their respective circuit breakers closed to their emergency buses, the HVAC systems (ventilating fans)are energized.
29 F.DieselGenerator RoomsG.Theemergency dieselgenerator roomseachhavetheirownHVACsystem,poweredfromthediesels.Assoonasthedieselsarebroughtuptospeed,stabilized, andtheirrespective circuitbreakersclosedtotheiremergency buses,theHVACsystems(ventilating fans)areenergized.
Protection against failure of steam heating lines in the rooms is described in Section II.C above.Failure of a steam heating line would affect only one diesel.The other diesel, as well as offsite power, would still be available.
Protection againstfailureofsteamheatinglinesintheroomsisdescribed inSectionII.Cabove.Failureofasteamheatinglinewouldaffectonlyonediesel.Theotherdiesel,aswellasoffsitepower,wouldstillbeavailable.
This configuration has been reviewed by the NRC in Reference[HELB-15],~and found acceptable.
Thisconfiguration hasbeenreviewedbytheNRCinReference
Protection agains events outside the rooms is described in References
[HELB-1, HELB-6, HELB-7, FLOOD-1, and FLOOD-5].The limiting environment in the diesel generator rooms therefore is normal ambient conditions.
Turbine Buildin The turbine building does not require an HVAC system per se, but rather utilizes roof vent fans, wall vent vans, windows and unit heaters for control of the en-virons.In the event of loss of power to fans in this building there would be no significant temperature rise, since it is a large volume building with sufficient openings (windows and access doors)to adequately cir-culate outside air.30  
Protection againseventsoutsidetheroomsisdescribed inReferences
Thelimitingenvironment inthedieselgenerator roomstherefore isnormalambientconditions.
TurbineBuildinTheturbinebuildingdoesnotrequireanHVACsystemperse,butratherutilizesroofventfans,wallventvans,windowsandunitheatersforcontroloftheen-virons.Intheeventoflossofpowertofansinthisbuildingtherewouldbenosignificant temperature rise,sinceitisalargevolumebuildingwithsufficient openings(windowsandaccessdoors)toadequately cir-culateoutsideair.30  

Analyseshaveshownthatthelimitingpressurearecausedbyaninstantaneous breakinthe20inchfeedlineintheturbinebuilding.
Analyses have shown that the limiting pressure are caused by an instantaneous break in the 20 inch feed line in the turbine building.See Reference[HELB-1].Peak pressures are 1.14 psig on the lower two levels of the building and 0.70 ps ig on the operating floor.Failure of portions of the exterior wall limit the duration of the pressure pulse to,a f ew seconds.Pressure and temperature is limited by the failure capacity of the exterior walls.Assuming saturation conditions, one obtains a limiting temperature of approximately 220'F.A 100%humidity steam-air mixture is assumed.Isolation of the main steam and feed system will isolate the source of energy to the turbine building.Temperature and pressure reduction will be accomplished by opening exterior doors and windows and as a result of leakage through known openings to the outside.For conservatism, it has been assumed that the peak temperature condition persists for 30 minutes with return to ambient being accomplished in a total of 3 hours.For conservatism, peak pressures are assumed to persist for 1 minute with return to ambient being accomplished in a total of 3 hours.(This is tabulated in Table 4).The exact duration of high environmental 31 conditions is not critical in terms of affected equipment qualification; therefore, no explicit calculations have been performed.
Limiting flood conditions are the result of a circulating water system pipe break and is a water level of 18 inches in the basement[FLOOD-5].
Auxiliar Buildin Annex This structure, which houses the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater System, is described in References
Peakpressures are1.14psigonthelowertwolevelsofthebuildingand0.70psigontheoperating floor.Failureofportionsoftheexteriorwalllimitthedurationofthepressurepulseto,afewseconds.Pressureandtemperature islimitedbythefailurecapacityoftheexteriorwalls.Assumingsaturation conditions, oneobtainsalimitingtemperature ofapproximately 220'F.A100%humiditysteam-air mixtureisassumed.Isolation ofthemainsteamandfeedsystemwillisolatethesourceofenergytotheturbinebuilding.
[HELB-1]and[HELB-6].The limiting environment in this structure is normal ambient conditions.
Temperature andpressurereduction willbeaccomplished byopeningexteriordoorsandwindowsandasaresultofleakagethroughknownopeningstotheoutside.Forconservatism, ithasbeenassumedthatthepeaktemperature condition persistsfor30minuteswithreturntoambientbeingaccomplished inatotalof3hours.Forconservatism, peakpressures areassumedtopersistfor1minutewithreturntoambientbeingaccomplished inatotalof3hours.(Thisistabulated inTable4).Theexactdurationofhighenvironmental 31 conditions isnotcriticalintermsofaffectedequipment qualification; therefore, noexplicitcalculations havebeenperformed.
The cooling system for this building is redundant and seismically qualified.
Limitingfloodconditions aretheresultofacirculating watersystempipebreakandisawaterlevelof18inchesinthebasement[FLOOD-5].
Flooding is not a concern since all safety-related equipment associated with the Standby AFW System is elevated so that a complete failure of the Condensate Tank would not cause submergence.
AuxiliarBuildinAnnexThisstructure, whichhousestheStandbyAuxiliary Feedwater System,isdescribed inReferences
Screen House The screen house, like the turbine building, does not require an HVAC per se, but utilizes roof vent fans, wall vent fans, windows, and unit heaters for control of the environs.Xn the event of a loss of power to the fans, there would be no significant temperature rise, since it is a large volume building with suf f icient openings to adequately circulate outside air.32  
[HELB-1]and[HELB-6].Thelimitingenvironment inthisstructure isnormalambientconditions.
Thecoolingsystemforthisbuildingisredundant andseismically qualified.
Floodingisnotaconcernsinceallsafety-related equipment associated withtheStandbyAFWSystemiselevatedsothatacompletefailureoftheCondensate Tankwouldnotcausesubmergence.
ScreenHouseThescreenhouse,liketheturbinebuilding, doesnotrequireanHVACperse,bututilizesroofventfans,wallventfans,windows,andunitheatersforcontroloftheenvirons.
Xntheeventofalossofpowertothefans,therewouldbenosignificant temperature rise,sinceitisalargevolumebuildingwithsufficientopeningstoadequately circulate outsideair.32  

RG&E'scommitment toresolvetheHELBenvironment isprovidedinSectionII.C.Protection againstfloodingisdescribed inReferences[FLOOD-1]
RG&E's commitment to resolve the HELB environment is provided in Section II.C.Protection against f looding is described in Ref erences[FLOOD-1]and[FLOOD-5].The, limiting environment in the screenhouse is thus normal ambient conditions.
33 IV.EQUIPMENT QUALIF ICATION INFORMATION Table 3 summarizes the qualif ication information of required electrical equipment.
.The,limitingenvironment inthescreenhouse isthusnormalambientconditions.
This section provides the detailed background information, with emphasis on a response to the August 20, 1980 FRC Draf t Interim Technical Evaluation Report, Project C5257.For this reason, the paragraphs are ordered consistent with Section 3 of that report.1.TER Paragraph 3.2.1-Table 3 Item No.23.Main Steam-line Pressure Transmitter in the Intermediate Building.TER C5257 noted that this instrumentation meets the DOR Guidelines.
33 IV.EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATIONINFORMATION Table3summarizes thequalificationinformation ofrequiredelectrical equipment.
In order to provide instru-mentation with all of the proper qualification documentation, there are plans to replace these transmitters by June 1982.Qualification docu-mentation will be made available when received.2.TER Paragraph 3.2.2-Table 3 Item Nos.31, 41.Medium Voltage Switchgear Located Outside Containment (Models DB-50A and DH-350E).TER C5257 found these acceptable, since the breakers are exposed only to a relatively mild (1 psig, 220'F)environment, must function within a short time (generally seconds)and fail-safe on loss of power.No additional information is'onsidered necessary to show proper operational capability under the required accident conditions.
Thissectionprovidesthedetailedbackground information, withemphasisonaresponsetotheAugust20,1980FRCDraftInterimTechnical Evaluation Report,ProjectC5257.Forthisreason,theparagraphs areorderedconsistent withSection3ofthatreport.1.TERParagraph 3.2.1-Table3ItemNo.23.MainSteam-linePressureTransmitter intheIntermediate Building.
TERC5257notedthatthisinstrumentation meetstheDORGuidelines.
Inordertoprovideinstru-mentation withalloftheproperqualification documentation, thereareplanstoreplacethesetransmitters byJune1982.Qualification docu-mentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
2.TERParagraph 3.2.2-Table3ItemNos.31,41.MediumVoltageSwitchgear LocatedOutsideContainment (ModelsDB-50AandDH-350E).
TERC5257foundtheseacceptable, sincethebreakersareexposedonlytoarelatively mild(1psig,220'F)environment, mustfunctionwithinashorttime(generally seconds)andfail-safe onlossofpower.Noadditional information is'onsidered necessary toshowproperoperational capability undertherequiredaccidentconditions.

I3.TERParagraph 3.2.3-Table3ItemNo.21A.Containment PressureTransmitters locatedoutsidecontainment.
I 3.TER Paragraph 3.2.3-Table 3 Item No.21A.Containment Pressure Transmitters located outside containment.
TERC5257foundthatthesetransmitters satisfied theDORGuidelines.
TER C5257 found that these transmitters satisfied the DOR Guidelines.
InlightofTMILessonsLearned,fiveoftheseventransmitters, whichcouldseeahighradiation fieldfollowing aLOCA,arebeingreplacedwithnewtransmitters (threewillhavea10-200psigspanandprovidepost-accidentmonitoring).
In light of TMI Lessons Learned, f ive of the seven transmitters, which could see a high radiation field following a LOCA, are being replaced with new transmitters (three will have a 10-200 psig span and provide post-accident monitoring).
Thesetransmitters willbequalified forthepost-LOCA environment andwilltherefore bequalified foraHELBoutsidecontainment environment.
These transmitters will be qualified for the post-LOCA environment and will therefore be qualified for a HELB outside containment environment.
All5willbereplacedbyJune1982.Qualification documentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
All 5 will be replaced by June 1982.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.The two transmitters not being replaced are not exposed to a harsh environment as the result of a LOCA.For a high energy line break outside containment, these two transmitters are not required to function.4.TER Paragraph 3.2.4-Table 3 Item No.25 BAST Level Transmitter in the Auxiliary Building.TER C5257 found that these transmitters met the intent of the DOR Guidelines.
Thetwotransmitters notbeingreplacedarenotexposedtoaharshenvironment astheresultofaLOCA.Forahighenergylinebreakoutsidecontainment, thesetwotransmitters arenotrequiredtofunction.
It is important to note that, this instrumentation performs'its safety function following a LOCA or steam line break prior to the time any accident environment is encountered in the Auxiliary Building.For a HELB in the Auxiliary Building, there is no need for the BAST level transmitters to function.No additional information is required for this equip-ment.5.TER Paragraph 3.2.5-Table 3 Item No.18.RWST Level Transmitter in the Auxiliary Building.I TER C5257 notes that this item satisfies the intent of the DOR Guidelines.
4.TERParagraph 3.2.4-Table3ItemNo.25BASTLevelTransmitter intheAuxiliary Building.
For f urther assurance, this transmitter will be replaced by June 1982 with a f ully-qualif ied transmitter.
TERC5257foundthatthesetransmitters mettheintentoftheDORGuidelines.
-Qualif ication documentation will be made available when received.6.TER Paragraph 3.2.6-Table 3 Item No.19.RWST Level Switch in Auxiliary Building.TER C5257 notes that this item does not require environmental qualification, since the safety function is performed prior to the onset of an adverse environment.
Itisimportant tonotethat,thisinstrumentation performs'its safetyfunctionfollowing aLOCAorsteamlinebreakpriortothetimeanyaccidentenvironment isencountered intheAuxiliary Building.
This is correct;for added assurance of post-accident monitoring, however, this item is being replaced by June 1982.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.7.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.8A.Valve Operators for Valves MOV 841, 865.TER C5257 concludes that, since these valve actuators are locked in the"open" position with power removed with no need to f unction, lack of valid 36-qualification documentation is a moot point.Thus, no qualif ication inf ormation is required f or this item.8.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.SF, SG.Valve Operator for MOVs 851A, B;878 B, D.TER C5257 concludes that, since these valve actuators)are locked in the"safety" position, with no need to function, environmental qualification is a moot point.Thus, no qualification information is 9.required for this item./TER Paragraph 3 Item No.SC.Valve Operators for MOVs 825 A, B.As noted in TER C5257, these valves perform their safety function (open to allow RWST fluid to the suction of the SI pumps)prior to the time an adverse environment would exist in the Auxiliary Building due to sump recirculation.
ForaHELB intheAuxiliary
No"harsh" environmental qualification is required for these items.10.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.SD.Valve Operators for MOVs 4027, 4028, 4007, 4008, 4000A, 4000B.As noted in TER C5257, these valves would not be used in the.event of a HELB in the Intermediate Building.RGGE Emergency Procedures specifically call for actuating the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater 37 i'
: Building, thereisnoneedfortheBASTleveltransmitters tofunction.
System in the event the AFW system is inoperable.
Noadditional information isrequiredforthisequip-ment.5.TERParagraph 3.2.5-Table3ItemNo.18.RWSTLevelTransmitter intheAuxiliary Building.
Since none of the S tandby AFW system components wil l be e osed xp to a HELB, it is concluded that this system will be suff icient to provide the needed saf ety f unction.No"harsh" environmental qualification for the AFW valves ves xs needed.11.TER Para ra h 3 g p.3.1.6-Tables 3 Item No 11 o..Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Motors.As noted in TER C5257 th hese pumps are not required to function in the event of a HELB in the Xnter-mediate Building.The S e tandby AFW System performs the required safety function P d roce ures call for removing the AFW um p ps from the safety-related bus, prior to connecting the standby system.Mechanical interlocks ensure that both sets of pumps cannot be powered from th d'iesels concurrently.
ITERC5257notesthatthisitemsatisfies theintentoftheDORGuidelines.
No"harsh" environmental qualif ication for the auxiliary f eedwater pumps is required.12.TER Para ra h 3 g p.3.2.1-Table 3 Xtem No.8E.Valve operators for MOVs.850 A, BE 856'57 Ag BJ C 860 Ai Ci Documentation Reference 53 b su mitted to the NRC on September 24 1 980, provides a ref erence to Limitorque Re ort B p 0003.This reference provides assurance that these valves will perform their safet functi'on.Additional information from-38 Limitorque Report B0058 has be'en added to Reference 53, documenting Limitorque's use of generic quali-f ication to qualif y multiple size actuators by one type test.13.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.8H Valve Operators for MOVs 852A, B.TER CS257 notes that these valve actuators are not acceptable for long-term service in an accident environment, and are not qualified for submerged operation.
Forfurtherassurance, thistransmitter willbereplacedbyJune1982withafully-qualif iedtransmitter.
Qualification for short-term post-LOCA operation is shown in Reference 18, however.The f unction of these valves is to open upon receipt of an SI signal, and then to remain open.Quali-f ication for submerged operation is not required.Submergence could occur unless the saf ety f unction of the valves has already occurred.Specif ically, to submerge these valve operators, the entire contents of the primary system, the entire contents of both accumulators, and a portion of the water in the refueling water storage tank must be discharged to the containment.
-Qualificationdocumentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
For this to occur, however, a safety injection signal must have occurred and the valves must have opened.RGSE has incorporated modif ications to these valve operators to prevent undesired operation in the event of submergence.
6.TERParagraph 3.2.6-Table3ItemNo.19.RWSTLevelSwitchinAuxiliary Building.
The details of these 39 modifications were provided in References
TERC5257notesthatthisitemdoesnotrequireenvironmental qualification, sincethesafetyfunctionisperformed priortotheonsetofanadverseenvironment.
[FLOOD-2, FLOOD-3], transmitted to FRC on May 29, 1980.It is thus considered that these valves are qualified to perform their required safety function.14.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.SI.Valve Operators for MOV's 9703A,B;9704A,B;9710A,B in the SAFN System.All of these valve operators are located in the Auxiliary Building Addition, which is a"mild" environment.
Thisiscorrect;foraddedassurance ofpost-accident monitoring, however,thisitemisbeingreplacedbyJune1982.Qualification documentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
Environmental qualif ication is provided under paragraph 4.3.3 of the"DOR Guide-lines", Areas Normal l Maintained at Room Conditions.
7.TERParagraph forValvesMOV841,865.TERC5257concludes that,sincethesevalveactuators arelockedinthe"open"positionwithpowerremovedwithnoneedtofunction,lackofvalid36-qualification documentation isamootpoint.Thus,noqualificationinformationisrequiredforthisitem.8.TERParagraph,SG.ValveOperatorforMOVs851A,B;878B,D.TERC5257concludes that,sincethesevalveactuators
The Auxiliary Building Addition is maintained at room conditions by redundant air conditioning systems served by the onsite emergency electrical power system.The room conditions specified in Reference 43 are 60-120'F.The valve specification (Reference 54)states that"the valve actuator shall be designed for a 40 year plant life under ambient conditions of 40F to 120F..." Since there is no change in the environmental conditions between normal and accident conditions," special consideration need be given'to the environ-mental qualification of Class IE equipment in these areas provided the aging requirements discussed in Section 7.0 are satisfied and the areas are maintained at room conditions by redundant air 40 conditioning or ventilation systems served by the onsite emergency electrical power system".Reference 47 describes the program developed at R.E.Ginna for detecting age-related failures.This program was developed to conform to the provisions of Section 7.0 of the"DOR Guidelines" for the"ongoing review surveillance and maintenance.
)arelockedinthe"safety"position, withnoneedtofunction, environmental qualification isamootpoint.Thus,noqualification information is9.requiredforthisitem./TERParagraph forMOVs825A,B.AsnotedinTERC5257,thesevalvesperformtheirsafetyfunction(opentoallowRWSTfluidtothesuctionoftheSIpumps)priortothetimeanadverseenvironment wouldexistintheAuxiliary Buildingduetosumprecirculation.
records to assure that equipment which is exhibiting age-related degradation will be identified and replaced as necessary".
No"harsh"environmental qualification isrequiredfortheseitems.10.TERParagraph forMOVs4027,4028,4007,4008,4000A,4000B.AsnotedinTERC5257,thesevalveswouldnotbeusedinthe.eventofaHELBintheIntermediate Building.
15.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.13A.Crouse-Hinds Electrical Penetrations
RGGEEmergency Procedures specifically callforactuating theStandbyAuxiliary Feedwater 37 i'
.r TER C5257 notes that the Brunswick tests could not be substantiated, since no test description was provided.Reference 45 provides this description.
Reference 58 is a letter from Westinghouse stating that the Brunswick data is applicable to qualify the seal, canister, and internal connections.
SincenoneoftheStandbyAFWsystemcomponents willbeeosedxptoaHELB,itisconcluded thatthissystemwillbesufficienttoprovidetheneededsafetyfunction.No"harsh"environmental qualification fortheAFWvalvesvesxsneeded.11.TERPararah3gp.3.1.6-Tables3ItemNo11o..Auxiliary Feedwater PumpMotors.AsnotedinTERC5257thhesepumpsarenotrequiredtofunctionintheeventofaHELBintheXnter-mediateBuilding.
Reference 54 is an evaluation of the capability of the Ginna penetrations to perform their function under elevated and short-circuit electrical loading conditions.
TheSetandbyAFWSystemperformstherequiredsafetyfunctionPdroceurescallforremovingtheAFWumppsfromthesafety-related bus,priortoconnecting thestandbysystem.Mechanical interlocks ensurethatbothsetsofpumpscannotbepoweredfromthd'ieselsconcurrently.
Further, an evaluation (Reference 59)of the functions of the various materials in the penetra-tions disclosed that the organic compounds, which are possibly subject to aging or radiation effects, 41 do not perform any critical insulating or sealing functions.
No"harsh"environmental qualificationfortheauxiliary feedwaterpumpsisrequired.
These functions are performed by ceramic and metallic components..
12.TERPararah3gp.3.2.1-Table3XtemNo.8E.Valveoperators forMOVs.850A,BE856'57AgBJC860AiCiDocumentation Reference 53bsumittedtotheNRConSeptember 241980,providesareferencetoLimitorque ReortBp0003.Thisreference providesassurance thatthesevalveswillperformtheirsafetfuncti'on.Additional information from-38 Limitorque ReportB0058hasbe'enaddedtoReference 53,documenting Limitorque's useofgenericquali-ficationtoqualifymultiplesizeactuators byonetypetest.13.TERParagraph forMOVs852A,B.TERCS257notesthatthesevalveactuators arenotacceptable forlong-term serviceinanaccidentenvironment, andarenotqualified forsubmerged operation.
This evaluation augments the qualification testing performed on these penetrations, confirming that they are N qualified to perform their safety function.16.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.13B.Westinghouse Electrical Penetrations
Qualification forshort-term post-LOCA operation isshowninReference 18,however.ThefunctionofthesevalvesistoopenuponreceiptofanSIsignal,andthentoremainopen.Quali-ficationforsubmerged operation isnotrequired.
.It is noted in TER C5257 that additional inf ormation concerning the"similar resin", aging characteristics of the insulation on the cable leads, and qual if ied lif e should be provided.Ref erence 61, Research II Report 75-7BS-BIGAL-122, shows that the lower 95%conf idence band on qual if ied lif e at 105'C is greater than 40 years.Also, the author of this report, Mr.J.F.Quirk, has stated that the word"similar" had been used only in the respect that test results of this epoxy were close to the results of other epoxies also being tested.The, epoxy in the Ginna penetrations is identical to that tested.Cable lead insulation aging data is also included in Reference 61.It can be concluded that these penetrations are suitable to perform their required safety functions.
Submergence couldoccurunlessthesafetyfunctionofthevalveshasalreadyoccurred.
Specifically,tosubmergethesevalveoperators, theentirecontentsoftheprimarysystem,theentirecontentsofbothaccumulators, andaportionofthewaterintherefueling waterstoragetankmustbedischarged tothecontainment.
Forthistooccur,however,asafetyinjection signalmusthaveoccurredandthevalvesmusthaveopened.RGSEhasincorporated modificationstothesevalveoperators topreventundesired operation intheeventofsubmergence.
Thedetailsofthese39 modifications wereprovidedinReferences
transmitted toFRConMay29,1980.Itisthusconsidered thatthesevalvesarequalified toperformtheirrequiredsafetyfunction.
14.TERParagraph forMOV's9703A,B;9704A,B;9710A,BintheSAFNSystem.Allofthesevalveoperators arelocatedintheAuxiliary BuildingAddition, whichisa"mild"environment.
Environmental qualificationisprovidedunderparagraph 4.3.3ofthe"DORGuide-lines",AreasNormallMaintained atRoomConditions.
TheAuxiliary BuildingAdditionismaintained atroomconditions byredundant airconditioning systemsservedbytheonsiteemergency electrical powersystem.Theroomconditions specified inReference 43are60-120'F.
Thevalvespecification (Reference 54)statesthat"thevalveactuatorshallbedesignedfora40yearplantlifeunderambientconditions of40Fto120F..."Sincethereisnochangeintheenvironmental conditions betweennormalandaccidentconditions,
"...nospecialconsideration needbegiven'totheenviron-mentalqualification ofClassIEequipment intheseareasprovidedtheagingrequirements discussed inSection7.0aresatisfied andtheareasaremaintained atroomconditions byredundant air40 conditioning orventilation systemsservedbytheonsiteemergency electrical powersystem".Reference 47describes theprogramdeveloped atR.E.Ginnafordetecting age-related failures.
Thisprogramwasdeveloped toconformtotheprovisions ofSection7.0ofthe"DORGuidelines" forthe" reviewsurveillance andmaintenance.
recordstoassurethatequipment whichisexhibiting age-related degradation willbeidentified andreplacedasnecessary".
15.TERParagraph Penetrations
.rTERC5257notesthattheBrunswick testscouldnotbesubstantiated, sincenotestdescription wasprovided.
Reference 45providesthisdescription.
Reference 58isaletterfromWestinghouse statingthattheBrunswick dataisapplicable toqualifytheseal,canister, andinternalconnections.
Reference 54isanevaluation ofthecapability oftheGinnapenetrations toperformtheirfunctionunderelevatedandshort-circuit electrical loadingconditions.
Further,anevaluation (Reference 59)ofthefunctions ofthevariousmaterials inthepenetra-tionsdisclosed thattheorganiccompounds, whicharepossiblysubjecttoagingorradiation effects,41 donotperformanycriticalinsulating orsealingfunctions.
Thesefunctions areperformed byceramicandmetalliccomponents..
Thisevaluation augmentsthequalification testingperformed onthesepenetrations, confirming thattheyareNqualified toperformtheirsafetyfunction.
16.TERParagraph Electrical Penetrations
.ItisnotedinTERC5257thatadditional informationconcerning the"similarresin",agingcharacteristics oftheinsulation onthecableleads,andqualifiedlifeshouldbeprovided.
Reference61,ResearchIIReport75-7BS-BIGAL-122, showsthatthelower95%confidencebandonqualifiedlifeat105'Cisgreaterthan40years.Also,theauthorofthisreport,Mr.J.F.Quirk,hasstatedthattheword"similar" hadbeenusedonlyintherespectthattestresultsofthisepoxywereclosetotheresultsofotherepoxiesalsobeingtested.The,epoxyintheGinnapenetrations isidentical tothattested.Cableleadinsulation agingdataisalsoincludedinReference 61.Itcanbeconcluded thatthesepenetrations aresuitabletoperformtheirrequiredsafetyfunctions.

17.TERParagraph TerminalBlocksInsideContainm'ent.
17.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.14.Westinghouse Terminal Blocks Inside Containm'ent.
TERC5257foundthat,althoughqualification forpressure, temperature, andhumidityisacceptable, additional information isneededconcerning thermalagingandradiation.
TER C5257 found that, although qualification for pressure, temperature, and humidity is acceptable, additional information is needed concerning thermal aging and radiation.
Reference 60isaProprietary Westinghouse R&DReport(077-7B7-CBSEL-R3) datedJuly13,1977.Itshowsthatforacriteriaoffailureof50%oftheoriginalflexurestrengthandimpactstrength, the40yearlifeextrapola-tionisapproximately 120'C.Thisreport,isnotyetinourpossession, butmaybeauditedattheWestinghouse facility.
Reference 60 is a Proprietary Westinghouse R&D Report (077-7B7-CBSEL-R3) dated July 13, 1977.It shows that for a criteria of f ailure of 50%of the original flexure strength and impact strength, the 40 year life extrapola-tion is approximately 120'C.This report, is not yet in our possession, but may be audited at the Westinghouse facility.Additional information-concerning radiation sus-ceptibility of the terminal blocks is also provided in Reference 60.It is shown that the qualification level is 2 x 10 rads.Although not meeting the 7 long-term conservatively calculated radiation dose f or Ginna of 1.6 x 10 rads, the DOR Guideline 8 values are met.Based on the protected location'7 of these terminal blocks, 2 x 10 rads is considered adequate.A detailed evaluation of this post-LOCA radiation dose will be'ade.If the required dose for the long-term monitoring function is greater, replacement or additional protection will be provided.43 As presently installed, the terminal blocks for pressurizer pressure and level instrumentation would become submerged after a LOCA en qualified long-term monitoring instrumentation for these functions is installed at Gin irma, and elevated above the submergence level, the terminal blocks will also be el evated.Submergence and direct spray impingement will thus be precluded.
Additional information
See paragraphs 19 and 20 for a discussion of the pressurizer pressure and level instrumentation.
-concerning radiation sus-ceptibility oftheterminalblocksisalsoprovidedinReference 60.Itisshownthatthequalification levelis2x10rads.Althoughnotmeetingthe7long-term conservatively calculated radiation doseforGinnaof1.6x10rads,theDORGuideline 8valuesaremet.Basedontheprotected location'7oftheseterminalblocks,2x10radsisconsidered adequate.
18.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.15A, B, C Kerite Cable Inside Containment.
Adetailedevaluation ofthispost-LOCA radiation dosewillbe'ade.Iftherequireddoseforthelong-term monitoring functionisgreater,replacement oradditional protection willbeprovided.
Reference 51 is the"Cable Id t'f'n i z.cation and Qualification Supplement" Th'is ocument can be used to determine the identity of cable in use throughout the plant.It is shown that all power cable inside containment is Kerite.The most recent and comprehensive qualification testing of Kerite cable was was performed in conjunction with the testing of Raychem sleeves (Reference 38).Reference 55 is a lett etter from Kerite verifying that the cable supplied'or the qualification testing in Reference 38 is identical to th t a orig>nally supplied and installed in the Ginna co t irma containment.
43 Aspresently installed, theterminalblocksforpressurizer pressureandlevelinstrumentation wouldbecomesubmerged afteraLOCAenqualified long-term monitoring instrumentation forthesefunctions isinstalled atGinirma,andelevatedabovethesubmergence level,theterminalblockswillalsobeelevated.Submergence anddirectsprayimpingement willthusbeprecluded.
The pre-aging done for the Kerite cable during the Raychem sleeve test establish d 93 3 e a.year life-44 at 140'F mean surface temperature.
Seeparagraphs 19and20foradiscussion ofthepressurizer pressureandlevelinstrumentation.
The Arrhenius data is conf idential to the manuf acturer, but is available at RG&E as Reference 63.RG&E believes that this recent testing definitively demonstrates the adequacy of the Kerite cable for performing its required safety function.There are no safety-related cables inside containment subject to flooding, which are required to perform a safety function during submergence.
Qualification for submergence is thus not required.19.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.22.Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters.
Reference 51isthe"CableIdt'f'niz.cationandQualification Supplement" Th'isocumentcanbeusedtodetermine theidentityofcableinusethroughout theplant.Itisshownthatallpowercableinsidecontainment isKerite.Themostrecentandcomprehensive qualification testingofKeritecablewaswasperformed inconjunction withthetestingofRaychemsleeves(Reference 38).Reference 55isalettetterfromKeriteverifying thatthecablesupplied'or thequalification testinginReference 38isidentical tothtaorig>nally suppliedandinstalled intheGinnacotirmacontainment.
The deficiencies noted in TER C5257 included lack of radiation and submergence qualification.
Thepre-aging donefortheKeritecableduringtheRaychemsleevetestestablish d933ea.yearlife-44 at140'Fmeansurfacetemperature.
RG&E does not claim credit for the use of this instru-mentation at the time it would receive excessive radiation exposure, or become submerged.
TheArrhenius dataisconfidentialtothemanufacturer,butisavailable atRG&EasReference 63.RG&Ebelievesthatthisrecenttestingdefinitively demonstrates theadequacyoftheKeritecableforperforming itsrequiredsafetyfunction.
Ginna Emergency Procedures specify that, unless pressurizer pressure, level, and other parameters appear stable and are returning to prescribed levels, safety injection flow is not to be terminated.
Therearenosafety-related cablesinsidecontainment subjecttoflooding, whicharerequiredtoperformasafetyfunctionduringsubmergence.
Failure to terminate safety injection is not a safety concern.Therefore, lack of qualification for this instrumentation is not considered of immediate safety significance.
Qualification forsubmergence isthusnotrequired.
45 It is recognized, however, that accurate primary system information would be extremely useful to the operator for diagnosing the status of the plant during accident conditions.
19.TERParagraph PressureTransmitters.
RG6E, therefore, plans to replace the present instrumentation by June 1982 with f ully-qualif ied transmitters, located above any possible submergence level.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.20.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.24.Pressurizer Level Instrumentation.
Thedeficiencies notedinTERC5257includedlackofradiation andsubmergence qualification.
The same information as described in 19 above for the pressurizer pressure instrumentation applies to this instrumentation.
RG&Edoesnotclaimcreditfortheuseofthisinstru-mentation atthetimeitwouldreceiveexcessive radiation
21.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.30.Fan Cooler Motors Inside Containment.
: exposure, orbecomesubmerged.
TER C5257 concluded that in addition to the information provided in References 18 and 2 0, information needed for complete qualification of the fan cooler motors is a)documentation regarding qualification of motor-lead and lead-to-cable splices, and (b)determination of a qualified life for the motor.Information regarding the splices is given in Reference 64.46-Aging information for the insulating material of these motors, as well as the bearing lubricants, is given in Reference 18, Section 4.Aging to demonstrate 40 year continuous operation at 120'C was performed.
GinnaEmergency Procedures specifythat,unlesspressurizer
This is consistent with the data given in Reference 67, and is considered sufficient to qualify the fan cooler motors for continued operation.
: pressure, level,andotherparameters appearstableandarereturning toprescribed levels,safetyinjection flowisnottobeterminated.
A program at RG6E to maintain motor bearings and lubricants is given in Reference 65.This program will ensure that the lubricants used are compatible with the environmental conditions which could occur during a DBE.Additional information regarding qualification testing of the same type of motors is given in WCAP 7829,"Fan Cooler Motor Unit Test" (Reference 70).22.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.34.Raychem Cable Splice Sleeves.TER C5257 states that RG&E should present evidence of similarity between the tested and installed equipment.
Failuretoterminate safetyinjection isnotasafetyconcern.Therefore, lackofqualification forthisinstrumentation isnotconsidered ofimmediate safetysignificance.
This is'documented in the detailed evaluation and observation of the splice sleeve replacement program, given in IE Inspection Reports 78-20 and 78-21 (Reference 56).It is also stated that a determination of qualified life should be made for the sleeves.The actual 47 test in Reference 38 established a 12.1 year life at 60'C ambient.This pre-aging was constrained by the concurrent aging of the Kerite cable, which was pre-aged for 93.3 years at 60'C by the same test.Based on proprietary Raychem information (included in Reference 63 and available for audit at RG6E)a 40 year life at 91'C can be expected..
45 Itisrecognized, however,thataccurateprimarysysteminformation wouldbeextremely usefultotheoperatorfordiagnosing thestatusoftheplantduringaccidentconditions.
Therefore, these sleeves are considered fully qualified.
RG6E,therefore, planstoreplacethepresentinstrumentation byJune1982withfully-qualif iedtransmitters, locatedaboveanypossiblesubmergence level.Qualification documentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
23.TER Paragraph 3 Xtem No.20.Steam Flow Transmitters Enside Containment.
20.TERParagraph LevelInstrumentation.
RG&E has stated that these transmitters are not required to perform a safety function at a time they could be exposed to a high energy line break environment.
Thesameinformation asdescribed in19aboveforthepressurizer pressureinstrumentation appliestothisinstrumentation.
Thus, the lack of complete qualification documentation is a moot point for these trans-mitters.For a steam line break inside containment, the steam line non-return check valves will assure that the intact steam generator will not blow down.Steam line isolation would be provided by the high containment pressure signal.For added assurance of steam line isolation in the event of a steam break'inside containment, these transmitters will be replaced by June 1982 with fully-qualified equipment.
Qualification documenta-tion will be made available when received.48  
TERC5257concluded thatinadditiontotheinformation providedinReferences 18and20,information neededforcompletequalification ofthefancoolermotorsisa)documentation regarding qualification ofmotor-lead andlead-to-cable splices,and(b)determination ofaqualified lifeforthemotor.Information regarding thesplicesisgiveninReference 64.46-Aginginformation fortheinsulating materialofthesemotors,aswellasthebearinglubricants, isgiveninReference 18,Section4.Agingtodemonstrate 40yearcontinuous operation at120'Cwasperformed.
Thisisconsistent withthedatagiveninReference 67,andisconsidered sufficient toqualifythefancoolermotorsforcontinued operation.
AprogramatRG6Etomaintainmotorbearingsandlubricants isgiveninReference 65.Thisprogramwillensurethatthelubricants usedarecompatible withtheenvironmental conditions whichcouldoccurduringaDBE.Additional information regarding qualification testingofthesametypeofmotorsisgiveninWCAP7829,"FanCoolerMotorUnitTest"(Reference 70).22.TERParagraph betweenthetestedandinstalled equipment.
Thisis'documented inthedetailedevaluation andobservation ofthesplicesleevereplacement program,giveninIEInspection Reports78-20and78-21(Reference 56).Itisalsostatedthatadetermination ofqualified lifeshouldbemadeforthesleeves.Theactual47 testinReference 38established a12.1yearlifeat60'Cambient.Thispre-aging wasconstrained bytheconcurrent agingoftheKeritecable,whichwaspre-agedfor93.3yearsat60'Cbythesametest.Basedonproprietary Raycheminformation (included inReference 63andavailable forauditatRG6E)a40yearlifeat91'Ccanbeexpected..
Therefore, thesesleevesareconsidered fullyqualified.
23.TERParagraph EnsideContainment.
RG&Ehasstatedthatthesetransmitters arenotrequiredtoperformasafetyfunctionatatimetheycouldbeexposedtoahighenergylinebreakenvironment.
Thus,thelackofcompletequalification documentation isamootpointforthesetrans-mitters.Forasteamlinebreakinsidecontainment, thesteamlinenon-return checkvalveswillassurethattheintactsteamgenerator willnotblowdown.Steamlineisolation wouldbeprovidedbythehighcontainment pressuresignal.Foraddedassurance ofsteamlineisolation intheeventofasteambreak'inside containment, thesetransmitters willbereplacedbyJune1982withfully-qualified equipment.
Qualification documenta-tionwillbemadeavailable whenreceived.

24.TERParagraph intheIntermediate Building.
24.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.21B.Contain-ment Pressure Transmitters in the Intermediate Building.As noted in Section IV.3 of this report, five of the seven containment pressure transmitters, which could be exposed to high post-LOCA radiation levels, are being replaced with LOCA-qualified units by June 1982, in response to TMI Lessons Learned.Qualif ication documentation will be made available when received.25.TER Paragraph 3, Item No.37, Hydrogen Recombiner Igniter Exciter TER C5257 requested that the effects of containment spray and thermal aging be addressed.
AsnotedinSectionIV.3ofthisreport,fiveofthesevencontainment pressuretransmitters, whichcouldbeexposedtohighpost-LOCA radiation levels,arebeingreplacedwithLOCA-qualified unitsbyJune1982,inresponsetoTMILessonsLearned.Qualificationdocumentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
This informa-tion has not yet been received.If proper documen-tation is not found concerning these environmental parameters, RG&E will commit to replace the necessary equipment.
25.TERParagraph,ItemNo.37,HydrogenRecombiner IgniterExciterTERC5257requested thattheeffectsofcontainment sprayandthermalagingbeaddressed.
It is important to note that the present licensing basis for Ginna does not include the hydrogen recombiner as a means necessary for I post-LOCA hydrogen control (see the RG&E"Technical Supplement Accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License," August 1972, Section III.B.7).26.TER Paragraph 3, Item No.38, Hydrogen Recombiner Blower Motor.49  
Ifproperdocumen-tationisnotfoundconcerning theseenvironmental parameters, RG&Ewillcommittoreplacethenecessary equipment.
Itisimportant tonotethatthepresentlicensing basisforGinnadoesnotincludethehydrogenrecombiner asameansnecessary forIpost-LOCA hydrogencontrol(seetheRG&E"Technical Supplement Accompanying Application foraFullTermOperating License,"
26.TERParagraph,ItemNo.38,HydrogenRecombiner BlowerMotor.49  

Theonlydeficiency notedinTERC5257isthatnoanalysisexistscomparing theimpactofdeviations betweenthetestspecimenspecificdesignfeatures, materials, andproduction procedure andthoseoftheinstalled equipment.
The only deficiency noted in TER C5257 is that no analysis exists comparing the impact of deviations between the test specimen specific design features, materials, and production procedure and those of the installed equipment.
Theonlyevidenceatthistimeiscontained inSection5.2ofReference 18,WCAP7410-L,Vol.II.Itisstatedthat"the2hpmotorusedinthetestprogramisconstructed inthesamemanneras,istheactual15hpmotorusedintherecombiner."
The only evidence at this time is contained in Section 5.2 of Reference 18, WCAP 7410-L, Vol.II.It is stated that"the 2 hp motor used in the test program is constructed in the same manner as, is the actual 15 hp motor used in the recombiner." Further, it has been verified that the Ginna 15 hp motor has Class H insulation, the same as the 2 hp motor tested.Based on the available information, RG6E believes that there is reasonable assurance that the Ginna recombiner motor will perform its safety function.Further, as stated in 25 above, the hydrogen recombiner is not required by the present Ginna design basis.Based on the TMI Lessons Learned, however, RGEE will commit to replace the motor if proper environmental qualification documentation is not established.
Further,ithasbeenverifiedthattheGinna15hpmotorhasClassHinsulation, thesameasthe2hpmotortested.Basedontheavailable information, RG6Ebelievesthatthereisreasonable assurance thattheGinnarecombiner motorwillperformitssafetyfunction.
27.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.8B.Valve Operators for MOVs 826 A,B,C,D;896 A,B.The MOVs 826 A,B,C,D are located at the discharge of the Boric Acid Storage Tanks, and provide suction to the SI pumps in the event of a Safety 50
Further,asstatedin25above,thehydrogenrecombiner isnotrequiredbythepresentGinnadesignbasis.BasedontheTMILessonsLearned,however,RGEEwillcommittoreplacethemotorifproperenvironmental qualification documentation isnotestablished.
27.TERParagraph forMOVs826A,B,C,D;896A,B.TheMOVs826A,B,C,Darelocatedatthedischarge oftheBoricAcidStorageTanks,andprovidesuctiontotheSIpumpsintheeventofaSafety50

Injection signal.UponlowBASTlevel,thesevalvescloseafterthe825A,Bvalvesopen.Thevalvesarelocatedintheauxiliary
Injection signal.Upon low BAST level, these valves close af ter the 825 A,B valves open.The valves are located in the auxiliary building, and will have completed their function prior to the presence of an adverse environment caused by sump recirculation fluid.MOVs 896 A,B are normally locked-open valves, located at the suction of the SI and CS pumps from the.EST.The valves are closed prior to the time sump recirculation is initiated.
: building, andwillhavecompleted theirfunctionpriortothepresenceofanadverseenvironment causedbysumprecirculation fluid.MOVs896A,Barenormallylocked-open valves,locatedatthesuctionoftheSIandCSpumpsfromthe.EST.Thevalvesareclosedpriortothetimesumprecirculation isinitiated.
Therefore, these valves will have completed their function orior to the time an adverse environment would occur.In the case of all six valves, environmental qualification for an adverse environment is not required.28.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.1A, 1B, 1C, 5.ASCO solenoid valves.The feedwater control and bypass valves (items 1A, 1B)fail closed on loss of air.This is supported by Reference 23.In order to further ensure that these valves will perform their safety function when exposed to a HELB in the Turbine Building, the solenoids will be replaced with valves having proper qualification documentation.
Therefore, thesevalveswillhavecompleted theirfunctionoriortothetimeanadverseenvironment wouldoccur.Inthecaseofallsixvalves,environmental qualification foranadverseenvironment isnotrequired.
It is exoected that this can be accomplished by June 1982.The fail-safe closure of the valves ensures that the 51 required safety function can be performed until replacement can be effected.Item 1C, the solenoid control ling LCV112B, wil l not experience an adverse environment during an accident.Further, an accessible manual bypass valve, valve 358, is used to provide alternative suction for the charging pumps from the RWST.Since this function would not be required for many hours following an event requiring the maintenance of a safe shutdown condition, the use of this manual valve is considered acceptable.
28.TERParagraph,1B,1C,5.ASCOsolenoidvalves.Thefeedwater controlandbypassvalves(items1A,1B)failclosedonlossofair.Thisissupported byReference 23.InordertofurtherensurethatthesevalveswillperformtheirsafetyfunctionwhenexposedtoaHELBintheTurbineBuilding, thesolenoids willbereplacedwithvalveshavingproperqualification documentation.
Item 1C will thus be deleted from Table 3.Item 5A, the RHR discharge valves, are normally open.They need only remain open in the event of an accident.The I/P controller (rather than a solenoid valve)controlling their position is fail-open.
Itisexoectedthatthiscanbeaccomplished byJune1982.Thefail-safe closureofthevalvesensuresthatthe51 requiredsafetyfunctioncanbeperformed untilreplacement canbeeffected.
Since no function must be performed by these valves, they have been deleted from Table 3.Item 5B, the solenoid valves for AOVs 897 and 898, are required to close prior to sump recirculation.
Item1C,thesolenoidcontrollingLCV112B,willnotexperience anadverseenvironment duringanaccident.
They will not experience an adverse environment prior to the time they must perform their safety function.Environmental qualification of these valves will be addressed in a later submittal, concerning electrical equipment located in a"mild" environment.
Further,anaccessible manualbypassvalve,valve358,isusedtoprovidealternative suctionforthechargingpumpsfromtheRWST.Sincethisfunctionwouldnotberequiredformanyhoursfollowing aneventrequiring themaintenance ofasafeshutdowncondition, theuseofthismanualvalveisconsidered acceptable.
52 29.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.2.Copes-Vulcan Solenoid Valves.The valves were purchased from ASCO (Series 8300).Therefore, all information from Reference 23 applies to the valves.Further, since these valves are located in a"mild" environment, qualification of these valves will be discussed at a later time.30.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.3A, 3B.Lawrence Solenoid Valves in Intermediate Building.Based on the design principle of these valves, they will perform their safety function by failing in a closed position upon loss of power.However, if power qualification documentation is not established,.RGaE will initiate a replacement for these solenoid valves.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.The fail-safe mode of operation ensures no loss of safety function in the interim.31.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.4.Versa Solenoid Valves inside containment.
Item1CwillthusbedeletedfromTable3.Item5A,theRHRdischarge valves,arenormallyopen.Theyneedonlyremainopenintheeventofanaccident.
The safety function of the solenoid valves controlling the containment air recirculation dampers is accomplished through fail-safe operation.
TheI/Pcontroller (ratherthanasolenoidvalve)controlling theirpositionisfail-open.
This is accomplished immediately with the SI signal following an accident, before environmental conditions would 53
Sincenofunctionmustbeperformed bythesevalves,theyhavebeendeletedfromTable3.Item5B,thesolenoidvalvesforAOVs897and898,arerequiredtoclosepriortosumprecirculation.
Theywillnotexperience anadverseenvironment priortothetimetheymustperformtheirsafetyfunction.
Environmental qualification ofthesevalveswillbeaddressed inalatersubmittal, concerning electrical equipment locatedina"mild"environment.
52 29.TERParagraph SolenoidValves.Thevalveswerepurchased fromASCO(Series8300).Therefore, allinformation fromReference 23appliestothevalves.Further,sincethesevalvesarelocatedina"mild"environment, qualification ofthesevalveswillbediscussed atalatertime.30.TERParagraph,3B.LawrenceSolenoidValvesinIntermediate Building.
Basedonthedesignprinciple ofthesevalves,theywillperformtheirsafetyfunctionbyfailinginaclosedpositionuponlossofpower.However,ifpowerqualification documentation isnotestablished,
.RGaEwillinitiateareplacement forthesesolenoidvalves.Qualification documentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
Thefail-safe modeofoperation ensuresnolossofsafetyfunctionintheinterim.31.TERParagraph
Thesafetyfunctionofthesolenoidvalvescontrolling thecontainment airrecirculation dampersisaccomplished throughfail-safe operation.
Thisisaccomplished immediately withtheSIsignalfollowing anaccident, beforeenvironmental conditions would53

becomeverysevere.Inordeitohavethissafetyfunctionaccomplished withequipment havingtheproperqualificationtestinganddocumentation, replacement ofthesesolenoidvalveswillbeinitiated.
become very severe.In ordei to have this safety function accomplished with equipment having the proper qualif ication testing and documentation, replacement of these solenoid valves will be initiated.
Itisexpectedthatthiscanbeaccomplished byJune1982.Qualification docu-mentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
It is expected that this can be accomplished by June 1982.Qualification docu-mentation will be made available when received.32.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.6A, 6B.Versa Solenoid Valves.The safety function of these containment purge and depressurization valves immediately following an accident is to close for containment isolation.
32.TERParagraph,6B.VersaSolenoidValves.Thesafetyfunctionofthesecontainment purgeanddepressurization valvesimmediately following anaccidentistocloseforcontainment isolation.
This is accomplished by the fail-close design of these valves.In order to have this safety function I accomplished with equipment having the proper qualification testing and documentation, replace-ment of these solenoid valves will be initiated.
Thisisaccomplished bythefail-close designofthesevalves.InordertohavethissafetyfunctionIaccomplished withequipment havingtheproperqualification testinganddocumentation, replace-mentofthesesolenoidvalveswillbeinitiated.
It is expected that this can be accomplished by June 1982.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.33.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.7.Control Room Dampers.This equipment item is not electrical, and there-fore is not addressed in this report.The solenoid valves operating these dampers are addressed under paragraph TER (Table 3, Item No.40).54 34.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.9.Standby'FN Pump Motors.Although this item is not located in a harsh environment, and therefore does not need to be addressed at this time, RGSE considers the environ-mental qualification of this item to be complete and acceptable.
Itisexpectedthatthiscanbeaccomplished byJune1982.Qualification documentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
As stated in Section 4.3.3 of the DOR Guidelines,"No special consideration need be'iven to the environmental qualification of Class IE equipment in these[non-harsh]
33.TERParagraph itemisnotelectrical, andthere-foreisnotaddressed inthisreport.Thesolenoidvalvesoperating thesedampersareaddressed underparagraph TER3.3.3.24(Table3,ItemNo.40).54 34.TERParagraph'FN PumpMotors.Althoughthisitemisnotlocatedinaharshenvironment, andtherefore doesnotneedtobeaddressed atthistime,RGSEconsiders theenviron-mentalqualification ofthisitemtobecompleteandacceptable.
areas provided the aging requirements discussed in Section 7.0 are satisfied and the areas are maintained at room conditions by redundant air conditioning or ventila-tion systems served by the onsite emergency electrical power system." This is the case with these motors.The equipment specification for these motors (Reference 3)states"Motors shall be rated for operation in an ambient tern erature of 50'C[122'F]".(Tnis is consistent with the ambient operating conditions f or the Auxiliary Building Addition of 60-120'F (Ref erence 43).Furthermore, the ongoing.program described in Reference 47 to detect age-related f ailures includes these motors.RG&E theref ore considers these motors to have met all necessary environmental requirements
AsstatedinSection4.3.3oftheDORGuidelines, "Nospecialconsideration needbe'iventotheenvironmental qualification ofClassIEequipment inthese[non-harsh]
.P.55 35.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.10A, 10B, 10C, 12A.Motors for the Containment Spray Pumps, Component Cooling Water Pumps, Residual Heat Removal Pumps, and Safety Injection Pumps.The first three of these Ginna motors have Class B insulation made of"Thermalastic Epoxy".The SI pump motor insulation is"PMR" (Premimum Moisture Resistant).
areasprovidedtheagingrequirements discussed inSection7.0aresatisfied andtheareasaremaintained atroomconditions byredundant airconditioning orventila-tionsystemsservedbytheonsiteemergency electrical powersystem."Thisisthecasewiththesemotors.Theequipment specification forthesemotors(Reference 3)states"Motorsshallberatedforoperation inanambientterneratureof50'C[122'F]".(Tnisisconsistent withtheambientoperating conditions fortheAuxiliary BuildingAdditionof60-120'F(Reference43).Furthermore, theongoing.programdescribed inReference 47todetectage-related failuresincludesthesemotors.RG&Ethereforeconsiders thesemotorstohavemetallnecessary environmental requirements
This is shown in Reference 67.Qualf ication of these systems is given in WCAP 8754, (Ref erence 68), f or the"Thermalas tie Epoxy" motors, and the Westinghouse Research Report 71-1C2-RADMC-R1,"The Ef f ect of Radiation on Insulating Materials Used in Westinghouse Medium Motors," December 31, 1970 (Revised April 10, 1971)(Reference 69)for the"PMR" motors.These reports are proprietary, but are available for audit at RGEE and at Westinghouse.
.P.55 35.TERParagraph,10B,10C,12A.MotorsfortheContainment SprayPumps,Component CoolingWaterPumps,ResidualHeatRemovalPumps,andSafetyInjection Pumps.ThefirstthreeoftheseGinnamotorshaveClassBinsulation madeof"Thermalastic Epoxy".TheSIpumpmotorinsulation is"PMR"(Premimum MoistureResistant).
Testing does indicate that these motors can withstand an accumulated dose of 10 rads during their operating 7 lif e, with an operating lif e of 20 years.Since these motors are not used at all times (only the CCW pump is used during normal operation, and even then only one of the two pumps is normal ly in use), the operational capability is at least 40 years.Also, RG&E has a program of insulation inspection once per year (M45.1A, Inspection of Saf eg uard Motor)and replacement (if needed)every five years.56-r l l Since the only adverse environm'ent anticipated for any of these motors is a post-LOCA radiation dose (conservatively estimated in Reference[TMI-3]as I 6 2.8 x 10 rads)these motors are considered properly qualified both for"life" and radiation.
ThisisshowninReference 67.QualficationofthesesystemsisgiveninWCAP8754,(Reference68),forthe"Thermalas tieEpoxy"motors,andtheWestinghouse ResearchReport71-1C2-RADMC-R1, "TheEffectofRadiation onInsulating Materials UsedinWestinghouse MediumMotors,"December31,1970(RevisedApril10,1971)(Reference 69)forthe"PMR"motors.Thesereportsareproprietary, butareavailable forauditatRGEEandatWestinghouse.
3 6.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.12B.Service Water Pump Motor.As stated in Reference[Flood-15], the effects of jet impingement and water spray on these motors were evaluated by the NRC during the review of SEP Topic III-5.B,"Pipe Break Outside Containment".
Testingdoesindicatethatthesemotorscanwithstand anaccumulated doseof10radsduringtheiroperating 7life,withanoperating lifeof20years.Sincethesemotorsarenotusedatalltimes(onlytheCCWpumpisusedduringnormaloperation, andeventhenonlyoneofthetwopumpsisnormallyinuse),theoperational capability isatleast40years.Also,RG&Ehasaprogramofinsulation inspection onceperyear(M45.1A,Inspection ofSafeguardMotor)andreplacement (ifneeded)everyfiveyears.56-rll Sincetheonlyadverseenvironm'ent anticipated foranyofthesemotorsisapost-LOCA radiation dose(conservatively estimated inReference
RGEE committed to supplement the NRC recommenda-tion in Reference[FLOOD-13.].
[TMI-3]asI62.8x10rads)thesemotorsareconsidered properlyqualified bothfor"life"andradiation.
Thus, the Service Water Pump Motors have been removed from the HELB environment considerations.
Further review for operation is a"mild" environment will be conducted at a later time.37.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.16.Coleman Cable Inside Containment.
Reference 51 is the"Cable Identification and Qualification Supplement".
theeffectsofjetimpingement andwatersprayonthesemotorswereevaluated bytheNRCduringthereviewofSEPTopicIII-5.B,"PipeBreakOutsideContainment".
This reference allows traceability of all cable used in the Ginna plant, by referencing back to the original purchase order specifications.
RGEEcommitted tosupplement theNRCrecommenda-tioninReference
It can be seen that, in addition to the Kerite safeguards cable, the only other cable inside containment used to perform a required 57 post-accident safety f unction is the silicone-rubber insulated cable, which is used for all required safety-related instrumentation and control cable.Reference 46 identifies this as Coleman cable.In addition to the testing stated in Reference 46, a section of this cable was taken from the Ginna plant, and environmentally qualif ied with the Raychem splice sleeves (documentation of the testing is given in FRC Final Report Supplement, F-C5074 (Supplement), April 1979, which is included in Reference 51).The cable is specimen number C5074-7 of Table 1 of F-C5074 Supplement.
This testing shows that the Coleman silicone-rubber insulated cable will perform its required safety functions inside containment.
Thus,theServiceWaterPumpMotorshavebeenremovedfromtheHELBenvironment considerations.
Reference 46 states that this cable is aged at 200'C for 168 hours.Although no specific Arrhenius plot is available, the application of the"10'C rule" shows an operating life of 40 years at 60'C.This is considered a reasonable estimate of the exoected life of this cable.38.TER Paragraph 3 Items 17A, 17B, 17C.Coleman, Rome, and General Cables Used Outside Containment.
Furtherreviewforoperation isa"mild"environment willbeconducted atalatertime.37.TERParagraph
Reference 51 is the"Cable Identification and Qualification Supplement".
Reference 51isthe"CableIdentification andQualification Supplement".
From this reference, the type of cable used throughout the Ginna plant 58 can be traced by reference back to the original purchase order specification.
Thisreference allowstraceability ofallcableusedintheGinnaplant,byreferencing backtotheoriginalpurchaseorderspecifications.
It is shown that all of the safety-related cable outside containment which is not Kerite cable is PVC-insulated cable.The specif ications included in Reference 51 refer to GAI Specs SP-5324 and SP-5315.Both of these specifications in turn specify the requirements of IPCEA S-61-402 for PVC-Cable.
Itcanbeseenthat,inadditiontotheKeritesafeguards cable,theonlyothercableinsidecontainment usedtoperformarequired57 post-accident safetyfunctionisthesilicone-rubber insulated cable,whichisusedforallrequiredsafety-related instrumentation andcontrolcable.Reference 46identifies thisasColemancable.InadditiontothetestingstatedinReference 46,asectionofthiscablewastakenfromtheGinnaplant,andenvironmentally qualifiedwiththeRaychemsplicesleeves(documentation ofthetestingisgiveninFRCFinalReportSupplement, F-C5074(Supplement),
Inf ormation f rom this standard is provided in Reference 10.Additional information for Coleman and Rome cable is provided in Ref erence 4 6.The IPCEA testing of this cable, including insula-tion aging at 121'C (250'F)for 168 hours (jacket at 212'F), oil immersion, heat shock, and cold shock, shows the ability to operate under conditions more severe than those anticipated outside containment.
April1979,whichisincludedinReference 51).ThecableisspecimennumberC5074-7ofTable1ofF-C5074Supplement.
Although no specif ic qualif ication testing was performed, the standard testing of these cable types gives reasonable assurance that they are suitable for outside-containment use.39.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.27.RTDs Inside Containment.
ThistestingshowsthattheColemansilicone-rubber insulated cablewillperformitsrequiredsafetyfunctions insidecontainment.
Reference 35 is a specification sheet and drawing of the Ginna RTD (Rosemount 176JA model).The reactor coolant system temperature detectors (RTD)are not required for a loss of coolant-59 accident.In a steam line break accident, low Tave plus high steam flow plus" a safety injection signal will close the main steam line isolation valves.Also, high-high steam flow will perform this function.As described in Section II.B above, for a break upstream of the non-return check valves, which includes all breaks inside containment, closure of the main steam isolation valves is not required.For breaks downstxeam of the check valves, closure of the main steam isolation valves is desirable, however, in this case the RTDs are not subjected to an adverse environment.
Reference 46statesthatthiscableisagedat200'Cfor168hours.AlthoughnospecificArrhenius plotisavailable, theapplication ofthe"10'Crule"showsanoperating lifeof40yearsat60'C.Thisisconsidered areasonable estimateoftheexoectedlifeofthiscable.38.TERParagraph,17B,17C.Coleman,Rome,andGeneralCablesUsedOutsideContainment.
Theref ore, the RTDs do not require environmental qualification to px'ovide their required safety function.However, the RTDs would be useful for post-accident monitoring.
Reference 51isthe"CableIdentification andQualification Supplement".
Since the RTDs are not qualified for post-accident use, the pxesent Ginna Emergency Procedux'es specify that, if a 50'F subcooling margin cannot be established or maintained, safety injection flow shall not be terminated.
Fromthisreference, thetypeofcableusedthroughout theGinnaplant58 canbetracedbyreference backtotheoriginalpurchaseorderspecification.
Failure of the RTDs would require that SI flow be maintained.
Itisshownthatallofthesafety-related cableoutsidecontainment whichisnotKeritecableisPVC-insulated cable.ThespecificationsincludedinReference 51refertoGAISpecsSP-5324andSP-5315.Bothofthesespecifications inturnspecifytherequirements ofIPCEAS-61-402forPVC-Cable.
Since the Ginna high head safety injection pumps do not have a high enough shutoff head to open the pressurizer PORVs, continued SI pump operation is not a safety concern.However, to avoid the possibility of operator confusion, RG&E will initiate a program to provide 60
InformationfromthisstandardisprovidedinReference 10.Additional information forColemanandRomecableisprovidedinReference46.TheIPCEAtestingofthiscable,including insula-tionagingat121'C(250'F)for168hours(jacketat212'F),oilimmersion, heatshock,andcoldshock,showstheabilitytooperateunderconditions moreseverethanthoseanticipated outsidecontainment.
Althoughnospecificqualificationtestingwasperformed, thestandardtestingofthesecabletypesgivesreasonable assurance thattheyaresuitableforoutside-containment use.39.TERParagraph
Reference 35isaspecification sheetanddrawingoftheGinnaRTD(Rosemount 176JAmodel).Thereactorcoolantsystemtemperature detectors (RTD)arenotrequiredforalossofcoolant-59 accident.
Inasteamlinebreakaccident, lowTaveplushighsteamflowplus"asafetyinjection signalwillclosethemainsteamlineisolation valves.Also,high-high steamflowwillperformthisfunction.
Asdescribed inSectionII.Babove,forabreakupstreamofthenon-return checkvalves,whichincludesallbreaksinsidecontainment, closureofthemainsteamisolation valvesisnotrequired.
Forbreaksdownstxeam ofthecheckvalves,closureofthemainsteamisolation valvesisdesirable, however,inthiscasetheRTDsarenotsubjected toanadverseenvironment.
Therefore,theRTDsdonotrequireenvironmental qualification topx'ovidetheirrequiredsafetyfunction.
However,theRTDswouldbeusefulforpost-accident monitoring.
SincetheRTDsarenotqualified forpost-accident use,thepxesentGinnaEmergency Procedux'es specifythat,ifa50'Fsubcooling margincannotbeestablished ormaintained, safetyinjection flowshallnotbeterminated.
SincetheGinnahighheadsafetyinjection pumpsdonothaveahighenoughshutoffheadtoopenthepressurizer PORVs,continued SIpumpoperation isnotasafetyconcern.However,toavoidthepossibility ofoperatorconfusion, RG&Ewillinitiateaprogramtoprovide60

qualified RTDsforpost-accident monitoring.
qualified RTDs for post-accident monitoring.
Thesewillbeprocuredandinstalled byJune1982,Isubjecttoequipment availability andprocurement/
These will be procured and installed by June 1982, I sub ject to equipment availability and procurement/
delivery schedules.
40.TERParagraph intheControlBuilding.
40.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.28.Batteries in the Control Building.As noted in TER C5257, the ventilation system is being modified, such that the battery rooms can be considered a"mild" environment.
AsnotedinTERC5257,theventilation systemisbeingmodified, suchthatthebatteryroomscanbeconsidered a"mild"environment.
Reference fHELB-13]committed to a resolution of the potential flooding problem.The batteries will thus be further discussed at a later time, together with other equipment located in a"mild" environment.
Reference fHELB-13]
41.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.26.Steam Generator Level Transmitter.
committed toaresolution ofthepotential floodingproblem.Thebatteries willthusbefurtherdiscussed atalatertime,togetherwithotherequipment locatedina"mild"environment.
The steam generator level transmitters, although useful for confirming secondary system heat removal capability, are not necessary for performing this function.For an accident inside containment, which could degrade the performance of the SG level transmitters, the main steam pressure transmitters, located outside containment, provide information regarding steam generator status.Auxiliary feedwater flow instrumentation for each steam generator, also located outside containment, provides the primary indication of the steam generator heat 61 removal capability.
41.TERParagraph LevelTransmitter.
Based on the latest information provided at the Westinghouse Emergency Operating Instructions seminar, the Ginna Emergency Procedures will be revised to reflect AFW flow indications as being of prime value as the main indication of secondary heat removal capability.
Thesteamgenerator leveltransmitters, althoughusefulforconfirming secondary systemheatremovalcapability, arenotnecessary forperforming thisfunction.
Nevertheless, in order to remove the possibility of operator confusion due to misleading instrument indications, the steam generator Level trans-mitters will be replaced by June 1982.Qualifica-tion documentation will be made available when received.42.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.29A, 29B, 29C.Diesel Generator Electrical Equipment.
Foranaccidentinsidecontainment, whichcoulddegradetheperformance oftheSGleveltransmitters, themainsteampressuretransmitters, locatedoutsidecontainment, provideinformation regarding steamgenerator status.Auxiliary feedwater flowinstrumentation foreachsteamgenerator, alsolocatedoutsidecontainment, providestheprimaryindication ofthesteamgenerator heat61 removalcapability.
This equipment is located in a"mild" environment.
Basedonthelatestinformation providedattheWestinghouse Emergency Operating Instructions seminar,theGinnaEmergency Procedures willberevisedtoreflectAFWflowindications asbeingofprimevalueasthemainindication ofsecondary heatremovalcapability.
Its qualification will reviewed at a later date.43.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.35.Valcor Solenoid Valves for the Pressurizer PORVs.Additional information has been added to Reference 48, consisting of the test results and testing methodology.
Nevertheless, inordertoremovethepossibility ofoperatorconfusion duetomisleading instrument indications, thesteamgenerator Leveltrans-mitterswillbereplacedbyJune1982.Qualifica-tiondocumentation willbemadeavailable whenreceived.
This was provided to the NRC and FRC on September 24, 1980.The entire test report is also available for audit and review at RGSE.These valves are fully qualified to IEEE-323-1974 to perform their post-accident safety function.62  
42.TERParagraph,29B,29C.DieselGenerator Electrical Equipment.
Thisequipment islocatedina"mild"environment.
Itsqualification willreviewedatalaterdate.43.TERParagraph PORVs.Additional information hasbeenaddedtoReference 48,consisting ofthetestresultsandtestingmethodology.
ThiswasprovidedtotheNRCandFRConSeptember 24,1980.Theentiretestreportisalsoavailable forauditandreviewatRGSE.Thesevalvesarefullyqualified toIEEE-323-1974 toperformtheirpost-accident safetyfunction.

I44.TERParagraph,thespecificationsheetforthisitem,wasprovidedtotheNRCandFRConSeptember 24,1980.Thereisevidencethattheselevelswitchescanperformtheirfunctioninacontain-mentpost-accident environment.
I 44.TER Paragraph 3 item No.36.Sump B Wide Range Level Switch.Ref erence 52, the specif ication sheet f or this item, was provided to the NRC and FRC on September 24, 1980.There is evidence that these level switches can perform their function in a contain-ment post-accident environment.
However,notalloftherequirements oftheDORGuidelines aremetforthisinstrumentation.
However, not all of the requirements of the DOR Guidelines are met for this instrumentation.
Xtisimportant tonote,however,thattheseinstruments arenotusedtoperformanypost-accident safety-related functions, andarenotspecified foruseintheGinnaEmergency Procedures exceptasconfirmatory information.
Xt is important to note, however, that these instruments are not used to perf orm any post-accident saf ety-related f unctions, and are not specified for use in the Ginna Emergency Procedures except as confirmatory information.
Thesafety-related functionofdetermining thetimingofthe"sumpswitchover" procedure isperformed bytheRWSTlevelinstrumentation, locatedoutsidecontainment.
The saf ety-related f unction of determining the timing of the"sump switchover" procedure is performed by the RWST level instrumentation, located outside containment.
TheTMILessonsLearneddetermined thatawide-range sumplevelindication wastobeprovidedforoperatorinformation.
The TMI Lessons Learned determined that a wide-range sump level indication was to be provided for operator information.
Fully-qualified equipment willbepurchased tomeetthisrequirement.
Fully-qualified equipment will be purchased to meet this requirement.
Thequalification documentation forthisinstrumenta-tionwillbemadeavailable whenreceived.
The qualification documentation for this instrumenta-tion will be made available when received.45.TER Paragraph 3 Xtem Nos.42, 43.Motors for Cooling Fans for RHR, CS, Sl, and Charging Pumps in Auxiliary Building.63 Reference 69 provides information concerning the life and radiation characteristics of these motors.These motors are capable of operation after a radiation exposure of 1 x 10 rads and 20 years.7 Since these motors are run only intermittently, operational capability for 40 years is shown.Since the only harsh environment experienced by these motors is post-LOCA radiation (estimated at 2.8 x 10 rads), operation under required accident 6 conditions is shown.46.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.32, 44.IGC Cabinets and Relay Racks in Relay Room.This equipment is located in a mild environment.
45.TERParagraph,43.MotorsforCoolingFansforRHR,CS,Sl,andChargingPumpsinAuxiliary Building.
Its qualification will be considered at a later time.47.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.33A.Control Room HVAC Air Handling Units.This equipment is located in a mild environment.
63 Reference 69providesinformation concerning thelifeandradiation characteristics ofthesemotors.Thesemotorsarecapableofoperation afteraradiation exposureof1x10radsand20years.7Sincethesemotorsarerunonlyintermittently, operational capability for40yearsisshown.Sincetheonlyharshenvironment experienced bythesemotorsispost-LOCA radiation (estimated at2.8x10rads),operation underrequiredaccident6conditions isshown.46.TERParagraph,44.IGCCabinetsandRelayRacksinRelayRoom.Thisequipment islocatedinamildenvironment.
Its qualification will be considered at a later time.48.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.33B.Control Room HVAC Fans.This item is not an electrical piece of equipment.
Itsqualification willbeconsidered atalatertime.47.TERParagraph islocatedinamildenvironment.
It has thus been deleted from Table 3, and from consideration in this report.64 49.TER Paragraph 3, Item No.39, Charging Pumo Mo tors.This equipment is located in a mild environment.
Itsqualification willbeconsidered atalatertime.48.TERParagraph pieceofequipment.
Its qualification will be considered at a later time.50.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.40.Control Room HVAC Damper Solenoids.
IthasthusbeendeletedfromTable3,andfromconsideration inthisreport.64 49.TERParagraph,ItemNo.39,ChargingPumoMotors.Thisequipment islocatedinamildenvironment.
This equipment is located in a mild environment.
Itsqualification willbeconsidered atalatertime.50.TERParagraph
Its qualification considered at a later time.65 LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT 1.2/3 HIGH CONTA I NMENT PRESSURE HI HI j 2/3 LOW PRESSURIZER PRESSURE FIGURE 1 SAFETY INJECTION la ACCIDENT DIAGNOSTICS 4.HAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION 3.ACCUtlULATOR DUtlP 2.SAFETY INJECTION SEQUENCE (AUTO)4.FEEDl<ATER LINE ISOLATION 5.CONTA I Nf 1ENT ISOLATION 6.REACTOR TRIP VALVES 7.REACTOR COOLANT PUf'lp TRIP 9: CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION 10.MANUAL ACTIONS RECIRC-ULATION TABLE 1 LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME 1.High Containment Pressure Low Pressurizer Pressure PT 945, 946, 947 PT 948)949, 950 Provide signals for Contain-ment Spray, Safety Injection, Containment Isolation, and Main Steam and Feedwater Line Isolation Signal Initiation PT 429)430, 433.)449 Accident Diagnostics Provide Reactor trip and Safety Injection signals Short term Signal Initiation Splice Sleeves, Terminal Blocks, Electrical Pene-trations, Electrical Cable Accident Diagnostics Control and Power Signal Transmission Short term Long term la.Steam Line Pressure PT 468)469)482 PT 478, 479)483 Accident Diagnostics Short term'ontainment Radiation[Being provided per TMI STLL]Accident Diagnostics Short term Containment'sump level IT 942, LT 943 Accident Diagnostics Short term 2.Safety Injection Sequence (Auto)Batteries lA, 1B Diesel Generator and Auxiliaries D.C.Power Power supply to safeguards busses during loss of out-side AC Power Long Term Long term 480 Volt Safeguards busses 14, 16, 17, 18 Provide.the distribution of power to safeguards equipment Long term lA, 1B, 1C Safety Injec-tion Pumps High head injection of bo-rated water to Reactor Coolant System Long term lA, 1B Containment Spray Pumps (only on hi-hi Cont.pressure)Containment Pressure, Tem-perature, and Iodine control Long term TABLE 1 ,f BL CK'NO./EQUIPMENT LOSS OF COOPT ACCIDENT SAFETY FUNCTION RE(}UIRED.
Thisequipment islocatedinamildenvironment.
OPERATION TIME 1.<, 1B Residual Heat Re-.moval Pumps/1A;1B, 1C, 1D Service Mater Pumps Low head injection of borated water to Reactor Vessel Cooling water to RHR and CCN Heat Exchangers Long term Long term 1A, 1B, 1C," lD Contain-ment Recirc.Units Containment Pressure, Tem-perature, and Iodine control Long term Cooling Units for pump motors (SI, RHR, CS, and Charging)Haintain motors within proper ambient temperature limits Long Term 1A, 1B Hotor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps Cooling water to Steam Gen-erators Long term 480 Volt Safeguards MCC's Provide the distribution of power to safeguards equipment Long term 3~Accumulator Dump HOV 841 (N.O.)-'OV 865 (N.O.)Provide path to Reactor Vessel from Accumulators for injection of borated water Not required to function 4.Main Steam Line Isolation Feedwater Line Isolation AOV.3516 AOV 3517 AOV 4269 AOV 4270 AOV 4271 AOV 4272 Isolate 1A, 1B Steam Generators Isolate Hain Feedwater System 5 Seconds after signal 5 Seconds a f ter signal 5.Containment Isolation See Text, Section II.A.5 6.Reactor Trip Reactor trip breakers 0 Provide means to trip the reactor Required for Reactor Trip Reactor protection and in-strumentation cabinets Provide the instrumentation and protection circuits for the con-trol and tripping of the Reactor Required for Reactor Trip 7.RCP Trip RCP Trip Breakers Provide means to trip RCP's Short term N.O.=Normally Open I
Itsqualification will.beconsidered atalatertime.65 LOSSOFCOOLANTACCIDENT1.2/3HIGHCONTAINMENTPRESSUREHIHIj2/3LOWPRESSURIZER PRESSUREFIGURE1SAFETYINJECTION laACCIDENTDIAGNOSTICS 4.HAINSTEAMLINEISOLATION 3.ACCUtlULATOR DUtlP2.SAFETYINJECTION SEQUENCE(AUTO)4.FEEDl<ATER LINEISOLATION 5.CONTAINf1ENTISOLATION 6.REACTORTRIPVALVES7.REACTORCOOLANTPUf'lpTRIP9:CONTROLROOMVENTILATION 10.MANUALACTIONSRECIRC-ULATION TABLE1LOSSOFCOOLANTACCIDENTBLOCKNO./EQUIPMENT SAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIME1.HighContainment PressureLowPressurizer PressurePT945,946,947PT948)949,950ProvidesignalsforContain-mentSpray,SafetyInjection, Containment Isolation, andMainSteamandFeedwater LineIsolation SignalInitiation PT429)430,433.)449AccidentDiagnostics ProvideReactortripandSafetyInjection signalsShorttermSignalInitiation SpliceSleeves,TerminalBlocks,Electrical Pene-trations, Electrical CableAccidentDiagnostics ControlandPowerSignalTransmission ShorttermLongtermla.SteamLinePressurePT468)469)482PT478,479)483AccidentDiagnostics Shortterm'ontainment Radiation
CK NO./EQUIPHENT LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIHE alves HOV 825 A)B HOV,826 A)B)C D (Baa N.O.)AOV 836 A)B Provide path to SI Pumps for bor-ated water to high head safety injection Provide controlled addition of NaOH to Containment Spray for Iodine control 10/BAST Level or-1/2 hour Short term HOV 852 A)B HOV 860 A)B,C)D BAST Level IT 102)106, 171)172 HOV 878 B)D (N.O.)Provide path to Reactor Vessel of borated water for low head safety injection Provide path to Containment Spray headers for CS Pumps Indicate BAST Level for automatic transfer of SI Pump suction from BAST to RMST Provide path to cold legs of RCS from high head safety injection SI'initiation I,ong term 10%BAST Ievel or-1/2 hour not required to function HOV 4007, 4008 1A, 1B Steam Generators Provide path for Aux.Feedwater to Short term AOV 5871, 5872, 5873 AOV 5874, 5875)5876 9.Control Room Ventilation Dampers and AiiU 10: Hanual Provide path for cleaning of cont.atmosphere by fan coolers Provide cleaning of Control Room atmosphere signal initiation Short term Safety Injection Reset Button 1A, 1B Component Cooling Mater Pumps 1A, 1B Containment Spray Pumps (if Cont.Pressure (30 psig)Reset Safety Injection signal after, automatic S.I.Sequencing is complete Cooling water for safeguards equipment Containment Pressure, Temperature and Iodine control less than 24 hours Long term Long term RWST Level LT 920, LIC 921 Indicate RMST Level for operator less than 24 hours transfer from S.I.phase to Recirculation phase  
[BeingprovidedperTMISTLL]AccidentDiagnostics ShorttermContainment'sump levelIT942,LT943AccidentDiagnostics Shortterm2.SafetyInjection Sequence(Auto)Batteries lA,1BDieselGenerator andAuxiliaries D.C.PowerPowersupplytosafeguards bussesduringlossofout-sideACPowerLongTermLongterm480VoltSafeguards busses14,16,17,18Provide.thedistribution ofpowertosafeguards equipment LongtermlA,1B,1CSafetyInjec-tionPumpsHighheadinjection ofbo-ratedwatertoReactorCoolantSystemLongtermlA,1BContainment SprayPumps(onlyonhi-hiCont.pressure)
'N I TABLE 1 f BLOCK NO./EQUIPHENT LOSS OF COOLS'CCIDENT SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIHE HOV 4027, 4028 HOV 4000A, 4000B HOV 4734)4735)4615, 4616 HOV 738 A)B Standby AFW Pumps Provide Service Mater to Hotor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps suction Provide AFW Cross-Connect Direct SW Flow to CCW HX's Direct CCW Flow to RHR HX's AFW Flow to SG's if normal AFM System inoperable within-2 hours Short term less than 24 hours less than 24 hours Long term HOV 9629 A,B Provide SW to suction of standby Long term AFM Pumps HOV 9710 A,B;9703 A,B;9704 A)B Steam Generator Level LT 460, 461, 462, 463 LT 470)471, 472)473 Sampling (being provided per THI)e Hydrogen Recombiners Pressurizer PORVs.11.Recirculation HOV 850 A,B outside cont.HOV 851 A,B (N.O.)inside cont.Standby AFM Discharge Valves to provide flow to SG's Honitoring Sample containment atmosphere and reactor coolant Haintain hydrogen control RC Pressure Control Provide path to RHR suction from B sump for low head safety injec-tion Long term Long term I,ong term Long term Long term Long term HOV 856 (N.O.)HOV 896 A,B (N.O.)HOV 857 A,B,C AOV 897)898 RWST isolation valve to RHR pumps suction, must close after RMST is drained RMST isolation valve, must close after RWST is drained Provide path to suction of SI and CS Pumps from RER pumps discharge Isolate high head recirculation flow to RWST during sump recir-culation required to func-tion to switch to recirc phase required to func-tion to switch to recirc phase required to func-tion to switch to recirc phase Short term HOV 704 A)B recirculation Close during switch to sump less than 24 hours
OPERATION TIME1.<,1BResidualHeatRe-.movalPumps/1A;1B,1C,1DServiceMaterPumpsLowheadinjection ofboratedwatertoReactorVesselCoolingwatertoRHRandCCNHeatExchangers LongtermLongterm1A,1B,1C,"lDContain-mentRecirc.UnitsContainment
: Pressure, Tem-perature, andIodinecontrolLongtermCoolingUnitsforpumpmotors(SI,RHR,CS,andCharging)
Haintainmotorswithinproperambienttemperature limitsLongTerm1A,1BHotorDrivenAux.Feedwater PumpsCoolingwatertoSteamGen-eratorsLongterm480VoltSafeguards MCC'sProvidethedistribution ofpowertosafeguards equipment Longterm3~Accumulator DumpHOV841(N.O.)-'OV 865(N.O.)ProvidepathtoReactorVesselfromAccumulators forinjection ofboratedwaterNotrequiredtofunction4.MainSteamLineIsolation Feedwater LineIsolation AOV.3516AOV3517AOV4269AOV4270AOV4271AOV4272Isolate1A,1BSteamGenerators IsolateHainFeedwater System5Secondsaftersignal5Secondsaftersignal5.Containment Isolation SeeText,SectionII.A.56.ReactorTripReactortripbreakers0ProvidemeanstotripthereactorRequiredforReactorTripReactorprotection andin-strumentation cabinetsProvidetheinstrumentation andprotection circuitsforthecon-trolandtrippingoftheReactorRequiredforReactorTrip7.RCPTripRCPTripBreakersProvidemeanstotripRCP'sShorttermN.O.=NormallyOpen I
CKNO./EQUIPHENT LOSSOFCOOLANTACCIDENTSAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIHEalvesHOV825A)BHOV,826A)B)CD(BaaN.O.)AOV836A)BProvidepathtoSIPumpsforbor-atedwatertohighheadsafetyinjection Providecontrolled additionofNaOHtoContainment SprayforIodinecontrol10/BASTLevelor-1/2hourShorttermHOV852A)BHOV860A)B,C)DBASTLevelIT102)106,171)172HOV878B)D(N.O.)ProvidepathtoReactorVesselofboratedwaterforlowheadsafetyinjection ProvidepathtoContainment SprayheadersforCSPumpsIndicateBASTLevelforautomatic transferofSIPumpsuctionfromBASTtoRMSTProvidepathtocoldlegsofRCSfromhighheadsafetyinjection SI'initiation I,ongterm10%BASTIevelor-1/2hournotrequiredtofunctionHOV4007,40081A,1BSteamGenerators ProvidepathforAux.Feedwater toShorttermAOV5871,5872,5873AOV5874,5875)58769.ControlRoomVentilation DampersandAiiU10:HanualProvidepathforcleaningofcont.atmosphere byfancoolersProvidecleaningofControlRoomatmosphere signalinitiation ShorttermSafetyInjection ResetButton1A,1BComponent CoolingMaterPumps1A,1BContainment SprayPumps(ifCont.Pressure(30psig)ResetSafetyInjection signalafter,automatic S.I.Sequencing iscompleteCoolingwaterforsafeguards equipment Containment
: Pressure, Temperature andIodinecontrollessthan24hoursLongtermLongtermRWSTLevelLT920,LIC921IndicateRMSTLevelforoperatorlessthan24hourstransferfromS.I.phasetoRecirculation phase  
'NI TABLE1fBLOCKNO./EQUIPHENT LOSSOFCOOLS'CCIDENT SAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIHEHOV4027,4028HOV4000A,4000BHOV4734)4735)4615,4616HOV738A)BStandbyAFWPumpsProvideServiceMatertoHotorDrivenAux.Feedwater PumpssuctionProvideAFWCross-Connect DirectSWFlowtoCCWHX'sDirectCCWFlowtoRHRHX'sAFWFlowtoSG'sifnormalAFMSysteminoperable within-2hoursShorttermlessthan24hourslessthan24hoursLongtermHOV9629A,BProvideSWtosuctionofstandbyLongtermAFMPumpsHOV9710A,B;9703A,B;9704A)BSteamGenerator LevelLT460,461,462,463LT470)471,472)473Sampling(beingprovidedperTHI)eHydrogenRecombiners Pressurizer PORVs.11.Recirculation HOV850A,Boutsidecont.HOV851A,B(N.O.)insidecont.StandbyAFMDischarge ValvestoprovideflowtoSG'sHonitoring Samplecontainment atmosphere andreactorcoolantHaintainhydrogencontrolRCPressureControlProvidepathtoRHRsuctionfromBsumpforlowheadsafetyinjec-tionLongtermLongtermI,ongtermLongtermLongtermLongtermHOV856(N.O.)HOV896A,B(N.O.)HOV857A,B,CAOV897)898RWSTisolation valvetoRHRpumpssuction,mustcloseafterRMSTisdrainedRMSTisolation valve,mustcloseafterRWSTisdrainedProvidepathtosuctionofSIandCSPumpsfromRERpumpsdischarge Isolatehighheadrecirculation flowtoRWSTduringsumprecir-culationrequiredtofunc-tiontoswitchtorecircphaserequiredtofunc-tiontoswitchtorecircphaserequiredtofunc-tiontoswitchtorecircphaseShorttermHOV704A)Brecirculation Closeduringswitchtosumplessthan24hours

MAINSTEAMORFEEDLINEBFIGURE23.2/3HIGHCONTAINMENT PRESSURE1.2/3STEANLINEPRESSURE2.2/3LOMPRESSURIZER PRESSUREHIHI3.2/3STEANLINEFLOIA3.LOWTave2/4SAFETYINJECTION IACCIDENTOIAGIIOSTICS I3.2/4OVERPOWER hTHI1(I.4.MAINSTEANLINEISOLATION 6.SAFETYINJECTIONSEQUENCE(AUTO)FEEDllATER LINEISOLATION 5.CONTAINMENT ISOLATION REACTORTRIP9.VALVES8.REACTORCOOLANTPUMPTRIP10.MANUALACTIONS11.CONTINUED SAFESHUTDOWN TABLE2MAINSTEAMLINEBREAKBLOCKNO./EQUIPMENT SAFETYFUNCTION/BREAK LOCATIONSAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIMEINSIDECVOUTSIDECV1.SteamLinePressurePT468,469,482PT478)479)483la.SteamLinePressure(see1above)ProvidesignalforSIonlowsteamlinepressureAccidentDiagnostics samesamesignalinitiation shorttermContainment Radiation Containment SumpLevelHighContainment Pressure(see3below)AccidentDiagnostics AccidentDiagnostics AccidentDiagnostics NANANAshorttermshorttermshortterm2.LowPressurizer PressurePT429,430,431)449Electrical Penetrations, Cable,Sleeves,andTerminalBlocksProvideReactortripandSafetyInjection signalsProvidecontrolandPowerSignalTransmission samesamesignalinitiation longtermHighContainment PressurePT945)946,947PT948)949~950ProvidesignalsforContainment Spray,SafetyInjection, Containment Isola-tion,andMain-SteamLineIsolation NAsignalinitiation SteamLineFlowFT464,465FT474,475ProvidesignalsforReactortripandMainSteamLineIso-lationsamesignalinitiation ReactorCoolantTemperature LoopAHotIegTE401A,402A)405A,406A,409AProvideIowTave66signalsfor'Reactor trip,SafetyInjec-tionandMainSteamLineIsolation samesignalinitiation TABLE2MAINSTEAMLINEBREAK-2-BLOCKNO./EQUIPMENT SAFETYFUNCTION/BREAK LOCATIONSAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIMEINSIDECVOUTSIDECVLoopAColdLegTE401B>404A,407A>408A,410ALoopBHotLegTE403B>404B,407B,408B,410BLoopBColdI,egTE403B>404B>407B,408B>410BMainSteamIsolation AOV3516AOV3517Isolate1A,BSteamGenerators same5secondsaftersignalFeedwater LineIsolation AOV4269AOV4270AOV4271AOV4272IsolateMainFeed-watersystemsame5secondsaftersignalContainment Isolation SeeText,SectionII.B.5sameSafetyInjection Sequence(Auto)Batteries 1A,1BDieselGenerators andauxiliaries D.C.PowerPowersupplytosafe-guardsbussesduringlossof.,outside ACPowersamesameLongtermLongterm480VoltSafeguards busses14,16,17,181A,1B,1CSafetyIn-jectionpumpslA,BContainment SprayPumps(onlyonhi-hicont.Pressure) 1A,1B,1C,1DServiceWaterPumpsProvidedistribution ofpowertosafe-guardsequipment Highhead.injection ofboratedwatertoReactorCoolantSystemContainment PressureandTemperature controlCoolingWatertoCCWHeatExchanger samesameN/AsameLongtermLongtermI,ongtermLongterm HAINSTEAMLINEBREAKBLOCKNO./EQUIPMENT SAFETYFUNCTION/BREAK IOCATIONSAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIMEINSIDECVOUTSIDECV1A,1B,1C,1DContainment RecircUnitsContainment PressureN/AandTemperature con-trolLongterm1A,1BMotorDrivenAux.Feedwater PumpsCoolingw'atersupplysametoSteamGenerators LongtermCoolingUnitsforSI,CS,RHR,andChargingPumpMaintainmotorswithinproperambienttemperature limitssameLongterm480VoltSafeguards HCCs7.ReactorTripProvidethedistribu-sametionofpowertosafeguards equipment LongtermReactortripbreakersReactorProtection andInstrumentation CabinetsProvidemeanstotripthereactorProvidetheinstru-mentation andpro-tioncircuitsforthecontrolandtrippingofthereactorsamesameRequiredfor'eactorTripRequiredforReactorTrip8.ReactorCoolantPumpTripRCPTripBreakersProvidemeanstotripNARCPsShortterm9.ValvesHOV825A>BHOV826A,B)C,D(BaaN.O.)AOV836A,B.ProvidepathtoSIPumpsforborated.watertohighheadsafetyinjection ProvideNaOHtoCSifneededsame10/BASTLevelo~l/2hourShorttermHOV860A,B,C)DHOV878,B,D(N.O.)ProvidepathtoCon-tainment, SprayheadersforCSPumps'rovide pathtocoldlegsof,RCSfromhighheadsafetyinjection N/AsameLongtermnotrequiredtofunction TABLE2MAINSTEAMLINEBREAKBIOCKNO./EQUIPMENT SAFETYFUNCTION/BREAK LOCATIONSA'FETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIMEINSIDECVOUTSIDECVHOV896)A)B)(NO)
MAIN STEAM OR FEED LINE B FIGURE 2 3.2/3 HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE 1.2/3 STEAN LINE PRESSURE 2.2/3 LOM PRESSURIZER PRESSURE HI HI 3.2/3 STEAN LINE FLOIA 3.LOW T ave 2/4 SAFETY INJECTION I ACCIDENT OIAGIIOSTICS I 3.2/4 OVERPOWER hT HI 1 (I.4.MAIN STEAN LINE ISOLATION 6.SAFETY INJECT ION SEQUENCE (AUTO)FEEDllATER LINE ISOLATION 5.CONTAINMENT ISOLATION REACTOR TRIP 9.VALVES 8.REACTOR COOLANT PUMP TRIP 10.MANUAL ACTIONS 11.CONTINUED SAFE SHUTDOWN TABLE 2 MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV 1.Steam Line Pressure PT 468, 469, 482 PT 478)479)483 la.Steam Line Pressure (see 1 above)Provide signal for SI on low steam line pressure Accident Diagnostics same same signal initiation short term Containment Radiation Containment Sump Level High Containment Pressure (see 3 below)Accident Diagnostics Accident Diagnostics Accident Diagnostics NA NA NA short term short term short term 2.Low Pressurizer Pressure PT 429, 430, 431)449 Electrical Penetrations, Cable, Sleeves, and Terminal Blocks Provide Reactor trip and Safety Injection signals Provide control and Power Signal Transmission same same signal initiation long term High Containment Pressure PT 945)946, 947 PT 948)949~950 Provide signals for Containment Spray, Safety Injection, Containment Isola-tion, and Main-Steam Line Isolation NA signal initiation Steam Line Flow FT 464, 465 FT 474, 475Provide signals for Reactor trip and Main Steam Line Iso-lation same signal initiation Reactor Coolant Temperature Loop A Hot Ieg TE 401A, 402A)405A, 406A, 409A Provide Iow Tave 6 6 signals for'Reactor trip, Safety Injec-tion and Main Steam Line Isolation same signal initiation TABLE 2 MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK-2-BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV Loop A Cold Leg TE 401B>404A, 407A>408A, 410A Loop B Hot Leg TE 403B>404B, 407B, 408B, 410B Loop B Cold I,eg TE 403B>404B>407B, 408B>410B Main Steam Isolation AOV 3516 AOV 3517 Isolate 1A, B Steam Generators same 5 seconds after signal Feedwater Line Isolation AOV 4269 AOV 4270 AOV 4271 AOV 4272 Isolate Main Feed-water system same 5 seconds after signal Containment Isolation See Text, Section II.B.5 same Safety Injection Sequence (Auto)Batteries 1A, 1B Diesel Generators and auxiliaries D.C.Power Power supply to safe-guards busses during loss of.,outside AC Power same same Long term Long term 480 Volt Safeguards busses 14, 16, 17, 18 1A, 1B, 1C Safety In-jection pumps lA, B Containment Spray Pumps (only on hi-hi cont.Pressure)1A, 1B, 1C, 1D Service Water Pumps Provide distribution of power to safe-guards equipment High head.injection of borated water to Reactor Coolant System Containment Pressure and Temperature control Cooling Water to CCW Heat Exchanger same same N/A same Long term Long term I,ong term Long term HAIN STEAM LINE BREAK BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK IOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D Containment Recirc Units Containment Pressure N/A and Temperature con-trol Long term 1A, 1B Motor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps Cooling w'ater supply same to Steam Generators Long term Cooling Units for SI, CS, RHR, and Charging Pump Maintain motors within proper ambient temperature limits same Long term 480 Volt Safeguards HCCs 7.Reactor Trip Provide the distribu-same tion of power to safeguards equipment Long term Reactor trip breakers Reactor Protection and Instrumentation Cabinets Provide means to trip the reactor Provide the instru-mentation and pro-tion circuits for the control and tripping of the reactor same same Required for'eactor Trip Required for Reactor Trip 8.Reactor Coolant Pump Trip RCP Trip Breakers Provide means to trip NA RCPs Short term 9.Valves HOV 825A>B HOV 826A, B)C, D (Baa N.O.)AOV 836A, B.Provide path to SI Pumps for borated.water to high head safety injection Provide NaOH to CS if needed same 10/BAST Level o~l/2 hour Short term HOV 860A, B, C)D HOV 878, B, D (N.O.)Provide path to Con-tainment, Spray headers for CS Pumps'rovide path to cold legs of,RCS from high head safety injection N/A same Long term not required to function TABLE 2 MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK BIOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SA'FETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV HOV 896)A)B)(NO)
MOV4007)4008ProvidepathfromRWSTofboratedwaterforSIandCSpumpssuctionProvidepathforAux.Feedwater toSteamGenerators samesameshort-term (tocloseifneedsumprecirculaton)
MOV 4007)4008 Provide path from RWST of borated water for SI and CS pumps suction Provide path for Aux.Feedwater to Steam Generators same same short-term (to close if need sump recirculaton)
ShorttermAOV5871)5872)5873AOV5874,5875)5876BASTLevel1LT102)106)171)'72Providepathforcleaningbyfancoolers,coolingofcont.Atmosphere IndicateBASTLevelforautomatic trans-ferofSIPumpsuctionfromBASTtoRWSTN/Asamesignalinitiation 10/BASTI,evelor~1/2hourMOV852A,BProvidepathforlowheadSItoReactorVesselsameSignalInitiation 10.Manual'GLevelInstrumentation LT470,471,472,473LT460,461,462)463SafetyInjection ResetButtonDetermine affectedSGsameResetSIsignalaftersameAutomatic SIsequenc-ingiscompleteShorttermlessthan24hours1A,1BComponent CoolingWaterPumpsCoolingWaterforsafeguards equipment sameLongterm1A,1BContainment SprayPump(Ifcont.Pressure<30psig)Containment PressureN/AandTemperature con-trolLongtermMOV402?,4028ProvideServiceWatertoMotorDrivenAux.Feedwater PumpsSuctionsamewithin~2hoursChargingpumpsInventory controltoRCSsameLongterm TABLE2BLOCKNO./EQUIPHENT HAINSTEAHLINEBREAKSAFETYFUNCTION/BREAK LOCATIONSAFETYFUNCTIONREQUIREDOPERATION TIHEINSIDECVOUTSIDECVStandbyAFWpumpsHOV9629A,BMOV9710A,B;9703A,B;9704A,BHOV4000A,BProvideflowtoSGsifAFWsystemin-operableProvideSWtosuctionofStandbyAFWPumpsStandbyAFWdischarge valvestoprovideAFWflowtoSGsAFWCross-Connect ValvessamesamesamesameI,ongtermLongtermLongtermShortterm11.Continued SafeShutdownSampling(perTHI)Pressurizer PORVsSampleContainment Atmosphere andReactorCoolantRCPressureControlsamesameLongtermLongterm
Short term AOV 5871)5872)5873 AOV 5874, 5875)5876 BAST Level 1 LT 102)106)171)'72 Provide path for cleaning by fan coolers, cooling of cont.Atmosphere Indicate BAST Level for automatic trans-fer of SI Pump suction from BAST to RWST N/A same signal initiation 10/BAST I,evel or~1/2 hour MOV 852A, B Provide path for low head SI to Reactor Vessel same Signal Initiation 10.Manual'G Level Instrumentation LT 470, 471, 472, 473 LT 460, 461, 462)463 Safety Injection Reset Button Determine affected SG same Reset SI signal after same Automatic SI sequenc-ing is complete Short term less than 24 hours 1A, 1B Component Cooling Water Pumps Cooling Water for safeguards equipment same Long term 1A, 1B Containment Spray Pump (If cont.Pressure<30 psig)Containment Pressure N/A and Temperature con-trol Long term MOV 402?, 4028 Provide Service Water to Motor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps Suction same within~2 hours Charging pumps Inventory control to RCS same Long term TABLE 2 BLOCK NO./EQUIPHENT HAIN STEAH LINE BREAK SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIHE INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV Standby AFW pumps HOV 9629A, B MOV 9710A, B;9703A, B;9704A, B HOV 4000A, B Provide flow to SGs if AFW system in-operable Provide SW to suction of Standby AFW Pumps Standby AFW discharge valves to provide AFW flow to SGs AFW Cross-Connect Valves same same same same I,ong term Long term Long term Short term 11.Continued Safe Shutdown Sampling (per THI)Pressurizer PORVs Sample Containment Atmosphere and Reactor Coolant RC Pressure Control same same Long term Long term

AccidentReferences LOCAanalysis[LOCA]FSAR2.3.4,5."ECCSAnalysisfortheR.E.GinnaReactorwithENCWREM-2PWREvaluation Model"datedDecember1977sub-mittedwithApplication forAmendement toOperating License,onJanuary6,1978.ECCSAnalysissubmitted byletterdatedApril7,1977fromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&EtoA.Schwencer, Chief,Operating ReactorsBranchIl,USNRC.ECCSAnalysisfortheR.E.GinnaReactorwithENCWREM-2PWREvaluation Model.ExxonNuclearCo.ReportXN-NF-77-58.
Accident References LOCA analysis[LOCA]FSAR 2.3.4, 5."ECCS Analysis for the R.E.Ginna Reactor with ENC WREM-2 PWR Evaluation Model" dated December 1977 sub-mitted with Application for Amendement to Operating License, on January 6, 1978.ECCS Analysis submitted by letter dated April 7, 1977 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E to A.Schwencer, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch Il, USNRC.ECCS Analysis for the R.E.Ginna Reactor with ENC WREM-2 PWR Evaluation Model.Exxon Nuclear Co.Report XN-NF-77-58.
GinnaEmergency Procedures E1.1andE1.2,submitted byletterdatedFebruary26,1980fromL.D.White,Jr.RG&E,toD.L.Ziemann,USNRC.SteamLineBreakandFeedwater LineBreak[SLB/FLB]
Ginna Emergency Procedures E1.1 and E1.2, submitted by letter dated February 26, 1980 from L.D.White, Jr.RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC.Steam Line Break and Feedwater Line Break[SLB/FLB]'.Steam line break analyses submitted with Application for Amendment to Operating License on September 22, 1975.Plant'Transient.'.Steamlinebreakanalysessubmitted withApplication forAmendment toOperating LicenseonSeptember 22,1975.Plant'Transient.
Analysis for the R.E.Ginna Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant, Exxon Report XN-NF-77-40 (11/77 and updated 12/15/78 and March, 1980.Letter dated May 24, 1977 from K.W.Amish, RG&E to J.F.-O'eary, NRC.Ginna Emergency Procedures E1.1 and E1.3, submitted by letter dated February 26, 1980 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC.Letter from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, NRC, March 28, 1980.High Energy Line Break[HELB]"Effects of Postulated'Pipe Breaks Outside the Con-tainment Building", GAI Report No.1815, submitted by letter dated November 1, 1973 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to A, Giambuso, Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, USNRC.
AnalysisfortheR.E.GinnaUnit1NuclearPowerPlant,ExxonReportXN-NF-77-40 (11/77andupdated12/15/78andMarch,1980.LetterdatedMay24,1977fromK.W.Amish,RG&EtoJ.F.-O'eary,NRC.GinnaEmergency Procedures E1.1andE1.3,submitted byletterdatedFebruary26,1980fromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&EtoD.L.Ziemann,USNRC.LetterfromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toD.L.Ziemann,NRC,March28,1980.HighEnergyLineBreak[HELB]"EffectsofPostulated'Pipe BreaksOutsidetheCon-tainmentBuilding",
Letter dated May 24, 1974 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to J.F.O'eary, Director, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC.Letter dated September 4, 1974 for R.R.Koprowski, RG&E to Edson Case, Acting Director, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC.Letter dated November 1, 1974 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to Edson Case, Acting Director, Directorate of Li-censing, USNRC.Letter dated May 20, 1977 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to A.Schwencer, Chief Operating Reactors Branch 51, USNRC.Letter dated February 6,'1978 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to A.Schwencer, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch Ol, USNRC.Amendment No.7 to Provisional Operating License DPR-18, transmitted, by letter dated May 14, 1975 from Robert A.Purple, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch-51, USNRC, to L.D.White, Jr , RG&E.Amendment No.29 to Provisional Operating License DPR-18, transmitted by letter dated August 24, 1979 from Dennis L.Ziemann, Chief, ORB 52, to L.D.White, Jr., RG&E.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, May 17, 1979.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC, June 27, 1979.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC July 6, 1979.Letter, R.E.Anderson, Gilbert/Commonwealth to James J.Shea, USNRC, June 11, 1979.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.M.Crutchfield, NRC, SEP Topic III-5.B,"Pipe Break Outside Containment," August 7, 1980.Letter, J.Wenclawiak and T.Snyder, Catalytic, to G.Wrobel, RG&E,"Equipment Environmental Qualification," October 27, 1980.Letter from D.M.Crutchfield, NRC, to L.D.White, Jr.RG&E, SEP Topic III-S.B,"Pipe Break Outside Containment," June 24, 1980.
GAIReportNo.1815,submitted byletterdatedNovember1,1973fromK.W.Amish,RG&E,toA,Giambuso, DeputyDirectorforReactorProjects, USNRC.
Effects of Flooding[Flood]Letter dated May 13, 1975 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to Benard C.Rusche, Director, Office of Nuclear-Reactor Regulation, USNRC.2.3., dated May 20, 1975 from L.-D'.White, Jr., RG&E, to Robert A.Purple, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch 51, Division of Reactor Licensing.
LetterdatedMay24,1974fromK.W.Amish,RG&E,toJ.F.O'eary,Director, Directorate ofLicensing, USNRC.LetterdatedSeptember 4,1974forR.R.Koprowski, RG&EtoEdsonCase,ActingDirector, Directorate ofLicensing, USNRC.LetterdatedNovember1,1974fromK.W.Amish,RG&E,toEdsonCase,ActingDirector, Directorate ofLi-censing,USNRC.LetterdatedMay20,1977fromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toA.Schwencer, ChiefOperating ReactorsBranch51,USNRC.LetterdatedFebruary6,'1978fromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toA.Schwencer, Chief,Operating ReactorsBranchOl,USNRC.Amendment No.7toProvisional Operating LicenseDPR-18,transmitted, byletterdatedMay14,1975fromRobertA.Purple,Chief,Operating ReactorsBranch-51, USNRC,toL.D.White,Jr,RG&E.Amendment No.29toProvisional Operating LicenseDPR-18,transmitted byletterdatedAugust24,1979fromDennisL.Ziemann,Chief,ORB52,toL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E.Letter,L.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toD.L.Ziemann,May17,1979.Letter,L.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toD.L.Ziemann,USNRC,June27,1979.Letter,L.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toD.L.Ziemann,USNRCJuly6,1979.Letter,R.E.Anderson, Gilbert/Commonwealth toJamesJ.Shea,USNRC,June11,1979.Letter,L.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toD.M.Crutchfield, NRC,SEPTopicIII-5.B,"PipeBreakOutsideContainment,"
Letter dated May 30, 1975 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to Robert A.Purple.t Letter dated June 16, 1975 from L.D.White', Jr., RG&E, to Robert A.Purple.Letter dated July 3, 1975 from Robert A.Purple to L.D.White, Jr., RG&E.Letter dated August.8, 1972 from Donald J.Skovholt, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors, USAEC, to Edward J.Nelson, RG&E.Letter dated October 3, 1972 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to Donald J.Skovholt, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors, USAEC.Letter dated May 31, 1973 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to Donald J.Skovholt, Assistant, Director for Operating Reactors, USAEC.Application for Amendment to Operating License, sub-mitted March 10, 1975.Amendment, No.14 to Provisional Operating License DPR-18, transmitted by letter dated June 1, 1977 from A.Schwencer, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch 51, USNRC.Letter, L.D.White, Jr.RG&E, to Dennis L.Ziemann, USNRC, High Energy Line Breaks Outside Containment, June 27, 1979.TMI Lessons Learned[TMI]RG&E letter of October 17, 1979, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC,"TMI Short Term Lessons Learned Requirements." 2.3.RG&E letter of November 19, 1979, L.D.White, D.L.Ziemann, USNRC,"TMI Short Term Lessons Learned." RG&E letter of December 28, 1979, L.D.White, D.,L.Ziemann, USNRC,"TMI Short Term Lessons Learned."
August7,1980.Letter,J.Wenclawiak andT.Snyder,Catalytic, toG.Wrobel,RG&E,"Equipment Environmental Qualification,"
I I'\,(l Table 3 Page 1 Reactor: GINNA SYSTElTIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Require Qua Qua.Document Method Reference Comments Solenoid Valve ASCO/V-4269, V-4270 LB 8300 B 61 U (FW Control Valves)V-4271, V-4272 LB 8300 B 64 RU (FW Bypass Valves)2.Solenoid Valve'Copes-Vulcan AOV 836 A,B.(NaOH to CS)3.Solenoid Valve Lawrence/110114W-Supply 125434W-Vent V-3516, V-3517 (Main Steam Isola-tion)4.Solenoid Valve Versa/VSG V-5871, V-5872,~V-5873, V-5874,'V-5875, V-5876 (Containment.Recir-culation System Dampers)Area 57 SI Signal Area 52 Minutes Area I3 Seconds Area 51 Seconds Temp ('F),Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem Rad.Sub.'emp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad: Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comments See Comments See Comments See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.250 Atm.Amb.200 Atm.Amb.Yes No Experience 23 Experience Experience Experience 23 Experience Experience Vendor Data 25-,.'xperience Experience Vendor Data 26 Experience Experience DBE-Main SLB in Turbine Bldg.Fail-Safe (closed)These valves were purchased from ASCO.8200 series.They are fail safe (open).En'closed in NEMA-2 drip-proof enclosure which is subjected to salt water spray qualification test.Fail safe (closed)Fail safe.Per-forms safety function within seconds of start of DBE.Not required to operate when accident conditions are reached.
October27,1980.LetterfromD.M.Crutchfield, NRC,toL.D.White,Jr.RG&E,SEPTopicIII-S.B,"PipeBreakOutsideContainment,"
l r Table 3~(]]Page 2 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Location Tame Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENV I RONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 5.Solenoid Valve ASCO AOV-897, AOV-898 (SI Recirculation)
Area 42 Short-Term (Before Sump Recirculation)
EffectsofFlooding[Flood]LetterdatedMay13,1975fromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toBenardC.Rusche,Director, OfficeofNuclear-ReactorRegulation, USNRC.2.3.,,1975fromL.-D'.White,Jr.,RG&E,toRobertA.Purple,Chief,Operating ReactorsBranch51,DivisionofReactorLicensing.
Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%).Chem.Rad.Sub.See Amb.Comments Atm.Amb.Experience
LetterdatedMay30,1975fromL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toRobertA.Purple.tLetterdatedJune16,1975fromL.D.White',Jr.,RG&E,toRobertA.Purple.LetterdatedJuly3,1975fromRobertA.PurpletoL.D.White,Jr.,RG&E.LetterdatedAugust.8,1972fromDonaldJ.Skovholt, Assistant DirectorforOperating
, 23 Experience Experience"Mild" be addressed later 6.Solenoid Valve Versa/Area 51 VSG-3731 Area 53 (Cont.Purge Valves)VSG-3421 (Cont.Depressuriza-tlon)Seconds Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See 200 Comments Atm.Amb.Vendor data 26 Experience Experience Fail-close to perform con-tainment isola-tion function 7.Control Room Dampers D-81+D-87 8a.Limitorque SMB-2 Reliance Motor MOV 841, 865 (Accumulator Discharge)
: Reactors, USAEC,toEdwardJ.Nelson,RG&E.LetterdatedOctober3,1972fromK.W.Amish,RG&E,toDonaldJ.Skovholt, Assistant DirectorforOperating
Area 41 Not required to operate Temp (oF Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See 320 Comments 105 100 Yes 2 x 10 No Test Test Test Test Test 18,19 18,19 18, 19 18, 19 18, 19 37 Not Electrical.
: Reactors, USAEC.LetterdatedMay31,1973fromK.W.Amish,RG&E,toDonaldJ.Skovholt, Assistant, DirectorforOperating
Deleted from Report Valves are locked-open with power removed.No need to function.t j 8b.Limitorque SMB-OO, Peerless MOV 826 A,B,C,D (BAST to SI Pumps)MOV 896 A,B (RWST to SI Pumps)Area 52 Short-Term (Before Sump recirculation)
: Reactors, USAEC.Application forAmendment toOperating License,sub-mittedMarch10,1975.Amendment, No.14toProvisional Operating LicenseDPR-18,transmitted byletterdatedJune1,1977fromA.Schwencer, Chief,Operating ReactorsBranch51,USNRC.Letter,L.D.White,Jr.RG&E,toDennisL.Ziemann,USNRC,HighEnergyLineBreaksOutsideContainment, June27,1979.TMILessonsLearned[TMI]RG&EletterofOctober17,1979,L.D.White,Jr.,RG&E,toD.L.Ziemann,USNRC,"TMIShortTermLessonsLearnedRequirements."
Temp ('F)Amb.Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.Chem.No Rad.No Sub.No Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience 13 Experience Experience Not exposed to DBE environment
II'\,(l Table3Page1Reactor:GINNASYSTElTIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededENVIRONMENT Parameter RequireQuaQua.DocumentMethodReference CommentsSolenoidValveASCO/V-4269,V-4270LB8300B61U(FWControlValves)V-4271,V-4272LB8300B64RU(FWBypassValves)2.SolenoidValve'Copes-Vulcan AOV836A,B.(NaOHtoCS)3.SolenoidValveLawrence/
110114W-Supply125434W-VentV-3516,V-3517(MainSteamIsola-tion)4.SolenoidValveVersa/VSG V-5871,V-5872,~V-5873,V-5874,'V-5875,V-5876(Containment.Recir-culationSystemDampers)Area57SISignalArea52MinutesAreaI3SecondsArea51SecondsTemp('F),Pr(psia)RH(%)ChemRad.Sub.'emp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad:Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.SeeCommentsSeeCommentsSeeCommentsSeeCommentsAmb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.250Atm.Amb.200Atm.Amb.YesNoExperience 23Experience Experience Experience 23Experience Experience VendorData25-,.'xperience Experience VendorData26Experience Experience DBE-MainSLBinTurbineBldg.Fail-Safe (closed)Thesevalveswerepurchased fromASCO.8200series.Theyarefailsafe(open).En'closed inNEMA-2drip-proof enclosure whichissubjected tosaltwatersprayqualification test.Failsafe(closed)Failsafe.Per-formssafetyfunctionwithinsecondsofstartofDBE.Notrequiredtooperatewhenaccidentconditions arereached.
lr Table3~(]]Page2Reactor:GINNAEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededSYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMENVIRONMENTQua.DocumentParameter RequireQua.MethodReference Comments5.SolenoidValveASCOAOV-897,AOV-898(SIRecirculation)
Area42Short-Term (BeforeSumpRecirculation)
,23Experience Experience "Mild"Envt.tobeaddressed later6.SolenoidValveVersa/Area51VSG-3731Area53(Cont.PurgeValves)VSG-3421(Cont.Depressuriza-tlon)SecondsTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See200CommentsAtm.Amb.Vendordata26Experience Experience Fail-close toperformcon-tainmentisola-tionfunction7.ControlRoomDampersD-81+D-878a.Limitorque SMB-2RelianceMotorMOV841,865(Accumulator Discharge)
DeletedfromReportValvesarelocked-openwithpowerremoved.Noneedtofunction.tj8b.Limitorque SMB-OO,PeerlessMOV826A,B,C,D(BASTtoSIPumps)MOV896A,B(RWSTtoSIPumps)Area52Short-Term (BeforeSumprecirculation)
Temp('F)Amb.Pr(psia)Atm.RH(%)Amb.Chem.NoRad.NoSub.NoAmb.Atm.Amb.Experience 13Experience Experience NotexposedtoDBEenvironment

Table3Page3Reactor:GINNAEquipment TypeSYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMTameENVIRONMENT Qua.DocumentLocationNeededParameter RequireQua.MethodReference Comments8c.Iimitorque SMB-00'Reliance MotorMOV825A,B{RWSTtoSIPumps)Area52Short-Term (BeforeSumpRecirculation)
Table 3 Page 3 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Tame ENVIRONMENT Qua.Document Location Needed Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 8c.Iimitorque SMB-00'Reliance Motor MOV 825 A,B{RWST to SI Pumps)Area 52 Short-Term (Before Sump Recirculation)
Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.*Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience
'3Experience Exp'erience NoexposedtoDBEenvironment Sd.8e.Limitorque SMB-00RelianceMotorMOV4007,4008(AFWDischarge)
'3 Experience Exp'erience No exposed to DBE environment Sd.8e.Limitorque SMB-00 Reliance Motor MOV 4007, 4008 (AFW Discharge)
MOV 4027, 4028 (AFW Suction)4000 A,B (AFW Cross-Connect)
Limitorque SMB-00RelianceV-850A,B(SumpValves)MOV856(RWSTtoRHR)V-857A,B,C(RHRtoSI)V-860A,B,C,D(CSValves)Area43Area02LongShort-Term.
Limitorque SMB-00 Reliance V-850 A,B (Sump Valves)MOV 856 (RWST to RHR)V-857 A,B,C (RHR to SI)V-860 A,B,C,D (CS Valves)Area 43 Area 02 Long Short-Term.
OnlyforDBEsnotinareaN.SeeComment.Temp(4F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr{psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.SeeCommentAmb.Atm.Amb.No3x10NoAmb.Atm.Amb.320105100Yes2x10Experience Experience Experience TestTestTestTestTest18,19,5318ilgi5318,19,5318,19,5318,19,53NotrequiredtooperateinharshDBEenvt.Alter-nativeSAFWsystemavailable.
Only for DBEs not in area N.See Comment.Temp (4F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr{psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comment Amb.Atm.Amb.No 3 x 10 No Amb.Atm.Amb.320 105 100 Yes 2 x 10 Experience Experience Experience Test Test Test Test Test 18,19,53 18ilgi53 18,19,53 18,19,53 18,19,53 Not required to operate in harsh DBE envt.Alter-native SAFW system available.
NotexposedtoDBEenvironment exceptpost-LOCA sumpwaterrecir-culation8f.Limitorque SMB-00MOV-851A,BArea51Notrequiredtooperateemp(oF)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.SeeAmb.CommentAtm.Amb.NoNoNoExperience 13Experience Experience NotrequiredtofunctionforDBE.Valvesareinlocked-open posi-tionasrequiredforSI.
Not exposed to DBE environment except post-LOCA sump water recir-culation 8f.Limitorque SMB-00 MOV-851 A,B Area 51 Not required to operate emp (oF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Amb.Comment Atm.Amb.No No No Experience 13 Experience Experience Not required to function for DBE.Valves are in locked-open posi-tion as required for SI.
Table3Page4Reactor:GINNAEquipment TypeTame,Location
Table 3 Page 4 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Tame ,Location-Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments g.Limitorque"SMB-00 Peerless Motor MOV 878 B,D (SI to cold legs)8h.Limitorque SMB-1 Reliance Motor MOV 852 A,B (core deluge)Area 51 Not required to operate Area 01 SI Signal Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.286 75 100 Yes 1.6 x 10 No Amb.Atm.Amb.320 105 100 Yes 2 x 10 No Experience
-NeededSYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMENVIRONMENT Qua.DocumentParameter RequireQua.MethodReference Commentsg.Limitorque "SMB-00PeerlessMotorMOV878B,D(SItocoldlegs)8h.Limitorque SMB-1RelianceMotorMOV852A,B(coredeluge)Area51NotrequiredtooperateArea01SISignalTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.28675100Yes1.6x10NoAmb.Atm.Amb.320105100Yes2x10NoExperience
-Experience Experience Test Test Test Test Test 13 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 37 Not required to function for DBE.Valves are locked in open position, as needed for SI.Valve completes safety function (to open)early into accident 8i.Limitorque SMB-00 Reliance Motor MOV 9703 A,B;9704 A, B;9710 A, B (Standby AFW System)9.Motor, Pump General Electric (Standby AFW)Area 46 Long Term Area 86 Long Term Temp (4F)120 Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.Chem.No Rad.No Sub.No Temp ('F)120 Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.Chem.No Rad.No Sub.No 120 Atm.Amb.122 Atm.Amb.Vendor Data Experience Experience Vendor Data Experience Experience 43,47,54 2,3,43,47 Standby AFW System located in con-trolled envt.Standby AFW pumps located in aux.bldg.annex which has controlled envt.1Q.Motor, Pump Westinghouse 444 TS TBDP 445 TS TBDP (Containment Spray, RHR, Component Cooling)Area 52 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No 3 x 10 No 104 F Atm.Amb.1 x 10 Spec Experience Experience Test 15,16,67 Only DBE environ-ment is post-accident radiation 69 Table 3 Page 5 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Require Qua.Qua Method Document Reference Comments ll.Motor, Pump Westinghouse 505 US ABDP (Auxiliary Feed-water)Area ()3 Long Temp ('F)See Pr (psia)Comment RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.1040F Atm.Amb.2 x 10 Spec Experience Experience Test 8,16,67 68 Have installed totally redundant system not exposed to DBE (standby AFW)12a.Motor, Pump Westinghouse 509 US AFDP (Safety Injection) 12b.Motor, Pump 509 UPH ABDP (Service Water)Area C3 Long Area N5 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No 3xlo No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 104oF Atm.Amb.2 x 10 See Comment Spec Experience Experience Test Experience Experience Experience 15,16,67 68 67 Only DBE environ-ment is post-accident radiation This item is in a"mild" environ-ment.It will be addressed later.13a.Penetrations, Electrical Crouse-Hinds Area 41 Long Temp ('F)286 F Pr (psia)75 RH (%)100%Chem.Yes Rad.1.6xl0 Sub.No 340oF 105 100%Yes 1.17x10 Test Test Test Test Test 1,45,54,58 1,4S,S4,S8 1,45,54,58 58 45,64 Radiation level at location of pene-trltions<1.6 x 10 rads.Qualifi-fication test is greater than DOR guidelines value of 2 x 10 rads.13b.Penetrations, Electrical Westinghouse Area Nl Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286oF 75 100%es 8 1.6x10 No 340oF 75 100%s 8 2.1x10 Test Test Test Test 29,30,59 29,30,59 29,30,59 29,30,59  
-Experience Experience TestTestTestTestTest1318,1918,1918,1918,1918,1937NotrequiredtofunctionforDBE.Valvesarelockedinopenposition, asneededforSI.Valvecompletes safetyfunction(toopen)earlyintoaccident8i.Limitorque SMB-00RelianceMotorMOV9703A,B;9704A,B;9710A,B(StandbyAFWSystem)9.Motor,PumpGeneralElectric(StandbyAFW)Area46LongTermArea86LongTermTemp(4F)120Pr(psia)Atm.RH(%)Amb.Chem.NoRad.NoSub.NoTemp('F)120Pr(psia)Atm.RH(%)Amb.Chem.NoRad.NoSub.No120Atm.Amb.122Atm.Amb.VendorDataExperience Experience VendorDataExperience Experience 43,47,542,3,43,47 StandbyAFWSystemlocatedincon-trolledenvt.StandbyAFWpumpslocatedinaux.bldg.annexwhichhascontrolled envt.1Q.Motor,PumpWestinghouse 444TSTBDP445TSTBDP(Containment Spray,RHR,Component Cooling)Area52LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No3x10No104FAtm.Amb.1x10SpecExperience Experience Test15,16,67OnlyDBEenviron-mentispost-accidentradiation 69 Table3Page5Reactor:GINNASYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededENVIRONMENT Parameter RequireQua.QuaMethodDocumentReference Commentsll.Motor,PumpWestinghouse 505USABDP(Auxiliary Feed-water)Area()3LongTemp('F)SeePr(psia)CommentRH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.1040FAtm.Amb.2x10SpecExperience Experience Test8,16,6768Haveinstalled totallyredundant systemnotexposedtoDBE(standbyAFW)12a.Motor,PumpWestinghouse 509USAFDP(SafetyInjection) 12b.Motor,Pump509UPHABDP(ServiceWater)AreaC3LongAreaN5LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No3xloNoAmb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNo104oFAtm.Amb.2x10SeeCommentSpecExperience Experience TestExperience Experience Experience 15,16,676867OnlyDBEenviron-mentispost-accidentradiation Thisitemisina"mild"environ-ment.Itwillbeaddressed later.13a.Penetrations, Electrical Crouse-Hinds Area41LongTemp('F)286FPr(psia)75RH(%)100%Chem.YesRad.1.6xl0Sub.No340oF105100%Yes1.17x10TestTestTestTestTest1,45,54,58 1,4S,S4,S8 1,45,54,58 5845,64Radiation levelatlocationofpene-trltions<1.6x10rads.Qualifi-ficationtestisgreaterthanDORguidelines valueof2x10rads.13b.Penetrations, Electrical Westinghouse AreaNlLongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286oF75100%es81.6x10No340oF75100%s82.1x10TestTestTestTest29,30,5929,30,5929,30,5929,30,59  

Table3Page6Reactor:GINNAEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededSYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMENVIRONMENT Qua.DocumentParameter RequireQua.MethodReference Comments14.TerminalBlockWestinghouse 542247Area51LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)chem.Rad.Sub.286oF75100%oes81.6x10No3400F121100%Yes72x10TestTestTestTestTest5050505060Locationofblocks7is suchthat2x10rads,avalueequaltotheDORguidelines value,shouldbeacceptable.
Table 3 Page 6 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Location Tame Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 14.Terminal Block Westinghouse 542247 Area 51 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)chem.Rad.Sub.286oF 75 100%o es 8 1.6x10 No 3400F 121 100%Yes 7 2x10 Test Test Test Test Test 50 50 50 50 60 Location of blocks7is such that 2 x 10 rads, a value equal to the DOR guidelines value, should be acceptable.
Also, terminal blocks will be elevated.15a.Cable Kerite HT Area Il Long Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.75 100%es 8 1.6xlO No Temp (oF)286 F 340oF 118 100%Yes 8 2xlO Test Test Test Test Test 11,38,51, 55,63 15b.Cable Kerite HT All Long Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.15.8 100 No No No Temp (oF)220oF 340oF 118 100 Yes 8 2x10 Test Test Test Test Test 11,38,51, 55,63 16.Cable Coleman Cable Area Nl Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6xlo No 340 118 100 es 8 2xlO Test Test Test Test Test 46, 51 46,51 46,51 46,51 46,51 Table 3 Page 7 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Require Qua.Qua.Method Document Reference Comments 17.Cable Coleman Cable Rome Cable General Cable/18.Transmitter, Level Foxboro (RWST Level)All Long Area N2 Short Term (Before Sump Recirculation)
15a.CableKeriteHTAreaIlLongPr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.75100%es81.6xlONoTemp(oF)286F340oF118100%Yes82xlOTestTestTestTestTest11,38,51, 55,6315b.CableKeriteHTAllLongPr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.15.8100NoNoNoTemp(oF)220oF340oF118100Yes82x10TestTestTestTestTest11,38,51, 55,6316.CableColemanCableAreaNlLongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.28675100Yes1.6xloNo340118100es82xlOTestTestTestTestTest46,5146,5146,5146,5146,51 Table3Page7Reactor:GINNASYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededENVIRONMENT Parameter RequireQua.Qua.MethodDocumentReference Comments17.CableColemanCableRomeCableGeneralCable/18.Transmitter, LevelFoxboro(RWSTLevel)AllLongAreaN2ShortTerm(BeforeSumpRecirculation)
Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.220 15.8 100 No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 250 Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Test Experience Experience Experience Experience.
Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.22015.8100NoNoNoAmb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNo250Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.TestExperience Experience Experience Experience.
Experience 5,10,46 In lieu of 100/RH, an owl zmmersxon test performed per IPCEA S-61-402 Not exposed to DBE when required to to function 19.Transmitter, Level Area 42 Short Term Barton 289 (Before Sump (RWST Level)Recirculation) 20.Transmitter, Flow Area 51 Seconds Barton 332 (Steam Flow)Temp (oF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 286 75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No 200 Atm.Amb.See Comments Vendor Data Experience Experience See Comments 34 31 Not exposed to DBE envt.when required to function.Not exposed to to DBE when required to function.21.Transmitter, Pres.Areas 2,3 Long , Barton 332 (Cont.Pressure)Temp (oF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No See Comments See Comments 31 Not exposed to DBE when required to function.  
Experience 5,10,46Inlieuof100/RH,anowlzmmersxon testperformed perIPCEAS-61-402NotexposedtoDBEwhenrequiredtotofunction19.Transmitter, LevelArea42ShortTermBarton289(BeforeSump(RWSTLevel)Recirculation) 20.Transmitter, FlowArea51SecondsBarton332(SteamFlow)Temp(oF)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNo28675100Yes1.6x10No200Atm.Amb.SeeCommentsVendorDataExperience Experience SeeComments3431NotexposedtoDBEenvt.whenrequiredtofunction.
21.Transmitter, Pres.Areas2,3Long,Barton332(Cont.Pressure)

Table3pPage8Reactor:GINNASYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededENVIRONMENTQua.DocumentParameter RequireQua.MethodReference Comments22.Transmitter, PressureFoxboro611GM-DSI~(PRZRPressure) 23.Transmitter, PressureFoxboro611GM-DSI(SteamPressure) 24.Transmitter, LevelFoxboro613M-MDLModified(PrzrLevel)Area41ShortArea43ShortArea51Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Sub.28675100Yesl.7xl0NoSeeCommentsSeeComments28675100Yes<3x10SeeCommentsSeeCommentsTestTestTestTestEvaluation SeeCommentsSeeComments18,19,3318,19,3318,19,3318,19,3318,1918,1918,1918,1918,1918,19Adequateforshort-termfunction.
Table 3 pPage 8 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVI RONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 22.Transmitter, Pressure Foxboro 611 GM-DSI~(PRZR Pressure)23.Transmitter, Pressure Foxboro 611 GM-DSI (Steam Pressure)24.Transmitter, Level Foxboro 613 M-MDL Modified (Przr Level)Area 41 Short Area 43 Short Area 51 Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Sub.286 75 100 Yes l.7xl0 No See Comments See Comments 286 75 100 Yes<3x10 See Comments See Comments Test Test Test Test Evaluation See Comments See Comments 18,19,33 18,19,33 18,19,33 18,19,33 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 Adequate for short-term function.Will be replaced and elevated to perform post-accident monitoring function Not exposed to DBE when required to function Not required for a short-term safety function.Will be replaced for long-term monitoring 25.Transmitter, Level Area 52 Sort Foxboro 613 DM-MSI (BAST Level)26.Transmitter, Level Area 51 Foxboro 613 (SG Level)Temp (4F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.See Comments Experience Experience Experience See Comments Not exposed to DBE Alternative instrumentation available to per-form safety function.Will be replaced for long-term monitoring.
Willbereplacedandelevatedtoperformpost-accident monitoring functionNotexposedtoDBEwhenrequiredtofunctionNotrequiredforashort-term safetyfunction.
II Table 3 Page 9 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Location Tame Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 27.Temp Element Rosemount/176JA (,RTDs)28.Battery Gould/FTA-19 Area&#xb9;1 Area&#xb9;8 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 200 Atm.Amb.200 R/hr 110 Atm.Amb.Spec 35 Experience Experience Spec 35 Vendor Data 9,32 Experience Experience Not required to function for short-term DBE.Will be replaced for long-term monitoring Not exposed to DBE 29a.Diesel Generator Area&#xb9;4 Long ALCO Diesel 251F b.Westinghouse 1900 KW Generator c.Westinghouse fuel oil transfer pump-1 HP-model TEFC Class PMF Insulation Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience 7 Experience Experience Not exposed to DBE 30.Motor, Containment Area&#xb9;1 Long Fan Coolers Westinghouse 588.5-CSP Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No 320 95 100 Yes 8 2xlo Test Test Test Test Test 18,19,20, 64,65, 67,70 31.Circuit Breaker Westinghouse DB-50A 1600A Area&#xb9;3 Seconds Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience Experience Experience Equipment will fail-safe on loss of power Table 3 Page 10 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type 32.IRC Cabinets Foxboro Location Tame Needed Area 08 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.ENV I RONMENT Parameter Require Qua.qua.Method Experience Experience Experience Document Reference Comments Not exposed to DBE 33.HVAC Westinghouse 2162{Control Room AHU)Area 58 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 122 Atm.Amb.Spec 4,6 Experience Experience Not exposed to DBE 34.Splice Sleeves Area 51 Long Temp (4F)286 340 Test 36,38,51 56,62 Raychem WCSF-N 35.Solenoids/
Willbereplacedforlong-term monitoring 25.Transmitter, LevelArea52SortFoxboro613DM-MSI(BASTLevel)26.Transmitter, LevelArea51Foxboro613(SGLevel)Temp(4F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNoSeeCommentsAmb.Atm.Amb.SeeCommentsExperience Experience Experience SeeCommentsNotexposedtoDBEAlternative instrumentation available toper-formsafetyfunction.
Valcor V57300 (Pressurizer PORVs),'36.Level Switches GEM Corp.Model:Special-Similar to LS-1900 (Containment Sump"B" Level)Area Ol Long Area 41 Pr (psia)RH{%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No 286 75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No See Comments 118 100 es 8 2x10 346 128 100 Yes 8 2x10 See Comments Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test 52 Not required to perform safety function.How-will be replaced for TMI-STLL  
II Table3Page9Reactor:GINNAEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededSYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMENVIRONMENT qua.DocumentParameter RequireQua.MethodReference Comments27.TempElementRosemount
/176JA(,RTDs)28.BatteryGould/FTA-19 Area&#xb9;1Area&#xb9;8LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.SeeCommentsAmb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNo200Atm.Amb.200R/hr110Atm.Amb.Spec35Experience Experience Spec35VendorData9,32Experience Experience Notrequiredtofunctionforshort-termDBE.Willbereplacedforlong-termmonitoring NotexposedtoDBE29a.DieselGenerator Area&#xb9;4LongALCODiesel251Fb.Westinghouse 1900KWGenerator c.Westinghouse fueloiltransferpump-1HP-modelTEFCClassPMFInsulation Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNoAmb.Atm.Amb.Experience 7Experience Experience NotexposedtoDBE30.Motor,Containment Area&#xb9;1LongFanCoolersWestinghouse 588.5-CSP Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.28675100Yes1.6x10No32095100Yes82xloTestTestTestTestTest18,19,20, 64,65,67,7031.CircuitBreakerWestinghouse DB-50A1600AArea&#xb9;3SecondsTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.SeeCommentsAmb.Atm.Amb.Experience Experience Experience Equipment willfail-safe onlossofpower Table3Page10Reactor:GINNASYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEquipment Type32.IRCCabinetsFoxboroLocationTameNeededArea08LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNoAmb.Atm.Amb.ENVIRONMENTParameter RequireQua.qua.MethodExperience Experience Experience DocumentReference CommentsNotexposedtoDBE33.HVACWestinghouse 2162{ControlRoomAHU)Area58LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNo122Atm.Amb.Spec4,6Experience Experience NotexposedtoDBE34.SpliceSleevesArea51LongTemp(4F)286340Test36,38,5156,62RaychemWCSF-N35.Solenoids/
ValcorV57300(Pressurizer PORVs),'36.LevelSwitchesGEMCorp.Model:Special-SimilartoLS-1900(Containment Sump"B"Level)AreaOlLongArea41Pr(psia)RH{%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.75100Yes1.6x10No28675100Yes1.6x10NoSeeComments118100es82x10346128100Yes82x10SeeCommentsTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTest52Notrequiredtoperformsafetyfunction.

c,Table3PagellReactor:GINNASYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEguipment TypeLocationT1meNeededENVIRONMENT Parameter Requ1reQua.QuaMethodDocumentReference Comments37.H2Recombiner Area41IgniterExciterUnitGLAPartNo.43737,Rev.A,Serial001LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.28675100Yes1.6xloNo315105100Yes1.73x10TestTestTestTestTest18,19,4918,19,4918,19,4918,19,4918,19,4938.39.40.41.IH2Recombiner BlowerMotor(2/15Scale)W2HP,ClassHIns.,ModelTBFCSO68C24196PumpMotorU.S.Electrical MotorsModelVEU,100HPFrame84-445UInsulation ClassB(Charging Pump)Solenoids/
c, Table 3 Page ll Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Eguipment Type Location T1me Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Requ1re Qua.Qua Method Document Reference Comments 37.H2 Recombiner Area 41 Igniter Exciter Unit GLA Part No.43737, Rev.A, Serial 001 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6xlo No 315 105 100 Yes 1.73x10 Test Test Test Test Test 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 H2 Recombiner Blower Motor (2/15 Scale)W 2 HP, Class H Ins., Model TBFC SO 68C24196 Pump Motor U.S.Electrical Motors Model VEU, 100 HP Frame 84-445 U Insulation Class B (Charging Pump)Solenoids/
JohnsonControlsModelD251(ControlRoomAirHandlingUnitDampers)MediumVoltageSwitchgear Westinghouse DH-350E1200ABreakers(RCPTripBreakers)
Johnson Controls Model D251 (Control Room Air Handling Unit Dampers)Medium Voltage Switchgear Westinghouse DH-350E 1200 A Breakers (RCP Trip Breakers)Area 51 Long Area N2 Long Area 58 Short Area 07 Short Temp (OF Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp (OF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6xl0 No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 286 75 100 Yes 2.0x10 No Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Te'st Test Test Test Test Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18, 19,49 Not exposed to DBE environment Not exposed to DBE environment Breakers need only open for LOCA inside containment to stop RC pumps.Not exposed to DBE when needed to  
Area51LongAreaN2LongArea58ShortArea07ShortTemp(OFPr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp(OF)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.28675100Yes1.6xl0NoAmb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNoAmb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNoAmb.Atm.Amb.NoNoNo28675100Yes2.0x10NoAmb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Te'stTestTestTestTestExperience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience 18,19,4918,19,4918,19,4918,19,4918,19,49NotexposedtoDBEenvironment NotexposedtoDBEenvironment BreakersneedonlyopenforLOCAinsidecontainment tostopRCpumps.NotexposedtoDBEwhenneededtofunction.

Table3Page12Reactor:GINNASYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAMEquipment TypeLocationTameNeededENVIRONMENT Qua-Document, Parameter RequireQua.MethodReference Comments42.RHRPumpCoolingSystemFanMotorsWestinghouse ModelSBDPClassBInsulation-2HPArea02LongTemp('F)Pr(psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.3xlONoNoAmb.Atm.Amb.7lx10Experience Experience Experience Test69OnlyexposedtoDBEradiation environment 43.ContSpray/SIPumpandChargingPumpCoolingSystemsFanMotorsWestinghouse ModelSBDPClassBInsulation-3HP44.MainControlBoardReactorTripRacksRelayLogicandTestRacksMiscellaneous RacksAuxiliary RelayRacksSafeguard RacksReactorCoolantSystemRacksCVCSRacksFeedwater ControlRacksSISequenceRacksArea52LongAreaN2LongTemp('F)Amb.Pr(psia)Atm.RH(%)Amb.6Chem.3x10Rad.NoSub.NoSeeCommentsAmb.Atm.Amb.>1x10Experience Experience Experience Test69OnlyexposedtoDBEradiation environment "Mild"Environment.
Table 3 Page 12 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Qua-Document, Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 42.RHR Pump Cooling System Fan Motors Westinghouse Model SBDP Class B Insulation-2HP Area 02 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.3xlO No No Amb.Atm.Amb.7 lx10 Experience Experience Experience Test 69 Only exposed to DBE radiation environment 43.Cont Spray/SI Pump and Charging Pump Cooling Systems Fan Motors Westinghouse Model SBDP Class B Insulation-3HP 44.Main Control Board Reactor Trip Racks Relay Logic and Test Racks Miscellaneous Racks Auxiliary Relay Racks Safeguard Racks Reactor Coolant System Racks CVCS Racks Feedwater Control Racks SI Sequence Racks Area 52 Long Area N2 Long Temp ('F)Amb.Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.6 Chem.3x10 Rad.No Sub.No See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.>1x10 Experience Experience Experience Test 69 Only exposed to DBE radiation environment"Mild" Environment.
beaddressed atalatertime CI Table4Environmental ServiceConditions InsideContainment Normal0erationTemperature:
be addressed at a later time C I Table 4 Environmental Service Conditions Inside Containment Normal 0 eration Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
60-120 F 0 psig 50%(nominal)1 Rad/hr general.Can be higher or lower near specific components.
60-120F0psig50%(nominal) 1Rad/hrgeneral.Canbehigherorlowernearspecificcomponents.
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Chem.Spray: Flooding: Auxiliar Buildin Normal 0 eration Figur'e 5 (286'F max)Figure 4 (60 psig design)100%Figure 6 (1.6 x 10 total)Solution of boric acid (2000 to 3000 ppm boron)plus NaOH in water.Solution pH between 8 and 10.7 ft (approx)Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
50-104 F 0 psig, 60%(nominal)10 mr/hr general, with areas near RHR piping<100 mr/hr during shutdown operation Accident Conditions includin sum recirculation Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding: 50-104'F (122'F near motors)0 psig 60%(nominal)Operating Floor (271'lev.):
Near Bus 14 and NCC 1C 6 1L: 100 rad Other Areas: less than 50 rad Intermediate Floor (253'lev.):
Near Bus 16 and MCC 1D 8 1N: 900 rad Other Areas: less than 500 rad Basement Floor (236'lev.):
50-104F0psig,60%(nominal) 10mr/hrgeneral,withareasnearRHRpiping<100mr/hrduringshutdownoperation AccidentConditions includinsumrecirculation Temperature:
Near CS, RHR, an(SI Pumps: 2.8 x 10 pads Other areas:<10 rads N/A N/A  
Operating Floor(271'lev.):
NearBus14andNCC1C61L:100radOtherAreas:lessthan50radIntermediate Floor(253'lev.):

C.Intermediate BuildinNormal0eratzonTemperature:
C.Intermediate Buildin Normal 0 eratzon Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
50-104'F 0 psig 60%(nominal)1 mr/hr (higher near reactor coolant sampling lines)Accident Condition Based u on HELB or MELB Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
50-104'F0psig60%(nominal) 1mr/hr(highernearreactorcoolantsamplinglines)AccidentCondition BaseduonHELBorMELBTemperature:
Spray: Flooding: 215'F for 30 minutes;then reducing to 104 within 3 hrs 0.8 psig for 30 minutes;then reducing to O,psig within 3 hrs 100%indefinitely N/A N/A 0 Based u on LOCA conditions Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding: D.Cable Tunnel 115'F indefinitely*
near large motors and FW and SL piping.104'F in open areas 0 psig 100%Negligible N/A 0 E.Same as Intermediate Control Buildin Control Room Normal 0 eration Building Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
215'Ffor30minutes;thenreducingto104within3hrs0.8psigfor30minutes;thenreducingtoO,psigwithin3hrs100%indefinitely N/AN/A0BaseduonLOCAconditions Temperature:
Accident Conditions Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding: 50-104'F (usually 70-78'F)0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible 104oF 0.psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A N/A*Estimated (no explicit calculations performed)  
nearlargemotorsandFWandSLpiping.104'Finopenareas0psig100%Negligible N/A0E.SameasIntermediate ControlBuildinControlRoomNormal0erationBuildingTemperature:
AccidentConditions Temperature:
Negligible 104oF0.psig60%(nominal)
Negligible N/AN/A*Estimated (noexplicitcalculations performed)  

~1 Normal 0 eration Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
J Accident Conditions Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity.Radiation:
JAccidentConditions Temperature:
Spray: Flooding: 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible 104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A N/A Normal 0 eration Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Accident Conditions Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray Flooding: 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible
<104'F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A N/A Necbanical E i ment Room Normal 0 eratzon Temperature:
Negligible 104F0psig60%(nominal)
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Negligible N/AN/ANormal0erationTemperature:
Accident, Conditions Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding: 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible
<104'F 0 psig 60%(nominal).Negligible None 3 ft.(estimated for a service water line leak)  
AccidentConditions Temperature:
Negligible N/AN/ANecbanical EimentRoomNormal0eratzonTemperature:
: Accident, Conditions Temperature:
.Negligible None3ft.(estimated foraservicewaterlineleak)  

F.DieselGenerator RoomsNormal0eratxonTemperature:
F.Diesel Generator Rooms Normal 0 eratxon Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Accident Conditions 60-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
AccidentConditions 60-104F0psig60%(nominal)
Spray: Flooding: G.Turbine Buildin Normal 0 eration 104 F 0 psig 90%(estimated)
Negligible Temperature:
Negligible N/A 0 ft**Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Accident Conditions 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding: H.Auxiliar Buildin Annex Normal 0 eratzon 220'F'or 30 minutes, reduce to 100'F within 3 hrs.1.14 psig on mezzanine and basement levels, 0.7 psig on operating floor 100%Negligible N/A 18'~in basement (Circ.Water Break)Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Negligible N/A0ft**Temperature:
Accident.'Conditions 60-120 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding: 60-120 F.0 psig 60%(normal)Negligible N/A 2 ft.**Service water line crack would affect only one room (see FEOOD-15)
Screenhouse Normal 0 eration Temperature:
AccidentConditions 50-104F0psig60%(nominal)
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Negligible Temperature:
Accident Conditions:
50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:
Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:
Spray: Flooding:<104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A 18" (Circ.Water Break)
Deeda Basf.s Accident Temperature
H.AuxiliarBuildinAnnexNormal0eratzon220'F'or30minutes,reduceto100'Fwithin3hrs.1.14psigonmezzanine andbasementlevels,0.7psigonoperating floor100%Negligible N/A18'~inbasement(Circ.WaterBreak)Temperature:
-.Time Curve$000I I I I 5$0--150~Containment Temperature o~~Sump Temperature
~..'l o Ii.l o I~~~~I I~I ,.~)I~~o~'I I I Heat Exchanger Outlet I.Temperature
~~H I o I I,'.-~I I~~I~)I~~o I I~I*I I'I~~~~l.I.~~.'II'~'I t.l~.I'~~~~i r~~r I~~*\I~~~~t oo l I~I~I I.'..--i;:>>~I-:~
f--1O O I'"'I'-'I"-I-l-j..I~I~.,I l la:..-..j.L I.~~.I~~~~~~~~I i).,I.o.Ju f I.j.l P~-l-i I'I--lj,j~---., I.o I~I I-s~..~~~(~~r I t g~~l f...I q,).I.I.-~~o Conservative Representation I~~i~oE Containment Prcssure Q I 5 IO:,.'0~:.~~':-.::.'~:~.':.I 10 I~~~~I~I 10 I~:;i.16~6+18-.': '.~I I~~<-~',-~t~4-t-I.I I)Jay-t~'03 10 Tim After 9 2asis Accident ('econds)10 Po g g Q g Q
Accident.'Conditions 60-120F0psig60%(nominal)
Negligible Temperature:
60-120F.0psig60%(normal)Negligible N/A2ft.**Service waterlinecrackwouldaffectonlyoneroom(seeFEOOD-15)
Screenhouse Normal0erationTemperature:
Negligible Temperature:
Negligible N/A18"(Circ.WaterBreak)
-.TimeCurve$000IIII5$0--150~Containment Temperature o~~SumpTemperature
~..'loIi.loI~~~~II~I,.~)I~~o~'IIIHeatExchanger OutletI.Temperature
f--1OOI'"'I'-'I"-I-l-j..I~I~.,Illa:..-..j.LI.~~.I~~~~~~~~Ii).,I.o.JufI.j.lP~-l-iI'I--lj,j~---.,I.oI~II-s~..~~~(~~rItg~~lf...Iq,).I.I.-~~oConservative Representation I~~i~oEContainment PrcssureQI5IO:,.'0~:.~~':-.::.'~:~.':.I10I~~~~I~I10I~:;i.16~6+18-.':'.~II~~<-~',-~t~4-t-I.II)Jay-t~'0310TimAfter9sl.gn2asisAccident('econds) 10PoggQgQ

Post-Accident ConMinnent Y~terials DesignConditions I~....'~~,~!~I~~~.~~.3~,''.!~~,~~,~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~II~'I~'gl'~'',;',~'~'~';;,'~,!~,j...,~~~~~~~r.I%PE'P~'I~0~yw,tI~,I~I~~I~~~L~~~~~~I~250.~~I~I~'2OOIgC0!OI~II~~I~a~,'!'~~~~~~~~~gg4~I4~I~lI1.~&#x17d;.-.I~~II+~~"''',!.'~''''''''''1M'j~~~~~4~~~4\~'II~IFigurc5 109,54S6799)Contninment Atmosphere Intcgrnted CnmmnDoseLevel456709125456769)45I)799)254567991676S~~~~it)ltI~I'iti,it!l~<<~'Ial1~IfIi~rti+Zjji~)liCI~i.iIilIIJrLifria<<'Iaairaa'Ia~tit!Ia~,,',iL'.I'II~I~~''f~traaigita3~IBf~J2~li~Ia~)ra-'p.glcl10)<<j<<:6IZ}76FIJo2I109676510-~~IIL'j~~wa~~I}~!Irl1;I~'ItlL-"xgWW)4j.'i'l~~a'~II<<~~I~taIIIII~Il'i':.i)i'}a~~IJII+IIi'Jl'I~I.~IR'}J~li:.)p,WI.~JIj3'i~I)II""')IIIII~~:5))}~~I~iaIiii!;I''lttIll;~IILt'~ilJli1la!a'I~II'.~IL"~I.;1'Itjil!'iiIaI<<I,.II':II<<II'I'al~I~~I'IIIII'~rItf~I~!at''I~~3II!arta)trI~~}~iiIrI:.yldnyII~I'IiIIil}:',I:~I)I;.I;I'9~It'',~I~~I,~IIa,!~IlI~II~weekIII~a1+4'.IIl"1M~aI~LaaI:~I~'Pi,itilIi}!I!I:J:":)lI:,:1monthIIa~~I11La~IIat!IIlliiiaI'l}})JaMI~jj:II.Z':'t~I~~ilia~III:-'}LIilliI~','gj"It"iF)IxL'I1yent101010t2J.Lf10-'-10TimeAfter.ActivityRelensc(hours)Figur)
Post-Accident ConMinnent Y~terials Design Conditions I~....'~~,~!~I~~~.~~.3~,''.!~~,~~,~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~I I~'I~'gl'~'',;',~'~'~';;,'~,!~, j...,~~~~~~~r.I%PE'P~'I~0~y w,t I~, I~I~~I~~~L~~~~~~I~250.~~I~I~'2OO I g C 0!O I~I I~~I~a~,'!'~~~~~~~~~g g 4~I 4~I~l I 1.~&#x17d;.-.I~~I I+~~"''',!.'~''''''''''1M'j~~~~~4~~~4\~'II~I Figurc 5 109, 5 4 S 6799)Contninment Atmosphere Intcgrnted Cnmmn Dose Level 4 5 67091 2 5 4 5 6769)4 5 I)799)2 5 4 5 67991 6 7 6 S~~~~it)lt I~I'i ti,i t!l~<<~'Ial 1~I f Ii~rti+Zjj i~)li C I~i.i I il IIJ r L ifr ia<<'Ia air aa'Ia~t it!Ia~,,',i L'.I'I I~I~~''f~tra aig ita 3~I Bf~J 2~li~I a~)ra-' cl 10)<<j<<: 6 IZ}7 6 F IJ o 2 I 10 9 6 7 6 5 10-~~I I L'j~~wa~~I}~!I rl 1;I~'I tl L-" xg WW)4 j.'i'l~~a'~I I<<~~I~ta I I I II~Il'i':.i)i'}a~~I JII+I Ii'Jl'I~I.~IR'}J~li:.)p, WI.~J I j3'i~I)I I""')IIII I~~: 5))}~~I~ia Iiii!;I''ltt Ill;~I IL t'~il Jli 1 la!a'I~I I'.~IL"~I.;1'I tj il!'ii I a I<<I,.II': I I<<II'I'al~I~~I'I I I I I'~r I t f~I~!at''I~~3 II!ar ta)tr I~~}~ii Ir I:.y l dny I I~I'I iI I il}:',I:~I)I;.I;I'9~I t'',~I~~I,~I Ia,!~Il I~I I~week I II~a 1+4'.I Il" 1 M~a I~La a I:~I~'Pi, it il Ii}!I!I: J:":)lI:,: 1 month I I a~~I 11 La~I I at!I I ll iiia I'l}})J aMI~jj: I I.Z': 't~I~~ilia~I I I:-'}LI ill i I~','gj"I t" iF)Ix L'I 1 yent 10 10 10 t 2 J.Lf 10-'-10 Time After.Activity Relensc (hours)Figur)
I,I'>i<I'r)~f GINNASTATION(DOCUMENTATION REFERENCE) l.2~3~4,5.6.7~8.9~'1-22'3'4'5.26'7.28'9'0'1'2'3.34'5'6'7'8'9'0'3.dstionsna1974fromL.D.WhiteonReportF-C5074,SpliceSleevesCrouse-Hinds Penetration TestReportGilbertSpec.520-StandbyAFNPumpsGilbertSpec.711-StandbyAFWPumpMotorsGilbertSpec.5201-LargeMotorsDeleted.IncludedinReference 51GilbertSpec.5342-HVACThroughout GinnaGilbertSpec.RO-2239-DieselGenerators GilbertSpec.RO-2267-Auxiliary Feedwater PumpsGilbertSpec.RO-2400-Batteries IPCEAStd.S-61-402, Sect.3.8and4.3.1KeriteMemo7/22/68NEMAStd.SG-3,LowVoltageCircuitBreakersNestinghouse Spec.676258-MotorOperatedValvesWestinghouse Spec.676270-ControlValvesWestinghouse Spec.676370-Auxiliary PumpsWestinghouse Spec.676427-Auxiliary PumpMotorsNCAP7343June,1969NCAP7410-L,Vol.I&IIWCAP7744,Vol.I8IINCAP9003,January,1969Deleted.IncludedinReference 45DeletedReportNS-CE-775, Pail-Safe Operation ofASCOSolen.Copes-Vulcan SolenoidValvesVendorDataonLaurenceSolenoidVendorDataonVersaSolenoidWCAP7153Deleted.IncludedinReference 45GilbertSpec.504-Westinghouse Electrical PenetraTechnical
I ,I'>i<I'r)~f GINNA STATION (DOCUMENTATION REFERENCE) l.2~3~4, 5.6.7~8.9~'1-22'3'4'5.26'7.28'9'0'1'2'3.34'5'6'7'8'9'0'3.d s tions na 1974 f rom L.D.White on Report F-C5074, Splice Sleeves Crouse-Hinds Penetration Test Report Gilbert Spec.520-Standby AFN Pumps Gilbert Spec.711-Standby AFW Pump Motors Gilbert Spec.5201-Large Motors Deleted.Included in Reference 51 Gilbert Spec.5342-HVAC Throughout Ginna Gilbert Spec.RO-2239-Diesel Generators Gilbert Spec.RO-2267-Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps Gilbert Spec.RO-2400-Batteries IPCEA Std.S-61-402, Sect.3.8 and 4.3.1 Kerite Memo 7/22/68 NEMA Std.SG-3, Low Voltage Circuit Breakers Nestinghouse Spec.676258-Motor Operated Valves Westinghouse Spec.676270-Control Valves Westinghouse Spec.676370-Auxiliary Pumps Westinghouse Spec.676427-Auxiliary Pump Motors NCAP 7343 June, 1969 NCAP 7410-L, Vol.I&II WCAP 7744, Vol.I 8 II NCAP 9003, January, 1969 Deleted.Included in Reference 45 Deleted Report NS-CE-775, Pail-Safe Operation of ASCO Solen.Copes-Vulcan Solenoid Valves Vendor Data on Laurence Solenoid Vendor Data on Versa Solenoid WCAP 7153 Deleted.Included in Reference 45 Gilbert Spec.504-Westinghouse Electrical Penetra Technical.Proposal for Electric Penetration for Gin Containment Structure by Nesti'nghouse
.Proposal forElectricPenetration forGinContainment Structure byNesti'nghouse
-September 4 NCAP 7354-L Vendor Data on Gould Batteries Westinghouse Spec.Sheet for Foxboro Transmitters Vendor Data on Barton 209 Transmitter Rosemont RTD Spec.Vendor Data on Raychem Splice Sleeves June 16, 1975 Letter to R-.A.Purple Containment Flooding April 4, 1979 FRC Final and Cable Deleted Deleted (I J I R)
-September 4NCAP7354-LVendorDataonGouldBatteries Westinghouse Spec.SheetforFoxboroTransmitters VendorDataonBarton209Transmitter RosemontRTDSpec.VendorDataonRaychemSpliceSleevesJune16,1975LettertoR-.A.PurpleContainment FloodingApril4,1979FRCFinalandCableDeletedDeleted (IJIR)
-CONT'D 41'2'3.44~45'6'7.48'9;50''1'2'3'4.65'6~67'8.69'0'eleted Deleted Design Criteria-Standby Aux.Feedwater System-October 24, 1974 Limit Switches Design Approval Test on Material Used in Westinghouse Penetrations for the Brunswick Station of Carolina Power and Light Company-August ll, 1972 Test Data for Coleman and Rome Cable Aging Failure Detect.ion Program Valcor Solenoid Valve: Vendor Data and Test Report Extracts WCAP-9001 Westinghouse Terminal Blocks Cable Identificat.ion and Qualification Supplement, Including F-C5074 (Supplement)
-CONT'D41'2'3.44~45'6'7.48'9;50''1'2'3'4.65'6~67'8.69'0'eletedDeletedDesignCriteria-StandbyAux.Feedwater System-October24,1974LimitSwitchesDesignApprovalTestonMaterialUsedinWestinghouse Penetrations fortheBrunswick StationofCarolinaPowerandLightCompany-Augustll,1972TestDataforColemanandRomeCableAgingFailureDetect.ion ProgramValcorSolenoidValve:VendorDataandTestReportExtractsWCAP-9001 Westinghouse TerminalBlocksCableIdentificat.ion andQualification Supplement, Including F-C5074(Supplement)
Concerning Silicone-Rubber-Insulated Cable Qualificat.ion Wide-Range Sump Level Switch Specification Limitorque Valve Operator Data, Including Limitorque Report B0003 and Section 4.1.4 of B0058.Containment, Electrical Penetrations Kerite Letter, June 26, 1980 IE Inspections 78-20 and 78-21-Reports Concerning Installation of Splice Sleeves Control Valve Specification SP-513-044666-000, September 27., 1974, Concerning.Standby ApW Valves Westinghouse 10/10/80 Letter Concerning Crouse-Hinds Electrical Penetrations Evaluation of Organic Materials on Crouse-Hinds Electrical Penetrations Westinghouse Terminal Block Information on Aging and Radiation Aging Evaluation of Westinghouse Electrical Penetrat.ions Raychem Splice Sleeve Aging Information Kerite Cable Aging Information Containment Fan Cooler Motor Splices Safety-Rel'ated Motor Bearings.-Maintenance and Lubrication Safety-Related Motor Characteristics (Insulation)
Concerning Silicone-Rubber-Insulated CableQualificat.ion Wide-Range SumpLevelSwitchSpecification Limitorque ValveOperatorData,Including Limitorque ReportB0003andSection4.1.4ofB0058.Containment, Electrical Penetrations KeriteLetter,June26,1980IEInspections 78-20and78-21-ReportsConcerning Installation ofSpliceSleevesControlValveSpecification SP-513-044666-000, September 27.,1974,Concerning
WCAP-8754 Westinghouse Research Report 71-1C2-RADMC-Rl, December 31, 1970 (Revised April 10,'1971), Concerning"The Effect, of Radiation on Insulating Materials Used in Westinghouse Medium Motors" WCAP-7829,"Fan Cooler Motor Unit Test" I J J J;P~f}}
.StandbyApWValvesWestinghouse 10/10/80LetterConcerning Crouse-Hinds Electrical Penetrations Evaluation ofOrganicMaterials onCrouse-Hinds Electrical Penetrations Westinghouse TerminalBlockInformation onAgingandRadiation AgingEvaluation ofWestinghouse Electrical Penetrat.ions RaychemSpliceSleeveAgingInformation KeriteCableAgingInformation Containment FanCoolerMotorSplicesSafety-Rel'ated MotorBearings.-Maintenance andLubrication Safety-Related MotorCharacteristics (Insulation)
WCAP-8754 Westinghouse ResearchReport71-1C2-RADMC-Rl, December31,1970(RevisedApril10,'1971),Concerning "TheEffect,ofRadiation onInsulating Materials UsedinWestinghouse MediumMotors"WCAP-7829, "FanCoolerMotorUnitTest" IJJJ;P~f}}

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Environ Qualification of Electrical Equipment, Revision 3
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1980
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Docket@gO~tIO)g So i I Oqc a.S V DEADLINE RETURN DATE gEGlHATORV OOgKET F{K Bo 1.>040'/B'P~H>>@R FY"'"~'A, RBCCIIDB FACILITY BRANCH I P r I ,,i 7g/p1 1 i/ji'N Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS Pacae Identification of Necessary Safety Related Equipment 3 A.B.C.Events Accompanying a Loss of Coolant Accident 3 Events Accompanying a Main Steam Line Break or 11 a Main Feed Line Break High Energy Line Breaks Outside Containment 16 Identif ication of the Limiting Service Environmental 19 Conditions for Equipment which is Required to Function to Mitigate the Consequences of Events Identified Above A.B.C~D.E.F.G.H.I.Inside Containment Auxiliary Building Intermediate Building Cable Tunnel Control Building Diesel Generator Rooms Turbine Building Auxiliary Building Annex Screen House 19 22 25 27 27 30 30 32 32 Equipment Qual if ication Inf ormation 34 1 I I I LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Loss of Coolant Accident fSequence of Events Diagram]Figure 2 Main Steam or Feed Line Break (Sequence of Events Diagram]Figure 3-Plant Layout Figure 4 Pressure Envelope for Ginna (FSAR Figure 1 of Appendix 6E)Figure 5 Temperature Envelope for Ginna (FSAR Figure 2 of Appendix 6E)Figure 6 Radiation Level for Ginna (FSAR Figure 5 of Appendix 6E)

LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Loss of Coolant Accident[Required Equipment List]Table 2 Main Steam or Feed Line Break[Required Equipment List]Table 3 Equipment Qualif ication Table 4 Environmental Service Conditions

Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment INTRODUCTION The electrical equipment described in this report is that saf ety-related equipment required to mitigate the ef f ects of high or moderate energy line breaks (HELB)inside or outside containment, and to effect eventual cold shutdown of the reactor.The environmental qualification requirements are described in the"DOR Guidelines", transmitted to RG6E on February 15, 1980.Although the DOR Guidelines address all electrical equipment, the emphasis in this report will be on that equipment exposed to an adverse HELB environment.

This is defined as that equipment located in the containment, Intermediate Building, Turbine Building, and Auxiliary Building basement (radiation only).This revised scope is consistent with the Commission Order of September 19, 1980.Equipment in other"mild" environments will be addressed at a later time.This submittal revises and supersedes our previous reports concerning environmental qualification of electrical equipment, dated February 24, 1978, December 1, 1978, and April 25, 1980.It also consolidates and updates all information submitted on June 10, 1980 and September 24, 1980.Section IV of this report presents an item-by-item response to the Draft Interim Technical Evaluation Report FRC Project C5257, concerning the review of the Ginna electrical equipment P

environmental qualif ication, dated August 20, 1980.New references are included with this report.However, references previously submitted are not being resubmitted.

1n Section IV, it is either shown that each item is adequately qualified to perform its required safety function in its post-accident operating environment, or a commitment for additional testing or replacement is made.In all cases, sufficient justification for continued operation is given.Table 3 summarizes the equipment qualification in the format requested for SEP by the NRC in a September 6, 1978 letter.Table 4 provides the definition of environmental parameters throughout the Ginna plant.This table is comparable to Appendix A of F-C5257, and tabulates the explanatory basis given in Section III of this report.Supplement No.3 to IE Bulletin 79-01B provides the timing for submittal of qualification information for equipment in-stalled to meet the TMI Short Term Lessons Learned.RGSE intends to follow the guidance given in this supplement.

In a number of cases, it is possible that additional documentation or testing results may become available after November 1, 1980.Since this additional information will be of use in documenting the status of the Ginna environmental qualification, it will be submitted when received.Every effort has been made to ensure that all documentation was obtained for use with this submittal.

l II.IDENTIFICATION OF NECESSARY SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT This section of the report identifies the necessary safety related equipment for each of the Design Basis Events (DBE)of concern and a brief description of why the equipment is needed.This identification includes all electrical equip-ment required by the Ginna emergency procedures for accomplish-ing the necessary safety functions.

It must be recognized that not all electrical equipment referenced in the procedures is required to function (as opposed to being useful if available), and is therefore not required to be qualified.

The emergency operating procedures were not developed by considering safety-related components to the exclusion of all others.While such procedures are written with priority attention given to safety-related equipment, other systems and components are justifiably mentioned.

A realistic evaluation of plant incidents might result in situations and hostile environments significantly less severe than those assumed for the purposes of conducting the environmental qualification program.The absence of full qualification for certain components which fall into this category is not, by itself, a sufficient motive to classify the equipment inoperable.or to remove these components from the procedures.

A.Events Accom an in a Loss Of Coolant Accident Analyses of the course and consequences of loss of coolant accidents have been submitted previously (LOCA 1-4).A discussion of equipment required to function to mitigate the consequences of a loss of coolant accident is presented in the FSAR Chapters 6, 7 and 14.Post-LOCA operator actions are included in the Ginna Emergency Procedures.

These procedures are consistent with the generic Westinghouse guidelines, which have been approved by the NRC.Additional descriptive material is presented in this report to provide summary information as to the sequence of events and the equipment involved at each stage.Figure 1 illustrates the sequence of events following a loss of coolant accident.Table 1 provides a specific equipment list for each numbered block in Figure 1.Also provided in Table 1 is the safety function which is required and the period of time that operability must be ensured.It should be noted that Table 1 includes all redundant equipment, not the minimum safeguards equipment assumed in the safety analysis.In the"required" column it should be noted that equipment listed as"signal initiation" is required to be operable only until its required safety function, the initiation of a safety signal, is performed.

It is important to note that the arbitrary requirement of the DOR Guidelines to qualify equipment to function for at least one hour, even if its only function is completed within seconds, is not well reasoned.In many cases, the environment would not exist unless the equipment safety function had been completed (e.g., flooding to a seven foot level in containment by necessity means that SI was initiated).

RGSE does not agree with this one-hour requirement, and it is therefore not applied as an environmental qualification requirement.

Equipment listed as"long term" is required to provide long term decay heat removal, post-accident monitoring and sampling, or maintaining a safe shutdown condition.

Equipment listed as"short term" is required only for a short period of time (hours).Table 3 provides the environmental qualification require-ments and documentation references for the Ginna Class IE equipment.

1.The first event in the loss of coolant accident following the rupture is the detection of the rupture.Any 2/3 low pressurizer pressure or 2/3 high contain-ment pressure will initiate"safety injection" (SI).la.Instrumentation is available to the operator to distinguish between a LOCA and the other accidents, such as a steam line break or feed line break.It is important to note that the automatic actions and immediate operator actions (first 10 minutes)are identical in the mitigation of these accidents.

2.Upon"safety injection" signal generation, safe-guards sequencing is initiated (see FSAR Table 8.2-4).The diesel generators start and energize the safeguards buses assuming there is a loss of offsite power.With the safeguards buses energized, either by off-site power or the diesels, the three safety injection pumps,

the two residual heat removal pumps," two of the four service water pumps, the two motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, and the four containment.

fan coolers-will"be loaded sequentially onto the buses.The two containment spray pumps are automatically loaded onto the buses when the 30 psig containment pressure setpoint's reached.3.A break in the reactor coolant system piping actuates the passive accumulator injection system when the reactor coolant system pressure is reduced to 700 ps lg The flow path of the borated water from each accumulator-is through a series of check valves and a normally locked open (with AC control power removed)motor operated valve.The motor operated valves, MOV 841 and NOV 865, are not required to function to mitigate the consequences of the accident[Flood-1].4.The main steam isolation valves 3516 and 3517 close upon receiving a high containment pressure signal and the main and bypass feedwater control valves 4269, 4270, 4271 and 4272 close upon receiving a safety injection signal.The SI signal also causes a trip of the main feedwater pumps (which in turn causes the closing of the feedwater discharge valves).All of this equipment will fail in its safety position on loss of electrical power.

5."Containment Isolation" and"Containment Ventilation Isolation" (ref erred to collectively as simply,"Containment Isolation")is initiated by the saf ety injection signal.Containment isolation is discussed in detail in Section 5.2 of the FSAR.Most of the containment isolation valves are air operated valves.All air operated containment isolation valves close with safety injection signal with the exception of valves 4561 and 4562 which open full to insure service water supply to the containment recirculation f ans.The f ail saf e position of the valves is the desired safeguard position as described above.Six motor operated valves (313, 813, 814, ATV-1, ATV-2, ATV-3)receive a containment isolation signal.All of these valves are located outside of containment and only valves 313, 813, and 814 are fed from the safeguards buses.During normal operation ATV-1, ATV-2, and ATV-3 are closed with blank flanges installed on their respective penetrations inside containment.

The use of the process lines associated with these valves occurs only during the containment building integrated leak rate tests.Valve 313, the reactor coolant pumps seal water return line, and valves 813 and 814, reactor coolant support inlet and outlet lines, are closed by the containment isolation signal.

~6.The SI signal trips the reactor and turbine.Other reactor trips are discussed in the FSAR, Section 7.7.The reactor coolant pumps are tripped by manual operator action when low pressurizer pressure (1715.psig)is reached, and SI flow is initiated.

8.Selected valves throughout the plant provide flow paths for the required safeguards equipment with the advent of the SI signal.During normal operation all required valves in the flow paths for high head safety injection'are normally open with the exception of valves 826A and 826C, the dis-charge valves from the boric acid storage tank to the suction of the safety injection pumps.Valves 826A;B, C and D receive the safety injection signal and valves 82 6A and C open providing borated water to the reactor coolant loop cold legs.When the level in the boric acid storage tank decreases to the 10%level, suction for the high head safety in-jection pumps is automatically switched from the boric acid storage tanks to the refueling water storage tank by the automatic opening of, valves 825A and B and closing of valves 826A, B, C and D.During normal operation, all valves in the flow paths for low head safety injection are normally open except for MOV 852A and MOV 852B, the valves in the vessel upper plenum injection lines.These valve's open upon receipt of a safety injection signal and remain open-thereaf ter.The containment spray pumps will automatically start and the discharge valves 860A Bg C and D automatically open, receiving power from the safeguards buses when containment pressure reaches 30 psig.If containment pressure does not reach 30 psig, the operator may manually start the spray pumps after all other safeguards are loaded on the safeguards buses.Automatic NaOH addition via opening of valves HCV 836A, B takes place two minutes after containment spray pump start unless defeated manually.The containment spray pumps are normally aligned to the refueling water storage tank with all suction system actuation will automatically align the two post accident charcoal f ilters to the containment recirculation system by opening inlet dampers 5871 and 5872, and outlet dampers 5873 and 5874.Loop entry dampers 5875 and 5876 will close.These dampers will fail to their safeguards position upon loss of electric power.9.The control room ventilation is automatically placed in the 100%recirculation mode (with about 25%flow through charcoal filters), when SI is initiated.

10.Af ter the safety injection pumps are automatically switched from the boric acid storage tanks to the re-fueling water storage tanks, the operator resets safety injection, starts the component cooling water pumps and aligns flow to the RHR heat exchangers, and initiates SW flow to the'CW heat exchangers.

At the 31%RWST alarm, the operator shuts off one CS and one SI pump (if more than one are running).When the refueling water storage tank level is reduced to 10%, the plant operator stops the remaining residual heat removal, containment spray and high head safety injection pumps and establishes f low paths to the reactor vessel f or both high (if required)and low head safety injection from containment sump B.The normal (non-saf ety grade)auxiliary f eedwater supply source is from the condensate storage tanks.If this supply is exhausted the operator opens the motor operated valves 4027 and 4028 and manual operated valves 4344 and 4345 to provide service water to the suction of the auxiliary feedwater pumps.If the AFW system is not functioning properly, the operator can align from the control room the Standby AFW system to the steam generators (using'ervice water suction).11.In the recirculation phase, the operator aligns the RHR pumps to containment sump B by opening valve 850A for pump A and valve 850B for pump B, and closing 10

valve 704A, 704B, 856, and 896A or 896B.For low head recirculation, injection is through the vessel nozzles.,For high head recirculation, the RHR pumps discharge to the safety injection pumps through alignment of valve 857A (for RHR pump B)and/or valves 857B and 857C (for RHR pump A).Valves AOV 897, 898 are closed.The high head safety injection pumps then provide water to the cold leg injection points.This alignment also allows CS pump operation, if desired.Long term recirculation to compensate for the possible effects of boron precipitation has been described in Ref[Flood-1]and includes the use of RHR pumped flow to the vessel nozzles and through a high head safety injection pump into either cold leg.Post-accident reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling modifications are presently being undertaken, in accordance with the implementation schedule for the TMX Lessons Learned commitments.

See[Ref TMI-3].Events Accom an in a Main Steam Line Break or a Main Feed Line Break The analyses of a main steam line break or a main feed line break and the consequences thereof have been discussed in Chapters 6 and'14 of the FSAR and in References

[SLB/FLB 2-4].The High Energy Line Break analyses[HELB 1-7]provide additional information regarding steam line breaks outside of containment, as 11

well as feedwater line breaks inside and outside containment.

Figure 2 illustrates the sequence of events required to mitigate the consequences of a main steam line break.The same initial sequence of events would occur for a feedwater line break.Since the same equipment is re-quired to operate and the same emergency procedure is used following a feedline break as a steam line break, but a steam line break is a more severe accident in 4 terms of RCS cooldown (return to criticality) and mass and energy release to containment, the subsequent discussion will address the main steam line break only.Table 2 lists the required equipment for each numbered block in Figure 2.1.A large main steam line break (greater than approxi-mately one square foot)would first be detected by the low steam line pressure sensors.Low steam line pres-sure sensed by two out of the three steam line pressure transmitters initiates safety injection accompanied by reactor and turbine instrumentation is available to the operator to distinguish among accidents, as described in the LOCA discussion.

2.Two out of three low pressurizer pressure signals would provide additional protection for a larger steam line break and also provides the initial safety injec-12

tion signal for smaller breaks.Also, high.containment pressure (6 psig)will initiate safety injection.

3.The Ginna design includes non-return check valves in each steam line just upstream of the main steam header in the intermediate building.Thus for any break upstream of the check valves, which includes all breaks inside containment, the check valves will preclude blowdown of the intact generator.

Reactor trip will result in closing the turbine stop valves.As redundant protection in the event of a steam line break upstream of the check valves, and for all breaks downstream of the check valves, the main steam line isolation valves are closed by several signals.These signals include 2/3 high containment pressure (20 psig);1/2 high steam flow in either steam line plus 2/4 low Tave plus safety injection; and 1/2 high-high steam flow in either steam line plus safety injection.

4.The safety injecti~on signal closes the main and bypass f eedwater control valves, trips the f eedwater pumps and closes their respective discharge valves.5.The safety injection signal initiates containment isolation and containment ventilation isolation as described in the sequence of events in the loss of coolant accident.

6.The safeguards sequence as described in the loss of coolant accident is initiated by the safety injection signal.(For steam breaks outside containment, the spray pumps are not required.)

7.The safety injection signal trips the reactor and turbine.Other reactor trips are discussed in the FSAR, Section 7.8.The reactor coolant pumps'are tripped by manual operator action when low pressurizer pressure (1715 psig)is reached, and SI flow is initiated.

9.All valves associated with the safety injection systems are aligned and automatically function as de-scribed in the loss of coolant accident discussion.

If high containment pressure of 30 psig is reached, the containment spray system operates as described in the LOCA discussion.

10.When the boric acid storage tanks are drained to the 10%level and safety injection pump suction has automatically been aligned to the refueling water storage tank, the operator will reset safety injection and if reactor coolant pressure is above the shut-off head of the RHR pumps, will stop the RHR pumps and place them in the standby mode.A high steam line flow and/or low steam line pressure will indicate to the operator which steam generator has the steam line break.When this has been determined, 14 the operator will terminate AFW flow to the faulted steam generator, and align/maintain flow to the intact steam generator.

The inventory of the reactor coolant will be maintained by the remote manual operation of the high head safety injection pumps in combination with use of the charging p Umps~At least two hours after the start of the accident, supply water for the auxiliary feedwater pumps can be manually transferred from the condensate storage tanks to the service water system, by the method described in the LOCA discussion

[See Ref.SLB/FLB-6]

.If the auxiliary feedwater system is not operating properly, the operator can initiate operation from the control room of the Standby AFW system (using service water suction).11.If conditions and equipment availability permit, the operator can begin a gradual cooldown and depressuri-zation to cold shutdown conditions.

However, the primary safety function is to maintain the RCS in a safe condition at all times, removing decay heat at a rate comparable to the generation rate.Maintenance of this safe shutdown condition is accomplished by a combination of steam dump (to the condenser or atmosphere) with primary and secondary inventory makeup, accomplished by use of the safety injection and/or the charging 15

I pumps, and the auxiliary feedwater system.It is expected that RCS temperature can be lowered to near 212'F by using the steam generators.

The safe shutdown conditions can be maintained until a final cooldown and depressurization to ambient conditions can be effected.C.Hi h Ener Line Breaks Outside Containment An analysis has been provided describing the effects of pipe breaks outside containment

[HELB-1].The report proposed a program of augmented inservice inspection of certain piping welds in order to preclude the necessity to address further full diameter high energy piping breaks.Credible breaks of main steam lines outside containment, that is, those not included in the inspec-tion program, are bounded by a 6 inch main steam line branch connection in the Intermediate Building and a 12 inch main steam line branch connection in the Turbine Building.Credible breaks in the feedwater lines outside containment are bounded by a break in the 20 inch feedwater line in the Turbine Building.The accident environment created by these breaks, and other postulated breaks are provided in References

[HELB 8-11].The program has been accepted by the NRC[Ref.HELB 7,8].Several modifications have been performed at the Ginna Nuclear Plant as a result of high energy line break analyses.Reference[HELB-1]discusses the various modifications, but of particular note is the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater system modification.


remote-manual controlled standby auxiliary feedwater system, identical to the auxiliary feedwater system in cooling capability, has been installed.

The pumps are housed in a seismically designed structure (area 6 Figure 3)remote from the auxiliary feedwater and any high energy lines.Any portion of this system required to operate in an emergency is not subjected to an adverse environment.

Ref[HELB-8]includes the NRC's Safety Evaluation Report concerning the RGGE modifications resultant from the review of Ref.[HELB-1].It includes a discussion of the acceptability of the instrumentation relocation and cable re-routing performed to insure that sufficient equipment will be protected from the environmental effects of a HELB outside containment.

The failure of steam heating lines in the Auxiliary Building was identified and discussed in Ref.[HELB-1].It has been determined that steam heating lines also traverse other areas in the vicinity of safety related equipment[Ref.HELB-15].Modifications are planned which will isolate the steam heating line to the affected areas in the event of a failure and therefore preclude an adverse environment.

The commitment to perform analyses/modifications for those pipe breaks outside containment are given in Reference[HELB-13].

Prior to its installation, regular inspections are being performed to reduce the likelihood of a failure creating an adverse environment.

These inspections, performed-17

during each plant operating shift, would detect any leakage.Plant procedures (T-35F,"Steam to Auxiliary Building, Screen House, or Diesel Generators and Oil-Room")call for isolation of the affected piping promptly upon detection of the leakage.18 III.IDENTIFICATION OF THE LIMITING SERVICE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDI-TIONS FOR EQUIPMENT WHICH IS REQUIRED TO FUNCTION TO MITIGATE THE CONSEQUENCES OF DESIGN BASIS EVENTS This Section of the report defines the bases for and references to the environmental conditions encountered throughout the plant.A tabular summary is provided in Table 4.A.Inside Containment Post accident containment environmental conditions are discussed in Appendix 6E of the Ginna FSAR.These conditions result from a loss of coolant accident.The temperature and pressure profiles are given in Figures 1 and 2 of Appendix 6E with peak values being 286'F and 60 psig respectively.

The radiation profile is presented in Figures 4 and 5 of Appendix 6E and it is seen, for example, that the doses at 30 minutes and one year following a LOCA are 1.7 x 10 and 1.6 x 10 rads, 6 8 respectively.(These figures are repeated as Figures 4,5,and 6 of this report.)Materials compatibility with post-accident chemical environment is discussed in detail in Appendix 6E.100$humidity is assumed.Design parameters

'for environmental conditions have been conservatively selected for Ginna.As seen in FSAR Figure 14.3.4-2, the calculated peak pressure is less than 53 psig while the design value is 60 psig.The duration of the peak, similarly, bounds the cal-culated values.19 I

Another example of the conservatism employed is seen in the accident radiation environment used for design purposes.As noted in WCAP 7744, a release of 100%of the noble gases, 50%of the halogens, and 1%, of all remaining fission products is assumed.In addition, no credit is taken for removal of radioactivity from the containment atmosphere by sprays, filters and fission product plateout.Finally, the specific activity in containment was roughly doubled by assuming a contain-ment free volume associated with an ice condenser con-tainment.Thus the radiation environment clearly over-states that which would be present even in a minimum safeguards case.This conservation is apparent from a comparison to the DOR Guidelines, which suggest a post-LOCA integrated dose of 2 x 10 rads gamma.7 Submergence of valves inside containment.

has previously been discussed in Reference[Flood-4]and it has been shown that operation following submergence is not required.Submergence of instrumentation has been discussed in Ref[Flood-5].

Since the instrumentation is not required to function while flooded, no qualification for submergence is specified (see e.g.,Section IV.19 of this report).The peak pressure following a MSLB is given in Section 14.2.5 of the FSAR as 52 psig, assuming no credit for containment pressure reducing equipment.

Recent analyses 20 for other facilities indicate that the containment vapor temperature following a MSLB in contaiment may briefly exceed those derived for a LOCA.These higher temperatures should not be limiting, however, for qual if ication of equipment required f ol lowing a MSLB, because: 1)the fact that the high temperature transient.

is very brief and there is superheated steam (with its lower heat transfer capability) as opposed to saturated steam, 2)the equipment is protected from the direct effects of the steam line break by concrete floors and shields, and 3)the sensitive portions of the electrical equipment are not directly exposed to the environment, but are protected by housing, cable jackets, and the like.For these reasons, the humidity and steam environment following a LOCA remains limiting.This is consistent with the NRC's position 4.2 of the"Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors;" Radiation levels in containment following a MSLB are not limiting since fuel failures are not projected to result from a MSLB.Chemical environment and submergence are bounded by the LOCA conditions.


B.Auxil iar Buil din The auxiliary building has a HVAC system which provides clean, f iltered and tempered air to the operating floor of the auxiliary building, and to the surface of the decontamination and spent fuel storage pits.The system exhausts air from the equipment rooms and open areas of the auxiliary building, and from the decon-tamination and spent fuel storage pits, through a closed exhaust system.The exhaust system includes a 100 percent capacity bank of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)filters, and redundant 100 percent capacity fans discharging to the a'tmosphere via the plant vent.This arrangement insures the proper direction of air flow for removal of airborne radioactivity from the auxiliary building.Included in the auxiliary building exhaust system is a separate charcoal filter circuit, which exhausts from rooms where fission product activity may accumulate, during normal plant operation, in concentrations exceeding the average levels expected in the rest of the build-ing.Following a loss-of-coolant accident, this circuit is capable of providing exhaust ventilation from the areas containing pumps and related piping and valving which are used to recirculate containment sump liquid.A full flow charcoal filter bank is provided in the circuit, along with two 50 percent capacity exhaust 22 Vg fans.The air operated suction and discharge dampers associated with each fan are interlocked with the fan such that they are fully open when the fan is operating and fully closed when the fan is stopped.These dampers fail to the open position on loss of control signal or control air.The fans discharge to the main auxiliary building exhaust system, containing the HEPA filter bank.To assure a path for the charcoal (and HEPA)filtered exhaust to the plant vent if, the main exhaust fans are not operating, a fail open damper is installed in a bypass circuit around the two main exhaust fans.The residual heat removal, safety injection, containment spray and charging pump motors are provided with addi-tional cooling provisions to maintain ambient temperatures within acceptable limits when'the pumps are operating.

The charging pumps and RHR pumps are located in their own rooms, each room being provided with two cooling units consisting of redundant fans, water-cooled heat exchangers, and ductwork for circulating the cooled air.The capacity of each unit is sufficient to maintain acceptable room ambient temperatures with the minimum number of pumps required for system operation in service.The safety injection and containment spray pumps are 0 provided with cooling units providing cool air directly to the motor.There is a separate fan for each of the motors.23

In the event of a loss of offsite power, the auxiliary building ventilation system main supply and exhaust f ans would be inoperable.

However, all other fans in the auxiliary building ventilation system are supplied by emergency diesel power including the charcoal filter circuit and the pump cooling circuits for safety related pump motors, as described above.Since the auxiliary building is a very large volume building, it is not'\expected that there would be a post-accident tempera-ture increase except in some local areas near hot piping and large motors.This situation exists only in the basement of the auxiliary building where the safety-related pumps and recirculated sump fluid piping are located.As shown in Reference[HELB-14]the ventila-tion system for these areas is expected to be adequate to maintain the post-accident temperature with normal"ambient" levels.Further detailed evaluation of the environment in these areas is being addressed with the final resolution of the"mild" environment qualification requirements

.The radiation levels in the auxiliary building will increase in the event of a LOCA.Using very conservative post-accident fission product activity levels, the post-accident environment in the auxiliary building was calculated in Appendix A to Reference[TMI-3].It is apparent from Table 5-1 of this reference that the only major radiation field in terms of equipment qualification 24

will be in the vicinity of the recirculated fluid.The required qualification doses are addressed for all the affected equipment in Table 3.The RGEE commitments to-ensure that a HELB in the auxiliary building will not affect the capability of effecting and maintaining a safe shutdown condition is provided in Reference[HELB-13].

Flooding is not a concern in the Auxiliary Building.Even in the event of leakage, two 50 gpm sump pumps are provided in the low point of the*building.

This is described in Section 9.3 of the FSAR, and has been evaluated by the NRC in Reference[HELB-15].

Intermediate Buildin Implementation of an augmented inservice inspection program for high energy piping outside containment has reduced the probability of pipe breaks in these systems to acceptably low levels[Ref.HELB-7, 8].A six inch main steam line branch connection is the intermediate building DBE.Based on the f ailure capacity of portions of the exterior walls, the limiting pressure is established in Ref.[HELB-1]as being a pressure of 0.80 psig.Assuming saturation conditions, one obtains a limiting I'I temperature of approximately 215'F.A 100%humidity steam-air mixture is assumed.If the pipe crack or branch line break were in a portion of the steam or~~f eed line that could be isolated, the isolation would immediately halt the mass and energy addition to the intermediate building.A pipe crack or branch line 25 which could not be isolated is the limiting DBE for intermediate building environment.

Mass and energy release in this case would be limited by the dryout of the steam generators with the duration of the environment dependent on the size of the leak or break.Based on flow through a main steam safety valve (a 6 inch line)of 247 lbs/sec at a steam line pressure of 1100 psia and the inventory available for release from a main steam break of 165,500 lbs (FSAR Section 14.2.5), the mass and energy flow will continue for at least 11 minutes.Smaller leaks may continue substantially longer.Zt is expected that within 30 minutes to an hour, action could be taken to provide added ventilation to the building by opening doors.Within several hours, return to near ambient could be accomplished.

Table 4 provides an estimate of the duration of the environmental transient expected.The exact duration is not critical in terms of affected equipment qualification; therefore, no explicit calculations have been performed.

Chemical spray is not a design consider-ation in this building.The effects of submergence need not be considered, as described in References

[HELB-1],[HELB-4], and[FLOOD-11'].

This latter reference presents the result of an analysis performed to ensure that safety-related equipment would not be flooded in the event of an feed line break in the intermediate building.26 The radiation environment was reviewed in response to the TMI Lessons Learned commitments

[see Ref.TMI-3].It can be seen from Table 5-1 that the radiation environ-ment is not significant in terms of equipment qualification.

Cable Tunnel Since the cable tunnel is open to the Intermediate Building, the limiting environmental conditions for the cable tunnel are identical to the Intermediate Building conditions.

Control Buildin The limiting environment of the Control Building which includes the control room, relay room, and battery rooms, is normal ambient conditions.

Protection against high energy line breaks and circulating water line breaks which could occur outside the Control Building and affect the Control Building environment are identified and discussed in References

[HELB-1, HELB-6, HELB-7, HELB-13, HELB-15, FLOOD-1, and FLOOD-5].The air conditioning system for the control room is described in Section 9.9 of the FSAR.The main air handling unit and circulation fans for the control room are powered from a single Class IE motor control center (MCC-1K), which receives power from a diesel-backed emergency bus (diesel 1A).If there were a failure of this train during the post accident period, it would be possible to crosstie to the 1B diesel.The operator, after assuring that any faults are cleared, would close 27

the bus tie between buses 14 and 16'to energize the in-operable-Control Room air handling unit from the 1B diesel, while making sure that the operational diesel-does not become overloaded.

This emergency bus cross-ties procedure has previously been included in the Ginna Emergency Procedures

.The control room HVAC system has been out of service several times in the last 11 years for maintenance.

A satisfactory environment has been maintained by opening the two control room doors and two relay room doors, connecting the two rooms together and with outside air, to provide natural circulation.

Equipment failure has never been experienced during these events because of a temperature increase due to lack of HVAC.It is also possible, of course, to provide for the use of portable air-conditioning units or fans to maintain environmental conditions within proper specifications.

Further evaluation of the long-term effects of the loss of ventilation will be made at a later time, when safety-related equipment not exposed to a"harsh" accident environment is addressed in terms of environmental qualification.

The relay room is normally cooled by two non-safety-related air conditioning systems, which can be manually aligned to the emergency buses by closing the proper bus-tie breakers.28

Natural circulation with the control room, and the use of portable air-conditioning units and fans, are options available to maintain environmental conditions within the required specifications.

Further evaluation con-cerning loss of ventilation will be made at a later time, together with the control room study.To further assure that a loss of ventilation to the control and relay rooms is not expected to be a concern, RG&E conducted an 8-hour test on September 15, 1980.It was demonstrated that, for a loss of all HVAC, no, significant temperature increase occurred in the control room or relay room.Only the plant computer, located in its own room within the relay room, and not required for accident mitigation or safe shutdown, appeared to be susceptible to overheating.

The battery rooms have a set of inlet and exhaust fans, as well as an air-conditioning system.Additional fans are to be installed in the near future.These fans will be d.c.-powered

'directly from the batteries.

While this modification is in progress, the present Emergency Procedures provide for manual alignment to the emergency buses by closing of bus-tie breakers.If necessary, portable fans could be used to provide sufficient air handling capacity to maintain the battery rooms at acceptable ambient conditions.

29 F.Diesel Generator Rooms G.The emergency diesel generator rooms each have their own HVAC system, powered from the diesels.As soon as the diesels are brought up to speed, stabilized, and their respective circuit breakers closed to their emergency buses, the HVAC systems (ventilating fans)are energized.

Protection against failure of steam heating lines in the rooms is described in Section II.C above.Failure of a steam heating line would affect only one diesel.The other diesel, as well as offsite power, would still be available.

This configuration has been reviewed by the NRC in Reference[HELB-15],~and found acceptable.

Protection agains events outside the rooms is described in References

[HELB-1, HELB-6, HELB-7, FLOOD-1, and FLOOD-5].The limiting environment in the diesel generator rooms therefore is normal ambient conditions.

Turbine Buildin The turbine building does not require an HVAC system per se, but rather utilizes roof vent fans, wall vent vans, windows and unit heaters for control of the en-virons.In the event of loss of power to fans in this building there would be no significant temperature rise, since it is a large volume building with sufficient openings (windows and access doors)to adequately cir-culate outside air.30

Analyses have shown that the limiting pressure are caused by an instantaneous break in the 20 inch feed line in the turbine building.See Reference[HELB-1].Peak pressures are 1.14 psig on the lower two levels of the building and 0.70 ps ig on the operating floor.Failure of portions of the exterior wall limit the duration of the pressure pulse to,a f ew seconds.Pressure and temperature is limited by the failure capacity of the exterior walls.Assuming saturation conditions, one obtains a limiting temperature of approximately 220'F.A 100%humidity steam-air mixture is assumed.Isolation of the main steam and feed system will isolate the source of energy to the turbine building.Temperature and pressure reduction will be accomplished by opening exterior doors and windows and as a result of leakage through known openings to the outside.For conservatism, it has been assumed that the peak temperature condition persists for 30 minutes with return to ambient being accomplished in a total of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.For conservatism, peak pressures are assumed to persist for 1 minute with return to ambient being accomplished in a total of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.(This is tabulated in Table 4).The exact duration of high environmental 31 conditions is not critical in terms of affected equipment qualification; therefore, no explicit calculations have been performed.

Limiting flood conditions are the result of a circulating water system pipe break and is a water level of 18 inches in the basement[FLOOD-5].

Auxiliar Buildin Annex This structure, which houses the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater System, is described in References

[HELB-1]and[HELB-6].The limiting environment in this structure is normal ambient conditions.

The cooling system for this building is redundant and seismically qualified.

Flooding is not a concern since all safety-related equipment associated with the Standby AFW System is elevated so that a complete failure of the Condensate Tank would not cause submergence.

Screen House The screen house, like the turbine building, does not require an HVAC per se, but utilizes roof vent fans, wall vent fans, windows, and unit heaters for control of the environs.Xn the event of a loss of power to the fans, there would be no significant temperature rise, since it is a large volume building with suf f icient openings to adequately circulate outside air.32

RG&E's commitment to resolve the HELB environment is provided in Section II.C.Protection against f looding is described in Ref erences[FLOOD-1]and[FLOOD-5].The, limiting environment in the screenhouse is thus normal ambient conditions.

33 IV.EQUIPMENT QUALIF ICATION INFORMATION Table 3 summarizes the qualif ication information of required electrical equipment.

This section provides the detailed background information, with emphasis on a response to the August 20, 1980 FRC Draf t Interim Technical Evaluation Report, Project C5257.For this reason, the paragraphs are ordered consistent with Section 3 of that report.1.TER Paragraph 3.2.1-Table 3 Item No.23.Main Steam-line Pressure Transmitter in the Intermediate Building.TER C5257 noted that this instrumentation meets the DOR Guidelines.

In order to provide instru-mentation with all of the proper qualification documentation, there are plans to replace these transmitters by June 1982.Qualification docu-mentation will be made available when received.2.TER Paragraph 3.2.2-Table 3 Item Nos.31, 41.Medium Voltage Switchgear Located Outside Containment (Models DB-50A and DH-350E).TER C5257 found these acceptable, since the breakers are exposed only to a relatively mild (1 psig, 220'F)environment, must function within a short time (generally seconds)and fail-safe on loss of power.No additional information is'onsidered necessary to show proper operational capability under the required accident conditions.


I 3.TER Paragraph 3.2.3-Table 3 Item No.21A.Containment Pressure Transmitters located outside containment.

TER C5257 found that these transmitters satisfied the DOR Guidelines.

In light of TMI Lessons Learned, f ive of the seven transmitters, which could see a high radiation field following a LOCA, are being replaced with new transmitters (three will have a 10-200 psig span and provide post-accident monitoring).

These transmitters will be qualified for the post-LOCA environment and will therefore be qualified for a HELB outside containment environment.

All 5 will be replaced by June 1982.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.The two transmitters not being replaced are not exposed to a harsh environment as the result of a LOCA.For a high energy line break outside containment, these two transmitters are not required to function.4.TER Paragraph 3.2.4-Table 3 Item No.25 BAST Level Transmitter in the Auxiliary Building.TER C5257 found that these transmitters met the intent of the DOR Guidelines.

It is important to note that, this instrumentation performs'its safety function following a LOCA or steam line break prior to the time any accident environment is encountered in the Auxiliary Building.For a HELB in the Auxiliary Building, there is no need for the BAST level transmitters to function.No additional information is required for this equip-ment.5.TER Paragraph 3.2.5-Table 3 Item No.18.RWST Level Transmitter in the Auxiliary Building.I TER C5257 notes that this item satisfies the intent of the DOR Guidelines.

For f urther assurance, this transmitter will be replaced by June 1982 with a f ully-qualif ied transmitter.

-Qualif ication documentation will be made available when received.6.TER Paragraph 3.2.6-Table 3 Item No.19.RWST Level Switch in Auxiliary Building.TER C5257 notes that this item does not require environmental qualification, since the safety function is performed prior to the onset of an adverse environment.

This is correct;for added assurance of post-accident monitoring, however, this item is being replaced by June 1982.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.7.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.8A.Valve Operators for Valves MOV 841, 865.TER C5257 concludes that, since these valve actuators are locked in the"open" position with power removed with no need to f unction, lack of valid 36-qualification documentation is a moot point.Thus, no qualif ication inf ormation is required f or this item.8.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.SF, SG.Valve Operator for MOVs 851A, B;878 B, D.TER C5257 concludes that, since these valve actuators)are locked in the"safety" position, with no need to function, environmental qualification is a moot point.Thus, no qualification information is 9.required for this item./TER Paragraph 3 Item No.SC.Valve Operators for MOVs 825 A, B.As noted in TER C5257, these valves perform their safety function (open to allow RWST fluid to the suction of the SI pumps)prior to the time an adverse environment would exist in the Auxiliary Building due to sump recirculation.

No"harsh" environmental qualification is required for these items.10.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.SD.Valve Operators for MOVs 4027, 4028, 4007, 4008, 4000A, 4000B.As noted in TER C5257, these valves would not be used in the.event of a HELB in the Intermediate Building.RGGE Emergency Procedures specifically call for actuating the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater 37 i'

System in the event the AFW system is inoperable.

Since none of the S tandby AFW system components wil l be e osed xp to a HELB, it is concluded that this system will be suff icient to provide the needed saf ety f unction.No"harsh" environmental qualification for the AFW valves ves xs needed.11.TER Para ra h 3 g p.3.1.6-Tables 3 Item No 11 o..Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Motors.As noted in TER C5257 th hese pumps are not required to function in the event of a HELB in the Xnter-mediate Building.The S e tandby AFW System performs the required safety function P d roce ures call for removing the AFW um p ps from the safety-related bus, prior to connecting the standby system.Mechanical interlocks ensure that both sets of pumps cannot be powered from th d'iesels concurrently.

No"harsh" environmental qualif ication for the auxiliary f eedwater pumps is required.12.TER Para ra h 3 g p.3.2.1-Table 3 Xtem No.8E.Valve operators for MOVs.850 A, BE 856'57 Ag BJ C 860 Ai Ci Documentation Reference 53 b su mitted to the NRC on September 24 1 980, provides a ref erence to Limitorque Re ort B p 0003.This reference provides assurance that these valves will perform their safet functi'on.Additional information from-38 Limitorque Report B0058 has be'en added to Reference 53, documenting Limitorque's use of generic quali-f ication to qualif y multiple size actuators by one type test.13.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.8H Valve Operators for MOVs 852A, B.TER CS257 notes that these valve actuators are not acceptable for long-term service in an accident environment, and are not qualified for submerged operation.

Qualification for short-term post-LOCA operation is shown in Reference 18, however.The f unction of these valves is to open upon receipt of an SI signal, and then to remain open.Quali-f ication for submerged operation is not required.Submergence could occur unless the saf ety f unction of the valves has already occurred.Specif ically, to submerge these valve operators, the entire contents of the primary system, the entire contents of both accumulators, and a portion of the water in the refueling water storage tank must be discharged to the containment.

For this to occur, however, a safety injection signal must have occurred and the valves must have opened.RGSE has incorporated modif ications to these valve operators to prevent undesired operation in the event of submergence.

The details of these 39 modifications were provided in References

[FLOOD-2, FLOOD-3], transmitted to FRC on May 29, 1980.It is thus considered that these valves are qualified to perform their required safety function.14.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.SI.Valve Operators for MOV's 9703A,B;9704A,B;9710A,B in the SAFN System.All of these valve operators are located in the Auxiliary Building Addition, which is a"mild" environment.

Environmental qualif ication is provided under paragraph 4.3.3 of the"DOR Guide-lines", Areas Normal l Maintained at Room Conditions.

The Auxiliary Building Addition is maintained at room conditions by redundant air conditioning systems served by the onsite emergency electrical power system.The room conditions specified in Reference 43 are 60-120'F.The valve specification (Reference 54)states that"the valve actuator shall be designed for a 40 year plant life under ambient conditions of 40F to 120F..." Since there is no change in the environmental conditions between normal and accident conditions," special consideration need be given'to the environ-mental qualification of Class IE equipment in these areas provided the aging requirements discussed in Section 7.0 are satisfied and the areas are maintained at room conditions by redundant air 40 conditioning or ventilation systems served by the onsite emergency electrical power system".Reference 47 describes the program developed at R.E.Ginna for detecting age-related failures.This program was developed to conform to the provisions of Section 7.0 of the"DOR Guidelines" for the"ongoing review surveillance and maintenance.

records to assure that equipment which is exhibiting age-related degradation will be identified and replaced as necessary".

15.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.13A.Crouse-Hinds Electrical Penetrations

.r TER C5257 notes that the Brunswick tests could not be substantiated, since no test description was provided.Reference 45 provides this description.

Reference 58 is a letter from Westinghouse stating that the Brunswick data is applicable to qualify the seal, canister, and internal connections.

Reference 54 is an evaluation of the capability of the Ginna penetrations to perform their function under elevated and short-circuit electrical loading conditions.

Further, an evaluation (Reference 59)of the functions of the various materials in the penetra-tions disclosed that the organic compounds, which are possibly subject to aging or radiation effects, 41 do not perform any critical insulating or sealing functions.

These functions are performed by ceramic and metallic components..

This evaluation augments the qualification testing performed on these penetrations, confirming that they are N qualified to perform their safety function.16.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.13B.Westinghouse Electrical Penetrations

.It is noted in TER C5257 that additional inf ormation concerning the"similar resin", aging characteristics of the insulation on the cable leads, and qual if ied lif e should be provided.Ref erence 61, Research II Report 75-7BS-BIGAL-122, shows that the lower 95%conf idence band on qual if ied lif e at 105'C is greater than 40 years.Also, the author of this report, Mr.J.F.Quirk, has stated that the word"similar" had been used only in the respect that test results of this epoxy were close to the results of other epoxies also being tested.The, epoxy in the Ginna penetrations is identical to that tested.Cable lead insulation aging data is also included in Reference 61.It can be concluded that these penetrations are suitable to perform their required safety functions.


17.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.14.Westinghouse Terminal Blocks Inside Containm'ent.

TER C5257 found that, although qualification for pressure, temperature, and humidity is acceptable, additional information is needed concerning thermal aging and radiation.

Reference 60 is a Proprietary Westinghouse R&D Report (077-7B7-CBSEL-R3) dated July 13, 1977.It shows that for a criteria of f ailure of 50%of the original flexure strength and impact strength, the 40 year life extrapola-tion is approximately 120'C.This report, is not yet in our possession, but may be audited at the Westinghouse facility.Additional information-concerning radiation sus-ceptibility of the terminal blocks is also provided in Reference 60.It is shown that the qualification level is 2 x 10 rads.Although not meeting the 7 long-term conservatively calculated radiation dose f or Ginna of 1.6 x 10 rads, the DOR Guideline 8 values are met.Based on the protected location'7 of these terminal blocks, 2 x 10 rads is considered adequate.A detailed evaluation of this post-LOCA radiation dose will be'ade.If the required dose for the long-term monitoring function is greater, replacement or additional protection will be provided.43 As presently installed, the terminal blocks for pressurizer pressure and level instrumentation would become submerged after a LOCA en qualified long-term monitoring instrumentation for these functions is installed at Gin irma, and elevated above the submergence level, the terminal blocks will also be el evated.Submergence and direct spray impingement will thus be precluded.

See paragraphs 19 and 20 for a discussion of the pressurizer pressure and level instrumentation.

18.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.15A, B, C Kerite Cable Inside Containment.

Reference 51 is the"Cable Id t'f'n i z.cation and Qualification Supplement" Th'is ocument can be used to determine the identity of cable in use throughout the plant.It is shown that all power cable inside containment is Kerite.The most recent and comprehensive qualification testing of Kerite cable was was performed in conjunction with the testing of Raychem sleeves (Reference 38).Reference 55 is a lett etter from Kerite verifying that the cable supplied'or the qualification testing in Reference 38 is identical to th t a orig>nally supplied and installed in the Ginna co t irma containment.

The pre-aging done for the Kerite cable during the Raychem sleeve test establish d 93 3 e a.year life-44 at 140'F mean surface temperature.

The Arrhenius data is conf idential to the manuf acturer, but is available at RG&E as Reference 63.RG&E believes that this recent testing definitively demonstrates the adequacy of the Kerite cable for performing its required safety function.There are no safety-related cables inside containment subject to flooding, which are required to perform a safety function during submergence.

Qualification for submergence is thus not required.19.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.22.Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters.

The deficiencies noted in TER C5257 included lack of radiation and submergence qualification.

RG&E does not claim credit for the use of this instru-mentation at the time it would receive excessive radiation exposure, or become submerged.

Ginna Emergency Procedures specify that, unless pressurizer pressure, level, and other parameters appear stable and are returning to prescribed levels, safety injection flow is not to be terminated.

Failure to terminate safety injection is not a safety concern.Therefore, lack of qualification for this instrumentation is not considered of immediate safety significance.

45 It is recognized, however, that accurate primary system information would be extremely useful to the operator for diagnosing the status of the plant during accident conditions.

RG6E, therefore, plans to replace the present instrumentation by June 1982 with f ully-qualif ied transmitters, located above any possible submergence level.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.20.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.24.Pressurizer Level Instrumentation.

The same information as described in 19 above for the pressurizer pressure instrumentation applies to this instrumentation.

21.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.30.Fan Cooler Motors Inside Containment.

TER C5257 concluded that in addition to the information provided in References 18 and 2 0, information needed for complete qualification of the fan cooler motors is a)documentation regarding qualification of motor-lead and lead-to-cable splices, and (b)determination of a qualified life for the motor.Information regarding the splices is given in Reference 64.46-Aging information for the insulating material of these motors, as well as the bearing lubricants, is given in Reference 18, Section 4.Aging to demonstrate 40 year continuous operation at 120'C was performed.

This is consistent with the data given in Reference 67, and is considered sufficient to qualify the fan cooler motors for continued operation.

A program at RG6E to maintain motor bearings and lubricants is given in Reference 65.This program will ensure that the lubricants used are compatible with the environmental conditions which could occur during a DBE.Additional information regarding qualification testing of the same type of motors is given in WCAP 7829,"Fan Cooler Motor Unit Test" (Reference 70).22.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.34.Raychem Cable Splice Sleeves.TER C5257 states that RG&E should present evidence of similarity between the tested and installed equipment.

This is'documented in the detailed evaluation and observation of the splice sleeve replacement program, given in IE Inspection Reports 78-20 and 78-21 (Reference 56).It is also stated that a determination of qualified life should be made for the sleeves.The actual 47 test in Reference 38 established a 12.1 year life at 60'C ambient.This pre-aging was constrained by the concurrent aging of the Kerite cable, which was pre-aged for 93.3 years at 60'C by the same test.Based on proprietary Raychem information (included in Reference 63 and available for audit at RG6E)a 40 year life at 91'C can be expected..

Therefore, these sleeves are considered fully qualified.

23.TER Paragraph 3 Xtem No.20.Steam Flow Transmitters Enside Containment.

RG&E has stated that these transmitters are not required to perform a safety function at a time they could be exposed to a high energy line break environment.

Thus, the lack of complete qualification documentation is a moot point for these trans-mitters.For a steam line break inside containment, the steam line non-return check valves will assure that the intact steam generator will not blow down.Steam line isolation would be provided by the high containment pressure signal.For added assurance of steam line isolation in the event of a steam break'inside containment, these transmitters will be replaced by June 1982 with fully-qualified equipment.

Qualification documenta-tion will be made available when received.48

24.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.21B.Contain-ment Pressure Transmitters in the Intermediate Building.As noted in Section IV.3 of this report, five of the seven containment pressure transmitters, which could be exposed to high post-LOCA radiation levels, are being replaced with LOCA-qualified units by June 1982, in response to TMI Lessons Learned.Qualif ication documentation will be made available when received.25.TER Paragraph 3, Item No.37, Hydrogen Recombiner Igniter Exciter TER C5257 requested that the effects of containment spray and thermal aging be addressed.

This informa-tion has not yet been received.If proper documen-tation is not found concerning these environmental parameters, RG&E will commit to replace the necessary equipment.

It is important to note that the present licensing basis for Ginna does not include the hydrogen recombiner as a means necessary for I post-LOCA hydrogen control (see the RG&E"Technical Supplement Accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License," August 1972,Section III.B.7).26.TER Paragraph 3, Item No.38, Hydrogen Recombiner Blower Motor.49

The only deficiency noted in TER C5257 is that no analysis exists comparing the impact of deviations between the test specimen specific design features, materials, and production procedure and those of the installed equipment.

The only evidence at this time is contained in Section 5.2 of Reference 18, WCAP 7410-L, Vol.II.It is stated that"the 2 hp motor used in the test program is constructed in the same manner as, is the actual 15 hp motor used in the recombiner." Further, it has been verified that the Ginna 15 hp motor has Class H insulation, the same as the 2 hp motor tested.Based on the available information, RG6E believes that there is reasonable assurance that the Ginna recombiner motor will perform its safety function.Further, as stated in 25 above, the hydrogen recombiner is not required by the present Ginna design basis.Based on the TMI Lessons Learned, however, RGEE will commit to replace the motor if proper environmental qualification documentation is not established.

27.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.8B.Valve Operators for MOVs 826 A,B,C,D;896 A,B.The MOVs 826 A,B,C,D are located at the discharge of the Boric Acid Storage Tanks, and provide suction to the SI pumps in the event of a Safety 50

Injection signal.Upon low BAST level, these valves close af ter the 825 A,B valves open.The valves are located in the auxiliary building, and will have completed their function prior to the presence of an adverse environment caused by sump recirculation fluid.MOVs 896 A,B are normally locked-open valves, located at the suction of the SI and CS pumps from the.EST.The valves are closed prior to the time sump recirculation is initiated.

Therefore, these valves will have completed their function orior to the time an adverse environment would occur.In the case of all six valves, environmental qualification for an adverse environment is not required.28.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.1A, 1B, 1C, 5.ASCO solenoid valves.The feedwater control and bypass valves (items 1A, 1B)fail closed on loss of air.This is supported by Reference 23.In order to further ensure that these valves will perform their safety function when exposed to a HELB in the Turbine Building, the solenoids will be replaced with valves having proper qualification documentation.

It is exoected that this can be accomplished by June 1982.The fail-safe closure of the valves ensures that the 51 required safety function can be performed until replacement can be effected.Item 1C, the solenoid control ling LCV112B, wil l not experience an adverse environment during an accident.Further, an accessible manual bypass valve, valve 358, is used to provide alternative suction for the charging pumps from the RWST.Since this function would not be required for many hours following an event requiring the maintenance of a safe shutdown condition, the use of this manual valve is considered acceptable.

Item 1C will thus be deleted from Table 3.Item 5A, the RHR discharge valves, are normally open.They need only remain open in the event of an accident.The I/P controller (rather than a solenoid valve)controlling their position is fail-open.

Since no function must be performed by these valves, they have been deleted from Table 3.Item 5B, the solenoid valves for AOVs 897 and 898, are required to close prior to sump recirculation.

They will not experience an adverse environment prior to the time they must perform their safety function.Environmental qualification of these valves will be addressed in a later submittal, concerning electrical equipment located in a"mild" environment.

52 29.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.2.Copes-Vulcan Solenoid Valves.The valves were purchased from ASCO (Series 8300).Therefore, all information from Reference 23 applies to the valves.Further, since these valves are located in a"mild" environment, qualification of these valves will be discussed at a later time.30.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.3A, 3B.Lawrence Solenoid Valves in Intermediate Building.Based on the design principle of these valves, they will perform their safety function by failing in a closed position upon loss of power.However, if power qualification documentation is not established,.RGaE will initiate a replacement for these solenoid valves.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.The fail-safe mode of operation ensures no loss of safety function in the interim.31.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.4.Versa Solenoid Valves inside containment.

The safety function of the solenoid valves controlling the containment air recirculation dampers is accomplished through fail-safe operation.

This is accomplished immediately with the SI signal following an accident, before environmental conditions would 53

become very severe.In ordei to have this safety function accomplished with equipment having the proper qualif ication testing and documentation, replacement of these solenoid valves will be initiated.

It is expected that this can be accomplished by June 1982.Qualification docu-mentation will be made available when received.32.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.6A, 6B.Versa Solenoid Valves.The safety function of these containment purge and depressurization valves immediately following an accident is to close for containment isolation.

This is accomplished by the fail-close design of these valves.In order to have this safety function I accomplished with equipment having the proper qualification testing and documentation, replace-ment of these solenoid valves will be initiated.

It is expected that this can be accomplished by June 1982.Qualification documentation will be made available when received.33.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.7.Control Room Dampers.This equipment item is not electrical, and there-fore is not addressed in this report.The solenoid valves operating these dampers are addressed under paragraph TER (Table 3, Item No.40).54 34.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.9.Standby'FN Pump Motors.Although this item is not located in a harsh environment, and therefore does not need to be addressed at this time, RGSE considers the environ-mental qualification of this item to be complete and acceptable.

As stated in Section 4.3.3 of the DOR Guidelines,"No special consideration need be'iven to the environmental qualification of Class IE equipment in these[non-harsh]

areas provided the aging requirements discussed in Section 7.0 are satisfied and the areas are maintained at room conditions by redundant air conditioning or ventila-tion systems served by the onsite emergency electrical power system." This is the case with these motors.The equipment specification for these motors (Reference 3)states"Motors shall be rated for operation in an ambient tern erature of 50'C[122'F]".(Tnis is consistent with the ambient operating conditions f or the Auxiliary Building Addition of 60-120'F (Ref erence 43).Furthermore, the ongoing.program described in Reference 47 to detect age-related f ailures includes these motors.RG&E theref ore considers these motors to have met all necessary environmental requirements

.P.55 35.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.10A, 10B, 10C, 12A.Motors for the Containment Spray Pumps, Component Cooling Water Pumps, Residual Heat Removal Pumps, and Safety Injection Pumps.The first three of these Ginna motors have Class B insulation made of"Thermalastic Epoxy".The SI pump motor insulation is"PMR" (Premimum Moisture Resistant).

This is shown in Reference 67.Qualf ication of these systems is given in WCAP 8754, (Ref erence 68), f or the"Thermalas tie Epoxy" motors, and the Westinghouse Research Report 71-1C2-RADMC-R1,"The Ef f ect of Radiation on Insulating Materials Used in Westinghouse Medium Motors," December 31, 1970 (Revised April 10, 1971)(Reference 69)for the"PMR" motors.These reports are proprietary, but are available for audit at RGEE and at Westinghouse.

Testing does indicate that these motors can withstand an accumulated dose of 10 rads during their operating 7 lif e, with an operating lif e of 20 years.Since these motors are not used at all times (only the CCW pump is used during normal operation, and even then only one of the two pumps is normal ly in use), the operational capability is at least 40 years.Also, RG&E has a program of insulation inspection once per year (M45.1A, Inspection of Saf eg uard Motor)and replacement (if needed)every five years.56-r l l Since the only adverse environm'ent anticipated for any of these motors is a post-LOCA radiation dose (conservatively estimated in Reference[TMI-3]as I 6 2.8 x 10 rads)these motors are considered properly qualified both for"life" and radiation.

3 6.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.12B.Service Water Pump Motor.As stated in Reference[Flood-15], the effects of jet impingement and water spray on these motors were evaluated by the NRC during the review of SEP Topic III-5.B,"Pipe Break Outside Containment".

RGEE committed to supplement the NRC recommenda-tion in Reference[FLOOD-13.].

Thus, the Service Water Pump Motors have been removed from the HELB environment considerations.

Further review for operation is a"mild" environment will be conducted at a later time.37.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.16.Coleman Cable Inside Containment.

Reference 51 is the"Cable Identification and Qualification Supplement".

This reference allows traceability of all cable used in the Ginna plant, by referencing back to the original purchase order specifications.

It can be seen that, in addition to the Kerite safeguards cable, the only other cable inside containment used to perform a required 57 post-accident safety f unction is the silicone-rubber insulated cable, which is used for all required safety-related instrumentation and control cable.Reference 46 identifies this as Coleman cable.In addition to the testing stated in Reference 46, a section of this cable was taken from the Ginna plant, and environmentally qualif ied with the Raychem splice sleeves (documentation of the testing is given in FRC Final Report Supplement, F-C5074 (Supplement), April 1979, which is included in Reference 51).The cable is specimen number C5074-7 of Table 1 of F-C5074 Supplement.

This testing shows that the Coleman silicone-rubber insulated cable will perform its required safety functions inside containment.

Reference 46 states that this cable is aged at 200'C for 168 hours0.00194 days <br />0.0467 hours <br />2.777778e-4 weeks <br />6.3924e-5 months <br />.Although no specific Arrhenius plot is available, the application of the"10'C rule" shows an operating life of 40 years at 60'C.This is considered a reasonable estimate of the exoected life of this cable.38.TER Paragraph 3 Items 17A, 17B, 17C.Coleman, Rome, and General Cables Used Outside Containment.

Reference 51 is the"Cable Identification and Qualification Supplement".

From this reference, the type of cable used throughout the Ginna plant 58 can be traced by reference back to the original purchase order specification.

It is shown that all of the safety-related cable outside containment which is not Kerite cable is PVC-insulated cable.The specif ications included in Reference 51 refer to GAI Specs SP-5324 and SP-5315.Both of these specifications in turn specify the requirements of IPCEA S-61-402 for PVC-Cable.

Inf ormation f rom this standard is provided in Reference 10.Additional information for Coleman and Rome cable is provided in Ref erence 4 6.The IPCEA testing of this cable, including insula-tion aging at 121'C (250'F)for 168 hours0.00194 days <br />0.0467 hours <br />2.777778e-4 weeks <br />6.3924e-5 months <br /> (jacket at 212'F), oil immersion, heat shock, and cold shock, shows the ability to operate under conditions more severe than those anticipated outside containment.

Although no specif ic qualif ication testing was performed, the standard testing of these cable types gives reasonable assurance that they are suitable for outside-containment use.39.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.27.RTDs Inside Containment.

Reference 35 is a specification sheet and drawing of the Ginna RTD (Rosemount 176JA model).The reactor coolant system temperature detectors (RTD)are not required for a loss of coolant-59 accident.In a steam line break accident, low Tave plus high steam flow plus" a safety injection signal will close the main steam line isolation valves.Also, high-high steam flow will perform this function.As described in Section II.B above, for a break upstream of the non-return check valves, which includes all breaks inside containment, closure of the main steam isolation valves is not required.For breaks downstxeam of the check valves, closure of the main steam isolation valves is desirable, however, in this case the RTDs are not subjected to an adverse environment.

Theref ore, the RTDs do not require environmental qualification to px'ovide their required safety function.However, the RTDs would be useful for post-accident monitoring.

Since the RTDs are not qualified for post-accident use, the pxesent Ginna Emergency Procedux'es specify that, if a 50'F subcooling margin cannot be established or maintained, safety injection flow shall not be terminated.

Failure of the RTDs would require that SI flow be maintained.

Since the Ginna high head safety injection pumps do not have a high enough shutoff head to open the pressurizer PORVs, continued SI pump operation is not a safety concern.However, to avoid the possibility of operator confusion, RG&E will initiate a program to provide 60

qualified RTDs for post-accident monitoring.

These will be procured and installed by June 1982, I sub ject to equipment availability and procurement/

delivery schedules.

40.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.28.Batteries in the Control Building.As noted in TER C5257, the ventilation system is being modified, such that the battery rooms can be considered a"mild" environment.

Reference fHELB-13]committed to a resolution of the potential flooding problem.The batteries will thus be further discussed at a later time, together with other equipment located in a"mild" environment.

41.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.26.Steam Generator Level Transmitter.

The steam generator level transmitters, although useful for confirming secondary system heat removal capability, are not necessary for performing this function.For an accident inside containment, which could degrade the performance of the SG level transmitters, the main steam pressure transmitters, located outside containment, provide information regarding steam generator status.Auxiliary feedwater flow instrumentation for each steam generator, also located outside containment, provides the primary indication of the steam generator heat 61 removal capability.

Based on the latest information provided at the Westinghouse Emergency Operating Instructions seminar, the Ginna Emergency Procedures will be revised to reflect AFW flow indications as being of prime value as the main indication of secondary heat removal capability.

Nevertheless, in order to remove the possibility of operator confusion due to misleading instrument indications, the steam generator Level trans-mitters will be replaced by June 1982.Qualifica-tion documentation will be made available when received.42.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.29A, 29B, 29C.Diesel Generator Electrical Equipment.

This equipment is located in a"mild" environment.

Its qualification will reviewed at a later date.43.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.35.Valcor Solenoid Valves for the Pressurizer PORVs.Additional information has been added to Reference 48, consisting of the test results and testing methodology.

This was provided to the NRC and FRC on September 24, 1980.The entire test report is also available for audit and review at RGSE.These valves are fully qualified to IEEE-323-1974 to perform their post-accident safety function.62

I 44.TER Paragraph 3 item No.36.Sump B Wide Range Level Switch.Ref erence 52, the specif ication sheet f or this item, was provided to the NRC and FRC on September 24, 1980.There is evidence that these level switches can perform their function in a contain-ment post-accident environment.

However, not all of the requirements of the DOR Guidelines are met for this instrumentation.

Xt is important to note, however, that these instruments are not used to perf orm any post-accident saf ety-related f unctions, and are not specified for use in the Ginna Emergency Procedures except as confirmatory information.

The saf ety-related f unction of determining the timing of the"sump switchover" procedure is performed by the RWST level instrumentation, located outside containment.

The TMI Lessons Learned determined that a wide-range sump level indication was to be provided for operator information.

Fully-qualified equipment will be purchased to meet this requirement.

The qualification documentation for this instrumenta-tion will be made available when received.45.TER Paragraph 3 Xtem Nos.42, 43.Motors for Cooling Fans for RHR, CS, Sl, and Charging Pumps in Auxiliary Building.63 Reference 69 provides information concerning the life and radiation characteristics of these motors.These motors are capable of operation after a radiation exposure of 1 x 10 rads and 20 years.7 Since these motors are run only intermittently, operational capability for 40 years is shown.Since the only harsh environment experienced by these motors is post-LOCA radiation (estimated at 2.8 x 10 rads), operation under required accident 6 conditions is shown.46.TER Paragraph 3 Item Nos.32, 44.IGC Cabinets and Relay Racks in Relay Room.This equipment is located in a mild environment.

Its qualification will be considered at a later time.47.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.33A.Control Room HVAC Air Handling Units.This equipment is located in a mild environment.

Its qualification will be considered at a later time.48.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.33B.Control Room HVAC Fans.This item is not an electrical piece of equipment.

It has thus been deleted from Table 3, and from consideration in this report.64 49.TER Paragraph 3, Item No.39, Charging Pumo Mo tors.This equipment is located in a mild environment.

Its qualification will be considered at a later time.50.TER Paragraph 3 Item No.40.Control Room HVAC Damper Solenoids.

This equipment is located in a mild environment.

Its qualification considered at a later time.65 LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT 1.2/3 HIGH CONTA I NMENT PRESSURE HI HI j 2/3 LOW PRESSURIZER PRESSURE FIGURE 1 SAFETY INJECTION la ACCIDENT DIAGNOSTICS 4.HAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION 3.ACCUtlULATOR DUtlP 2.SAFETY INJECTION SEQUENCE (AUTO)4.FEEDl<ATER LINE ISOLATION 5.CONTA I Nf 1ENT ISOLATION 6.REACTOR TRIP VALVES 7.REACTOR COOLANT PUf'lp TRIP 9: CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION 10.MANUAL ACTIONS RECIRC-ULATION TABLE 1 LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME 1.High Containment Pressure Low Pressurizer Pressure PT 945, 946, 947 PT 948)949, 950 Provide signals for Contain-ment Spray, Safety Injection, Containment Isolation, and Main Steam and Feedwater Line Isolation Signal Initiation PT 429)430, 433.)449 Accident Diagnostics Provide Reactor trip and Safety Injection signals Short term Signal Initiation Splice Sleeves, Terminal Blocks, Electrical Pene-trations, Electrical Cable Accident Diagnostics Control and Power Signal Transmission Short term Long term la.Steam Line Pressure PT 468)469)482 PT 478, 479)483 Accident Diagnostics Short term'ontainment Radiation[Being provided per TMI STLL]Accident Diagnostics Short term Containment'sump level IT 942, LT 943 Accident Diagnostics Short term 2.Safety Injection Sequence (Auto)Batteries lA, 1B Diesel Generator and Auxiliaries D.C.Power Power supply to safeguards busses during loss of out-side AC Power Long Term Long term 480 Volt Safeguards busses 14, 16, 17, 18 Provide.the distribution of power to safeguards equipment Long term lA, 1B, 1C Safety Injec-tion Pumps High head injection of bo-rated water to Reactor Coolant System Long term lA, 1B Containment Spray Pumps (only on hi-hi Cont.pressure)Containment Pressure, Tem-perature, and Iodine control Long term TABLE 1 ,f BL CK'NO./EQUIPMENT LOSS OF COOPT ACCIDENT SAFETY FUNCTION RE(}UIRED.

OPERATION TIME 1.<, 1B Residual Heat Re-.moval Pumps/1A;1B, 1C, 1D Service Mater Pumps Low head injection of borated water to Reactor Vessel Cooling water to RHR and CCN Heat Exchangers Long term Long term 1A, 1B, 1C," lD Contain-ment Recirc.Units Containment Pressure, Tem-perature, and Iodine control Long term Cooling Units for pump motors (SI, RHR, CS, and Charging)Haintain motors within proper ambient temperature limits Long Term 1A, 1B Hotor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps Cooling water to Steam Gen-erators Long term 480 Volt Safeguards MCC's Provide the distribution of power to safeguards equipment Long term 3~Accumulator Dump HOV 841 (N.O.)-'OV 865 (N.O.)Provide path to Reactor Vessel from Accumulators for injection of borated water Not required to function 4.Main Steam Line Isolation Feedwater Line Isolation AOV.3516 AOV 3517 AOV 4269 AOV 4270 AOV 4271 AOV 4272 Isolate 1A, 1B Steam Generators Isolate Hain Feedwater System 5 Seconds after signal 5 Seconds a f ter signal 5.Containment Isolation See Text,Section II.A.5 6.Reactor Trip Reactor trip breakers 0 Provide means to trip the reactor Required for Reactor Trip Reactor protection and in-strumentation cabinets Provide the instrumentation and protection circuits for the con-trol and tripping of the Reactor Required for Reactor Trip 7.RCP Trip RCP Trip Breakers Provide means to trip RCP's Short term N.O.=Normally Open I

CK NO./EQUIPHENT LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIHE alves HOV 825 A)B HOV,826 A)B)C D (Baa N.O.)AOV 836 A)B Provide path to SI Pumps for bor-ated water to high head safety injection Provide controlled addition of NaOH to Containment Spray for Iodine control 10/BAST Level or-1/2 hour Short term HOV 852 A)B HOV 860 A)B,C)D BAST Level IT 102)106, 171)172 HOV 878 B)D (N.O.)Provide path to Reactor Vessel of borated water for low head safety injection Provide path to Containment Spray headers for CS Pumps Indicate BAST Level for automatic transfer of SI Pump suction from BAST to RMST Provide path to cold legs of RCS from high head safety injection SI'initiation I,ong term 10%BAST Ievel or-1/2 hour not required to function HOV 4007, 4008 1A, 1B Steam Generators Provide path for Aux.Feedwater to Short term AOV 5871, 5872, 5873 AOV 5874, 5875)5876 9.Control Room Ventilation Dampers and AiiU 10: Hanual Provide path for cleaning of cont.atmosphere by fan coolers Provide cleaning of Control Room atmosphere signal initiation Short term Safety Injection Reset Button 1A, 1B Component Cooling Mater Pumps 1A, 1B Containment Spray Pumps (if Cont.Pressure (30 psig)Reset Safety Injection signal after, automatic S.I.Sequencing is complete Cooling water for safeguards equipment Containment Pressure, Temperature and Iodine control less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Long term Long term RWST Level LT 920, LIC 921 Indicate RMST Level for operator less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> transfer from S.I.phase to Recirculation phase

'N I TABLE 1 f BLOCK NO./EQUIPHENT LOSS OF COOLS'CCIDENT SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIHE HOV 4027, 4028 HOV 4000A, 4000B HOV 4734)4735)4615, 4616 HOV 738 A)B Standby AFW Pumps Provide Service Mater to Hotor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps suction Provide AFW Cross-Connect Direct SW Flow to CCW HX's Direct CCW Flow to RHR HX's AFW Flow to SG's if normal AFM System inoperable within-2 hours Short term less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Long term HOV 9629 A,B Provide SW to suction of standby Long term AFM Pumps HOV 9710 A,B;9703 A,B;9704 A)B Steam Generator Level LT 460, 461, 462, 463 LT 470)471, 472)473 Sampling (being provided per THI)e Hydrogen Recombiners Pressurizer PORVs.11.Recirculation HOV 850 A,B outside cont.HOV 851 A,B (N.O.)inside cont.Standby AFM Discharge Valves to provide flow to SG's Honitoring Sample containment atmosphere and reactor coolant Haintain hydrogen control RC Pressure Control Provide path to RHR suction from B sump for low head safety injec-tion Long term Long term I,ong term Long term Long term Long term HOV 856 (N.O.)HOV 896 A,B (N.O.)HOV 857 A,B,C AOV 897)898 RWST isolation valve to RHR pumps suction, must close after RMST is drained RMST isolation valve, must close after RWST is drained Provide path to suction of SI and CS Pumps from RER pumps discharge Isolate high head recirculation flow to RWST during sump recir-culation required to func-tion to switch to recirc phase required to func-tion to switch to recirc phase required to func-tion to switch to recirc phase Short term HOV 704 A)B recirculation Close during switch to sump less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />

MAIN STEAM OR FEED LINE B FIGURE 2 3.2/3 HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE 1.2/3 STEAN LINE PRESSURE 2.2/3 LOM PRESSURIZER PRESSURE HI HI 3.2/3 STEAN LINE FLOIA 3.LOW T ave 2/4 SAFETY INJECTION I ACCIDENT OIAGIIOSTICS I 3.2/4 OVERPOWER hT HI 1 (I.4.MAIN STEAN LINE ISOLATION 6.SAFETY INJECT ION SEQUENCE (AUTO)FEEDllATER LINE ISOLATION 5.CONTAINMENT ISOLATION REACTOR TRIP 9.VALVES 8.REACTOR COOLANT PUMP TRIP 10.MANUAL ACTIONS 11.CONTINUED SAFE SHUTDOWN TABLE 2 MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV 1.Steam Line Pressure PT 468, 469, 482 PT 478)479)483 la.Steam Line Pressure (see 1 above)Provide signal for SI on low steam line pressure Accident Diagnostics same same signal initiation short term Containment Radiation Containment Sump Level High Containment Pressure (see 3 below)Accident Diagnostics Accident Diagnostics Accident Diagnostics NA NA NA short term short term short term 2.Low Pressurizer Pressure PT 429, 430, 431)449 Electrical Penetrations, Cable, Sleeves, and Terminal Blocks Provide Reactor trip and Safety Injection signals Provide control and Power Signal Transmission same same signal initiation long term High Containment Pressure PT 945)946, 947 PT 948)949~950 Provide signals for Containment Spray, Safety Injection, Containment Isola-tion, and Main-Steam Line Isolation NA signal initiation Steam Line Flow FT 464, 465 FT 474, 475Provide signals for Reactor trip and Main Steam Line Iso-lation same signal initiation Reactor Coolant Temperature Loop A Hot Ieg TE 401A, 402A)405A, 406A, 409A Provide Iow Tave 6 6 signals for'Reactor trip, Safety Injec-tion and Main Steam Line Isolation same signal initiation TABLE 2 MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK-2-BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV Loop A Cold Leg TE 401B>404A, 407A>408A, 410A Loop B Hot Leg TE 403B>404B, 407B, 408B, 410B Loop B Cold I,eg TE 403B>404B>407B, 408B>410B Main Steam Isolation AOV 3516 AOV 3517 Isolate 1A, B Steam Generators same 5 seconds after signal Feedwater Line Isolation AOV 4269 AOV 4270 AOV 4271 AOV 4272 Isolate Main Feed-water system same 5 seconds after signal Containment Isolation See Text,Section II.B.5 same Safety Injection Sequence (Auto)Batteries 1A, 1B Diesel Generators and auxiliaries D.C.Power Power supply to safe-guards busses during loss of.,outside AC Power same same Long term Long term 480 Volt Safeguards busses 14, 16, 17, 18 1A, 1B, 1C Safety In-jection pumps lA, B Containment Spray Pumps (only on hi-hi cont.Pressure)1A, 1B, 1C, 1D Service Water Pumps Provide distribution of power to safe-guards equipment High head.injection of borated water to Reactor Coolant System Containment Pressure and Temperature control Cooling Water to CCW Heat Exchanger same same N/A same Long term Long term I,ong term Long term HAIN STEAM LINE BREAK BLOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK IOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D Containment Recirc Units Containment Pressure N/A and Temperature con-trol Long term 1A, 1B Motor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps Cooling w'ater supply same to Steam Generators Long term Cooling Units for SI, CS, RHR, and Charging Pump Maintain motors within proper ambient temperature limits same Long term 480 Volt Safeguards HCCs 7.Reactor Trip Provide the distribu-same tion of power to safeguards equipment Long term Reactor trip breakers Reactor Protection and Instrumentation Cabinets Provide means to trip the reactor Provide the instru-mentation and pro-tion circuits for the control and tripping of the reactor same same Required for'eactor Trip Required for Reactor Trip 8.Reactor Coolant Pump Trip RCP Trip Breakers Provide means to trip NA RCPs Short term 9.Valves HOV 825A>B HOV 826A, B)C, D (Baa N.O.)AOV 836A, B.Provide path to SI Pumps for borated.water to high head safety injection Provide NaOH to CS if needed same 10/BAST Level o~l/2 hour Short term HOV 860A, B, C)D HOV 878, B, D (N.O.)Provide path to Con-tainment, Spray headers for CS Pumps'rovide path to cold legs of,RCS from high head safety injection N/A same Long term not required to function TABLE 2 MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK BIOCK NO./EQUIPMENT SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SA'FETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIME INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV HOV 896)A)B)(NO)

MOV 4007)4008 Provide path from RWST of borated water for SI and CS pumps suction Provide path for Aux.Feedwater to Steam Generators same same short-term (to close if need sump recirculaton)

Short term AOV 5871)5872)5873 AOV 5874, 5875)5876 BAST Level 1 LT 102)106)171)'72 Provide path for cleaning by fan coolers, cooling of cont.Atmosphere Indicate BAST Level for automatic trans-fer of SI Pump suction from BAST to RWST N/A same signal initiation 10/BAST I,evel or~1/2 hour MOV 852A, B Provide path for low head SI to Reactor Vessel same Signal Initiation 10.Manual'G Level Instrumentation LT 470, 471, 472, 473 LT 460, 461, 462)463 Safety Injection Reset Button Determine affected SG same Reset SI signal after same Automatic SI sequenc-ing is complete Short term less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1A, 1B Component Cooling Water Pumps Cooling Water for safeguards equipment same Long term 1A, 1B Containment Spray Pump (If cont.Pressure<30 psig)Containment Pressure N/A and Temperature con-trol Long term MOV 402?, 4028 Provide Service Water to Motor Driven Aux.Feedwater Pumps Suction same within~2 hours Charging pumps Inventory control to RCS same Long term TABLE 2 BLOCK NO./EQUIPHENT HAIN STEAH LINE BREAK SAFETY FUNCTION/BREAK LOCATION SAFETY FUNCTION REQUIRED OPERATION TIHE INSIDE CV OUTSIDE CV Standby AFW pumps HOV 9629A, B MOV 9710A, B;9703A, B;9704A, B HOV 4000A, B Provide flow to SGs if AFW system in-operable Provide SW to suction of Standby AFW Pumps Standby AFW discharge valves to provide AFW flow to SGs AFW Cross-Connect Valves same same same same I,ong term Long term Long term Short term 11.Continued Safe Shutdown Sampling (per THI)Pressurizer PORVs Sample Containment Atmosphere and Reactor Coolant RC Pressure Control same same Long term Long term

Accident References LOCA analysis[LOCA]FSAR 2.3.4, 5."ECCS Analysis for the R.E.Ginna Reactor with ENC WREM-2 PWR Evaluation Model" dated December 1977 sub-mitted with Application for Amendement to Operating License, on January 6, 1978.ECCS Analysis submitted by letter dated April 7, 1977 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E to A.Schwencer, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch Il, USNRC.ECCS Analysis for the R.E.Ginna Reactor with ENC WREM-2 PWR Evaluation Model.Exxon Nuclear Co.Report XN-NF-77-58.

Ginna Emergency Procedures E1.1 and E1.2, submitted by letter dated February 26, 1980 from L.D.White, Jr.RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC.Steam Line Break and Feedwater Line Break[SLB/FLB]'.Steam line break analyses submitted with Application for Amendment to Operating License on September 22, 1975.Plant'Transient.

Analysis for the R.E.Ginna Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant, Exxon Report XN-NF-77-40 (11/77 and updated 12/15/78 and March, 1980.Letter dated May 24, 1977 from K.W.Amish, RG&E to J.F.-O'eary, NRC.Ginna Emergency Procedures E1.1 and E1.3, submitted by letter dated February 26, 1980 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC.Letter from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, NRC, March 28, 1980.High Energy Line Break[HELB]"Effects of Postulated'Pipe Breaks Outside the Con-tainment Building", GAI Report No.1815, submitted by letter dated November 1, 1973 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to A, Giambuso, Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, USNRC.

Letter dated May 24, 1974 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to J.F.O'eary, Director, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC.Letter dated September 4, 1974 for R.R.Koprowski, RG&E to Edson Case, Acting Director, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC.Letter dated November 1, 1974 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to Edson Case, Acting Director, Directorate of Li-censing, USNRC.Letter dated May 20, 1977 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to A.Schwencer, Chief Operating Reactors Branch 51, USNRC.Letter dated February 6,'1978 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to A.Schwencer, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch Ol, USNRC.Amendment No.7 to Provisional Operating License DPR-18, transmitted, by letter dated May 14, 1975 from Robert A.Purple, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch-51, USNRC, to L.D.White, Jr , RG&E.Amendment No.29 to Provisional Operating License DPR-18, transmitted by letter dated August 24, 1979 from Dennis L.Ziemann, Chief, ORB 52, to L.D.White, Jr., RG&E.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, May 17, 1979.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC, June 27, 1979.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC July 6, 1979.Letter, R.E.Anderson, Gilbert/Commonwealth to James J.Shea, USNRC, June 11, 1979.Letter, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.M.Crutchfield, NRC, SEP Topic III-5.B,"Pipe Break Outside Containment," August 7, 1980.Letter, J.Wenclawiak and T.Snyder, Catalytic, to G.Wrobel, RG&E,"Equipment Environmental Qualification," October 27, 1980.Letter from D.M.Crutchfield, NRC, to L.D.White, Jr.RG&E, SEP Topic III-S.B,"Pipe Break Outside Containment," June 24, 1980.

Effects of Flooding[Flood]Letter dated May 13, 1975 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to Benard C.Rusche, Director, Office of Nuclear-Reactor Regulation, USNRC.2.3., dated May 20, 1975 from L.-D'.White, Jr., RG&E, to Robert A.Purple, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch 51, Division of Reactor Licensing.

Letter dated May 30, 1975 from L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to Robert A.Purple.t Letter dated June 16, 1975 from L.D.White', Jr., RG&E, to Robert A.Purple.Letter dated July 3, 1975 from Robert A.Purple to L.D.White, Jr., RG&E.Letter dated August.8, 1972 from Donald J.Skovholt, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors, USAEC, to Edward J.Nelson, RG&E.Letter dated October 3, 1972 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to Donald J.Skovholt, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors, USAEC.Letter dated May 31, 1973 from K.W.Amish, RG&E, to Donald J.Skovholt, Assistant, Director for Operating Reactors, USAEC.Application for Amendment to Operating License, sub-mitted March 10, 1975.Amendment, No.14 to Provisional Operating License DPR-18, transmitted by letter dated June 1, 1977 from A.Schwencer, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch 51, USNRC.Letter, L.D.White, Jr.RG&E, to Dennis L.Ziemann, USNRC, High Energy Line Breaks Outside Containment, June 27, 1979.TMI Lessons Learned[TMI]RG&E letter of October 17, 1979, L.D.White, Jr., RG&E, to D.L.Ziemann, USNRC,"TMI Short Term Lessons Learned Requirements." 2.3.RG&E letter of November 19, 1979, L.D.White, D.L.Ziemann, USNRC,"TMI Short Term Lessons Learned." RG&E letter of December 28, 1979, L.D.White, D.,L.Ziemann, USNRC,"TMI Short Term Lessons Learned."

I I'\,(l Table 3 Page 1 Reactor: GINNA SYSTElTIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Require Qua Qua.Document Method Reference Comments Solenoid Valve ASCO/V-4269, V-4270 LB 8300 B 61 U (FW Control Valves)V-4271, V-4272 LB 8300 B 64 RU (FW Bypass Valves)2.Solenoid Valve'Copes-Vulcan AOV 836 A,B.(NaOH to CS)3.Solenoid Valve Lawrence/110114W-Supply 125434W-Vent V-3516, V-3517 (Main Steam Isola-tion)4.Solenoid Valve Versa/VSG V-5871, V-5872,~V-5873, V-5874,'V-5875, V-5876 (Containment.Recir-culation System Dampers)Area 57 SI Signal Area 52 Minutes Area I3 Seconds Area 51 Seconds Temp ('F),Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem Rad.Sub.'emp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad: Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comments See Comments See Comments See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.250 Atm.Amb.200 Atm.Amb.Yes No Experience 23 Experience Experience Experience 23 Experience Experience Vendor Data 25-,.'xperience Experience Vendor Data 26 Experience Experience DBE-Main SLB in Turbine Bldg.Fail-Safe (closed)These valves were purchased from ASCO.8200 series.They are fail safe (open).En'closed in NEMA-2 drip-proof enclosure which is subjected to salt water spray qualification test.Fail safe (closed)Fail safe.Per-forms safety function within seconds of start of DBE.Not required to operate when accident conditions are reached.

l r Table 3~(]]Page 2 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Location Tame Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENV I RONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 5.Solenoid Valve ASCO AOV-897, AOV-898 (SI Recirculation)

Area 42 Short-Term (Before Sump Recirculation)

Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%).Chem.Rad.Sub.See Amb.Comments Atm.Amb.Experience

, 23 Experience Experience"Mild" be addressed later 6.Solenoid Valve Versa/Area 51 VSG-3731 Area 53 (Cont.Purge Valves)VSG-3421 (Cont.Depressuriza-tlon)Seconds Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See 200 Comments Atm.Amb.Vendor data 26 Experience Experience Fail-close to perform con-tainment isola-tion function 7.Control Room Dampers D-81+D-87 8a.Limitorque SMB-2 Reliance Motor MOV 841, 865 (Accumulator Discharge)

Area 41 Not required to operate Temp (oF Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See 320 Comments 105 100 Yes 2 x 10 No Test Test Test Test Test 18,19 18,19 18, 19 18, 19 18, 19 37 Not Electrical.

Deleted from Report Valves are locked-open with power removed.No need to function.t j 8b.Limitorque SMB-OO, Peerless MOV 826 A,B,C,D (BAST to SI Pumps)MOV 896 A,B (RWST to SI Pumps)Area 52 Short-Term (Before Sump recirculation)

Temp ('F)Amb.Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.Chem.No Rad.No Sub.No Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience 13 Experience Experience Not exposed to DBE environment

Table 3 Page 3 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Tame ENVIRONMENT Qua.Document Location Needed Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 8c.Iimitorque SMB-00'Reliance Motor MOV 825 A,B{RWST to SI Pumps)Area 52 Short-Term (Before Sump Recirculation)

Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.*Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience

'3 Experience Exp'erience No exposed to DBE environment Sd.8e.Limitorque SMB-00 Reliance Motor MOV 4007, 4008 (AFW Discharge)

MOV 4027, 4028 (AFW Suction)4000 A,B (AFW Cross-Connect)

Limitorque SMB-00 Reliance V-850 A,B (Sump Valves)MOV 856 (RWST to RHR)V-857 A,B,C (RHR to SI)V-860 A,B,C,D (CS Valves)Area 43 Area 02 Long Short-Term.

Only for DBEs not in area N.See Comment.Temp (4F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr{psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comment Amb.Atm.Amb.No 3 x 10 No Amb.Atm.Amb.320 105 100 Yes 2 x 10 Experience Experience Experience Test Test Test Test Test 18,19,53 18ilgi53 18,19,53 18,19,53 18,19,53 Not required to operate in harsh DBE envt.Alter-native SAFW system available.

Not exposed to DBE environment except post-LOCA sump water recir-culation 8f.Limitorque SMB-00 MOV-851 A,B Area 51 Not required to operate emp (oF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Amb.Comment Atm.Amb.No No No Experience 13 Experience Experience Not required to function for DBE.Valves are in locked-open posi-tion as required for SI.

Table 3 Page 4 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Tame ,Location-Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments g.Limitorque"SMB-00 Peerless Motor MOV 878 B,D (SI to cold legs)8h.Limitorque SMB-1 Reliance Motor MOV 852 A,B (core deluge)Area 51 Not required to operate Area 01 SI Signal Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.286 75 100 Yes 1.6 x 10 No Amb.Atm.Amb.320 105 100 Yes 2 x 10 No Experience

-Experience Experience Test Test Test Test Test 13 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 37 Not required to function for DBE.Valves are locked in open position, as needed for SI.Valve completes safety function (to open)early into accident 8i.Limitorque SMB-00 Reliance Motor MOV 9703 A,B;9704 A, B;9710 A, B (Standby AFW System)9.Motor, Pump General Electric (Standby AFW)Area 46 Long Term Area 86 Long Term Temp (4F)120 Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.Chem.No Rad.No Sub.No Temp ('F)120 Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.Chem.No Rad.No Sub.No 120 Atm.Amb.122 Atm.Amb.Vendor Data Experience Experience Vendor Data Experience Experience 43,47,54 2,3,43,47 Standby AFW System located in con-trolled envt.Standby AFW pumps located in aux.bldg.annex which has controlled envt.1Q.Motor, Pump Westinghouse 444 TS TBDP 445 TS TBDP (Containment Spray, RHR, Component Cooling)Area 52 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No 3 x 10 No 104 F Atm.Amb.1 x 10 Spec Experience Experience Test 15,16,67 Only DBE environ-ment is post-accident radiation 69 Table 3 Page 5 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Require Qua.Qua Method Document Reference Comments ll.Motor, Pump Westinghouse 505 US ABDP (Auxiliary Feed-water)Area ()3 Long Temp ('F)See Pr (psia)Comment RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.1040F Atm.Amb.2 x 10 Spec Experience Experience Test 8,16,67 68 Have installed totally redundant system not exposed to DBE (standby AFW)12a.Motor, Pump Westinghouse 509 US AFDP (Safety Injection) 12b.Motor, Pump 509 UPH ABDP (Service Water)Area C3 Long Area N5 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No 3xlo No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 104oF Atm.Amb.2 x 10 See Comment Spec Experience Experience Test Experience Experience Experience 15,16,67 68 67 Only DBE environ-ment is post-accident radiation This item is in a"mild" environ-ment.It will be addressed later.13a.Penetrations, Electrical Crouse-Hinds Area 41 Long Temp ('F)286 F Pr (psia)75 RH (%)100%Chem.Yes Rad.1.6xl0 Sub.No 340oF 105 100%Yes 1.17x10 Test Test Test Test Test 1,45,54,58 1,4S,S4,S8 1,45,54,58 58 45,64 Radiation level at location of pene-trltions<1.6 x 10 rads.Qualifi-fication test is greater than DOR guidelines value of 2 x 10 rads.13b.Penetrations, Electrical Westinghouse Area Nl Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286oF 75 100%es 8 1.6x10 No 340oF 75 100%s 8 2.1x10 Test Test Test Test 29,30,59 29,30,59 29,30,59 29,30,59

Table 3 Page 6 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Location Tame Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 14.Terminal Block Westinghouse 542247 Area 51 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)chem.Rad.Sub.286oF 75 100%o es 8 1.6x10 No 3400F 121 100%Yes 7 2x10 Test Test Test Test Test 50 50 50 50 60 Location of blocks7is such that 2 x 10 rads, a value equal to the DOR guidelines value, should be acceptable.

Also, terminal blocks will be elevated.15a.Cable Kerite HT Area Il Long Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.75 100%es 8 1.6xlO No Temp (oF)286 F 340oF 118 100%Yes 8 2xlO Test Test Test Test Test 11,38,51, 55,63 15b.Cable Kerite HT All Long Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.15.8 100 No No No Temp (oF)220oF 340oF 118 100 Yes 8 2x10 Test Test Test Test Test 11,38,51, 55,63 16.Cable Coleman Cable Area Nl Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6xlo No 340 118 100 es 8 2xlO Test Test Test Test Test 46, 51 46,51 46,51 46,51 46,51 Table 3 Page 7 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Require Qua.Qua.Method Document Reference Comments 17.Cable Coleman Cable Rome Cable General Cable/18.Transmitter, Level Foxboro (RWST Level)All Long Area N2 Short Term (Before Sump Recirculation)

Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.220 15.8 100 No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 250 Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Test Experience Experience Experience Experience.

Experience 5,10,46 In lieu of 100/RH, an owl zmmersxon test performed per IPCEA S-61-402 Not exposed to DBE when required to to function 19.Transmitter, Level Area 42 Short Term Barton 289 (Before Sump (RWST Level)Recirculation) 20.Transmitter, Flow Area 51 Seconds Barton 332 (Steam Flow)Temp (oF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 286 75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No 200 Atm.Amb.See Comments Vendor Data Experience Experience See Comments 34 31 Not exposed to DBE envt.when required to function.Not exposed to to DBE when required to function.21.Transmitter, Pres.Areas 2,3 Long , Barton 332 (Cont.Pressure)Temp (oF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No See Comments See Comments 31 Not exposed to DBE when required to function.

Table 3 pPage 8 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVI RONMENT Qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 22.Transmitter, Pressure Foxboro 611 GM-DSI~(PRZR Pressure)23.Transmitter, Pressure Foxboro 611 GM-DSI (Steam Pressure)24.Transmitter, Level Foxboro 613 M-MDL Modified (Przr Level)Area 41 Short Area 43 Short Area 51 Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Sub.286 75 100 Yes l.7xl0 No See Comments See Comments 286 75 100 Yes<3x10 See Comments See Comments Test Test Test Test Evaluation See Comments See Comments 18,19,33 18,19,33 18,19,33 18,19,33 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 18,19 Adequate for short-term function.Will be replaced and elevated to perform post-accident monitoring function Not exposed to DBE when required to function Not required for a short-term safety function.Will be replaced for long-term monitoring 25.Transmitter, Level Area 52 Sort Foxboro 613 DM-MSI (BAST Level)26.Transmitter, Level Area 51 Foxboro 613 (SG Level)Temp (4F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.See Comments Experience Experience Experience See Comments Not exposed to DBE Alternative instrumentation available to per-form safety function.Will be replaced for long-term monitoring.

II Table 3 Page 9 Reactor: GINNA Equipment Type Location Tame Needed SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT qua.Document Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 27.Temp Element Rosemount/176JA (,RTDs)28.Battery Gould/FTA-19 Area¹1 Area¹8 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 200 Atm.Amb.200 R/hr 110 Atm.Amb.Spec 35 Experience Experience Spec 35 Vendor Data 9,32 Experience Experience Not required to function for short-term DBE.Will be replaced for long-term monitoring Not exposed to DBE 29a.Diesel Generator Area¹4 Long ALCO Diesel 251F b.Westinghouse 1900 KW Generator c.Westinghouse fuel oil transfer pump-1 HP-model TEFC Class PMF Insulation Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience 7 Experience Experience Not exposed to DBE 30.Motor, Containment Area¹1 Long Fan Coolers Westinghouse 588.5-CSP Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No 320 95 100 Yes 8 2xlo Test Test Test Test Test 18,19,20, 64,65, 67,70 31.Circuit Breaker Westinghouse DB-50A 1600A Area¹3 Seconds Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.Experience Experience Experience Equipment will fail-safe on loss of power Table 3 Page 10 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type 32.IRC Cabinets Foxboro Location Tame Needed Area 08 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.ENV I RONMENT Parameter Require Qua.qua.Method Experience Experience Experience Document Reference Comments Not exposed to DBE 33.HVAC Westinghouse 2162{Control Room AHU)Area 58 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)(%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 122 Atm.Amb.Spec 4,6 Experience Experience Not exposed to DBE 34.Splice Sleeves Area 51 Long Temp (4F)286 340 Test 36,38,51 56,62 Raychem WCSF-N 35.Solenoids/

Valcor V57300 (Pressurizer PORVs),'36.Level Switches GEM Corp.Model:Special-Similar to LS-1900 (Containment Sump"B" Level)Area Ol Long Area 41 Pr (psia)RH{%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No 286 75 100 Yes 1.6x10 No See Comments 118 100 es 8 2x10 346 128 100 Yes 8 2x10 See Comments Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test 52 Not required to perform safety function.How-will be replaced for TMI-STLL

c, Table 3 Page ll Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Eguipment Type Location T1me Needed ENVIRONMENT Parameter Requ1re Qua.Qua Method Document Reference Comments 37.H2 Recombiner Area 41 Igniter Exciter Unit GLA Part No.43737, Rev.A, Serial 001 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6xlo No 315 105 100 Yes 1.73x10 Test Test Test Test Test 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 H2 Recombiner Blower Motor (2/15 Scale)W 2 HP, Class H Ins., Model TBFC SO 68C24196 Pump Motor U.S.Electrical Motors Model VEU, 100 HP Frame 84-445 U Insulation Class B (Charging Pump)Solenoids/

Johnson Controls Model D251 (Control Room Air Handling Unit Dampers)Medium Voltage Switchgear Westinghouse DH-350E 1200 A Breakers (RCP Trip Breakers)Area 51 Long Area N2 Long Area 58 Short Area 07 Short Temp (OF Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp (OF)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.286 75 100 Yes 1.6xl0 No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No Amb.Atm.Amb.No No No 286 75 100 Yes 2.0x10 No Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Amb.Atm.Amb.Te'st Test Test Test Test Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18,19,49 18, 19,49 Not exposed to DBE environment Not exposed to DBE environment Breakers need only open for LOCA inside containment to stop RC pumps.Not exposed to DBE when needed to

Table 3 Page 12 Reactor: GINNA SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM Equipment Type Location Tame Needed ENVIRONMENT Qua-Document, Parameter Require Qua.Method Reference Comments 42.RHR Pump Cooling System Fan Motors Westinghouse Model SBDP Class B Insulation-2HP Area 02 Long Temp ('F)Pr (psia)RH (%)Chem.Rad.Sub.Amb.Atm.3xlO No No Amb.Atm.Amb.7 lx10 Experience Experience Experience Test 69 Only exposed to DBE radiation environment 43.Cont Spray/SI Pump and Charging Pump Cooling Systems Fan Motors Westinghouse Model SBDP Class B Insulation-3HP 44.Main Control Board Reactor Trip Racks Relay Logic and Test Racks Miscellaneous Racks Auxiliary Relay Racks Safeguard Racks Reactor Coolant System Racks CVCS Racks Feedwater Control Racks SI Sequence Racks Area 52 Long Area N2 Long Temp ('F)Amb.Pr (psia)Atm.RH (%)Amb.6 Chem.3x10 Rad.No Sub.No See Comments Amb.Atm.Amb.>1x10 Experience Experience Experience Test 69 Only exposed to DBE radiation environment"Mild" Environment.

be addressed at a later time C I Table 4 Environmental Service Conditions Inside Containment Normal 0 eration Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

60-120 F 0 psig 50%(nominal)1 Rad/hr general.Can be higher or lower near specific components.


Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Chem.Spray: Flooding: Auxiliar Buildin Normal 0 eration Figur'e 5 (286'F max)Figure 4 (60 psig design)100%Figure 6 (1.6 x 10 total)Solution of boric acid (2000 to 3000 ppm boron)plus NaOH in water.Solution pH between 8 and 10.7 ft (approx)Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

50-104 F 0 psig, 60%(nominal)10 mr/hr general, with areas near RHR piping<100 mr/hr during shutdown operation Accident Conditions includin sum recirculation Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: 50-104'F (122'F near motors)0 psig 60%(nominal)Operating Floor (271'lev.):

Near Bus 14 and NCC 1C 6 1L: 100 rad Other Areas: less than 50 rad Intermediate Floor (253'lev.):

Near Bus 16 and MCC 1D 8 1N: 900 rad Other Areas: less than 500 rad Basement Floor (236'lev.):

Near CS, RHR, an(SI Pumps: 2.8 x 10 pads Other areas:<10 rads N/A N/A

C.Intermediate Buildin Normal 0 eratzon Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

50-104'F 0 psig 60%(nominal)1 mr/hr (higher near reactor coolant sampling lines)Accident Condition Based u on HELB or MELB Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: 215'F for 30 minutes;then reducing to 104 within 3 hrs 0.8 psig for 30 minutes;then reducing to O,psig within 3 hrs 100%indefinitely N/A N/A 0 Based u on LOCA conditions Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: D.Cable Tunnel 115'F indefinitely*

near large motors and FW and SL piping.104'F in open areas 0 psig 100%Negligible N/A 0 E.Same as Intermediate Control Buildin Control Room Normal 0 eration Building Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident Conditions Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: 50-104'F (usually 70-78'F)0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible 104oF 0.psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A N/A*Estimated (no explicit calculations performed)

~1 Normal 0 eration Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

J Accident Conditions Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity.Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible 104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A N/A Normal 0 eration Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident Conditions Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray Flooding: 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible

<104'F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A N/A Necbanical E i ment Room Normal 0 eratzon Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident, Conditions Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible

<104'F 0 psig 60%(nominal).Negligible None 3 ft.(estimated for a service water line leak)

F.Diesel Generator Rooms Normal 0 eratxon Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident Conditions60-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: G.Turbine Buildin Normal 0 eration 104 F 0 psig 90%(estimated)

Negligible N/A 0 ft**Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident Conditions 50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: H.Auxiliar Buildin Annex Normal 0 eratzon 220'F'or 30 minutes, reduce to 100'F within 3 hrs.1.14 psig on mezzanine and basement levels, 0.7 psig on operating floor 100%Negligible N/A 18'~in basement (Circ.Water Break)Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident.'Conditions60-120 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding: 60-120 F.0 psig 60%(normal)Negligible N/A 2 ft.**Service water line crack would affect only one room (see FEOOD-15)

Screenhouse Normal 0 eration Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Accident Conditions:

50-104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible Temperature:

Pressure: Humidity: Radiation:

Spray: Flooding:<104 F 0 psig 60%(nominal)Negligible N/A 18" (Circ.Water Break)

Deeda Basf.s Accident Temperature

-.Time Curve$000I I I I 5$0--150~Containment Temperature o~~Sump Temperature

~..'l o Ii.l o I~~~~I I~I ,.~)I~~o~'I I I Heat Exchanger Outlet I.Temperature

~~H I o I I,'.-~I I~~I~)I~~o I I~I*I I'I~~~~l.I.~~.'II'~'I t.l~.I'~~~~i r~~r I~~*\I~~~~t oo l I~I~I I.'..--i;:>>~I-:~

f--1O O I'"'I'-'I"-I-l-j..I~I~.,I l la:..-..j.L I.~~.I~~~~~~~~I i).,I.o.Ju f I.j.l P~-l-i I'I--lj,j~---., I.o I~I I-s~..~~~(~~r I t g~~l f...I q,).I.I.-~~o Conservative Representation I~~i~oE Containment Prcssure Q I 5 IO:,.'0~:.~~':-.::.'~:~.':.I 10 I~~~~I~I 10 I~:;i.16~6+18-.': '.~I I~~<-~',-~t~4-t-I.I I)Jay-t~'03 10 Tim After 9 2asis Accident ('econds)10 Po g g Q g Q

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