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Rev 0 to Design Verification Ginna Station Containment Foundation Mat Analysis.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1990
Shared Package
ML17262A442 List:
EWR-5327, EWR-5327-R, EWR-5327-R00, NUDOCS 9104240285
Download: ML17262A440 (29)


ATTACHMENT D 9i04240285 9i0415 PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PDR

Design Ver'fication Ginna Station Containment Foundation Mat Analysis ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION 89 EAST AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14649 EWR I5327 Revision 0 October 1, 1990 Prepared. By:

Structural Engineer Dat'e Reviewed By:

Structural gineer Date C

Approved By: Cl. io 49o Manager, S~ucturhl B~ieering Date Page i

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BEVXS EON STATUS SHEET Latest Latest Latest Page Rev. Page Rev. Page Rev.

i Verification Revision Design EWR I5327 Page ii October 1, 1990 0



Desi Review 1.0 Summar Descri tion of the Desi n Recent licensing activities relative to Ginna Station license extension have prompted an analytical inves-tigation of the Containment Building. This analysis is made to address the adequacy of the foundation mat to resist upward hydrostatic pressure loads.

2.0 Referenced Documents Letter "Request For Additional Information (RAI),

Concerns Related to the Integrity of Containment at Ginna (TAC No. 67427)" from Allen Johnson, USNRC to Robert Mecredy dated July 9, 1990.

3.0 Discussion Not applicable.

4.0 ~summar The analysis that was done on STARDYNE is very conser-vative and shows the mat to be acceptable for water at elevation 265 and slightly overstressed for water at elevation 270. The MSC PAL results confirm the STARDYNE results at elevation 265 and demonstrated, with a less conservative model, that the slab is also adequate for water at elevation 270.

5.0 Justification for Mana er's Verification Not applicable.

LAS/170 Design




Revision 0 Page 1 EWR I5327 October 1, 1990

DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST YES NO Were the inputs correctly selected and incorporated into design?

(2) Are assumptions necessary to perform the design activity adequately described and reasonable? Where necessary, are the assumptions identified for subsequent re-verifications when the detailed design activities are completed?

(3) Are the appropriate quality and quality assurance requirements specified?

(4) Are the applicable codes, standards and regulatory requirements including issue and addenda properly identified and are their requirements for design met?

(5) Have applicable construction and operating experience been considered?

(6) Have the design interface requirements been satisfied? X (7) Was an appropriate design method. used? X (8) Is the output reasonable compared to inputs?

(9) Are the specified parts, equipment and processes suitable for the required application? N/A (10) Are the specified materials compatible with each other and the design environmental conditions to which the material will be exposed? N/A (10a) For 10CFR50.49 specified items, are all requirements in sections 4, 5 and 6 of the applicable EEQ-1 forms properly incorporated in the design outputs? N/A Have adequate maintenance features and requirements been specified? N/A Design



~ ~

Revision 0 Page 2 EWR f5327 October 1, 1990

(12) Are accessibility and. other design

~ 5 provisions adequate for performance of needed. maintenance and repair? N/A (13) Has adequate accessibility been provided to perform the in-service inspection expected to be required during the plant life' N/A (14) Has the design properly considered radiation exposure to the public and plant personnel? N/A (15) Are the acceptance criteria incorporated in the design documents sufficient to allow verification that design requirements have been satisfactorily accomplished?

(16) Have adequate pre-operational and.

subsequent periodic test requirements been appropriately specified? N/A (17) Have the characteristics of existing equipm'ent important to the conduct of tests been reviewed to assure the characteristics can meet the test requirements? N/A Are adequate handling, storage, cleaning and shipping requirements specified? N/A (19) Are adequate identification requirements specified? N/A (20) Are requirements for record preparation, review, approval, retention, etc.,

adequately specified?

(21) Are the requirements for fire protection specified in the Design Criteria adequately incorporated in the drawings and specifications? N/A (22) Have the Environmental qualification requirements of the Design Criteria, including compliance with QE-328 and 10 CFR 50.49 been satisfied? N/A (23) Has design process been performed in accordance with approved. RG&E Engineering Procedures?


Design Verification

~ ~ ~

Revision 0 Page 3 EWR I5327 October 1, 1990



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8.609E+02 -8.609E+02 3.043E+02 7.665E+02 0.0 78 0 4.351E+02 -4.351E+02 1.587E+02 3.898E+02 0.0 78 82 5.629E+02 -5.629E+02 2.015E+02 5.024E+02 0.0 78 83 3.075E+02 -3.075E+02 1.160E+02 2.776E+02 0.0 78 103 3.075Ei02 -3.075E+02 1. 161E+02 2.7?6E+02 0.0 ?e 102 5.625Ei02 -5.625E+02 2.014E+02 5.021E+02 0.0 79 0 2.090E+02 -2.090E+02 8.504E+01 1.925E+02 0.0 79 83 3. 135E+02 -3.135E+02 1.182E+02 2.830E+02 0.0 79 84 1.043E+02 -1.043E+02 5.181E+01 1 '40E+02 0.0 79 ,104 1.045E+02 -1.045E+02 5.196E+01 1.042E+02 0.0 79 103 3.134E+02 -3.134E+02 1.182E+02 2.829E+02 0.0 80 0 3.136E+01 -3.136E+01 2.958E+01 5 '26E+01 0.0 80 84 1.108E+02 -1.108E+02 5.411E+01 1.096E+02 0.0 80 85 6.522E+01 -6.522E+01 4.851E+00 6.095E+01 0.0 80 105 6.533E+01 -6.533E+01 5.115E+00 6.087E+01 0.0 0 104 1.110E+02 -1.110E+02 5.423E+01 1.097E+02 0.0 0 1 '30E+02 -1.130E+02 1.018E+01 1.044E+02 0.0 85 6.337E+01 -6.337E+01 7.068E+00 5.762E+01 0.0 1 86 1.773E+02 -1.773E+02 2.773E+01 1.571E+02 0.0 81 106 1.76?E+02 -1.767E+02 2.738E+01 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5.133E+02 0.0 94 119 5.758E+02 -5.758E+02 2.056E+02 5. 137E+02 0.0 94 118 3.1C2E+02 -3.142E+02 1. 173E+02 2.829E+02 0.0 95 0 7.246E+02 -7.246E+02 2.572E+02 6.457E+02 0.0 95 99 5.702E+02 -5.702E+02 2.037E+02 5.087E+02 0.0 95 100 8.784E+02 -8.784E+02 3.105E+02 7.821E+02 0.0 95 120 8.791E+02 -8.791E+02 3.107E+02 7.827E+02 0' 95 119 5.706E+02 -5.706E+02 2.038E+02 5.091E+02 0.0 03-20-91 10:05 HSC/pal 2 Page 39 i 81 MAXIHUH STRESSES HAJOR Hl NOR 8.613E+02 -8.613E+02 FOR SHELL ELEMENTS SHEAR 3.044E+02 STRESS VOH 7.669E+02 HISES CR I TER IOH 82 5.604E+02 .5.604E+02 2.006E+02 5.001E+02 83 3 '05E+02 .3.'l05E+02 1.171E+02 2.803E+02 84 1.076Et02 .1.076E+02 5.296E+01 1. 068E+02 85 6.430E+01 -6.430E+01 5.959E+00 5.929E+01 86 1.745Et02 -1.745E+02 2.674E+01 1.548E+02 87 2.643E+02 -2.643E+02 4.833E+01 2.316Ei02 88 3.275E+02 -3.275E+02 6.219E+01 2.863E+02 89 3.691E+02 -3.691E+02 7. 128E+01 3.224E+02 90 3.919E+02 .3.919E+02 7.721E+01 3.419E+02 91 3.961E+02 -3.961E+02 7.995E+01 3.451E+02 92 3.802E+02 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115 1.855E+02 -1.855E+02 3 '49E+01 1.624E+02 116 6 '51E+01 -6.051E+01 1.372E+00 5.920E+01 117 1.079E+02 -1.079E+02 5.110E>01 1 '52E+02 118 3.173E+02 -3.173E+02 1.184E+02 2.857E+02 119 5.732E+02 -5.732E+02 2.047Et02 5.114E+02 120 8.791E+02 -8.791E+02 3.107E+02 7.827E+02 "Je 03-20-91 10:38 MSC/pal 2 Page 1 C/V BASE SLAB STATIC ANALYSIS SUBCASE NO. 1 ELEHENT RECOVERY MAXIMUM STRESSES FOR QUAD E LEHENT VON HISES CR I TER ION ELEMENT NODE MAJOR HI NOR SHEAR STRESS X YIELD 2 0 1.962E+02 -1.962E+02 8.176E+01 1.821E+02 0.0 2 2 7.773E+02 -7.773E+02 3.137E+02 7.142E+02 0.0 2 3 8.115E+02 -8.115E+02 2. 725E+02 7.164E+02 0.0 2 23 4.615E+02 '-4.615E+02 1.669E+02 4.127E+02 0.0 2 22 3.559E+02 -3.559E+02 1. 172E+02 3.133E+02 0.0 22 0 1.S23E+02 -1.823E+02 6. 154E+01 1.610E+02 0.0 22 23 8.011E+01 -8.011E+01 4.327E+01 8.351E+01 0.0 22 24 2.988E+02 -2.988E+02 9.698E+01 2.6268+02 0.0 22 44 6.628E+01 -6.628E+01 4.199E+01 7.668E+01 0.0 22 43 3.338E+02 -3.338E+02 1 ~ 139E+02 2.954E+02 0.0 42 0 5.581E+01 -5.581E+01 4.657E+01 8.119E+01 0.0 42 44 1.632E+02 -1.632E+02 6.444E+01 1.490E+02 0.0 42 45 1.316E+02 -1.316E+02 6. 191E+01 1.279E+02 0.0 42 65 8.564E+01 -8.564E+01 4 ~ 538E+01 8.832E+01 0.0 42 64 1.065E+02 -1 ~ 065E+02 5. 838E+01 1.120E+02 0.0 62 0 1.289E+02 -1 ~ 2S9E+02 3 ~ 123 E+01 1. 116E+02 0.0 62 65 8.864E+01 -8.864E+01 2.887E+01 7.793E+01 0.0 62 66 1. 651E+02 -1.651E+02 4.053E+01 1.430E+02 0.0 62 86 1.887E+02 -1.887E+02 3.905E+01 1.642E+02 0.0 85 8.507E+01 -8.507E+01 2.847E+01 7.507E+Ol 0.0 0 2.189E+02 -2 '89E+02 3.728E+01 1.928E+02 0.0 86 1.717E+02 -1.717E+02 2.575E+01 1.526Et02 0.0 82 87 2.666E+02 -2.666E+02 4.914E+01 2.335Et02 0.0 82 107 2.661E+02 -2.661E+02 4.879E+01 2.331E+02 0.0 82 106 1.712E+02 -1.712E+02 2.544E+01 1.523E+02 0.0 102 0 2.902E+02 -2.902E+02 6.120E+01 2.524E+02 0.0 102 107 2.665E+02 -2.665E+02 5.165E+01 2.327E+02 0.0 102 108 3.329E+02 -3.329E+02 6.596E+01 2.903E+02 0.0 102 128 2.988E+02 -2.988E+02 6.614E+01 2.593E+02 0.0 102 127 2.629E+02 -2.629E+02 6.125E+01 2.279E+02 0.0 122 0 2.928Et02 -2.928E+02 7.695E+01 2.536E+02 0.0 122 128 3.172E+02 -3.172E+02 7.388E+01 2.750E+02 0.0 122 129 3.405E+02 -3.405E+02 7.660E+01 2.954E+02 0.0 122 149 3.005E+02 -3.005E+02 9.301E+01 2.627E+02 0.0 122 148 2.130E+02 -2.130E+02 6.466E+01 1.859E+02 0.0 142 0 2.695E+02 -2.695E+02 1. 101E+02 2 '86E+02 0.0 142 149 2 '19E+02 -2.519E+02 6.651E+01 2.183E+02 0.0 142 150 3. 131E+02 -3. 131E+02 9. 218E+01 2.726E+02 0.0 142 170 2.144E+02 -2.144E+02 1. 235E+02 2.324E+02 0.0 142 169 2.987E+02 -2.987E+02 1. 584E+02 3.081E+02 0.0 r 4 03-20-91 10:38 HSC/pal 2 page 2 HAXIHUH STRESSES FOR SHELL ELEMEHTS VOH HISES MAJOR HI NOR SHEAR STRESS CRITERIOH 2 7.773E+02 -7.773E+02 3. 137E+02 7.142E+02 3 8.115E+02 -8.115E+02 2.725E+02 7.164E+02 22 3.559E+02 -3.559E+02 1 ~ 172E+02 3.133E+02 23 2.708E+02 .2.708E+02 1.051E+02 2.481E+02 24 2.988E+02 -2.988E+02 9.698E+01 2.626E+02 43 3.338E+02 -3.338E+02 1.139E+02 2.954E+02 44 1 '47E+02 -1.147E+02 5.321E+01 1 ~ 128E+02 45 'l.316E+02 -1.316E+02 6. 191E+01 1.279E+02 64 1.065E+02 -1.065E+02 5.838E+01 1 ~ 120E+02 65 8.714E+01 -8.714E+01 3.713E+01 8.312E+01 66 1.651E+02 -1.65'lE+02 4.053E+01 1 '30E+02 85 8.507E+01 -8.507E+01 2.847E+01 7.507E+01 86 1.802E+02 -1.802E+02 3.240E+01 1.584E+02 87 2.666E+02 -2.666Et02 4.914Et01 2.335E+02 106 1.712E+02 -1.712E+02 2.544E+01 1.523E+02 107 2.663Et02 -2.663Et02 5.022E+01 2.329E+02 108 3.329E+02 -3.329E+02 6.596E+01 2.903E+02 127 2.629E+02 .2.629E+02 6.125E+01 2.279E+02 128 3.080E+02 -3.080E+02 7. 001E+01 2.671E+02 129 3.405E+02 -3.405E+02 7.660E+01 2.954E+02 148 2.130E+02 -2.130E+02 6.466E+01 1.859E+02 149 2.762E+02 -2.762E+02 7.976E+01 2.405E+02 150 3.131E+02 -3.131E+02 9.218E+01 2.726E+02 169 2.987E+02 -2.987E+02 1 ~ 584 E+02 3.081E+02 2.144E+02 -2.144E+02 1.235E+02 2.324E+02 03-20-91 10:40 HSC/pal 2 Page 1 C/V BASE SLAB STATIC ANALYSIS SUBCASE HO. 1 ELEMENT RECOVERY MAXIMUM STRESSES FOR OUAO E LEMEHT VON HISES CRI TER IOH ELEHEHT HOOE HAJOR HIHOR SHEAR STRESS X YIELD 17 0 9.304E+01 -9.304E+01 4.714E+01 9.367E+01 0.0 17 17 9.344E+02 -9.344E+02 3.402E+02 8.368E+02 0.0 17 18 9.137E+02 -9.137E+02 3.648E+02 8.370E+02 0.0 17 38 7.215E+01 -7.215E+01 3.927Ei01 7.555E+01 0.0 17 37 3.067E+02 -3.067E+02 1.107E+02 2.742E+02 0.0 37 0 4.137E+02 -4.137E+02 1.313E+02 3.626E+02 0.0 37 38 4.869E+02 -4.869E+02 1.592E+02 4.283E+02 0.0 37 39 3.813E+02 -3.813E>02 1.157E+02 3.327E+02 0.0 37 59 5.696E+02 -5.696E+02 1.888E+02 5.019E+02 0.0 37 58 2.174E+02 -2.174E+02 6.190E+01 1.889E+02 0.0 57 0 6.782E+02 -6.782E>02 2.391E+02 6.036E+02 0.0 57 59 4.629E+02 -4.629E+02 1.591E+02 4.102E+02 0.0 57 60 8.098E+02 -8.098E+02 2.848E+02 7.204E+02 0.0 57 80 8.655E+02 .8.655f+02 3.074E+02 7.713E+02 0.0 57 79 5.746E+02 -5.746E+02 2.052E+02 5.126E+02 0.0 77 0 7.094E+02 -7.094E+02 2.520E+02 6.323E+02 0.0 77 81 8.613E+02 -8.613E+02 3.044E+02 7.669E+02 0.0 77 82 5.579E+02 -5.579E+02 1.997E+02 4.979E+02 0.0 77 102 5.576E+02 -5.576E+02 1.996E+02 4.977E+02 0.0 77 101 8.609E+02 -8.609E+02 3.043E+02 7.665E+02 0.0 0 4.310E+02 -4.3'ICE+02 1.555Ei02 3.853E+02 0.0 102 5.633E+02 -5.633E+02 2.014E+02 5.026E+02 0.0 103 3 '86E+02 -3.086E+02 1.165E+02 2.786E+02 0.0 97 123 3. 150E+02 -3.150E+02 1.145E+02 2.820E+02 0.0 97 122 5.374E+02 -5.374E+02 1.896E+02 4.783E+02 0.0 117 0 1.954E+02 -1.954E+02 7.377E+01 1.764E+02 0.0 117 '23 2.903E+02 -2.903E+02 1.084E+02 2.614E+02 0.0 117 124 1.282E+02 -1.282E+02 6. 101E+01 1'.252E+02 0.0 117 144 5.580E+01 '5.580E+01 3.459E+01 6.355E+01 0.0 117 143 3.283E+02 -3.283E+02 1.123E+02 2.907E+02 0.0 137 0 7.557E+01 -7.557E+01 6.081E+01 1.064E+02 0.0 137 144 1.738E+02 -1. 738E+02 7.618E+01 1.641E+02 0.0 '137 145 1.404Ei02 -1.404E+02 7.317E+01 1.434E+02 0.0 137 165 1.902E+02 -1.902E+02 6.973E+01 1 '06E+02 0.0 137 164 1.943E+02 -1.943E+02 1.024E+02 1.998E+02 O.O 157 0 8.318E+01 -8.318E+01 7.079E+01 1.232E+02 0.0 157 165 2.958E+02 -2.958E+02 1.468E+02 2.947E+02 0.0 157 166 1. 132E+02 -1. 132E+02 4. 589E+01 1 '42E+02 0.0 157 186 7.800E+02 -7.800E+02 3.511E+02 7.442E+02 0.0 157 185 8.403E+02 >>8.403E+02 2.801E+02 7.411E+02 0.0 ~ i a D3-20.91 10:40 HSC/pal 2 P89e 2 MAXIMUM STRESSES FOR SHELL ELEMEMTS VOH HISES HAJOR Hl NOR SHEAR STRESS CRITERIOH 17 9.344E+02 -9.344E+02 3.402E+02 8.368E+02 18 9.137Et02 -9.137E+02 3.648E+02 8.370E+02 37 3.067E+02 -3.067E+02 1 '07E+02 2.742E+02 38 2 '95E+02 -2.795E+02 9.926E+01 2.519E+02 39 3.813E+02 -3.813E+02 1.157E+02 3.327E+02 58 2.174E+02 -2.174E+02 6.190E+01 1.889E+02 59 5.162E+02 -5.162E+02 1.740Et02 4.561Ei02 60 8.098Et02 -8.098E+02 2.848E+02 7.204E+02 79 5.746E+02 -5.746E+02 2.052E+02 5.126E+02 80 8.655E+02 -8.655E+02 3.074E+02 7.713E+02 81 8.613E+02 -8.613E+02 3 '44E+02 7.669E+02 82 5.579E+02 -5.579E+02 1.997E+02 4.979E+02 101 8.609E+02 -8.609E+02 3.043E+02 7.665E+02 102 5.604Et02 -5.604E+02 2.005E+02 5.002E+02 103 3 '86E+02 -3 '86E+02 1.165E+02 2.786E+02 122 5.374E+02 -5.374E+02 1.896E+02 4.783E+02 123 3.027E+02 -3.027E+02 1. 114E+02 2.717E+02 124 1.282E+02 -1.282E+02 6. 101E+01 1.252E+02 143 3.283E+02 -3.283E+02 1.123E>02 2.907E+02 144 1.148E+02 -1. 148E+02 5.538E+01 1.138Et02 145 1.404E+02 -1.404E+02 7.317E+01 1.434Et02 164 1.943E+02 -1.943E+02 1. 024E+02 1.998E+02 165 2.430E+02 -2.430E+02 1.083E+02 2.327E+02 166 1.132E+02 -1 '32E+02 4.589E+01 1.042E+02 185 8.403E+02 -8.403E+02 2.801E+02 7.411E+02 7.800E+02 .7.800E+02 3.511E+02 7.442E+02