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Rev 0 to Differential Pressure Thrust Calculation Methodology.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1988
From: Kelly L, Milo M
Shared Package
ML17251A473 List:
E.R.-1.0, E.R.-1.0-R, E.R.-1.0-R00, NUDOCS 8905160082
Download: ML17251A477 (46)






Da e Approved By:

En eer n Depa ment Manager Da e Approved By: 88 Manager, Engineering Division Da Revie~ed By; cd /788

~lity Assurance Manager Date MOVATS Incorporated - Copyright 1988


's 1



1. Component Stress Limits
2. Stall Thrust Limits C. Capability Verification During/After Testing
1. Compare Actual Running Load to MART
2. Compare Thrust Settings to Thrust Requirements
3. Compare Thrust Settings to Thrust Limits IV. ASSUMPTIONS V. THRUST CALCULATION



1. Confidence Band Calculation MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1.0, Rev. 0 Page 3 of 12 9JLIKXL>$2 The objectives of the MOVATS Incorporated differential pressure thrust calculation and valve capability assessment are as follows:

l. Establish the actuator output thrust requirements for operation under worst case conditions based on the MOVATS Incorporated differential pressure test data base.
2. Determine actuator capability to provide the thrust requirement without exceeding its limits, including valve and actuator stress ratings and actuator reduced voltage stall thrust.

G R The MOVATS Incorporated differential pressure (DP) test data base contains the results of MOVs that have been tested under DP conditions. If sufficient data points for a particular type of valve are included in the data base, they can be used to predict thrust requirements for valves of that particular type, in lieu of performing DP testing to determine the thrust requirements. This approach is included in the Union Electric Company (Callaway) response to IEB 85-03, which has been accepted by the NRC.

The Callaway response specified that if there are 4 or more data points from valves of the same type, manufacturer, orifice diameter, and stem diameter; or if there are 20 or more data points from valves of the same type; then further DP testing is not required for those categories of valves if 1) the data points are used themselves te calculate required thrust statistically or

2) the data points verify that a particular calculation method is conservative.

If a valve is adequately represented in the DP data base, the DP thrust requirement is calculated by MOVATS Incorporated as follows. Linear regression is performed on the DP test data points to find the equation for the best-fit line through the data. After a thrust value is predicted for the valve using the "best-fit" equation, a 90% confidence band, or tolerance is calculated and then added to the predicted thrust to obtain the thrust, b ve a, required by the valve to be able to operate against differential pressure, (DP Thrust Requirement).

Standard statistical analysis methods are applied for deriving the confidence interval. Attachment 1 explains the methods in more detail.

MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1.0, Rev. 0 Page 4 of 12 To obtain the minimum target thrust, which i,s the value used to set the torque switch during MOVATS valve diagnostic testing, the "DP Thrust Requirement is multiplied by a factor that accounts for torque switch repeatability and accuracy of the MOVATS diagnostic system instruments.

All calculations provided are based on the MOVATS DP data base as of the date on which the calculations were performed. Because the calculations are performed using actual data from the data base, the calculation results can change as data is added to the data base, All data used in the calculation is available for review at MOVATS Incorporated in Marietta, Georgia.

If a valve is not adequately represented in the DP test data base, then the valve should be tested under pressure to determine the actual thrust required or to verify that a particular calculation method is conservative for the valve type. Testing may be performed at several reduced pressure points and the required thrust calculated by extrapolating the test data to the maximum pressure. The procedure for calculating the confidence band for the extrapolated thrust values is the same procedure used to calculate thrust using data points from the DP data base.

The magnitude of the confidence band is influenced by the number and values of test data points as follows:

1. The greater the difference between the actual test pressures and the maximum expected pressure, the lower the confidence.
2. The greater the number of tests performed at different pressures, the higher the confidence. Testing at a minimum of two different pressures is required in order to calculate a confidence band for the extrapolated thrust values.
3. The greater the scatter of data points, the lower the confidence.

If the valve can only be tested at one pressure point, consider the following:

1. The test results may be compared to the calculated thrust requirement for the reduced pressure. If the calculated value proves to be conservative, the calculational method can be used with relative confidence when computing thrust required at full differential pressure.
2. Theoretically, a thrust value obtained by extrapolating from a single data point is more reliable than a value obtained MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

pi E.R. 1.0, Rev. 0 Page 5 of 12 for a generic thrust equation alone, because the extrapolated value is based on empirical data from the specific valve in its actual condition, rather than on values fudged to be applicable to all similar valves. Note, that a statistically valid confidence band. cannot be computed without at least two test points (in addition to the zero point); therefore, engineering Judgement must be used when using the one point extrapolation approach.

3. The one data point will add a value to the industry data base, and combined with the rest of the data, may allow for validation of a generic calculational method for that particular type.

In conclusion, if a valve cannot be tested under its maximum differential pressure conditions, the next best option is to test the valve at a minimum of two different pressures. If data can only be obtained at one pressure value, this data point may be used to verify the manufacturer's thrust calculation method or added to the industry data base for future reference.

V V The general criteria that the valve must meet in order to be considered operable under worst case conditions are as follows, 1) the minimum available thrust must be greater than the DP thrust requirement; and 2) the maximum available thrust plus stem running load must be less than both the reduced stall thrust capability and the component stress limits.

A. Definitions The capability of the actuator to operate against worst case conditions is characterized by the interrelationships of the following factors:

1. DP Thrust Requirement - Thrust, above running load, required to operate against maximum differential pressure
2. Target Thrust - DP Thrust Requirement multiplied by factor to account for torque switch repeatability and measurement equipment error
3. Reduced Stall Thrust Capability - Calculated in accordance with Limitorque Selection Procedure SEL-10
4. Valve and Actuator Component Stress Limits - The lesser MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1.0, Rev, 0 Page 6 of 12 of the valve or actuator thrust ratings

5. Minimum Available Thrust T Q TST - Max R.L. - Error where, T Q TST - Thrust at torque s~itch trip Max R.L. Maximum running load seen by TMD Error - Factor which accounts for torque switch repeatability and measurement equipment error
6. Maximum Available Thrust - T Q TST - Avg R.L. + Error where, Avg R.L. average running load seen by TMD
7. Stem Running Load - Actuator output thrust required to move the valve stem B. Capability Evaluation Before Testing A "pre-test evaluation" of the capability of a valve to perform its design function is provided as part of the MOVATS Incorporated thrust calculations. This evaluation consists of comparing the maximum allowable running thrust (MART) to the estimated stem running load.

For this pre-test evaluation, the stem running load is estimated as follows:

1000¹ for stem diameter up to 1 inclusive 1500¹ for stem diameter up to 1.5" inclusive 2500¹ for stem diameter up to 2.5" inclusive 4000¹ for stem diameter up to 4" inclusive 5000¹ for stem diameter above 4o The maximum allowable running thrust (MART) is calculated as follows:

MART Thrust Limit - Highest Target Thrust where, Thrust Limit (lesser of valve/actuator commercial rating and reduced voltage stall thrust)

Highest Target (greater of opening or Thrust closing Target thrust)

MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

1 E.R. 1.0, Rev. 0 Page 7 of 12 If the estimated stem running load is greater than MART, and if the either valve is set up to deliver the required thrust, the component stress limits or the stall thrust limit must be exceeded. If this is the case, the following options should be considered and planned before the test.

1. Component Stress Limitation Exceeded If the target thrust plus estimated stem running load is greater than the actuator or valve stress limits, v


a stress analysis can be performed to determine the effects of the higher thrust levels on long-term operability of the motor operated valve.

In general, valves and actuators operating within normal stress limits may be operated many times without excessive wear and damage. When applied thrust levels are increased beyond documented thrust limits, a valve or actuator may still perform without damage, but accelerated wear and fatigue of critical components can occur If the valve is not stroked frequently and/or the required thrust values are not significantly higher than the documented allowable limits of the valve or actuator, a stress analysis is likely to show that the useful life of a MOV is not significantly shortened by the higher thrust conditions. In this case, performing a stress analysis "may )ustify an increased thrust rating, allowing the valve to be set to deliver the required thrust, and thus provide operability documentation.

2. Stall Thrust Limitation Exceeded If the target thrust plus estimated stem running load exceeds the actuator's calculated reduced voltage stall thrust value, a stall thrust test can be conducted.

Since the standard stall thrust calculation is generally conservative, a stall thrust test is likely to prove that the actual 100% voltage stall thrust (and thus the reduced voltage stall thrust) is higher than the calculated value. Please note that care should be taken prior to performing this test to ensure that actuator or stem limits are not exceeded without having a plan in place for verifying operability afterwards.

MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources


E.R. 1.0, Rev.. 0 Page 8 of 12 One actuator manufacturer states that their actuators may be operated one time at up to 2.S times the rating without any effect on the life of the actuator.

C. Capability Verification During/hfter Testing The pre-test evaluation determines if the valve is capable of operating against maximum conditions ~ the valve is set, up properly. During or after the testing, the actual operating characteristics of the valve should be evaluated in three steps to determine if the valve actually to deliver its design requirements.

~ set up properly

1. Compare Actual Running Load to MART MART can be used as a quick and conservative indicator f wh ther the valve can operate under worst case DP conditions. If both the open and close motor loaoad running loads are less than HART, the valve of operating under design DP conditions without

~ capable operating outside the limitations of the valve/actuator.

Th e n ext steps are to check the actual thrust output against requirements and limits {see steps 2 an a d 3 below).

If the motor load running load is greater than MART, this indicates that sufficient available thrust to meet the calculated DP requirements cannot be obtained without exceeding the capability or stress limits of the actuator. At this point the following options should be considered:

a. Sin'ce the motor load running load {which includes internal actuator running load) is a conservative m easure of the actual stem running load, a more accurate measurement could reduce the stem runn inng load below MART. This can be achieved by removing the stem nut and obtaining open and close motor load signatures. The differences between the motor load running loads with and without the stem nut installed represent the open and close stem running loads.
b. Since a calculated value is inherently conservative, a DP test to determine the valve's actual DP thrust requirement may reduce the requirement to within the valve limits.

MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1.0, Rev. 0 Page 9 of 12

c. Increase MART by performing a stall test to determine actual capability of the actuator stall thrust is the limiting factor, or if
d. Increase MART by performing a stress analysis to increase stress limits of valve/actuator,
2. Compare Thrust Settings to Thrust Requirements If the motor load running load is less than MART, the next step is to verify that the valve is set-up to deliver the required thrust by comparing the minimum available thrust to the DP thrust requirement. If the minimum available thrust is less than the DP thrust requirement, the torque switch setting should be increased, ~hoyle ensuring that the valve capability and stress limits are not exceeded, (see Step 3).
3. Compare Thrust Settings to Thrust Limits If the valve is set-up to deliver the required thrust, the final step is to ensure that the valve limits are not exceeded by verifying the following:

Maximum Available Thrust + Stem Running Load (estimated or measured) must be less than:

Reduced Voltage Stall Thrust and Valve/Actuator Rating and:

b. Maximum Available Thrust + Inertia + Stem Running Load (estimated or measured) must be less than 1.1 x Actuator Limit If the limits are exceeded, the torque svitch setting should be reduced, while ensuring that the minimum available thrust is sufficient to meet the DP thrust requirement. If this is not possible refer back to the options listed in Step l.

MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1. 0, Rev. 0 Page 10 of 12 IV.

The following assumptions are made when using the thrust calculation methodology described above.

1. Stem friction due to packing drag is assumed to be equal for both pressurized and non-pressurized conditions.
2. It is assumed that the valve is in good working order; however, MOVATS+ thrust calculations are based on a differential press~re test data base that includes valves of differing ages and conditions.
3. No foreign internal obstruction to valve travel is assumed.
4. The coefficient of friction that dictates the operator's torque to thrust conversion (stem factor) is assumed to remain constant over time.
5. Unless provided on customer data sheet, the calculated yield values of valve components are assumed to be greater than the operator's commercial rating.
6. Thermal transients are assumed not to affect the thrust required to open valves of all types.
7. In cases where the closing line pressure was not recorded, the closing line pressure was assumed to be equal to the closing differential pressure.


The results of the thrust calculations are presented in table format. The terms and abbreviations used in the table are defined below'P Differential Pressure DDG Double disc gate (wedge shape disc)

FWG Flex Wedge Gate Valve FLO'LU Flow Over disc for globe valves Flow Under disc for globe valves GLB Globe Valve MART Maximum Allowable Running Thrust PDG Parallel double disc gate valve SWG Solid Wedge Gate Valve WFG Westinghouse flex wedge gate valve with pinned disc MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1.0, Rev. 0 Page ll of 12 Valve Data Valve ID Valve identification number Manuf Valve manufacturer Type Valve type as categorized by MOVATS Inc. for thrust calculations Size Nominal size of valve Orifice Diameter Orifice diameter of valve in inches (inner diameter of seat ring)

Stem Diameter Stem diameter of valve in inches Stem Pitch Stem pitch in inches Stem Lead Stem lead in inches Stem Factor Stem factor Actuator Data Type/Size Type and size of actuator Start Torque Motor Start Torque Stall Torque Motor Stall Torque Volts Motor operating voltage AC/DC Motor type Motor RPM Motor speed Unit RPM Actuator output RPM Unit Ratio Actuator overall gear ratio Gear Eff Actuator gear efficiency Maximum Expected Pressures DP Open Maximum operating DP in close-to-open direction DP Close Maximum operating DP in open-to-close direction Line Pressure Maximum operating line pressure Component Stress Limits Actuator Rating Thrust rating of actuator Valve Rating Thrust rating of valve Stall Thrust Capability 100i Voltage 100% voltage stall thrust Reduced Voltage Reduced voltage stall thrust

~ Reduced 4 Required reduced voltage capability MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources

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E.R. 1.0, Rev, 0 Page 12 of 12 DP Thrust Requirements Opening Close-to-open DP thrust requirement above running load based on MOVATS+ DP data base Closing Open-to-close DP thrust requirement above running load based on MOVATS DP data base Minimum Target Thrust Opening Opening DP thrust multiplied by factor to account for torque switch repeatability and measurement equipment error .

Closing Closing DP thrust multiplied by factor to account for torque switch repeatability and measurement equipment error Maximum Allowable Running Thrust.

Refer to section III-B of this document for instructions on how this value is calculated and used.

Estimated Stem Load . - Stem Running Load Estimated as follows:

1000¹ for stem diameter up to 1 1500¹ for stem diameter up to 1.5" 2500¹ for stem diameter up to 2.5 4000¹ for stem diameter up to 4" 5000¹ for stem diameter above 4" Data Points Opening Number of data points from MOVATS+ DP data base used for close-to-open DP thrust calculation Closing Number of data points from MOVATS DP data base used for open-to-close DP thrust calculation Notes Refer to notes at end of spreadsheet which include results of pre-test operability evaluation MOVATS Incorporated Technical Resources



1. Business Statistics, 3rd Edition, 1983, by Wayne Daniel and James C. Terrell, (Chapter 9).


1. The thrust required to open and close a gate or globe valve is a linear function of differential pressure across the valve.
2. For every differential pressure (x), there is a subpopulation of thrust values (y) for identical valves. The thrust values are normally distributed about some mean value.
3. The standard deviation of thrust values is the same for all subpopulations and is unknown.
4. The mean values lie on some stx'aight line. (i.e., There is a linear relationship between diffex'ential pressure and the average thrust values.)


Perform a regression (least squares) analysis of the measured DP thrust (thrust above running load) vs differential pressure for at lease 4 identical valves. The (0,0) point can be used along with this measured data. The result is an equation of the form:

y a + bx where y thrust required x differential pressure

2. Calculate the estimated thrust (yl) required for valve operation at some diff'erential pressure, (xl).

yl - a + bxl 3.. Calculate the confidence band for the calculated (yl) value as follows:

confidence + t Sy/x 1 + 1/n + x band at xl + xi ~~xl n where: 7 average of measured differential pressuxe values (and xero)

t '

httachment 1 Page 2 of 3 n number of DP tests plus 1 (for 0,0) t value of Students T>> distribution factor (depends on n and confidence, Table E of Reference 1, attached) n 2 yl measured thrust at each DP value, xg A

y calculated thrust at each DP value

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httachmant 1 Page 3 of 3 qgjo ~dulce I

TABLE E df atl 2 Percentiles of the t distribution 1 3.078 tL3138 12.700 31.621 d3.d57 P(t s r,) 2 1.880 29200 4 3027 0.9dd 94248 3 1.038 23534 3.1825 4.541 5.8409 1 1.533 2.1318 2.7764 3.747 4.5041 5 1A70 2.0150 25700 3255 4.032'1 0 1A40 1.$ 432 2.4409 3.143 3.7074 7 1.415 1.894d 23640 2.996 3A995 8 1.397 1.8SB5 jU060 2.89d .%3554 9 1263 1.8331 22022 2.b21 '2498 10 1.372 1.61 25 22261 2.754 3.1093 ll 1.3d3 1.7959 22010 2.716 3.1058 12 1250 1.7823 2.1788 2.ddl 3ASl5 13 1.350 1.7709 2.1504 2.650 8@123 14 1245 1.7013 2.1448 2.524 2.9758 15 1441 1.7530 2.1315 2.502 29447

. le 1~7 1.7459 2.1199 XS83 L9208 17 1433 1.7390 2.1098 2457 2.8982 18 1230 1,7341 2.1009 XSS2 L8784 19 1228 1.7291 2.0930 2.S39 X5509 20 1225 1.7247 2.0850 2.526 24453 21 1.323 1.7207 2.079d 2.518 2.8314 22 1.321 1.7171 2.0739 2.508 2.8188 23 1419 1.7539 2.0067 @500 23%73 24 1018 1.7109 2.003$ 2A92 2.7909 25 1410 1.7081 20595 2.485 2.7874 2e 1.315 1.7050 2ASSS 2.478 2.77S7 27 1414 1.7033 2051 8 2A73 2.7707 2d 1413 1.7011 20464 2.407 2.7033 29 1211 'l.d991 2.0452 2.402 2.7504

~30 1 310 1.5973 2.0423 2A57 2.7500 35 12002 1.0890 2AO01 2A38 2.7238 40 12031 1.0839 2.0211 2A23 2.7045 45 1.3007 1.5794 2.0141 2.412 2.089 d 50 1.2987 1.0759 2.0080 2.403 2.e778 00 1M58 1.0707 2.0003 X380 2.5503 70 ld938 1.5509 M945 %381 20450 60 12922 1.0041 18$ 0f 2374 2.0368 90 1M10 14520 18857 K358 2.0310 100 1~1 1.0502 18840 X554 2.e 260 120 14887 1JMP7 1878$ XQSS 2.0175 140

'l60 14870 1280$

1.5558 1.5545 1~

1M48 2353

%350 2.0114 26070 100 12803 '1.5034 18730 2447 2.603$

200 1 2858 1AS25 1871 8 2345 20000 1~ 144$ X328 2578

'I 0

ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION PORV BLOCK VALVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM ATTACHMENT C.9 Selected pages from Anchor/Darling Gate Valve Test Data Report for new PORV Block Valves Tag No. 515 and 516




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Page 1 of h, GATE VALVE TEST DATA REPOR> ATTACHMENT C. 9 Valve Serial No; EA 03 0 - t -I Customer P.O. 'N -.i 'I79-a-RO Description '3" I Sl3 DD t ~<e. Tag No.


~ ~


- si Duration - min. Leaka e - cc hr.

t"'YDROSTATIC mme( Pressure Re uired Actual Min.Re ufred Actual Max.Allowed Actual

+5v 5 473 s',~s ~Date ~t

'3 2.0..

performed by: .0", .

" -. ~

J ~-A p I I. PACKING TEST fg - j,l 8 ~d Pressure - si Duration - min. Leaka e - cc hr.

Required Actual Min. Required Actual Max. Al 1 owed Actual 2.S ZS JO 5'~ -.:

p Performed by: ~ -..~/8 g //vg 38 Body/Bonnet Bolting RAo ipse Nuts Retaining Ring 3~)~ ~


.Torque Switch Setting: Required: Open 2 if Close 2 ~V Test Voltage: Required Actual:

3'tS Open~~/


~ Cloae~ZI/

(~ y.~,' .

Running Current sr e a c e~ZCl Current at Torque Switch Cutoff



LIMIT SMITCHES SET: Open Close (x- ~x-~ <





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3 Page/ of Ser.No. E&63 - j-/



- -VII. OPERATIONAL TEST (Gift J N ti = IL Ft-IQ) .3+Co 0 en Close Pressure - si Titn - min.. Pressure - si Time - min.

Required Actual Requi red Actual Required Actua Requi red Actual 2 NSS El IS 5 c~ ls fee. mssQ Performed by:, Date VIII. C PONENT HEAT OR SERIAL NUMBER Body Stem Bonnet Motor Disc ator 5'~ PsE sj(s 4 8 3 Body/Bonnet Bol ting Nuts Retaining Ring IX. MOTOR OPERATOR DATA

.Torque Switch Setting: Required: Open 2 "w 'lose Z i4 i+

Test Vol Cage..'equired g 'ICC t 6 ~


t 40 Open Actual gt


tigC Close t~+


C t ti'e gittttff~f-.a LIMIT SHITCHES SET: QpenLE'~ CIose+~





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Page I of g GATE VALVE TEST DATA REPOR~ ATTACHMENT C ~ 9 EA 4 3 l' I NQ -O'I79-H-IIO Valve Serial No.

3" Customer P.O.

pg qg Valve Description JSJ3 DD C~4e Tag No. /


Pressure - si Duration - min. Leaka e - cc hr.

M ~te~ R uired Actual Min. Re ui red Actual Max.Allowed Actual

'3 Q5 fo 5'73


Performed by: Date I I. PACKING TEST' Pressure - si Duration - min. Leaka e - cc hr.

Requi red Actual Min.Required Actual Max.Allowed Actual zszs g g-Performed by:

" '8... lo Date gl Vlf l

III. BACKSEAT TEST )g, Pressure - si Duration - min. Leaka e - cc hr.

Required ctual Min. Required .Actual Max.Allowed Actual 2'i 3S Performed by: .D i . '~ Date - 0'2- ~

Wf ~

j/ l IV. HYOROSTATIC DISC INST Pressure - si Duration - min. 'eaka e - cc/hr.

Required Actua Msn.Required Actua Max. owe ctua lll.O Performed by:

I//( O A-Port B-Por t

/ I ', Date V. SHAT TSST (Close volve,l4 moron only)

Pressure - si Duration '- min. Leaka e - cc/hr.

Required Actual Min.Required ctua ax. Al Towed ctua ZS% A-Port Jo B-Port formed by:

" -~



~/p Pressure - si Duration - Min. Leaka e - cc/hr.

Required ctua Mln. equlre ctua ax. owe~ a1


Performed by:

A-Port B-Port Date'ctu g ALL

+I o

~ ' ~

i. '(s)e'. s.

Page 2 ofX 4'sr~

Ya'sve Ser.No. E80'34- t-2.


( &lenl Nut~ ~ / e Fe -L'4 s) p, 5+<

0 en Close Pressure - si Tiae - min. ~ Pressure - si Time - min.

Requir ed Actual Requi red Actual Required Actual Requi red Actual 2 9 s) 155ec, vs I5'ec. na~.

Performed by: Date COMPONENT HEAT OR SERIAL NUMBER Body QD t 7- F AP3'0 Stem A Bonnet Q. -T 79 t tt Motor 8 7 Disc 0-I'5' l4 >>4 Oper'ator f '

I-+OIF37 2-~i0 X+I~S'III.

Body/Bonnet, Bolting Nuts Retaining Ring 3 $ '7S IX. MOTOR OPERATOR DATA

Torque Switch Setting
Required: Open 2't Close 2 iv Test Voltage:

Current Required Actual:

3 RS'unning Open~4-Actual Starting Current

~ C1ose Current at Torque Switch Cutoff X. LIMIT SWITCHES SET: Open~~ CI ose~~

I (-Z,Z -g r'OMMENTS:


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Page/ of E Va'.ve Ser.Ho. EA 63 - )- R GATE VALVE TEST DATA REPORT

. (Iiuo vo lks ATTACHMENT C. 9 OPERATIONAL TEST (s )ss.J sss vs = IL Fw-I~) P Coup@

0 en Close Pressure - si Time - min. ~ Pressure - si Time - min.

Required Actual ZNM l 5 Se C. 'x Required Actual Required Actual Required

>S Se't.

Actual Performed ET by:, - -

~v~ Date - ~ F VIII. C PONENT HEAT OR SERIAL NUMBER Body Stem Bonnet iNotor mseas'etaining Disc ator ~ PagEP +. 0 Body/Bonnet Bolting Huts . Ring Q


'.Torque Switch Setting: Required: Open 2' Close Actual: Open~~Y ose~~~

Test Voltage.'equir ed 940 Actual ~5 Cl s

Running Current . 7 sevv sn Starting Current ~ . 2- +

5 sevvss'urrent at Torque Switch Cutoff Z.WH~F'.

LIMIT SWITCHES SET: Open Close QK5Y i LIMI7 5>>I&c;j.f~<

COMMENTS: o r'f'sO'f~ c" p.~~ ~ 0 s

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