Similar Documents at Ginna |
MONTHYEARML17265A1361997-12-23023 December 1997 Rev 2 to RCS Pressure & Temp Limits Rept (Ptlr). ML17264B1011997-08-29029 August 1997 Rev 0 to Leak-Before-Break Evaluation of Portions of RHR Sys at Re Ginna Nuclear Power Station. ML17264A8681997-04-23023 April 1997 Rev 0 to Evaluation of Ginna RCS Coolant Temp to Support LTOPs Requirements. ML17264A8511997-03-19019 March 1997 Rg&E Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking Licensing Rept. ML17264A7931997-01-31031 January 1997 Rev 1 to Final Rept, Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Probabilistic Safety Assessment. ML17264A6101996-09-23023 September 1996 Rev 0 to Design Analysis Operability Evaluation for 857 A/B/C Ginna Station. ML17264A6121996-09-23023 September 1996 Rev 2 to Design Analysis Ginna Station Pressure Locking Evaluation for MOVs 852 A&B. ML17309A6051996-09-13013 September 1996 Rev 2 to RCS Pressure & Temp Limits Rept (Ptlr). ML17264A6791996-05-24024 May 1996 Rev 1 to RCS Pressure & Temperature Limits Rept (Ptlr). ML17264A4001996-02-24024 February 1996 Rev 0 to RCS Pressure & Temp Limits Rept. ML17264A2791995-12-0808 December 1995 Re Ginna NPP RCS Pressure & Temp Limits Rept Cycle 25, Draft B ML17264A1051995-05-0404 May 1995 Rev 0 to Final Exam Rept for 1995 SG Eddy Current Insp at Ginna Nuclear Power Station, Dtd 950503 ML17263B0391995-04-18018 April 1995 Summary Exam Rept for 1995 SG Eddy Current Insp,Rev 0. ML17264A3411995-03-15015 March 1995 Low Temp Overpressure Analysis Summary Rept. ML17263A8351994-11-0707 November 1994 Rev 1 to Fission Product Barrier Evaluation. ML17263A8331994-10-11011 October 1994 Rev 1 to Re Ginna EALs Technical Bases. ML17263A8311994-09-26026 September 1994 Draft Rev C to Design Criteria Ginna Station Containment Structural Mods Wbs 4. ML17263A7941994-09-15015 September 1994 Safety Evaluation of Ginna SG Replacement. ML17059A3611994-07-0606 July 1994 Emergency Action Level Verification & Validation Rept. ML17263B0481994-06-30030 June 1994 Criticality Analysis of Plant Fresh & Spent Fuel Racks & Consolidated Rod Storage Canisters. ML17311A0181994-05-13013 May 1994 New York State EAL Upgrade Project Verification & Validation Rept. ML17263A8291994-03-30030 March 1994 Draft Rev a to Safety Evaluation SEV-1019, Containment Structural Mods Wbs 4. ML17263A4651993-05-17017 May 1993 Radial Displacement & Rebar Strain Measurements for EWR #5181,Rev A. ML17262B1201992-11-30030 November 1992 Re Ginna Boric Acid Storage Tank Boron Concentration Reduction Study. ML17262B0831992-07-31031 July 1992 Recommended Info for Inclusion in Section 15.6.4 of FSAR for Re Ginna Nuclear Plant. ML17262A8391992-04-30030 April 1992 Rev 0 to Summary Exam Rept for 1992 SG Eddy Current Insp at Re Ginna Nuclear Power Station. ML17262A5601991-06-18018 June 1991 Rev 1 to Design Verification Ginna Station Containment Foundation Mat Analysis. ML17262A4691991-04-25025 April 1991 Rev 0 Summary Exam Rept for 1991 Steam Generator Eddy Current Insp. ML17262A4521991-04-22022 April 1991 Control Room Heatup Analysis. ML17262A3781991-02-28028 February 1991 Nonproprietary Re Ginna Low Temp Overpressure Protection Sys Setpoint Phase II Evaluation, Final Rept ML17262A4141991-02-26026 February 1991 Safety Analysis,Ginna Station Updated FSAR Section 6.2.4 & Tables 6.2-13,6.2-14 & 6.2-15 Changes. ML17262A3681991-02-15015 February 1991 Simulation Facility Certification Rept. ML17262A4431990-10-0404 October 1990 Rev 0 to Design Analysis Ginna Station Containment Mat Design Water Level Elevation 265 ft,0 Inches. ML17262A4401990-10-0404 October 1990 Rev 0 to Design Verification Ginna Station Containment Foundation Mat Analysis. ML17262A1931990-10-0303 October 1990 Rev 1 to Safety Analysis Ginna Station Updated FSAR Table 6.2-13 Changes. ML17262A1761990-08-30030 August 1990 Voltage Simulation for Case EOF LOC4 LOCA Simulation for 50/50 Mode - Circuit 767 Details 12B Transformer Feeding Bus 12B. ML17262A1771990-07-27027 July 1990 Rev 1 to Design Analysis EWR 4525-1, Fault Current Analysis of Power Distribution Sys. ML17262A1781990-07-24024 July 1990 Rev 1 to Design Analysis EWR 4525-2, Adequacy of Electric Sys Voltages. ML17250B1761990-05-0808 May 1990 Rev 1 Summary Exam Rept for 1990 Steam Generator Eddy Current Insp. ML17261B0201990-03-14014 March 1990 Design Criteria Ginna Station Steam Generator Containment Penetration. ML17251A4811989-02-28028 February 1989 Ultrasonic Indication Sizing Technique Development. Related Info Encl ML17251A4771988-06-17017 June 1988 Rev 0 to Differential Pressure Thrust Calculation Methodology. ML17261A6571987-10-31031 October 1987 Steam Generator Tube Plugging Increase Licensing Rept for Ginna Nuclear Power Station. ML17261A5521987-07-14014 July 1987 Supplemental Rept to Dcrdr Final Summary Rept for Re Ginna Station. ML17251A4741987-04-0101 April 1987 Rev 0 to Safety Analysis,Ginna Station PORV Block Valves. ML17251A4721987-03-10010 March 1987 Rev 0 to Design Criteria,Ginna Station PORV Block Valves Replacement. ML17251A9191986-12-18018 December 1986 Rev 0 to Implementation Rept EWR 2799, Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring Sys. ML17251A6171986-03-0101 March 1986 1986 Steam Generator Eddy Current Exam Summary Rept. ML17254A7031985-12-31031 December 1985 Vols 1 & 2 to Dcrdr Final Summary Rept Program Implementation,Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant. ML17254A6911985-12-16016 December 1985 Reinforced Masonry Wall Evaluation,Evaluation of Control Bldg Reinforced Walls. 1997-08-29
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML17265A7601999-10-0505 October 1999 Part 21 Rept Re W2 Switch Supplied by W Drawn from Stock, Did Not Operate Properly After Being Installed on 990409. Switch Returned to W on 990514 for Evaluation & Root Cause Analysis ML17265A7621999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Re Ginna Npp.With 991008 Ltr ML17265A7531999-09-23023 September 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Corrective Action & Closeout of 10CFR21 Rept of Noncompliance Re Unacceptable Part for 30-4 Connector. Unacceptable Parts Removed from Stock & Scrapped ML17265A7541999-09-22022 September 1999 LER 99-011-00:on 990823,small Tears Were Discovered in Flexible Duct Work Connector at Inlet of CR HVAC Sys Return Air Fan (AKF08).Caused by in-leakage Greater than That Assumed.Implemented Temporary Mod 99-029.With 990922 Ltr ML17265A7471999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Re Ginna Npp.With 990909 Ltr ML17265A7431999-08-24024 August 1999 LER 99-004-01:on 990412,discovered That Containment Recirculation Fan Chevron Separator Vanes Were Installed Backwards.Caused by Improper Assembly by Mfg.Moisture Separator Vanes Were Dismantled & Correctly re-installed ML17265A7341999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Re Ginna Npp.With 990806 Ltr ML17265A7291999-07-29029 July 1999 Interim Part 21 Rept Re safety-related DB-25 Breaker Mechanism Procured from W Did Not Pas Degradatin Checks When Drawn from Stock to Be Installed Into BUS15/03A.Holes Did Not line-up & Tripper Pan Bent ML17265A7181999-07-23023 July 1999 LER 99-007-01:on 990423,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Instrument & Control Technicians Inadvertently Pulling Fuses from Wrong Nuclear Instrument Channel.Setpoint Adjustments Were Completed by Different Crew of Technicians ML17265A7081999-07-22022 July 1999 LER 98-003-02:on 980904,actuations of CR Emergency Air Treatment Sys Was Noted Due to Invalid Causes.Caused by Various Degraded Components in CR RM Sys.Creats Actuation Signal Was Reset & Normal Ventilation Was Restored ML17265A7131999-07-22022 July 1999 Special Rept:On 990407,radiation Monitor RM-14A Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Failed Communication Link from TSC to Plant Process Computer Sys.Communication Link Was re-established & RM-14A Was Declaed Operable on 990521 ML17265A7031999-07-19019 July 1999 LER 99-S01-00:on 990617,determined That Temporary Unescorted Access Had Been Granted to Contractor Employee.Caused by Incomplete Info Re Circumstances of Individual Military Separation.Individual Access Was Revoked.With 990719 Ltr ML17265A7211999-07-19019 July 1999 ISI Rept for Third Interval (1990-1999) Third Period, Second Outage (1999) at Re Ginna Npp. ML17265A7021999-07-15015 July 1999 LER 99-010-00:on 990615,ventilation Isolation of Auxiliary Bldg Occurred When Auxiliary Bldg Gas Radiation Monitor R-14 Reached High Alarm Setpoint.Cr Operators Rest Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Isolation Signal.With 990715 Ltr ML17265A7661999-06-30030 June 1999 1999 Rept of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments Conducted Without Prior NRC Approval for Jan 1998 Through June 1999, Per 10CFR50.59.With 991020 Ltr ML17265A7011999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Re Ginna Npp.With 990712 Ltr ML17265A6851999-06-21021 June 1999 LER 99-001-01:on 990222,deficiencies in NSSS Vendor steam- Line Brake Mass & Energy Release Analysis Results in Plant Being Outside Design Bases Occurred.Caused by Deficiencies in W.Temporary Administrative Replaced.With 990621 Ltr ML17265A6761999-06-16016 June 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Defects & noncompliances,10CFR21(d)(3)(ii), Which Requires Written Notification to NRC on Identification of Defect or Failure to Comply. Relays Were Returned to Eaton for Evaluation & Root Cause Analysis ML17265A6661999-06-0202 June 1999 LER 99-009-00:on 990503,instrumentation Declared Inoperable in Multiple Channels Resulted in Condition Prohibited by Ts. Caused by Unanticipated High Frequency AC Voltage Ripple. Entered TS LCO 3.0.3.With 990602 Ltr ML17265A6681999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 990608 Ltr ML17265A6651999-05-27027 May 1999 Interim Rept Re W2 Control Switch,Procured from W,Did Not Operate Satisfactorily When Drawn from Stock to Be Installed in Main Control Board for 1C2 Safety Injection Pump. Estimated That Evaluation Will Be Completed by 991001 ML17309A6541999-05-27027 May 1999 LER 99-008-00:on 990427,overtemperature Delta T Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Faulted Bistable During Calibr of Redundant Channel.Plant Was Stabilized in Mode 3 & Faulted Bistable Was Subsequently Replaced.With 990527 Ltr ML17265A6631999-05-24024 May 1999 LER 99-007-00:on 990423,technicians Inadvertently Pulled Fuses from Wrong Nuclear Instrument Cahnnel,Causing Reactor Trip,Due to High Range Flux Trip.Caused by Personnel Error. Labeling Scheme Improved ML17265A6601999-05-21021 May 1999 LER 99-006-00:on 990421,start of turbine-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Was Noted.Caused by MOV Being Left in Open Position.Closed Manual Isolation Valve to Secure Steam to Pump.With 990521 Ltr ML17265A6591999-05-17017 May 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Relay Deficiency Detected During pre-installation Testing.Caused by Incorrectly Wired Relay Coil.Relays Were Returned to Eaton Corp for Investigation. Relays Were Repaired & Retested ML17265A6441999-05-13013 May 1999 LER 99-005-00:on 990413,undervoltage Signal of Safeguards Bus During Testing Resulted in Automatic Start of B Edg. Caused by Personnel Error.Blown Fuse Was Replaced & Offsite Power Was Restored to Safeguards Bus 17.With 990513 Ltr ML17265A6431999-05-12012 May 1999 LER 99-004-00:on 990412,discovered That Containment Recirculation Fan Moisture Separator Vanes Were Incorrectly Installed,Per 10CFR21.Caused by Improper Assembly by Mfg. Subject Vanes Were Dismantled & Correctly re-installed ML17265A6381999-05-0707 May 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Replacement Turbocharger Exhaust Turbine Side Drain Port Not Functioning as Design Intended.Caused by Manufacturing Deficiency.Turbocharger Was Reaasembled & Reinstalled on B EDG ML17265A6391999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 990510 Ltr ML17265A6361999-04-23023 April 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Power Supply That Did Not Work Properly When Drawn from Stock & Installed in -25 Vdc Slot.Power Supply Will Be Sent to Vendor to Perform Failure Mode Assessment.Evaluation Will Be Completed by 991001 ML17265A6301999-04-18018 April 1999 Rev 1 to Cycle 28 COLR for Re Ginna Npp. ML17265A6251999-04-15015 April 1999 Special Rept:On 990309,halon Systems Were Removed from Svc & Fire Door F502 Was Blocked Open.Caused by Mods Being Made to CR Emergency Air Treatment Sys.Continuous Fire Watch Was Established with Backup Fire Suppression Equipment ML17265A6551999-04-0909 April 1999 Initial Part 21 Rept Re Mfg Deficiency in Replacement Turbocharger for B EDG Supplied by Coltec Industries. Deficiency Consisted of Missing Drain Port in Intermediate Casing.Required Oil Drain Port Machined Open ML17265A6291999-03-31031 March 1999 Rev 0 to Cycle 28 COLR for Re Ginna Npp. ML17265A6241999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Ginna Station.With 990409 Ltr ML17265A6141999-03-31031 March 1999 LER 99-003-00:on 990301,two Main Steam non-return Check Valves Were Declared Inoperable Due to Exceedance of Acceptance Criteria.Caused by Changes in Methodology & Matls.Packing Gland Torque Will Be Adjusted.With 990331 Ltr ML17265A6131999-03-29029 March 1999 LER 99-002-00:on 990227,discovered That Surveillance Had Not Been Performed at Frequency,Per Ts.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure O-6.13 Will Be Evaluated for Enhancement Documentation of Completion of ITS Srs.With 990329 Ltr ML17265A6061999-03-24024 March 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990222,plant Was Noted Outside Design Basis.Caused by Deficiencies in NSSS Vendor Slb Mass & Energy Release.Placed Temporary Administrative Restriction 40 Degrees F Max on Screenhouse Bay Temp ML17265A5661999-03-0101 March 1999 Rev 26 to QA Program for Station Operation. ML17265A5961999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 990310 Ltr ML17265A5371999-01-31031 January 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1999 for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 990205 Ltr ML17265A5951998-12-31031 December 1998 Rg&E 1998 Annual Rept. ML17265A5001998-12-21021 December 1998 Rev 26 to QA Program for Station Operation. ML17265A4951998-12-21021 December 1998 LER 98-005-00:on 981120,loss of 34.5 Kv Offsite Power Circuit 751,resulted in Automatic Start of B Edg.Caused by Faulted Cable Splice.Performed Appropriate Actions of Abnormal Procedure AP-ELEC.1.With 981221 Ltr ML17265A4931998-12-17017 December 1998 LER 98-004-00:on 971030,determined That Improperly Performed Surveillance Resulted in Condition Prohibited by Ts.Caused by Procedure non-adherence.Appropriate Calibr Procedures Were Properly Performed with 24 H of Condition Discovery ML17265A4761998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 981210 Ltr ML17265A4691998-11-25025 November 1998 LER 98-003-01:on 980904,actuations of CR Emergency Air Treatment Systems (Creats) Occurred.Caused by Radon build-up During Temp Inversion.Creats Actuation Signal Was Reset & Normal Ventilation Was Restored to CR ML17265A4531998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 981110 Ltr ML17265A4271998-10-0505 October 1998 LER 98-003-00:on 980904,actuations of CR Emergency Air Treatment Sys Occurred.Caused by Radon build-up During Temp Inversion.Air Samples Were Taken & Determined That Source of Radiation Was Naturally Occurring Radon.With 981005 Ltr ML17265A4291998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.With 981009 Ltr 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
R sponsible Manager s ~-(l~~
Effective Date Controlled Copy No.
9610090394 961004 PDR ADOCK 05000244 I P
R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Revision 1 Per letter from J.A. Hitchell, NRC, to R.C. Hecredy, RGIIE,
"R.E. Ginna - Acceptance for Referencing of Pressure Temperature Limits Report, Revision 1 (TAC No. H94770)," this revision of the PTLR is only valid until December 31, 1996 at which time NRC approval of a revised PTLR is required for continued operation.
Note: This report is not part of the Technical Specifications. This report is referenced in the Technical Specifications.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE LIMITS REPORT ....... .............-. 2 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS .. .................... . ................... 3 2.1 RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits ........................ 3 2.2 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Enable T emperature .................. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 2.3 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Setpoints ..... 3 3.0 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM......................
4.0 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA INFORMATION AND DATA TABLES . 4 5 .0 REFERENCES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 FIGURE 1 Reactor Vessel Heatup Limitations ........ ................... 6 FIGURE 2 Reactor Vessel Cooldown Limitations 7 TABLE 1 Surveillance Capsule Removal Schedule........ 8
~ TABLE 2 Comparison of Surveillance Material with RG 1.99 Predictions.. 9 TABLE 3 Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveillance C apsule Data................................................ 10 TABLE 4 Reactor Vessel Toughness Table (Unirradiated)
TABLE 5 Reactor Vessel Surface Fluence Values at 17 and 32 EFPY...... 11
~i TABLE 6 Calculation of ARTS at 22 EFPY.............................. 12 PTLR Revision 1
R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 1.0 RCS Pressure and Tem erature Limits Re ort PTLR This Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR) for Ginna Station has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.6.
Revisions to the PTLR shall be provided to the NRC after issuance.
The Technical Specifications addressed in this report are listed below:
3.4.3 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) Limits 3.4.6 RCS Loops - NODE 4 3.4.7 RCS Loops - NODE 5, Loops Filled 3.4.10 Pressurizer Safety Valves 3.4.12 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) System PTLR Revision 1
~ OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections. All changes to these limits must be developed using the NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification 5.6.6. These limits have been determined such that all applicable limits of the safety analysis are met. All items that appear in capitalized type are defined in Technical Specification l. 1, "Oefinitions."
- 2. 1 RCS Pressure and Tem erature Limits (LCO 3.4.3 and LCO 3.4. 12)
(Reference 1)
- 2. 1. 1 The RCS temperature rate-of-change limits are:
- a. A maximum heatup of 60'F per hour.
- b. A maximum cooldown of 100'F per hour.
2.1.2 The RCS P/T limits for heatup and cooldown are specified by Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
- 2. 1.3 The minimum boltup temperature, using the methodology of Reference 2, Section 2.7, is 60'F.
2.2 Low Tem erature Over ressure Protection S stem Enable Tem erature (LCOs 3.4.6, 3.4.7, 3.4.10 and 3.4.12)
(Methodology of Reference 3, Attachment II, Section 3.4 using 1/4T RT>>
value from PTLR Figures 1 and 2) 2.2. 1 The enable temperature for the Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System is 328'F.
2.3 Low Tem erature Over ressure Protection S stem Set pints (LCO 3.4. 12) 2.3. 1 Pressurizer Power 0 crated Relief Valve Lift Settin Limits (Methodology of Reference 3, Attachment II as calculated in Reference 4, Attachment IV)
The lift setting for the pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs) is ~ 411 psig (includes instrument uncertainty).
PTLR 3 Revision 1
The reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens shall be removed and examined to determine changes in material properties. The removal schedule is provided in Table 1. The results of these examinations shall be used to update Figures 1 and 2.
The pressure vessel steel surveillance program (Ref. 5) is in compliance with Appendix H to 10 CFR 50, entitled, "Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program." The material test requirements and the acceptance standard utilize the reference nil-ductility temperature, RTg>> whi ch i s determined in accordance wi th ASTH E208. The empiri cal relationship between RT>> and the fracture toughness of the reactor vessel steel is developed in accordance with Appendix G, "Protection Against Non-Ductile Failure," to section III of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The surveillance capsule removal schedule meets the requirements of ASTM E185-82.
As shown by References 6 and 7, the reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens indicate that the surveillance data meets the credibility discussion presented in Regulatory Guide 1.99 revision 2 where:
- 1. The capsule materials represent the limiting reactor vessel material.
- 2. Charpy energy vs. temperature plots scatter are small enough to permit determination of 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously.
- 3. The scatter of ~RT>> values are within the best fit scatter limits as shown on Table 2. The only exception is with respect to the Intermediate Shell which is not the limiting reactor vessel material.
- 4. The Charpy specimen irradiation temperature matches the reactor vessel surface interface temperature within + 25'F limits.
- 5. The surveillance data falls within the scatter band of the material database.
- 4. 1 The RTpyg value for Ginna Station limiting beltline material is 266.5 F for 32 EFPY per References 6, 7, and 8.
4.2 Tables Table 2 contains a comparison of measured surveillance material 30 ft-lb transition temperature shifts and upper shelf energy decreases with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 predictions.
PTLR Revision 1
l e
Table 3 shows calculations of the surveillance material chemistry factors using surveillance capsule data.
Table 4 provides the reactor vessel toughness data.
Table 5 provides a summary of the fluence values used in the generation of the heatup and cooldown limit curves.
Table 6 shows example calculations of the ART values at 22 EFPY for the limiting reactor vessel material.
Letter from R.C. Hecredy, RG&E, to A.R. Johnson, NRC,
"Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)," dated April 22, 1996.
- 2. WCAP-14040, "Methodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoi'nts and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," Revision 1, December 1994 as approved by letter from C. I. Grimes, NRC to R.H.
Newton, WOG,
"Acceptance for Referencing of Topical Report WCAP-14040, Revision 1", (TAC No. H91749), dated October 16, 1995.
- 3. Letter from R.C. Hecredy, RG&E, to A.R. Johnson, NRC,
"Technical Specification Improvement Program, Reactor, Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR);" dated December 8, 1995.
- 4. Letter from R.C. Hecredy, RG&E, to A.R. Johnson, NRC,
"Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License, Hethodology for Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) Limits," dated February 9, 1996.
I 5 WCAP-7254, "Rochester Gas and Electric, Robert E. Ginna Unit No. 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," Hay 1969.
- 6. WCAP-13902, "Analysis of Capsule S from the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation R.E. Ginna Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program,"
dated December 1993.
- 7. Letter from A.R. Johnson, NRC, to R.C. Hecredy, RG&E,
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluation (TAC No. M93827)," dated March 22, 1996.
- 8. Letter from Westinghouse Electric Corporation (SE-REA-96-072) to G.J.
Wrobel, RG&E,
"Vessel Fluence Re-evaluation for R.E. Ginna,"
dated April 16, 1996.
PTLR Revision 1
l1 ~
'500 qq~l
~ ~
Leak Tes t L imi t
- -250 L tMITING MATGAIAL-CI ACUMFCAENTIAL WCLO LIMITING 1 4T ATHOT 23 2000 LIMITIHG 3/4T AT = 208'F HOT 1750 1500 12SO Unacceptable Operation
- a. 1000 atd 60 'F/hr 750 Acceptable O Operation K
500 Criticality Limit based on 1nservice Hydro-250 static Test Temp.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 (NOICATEO TEMPERATURE: (OCG.F)
2500 p(
LIHITING HAT>RIAL 2250 C IRCVHFERCNT IAL WELO LIHITING 1/4T RTOT= 2 LfHITING 3/4T RT = 208'F HOT 2000 17SO 1SOO Vnacceptab1e Oper ation 12SO c 1000 D
EJ 7SO CooIdown Rates Acceptable O
K F/hr Operation 0
500 ,
QO 60~
100 250 0
50 100 150 200 2SO 300 3SO tNOICATCO TEMPERATURE (OEG.F)
Table 1 Surveillance Ca sule Removal Schedule Vessel Capsule Capsule Location Lead Fluence Capsule (deg.) Factor Removal Schedule" E19 (n/cm')"
I 77' 2.99 1.6 (removed) 0.612 R 257' 3.00 2.7 (removed) 1.242 67 1.85 7 (removed) 2.128 S 57 1.74 17 (removed) 4.180 N 237' 1.74 Teo'b'/A Teo"'tandby 247 1.9 NOTES:
(a) Effective Full Power Years (EFPY).
(b) To be determined, there is no-current requirement for removal.
(c) Reference 6 with ENDFB-VI adjustment per Reference 8.
PTLR Revision 1
TABLE 2 Surveillance Haterial 30 ft-lb Transition Tem erature Shift 30 lb-ft Transition Temperature Shift Fluence (x 10" n/cm', E ) 1.0 Predi cted" Heasured" Haterial Capsule Hev)" OF OF ( F) 0.612 26 25 1.242 32 25 Lower Shell 2.128 37 30 4.180 0.612 37 37 1.242 Intermediate Shell 2.128 52 52 4.180 50 60 0.612 135 140 1.242 168 165 Weld Hetal 2.128 191 150 4.180 218 205 13 0.612 1.242 90 HAZ Hetal 2.128 100 4.180 95 (a) Reference 6 with EHDFB-VI adjustment per Reference 8.
TABLE 3 Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveillance Capsule Data Fluence (x 10" n/cm', wRT FF*~RTwov Material Capsule E > 1.0 ( F)FN) o
('F) FF MeV)< >
Intermediate 0.612 0.862 21.55 0.743 Shell 26.5 1.124 Forging 05 1.242 1.060 25 (Tangential) 2.128 1.205 30 36.15 1;452 4.180 1.366 42 57.37 1.866 Sum:, 141. 57 5.185 Chemistry Factor - 136.39'F Intermediate 0.612 0.862 0 0 0.743 Shell 1.124 1.242 1.060 0 0 2.128 1.205 0 0 1.452 4.180 1.366 60 81.96 1.866 Sum: 81. 96 5. 185 Chemistry Factor 15.81'F Weld Metal 0.612 0.862 158.2 136.37 0.743 1.242 1.060 186.45 197.64 1.124 2.128 1.205 169.5 204.25 1.452 4.180 1.366 231.65 316.43 1.866 Sum: 854.69 5. 185 Chemistry Factor = 164.8'F NOTES:
(a) Reference 6 with ENDFB-VI adjusted per Reference 8.
(b) ~RT>> for weld material is the adjusted value using the 1. 13 r atioing factor per Reference 7 applied to the measured values of Table 2.
PTLR 10 'ycle 25, Revision 0
cf h I
TABLE 4 Reactor Vessel Toughness Table (Unirradiated)"
Haterial Description Cu (%) Ni (%) Initial RT>>( F)
Intermediate Shell .07 .69 20 Lower Shell .05 .69 4P Circumferential Meld .25 .56 -4.8 (a) Per Reference 7.
TABLE 5 Reactor Vessel Surface Fluence Values at 17 and 32 EFPY" x 10'n/cm, E > 1.0 MeV)
EFPY po 15o 45o 30'.997 17 2.26 1.38 0.886 32 3.94 2.44 1.81 1.65 (a) Reference 6 with ENDFB-VI adjustment per Reference 8.
PTLR Cycle 25, Revision 0
4'cb 1 TABLE 6 Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperatures at 22 EFPY for the Limiting Reactor Vessel Haterial Parameter Values 0 eratin Time 22 EFPY Hateri al Circ. Weld Circ. Weld Location 1/4-T 3/4-T Chemistry Factor (CF), 164.8 164.8 (f), ~10" n/cm'E F"'luence
> 1.0 HeV)" 1.91 0.875 Fluence Factor FF 1.177 0.963 hRTgpi' CF x FF y F 193.97 158.70 Initial RT>> (I), F -4.8 -4.8 Hargin (H), F" 48.3 48.3 ART - I + (CFxFF) + H, F"" 238'F 203'F NOTES'a)
Value calculated using Table 5 values.
(b) Values from Table 3.
(c) ART value is a conservative approximate per adjustment of ENDFB-VI.
PTLR 12 Cycle 25, Revision 0