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{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATOR't INFORMATION DISTR                         I BUT'ION S LITEM (R IDS)
, DOC CHOATE: 84/07/27 NOTARIZED'O FACIL:5p 400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Planti Unit 1<Carolina.AUTH~NAME,, AUTHOR AFFILIATION Z IMMERMANi S~R~Car o l i na Power,.L li gh t Co~RECIP,NAME RFCIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTONrH~RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationr Director S UBJECT: Forwards replacement, pages for emergency, planning Public info brochureiin response to SER Open Item 12.Pages conrect minor editorial errors;DISTRIBUTION CODE 8001S'OPIES RECEIVED''TR, ENCL Q SIZ): TITLE: Licensing Submi t tel: PSAR/FSAR Amdts 3, elated Correspondence NOTES DOCKET 0 05000400 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME NRR/DL/ADL NRR L83 LA INTERNAL;ADM>>LFMB IE F ILES IE/DEPER/IRB 35 NRR/DE/AEAB NRR/DE/EHEB NRR/DE/GB 28 NRR/DE/MTEB 17 NRR/OE/SGEB 25 NRR/DHFS/LQB 32'RR/DL/SSPB NRR/DSI/ASB NRR/OSI/CSB 09 NRR/DSI/METB 12'B 22 R G, p4 DOAMI/MI8 EXTERNAL: ACRS 41 DMB/DSS (AMDTS)L'P OR 03'NSIC 05 ,COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECIPIENT IO CODE/NAME NRR L83 BC BUCKLEYgB 01 ELO/HOS1 IE/DEPER/EPB 36 IE/OQASIP/QA821 NRR/DE/CEB 11 NRR/OE/EQB 13 NRR/DE/MEB 18 NRR/OE/SAB.
24 NRR/OHFS/HFE840 NRR/DHFS/PSRB NRR/DS I/AEB 26 NRR/OS I/CPB 10 NRR/OSI'/ICSB 16 NRR/DSI/PSB 19 NRR/DS I/RSB 23 RGN2 BNL(AMDTS ONLY)FEMA>>REP DIY 39 NRC PDR" 02 NTIS'COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 1 0 3 3.1 1~1 2 2.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1~1 1-1 1 1.TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED~I.TTR 54 ENCL 46.
ACCESSION NBR+840808I)285                       , DOC         84/07/27       NOTARIZED'O               DOCKET 0 FACIL:5p 400 Shearon         Harris Nuclear                   Power   Planti Unit       1< Carolina. 05000400 AUTH ~ NAME,,         AUTHOR AFFILIATION Z IMMERMANiS ~ R RECIP,NAME
vt e Jee 4 e t1 4 4 I I U tv g e II'1l~, 1 f Hl!tr vv"s,'e'f VVf w1, 4 f'1 11'""Htw 1'h'fW'!e h,lh"',~vll e, f, tli~e ill Vt i.II 44 4-IV)4~4'Hil'4 ll,w,'w'I Hv 41'\I'I f 4 t1'l wli1 fl f1,re1>4 r"1'l1 tf i I elle)Vt~'I 4%t'I 4 I H e1~r I')wl ll,v J r I Hw 4 V V)J wv V v C'4 40 p 4 w I 1 C&#xc3;QE, Carolina Power&Light Company JUL 3V 1984 SERIAL: NLS-84-350 Mr.Harold R.Denton, Dir'ector Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO.1-DOCKET NO.50-400 EMERGENCY PLANNING PUBLIC INFORMATION BROCHURE
                      ~   Car o l i na Power, . L RFCIPIENT AFFILIATION li gh t Co ~
DENTONrH ~ RE           Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationr Director S UBJECT:   Forwards replacement, pages for emergency, planning Public info brochureiin response to SER Open Item 12.Pages conrect minor editorial errors; 8001S'OPIES RECEIVED''TR,                                             SIZ):
elated Q DISTRIBUTION      CODE                                                            ENCL TITLE: Licensing Submi                     t tel:   PSAR/FSAR Amdts         3,           Correspondence NOTES RECIPIENT                         ,COPIES              RECIPIENT              'COPIES ID CODE/NAME                         LTTR ENCL          IO CODE/NAME          LTTR ENCL NRR/DL/ADL                               1    0        NRR L83 BC                  1      0 NRR L83 LA                               1    0        BUCKLEYgB          01      1      1 INTERNAL; ADM>>LFMB                                     1    0        ELO/HOS1                          0 IE F ILES                                 1    1        IE/DEPER/EPB 36            3      3.
IE/DEPER/IRB 35                           1    1        IE/OQASIP/QA821            1      1 NRR/DE/AEAB                              1    0        NRR/DE/CEB        11            ~
1 NRR/DE/EHEB                              1    1        NRR/OE/EQB        13      2      2.
NRR/DE/GB        28                      2    2        NRR/DE/MEB        18      1     1 NRR/DE/MTEB 17                            1    1        NRR/OE/SAB. 24              1      1 NRR/OE/SGEB      25                      1              NRR/OHFS/HFE840            1      1 NRR/DHFS/LQB                              1    1        NRR/DHFS/PSRB               1      1 32'RR/DL/SSPB 1    0        NRR/DS I/AEB 26             1      1 NRR/DSI/ASB                              1    l        NRR/OS   I/CPB     10       1 NRR/OSI/CSB 09                            1    1        NRR/OSI'/ICSB 16           1      1 NRR/DSI/METB                              1    1        NRR/DSI/PSB 19             1      1 I/RSB 12'B 22                      1    1        NRR/DS             23             1 R  G,            p4                          1        RGN2                       3      3 DOAMI/MI8                          1    0 EXTERNAL: ACRS                  41                      6    6        BNL(AMDTS ONLY)             1      1 ~
DMB/DSS (AMDTS)                          1    1        FEMA>>REP DIY 39             1      1-L'P OR            03                    1    1        NRC PDR"           02       1
            'NSIC              05                    1     1         NTIS                        1     1
.TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED ~ I.TTR                               54   ENCL     46.

==Dear Mr.Denton:==
e Jee      4 e
By letter dated July 16, 1984 (S.R.Zimmerman[CP6L]to H.R.Denton[NRC]), Carolina Power 6 Light Company submitted the Emergency Planning Public Information Brochure for your review.This submittal was made in response to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP)Safety Evaluation Report (SER)Open Item 12 on Emergency Preparedness.
vt U
Refer to SER Section (Pages 13-38 and-39)for specific information.
                                                                    '1l ~, 1  f e
Enclosed are three replacement pages for the above referenced submittal.
Hl! tr II 4 f  '1 11    '" "Htw  1    h,lh" e
These pages have been revised to correct minor editorial errors.The cover page and Page 13 have been corrected to add the Harnett County Emergency Management Agency to the listing of offices responsible for emergency plans.Page 1 of the brochure has been corrected to change a reference in the right-hand column from Page 3 to Page 7.If you have any questions, please contact Mr.Gregg A.Sinders at (919)836-8168.Yours very truly, S..Zi erman ger Nuclear Licensing Section GAS/ccc (415GAS)Get Mr.B.C.Buckley (NRC)Mr.G.E.Simonds (NRC-EPB)Mr.G.F.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)
                                                                                                                                            ', ~vl l e,  f,  tli tv g                  "s,'e                                                  e vv
Mr.J.P.O'Reilly (NRC-RII)Hr.Travis Payne (KUDZU)Mr.Daniel F.Read (CHANGE/ELP)
Chapel Hill Public Library Wake County Public Library Mr.Wells Eddleman Hr.John D.Runkle Dr.Richard D.Wilson Hr.G.0.Bright (ASLB)Dr.J.H.Carpenter (ASLB)Hr.J.L.Kelley (ASLB)8408080285 840727 PDR ADOCK 05000400 F'('DR 411 Fayettevilte Street~P.O.Box 1551 o Raleigh, N.C.27602 p 1 N P F 0"t 4o~%bc.54 oA Qo.vtls Nlidco.f PouPc.t pro n''t Cxl'o(Ills Fblalgw 0 lel9llI QdwlPLllg This booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency at the Harris plant.An emergency is not likely.Yet to be sure that you will be safe, state and local officials have made special plans to protect you.This booklet is part of the safety plans for the Harris plant.These offices set up the plans:~North Carolina Division of Emergency Management
                                                                      'f        w1, VVf t1  4  4  I I                                                                                    'h'fW'!
+Chatham County Emergency Management Agency~Harnett County Emergency Management Agency~Sanford-Lee County Department of Emergency Management
ill II 44  4    -IV)       4 Vt i.
~Vake.County Emergency Management Agency iCarolina Power 8c Light Company Please read through this booklet now.Then keep a copy in a handy place at home.Be sure there is also a copy where you work.You'can hang the booklet up and use the calendar inside.That way you will have the plans ready if you need them.(Revised 7/19/84) j&'Ther<, Zs A Nilly[Ear So~<Tov 3 4 5~iaukcs&he~%is poppers 0 a 0 0 0~Do Ilot evacuate.~Tune your radio or TV to an H5 station.-Look at page 3 for the H5 stations you often listen to.-Vh'ite Infomation for these stations in the blanks on this page.~%5g+ned for news.-If there is an anergency your EBS station will tell you vhat to do.-If there is only a test, your EBS station will continue its regular prograns.Fill in these blanks so you will be ready for an anergency.
                                      ~ 4'                            '      w'I      Hv Hil' 41'\    I'I 4  ll,w, f 4 t1'l wli1  fl  "1    'l1 tf f1,re1 >4 r        i  I          elle
1.My EBS stations (look at page 3): TV channel Radio frequency 2.Mg sub-zone on the map (look at page 6): 3.Mg evacuation route (look at page 7): 4.My Evacuation Shelter (look at page 7): 5.thy children can be picked up at (look at page 9): Chathan County Harnett County Lee County Vhke County If you need help during an evacuation rail the neer for your county.L)Sorel to find out if your sub-Please read through the rest of this booklet.(Revised 7/19/84)zone should take shelter.-Look at page 7 to find the nurber of your sub-zone~~ite it in the blank on this page.~Po+jC if you oast take shelter'Ibxnarber that children will be protected by school officials.
          ~  'I                                      H  e                                1 ~
Do not go to the schools-Shelter pets and livestock.
Vt                                        4 I
~inside and stay there.&lose all doors and windows.-Turn off fans, air conditioners, furnace and heaters.-Put out fires in wood stoves and fireplaces.-Go to a roan or basen:nt with few or no windows to avoid drafts.-Do not use the phone.-Do not go out unless you have to.-Place a cloth over your nose and nouth if you nust go out~+~II jIISfde until your EBS station says it is safe to go outside.Taking shelter is the best thing to do if radioactive air is expected to pass over your area soon.Look at page 4 for rrare information.
)                    4%      t  'I                                                                              r I')                            ll,v                      Hw J
~Lfeteg to find out if your su zone rrust evacuate.-Look at page 7 to check the nurb your sub-zone.-Check it in the blank on this page.ohio thiS if you must evacuate.-Remenher that officials wi II take school children by bus to Evacuation Shelters..
wl                                    r I
Do not go to the school.-Shelter livestock and pets.Leave than food and water for 2 days.Q you may take pets with you if you do not plan to stay at the Evacuation Shelter.-Lock windows and doors.o78ka these things with you.-This booklet-2 blankets or a sleeping bag for each person-2 sets of clothes-Toilet articles and rA:diclnes-Sare identification-Credit cards and checkbook-Baby needs~PO Itot OSe the phoAa unless you need special help.aCIoSe car windows and vents.ofollowyour evacuation route to.your Evacuation Shelter.-Look at page 7 to get this information.
V)          wv  V J
Write it in the blanks on this page.~Si in at your Evacuation Shelter.You may then stay smewhere else mre than 10 miles fran the plant if you wish.Look't page 5 for rrore information.
4                                                                                        v  C V
This booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency at the Harris plant.An emergency is not likely.Yet to be sure that you will be safe, state and local officials have made special plans to protect you.This booklet is part of the safety plans for the Harris plant.These offices set up the plans.North Carolina Division of Emergency Management Chatham County Emergency Management Agency Harnett County Emergency Management Agency'anford-Lee County Department of Emergency Management Wake County Emergency Management Agency Carolina Power&Light Company You might have questions about this booklet or want more copies of it.If so, please call or write one of these offices now.Chatham County Emergency Management Agency P.O.Box 428 Pittsboro, N.C.27312 (Courier Box 322)(919)542-Z911 Harnett County Emergency Management Agency P.O.Box 6 Erwin, N.C.Z8339 (919)897-8130 Sanford-Lee County Dept.of Emergency Management P.O.Box 1154 Sanford Municipal Building 225 Weatherspoon Street, Sanford, N.C.27330 (Courier Box 331)%'ake County Emergency Management Agency Suite 921, County Office Building P.O.Box 550 Raleigh, N.C.27602 (919)755-6245 (919)775-3941 N.C.Division of Emergency Management 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, N.C.27611 (919)733-3867 Harris Visitors Center Carolina Power&Light Company P.O.Box 3Z7 New~N.C.27562 (919)362%633-13-(Revised 7/19/84)}}
                                                                                                                                    '4 40 p 4 wI 1
C&#xc3;QE, Carolina Power & Light Company                  SERIAL:  NLS-84-350 JUL 3V 1984 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Dir'ector Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC    20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO. 1  DOCKET NO. 50-400 EMERGENCY PLANNING PUBLIC INFORMATION BROCHURE
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
By  letter dated July 16, 1984 (S. R. Zimmerman [CP6L] to H. R. Denton [NRC]),
Carolina Power 6 Light Company submitted the Emergency Planning Public Information Brochure for your review. This submittal was made in response to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) Safety Evaluation Report (SER)
Open Item 12 on Emergency Preparedness.                Refer to SER Section (Pages 13-38 and -39) for specific information.
Enclosed are three replacement            pages for the above referenced submittal.
These pages have been revised to correct minor editorial errors.                           The cover page and Page 13 have been corrected to add the Harnett County Emergency Management Agency to the listing of offices responsible for emergency plans.
Page 1 of the brochure has been corrected to change a reference in the right-hand column from Page 3 to Page 7.
If  you have any questions,        please contact Mr. Gregg A. Sinders at (919) 836-8168.
Yours very      truly, S..     Zi    erman ger Nuclear Licensing Section GAS/ccc  (415GAS)
Get    Mr. B. C. Buckley (NRC)                               Wake    County Public    Library Mr. G. E. Simonds (NRC-EPB)                          Mr. Wells Eddleman Mr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)                        Hr. John D. Runkle Mr. J. P. O'Reilly (NRC-RII)                          Dr. Richard D. Wilson Hr. Travis Payne (KUDZU)                              Hr. G. 0. Bright (ASLB)
Mr. Daniel F. Read (CHANGE/ELP)                      Dr. J. H. Carpenter (ASLB)
Chapel Hill Public Library                            Hr. J. L. Kelley (ASLB)
            'DR 8408080285 840727 PDR ADOCK 05000400 F '(
411 Fayettevilte Street ~ P. O. Box 1551 o Raleigh, N. C. 27602
p 1 N P
F 0 "t
4o~ %bc.       54      oA Qo.vtls        Nlidco.f PouPc.t pro n''t Cxl'o(Ills Fblalgw 0        lel9llI QdwlPLllg This booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency at the Harris plant. An emergency is not likely. Yet to be sure that you will be safe, state and local officials have made special plans to protect you.
This booklet is part of the safety plans for the Harris plant. These offices set up the plans:
                ~ North Carolina Division of Emergency Management
                +Chatham County Emergency Management Agency
                ~ Harnett County Emergency Management Agency
                ~ Sanford-Lee County Department of Emergency Management
                ~ Vake.County Emergency Management Agency iCarolina Power 8c Light Company Please read through this booklet now. Then keep a copy in a handy place at home. Be sure there is also a copy where you work. You 'can hang the booklet up and use the calendar inside. That way you will have the plans ready if you need them.
(Revised 7/19/84)
j& 'Ther<, Zs            A Nilly[Ear          Acct~ Qill So~< Tov 3                          4 5 ~iaukcs
                                                              &he~            %is poppers 0
a    0 0    0
~ Do  Ilot evacuate.                      ~ %5g+ned      for news.                   L)Sorel to   find out if your sub- zone                   ~ Lfeteg to find out if your su zone rrust
~ Tune  your radio or TV to an H5          -If there is an anergency your    EBS    should take shelter.                                        evacuate.
station.                                    station will tell you vhat to     do.    -Look at page 7 to find the nurber of                      -Look at page 7 to check the nurb
  -Look at page 3 for the H5                -If there is only a test, your    EBS      your sub-zone    ~                                          your sub-zone.
stations you often listen to.           station will continue its regular        ~ite it      in the blank on this page.                    -Check it in the blank on this page.
    -Vh'ite Infomation for these              prograns.                             ~ Po+jC      if you oast take                              ohio thiS if you must evacuate.
stations in the blanks on this                                                                  that children will                            -Remenher that officials wi II take shelter'Ibxnarber be page.                                                                               protected by school officials.                       Do    school children by bus to Evacuation not go to the schools                                      Shelters.. Do not go to the school.
                                                                                        -Shelter pets and livestock.                               -Shelter livestock and pets. Leave than Fill  in these blanks so you   will  be ready  for  an anergency.                   ~    inside and stay there.
                                                                                        &lose all      doors and windows.
food and water for 2 days. Q you may take pets with you   if you do not plan
: 1. My EBS  stations (look at  page  3):                                            -Turn off fans, air conditioners,                            to stay at the Evacuation Shelter.
furnace and heaters.                                      -Lock windows and doors.
TV channel                            Radio frequency      -Put out fires in wood stoves and                        o78ka these things with you.
fireplaces.                                              -This booklet
: 2. Mg  sub-zone on the map (look at page      6):                                  -Go to a roan or basen:nt with few or                      -2 blankets or    a sleeping bag for each no windows to avoid drafts.                                person
: 3. Mg  evacuation route (look at page    7):                                      -Do not use the phone.                                      -2 sets of clothes
                                                                                        -Do not go out unless you have to.                          -Toilet articles and rA:diclnes
                                                                                        -Place a cloth over your nose and                          -Sare identification nouth    if you nust go out ~                              -Credit cards   and checkbook
: 4. My Evacuation Shelter (look at page 7):                                      +~II jIISfde until your      EBS                station      -Baby needs says it is safe to go outside. Taking                    ~ PO Itot OSe the phoAa unless you need shelter is the best thing to do if                          special help.
radioactive air is expected to pass                      aCIoSe car windows and vents.
: 5. thy children  can be picked up  at (look at    page  9):                      over your area soon. Look at page 4                      ofollowyour evacuation route to.your for rrare information.                                      Evacuation Shelter.
                                                                                                                                                    -Look at page 7 to get this information.
If you  need help during an evacuation    rail  the neer    for your county.         Please  read through the rest                  of      Write it    in the blanks on this page.
this booklet.                                       ~ Si    in at  your Evacuation Shelter. You Chathan County                                  Lee County                                                                                      may  then stay smewhere else mre than 10 Harnett County                                  Vhke County                                                                                      miles fran the plant if you wish.     Look (Revised 7/19/84)
                                                                                                                                                                                              't page 5 for rrore information.
This booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency at the Harris plant. An emergency is not likely. Yet to be sure that you will be safe, state and local officials have made special plans to protect you.
This booklet is part of the safety plans for the Harris plant. These offices set up the plans.
North Carolina Division of Emergency Management Chatham County Emergency Management Agency Harnett County Emergency Management Agency
                'anford-Lee County Department of Emergency Management Wake County Emergency Management Agency Carolina Power & Light Company You might have questions about this booklet or want more copies of it.      If so, please call or write one of these offices now.
Chatham County Emergency Management Agency                    Harnett County Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 428                                                  P. O. Box 6 Pittsboro, N. C. 27312                                        Erwin, N. C. Z8339 (Courier Box 322)
(919) 897-8130 (919) 542-Z911 Sanford-Lee County Dept. of Emergency Management               %'ake County Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 1154                                                Suite 921, County Office Building Sanford Municipal Building                                    P. O. Box 550 225 Weatherspoon Street,                                      Raleigh, N. C. 27602 Sanford, N. C. 27330 (Courier Box 331)                                              (919) 755-6245 (919) 775-3941 N. C. Division of Emergency Management                        Harris Visitors Center 116 West Jones Street                                          Carolina Power & Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27611
P. O. Box 3Z7 New        N. C. 27562 (919) 733-3867                                                 (919) 362%633 (Revised 7/19/84)}}

Latest revision as of 04:20, 22 October 2019

Forwards Replacement Pages for Emergency Planning Public Info Brochure,In Response to SER Open Item 12.Pages Correct Minor Editorial Errors
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/27/1984
From: Zimmerman S
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS-84-350, NUDOCS 8408080285
Download: ML18018B736 (7)




ACCESSION NBR+840808I)285 , DOC 84/07/27 NOTARIZED'O DOCKET 0 FACIL:5p 400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Planti Unit 1< Carolina. 05000400 AUTH ~ NAME,, AUTHOR AFFILIATION Z IMMERMANiS ~ R RECIP,NAME

~ Car o l i na Power, . L RFCIPIENT AFFILIATION li gh t Co ~

DENTONrH ~ RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationr Director S UBJECT: Forwards replacement, pages for emergency, planning Public info brochureiin response to SER Open Item 12.Pages conrect minor editorial errors; 8001S'OPIES RECEIVEDTR, SIZ):



1 NRR/DE/EHEB 1 1 NRR/OE/EQB 13 2 2.

NRR/DE/GB 28 2 2 NRR/DE/MEB 18 1 1 NRR/DE/MTEB 17 1 1 NRR/OE/SAB. 24 1 1 NRR/OE/SGEB 25 1 NRR/OHFS/HFE840 1 1 NRR/DHFS/LQB 1 1 NRR/DHFS/PSRB 1 1 32'RR/DL/SSPB 1 0 NRR/DS I/AEB 26 1 1 NRR/DSI/ASB 1 l NRR/OS I/CPB 10 1 NRR/OSI/CSB 09 1 1 NRR/OSI'/ICSB 16 1 1 NRR/DSI/METB 1 1 NRR/DSI/PSB 19 1 1 I/RSB 12'B 22 1 1 NRR/DS 23 1 R G, p4 1 RGN2 3 3 DOAMI/MI8 1 0 EXTERNAL: ACRS 41 6 6 BNL(AMDTS ONLY) 1 1 ~

DMB/DSS (AMDTS) 1 1 FEMA>>REP DIY 39 1 1-L'P OR 03 1 1 NRC PDR" 02 1

'NSIC 05 1 1 NTIS 1 1


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CÃQE, Carolina Power & Light Company SERIAL: NLS-84-350 JUL 3V 1984 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Dir'ector Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NO. 50-400 EMERGENCY PLANNING PUBLIC INFORMATION BROCHURE

Dear Mr. Denton:

By letter dated July 16, 1984 (S. R. Zimmerman [CP6L] to H. R. Denton [NRC]),

Carolina Power 6 Light Company submitted the Emergency Planning Public Information Brochure for your review. This submittal was made in response to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) Safety Evaluation Report (SER)

Open Item 12 on Emergency Preparedness. Refer to SER Section (Pages 13-38 and -39) for specific information.

Enclosed are three replacement pages for the above referenced submittal.

These pages have been revised to correct minor editorial errors. The cover page and Page 13 have been corrected to add the Harnett County Emergency Management Agency to the listing of offices responsible for emergency plans.

Page 1 of the brochure has been corrected to change a reference in the right-hand column from Page 3 to Page 7.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Gregg A. Sinders at (919) 836-8168.

Yours very truly, S.. Zi erman ger Nuclear Licensing Section GAS/ccc (415GAS)

Get Mr. B. C. Buckley (NRC) Wake County Public Library Mr. G. E. Simonds (NRC-EPB) Mr. Wells Eddleman Mr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP) Hr. John D. Runkle Mr. J. P. O'Reilly (NRC-RII) Dr. Richard D. Wilson Hr. Travis Payne (KUDZU) Hr. G. 0. Bright (ASLB)

Mr. Daniel F. Read (CHANGE/ELP) Dr. J. H. Carpenter (ASLB)

Chapel Hill Public Library Hr. J. L. Kelley (ASLB)

'DR 8408080285 840727 PDR ADOCK 05000400 F '(

411 Fayettevilte Street ~ P. O. Box 1551 o Raleigh, N. C. 27602

p 1 N P

F 0 "t

4o~ %bc. 54 oA Qo.vtls Nlidco.f PouPc.t pro nt Cxl'o(Ills Fblalgw 0 lel9llI QdwlPLllg This booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency at the Harris plant. An emergency is not likely. Yet to be sure that you will be safe, state and local officials have made special plans to protect you.

This booklet is part of the safety plans for the Harris plant. These offices set up the plans:

~ North Carolina Division of Emergency Management

+Chatham County Emergency Management Agency

~ Harnett County Emergency Management Agency

~ Sanford-Lee County Department of Emergency Management

~ Vake.County Emergency Management Agency iCarolina Power 8c Light Company Please read through this booklet now. Then keep a copy in a handy place at home. Be sure there is also a copy where you work. You 'can hang the booklet up and use the calendar inside. That way you will have the plans ready if you need them.

(Revised 7/19/84)

j& 'Ther<, Zs A Nilly[Ear Acct~ Qill So~< Tov 3 4 5 ~iaukcs

&he~ %is poppers 0

a 0 0 0

~ Do Ilot evacuate. ~ %5g+ned for news. L)Sorel to find out if your sub- zone ~ Lfeteg to find out if your su zone rrust

~ Tune your radio or TV to an H5 -If there is an anergency your EBS should take shelter. evacuate.

station. station will tell you vhat to do. -Look at page 7 to find the nurber of -Look at page 7 to check the nurb

-Look at page 3 for the H5 -If there is only a test, your EBS your sub-zone ~ your sub-zone.

stations you often listen to. station will continue its regular ~ite it in the blank on this page. -Check it in the blank on this page.

-Vh'ite Infomation for these prograns. ~ Po+jC if you oast take ohio thiS if you must evacuate.

stations in the blanks on this that children will -Remenher that officials wi II take shelter'Ibxnarber be page. protected by school officials. Do school children by bus to Evacuation not go to the schools Shelters.. Do not go to the school.

-Shelter pets and livestock. -Shelter livestock and pets. Leave than Fill in these blanks so you will be ready for an anergency. ~ inside and stay there.

&lose all doors and windows.

food and water for 2 days. Q you may take pets with you if you do not plan

1. My EBS stations (look at page 3): -Turn off fans, air conditioners, to stay at the Evacuation Shelter.

furnace and heaters. -Lock windows and doors.

TV channel Radio frequency -Put out fires in wood stoves and o78ka these things with you.

fireplaces. -This booklet

2. Mg sub-zone on the map (look at page 6): -Go to a roan or basen:nt with few or -2 blankets or a sleeping bag for each no windows to avoid drafts. person
3. Mg evacuation route (look at page 7): -Do not use the phone. -2 sets of clothes

-Do not go out unless you have to. -Toilet articles and rA:diclnes

-Place a cloth over your nose and -Sare identification nouth if you nust go out ~ -Credit cards and checkbook

4. My Evacuation Shelter (look at page 7): +~II jIISfde until your EBS station -Baby needs says it is safe to go outside. Taking ~ PO Itot OSe the phoAa unless you need shelter is the best thing to do if special help.

radioactive air is expected to pass aCIoSe car windows and vents.

5. thy children can be picked up at (look at page 9): over your area soon. Look at page 4 ofollowyour evacuation route to.your for rrare information. Evacuation Shelter.

-Look at page 7 to get this information.

If you need help during an evacuation rail the neer for your county. Please read through the rest of Write it in the blanks on this page.

this booklet. ~ Si in at your Evacuation Shelter. You Chathan County Lee County may then stay smewhere else mre than 10 Harnett County Vhke County miles fran the plant if you wish. Look (Revised 7/19/84)

't page 5 for rrore information.

This booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency at the Harris plant. An emergency is not likely. Yet to be sure that you will be safe, state and local officials have made special plans to protect you.

This booklet is part of the safety plans for the Harris plant. These offices set up the plans.

North Carolina Division of Emergency Management Chatham County Emergency Management Agency Harnett County Emergency Management Agency

'anford-Lee County Department of Emergency Management Wake County Emergency Management Agency Carolina Power & Light Company You might have questions about this booklet or want more copies of it. If so, please call or write one of these offices now.

Chatham County Emergency Management Agency Harnett County Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 428 P. O. Box 6 Pittsboro, N. C. 27312 Erwin, N. C. Z8339 (Courier Box 322)

(919) 897-8130 (919) 542-Z911 Sanford-Lee County Dept. of Emergency Management  %'ake County Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 1154 Suite 921, County Office Building Sanford Municipal Building P. O. Box 550 225 Weatherspoon Street, Raleigh, N. C. 27602 Sanford, N. C. 27330 (Courier Box 331) (919) 755-6245 (919) 775-3941 N. C. Division of Emergency Management Harris Visitors Center 116 West Jones Street Carolina Power & Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27611


P. O. Box 3Z7 New N. C. 27562 (919) 733-3867 (919) 362%633 (Revised 7/19/84)