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{{#Wiki_filter:,J.O.NO. 12177 HIGH ENERGY LINE aREAK (HEL3)
NINE MILE POINT - UNIT 2 NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION SCRI3A, NEW YORK Revision 2 Date: February 1986 B~pgpppgpj 8+ps pop ADOCH o      pDR
)                     A 0144" 12177 "HC3

-~I l

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section    Title                                                              ~Pa  e
INTRODUCTION PURPOSEThepurposeofthisstudywastoverifythattheeffectsofanyhighenergylinebreak(HELB)onanynonsafety-related controlsystemsinNineMilePoint-Unit2(NMP2)donotresultinaneventmoreseverethantheeventsanalyzedinChapter15oftheNMP2FinalSafetyAnalysisReport(FSAR).Thisstudyrespondstoconcernsexpressed intheNMP2Safety.Evaluation ReportSection7.7.2.2andtoNMP2FSARQuestionF421.43.1.2SCOPEOFSTUDYThescopeofthisHELBanalysiswasrestricted toHELBsandtheirimpactonthosecomponents ofnonsafety-related controlsystemswhichcouldinitiateareactortransient.
Alistofsuchcompo-nentswasdeveloped basedonthesystemelimination criteriapre-sentedinSection2.1andthecomponent elimination criteriaidentified inSection2.2ofthisreport.HELBzonescontaining bothcontrolsystemscomponents ofinterestandHELBlocations weredefinedusingtheappropriate Equipment Qualification Environmental DesignCriteria(EQEDC)zonemapsasaguide,asdescribed inSection2.4ofthisreport.EachHELBzonewasanalyzed, theresultssummarized, andfinalconclusions andrecommendations arepresented inSection4.0.SUMMARYAsystematic studyhasbeenconducted todetermine theconse-quencesofpostulated HELBsandtheireffectsonnonsafety-relatedcontrolsystemcomponents locatedintheaffectedzone.Thedetailedanalysis(Appendix D)describes eachofthepostu-latedHELBeventsandtheirlimitingeffectsonthereactorpa-rameters.
ThedetailedanalysisipAppendixDissummarized inSection4.0.Withtheexception ofthelossoffeedwater heatingexacerbated byaturbinetrip,theeffectsofthepostulated HELB/control systemsfailureeventsarelessseverethantheUnacceptable ResultsforIncidents ofModerateFrequency
-Antic-ipatedOperational Transients presented inFSARChapter15.Thoseeventscaused.bybreakofreactorcoolantpressureboundary(RCPB)pipingareboundedbythelimitingfaulteventsdescribed inChapter15,Itisconcluded thatsafereactorshut-downisensuredforalleventspostulated herein,andthecon-sequences oftheseeventsdonotresultinanysignificant risktothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.2.0METHODOLOGY Thefollowing criteriaandassumptions wereusedtodevelopthescopeofworkforthesubjectHELBanalysis:
0143-12177-HC3 1.Identifyallnonsafety controlsystemsandcomponents whichcouldimpactthecriticalreactorparameters (e.g.,waterlevel,pressure, criticalpowerratio).2.Identifyhighenergylinesandtheir.postulated breakloca-tionsandevaluateconsequences.
3.Identifytheplantzoneswhich.containbothHELBlocations andcontrolsystemcomponents determined inItem1above.4..Postulate pipebreaksineachofthezonesdefined,deter-minewhichcontrolsystemcomponents areaffected, andana-lyzetheconsequences offailureofthecontrolsystemcomponents.
5.CombinetheeffectsoftheHELBwithpotential, simultaneous malfunctions ofcontrolsystemcomponents inthepostulated HELBzoneanddetermine theeffectsonthecriticalreactorparameters.
6.Verifythattheeffectsoncriticalreactorparameters areenveloped bytheanalysesinChapter15oftheFSAR.7.Identifyanypostulated eventsthatarebeyondChapter15analysesandrecommend correct'ive actions.2.1SYSTEMELIMINATION Allnonsafety-related controlgradesystemswhichmayaffectthecriticalreactorparameters havebeenincludedintheHELBanaly-sis,andthefollowing elimination criteriawereappliedtoex-cludesomeofthesystemsfromfurtheranalysis.
Elimi-nationCriteriaBasisNlNonelectrical systems,i.e,mechanical andstruc-turalsystemscomprised onlyofstructural steel,piping,tanks,cranes,andsimilarequipment.
N2Instrumentation systemswithnodirectorindirectcontrolling
: function, suchastheannunciator sys-tem.Instrumentation anddedicated inputstotheprocesscomputer, aswellasthecomputeritself,areexcluded.
N3Controlsystemsthatinterface orinteractwiththereactoroperating systembuthavenodirectorindi-recteffectonreactorparameters, suchasventila-tionsystems.0143-12177"HC3 2
N4Controlsystemsthatdonotinteractorinterface withreactoroperation orreactorparameters eitherdirectlyorindirectly, suchascommunications,
: lighting, etc.N5Systemswhichareusedonlyduringstartup,shutdownorrefueling mode.N6Electrical systemsandcomponents involvedinpowerdistribution ortransformation thelossofwhichwillnotimpactthereactorparameters orsafetysystemperformance.
N7Allsafety-related systemsorsafety-related por-tionsofcontrolsystems.Alistofallsystemswiththeelimination criteriaidentified isincludedinAppendixA.2.2COMPONENT ELIMINATION Instruments andcomponents forthosesystemswhichareeliminated undersystemelimination criteriaareexcludedfromthelistofplantcomponents.
Thefollowing elimination criteriaareappliedtotheremaining components toarriveatthefinallistofcomponents considered inthedetailedHELBanalysis.
Theappropriate systempipingandinstrumentation diagramsandelementary diagramshavebeenusedtoaidinthiselimination.
2.Mechanical components (e.g.,structural steel,tanks,pipes,valves)arenotconsidered controlsystemscomponents sub-jecttofailure.However,instrument tapsandtubingforcomponents ofinterest, whichmaybephysically "locatedonmechanical components, are,included.
Instruments andotherdedicated inputstotheprocesscom-puterareeliminated.
3.Components thatprovideonlypositionstatusinformation anddonotperformanycontrolfunctionareeliminated.
Thisincludespositionswitchesonair-andmotor-operated valveswhicharenotinterlocked withotherequipment.
4.Components thatprovideonlyindication and/orinputsforalarmsorrecording devicesareeliminated.
Ingeneral,initiating typecontrolcomponents, suchaselements,
: switches, transmitters, controllers, andconverters, areincludedinthedetailedHELBanalysis, alongwiththeirrelatedtapsandprocesstubing.Motorcontrolcenters(MCC)intheaffectedzoneswereconsidered ascomponents subjecttofailureandwere0143"12177"HC3 reviewedforMCC-mounted controlcomponents orpowersupplytocomponents ofinterest.
Nononsafety gradecontrolsystemcompo-nentinthisanalysisismountedinorpowereddirectly.
fromanMCC,andMCCswere,therefore, eliminated.
Alistofcomponents whichhavebeenconsidered foranalysisbasedontheabovecriteriaandtheircontrolfunctions arein-cludedinAppendixB.2.3HIGHENERGYPIPECRITERIAThecriteriafordetermining highenergylinesusedinthestudywerebasedoncriteriaestablished inSection3.6oftheNMP2FSAR.Highenergypipingisdefinedasthosefluidsystemsthatduringnormalplantconditions, eitherareinoperation oraremaintained pressurized underconditions whereeither'orbothofthefollowing aremet:1.Maximumoperating temperature exceeds2004F2.Maximumoperating pressureexceeds275psigThosehighenergylinesthatoperateabovetheselimitsforlessthan2percentofthetimeandare,requiredtoperformtheirin-tendedfunctionareclassified asmoderate.energylinesand,therefore, areexcludedfromthescopeofthisstudy.Pipingwhosediameteris1-in.NPSorsmallerisalsoexcluded.
Alistofallthehighenergylinesconsidered forthisanalysisisincludedinAppendixC.2.4ZONEDETERMINATION Forthepurposeofthisanalysis, theEQEDCzonemapwasusedfor,identifying normaloperating environmental zones.TheseEgEDCzoneswiresubdivided intoHELBzoneswhichareopenareasbound-edbywalls,ceiling,floors,etc.EachHELBzoneisuniquelyidentified.
CertainHELBzonesextendbetweenelevations becausesomefloorelevations consistofopengratingorahoistopeningiscommontoallthefloors.~'heturbineenclosure isdividedintodiscretezoneswithuniqueidentification.
AHELBeventinasmallcubiclecanconceivably blowoutthedoorandthepressure/temperature transient mayfailallnonsafety gradeinstruments intheadjoining largervolumezone.However,apipebreakinalarge-volume zonewillnotimpactitsneighboring cubicledzonebecausethelargervolumeandmoreoutletsassociated withitprovideeasieralternate pathsofenergydissipations.
'Theseconsiderations havebeenfactoredintothisanalysisbycombining thefollowing zones:0143"12177-HC3 l.'eakinZoneWforabreakinZoneRcombinedforabreakinMSTunnelcombinedforabreakinMSTunnelcombinedforabreakinMSTunnelforabreakinAEforabreakinAEforabreakinAFZoneYdoesnotcontainhighenergylinesandisnotaffectedbyhighenexgylinebreaksinotherzones.Therefore, thiszoneisnotanalyzed.
ZonemapsareprovidedinFigures1through6attheendofthereport.Thesacrificial approachusedthroughout theanalysisassumedthatanyHELBwithinadefinedzonewouldimpactallcontrolsystemcomponents inthezone.BecauseofthelargeareacoveredbyZoneD,thepotential impactofalinebreakwasfurtheranalyzedtoverifyifabreakatoneendoftheturbinebuildingcanrealistically failnonsafety gradecomponents locatedattheotherendwithintervening
: barriers, suchaspipes,traysupports, turbinecasing,etc.It:wasdetermined thatinthecondenser (ZoneB)andheaterbayareas(ZonesF,G,andH),apipebreakmayaffectthecomponents inonlyaconfinedportionofan"architecturally" definedzone.Whilethedistancebetweenthepostulated highenergylinebreakand.controlcomponents pre-cludesthepossibility of.physicaldamagetocomponents duetodirectpipewhipandjetimpingement, thebaysallowfortheadverseenvironment associated withthebreaktospreadthrough-outthecondenser orheaterbay,.minimizing theenvironmental effects.0143-12177-HC3 Therefore, eventhoughnoair/steam/water boundaryexistsinthecondenser andheaterbayareas,theaboveconsideration hasbeenusedintheanalysisofZoneDandthesacrificial approachap-pliedwithintheconfinesofthezonedetermined above.Forthereactorbuilding/secondary containment, alistofthenonsafety components whichaffectthereactorparameters wasmade.Thelocations ofthecomponents werethenchecked',
tode-terminewhetherthesecomponents areaffectedbyanyHELBeventintheirvicinity, andtheconsequence oftheirfailurewasanalyzed.
Reactorcoreisolation cooling(ICS)(steamside),reactorwatercleanup(WCS),andcontrolroddrive(RDS)systempipingaretheonlysources'ofHELBeventsinthesecondary containment, whicharecapable'f producing
'emperature transients resulting infailureofallnonsafety gradeinstruments inthezonesidenti-fiedintheEQEDCreport.Areview'ftherelevantdrawingsiden<<tifiedsevenzonestobeconsidered foranalysih.
Thesezoneshavebeentreatedasonezoneforpurposesofanaly-sis.Thiswasdonebecauseallzonesinthesecondary contain-mentcommunicate witheachotherforenvironmental purposes.
Whilethehighenergylinesdonotpassthroughzonescontaining nonsafety-related controldevices,abreakintheselinesmaycauseadverseenvironmental conditions inthosezoneswhichdocontainnonsafety-related controldevices.Allareasoftheradwaste, dieselgenerator, normalswitchgear,
,standbygas,screenwell, andcontrolbuildings wereeliminated fromanalysisbecausethesystemsintheseareasdonotaffectreactorparameters.
theswitchgear roomeast(ZoneAE)containshighenergylines,ananalysisoftheelectrical systemequipment inthiszoneindicated thattherearenoadverseeffectsonreactorparameters resulting fromaHELBinthiszone.Theauxiliary boilerbuildinghasbeeneliminated becauseitcontainsauxiliary steamsystemcomponents, andaHELBfailurecanleadtoasinglesystemfailureonlywhichcannotaffectreactorparameters.
2.52Q.1PIPEBREAKLOCATIONANDEFFECTSPipeBreakLocationThehighenergypipesidentified inAppendixCareassumedtobreakatalllocations wherecontrolsystemscomponents ofinter-est(asdefinedinSection2.2)arephysically locatedinthesamezoneasthehighenergypiping,unlesspipingrunssubjecttohighstresshavebeenspecifically identified andanalyzedasaresultofthestudiesinFSARSection3.6.Pipingevaluated bymeansofpreviousHEIBstudies(seeFSARSection3.6)isconsid-eredtobreakasdefinedinthosestudies.Onlyonepipebreakispostulated tooccuratanytimeandonlyduringnormalplantconditions.
Aspartofthedetailedanalysisdescribed in0143-12177"HC3 AppendixD,theworstcasecombination ofaspecificHELBandconsequential controlsystemsfailuresisexaminedforthereac-torinthelimitingcondition forthatpostulated'vent.
2.5.2PipeBreakEffectsPipebreaksandconsequential controlsystemfailuresareevalu-atedconsidering theeffectsofadverseenvironment, pipewhip,andjetimpingement onthecontrolsystemcomponents.
l.Environmental EffectsTheeffectsassociated withanyadverseenvironment (in-creasinghumidity, temperature,
: pressure, radiation) areenveloped byemploying thesacrificial approach.
Thesacrificial approachassumesthatanyHELBwithinthede-finedzonewouldadversely impactallcontrolsystemscorn"ponentsinthezone.Usingthisapproach, environmental effectsareenveloped inthedetailedanalysispresented inAppendixD.Theturbinegenerator electrohydraulic system(TMB)isahighpressure, lowtemperature systemwithalimitedvolumeofEHliquidmaintained at"high.pressurebyasmallcapacitypump.Itisinconceivable thatapipebreakinthissystemwillincapacitate allnonsafety gradeinstruments inthezonesofTMBsystempiperouting,andanexception tothesacrificial approachinthiscaseisconsidered justified.
Directjetimpingement ordirectpipewhipareconsidered astheonlycausesoffailureforthosenonsafety gradeinstru-mentsthatarewithinsuchbounds.Instrument airsupply.linefailureduetoaHELBmaycausethecontrolled component tofailinthedesignated safepositionand,sincetheworstfailuremodehasbeencon-sideredintheanalysis, airtubingfailureisinherently enveloped bythisstudy.2.PipeWhipConsiderations Movementofa.circumferentially brokenpipeisassumedtooccurinthedirection ofthejetreactionwhilethepipehingesatthenearestrigidsupport,anchor,orpenetration, producing anarcofmotion.Thepipeisallowedtomoveinanarcwitharadiusfromthebreaktothehingepoint,andmotionisassumedtobelimitedbypipesofequalorgreaterdiameterorreinforced concretewalls,floors,orcolumns.Thewhippingpipeisassumedcapableofincapacitating anycontrolsystemscomponents withinthearcofmotion.Thesacrificial approachenvelopsthesepipewhipconsidera-tions.0143-12177-HC3 3.JetImpingement Considerations Jetimpingement isconsidered forbothcircumferential andlongitudinal breaks.Thebasicapproachassumedisthatthejetfromapostulated breakissufficient tofailallimpactedcomponents withinthejetconeofinfluence~>
exceptinthoseareaswheremajorstructures providenaturalbarriers.
Thesacrificial approachusedinthisanalysisenvelopsthesejetimpingement considerations.
2.6PLANTWALKDOWNPlantwalkdownwasconducted intwophases.Zonemapsforthereactorbuilding, turbinebuilding, andauxiliary bayswereusedduringaplantwalkdowntoaccurately defineappropriate zones,givingdueconsideration towallheights,locationandtypesofdoors,wallopenings, etc.Itwasassumedthatthelocations ofthehighenergylines,controlcomponents andtheirassociated tapsandtubingarecorrectly represented inthereferenced drawings.
Theresultsofthiswalkdownwereincorporated inRevision0ofthisstudy.Asubsequent plantwalkdownwasconducted inPhase2toverifythelocationofcontrolsystemscomponents andassesstheproxim-ityofthecomponents andassociated tapsandtubingtothehighenergylines.Theappropriate architectural, piping,andinstru-mentlocationdrawingswereusedforthispurpose.Itwasde-terminedthatsomecontrolcomponents arelocatedinzonesdif-ferentfromthoseassumedpreviously.
Impulseandsignallinesofcertaincomponents havebeenroutedthroughazoneotherthanwherethecomponents ofinterestarelocated.AppendixDidenti-fiessuchcomponents bynotingthattheyhavebeenanalyzedforthefailuremoderesulting fromabreakinprocesstubingonly.Itwasalsoestablished thatHELBinthe,turbineelectro-hydraulic systemwillnotincapacitate anyadditional nonsafety gradecontrolcomponents of.interest beyondthosealreadyin-cludedinthisanalysis.
2.7Allchangesresulting fromthiswalkdownhavebeenreflected inRevision1ofthisreport,andthechangedareasareidentified byarevisionbarintheright-hand margin.Instrument airsupplylinefailureduetoaHELBmayrenderthecontrolled component tofailinthedesignated safepositionand,sincetheworstfailuremodehasbeenconsidered i;ntheanalysis, airtubingfailureisinherently enveloped bythisstudy.HELBZONEANALYSISThedetailedanalysiswasperformed onazonebasis.Thefollow-ingdescription isrepresentative oftheanalysisperformed foreachHELBzone.AppendixD,whichpresentsthedetailsoftheanalysisforeachzone,followsthisformat.0143-12177-HC3
Eachhighenergylinewasreviewedtodeter-minetheeffectsofapipingfailureuponitsownsystem.Thisisdoneforeachhighenergylineorgroupoflineshavingthesamefunctionindependently, sinceonlyasinglepipebreakispostulated astheinitiating event.Theef-fectofthebreakitselfonreactorparameters wasexamined.
Dueconsideration hasbeengiventointeractions betweenadjacentzonesasexplained inSection2.4.2.ControlSystemsAlistwasmadeofallcontrolsystemcomponents withinthezone.onasystembasis.Wherecontrolcomponents weregroupedtogether, theyhavesimilarsystemfailureeffects.Thefailuremode(s)ofeachcomponent orgroupofcomponents andtheeffectsoftheirfailurewerereviewed.
Theworstpossiblemodeasaresultofsingleorgroupofcomponents failurehasbeenidentified intheanalysis.
Wheretheworst.-mode isnotreadilydiscernible, allfailuremodesandtheirconsequences havebeenanalyzed.
3.CombinedEffectsThepostulated pipingfailureforeachHELBinthezonewasexaminedincombination withtheresulting worstcasefail-uresofcontrolsystemcomponents inthezonetodetermine whetheranycombination ofpossiblefailurescouldexacer-batethepostulated HELB.Thesacrificial approachwasused,andtheworstcasecombinedHELBandpossibleconse-quentialcontrolsystemfailuresweredefinedandanalyzed.
Theconsequences oftheseeventswerecomparedtotheacci-dentandtransient analysespresented inFSAR.Chapter15,whichincludediscussions ofasingleadditional activecom-ponentfailuretoensurethattheyareboundedbyexistingFSARChapter15analyses.

==1.0       INTRODUCTION==
OFANALYSISThefollowing conditions canoccurindividually orincombination asdescribed underCombinedEffectsinAppendixD.2.Turbinetripduetoalossofcondenser vacuum.Turbinetripduetohighvibration.
4.Lossoffeedwater flowduetoagraduallossofcondensate inventory.
0143-12177-HC3 5.6.Completelossoffeedwater.
Lossofoneormorereactorfeedpumps.7.Partiallossoffeedwater heating.8.LossofRCICpump.9.LossofoneRCSpump.10.Feedwater controller failure-Maximumdemand.Combination ofhypothesized conditions.
Eachoftheseconditions isanalyzedbelowtodetermine theover-alll.consequences onreactorparameters.
IAlossofmaincondenser vacuumcouldresulteitherfromabreakinahighenergylineleadingtothecondenser orsteamjetairejectororfromabreakinone'ftheturbinesealingsteamsupplylines,allowingairleakageatthelow-pressure turbineshaftseals.Alossofsealingsteamwouldproduceamuchmoregraduallossofcondenser vacuumthanwouldabreakinalinefromthecondenser.
Bothcon-ditionswouldleadtoaturbinetripsituation, whichisboundedbyChapter15.2.5oftheFSAR.2-.-Aturbinetripduetohighvibration asaresultofwaterinduction couldalsoleadtoa"turbinetripwithbypass"situation, sincethebypasswouldnotbeaffectedandwouldoperateasrequired.
Thiscouldoccureitherasaresultofanactualhighlevelorfromamalfunctioning ofthemoistureseparator highlevelswitches.
4.Alossoffeedwater flowcouldresultwhenagraduallossofcondensate occurs.Anyhighenergysteamorwaterlinebreakwhichcouldresultinalossofcondensate ataratewhichwouldexceedthemaximumavailable condensate makeupisassumedtoresultinagradualreduction incondensate inventory.
Thelowhotwelllevelcouldultimately tripfeedwater pumpsonlowsuctionpressure.
5.Acompletelossoffeedwater wouldresultwhenoneofthemaincondensate orfeedwater linesisassumedtorupture.Thefeedwater pumpswouldnolongerbeabletofeedthere-actorvessel,whichwouldquicklyleadtoareactorscramonlowwaterlevel.Thislossoffeedwater flowtransient isboundedbySection15.6.6oftheFSAR."0143-12177 "HC310 6.Alossofonereactorfeedwater pumpwouldresultinaplantrunbacktonolessthan68percentofreactorratedload.Theremaining pumpwillnotbestartedautomatically; however,itisexpectedthatitwillbestartedmanuallytoallowtheplanttoresumefullload.7.Apartiallossoffeedwater heatingcouldoccurwhen:a.Steamextraction linestoheaterarebrokenb.Drainlinesarerupturedc.Heatercontrolsareadversely affectedd.Feedwater/condensate isbypassedaroundheater,ore.Aheaterstring(train)isisolated.
Thelargestpostulated reduction infeedwater temperature assumesthelossofthethirdthroughsixthfeedwater heatersofonetrainandthepartialloss'ffifthandsixthpointheatersandsecond.andthirdpointdraincoolersoftheothertrains.Adecreaseinfeedwater temperature oflessthan1004Fresultsinnoadverseeffectonreactorparameters.
ThiseventisboundedbySection15.1.1oftheIFSAR.8.Lossofreactorcoreisolation coolingpumpcanresultfromabreakintheRCICsteampiping,butthebreakisauto-matically isolatedbyresultant highambienttemperature sensors,whicharenotpostulated tofail(QACategoryI).9.Trippingasinglereactorrecirculation pumpduetoafail-ureofinstrumentation requiresnosafeguard orprotection systemoperation asanalyzedinFSARSection15.3.10.Failureoffeedwater controlsystemcouldoccurasaresultofeitherfeedwater flowtransmitter failingthecontroller inmaximumdemandorfeedwater flowvalvesfailinginfullopenposition.
Thiseventwillleadtoahighreactorvessellevelcausingreactorscram,turbinetrip,andmainfeedwater pumptrip.Failureoffeedwater controller inmaximumdemandeventisboundedbySection15.1.2oftheFSAR.Theworsthypothesized combination oftheaboveconditions canoccurfromapipebreakwithintheturbinebuilding, whichmaysimultaneously causeapartiallossoffeedwater heating(condition 7)andaturbinetrip(condition 1or2)iftheappropriate controlsaredisabled, leadingtoimprop-ervalvepositioning.
0143"12177-HC3 Thereduction infeedwater inlettemperature causesagradu-alriseinreactorpowerand,depending uponthespecifictimingoftheevent,theturbinetripmayoccuratareactorpowerelevatedbetweentheoperating valueandthetriplev-el.Ithasbeenconcluded thattheoccurrence ofthiseventishighlyunlikely.
Thisconclusion isbasedinpartonconsideration oftheprobability thatacombination ofthefollowing worstcaseconditions occursconcurrently:
a.Theworstcasepipesegmentbreaksonthemostimpor-tantline.b.Pipewhiporjetimpingement canstrikealltargetsinanareaandcausefailuresinworstcasemodes.c.Breaksoccuratworstcaselocations.
d.Bothturbinetripandreactorhighpower>>level tripoccuratappropriate (i.e.,worstcase)times.Shouldtheunlikelyworstcasecombinedsequenceoccur,thereactormayexperience forashorttimeachangeincriticalpowerratio(CPR),whichisnotcoveredunderexistingFSARChapter15analysesfortheUnacceptable ResultsforInci-dentsofModerateFrequency
-Anticipated Operational Transients.
However,theeffectsofthisaccidentevent,evenconsidering asingleactivecomponent failureinamitigating safetysystem,posenothreattotheunacceptable resultsforLimitingFaults-DesignBasis(Postulated)
Accidents presented intheFSARChapter15.Allothercombinations ofthefirsttenconditions resultineffectswhichareboundedbypreviously reportedtran-sientconditions asanalyzedinFSARChapter15andnotedinAppendixD.Itisconcluded thatthehypothesized HELB,withresulting effectsoncontrolsystems,posesnosignifi-cantrisktothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.There-fore,nofurtheraccidentanalysisoranydesignmodifica-tionisnecessary.
4'CONCLUSIONS ANDRECOMMENDATIONS ThedetailedanalysisofAppendixDpresentsathoroughdis-cussionoftheanalysisperformed forthosezonesoftheTurbineBuilding, ReactorBuilding, andAuxiliary Baywhichrequiredevaluation underthecriteriasetforthinSection2.0.Thesacrificial
: approach, asoutlinedinSection2.7,withtheexception notedinSection2.5.2,hasbeenstrictlyapplied,andconservative assumptions havebeenmadetoallanalysesofsystemfailure.NocredithasbeentakenforoperatoractioninanyeventbeyondthosealreadyassumedintheexistingFSARChapter15analyses.
0143-12177-HC3 12 Theworstcasecombinedeffectsofthepostulated HELBandconse-quentialcontrolsystemsfailureshavebeenexaminedanddetailedintheCombinedEffectssectionofAppendixDforeachzoneorrelatedzones.Inmanycases,thepostulated HELBisnotexacer-batedbyanycombination ofcontrolsystemsfailuresinthezones.Insomecases,controlsystemcomponent failureshadin-significant effectonthecontrolled systemandnofurtheranaly-siswasmade.Theapplicable boundingFSARChapter15eventhasbeenreferenced intheCombinedEffectssectionofAppendixDforeachzonewhereappropriate.
TheseFSARsectionsincludethediscussion oftheeffectsofasingleadditional activecomponent failureinamitigating safetysystemandconcludethatthecombinedconsequence offailureisboundedbytheexistinganalysisasdescribed inSection3.0ofthisreportentitledDiscussion ofAnalysis.

1.1       PURPOSE 1.2       SCOPE OF STUDY 1.3      
DOCUMENTS l.Equipment Qualification Environmental DesignCriteria(EQEDC)forNineMilePointStation-Unit2,Revision22.U;S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, IEInformation Notice79-22,Qualification ofControlSystems3.U.S.NuclearRegulatory'ommission SafetyEvaluation ReportforNineMilePointStation-Unit2,Section7.7.2.24.U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, StandardReviewPlanDetermination ofBreakLocations andDynamicEffectsAssoci-atedWiththePostulated RuptureofPiping,Section3.6.2,BranchTechnical PositionMEB3-1,19815.StoneSrWebsterEngineering Corporation andGEdocuments a.FlowDiagramI,ist(attached) b.c~d.e.LogicDiagramList(attached)
Instrument DrawingList(attached) 0143"12177-HC3 13 0'
APPEMDIXASYSTEIISLIST 0~+i5y:h'.I 0'ystemCodeSystemMumber+EIIminetIonCrlteriaSystemDescription Page1of9~O~~S~SAASABDABFABHABHAMNARCASRASSBYSCCPCCSCECCESCHSCNACNDCNO12-910-610"213-1110"15-13-103-924-139-19"733-24-44-74-1'4-10M4M5N5N5N5M2N3M6M6N2N4Breathing AirAuxiliary BoilerSlowdownAuxiliary BoilerFDWandCNOSAuxiliary Boiler-ChemicalFeedAuxiliary BoilerSteamAMNInputCondenser AirRemovalAuxiliary Steam-RadwasteAuxiliary Steam(Nuclear)
BatterySystemReactorPlantComponent CoolingWaterTurbinePlantComponent CoolingWaterElectrical Equipment
-ControlRoomElectrical Equipment
-LocalContainment Atmosphere Honltoring Auxiliary Condensate CondensateOemlneraIizerCondensate Condensate BoosterPumpLubeOilSystem<<Horethanonecriteriamaybeapplicable Insomecases.A-1  
~X(Cont)SystemCodeSystemNumber"EIimlnatIonCrlteriaSystemDescription Page2of9CNSCPSCRSCHSDCSOEROETOFDDFEDFHOFRDFTOF/DRSOSHDSROTHDMSEGAEGFEGPEGS22-233-22"12B-132-932-1123"1123-823-12"23-623-723-1022-2232-732-632-523"112-48-924-92Q-9NqN4N4M4NqN7M7N7N7Condensate Hakeup/Orawoff PrimaryConteInmentPurgeColdReheatCirculating MaterDecontamination SystemReactorBuildingEquipment DrainslTurbineBulldlngEquipment DrainsStandbyDieselGenBuildingFloorDrainsServiceBuildingEquipment andFloorDrainsHlscellaneous BuildingFloorDrainsReactorBulldlngFloorDrainsTurbineBuildlngFloorDrainsRadwasteBuildingFloorDrainsDrywellCoolingHoistureSeparator VentsandDrainHolstureSeparator RIITRVentsandDrainsTurbineBulIdingHiscellaneousDrainsDomesticHaterStandbyDieselGenerator AirStartupStandbyDieselGenerator FuelStandbyDieselGenerator Protection StandbyDieselGenerator Protection A-2 ont)SystemCodeSystemNumber"Elimination CrlteriaSystemDescription Page3of9EJSENSERSESSEXSFOFFPFFPGFPLFPHFPWFWLFWPFWRFWSGHCGHHGNLGHOGSNGTSHCS24-11.224-93-48-1015-415-515-315-715-17-36-46-36-116-816-716-1016-614-127-1527-13N7N7N4N4N4N4N4N7N7StandbyStationServiceSubstatlon StandbyStationServiceSupplyBreakersEarthquake Recording SystemExtraction SteamHainGenerator Excitation SystemDieselFirePumpFuelOllFireProtection
-Low-Pressure CarbonDioxideFireDetection FireProtection
-WaterFDWPump4DriveLubeOliFDWPumpSealandLeakoffFDWPumpRecirculation Feedwater SystemGenerator StatorCoolingWaterGenerator HydrogenandCarbonDioxideLGenerator LeadsCoolingGenerator SealOilNitrogenStandbyGasTreatment OBAHydrogenRecomblner A-3
~~~(Cont)SystemCodeSystemNumber<<EIlmlnatIonCrlteriaSystemDescription Page4of9HDHHDLHRSHVCHVEHVGHVHHVIHVKHVLHVNHVOHVPHVRHVTHVYIASIHAIHCIHSISO6-64-23-322"922-222-1722-1622-2922-1222-1122-1II22"1022-722-122-322-522-812-127-19M4,M7M4M4N4N7N4N3N4,N7N3N3N4N4,N7N2N7High-Pressure FOWHeaterDrainLow-Pressure FDWHeaterDrainHotReheatControlBulldlngAir-Conditioning ServiceBulIdlngVentllatlonGlycolHeatingHotWaterHeatingAuxiliary BoilerRoomVentilation ControlBuildingChilledWaterAuxll,lary ServiceBuildingVentilation Ventilation ChilledWaterOfficeBuildingA/CStandbyDieselGenBuildingVentilation ReactorBulldlngVentllatlon1TurbineBuildingVentllationRadvasteBuildingVentilation YardStructure VentIIatIonInstrument AirAnnunciator SystemInformation System-Computer TSC/CR/EOF-ERF Containment Isolation A-4 Cont)SystemCodeSystemNumbor+EIlmlnatIonCriteriaSystemDescription Page5of9JRBLHSLOSLPHLWSHIINHHSHSSHWSNJSNNSNPSOFGPBSRRSSASSCCSCISCHSFCSPFSPG33"116-331"13-19"1524-1024-8.4,8.624-8.231"423-312-234"224-7.11-5N4N4N4N4N4N4N4N3N6N6N6N4N7N4N2N2N2N4N6Personnel AirLocksContainment LeakageHonltorlng TurbGenOilConditioning andStorageVibration andLoosePartsHonitorlng Radioactive LiquidWasteHaterlalHandlingSystemHeteorolog lesIHonltorlngSystemHainSteam(B22)HakeupWaterNormalStationService-Substatlon NormaIStationService-4-kVSupplyNormalStationService-15-kVSupplyOff-Gas(N64)SanlteryBraInsRedundant ReactorControlSystemServiceAirBypassandInoperative StatusOff-Norma IStatusIndicator PostAccidentHonltorlng FuelPoolCoolingandPurification ResStaServXFMRHl-SideLineProtection Generator TripsA"5
~~O~(Cont)SystemCodeSPGSPHSPRSPSSPUSPXSRRSSPSSRSSTSSWSVNSVVSWPSWRSWTSXSSYOSYGSYSTHASystemNumber24-2.124-324-524-424-124-6.123-223"421-821-221-121-432"1432-89-1031-69-1324-I2.324-12.124-12.21-4+Elimination CrlteriaN6K6N4N4N5N2N2N7N4N4N4N6SystemDescription HainGenerator Protection HainXFHRProtection ReserveStationServiceXFHRProtection NormaIStationServiceXFHRProtection UnltProtection StationAuxiliary PowerXFHRProtection RoofDrainageStormandWasteWaterPostAccidentSamplingSystemReactorPlantSamplingSystemTurbinePlantSamplingSystemRadwasteBulldlngSamplingSystemFDWHeaterReliefDrainsandVentsHnStmSafety.Valves-VentsandDrainsServiceWaterHSealWaterRadwaste5Traveling ScreenWashandDisposalUTransient Ana)yslsSynchronizing
-HainGenerator Synchronizing
-NormalStationServiceTurbineTripsA-6Page6of9 ont)SystemCodeSystemNumber"Elimination CrlteriaSystemOescriptlon Page7of9THGTHITHLTHRTHSVTPWOSWSSWTAMTHHTSWTHYUCYXCYXL16-5.216-116-416-21-716-932-1816"1231-313-2013"413-113-,324-7.224-7.324"3.224"7N5N4N4N4N4N6N6N6N4TurbineGenerator EHFluidSystemTurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaustTurbineGenerator TurningGearTurbineGenerator Supervisory Instrument TurbineGenerator LubeOII.UnitRunbackTurbineGenerator ExhaustlioodSprayTurbinePlantEquipment VentsHasteOilOlsposaIRadioactive SolidHasteChemicalFeed-AcidChemicalFeed-Hypochlorlte HaterTreating-RawMaterWaterTreating-HasteMaterSHY'upply toReserveStationService345-kVHotor-Operated OlscSwitch345-kVLineProtection 230-kVSwltchyard ControlStationGrounding
-Instruments kControlsA-7
~PQ~OX(Cont)SystemCodeSystemNumber+Elimination CriteriaSystemDescription PageBof9SSSSSSADS-.B22CSN27-4E22CSL27-5E21FHSF15FWCC33ICS27-6E51"LDSE31NHSC51NSSB22RBHC12RCS25-1B35RDS36-1C11RIIS27-7E12RMCC12RHS013RPS1-6C72RSSC61RWHC12SLS27-16C41TIPC51N7N7N7NIN7N7N7N7N7Automatic Oapressurlzatlon System(ADS)IIIgh-Pressure CoreSpraySystemLow>>Pressure CoreSpray{LPCS)FuelHandlingSystemFeedwater ControlSystemReactorCorelsolandCoolIngSystem(RCIC)LeakDetection SystemNeutronHonitoring SystemNuclearBoilerSystemRodBlockHonltorlng ReactorRecirculation SystemControlRodDrive(CRO)ResidualH>at.RemovalSystem(RHR)ReactorHanualControlRadlatlo>>
HonltorReactorProtection SystemIRemoteShutdownSystemRodWorthHinlmlzer andRodSequenceControlStandbyLiquidControlSystemTraversingIn-CoreProbeA-8' Xont)SystemCodeHCS26-3SystemNumberG33/G36+Elimination CriteriaN3,N7SystemDescription ReactorMaterCleanup(RHCU)Page9of9A-9

APPENMXBCONTROLCOHPONENT LISTANDFUNCTIONS Notes:l.Unlessotherwise noted,allsolenoidvalvesaremountedonthevalve.2.ZonesAE,AF,J,Edonotcontainnonsafety relatedcontrolcomponents.
ZoneNo.PC240-604 ANDIXBCONTROLCOHPONENTS SystemInstrument/
CodeDeviceIDNo.Instrument/Device FunctionDescritionCCP2CCP-TE32A (B35-N003A)
ReactorBuildingClosedLoopCoolingWaterTemperature from2RCS-E4ASea1.Cooler0138"12177-HC3 B-PC240-1 APPENDIXBCONTROLCOMPONENTS ZoneNo.PC240-606 SystemInstrument/
==4.0        CONCLUSION==
CodeDeviceIDNo.Instrument/Device FunctionDescritionCCP2CCP"FS10A (B35"N004A)
S AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                    12 5.0        REHDUBlCE DOCUMENTS                                                  13 APPENDICES A          SYSTEMS LIST                                                        A"1
ReactorBuildingClosedLoopCoolingWaterFlowSwitchFrom2RCS-E4ASealCooler0138-12177-HC3 B"PC240-2 0'.i IAPIXBCONTROLCOMPONENTS ZoneNoPC250-618 SystemCodeInstrument/
DeviceIDNo.Instrument/Device FunctionDescritionCCPCCPRCSRCSRCSRCSRCSRCSRCS2CCP-FS10B (B35-N004B) 2CCP-TE32B (B35"N003B) 2RCS-SOV45B (B35-F079B) 2RCS-FS39B (B35-N002B) 2RCS-FS40B (B35-N007B) 2RCS-TE12B (B35-N028B) 2RCS-TE13B (B35-N023B) 2RCS-TE28B (B35-C001B-H2) 2RCS-TE29B (B35-C001B-J2)
ReactorBuildingClosedLoopCoolingWaterFlowSwitchFrom2RCS-E4BSealCoolerReactorBuildingClosedLoopCoolingWaterTemperature From2RCS-E4BSealCoolerSolenoidOperating ValveFor2RCS+AOV45B 2RCS-P1BMotorSealWaterLeakHighFlow2RCS-PlBMotorSealStageFlow2RCS-P1BRecirculation PumpSuctionTemperature 2RCS-PlBRecirculation
B-ABN175 C          LIST OF HIGH ENERGY LINES                                            C-A-01 D          DETAILED ANALYSIS                                                    D-PC"1 FIGURES ZONE    MAPS    "  TURBINE  BUILDING  AND    REACTOR  BUILDING,    EL 306 FT 0  IN.
EL 250 FT 0      IN.
ZONE MAPS    -  TUNNELS ZONE MAPS      -  REACTOR  BUILDING, EL    175 FT 0 IN.,  196 FT 0  IN.,
215 FT 0  IN.
ZONE  MAPS    -  REACTOR  BUILDING, EL    240 FT 0 IN.,  328 FT 0  IN.,
353 FT 0  IN.
0 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose    of this study was to verify that the effects of any high energy line break (HELB) on any nonsafety-related control systems in Nine Mile Point - Unit 2 (NMP2) do not result in an event more severe than the events analyzed in Chapter 15 of the NMP2 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).          This study responds to concerns expressed in the NMP2 Safety .Evaluation Report Section and to NMP2 FSAR Question F421.43.
1.2        SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of this HELB analysis was restricted to HELBs and their impact on those components of nonsafety-related control systems which could    initiate  a reactor transient. A  list  of such compo-nents was developed based on the system elimination criteria pre-sented in Section 2.1 and the component elimination criteria identified in Section 2.2 of this report. HELB zones containing both control systems components of interest and HELB locations were defined using the appropriate            Equipment Qualification Environmental Design Criteria (EQEDC) zone maps as a guide, as described in Section 2.4 of this report. Each HELB zone was analyzed, the results summarized, and final conclusions and recommendations are presented in Section 4.0.
A  systematic  study has been conducted    to determine the conse-quences    of postulated    HELBs  and their effects on nonsafety-related control system      components located in the affected zone.
The detailed analysis (Appendix D) describes each of the postu-lated HELB events and their limiting effects on the reactor pa-rameters. The detailed analysis ip Appendix D is summarized in Section 4.0. With the exception of the loss of feedwater heating exacerbated by a turbine trip, the effects of the postulated HELB/control systems failure events are less severe than the Unacceptable Results for Incidents of Moderate Frequency - Antic-ipated Operational Transients presented in
0082-12177-HC3                        C-AF-01
APPENDIX C ZONE: 8 LINE NUIIBER      LINE NUIIBER                  LINE NUIIBER      LINE NUIIBER 2-ARC-025-015-4  2-DSII-01R-010-4              2-DTII-003-027-4  Z-OTII-150-481-4 2-ASS-003-003-4  2-OSII-012-011-4              2-OTII-003-040-4  2-OTI I-150-499-4 R-ASS-003-026-4  2-DSII-012-012-4              2-DTII-003-344-4  2-DTII-150-513-4 2-ASS-003-201-4  2-DSII-012-013-4              2-DTII-003-422-4  R-OTII-150-514-4 2-ASS-003-211-4  2-DSII-012-014-4              2-DTII-004-407-4  2-OTI 1-150-515-4 2-ASS-003-502-4  2-05! I-012-047-4            2-DTII-004-420-4  2-DTtl-150-5ld-4 2-ASS-006-001-4  2-OSII-014-001-4              Z-DTII-004-411-4  2-DTII-150-520-4 2-ASS-006-011-4  2-OSII-014-007-4              2-DTII-004 519-4  2-ESS-00d-251-4 2-ASS-006-017-4  2-DSII-

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE AB Building: Turbine Building Elevatio'n:   306'   0" Control  S  stem
.PC250-624 PC261-207 PC261-637 PC261-643 PC261-646 PC261-651 PC287-617 PC287-669 PC287-674 Building:
: 1. ASS          Auxiliary Steam                    TME          Turbine    Generator (3-9)                                         (16-1)       Gland    Seal    'nd Exhaust
: 2. HVH          Hot Water Heating (22-16)
240'-0"25PIPlt261'"0"287t~PttHELBSstemE22HighPressureCoreCSHSpraySystem(27-4)ControlSstemB35ReactorRecirculation RCSSystem(25-1)E21CSL(27-5)FWS(6-1)E51ICS(27-6)MSS(3-1)B35RCS(25-1)E12RHS(27-7)C41SI,S(27-16)LowPressureCoreSpraySystemFeedwater SystemReactorCoreIsolation andCoolingSystemMainSteamReactorRecirculation SystemResidualHeatRemovalSystemStandbyLiquidControlSystem0655-12177-HC3 D-PC-1 G33/G36ReactorWaterWCSCleanup(RWCU)(26-3)1.Following isalistofhigh-energy linesanalyzedonasystembasis.a.HihPressureCoreSraSstem(CSH27-4)Line:Allhigh-energy linesforhighpressurecorespraysys-teminsideprimarycontainment Function:
: 3. TME          Turbine Generator Gland (16-1)     Seal and Exhaust The following is    a  list  of high energy lines analyzed        on a system basis:
Highpressurecoresprayinjection linestoreactorvessel.FailureEffect:Lossofcoolantinsideprimarycontainment.
: a. Auxilia    Steam (Nuclear) (ASS      3-9)
b.'IowPressureCoreSraSstem(CSL27-5)Line:Allhigh-energy linesforlowpressurecorespraysysteminsideprimarycontainment Function:
: 1)   Line Nos. 2ASS-016-013-4 and'2ASS-016-014-4 Function Steam    supply  to    clean  steam    reboilers    2TME-E1A    and 2TME"E1B    for turbine generator        gland seal    and  exhaust steam.
C~Iowpressurecoresprayinjection linestoreactorvessel.FailureEffect:Lossofcoolantinsideprimarycontainment.
Failure Effect Failure of these lines will result in loss of turbine gen-erator gland seal and exhaust steam. Additionally, fail-ure of these lines will result in loss of extraction steam at fourth point when extraction steam is normal source of heating or auxiliary steam when auxiliary steam is used as a source of heating.
Feedwater Sstem(FWS6>>1)LineNo.:Allfeedwater linesinsideprimarycontainment Function:
: b. Hot Water Heatin    (HVH  22-16)
Feedwater linestoreactorvessel.FailureEffect:Totallossoffeedwater flow.d.ReactorCoreIsolation andCoolinSstem(ICS'7-6)
: 1)   Line Nos. 2HVH-004-025-4 and 2HVH>>004-026-4 Function Heating water      supply  to radwaste    building glycol heat exchanger.
0137-12177"HC3                           D"AB-1
SteamsupplytoICSturbine.0655-12177-HC3 D-PC"2 FailureEffect:Lossofcoolant.e.MainSteam(MSS3-1)Line:Allmainsteamlinesinsideprimarycontainment Function:
FailureEffect:Lossofmainsteam.f.ReactorRecirculation Sstem(RCS25-1)Lines:Allreactorrecirculation systemhighenergylinesin-sidecontainment Function:
Reactorcoolantrecirculation lines.FailureEffect:Lossofreactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment.
g.ResidualHeatRemovalSstem(RHS27-7)Lines:Residualheatremovalsystemhigh-energy linesinsidethecontainment Function:
RHRsystemhigh-energy linestoreactorvesselandreactorre-circulation system.FailureEffect:Lossofreactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment.
h.StandbLiuidControlSstem(SLS'7-16)Lines:Allstandbyliquidcontrolsystemhigh-energy linesinsideprimarycontainment Function:
Standbyliquidcontrolsysteminjection linestoreactorvessel.0655-12177-HC3 D-PC-3 FailureEffect:Lossofcoolantinsideprimarycontainment.
i.ReactorWaterCleanuSstem(WCS26-3)Lines:Allreactorwatercleanupsystemhigh-energy linesin-sidecontainment Function:
Reactorwatercleanuprecirculation suctionlines.FailureEffect:2.Lossofreactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment.
Thefollowing isthelistnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahigh-energy linebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcomponent isanalyzed.
RefertoAppendixBforfunctionofindividual components.
a~ReactorCoolantRecirculation (RCS.25-1)1)2RCPAOV45A (B35-F079A),
2RCS+AOV4SB (B35-F079B)
FailureEffect:Failureofthesevalveswouldresultinlossofrecircu-lationpumpsealstagingcontrol.Theworstcasefailurewouldbeclosureofthesevalvesresulting inlossofsealstagingflow.Thereisnoshort-term effectonreactorparameters.
2)2RCS-TE12A (B35"N028A),
2RCS-TE12B (B35"N028B)
FailureEffect:Theseinstruments provideasignalindicative ofrecircu-lationpumpsuctiontemperature.
Failureofthesedevicescouldresultinrecirculation pumptripandtransfertoIZHG.3)2RCS"TE21A (B35-C001A-A1),
2RCS-TE22A (B35-C001A-Bl))
2RCS-TE23A (B35-C001A-C1),
2RCS-TE24A (B35-C001A-Dl),
2RCS-TE25A (B35-C001A-El),
2RCS-TE26A (B35-COOlA"Fl))
2RCS-TE27A (B35-COOlA-Gl))
2RCS"LS32A (B35-C001A-LSH))
2RCS-LS33A (B35-C001A"LSL),
(B35-C001B-G2)7 (B35-C001B-LSH)7 (B35-C001B"LSL))
(B35"C001B-VBSH) 0655"12177"HC3 D-PC-4 FailureEffect:-Thesedevicesarerelatedtoandlocatedontherecircu-lationpumpmotor.Theworstcaseeffectofanycombina-tionoffailureswouldbeapossiblerecirculation pumptripandtransfertoIZMG.3.CombinedEffectsAbreakinhighpressurecoresprayhigh>>energy lineinthiszonecausesasteamandcoolantreleaseinsidetheprimarycon-tainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacer-batethisevent.b.Abreakinthelowpressurecoresprayhighenergylineinthiszonecausesasteamandcoolantreleaseinsidetheprimarycon-tainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacer-batethisevent.c~Abreakinfeedwater high-energy lineinthiszonecauseslossoffeedwater toreactorinsideprimarycontainment aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofthecon-trolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.0d.Abreakinreactorcoreisolation andcoolinghigh-energy lineinthiszonecausesreleaseofmainsteamandlossofICStur-bineinsideprimarycontainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.e.Abreakinmainsteamhigh-energy lineinthiszonecauseslossofmain.,steaminsideprimarycontainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofthecontrolcompo-nentsinthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.Abreakinreactorrecirculation high-energy lineinthiszonecauseslossofreactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.goAbreakinresidualheatremovalhigh-energy lineinthiszonecausesalossofreactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofcon-trolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.h.Abreakinstandbyliquidcontrolhighenergylineinthiszonecausesloss'freactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.0655-12177"HC3 D-PC-5 Abreakinreactorwatercleanuphigh-energy lineinthiszonecauseslossofreactorcoolantinsideprimarycontainment, an'eventboundedbyFSARSection15.6.5analyses.
Failureofcon-trolcomponents doesnotexacerbate thisevent.0655"12177-HC3 D-PC-6 APPENDIXDHIGHENERGYLINEBREAK(HELB)ANALYSISZONEMAINSTEAMTUNNELBuilding:
261'-0"ControlSstemMSSMainSteam(3-1))MSS(3-1)MainSteamFWS(6-1)Feedwater 1.Thefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystembasis:a~MainSteamMSS3-1)1)LineNos.2MSS-006-117-4,
-006-18-4, 002194)0021734)0021814)002224)0021764)-002-180-4,
-002-184-4, "002-187-4,
-002-188-4 FunctionLowpointmainsteam,linedrainstothemaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.2MSS-002-097-4,
-002-098-4 FunctionMainsteamheaderdraintothemaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum.3)LineNos.2MSS-026-151-1, 2MSS-026-152-1, 2MSS-026-153-1, 2MSS"026"154-1, 2MSS-028-3-4, 2MSS-028-1-4, 2MSS-028-7-4, 2MSS-028-5-4 0644-12177"HC3 D-MST"1 FunctionMainsteamlinestothemainsteamheader.FailureEffectLossofmainsteam.b.Feedwater (FWS6-1)-LineNos.2FWS-024-027-4, 2FWS-024-028-4, 2FWS-024-050-1, 2FWS-024-051-1 Function.Feedwater headerdischarge lines.FailureEffectTotallossoffeedwater.
2.~hlSThefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahigh-energy linebreak-onanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-nentisanalyzed.
Additionally, ahighenergylinebreakinthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents inZonesA,B,andC.Thesignifi-cantconsequences ofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanalysisbyreferring totheappropriate "FailureEffect"fromtheabove-listed zone(s)inthe"Combined Effect"sectionofthiszone.a4MainSteam(MSS3-1)1)2MSS-AOV85A, 2MSS-SOV85A, 2MSS-AOV85B, 2MSS-SOV85B, 2MSS-AOV85C) 2MSS-SOV85C,
'MSS-AOV85D, 2MSS-SOV85D, 2MSS"AOV87A, 2MSS-SOV87A) 2MSS-AOV87B, 2MSS-SOV87B, 2MSS"AOV87C) 2MSS-SOV87C, 2MSS-AOV87D, 2MSS-SOV87D FailureEffect2)Iftheabovevalvesfailinopenposition, thismaycauseanuncontrolled admission ofhighpressureandhightemperature steamtothemaincondenser whichmayulti-matelyresultinalossofcondenser vacuum.2MSS-SOV210 FailureEffectFailureoftheabovevalveinanypositionhasnosignifi-canteffect.0644-12177-HC3 D-MST-2 b.Feedwater (FWS6-1)2FWS-SOV23A) 2FWS-SOV23B FailureEffectFailureoftheabovesolenoidvalvewillnotposeanythreattothefeedwater flow.3.CombinedEffect1)Abreakinanyofthemainsteamhighenergylines[Iteml.a.l)orl.a.2)]willresultinalossofmain'con-denservacuum.Lossofcondenser vacuumeventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofanycontrolcomponent inthiszoneorZonesA,B,orCdoesnotexac-erbatetheevent.2)Abreakinanyofthemainsteamlines[Iteml.a.3)]willresultinalossofmainsteam.LossofmainsteameventisboundedbyFSARSection15.6.4analyses.
Failureofanycontrolcomponent inthiszoneorZonesA,B,orCdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.b.Abreakinanyofthefeedwater highenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossoffeedwater.
Lossoffeedwater eventisboundedbyFSARSection15.6.6analyses.
[Item2.a.l)]inthiszonemayresultinalossofcondenser vacuum,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcomponents intheZonesA,B,orC'oesnotexacerbate thisevent.0644-12177-HC3 D-MST-3 f~I~4>
175ft215ft261ft289ft328ftControlSstemICSReactorCoreIsolation (27-6)Cooling(RCIC)CCPReactorPlantComponent (9-1)CoolingMaterWCS(26-3)CI2RDS(36-1)ReactorMaterCleanup(RWCU)ControlRodDriveHydraulic SystemCNSCondensate Makeup/(4-3)DrawoffIASInstrument Air(12-1)C12RDS(36-1)C33ISC(awe)ControlRodDriveHydraulic (CRD)Feedwater ControlSystemB35ReactorRecirculation RCSSystem(25-1)Thefollowing isalistofHELBsanalyzedonasystembasis:a.ReactorCoreIsolation Coolin(ICS27-6)1)LineNo.2ICS-004-36-2 FunctionSteamsupplytoreactorcoreisolation coolingpumpturbine.0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB"1  

FailureEffectLossofreactorcoreisolation coolingpump.2)LineNo.2ICS-010-62-2 FunctionMainsteamsupplytoreactorcoreisolation coolingsystemFailureEffectLossofreactorcoreisolation coolingandresidualheatremoval(steamcondensing mode)b.ReactorWaterCleanuWCS26-3)LineNo.2WCS-010-316-3, 2WCS-008-88-3 Function,~Reactorwatercleanupsupplylinefromrecirculation systemandreturnlinetofeedwater system.FailureEffectLossofreactorwatercleanupsystemc.ControlRodDriveHdraulicSstem(RDS36-1)AllCRDlineslocatedinzonesSC261-145 andSC289-155.
Failure Effect Loss of plant hot water heating.
FunctionSupplieshydraulic drivewaterandcoolingwatertothecontrolroddrivesystem.FailureEffectLossofcontrolroddrivesystemcoolingandlossofhydraulic controlunitsupplytoaccumulators.
: c. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust      (TME    16-1)
2.Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyaHELBonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcomponent isanalyzed.
I)   Line Nos. 2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-012-77-4 Function Connecting turbine generator steam gland seal and exhaust steam line safety    valve  2TME-SV124    and  2TME-SV125  to main condenser.
RefertoAppendixBforthefunctionofindividual components.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
a.ReactorPlantCoonentCoolinWater(CCP9-1)1)2CCP-PS45A, 2CCP"PS45B, 2CCP-PS45C, 2CCP-PS47A, 2CCP-PS47B')
: 2) ; Line Nos. 2TME-012-66-4, 2TME-016-5-4, 2TME-016-6-4 Function Supplies clean steam    for turbine generator gland seal      and exhaust.
2CCP-PS47C 0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-2
Failure Effect Loss  of main source for turbine generator gland seal        and exhaust steam.
-0TJ'lILL FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovedeviceswillresultintrippingthereactorbuildingcomponent coolingwaterboosterpumpandconsequent lossoftheCCPsystem.2)2CCP"PS67A, 2CCP"PS67B) 2CCP-PS67C FailureEffectFailureofanyoneoralloftheabovepressureswitcheswilltripthecomponent coolingwaterpumps.ThiswillresultinlosingthetotalRBCLCWsystem.3)2CCP-PS96A) 2CCP-PS96B) 2CCP-PS96C FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheseinstruments willnotallowtheautomatic startupoftheselectedstandbycomponent coolingwaterpump.However,twopumpsarealwaysrun-ning,andacompletelossofcomponent coolingwillnotoccur.4)2CCP-I/P108, 2CCP>>TV108 FailureEffectFailureofasingleorthegroup,ofinstruments listedabovemaycausethebypassvalveportionof2CCP-TV-108 toopenandthecontrolvalveportionof2CCP-TV-108 toclose.Thiswillallowthecomponent coolingwatertobypasstheheatexchangers, therebyraisingtheCCPwatertemperature andmayhavealong-term effectonthereactorplantcomponents.
: 3)   Line No. 2TME-006-041-4 Function Supplies main steam for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust (a backup source).
5)2CCP-LS120, 2CCP"SOV120, 2CCP-AOV120 FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheaboveinstruments willpre-ventreplenishing watertoexpansion tank2CCP-TK1.
Failure Effect Loss  of backup source  for turbine generator gland seal      and exhaust steam.
Thiswillhaveasignificant effecttotheoperation ofRBCLCWsystem.b.Condensate Makeu/Drawoff(CNS4-3)2CNS-PCV132 0390-12177-HC3 D"RXB"3 "L
: 4)   Line No. 2TME-010-038-4 Function Supplies  steam  to waste    evaporator    reboiler    2LWS-E4A.
FailureEffectFailureoftheabovepressurecontrolvalvewillfailtomain-taincondensate waterpressureof100psigtospentfuelpoolcoolingandcleanup,radioactive liquidwaste,andhighpres-suredecontamination systems.c.Instrument Air(IAS12-1)2IAS-PS178) 2IAS-PS180) 2IAS-PSI83, 2IAS-PS185 FailureEffectFailureoftheabovepressureswitcheswillfailtheADScom-pressorC2fromautomatic startingcausinglossofairsupplytorechargeADSaccumulator tanks.d.ControlRodDrive(RDS36-1)1)2RDS"PS2A (C12-NOQlA))
Failure Effect Loss  of main source for turbine generator        gland seal and exhaust steam and loss of condensate.
2RDS"PS2B (C12-N001B),
0137"12177-HC3                        D-AB"2 1
2RDS-PS14A (C12"N018A),
: 5)   Line Nos. 2TME-008-411-4, 2TME-008-412-4 0                    Function Connects turbine generator gland seal and exhaust          steam header to 2TME-SRV124 and 2TME-SRV125.
2RDS-PS14B (C12-N018B),
Failure Effect Loss  of turbine generator gland seal      and exhaust  steam.
2RDS"FE107 (C12-N003)
: 2. The  following is the      list  of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by        a  high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.      The consequence    of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed.      Refer to Appendix    B for the function of individu-al  components.
FailureEffectFailureoftheabovepressureswitcheswouldcausetheCRDdrivewaterpumpstotrip,leadingtoanincreaseinCRDtemperature andpotential rodblock.2)2RDS-A/M6A (C12-D009A),
Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones AC and AD. The signifi-cant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.
2RDS-A/M6B (C12-D009B)
Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust          (TME 16-1) 2TME-PT103, 2TME-PTI07, 2TME-PC111, 2TME-PV111, 2TME-PCV114 Failure Effect Failure of any    one  or all of the above instruments or control devic-es  will result in    loss of turbine generator gland seal steam;
FailureEffectThesedevicesprovideCRDcoolingwaterflowcontrol.Potential effectsoffailureincludelossofinstrument airpressureandclosureofvalves2RDS-FV6A (C12-F002A),
: 3. Combined    Effects a~    A  break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone will result in loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam from clean steam reboilers.         However, a back-up source from main steam is available by opening 2TME-MOV110.
2RDS-FV6B (C12-F002B) leadingtoanincreaseinCRDtem-peratureandpotential rodblock.3)2RDS-FV6A (C12-F002A))
Loss of extraction steam from fourth point extraction will re-sult in partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heat-ers.     Loss    of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2RDS-FV6B (C12-F002B)
Failure    of control      components    in this    zone  may  cause 2TME-MOV110    not to open.      This  will result in loss of turbine generator gland steam, which            will cause air infiltration through the low pressure turbine glands resulting in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
FailureEffectFailureofthesevalvestotheclosedpositionwouldre-sultinlossofinstrument airandlossofcoolingwaterflowleadingtoanincreaseinCRDtemperature andpoten-tialrodblock.Failureofthesevalvessuchthattheyremainopenisofnoconsequence.
Failure of control components in Zones AC or AD may cause backup of condensate in the clean steam'eboiler resulting in water induction into the turbine. This will result in high turbine vibration and turbine trip. This event is bounded by FSAR  Section 15.2.3 analyses.
4)2RDS-PCV101 (C12-F003),
0137-12177"HC3                            D"AB"3
2RDS-SOVX7A and2RDS-SOVY7A (C12-F007A),
: b. A break  in hot water heating high energy line in this zone has no  effect on reactor parameters. However, component failure in this zone or in Zones AC or AD can cause loss of turbine gener-ator gland seal and exhaust steam or high turbine vibration leading to turbine trip. These events are analyzed above in Item 3a.
2RDS-SOVX7B and2RDS-SOVY7B (C12-F007B),
c    1)   A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line in this zone (Item 1.c.l) results in loss of main condenser vacuum, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5.
2RDS-I/P107 (C12-K001),
Control system component failure does not exacerbate this event.
2RDS-mS106 (C12-N002),
: 2)   A  break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line in this zone (Item 1.C.2, 1.C.4) will cause the loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal steam. However, a backup source from main steam is available. Refer to Item 3.a above for control component failure.
2RDS-FT107 (C12-N004))
: 3)     A  break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.C.3) in this zone will cause the loss of backup source for turbine generator gland seal steam. However,  if failure  of control components causes loss of main seal steam source, then loss'f main condens-er vacuum will result as described above in 3a. Control component failure effects    for  Zones AC and AD are  dis-cussed in Item 3.a above.
2RDS-PT108 (CZ2-N005))
: 4)     A  break in a turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam header relief valve line will result in loss of tur-bine seal steam. This results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR.Section 15.2.5. Failure of control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.
2RDS-FT112 (C12"N007),
Failure of control components in Zones AC or AD is dis-cussed in Item 3.a above.
2RDS-FT115 (CI2-N009) 0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB".4 0
0137-12177-HC3                        D "AB-4
0FailureEffectTheworstcasefailureofanycombination ofthesedeviceswouldresultinlossofcoolingwaterflowleadingtoanincreaseinCRDtemperature andpotential rodblock.5)2RDS-IS125 (C12-N013E),
2RDS-IS127 (C12-N013G)
FailureEffectFailureofthesetransmitters wouldresultinlossofrodblockcapability oranactualrodblock.6)2RDS-PT139 (C12-N052)
Elevation: 306'-0" Control  S stem ASS        Auxiliary                  TME        Turbine Generator Gland (3-9)       Steam                        (16-1)     Seal and Exhaust CNA        Auxiliary Condensate (4-4)
FailureEffectFailureofthisdevicewouldresultinalossofthescramvalvepilotairheaderpressuresignal.Theworstcasewouldbeareactorscram.7)Transponder, BranchJunctionModule(RDS)FailureEffect,e.Iossofmanualcontrolofrods.Scramstillavailable.
TME        Turbine Generator Gland (16-1)     Seal and Exhaust The following is      a list  of high energy lines analyzed      on a system basis:
Feedwater ControlSystem(ISC,C33)1)2ISWPT108 (C33-N005)
: a. Auxilia    Steam (ASS  3-9)
FailureEffectRecirculation pumpthermalshockinterlock.
Line Nos. 2ASS-016-013-4 and 2ASS-016-014-4 Function Steam  supply to clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A        and 2TME-E1B  for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.
Worsecasefailurewouldresultintransfertolowfrequency MGset.2)2ISC+PDT14A (C33"N004A))
Failure Effect Failure. of these lines will result in loss of main supply to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. Additionally, failure of these lines will result in loss of extraction steam at fourth point when extraction steam is normal source of heat-ing or auxiliary steam when auxiliary steam is used as a source of heating. A partial loss of 4th point feedwater heating will also result.
2ISC-PDT14B (C33-N004B)
: b. Auxilia    Condensate  (CNA  4-4)
FailureEffectReactorvessellevel.Iossofsignalwouldresultinincreased feedwater flow.Potential scramonhighwaterlevel.3)2ISWPT109 (C33-N008)
: 1)    Line Nos. 2CNA-002-013-.4, 2CNA-002-015-4, 2CNA-004-014-4 Function Instrument standpipe    and  standpipe  connections  for level measurement  to reboiler drain tank    2CNA-TK1A.
0393-121j7"HC3                          D-AC-1
Usedforcavitation interlock.
Worsecasefailurewouldresultintransfertolowspeed.0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-5
Failure Effect Loss'f    condensate at reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A, and partial loss of    condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, 3C.
'4W f.ReactorRecirculation System(RCS,B35)1)2ISWPT115 (B35-N040)
: 2)   Line Nos. 2CNA-150-6-4,  2CNA-150-044"4,  2CNA-006-052-4 Function Drain and vent lines to main condenser.
FailureEffectRecirculati.on pumpthermalshockinterlock.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
Worsecasefailurewouldresultintransfertolowfrequency MGset.2)2RCS+PT84B (B35-N050B)
: 3)   Line Nos. 2CNA-006-002-4 Function Condensate line from reboiler drain tank      2CNA-TK1A to 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.
Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate    and partial loss of  condensate heating at 3rd point heaters    2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.
Worsecasefailurewouldinhibitmotionofrecirculation flowcontrolvalve.Noeffectatfullpower.3.CombinedEffectAbreakinanyofthereactorcoreisolation cooling(RCIC)highenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofsteamtoreactorcoreisolation coolingturbine.Thispipebreakwillresultinclosureofcontainment isolation valvesfortheICSturbinesteamsupplyduetohighareaambienttemperatures.
c~  Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust    (TME  16-1)
: 1)  Line  Nos. 2TME-003-57-4,    2TME-012-76-4,  2TME-008-84-'4 Function Turbine generator    gland seal and exhaust steam drains to main condenser.
FailureofCCPsystem(RBCLCW)controlcomponents hasnosig-nificanteffectsincethissystemisnotrequiredtooperateduringemergency orfaultedplantcondition.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
However,duringthiscondition, aportionofthesystemprovidesaCatIpres-sureboundaryforbackupcoolingfromtheservicewatersystemtocooltheSFCheatexchangers, RHRpumpsealcoolers,andrecirculation pumpsealcoolers.Failureofthecondensate makeup/drawoff controlcomponent (2CNS-PCV132) tomaintaincondensate waterpressureof100psigtospentfuelpoolcooli4gandcleanup,radioactive liquidwaste,andhighpressuredecontamination hasnosignificant effect.Failureoftheinstrument airsystemcontrolcomponents willcauselossofairsupplytorechargeADSaccumulator tanks.Sincethesetanksareisolatedandcontainsufficient volumetooperatetheADSsystemwhenrequired, nosignificant effectwillresult.Failureofthecontrolroddrivesystemcontrolcomponents willleadtothefollowing:
: 2)   Line Nos. 2TME-016-06-4, 2TME-016-5-4 Function Supplies clean steam for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.
1)Lossofinstrument airpressure(nosignificant effect)2)Areactorscram0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-6 0
Failure Effect Loss  of  main source  for turbine generator gland seal  and exhaust steam.
3)Tossofrodblockcapabilities 4)Arodblock.5)Iossofmanualcontrolofrods.Item2),3),4),and5)areeventsboundedbyFSARSection15.4analyses.
0393"12177"HC3                       D"AC-2
Failureoffeedwater controlsystemcontrolcomponents willresultinfeedwater controller failureinmaximumdemand.Increased feedwater flowtoreactorwillresultinreactorhighwaterlevelscram.ThiseventisboundedbyFSAR15.1.2.Failureofrecirculation systemcontrolcomponents willresultintransferofrecirculation pumptolowspeed.Thiseventislesssevere~ndescribed inFSARSection15.3.b.Abreakinthereactorwatercleanuphighenergylineinthiszonewillcauselossofreactorwatercleanupreturnlinetofeedwater system.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.6.6.Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneisdescribed inItem3.a.0c~Abreakinanycontrolroddrivesystemhighenergylineinthiszonewill'esult inalossofcontrolroddrivehydraulic fluidpressure.
: 3)   Line Nos. 2TME-003-59-4, 2TME-003-55-4 Function Clean steam reboiler 2TME-E1A, E1B,       shell  blowdown  lines to main condenser before MOVs.
Failure Effect Loss  of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust  steam and partial loss of condensate inventory.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneisde-scribedinItem3.a.0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-7  
2~   The  following is the    list  of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by    a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.
Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components as described in Zone AB, Item 2.
The significant consequences      of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to Zone AB control components failure in the "Combined Effects" section of this zone.
Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust      (TME  16-1)
: 1)  2TME-LS12A,      2TME-LS13A,      2TME-LT13A,        2TME-LVI3A, 2TME-SOV13A Failure Effect Failure of the above devices will cause condensate to in-filtrate into the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system which may result in water induction to the turbine.
This in turn may cause turbine vibration leading to a tur-bine  trip.
: 2)  2TME-HV21A, 2TME-SOV21A Failure Effect Failure of the    above devices which    results in closure of 2TME-HV21A    will  stop condensate flow to the clean steam boiler, 2TME-ElA, which could stop gland seal steam. How-ever, there is a backup source for gland seal steam in zone AD. There is also an alternate source of gland seal steam from the main steam system.
0393-12177"HC3                           D"AC-3
: 3. Combined  Effect a  ~ A  break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone will result in loss of main source for turbin'e generator gland seal and exhaust steam.      However, a backup source from main steam is available.      A  loss  of extraction steam from fourth point extraction will result in partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Ioss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR  Section 15.1.1 analyses.
If  control components in this zone fail to isolate the clean steam    reboilers, condensate may back up and infiltrate into turbine generator gland seals and turbine trip may occur dUe to high turbine vibrations.        This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.
Failure of control components in Zone AB may result in loss of turbine generator gland sealing 'steam supplied from both the primary and backup source. Loss of main condenser vacuum will occur due to air infiltration to the condenser through the low pressure turbine glands.        This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
: b. 1)    A    break in auxiliary condensate        high energy line (Item 1.b.1, 1.b.3) results in partial loss of feedwater heating at 3rd point heater, bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.1.1 analyses. Control component failure in this zone and Zone AB is described above in Item 3.a.
: 2)    A    break in auxiliary condensate        high energy line (Item 1.b.2) results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5. Control component failure in this zone is described above in 3.a. Control component failure in Zone AB does not exacerbate this event any further.
C ~  1)    A  break in turbine generator gland seal    and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.c.2, 1.c.3) in      this zone results in loss of main source of turbine gland      seal steam and/or partial loss of condensate inventory.        Backup source of main steam is available for turbine gland seals, and the loss of condensate    will be made up by the condensate make-up and drawoff. This event, therefore, results in no sig-nificant effect. Control component failure in this zone and zone AB is described above in Item 3.a.
: 2)    A  break in any turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.c.1) results in loss of        .
main condenser vacuum.      Results of loss of main condenser vacuum are analyzed in Item 3.b.2.
0393"12177"HC3                        D-AC-4
Elevation: 306'-0" Control S stem ASS          Auxiliary                  TME      Turbine Generator Gland (3-9)      Steam                      (16"1)  Seal and Exhaust CNA          Auxiliary Condensate (4-4)
TME          Turbine Generator Gland (16-1)      Seal and Exhaust The  following is    a list of high energy lines analyzed  on a system basis:
: a. Auxilia    Steam (ASS  3-9)
Line Nos. 2ASS-016-013>>4 and 2ASS-016-014-4 Function Steam  supply to clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A,  E1B for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.
Failure Effect Failure of these lines will result in loss of main supply to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. Additionally, failure of these lines will result in loss of extraction steam at fourth point when extraction steam is normal source of heat-ing or auxiliary steam when auxiliary steam is used as a source of heating. 'A partial loss of 4th point feedwater heating will also occur.
: b. Auxilia    Condensate (CNA  4-4)
: 1)    Line  Nos. 2CNA-002-16-4,  2CNA-002-20-4,  2CNA-004-17,-4 Function Instrument standpipe    for reboiler drain tank  2CNA-TK1B.
0393-12177-HC3                          D-AD-1
Failure Effect Loss  of condensate at reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TKIB and partial loss of condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.
: 2)  Line Nos.      2CNA>>006-18-4,  2CNA-150-55-4,    2CNA-150-56-4 Function Drains and vent lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 3)  Line Nos. 2CNA-006-008-4 Function Condensate  line from  reboiler drain tank    2CNA-TKIB  to 3rd point heaters  2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.
Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.
c~  Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust    (TME  16-1)
I)  Line Nos. 2TME-008-85-4, 2TME-012-077-4 Function Relief.and drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 2)  Line Nos. 2TME-003-055-4, 2TME-003-60-4 Function Clean steam reboiler 2TME-EIB    shell blowdown  lines to main condenser before MOVs.
Failure Effect Loss  of main source  for gland seal    and exhaust  steam and partial  loss of condensate  inventory.
0393-12177"HC3                        D-AD"2
: 2. The  following is the    list  of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by      a  high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.      The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed.      Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al  components.
Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components as described in Zone AB, Item 2.
The significant consequences      of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to Zone AB control components failure in the "Combined Effects" section of this zorie.
: a. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust      TME  16-1)
: 1)    2TME-LS12B)      2TME-LS13B,      2TME"LT13B,      2TME-LV13B, 2TME-SOV13B Failure Effect Failure of the above devices will cause condensate to in-filtrate into the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system, which may result in water induction to the tur-bine. This in turn may cause turbine vibration leading to a turbine trip.
: 2)    2TME-HV21B) 2TME-SOV21B Failure Effect Failure of the    above devices which  results in closure of 2TME-HV21B  will  stop condensate flow to the clean steam boiler, 2TME-E1B, which could stop gland seal steam. How-ever, there is a backup source for gland seal steam in zone AC. There is also an alternate source of gland seal steam from the main steam system.
: 3. Combined    Effect A  break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone re-sults in loss of main source of turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam and partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR  Section 15.1.1 analyses.      Turbine seals are maintained by main steam as backup source.
If  control components in this zone fail to isolate the clean steam  reboilers, condensate may back up and infiltrate into turbine generator gland seals and turbine trip may occur due to high turbine vibrations, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.
Failure of control components in Zone AB may result in loss of turbine generator gland sealing steam supplied from both the primary and backup source. Loss of main condenser vacuum will occur due to air infiltrate to the condenser through the low pressure turbine glands.      This event is bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.2.5 analyses.
: b.        A    break  in auxiliary    condensate  high  energy  line (Item'1.b.1  and  1.b.3) results in partial loss of feed-water heating at third point heaters, bounded by FSAR Sec-tio'n 15.1.1 analyses. Control component failure in this zone and Zone AB is described above in Item 3.a.
: 2)    A    break in auxiliary condensate      high energy line (Item 1.b.2) results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5. Control component failure in this zone is described in Item 3.a.. Control component failure in Zone AB does not exacerbate this event any further.
c~  1)    A  break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item ).c.2) in this zone results in loss of main source of turbine gland seal steam. Backup source of main steam is available for turbine gland seals, and the loss of condensate will be made up by the condensate makeup and drawoff. This event, therefore, results in no significant effect. Control component failure in this zone or zone AB is described in Item 3.a.
: 2)  A  break in any turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam  high energy line (Item 1.c.1) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. Results of loss of main condenser vacuum are analyzed in Item 3.b.2.
0393-12177"HC3                        D "AD"4
APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE AF Building: Turbine Building Elevation:      277 ft 6 in.
K~HI                                    Control S  stem HVH          Hot Water Heating                        None (22"16)
: 1. The  following is  a  list  of high-energy lines analyzed  on a system basis:
Hot Water Heatin    (HVH  22-16)
Line No. 2HVH-004-025-4, 2HVH-004-026"4 Function.
Hot water heating pump 2HVH-P1A and P1B discharge header to turbine building, radwaste, and reactor building.
Failure Effect Loss  of building heating.
: 2. There are no nonsafety-related control components in this zone af-fected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.
However, a high-energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone S. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from Zones S in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.
: 3. Combined  Effect A  break in the hot water heating high-energy lines in this zone will have no significant effect on reactor parameters.      Also, there are
    'no control components in this zone requiring analysis.        It is un-likely that a break in these high-energy lines would have any 0643-12177-HC3                          D-AF"1
significant effect  on control components in Zone S. Failure of  com-ponents in Zone S,  however, might lead to high turbine vibration  and turbine  trip due to water induction or loss of turbine lube oil or lube oil cooling.      This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
0643-12177.-HC3                      D-AF-2
APPENDIX D 0                        HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE A Building: Turbine Building Location:  El 277 ft 6 in.
ARC      Condenser  Air Removal          CND        Condensate  Demineralizer (5-1)                        K (4-7)
ASS      Auxiliary Steam (Nuclear)        CNM        Condensate (3-9)                                    (4-1)
CWS        Circulating Water (2-1)
CNA      Auxiliary Condensate            DTM        Turbine Building (4-4.1)                                  (32-5)      Miscellaneous Drains HRS        Hot Reheat System (3-3)
  'CNM      Condensate                      MSS        Main Steam (B-22)
(4-1.3)                                  (3-1)
DSM      Moisture Separator              SVH        Feedwater Heater  Relief (32-7)  Vents and Drains                (32-14)    Drains and Vents TMA        Turbine Trips (1-4)
DSR      Moisture Separator Reheater      TMB        Turbine    Generator  EH (32-6)    Vents and Drains                (16-5.2)    Fluid System TML        Turbine Generator (16-2)      Lube Oil DTM      Turbine Building                TMS        Turbine Generator (32-5)    Miscellaneous Drains            (16-9)      Exhaust Hood Spray ESS      Extraction  Steam (3-4)
FWR      FDW Pump  Recirculation (6-3)
FWS      Feedwater System Low-Pressure Feedwater (4-2)    Heater Drain HRS        Hot Reheat (3-3) 0115"12177"HC3                          D-A"1
MSS          Main Steam (3-1)
OFG          Off-Gas (31-4)
SVH          FDW  Heater Relief (32-14)    Vents and Drains THE          Turbine Generator (16-1)    . Gland Seal and Exhaust
: 1. The    following is    a list  of high energy lines analyzed    on a system basis for this zone.
: a.      Condenser  Air Removal  (ARC,  5-1)
Line Nos.. 2ARC-010-607-4 and 2ARC-010-608-4 Function Zntercondenser    2ARC-E3A (2ARC-E3B) shellside        safety  valve 2ARC-SV-19A (2ARC"SV-19B) discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 1)  Line No. 2ASS-010-504-4 Function Auxiliary  steam    header to clean steam reboiler safety valve  2ASS-SV101  discharge to main condenser Failure Effects Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 2)    Line No. 2ASS-010"520-4 Function Auxiliary  steam  header  to condenser  air  removal system safety valve  2ASS-SV102  discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum 0115-12177-HC3                                D-A"2
: c. Auxilia      Condensate  (CNA,  4-4)
: 1)    Line No. 2CNA-006-002-4 Function Reboiler drain tank      2CNA-TK1  discharge to the  third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B,      C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B,    C
: 2)  Line No. 2CNA-150-006-4 Function Vent line      from'eboiler drain      tank  2CNA-TK1A  to the condenser Failure Effect Loss  of  condenser vacuum
: 3)  Line No. 2CNA-008-180-4 Function Reboiler drain tank discharge line to the condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser    vacuum
: d. Condensate    (CNM, 4-1)
Line Nos. 2CNM-006-321-4, 2CNM-006-322-4, 2CNM-006-323-4 Function Relief valves    2CNM-RV61A, B and    C disch'arge line to  condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser    vacuum
: e. Moisture  Se  arator Vents  and Drains (DSM, 32-7)
: 1)  Line No. 2DSM-016-1-4 0115" 12177-HC3                              D-A-3
Function Moisture separator drain receiver tank    2DSM-TK4A discharge line to fourth point feedwater heaters      2CNM-E4A, B, and C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in fourth points heaters 2CNM-E4A, B,    C
: 2)  Line Nos. 2DSM-016>>8-4, 2DSM-016-26-4 Function Moisture separator drain receivers    2DSM>>TK4A and 2DSM-TK4B to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser    vacuum Moisture  Se  arator Reheater Vents  and Drains (DSR, 32-6)
: 1)  Line No. 2DSR-008-122-4, 2DSR-008-121-4 Function 2DSR-SV85A, B    discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser    vacuum
: 2)  Line No. 2DSR-016-1-4 Function Reheater    drain receiver  2DSR-TK6A  discharge  line to the sixth point heaters    2FWS-E6A, B, C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-ers 2FWS-E6A, B,    C
: 3)  Line Nos. 2DSR-016-7-4, 2DSR-016-8-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A discharge        lines to the condenser 0115"12177-HC3                            D-A-4
              . Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 4)      Line No. 2DSR-016-21-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B discharge        line to the condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 5)      Line Nos. 2DSR-006>>106-4,    2DSR-018-108-4,  2DSR-006-105-4, 2DSR-018-107-4 Function Scavenging    steam    line from reheater      drain  receiver 2DSR-TK6A, B  to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 6)      Line No. 2DSR-008-104-4 Function Reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A vent      line to the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6A, B,  C
: g. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains        (DTM, 32-5)
: 1)      Line    Nos. 2DTM-002-5-4,      2DTM-002-6-4,    2DTM-002-7-4, 2DTM-002"333-4)          2DTM-002-334-4,        2DTM-002-335"4) 2DTM"012"297-4
Function (2ESS-MOV15A, B, C) Upstream    drain lines from extraction steam to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum 0115-12177-HC3                              D-A"5
: 2)  Line Nos. 2DTM-125-143"4, 2DTM-150-144"4, 2DTM-125-145-4, 2DTM-150-146-4) 2DTM-003-142-4 Function From  air ejector  motive steam    line strainer    blowdown drains and condenser  air removal lines to condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 3)  Line Nos. 2DTM-004-275-4, 2DTM-004-276-4 Function Drain line from 2HRS-SV5A, B,    C  and 2RHS-SV6A,  B,  C to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 4)  Line No. 2DTM-002-512-4 Function From  turbine generator gland seal    and exhaust  and steam low  point drains to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 5)  Line  Nos. 2DTM-020-68-4,    2DTM-002-69-4, . 2DTM-002-70-4,.
2DTM-002-71-4)          2DTM"002"72"4)        2DTM-002-73-4) 2DTM"002-74"4, 2DTM-002-75"4, 2DTM-002-76-4 Function Cold reheat  line drains to the  main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 6)  Line Nos. 2DTM-002-510-4, 2DTM-002-511-4 Function Hot reheat low  point drains to the main condenser 0115"12177-HC3                        D-A-6
Failure Effect
.            7)
Loss  of condenser  vacuum Line No. 2DTM-150-263-4,      2DTM-150-366-4,  2DTM-150-367-4 Function Auxiliary  steam  line heater drain to the    main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 8)  Line No. 2DTM-006-470-4 Function Auxiliary sealing    steam low  point drain header to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 9)  Line Nos. 2DTM-025-173-4, 2DTM-025-174-4, 2DTM-025-175-4, 2DTM-010-179 "4 Function Combined  intermediate valve (CIV-4, 5, and 6) first steam leakoff from turbine generator        gland seal and exhaust drain lines to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 10)  Line No. 2DTM-004-314-4 Function Steam  seal header low point drain from turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum 0115-12177-HC3                          D"A-7
ll)  Line Nos. 2DTM-025-170-4, 2DTM-025-176-4, 2DTM-025-177-4, 2DTM-010-181-4 Function Combined    intermediate valve (CIV-1, 2, 3)    first  steam leakoffs from turbine generator gland seal      and exhaust system to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 12)  Line Nos. 2DTM-006-309-4, 2DTM-006-310-4, 2DTM-006-311-4, 2DTM-006-312-4, 2DTM-018-313-4 Function High pressure turbine second steam leakoffs from turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 13)  Line Nos. 2DTM>>150-231-4, 2DTM-150-232-4, 2DTM-150-233-4, 2DTM""150-234-4, 2DTM-150-235-4, 2DTM"150"236-4 Function Turbine exhaust hood bearing cones-waste,    water and    oil drains Failure Effect No  significant effect
: h. Extraction  Steam (ESS,  3-4)
: 1)  Line Nos. 2ESS-014-1-4, 2ESS-014-2-4 Function Extraction steam line from H.P. turbine discharge to sixth point heaters FWS-E6A, B, and C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating to the sixth point heat-ers FWS-E6A, B, and  C 0115-. 12177-HC3                          D-A-8
: 2)  Line No. 2ESS-003-4-4 Function High pressure    turbine header drain line to main condenser Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating to sixth point heaters FWS-E6A, B,  C
: 3)  Line No. 2ESS-006-251-4 Function From  extraction  steam    fifth point  heaters  2CNM-ESA, B and C  header line to building heating intermediate          heat ex-changers 2HVH-E1A and 2HVH-E1B header line Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the        fifth point heat-ers  2CNM-ESA, B,  C  due  to loss of extraction steam
: 4)  Line Nos. 2ESS-014-120-4,        2ESS-014-24-4, 2ESS-014-121-4, 2ESS-014-27-4)    2ESS-014-122-4, 2ESS-014-30-4 Function Extraction steam lines from LP turbines        2TMS-T2A, B,  C to the fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C Failure Effect Loss  of feedwater .heating in the fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B,  C and loss of extraction steam
: 5)  Line Nos. 2ESS-026-126-4,        2ESS-026-34-4, 2ESS-026-127-4, 2ESS-026-39-4,    2ESS-026-128"4, 2ESS-026-42-4 Function Extraction  steam  lines from    LP turbines 2TMS-T2A, B,    C to the  third point heater    2CNM-3A, B, C Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in third      point heaters    2CNM-E3A, B, C and loss of extraction steam 0115-12177-HC3                            D-A-9
: 6)    Line Nos. 2ESS-004-37-4, 2ESS-004-38-4 Function High pressure turbine 2TMS-Tl gland steam packing to the third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, and C Failure Effect Partial reduction of feedwater heating to third point heaters 2CNN-E3A, B, and              C FDW P              Recirculation  {FWR,  6-3)
Line Nos. 2FWR-020-4-4, 2FWR-020-5-4, 2FWR-020-6-4 Function Feedwater            recirculation lines from      2FWR-FV2A, B,    C to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser            vacuum Feedwater (FWS, 6-1)
Line    Nos. 2FWS-008-117-4,                2FWS-014-142-4,        2FWS-008-120-4, 2FWS-014-143"4) 2FWS-008-122"4, 2FWS-014-144"4 I
Function High energy              feedwater    cycle    cleanup    lines    to  the  drain condenser Failure  Effect'oss of condenser            vacuum
: k. Low  Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL, 4-2)
: 1)    Line Nos. 2HDL-002-103-4, 2HDL-002-104-4, 2HDL-004-105-4, 2HDL-002-113-4)                  2HDL-002-114"4,            2HDL-004-115-4) 2HDL"002-123"4), 2HDL"002-124"4)              2HDL-, 004"125-4 Function Standpipe c'onnections            for  first point    heaters 2CQi-E1A, B, C level          measurement Failure Effect Loss          of condenser  vacuum.
0115-12177"HC3                                      D"A-10
: 2)    Line Nos. 2HDL-014-101-4, 2HDL-014-111-4,        2HDL-014-121-4 Function First point  heaters 2CNM-ElA, B, and    C  drain connection to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of  condenser vacuum
: 3)    Line Nos. 2HDL-014-201-4, 2HDL-014"211-4, 2HDL-014"221-4 Function Drain lines from second point heaters        2CNM-E2A, B,  C  to the drain receivers 2HDL-TK2A, B, C Failure Effect Loss  of feedwater heating in the second point heaters 2CNM-E2A, B,  C due to loss of condensate
: 4)    Line Nos. 2HDL-004-209-4,      2HDL-004-219-4,  2HDL-004-229-4 Function Steam  line connection  from drain receivers'2HDL-TK2A, B,    C to second point heaters    2CNM-E2A, B, and  C Failure Effect Loss  of feedwater heating in the      second  point heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, and    C Hot Reheat (HRS, 3-3)
Line      Nos. 2HRS-026-1-4,        2HRS-026-2-4,      2HRS-026-3"4, 2HRS-026-4-4) 2HRS-026-5-4, 2HRS"026-6-4 Function Hot reheat    safety valves 2HRS-SVSA, B,    C  and  2HRS-SV6A, B,  C discharge to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser    vacuum
: m. Main Steam (MSS, 3"1)
Line No. 2MSS-010-189-4 0115"12177-HC3                          D-A-11
Function Main steam  line drain    header to main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: n. Off-Gas (OFG, 31-4)
: 1)  Line No. 20FG-003-200-4 Function Off-gas  filter 20FG-FLTlB inlet Failure Effect Loss  of off-gas  system
: 2)    Line No. 20FG-003-201-4 Function Off-gas vacuum  pump  suction header Failure Effect Loss  of off-gas  system 0~  FDW  Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH, 32-14)
I)    Line Nos. 2SVH-002-101-4,      2SVH-002-131-4, 2SVH-002-161-4, 2SVH-002-201-4) 2SVH-002-231-4) 2SVH-002-261-4, Function First point    feedwater    heaters 2CNM-ElA, B,  C and second point feedwater heaters      2CNM-E2A, B, C drain lines to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser  vacuum
: 2)    Line Nos. 2SVH-025-206-4',    2SVH-025-205-4, 2SVH-025-236-4, 2SVH 025 235 4 ) 2SVH 025 266 4 ) 2SVH 025 265 4 Function Second  point feedwater heaters      2CNM-E2A, B, C vent lines to the main condenser 0115-12177"HC3                            D"A-12
Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 3)    Line Nos. 2SVH-QO&-604-4, 2SVH-008-504-4, 2SVH-008-404-4, 2SVH"008-805-4)        2SVH-002-704-4)        2SVH-004-207-4, 2SVH-004"105-4)        2SVH-004-106-4,        2SVH"002-204-4, 2SVH-002-104-4)        2SVH"024"901"4)        2SVH-008"634-4, 2SVH-008"534-4,        2SVH-008-434"4,        2SVH-008-835-4, 2SVH-002-734-4)        2SVH-004-237-4,        2SVH" 004" 135-4, 2SVH-004-136"4,        2SVH-002"234-4)        2SVH-002"134-4, 2SVH-024-931-4)        2SVH-QQ&-664-4,        2SVH-008-564-4)
              - 2SVH-008-464-4,        2SVH-008-865-4,        2SVH-002-764-4, 2SVH-004-267-4,        2SVH-004-165-4,        2SVH-004-166-4, 2SVH-002-264-4) 2SVH-002-164-4) 2SVH-024-961"4 Function Feedwater heaters    relief vent, drain lines  and headers  to the condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: p. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust      (TME) 16-1)
: 1)    Line Nos. 2TME-003-57-4, 2TME-003-58-4 Function Clean steam    boiler    2TME-E1A drain line to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum
: 2)    Line No. 2TME"012-76-4 Function Clean  steam header  safety valve  2TME-SV125  discharge  to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss  of condenser vacuum 0115-12177-HC3                            D"A-13
: 3)  Line    Nos. 2TME-003-78-4,      2TME-006-79-4,    2TME-003-80-4 Function Main steam    control valve, stop valve, and bypass valve gland sealing steam discharge lines to the main condenser I
Failure Effect Loss  of condenser    vacuum
: 2. The    following is the      list  of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by        a  high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.      The consequence    of failure of each control compo-nent    is analyzed. Refer to Appendix      B for function of individual components.
Additionally, a high energy line break .in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones D and AB. The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analy-sis by referring to the appropriate Failure Effect from the above listed 'zones in the Combined Effect section of this zone.
: a.      Condensate  Demineralizer    (CND,  4-7) 2CND-FV294
      " -" -Failure Effect Failure of condensate system recycle outlet valve 2CND-FV294 in open position will bypass a portion of demineralized condensate to main condenser, resulting in additional inventory to main
          'ondenser.      Condensate hotwell level is maintained by level control valve 2CNS-LV103 and LV105. Therefore, failure of 2CND-FV294 has no    significant effect.
: b.      Condensate  (CNM,  4-1) 2CNM-TV121 Failure Effect If temperature  valve  2CNM-TV121  fails closed, high turbine    hood temperature can    result, which    can trip turbine.
c ~    Circulatin    Water (CWS, 2-1) 2CWS-LSS IA,  2CWS-LS51B,    2CWS-I S51C)  2CWS-LS51D,    2CWS-LS51E, 2CWS-LS51F Failure Effect Failure of any or      all of  the above level switches has no sig-nificant effect    on  reactor parameters.
0115-12177-HC3                                D-A-14
: d. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drain              (DTM,  32-5) 2DTM-AOV111,                2DTM"SOV111)      2DTM-AOV166,      2DTM-SOV166, 2DTM-AOV102) 2DTM-SOV102) 2DTM-AOV143) 2DTM-SOV143, 2DTM-AOV5A, 2DTM-SOV5A,            2DTM-AOVSB) 2DTM-SOV5B,      2DTM-AOV5C) 2DTM-SOV5C Failure Effect If any  or all of            these valves  fail open,  no significant effect occurs
: e. Hot Reheat  S  stem (HRS, 3"3)
: 1)  2HRS-PS 107 Failure Effect'ailure of the above pressure switch will cause inadver-tent closure of moisture separator reheaters 2MSS-ElA, B, main steam supply valves 2MSS-AOV92A) B, which can result in reduction of hot reheat steam temperature to low-pressure turbine.
Failure of this instrument will also cause inadvertent opening of moisture separator                    drain receiver tanks 2DSM-TK4A, B drain valves 2DSM-LV78A, B to the main con-denser which will r'esult in partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C.
: 2)  2HRS-PS108 Failure Effect Failure of the            above pressure  switch  will fail the valves 2DSR-AOV82A, B            in the open position,'alves 2DSR-AOV83A, B in the close position, and 2DSR-LV68A, B in the open posi-tion, which will result in a partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FMS-E6A) B, C.
: 3)  2HRS-CIV1,            2HRS-CIV2,  2HRS-CIV3)  2HRS-CIV4)  2HRS-CIV5, 2HRS-CIV6 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above control valves in the close position will result in partial or total loss of hot reheat steam to the low-pressure turbines, 2TMS-T2A, B, C.
This will cause a turbine trip.
0115-12177"HC3                                    D-A-15
: f. Main Steam (MSS, 3-1)
: 1)  2MSS-AOV191,      2MSS-SOV191,    2MSS-AOV194,    2MSS-SOV194, 2MSS AOV203) 2MSS SOV203) 2MSS AOV205) 2MSS SOV205 Failure Effect If any  or all of the above valves      fail open, no  signifi-cant impact results
: 2)  2MSS-PSV89A)    '2MSS"PSV89B)      2MSS-PSV89C)    2MSS"PSV89D, 2MSS-PS89E Failure Effect Failure of any or      all of  the above valves in the open po-sition will  cause    dumping  of main steam to the main con-denser through the turbine bypass lines. This will cause reduction of main steam flow to the turbine, and possible loss of condenser vacuum      if the circulating water tempera-ture is high reducing condensing effect, which helps main-tain m'ain condenser    vacuum.
: g. Feedwater Heater  Relief Drains    and Vents (SVH,32-14)
: 1)  2SVH HV1 4A )    2SVH SOV 14A      2SVH HV14B )    2SVH SOV 14B )
2SVH"HV14C,      2SVH-SOV14C,      2SVH"HV24A,    2SVH"SOV24A, 2SVH-"HV24B, 2SVH-'SOV24B, 2SVH-HV24C, 2SVH-SOV24C Failure Effect Failure of the above heater channel drain valves in          open or close position has no significant effect
2SVH-HV2C, 2SVH-SOV2C Failure Effect
Failure of the close position 2TMA PSX1A) above heater shell vent valves has no significant effect
2TMA PSX1B) 2TMA-PSY1B, 2TMB-PSY1C 2TMB PSX1C) in  open 2TMA PSY1A) or 0115-12177"HC3                            D-A-16
Failure    .E ffect Failure of the        above pressure switches (one out of three X and  one    out of three Y) may cause inadvertent turbine trip. Also, failure of these instruments may prevent tur-bine trip during low condenser vacuum. This event will not pose any serious threat to the reactor because Category I condenser vacuum transmitter 2CNM-"PT46A) B, C, D) will signal the main steam isolation valves to close and the reactor to scram.
: 2)    2TMA-TS3A) 2TMA-TS3B, 2TMS-T3C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above temperature switches such that turbine exhaust hood temperature high-high is indicated will result in turbine trip.
Failure of all of the above temperature switches to indi-cate turbine exhaust hood high-high temperature would pre-vent turbine trip and possibly cause high turbine vibration      and  trip.
Turbine Generator      EH  Fluid  S stem (TMB, 16-5.2)
A 0-          1)    2TMB-HVY130
                'ailure      Effect Inadvertent failure of 2TMB-HVY130 may result in closure of moisture separator main steam supply valve 2MSS-PU28A) 2MSS-PU2SB, 2MSS-PV29A,and 2MSS-PU29B.            Loss of main steam supply to moisture separators will result in low turbine efficiency; therefore, failure of this instrument has no significant effect on reactor parameters.
: 2)                                                                      I 2TMB PS2A ) 2TMB PS2B ) 2TMB PS 1 2A ) 2TMB PS 1 2B ) 2TMB PSX 3A )
2TMB-PSX13B,          2TMB-PSY13A,      2TMB-PSY13B)      2TMB-PS109, 2TMB-PS110) 2TMB"PS111; 2TMB"PS112 Failure Effect Failure of any or        all of the'bove      pressure switches will cause  EHC    fluid  pumps  2TMB-P1A  (or  B) to malfunction on low electrohydraulic pressure.            Loss of electrohydraulic pressure      will ultimately    cause the turbine trip.
0115-12177-HC3                                D-A"17
: 3)    2TMB-SE123) 2TMB-SE124, 2TMB-SE125 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above turbine speed switches may cause    inadvertent turbine trip oil if  either the turbine shaft pump    lube      discharge  pressure  is  low or  EHC  dc control power is lost.
Turbine Generator Lube Oil (TML, 16-2)
: 1)    2TML-PS14A,        2TML"PS14B,      2TML-PS14C)        2TML-PS14D) 2TML PS14E) 2TML PS14F ) 2TML PS14G ) 2TML PS 14H Failure Effect Failure of    any or  all  of the  above pressure    switches may not permit      auto  starting of turbine 2TML-P6A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H due to lift low oil pumps suction pump pressure. Since these pumps are used only during low tur-bine RPM or startup condition, failure will not impact normal operation'of the plant.
: 2)    2TML"PS15A,        2TML-PS15B,      2TML"PS15C,        2TML-PS15D, 2TML PS15Ev    2TML PS15Fs  2TML:PS15Gs 2TML PS15H Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above pressure switches may not permit starting of turning gear piggyback motor due to any  lift  pump oil pressure low.      Since this pump is used only during low turbine RPM or startup condition, failure will. not impact normal operation of the plant.
: k. Turbine Generator Exhaust Hood      S ra  (TMS,  16-9) 2TMS"TT101, 2TMS-TT102, 2TMS-TY103 Failure Effect Failure of the above temperature transmitter may cause inadver-tent closure of exhaust hood condensate temperature control valve  2CNM-TV121, causing      high exhaust hood temperature which can cause  high turbine vibration at low load or startup condi-tions. During normal plant operation (higher loads), no ad-verse effect occurs whether the temperature control valve is closed or opened.
: 3. Combined  Effect
: a. A  break  in  any of the condenser air removal high energy lines in this  zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum.
0115-12177"HC3                              D-A"18
This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.                As a result of the high energy line break in this zone, control components in this zone or zone AB or zone D may fail, result-ing in any or all of the following events:
: 1)    Turbine trip in Zone A and Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR    Section 15.2.3 analyses.
: 2)    Loss    of main condenser vacuum in Zone A, Zone AB, and Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
: 3)    Toss of feedwater heating in 4th and 6th point heaters in Zone A, and 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three forth point heaters in Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.1.1 analyses.
: 4)    Ioss of feedwater flow (Zone D), an event bounded by            FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
: 5)    Feedwater    controller failure -      maximum demand  (Zone D), an event bounded by      FSAR  Section 15.1.2 analyses.
If the    turbine  trip  occurs at    a reactor power level ele-vated from initial operating value due to the loss of
                -feedwater heating, the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of incidents of moderate frequency anticipated operational transients of FSAR Chapter 15.
See Section 3.0 for further discussion.
: b. A  break in any of the      auxiliary  steam high energy lines in this zone    will result in        a loss of    main condenser vacuum. This event    is  bounded by    FSAR Section    15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components          in this    zone  or Zones AB or D is de-scribed in Item 3.a.
C ~  1)    A    break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item 1.C.1) results in loss of condensate to the third point heaters. This results in loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.              The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
: 2)    A    break in any of the auxiliary condensate high energy lines (Item 1.C.2 or 1.C.3) will result in a loss of main condenser    vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control components in this zone or    Zone AB  or  Zone D  is described in Item 3.a.
0115-12177-HC3                                D"A"19
: d. A  break in any of the condensate      high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser        vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.          The failure of con-trol components in this zone or Zone AB        or  Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
: e. 1)    A  break in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy line (Item l.e.l) results in a loss of condensate to the fourth point heaters.        This results in a loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heaters.          Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 ana-lyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D refer to Item 3.a.
: 2)    A  break in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy line (Item l.e.2) results in a loss of condensate vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 ana<<
lyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D refer to the Item 3.a.
: 1)    A  break in any of the moisture separator reheater vents drains high energy lines [Item 1.f.l), 1.f.3), l.f.4),
and or 1.f.5)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum.
This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
The    failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or  Zone  D is described in Item 3.a.
A break in the moisture seperator          reheater vents and drains high energy line [Item 1.f.2) or 1.f.6)] results in a  loss of condensate to the 6th point heaters.      This re-sults in. a loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters.      Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR
'4 Section 15.1.1 analyses.      For failure of the control com-ponents in this zone, refer to Item 3.a.
: g. A. break      in any of the turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. The event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
: h. A  break in any of the extraction steam high energy lines in this    zone will result in a loss of extraction steam to the third, fourth, fifth or sixth point heater. This results in a loss of feedwater heating in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater.        Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone C refer to Item 3.a.
A  break in any of the feedwater pump recirculation high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vac-uum,    an    event bounded  by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control      components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
0115"12177"HC3                              D-A-20
A  break in any of the feedwater high energy lines result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR
.            Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
: k. 1)    A  break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines (Item 1.P.3 or 1.P.4) will result in a loss of condensate and extraction steam to the first and second point heaters. This results in a loss of feedwater heating in the first and second point heaters.        Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 ana-lyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or  Zone AB  or Zone D refer to.Item 3.a.
: 2)    A  break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines (Item 1.P.1 or 1.P.2) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control com-ponents in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
A  break in any of the hot reheat high energy lines result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
A  break in main steam high energy line will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum.      This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
A  break    in any of the off-gas high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of off-gas system. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses.        The failure of control compo-nents in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
oi  A  break in    any. of the feedwater relief vents and drains high energy line    will result in    a loss of main condenser vacuum.
This event    is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components is this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
po  A break, in any of the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy lines will result in a loss of main condenser vacu-um. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
0115-12177"HC3                            D-A-21
HIGH ENERGY  IINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE B Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 250'-0", 277'-6",
306'-0" HELB S stem                      Control S stem ARC        Condenser  Air Removal          ARC      Condenser  Air Removal (5-1)                                        (5-1)
ASS        Auxiliary Steam                  ASS      Auxiliary Steam (3-9)                                        (3-9)
CNA        Auxiliary Condensate              CNS      Condensate  Makeup/Drawoff (4-4)                                        (4-3)
CNM        Condensate                      DSM      Moisture Separator (4-1)                                        (32-7)  Vents and Drains CNS        Condensate                      DSR      Moisture Separator  RHTR (4-3)    Makeup/Drawoff                    (32-6)    Vents and Drains DSM      'oisture    Separator              DTM      Turbine Building Miscel-(32-7)    Vents and Drains                  (32-5)    laneous Drains DSR        Moisture Separator  RHTR        FWS      Feedwater (32-6)    Vents and Drains                  (6-1)
DTM        Turbine, Building                HDH      High Pressure Feedwater (32-5)    Miscellaneous Drains              (6-6)    Heater Drains ESS        Extraction  Steam                HDL      Low Pressure Feedwater (3-4)                                        (4-2)    Heater Drains HDH        High Pressure    FDW              MSS      Main Steam (6-6)      Heater Drains                    (3-1)
HDL        Low Pressure    FDW              TME      Turbine Generator Gland (4"2)      Heater Drain                      (16-1)    Seal and Exhaust HVH        Hot Water Heating (22-16)
MSS        Main Steam (3-1)
, (32-14)
FDW  Heater Relief Vents and Drains 0145-12177-HC3                        D-B-1
TME        Turbine Generator Gland                                                    d ~)
(16-1)    Seal and Exhaust I. The  following is    a list  of high energy lines analyzed .on        a system basis:
: a. Condenser  Air Removal    (ARC  5-1)
                                                                                          ~ C Line No. 2ARC-025-015-4 Function                                                                  ~      ~
Condenser    air removal    intercondenser      2ARC-E3A  and  2ARC-E3B drain to. main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss of main condenser    vacuum.
: b. Auxilia    Steam (ASS    3-9)
I)  Line Nos. 2ASS-003-26-4,        2ASS-150-512-4,      2ASS-003-211-4, 2ASS-003-201-4,          2ASS-006"125-4,            2ASS-006"126-4) 2ASS-006-1-4 Function Main steam    backup    supply  to=-= clean. steam- reboiler and-building heating intermediate heat exchangers, main steam supply to condenser air removal system, and off-gas system.
Failure Effect Loss  of main steam supply for condenser air removal, air              ~  ~
ejectors, and off-gas preheaters results in loss of con-denser vacuum.
: 2)    Line Nos. 2ASS-006-620-4,        2ASS-003-3-4,      2ASS-150-517-4, 2ASS-006-140"4)            2ASS-006-147"4)            2ASS-006-70-4, 2ASS-006-400-4 Function Steam    supply    to  building      heating    intermediate  heat exchangers.
Failure Effect Loss  of building heating intermediate heat exchangers, ad-ditional partial loss'f extraction steam at fifth point, and partial loss of condensate            heating at fifth point heaters.
0145"12177"HC3                          D-B-2
: 3) Line Nos. 2ASS-006-11-4,        2ASS-006-17-4, 2ASS-150-518-4, 2ASS-012-141"4, 2ASS-008"146-4) 2ASS-012-63-4 Function Steam supply  to clean steam reboilers.
Failure Effect Loss  of  main source    for turbine generator gland seal. and exhaust steam.      Partial loss of extraction steam at fourth point and    partial loss of condensate heating at fourth point heaters.
: 4) Line Nos. 2ASS-008-503-4,      2ASS-010-504-4,    2ASS-003-502-4 Function Building    heating    heat  exchangers    and    clean steam reboilers    steam    supply  header    vent lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of  main condenser vacuum.
: c. Auxilia  Condensate    (CNA  4-4)
I) Line    Nos. 2CNA-006-52-4,      2CNA-150-19-4,      2CNA-150-21-4 Function Drain lines from clean steam reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A and    building heating intermediate            heat    exchangers 2HVH-EIA, ElB to main condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of    condensate and partial loss of 2HVH-E1A or EIB  building heating intermediate heat exchanger.
: 2)  Line Nos. 2CNA-003-303-4, 2CNA-003-304-4 Function Building heating intermediate heat exchanger relief lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect e                Loss  of  main condenser vacuum.
0145-12177-HC3                        D-B-3
: d. Condensate  (CNM    4-1)
: 1)  Line Nos. 2CNM-002-93-4, 2CNM-002-94-4, 2CNM-002-95-4 Function Condensate    line relief lines to    main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser    vacuum.
: 2)  Line Nos. 2CNM-012-034-4,, 2CNM-012-035-4 Function Condensate  booster  pump 2CNM-P2B, P2C    recirculation lines.
Failure Effect Partial loss of      condensate  inventory  and  partial loss of condensate  flow.
: e. Condensate  Makeu  /Drawoff  (CNS  4-3)
: 1)  Line Nos. 2CNS-006-40-4, 2CNS-003-25-4 Function Condenser    hotwell condensate      makeup  lines from condensate storage tanks.
Failure Effect Loss  of  main condenser vacuum.
: 2)  Line    Nos. 2CNS-003-34-4,      2CNS-002-33-4,    2CNS-004-95-4, 2CNS-004"24-4 Function Condensate supply to. condensate makeup and        drawoff system, and control rod drive hydraulic system.
Failure Effect Partial .loss of      condensate inventory and loss of control rod drive hydraulic system pressure.
'0145"12177"HC3                          D-B-4
: f. Moisture  Se  arator Vents  and Drains (DSM    32"7)
Line No. 2DSM-006-53-4 Function Vent  line from moisture separator drain receiver    2DSM-TK4A to hot reheat for low-pressure turbine T2A.
Failure Effect Partial loss of    steam supply to low-pressure    turbine  T2A.
: 2)  Line    Nos. 2DSM-012-9-4,      2DSM-012-10-4,  2DSM-012-11-4, 2DSM-012"12"4,            2DSM 012 13 4)        2DSM 012 14 4) 2DSM-012-47-4, 2DSM-016-48-4, 2DSM-018-49-4, 2DSM-020-51-4 Function Moisture separator reheater      2MSS-ElA drains to  MSR  drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK1A.
Failure Effect I
Loss of condensate from moisture separator 2MSS-E1A to moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heat-ers. Loss of condensate inventory. Fourth point heater drain pump flow reduced. (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)
: 3)  Line Nos. 2DSM-002-16-4, 2DSM-002-18-4, 2DSM-004-17-4 Function Level instromentation      standpipe  and  process, connections for  2DSM"TK4A.
Failure Effect Loss  of moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A condensate,  and partial loss of steam to low-pressure tur-bines. Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Fourth point heater drain pump flow is reduced. (The most significant'. event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)
: 4)  Line No. 2DSM-016-1-4 Function Provides condensate    from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A  to third point heaters.
0145-12177"HC3                        D-8-5
Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Heater drain pump flow is reduced, which is not significant.
: 5)    Line No. 2DSM-016-8-4 Function Provides    path to main condenser    from moisture separator drain receiver    2DSM-TK4A.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 6)    Line No. 2DSM-016-7-4 Function Provides    path to main condenser    from moisture separator drain receiver    2DSM-TK4A.
Failure Effect Loss    of condensate  from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A,    partial loss of    main steam to conden'ser," and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters.      Heater drain pump flow is reduced.      (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)
: g. Moisture    Se  arator  RHTR Vents and Drains (DSR  32-6)
Line Nos. 2DSR-002-11-4, 2DSR-002-13-4, 2DSR-004-12-4 Function Level instrumentation standpipe and . process        connections for reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A.
Failure Effect Loss    of  2DSR-TK6A condensate  and steam resulting in par-tial    loss of feedwater    heating at sixth point heaters.
: 2)    Line No. 2DSR-016-8-4
                'Provide path to main condenser        from moisture separator reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TEA.
0145-12177-HC3                          D-B-6
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 3)  Line No. 2DSR-016-1-4 Function Condensate  from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A to    sixth point heaters.
Failure Effect Loss of condensate      to sixth point heaters and loss of steam from reheater      moisture separator 2MSS-ElA resulting  .
in partial loss        of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.
: 4)  Line Nos. 2DSR-002-120-4,      2DSR-006-10-4, 2DSR-006-102-4, 2DSR-008-104-4 Function Scavenging    steam  supply header  from moisture  separator 2MSS-ElA  to sixth point heater.
Failure Effect Loss  of moisture separator reheat steam and partial loss of feedwater/condensate heating at sixth point heater.
: 5)  Line No. 1DSR-024-9-4 Function Condensate    from reheater moisture separator    2MSS-ElA  to reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A.
Failure Effect Loss of condensate from 2MSS-ElA to 2DSR-TK6A and loss      of condensate and steam to sixth point heater resulting        in partial loss of    feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.
: 6)  Line Nos. 2DSR-016-7-4 Function Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator reheater drain receiver ZDSR-TK6A or 2DSR-TK6B.
0145-12177 "HC3                        D-B-7
Failure Effect Loss of condensate from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A and loss    of steam, from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-ElA resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.
: h. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains      (DTM 32-5)
: 1)  Line Nos. 2DTM-025-170-4,    2DTM-025-177-4,  2DTM-025-176-4 Function Combined  intermediate valves steam leakoff drain path to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser  vacuum.
          , 2)  Line Nos. 2DTM-002-14-4, 2DTM-002-15-4 Function 2ESS-MOV22A, B, upstream    drains to main condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of extraction steam from fourth point heater extraction lines and partial loss of heating at fourth point heaters.
: 3)  Line Nos. 2DTM-002-69-4, 2DTM-002-70-4, 2DTM-002-71-4, and 2DTM-002-72-4 Function Cold reheat  line drains.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser  vacuum.
: 4)  Line Nos. 2DTM-150-64-4,      2DTM-150-65-4,  2DTM-150-111-4, 2DTM-150-185-4)        2DTM-150-186-4)        2DTM-002-337-4, 2DTM"002"339-4, 2DTM-002-341-4 Function Drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser  vacuum.
0145"12177-HC3                        D-B-8
: 5)  Line Nos. 2DTM-150-231-4 through 2DTM-150-236-4 Function Turbine exhaust hood bearing cones waste, water, and                  oil drains.
Failure Effect No  effect.
: 6)  Line    Nos. 2DTM-002-28-4, 2DTM-002-29-4,                2DTM-002-30-4, 2DTM-002-61-4,                    2DTM-002-62-4,          2DTM-002-63-4, 2DTM-003-27-4, 2DTM'-003-60-4 Function Fifth  aad  sixth point extraction header drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of extraction              steam from  fifth or sixth point heater  extraction lines              and partial    loss of heating at fifth or sixth point  heaters.'o
: 7)  Line      Nos. 2DTM-002-457-4                through    2DTM"002-462-4, 2DTM-003-344-4,                  2DTM-003-422-4,        2DTM-004-407-4) 2DTM-004-420-4,                  2DTM"004-471-4,        2DTM-004-519-4) 2DTM-006-417-4,                  2DTM-008-414-4,        2DTM-016-464-4, 2DTM-018-463-4,                    2DTM-020-10-4,        2DTM-150-41-4, 2DTM-150-56-4    through              2DTM-150-59-4,    2DTM-150-135"4, 2DTM-150-343-4)                  2DTM-150-400-4,        2DTM-150-403-4, 2DTM-150-405-4,                  2DTM-150-412" 4,        2DTM-150-415-4, 2DTM-150 "473-4,                  2DTM-150"479-4,        2DTM-150"480-4, 2DTM-150-499-4,                  2DTM-150"520"4)        2DTM"150"487"4, 2DTM-150-515-4) 2DTM"150-516-4 Function Drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 8)  Line Nos. 2DTM-150-139-4,                2DTM-150-140-4,  2DTM"150-214-4 Function
:I                Auxiliary steam  low point drains.
0145-12177-HC3                      D-B-9
Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth or fifth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth or fifth point feedwater heating.
: 9)  Line Nos. 2DTM-150-513-4 and 2DTM-150-514-4 Function Low  point drains from clean        reboiler auxiliary    steam sup-ply  header to main condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth point extraction          steam and    partial loss of fourth point feedwater heating.
Extraction  Steam (ESS    3-4)
Line No. 2ESS-006-251-4 Function Extraction steam to auxiliary      steam system.
Failure Effect Partial loss of    fifth point extraction      steam and loss      of fifth point feedwater heating.
Hi h Pressure  FDW Heater Drains    (HDH  6-6)
: 1)  Line Nos. 2HDH-014-604-4,        2HDH-014-614-4,      2HDH-014-624-4 Function Sixth point      heater    high    level  drain    lines    to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 2)  Line Nos. 2HDH-014-603-4,        2HDH-014-613-4,      2HDH-014-623-4 Function Sixth point      heater    high    level  drain    lines  to main condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of sixth point heating          and  partial loss of condensate.
0145-12177-HC3                          D-B"10
: k. Low Pressure  FDW Heater Drain    (HDL  4-2)
Line Nos. 2HDL-002-413-4, 2HDL-002-433-4, 2HDL-002-453-4) 2HDL-006-134"4)          2HDL-006 135-4,          2HDL-006-136-4, 2HDL-008-102-4)          2HDL-008-112"4)          2HDL-008-122-4) 2HDL-014-101-4,          2HDL-014-111-4)          2HDL-014"121-4) 2HDL-008-235"4,          2HDL-008-303"4)          2HDL-018-403-4 )
2HDL-018-423-4,          2HDL"018-443-4,          2HDL-016-504-4) 2HDL"016-514"4, 2HDL-016-524"4 Function Low  pressure heater drains to condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of Hain condenser    vacuum.
: 2)  Line Nos. 2HDL-008-202-4, 2HDL-008-203-4, 2HDL-008<<212-4, 2HDL-008-213-4)          2HDL-008-223-4,          2HDL-008-205-4, 2HDL-008-215-4, 2HDL-008-225-4 Function Second    point heater      drain    receivers  drain  lines  to condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of second point feedwater heating        and partial loss of condensate.
: 3)  Line Nos. 2HDL-008-302-4, 2HDL-008-312-4, 2HDL-008-322-4, 2HDL"008-304-4,          2HDL-008-314-4)          2HDL-008"324-4) 2HDL-018-402-4,          2HDL-018"422-4,          2HDL-018-442-4, 2HDL-016-503-4) 2HDL-016"513"4) 2HDL-016-523-4 Function Heater drains to main condenser.
Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating          and  partial loss of condensate.
: l. Hot Water Heatin    (HVH  22-16)
Line No..2HVH-006-023-4 Function Hot water      supply    to    turbine    building  glycol    heat exchanger.
0145-12177"HC3                        D-B-11
Failure Effect No  significant effect.
: 2)  Line No. 2HVH-006-24-4 Function Hot water      supply  to  radwaste  building glycol heat exchanger.
Failure Effect No  significant effect.
Main Steam  (MSS  3-1)
: 1)  Line Nos. 2HSS-002-147-4,    2MSS-002-148-4,  2MSS-150-252-4, 2MSS-150-257" 4)        2MSS-150 "251-4,      2MSS-150-258-4, 2MSS"002-177-4,        2MSS-002-178-4,        2MSS-002-180-4, 2MSS-002-181"4 Function Main steam  drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss of main condenser      vacuum and  partial loss of  main steam.
: 2)  Line Nos. 2MSS-016-26-4,    2MSS-018-10-4,  2MSS-018-34-4, 2MSS-028-6-4, 2MSS-028.-8-4 Function Main steam supply to moisture separator 2MSS"ElB, main steam chest bypass, and turbine main steam stop valves.
Failure Effect Loss  of main  steam to  turbine generator.
0145.-12177"HC3                        D-B-12
: n. FDW  Heater Relief Vents and Drains                (SVH    32-14)
Line    Nos. 2SVH-002-101-4,                  2SVH-002-161-4,      2SVH-002-201-4) 2SVH-002-231-4) 2SVH-002-261-4) 2SVH-003-202-4)                    2SVH-003"232"4) 2SVH-003-262-4) 2SVH-002-302-4, 2SVH-002-332"4)                    2SVH-002-362"4, 2SVH-002-402-4) 2SVH-002-407"4, 2SVH-002-432-4)                    2SVH-002"437-4) 2SVH"002-462-4, 2SVH-002-467-4) 2SVH-003 307"4,                    2SVH"003"337-4, 2SVH-003-367-4) 2SVH-010-902"4) 2SVH"010-932-4,                    2SVH-010-962-4, 2SVH-004-992-4) 2SVH-004-993-4) 2SVH-004-994"4,                    2SVH"006"995-4, 2SVH-002-991-4 Function Feedwater heater drains to condenser.
Failure Effect Loss  of main condenser vacuum.'urbine 0 ~            Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust                  (TME  16-1)
: 1)    Line Nos. 2TME-003-078-4, 2TME-003-080-4, 2TME-006-079-4, 2TME-012-077-4)                      2TME-008-075-4)        2TME-008-084-4) 2TME"008-085-4, 2TME-012-418-4 Function e                    Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam vents and drains to main condenser.
Failure Effect Loss of  main condenser vacuum.
: 2)    Line No. 2TME-004-413-4 Function Main steam backup supp1y to                  turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.
Failure Effect Partial loss of    main steam.
: 2. The  following is the      list  of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by      a  high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.      The consequence              of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed.      Refer to Appendix                B for the function of individu-al  components.
* 0145-12177"HC3                                        D-B-13
Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result.
in failure of control components in Zones C and D. The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analy-sis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above listed zones(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.
: a. Condenser  Air Removal    (ARC      5-1}
2ARC HV25A )  2ARC SOV25A v 2ARC HV26A v 2ARC SOV26A > 2ARC HV25B s 2ARC"SOV25B, 2ARC-HV26B, 2ARC-SOV26B) 2ARC-HV25C, 2ARC-SOV25C, 2ARC-HV26C ) 2ARC-SOV26C Failure Effect, Failure of any or all of these devices in the close position may result in a partial or total loss of condenser vacuum.
b;    Auxilia    Steam (ASS    3-9)
                                          'I) 2ASS-PVI06, 2ASS-SOVI06) 2ASS-STV143) 2ASS<<SOV143 Failure Effect Failure of these valves in either the          open or close posi-tion  has no  significant effect.
: 2)  2ASS-STVI12). 2ASS-SOV112) 2ASS-PVI13) 2ASS"SOV113 Failure Effect Failure of either of these valves in the close position will stop the supply of main steam to the clean steam reboilers, 2TME-EIA and 2TME-EIB. Extraction steam from the fourth point extraction will normally supply the reboilers. Auxiliary steam can also supply the clean steam reboilers.      Loss of all these sources results in loss of turbine generator gland seal steam and subsequent gradual reduction in condenser vacuum.
: 3)  2ASS"AOV144) 2ASS"SOV144 Failure Effect Failure of the    above  AOV    in either  open  or close postion has no  significant impact.
C~    Condensate  Makeu  /Drawoff  (CNS      4-3) 2CNS-LT103)    2CNS-AOV304)    2CNS-SOV304,    2CNS-LS104,  2CNS-LT105, 2CNS-LV105.
0145-12177"HC3,                        D"B"14
Failure Effect Failure of    2CNS-LT103, 2CNS-LS104) and 2CNS-LT105 which causes closure of    2CNS-LV103, 2CNS-AOV304 and opening of 2CNS-LV105 will result in      loss of condensate inventory in the condenser hotwell,    2CNM-CND1A. This loss of inventory will eventually result in loss of feedwater flow to the reactor.
: d. Moisture'e arator Vents      and Drains (DSM  32-7) 2DSM-LS78A, 2DSM"LV78A) 2DSM-SOV78A Failure Effect Failure    of  any device in this control loop which causes 2DSM-LV78A    to fail open will result in partial loss of feed-water heating at the fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, and 2CNM-E4C.      Failure which causes valve 2DSM-LV78A to fail close will result in a high condensate level in 2DSM-TK4A.
: e. Moisture  Se  arator Reheater Vents  and Drains (DSR 32-6)
: 1)    2DSR-LS67A Failure Effect Failure of this device which causes 2MSS-AOV92A to fail closed results in loss of main steam to moisture separa-tor, 2MSS-E1A, with subsequent reduction in turbine effi-ciency. Operation of the turbine with only one moisture separator on-line may result in turbine vibration due to unbalanced steam flow and turbine trip due to high vibration.
: 2)    2DSR-LS68A,'2DSR-LV68A, 2DSR-SOVX68A, 2DSR-SOV68A Failure Effect Failure of any device in this control loop which causes 2DSR-LV68A to fail open will drain 2DSR-TK1A to the main condenser. This condition reduces heating in the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, and 2FWS-E6C.
: 3)    2DSR-AOV83A, 2DSR-SOV83A, 2DSR-AOV84A, 2DSR-SOV84A Failure of the scavenging steam warming and isolation valves in, closed. position may result in partial loss of feedwater heating and sixth point heater.
0145-12177-HC3                        D"B-15
: f. Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains  (DTM  32-5) 2DTM-AOU2A, 2DTM-AOU2B, 2DTM-AOU2C 2DTM-SOV2A, 2DTM-SOV2B) 2DTM-SOV2C 2DTM AOV8A) 2DTM AOV8B ) 2DTM AOV8C 2DTM-SOV8A) 2DTM-SOV8B ) 2DTM-SOV8C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above AOVs in the open posi" tion results in a small loss of 5th or 6th point extrac-tion  steam and associated feedwater heating. This failure may  have an insignificant effect on condenser vacuum.
: 2)  2DTM-AOV3A,      2DTM-AOV3B,: 2DTM-AOV3C)      2DTM-SOV3A, 2DTM-SOU3B,  2DTM-SOV3C Failure Effect Failure of the  above AOVs in the open position results in a small decrease in fourth point extraction steam flow and associated feedwater heating. An insignificant decrease in condenser vacuum may also result.
2DTM-AOV4A,      2DTM-AOV4B,  'DTM-AOV119)    2DTM-SOV4A, 2DTM-SOV4B)    2DTM"SOV119,    2DTM-AOV144,  2DTM-AOU157, 2DTM-SOV144) 2DTM-SOV157.
Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above AOVs in the open posi-tion results in a small decrease of extraction steam. No significant impact will result.
: 4)  2DTM-AOV104, 2DTM-AOV105) 2DTM-SOV104, 2DTM"SOV105 Failure Effect Failure of the above AOVs in the open position    may cause water induction to the H.P. turbine.
: 5)  2DTM"AOV7A, 2DTM"AOV7B, 2DTM-AOV107 2DTM-SOV7A, 2DTM-SOV7B ) 2DTM-SOV107 2DTM-AOV106, 2DTM-AOV126, 2DTM-AOV127 2DTM-SOV106) 2DTM"SOV126, 2DTM-SOV127 2DTM-AOV128, 2DTM-AOV108) 2DTM"AOV144 2DTM"SOV128, 2DTM-SOV108) 2DTM-SOV144 2DTM-AOV6A) 2DTM"AOV6B) 2DTM-AOU30A 2DTM-SOV6A, 2DTM-SOV6B ) 2DTM-SOV30A 2DTM"AOV30B, 2DTM"AOV31A, 2DTM-AOV31B 2DTM-SOU30B, 2DTM"SOU31A) 2DTM-SOU31B 2DTM"AOV142, 2DTM-SOV142 0145-12177-HC3                        D-B-16
Failure Effect Failure of any or    all of    the above  AOVs  in either open or e      g~
close position has Feedwater  (FWS  6-1) no  significant impact.
2FMS-LV55B (C33-F002B)
Failure Effect This valve is normally closed.            If the valve is to open, there will  be no effect since the feedwater control system would close 2FWS-LVlOB (C33-F001B) to maintain proper flow.
: h. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains          (HDH  6-6) 2HDH-LV26A, 2HDH-LV26B, 2HDH-IV26C, 2HDH-SOV26A, 2HDH-SOV26B, 2HDH-SOV26C.
Failure Effect Failure of any or      all  of the above AOVs in the open position will result in  a  decrease    in sixth point feedwater heater level and a  partial reduction in      feedwater heating.
1~  Iow Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4"2)
: 1)    2HDL-LV2A, 2HDL-LV2B, 2HDL-LV2C 2HDL-LV3A, 2HDL-LV3B) 2HDL-LV3C Failure Effect Failure of any or position will result in all'f the a
above reduction valves in the close in feedwater heating in low pressure feedwater heaters, 2CNM-E2A,              2CNM-E2B, 2CNM"E2C) 2CNM-E3A, 2CNM"E3B) 2CNM-E3C.
: 2)    2HDL-LV22A,      2HDL-LU22B)          2HDL-LV22C)      2HDL-SOV22A) 2HDI"SOV22B, 2HDL-SOV22C.
Failure Effect                                                        I,
of any or all of the above level control valves in              'ailure the open position will drain the associated heater drain receiver tanks,    2HDL-TK2A, 2HDL-TK2B, 2HDL-TK2C,          to the.
Failure of  any or all of the above level control valves in the close position will stop the flow of backup .water to the heater drain receiver tanks with a consequent reduc-
,0                  tion or loss of feedwater heating.
0145-12177-HC3                          D-8-17
          '3)    2HDL-LV24A,        2HDL-LV24B)      2HDL-LV24C,    2HDL-SOV24A) 2HDL-SOV24B, 2HDL-SOV24C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level-control valves in the open or close position will result in reduction or loss of heating in the fourth point low pressure feedwater heaters  2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, 2CNM-E4C.
: 4)    2HDL-LV23A,        2HDL-LV23B,      2HDL-LV23C,    2HDL-SOV23A) 2HDL-SOV23B, 2HDL-SOV23C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level control valves in the close position will result in reduction of feedwater heating in the third point heaters, 2CNM-E3A, 2CNM-E3B, 2CNM-E3C.
: 5)  2HDL LV25A)        2HDL LV25B )      2HDL LV25 C )  2HDL SOV25A )
2HDL-SOV25B, 2HDL-SOV25C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level control valves in the open or close position will result in reduction or loss of heating in the fifth point low pressure feedwater heaters  2CNM-ESA, 2CNM-ESB, 2CNM-E5C.
Main Steam  (MSS  3-1) 2MSS-AOV10B, 2MSS-SOV10B, 2MSS-AOV10D, 2MSS-SOV10D Failure Effect These valves are normally closed.        Failure of these valves in the open position will have            no  significant effect.
: 2)  2MSS-I/P22A) 2MSS-PV28A, 2MSS-PV29A Failure Effect Device    failure    causing  inadvertent  closure  of moisture separator      main    steam    supply valve, 2MSS-PV28A or 2MSS-PV29A, which can result, in reduction of hot'eheat steam temperature to low-pressure turbines.
: 3)  2MSS-AOV92A, 2MSS-SOV92A Failure Effect If this  valve fails closed, main steam supply to moisture separator    reheater 2MSS-ElB will be shut off. .This will 0145-12177"HC3                            D-B-18
cause    poor quality reheat steam to the low pressure    tur-bines,    which may lead to turbine vibrations and        trip.
: 4)    2MSS-AOV180, 2MSS-SOV180 Failure Effect Failure of this device in the      open or closed position  has no significant effect.
: k. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust      (TME  16-1) 2TME-AOVI30, 2TME-SOV130 Failure Effect This  AOV  is  a I/4 inch valve. Failure of this AOV in the open position will cause draining of the gland exhaust cooler drain receiver tank to the condenser. There is no significant impact on reactor parameters.
: 3. Combined  Effect a ~  A  break  in the    condenser  air removal high energy line in this zone  will result in    loss of main condenser vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2'.5 analyses.
Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.
b.l. A  break in the auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone (Items 1.b.l, 1.b.4) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum and reactor trip.            This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.
b.2. A  break in the auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone (Items 1.b.2, 1.b.3) results in loss of extraction steam at fourth point or fifth point heaters causing loss of feedwater heating.      Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
Failure of control component in this zone (Items 2.d, 2.e.2, 2.e.3, 2.f.l, 2.f.2, 2.h, 2.i.l through 2.i.5) may also result in further partial loss of feedwater heating to the second through sixth point heaters of as many as three feedwater heat-ing strings.        This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
Additionally, failure of control components in this zone (Item l.e.1) may result in turbine trip due to unbalanced steam flow and high vibration. If turbine trip occurs at a reactor power level elevated from the initial operating value due to 0145-12177-HC3                            D-B-19
the loss      of feedwater heating, the reactor may experience a change    in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of incidents of moderate frequency (anticipated operational transients) of FSAR Section 15.1.1.
Failure of control components in Zones C or D may result in any of the following: Loss of feedwater flow to the reactor, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses; partial loss of feed-water heating bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses; a tur>>
bine trip bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses; loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5; or feedwater controller failure maximum demand, bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.1.2 analyses.          For  detailed    discussions  concerning these control component        failures, refer to    Appendix D, Zones  C or D, Item 3.
c.l. A  break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone    (Item 1.c.1) will result in partial loss of feedwater heating. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analys-es. Failure of control components in this zone and in Zones C and D is analyzed in Item 3.b.2 above.
c.2. A  break    in the auxiliary    condensate  high energy line in this zone (Item      1.c.2)  will result. in loss of main condenser vacuum.
This event is bounded by FSAR          Se'ction 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.2 above for analyses of control component              fail-ures in this zone and in Zones C and D.
: d. l. A  break in the condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.d.1) will result in loss of main condenser vacuum.
This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.            Refer to Item 3.b.2 for analysis of control component failures in this  zone and    in  Zones C and D.
d.2. A  break in the condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.d.2) will result in a loss of condensate inventory and a partial or total loss of feedwater flow. This will ultimate-ly lead to reactor scram on low reactor vessel level. This event i:s bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses or 15.6.6 ana-lyses, depending on the extent of the loss of feedwater event.
Failure of control components in this zone may result in par-tial loss of feedwater heating. If this occurs before the re-actor scram occurs due to loss of feedwater, the analysis of this event is as presented in Item 3.b.2 above. Failure of control components in Zones C and D is also discussed in Item 3.b.2.
e.l. A  break in the condensate makeup and drawoff high energy lines in this      zone (Item l.e.l) will result in a loss of main con-denser vacuum.        This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.        Control component failures in this zone or in Zones C or D do not exacerbate this event.
0145-12177"HC3                            D-B-20
e ~2'    break in the  condeasate makeup and drawoff high energy lines in this  zone  (Item l.e.2) will result in loss of control rod drive cooling water supply and loss of operator ability to coa-trol rods manually. Loss of rod drive cooling water will re-sult in no immediate significant effects; over the long term, some deterioration of control rod mechanism seals may occur.
If the reactor is ih automatic control, loss of ability to man-ually  move  control rods  will have  no immediate effect. Ulti-mately, other effects which change reactivity will drive the automatic control system out of raage and the reactor will ex-perieace slowly decreasiag or increasiag reactor temperature aad steam pressure, depending on other reactivity changes oc-curriag. If the reactor is in manual control, no compensation for reactivity changes will be available from the automatic control system. Ia the absence of aay other effects, loss of control rod drive supply water will be annunciated and due to the long-term nature of the effects of this event, sufficient time will be available for the operator to initiate a manual reactor scram. However, the loss of condensate inventory may result in low hotwell level, which will ultimately cause loss of coadensate pump suction pressure leading to loss of feed-water. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6.
Failure of control system    components in this zone or in Zones C or D can cause a partial loss of feedwater heating. For this event, the analysis presented ia Item 3.b.2 above provides a description of failure effect.
A  break  in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this zone (Items l.f.2, l.f.3, l.f.4, and l.f.6) will cause a partial loss of feedwater heating at the third and fourth point feedwater heaters. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Effects of coatrol compoaent failures ia this zone or in Zones C and D are presented in Item 3.b.2.
f.2. A  break  in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this    zone (Item 3.f.5) will result in a loss of main coadenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control componeats in this zone or in Zones C aad D does not exacerbate this event.
f.3. A break in moisture separator vents and drains high eaergy lines in this zone (Item l.f.l) will cause a loss of hot reheat steam to the associated low pressure turbine, causing unbal-anced steam temperatures resulting in asymmetrical operation.
This will lead to high vibration and turbine trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses. Effects of control compoaent failures are analyzed in Item 3.b.2.
g.l. A break in the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Items l.g.l, I.g.3, l.g.4, l-g.5, and l.g.6) will result in a partial loss of feedwater heating 0145-12177-HC3                          D"B-21
to the sixth point f'eedwater heaters. This event is bounded by FSAR  Section 15.1.1 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones C or D is analyzed in Item 3.b.2 above.
ge2  ~  A  break in the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.g.2) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.      Failure of control components in this zone or Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.
h.l. A  break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line in this zone (Items 1.h.2, 1.h.6, 1.h.8, and 1.h.9) will result in loss of feedwater heating at fourth, fifth, or sixth point heaters.      Ioss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Control component failure analyses is discussed in Item 3.b.2.
h.2. A  break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy lines (Items 1.h.l, 1.h.7) will result in loss of main condens-er vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C and D does not exacerbate this event.
h.3. A  break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line (Items I.h.3, 1.h.4) will result in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.          For'ontrol component failure analyses refer to Item 3.b.2.
h.4      A  break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line (Item 1.h.5) in this zone has no significant effect.
Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure effect.
A  break in extraction steam high energy line in this zone will result in loss of feedwater heating to the fifth point heater bounded      by  FSAR    Section 15.1.1    analyses. Refer    to Item 3.b.2    for control component failure analyses.
j.l. Alines  break  in high pressure feedwater heater drains high energy in this zone (Item 1.j.l) results in loss of main con-
: denser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.        Control component failure in this zone or in Zones C or D does not ex-acerbate this event.
J ~2~ A      break  in high pressure feedwater heater drains high      energy lines in this zone (Item 1.j .2) results in partial loss of heating at .sixth point heater bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.      For control component failure analyses refer to Item 3.b.2 above.
k.l. A  break in the low pressure FDW heater    drains high energy lines in this    zone (Item 1.k.l) will result  in loss of  main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5      analyses. Control compo-neat failure does not exacerbate this      event.
0145-12177-HC3                              D-B>>22
k.2. A  break  in the  low pressure FDW heater drains high energy lines
'0            in this    zone  (Items 1.k.2 and 1.k.3) will result in loss of feedwater heating bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure.
A  break in hot water heating system high energy line in this zone  (Items 1.1.1, 1.1.2) has no significant effect on the re-actor parameters.        Refer to Item 3.b.2 for. control component failure analyses.
: m. 1. A  break in main steam high energy lines (Item 1.m.l) will re-sult in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.          Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure analyses.
m+2 ~ A  break in the main steam high energy lines in this zone (Item I.m.2) will result in a loss of main steam. This event results in closure of main steam isolation valves due to high steam flow and reactor scram.          The event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.
: n. A  break  in  FDW  heater  relief vents and drains high energy line in this    zone  results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by  FSAR    Section 15.2.5 analyses.      Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control    component    failure analyses.
F 1  A  break in turbine generator .gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line in this zone (Item l.o.l) results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
Failure of control components does not exacerbate this event.
0-2  A  break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy    line in this zone results in a partial loss of main steam.      This event may result in main steam isolation valve closure and reactor trip. This event .is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses.        If main steam isolation valve closure does not occur, this event will result in a partial loss of main steam.      If  the line cannot be isolated, the line break will not significantly affect reactor parameters. Eventually, however, the presence of steam will affect control components in this zone or in Zones C or D. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component. failure analyses.
0145-12177-HC3                            D"B-23
    =I I
HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE C Building: Turbine Building Locations: El 277 ft 0 ia.
El 306 ft 0 in.
Control  S stem ARC      Condenser  Air Removal              ARC    Condenser  Air Removal (5-1)                                        (5-1)
ASS      Auxiliary Steam                    ASS      Auxiliary Steam
CNA      Auxiliary Condensate                CNM    Condensate (4-4)                                        (4-1)
CNM  . Condensate                        DSM      Moisture Separator (4-1)                                        (32-7)  Vents and Drains DSM      Moisture Separator Vents and        DSR    Moisture Separator Re-(32-7)    Drains                              (32-6)  heater Vents and Drains DSR      Moisture Separator Reheater        ESS      Extractioa  Steam (32-6)    Vents and Drains                    (3-4)
DTM      Turbine Building                  FWR      Feedwater  Pump (32"5)    Miscellaneous Drains                (6"3)  Recirculatioa ESS      Extraction  Steam                  FWS      Feedwater (3-4)
FWR      Feedwater  Pump                    HDL      Low Pressure Feedwater (6-3)    Recirculation                      (4-2)  Heater Drains FWS      Feedwater                          MSS      Main Steam (6-1)                                        (3-1)
HDL      Low Pressure Feedwater            TME      Turbine Geaerator Gland (4-2)    Heater Drains                      (16-1)  Seal aad Exhaust MSS      Main Steam (3-1)
SVH      Feedwater Heater  Relief (32-14)  Drains aad Vents
. THE      Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust 0131-12177-HC3                  D-C-1
: 1. The following is    a list  of high energy lines analyzed        on a system basis:
: a. Condenser  Air Removal  (ARC    5-1)
Line Nos. 2ARC-010-607-4 and 2ARC-010-608-4 Function:
Condenser  Air  Removal    Intercondensers    2ARC-E3A and    2ARC-E3B shell safety valve discharge lines to        main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condenser  vacuum.
: b. Auxilia    Steam (ASS    3-9
: 1)  Line Nos.:      2ASS-010-80-4,      2ASS-010-81-4, 2ASS-006-82-4, 2ASS-008-83-4 Function:
Auxiliary  steam  supply lines to clean steam reboilers.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of auxiliary steam supply as backup source of heating for clean steam reboilers 2TME-ElA and ElB.
: 2)    Line Nos.:    2ASS-010-84-4, 2ASS-016-13-4, 2ASS-016-14-4, 2ASS-150-71-4, 2ASS-150-72-4, 2ASS-012-063-4 Function:
Steam supply  line to clean    steam  reboilers.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. Partial loss of extraction steam at fourth point heaters, when extraction steam is normal source of heating for clean steam reboilers (likewise main steam or auxiliary steam when heating is from one of the two sources).
: 3)    Line Nos.:    2ASS-003-502-4,    2ASS-010-520-4 Function:
Building heating heat exchangers and clean steam reboilers steam supply header vent lines to main condenser.
0131-12177"HC3                    D-C"2
Failure Effect:
Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 4)  Line No.:    2ASS-006-126-4 Function:
Main steam backup supply to condenser        air            removal system and off-gas system.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of  main steam and loss of backup supply steam to clean steam reboilers, building heating intermediate heat exchangers, condenser air removal system and off-gas system.
c~  Auxilia  Condensate  (CNA  4-4)
Line Nos.:      2CNA-006-8-4, 2CNA-006-2-4, 2CNA-003-415-4 2CNA-003-318-4,'CNA-003-414-4, Function:
Carry condensate    from reboiler drain tanks    2CNA-TKIA, TKIB to third point heater.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of condensate heating at third 'point heater.
: 2)  Line Nos.:    2CNA-006-18-4, 2CNA-006-52-4 Function:
Drain    lines  from clean steam        reboiler                              drain tank 2CNA-TKIA, TKIB  to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of condensate    and condensate  heating at third point heater.
: 3)  Line Nos.:    2CNA-150-006-4, 2CNA-150-056-4 Function:
Clean steam reboilers vent lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of main condenser  vacuum.
0131-12177-HC3                  D"C"3
: d. Condensate  (CNM  4-1
: 1)  Line Nos.:    2CNM-018-47-4,      2CNM>>018-50-4,  2CNM-018-53-4 Function:
Carry condensate/feedwater    from third point drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3A to  first point  heater 2CNM-E1A, to second point heater 2CNM-E2A  to third point heater 2CNM-E3A.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condensate/feedwater    from heater  train  A.
: 2)
Line Nos.:    2CNM-018-48-4,    2CNM-018-51<<4,    2CNM-018-54-4 Function:
Carry condensate/feedwater    from third point drain cooler 2CNM>>DCL3B to  first point  heater 2CNM-ElB, to second point heater 2CNM-E2B  to third point heater 2CNM-E3B.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condensate/feedwater    'from heater  train  B.
: 3)  Line Nos.:    2CNM-018-49-4,    2CNM-018-52-4,    2CNM-018-55-4 Function:
Carry condensate/feedwater    from third point drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3C to  first point  heater 2CNM"E1C, to second point heater 2CNM-E2C  to third point heater 2CNM-E3C.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condensate/feedwater    from heater, train  C.
: 4)  Line Nos.:  2CNM-004-318-4, 2CNM-004-319-4, 2CNM-004-320-4 Function:
Condensate/feedwater    relief lines to        pressure  relief valves.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of condensate/feedwater      inventory  and reduced feedwater flow.
0131-12177-HC3                  D~C~4
: 5)  Line'Nos.:      2CNM-006-321-4, 2CNM-006-322-4, 2CNM-006-323-4 Function:
Condensate/feedwater      relief lines    from pressure  relief valves to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of  main condenser vacuum.
: 6)  Line No.:    2CNM-010-29-4 Function:
Condensate    recirculation to      main condenser    and bypass.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of feedwater/condensate      flow.
: 7)  Line Nos.:      2CNM-012-33-4,    2CNM-Q12-34-4,  2CNM"Q12-35-4 Function:
Condensate    booster  pump  recirculation to    main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of feedwater/condensate      flow.
: e. Moisture  Se  arator Vents  and Drains (DSM      32-7)
: 1)  Line      Nos.:      2DSM-012-27-4      through    2DSM-012-32-4, 2DSM-012-37-4) 2DSM-016-38-4, 2DSM-018-39-4, 2DSM"020-41-4 Function:
Drains from moisture separator        2MSS-E1B  to moisture sepa-rator drain receiver      2DSM-TK4B.
Failure Effect:
Loss    of condensate from moisture separator 2MSS-ElB to moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B and partial loss of condensate/feedwater          heating at fourth point heaters.
Loss  of condensate    inventory. Fourth point heater drain pump    flow reduced.      (The most    significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater      heating.)
0131-12177"HC3                    D<<C-5
: 2)  Line No.:    2DSM-006-54-4 Function:
Vent  line from moisture separator drain receiver      2DSM-TK4B to hot reheat for low-pressure turbine T2B.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of    steam supply    to low-pressure turbine    T2B.
: 3)  Line      Nos.,:      2DSM-002-36-4,      2DSM-002-34-4,      and 2DSM-004-35-4 Function:
Level instrumentation      standpipe  and  process  connections for  2DSM-TK4B.
Failur'e Effect:
Loss  of moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B condensate, and partial loss. of steam to low-pressure tur-bines. Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters.        Fourth point heaters drain pump flow is reduced. (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)
: 4)  Line No.:  2DSM-016-19-4, 2DSM-016-001-4 Function:
Provides condensate    from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A/B  to fourth point heaters.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters from 2DSM-TK48. Heater drain pump flow is reduced, which is not significant.
: 5)  Line No.:    2DSM-016-26-4 Function:
Provides  path to main condenser      from- moisture separator drain receiver  2DSM-TK4B.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of main condenser  vacuum.
0131-12177-HC3                  D>>C-6
: 6)  Line No.:    2DSM-016-25-4
:                    Function:
Provides    path to main condenser  from moisture separator drain receiver    2DSM-TK4B.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condensate from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B,    partial loss of main steam to condenser, and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Heater drain pump flow is reduced. .(The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)
: f. Moisture  Se  arator Reheater Vents  and Drains (DSR  32-6)
Line      Nos.:      2DSR-002>>24-4,    2DSR-002-26-4,    and 2DSR-004-25-4 Function:
Level instrumentation standpipe and process        connections for reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of  2DSR-TK6B condensate and steam resulting in par-tial    loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.
: 2)  Line No.:    2DSR-016-20-4 Function:
Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B.
Failure Effect:
Loss of condensate from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B and loss of steam          from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-E1B    resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating'at sixth point heaters.
Line No.:    2DSR-016-21-4 Function:
w Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator
reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B.
0131-12177"HC3                    D-C"7
Failure Effect:
Loss  of main condenser  vacuum.
: 4) Line Nos.:  2DSR-006-73-4, 2DSR-006-101-4,  2DSR-008-103-4, 2DSR-002-119-4) 2DSR"008-105"4 Function:
Scavenging steam supply line and condensate drain line from moisture separator 2MSS-E1B to sixth point heater.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of separator    reheat steam and partial loss      of feedwater/condensate  heating at sixth point heater.
: 5)  Line Nos.:  2DSR-008-104-4,  2DSR-006-106-4 Function:
Scavenging steam supply line and condensate drain line from moisture separator reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of moisture separator reheat steam and partial loss of feedwater/condensate heating at sixth point heater.
: 6)  Line No.:  2DSR-002-42-4 Function:
Blanketing steam header.
Failure Effect:
No significant effect.
: 7)  Line Nos.:  2DSR-008-121-4,  2DSR-008-122-4 Function:
Vent lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss of main condenser vacuum.
0131-12177-HC3                D-C-8
: 8)    Line Nos.:    2DSR-016-1-4, 2DSR-016-14-4 Function:
e                  Condensate from reheater drain and TK6B to sixth point heaters.
receiver tanks    2DSR-TK6A Failure Effect:
Loss of condensate      to sixth point heaters and loss of steam from reheater    moisture separators 2MSS<<ElA, E1B re-sulting in partial      loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.
: 9)    Line No.:  2DSR-024-22-4 Function:
Condensate  from reheater moisture separator        2MSS-E1B  to reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B.
Failure Effect:
Loss of condensate from 2MSS-ElB to 2DSR-TK6B, and loss        of condensate and steam to sixth point heater 2FMS-E6B          re-
suiting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.
: g. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains      (DTM  32-5)
: 1)    Line    Nos.:      2DTM-002-73-4    through    2DTM-002-76-4) 2DTM-150-111"4,          2DTM-125-143-4,        2DTM"150-144-4, 2DTM-125.-145-4,        2DTM-150-146-4,        2DTM-025-173"4, 2DTM-025-174-4, 2DTM-025-175"4 Function:
Drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of main condenser vacuum.
: 2)    Line  Nos.:      2DTM-002-5-4,  2DTM-002-6-4,    2DTM-002-7-4 Function:
2ESS MOV15A,    15B  and  15C  upstream    drains    to  main condenser.
0131"12177"HC3                    D-C-9
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of extraction steam from third point heater extraction lines, and partial loss of heating at third point heaters.
: 3)  Line No.:  2DTM-002-16-4 Function:
2ESS-MOV22C  upstream drain to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
loss of extraction steam from fourth point heater 4)'artial extraction line, and partial loss of heating at fourth point heater.
Line No.:  2DTM-150-214-4 Function:
Auxiliary steam low point drain.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of fourth point extraction      steam, and  fourth point feedwater heating.
: 5)  Line Nos.:    2DTM-150-513-4, 2DTM-150-514-4 Function:
Low  point drains from clean steam reboilers, auxiliary steam supply header  to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of fourth point extraction      steam and  partial loss of fourth point. feedwater heating.
: h. Extraction Steam (ESS    3-4)
Line Nos.:      2ESS-002-6-4,  2ESS-002-8-4,    2ESS"002-10-4, 2ESS-003-4-4, 2ESS-002-22-4) 2ESS"002"20-4)      2ESS"002-17-4, 2ESS-003-15-4,          2ESS-002-25-4)          2ESS-002-28-4) 2ESS-002"31-4)          2ESS-150-153-4,          2ESS"002-35-4) 2ESS-002-40-4, 2ESS-002-43-4 Function:
Extraction  steam  line drains    from  third, fourth, fifth, and sixth point heater lines to main condenser.
0131"12177-HC3                  D>>C-10
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of      condensate      inventory  and partial loss of feedwater/condensate      heating.
: 2)  Line    Nos.:    2ESS-012"5-4,        2ESS<<012-7-4,    2ESS-012-9-4, 2ESS"002-020"4,    2ESS"002-18-4, 2ESS-002-23"4 Function:
High pressure    turbine    2TMS-Tl    extraction  steam  lines to sixth point heaters,      2FWS-E6A) E6B, E6C.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A,    E6B, E6C,      and partial loss of condensate inventory.
: 3)  Line Nos.:      2ESS-016-16-4, 2ESS-016>>19-4, 2ESS-016-21-4, 2ESS-002-70-4,              2ESS-002-71.-4,            2ESS-018-11-4, 2ESS-024-13 4,              2ESS-008-60-4)          2ESS"006"251-4) 2ESS-018-12-4 Function:
Cold  reheat    extraction      steam    to fifth point heaters 2CNM-E5A, E5B, ESC,      and building heating intermediate heat exchangers.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of    condensate      heating at fifth point heaters 2CNM-E5A, E5B, E5C,      and  loss of building heating and par-tial  loss of condensate inventory.
: 4)  Line Nos.:      2ESS-014-24-4, 2ESS-014-27-4, 2ESS-014-30-4, 2ESS-002-85-4,              2ESS"002-86"4,            2ESS-012-95-4) 2ESS-012-96-4,              2ESS-012"97-4)          2ESS-016-200-4) 2ESS-016-33-4 Function:
L.P. tur'bines 2TMS-T2A, -T2B, -T2C extraction steam lines to fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, -E4B, -E4C, and turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of    condensate      heating at fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A,    E4B,  E4C,    and    loss of clean steam reboilers 2TME-ElA, E1B for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam; partial loss of condensate inventory.
: 5)  Line Nos.:      2ESS-026-34-4, 2ESS-026-39-4, 2ESS-026-42-4, 2ESS-004-155-4,          2ESS-004-154-4)            2ESS-002-88-4, 2ESS-002-87-4,          2ESS"004"158-4,            2ESS"004-157"4, 2ESS-004-156-4, 2ESS-004-38-4 Function:
L.P. turbines 2TMS-T2A, -T2B, -T2C extraction steam lines and H.P. turbine gland packing steam to third point heat-ers 2CNM-E3A, -E3B, -E3C.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of    condensate  heating at third point heaters 2CNM-E3A,    -E3B,  "E3C  and  partial loss of condensate inventory.
Feedwater  P    Recirculation  (FWR    6-3)
: 1)  Line Nos.:    2FWR-020-4-4,    2FWR-020-5-4,      and  2FWR-020-6-4 Function:
Feedwater pumps 2FWS-PlA, PlB, and          P1C  recirculation to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of feedwater  and main condenser vacuum.
: 2)  Line Nos.:    2FWR-010-1-4,    2FWR-010-2-4,      and 2FWR-010-3-4 Function:
Feedwater  pump  2FWS-PlA,    1B,  or  1C  recirculation line.
Failure Effect:
Reduced  feedwater flow and loss of condensate          inventory.
Feedwater  (FWS  6-1)
: 1)  Line Nos.:    2FWS-020-110-4,    2FWS-016-116-4 Function:
Feedwater cycle cleanup system          supply lines from sixth point heater's discharge header.
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of feedwater        and  reduced    flow to reactor.
0131-12177"HC3                    D-C-12
: 2)  Line        Nos.:        2FWS-008-117-4,          2FWS-008-120-4, 2FWS-008-122-4,    2FWS-012-119-4, 2FWS-016-125-4 Function:
High and      low energy    feedwater    cleanup  lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
During normal operation no significant effect as the sys-tem is isolated.        However,  if  the respective feedwater cycle cleanup valve connecting to the main condenser is open loss of main condenser vacuum will result.
: k. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains      (HDL  4-2)
Line        Nos.:        2HDL-002-206-4,          2HDL-002-207"4, 2HDL-004-208-4)          2HDL-002-216-4)          2HDL"002"217-4, 2HDL-004-218-4,          2HDL-002-227-4)          2HDL-002-226-4, 2HDL<<004-228-4 Function:
Second  point heater drain rec'eiver tanks      2HDL-TK2A, 2B,  or 2C  level instrumentation standpipe.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condensate inventory and loss of condensate heat-ing  at  second point heater drain coolers 2CNM-DCL2A, 2B, or 2C.
: 2)  Line      Nos.:      2HDL-014-201"4,      2HDL-014-211-4,      and 2HDL-014-221-4 Function:
Second  point heater 2CNM-E2A, E2B, or      E2C  drains to drain receiver tank 2HDL"TK2A, 2B, or 2C.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of condensate inventory and partial loss of conden-sate heating at second point heater 2CNM-E2A, E2B, or E2C and second point heater drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2A, 2B, or 2C.
: 3)  Line      Nos.:      2HDL-008-203-4,      2HDL-008-213-4,      and 2HDL-008-223"4 0131-12177-HC3                    D"C-13

277'-6"250'-0"239t~0ltHELBSstemARCCondenser Air(5-1)RemovalASSAuxiliary Steam(3-9)ARC(5-1)ASS(3-9)ControlSstemCondenser AirRemovalAuxiliary SteamOFG(31-4)/1.Thefollowing isalistbasis:OFG(31-4)Off-Gasofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystema.Condenser AirRemoval(ARC5-1)LineNo.2ARC-012-009-4 FunctionCondenser airremovalairejectordischarge tooff-gassystemFailureEffectLossofmaincondenser off-gastreatment b.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-9)I1)LineNos.2ASS-002-132-4, 2ASS-002-133-4, 2ASS-150-010-4, and2ASS-150-039-4 FunctionAuxiliary steamsupplypipingtooff-gassystempreheaters 20FG-ElAandEIBandsupplypipingsafetyvalveFailureEffectLossofauxiliary steamsupplytooff-gassystemresulting inlossofoff-gastreatment capability 2)LineNo.2ASS-003-502-4 0393A-12177-HC3 D"AA-1 FunctionOff-gassystemauxiliary steamsupplypipingsafetyvalvedischarge tomaincondenser FailureEffectC~Tossofmaincondenser vacuumOff-Gas(OFG31-4)LineNos.,20FG-003-006-4, 20FG-003-012-4, 20FG-003-01'3-4, 20FG-003-026-4, 20FG-003"027"4, 20FG-003-033-4) 20FG-003-035-4) 20FG-003-044-4) 20FG-003-063-4, 20FG-003-197"4) 20FG-012-187-4 Function2)~Off-gascondenser discharge tooff-gasdryersandcharcoalabsorbers FailurekffectLossofoff-gastreatment and/orinadvertent releaseofuntreated recombined off-gasLineNos.20FG-003-059-4, 20FG-003-060-4, 20FG-003-061-4, 20FG"003-062-4, 20FG-003-063-4) 20FG>>003-064-4, 20FG-003-065-4, 20FG-003-066-4, 20FG-003-067-4, 20FG-003-198-4 FunctionOff-gassystemcharcoalabsorberdischarge toHEPAfiltersandvacuumpumpsFailureEffect3)Lossofoff-gastreatment LineNos.20FG-003-068-4, 2OFG-003-069-4, 20FG-003-083-4, 20FG-003-092-4 FunctionIOff-gassystemdischarge tomainplantstackFailureEffect4)Lossoftreatedoff-gasflowLineNos.20FG-008-228-4, 20FG-008-229-4, 20FG-012-003-4, 20FG-012-004-4, 20FG"012-005-4, 20FG-012"009"4) 0393A-12177-HC3 D-AA-2 20FG-012-195-4, 20FG-012-231-4 20FG-012-196-4, 20FG-012"230-4, FunctionCondenser airremovalairejectordischarge tooff-gassystempreheaters, catalytic recombiners, andoff-gascondensers FailureEffectLossofoff-gastreatment 5)LineNos.20FG-002-206-4, 20FG-002-241-4 FunctionOff-gascondensers draintomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum2-Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahigh-energy linebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-neatisanalyzed.-
Additionally, ahighenergylinebreakinthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents inZoneD.Thesignificant conse-quencesofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanalysisbyreferring totheappropriate "FailureEffect"fromtheabovelistedzone(s)inthe"Combined Effect"sectionofthiszone.a.Condenser AirRemoval(ARC5-1)2ARC-LS111 FailureEffectb.Failureoftheabovelevelswitchwillcausetheairremovalrecoverytank2ARC-TKIisolation valve2ARC-SOVlll tothemaincondenser toopen.Thisvillcausethetanktodrainitscon-densatetothe.maincondenser andexposethetanktothemainstackwhichwillresultinagraduallossofcondenser vacuum.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-9)1)-2ASS-PIC125 0393A"12177-HC3 D-AA-3 FailureEffect2)Failureofthisdevicemay'causemainsteampressurecon-trolvalveforoff-gas,2ASS-PV125, tocloseresulting inlossofheatingsteamforoff-gaspreheater, 20FG-ElAand20FG-ElB.
Thiswillreduceperformance intheoff-gasrecombiners, 20FG-RBNRlA and20FG-RBNR1B.
Auxiliary steamisthebackupsupplyforthissystem.2ASS-PIC140 FailureEffect'Co'ailureofthisdev'icemaycauseauxiliary steampressurecontrolvalve,2ASS-PV140, tocloseresulting inlossofheatingsteamforoff-gaspreheaters, 20FG-EIAand20FG-E1B.
Thiswillreduceperformance intheoff-gasrecombiners, 20FG-RBNRlA and20FG-RBNR1B.
Mainsteamisthenormalsupplyforthissystem.Off-Gas(OFG31-4)20FG-AOV1A 20FG-SOV1A 20FG-AOV1B 20FG"SOV1B FailureEffectIfboththeaboveoff-gaspreheaters (20FG-ElA, ElB)inletvalvesfailclosed,off-gasremovalcapability willbelost.Suchfailurewillresultinlossofcondenser vacuum.2)20FG"AOV4A 20FG-SOV4A 20FG-AOV4B 20FG-SOV4B 20FG"AOV4C 20FG-SOV4C 20FG-AOVSA 20FG-AOVSB 20FG-AOVSC 20FG-PDIS117 20FG-SOV5A 20FG-SOVSB 20FG-SOV5C.
FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovefreeze-out dryerinletoroutletvalvesintheclosedpositionmayresultinlossofoff-gasremovalcapability.
Suchfailurewillresultinlossofcondenser vacuum.~g20FG"AOV9A 20FG"AOV9B 20FG-SOV9A 20FG-SOV9B 0393A"12177-HC3 D-AA-4 04)FailureEffectIfeitherofthesepreheater'trainer blowdownvalvesfail,openorclosed,thereisnosignificant effect.20FG-AOV11A 20FG-SOV11A 20FG"AOV11B 20FG-SOVIIB FailureEffect5)Ifboththeoff-gascondenser 20FG-CND1A, 1Boutletvalvesfailclosed,off-gasremovalcapability willbelost.Suchfailurewillresultinloss"ofcondenser vacuum.20FG-AOV45A 20FG-SOV45A 20FG-AOV45B 20FG"SOV45B20FG-AOV52A 20FG-SOV52A 20FG-AOV52B 20FG-SOV52B 20FG-PV44A 20FG-SOVK44A (SOV44A1) 20FG"PV44B 20FG-SOVY44A (SOV44A2) 20FG-PT44A 20FG-SOVX44B (SOV44B1) 20FG-PT44B 20FG-SOVY44B (SOV44B2) 20FG-I/P44A 20FG-PIC44A 20FG-I/P44B 20FG-PIC44B FailureEffect6)Failureofthesedevicescancausetheoff-gassystemvac-uumpumpinletandoutletvalvestoclose,therebyshut-tingdowntheoff-gassystem.Ifthesedevicesfailsuchthatshutdownofthevacuumpumpsduetohighradiation isprevented andvacuumpumpinletandoutletvalvesaremaintained open,inadvertent releaseofoff-gastothemainstackwiliresult.20FG-AOV103 20FG-SOV103 FailureEffectFailureoftheaboveair>>operated stackisolation valveintheclosedpositionwillaffectthecapability oftheoff-gassystemtooperateproperly, resulting ineventuallossofcondenser vacuum.Failureofthestackisolation valveintheopenpositionmayinadvertently releaseradioactive off-gastothemainstack.7)20FG-I/P71A 20FG-PT71A 20FG-I/P71B 20FG"PT71B 20FG"PIC71A 20FG-PIC71B 20FG-SOV14A 20FG-SOV14B 0393A"12177"HC3 D-AA-5 20FG-SOV70A 20FG-SOV70B FailureEffect8)Iffailureofthesedevicescausesauxiliary steamsupplyinletvalvestoclose,alossofauxiliary steamsupplytotheassociated off-gaspreheater willresult.Thismayaffectoff-gascatalytic recombiner efficiency.
20FG-LT20A 20FG-LV20A 20FG-SOVX20A (SOV20A1) 20FG-LT20B 20FG-LV20B 20FG"SOVY20A (SOV20A2) 20FG-LIC20A 20FG-SOVX20B (SOV20Bl) 20FG"LIC20B 20FG"SOVY20B (SOV20B2)
FailureEffectC%c'+9)Ifthevalvesfailclosed,condensate levelinoff-gascondensers mayrise,affecting themoistureremovalcapa-bilityandtheefficiency ofthesystem.20FG-LV28A 20FG-SOV28A 20FG-LIS28A 20FG-LV28B 20FG-SOV28B 20FG-LIS28B 20FG-LV28C'0FG-SOV28C 20FG-LIS28C FailureEffect10)Failureofanyoftheabovevalveswillcausewaterlevelintheassociated off-gasfreeze-out dryertorise.Thismayaffectthe'efficiency oftheoff-gasremovalsystem.Ifanyofthesevalvesfailopen,apathwillbeprovidedforoff-gastoreturntothemaincondenser.
Someeffectoncondenser vacuummayresult.20FG"PV71A, 20FG"PV71B FailureEffectFailureof20FG-PV71A or20FG"PV71B intheclosedpositionresultsinlossoftheauxiliary steamsupplytotheasso-ciatedoff-gaspreheater.
Thismayaffectoff-gascata-lyticrecombiner efficiency..
20FG-RE13A, 20FG-RE13B, 20FG-FT13A) 20FG-FT13B FailureEffectFailureofradiation monitorstoshutdowntheoff-gassystemvacuumpumpsandclosethestackisolation valvemayinadvertently causereleaseofsomeradioactive off-gastothemainstack.0393A-12177"HC3 D-AA-6
'012)20FGASHH16A)20FGASHH16B)20FGAT16A)20FGAT16BFailureEffectFailureofanyoftheabovecontrolcomponents tosensehighhydrogenlevelwillpreventisolation ofthehydrogenrecombiners 20FG-RBNR1A, B.Ifthecomponents failindi-catinghighhydrogenlevelinadvertently,'hus isolating thecondenser off-gassystem,maincondenser vacuumwillgradually belostduetothelossofthecondenser airremovalsystem.13)20FG-FSH3A, 20FG-FSH3B)
'0FG-FSL3A, 20FG-FSL3B, 20FG'-PCV111, 20FG-SOV112) 20FG-FT3A, 20FG-FT3B FailureEffectIftheaboveinstruments failcausingtheserviceairmakeupvalves20FG-SOV112 and20FG-PCVlll toeitherfailopenorclose(oneinchline),nosignificant effectoccurs.14)20FG-PCV63A) 20FG-PCV63B) 20FG-PCV63C) 20FG-SOV62A) 20FG-SOV62B, 20FG>>SOV62C, 20FG-TCV6A, 20FG-TCV6B) 20FG-TCV6C, 20FG"TCV7A) 20FG-TCV7B) 20FG-TCV7C) 20FG-TCV8A, 20FG-TCV8B, 20FG-TCV8C FailureEffectIfanyoralloftheabovecontrolcomponents failcausingthevalvestoclose,moistureremovalcapability oftheoff-gassystemwillbelost.Thiswillcauselossofoff-gastreatment.
3.CombinedEffecta~Abreakinthecondenser airremovalhighenergylineinthiszonewillresultinalossofmaincondenser off-gastreatment andagaseousreleaseofsignificant radiation levelsintheturbinebuilding.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonewillcauselossofcondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Asaresultofhighenergylinebreakinthiszone,controlcomponents inZoneDmayfail,resulting inanyorallofthefollowing events:1)Iossoffeedwater heatingin4thand6thpointheaters,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
2)Lossoffeedwater, aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.7analyses.
0393A-12177-HC3 D"AA"7 3)-Turbinetrip,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3analyses.
4)Lossofcondenser vacuum,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
5)Feedwater controller failure-maximumdemand,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.1.2analyses.
b-l.Abreakintheauxiliary steamhighenergylinesinthiszone(Item1.b.1)willcausealossofmaincondenser off-gastreat-mentcapability, resulting ineventuallossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonecanpreventautomat-icshutdownofthemaincondenser off-gassystem;incombina-tionwithreducedtreatment efficiency oftheoff-gastreatment system,thiscanresultinreleaseofradiactive off-gastothemainstack.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.7analys-es.Forfailureofcontrolcomponents inZoneD,refertoItem3.a.b-2.Abreakintheauxiliary steamhighenergylinesinthiszone(Item1.b.2)willcausealossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSAR'ection 15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonewillcauselossofmaincon-denseroff-gastreatment systemcausinggaseousreleaseofsig-nificantradiation levelsintheturbinebuilding.
Forfailureofcon-trolcomponents inZoneD,refertoItem3.a.c-l.Abreakintheoff-gassystemhighenergylinesinthiszone(Items1.c.1,1.c.2,1.c.3,1.c.4)willresultinlossofoff-gastreatment andinadvertent gaseousreleaseofsignifi-cantradiation levelsintheturbinebuilding.
Failureofcontrolcom-ponentsinthiszonewillcauselossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Forfailureofcon-trolcomponents inZoneD,refertoItem3.a.c-2.Abreakintheoff-gassystemhighenergylineinthiszone(Item1.c.5)willresultinlossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonewillcausegaseousreleaseofsignificant radiation levelsintheturbinebuilding.
Forfailureof:controlcomponents inZoneD,refertoItem3.a.I0393A-12177"HC3 D-AA-8 APPENDIXDHIGHENERGYLINEBREAKANALYSISZONEABBuilding:
306'0"ControlSstem1.ASS(3-9)Auxiliary SteamTME(16-1)TurbineGenerator GlandSeal'ndExhaust2.HVH(22-16)HotWaterHeating3.TME(16-1)TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaustThefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystembasis:a.AuxiliaSteam(Nuclear)
(ASS3-9)1)LineNos.2ASS-016-013-4 and'2ASS-016-014-4 FunctionSteamsupplytocleansteamreboilers 2TME-E1Aand2TME"E1Bforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.FailureEffectFailureoftheselineswillresultinlossofturbinegen-eratorglandsealandexhauststeam.Additionally, fail-ureoftheselineswillresultinlossofextraction steamatfourthpointwhenextraction steamisnormalsourceofheatingorauxiliary steamwhenauxiliary steamisusedasasourceofheating.b.HotWaterHeatin(HVH22-16)1)LineNos.2HVH-004-025-4 and2HVH>>004-026-4 FunctionHeatingwatersupplytoradwastebuildingglycolheatexchanger.
0137-12177"HC3 D"AB-1 FailureEffectLossofplanthotwaterheating.c.TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)I)LineNos.2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-012-77-4 FunctionConnecting turbinegenerator steamglandsealandexhauststeamlinesafetyvalve2TME-SV124 and2TME-SV125 tomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2);LineNos.2TME-012-66-4, 2TME-016-5-4, 2TME-016-6-4 FunctionSuppliescleansteamforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaust.FailureEffectLossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.3)LineNo.2TME-006-041-4 FunctionSuppliesmainsteamforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaust(abackupsource).FailureEffectLossofbackupsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.4)LineNo.2TME-010-038-4 FunctionSuppliessteamtowasteevaporator reboiler2LWS-E4A.
FailureEffectLossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamandlossofcondensate.
0137"12177-HC3 1D-AB"2 05)LineNos.2TME-008-411-4, 2TME-008-412-4 FunctionConnectsturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamheaderto2TME-SRV124 and2TME-SRV125.
FailureEffectLossofturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.2.Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahighenergylinebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-nentisanalyzed.
Additionally, ahighenergylinebreakinthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents inZonesACandAD.Thesignifi-cantconsequences ofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanalysisbyreferring totheappropriate "FailureEffect"fromtheabove-listed zone(s)inthe"Combined Effect"sectionofthiszone.TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)2TME-PT103, 2TME-PTI07, 2TME-PC111, 2TME-PV111, 2TME-PCV114 FailureEffectFailureofanyoneoralloftheaboveinstruments orcontroldevic-eswillresultinlossofturbinegenerator glandsealsteam;3.CombinedEffectsa~Abreakinauxiliary steamhighenergylineinthiszonewillresultinlossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamfromcleansteamreboilers.
However,aback-upsourcefrommainsteamisavailable byopening2TME-MOV110.
Lossofextraction steamfromfourthpointextraction willre-sultinpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatfourthpointheat-ers.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonemaycause2TME-MOV110 nottoopen.Thiswillresultinlossofturbinegenerator glandsteam,whichwillcauseairinfiltration throughthelowpressureturbineglandsresulting inlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inZonesACorADmaycausebackupofcondensate inthecleansteam'eboiler resulting inwaterinduction intotheturbine.Thiswillresultinhighturbinevibration andturbinetrip.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3analyses.
0137-12177"HC3 D"AB"3 b.Abreakinhotwaterheatinghighenergylineinthiszonehasnoeffectonreactorparameters.
However,component failureinthiszoneorinZonesACorADcancauselossofturbinegener-atorglandsealandexhauststeamorhighturbinevibration leadingtoturbinetrip.TheseeventsareanalyzedaboveinItem3a.c1)Abreakinturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergylineinthiszone(Item1.c.l)resultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuum,boundedbyFSARSection15.2.5.Controlsystemcomponent failuredoesnotexacerbate thisevent.2)Abreakinturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergylineinthiszone(Item1.C.2,1.C.4)willcausethelossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealsteam.However,abackupsourcefrommainsteamisavailable.
RefertoItem3.aaboveforcontrolcomponent failure.3)Abreakinturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergyline(Item1.C.3)inthiszonewillcausethelossofbackupsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealsteam.However,iffailureofcontrolcomponents causeslossofmainsealsteamsource,thenloss'fmaincondens-ervacuumwillresultasdescribed abovein3a.Controlcomponent failureeffectsforZonesACandADaredis-cussedinItem3.aabove.4)Abreakinaturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamheaderreliefvalvelinewillresultinlossoftur-binesealsteam.Thisresultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSAR.Section 15.2.5.Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonedoesnotexacerbate thisevent.Failureofcontrolcomponents inZonesACorADisdis-cussedinItem3.aabove.0137-12177-HC3 D"AB-4 APPENDIXDHIGHENERGYLINEBREAKANALYSISZONEACBuilding:
306'-0"ControlSstemASSAuxiliary (3-9)SteamTMETurbineGenerator Gland(16-1)SealandExhaustCNA(4-4)Auxiliary Condensate TMETurbineGenerator Gland(16-1)SealandExhaustThefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystembasis:a.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-9)LineNos.2ASS-016-013-4 and2ASS-016-014-4 FunctionSteamsupplytocleansteamreboilers 2TME-E1Aand2TME-E1Bforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.FailureEffectFailure.oftheselineswillresultinlossofmainsupplytoturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.Additionally, failureoftheselineswillresultinlossofextraction steamatfourthpointwhenextraction steamisnormalsourceofheat-ingorauxiliary steamwhenauxiliary steamisusedasasourceofheating.Apartiallossof4thpointfeedwater heatingwillalsoresult.b.AuxiliaCondensate (CNA4-4)1)LineNos.2CNA-002-013-.4, 2CNA-002-015-4, 2CNA-004-014-4 FunctionInstrument standpipe andstandpipe connections forlevelmeasurement toreboilerdraintank2CNA-TK1A.
0393-121j7"HC3 D-AC-1 FailureEffectLoss'fcondensate atreboilerdraintank2CNA-TK1A, andpartiallossofcondensate heatingat3rdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, 3B,3C.2)LineNos.2CNA-150-6-4, 2CNA-150-044"4, 2CNA-006-052-4 FunctionDrainandventlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.3)LineNos.2CNA-006-002-4 FunctionCondensate linefromreboilerdraintank2CNA-TK1A to3rdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, 3B,and3C.FailureEffectPartiallossofcondensate andpartiallossofcondensate heatingat3rdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, 3B,and3C.c~TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)1)LineNos.2TME-003-57-4, 2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-008-84-'4 FunctionTurbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamdrainstomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.2TME-016-06-4, 2TME-016-5-4 FunctionSuppliescleansteamforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.FailureEffectLossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.0393"12177"HC3 D"AC-2 3)LineNos.2TME-003-59-4, 2TME-003-55-4 FunctionCleansteamreboiler2TME-E1A, E1B,shellblowdownlinestomaincondenser beforeMOVs.FailureEffectLossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamandpartiallossofcondensate inventory.
2~Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahighenergylinebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-nentisanalyzed.
Additionally, ahighenergylinebreakinthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents asdescribed inZoneAB,Item2.Thesignificant consequences ofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanalysisbyreferring toZoneABcontrolcomponents failureinthe"Combined Effects"sectionofthiszone.TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)1)2TME-LS12A, 2TME-LS13A, 2TME-LT13A, 2TME-LVI3A, 2TME-SOV13A FailureEffectFailureoftheabovedeviceswillcausecondensate toin-filtrateintotheturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaustsystemwhichmayresultinwaterinduction totheturbine.Thisinturnmaycauseturbinevibration leadingtoatur-binetrip.2)2TME-HV21A, 2TME-SOV21A FailureEffectFailureoftheabovedeviceswhichresultsinclosureof2TME-HV21A willstopcondensate flowtothecleansteamboiler,2TME-ElA, whichcouldstopglandsealsteam.How-ever,thereisabackupsourceforglandsealsteaminzoneAD.Thereisalsoanalternate sourceofglandsealsteamfromthemainsteamsystem.0393-12177"HC3 D"AC-3 3.CombinedEffecta~Abreakinauxiliary steamhighenergylineinthiszonewillresultinlossofmainsourceforturbin'egenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.However,abackupsourcefrommainsteamisavailable.
Alossofextraction steamfromfourthpointextraction willresultinpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Iossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Ifcontrolcomponents inthiszonefailtoisolatethecleansteamreboilers, condensate maybackupandinfiltrate intoturbinegenerator glandsealsandturbinetripmayoccurdUetohighturbinevibrations.
ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3.Failureofcontrolcomponents inZoneABmayresultinlossofturbinegenerator glandsealing'steamsuppliedfromboththeprimaryandbackupsource.Lossofmaincondenser vacuumwilloccurduetoairinfiltration tothecondenser throughthelowpressureturbineglands.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
b.1)Abreakinauxiliary condensate highenergyline(Item1.b.1,1.b.3)resultsinpartiallossoffeedwater heatingat3rdpointheater,boundedbyFSARSec-tion15.1.1analyses.
Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneandZoneABisdescribed aboveinItem3.a.2)Abreakinauxiliary condensate highenergyline(Item1.b.2)resultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5.Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneisdescribed abovein3.a.Controlcomponent failureinZoneABdoesnotexacerbate thiseventanyfurther.C~1)Abreakinturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergyline(Item1.c.2,1.c.3)inthiszoneresultsinlossofmainsourceofturbineglandsealsteamand/orpartiallossofcondensate inventory.
Backupsourceofmainsteamisavailable forturbineglandseals,andthelossofcondensate willbemadeupbythecondensate make-upanddrawoff.Thisevent,therefore, resultsinnosig-nificanteffect.Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneandzoneABisdescribed aboveinItem3.a.2)Abreakinanyturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergyline(Item1.c.1)resultsinlossof.maincondenser vacuum.Resultsoflossofmaincondenser vacuumareanalyzedinItem3.b.2.0393"12177"HC3 D-AC-4 APPENDIXDHIGHENERGYLINEBREAKANALYSISZONEADBuilding:
306'-0"ControlSstemASSAuxiliary (3-9)SteamTMETurbineGenerator Gland(16"1)SealandExhaustCNA(4-4)Auxiliary Condensate TMETurbineGenerator Gland(16-1)SealandExhaustThefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystembasis:a.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-9)LineNos.2ASS-016-013>>4 and2ASS-016-014-4 FunctionSteamsupplytocleansteamreboilers 2TME-E1A, E1Bforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.FailureEffectFailureoftheselineswillresultinlossofmainsupplytoturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.Additionally, failureoftheselineswillresultinlossofextraction steamatfourthpointwhenextraction steamisnormalsourceofheat-ingorauxiliary steamwhenauxiliary steamisusedasasourceofheating.'Apartiallossof4thpointfeedwater heatingwillalsooccur.b.AuxiliaCondensate (CNA4-4)1)LineNos.2CNA-002-16-4, 2CNA-002-20-4, 2CNA-004-17,-4 FunctionInstrument standpipe forreboilerdraintank2CNA-TK1B.
0393-12177-HC3 D-AD-1 FailureEffectLossofcondensate atreboilerdraintank2CNA-TKIB andpartiallossofcondensate heatingat3rdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, 3B,and3C.2)LineNos.2CNA>>006-18-4, 2CNA-150-55-4, 2CNA-150-56-4 FunctionDrainsandventlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.3)LineNos.2CNA-006-008-4 FunctionCondensate linefromreboilerdraintank2CNA-TKIB to3rdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, 3B,and3C.FailureEffectPartiallossofcondensate andpartiallossofcondensate heatingat3rdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, 3B,and3C.c~TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)I)LineNos.2TME-008-85-4, 2TME-012-077-4 FunctionRelief.and drainlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.2TME-003-055-4, 2TME-003-60-4 FunctionCleansteamreboiler2TME-EIBshellblowdownlinestomaincondenser beforeMOVs.FailureEffectLossofmainsourceforglandsealandexhauststeamandpartiallossofcondensate inventory.
0393-12177"HC3 D-AD"2 2.Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahighenergylinebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-nentisanalyzed.
Additionally, ahighenergylinebreakinthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents asdescribed inZoneAB,Item2.Thesignificant consequences ofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanalysisbyreferring toZoneABcontrolcomponents failureinthe"Combined Effects"sectionofthiszorie.a.TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaustTME16-1)1)2TME-LS12B) 2TME-LS13B, 2TME"LT13B, 2TME-LV13B, 2TME-SOV13B FailureEffectFailureoftheabovedeviceswillcausecondensate toin-filtrateintotheturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaustsystem,whichmayresultinwaterinduction tothetur-bine.Thisinturnmaycauseturbinevibration leadingtoaturbinetrip.2)2TME-HV21B) 2TME-SOV21B FailureEffectFailureoftheabovedeviceswhichresultsinclosureof2TME-HV21B willstopcondensate flowtothecleansteamboiler,2TME-E1B, whichcouldstopglandsealsteam.How-ever,thereisabackupsourceforglandsealsteaminzoneAC.Thereisalsoanalternate sourceofglandsealsteamfromthemainsteamsystem.3.CombinedEffectAbreakinauxiliary steamhighenergylineinthiszonere-sultsinlossofmainsourceofturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamandpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Turbinesealsaremaintained bymainsteamasbackupsource.Ifcontrolcomponents inthiszonefailtoisolatethecleansteamreboilers, condensate maybackupandinfiltrate intoturbinegenerator glandsealsandturbinetripmayoccurduetohighturbinevibrations, boundedbyFSARSection15.2.3.0393-12177-HC3'-AD"3 Failureofcontrolcomponents inZoneABmayresultinlossofturbinegenerator glandsealingsteamsuppliedfromboththeprimaryandbackupsource.Lossofmaincondenser vacuumwilloccurduetoairinfiltrate tothecondenser throughthelowpressureturbineglands.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSec-tion15.2.5analyses.
b.2)Abreakinauxiliary condensate highenergyline(Item'1.b.1 and1.b.3)resultsinpartiallossoffeed-waterheatingatthirdpointheaters,boundedbyFSARSec-tio'n15.1.1analyses.
Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneandZoneABisdescribed aboveinItem3.a.Abreakinauxiliary condensate highenergyline(Item1.b.2)resultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5.Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneisdescribed inItem3.a..Controlcomponent failureinZoneABdoesnotexacerbate thiseventanyfurther.c~1)Abreakinturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergyline(Item).c.2)inthiszoneresultsinlossofmainsourceofturbineglandsealsteam.Backupsourceofmainsteamisavailable forturbineglandseals,andthelossofcondensate willbemadeupbythecondensate makeupanddrawoff.Thisevent,therefore, resultsinnosignificant effect.Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneorzoneABisdescribed inItem3.a.2)Abreakinanyturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergyline(Item1.c.1)resultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuum.Resultsoflossofmaincondenser vacuumareanalyzedinItem3.b.2.0393-12177"HC3 D"AD"4 APPENDIXDHIGHENERGYLINEBREAKANALYSISZONEAFBuilding:
277ft6in.K~HIControlSstemHotWaterHeatingNoneHVH(22"16)1.Thefollowing isalistofhigh-energy linesanalyzedonasystembasis:HotWaterHeatin(HVH22-16)LineNo.2HVH-004-025-4, 2HVH-004-026"4 Function.
Hotwaterheatingpump2HVH-P1AandP1Bdischarge headertoturbinebuilding,
: radwaste, andreactorbuilding.
FailureEffectLossofbuildingheating.2.Therearenononsafety-related controlcomponents inthiszoneaf-fectedbyahigh-energy linebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.However,ahigh-energy linebreakinthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents inZoneS.Thesignificant conse-quencesofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanalysisbyreferring totheappropriate "FailureEffect"fromZonesSinthe"Combined Effect"sectionofthiszone.3.CombinedEffectAbreakinthehotwaterheatinghigh-energy linesinthiszonewillhavenosignificant effectonreactorparameters.
Also,thereare'nocontrolcomponents inthiszonerequiring analysis.
Itisun-likelythatabreakinthesehigh-energy lineswouldhaveany0643-12177-HC3 D-AF"1 significant effectoncontrolcomponents inZoneS.Failureofcom-ponentsinZoneS,however,mightleadtohighturbinevibration andturbinetripduetowaterinduction orlossofturbinelubeoilorlubeoilcooling.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3analyses.
El277ft6in.ARC(5-1)ASS(3-9)Condenser AirRemovalKAuxiliary Steam(Nuclear)
CND(4-7)CNM(4-1)CWS(2-1)Condensate Demineralizer Condensate Circulating WaterCNAAuxiliary Condensate (4-4.1)DTM(32-5)HRS(3-3)TurbineBuildingMiscellaneous DrainsHotReheatSystem'CNM(4-1.3)DSM(32-7)DSR(32-6)DTM(32-5)ESS(3-4)FWR(6-3)FWSCondensate MoistureSeparator VentsandDrainsMoistureSeparator ReheaterVentsandDrainsTurbineBuildingMiscellaneous DrainsExtraction SteamFDWPumpRecirculation Feedwater SystemMSS(3-1)SVH(32-14)TMA(1-4)TMB(16-5.2)TML(16-2)TMS(16-9)MainSteam(B-22)Feedwater HeaterReliefDrainsandVentsTurbineTripsTurbineGenerator EHFluidSystemTurbineGenerator LubeOilTurbineGenerator ExhaustHoodSpray(4-2)HRS(3-3)Low-Pressure Feedwater HeaterDrainHotReheat0115"12177"HC3 D-A"1 MSS(3-1)MainSteamOFG(31-4)Off-GasSVHFDWHeaterRelief(32-14)VentsandDrainsTHETurbineGenerator (16-1).GlandSealandExhaust1.Thefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystembasisforthiszone.a.Condenser AirRemoval(ARC,5-1)LineNos..2ARC-010-607-4 and2ARC-010-608-4 FunctionZntercondenser 2ARC-E3A(2ARC-E3B) shellside safetyvalve2ARC-SV-19A (2ARC"SV-19B) discharge tomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum-)1)LineNo.2ASS-010-504-4 FunctionAuxiliary steamheadertocleansteamreboilersafetyvalve2ASS-SV101 discharge tomaincondenser FailureEffectsLossofcondenser vacuum2)LineNo.2ASS-010"520-4 FunctionAuxiliary steamheadertocondenser airremovalsystemsafetyvalve2ASS-SV102 discharge tomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum0115-12177-HC3 D-A"2 c.AuxiliaCondensate (CNA,4-4)1)LineNo.2CNA-006-002-4 FunctionReboilerdraintank2CNA-TK1discharge tothethirdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, B,CFailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatinginthirdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, B,C2)LineNo.2CNA-150-006-4 FunctionVentlinefrom'eboiler draintank2CNA-TK1A tothecondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum3)LineNo.2CNA-008-180-4 FunctionReboilerdraintankdischarge linetothecondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuumd.Condensate (CNM,4-1)LineNos.2CNM-006-321-4, 2CNM-006-322-4, 2CNM-006-323-4 FunctionReliefvalves2CNM-RV61A, BandCdisch'arge linetocondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuume.MoistureSearatorVentsandDrains(DSM,32-7)1)LineNo.2DSM-016-1-4 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-3 FunctionMoistureseparator drainreceivertank2DSM-TK4A discharge linetofourthpointfeedwater heaters2CNM-E4A, B,andCFailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatinginfourthpointsheaters2CNM-E4A, B,C2)LineNos.2DSM-016>>8-4, 2DSM-016-26-4 FunctionMoistureseparator drainreceivers 2DSM>>TK4A and2DSM-TK4B tothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuumMoistureSearatorReheaterVentsandDrains(DSR,32-6)1)LineNo.2DSR-008-122-4, 2DSR-008-121-4 Function2DSR-SV85A, Bdischarge tomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum2)LineNo.2DSR-016-1-4 FunctionReheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A discharge linetothesixthpointheaters2FWS-E6A, B,CFailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatinginthesixthpointheat-ers2FWS-E6A, B,C3)LineNos.2DSR-016-7-4, 2DSR-016-8-4 FunctionReheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A discharge linestothecondenser 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-4
.FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum4)LineNo.2DSR-016-21-4 FunctionReheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6B discharge linetothecondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum5)LineNos.2DSR-006>>106-4, 2DSR-018-108-4, 2DSR-006-105-4, 2DSR-018-107-4 FunctionScavenging steamlinefromreheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A, Btothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum6)LineNo.2DSR-008-104-4 FunctionReheaterdrainreceivers 2DSR-TK6A ventlinetothesixthpointheaters2FWS-E6A, B,CFailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatinginthe6thpointheater2FWS-E6A, B,Cg.TurbineBuildinMiscellaneous Drains(DTM,32-5)1)LineNos.2DTM-002-5-4, 2DTM-002-6-4, 2DTM-002-7-4, 2DTM-002"333-4) 2DTM-002-334-4, 2DTM-002-335"4) 2DTM"012"297-4
~Function(2ESS-MOV15A, B,C)Upstreamdrainlinesfromextraction steamtomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum0115-12177-HC3 D-A"5 2)LineNos.2DTM-125-143"4, 2DTM-150-144"4, 2DTM-125-145-4, 2DTM-150-146-4) 2DTM-003-142-4 FunctionFromairejectormotivesteamlinestrainerblowdowndrainsandcondenser airremovallinestocondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum3)LineNos.2DTM-004-275-4, 2DTM-004-276-4 FunctionDrainlinefrom2HRS-SV5A, B,Cand2RHS-SV6A, B,Ctomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum4)LineNo.2DTM-002-512-4 FunctionFromturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaustandsteamlowpointdrainstomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum5)LineNos.2DTM-020-68-4, 2DTM-002-69-4,
2DTM-002-71-4) 2DTM"002"72"4) 2DTM-002-73-4) 2DTM"002-74"4, 2DTM-002-75"4, 2DTM-002-76-4 FunctionColdreheatlinedrainstothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum6)LineNos.2DTM-002-510-4, 2DTM-002-511-4 FunctionHotreheatlowpointdrainstothemaincondenser 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-6
.FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum7)LineNo.2DTM-150-263-4, 2DTM-150-366-4, 2DTM-150-367-4 FunctionAuxiliary steamlineheaterdraintothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum8)LineNo.2DTM-006-470-4 FunctionAuxiliary sealingsteamlowpointdrainheadertothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum9)LineNos.2DTM-025-173-4, 2DTM-025-174-4, 2DTM-025-175-4, 2DTM-010-179 "4FunctionCombinedintermediate valve(CIV-4,5,and6)firststeamleakofffromturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaustdrainlinestomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum10)LineNo.2DTM-004-314-4 FunctionSteamsealheaderlowpointdrainfromturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamtomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum0115-12177-HC3 D"A-7 ll)LineNos.2DTM-025-170-4, 2DTM-025-176-4, 2DTM-025-177-4, 2DTM-010-181-4 FunctionCombinedintermediate valve(CIV-1,2,3)firststeamleakoffsfromturbinegenerator glandsealandexhaustsystemtothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum12)LineNos.2DTM-006-309-4, 2DTM-006-310-4, 2DTM-006-311-4, 2DTM-006-312-4, 2DTM-018-313-4 FunctionHighpressureturbinesecondsteamleakoffsfromturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamtothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum13)LineNos.2DTM>>150-231-4, 2DTM-150-232-4, 2DTM-150-233-4, 2DTM""150-234-4, 2DTM-150-235-4, 2DTM"150"236-4 FunctionTurbineexhausthoodbearingcones-waste, waterandoildrainsFailureEffectNosignificant effecth.Extraction Steam(ESS,3-4)1)LineNos.2ESS-014-1-4, 2ESS-014-2-4 FunctionExtraction steamlinefromH.P.turbinedischarge tosixthpointheatersFWS-E6A,B,andCFailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatingtothesixthpointheat-ersFWS-E6A,B,andC0115-.12177-HC3 D-A-8
-I2)LineNo.2ESS-003-4-4 FunctionHighpressureturbineheaderdrainlinetomaincondenser FailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatingtosixthpointheatersFWS-E6A,B,C3)LineNo.2ESS-006-251-4 FunctionFromextraction steamfifthpointheaters2CNM-ESA, BandCheaderlinetobuildingheatingintermediate heatex-changers2HVH-E1Aand2HVH-E1BheaderlineFailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatinginthefifthpointheat-ers2CNM-ESA, B,Cduetolossofextraction steam4)LineNos.2ESS-014-120-4, 2ESS-014-24-4, 2ESS-014-121-4, 2ESS-014-27-4) 2ESS-014-122-4, 2ESS-014-30-4 FunctionExtraction steamlinesfromLPturbines2TMS-T2A, B,Ctothefourthpointheaters2CNM-E4A, B,CFailureEffectLossoffeedwater
.heatinginthefourthpointheaters2CNM-E4A, B,Candlossofextraction steam5)LineNos.2ESS-026-126-4, 2ESS-026-34-4, 2ESS-026-127-4, 2ESS-026-39-4, 2ESS-026-128"4, 2ESS-026-42-4 FunctionExtraction steamlinesfromLPturbines2TMS-T2A, B,Ctothethirdpointheater2CNM-3A,B,CFailureEffectLossoffeedwater heatinginthirdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, B,Candlossofextraction steam0115-12177-HC3 D-A-9 6)LineNos.2ESS-004-37-4, 2ESS-004-38-4 FunctionHighpressureturbine2TMS-Tlglandsteampackingtothethirdpointheaters2CNM-E3A, B,andCFailureEffectPartialreduction offeedwater heatingtothirdpointheaters2CNN-E3A, B,andCFDWPRecirculation
{FWR,6-3)LineNos.2FWR-020-4-4, 2FWR-020-5-4, 2FWR-020-6-4 FunctionFeedwater recirculation linesfrom2FWR-FV2A, B,Ctothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuumFeedwater (FWS,6-1)LineNos.2FWS-008-117-4, 2FWS-014-142-4, 2FWS-008-120-4, 2FWS-014-143"4) 2FWS-008-122"4, 2FWS-014-144"4 IFunctionHighenergyfeedwater cyclecleanuplinestothedraincondenser FailureEffect'oss ofcondenser vacuumk.LowPressureFeedwater HeaterDrains(HDL,4-2)1)LineNos.2HDL-002-103-4, 2HDL-002-104-4, 2HDL-004-105-4, 2HDL-002-113-4) 2HDL-002-114"4, 2HDL-004-115-4) 2HDL"002-123"4),
2HDL"002-124"4) 2HDL-,004"125-4 FunctionStandpipe c'onnections forfirstpointheaters2CQi-E1A, B,Clevelmeasurement FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum.0115-12177"HC3 D"A-10 2)LineNos.2HDL-014-101-4, 2HDL-014-111-4, 2HDL-014-121-4 FunctionFirstpointheaters2CNM-ElA, B,andCdrainconnection tomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum3)LineNos.2HDL-014-201-4, 2HDL-014"211-4, 2HDL-014"221-4 FunctionDrainlinesfromsecondpointheaters2CNM-E2A, B,Ctothedrainreceivers 2HDL-TK2A, B,CFailureEffectLossoffeedwater heatinginthesecondpointheaters2CNM-E2A, B,Cduetolossofcondensate 4)LineNos.2HDL-004-209-4, 2HDL-004-219-4, 2HDL-004-229-4 FunctionSteamlineconnection fromdrainreceivers'2HDL-TK2A, B,Ctosecondpointheaters2CNM-E2A, B,andCFailureEffectLossoffeedwater heatinginthesecondpointheaters2CNM-E2A, B,andCHotReheat(HRS,3-3)LineNos.2HRS-026-1-4, 2HRS-026-2-4, 2HRS-026-4-4) 2HRS-026-5-4, 2HRS"026-6-4 Function2HRS-026-3"4, m.Hotreheatsafetyvalves2HRS-SVSA, B,Cand2HRS-SV6A, B,Cdischarge tothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuumMainSteam(MSS,3"1)LineNo.2MSS-010-189-4 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-11 FunctionMainsteamlinedrainheadertomaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuumn.Off-Gas(OFG,31-4)1)LineNo.20FG-003-200-4 FunctionOff-gasfilter20FG-FLTlB inletFailureEffectLossofoff-gassystem2)LineNo.20FG-003-201-4 FunctionOff-gasvacuumpumpsuctionheaderFailureEffect0~Lossofoff-gassystemFDWHeaterReliefVentsandDrains(SVH,32-14)I)LineNos.2SVH-002-101-4, 2SVH-002-131-4, 2SVH-002-161-4, 2SVH-002-201-4) 2SVH-002-231-4) 2SVH-002-261-4, FunctionFirstpointfeedwater heaters2CNM-ElA, B,Candsecondpointfeedwater heaters2CNM-E2A, B,Cdrainlinestothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum2)LineNos.2SVH-025-206-4',
2SVH-025-205-4, 2SVH-025-236-4, 2SVH0252354)2SVH0252664)2SVH0252654FunctionSecondpointfeedwater heaters2CNM-E2A, B,Cventlinestothemaincondenser 0115-12177"HC3 D"A-12 FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum3)LineNos.2SVH-QO&-604-4, 2SVH-008-504-4, 2SVH-008-404-4, 2SVH"008-805-4) 2SVH-002-704-4) 2SVH-004-207-4, 2SVH-004"105-4) 2SVH-004-106-4, 2SVH"002-204-4, 2SVH-002-104-4) 2SVH"024"901"4) 2SVH-008"634-4, 2SVH-008"534-4, 2SVH-008-434"4, 2SVH-008-835-4, 2SVH-002-734-4) 2SVH-004-237-4, 2SVH"004"135-4,2SVH-004-136"4, 2SVH-002"234-4) 2SVH-002"134-4, 2SVH-024-931-4) 2SVH-QQ&-664-4, 2SVH-008-564-4)
-2SVH-008-464-4, 2SVH-008-865-4, 2SVH-002-764-4, 2SVH-004-267-4, 2SVH-004-165-4, 2SVH-004-166-4, 2SVH-002-264-4) 2SVH-002-164-4) 2SVH-024-961"4 FunctionFeedwater heatersreliefvent,drainlinesandheaderstothecondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuump.TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME)16-1)1)LineNos.2TME-003-57-4, 2TME-003-58-4 FunctionCleansteamboiler2TME-E1Adrainlinetothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum2)LineNo.2TME"012-76-4 FunctionCleansteamheadersafetyvalve2TME-SV125 discharge tothemaincondenser FailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum0115-12177-HC3 D"A-13 3)LineNos.2TME-003-78-4, 2TME-006-79-4, 2TME-003-80-4 FunctionMainsteamcontrolvalve,stopvalve,andbypassvalveglandsealingsteamdischarge linestothemaincondenser IFailureEffectLossofcondenser vacuum2.Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahighenergylinebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-nentisanalyzed.
RefertoAppendixBforfunctionofindividual components.
Additionally, ahighenergylinebreak.inthiszonewillalsoresultinfailureofcontrolcomponents inZonesDandAB.Thesignificant consequences ofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanaly-sisbyreferring totheappropriate FailureEffectfromtheabovelisted'zonesintheCombinedEffectsectionofthiszone.a.Condensate Demineralizer (CND,4-7)2CND-FV294
"-"-FailureEffectFailureofcondensate systemrecycleoutletvalve2CND-FV294 inopenpositionwillbypassaportionofdemineralized condensate tomaincondenser, resulting inadditional inventory tomain'ondenser.
Condensate hotwelllevelismaintained bylevelcontrolvalve2CNS-LV103 andLV105.Therefore, failureof2CND-FV294 hasnosignificant effect.b.Condensate (CNM,4-1)2CNM-TV121 FailureEffectc~Iftemperature valve2CNM-TV121 failsclosed,highturbinehoodtemperature canresult,whichcantripturbine.Circulatin Water(CWS,2-1)2CWS-LSSIA,2CWS-LS51B, 2CWS-IS51C)2CWS-LS51D, 2CWS-LS51E, 2CWS-LS51F FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovelevelswitcheshasnosig-nificanteffectonreactorparameters.
0115-12177-HC3 D-A-14 d.TurbineBuildinMiscellaneous Drain(DTM,32-5)2DTM-AOV111, 2DTM"SOV111) 2DTM-AOV166, 2DTM-SOV166, 2DTM-AOV102) 2DTM-SOV102) 2DTM-AOV143) 2DTM-SOV143, 2DTM-AOV5A, 2DTM-SOV5A, 2DTM-AOVSB) 2DTM-SOV5B, 2DTM-AOV5C) 2DTM-SOV5C FailureEffecte.Ifanyorallofthesevalvesfailopen,nosignificant effectoccursHotReheatSstem(HRS,3"3)1)2HRS-PS107FailureEffect'ailure oftheabovepressureswitchwillcauseinadver-tentclosureofmoistureseparator reheaters 2MSS-ElA, B,mainsteamsupplyvalves2MSS-AOV92A)
B,whichcanresultinreduction ofhotreheatsteamtemperature tolow-pressureturbine.Failureofthisinstrument willalsocauseinadvertent openingofmoistureseparator drainreceivertanks2DSM-TK4A, Bdrainvalves2DSM-LV78A, Btothemaincon-denserwhichwillr'esultinpartiallossoffeedwater heatinginthe4thpointheaters2CNM-E4A, B,C.2)2HRS-PS108 FailureEffectFailureoftheabovepressureswitchwillfailthevalves2DSR-AOV82A, Bintheopenposition,'alves 2DSR-AOV83A, Binthecloseposition, and2DSR-LV68A, Bintheopenposi-tion,whichwillresultinapartiallossoffeedwater heatinginthe6thpointheaters2FMS-E6A)
B,C.3)2HRS-CIV1, 2HRS-CIV2, 2HRS-CIV3) 2HRS-CIV4) 2HRS-CIV5, 2HRS-CIV6 FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovecontrolvalvesintheclosepositionwillresultinpartialortotallossofhotreheatsteamtothelow-pressure
: turbines, 2TMS-T2A, B,C.Thiswillcauseaturbinetrip.0115-12177"HC3 D-A-15 f.MainSteam(MSS,3-1)1)2MSS-AOV191, 2MSS-SOV191, 2MSS-AOV194, 2MSS-SOV194, 2MSSAOV203)2MSSSOV203)2MSSAOV205)2MSSSOV205FailureEffectIfanyoralloftheabovevalvesfailopen,nosignifi-cantimpactresults2)2MSS-PSV89A)
'2MSS"PSV89B) 2MSS-PSV89C) 2MSS"PSV89D, 2MSS-PS89E FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovevalvesintheopenpo-sitionwillcausedumpingofmainsteamtothemaincon-denserthroughtheturbinebypasslines.Thiswillcausereduction ofmainsteamflowtotheturbine,andpossiblelossofcondenser vacuumifthecirculating watertempera-tureishighreducingcondensing effect,whichhelpsmain-tainm'aincondenser vacuum.g.Feedwater HeaterReliefDrainsandVents(SVH,32-14) 1)2SVHHV14A)2SVHSOV14A2SVHHV14B)2SVHSOV14B)2SVH"HV14C, 2SVH-SOV14C, 2SVH"HV24A, 2SVH"SOV24A, 2SVH-"HV24B, 2SVH-'SOV24B, 2SVH-HV24C, 2SVH-SOV24C FailureEffectFailureoftheaboveheaterchanneldrainvalvesinopenorclosepositionhasnosignificant effect2)2SVH-HV1A, 2SVH"SOV1A, 2SVH"HV1B, 2SVH-SOVlB, 2SVH-HV1C, 2SVH-SOV1C) 2SVH-HV2A, 2SVH-SOV2A, 2SVH-HV2B) 2SVH-SOV2B',
2SVH-HV2C, 2SVH-SOV2C FailureEffectFailureoftheaboveheatershellventvalvesinopenorclosepositionhasnosignificant effect~(.-)1~2TMAPSX1A)2TMAPSX1B)2TMBPSX1C)2TMAPSY1A)2TMA-PSY1B, 2TMB-PSY1C 0115-12177"HC3 D-A-16 Failure.EffectFailureoftheabovepressureswitches(oneoutofthreeXandoneoutofthreeY)maycauseinadvertent turbinetrip.Also,failureoftheseinstruments maypreventtur-binetripduringlowcondenser vacuum.ThiseventwillnotposeanyseriousthreattothereactorbecauseCategoryIcondenser vacuumtransmitter 2CNM-"PT46A)
B,C,D)willsignalthemainsteamisolation valvestocloseandthereactortoscram.2)2TMA-TS3A) 2TMA-TS3B, 2TMS-T3CFailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovetemperature switchessuchthatturbineexhausthoodtemperature high-high isindicated willresultinturbinetrip.Failureofalloftheabovetemperature switchestoindi-cateturbineexhausthoodhigh-high temperature wouldpre-ventturbinetripandpossiblycausehighturbinevibration andtrip.0-TurbineGenerator EHFluidSstem(TMB,16-5.2)A1)2TMB-HVY130
'ailureEffectInadvertent failureof2TMB-HVY130 mayresultinclosureofmoistureseparator mainsteamsupplyvalve2MSS-PU28A) 2MSS-PU2SB, 2MSS-PV29A,and 2MSS-PU29B.
Lossofmainsteamsupplytomoistureseparators willresultinlowturbineefficiency; therefore, failureofthisinstrument hasnosignificant effectonreactorparameters.
2)2TMBPS2A)2TMBPS2B)2TMBPS12A)2TMBPS12B)2TMBPSXI3A)2TMB-PSX13B, 2TMB-PSY13A, 2TMB-PSY13B) 2TMB-PS109, 2TMB-PS110) 2TMB"PS111; 2TMB"PS112 FailureEffectFailureofanyorallofthe'bovepressureswitcheswillcauseEHCfluidpumps2TMB-P1A(orB)tomalfunction onlowelectrohydraulic pressure.
Lossofelectrohydraulic pressurewillultimately causetheturbinetrip.0115-12177-HC3 D-A"17 3)2TMB-SE123) 2TMB-SE124, 2TMB-SE125 FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheaboveturbinespeedswitchesmaycauseinadvertent turbinetripifeithertheturbineshaftpumplubeoildischarge pressureisloworEHCdccontrolpowerislost.TurbineGenerator LubeOil(TML,16-2)1)2TML-PS14A, 2TML"PS14B, 2TML-PS14C) 2TML-PS14D) 2TMLPS14E)2TMLPS14F)2TMLPS14G)2TMLPS14HFailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovepressureswitchesmaynotpermitautostartingofturbineliftoilpumps2TML-P6A, B,C,D,E,F,G,andHduetolowpumpsuctionpressure.
Sincethesepumpsareusedonlyduringlowtur-bineRPMorstartupcondition, failurewillnotimpactnormaloperation'of theplant.2)2TML"PS15A, 2TML-PS15B, 2TML"PS15C, 2TML-PS15D, 2TMLPS15Ev2TMLPS15Fs2TML:PS15Gs 2TMLPS15HFailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovepressureswitchesmaynotpermitstartingofturninggearpiggyback motorduetoanyliftpumpoilpressurelow.SincethispumpisusedonlyduringlowturbineRPMorstartupcondition, failurewill.notimpactnormaloperation oftheplant.k.TurbineGenerator ExhaustHoodSra(TMS,16-9)2TMS"TT101, 2TMS-TT102, 2TMS-TY103 FailureEffectFailureoftheabovetemperature transmitter maycauseinadver-tentclosureofexhausthoodcondensate temperature controlvalve2CNM-TV121, causinghighexhausthoodtemperature whichcancausehighturbinevibration atlowloadorstartupcondi-tions.Duringnormalplantoperation (higherloads),noad-verseeffectoccurswhetherthetemperature controlvalveisclosedoropened.3.CombinedEffecta.Abreakinanyofthecondenser airremovalhighenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.0115-12177"HC3 D-A"18 ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Asaresultofthehighenergylinebreakinthiszone,controlcomponents inthiszoneorzoneABorzoneDmayfail,result-inginanyorallofthefollowing events:1)TurbinetripinZoneAandZoneD,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3analyses.
2)Lossofmaincondenser vacuuminZoneA,ZoneAB,andZoneD,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
3)Tossoffeedwater heatingin4thand6thpointheatersinZoneA,and5thand6thpointheatersandsecondandthirdpointheaterdraincoolersandinonlyoneofthreeforthpointheatersinZoneD,aneventboundedbyFSARSec-tion15.1.1analyses.
4)Iossoffeedwater flow(ZoneD),aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.7analyses.
5)Feedwater controller failure-maximumdemand(ZoneD),aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.1.2analyses.
Iftheturbinetripoccursatareactorpowerlevelele-vatedfrominitialoperating valueduetothelossof-feedwater heating,thereactormayexperience achangeincriticalpowerratiogreaterthanthatdescribed intheunacceptable resultsofincidents ofmoderatefrequency anticipated operational transients ofFSARChapter15.SeeSection3.0forfurtherdiscussion.
b.Abreakinanyoftheauxiliary steamhighenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZonesABorDisde-scribedinItem3.a.C~1)Abreakintheauxiliary condensate highenergyline(Item1.C.1)resultsinlossofcondensate tothethirdpointheaters.Thisresultsinlossoffeedwater heatinginthethirdpointheaters.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.2)Abreakinanyoftheauxiliary condensate highenergylines(Item1.C.2or1.C.3)willresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.0115-12177-HC3 D"A"19 d.Abreakinanyofthecondensate highenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcon-trolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.e.1)Abreakinthemoistureseparator ventsanddrainshighenergyline(Iteml.e.l)resultsinalossofcondensate tothefourthpointheaters.Thisresultsinalossoffeedwater heatinginthefourthpointheaters.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1ana-lyses.Forfailureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDrefertoItem3.a.2)Abreakinthemoistureseparator ventsanddrainshighenergyline(Iteml.e.2)resultsinalossofcondensate vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5ana<<lyses.Forfailureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDrefertotheItem3.a.1)Abreakinanyofthemoistureseparator reheaterventsanddrainshighenergylines[Item1.f.l),1.f.3),l.f.4),or1.f.5)]willresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.'4')Abreakinthemoistureseperator reheaterventsanddrainshighenergyline[Item1.f.2)or1.f.6)]resultsinalossofcondensate tothe6thpointheaters.Thisre-sultsin.alossoffeedwater heatinginthe6thpointheaters.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Forfailureofthecontrolcom-ponentsinthiszone,refertoItem3.a.g.A.breakinanyoftheturbinebuildingmiscellaneous drainshighenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.TheeventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.h.Abreakinanyoftheextraction steamhighenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofextraction steamtothethird,fourth,fifthorsixthpointheater.Thisresultsinalossoffeedwater heatinginthethird,fourth,fifth,orsixthpointheater.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Forfailureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneCrefertoItem3.a.Abreakinanyofthefeedwater pumprecirculation highenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vac-uum,aneventboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.0115"12177"HC3 D-A-20
.Abreakinanyofthefeedwater highenergylinesresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.k.1)Abreakinanyofthelowpressurefeedwater heaterdrainshighenergylines(Item1.P.3or1.P.4)willresultinalossofcondensate andextraction steamtothefirstandsecondpointheaters.Thisresultsinalossoffeedwater heatinginthefirstandsecondpointheaters.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1ana-lyses.Forfailureofthecontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDreferto.Item3.a.2)Abreakinanyofthelowpressurefeedwater heaterdrainshighenergylines(Item1.P.1or1.P.2)willresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcom-ponentsinthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.Abreakinanyofthehotreheathighenergylinesresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.Abreakinmainsteamhighenergylinewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.Abreakinanyoftheoff-gashighenergylinesinthiszonewillresultinalossofoff-gassystem.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.7analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcompo-nentsinthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.oiAbreakinany.ofthefeedwater reliefventsanddrainshighenergylinewillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents isthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.poAbreak,inanyoftheturbinegenerator glandsealandexhausthighenergylineswillresultinalossofmaincondenser vacu-um.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Thefailureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZoneABorZoneDisdescribed inItem3.a.0115-12177"HC3 D-A-21
250'-0",277'-6",306'-0"HELBSstemControlSstemARC(5-1)ASS(3-9)CNA(4-4)CNM(4-1)CNS(4-3)DSM(32-7)DSR(32-6)DTM(32-5)ESS(3-4)HDH(6-6)HDL(4"2)HVH(22-16)MSS(3-1),(32-14)Condenser AirRemovalAuxiliary SteamAuxiliary Condensate Condensate Condensate Makeup/Drawoff
'oistureSeparator VentsandDrainsMoistureSeparator RHTRVentsandDrainsTurbine,BuildingMiscellaneous DrainsExtraction SteamHighPressureFDWHeaterDrainsLowPressureFDWHeaterDrainHotWaterHeatingMainSteamFDWHeaterReliefVentsandDrainsARC(5-1)ASS(3-9)CNS(4-3)DSM(32-7)DSR(32-6)DTM(32-5)FWS(6-1)HDH(6-6)HDL(4-2)MSS(3-1)TME(16-1)Condenser AirRemovalAuxiliary SteamCondensate Makeup/Drawoff MoistureSeparator VentsandDrainsMoistureSeparator RHTRVentsandDrainsTurbineBuildingMiscel-laneousDrainsFeedwater HighPressureFeedwater HeaterDrainsLowPressureFeedwater HeaterDrainsMainSteamTurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust0145-12177-HC3 D-B-1 TMETurbineGenerator Gland(16-1)SealandExhaustd~)I.Thefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzed.onasystembasis:a.Condenser AirRemoval(ARC5-1)LineNo.2ARC-025-015-4 FunctionI~C~~Condenser airremovalintercondenser 2ARC-E3Aand2ARC-E3Bdrainto.maincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.b.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-9)I)LineNos.2ASS-003-26-4, 2ASS-150-512-4, 2ASS-003-211-4, 2ASS-003-201-4, 2ASS-006"125-4, 2ASS-006"126-4) 2ASS-006-1-4 FunctionMainsteambackupsupplyto=-=clean.steam-reboiler-and-buildingheatingintermediate heatexchangers, mainsteamsupplytocondenser airremovalsystem,andoff-gassystem.FailureEffectLossofmainsteamsupplyforcondenser airremoval,airejectors, andoff-gaspreheaters resultsinlossofcon-denservacuum.~~2)LineNos.2ASS-006-620-4, 2ASS-003-3-4, 2ASS-150-517-4, 2ASS-006-140"4) 2ASS-006-147"4) 2ASS-006-70-4, 2ASS-006-400-4 FunctionSteamsupplytobuildingheatingintermediate heatexchangers.
FailureEffectLossofbuildingheatingintermediate heatexchangers, ad-ditionalpartialloss'fextraction steamatfifthpoint,andpartiallossofcondensate heatingatfifthpointheaters.0145"12177"HC3 D-B-2 3)LineNos.2ASS-006-11-4, 2ASS-006-17-4, 2ASS-150-518-4, 2ASS-012-141"4, 2ASS-008"146-4) 2ASS-012-63-4 FunctionSteamsupplytocleansteamreboilers.
FailureEffectLossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandseal.andexhauststeam.Partiallossofextraction steamatfourthpointandpartiallossofcondensate heatingatfourthpointheaters.4)LineNos.2ASS-008-503-4, 2ASS-010-504-4, 2ASS-003-502-4 FunctionBuildingheatingheatexchangers andcleansteamreboilers steamsupplyheaderventlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.c.AuxiliaCondensate (CNA4-4)I)LineNos.2CNA-006-52-4, 2CNA-150-19-4, 2CNA-150-21-4 FunctionDrainlinesfromcleansteamreboilerdraintank2CNA-TK1A andbuildingheatingintermediate heatexchangers 2HVH-EIA, ElBtomaincondenser.
FailureEffectPartiallossofcondensate andpartiallossof2HVH-E1AorEIBbuildingheatingintermediate heatexchanger.
2)LineNos.2CNA-003-303-4, 2CNA-003-304-4 FunctionBuildingheatingintermediate heatexchanger relieflinestomaincondenser.
eFailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.0145-12177-HC3 D-B-3 d.Condensate (CNM4-1)1)LineNos.2CNM-002-93-4, 2CNM-002-94-4, 2CNM-002-95-4 FunctionCondensate linerelieflinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.2CNM-012-034-4,,
2CNM-012-035-4 FunctionCondensate boosterpump2CNM-P2B, P2Crecirculation lines.FailureEffectPartiallossofcondensate inventory andpartiallossofcondensate flow.e.Condensate Makeu/Drawoff(CNS4-3)1)LineNos.2CNS-006-40-4, 2CNS-003-25-4 FunctionCondenser hotwellcondensate makeuplinesfromcondensate storagetanks.FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.2CNS-003-34-4, 2CNS-002-33-4, 2CNS-004-95-4, 2CNS-004"24-4 FunctionCondensate supplyto.condensate makeupanddrawoffsystem,andcontrolroddrivehydraulic system.FailureEffectPartial.lossofcondensate inventory andlossofcontrolroddrivehydraulic systempressure.
'0145"12177"HC3 D-B-4
~f.MoistureSearatorVentsandDrains(DSM32"7)LineNo.2DSM-006-53-4 FunctionVentlinefrommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A tohotreheatforlow-pressure turbineT2A.FailureEffectPartiallossofsteamsupplytolow-pressure turbineT2A.2)LineNos.2DSM-012-9-4, 2DSM-012-10-4, 2DSM-012-11-4, 2DSM-012"12"4, 2DSM012134)2DSM012144)2DSM-012-47-4, 2DSM-016-48-4, 2DSM-018-49-4, 2DSM-020-51-4 FunctionMoistureseparator reheater2MSS-ElAdrainstoMSRdrainreceivertank2DSM-TK1A.
FailureEffectILossofcondensate frommoistureseparator 2MSS-E1Atomoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A andpartiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheat-ers.Lossofcondensate inventory.
Fourthpointheaterdrainpumpflowreduced.(Themostsignificant eventisthelossofcondensate/feedwater heating.)
3)LineNos.2DSM-002-16-4, 2DSM-002-18-4, 2DSM-004-17-4 FunctionLevelinstromentation standpipe andprocess,connections for2DSM"TK4A.
FailureEffectLossofmoistureseparator drainreceivertank2DSM-TK4A condensate, andpartiallossofsteamtolow-pressure tur-bines.Partiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Fourthpointheaterdrainpumpflowisreduced.(Themostsignificant'.
eventisthelossofcondensate/feedwater heating.)
4)LineNo.2DSM-016-1-4 FunctionProvidescondensate frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A tothirdpointheaters.0145-12177"HC3 D-8-5 FailureEffectPartiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Heaterdrainpumpflowisreduced,whichisnotsignificant.
5)LineNo.2DSM-016-8-4 FunctionProvidespathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.6)LineNo.2DSM-016-7-4 FunctionProvidespathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A.
FailureEffectLossofcondensate frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A, partiallossofmainsteamtoconden'ser,"
andpartiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Heaterdrainpumpflowisreduced.(Themostsignificant eventisthelossofcondensate/feedwater heating.)
g.MoistureSearatorRHTRVentsandDrains(DSR32-6)LineNos.2DSR-002-11-4, 2DSR-002-13-4, 2DSR-004-12-4 FunctionLevelinstrumentation standpipe and.processconnections forreheaterdrainreceivertank2DSR-TK6A.
FailureEffectLossof2DSR-TK6A condensate andsteamresulting inpar-tiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.2)LineNo.2DSR-016-8-4
'Providepathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator reheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TEA.
0145-12177-HC3 D-B-6 FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.3)LineNo.2DSR-016-1-4 FunctionCondensate fromreheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A tosixthpointheaters.FailureEffectLossofcondensate tosixthpointheatersandlossofsteamfromreheatermoistureseparator 2MSS-ElAresulting
.inpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.4)LineNos.2DSR-002-120-4, 2DSR-006-10-4, 2DSR-006-102-4, 2DSR-008-104-4 FunctionScavenging steamsupplyheaderfrommoistureseparator 2MSS-ElAtosixthpointheater.FailureEffectLossofmoistureseparator reheatsteamandpartiallossoffeedwater/condensate heatingatsixthpointheater.5)LineNo.1DSR-024-9-4 FunctionCondensate fromreheatermoistureseparator 2MSS-ElAtoreheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A.
FailureEffectLossofcondensate from2MSS-ElAto2DSR-TK6A andlossofcondensate andsteamtosixthpointheaterresulting inpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.6)LineNos.2DSR-016-7-4 FunctionProvidepathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator reheaterdrainreceiverZDSR-TK6A or2DSR-TK6B.
0145-12177 "HC3D-B-7 FailureEffectLossofcondensate fromreheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A andlossofsteam,fromreheatermoistureseparator 2MSS-ElAresulting inpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.h.TurbineBuildinMiscellaneous Drains(DTM32-5)1)LineNos.2DTM-025-170-4, 2DTM-025-177-4, 2DTM-025-176-4 FunctionCombinedintermediate valvessteamleakoffdrainpathtomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.,2)LineNos.2DTM-002-14-4, 2DTM-002-15-4 Function2ESS-MOV22A, B,upstreamdrainstomaincondenser.
FailureEffectPartiallossofextraction steamfromfourthpointheaterextraction linesandpartiallossofheatingatfourthpointheaters.3)LineNos.2DTM-002-69-4, 2DTM-002-70-4, 2DTM-002-71-4, and2DTM-002-72-4 FunctionColdreheatlinedrains.FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.4)LineNos.2DTM-150-64-4, 2DTM-150-65-4, 2DTM-150-185-4) 2DTM-150-186-4) 2DTM"002"339-4, 2DTM-002-341-4 2DTM-150-111-4, 2DTM-002-337-4, FunctionDrainlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.0145"12177-HC3 D-B-8 5)LineNos.2DTM-150-231-4 through2DTM-150-236-4 FunctionTurbineexhausthoodbearingconeswaste,water,andoildrains.6)FailureEffectNoeffect.LineNos.2DTM-002-28-4, 2DTM-002-29-4, 2DTM-002-30-4, 2DTM-002-61-4, 2DTM-002-62-4, 2DTM-002-63-4, 2DTM-003-27-4, 2DTM'-003-60-4 FunctionFifthaadsixthpointextraction headerdrainlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectPartiallossofextraction steamfromfifthorsixthpointheaterextraction linesandpartiallossofheatingatfifthorsixthpointheaters.'o 7)LineNos.2DTM-002-457-4 through2DTM-003-344-4, 2DTM-003-422-4, 2DTM-004-420-4, 2DTM"004-471-4, 2DTM-006-417-4, 2DTM-008-414-4, 2DTM-018-463-4, 2DTM-020-10-4, 2DTM-150-56-4 through2DTM-150-59-4, 2DTM-150-343-4) 2DTM-150-400-4, 2DTM-150-405-4, 2DTM-150-412" 4,2DTM-150"473-4,2DTM-150" 479-4,2DTM-150-499-4, 2DTM-150"520"4) 2DTM-150-515-4) 2DTM"150-516-4 FunctionDrainlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffect2DTM"002-462-4, 2DTM-004-407-4) 2DTM-004-519-4) 2DTM-016-464-4, 2DTM-150-41-4, 2DTM-150-135"4, 2DTM-150-403-4, 2DTM-150-415-4, 2DTM-150"480-4, 2DTM"150"487"4,
:I8)Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.LineNos.2DTM-150-139-4, 2DTM-150-140-4, FunctionAuxiliary steamlowpointdrains.2DTM"150-214-4 0145-12177-HC3 D-B-9 FailureEffectPartiallossoffourthorfifthpointextraction steamandpartiallossoffourthorfifthpointfeedwater heating.9)LineNos.2DTM-150-513-4 and2DTM-150-514-4 FunctionLowpointdrainsfromcleanreboilerauxiliary steamsup-plyheadertomaincondenser.
FailureEffectPartiallossoffourthpointextraction steamandpartiallossoffourthpointfeedwater heating.Extraction Steam(ESS3-4)LineNo.2ESS-006-251-4 FunctionExtraction steamtoauxiliary steamsystem.FailureEffectPartiallossoffifthpointextraction steamandlossoffifthpointfeedwater heating.HihPressureFDWHeaterDrains(HDH6-6)1)LineNos.2HDH-014-604-4, 2HDH-014-614-4, 2HDH-014-624-4 FunctionSixthpointheaterhighleveldrainlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.2HDH-014-603-4, 2HDH-014-613-4, 2HDH-014-623-4 FunctionSixthpointheaterhighleveldrainlinestomaincondenser.
0145-12177-HC3 D-B"10 k.LowPressureFDWHeaterDrain(HDL4-2)LineNos.2HDL-002-413-4, 2HDL-002-433-4, 2HDL-006-134"4) 2HDL-006135-4,2HDL-008-102-4) 2HDL-008-112"4) 2HDL-014-101-4, 2HDL-014-111-4) 2HDL-008-235"4, 2HDL-008-303"4) 2HDL-018-423-4, 2HDL"018-443-4, 2HDL"016-514"4, 2HDL-016-524"4 FunctionLowpressureheaterdrainstocondenser.
FailureEffect2HDL-002-453-4) 2HDL-006-136-4, 2HDL-008-122-4) 2HDL-014"121-4) 2HDL-018-403-4
)2HDL-016-504-4) 2)LossofHaincondenser vacuum.LineNos.2HDL-008-202-4, 2HDL-008-203-4, 2HDL-008<<212-4, 2HDL-008-213-4) 2HDL-008-223-4, 2HDL-008-205-4, 2HDL-008-215-4, 2HDL-008-225-4 FunctionSecondpointheaterdrainreceivers drainlinestocondenser.
3)FailureEffectPartiallossofsecondpointfeedwater heatingandpartiallossofcondensate.
LineNos.2HDL-008-302-4, 2HDL-008-312-4, 2HDL-008-322-4, 2HDL"008-304-4, 2HDL-008-314-4) 2HDL-008"324-4) 2HDL-018-402-4, 2HDL-018"422-4, 2HDL-018-442-4, 2HDL-016-503-4) 2HDL-016"513"4) 2HDL-016-523-4 FunctionHeaterdrainstomaincondenser.
FailureEffectPartiallossoffeedwater heatingandpartiallossofcondensate.
l.HotWaterHeatin(HVH22-16)LineNo..2HVH-006-023-4 FunctionHotwatersupplytoturbinebuildingglycolheatexchanger.
0145-12177"HC3 D-B-11 FailureEffectNosignificant effect.2)LineNo.2HVH-006-24-4 FunctionHotwatersupplytoradwastebuildingglycolheatexchanger.
FailureEffectNosignificant effect.MainSteam(MSS3-1)1)LineNos.2HSS-002-147-4, 2MSS-002-148-4, 2MSS-150-252-4, 2MSS-150-257" 4)2MSS-150"251-4,2MSS-150-258-4, 2MSS"002-177-4, 2MSS-002-178-4, 2MSS-002-180-4, 2MSS-002-181"4 FunctionMainsteamdrainlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuumandpartiallossofmainsteam.2)LineNos.2MSS-016-26-4, 2MSS-018-10-4, 2MSS-018-34-4, 2MSS-028-6-4, 2MSS-028.-8-4 FunctionMainsteamsupplytomoistureseparator 2MSS"ElB, mainsteamchestbypass,andturbinemainsteamstopvalves.FailureEffectLossofmainsteamtoturbinegenerator.
0145.-12177"HC3 D-B-12 n.FDWHeaterReliefVentsandDrains(SVH32-14)LineNos.2SVH-002-101-4, 2SVH-002-161-4, 2SVH-002-231-4) 2SVH-002-261-4) 2SVH-003-202-4) 2SVH-003-262-4) 2SVH-002-302-4, 2SVH-002-332"4) 2SVH-002-402-4) 2SVH-002-407"4, 2SVH-002-432-4) 2SVH"002-462-4, 2SVH-002-467-4) 2SVH-003307"4,2SVH-003-367-4) 2SVH-010-902"4) 2SVH"010-932-4, 2SVH-004-992-4) 2SVH-004-993-4) 2SVH-004-994"4, 2SVH-002-991-4 2SVH-002-201-4) 2SVH-003"232"4) 2SVH-002-362"4, 2SVH-002"437-4) 2SVH"003"337-4, 2SVH-010-962-4, 2SVH"006"995-4, FunctionFeedwater heaterdrainstocondenser.
FailureEffecte0~Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.'urbine Generator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)1)LineNos.2TME-003-078-4, 2TME-003-080-4, 2TME-006-079-4, 2TME-012-077-4) 2TME-008-075-4) 2TME-008-084-4) 2TME"008-085-4, 2TME-012-418-4 FunctionTurbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeamventsanddrainstomaincondenser.
FailureEffectLossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNo.2TME-004-413-4 FunctionMainsteambackupsupp1ytoturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.FailureEffectPartiallossofmainsteam.2.Thefollowing isthelistofnonsafety-related controlcomponents thatareaffectedbyahighenergylinebreakonanyofthelineslistedinItem1.Theconsequence offailureofeachcontrolcompo-nentisanalyzed.
*0145-12177"HC3 D-B-13 Additionally, ahighenergylinebreakinthiszonewillalsoresult.infailureofcontrolcomponents inZonesCandD.Thesignificant consequences ofsuchafailurehavebeenintegrated intotheanaly-sisbyreferring totheappropriate "FailureEffect"fromtheabovelistedzones(s)inthe"Combined Effect"sectionofthiszone.Aa.Condenser AirRemoval(ARC5-1}2ARCHV25A)2ARCSOV25Av2ARCHV26Av2ARCSOV26A>2ARCHV25Bs2ARC"SOV25B, 2ARC-HV26B, 2ARC-SOV26B) 2ARC-HV25C, 2ARC-SOV25C, 2ARC-HV26C
)2ARC-SOV26C FailureEffect,b;Failureofanyorallofthesedevicesintheclosepositionmayresultinapartialortotallossofcondenser vacuum.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-9)'I)2ASS-PVI06, 2ASS-SOVI06) 2ASS-STV143) 2ASS<<SOV143 FailureEffectFailureofthesevalvesineithertheopenorcloseposi-tionhasnosignificant effect.2)2ASS-STVI12).
2ASS-SOV112) 2ASS-PVI13) 2ASS"SOV113 FailureEffectFailureofeitherofthesevalvesintheclosepositionwillstopthesupplyofmainsteamtothecleansteamreboilers, 2TME-EIAand2TME-EIB.
Extraction steamfromthefourthpointextraction willnormallysupplythereboilers.
Auxiliary steamcanalsosupplythecleansteamreboilers.
Lossofallthesesourcesresultsinlossofturbinegenerator glandsealsteamandsubsequent gradualreduction incondenser vacuum.3)2ASS"AOV144) 2ASS"SOV144 FailureEffectC~FailureoftheaboveAOVineitheropenorclosepostionhasnosignificant impact.Condensate Makeu/Drawoff(CNS4-3)2CNS-LT103) 2CNS-AOV304) 2CNS-SOV304, 2CNS-LS104, 2CNS-LT105, 2CNS-LV105.
0145-12177"HC3, D"B"14 FailureEffectFailureof2CNS-LT103, 2CNS-LS104) and2CNS-LT105 whichcausesclosureof2CNS-LV103, 2CNS-AOV304 andopeningof2CNS-LV105 willresultinlossofcondensate inventory inthecondenser hotwell,2CNM-CND1A.
Thislossofinventory willeventually resultinlossoffeedwater flowtothereactor.d.Moisture'e aratorVentsandDrains(DSM32-7)2DSM-LS78A, 2DSM"LV78A) 2DSM-SOV78A FailureEffecte.Failureofanydeviceinthiscontrolloopwhichcauses2DSM-LV78A tofailopenwillresultinpartiallossoffeed-waterheatingatthefourthpointheaters2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, and2CNM-E4C.
Failurewhichcausesvalve2DSM-LV78A tofailclosewillresultinahighcondensate levelin2DSM-TK4A.
MoistureSearatorReheaterVentsandDrains(DSR32-6)1)2DSR-LS67A FailureEffectFailureofthisdevicewhichcauses2MSS-AOV92A tofailclosedresultsinlossofmainsteamtomoisturesepara-tor,2MSS-E1A, withsubsequent reduction inturbineeffi-ciency.Operation oftheturbinewithonlyonemoistureseparator on-linemayresultinturbinevibration duetounbalanced steamflowandturbinetripduetohighvibration.
2)2DSR-LS68A,'2DSR-LV68A, 2DSR-SOVX68A, 2DSR-SOV68A FailureEffectFailureofanydeviceinthiscontrolloopwhichcauses2DSR-LV68A tofailopenwilldrain2DSR-TK1A tothemaincondenser.
Thiscondition reducesheatinginthesixthpointheaters2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, and2FWS-E6C.
3)2DSR-AOV83A, 2DSR-SOV83A, 2DSR-AOV84A, 2DSR-SOV84A Failureofthescavenging steamwarmingandisolation valvesin,closed.positionmayresultinpartiallossoffeedwater heatingandsixthpointheater.;0145-12177-HC3 D"B-15 f.TurbinePlantMiscellaneous Drains(DTM32-5)2DTM-AOU2A, 2DTM-AOU2B, 2DTM-AOU2C 2DTM-SOV2A, 2DTM-SOV2B) 2DTM-SOV2C 2DTMAOV8A)2DTMAOV8B)2DTMAOV8C2DTM-SOV8A) 2DTM-SOV8B
)2DTM-SOV8C FailureEffect2)FailureofanyoralloftheaboveAOVsintheopenposi"tionresultsinasmalllossof5thor6thpointextrac-tionsteamandassociated feedwater heating.Thisfailuremayhaveaninsignificant effectoncondenser vacuum.2DTM-AOV3A, 2DTM-AOV3B,:
)2DTM-SOV3A, 2DTM-SOU3B, 2DTM-SOV3C FailureEffectFailureoftheaboveAOVsintheopenpositionresultsinasmalldecreaseinfourthpointextraction steamflowandassociated feedwater heating.Aninsignificant decreaseincondenser vacuummayalsoresult.2DTM-AOV4A, 2DTM-AOV4B,
'DTM-AOV119) 2DTM-SOV4A, 2DTM-SOV4B) 2DTM"SOV119, 2DTM-AOV144, 2DTM-AOU157, 2DTM-SOV144) 2DTM-SOV157.
FailureEffect4)FailureofanyoralloftheaboveAOVsintheopenposi-tionresultsinasmalldecreaseofextraction steam.Nosignificant impactwillresult.2DTM-AOV104, 2DTM-AOV105) 2DTM-SOV104, 2DTM"SOV105 FailureEffect5)FailureoftheaboveAOVsintheopenpositionmaycausewaterinduction totheH.P.turbine.2DTM"AOV7A, 2DTM"AOV7B, 2DTM-AOV107 2DTM-SOV7A, 2DTM-SOV7B
)2DTM-SOV107 2DTM-AOV106, 2DTM-AOV126, 2DTM-AOV127 2DTM-SOV106) 2DTM"SOV126,2DTM-SOV127 2DTM-AOV128, 2DTM-AOV108) 2DTM"AOV144 2DTM"SOV128, 2DTM-SOV108) 2DTM-SOV144 2DTM-AOV6A) 2DTM"AOV6B
)2DTM-SOV30A 2DTM"AOV30B, 2DTM"AOV31A, 2DTM-AOV31B 2DTM-SOU30B, 2DTM"SOU31A) 2DTM-SOU31B 2DTM"AOV142, 2DTM-SOV142 0145-12177-HC3 D-B-16 FailureEffecteg~FailureofanyoralloftheaboveAOVsineitheropenorclosepositionhasnosignificant impact.Feedwater (FWS6-1)2FMS-LV55B (C33-F002B)
FailureEffectThisvalveisnormallyclosed.Ifthevalveistoopen,therewillbenoeffectsincethefeedwater controlsystemwouldclose2FWS-LVlOB (C33-F001B) tomaintainproperflow.h.HihPressureFeedwater HeaterDrains(HDH6-6)2HDH-LV26A, 2HDH-LV26B, 2HDH-IV26C, 2HDH-SOV26A, 2HDH-SOV26B, 2HDH-SOV26C.
FailureEffect1~FailureofanyoralloftheaboveAOVsintheopenpositionwillresultinadecreaseinsixthpointfeedwater heaterlevelandapartialreduction infeedwater heating.IowPressureFeedwater HeaterDrains(HDL4"2)1)2HDL-LV2A, 2HDL-LV2B, 2HDL-LV2C 2HDL-LV3A, 2HDL-LV3B) 2HDL-LV3C FailureEffectFailureofanyorall'ftheabovevalvesintheclosepositionwillresultinareduction infeedwater heatinginlowpressurefeedwater heaters,2CNM-E2A, 2CNM-E2B, 2CNM"E2C) 2CNM-E3A, 2CNM"E3B) 2CNM-E3C.
FailureEffectI,~'ailureofanyoralloftheabovelevelcontrolvalvesintheopenpositionwilldraintheassociated heaterdrainreceivertanks,2HDL-TK2A, 2HDL-TK2B, 2HDL-TK2C, tothe.condenser.
,0Failureofanyoralloftheabovelevelcontrolvalvesintheclosepositionwillstoptheflowofbackup.watertotheheaterdrainreceivertankswithaconsequent reduc-tionorlossoffeedwater heating.0145-12177-HC3 D-8-17
'3)I2HDL-LV24A, 2HDL-LV24B) 2HDL-LV24C, 2HDL-SOV24A) 2HDL-SOV24B, 2HDL-SOV24C FailureEffect4)Failureofanyoralloftheabovelevel-control valvesintheopenorclosepositionwillresultinreduction orlossofheatinginthefourthpointlowpressurefeedwater heaters2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, 2CNM-E4C.
2HDL-LV23A, 2HDL-LV23B, 2HDL-LV23C, 2HDL-SOV23A) 2HDL-SOV23B, 2HDL-SOV23C FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovelevelcontrolvalvesintheclosepositionwillresultinreduction offeedwater heatinginthethirdpointheaters,2CNM-E3A, 2CNM-E3B, 2CNM-E3C.
5)2HDLLV25A)2HDLLV25B)2HDLLV25C)2HDLSOV25A)2HDL-SOV25B, 2HDL-SOV25C FailureEffectFailureofanyoralloftheabovelevelcontrolvalvesintheopenorclosepositionwillresultinreduction orlossofheatinginthefifthpointlowpressurefeedwater heaters2CNM-ESA, 2CNM-ESB, 2CNM-E5C.
MainSteam(MSS3-1)2MSS-AOV10B, 2MSS-SOV10B, 2MSS-AOV10D, 2MSS-SOV10D FailureEffect2)Thesevalvesarenormallyclosed.Failureofthesevalvesintheopenpositionwillhavenosignificant effect.2MSS-I/P22A) 2MSS-PV28A, 2MSS-PV29A FailureEffect3)Devicefailurecausinginadvertent closureofmoistureseparator mainsteamsupplyvalve,2MSS-PV28A or2MSS-PV29A, whichcanresult,inreduction ofhot'eheat steamtemperature tolow-pressure turbines.
2MSS-AOV92A, 2MSS-SOV92A FailureEffectIfthisvalvefailsclosed,mainsteamsupplytomoistureseparator reheater2MSS-ElBwillbeshutoff..Thiswill0145-12177"HC3 D-B-18 causepoorqualityreheatsteamtothelowpressuretur-bines,whichmayleadtoturbinevibrations andtrip.4)2MSS-AOV180, 2MSS-SOV180 FailureEffectFailureofthisdeviceintheopenorclosedpositionhasnosignificant effect.k.TurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust(TME16-1)2TME-AOVI30, 2TME-SOV130 FailureEffectThisAOVisaI/4inchvalve.FailureofthisAOVintheopenpositionwillcausedrainingoftheglandexhaustcoolerdrainreceivertanktothecondenser.
Thereisnosignificant impactonreactorparameters.
3.CombinedEffecta~Abreakinthecondenser airremovalhighenergylineinthiszonewillresultinlossofmaincondenser vacuumandreactortrip.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2'.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorinZonesCorDdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.b.l.Abreakintheauxiliary steamhighenergylineinthiszone(Items1.b.l,1.b.4)willresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuumandreactortrip.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorinZonesCorDdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.b.2.Abreakintheauxiliary steamhighenergylineinthiszone(Items1.b.2,1.b.3)resultsinlossofextraction steamatfourthpointorfifthpointheaterscausinglossoffeedwater heating.Lossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponent inthiszone(Items2.d,2.e.2,2.e.3,2.f.l,2.f.2,2.h,2.i.lthrough2.i.5)mayalsoresultinfurtherpartiallossoffeedwater heatingtothesecondthroughsixthpointheatersofasmanyasthreefeedwater heat-ingstrings.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Additionally, failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszone(Iteml.e.1)mayresultinturbinetripduetounbalanced steamflowandhighvibration.
Ifturbinetripoccursatareactorpowerlevelelevatedfromtheinitialoperating valuedueto0145-12177-HC3 D-B-19 thelossoffeedwater heating,thereactormayexperience achangeincriticalpowerratiogreaterthanthatdescribed intheunacceptable resultsofincidents ofmoderatefrequency (anticipated operational transients) ofFSARSection15.1.1.Failureofcontrolcomponents inZonesCorDmayresultinanyofthefollowing:
Lossoffeedwater flowtothereactor,boundedbyFSARSection15.2.7analyses; partiallossoffeed-waterheatingboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses; atur>>binetripboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3analyses; lossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5;orfeedwater controller failuremaximumdemand,boundedbyFSARSec-tion15.1.2analyses.
Fordetaileddiscussions concerning thesecontrolcomponent
: failures, refertoAppendixD,ZonesCorD,Item3.c.l.Abreakintheauxiliary condensate highenergylineinthiszone(Item1.c.1)willresultinpartiallossoffeedwater heating.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analys-es.Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneandinZonesCandDisanalyzedinItem3.b.2above.c.2.Abreakintheauxiliary condensate highenergylineinthiszone(Item1.c.2)willresult.inlossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSe'ction15.2.5analyses.
RefertoItem3.b.2aboveforanalysesofcontrolcomponent fail-uresinthiszoneandinZonesCandD.d.l.Abreakinthecondensate highenergylineinthiszone(Item1.d.1)willresultinlossofmaincondenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
RefertoItem3.b.2foranalysisofcontrolcomponent failuresinthiszoneandinZonesCandD.d.2.Abreakinthecondensate highenergylineinthiszone(Item1.d.2)willresultinalossofcondensate inventory andapartialortotallossoffeedwater flow.Thiswillultimate-lyleadtoreactorscramonlowreactorvessellevel.Thiseventi:sboundedbyFSARSection15.2.7analysesor15.6.6ana-lyses,depending ontheextentofthelossoffeedwater event.Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszonemayresultinpar-tiallossoffeedwater heating.Ifthisoccursbeforethere-actorscramoccursduetolossoffeedwater, theanalysisofthiseventisaspresented inItem3.b.2above.Failureofcontrol.components inZonesCandDisalsodiscussed inItem3.b.2.e.l.Abreakinthecondensate makeupanddrawoffhighenergylinesinthiszone(Iteml.e.l)willresultinalossofmaincon-denservacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Controlcomponent failuresinthiszoneorinZonesCorDdonotexacerbate thisevent.0145-12177"HC3 D-B-20 e~2'breakinthecondeasate makeupanddrawoffhighenergylinesinthiszone(Iteml.e.2)willresultinlossofcontrolroddrivecoolingwatersupplyandlossofoperatorabilitytocoa-trolrodsmanually.
Lossofroddrivecoolingwaterwillre-sultinnoimmediate significant effects;overthelongterm,somedeterioration ofcontrolrodmechanism sealsmayoccur.Ifthereactorisihautomatic control,lossofabilitytoman-uallymovecontrolrodswillhavenoimmediate effect.Ulti-mately,othereffectswhichchangereactivity willdrivetheautomatic controlsystemoutofraageandthereactorwillex-perieaceslowlydecreasiag orincreasiag reactortemperature aadsteampressure, depending onotherreactivity changesoc-curriag.Ifthereactorisinmanualcontrol,nocompensation forreactivity changeswillbeavailable fromtheautomatic controlsystem.Iatheabsenceofaayothereffects,lossofcontrolroddrivesupplywaterwillbeannunciated andduetothelong-term natureoftheeffectsofthisevent,sufficient timewillbeavailable fortheoperatortoinitiateamanualreactorscram.However,thelossofcondensate inventory mayresultinlowhotwelllevel,whichwillultimately causelossofcoadensate pumpsuctionpressureleadingtolossoffeed-water.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.6.6.Failureofcontrolsystemcomponents inthiszoneorinZonesCorDcancauseapartiallossoffeedwater heating.Forthisevent,theanalysispresented iaItem3.b.2aboveprovidesadescription offailureeffect.f.2.Abreakinthemoistureseparator ventsanddrainshighenergylinesinthiszone(Itemsl.f.2,l.f.3,l.f.4,andl.f.6)willcauseapartiallossoffeedwater heatingatthethirdandfourthpointfeedwater heaters.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Effectsofcoatrolcompoaent failuresiathiszoneorinZonesCandDarepresented inItem3.b.2.Abreakinthemoistureseparator ventsanddrainshighenergylinesinthiszone(Item3.f.5)willresultinalossofmaincoadenser vacuum.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponeats inthiszoneorinZonesCaadDdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.f.3.Abreakinmoistureseparator ventsanddrainshigheaergylinesinthiszone(Iteml.f.l)willcausealossofhotreheatsteamtotheassociated lowpressureturbine,causingunbal-ancedsteamtemperatures resulting inasymmetrical operation.
Thiswillleadtohighvibration andturbinetrip.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.3analyses.
Effectsofcontrolcompoaent failuresareanalyzedinItem3.b.2.g.l.Abreakinthemoistureseparator reheaterventanddrainhighenergylinesinthiszone(Itemsl.g.l,I.g.3,l.g.4,l-g.5,andl.g.6)willresultinapartiallossoffeedwater heating0145-12177-HC3 D"B-21 tothesixthpointf'eedwater heaters.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZonesCorDisanalyzedinItem3.b.2above.ge2~Abreakinthemoistureseparator reheaterventanddrainhighenergylinesinthiszone(Item1.g.2)willresultinalossofmaincondenser vacuumandreactortrip.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorZonesCorDdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.h.l.Abreakinturbinebuildingmiscellaneous drainshighenergylineinthiszone(Items1.h.2,1.h.6,1.h.8,and1.h.9)willresultinlossoffeedwater heatingatfourth,fifth,orsixthpointheaters.Iossoffeedwater heatingisboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Controlcomponent failureanalysesisdiscussed inItem3.b.2.h.2.Abreakinturbinebuildingmiscellaneous drainshighenergylines(Items1.h.l,1.h.7)willresultinlossofmaincondens-ervacuumandreactortrip.ThiseventisboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorinZonesCandDdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.h.3.Abreakinturbinebuildingmiscellaneous drainshighenergyline(ItemsI.h.3,1.h.4)willresultinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
For'ontrol component failureanalysesrefertoItem3.b.2.h.4Abreakinturbinebuildingmiscellaneous drainshighenergyline(Item1.h.5)inthiszonehasnosignificant effect.RefertoItem3.b.2forcontrolcomponent failureeffect.Abreakinextraction steamhighenergylineinthiszonewillresultinlossoffeedwater heatingtothefifthpointheaterboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
RefertoItem3.b.2forcontrolcomponent failureanalyses.
j.l.Abreakinhighpressurefeedwater heaterdrainshighenergylinesinthiszone(Item1.j.l)resultsinlossofmaincon-:denservacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Controlcomponent failureinthiszoneorinZonesCorDdoesnotex-acerbatethisevent.J~2~Abreakinhighpressurefeedwater heaterdrainshighenergylinesinthiszone(Item1.j.2)resultsinpartiallossofheatingat.sixthpointheaterboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
Forcontrolcomponent failureanalysesrefertoItem3.b.2above.k.l.AbreakinthelowpressureFDWheaterdrainshighenergylinesinthiszone(Item1.k.l)willresultinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Controlcompo-neatfailuredoesnotexacerbate thisevent.0145-12177-HC3 D-B>>22
'0k.2.AbreakinthelowpressureFDWheaterdrainshighenergylinesinthiszone(Items1.k.2and1.k.3)willresultinlossoffeedwater heatingboundedbyFSARSection15.1.1analyses.
RefertoItem3.b.2forcontrolcomponent failure.Abreakinhotwaterheatingsystemhighenergylineinthiszone(Items1.1.1,1.1.2)hasnosignificant effectonthere-actorparameters.
RefertoItem3.b.2for.controlcomponent failureanalyses.
m.1.Abreakinmainsteamhighenergylines(Item1.m.l)willre-sultinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
RefertoItem3.b.2forcontrolcomponent failureanalyses.
m+2~Abreakinthemainsteamhighenergylinesinthiszone(ItemI.m.2)willresultinalossofmainsteam.Thiseventresultsinclosureofmainsteamisolation valvesduetohighsteamflowandreactorscram.TheeventisboundedbyFSARSection15.6.4analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorinZonesCorDdoesnotexacerbate thisevent.n.AbreakinFDWheaterreliefventsanddrainshighenergylineinthiszoneresultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
RefertoItem3.b.2forcontrolcomponent failureanalyses.
.glandsealandexhauststeamhighenergylineinthiszone(Iteml.o.l)resultsinlossofmaincondenser vacuumboundedbyFSARSection15.2.5analyses.
Failureofcontrolcomponents doesnotexacerbate thisevent.0-2Abreakintheturbinegenerator glandsealandexhausthighenergylineinthiszoneresultsinapartiallossofmainsteam.Thiseventmayresultinmainsteamisolation valveclosureandreactortrip.Thisevent.isboundedbyFSARSection15.6.4analyses.
Ifmainsteamisolation valveclosuredoesnotoccur,thiseventwillresultinapartiallossofmainsteam.Ifthelinecannotbeisolated, thelinebreakwillnotsignificantly affectreactorparameters.
Eventually, however,thepresenceofsteamwillaffectcontrolcomponents inthiszoneorinZonesCorD.RefertoItem3.b.2forcontrolcomponent.
El277ft0ia.El306ft0in.ControlSstemARC(5-1)Condenser AirRemovalARC(5-1)Condenser AirRemovalASS'3-9)Auxiliary SteamASS(3-9)Auxiliary SteamCNA(4-4)Auxiliary Condensate CNM(4-1)Condensate CNM.(4-1)DSM(32-7)DSR(32-6)DTM(32"5)ESS(3-4)Condensate MoistureSeparator VentsandDrainsMoistureSeparator ReheaterVentsandDrainsTurbineBuildingMiscellaneous DrainsExtraction SteamDSM(32-7)DSR(32-6)ESS(3-4)FWR(6"3)FWSMoistureSeparator VentsandDrainsMoistureSeparator Re-heaterVentsandDrainsExtractioa SteamFeedwater PumpRecirculatioa Feedwater FWR(6-3)Feedwater PumpRecirculation HDL(4-2)LowPressureFeedwater HeaterDrainsFWS(6-1)HDL(4-2)MSS(3-1)Feedwater LowPressureFeedwater HeaterDrainsMainSteamMSS(3-1)TME(16-1)MainSteamTurbineGeaerator GlandSealaadExhaustSVH(32-14).THEFeedwater HeaterReliefDrainsaadVentsTurbineGenerator GlandSealandExhaust0131-12177-HC3 D-C-1 1.Thefollowing isalistofhighenergylinesanalyzedonasystembasis:a.Condenser AirRemoval(ARC5-1)LineNos.2ARC-010-607-4 and2ARC-010-608-4 Function:
Condenser AirRemovalIntercondensers 2ARC-E3Aand2ARC-E3Bshellsafetyvalvedischarge linestomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondenser vacuum.b.AuxiliaSteam(ASS3-91)LineNos.:2ASS-010-80-4, 2ASS-010-81-4, 2ASS-006-82-4, 2ASS-008-83-4 Function:
Auxiliary steamsupplylinestocleansteamreboilers.
FailureEffect:Lossofauxiliary steamsupplyasbackupsourceofheatingforcleansteamreboilers 2TME-ElAandElB.2)LineNos.:2ASS-010-84-4, 2ASS-016-13-4, 2ASS-016-14-4, 2ASS-150-71-4, 2ASS-150-72-4, 2ASS-012-063-4 Function:
FailureEffect:Lossofmainsourceforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.Partiallossofextraction steamatfourthpointheaters,whenextraction steamisnormalsourceofheatingforcleansteamreboilers (likewise mainsteamorauxiliary steamwhenheatingisfromoneofthetwosources).
3)LineNos.:2ASS-003-502-4, 2ASS-010-520-4 Function:
Buildingheatingheatexchangers andcleansteamreboilers steamsupplyheaderventlinestomaincondenser.
0131-12177"HC3 D-C"2 FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.4)LineNo.:2ASS-006-126-4 Function:
Mainsteambackupsupplytocondenser airremovalsystemandoff-gassystem.FailureEffect:Partiallossofmainsteamandlossofbackupsupplysteamtocleansteamreboilers, buildingheatingintermediate heatexchangers, condenser airremovalsystemandoff-gassystem.c~AuxiliaCondensate (CNA4-4)LineNos.:2CNA-006-8-4, 2CNA-006-2-4, 2CNA-003-318-4,'CNA-003-414-4, 2CNA-003-415-4 Function:
Carrycondensate fromreboilerdraintanks2CNA-TKIA, TKIBtothirdpointheater.FailureEffect:Partiallossofcondensate andpartiallossofcondensate heatingatthird'pointheater.2)LineNos.:2CNA-006-18-4, 2CNA-006-52-4 Function:
Drainlinesfromcleansteamreboilerdraintank2CNA-TKIA, TKIBtomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:Partiallossofcondensate andcondensate heatingatthirdpointheater.3)LineNos.:2CNA-150-006-4, 2CNA-150-056-4 Function:
Cleansteamreboilers ventlinestomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.0131-12177-HC3 D"C"3 d.Condensate (CNM4-11)LineNos.:2CNM-018-47-4, 2CNM>>018-50-4, 2CNM-018-53-4 Function:
Carrycondensate/feedwater fromthirdpointdraincooler2CNM-DCL3A tofirstpointheater2CNM-E1A, tosecondpointheater2CNM-E2Atothirdpointheater2CNM-E3A.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate/feedwater fromheatertrainA.2)-LineNos.:2CNM-018-48-4, 2CNM-018-51<<4, 2CNM-018-54-4 Function:
Carrycondensate/feedwater fromthirdpointdraincooler2CNM>>DCL3B tofirstpointheater2CNM-ElB, tosecondpointheater2CNM-E2Btothirdpointheater2CNM-E3B.
'fromheatertrainB.3)LineNos.:2CNM-018-49-4, 2CNM-018-52-4, 2CNM-018-55-4 Function:
Carrycondensate/feedwater fromthirdpointdraincooler2CNM-DCL3C tofirstpointheater2CNM"E1C, tosecondpointheater2CNM-E2Ctothirdpointheater2CNM-E3C.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate/feedwater fromheater,trainC.4)LineNos.:2CNM-004-318-4, 2CNM-004-319-4, 2CNM-004-320-4 Function:
Condensate/feedwater relieflinestopressurereliefvalves.FailureEffect:Partiallossofcondensate/feedwater inventory andreducedfeedwater flow.0131-12177-HC3 D~C~4 5)Line'Nos.:
2CNM-006-321-4, 2CNM-006-322-4, 2CNM-006-323-4 Function:
Condensate/feedwater relieflinesfrompressurereliefvalvestomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.t6)LineNo.:2CNM-010-29-4 Function:
Condensate recirculation tomaincondenser andbypass.FailureEffect:Lossoffeedwater/condensate flow.7)LineNos.:2CNM-012-33-4, 2CNM-Q12-34-4, 2CNM"Q12-35-4 Function:
Condensate boosterpumprecirculation tomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:Lossoffeedwater/condensate flow.e.MoistureSearatorVentsandDrains(DSM32-7)1)LineNos.:2DSM-012-27-4 through2DSM-012-32-4, 2DSM-012-37-4) 2DSM-016-38-4, 2DSM-018-39-4, 2DSM"020-41-4 Function:
Drainsfrommoistureseparator 2MSS-E1Btomoisturesepa-ratordrainreceiver2DSM-TK4B.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate frommoistureseparator 2MSS-ElBtomoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4B andpartiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Lossofcondensate inventory.
Fourthpointheaterdrainpumpflowreduced.(Themostsignificant eventisthelossofcondensate/feedwater heating.)
0131-12177"HC3 D<<C-5 2)LineNo.:2DSM-006-54-4 Function:
Ventlinefrommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4B tohotreheatforlow-pressure turbineT2B.FailureEffect:Partiallossofsteamsupplytolow-pressure turbineT2B.3)LineNos.,:2DSM-002-36-4, 2DSM-002-34-4, and2DSM-004-35-4 Function:
Levelinstrumentation standpipe andprocessconnections for2DSM-TK4B.
Failur'eEffect:4)LineNo.:Lossofmoistureseparator drainreceivertank2DSM-TK4B condensate, andpartialloss.ofsteamtolow-pressure tur-bines.Partiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Fourthpointheatersdrainpumpflowisreduced.(Themostsignificant eventisthelossofcondensate/feedwater heating.)
2DSM-016-19-4, 2DSM-016-001-4 Function:
Providescondensate frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4A/B tofourthpointheaters.FailureEffect:Partiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheatersfrom2DSM-TK48.
5)LineNo.:2DSM-016-26-4 Function:
Providespathtomaincondenser from-moistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4B.
FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.0131-12177-HC3 D>>C-6
:6)LineNo.:2DSM-016-25-4 Function:
Providespathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4B.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate frommoistureseparator drainreceiver2DSM-TK4B, partiallossofmainsteamtocondenser, andpartiallossofcondensate/feedwater heatingatfourthpointheaters.Heaterdrainpumpflowisreduced..(Themostsignificant eventisthelossofcondensate/feedwater heating.)
f.MoistureSearatorReheaterVentsandDrains(DSR32-6)LineNos.:2DSR-002>>24-4, 2DSR-002-26-4, and2DSR-004-25-4 Function:
Levelinstrumentation standpipe andprocessconnections forreheaterdrainreceivertank2DSR-TK6B.
FailureEffect:Lossof2DSR-TK6B condensate andsteamresulting inpar-tiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.2)LineNo.:2DSR-016-20-4 Function:
Providepathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator reheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6B.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate fromreheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6B andlossofsteamfromreheatermoistureseparator 2MSS-E1Bresulting inpartiallossoffeedwater heating'at sixthpointheaters.LineNo.:2DSR-016-21-4 Function:
~wProvidepathtomaincondenser frommoistureseparator reheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6B.
0131-12177"HC3 D-C"7 FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.4)LineNos.:2DSR-006-73-4, 2DSR-006-101-4, 2DSR-008-103-4, 2DSR-002-119-4) 2DSR"008-105"4 Function:
Scavenging steamsupplylineandcondensate drainlinefrommoistureseparator 2MSS-E1Btosixthpointheater.FailureEffect:Lossofseparator reheatsteamandpartiallossoffeedwater/condensate heatingatsixthpointheater.5)LineNos.:2DSR-008-104-4, 2DSR-006-106-4 Function:
Scavenging steamsupplylineandcondensate drainlinefrommoistureseparator reheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6A.
FailureEffect:Lossofmoistureseparator reheatsteamandpartiallossoffeedwater/condensate heatingatsixthpointheater.6)LineNo.:2DSR-002-42-4 Function:
Blanketing steamheader.FailureEffect:Nosignificant effect.7)LineNos.:2DSR-008-121-4, 2DSR-008-122-4 Function:
FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.0131-12177-HC3 D-C-8 8)LineNos.:2DSR-016-1-4, 2DSR-016-14-4 eFunction:
Condensate fromreheaterdrainreceivertanks2DSR-TK6A andTK6Btosixthpointheaters.FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate tosixthpointheatersandlossofsteamfromreheatermoistureseparators 2MSS<<ElA, E1Bre-sultinginpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.9)LineNo.:2DSR-024-22-4 Function:
Condensate fromreheatermoistureseparator 2MSS-E1Btoreheaterdrainreceiver2DSR-TK6B.
FailureEffect:Lossofcondensate from2MSS-ElBto2DSR-TK6B, andlossofcondensate andsteamtosixthpointheater2FMS-E6Bre-~suitinginpartiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters.g.TurbineBuildinMiscellaneous Drains(DTM32-5)1)LineNos.:2DTM-002-73-4 through2DTM-150-111"4, 2DTM-125-143-4, 2DTM-125.-145-4, 2DTM-150-146-4, 2DTM-025-174-4, 2DTM-025-175"4 2DTM-002-76-4) 2DTM"150-144-4, 2DTM-025-173"4, Function:
FailureEffect:Lossofmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.:2DTM-002-5-4, 2DTM-002-6-4, 2DTM-002-7-4 Function:
0131"12177"HC3 D-C-9 FailureEffect:3)Partiallossofextraction steamfromthirdpointheaterextraction lines,andpartiallossofheatingatthirdpointheaters.LineNo.:2DTM-002-16-4 Function:
2ESS-MOV22C upstreamdraintomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:4)'artial lossofextraction steamfromfourthpointheaterextraction line,andpartiallossofheatingatfourthpointheater.LineNo.:2DTM-150-214-4 Function:
Auxiliary steamlowpointdrain.FailureEffect:5)Partiallossoffourthpointextraction steam,andfourthpointfeedwater heating.LineNos.:2DTM-150-513-4, 2DTM-150-514-4 Function:
Lowpointdrainsfromcleansteamreboilers, auxiliary steamsupplyheadertomaincondenser.
FailureEffect:Partiallossoffourthpointextraction steamandpartiallossoffourthpoint.feedwater heating.h.Extraction Steam(ESS3-4)LineNos.:2ESS-002-6-4, 2ESS-002-8-4, 2ESS-003-4-4, 2ESS-002-22-4) 2ESS"002"20-4) 2ESS-003-15-4, 2ESS-002-25-4) 2ESS-002"31-4) 2ESS-150-153-4, 2ESS-002-40-4, 2ESS-002-43-4 2ESS"002-10-4, 2ESS"002-17-4, 2ESS-002-28-4) 2ESS"002-35-4)
Extraction steamlinedrainsfromthird,fourth,fifth,andsixthpointheaterlinestomaincondenser.
Fifth point heater drain receiver        tanks 2HDL-TK2A, 28, or 2C  bypass to main condenser.
0131"12177-HC3 D>>C-10 FailureEffect:2)Partiallossofcondensate inventory andpartiallossoffeedwater/condensate heating.LineNos.:2ESS-012"5-4, 2ESS<<012-7-4, 2ESS-012-9-4, 2ESS"002-020"4, 2ESS"002-18-4, 2ESS-002-23"4 Function:
Failure Effect:
Highpressureturbine2TMS-Tlextraction steamlinestosixthpointheaters,2FWS-E6A)
Same  as Item 1) above.
E6B,E6C.FailureEffect:3)Partiallossoffeedwater heatingatsixthpointheaters2FWS-E6A, E6B,E6C,andpartiallossofcondensate inventory.
: 4)  Line No.:      2HDL-004-209-4, 2HDL-004-219-4, 2HDL-004-229-4 Function:
LineNos.:2ESS-016-16-4, 2ESS-016>>19-4, 2ESS-016-21-4, 2ESS-002-70-4, 2ESS-002-71.-4, 2ESS-018-11-4, 2ESS-024-13 4,2ESS-008-60-4) 2ESS"006"251-4) 2ESS-018-12-4 Function:
Vent    lines  from    second  point    drain    receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A, TK2B, TK2C to        respective  second  point heater 2CNM-E2A, -E2B, or -E2C.
Coldreheatextraction steamtofifthpointheaters2CNM-E5A, E5B,ESC,andbuildingheatingintermediate heatexchangers.
Failure Effect:
FailureEffect:4)Partiallossofcondensate heatingatfifthpointheaters2CNM-E5A, E5B,E5C,andlossofbuildingheatingandpar-tiallossofcondensate inventory.
Partial loss of    second  point feedwater heating    and  extrac-tion steam.
LineNos.:2ESS-014-24-4, 2ESS-014-27-4, 2ESS-014-30-4, 2ESS-002-85-4, 2ESS"002-86"4, 2ESS-012-95-4) 2ESS-012-96-4, 2ESS-012"97-4) 2ESS-016-200-4) 2ESS-016-33-4 Function:
: 1. Main Steam  (MSS  3-1)
L.P.tur'bines 2TMS-T2A,
: 1)  Line        Nos.:        2MSS-010-189-4,        2MSS"006-167-4, 2MSS-002-237-4,      2MSS-002-146-4,    2MSS<<150-251-4    through 2MSS-150-254-4,            2MSS-002-98-4,        2MSS-002-160-4, 2MSS-002-171-4,    2MSS-002-97-4 Function:
-T2B,-T2Cextraction steamlinestofourthpointheaters2CNM-E4A,
Main steam drain    lines to main condenser.
-E4B,-E4C,andturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam.FailureEffect:Partiallossofcondensate heatingatfourthpointheaters2CNM-E4A, E4B,E4C,andlossofcleansteamreboilers 2TME-ElA, E1Bforturbinegenerator glandsealandexhauststeam;partiallossofcondensate inventory.
Failure Effect:
0131-12177-HC3 5)LineNos.:2ESS-026-34-4, 2ESS-026-39-4, 2ESS-026-42-4, 2ESS-004-155-4, 2ESS-004-154-4) 2ESS-002-88-4, 2ESS-002-87-4, 2ESS"004"158-4, 2ESS"004-157"4, 2ESS-004-156-4, 2ESS-004-38-4 Function:
Loss  of main condenser    vacuum.
: 2)  Line No.:    2MSS-2-141-4 Function:
-T2B,-T2Cextraction steamlinesandH.P.turbineglandpackingsteamtothirdpointheat-ers2CNM-E3A,
Main steam    lines to turbine stop valves drain line to main condenser.
-E3B,-E3C.FailureEffect:Partiallossofcondensate heatingatthirdpointheaters2CNM-E3A,
Failure Effect:
-E3B,"E3Candpartiallossofcondensate inventory.
Insignificant loss of      main steam.
Feedwater PRecirculation (FWR6-3)1)LineNos.:2FWR-020-4-4, 2FWR-020-5-4, and2FWR-020-6-4 Function:
: 3)  Line No.:    2MSS-016-25-4 Function:
Feedwater pumps2FWS-PlA, PlB,andP1Crecirculation tomaincondenser.
Main steam supply to moisture separator        2MSS-ElB.
FailureEffect:Lossoffeedwater andmaincondenser vacuum.2)LineNos.:2FWR-010-1-4, 2FWR-010-2-4, and2FWR-010-3-4 Function:
0131-12177-HC3                    D"C"14
Feedwater pump2FWS-PlA, 1B,or1Crecirculation line.FailureEffect:Reducedfeedwater flowandlossofcondensate inventory.
Feedwater (FWS6-1)1)LineNos.:2FWS-020-110-4, 2FWS-016-116-4 Function:
Failure Effect:
Feedwater cyclecleanupsystemsupplylinesfromsixthpointheater'sdischarge header.FailureEffect:Partiallossoffeedwater andreducedflowtoreactor.0131-12177"HC3 D-C-12 2)LineNos.:2FWS-008-117-4, 2FWS-008-120-4, 2FWS-008-122-4, 2FWS-012-119-4, 2FWS-016-125-4 Function:
Loss  of heating  steam to moisture separator  2MSS-ElB and partial'oss of    main steam.
Highandlowenergyfeedwater cleanuplinestomaincondenser.
: 4)  Line Nos.:    2MSS-028-2-4, 2MSS-028-4-4 Function:
FailureEffect:Duringnormaloperation nosignificant effectasthesys-temisisolated.
Main steam supply    lines to turbine stop valves  2MSS-MSVlA,
However,iftherespective feedwater cyclecleanupvalveconnecting tothemaincondenser isopenlossofmaincondenser vacuumwillresult.k.LowPressureFeedwater HeaterDrains(HDL4-2)LineNos.:2HDL-004-208-4) 2HDL-004-218-4, 2HDL<<004-228-4 2HDL-002-206-4, 2HDL-002
Failure Effect:
Loss  of  main steam    to turbine stop valve  2MSS MSV1A  or 2MSS-MSV1B.
: m. Feedwater Heater  Relief Drains  and Vents (SVH  32-14)
Line Nos.:      2SVH-002-734-4, 2SVH-002-764-4,    2SVH-008-404-4, 2SVH-008-434-4, 2SVH-008-464-4, 2SVH-008-504-4)    2SVH-008"534-4, 2SVH 008 564 4 ) 2SVH 008 604 4 ) 2SVH 002 704 4 )  2SVH-008-634-4) 2SVH"008-664-4, 2SVH-008-835"4) 2SVH-008-865-4,    2SVH"008-805-4, 2SVH"002-704-4 Function:
Safety valve drain lines to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss of  main condenser vacuum.
: n. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust    (TME  16-1)
: 1)  T.ine Nos.:    2TME-008-75-4, 2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-008-84-4, 2TME-008-85"4, 2TME-012-418-4, 2TME-003-57-4 Function:
Safety and  relief  valve drains to main condenser.
Failure Effect:
Loss  of  main condenser vacuum.
: 2)  Line Nos.:    2TME-002-74-4, 2TME-004-413-4 Function:
Main steam backup supply to turbine generator        gland seal and exhaust steam.
0131-12177"HC3                  D"C-15
Failure Effect:
Partial loss of  main steam.
: 3)  Line Nos.:  2TME-004-414-4, 2TME-006-41-4, 2TME-006-101"4 Function:
Main steam backup supply and  relief line  to turbine gener-ator gland seal  and exhaust steam.
Failure Effect:
Loss of turbine    generator gland seal and exhaust    steam backup source.
The  following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.
A  high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones D and S.. The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the              by referr-
    'ng to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the analysis above listed zones in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.
Condenser Air Removal  ARC  5-1) 2ARC-AOV104) 2ARC-SOV104 Failure Effect:
If this air ejector isolation valve 2ARC-AOVI04 fails close during normal operation when the air. removal system for the condenser is shut down (which is manually started), then no air removal from the condensers will take place resulting in tur-bine trip on loss'of condenser vacuum.
: b. Auxilia    Steam (ASS  3-9)
: 1)  2ASS-AOV145, 2ASS-SOV145 Failure Effect:
Failure of 2ASS-AOV145 valve in closed position will stop supply of auxiliary steam to clean steam reboilers. Aux-iliary steam is alternate source to clean steam reboilers.
Extraction steam and main steam sources are still avail-able. In the event these sources are also lost due to closure of main steam valve 2ASS-STV112, or extraction 0131"12177-HC3                    D-C-16
steam nonreturn valves 2ESS-NRV113        or  NRV114 are inadver-tently closed, turbine generator gland seal steam would be lost. This may result in gradual loss of condenser vacuum.
: 2)    2ASS"PV146, 2ASS-SOV146 Failure Effect:
If    a  failure of the        auxiliary steam supply valve 2ASS-PV146 in the close        position occurs, auxiliary steam backup to the main steam and fourth point extraction steam supply to the clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A and 2TME-ElB will be lost. This is highly unlikely; however, if it occurs, turbine generator gland seal steam would be lost.
C ~  Condensate    (CNM  4-1)
: 1)    2CNM-FV38A,        2CNM-SOV38A,      2CNM-FV38B)      2CNM-SOV38B, 2CNM-FV38C, 2CNM-SOV38C Failure Effect:
Failure of      any  or all of the condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A,    P2B,  or P2C, recirculation valves 2CNM-FV38A, FV38B, or FV38C in open position will bypass condensate to main condenser, resulting in reduced feedwater flow and
              -.-=possibly loss of feedwater suction pressure.
If these    valves    fail  closed, minimum booster    pumps flow will not    be maintained when    required.
: 2)    2CNM-HV55A,        2CNM-SOV55A,      2CNM-HV55B)      2CNM-SOV55B, 2CNM-HV55C) 2CNM-SOV55C Failure Effect:
Failure of the        above  valves has no significant effect.
: 3)    2CNM-FV114, 2CNM-SOV114 Failure Effect:
Failure of the valve in the            open  position will bypass condensate    to the main condenser        resulting in loss of feedwater flow.
: d. Moisture    Se  arator Vents    and Drains (DSM    32-7) 2DSM-LV78B) 2DSM-SOV78B 0131-12177"HC3                      D"C"17
Failure Effect:
If valve 2DSM-LV78B fails open, partial loss of feedwater heat-ing at fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, and 2CNM-E4C if will result. Also, the valve fails close, a high condensate level in  2DSM-TK4B may      result.
: e. Moisture  Se  arator Reheater Vents      and Drains (DSR    32-6)
: 1)    2DSR-LS67B Failure Effect:
If  2DSR-LS67B      failure  causes    2MSS-AOV92B  to close, the result will      be loss    of main    steam  to moisture separator 2MSS-ElB.      Ioss of main steam to the moisture separator will result in reduced turbine efficiency and may lead to turbine vibration and consequent turbine trip.
: 2)    2DSR-LS68B,        2DSR-LV68B)    . 2DSR-SOV68B,      2DSR-SOVX68B, 2DSR-LT68B Failure Effect:
Failure of any of the above devices which cause 2DSR-LV68B to open 'will drain condensate from 2DSR-TKlB to the main condenser.      This drainage will result in a reduction of heating at sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, and 2FWS-E6C.
: 3)    2DSR-AOV82A) 2DSR-SOV82A) 2DSR-AOV82B) 2DSR-SOV82B Failure Effect:
Failure of 2DSR-AOV82A in the open position          will result in reduction of feedwater heating.
: 4)    2DSR-AOV83B) 2DSR-SOV83B, 2DSR-AOV84B) 2DSR-SOV84B Failure Effect:
Failure of the scavenging steam warning and isolation valves in closed position may result in partial 'loss of feedwater heating and sixth point heater.
: f. Extraction    Steam (ESS    3-1)
: 1)    2ESS-NRV113)      2ESS-SOVX113,      2ESS-SOVY113,    2ESS-NRV114, 2ESS-SOVX114,        2ESS-SOVY114,      2ESS-STV104,    2ESS-SOV104 0131"12177-HC3                      D-C-18
Failure Effect:
Failure of STV104 in closed position will stop extraction steam to clean steam reboilers.      Clean steam reboiler has alternate sources of steam available from main steam or auxiliary steam. In the event both sources are lost due to closure of main steam isolation valve 2ASS-STV112 or auxiliary steam supply valve 2ASS-PV146, turbine generator gland seal steam would be lost.          This may result in gradual loss of condenser vacuum. Failure of the NRVs and associated  SOVs  has no significant effect.
: 2)  2ESS-NRV103,    2ESS-SOVX103 )  2ESS-SOVY103,    2ESS-NRV109, 2ESS-SOVX109,    2ESS-SOVY109,    2ESS-STV105)    2ESS-SOV105 Failure Effect:
Failure of STV105 in closed position will stop extraction steam to building heating heat exchangers.      No significant effect on the system. Failure of the NRVs and associated SOVs has no  significant effect.
: 3)  2ESS-NRV34A)    2ESS-SOVX34A,    2ESS-SOVY34A,    2ESS-NRV34B  )
2ESS-SOVX34B,    2ESS-SOVY34B,    2ESS-NRV34C,    2ESS-SOVX34C  )
2ESS-SOVY34C Failure Effect:
Failure of the    above valves  in the closed position      has no  significant effect.
: 4)  2ESS-NRV16A)    2ESS-SOVX16A,    2ESS-SOVY16A,    2ESS-NRV16B, 2ESS-SOVX16B,    2ESS-SOVY16B )  2ESS-NRV16C,    2ESS-SOVX16C, 2ESS-SOVY16C Failure Effect:
Failure of the    above nonreturn valves    in the

Latest revision as of 19:27, 23 February 2020

Rev 2 to High Energy Line Break Evaluation Rept (Effect on Nonsafety-Related Control Components) Nine Mile Point Unit 2.
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1986
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ML17055B335 List:
NUDOCS 8603070341
Download: ML18038A134 (458)





) A 0144" 12177 "HC3

-~I l


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title ~Pa e












EL 250 FT 0 IN.


215 FT 0 IN.


353 FT 0 IN.


0 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to verify that the effects of any high energy line break (HELB) on any nonsafety-related control systems in Nine Mile Point - Unit 2 (NMP2) do not result in an event more severe than the events analyzed in Chapter 15 of the NMP2 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). This study responds to concerns expressed in the NMP2 Safety .Evaluation Report Section and to NMP2 FSAR Question F421.43.

1.2 SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of this HELB analysis was restricted to HELBs and their impact on those components of nonsafety-related control systems which could initiate a reactor transient. A list of such compo-nents was developed based on the system elimination criteria pre-sented in Section 2.1 and the component elimination criteria identified in Section 2.2 of this report. HELB zones containing both control systems components of interest and HELB locations were defined using the appropriate Equipment Qualification Environmental Design Criteria (EQEDC) zone maps as a guide, as described in Section 2.4 of this report. Each HELB zone was analyzed, the results summarized, and final conclusions and recommendations are presented in Section 4.0.


A systematic study has been conducted to determine the conse-quences of postulated HELBs and their effects on nonsafety-related control system components located in the affected zone.

The detailed analysis (Appendix D) describes each of the postu-lated HELB events and their limiting effects on the reactor pa-rameters. The detailed analysis ip Appendix D is summarized in Section 4.0. With the exception of the loss of feedwater heating exacerbated by a turbine trip, the effects of the postulated HELB/control systems failure events are less severe than the Unacceptable Results for Incidents of Moderate Frequency - Antic-ipated Operational Transients presented in FSAR Chapter 15.

Those events caused . by break of reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) piping are bounded by the limiting fault events described in Chapter 15, It is concluded that safe reactor shut-down is ensured for all events postulated herein, and the con-sequences of these events do not result in any significant risk to the health and safety of the public.

2.0 METHODOLOGY The following criteria and assumptions were used to develop the scope of work for the subject HELB analysis:


1. Identify all nonsafety control systems and components which could impact the critical reactor parameters (e.g., water level, pressure, critical power ratio).
2. Identify high energy lines and their. postulated break loca-tions and evaluate consequences.
3. Identify the plant zones which. contain both HELB locations and control system components determined in Item 1 above.

4.. Postulate pipe breaks in each of the zones defined, deter-mine which control system components are affected, and ana-lyze the consequences of failure of the control system components.

5. Combine the effects of the HELB with potential, simultaneous malfunctions of control system components in the postulated HELB zone and determine the effects on the critical reactor parameters.
6. Verify that the effects on critical reactor parameters are enveloped by the analyses in Chapter 15 of the FSAR.
7. Identify any postulated events that are beyond Chapter 15 analyses and recommend correct'ive actions.

2.1 SYSTEM ELIMINATION All nonsafety-related control grade systems which may affect the critical reactor parameters have been included in the HELB analy-sis, and the following elimination criteria were applied to ex-clude some of the systems from further analysis.

Elimi-nation Criteria Basis Nl Nonelectrical systems, i.e, mechanical and struc-tural systems comprised only of structural steel, piping, tanks, cranes, and similar equipment.

N2 Instrumentation systems with no direct or indirect controlling function, such as the annunciator sys-tem. Instrumentation and dedicated inputs to the process computer, as well as the computer itself, are excluded.

N3 Control systems that interface or interact with the reactor operating system but have no direct or indi-rect effect on reactor parameters, such as ventila-tion systems.

0143-12177"HC3 2

N4 Control systems that do not interact or interface with reactor operation or reactor parameters either directly or indirectly, such as communications, lighting, etc.

N5 Systems which are used only during startup, shutdown or refueling mode.

N6 Electrical systems and components involved in power distribution or transformation the loss of which will not impact the reactor parameters or safety system performance.

N7 All safety-related systems or safety-related por-tions of control systems.

A list of all systems with the elimination criteria identified is included in Appendix A.

2.2 COMPONENT ELIMINATION Instruments and components for those systems which are eliminated under system elimination criteria are excluded from the list of plant components.

The following elimination criteria are applied to the remaining components to arrive at the final list of components considered in the detailed HELB analysis. The appropriate system piping and instrumentation diagrams and elementary diagrams have been used to aid in this elimination.

Mechanical components (e.g., structural steel, tanks, pipes, valves) are not considered control systems components sub-ject to failure. However, instrument taps and tubing for components of interest, which may be physically "located on mechanical components, are, included.

2. Instruments and other dedicated inputs to the process com-puter are eliminated.
3. Components that provide only position status information and do not perform any control function are eliminated. This includes position switches on air- and motor-operated valves which are not interlocked with other equipment.
4. Components that provide only indication and/or inputs for alarms or recording devices are eliminated.

In general, initiating type control components, such as elements, switches, transmitters, controllers, and converters, are included in the detailed HELB analysis, along with their related taps and process tubing. Motor control centers (MCC) in the affected zones were considered as components subject to failure and were 0143"12177"HC3

reviewed for MCC-mounted control components or power supply to components of interest. No nonsafety grade control system compo-nent in this analysis is mounted in or powered directly. from an MCC, and MCCs were, therefore, eliminated.

A list of components which have been considered for analysis based on the above criteria and their control functions are in-cluded in Appendix B.

2.3 HIGH ENERGY PIPE CRITERIA The criteria for determining high energy lines used in the study were based on criteria established in Section 3.6 of the NMP2 FSAR. High energy piping is defined as those fluid systems that during normal plant conditions, either are in operation or are maintained pressurized under conditions where either 'or both of the following are met:

1. Maximum operating temperature exceeds 2004F
2. Maximum operating pressure exceeds 275 psig Those high energy lines that operate above these limits for less than 2 percent of the time and are, required to perform their in-tended function are classified as moderate .energy lines and, therefore, are excluded from the scope of this study. Piping whose diameter is 1-in. NPS or smaller is also excluded.

A list of all the high energy lines considered for this analysis is included in Appendix C.

2.4 ZONE DETERMINATION For the purpose of this analysis, the EQEDC zone map was used for

,identifying normal operating environmental zones. These EgEDC zones wire subdivided into HELB zones which are open areas bound-ed by walls, ceiling, floors, etc. Each HELB zone is uniquely identified. Certain HELB zones extend between elevations because some floor elevations consist of open grating or a hoist opening


'he is common to all the floors.

turbine enclosure is divided into discrete zones with unique identification. A HELB event in a small cubicle can conceivably blow out the door and the pressure/temperature transient may fail all nonsafety grade instruments in the adjoining larger volume zone. However, a pipe break in a large-volume zone will not impact its neighboring cubicled zone because the larger volume and more outlets associated with it provide easier alternate paths of energy dissipations. 'These considerations have been factored into this analysis by combining the following zones:

0143" 12177-HC3

l. Zones D and A combined for a break in Zone A
2. Zones AB and A combined for a break in Zone A
3. Zones D and B combined for a break in Zone B
4. Zones D and C combined for a break in Zone C
5. Zones AC and AB combined for a break in Zone AB
6. Zones AD and AB combined for a break in Zone AB
7. Zones AB and AC combined for a break in Zone AC
8. Zones AB and AD combined for a break in Zone AD
9. Zones C and B combined for a break in Zone B
10. Zones S and C combined for a break in Zone C
11. Zones D and N combined for a break in Zone N
12. Zones D and P combined for a break in Zone P
13. Zones U and L combined for a break in Zone L
14. Zones D and Z combined for a break in Zone Z
15. Zones D and X combined for a break in Zone X
16. Zones D and J combined for a break in Zone J
17. Zones D and AA combined for a break in Zone AA
18. Zones D and F combined for a break in Zone F
19. Zones D and G combined for a break in Zone G
20. Zones D and H combined for a break in Zone H
21. Zones D and W combined for a bx'eak in Zone W
22. Zones S and R combined for a break in Zone R
23. Zones A and MS Tunnel combined for a break in MS Tunnel
24. Zones B and MS Tunnel combined for a break in MS Tunnel
25. Zones C and MS Tunnel combined for a break in MS Tunnel
26. Zones S and AE combined for a break in AE
27. Zones AF and AE combined for a break in AE
28. Zones S and AF combined for a break in AF Zone Y does not contain high energy lines and is not affected by high enexgy line breaks in other zones. Therefore, this zone is not analyzed.

Zone maps are provided in Figures 1 through 6 at the end of the report.

The sacrificial approach used throughout the analysis assumed that any HELB within a defined zone would impact all control system components in the zone. Because of the large area covered by Zone D, the potential impact of a line break was further analyzed to verify if a break at one end of the turbine building can realistically fail nonsafety grade components located at the other end with intervening barriers, such as pipes, tray supports, turbine casing, etc. It: was determined that in the condenser (Zone B) and heater bay areas (Zones F, G, and H), a pipe break may affect the components in only a confined portion of an "architecturally" defined zone. While the distance between the postulated high energy line break and. control components pre-cludes the possibility of. physical damage to components due to direct pipe whip and jet impingement, the bays allow for the adverse environment associated with the break to spread through-out the condenser or heater bay,. minimizing the environmental effects.


Therefore, even though no air/steam/water boundary exists in the condenser and heater bay areas, the above consideration has been used in the analysis of Zone D and the sacrificial approach ap-plied within the confines of the zone determined above.

For the reactor building/secondary containment, a list of the nonsafety components which affect the reactor parameters was made. The locations of the components were then checked', to de-termine whether these components are affected by any HELB event in their vicinity, and the consequence of their failure was analyzed.

Reactor core isolation cooling (ICS) (steam side), reactor water cleanup (WCS), and control rod drive (RDS) system piping are the only sources 'of HELB events in the secondary containment, which are capable'f producing 'emperature transients resulting in failure of all nonsafety grade instruments in the zones identi-fied in the EQEDC report. A review'f the relevant drawings iden<<

tified seven zones to be considered for analysih.

These zones have been treated as one zone for purposes of analy-sis. This was done because all zones in the secondary contain-ment communicate with each other for environmental purposes.

While the high energy lines do not pass through zones containing nonsafety-related control devices, a break in these lines may cause adverse environmental conditions in those zones which do contain nonsafety-related control devices.

All areas of the radwaste, diesel generator, normal switchgear,

,standby gas, screenwell, and control buildings were eliminated from analysis because the systems in these areas do not affect reactor parameters. Although. the switchgear room east (Zone AE) contains high energy lines, an analysis of the electrical system equipment in this zone indicated that there are no adverse effects on reactor parameters resulting from a HELB in this zone. The auxiliary boiler building has been eliminated because it contains auxiliary steam system components, and a HELB failure can lead to a single system failure only which cannot affect reactor parameters.

2.5 PIPE BREAK LOCATION AND EFFECTS 2Q.1 Pipe Break Location The high energy pipes identified in Appendix C are assumed to break at all locations where control systems components of inter-est (as defined in Section 2.2) are physically located in the same zone as the high energy piping, unless piping runs subject to high stress have been specifically identified and analyzed as a result of the studies in FSAR Section 3.6. Piping evaluated by means of previous HEIB studies (see FSAR Section 3.6) is consid-ered to break as defined in those studies. Only one pipe break is postulated to occur at any time and only during normal plant conditions. As part of the detailed analysis described in 0143-12177"HC3

Appendix D, the worst case combination of a specific HELB and consequential control systems failures is examined for the reac-tor in the limiting condition for that postulated'vent.

2.5.2 Pipe Break Effects Pipe breaks and consequential control system failures are evalu-ated considering the effects of adverse environment, pipe whip, and jet impingement on the control system components.

l. Environmental Effects The effects associated with any adverse environment (in-creasing humidity, temperature, pressure, radiation) are enveloped by employing the sacrificial approach. The sacrificial approach assumes that any HELB within the de-fined zone would adversely impact all control systems corn" ponents in the zone. Using this approach, environmental effects are enveloped in the detailed analysis presented in Appendix D.

The turbine generator electrohydraulic system (TMB) is a high pressure, low temperature system with a limited volume of EH liquid maintained at" high. pressure by a small capacity pump. It is inconceivable that a pipe break in this system will incapacitate all nonsafety grade instruments in the zones of TMB system pipe routing, and an exception to the sacrificial approach in this case is considered justified.

Direct jet impingement or direct pipe whip are considered as the only causes of failure for those nonsafety grade instru-ments that are within such bounds.

Instrument air supply. line failure due to a HELB may cause the controlled component to fail in the designated safe position and, since the worst failure mode has been con-sidered in the analysis, air tubing failure is inherently enveloped by this study.

2. Pipe Whip Considerations Movement of a . circumferentially broken pipe is assumed to occur in the direction of the jet reaction while the pipe hinges at the nearest rigid support, anchor, or penetration, producing an arc of motion. The pipe is allowed to move in an arc with a radius from the break to the hinge point, and motion is assumed to be limited by pipes of equal or greater diameter or reinforced concrete walls, floors, or columns.

The whipping pipe is assumed capable of incapacitating any control systems components within the arc of motion. The sacrificial approach envelops these pipe whip considera-tions.


3. Jet Impingement Considerations Jet impingement is considered for both circumferential and longitudinal breaks. The basic approach assumed is that the jet from a postulated break is sufficient to fail all impacted components within the jet cone of influence~> except in those areas where major structures provide natural barriers. The sacrificial approach used in this analysis envelops these jet impingement considerations.

2.6 PLANT WALKDOWN Plant walkdown was conducted in two phases.

Zone maps for the reactor building, turbine building, and auxiliary bays were used during a plant walkdown to accurately define appropriate zones, giving due consideration to wall heights, location and types of doors, wall openings, etc. It was assumed that the locations of the high energy lines, control components and their associated taps and tubing are correctly represented in the referenced drawings. The results of this walkdown were incorporated in Revision 0 of this study.

A subsequent plant walkdown was conducted in Phase 2 to verify the location of control systems components and assess the proxim-ity of the components and associated taps and tubing to the high energy lines. The appropriate architectural, piping, and instru-ment location drawings were used for this purpose.

termined that some control components are located in zones dif-It was de-ferent from those assumed previously. Impulse and signal lines of certain components have been routed through a zone other than where the components of interest are located. Appendix D identi-fies such components by noting that they have been analyzed for the failure mode resulting from a break in process tubing only.

It was also established that HELB in the, turbine electro-hydraulic system will not incapacitate any additional nonsafety grade control components of .interest beyond those already in-cluded in this analysis.

All changes resulting from this walkdown have been reflected in Revision 1 of this report, and the changed areas are identified by a revision bar in the right-hand margin.

Instrument air supply line failure due to a HELB may render the controlled component to fail in the designated safe position and, since the worst failure mode has been considered i;n the analysis, air tubing failure is inherently enveloped by this study.

2.7 HELB ZONE ANALYSIS The detailed analysis was performed on a zone basis. The follow-ing description is representative of the analysis performed for each HELB zone. Appendix D, which presents the details of the analysis for each zone, follows this format.


.0 High Energy Systems Under each zone, the line for each system is listed based on its function. Each high energy line was reviewed to deter-mine the effects of a piping failure upon its own system.

This is done for each high energy line or group of lines having the same function independently, since only a single pipe break is postulated as the initiating event. The ef-fect of the break itself on reactor parameters was examined.

Due consideration has been given to interactions between adjacent zones as explained in Section 2.4.

2. Control Systems A list was made of all control system components within the zone .on a system basis. Where control components were grouped together, they have similar system failure effects.

The failure mode(s) of each component or group of components and the effects of their failure were reviewed. The worst possible mode as a result of single or group of components failure has been identified in the analysis. Where the worst.-mode is not readily discernible, all failure modes and their consequences have been analyzed.

3. Combined Effects The postulated piping failure for each HELB in the zone was examined in combination with the resulting worst case fail-ures of control system components in the zone to determine whether any combination of possible failures could exacer-bate the postulated HELB. The sacrificial approach was used, and the worst case combined HELB and possible conse-quential control system failures were defined and analyzed.

The consequences of these events were compared to the acci-dent and transient analyses presented in FSAR. Chapter 15, which include discussions of a single additional active com-ponent failure to ensure that they are bounded by existing FSAR Chapter 15 analyses.

3.0 DISCUSSION OF ANALYSIS The following conditions can occur individually or in combination as described under Combined Effects in Appendix D.

Turbine trip due to a loss of condenser vacuum.

2. Turbine trip due to high vibration.

3 ~ Turbine trip due to a high water level in the moisture separator.

4. Loss of feedwater flow due to a gradual loss of condensate inventory.


5. Complete loss of feedwater.
6. Loss of one or more reactor feed pumps.
7. Partial loss of feedwater heating.
8. Loss of RCIC pump.
9. Loss of one RCS pump.
10. Feedwater controller failure - Maximum demand.

Combination of hypothesized conditions.

Each of these conditions is analyzed below to determine the over-all consequences on reactor parameters.


l. A loss of main condenser vacuum could result either from a break in a high energy line leading to the condenser or steam jet air ejector or from a break in one'f the turbine sealing steam supply lines, allowing air leakage at the low-pressure turbine shaft seals. A loss of sealing steam would produce a much more gradual loss of condenser vacuum than would a break in a line from the condenser. Both con-ditions would lead to a turbine trip situation, which is bounded by Chapter 15.2.5 of the FSAR.

2-.- A turbine trip due to high vibration as a result of water induction could also lead to a "turbine trip with bypass" situation, since the bypass would not be affected and would operate as required.

3~ A turbine trip could occur as a result of a high level sig-nal from the moisture separator. This could occur either as a result of an actual high level or from a malfunctioning of the moisture separator high level switches. This would also result in a tu'rbine trip with bypass situation.

4. A loss of feedwater flow could result when a gradual loss of condensate occurs. Any high energy steam or water line break which could result in a loss of condensate at a rate which would exceed the maximum available condensate makeup is assumed to result in a gradual reduction in condensate inventory. The low hotwell level could ultimately trip feedwater pumps on low suction pressure.
5. A complete loss of feedwater would result when one of the main condensate or feedwater lines is assumed to rupture.

The feedwater pumps would no longer be able to feed the re-actor vessel, which would quickly lead to a reactor scram on low water level. This loss of feedwater flow transient is bounded by Section 15.6.6 of the FSAR."

0143-12177 "HC3 10

6. A loss of one reactor feedwater pump would result in a plant runback to no less than 68 percent of reactor rated load.

The remaining pump will not be started automatically; however, it is expected that it will be started manually to allow the plant to resume full load.

7. A partial loss of feedwater heating could occur when:
a. Steam extraction lines to heater are broken
b. Drain lines are ruptured
c. Heater controls are adversely affected
d. Feedwater/condensate is bypassed around heater, or
e. A heater string (train) is isolated.

The largest postulated reduction in feedwater temperature assumes the loss of the third through sixth feedwater heaters of one train and the partial loss'f fifth and sixth point heaters and second. and third point drain coolers of the other trains. A decrease in feedwater temperature of less than 1004F results in no adverse effect on reactor parameters. This event is bounded by Section 15.1.1 of the I FSAR.

8. Loss of reactor core isolation cooling pump can result from a break in the RCIC steam piping, but the break is auto-matically isolated by resultant high ambient temperature sensors, which are not postulated to fail (QA Category I).
9. Tripping a single reactor recirculation pump due to a fail-ure of instrumentation requires no safeguard or protection system operation as analyzed in FSAR Section 15.3.
10. Failure of feedwater control system could occur as a result of either feedwater flow transmitter failing the controller in maximum demand or feedwater flow valves failing in full open position. This event will lead to a high reactor vessel level causing reactor scram, turbine trip, and main feedwater pump trip. Failure of feedwater controller in maximum demand event is bounded by Section 15.1.2 of the FSAR.

The worst hypothesized combination of the above conditions can occur from a pipe break within the turbine building, which may simultaneously cause a partial loss of feedwater heating (condition 7) and a turbine trip (condition 1 or 2) if the appropriate controls are disabled, leading to improp-er valve positioning.


The reduction in feedwater inlet temperature causes a gradu-al rise in reactor power and, depending upon the specific timing of the event, the turbine trip may occur at a reactor power elevated between the operating value and the trip lev-el. It has been concluded that the occurrence of this event is highly unlikely. This conclusion is based in part on consideration of the probability that a combination of the following worst case conditions occurs concurrently:

a. The worst case pipe segment breaks on the most impor-tant line.
b. Pipe whip or jet impingement can strike all targets in an area and cause failures in worst case modes.
c. Breaks occur at worst case locations.
d. Both turbine trip and reactor high power>>level trip occur at appropriate (i.e., worst case) times.

Should the unlikely worst case combined sequence occur, the reactor may experience for a short time a change in critical power ratio (CPR), which is not covered under existing FSAR Chapter 15 analyses for the Unacceptable Results for Inci-dents of Moderate Frequency - Anticipated Operational Transients. However, the effects of this accident event, even considering a single active component failure in a mitigating safety system, pose no threat to the unacceptable results for Limiting Faults - Design Basis (Postulated)

Accidents presented in the FSAR Chapter 15.

All other combinations of the first ten conditions result in effects which are bounded by previously reported tran-sient conditions as analyzed in FSAR Chapter 15 and noted in Appendix D. It is concluded that the hypothesized HELB, with resulting effects on control systems, poses no signifi-cant risk to the health and safety of the public. There-fore, no further accident analysis or any design modifica-tion is necessary.

4' CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The detailed analysis of Appendix D presents a thorough dis-cussion of the analysis performed for those zones of the Turbine Building, Reactor Building, and Auxiliary Bay which required evaluation under the criteria set forth in Section 2.0. The sacrificial approach, as outlined in Section 2.7, with the exception noted in Section 2.5.2, has been strictly applied, and conservative assumptions have been made to all analyses of system failure. No credit has been taken for operator action in any event beyond those already assumed in the existing FSAR Chapter 15 analyses.

0143-12177-HC3 12

The worst case combined effects of the postulated HELB and conse-quential control systems failures have been examined and detailed in the Combined Effects section of Appendix D for each zone or related zones. In many cases, the postulated HELB is not exacer-bated by any combination of control systems failures in the zones. In some cases, control system component failures had in-significant effect on the controlled system and no further analy-sis was made. The applicable bounding FSAR Chapter 15 event has been referenced in the Combined Effects section of Appendix D for each zone where appropriate. These FSAR sections include the discussion of the effects of a single additional active component failure in a mitigating safety system and conclude that the combined consequence of failure is bounded by the existing analysis as described in Section 3.0 of this report entitled Discussion of Analysis.


l. Equipment Qualification Environmental Design Criteria (EQEDC) for Nine Mile Point Station - Unit 2, Revision 2
2. U;S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, IE Information Notice 79-22, Qualification of Control Systems
3. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory'ommission Safety Evaluation Report for Nine Mile Point Station - Unit 2, Section
4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standard Review Plan Determination of Break Locations and Dynamic Effects Associ-ated With the Postulated Rupture of Piping, Section 3.6.2, Branch Technical Position MEB 3-1, 1981
5. Stone Sr Webster Engineering Corporation and GE documents
a. Flow Diagram I,ist (attached)
b. Logic Diagram List (attached) c~ I,oop Diagram List (attached)
d. Piping Drawing List (attached)
e. Instrument Drawing List (attached) 0143"12177-HC3 13



~ +i 5 y: h'. I

Page 0'ystem 1 of 9 System +E I I mine t Ion Code Mumber Crl teria System Description

~O~~S~S AAS 12-9 M4 Breathing Air ABD 10-6 M5 Auxiliary Boiler Slowdown ABF 10"2 N5 Auxiliary Boiler FDW and CNOS ABH 13-11 N5 Auxiliary Boiler - Chemical Feed ABH 10" 1 N5 Auxiliary Boiler Steam AMN M2 AMN Input ARC 5-1 Condenser Air Removal ASR 3-10 N3 Auxiliary Steam - Radwaste ASS 3-9 Auxiliary Steam (Nuclear)

BYS 24-13 Battery System CCP 9-1 Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water CCS 9"7 Turbine Plant Component Cooling Water CEC M6 Electrical Equipment - Control Room CES M6 Electrical Equipment - Local CHS 33-2 N2 Containment Atmosphere Honltoring CNA 4-4 N4 Auxiliary Condensate CND 4-7 Condensa te Oemlnera I izer 4-1 Condensate CNO '4-10 Condensate Booster Pump Lube Oil System

<<Hore than one criteria may be applicable In some cases.


~X (Cont)

Page 2 of 9 System System "E I iml na t I on Code Number Crl teria System Description CNS Condensate Hakeup/Orawoff CPS 22-23 Primary Conte Inment Purge CRS 3-2 Cold Reheat CHS 2" 1 Circulating Mater DCS 2B-1 Nq Decontamination System OER 32-9 Reactor Building Equipment Drains l

OET 32-11 Turbine Bul ldlng Equipment Drains OFD 23" 11 Standby Diesel Gen Building Floor Drains DFE 23-8 Service Building Equipment and Floor Drains DFH 23-12 "

N4 Hlscellaneous Building Floor Drains OFR 23-6 N4 Reactor Bul ldlng Floor Drains DFT 23-7 M4 Turbine Bui ldlng Floor Drains OF/ 23-10 Radwaste Building Floor Drains DRS 22-22 Drywell Cooling OSH 32-7 Hoisture Separator Vents and Drain DSR 32-6 Holsture Separator RIITR Vents and Drains OTH 32-5 Turbine Bul Iding Hiscel laneous Drains DMS 23" 1 Nq Domestic Hater EGA 12-4 N7 Standby Diesel Generator Air Startup EGF 8-9 M7 Standby Diesel Generator Fuel EGP 24-9 N7 Standby Diesel Generator Protection EGS 2Q-9 N7 Standby Diesel Generator Protection A-2


Page 3 of 9 System System "Elimination Code Number Crl teria System Description EJS 24-11. 2 N7 Standby Station Service Substatlon ENS 24-9 N7 Standby Station Service Supply Breakers ERS N4 Earthquake Recording System ESS 3-4 Extraction Steam EXS Hain Generator Excitation System FOF 8-10 N4 Diesel Fire Pump Fuel Oll FPF 15-4 N4 Fire Protection - Foam FPG 15-5 N4 F I re Protect ion - Ha ion FPL 15-3 Fire Protection - Low-Pressure Carbon Dioxide FPH 15-7 N4 Fire Detection FPW 15-1 Fire Protection - Water FWL 7-3 FDW Pump 4 Drive Lube Oli FWP 6-4 FDW Pump Seal and Leakoff FWR 6-3 FDW Pump Recirculation FWS 6-1 Feedwater System GHC 16-8 Generator Stator Cooling Water GHH 16-7 Generator Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide L

GNL 16-10 Generator Leads Cooling GHO 16-6 Generator Seal Oil GSN 14-1 Nitrogen GTS 27-15 N7 Standby Gas Treatment HCS 27-13 N7 OBA Hydrogen Recomblner A-3

~~~ (Cont)

Page 4 of 9 System System <<E I lml na t I on Code Number Crl teria System Description HDH 6-6 High-Pressure FOW Heater Drain HDL 4-2 Low-Pressure FDW Heater Drain HRS 3-3 Hot Reheat HVC 22"9 M4, M7 Control Bul ldlng Air-Conditioning HVE 22-2 M4 Service Bul Idlng Ventl latlon HVG 22-17 M4 Glycol Heating HVH 22-16 Hot Water Heating HVI 22-29 N4 Auxiliary Boiler Room Ventilation HVK 22-12 N7 Control Building Chilled Water HVL 22-11 N4 Auxll,lary Service Building Ventilation HVN 22-1II N3 Ventilation Chilled Water HVO 22" 10 Office Building A/C HVP 22-7 N4,N7 Standby Diesel Gen Building Ventilation HVR 22-1 N3 Reactor Bul ldlng Ventl latlon 1

HVT 22-3 N3 Turbine Building Ventl lation 22-5 N4 Radvaste Building Ventilation HVY 22-8 N4, N7 Yard Structure Vent I I a t I on IAS 12-1 Instrument Air I HA N2 Annunciator System IHC Information System-Computer IHS TSC/CR/EOF-ERF ISO 27-19 N7 Containment Isolation A-4


Page 5 of 9 System System +E I lmlna t I on Code Numbor Cri teria System Description JRB N4 Personnel Air Locks LHS 33" 1 N4 Containment Leakage Honltorlng LOS 16-3 N4 Turb Gen Oil Conditioning and Storage LPH N4 Vibration and Loose Parts Honitorlng LWS 31 "1 N4 Radioactive Liquid Waste HIIN N4 Haterlal Handling System HHS N4 Heteorolog les I Honl torlng System HSS 3-1 Hain Steam (B22)

HWS 9" 15 N3 Hakeup Water NJS 24-10 N6 Normal Station Service - Substatlon NNS 24-8.4, 8.6 N6 Norma I Station Service kV Supply NPS 24-8.2 N6 Normal Station Service kV Supply OFG 31 "4 Off-Gas (N64)

PBS 23-3 N4 Sanl tery Bra Ins RRS N7 Redundant Reactor Control System SAS 12-2 N4 Service Air SCC N2 Bypass and Inoperative Status SCI N2 Off-Norma I Status Indicator SCH N2 Post Accident Honltorlng SFC 34"2 N4 Fuel Pool Cooling and Purification SPF 24-7. 1 N6 Res Sta Serv XFMR Hl-Side Line Protection SPG 1-5 Generator Trips A"5

~~O ~ (Cont)

Page 6 of 9 System System +Elimination Code Number Crl teria System Description SPG 24-2.1 Hain Generator Protection SPH 24-3 N6 Hain XFHR Protection SPR 24-5 Reserve Station Service XFHR Protection SPS 24-4 K6 Norma I Station Service XFHR Protection SPU 24-1 Unl t Protection SPX 24-6. 1 Station Auxiliary Power XFHR Protection SRR 23-2 N4 Roof Drainage 23"4 N4 Storm and Waste Water SSP 21-8 N5 Post Accident Sampling System SSR 21-2 Reactor Plant Sampling System SST 21-1 N2 Turbine Plant Sampling System SSW 21-4 N2 Radwaste Bulldlng Sampling System SVN 32" 14 FDW Heater Relief Drains and Vents SVV 32-8 N7 Hn Stm Safety. Valves - Vents and Drains SWP 9-10 Service Water H

SWR 31-6 N4 Seal Water Radwaste 5

SWT 9-13 N4 Traveling Screen Wash and Disposal U

SXS N4 Transient Ana)ysls SYO 24- I2.3 N6 Synchronizing - Standby Station Service SYG 24-12. 1 Synchoonizlng - Hain Generator SYS 24-12. 2 Synchronizing - Normal Station Service THA 1-4 Turbine Trips A-6


Page 7 of 9 System System "Elimination Code Number Crl teria System Oescriptlon 16-5. 2 Turbine Generator EH Fluid System 16-1 Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust THG 16-4 N5 Turbine Generator Turning Gear THI Turbine Generator Supervisory Instrument THL 16-2 Turbine Generator Lube OII.

THR 1-7 Unit Runback THS 16-9 Turbine Generator Exhaust liood Spray VTP 32-18 Turbine Plant Equipment Vents WOS 16" 12 N4 Haste Oil Olsposa I WSS 31-3 Radioactive Solid Haste WTA 13-20 Chemical Feed - Acid MTH 13 "4 N4 Chemical Feed - Hypochlorlte HTS 13-1 N4 Hater Treating - Raw Mater WTH 13-,3 N4 Water Treating - Haste Mater YUC 24-7.2 N6 SHY'upply to Reserve Station Service YXC 24-7.3 N6 345-kV Hotor-Operated Olsc Switch YXL 24"3.2 N6 345-kV Line Protection 24"7 230-kV Swltchyard Control N4 Station Grounding - Instruments k Controls A-7

~P Q~O X (Cont)

Page B of 9 System System +Elimination Code Number Criteria System Description SSS S S S ADS - . B22 N7 Automatic Oapressurlzatlon System (ADS)

CSN 27-4 E22 N7 IIIgh-Pressure Core Spray System CSL 27-5 E21 N7 Low>>Pressure Core Spray {LPCS)

FHS F15 NI Fuel Handling System FWC C33 Feedwater Control System ICS 27-6 E51 "

N7 Reactor Core lsol and Cool Ing System (RCIC)

LDS E31 N7 Leak Detection System NHS C51 Neutron Honitoring System NSS B22 Nuclear Boiler System RBH C12 Rod Block Honltorlng RCS 25-1 B35 Reactor Recirculation System RDS 36-1 C11 Control Rod Drive (CRO)

RIIS 27-7 E12 N7 Residual H>at. Removal System (RHR)

RMC C12 Reactor Hanual Control RHS 013 Radlatlo>> Honl tor RPS 1-6 C72 Reactor Protection System I

RSS C61 N7 Remote Shutdown System RWH C12 Rod Worth Hinlmlzer and Rod Sequence Control SLS 27-16 C41 N7 Standby Liquid Control System TIP C51 Travers ing In-Core Probe A-8 '

X ont)

Page 9 of 9 System System +Elimination Code Number Criteria System Description HCS 26-3 G33/G36 N3,N7 Reactor Mater Cleanup (RHCU)


APPENMX B CONTROL COHPONENT LIST AND FUNCTIONS Notes: l. Unless otherwise noted, all solenoid valves are mounted on the valve.

2. Zones AE, AF, J, E do not contain nonsafety related control components.

0 A


APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC240-606 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP"FS10A Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water Flow Switch From 2RCS-E4A Seal Cooler (B35"N004A) 0138-12177-HC3 B"PC240-2 0'. i

I AP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No PC250-618 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP-FS10B Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water Flow Switch From 2RCS-E4B Seal Cooler (B35-N004B)

CCP 2CCP-TE32B Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water Temperature From 2RCS-E4B Seal Cooler (B35"N003B)

RCS 2RCS-SOV45B Solenoid Operating Valve For 2RCS+AOV45B (B35-F079B)

RCS 2RCS-FS39B 2RCS-P1B Motor Seal Water Leak High Flow (B35-N002B)

RCS 2RCS-FS40B 2RCS-PlB Motor Seal Stage Flow (B35-N007B)

RCS 2RCS-TE12B 2RCS-P1B Recirculation Pump Suction Temperature (B35-N028B)

RCS 2RCS-TE13B 2RCS-PlB Recirculation Pump Suction Temperature (B35-N023B)

RCS 2RCS-TE28B 2RCS-PlB No. 2 Seal Cavity Temperature (B35-C001B-H2)

RCS 2RCS-TE29B 2RCS-P1B No. 1 Seal Cavity Temperature (B35-C001B-J2) 0138-12177-HC3 B-PC250-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC250-622 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion RCS 2RCS-SOV45A Solenoid Operating Valve For 2RCS+AOV45A (B35-F079A)

RCS 2RCS-FS39A 2RCS-PlA Motor Seal Mater Ieak High Flow (B35"N002A)

RCS 2RCS-FS40A 2RCS-PlA Motor Seal Stage Flow (B35-N007A)

RCS 2RCS-LS32A 2RCS-PlA Motor Low Bearing Oil Level High (B35"C001A-LSH)

RCS 2RCS-TE12A 2RCS-P1A Recirculation -Pump Suction Temperature (B35-N028A)

RCS 2RCS-TE13A 2RCS-PlA Recirculation Pump Suction Temperature (B35-N023A)

RCS 2RCS-TE28A 2RCS-PlA No. 2 Seal Cavity Temperature (B35-C001A-H1)

RCS 2RCS-TE29A 2RCS-PlA No. 1 Seal Cavity Temperature (B35-C001A-J1) 0138-12177-HC3 B-PC250-2


A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC250-624 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP"FS34A Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Mater Flow Switch From 2RCS-E5A/C Motor Cooler (B35"NOOBA)

CCP 2CCP-TE26A Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Mater Temperature From 2RCS-E5A/C Motor Cooler (B35-N009A) 0138-12177-HC3 B-PC250-3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC261-637 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP-FS34B Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water Flow Switch From 2RCS-E5B/D Motor Cooler (B35-N008B)

CCP 2CCP-TE26B Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water Temperature From 2RCS-E5B/D Motor Cooler (B35-N009B)

CCP 2CCP-TE95B Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water Temperature from 2RCS-E2B/B3B Motor Cooler (B35-N001B) 0138-12177"HC3 B-PC260"1

AP IX,B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC261-643 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion RCS 2RCS-I.S32B .:-. 2RCS-PlB Motor I,ow Bearing Oil I.evel High (B35-C0018 LSH)

RCS 2RCS-LS34A 2RCS-PlA Motor Up Bearing Oil Low (B35-C001A-LSL)

RCS 2RCS-LS35A 2RCS-PlA Motor Up Bearing Oil High (B35-C001A"LSH)

RCS 2RCS-LS36A 2RCS-P1A Motor Cooler Water I,evel High (B35-C001A-LSH)

RCS 'RCS-LS36C 2RCS-PlA Motor Cooler Water Level High (B35"C001A-LSH)

RCS 2RCS-NBS20A 2RCS-P1A Motor Vibration High (B35-C001A-VBSH)

RCS 2RCS-TE21A 2RCS-P1A Motor Up Thrust Bearing Temperature (B35-C001A-A1)

RCS 2RCS-TE22A 2RCS-PlA Motor Low Thrust Bearing Temperature (B35-C001A-B1)

RCS 2RCS-TE23A 2RCS-P1A Motor Low Guide Bearing Temperature (B35-C001A-C1)

RCS 2RCS-TE24A 2RCS-P1A Motor Winding A Temperature (B35-C001A-D1)

RCS 2RCS-TE25A 2RCS-PlA Motor Winding B Temperature (B35"C001A-E1) 0138-12177-HC3 B-PC261-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC261-643 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device 'ID No. Function Descri tion RCS 2RCS-TE26A 2RCS-PlA Motor Winding C Temperature (B35-C001A-Fl)

RCS 2RCS-TE27A 2RCS-PlA Motor Low Guide Bearing Temperature (B35-C001A-Gl) 0138-12177-HC3 B-PC261"2 e

AP~IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC261-646 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP-TE95A Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Mater Temperature From 2RCS-E2A/83A Hotor Cooler (B35"N001A) 0138"12177-HC3 B-PC261-3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC261-651 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion RCS 2RCS-LS33A 2RCS-PlA Motor Low Bearing Oil Low (B35-C001A-ISL)

RCS 2RCS-LS338 2RCS-PlB Motor Low Bearing Oil Low (B35"C001B-ISL)

RCS 2RCS-LS34B 2RCS-PlB Motor Up Bearing Oil Low (B35-C001B-LSL)

RCS 2RCS-LS35B 2RCS-P1B Motor Up Bearing Oil High (B35-C001B-LSH)

RCS 2RCS-LS36B 2RCS-PlB Motor Cooler Water I.evel High (B35-C001B-LSH)

RCS 2RCS-LS36D 2RCS-P18 Motor Cooler Water Level High


RCS 2RCS-NBS20B 2RCS-PlB Motor Uibration High (B35-C001B-VBSH)

RCS 2RCS-TE21B 2RCS-P18 Motor Up Thrust Bearing Temperature (B35-C001B-A2)

RCS 2RCS-TE22B 2RCS-PlB Motor Low Thrust Bearing Temperature (B35-C001B-B2) 1 RCS 2RCS-TE23B 2RCS-PlB Motor Low Guide Bearing Temperature (B35-C001B-C2)

RCS 2RCS-TE24B 2RCS-PlB Motor Winding A Temperature (B35-C001B-D2) 0138-12177"HC3 B"PC261"4

0 A NDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. PC261-651 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion RCS 2RCS-TE25B 2RCS-P1B Motor Winding B Temperature (B35-C001B-E2)

RCS 2RCS-TE26B 2RCS-P1B Motor Winding C Temperature (B35"C001B-F2)

RCS 2RCS-TE27B 2RCS-PlB Motor Low Guide Bearing Temperature (B35-C001B-G2) 0138-12177"HC3 B-PC261-5

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. ABN 17503 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP-I/P108 Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Temperature Control CCP 2CCP-TV108 Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Temperature Control Valve 0138-12177-HC3 B-ABN175

AP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 175102 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID 'No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP-PS45A Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Booster Pump 2CCP-P3A Suction Pressure Low CCP 2CCP"PS45B Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Booster Pump 2CCP-P3B Suction Pressure Low CCP 2CCP-PS45C Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Booster Pump 2CCP-P3C Suction Pressure Low

'CP 2CCP-PS47A Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Booster Pump 2CCP-P3A Discharge Header Pressure Low CCP 2CCP-PS47B Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Booster Pump 2CCP-P3B Discharge Header Pressure I,ow CCP 2CCP-PS47C Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Booster Pump 2CCP-P3C Discharge Header Pressure Low 0138-12177-HC3 B-SC175

APPENDIX 8 CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 215122 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Qeviee ID No. Function Descri tion 2RDS-PS14A Control Rod Drive Water Pump 2RDS-PlA Discharge Pressure Low (C12-N018A) 2RDS-PS14B Control Rod Drive Water Pump 2RDS-P18 Discharge Pressure Low (C12-N0188) 2RDS-PS2A Control Rod Drive Mater Pump 2RDS-PlA Suction Pressure Low (C12-N001A)

RDS 2RQS-PS28 Control Rod Drive Mater Pump 2RDS-P18 Suction Pressure Low (C12-N001B) 0138-12]77"HC3 8"SC215

AP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 261145 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID Mo.. Function Descri tion 2RDS "PT108 Charging Water Header Pressure (C12-N005) 2RDS"FT112 RDS Drive Water Flow (C12-N007) 2RDS-FT115 RDS Cooling Water Flow (C12-N009) 2RDS"FE 107 RDS Cooling Water Flow (C12-N003)

B35 2ISAPT115 Recirc Pump Thermal Shock Interlock (B35-N040)

B35 2RCS+PT84B High Drywell Pressure (B35-N050B)

B35 2RCSA'ACT2A Recirc Power Unit (B35-D003)

C33 2ISKPT108 Recirc Pump Thermal Shock Interlock (C33-N005)

C33 2ISC4PDT14A Reactor Vessel Level (C33-N004A)

C33 2ISAPDT14B Reactor Vessel Level (C33-N004B) 0138-12177-HC3 B"SC261

0 APPE B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 261145 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion C33 2ISC~PTl09 Reactor Pressure (C33-N008)

RDS Transponder Manual Rod Control Branch Junction Modules 0138-12177-HC3 B-SC261

0 0


'.'ystem Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP-PS96A Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Pump 2CCP-P1A Discharge Header Pressure Low CCP 2CCP-PS96B Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Pump 2CCP-PlB Discharge Header Pressure Low CCP 2CCP-PS96C Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Pump 2CCP-P1C Discharge Header Pressure Low IAS 2IAS-PS178 ADS Compressor Receiver Tank 2IASMJ4 Pressure High IAS 2IAS-PS180 ADS Compressor Receiver Tank 2IASMK4 Pressure High IAS 2IAS"PS183 ADS Compressor Receiver Tank 2IAS~5 Pressure High IAS 2IAS-PS185 . ADS Compressor Receiver Tank 2IAS TK5 Pressure High 0138-12177-HC3 B-SC289

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 289182 System Instrument/ Instrument(Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CNS 2CNS"PCV132 Condensate Makeup and Drawoff Mater to Spent Fuel Pool Pressure Control Valve 0138-12177-HC3 B-SC2&9-1

4 A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 289359 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion SWP 2SWP-AOV568 Reactor Building Ventilation Supply Cooler 2SWP-CLC2 Cooling Water Inlet Valve 2SWP-SOV568 SWP 2SWP-AOV569 Reactor Building Ventilation Supply Cooler 2SWP-CLC2 Cooling Water Inlet Valve 2SWP-SOV569 0138-12177-HC3 B-SC289-2

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. SC 328193 System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCP 2CCP"AOV120 Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Expansion Tank 2CCP-TK1 Fill Valve CCP ~ 2CCP-LS120 Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Expansion Tank-2CCP-TK1 Normal and Low Level CCP 2CCP-PS67A Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Pump 2CCP-PlA Suction Pressure I,ow CCP 2CCP-PS67B Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Pump 2CCP-PlB Suction Pressure Low CCP 2CCP-PS67C Reactor Plant Component Cooling Mater Pump 2CCP-PlC Suction Pressure Low CCP 2CCP-SOV120 Reactor Plant Component Cooling Water Expansion Tank 2CCP-TK1 Fill Valve Air Control Valve 0138-12177-HC3 B"SC328

'0 e

AP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion ASS 2ASS-PIC125 Off-gas steam pressure controller ASS 2ASS-PIC140 Off-gas preheater steam pressure controller OFG 20FG-AOV103 Off-gas system discharge to stack isolation valve 20FG-SOV103 OFG 20FG-AOV45A Vacuum pump 20FG-P1A inlet valve 20FG-SOV45A OFG 20FG-AOV45B .

Vacuum pump 20FG-P1B inlet valve 20FG-SOV45B OFG 20FG-AOV52A Vacuum pump 20FG-P1A outlet valve 20FG-SOV52A OFG 20FG-AOV52B Vacuum pump 20FG-PlB outlet valve 20FG-SOV52B OFG 20FG-AT16A Condenser 20FG-CND1A hydrogen analyzer OFG 20FG-AT16B Condenser 20FG-CNDlB hydrogen analyzer OFG 20FG-ASHH16A Offgas condenser 20FG-CND1A outlet hydrogen concentration extreme high OFG 20FG-ASHH16B Offgas condenser 20FG-CNDlB hydrogen concentration extreme high OFG 20FG-FT3A Condenser 20FG-CND1A discharge flow OFG 20FG-FT3B Condenser 20FG-CNDlB discharge flow OFG 20FG-FSH3A Offgas condenser 20FG-CND1A discharge flow high 0138-12177-HC3 B-AA-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion OFG 20FG-FSH3B Offgas condenser 20FG-CNDlB discharge flow high OFG 20FG-FSL3A Offgas condenser 20FG-CNDlA discharge flow low OFG 20FG-FSL3B Offgas condenser 20FG-CND1B discharge flow low OFG 20FG-PDIS117 Off-gas dryer differential pressure high OFG. 20FG-PT44A Vacuum pump 20FG-P1A suction pressure control OFG 20FG-PT44B Vacuum pump 20FG-PlB suction pressure control OFG 20FG-P1C44A Offgas vacuum pump 20FGP1A suction pressure controller OFG 20FG-P1C44B Offgas vacuum pump 20FG-P1B suction pressure controller OFG 20FG-I/P44A Current to pneumatic transducer for vacuum pump pressure control OFG 20FG-I/P44B Current to pneumatic transducer for vacuum pump pressure control OFG 20FG-PV44A Vacuum pump 20FG-P1A suction pressure control valve 20FG-SOVX44A 20FG-SOVY44A OFG 20FG-PV44B Vacuum pump 20FG-PlB suction pressure control valve 20FG-SOVX44B 20FG-SOVY44B OFG, 20FG-PT71A Preheater 20FG-ElA inlet pressure OFG 20FG-PT71B Preheater 20FG-E1B inlet pressure control


013S-12177-HC3 B-AA-2

Aa IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion OFG 20FG-I/P71A Current to pneumatic converter for preheater inlet pressure control loop OFG 20FG-I/P71B Current to pneumatic converter for preheater inlet pressure control loop OFG 20FG-P1C71A Preheater 20FG-ElA inlet pressure controller OFG 20FG-P1C71B Preheater 20FG-ElB inlet pressure controller OFG 20FG-AOVllA Condenser 20FG-CNDlA outlet valve (to off-gas) 20FG-SOV11A.

OFG 20FG-AOV11B Condenser 20FG-CNDlB outlet valve (to off-gas) 20FG-SOU11B OFG 20FG-AOU1A Preheater 20FG-E1A inlet valve 20FG-SOV1A OFG 20FG-AOV1B Preheater 20FG-E1B inlet valve 20FG-SOV1B OFG 20FG-AOV4A Dryer 20FG-DRYlA inlet valve 20FG-SOV4A OFG 20FG-AOV4B Dryer 20FG-DRY1B inlet valve 20FG-SOV4B OFG 20FG-AOV4C Dryer 20FG-DRYlC inlet valve 20FG-SOV4C OFG 20FG-AOV5A Dryer 20FG-DRYlA outlet valve 20FG-SOV5A 0138-12177-HC3 B-AA-3

APPENDIX 8 CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device IQ No. Function Descri tion OPG 20FG-AOU58 Dryer 20FG-DRY18 outlet valve 20FG-SOV58 OFG 20FG-SOV5C Dryer 20FG-DRY1C outlet valve 20FG-'SOV5C OFG 20FG-AOV9A Preheater strainer 20FG-STRlA blowdown valve 2QFG"SOV9A OPG 20PG-AOU98 Preheater strainer 20FG-STR18 blowdown valve 20FG-SOV98 OFG 20FG-LIC20A Condenser 20FG-CNDlA level controller OFG 20FG-LIC208 Condenser 20FG-CND18 level controller OFG 20FG-LT20A Condenser 20FG-CNDlA level transmitter OPG 20FG-LT208 Condenser 20PG-CND18 level transmitter OFG 20FG-LV20A Condenser 20FG-CNDlA level control valve 20FG-SOVX20A 20FG-SOVY20A OFG 20FG-LV208 Condenser 20FG-CNDlA level control valve 20FG-SOVX208 20FG-SOVY208 OFG 20FG-LV28A Dryer 20FG-DRY1A drain control valve 20FG-SOV28A 0138-12177-HC3 8"AA"4

A HDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion OFG 20FG"LV28B Dryer 20FG-DRY1B drain control valve 20FG-SOV28B OFG 20FG-LV28C Dryer 20FG-DRY1C drain control valve 20FG-SOV28C OFG 20FG-PV71A Auxiliary steam supply to off-gas system pressure control valve (train A)

OFG 20FG-PV71B Auxiliary steam supply to off-gas system pressure control valve (train B)

OFG 20FG-RE13A Off-gas pretreatment header radiation monitor (train A - isolates on high radiation) 20FG-FT13A OFG 20FG-,RE13B Off-gas pretreatment header radiation monitor (train B - isolates on high radiation) 20FG-FT13B OFG 20FG-LIS20A Condenser 20FG-CND1A level high/low (input to 20FG-LV20A control logic)

OFG 20FG-LIS20B Condenser 20FG-CNDlB level high/low (input to 20FG-LV20B control logic)

OFG 20FG-LIS28A Freeze out dryer 200FG-DRY1A drain control level OFG 20FG-LIS28B . Freeze out dryer 200FG"DRYlB drain control level OFG 20FG-LIS28C Freeze out dryer 200FG-DRYlC drain control level OFG 20FG-PCV111 Offgas system maheup air pressure regulator OFG 20FG-PCV63A Offgas freeze out dryer 200FG-DRY1A evaporator pressure regulator OFG 20FG-PCV63B Offgas freeze out d~yer 200FG-DRYlA evaporator pressure regulator 0138"12177-HC3 B-AA-5

APPENDIX B CONTROL COHPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion OFG 20FG-PCV63C Offgas freeze out dryer 200FG-DRY1A evaporator pressure regulator OFG 20FG-SOV112 Offgas system lod air flow makeup valve OFG 20FG-SOV14A Offgas preheater 20FG-E1A auxiliary steam supply OFG 20FG"SOV14B Offgas preheater 20FG-E1B auxiliary steam supply OFG 20FG-SOV62A Offgas dryer 20FG-DRYlA refrigerator defrost solenoid OFG 20FG-SOV62B Offgas dryer 20FG-DRY1B refrigerator defrost solenoid OFG 20FG-SOV62C Offgas dryer 20FG-DRYlC refrigerator defrost solenoid OFG 20FG-SOV70A Offgas preheater 20FG-ElA steam inlet valve OFG 20FG-SOV70B Offgas preheater 20FG-E1B steam inlet valve OFG 20FG-TCV6A Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRYlA temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV6B Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRY1B temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV6C Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRYlC temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV7A Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRYlA temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV7B Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRYlB temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV7C Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRY1C temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV8A Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRY1A temperature control valve 0138-12177-HC3 B-AA-6


APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AA System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion OFG 20FG-TCV8B Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRYlB temperature control valve OFG 20FG-TCV8C Freeze out dryer 20FG-DRYlC temperature control valve 0138-12177-HC3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AB System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Descri tion Function 2TME-PT103 Clean steam reboiler discharge header pressure 2TME-PT107 Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam seal reducer pressure 2TME"PClll Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system main steam pressure reducing valve controller 2TME"PV111 Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system main steam pressure reducing valve 2TME-PCV114 Clean steam reboilers common discharge to gland seal pressure control valve.

013B-12177-HC3 B-AB-1


A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. AC System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion THE 2TME-HV21A Condensate feed to clean steam boiler 2TME-ElA isolation valve 2TME-SOV21A /

TME 2TME-LS12A Clean steam boiler 2THE-E1A shell level high TME 2TME-LS13A Clean steam boiler 2THE-E1A shell level high (closes 2TME-LV13A on high level)

TME 2TME-LT13A Clean steam boiler 2TME-ElA shell level TME 2TME-LV13A Clean steam boiler 2TME-ElA shell level control valve 2TME-SOV13A 0138-12177-HC3 B-AC-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COHPONENTS Zone No. AD System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion THE 2THE-HV21B Condensate feed to clean steam boiler 2THE-E1B isolation valve 2THE-SOV21B THE 2THE-LS12B Clean steam boile~ 2THE-ElB shell level high THE 'THE-LS13B Clean steam boiler 2THE-E1B shell level high (closes 2THE-LV13B on high level)

THE 2THE-IT13B Clean steam boiler 2THE-ElB shell level THE 2TME-LV13B Clean steam boiler 2THE-EIB shell level control valve 2THE-SOV13B 0138-12177-HC3 B-AD-1

~ :

AP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. A System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-FV294 Condensate recycle outlet valve to main condenser 2CNM-TV121 Condensate to exhaust hood spray temperature control valve CWS 2CWS-LS51A Condenser discharge water box level low CWS 2CWS-LS51B Condenser discharge water box level low CWS 2CWS-LS51C Condenser discharge water box level low CWS 2CWS-LS51D Condenser discharge water box level low CWS 2CWS-LS51E Condenser discharge water box level low CWS 2CWS-LS51F Condenser discharge water boc level low DTM 2DTM-AOV102 Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust'ystem low point drain strainer 2DTM-'STR43 blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV102 DTM 2DTM-AOV111 Auxiliary steam header low point drain valve 2DTM-SOV111 DTM 2DTM-AOV143 Steam seal header low point drain header strainer 2DTM-STR143 blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV143 DTM 2DTM-AOV166 Steam seal header low point drain header strainer 2DTM-STR155 blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV166 DTM 2DTM-AOV5A Extraction steam upstream drain valve 2DTM-SOV5A 0138"12177-HC3 B-A-1


System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DTM 2DTM-AOU5B Extraction steam upstream drain valve 2DTM-SOV5B DTM 2DTM-AOV5C Extraction steam upstream drain valve 2DTM-SOV5C 2HRS-PS107 Moisture separator reheater cross around pressure 2HRS"PS108 Moisture separator reheater cross around pressure HRS 2HRS-CIVl L.P. turbine 2TMS-T2A combined intermediate valve 2HRS"CIV6 HRS 2HRS-CIV2 L.P. turbine 2TMS-T2B combined intermediate valve 2HRS"CIV5 HRS 2HRS-CIV3 L.P. turbine 2TMS-T2C combined intermediate valve 2HRS-CIV4 MSS 2MSS-AOV191 Main steam combined header drain valve 2MSS-SOV191 MSS 2MSS-AOU194 Turbine steam bypass chest drain valve 2MSS-SOV194 MSS 2MSS-AOV203 Main steam combined header drain valve 2MSS SOV203 MSS 2MSS-AOV205 Turbine steam bypass chest drain valve 2MSS-SOV205 0138-12177-HC3 B-A-2

A BENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. A System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion MSS 2MSS-PSV89A Turbine bypass chest valve MSS 2MSS-PSV89B Turbine bypass chest valve MSS 2MSS-PSV89C Turbine bypass chest valve MSS 2MSS-PSV89D Turbine bypass chest valve MSS 2MSS-PSV89E Turbine bypass chest valve SVH 2SVH-HV14A - First point heater 2CNM-E1A channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV14A SVH 2SVH<<HV14B First point heater 2CNM-ElB channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV14B SVH 2SVH-HV14C First point heater 2CNM-ElC channel drain valve 2SVH"SOV14C SVH 2SVH-HV1A First point heater 2CNM-E1A channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV1A SVH 2SVH-HVlB First point heater 2CNM-E1B channel drain valve 2SVH-SOVlB SVH 2SVH-HV1C First point heater 2CNM-E1C channel drain valve 2SVH-SOVlC SVH 2SVH-HV24A Second point heater 2CNM-E2A channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV24A 0138-12127-HC3 B-A-3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. A System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion SVH 2SVH-HV24B Second point heater 2CNM-E2B channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV24B SVH - 2SVH-HV24C Second point heater 2CNM-E2C channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV24C SVH 2SVH-HV2$ Second point heater 2CNM-E2A shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV2A SVH 2SVH"Nf2B Second point heater 2CNM-E2B shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV2B SVH 2SVH-HV2C Second point heater 2CNM-E2C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV2C TMA 2TMA-PSXlA Turbine condenser vacuum low trip TMA 2TMA-PSXlB Turbine condenser vacuum low trip TMA 2TMA-PSXlC Turbine condenser vacuum low trip TMA 2TMA-PSYlA Turbine condenser vacuum low trip TMA 2TMA-PSY1B Turbine condenser vacuum low trip TMA 2TMA-PSY1C Turbine condenser vacuum low trip TMA 2TMA-TS3A Turbine exhaust, hood temperature high-high TMA 2TMA-TS3B Turbine exhaust hood temperature high-, high 0138-12177-HC3 B-A-4

AP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. A System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2TMA-TS3C Turbine exhaust hood temperature high-high TMB 2TMB-HVY130 Extraction air relay dump valve TMB 2TMB-PS109 EHC hydraulic pressure low TMB 2TMB-PS110 EHC fluid pump A auto start TMB 2TMB-PS111 EHC fluid pump B auto start TMB 2TMB"PS112 EHC hydraulic pressure low TMB 2TMB-PS12A EHC fluid pump A discharge pressure low TMB 2TMB"PS12B EHC fluid pump B discharge pressure low TMB 2TMB-PS2A Emergency trip oil pressure low TMB 2TMB-PS2B Emergency trip oil pressure low TMB 2TMB-PSX13A Thrust bearing wear detector TMB 2TMB-PSX13B .-. Thrust bearing wear detector TMB 2TMB-PSY13A Thrust bearing wear detector TMB 2TMB"PSY13B Thrust bearing wear detector TMB 2TMB"SE123 Bearing metal temperature TMB 2TMB"SE124 Bearing metal temperature 0138"12177-HC3 B-A-5

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. A System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion THB 2TMB-SE125 Bearing metal temperature TML 2THL-PS14A Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6A) 2TML-PS14B Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6B)

THL 2TML-PS14C Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6C)

THL 2THL-PS14D Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6D)

TML 2THL"PS14E Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6E)

TML 2TML-PS14F Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6F)

TML 2TML-PS14G Turbine generator t.ube oil lift pump suction pressure low (P6G)

TML 2THL-PS14H Turbine generator lube oil lift pump suction pre'ssure low (P6H)

THL 2TML-PS15A Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low TML 2THL-PS15B Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low THL 2THL-PS15C Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low TML 2TML-PS15D Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low TML 2TML-PS15E Turbine'generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low THL 2TML-PS15F Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low THL 2THL-PS15G Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low 0138-12177-HC3 B-A-6

A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. A System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion TML 2TML"PS15H Turbine generator lube oil lift pump discharge pressure low TMS 2TMS-TT101 Turbine generator exhaust hood spray hood A temperature TMS 2TMS-TT102 Turbine generator exhaust hood spray hood B TMS 2TMS"TY103 Turbine generator exhaust hood spray temperature select 0138-12177-HC3 B-A-7

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS'one No. B System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2ARC-HV25A Condenser 2CNM-CND1A air take-off valve 2ARC-SOV25A 2ARC-HV25B Condenser 2CNM-CND1B air take-off valve 2ARC-SOV25B 2ARC-HV25C Condenser 2CNM-CND1C air take-off valve 2ARC-SOV25C ARC 2ARC-HV26A Condenser 2CNM-CND1A air take-off valve 2ARC-SOV26A 2ARC-HV26B Condenser 2CNM-CNDlB air take-off valve 2ARC-SOV26B 2ARC-HV26C Condenser 2CNM-CND1C air take-off valve 2ARC-SOV26C ASS 2ASS-PV106 Auxiliary steam to building heating intermediate heat exchangers pressure control valve 2ASS-SOV106 ASS 2ASS-PV113 Auxiliary steam to clean steam reboilers pressure control valve 2ASS-SOV113 ASS 2ASS-STV112 Clean steam reboiler trip valve 2ASS-SOV112 ASS 2ASS-STV143 Building heating steam trip valve 2ASS-SOV143 ASS 2ASS-AOV144 Auxiliary steam to off-gas system header drain valve 2ASS-SOV144 0138-12177-HC3 B-B-1



System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CNS 2CNS-AOV304 Condenser hotwell level emergency makeup valve 2CNS-SOV304 CNS 2CNS-LS104 Condenser hotwell level low (emergency makeup)

CNS 2CNS-LT103 Condenser hotwell normal makeup level control CNS 2CNS-LT105 Condenser hotwell drawoff level control CNS 2CNS-LV105 Condenser hotwell drawoff level control valve DSM 2DSM-LS78A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4 high level (control for 2DSM-LV78A)

DSM 2DSM-LV78A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4 'high level drain valve 2DSM-SOV78A DSR 2DSR-LS67A Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A extreme high level DSR 2DSR-AOV83A Moisture Separator Reheater Vents and Drains scavenging steam isolation valve 2DSR-SOV83A DSR 2DSR-AOV84A Moisture Separator Reheater Vents and Drains scavenging steam header warm-up valve 2DSR-SOV84A DSR 2DSR-LV68A Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A high level drain valve 2DSR-SOV68A 2DSR-SOVX68A DSR 2DSR-LS68A 2DSR-TK6 drain receiver level DTM 2DTM-AOV106 Nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV109 after seat drain 2DTM-SOV106 valve'138-12177-HC3'-B"2


System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DTM 2DTM-AOV107 Auxiliary steam low point drain valve (2ASS-V31 after seat drain) 2DTM-SOV107 DTH 2DTM-AOV108 Auxiliary steam to off-gas system header low point drain valve 2DTM-SOV108 DTM 2DTM-AOV104 Sixth point heater extraction header drain valve 2DTM-SOV104 2DTM-AOV105 Fifth point heater extraction header drain valve 2DTM-SOV105 DTM 2DTM-AOV119 Nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV114 after seat drain valve 2DTM-SOV119 2DTH"AOV144 Auxiliary steam to clean steam reboiler low point drain valve 2DTM-SOV144 DTM 2DTM-AOV157 Extraction header drain valve 2DTH-SOV157 DTM 2DTM-AOV2A Fifth point heater extraction drain line valve 2DTH-SOV2A DTM 2DTM-AOV2B Fifth point heater extraction drain line valve 2DTM-SOV2B DTH 2DTM-AOV2C Fifth point heater extraction drain line valve 2DTH-SOV2C DTH 2DTM-AOV3A Fourth point heater extraction drain line valve 2DTM-SOV3A 0138-12177-HC3 B-B-3


A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS 'one No. B System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DTM 2DTM-AOV3B Fourth point heater extraction drain line valve 2DTM-SOV3B DTM 2DTM-AOV3C Fourth point heater extraction drain line valve 2DTM-SOV3C DTM 2DTM-AOV126 Auxiliary steam low point drain valve (after 2ASS-TV5A) 2DTM-SOV126 DTM 2DTM-AOV127 Auxiliary steam low point drain valve (after 2ASS-TV5B) 2DTM-SOV127 DTM 2DTM-AOV128 Auxiliary steam to building heating heat exchanger low point drain strainer 2DTM-STR33 blowdown 2DTM-SOV128 valve DTM 2DTM-AOV142 Auxiliary steam low point drain valve (2ASS-V31 after seat drain valve) 2DTM-SOV142 DTM 2DTM-AOV30A Air ejector motive steam line drain strainer 2DTH-STR34A blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV30A DTH 2DTM-AOV30B Air ejector motive steam line drain strainer 2DTM-STR34B blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV30B DTM 2DTM-AOV31A Air ejector motive steam line drain strainer 2DTM-STR37A blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV31A DTH 2DTM-AOV31B Air ejector motive steam line drain strainer 2DTM-STR37B blowdown valve 2DTM-SOV31B DTM 2DTM-AOV4A Extraction steam nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV114 after seat drain line valve 2DTH-SOV4A 0138-12177-HC3 B-B-4


System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DTH 2DTM-AOV8A Extraction steam nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV34A downstream drain line valve 2DTM-SOV8A DTM 2DTM-AOV8B Extraction steam nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV34B downstream drain line valve 2DTM-SOV8B DTM 2DTM-AOV8C Extraction steam nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV34C downstream drain line valve 2DTH-SOV8C DTM 2DTM-AOV6A Auxiliary steam to off-gas system header low point drain valve 2DTM-SOV6A DTM 2DTM-AOV6B Auxiliary steam to off-gas'ystem header low point drain valve 2DTM"SOV6B DTM 2DTH-AOV7A Auxiliary steam to building heating heat exchanger low point drain strainer 2DTM-STR56A blowdown 2DTH-SOV7A valve DTM 2DTM-AOV7B . Auxiliary steam to building heating heat exchanger low point drain strainer 2DTM-STR56B blowdown 2DTM-SOV7B valve DTH 2DTH-AOV4B Auxiliary steam system drain valve 2DTM-SOV4B DTM 2DTH-AOV144 Auxiliary steam to clean steam reboiler valve 2DTM-SOV144 2FWS-.LV55B Condensate hotwell level control bypass valve (C33"F002B) 2HDH-LV26B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B emergency drain valve 2HDH-SOV26B 0138-12177-NC3 B-B-5

~ '

' A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. B System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL-LV24B Fourth point heat'er 2CNM-.E4B emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV24B 2HDL"LV2B Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2B level control valve 2HDL-LV2C Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2C level control valve 2HDL-LV3C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C level control valve 2HDL-LV22A Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV22A 2HDL-LV22B Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2B emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV22B 2HDL-LV22C Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2C emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV22C 2HDL-LV23A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV23A 2HDL-LV24A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A emergency drain vaive 2HDL-SOV24A HDL 2HDL-LV25A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV25A 2HDL-LV25B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV25B 2HDL-LV25C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV25C 0138-12177-HC3 B"B"6


System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL-LV2A 'Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A level control valve HDL 2HDL-LV3A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A level control valve HDL 2HDL-LV3B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B level control valve 2HDL-LV24C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C emergency drain'- valve 2HDL-SOV24C 2HDL-LV23B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B emergency drain valve 2HDL-SOV23B 2HDL-LV23C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C emergency drain valve 2HDL"SOV23C 2HDH-LV26A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A emergency drain valve 2HDH-SOV26A HDH 2HDH-LV26C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C emergency drain valve 2HDH-SOV26C MSS 2MSS-I/P22A Current to pneumatic transducer for'control of 2MSS-PV28A and 2MSS-PV29A MSS 2MSS-PV28A Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElA high pressure steam control valve MSS 2MSS-PV29A Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-E1A low pressure steam control valve MSS 2MSS-AOV180 RSSV before seat drain valve 2MSS-SOV180 MSS 2MSS-AOV92A Main steam to reheater 2MSS-E1A valve 2MSS-SOV92A 0138-12177-HC3 B"B-7

A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. B System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion MSS 2MSS-AOV10B High pressure turbine steam lead drain valve 2MSS-SOV10B MSS. 2MSS-AOV10D High pressure turbine steam lead drain valve 2MSS-SOV10D TME 2TME-AOV130 Gland exhaust cooler drain receiver tank 2TME-TK1 level control valve 2TME"SOV130 0138-12177-HC3 B-B-8

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. C System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2ARC-AOV104 Air ejector isolation valve 2ARC-.SOV104 ASS 2ASS-AOV145 Auxiliary steam to clean steam boilers inlet valve 2ASS-SOV145 ASS 2ASS-PV146 Auxiliary steam to clean steam boilers steam pressure control valve 2ASS-SOV146 2CNM-FV114 Condensate recirculation flow control valve 2CNM-SOV114 2CNM-FV38A Condenste recirculation flow control valve 2CNM-SOV38A (Train A) 2CNM-FV38B Condensate recirculation flow control valve 2CNM-SOV38B (Train B) 2CNM-FV38C Condensate recirculation flow control valve 2CNM-SOV38C 2CNM-HV55A Condensate system high point vent valve (Train A) 2CNM-SOV55A 2CNM-HV55B Condensate system high point. vent valve (Train B) 2CNM-SOV55B 2CNM-HV55C Condensate system high point vent valve (Train C) 2CNM-SOV55C DSM 2DSM-LV78B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B 2DSM-SOV78B emergency drain to main condenser level control valve

A NDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. C System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DSR 2DSR-LS67B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B extreme high level DSR 2DSR-IS68B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B high level shutoff DSR 2DSR-LT68B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B high level control DSR 2DSR-LV68B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B high level drain valve 2DSR-SOV68B 2DSR-SOVX68B DSR 2DSR-AOV82B Scavenging steam to main condenser isolation valve 2DSR-SOV82B DSR 2DSR-AOV83B Scavenging steam to sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B isolation valve 2DSR-SOV83B DSR 2DSR-AOV84B Scavenging steam to sixth point heater 2FMS-E6B isolation valve 2DSR-SOV84B DSR 2DSR-AOV82A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B 2DSR-SOV82A steam supply line drain valve ESS 2ESS-HV46A Sixth point heater warmup valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOV46A ESS 2ESS-HV46B Sixth point heater warmup valve (Train B) 2ESS-SOV46B ESS 2ESS-HV46C Sixth point heater warmup valve (Train C) 2ESS-SOV46C 0138A"12177-HC3 B-C"2

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. C System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion ESS 2ESS-HV47A Fifth point heater warmup valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOV47A ESS 2ESS-HV47B Fifth point heater warmup valve (Train B) 2ESS-SOV47B ESS 2ESS-HV47C Fifth point heater warmup valve (Train C) 2ESS-SOV47C ESS 2ESS-HV48A Fourth point heater warmup valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOV48A ESS 2ESS-HV48B Fourth point heater warmup valve (Train B) 2ESS>>SOV48B ESS 2ESS-HV48C Fourth point heater warmup valve (Train C) 2ESS-SOV48C ESS 2ESS-HV49A Third point heater warmup valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOV49A ESS 2ESS-HV49B Third point heater warmup valve (Train B) 2ESS-SOV49B ESS 2ESS-HV49C Third point heater warmup valve (Train C) 2ESS-SOV49C ESS 2ESS-NRV103 Hot water heating heat exchanger extraction 2ESS-SOVX103 steam nonreturn valve 2ESS-SOVY103 0138A-12177-HC3

' A ~ IX 8 CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. C System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion ESS 2ESS"NRV109 Hot water heating heat exchanger extraction 2ESS-SOVX109 steam nonreturn valve 2ESS"SOVY109 ESS 2ESS"NRV113 - Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust heat exchanger 2ESS"SOVX113 extraction steam nonreturn valve 2ESS"SOVY113 ESS 2ESS-NRV114 Turbine generator for gland seal and exhaust heat 2ESS"SOVX114 exchanger extraction steam nonreturn valve 2ESS-SOVY114 ESS 2ESS-NRV16A Third point feedwater heater extraction stehm 2ESS-SOVX16A nonreturn valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOVY16A ESS 2ESS"NRV168 Third point feedwater heater extraction steam 2ESS-SOVX168 nonreturn valve (Train 8) 2ESS-SOVY168 ESS 2ESS-NRV16C Third point feedwater heater extraction steam 2ESS-SOVX16C nonreturn valve (Train C) 2ESS-SOVY16C ESS 2ESS-NRV23A Fourth point feedwater heater extraction steam 2ESS-SOVX23A nonreturn valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOUY23A ESS 2ESS-NRV238 Fourth point feedwater heater extraction'team 2ESS-SOVX238 nonreturn valve (Train 8) 2ESS-SOVY238 0138A"12177-HC3 8-C-4


System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion ESS . 2ESS-NRV23C Fourth point feedwater heater extraction 2ESS-SOVX23C nonreturn valve (Train C) 'team 2ESS-SOVY23C ESS 2ESS-NRV34A Sixth point feedwater heater extraction steam 2ESS-SOVX34A nonreturn valve (Train A) 2ESS-SOVY34A ESS 2ESS-NRV34B Sixth point feedwater heater extraction ~team 2ESS-SOVX34B nonreturn valve (Train B) 2ESS-SOVY34B ESS 2ESS-NRV34C Sixth point feedwater heater extraction 2ESS-SOVX34C steam nonreturn valve (Train C) 2ESS-SOVY34C ESS 2ESS-STV104 Clean steam reboiler extraction steam isolation valve 2ESS-SOV104 ESS 2ESS-STV105 Building heating intermediate heat exchanger extraction 2ESS-SOV105 steam isolation valve 2FWR-FV2A Reactor feed pump 2FWS-P1A recirculation valve 2FWR-SOVX2A 2FWR-SOVY2A 2FWR-FV2B Reactor feed pump 2FWS-P1B recirculation valve 2FWR-SOVX2B 2FWR-SOVY2B 0138A-12177-HC3 B-C-5

A IXB CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone No. C System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2FWR-FV2C Reactor feed pump 2FWS-PlC recirculation valve 2FWR-SOVX2C 2FWR-SOVY2C 2FWS-HVX111 High energy feedwater cycle cleanup control valve 2FWS"HVY111 High energy feedwater cycle cleanup control valve 2FWS-HVZ111 High energy feedwater cycle cleanup control valve FWS 2FWS-HVX113 Low energy feedwater cycle cleanup control valve 2FWS-SOVX113 FWS 2FWS-HVY113 Low energy feedwater cycle cleanup control valve 2FWS-SOVY113 HDL 2HDL-LS22A Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A emergency drain control HDL 2HDL-I,S22B Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2B emergency drain control HDL 2HDL-LS22C Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2C emergency drain control HDL" 2HDL-LT22A Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2B emergency drain control HDL 2HDL-LT22B Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2B emergency drain control HDL 2HDL-LT22C Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2C emergency drain control HDL 2HDL-LT2A Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A normal level control HDL 2HDL-LT2B Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2B normal level control 0138A-12177-HC3 B-C-6


Code 2HDL-LT2C'nstrument/Device Device ID No. Function Descri tion I

HDL Drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2C normal level control HDL 2HDL"LS7A First point heater 2CNM-E1A level high-high 2HDL-IS7B First point heater 2CNM-ElB level high-high 2HDL-LS7C First point heater 2CNM-ElC level high-high HDL 2HDL-LS8A Second point heater 2CNM-E2A level high-high 2HDL-LS8B Second point heater 2CNM-E2B level high-high 2HDL-LS8C Second point heater 2CNM-E2C level high-high MSS 2MSS"I/P 22B Current to pneumatic transducer for moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElB steam pressure control MSS 'MSS-PV28B Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElB high load steam inlet valve MSS 2MSS-PV29B Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElB low load steam inlet valve MSS 2MSS-AOV209 Main steam header drain valve 2MSS-SOV209 MSS 2MSS-AOV92B Steam supply valve to moisture separator reheater 2MSS-E1B 2MSS-SOV92B MSS 2MSS-AOV201 RHR steam Line A header drain valve 2MSS-SOV201 TME 2TME-AOV121 Auxiliary steam supply valve 2TME-SOV121 TME 2TME-PV122 Gland seal emergency supply pressure control valve 0138A-12177"HC3 B-C-7 0'


System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri 'tion 2ARC"FS8A Condenser air removal pump 2ARC-P1A seal water flow low 2ARC-FS8B Condenser air removal pump 2ARC-PlB seal water flow low 2ARC-SOV18A Separator/silencer tank 2ARC-SP1A inlet valve 2ARC-SOV18B Separator/silencer tank 2ARC-SP1A inlet valve 2ARC-AOV105 Air removal pump suction isolation valve 2ARC-SOV105 ASS 2ASS-AOV147 Auxiliary boiler steam inlet valve to steam jet air ejector 2ASS-SOV147 ASS, 2ASS-PC107 Air ejector main steam supply primary pressure controller ASS 2ASS-PC139 Air ejector main steam supply backup pressure controller ASS 2ASS-PV140 Auxiliary boiler steam supply to off-gas system pressure control valve ASS 2ASS-SOV138 Auxiliary boiler steam block valve CCS 2CCS-I/P104 Turbine building closed loop cooling water heat exchanger temperature control current to pneumatic control CCS 2CCS-TV104 Turbine building closed loop cooling water heat exchanger temperature control valve CCS 2CCS"AOV105 Surge and makeup tank 2CCS-TK1 level control valve 2CCS-SOV105 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-1


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCS 2CCS-PS102 CCS pump discharge header pressure (control for 2CCS-P1A, B, C)

CCS 2CCS-PS17A 2CCS-PlA suction pressure CCS 2CCS-PS17B 2CCS-P1B suction pressure CCS 2CCS-PS17C 2CCS-PlC suction pressure CCS 2CCS-TV15A 2TMB-E1A cooler temperature control valve 1

CCS 2CCS-TV15B 2TMB-E1B cooler temperature control valve CCS 2CCS-I/P109 Generator H~ cold gas outlet temperature control loop current to pneumatic converter CCS 2CCS-TV109 Generator Hg cold gas temperature control valve CCS 2CCS-I/P32A Generator Exciter Alternator Cooler 2EXC-E1A temperature control current to pneumatic transducer CCS 2CCS-TV32A Generator Exciter Alternator Cooler 2EXC-ElA temperature control valve CCS 2CCS-I/P32B Generator Exciter Alternator Cooler 2EXC-E1B temperature control current to pneumatic transducer CCS 2CCS-TV32B Generator Exciter Alternator Cooler 2EXC-E1B temperature control valve CCS 2CCS-LS105 Surge and makeup tank level 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-2 0-


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOV133 Resin addition water supply valve 2CNM"AOV109 Condensate demineralizer bypass valve 2CNM-SOV109A 2CNM-SOV109B CNM ~

PCNM"I/P114 Condensate recirculation flow control loop current to pneumatic transducer 2CNM"FT114 Condensate recirculation flow control loop flow transmitter 2CNM-FT38A Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A recirculation flow control transmitter 2CNM-I/P38A Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A recirculation flow control current to pneumatic transmitter 2CNM-FT38B Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2B recirculation flow control transmitter 2CNM-I/P137 Feedwater startup bypass valve control current to pneumatic transducer 2CNM-I/P38B Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2B recirculation flow control transmitter 2CNM-FT38C Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2C recirculation flow control transmitter 2CNM-I/P38C Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2C recirculation flow control current to pneumatic transducer 2CNM-FT68A Feedwater pump 2FMS-P1A suction flow control transmitter 2CNM-FT68B Feedwater pump 2FMS-PlB suction flow control transmitter 0138D-12177-HC3 B"D-3


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CNM-FT68C Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1C suction flow control transmitter 2CNM-PS39A Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A suction pressure extreme low 2CNM-PS39B Condensate booster pump 2CNH-P2B suction pressure extreme low 2CNM-PS39C Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2C suction pressure extreme low 2CNM-PS42A Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A suction pressure low 2CNH-PS42B Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2B suction pressure low CNM 2CNM-PS42C Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2C suction pressure low 2CNH-PS73A Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlA suction pressure extreme low CNM 2CNM-.PS73B Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1B suction pressure extreme low 2CNH-PS73C Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlC suction pressure extreme low 2CNM-PS74A Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1A suction pressure low 2CNM-PS74B Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlB suction pressure low 2CNM-PS74C Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1C suction pressure low CNO 2CNO-PS1A Condensate booster pump 2CNH-P2A lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS1B Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2B lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock) 0138D-12177-HC3 B'-D-4




System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CNO 2CNO-PS1C Condensate booster pump 2CNH-P2C lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS2A Condensate booster pump 2CNH-P2A lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS2B Condensate booster pump 2CNH-P2B lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS2C Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2C lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS9A Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS9B Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2B lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNO 2CNO-PS9C Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2C lube oil discharge pressure low (pump interlock)

CNS 2CNS-LIC103 Condenser hotwell normal level makeup control CNS 2CNS-LSL103 Condenser hotwell normal level low CNS 2CNS"LV103 Condenser hotwell normal makeup CNS 2CNS-LIC105 Condenser hotwell normal level drawoff control DSM 2DSM"LS70A Moisture separator reheater level high (turbine trip)

DSM 2DSM-LS70B Moisture separator reheater level high (turbine trip)

DSM 2DSM"LT75A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A normal level transmitter DSM 2DSM-LT75B Hoisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B normal level transmitter 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-5


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DSM 2DSM-I/P78A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSH-TK4A high level control current to pneumatic transducer DSM 2DSM-LT78A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B high level control transmitter DSM 2DSM-I/P78B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSH-TK4B high level control current to pneumatic transducer DSM 2DSM-LT78B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B high level control current to pneumatic transducer DSM 2DSM-I/PX75A Moisture separator drain receiver level normal 2DSM-I/PY75A 2DSM-I/PZ75A 2DSM-I/PX75B 2DSM-I/PY75B 2DSM-I/PZ75B DSR 2DSR-LT65A Moisture separator reheater drain'eceiver tank 2DSR-TK6A normal level control transmitter DSR 2DSR-LT65B Hoisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B normal level control transmitter DSR 2DSR-I/PX65A Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A normal level control loop current 2DSR-I/PY65A to pneumatic transducer ~

2DSR-I/PZ65A 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-6 0-


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DSR 2DSR"I/PX65B Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B normal level control loop curren 2DSR-I/PY65B to pneumatic transducer 2DSR-I/PZ65B DSR 2DSR-I/P68A Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A high level control current to pneumatic transducer DSR 2DSR-LT68A Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A high level control transmitter DSR 2DSR-I/P68B Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B high level control current to pneumatic transducer DSR 2DSR-LT68B Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B high level control transmitter DSR 2DSR-PT78A Moisture separator scavenging steam line header pressure control DSR 2DSR-PT78B Scavenging steam line pressure (control of 2DSR-MOV86B)

ESS 2ESS-PS110 Fifth point heater extraction steam pressure low ESS 2ESS-PS112 Fourth point heater extraction steam pressure low ESS 2ESS-PS115 Fifth point heater extraction steam pressure high ESS 2ESS-PS116 Fourth point heater extraction steam pressure high 0138D-12177"HC3 B-D-7



. ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2FWL-PSlA Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1A bearing oil pressure low 2FWL"PS1B Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlB bearing oil pressure low 2FWL-PS1C Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlC bearing oil pressure low 2FWL-PS2A 2FWS-PlA lube oil pump discharge pressure 2FWL-PS2B 2FWS-PlB lube oil pump discharge pressure 2FWL-PS2C 2FWS-PlC lube oil pump discharge pressure 2FWP-PCV5B 2FWS-PlB bearing seal water inlet pressure control valve 2FWP-PDIC5B 2FWS-PlB bearing seal water inlet pressure controller 2FWP-PDK5B 2FWS-PlB bearing seal water inlet pressure sealer 2FWP-PDT5B 2FWS-PlB bearing seal water inlet pressure transmitter FWP 2FWP-PCV5A Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlA bearing seal water inlet pressure control 2FWP-PDIC5A 2FWP-PDK5A 2FWP-PDT5A 2FWP-PS5A 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-8


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2FWP-PCV5C Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1C bearing seal water inlet pressure control 2FWP-PDIC5C 2FWP-PDK5C 2FWP-PDT5C 2FWP-PS5C 2FWR-I/P2A Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlA recirculation flow control current to pneumatic transducer 2FWR-I/P2B Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1B recirculation flow control current to pneumatic transducer 2FWR-I/P2C Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1C recirculation flow control current to pneumatic transducer 2FWS-FTlA Feedwater flow to reactor - Line A - transmitter FWS 2FWS-FT1B Feedwater flow to reactor - Line B - transmitter FWS 2FWS-HV105 Reactor inlet header high point vent valve 2FWS-SOV105 2FWS-I/PX111 High energy feedwater cycle cleanup control loop current to pneumatic transducers 2FWS-I/PYlll 2FWS-I/PZlll 2FWS-LV55A High pressure low flow control valve (C33-F002A) 2FWS-I/PX113 Low energy feedwater cycle cleanup control current to pneumatic transducers 2FWS-I/PY113 0138D-12177-HC3 B"D-9


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2FWS-PS113 Low energy feedwater cycle cleanup control 2FWS-PS112 Low energy feedwater cycle cleanup shutoff 2FWS-LV10A 2FWS-P1A discharge flow valve 2FWS-LV10B 2FWS-PlB discharge flow valve 2FWS-LV10C 2FWS-P1C discharge flow valve GMC 2GMC"PDC102 Generator stator cooling water differential pressure controller GMC 2GMC-TV101 Generator stator cooling water temperature control valve GMC 2GMC"FS140 Rectifier cooling water flow low GMC 2GMC-FV127 Rectifier cooling water constant flow valve GMC 2GMC-FV128 Bushing cooling water flow valve GMC 2GMC-PDV102 Stator cooling water differential pressure control valve GMC 2GMC-PNL141-. Generator temperature monitoring input/output cabinet GMC 2GMC"PS103 Stator cooling water pressure low GMC 2GMC-PS105 Stator cooling water inlet pressure low GMC 2GMC-PS139 Stator cooling water inlet pressure low GMC 2GMC-PS6A Stator cooling water pump 2GMC-P1A discharge pressure low 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-10


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion GMC 2GMC-PS6B Stator cooling water pump 2GMC-PlB discharge pressure low e

e GMC 2GMC-SOV130 Stator cooling water pump'GMC-P1B discharge pressure low GMC 2GMC-TIC101 Stator cooling water temperature controller GMC 2GMC-TS109 Stator cooling water outlet temperature high 2GMH-AOV119 Generator hydrogen supply'isolation valve 2GMH-SOV119 2GMH-AOV162 Generator hydrogen emergency dump valve 2GMH-SOV162 GMH 2GMH-PS174 Generator hydrogen machine gas pressure control for emergency dump valve 2GMH-AOV162 GMH 2GMH-PCVlll Generator hydrogen manifold gas pressure regulator 2GMH-PT117 Generator hydrogen machine gas pressure transmitter GMH 2GMH-PV117 Generator hydrogen machine gas pressure control valve 2GMH-SOV173 Gas analyzer bypass to vent valve GML 2GML-FSlA Generator leads coolers air flow low GML 2GML-FSlB Generator leads coolers air flow low GMO 2GMO-LV115 Generator seal oil tank 2GMO-TK1 inlet oil spray valve 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-ll


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion GMO 2GMO-PCV116 Generator seal oil pressure regulating valve GMO 2GMO-PS102 Generator seal oil pump 2GMO-Pl discharge pressure low GMO 2GMO-SOV117 Generator seal oil pump 2GMO-P3 lube oil feed valve 2HDH-LIC6A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A normal drain controller HDH 2HDH-LIC6B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B normal drain controller HDH 2HDH-LIC6C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C normal drain controlle'r HDH 2HDH-LIC26A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A emergency drain controller HDH 2HDH-LIC26B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B emergency drain controller HDH 2HDH-LIC26C Sixth point heater'FWS-E6C emergency drain controller 2HDH-LSH26A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A high level switch 2HDH-LSH26B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B high level switch 2HDH-LSH26C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C high level switch 2HDL-FT35A Heater drain pump 2DET-P1A recirculation flow control transmitter 2HDL-FT35B Heater drain pump 2DET-P1B recirculation flow control transmitter 2HDL-FT35C Heater drain pump 2DET-PlC recirculation flow control transmitter 0138D-12]77-HC3 B-D-12 0


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL"I/P35A Fourth point heater drain;pump 2HDL-P1A recirculation loop current to pneumatic transducer 2HDL"I/P35B, Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B recirculation loop current to pneumatic transducer 2HDL>>I/P35C Fourth point heater drain"pump 2HDL-PlC recriculation loop current to pneumatic transducer 2HDL-I/P4A Fourth point heater'CNM-E4A level control current to pneumatic transducer 2HDL-I/P4B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B level control current to pneumatic transducer 2HDL-I/P4C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C level control current to pneumatic transducer 2HDL-PS50A Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1A suction pressure low 2HDL-PS50B Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-PlB suction pressure low 2HDL-PS50C Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-PlC suction pressure low 2HDL-LT4A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A water level control transmitter 2HDL-LT4B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B water level control transmitter HDL 2HDL-LT4C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C water level control transmitter HDL 2HDL-LIC22A Second point heater drain tank 2HDL-TK2A emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC22B Second point heater drain tank 2HDL-TK2B emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC22C Second point heater drain tank 2HDL-TK2C emergency'rain controller 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-13


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code ~

Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL-LIC23A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC238 Third point. heater 2CNM-E38 emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC23C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC24A Fourth point. heater 2CNM-E4A emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC248 Fourth point heater 2CNM-E48 emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC24C Fourth point he'ster 2CNM-E4C emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC25A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC258 Fifth point heater 2CNM-E58 emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC25C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C emergency drain controller 2HDL-LIC2A Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A level controller 2HDL-LIC28 Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK28 level controller 2HDL-LIC2C Second point heater drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2C level controller 2HDL-LIC3A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A normal drain controller 2HDL-LIC38 Third point heater 2CNM-E38 normal drain controller 2HDL-LIC3C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C normal drain controller 0138D-18177-HC3 8-D"14


CONTROL- COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL"LIC5A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A normal drain controller 2HDL-LIC5B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B normal drain controller 2HDL-LIC5C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C normal drain controller 2HDL-LV3A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A normal drain valve 2HDL-LV3B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B normaal drain valve HDL 2HDL-LV3C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C normal drain valve 2HDL-LSH22A Second point heaters drain receiver tank level-high 2HDL-LSH22B Second point heaters drain receiver tank level-high 2HDL-LSH22C Second point heaters drain receiver tank level-high 2HDL-LSH23A Third point heaters emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH23B Third point heaters emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH23C Third point heaters emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH24A Fourth point heater emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH24B Fourth point heater emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH24C Fourth point heater emergency drain high level switch HDL 2HDL-LSH25A Fifth point heater emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH25B Fifth point heater emergency drain high level switch 2HDL-LSH25C Fifth point heater emergency drain high level switch 0138D-12177-HC3 B-D-15


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE D System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion MSS 2MSS-PT103 First stage pressure-high pressure turbine 2HSS-PT104 First stage pressure-high pressure turbine 2SMP-HV98A Vacuum pump seal water cooler 2ARC-ElA service water outlet valve 2SWP-SOV98A 2SMP-HV98B Vacuum pump seal water cooler 2ARC-E1B service water outlet valve 2SWP-SOV98B TMB 2THB-PS130 Extraction air relay pressure for valve controls THB 2TMB-TIC1A EHC fluid cooler 2TMB-ElA temperature controller TMB 2THB-TIC1B EHC fluid cooler 2TMB-E1B temperature controller THB 2TMB-SOV121 Turbine generator EH fluid pump B test valve TMB 2TMB-TS101 Turbine generator EH fluid temperature high/low TMB 2THB-TS116 Turbine generator EH fluid heater unit temperature control 2THE-LS130 Seal drain tank 2TME-TKl level switch TML 2THL-SS1A Turbine generator lube oil turbine speed low THL 2THL-SS1B Turbine generator lube oil turbine speed low B-D-16


ZONE F System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CNM-HV51A Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV51A 2CNM-HV52A Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV52A 2CNM-HV56A Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV56A


2CNM-HV57A Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV57A 2CNM-HV58A Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV58A 2CNM-HV59A Condensate system high point vent valve

, 2CNM-SOV59A 2CNM-HV60A Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV60A DSM 2DSM-LVX75A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A normal level 2DSM-SOVX75A control valve DSM 2DSM-LVX75B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B normal level 2DSM-SOVX75B control valve DSR 2DSR-AOV81A Sixth point feedwater heater 2FWS-E6A scavenging steam 2DSR-SOV81A inlet valve 0138F-12177-HC3 B-F-1

'-:APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE F System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DSR 2DSR-LVX65A Heater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A normal level control valve 2DSR-SOVX65A DSR 2DSR-LVX65B Heater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B normal level control valve 2DSR-SOVX65B 2FWS-HV42A . Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlA discharge high point vent valve 2FWS-SOV42A 2FWS-HV43A Sixth point heater outlet high point, vent 2FWS-SOV43A HDH 2HDH"LS26A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A emergency drain level switch 2HDH-LS7A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A extreme high level HDH 2HDH-LT26A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A emergency drain control level transmitter HDH 2HDH-LT6A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A normal drain control level transmitter HDH 2HDH-LV6A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A normal drain valve 2HDH-SOV6A 2HDH-SOV29A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A normal to emergency drain line valve 2HDL-LS11A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A extreme high level 2HDL-LS25A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A emergency drain level 0138F-12177-HC3 B-F-2

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE F System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL-LT25A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A emergency drain level transmitter


2HDL-LT5A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A normal drain level transmitter HDL-LV4A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A water level control valve 2HDL-FV35A Heater drain pump 2HDL-PlA recirculation flow control valve 2HDL-SOVX35A 2HDL-SOVY35A 2HDL-LS9A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A level extreme high 2HDL-LS10A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A level extreme high 2HDL-LS14A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A level low HDL 2HDL-LS23A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A emergency drain level HDL 2HDL-LT23A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A emergency drain level control 2HDL-LS24A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A emergency drain level 2HDL-LT24A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A emergency drain level control 2HDL-LT3A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A normal drain control 2HDL-LT4A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A normal drain control 0138F-12177-HC3 B-F-3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE F System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL-LV5A Fifth point heater 2CNM-35A normal drain control valve 2HDL-SOV5A 2SVH"HV26A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV26A 2SVH-HV27A Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV27A 2SVH-)N36A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV36A 2SVH-HV37A Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV37A SVH 2SVH-HV52A Third point heater drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3A shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV52A 2SVH-HV58A Second point heater drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2A shell vent valve 2SVH"SOV58A 2SVH-HV31A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV31A 2SVH"HV32A Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A channel drain valve 2SVll-SOV32A

.0138F-12177-HC3 B-F-4

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE F System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2SVH-HV44A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A shell vent valve 2SVH"SOV44A 2SVH-HV45A Third point heater 2CNM-E3A channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV45A 0138F-12177-HC3 B-F-5

APPENDIX 8 CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE G System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CNM-HV518 Condensate system high point vent 2CNM-SOV518 2CNM-HV528 Condensate system high point vent 2CNM-SOV528 2CNM-AOV101 Low pressure heater string bypass valve 2CNM-SOV101A 2CNM-SOU1018 2CNM-SOV101C 2CNM-SOV101D 2CNM-HV568 Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV568 2CNM-HV578 Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV578 2CNM-HV588 Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV5SB 2CNM-HV598 Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV598 CNM 2CNM-HV608 Condensate .system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV608 CNM 2CNM-LV137 Feedwater pumps startup bypass valve 013SF-12177-HC3 B-G-l 0

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE G System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion W

DSM 2DSM"LVY75A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A normal level control valve 2DSM-SOVY75A DSM 2DSM-LVY75B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B normal level control valve 2DSM-SQVY75B DSR 2DSR-LVY65A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A normal level control valve 2DSR-SOVY65A DSR 2DSR-LVY65B Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B normal level control valve 2DSR-SOVY65B DSR 2DSR-AOV81B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A scavenging steam inlet valve 2DSR-SOV81B FWS 2FWS-HV42B Feedwater pump discharge high point vent valve 2FWS-SOV42B 2FWS-HV43B Sixth point heater outlet piping high point vent valve 2FWS-SOV43B 2HDH-LS26B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B emergency drain level 2HDH-LT26B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B emergency drain level transmitter HDH 2HDH-LS7B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B extreme high level 2HDH"LT6B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B normal drain level transmitter 0138F-12177-HC3 B-G-2

~ "'APPENDIX B CONTROL'OMPONENTS ZONE G System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion HDH 2HDH-LV6B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B normal drain level control valve 2HDH-SOV6B HDH 2HDH-SOV29B Sixth point heater 2FMS-E6B normal to emergency drain line valve 2HDL-LSllB Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B extreme high level I

2HDL>>LS25B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B emergency drain level 2HDL-LT25B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B emergency drain level transmitter 2HDL"LT5B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B normal drain level transmitter HDL 2HDL-LV4B ~

Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B normal level control valve 2HDL-FV35B Heater drain pump 2HDL-P1A recirculation flow control valve 2HDL-SOVX35B 2HDL-SOVY35B HDL 2HDL-LS10B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B extreme high level 2HDL-LS14B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B level low 2HDL-LS23B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B.emergency drain level HDL 2HDL-LT23B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B emergency drain control level transmitter 2HDL-LS24B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B emergency drain level 0138F"12177-HC3 B-G-3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE G System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion

'I 2HDL-LT24B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B emergency drain control level transmitter 2HDL-LT4B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B water level 2HDL-LS9B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B water level extreme high 2HDL"LT3B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B normal drain level transmitter 2HDL-LV5B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B normal drain level transmitter 2HDL-SOV5B 2SVH-HV31B Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV31B 2SVH-HV32B Fourth point heater 2CNM-ElB channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV32B SVH 2SVH-HV44B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV44B 2SVH-HV45B Third point heater 2CNM-E3B channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV45B 2SVH-HV26B Sixth point heater 2FMS-E6B channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV26B 2SVH-HV27B Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B shell vent valve-2SVH-SOV27B 0138F-12177-HC3 B-G-4

APPENDIX B CONTROL'OMPONENTS ZONE G System Instrument/ .Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2SVH-HV36B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV36B 2SVH-HV37B Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV37B 2SVH-HV52B Third point drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3B shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV52B 2SVH-HV58B Second point drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2B shell vent'valve 2SVH-SOV58B 0138F-12177-HC3 B-G-5

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE H System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CNM-HV119 Feedwater pump suction header high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV119 2CNM-HV51C Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV51C 2CNM-HV52C Condensate. system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV52C 2CNM"HV56C Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV56C CNM 2CNM-HV57C Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV57C 2CNM-HV58C Condensate system high point vent valve 2CNM-SOV58C CNM 2CNM-HV59C Feedwater suction valve 2CNM-MOV84C bypass valve 2CNM-SOV59C 2CNM-HV60C Feedwater suction v'alve 2CNM-MOV84C maintenance vent valve 2CNM-SOV60C DSM 2DSM-LVZ75A Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A normal level control valve 2DSM-SOVZ75A DSM 2DSM-LVZ75B Moisture separator drain receiver tank '2DSM-TK4B normal level control valve 2DSM-SOVZ75B 0138G-12177-HC3 B-H-1

- 'i-. APPENDIX- B '-

CONTROL COHPONENTS ZONE H System Instrument/ Instrument(Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion DSR 2DSR"LVZ65A Hoisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A normal level control valve 2DSR-SOVZ65A DSR 2DSR-LVZ65B Moisture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B normal level control valve 2DSR-FOVZ65B DSR 2DSR-AOV&1C Sixth point feed@ster heater 2FWS-E6C scavenging steam isolation valve 2DSR-SOV&1C 2FMS-HV42C FSM pump-discharge high point vent valve gFWS-SOV42C 2FWS-HV43C Sixth point heater outlet high point vent valve 2FMS-SOU43C HDH 2HDH-LS26C Sixth point heater 2FMS-E6C emergency drain level 2HDH-LT26C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C emergency drain level transmitter j

HDH 2HDH-SOU29C Sixth point heater 2FMS-E6C normal to emergency drain line valve 2HDH-LS7C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C extreme high level HDH 2HDH-LT6C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C normal drain level control transmitter


~ ~


2HDH-LV6C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C norm@ drain level control valve 2HDH-SOV6C 4

1 HDL 2HDL-LSllC Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C extreme high level 013&G-12177-HC3 B-H-2 y)

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE H System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL"LS25C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C emergency drain level 2HDL-LT25C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C emergency drain level control transmitter 2HDL-LT5C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C normal drain level transmitter 2HDL-LV4C Fourth point heater 2CNM-.E4C normal level control valve 2HDL-FV35C Fourth point beater drain pump 2HDL"PlC recirculation flow control valve 2)SL-SOVX35C 2HDL-SOVY35C 2)SL"LS10C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C extreme high level 2HDL-LS14C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C level low 2HDL-LS23C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C emergency drain level 2HDL-LT23C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C emergency drain level transmitter 2HDL-LS24C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C emergency drain level HDL 2HDL-LT24C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C emergency drain level transmitter HDL 2HDL-LS9C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C extreme high level 2HDL-LT3C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C normal drain level transmitter 2HDL-LT4C- Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C normal water level transmitter 0138G-12177-HC3 B-H-3


System instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2HDL-LV5C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C normal drain level .control valve 2HDL-SOV5C I IAS 2IAS-TS2A Compressor precooler temperature high IAS .2IAS-TS2B Compressor precooler tempe'rature high IAS 2IAS-TS2C Compressor precooler temperature high o

IAS 2IAS-TS4A Compressor aftercooler temperature high IAS 2IAS-TS4B Compressor aftercooler temperature high IAS 2IAS-TS4C Compressor aftercooler temperature high 2SVH-HV31C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV31C 2SVH-HV32C Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV32C 2SVH-HV44C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV44C SVH SVH-HV45C Third point heater 2CNM-E3C channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV45C SVH 2SUH-HV26C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV26C 0138G-12177-HC3 B-H-4 4.



System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion SVH 2SVH"HV27C Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV27C 2SVH-HV36C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV36C 2SVH-HV37C Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C channel drain valve 2SVH-SOV37C 2SVH-HV52C Second point heater 2CNM-DCL3C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV52C 2SVH-HV58C Second point heater 2CNM-DCL2C shell vent valve 2SVH-SOV58C 0138G-12177-HC3 B-H-5


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE L System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOV2A Condensate demineralizer 2CND.-DEHN-lA condensate influent valve 2CND-AOV2B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1B condensate influent valve 2CND"AOV2C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1C condensate influent valve CND 2CND-AOV2D Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN"1D condensate influent valve


CND 2CND"AOV2E Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1E condensate influent valve 2CND-AOV2F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1F condensate influent valve 2CND-AOV2G Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1G condensate influent valve 2CND-AOV2H Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1H condensate influent valve 2CND-AOV2J Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1J condensate influent valve 2CND-AOV3A Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEHN-lA vent valve 2CND-AOV3B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1B vent valve 2CND-AOV3C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1C vent valve 2CND-AOV3D Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1D vent valve 2CND-AOV3E Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-lE vent valve 0138D-12177-HC3 B-L-1 0


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE L System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOV3F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1F vent valve 2CND-AOV3G Condensate 'demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1G vent valve 2CND-AOV3H Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1H vent valve 2CND-AOV3J Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1J vent valve 2CND-AOV4A Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1A resin inlet valve 2CND-AOV4B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1B resin inlet valve 2CND-AOV4C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1C resin inlet valve 2CND-AOV4D Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1D resin inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV4E- Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-lE resin inlet valve 2CND-AOV4F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1F resin inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV4G Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1G resin inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV4H Condensate demineralizer 2GND-DEMN-1H resin inlet valve

'ND 2CND-AOV4J Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1J resin inlet valve 2CND-AOV5A Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-lA resin outlet valve 0138D-12177-HC3 B-L-2


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE L System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND "AOV5B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1B resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV5C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1C resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV5D .

Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1D resin outlet valve 2CND"AOV5E Condensate demineralizer-2CND-DEMN-1E resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV5F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1F resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV5G Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1G resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV5H Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1H resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV5J Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1J resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV6A Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-lA resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV6B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1B resin outlet valve-2CND-AOV6C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1C resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV6D Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1D resin outlet valve CND 2CND-AOV6E Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1E resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV6F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1F resin outlet valve 0138D-12177-HC3 B-L-3

'0 l


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE L System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOV6G Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1G resin outlet valve CND 2CND-AOV6H Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1H resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV6J Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1J resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV7A Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1A condensate effluent valve 2CND-AOV7B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1B condensate effluent valve CND 2CND-AOV7C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1C condensate effluent valve 2CND-AOV7D Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1D condensate effluent valve 2CND-AOV7E Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-lE condensate effluent valve 2CND-AOV7F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1F condensate effluent valve 2CND-AOV7G Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1G condensate effluent valve 2CND-AOV7H Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1H condensate effluent valve CND 2CND-AOV7J Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN-1J condensate effluent valve CND 2CND-CElOA Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-lA outlet conductivity CND 2CND-CE10B Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1B outlet conductivity 0138D-12177-HC3 B-L-4


CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE L System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-CE10C Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1C outlet conductivity 2CND-CE10D Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1D outlet conductivity 2CND-CE10E Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1E outlet conductivity 2CND-CE10F Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1F outlet conductivity 2CND-CE10G Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1G outlet conductivity 2CND-CE10H Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMIN-1H outlet conductivity 2CND-CElQJ Condensate demineralizer'2CND-DEMON-13 outlet conductivity 2CND-CE101 Condensate demineralizer system inlet conductivity CND 2CND-CE105 Condensate demineralizer system outlet conductivity 2CND-CE322 Condensate demineralizer inlet conductivity 2CND-CE323 Condensate demineralizer outlet conductivity 0138D-12177-HC3 B "L-.5


'Instrument/ Instrument/Device S stem Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2ARC-HV16A Air ejector 2ARC-JlA-1 and J1A-2 steam supply strainer blowdown valve 2ARC-SOV16A 2ARC-HV17A Air ejector 2ARC-J2A-1 and J2A-2 steam supply strainer blowdown valve 2ARC-SOV17A ASS 2ASS-PV125 Offgas system main steam supply pressure control valve 2ASS-SOV125 ASS 2ASS-SOV142 Main steam to offgas system block valve 0138C-12177"HC3 B-N-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS Zone: P Instrument/ Instrument/Device S stem Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2ARC-HV16B Air ejector 2ARC-J1B-1 and J1B-2 steam supply strainer blowdown valve 2ARC'-SOV16B 2ARC-HV17B Air ejector 2ARC"J2B-1 and J2B-2 steam supply strainer blowdown valve 2ARC-SOV17B ASS 2ASS-PV107 Air ejectors main steam supply primary pressure control valve 2ASS-SOV107 ASS 2ASS-PV139 Air ejectors main steam supply backup pressure control valve 2ASS-SOV139





System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CCS 2CCS-TV43A Turbine lube oil cooler 2THL-E1A lube oil outlet temperature control valve CCS 2CCS-TV43B Turbine lube oil cooler 2TML-E1B lube oil outlet temperature control valve TML 2THL-PS101 Turbine bearing oil header pressure low TML 2TML-PS102 Main shaft oil pump suction pressure low 2TML-PS103 Hain shaft oil pump discharge pressure low TML 2TML-PS104 Turbine bearing oil header pressure low TML 2TML-PS106 Hain shaft oil pump discharge pressure low TML 2TML-PS107 Turning gear oil pump discharge pressure low THL 2TML-PS127 Main shaft oil pump discharge pressure low TML 2TML-SOV13A Lift pump motor test valve TML 2THL-SOV13B Lift pump motor test valve THL 2TML-SOV13C Lift pump motor test valve THL 2THL-SOV13D Lift pump motor test. valve TML 2TML-SOV13E Lift pump motor test valve TML 2THL-SOV13F Lift pump motor test valve 0138F-12177-NC3 B"R-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE R System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion TML 2THL-SOV13G Lift pump motor test valve 2TML-SOV114 Turbine generator lube oil suction pump test valve THL 2TML-SOV115 Turbine generator lube oil turning gear oil pump A test valve TML 2THL-SOV116 Turbine generator lube oil turning gear oil pump B test valve TML 2THL-SOV117 Turbine generator lube oil emergency bearing oil pump A test valve TML 2TML-SOV118 Turbine generator lube oil emergency bearing oil pump B TML 2TML-TS2A Thermostat for IPH No. 1 TML 2TML-TS2B Thermostat for LPM No. 2 TML 2TML-TS2C Thermostat for LPH No. 3 THL 2TML-TS2D Thermostat for LPM No. 4 TML 2THL-TS2E Thermostat for LPM No. 5 TML 2THL-TS2F Thermostat for LPM No. 6 TML 2TML-TS2G Thermostat for LPM No. 7 TML 2THL-TS2H . Thermostat for IPM No. 8 0138F"12177-HC3 B-R-2

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE S System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion ASS 2ASS"PIC113 Main steam to clean steam reboilers steam pressure control valve indicating controller ASS 2ASS-PIC146 Auxiliary boiler steam to clean steam reboilers steam pressure control valve indicating controller ASS 2ASS-PC106 Building heating intermediate heat exchangers steam inlet pressure control valve controller CCS 2CCS-I/P43A Turbine lube oil cooler 2TML-ElA lube oil outlet temperature control current to pneumatic transducer .

CCS ~ 2CCS-I/P43B Turbine lube oil cooler 2TML-ElB lube oil outlet temperature control current to pneumatic transducer CRS 2CRS-PT103 Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElB intermediate shell steam pressure transmitter (setpoint input to main steam supply pressure control to reheaters)

CRS 2CRS-PT102 High pressure turbine to moisture separator reheater intermediate steam pressure transmitter 2HSS-AOV88A Main steam equalizing pressure low point drain valve to main condenser MSS'SS 2MSS-SOV88A 2HSS-AOV88B Main steam combined header drain valve 2MSS"SOV88B HSS 2HSS-PT101 Main steam supply to clean'team reboilers pressure transmitter MSS 2HSS-PT22B Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-E18 regul.ated inlet steam pressure transmitter 0138F"12177-HC3 B-S"1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE S System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. 'Function Descri tion MSS 2MSS-PT96B Turbine first stage shell pressure (C12-NO54-B)

MSS 2MSS-PT143 Turbine inlet steam pressure (M-SPS-HQ-B)

MSS 2MSS-PT144 Turbine inlet steam pressure (M-SPS-HQ"A)

MSS 2MSS-PT148 Turbine steam chest pressure (EPT-3)

MSS 2MSS-PT22A Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElA regulated inlet steam pressure transmitter MSS 2MSS-PT96A Turbine first stage. shell pressure (C12-N054-A) 2TME-LIC13A Clean steam reboiler 2TME-ElA shell water level control valve indicating controller 2TME-LIC13B Clean steam reboiler 2TME-E1B shell water level control valve indicating controller 2THE-PIC122 Main steam to gland seal steam pressure control valve indicating controller 0138F-12177-HC3 B-S-2


APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE Tunnel System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion MSS 2MSS"AOV85A Hain steam Line A drain valve 2MSS-SOV85A MSS 2MSS-AOV85B Main steam Line B drain valve 2MSS-SOV85B MSS 2MSS-AOV85C Hain steam Line C drain valve 2MSS-SOV85C MSS 2MSS-AOV85D Hain steam Line D drain valve 2HSS-SOV85D MSS 2MSS-AOV87A Hain steam Line A low point drain valve 2MSS-SOV87A MSS 2MSS-AOV87B Main steam Line B low point drain valve 2MSS-SOV87B MSS 2MSS-AOV87C Main steam Line C low point drain valve 2MSS-SOV87C MSS 2MSS-AOV87D Main steam Line D low point drain valve 2HSS-SOV879 2FWS-SOV23A Feedwater system testable check valve 2FWS-SOV23B Feedwater system testable check valve 0138G-12177"HC3 B-Tunnel-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COHPONENTS ZONE U System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function'escri tion 2CND-AOV218 Ultrasonic resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 vent valve 2CND-AOV219 Ultrasonic resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 air inlet valve 2CND-AOV220 Ultrasonic resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 resin inlet valve 2CND"AOV221 Ultrasonic resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 sluicing water inlet valve 2CND-AOV222 Ultrasonic resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 drain outlet valve 2CND-AOV223 Ultrasonic resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV224 Ultrasonic resin cleaner 2CND-URC1 resin outlet valve 2CND-FCV225 Ultrasonic resin cleaner 2CND-URC1 level control valve 2CND-AOV226 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 vent valve 2CND-AOV227 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 air inlet valve 2CND-AOV228 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 resin inlet valve 2CND-AOV229 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 resin outlet valve to ultrasonic resin cleaner CND 2CND-AOV230 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV231 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 drain outlet valve 2CND-AOV232 Ultrasonic resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 sluicing water inlet valve E

0138G-12177-HC3 B-U-1 0

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE U System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOU233 Ultrasonic resin cleaning unregulated sluicing water supply valve CND 2CND-PCU234 Ultrasonic resin cleaning unregulated sluicing water pressure control valve 2CND-FIS238 Mater flow to eductor 2CND-FIS264 URC sluice water supply flow 2CND-LS235 URC resin cleaner level 0138G-12177-HC3 B-U-2

""-* APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE W System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion ASS 2ASS-TV5A Building heating intermediate heat exchanger 2HVH-ElA temperature control valve 2ASS-SOV5A ASS 2ASS-TV5B Building heating intermediate heat exchanger 2HVH-ElB temperature control valve 2ASS-SOV5B 0138G-12177-HC3 B-W-1 0 ~ '

0 APPENDIX B CONTROL. COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AE274 Waste neut'ralizing tank 2CND-TK12 recirculation water pH analyzer 2CND-AOV106 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-.TKl rinse water inlet valve 2CND-AOV107 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 rinse water inlet valve 2CND-AOV)08 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 rinse water inlet valve 2CND-AOV113 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 top air inlet valve 2CND-AOV114 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 top air inlet valve 2CND-AOV115 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 vent valve CND 2CND-AOV116 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 top air inlet valve 2CND-AOV117 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 vent valve 2CND-AOV118 Condensate demineralizer system transfer air inlet valve 2CND-AOV124 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TKl dilute acid inlet valve 2CND-AOV125 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 dilute caustic inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV129 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 resin inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV130 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 resin inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV131 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 bottom air inlet valve 0138H"12177-HC3 B-X-1

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOV132 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 bottom resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV133 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 bottom resin outlet valve 2CND-AOU134 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 bottom resin outlet valve 2CND-AOV135 Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN1J resin transfer header block valve 2CND-AOV136. Resin cleaning tanks flushing water supply valve 2CND-AOV137 Condensate demineralizer 2CND-DEMN1J resin return header block valve


2CND-AOV138 Condensate demineralizer vessel top water supply valve


2CND-AOV140 Cat>on gegeneration tank 2CND-TK1 4

bottom axr inlet valve 2CND-'AOV141 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 rinse outlet valve CND 2CND-AOV142 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 rinse outlet valve to recovered acid tank 2CND-TK9 CND 2CND-AOV143 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 bottom air inlet valve 2CND-AOU144 Anion regeneration 'tank 2CND-TK2 rinse outlet valve 2CND-AOV145 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 outlet valve to recovered caustic tank 2CND-TK10 2CND-AOV146 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 rinse outlet valve 2CND-AOV148 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 bottom air inlet valve 0138H-12177-HC3 B-X"2

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-AOV149 Resin transfer air header inlet flow valve 2CND-AOV150 Resin transfer air header drain valve to low conductivity waste tank 2CND-TK13 2CND-AOV155 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 backwash inlet valve CND 2CND-AOV156 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 backwash inlet valve 2CND-AOV162 Resin transfer header block valve to resin receiver tank 2CND-TK4 2CND-AOV163 Cleaned resin storage tank 2CND-TK5 resin transfer header block valve 2CND-AOV164 Resin transfer header block valve to liquid radioactive waste system 2CND-AOV165 Regeneration tanks backwash outlet to low conductivity waste tank 2CND-TK13 block valve 2CND-AOV166 Regeneration tanks backwash I

outlet to waste neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 block valve 2CND-AOV174 Recovered acid tank 2CND-TK9 outlet valve CND 2CND-AOV183 Condensate makeup and drawoff system to condensate demineralizer system condensate inlet valve 2CND-AOV184 Regulated sluicing water to regeneration tanks supply valve 2CND-AOV194 'cid dilution water supp1y valve 2CND-AOV195 Strong acid supply block valve CND 2CND-AOV196 Strong acid bleed valve to low conductivity waste tank 2CND-TK13 0138H-12177-HC3 B-X-3

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion CND 2CND-AOV206 Caustic dilution water supply valve 2CND-AOV207 Strong caustic bleed valve to low conductivity waste tank 2CND-TK13 2CND-AOV208 Strong caustic supply block valve 2CND-AOV216 Recovered caustic tank 2CND-TK10 outlet valve 2CND-AOV271 Waste neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 recirculation valve 2CND-SOV271 2CND-AOV273 Waste neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 discharge valve to radioactive liquid waste system regenerant 2CND-SOV273 waste tanks 2CND-AOV276 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 backwash outlet valve 2CND-AOV277 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 backwash outlet valve 2CND-AOV309 Acid day tank 2CND-TK6 to mixing tee strong acid shutoff valve 2CND-AOV310 Caustic day tank 2CND-TK7 to mixing tee strong caustic shutoff valve CND 2CND-AOV320 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TKl rinse condensate valve to turbine plant sampling system CND 2CND-AOV321 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 rinse condensate valve to turbine plant sampling system CND 2CND-AOV334 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 cation resin feed block valve CND 2CND-AOV335 Anion regeneration tank 2CND-TK2 anion resin feed block valve 0138H-12177-HC3 B-X-4

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code . Device ID No. Function Descri tion CND 2CND-AOV338 Low conductivity waste tank 2CND-TK13 waste discharge valve to liquid radioactive waste system 2CND-SOV338 waste collector tanks CND 2CND-AOV339 . Low conductivity waste tank 2CND-TK13 waste discharge valve to waste neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 2CND-SOV339 2CND-AOV341 Resin mix and hold tank 2CND-TK3 rinse condensate valve to turbine plant sampling system 2CND-AOV342 Cation regeneration tank 2CND-TK1 vent valve 2CND-PV121 Service air supply to condensate demineralizer system pressure control valve 2CND-PV188 Regulated sluicing water pressure control valve 2CND-TV199 Dilute caustic temperature control valve CND- 2CND-CE157 . Condensate demineralizer cation rinse conductivity 2CND-CE158 Condensate demineralizer anion rinse conductivity 2CND-CE159 Condensate demineralizer mix and hold rinse conductivity 2CND-CE198 Condensate demineralizer dilute acid concentration 2CND-CE251 Condensate demineralizer dilute caustic conductivity CND 2CND-CE268 Condensate demineralizer waste tank 2CND-TK13 outlet conductivity 2CND-CE308 Condensate demineralizer regeneration system effluent 0138H-12177"HC3 B-X-5

APPENDIX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-FIS190 Condensate demineralizer acid dilution water inlet flow 2CND-FIS213 Condensate demineralizer caustic dilution water flow 2CND-LS256 Condensate demineralizer hot water tank 2CND-TK8 level low 2CND-LS28A Condensate demineralizer chemical waste sump level low CND 2CND-I,S28B Condensate demineralizer chemical waste sump level low 2CND-LT169 Condensate demineralizer recovered acid tank level 2CND-LT178 Condensate demineralizer recovered caustic tank level CND 2CND-LT267 Condensate demineralizer low conductivity tank 2CND-TK13 level low 2CND-LT281 Condensate demineralizer neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 level low 2CND-TIS176 Condensate demineralizer recovered caustic tank temperature 2CND-TIS187 Condensate demineralizer condensate inlet temperature 2CND-TIS199 Condensate demineralizer dilute caustic temperature 2CND-TIS311 Condensate demineralizer hot water tank 2CND-TK8 temperature high/low 2CND-TS211 Condensate demineralizer hot water tank 2CND-TK8 temperature control 2CND-LS185 Condensate demineralizer neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 level high/low 0138H-12177-HC3 B-X-6

APP IX B CONTROL COMPONENTS ZONE X System Instrument/ Instrument/Device Code Device ID No. Function Descri tion 2CND-LS283 Condensate demineralizer neutralizing tank 2CND-TK12 level high/low 2CND-LS345 Condensate demineralizer low conductivity tank 2CND-TK13 level low 0138H-12177-HC3 B-X-7

0 0


APPENDIX C List of High Energy Lines NOTES Zones M and U have no high energy lines but have nonsafety I grade components.

2. Zones AF, E and J have high energy lines but no control components.


3 Zone Y has no high energy line and no nonsafety grade components.

4. Zones within the primary containment were considered to be com-bined as one zone and the associated high energy lines are shown on the FSAR figures listed in this appendix.
5. Zones in the secondary containment and the auxiliary building were combined into one zone for combined effects analysis. The associated high energy lines are shown on the FSAR figures in this appendix for the secondary containment and individually for the auxiliary building.


APPENDIX C ZONE: Primary Containment FSAR Figures 3.6A-12 3.6A-13 3.6A-15 through 17 3.6A-18 (Sheet 1 of 7) 3.6A-19 through 20 3.6A-22 through 23 3.6A"25 through 33 3.6A-42 0756"12177-C3

APPENDIX C ZONE: Secondary Containment FSAR Figures 3.6A-14 3.6A-I8 (Sheet 2 through 7) 3.6A-21 3.6A-24 3.6A"34 through 41 3.6A-43 through 51 0756-12177-C3

APPENDIX C ZONE: ABN17503 2ICS-004-36-2 2ICS-010-62-2 2WCS-010-316-3 0756-12177-C3

0 APPENDIX C ZONE:MST 2FWS-024-027-4 2MSS-002-182-4 2FWB-024-028-4 2MSS-002-1 8 "-4 2FWB-024-050-1 2MSS-002-184-4 2F WS-024-051-1 2MSS-002-187-4 2MSS-002-0 13-4 2MSS-002-1 88-4 MSS-002-016-4 " 2MSS-006-0 12-4 2MSB-002-019-4 2MSS-006-018-4 2MSS-002-022-4 2MSS-006-021-4 2MSS-002-097-4 2MSS-006-1 1 7-4 2MSS-002-098-4 2MBS-026-151-4 2MSS-002-173-4 2MSS-026-152-4 2MSS-002-176-4 2MSB-026-15>-4 2MBS-002-177-4 2MSS-026-154-4 2MBS-002-178-4 2MSS-028-00'1-4 2MSS-002-179-4 2MSS-028-00 2MSS-002-180-4 .MSS-028-005-4 2MSB-002-181-4 MBS-028-007-4


~ 1


APPENDIX C ZONE: A LINE NOSER LINE NOSER LINE NOSER LINE NUISER R-ARC-010-d07-4 2-DTH-006-310-4 Z-ESS-026-128-4 R-SVH-002-234-4 2-ARC-010-608-4 2-DTII-006-311-4 2-FIIR-020-004-4 R-SVH-002-Zdl-4 2-ASS-010-504-4 2-DT}l-006-312-4 2-fIQ-020-005-4 R-SVH-002-Zdff-4 2-ASS-010-520-4 2-DTII-006-410-4 2-FIIR-020-006-4 R-SVH-002-704-4 2-CNA-00d-002-4 2-DTI I-010-179-4 R-FI4S-008-117-4 2-SVH-002-734-4 R-CNA-008-180-4 2-OTII-010-181-4 2-FI4S-008-120-4 2-SVH-002-7dff-4 2-CNA-150-006-4 R-OTII-012-297-4 2-FHS-008-122-4 2-SVH-004-105-4 2-CNII-006-321-4 2-OTII-018-313-4 2-FHS-014-142-4 2-SVH-004-106-4 2-CtQI-00d-32i2-4 2-OTII-OR0-068-4 R-FHS-014-143-4 R-SVH-004-135-4 2-CNII-00d-323-4 R-DTH-025-170-4 2-FHS-014-144-4 2-SVH-004-136-4 R-DSII-016-001-4 2-OTII-025-173-4 2-HOL-OOR-103-4 2-SVH-004-ld5-4 2-DSII-016-008-4 R-OTtl-025-174-4 R-HOL-OOR-104-4 2-SVH-004-ld6-4 2-DS}l-Old-02d-4 Z-DT}I-025-175-4 2-HOL-002-113-4 Z-SVH-004-207-4 2-OSR-006-105-4 2-OTII-025-176-4 2-HOL-002-114-4 2-SVH-004-R37-4 2-OSR-006-106-4 R-OTt l-025-171-4 2-}IDL-OOR-123-4 2-SVH-004-2d7-4 2-OSR-008-104-4 2-D Ill-125-143-4 R-HDL-002-1Z4-4 2-SVH-008-404-4 R-DSR-008-121-4 2-DTII-125-145-4 2-HOL-004>>105-4 2-SVH-008-434-4 2-DSR-008-122-4 2-DT}l-150-144-4 2-HOL-004-115-4 Z-SVH-008-464-4 2-OSR-016-001-4 Z-DTII-150-146-4 R-HOL-004-125-4 R-SVH-008-504-4 R-DSR-016-001-4 2-DTH-150-231-4 2-HOL-004-209-4 2-SVH-008-534-4 2-OSR-016-008-4 2-OTtl-150-232-4 2-HOL-004-R19-4 R-SVH-008-564-4 2-OSR-016-021-4 2-DTtl-150-233-4 2-HOL-004-229-4 2-SVH-008-604-4 2-OSR-018-107-4 R-OTII-150-234-4 R-HOL-014-101-4 2-SVH-008-634-4 2-DSR-018-108-4 R-DTII-150-235-4 2-HOL-014-111-4 2-SVH-008-664-4 2-DTH-002-005-4 2-DTII-150-236-4 2-HOL-014-121-4 R-SVH-008-805-4 2-DT}I-002-006-4 2-DTH-]50-263-4 R-HOL-014-201-4 2-SVH-008-835-4 2-OTII-002-007-4 2-DTII-150-366-4 2 HOL 014 a.ll 2-SVH-008-865-4 R-OTII-002-069-4 2-DTI I-150-361-4 2-HOL-014-221-4 2-SVH-024-901-4 2-DTII-002-070-4 2 ESS-003-004-4 2-HRS-026-001-4 2-SVH-024-931-4 2-0TH-002-011-4 2-ESS-004-037-4 2 HRS ORid-002-4 2-SVH-024-961-4 R-OTII-002-012-4 2-ESS-004-038-4 Z-HRS-Oa.d-003-4 R-SVH-025-205-4 2-OTII-002-073-4 2-ESS-006-251-4 2-}IRS-026-004-4 c.-SVH-Oi5-206-4 2-OTII-OOR-014-4 2-ESS-ON-001-4 2-HRS-026-005-4 R-SVH-025-235-4 2-D TI I-002-015-4 2-ESS-014-002-4 2-HRS-026-006-4 R-SVH-Oc.5-236-4 Z-OTII-.002-076 R-ESS-014-024-4 2-I ISS-010-189-4 2-SVH-025-265-4 2-DTII-002-333-4 2-ESS-014-027-4 2-DFG-003-200-4 2-SVH-025-266-4 2-DTII-002-334-4 2-ESS-014-030-4 2-OFG-003-201-4 " 2-TIIE-003-057-4 2-DTII-002-335-4 2-ESS-014-120-4 2-SVH-002-101-4 2-TIIE-003-058-4 R"DTII 00c. 511 4 R-ESS-014-121-4 2-SVH-002-104-4 2-TIIE-003>>078-4 2-OTII-002-51R-4 2-ESS-014-122-4 2-SVH-00R-131-4 2-TIIE-003-080-4 2-OTII-003-14 2-4 2-ESS-026-034-4 2-SVH-002-134-4 R-TtIE-006-079-4 2-DTII-004-275-4 Z-ESS-026-039-4 2-SVH-002-161-4 2-TIIE-012-076-4 2-OTII-004-276-4 R-ESS-Oc.6-04R-4 2-SVH-OOZ-R01-4 2-DTII-004-314-4 R-ESS-026-126-4 aZ-SVH-002-204-4 2-DTII-006-309-4 2-ESS-026-127-4 2-SVH-002-Z31-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-A -01

APPENOIX C ZONE: AA LINE NNSER LINE NNSER LINE NOSER LINE NUlSER 2-ARC-012-009-4 2-ASS-002-132-4 2-ASS-002-133-4 2-ASS-003-502-4 2-ASS-150-010-4 2-ASS-150-039-4 2-OFG-003-006-4 2-OFG-003-012-4 2-OFG-003-013-4 R-OFG-003-026-4 2-OFG-003-021-4 2-OFG-003-033-4 2-OFG-003-035-4 2-OFG-003-044-4 2-OFG-003-059-4 2-OFG-003-060-4 2-OF G-003-061-4 2-OFG-003-062-4 2-OFG-003-063-4 2-OFG-003-Od4-4 2-OFG-003-Od5-4 2-OEG-003-066-4 2-OFG-003-061-4 2-OFG-003-068-4 2-OFG-003-069-4 2-OFG-003-083-4 R-OFG-003-092-4 2-OFG-003-197-4 2-OF G-003-198-4 2-OFG-008-228-4 2-OFG-008-R29-4 2-OFG-012-003-4 R-OFG-012-004-4 2-OFG-012-005-4 R-OFG-012-009-4 2-OFG-012-187-4 0482-1202-HC3 C-AA-01

APPENDIX C ZONE4 AB LINE NUISER LINE NINSER LINE NUISER LINE NUISER 2AS5-014-013-4 ZAS5-016-014-4 2HVH-004-025-4 ZHVH-004-024-4 ZTIIE-006-041-4 2TIIE-008-411-4 2TIIE-008-412-4 ZTI IE-010-038-4 2TIIE-012-064-4 ZTIIE-012-074-4 2TI IE-012-077-4 2TIIE-014-005-4 ZTIIE-016-006-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-AB-01

APPEHOIX C ZOIIEt AC LINE NUIISER LINE NUISER LINE HUISER LlNE NUIIBER 2-ASS-016-013-4 2-ASS-016-014-4 2-CHA-002-013-4 2-CIIA-002-015-4 2-CHA-004-014-4 Z-CttA-006-002-4 2-CHA-006-052-4 2-CNA-150-006-Q 2-CHA-150-044-4 2-TIIE-003-055-4 2-TIIE-003-057-4 2-Tt!E-003-059-4 2-TtlE-008-084-4 2-TIIE-012-076-4 2-TIIE-016-005-4 2-TIIE-016-006-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-AC-01

APPENDIX C ZOtlE: AD LINE HUttBER LINE NOSER LINE NUttBER LIHE NUtlBER 2-ASS-016-013-4 2-ASS-016-014-4 2-CHA-002-016-4 2-CNA-002-020-4 2-CHA-004-017-4 2-CHA-006-008-4 2-CNA-006-018-4 I

2-CtlA-150-055-4 2-CNA-150-056-4 2-TtIE-003-055-4 2-TtlE-003-060-4 2-Tt!E-008-085-4 2-Tt!E-012-077-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-AD-01

.APPEHOIX C ZONE: AE LINK NUllBER LIHE HlRSER LINK HNSER LINE NSSER 2-TllE-006-041-4 2-THE-010-038-4 04 82-12171-HC3 C-AE-01



0082-12177-HC3 C-AF-01

APPENDIX C ZONE: 8 LINE NUIIBER LINE NUIIBER LINE NUIIBER LINE NUIIBER 2-ARC-025-015-4 2-DSII-01R-010-4 2-DTII-003-027-4 Z-OTII-150-481-4 2-ASS-003-003-4 2-OSII-012-011-4 2-OTII-003-040-4 2-OTI I-150-499-4 R-ASS-003-026-4 2-DSII-012-012-4 2-DTII-003-344-4 2-DTII-150-513-4 2-ASS-003-201-4 2-DSII-012-013-4 2-DTII-003-422-4 R-OTII-150-514-4 2-ASS-003-211-4 2-DSII-012-014-4 2-DTII-004-407-4 2-OTI 1-150-515-4 2-ASS-003-502-4 2-05! I-012-047-4 2-DTII-004-420-4 2-DTtl-150-5ld-4 2-ASS-006-001-4 2-OSII-014-001-4 Z-DTII-004-411-4 2-DTII-150-520-4 2-ASS-006-011-4 2-OSII-014-007-4 2-DTII-004 519-4 2-ESS-00d-251-4 2-ASS-006-017-4 2-DSII-014-008-4 2-DTII-006-417-4 2-HDH-014-403-4 2-ASS-006-010-4 2-DSII-Old-048-4 2-DTtl-008-414-4 R-HOH-014-d04-4 Z-ASS-006-125-4 R-OSII-018-049-4 2-0l'll-016-464-4 2-HOH-014-413-4 2-ASS-006-12d-4 2-DSII-020-051-4 2-OTII-018-463-4 2-HOH-014-dl4-4 2-ASS-006-140-4 2-OSR-OOR-011-4 2-DTII-020-010-4 2-NOH-014-623-4 Z-ASS-006-147-4 2-O SR-002-013-4 2-DTII-025-110-4 2-HDH-014-624-4 2-ASS-006-400-4 R-DSR-002-120-4 2-DTII-025-174-4 2-HOL-002-413-4 2-ASS-006-420-4 R-OSR-004-012-4 2-OTII-025-117-4 R-HDL-002-433-4 2-ASS-008-146-4 Z-OSR-006-010-4 2-DTI I-150-041-4 2-HOL-002-453-4 2-ASS-008-503-4 2-OSR-006-102-4 2-OTII-150-05d-4 2-HOL-006-134-4 2-ASS-010-504-4 2-DSR-OOS-104-4 2-OTII-150-057-4 2-NOL-004-135-4 2-ASS-012-043-4 2-OSR-014-001-4 2-DTII-150-058-4 2-KDL-006-136-4 2-ASS-012-141-4 R-OSR-016-007-4 2-DTI I-150-059-4 2-HOL-008-102-4 2-ASS-150-51R-4 2-DSR-Old-008-4 2-OTtl-150-064-4 2-HOL-008-112-4 2-ASS-150-517-4 2-DSR-024-009-4 2-DTII-150-065-4 2 HOL 008r122 4 2-ASS-150-518-4 2-OTII-002 014-4 2-DTII-150-111-4 2-HOL-008<<202-4 2-CNA-003-303-4 2-DTtl-002-015-4 2-DTII-150-135-4 2-HOL-008-203-4 Z-CNA-003-304-4 2-DTII-002-028-4 R-DTII-150-139-4 2-HOL-008-205-4 "2-CtIA-00d-052-4 2-OTII-002-029-4 R-DTII-150-140-4 2-HOL-008-212-4 2-CNA-150-019-4 2-OTII-002-030-4 2 DTtt-150-185-4 2-HOL-008-213-4 2-CNA-150-021-4 2-OTII-002-061-4 2-OTII-150-186-4 2-HOL-008-R15-4 2-CIS I-002-093-4 2-OTtl-OOR-Od2-4 2-DTII-150-R14-4 2-HOL-008-223-4 2-CISI-002-094-4 2-DTII-002-062-4 2-DTII-150-231-4 R-HOL-OOS-c.25-4 2-CINI-002-095-4 2-DTII-002-Od3-4 2-DTII-150-232-4 2-KOL-OOS-235-4 2-CISI-012-034-4 2-DTII-002-069-4 2-OTII<<150-233-4 Z-HOL-008-302-4 2-CIQI-012-035-4 2-DTII-002-070-4 2-OTtl-150-234-4 2-HOL-008-303-4 2-CNS-002-033-4 2-OTII-002-071-4 2-OTII-150-235-4 R-HOL-008-304-4 2-CNS-003-045-4 2-DTII-002-012-4 2-DTII-150-236-4 2-HOL-008-312-4 2-CtlS-003-034-4 2-OTI 1-002-33'1-4 2-OTII-150-343-4 2-HOL-OOS-314-4 2-CNS-004-024-4 2-DTII-002-339-4 2-OTII-150-400-4 2-KDL-008-322-4 2-CNS-004-095-4 2-DTII-OOR-341-4 2-OTII-150-403-4 Z-HOL-008-3c.4-4 2-CtIS-00d-040-4 R-OTtl-002-457-4 2-OTII-150-405-4 2-HOC-014-101-4 R-DSH-OOR-016-4 2-DTtl-002-458-4 2-DTII-150-41R-4 2-tlDL-014-111-4 2-DSII-002-018-4 2-DTtl-002-459-4 2-OTI I-150-415-4 2-KDL-014-121-4 2-OSII-004-017-4 2-OTII-002-4d0-4 2-OTII-150-473-4 2-HDL-014-503-4 2 OSII 006 053 4 2-DTtl-002-461-4 2-DTII-150-479-4 2-HDL-016-504-4 2-OSII-012-009-4 2-OTII-002-4dR-4 2-DTII-150-480-4 2-HOL-014-513-4 0482-12177-HC3

APPEtIDIX C ZONE: 8 LINE NUtlBER LINE NNIBER LINE NNIBER LINE NNIBER 2-HDL-016-514<<4 2-SVH-003-337-4 2-HDL-Old-523-4 2-SVH-003-367-4 2-HDL-Old<<524-4 2-SVH-004-992-4 2-HDL-018-402-4 2-SVH-004-993-4 2-HDL-018-403-4 Z-SVH-004-994-4 2-HDL-018-422-4 2-SVH-006-995-4 2-HDL-018-423-4 2-SVH-010-902-4 2-HDL-018-442-4 2-5VH-010-932-4 2-HDL-018-443-4 2-SVH-010-962-4 2-HV}I-006-023-4 2-TI IE-003-078-4 2-HVH-006-024-4 2-TIIE<<003-080-4 2-}5S-002-147-4 2-TIIE-004-413>>4 2-IISS-002-148-4 2-TIIE-006-079-4 2-IISS-002-177-4 2-TIIE-008-075-4 Z-HSS-002-178-4 2-TIIE-008-084-4 2-IISS-002-180-4 2-TIIE-008-085-4 2-IISS-002-181-4 2-TIIE-012-077-4 2-IISS-016-026-4 2-TIIE-012-418-4 2-IISS-018-010-4 2-IISS-018-034-4 Z-IISS-028-006-4 2-IISS-028-008-4 2-IISS-150-251-4 Z-IIS 5-150-252-4 2-IISS-150-257-4 2 IISS 150 258 4 2-SVH-002-101-4 2-SVH-002-161-4 2-SVH-002-201-4 2-SVH-002-231-4 2-SVH-002-261-4 2-SVH-002-302-4 2-SVH-002-332-4 2-SVH-002-362-4 2-SVH-002-402-4 2-SVH-002-407-4 2-SVH-002-432-4 2-SVH-002-437-4 2-SVH-002-462-4 2-SVH-002-467-4 2-SVH-002-991-4 2-SVH-003-202-4 2-SVH-003-232-4 2-SVH-003-idZ-4 2-SVH-003-307-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-8 -OZ ee

APPENOIII C ZDHEt C LINE NUIIBER LINE NOIBER LINE NUtlBER LINE NOSER 2-ARC-010-407-4 2-DSII-004-035-4 2-OTtl-125-143-4 2-.ESS-014-027-4 2-ARC-010-608-4 2-DSII-006-054-4 2-DTH-125-145-4 2-ESS-014-030-4 R-ASS-003-502-4 2-OSII-01R-OR7-4 R-DTII-150-111-4 Z-ESS-016-016-4 2-ASS-006-082-4 . 2-OSII-012-028-4 2-OTII-150-144-4 2-ESS-014-019-4 2-ASS-006-126-4 2-OSII-01R-0R9-4 2-DTH-150-146-4 R-ESS-Old-021-4 2-ASS-008-083-4 2-OStl-01R-030-4 R-DTH-150-214-4 2-ESS-014-033-4 2-ASS-010-080-4 2-DSII-012-031-4 2-DTII-150-513-4 2-ESS-Old-200-4 2-ASS-010-081-4 2-DSH-012-032-4 2-DTtl-150-514-4 2-ESS-018-011-4 2-ASS-010-084-4 2-'OSII-012-031-4 2-ESS-002-004-4 2-ESS-018-012-4 2-ASS-010-520-4 2-DSII-016-001-4 2-ESS-002-008-4 2-ESS-020-003-4 2-ASS-012-063-4 2-DSII-014-019-4 R-ESS-002-010-Q 2-ESS-024-013-4 2-ASS-016-013-4 2-DSII-Old-025-4 Z-ESS-002-017-4 2-ESS-02d-034-4 2-ASS-Old-014-4 2-OSII-016-024-4 2-ESS-002-018-4 2-ESS-026-039-4 2-ASS-150-071-Q 2-DSII-016-038-4 2-ESS-002-020-4 2-ESS-024-042-4 2-ASS-150-072-4 2-DSII-018-039-4 2-ESS-002-022-4 R-ESS-150-153-4 2-CNA-003-318-4 2-OSII-020-041-4 2-ESS-002-023-4 2-FHR-010-001-4 2-CNA-003-414-4 2-DSR-OOR-024-4 R-ESS-002-025-4 2-FHR-010-002-4 R-CNA-003-415-4 2-DSR-002-026-4 2-ESS-002-028-4 2-FHR-010-003-4 2-CNA-006-002-4 2-OSR-002-042-4 2-ESS-OOR-031-4 2-FHR-Oc.0-004-4 2-CNA-006-008-4 R-DSR-002-119-4 R-ESS-002-035-4 2-Flm-020-005-4 2-CtlA-006-018-4 R-OSR-OOQ-Oc.5-4 2-ESS-002-040-4 2-FHR-020-006-4 Z-CNA-006-052-4 2-DSR-006-073-4 R-ESS-002-043-4 R-FIIS-OOS-117-4 2-CHA-150-006-4 2-OSR-006-101-4 2-ESS-002-070-4 2-FHS-008-120-4 R-CHA-150-056-4 2-DSR-006-105-4 2-ESS-002-011-4 2-FHS-008-122-4 2-CNI-004-318-4 2-OSR-006-104-4 2-ESS-002-085-4 2-FHS-012-119-4 2-CNI-004-319-4 2-DSR-008-103-4 2-ESS-002-086-4 Z-FHS-Old.-lid-ff 2-CIOI-004-320-4 2-OSR-008-104-4 2-ESS-002-081-4 2- F I IS-014-125-4 2-CNI-006-321-4 2-DSR-008-121-4 2-ESS-002-088-4 2-FHS-020-110-4 Z-CNI-006-3a.2-4 2-DSR-008-12R-Q 2-ESS-003-004-4 2-HDL-002-206-4 2-CIOI-006-323-4 2-DSR-Old-001-4 2-FSS-003-015-4 2-HDL-002-207-4 R CNI 010 029' 2-OSR-014~014-4 2-ESS-004-038-4 2-HOL-002-216-4 R-CNI-012-033-4 2-DSR-014-020-4 2-ESS<<OOQ-15Q-4 2-HOL-002-217-4 2-CIOI-012-034-4 2-OSR-016-021-4 2-ESS-004-155-4 Z-HOL-OOc.-22d-ff 2-CIOI-012-035-4 2-OSR-024-022-4 Z-ESS-004-156-4 2-HOL-OOR-227-'I 2-Ctlll-01S-041-4 2-OTII-002-005-4 2-ESS-OOQ-157-4 2-HDL-OOQ-208-4 2-CNI-01S-04 8-4 Z-DTtl-002-004-4 Z-ESS-004-158-4 2-HOL-004-Z09-4 2-Ctlll-018-049-4 2-DTII-002-007-4 2-ESS-004-251-4 2-HDL-004-218-4 2-Ctlll-018-050-4 2-DTII-002-014-4 2-ESS-008-040-4 R-HOL-OOQ-R19-4 2-Ctlt I-018-051-4 2-DTH-002-013-4 2-ESS-012-005-4 2-HDL-004-228-4 2-Ctlll-018-052-4 2-OTII-002-014-4 R-ESS-012-007-Q 2-HDL'-004-229-4 2-CNI-018-053-4 2-DTII-002-015-4 2-ESS-012-009-4 2-HDL-008-203-4 2-CHII-018-054-4 2-OTII-002-074-4 2-ESS-01Z-095-4 2-HOL-008-213-4 2-CNI-018-055-4 2-DTII-025-113-4 2-ESS-012-096-4 2-HOL-008-223-4 2-OSII-002-034-4 2-DTII-025-174-4 2-ESS-012-097-4 2-HDL-014-201-4 2-OSII-002-036-4 2-DTII-025-175-4 2-ESS-014-024-4 2-HOL-014-211-4 048R-1R 177-HC3 C-C -01

APPENDIX C ZOIIE: C LItIE NUINER LINE NUIISER LINE NUINER LItlE NUIIBER 2-HDL-014-221-4 2-IISS-002-097-4 2-IISS-002-098-4 2-tlSS-OOZ-141-4 2-IISS-002-146-4 2-IISS-002-160-4 2-t ISS-002-171-4 2-tlSS>>002-237-4 2-IISS-006-167-4 2-IISS-010-189-4 2-I ISS-016-025-4 2-IISS-028-002-4 2-IISS-028-004-4 2-I ISS-150-251-4 2-IISS-150-252-4 2-IISS-150-253-4 2-IISS-150-254-4 Z-SVH-002-704-4 2-SVH-002-734-4 2-SVH-002-764-4 2-SVH-008-404-4 Z-SVH-008-434-4 2-SVH-008-464-4 2-SVH-008-504-4 2-SVH-008-534-4 2-SVH-008-5d4-4 2-SVH-008-604-4 2-SVH-008-634-4 2-SVH-008-dd4-4 2-SVH-008-805-4 2 SVH-008 S35 4 Z-SVH-008-865-4 2-TIIE-002-074-4 2-TIIE-003-057-4 2-TIIE-004-413-4 2-TIIE-004-414-4 2-TIIE-006-041-4 2-TIIE-006-101-4 2-TIIE-008-075-4 2-TIIE-OOS-084-4 2-TIIE-008-085-4

. Z-TIIE-012-076-4 2-Tl IE-012-418-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-C -02

APPENDIX C ZONE: D LINK NUIISER LINE SNIDER LINE NUIISER LINE tlNSER 2-ARC-012-009-4 R-CNI-030-0R4-4 2-FHS-008-141-4 2-HVG-004-001-4 2-ARC-OI25-015-4 R-CNI-030-025-4 2-FHS-020-110-4 2-HVG-004-002-4 2-ARC-025-Old-4 Z-CNI-030-04 2-4 2-FHS-024-006-4 2-HVG-004-003-4 2-ASS-003-502-4 2-CNI-030-174-4 Z-FHS-024-007-4 2-HVG-00d-004-4 2-ASS-004-091-4 2-CN 1-030-236-4 2-FIIS-024-009-4 2-NVG-006-005-4 2-ASS-004-092-4 2-DTII-002-014-4 2-FHS-024-010-4 2-HVG-006-006-4 2-ASS-150-010-4 2-DTII-002-015-4 2-FHS-024-012-4 2-HVG-OR5-150-4 Z-ASS-150-069-4 2-DTII-002-Old-4 2-FHS-024-013-4 2-NVG-025-151-4 2-CIIA-003-303-4 R-DTII-002-028-4 2-FHS-024-027-4 2-HVG-025-152-4 2-CHA-003-304-4 2-OTI!-002-029-4 R-FHS-Oc.4-02S-4 2-.NVG-025-153-4 2-CHA-004-d52-4 2-DTII-002-030-4 2-HDH-014-d03-4 2-HVG-Oc,5-154-4 R-CIIA-004-653-4 2-DTII-002-061-4 2-HDH-014-613-4 2-NVG-025-155-4 R-CNA-006-002-4 2-DTtl-00i".-062-4 2-HDH-014-d23-4 2-HVG-025-156-4 2-CHA-006-052-4 2-DTN-002-063-4 2-HDL-OOS-R02-4 2-NVG-025-157-4 2-CNA-150-006-4 2-DTII-003-027-4 2-HDL-008-203-4 R-HVG-150-038-4 2-CHA-150-019-4 R-DTII-003-060-4 2-HOL-008-205-4 2-IIVG-150-121-4 2-CNA-150-021-4 2-DTII-025-175-4 2-HDL-008-212-4 2-HVG-150-122-4 2-CtQI-002-069-4 Z-DTII-025.-176-4 2-NDL-008-213-4 2-HVG-150-123-4 2-CNI-002-237-4 2-DTII-150-064-4 2-HOL-008-a215-4 2-HVH-002-034-4 2-CNI-002-276-4 2-DTN-150-065-4 2-HOL-008-2RR-4 2-HVH-002-035-4 2-CtQ I-003-173-4 R-DTII-150-135-4 2-HOL-008-223-4 2-HVH-004-025-4 2-CNI-003-200-4 2-DTI I-150-139-4 Z-HOL 008 225 4 R-HVH-004-02d-4 2-CNI-004-071-4 2-DTII-150-140-4 2-HOL-008-302-4 2-NVH-004-036-4 2-CtQI-004-203-4 2-DTI I-150-185-4 2-HOL-008-304-4 2-HVH-006-006-4 2-CNI-010-029-4 2-DTII-150-184-4 2-HDL-008-312-4 2-HVH-006-007-4 2-CtQI-012-033-4 2-DTII-150-214-4 2-HDL-OOS-314-4 2-HVH-006-008-4 2-CtQ I-016-019-4 2-DTII-150-473-4 2-HDL-008-322-4 2-HVH-006-009-4 2-CtQI-020-039-4 2-DTII-150-479-4 2-HOL-008-324<<4 2-HVH-006-012-4 2-CtQI-OCO-04 0-4 2-OTI I-150-480-4 R-HDL-014-503-4 2-HVH-006-013-4 2-CNI-0"0-041-4 2-DTII-150-513-4 2-HOL-016-513-4 2-HVH-006-014-4 2-CtQI-024-012-4 2-DTII-150-514-4 2-HOL-016-523-4 2-HVH-006-015-4 Z-CtQI-Oa.4-013-4 2-FHP-002-002-4 R-NOL-018-402-4 2 N'VH 006 023 4 2-CtQI-024-032-4 2-FHP-002-003-4 2-HOL-018-422-4 2-HVH-004-024-4 2-CNI-024-074-4 2-FHP-OOR-004-4 a.-HDL-018-44 2-4 2-HVH-006-027-4 R-CHll-024-075-4 2-FHP-003-001-4 2-HVG-002-012-4 2-HVH-006-028-4

. Z-CtQI-Oc.4-084-4 2-FIIR-010-001-4 2-HVG-002-013-4 2-HVH-006-037-4 2-CtQI-024-085-4 2-FHR-010-002-4 2-HVG-003-015-4 a2-HVH-006-038-4 2-CNII-024-086-4 2-FHR-010-003-4 2-HVG-003-016-4 2-NVH-006-039-4 2-CNI-024-211-4 2-FHS-006-089-4 2-HVG-003-017-4 2-HVH-006-062-4 2-CIQI-025-317-4 2-FHS-006-090-4 2-HVG-003-018-4 R-HVH-006-066-4 2-CIQ !-030-017-4 2-FHS-'006-091-4 2-HVG-003-019-4 2-HVH-008-010-4 2-CtQI-030-01S-4 2-FHS-006-092-4 =

2-HVG-003-020-4 2-HVH-008-0]1-4 2-CHII-030-020-4 2-FIIS-006-138-4 2-HVG-003-021-4 2-HVH-008-016>>4 2-CtQI-030-022-4 2-FHS-006-139-4 2-HVG-003-022-4 2-NVH-008-017-4 2-CtUI-030-023-4 2-FHS-008-140-4 2-HVG-004-014-4 2-HVH-008-019-4 04 82-$ 2177-HC3 C-D -01

APPEHOIX C ZOIIE ~ 0 LltlE tIUISER LINE tlUISER LIHE tIUISER LINE tIUISER 2-HVH-008-020-4 2-HVH-008-021-4 2-HVH-008-022-4 2-HVH-008-081-4 2-HVH-008-082-4 2-HVH-008-087-4 2-HVH-008-088-4 2-HVH-008-089-4 2-HVH-150-018-4 2-OFG-002-20d-4 2-OFG-003-186-4 2-SVH-002-302-4 2-SVH-002-332-4 2-SVH-002-362-4 Z-SVH-002-402-4 2-SVH-002-407-4 R-SVH-002-43R-4 2-SVH-002-437-4 2-SVH-002-462-4 2-SVH-002-467-4 R-SVH-002-501-4 2-SN-002-502-4 2-SVH-002-531-4 2-SVH-002-532-4 2-SVH-002-5dl-4 2-SVH-002-562-4 2-SVH-002-d02-4 2-SVH-002-d32-4 2-SVH-002-662-4 2-SVH-002-991-4 2-SVH-003-307-4 2-SVH-003-337-4 2-SVH-003-367-4 R-SVH-004-992-4 2-SVH-004-993-4 2-SVH-004-994-4 2-TIIE-008-075-4 2-TIIE-008-084-4 2-TIIE-008-085-4 2-TIIE-012-07d-4 2-Tl!E-012-077-4 2-TIIE-012-418-4

.0482-12177-HC3 C-D -02


APPENDIX C ZONE: F LINE NUIIBER LINE NmlBER LINE NUIIBER LINE NUIIBER 2-CNA-003-414-4 R-HDL-004-308-4 2-CIOI-002-226-4 2-HOL-004-410-4 2-CIOI-012-Od5-4 2-HDL-004-507-4 2-CNN-012-324-4 2-HDL-006-210-4 2-CIOI-018-044-4 Z-HDL-006-407-4 2-CtOI-018-047-4 2-HOL-006-41R-4 2-CIQ I-018-053-4 2-HOL-008-ROiZ-4 2-CtOI-018-056-4 2-HDL-008-R05-4 2-CIOI-018-059-4 2-HDL-008-301-4 2-CIOI-018-07d-4 2-HDL-008-30R-4 2-CIOI-018-327-4 2-NOL-008-304-4 2-CIOI-020-062-4 .2-HDL-008-411-4 2-CIOI-ORO-079-4 2-HOL-008-414-4 2-CIOI-024-043-4 2-HDL-012-404-4 2-CtQI-024-084-4 2-HDL-012-405-4 2-CtOI-030-042-4 2-HDL-012-501-4 2-DSII-010-044-4 Z-HDL-01R-50R-4 2-OSH-010-046-4 2-HOL-014-401-4 Z-OSR-008-104-,4 2-HDL-016-503-4 2-OSR-010-028-4 2-HDL-018-402-4 2-DSR-010-030-4 2-SVH-002-301-4 2-O SR-012-112-4 R-SVH-OOR-302-4 2-OSR-012-118-4 2-SVH-002-305-4 2-ESS-012-005-4 2-SVH-002-401-4 2-ESS-014-024-4 2-SVH-002-402-4 2-ESS-016-016-4 2-SVH-002-405-4 2-ESS-02d-034-4 2-SVH-002-407-4 2-FHS-006-091-4 2-SVH-002-501-4 2-FHS-020-00S-4 2-SVH-002-502-4 ZiFHS-020-038-4 2-SVH-002-505-4 2-FHS-024-007-4 iR-SVH-OOR-d02-4 2-FHS-024-019-4 2-SVH-002-d05-4 2-HDH-002-605-4 Z-SVH-002-704-4 2-HDH-00i-606-4 2-SVH-002-804-4 2-NDH-004-607-4 2-SVH-003-307-4 2-HDH-012-601-4 2-SVH-008-404-4 R-HDH-014-603-4 2-SVH-008-504-4 2-HDL-002-306-4 2-SVH-008-d04-4 2-HDL-002-307-4 2-SVH-008-805-4 2-HOL-002-406-4 2-SVH-Oi5-306-4 2-HOL-002-408-4 2-SVH-150-406-4 2-HDL-002-409-4 2-SVH-150-506-4 2-HOL-002-413-4 2-SVH-150-606-4 2-HOL-002-505-4 2-HDL-002-506-4 0482-1Z177-HC3 C-F -01

~ ~

APPENDIX C ZONE: G LINE NOISER LINE NOSER LINE NOIOER LINE NOISER 2-CNA-003-318-4 R-FHS-006-092-4 2-SVH-002-431-4 R-CNI-002-c.21-4 2 FHS-016-100 4 2-SVH-002-43R-Q 2-CN I-004-313-4 2-FHS-018-018-4 2-SVH-002-435-4 2-CNI-006-136-4 2-FHS-020-011-4 2-SVH-OOR-437-4 2-Ctl I-006-239-4 R-FHS-020-039-4 2-SVH-002-531-4 2-CNI-012-066-4 2-FHS-024-010-4 2-SVH-002-532-4 Z-CtOI-012-325-4 2-FHS-OZ4-019-4 2-SVH-OOR-535-4 2-CNII-018-045-4 2 FHS-0c.4-020-4 2-SVH-002-632-4 2-CNII-OIS-OQS-Q Z-FHS-024-029-4 R-SVH-002-635-4 2-Ctat-018-054-4 2-HDH-002-dl5-4 2-SVH-002-734-4 2-CNI-018-051-4 2-HDH-002-did-4 R-SVH-002-834-4 2-CNI-018-Od0-4 2-HDH-004-617-4 2-SVH-003-337-4 2-CNI-018-011-4 ~ 2-HDH-012 611 4 2-SVH-OOS-43Q-4 2-CNI-018-07S-4 2-HOH-014-dl3-4 R-SVH-008-534-4 2-CNI-018-091-4 2-HOL-OOR-316-4 2-SVH-008-d34-4 R<<CNI-018-238-4 2-HDL-002-317-4 2-SVH-008-835-4 2 Ctll-018-3c.8-4 2 HDL-002-426-4 2-SVH-025-336-4 Z-CNI-020-Od2-4 2-HDL-002-42S-4 2-SVH-150-436-4 2-CtOI-020-063-4 2-HOL-002-429-4 2-SVH-150-536-4 2-CNI-0 "0-080-4 2-HDL-002-433-4 2-SVH-150-636-4 2-CtUI-024-043-4 2-HOL-002-515-4 2-YIIE-012-076-4 2-CNI-024-084-4 2-HDL-002-516-4 R-CNII-024-085-4 2-HDL-004-318-4 2-CNII-030-219-4 2-HDL-004-430-4 2-CIDI-030-225-4 2-HDL-OOQ-517-4 2-DSII-010-003-4 2-HDL-006-220-4 R-OSII-010-021-4 2-HOL-00d-QR7-4 2-DSII-010-OQQ-4 2-HDL-00d-Q32-4 R-DSII-010-046-4 2-HDL-008-212-Q 2-OStl-012-043<<4 2-KDL-008-R15-4 2-OSR-008-103-4 2-HOL-008 311 4 2-DSR-010-003-4 2-HOL-008-312-4 2-DSR-010-016-4 2-HOL-00S-314-4 2-OSR-010-028-4 2-HDL-008-cl31-4 2-DSR-010-030-4 2-HDL-008-434-4 2-OSR-01Z-027-4 2-KOL-012-424-4 2-DSR-012-029-4 2-HDL-01R-425-4 2-OSR-012-110-4 2-HDL-012-511-4 2-OSR-012-113-4 2-HOL-012-51R-4 2-OSR-012-118-4 2-KOL-01Q-Q21-4 2-ESS-01Z-007-4 R-HDL-Old-513-4 2-ESS-014-027-4 2-HDL-018-422-4 2-ESS<<016-019-4 2-SVH-002-331-4 2-ESS-026-039-4 2-SVH-002-332-4 2-FNS-DOQ-128-4 2-SVH-002-335-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-G -01




.-'~-4-(CttA-003-4l5-4 2-HDH-01R-621-4 R-SVH-003-3d7-4 2-CN I-002-228-4 2-HDH-014-623-4 2-SVH-008-4d4-4 2-Ctal-012-067-4 2-HDL-002-326-4 2-SVH-008-564-4 2-CNI-012-32d-4 2-HOL-002-327-4 R-SVH-008-d64-4 2-CNII-018-046-4 2-HOL-002-446-4 2-SVH-008-865-4 Z-CtQI-018-049-4 2-HOL-002-44S-4 2-SVH-025-366-4 2-CtQI-018-055-4 2-HDL-002-449-4 2-SVH-150-466-4 2-CIQI-018-058-4 2-HOL-002-453-4 2-SVH-150-5dd-4 2-CN I-018-061-4 2-HDL-002-525-4 2-SVH-150-ddd-4 2-CNI-01S-078-4 2-HOL-002-526-4 2-CtQI-018-329-4 Z-HDL-004-328-4 2-CNI-020-064-4 2-HOL>>004-450-4 2-CtQI-020-081-4 2-HOL-004-527-4 2-CNI-024-043-4 R-HDL-00d-230-4 2-CNI-024-086-4 2-HDL-00d-447-4 2-CNI-030-219-4 2-HOL-006-452-4 2-CtQI-030-225-4 2-}IOL-008-032-4 R-CtQ I-036-22 R-4 2-HOL-008-22R-4 2-OSII-010-005-4 2-HOL-008-225-4 2-DSII-010-021-4 2-HDL-008-321-4 2-DSII-010-023-4 2-HOL-008-3 2-4 2-DSII-010-046-4 2-HOL-008-324-4 2-OStl-012-045-4 R-HDL-008-451-4 Z-OS I I-016-001-4 Z-HDL-OOS-454-4 2-OS}I-016-019-4 2-HDL-01Z-444-4 2-DSR-010-005-4 2-HDL-01R-445-4 2-OSR-010-018-4 2-HDL-01R-521-4 2-DSR-012-027-4 2-HDL-01R-522-4 2-OSR-012-029-4 2-HDL-014-441-4 c.-OSR-012-114-4 2-HOL-016-5"3-4 2-DSR-012-118-4 2-HDL-018-442-4 2-OSR-016-001-4 2-SVH-OOR-361-4 2-OSR-016-014-4 2-SVH-OOR-3d2-4 2-ESS-012-009-4 2-SVH-002-365-4 2-ESS-014-030-4 2-SVH-002-461-4 2-ESS-016-021-4 R-SVH-002-46c.-4 2-ESS-026-042-4 2-SVH-002-465-4 2-FIIS-020-040-4 2-SVH-002-4d7-4 2-FNS-0"0-041-4 2-SVH-002-5dl-4 2-FIIS-024-013-4 2-SVH-OOR-5dZ-4 2-FIIS-024-019-4 2-SVH-002-565-4 2-FIIS-024-029-4 2-SVH-OOR-ddZ-4 2-HDH-002-625-4 2-SVH-002-665-4 2-HDH-002-62d-4 2-SVH-002-7d4-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-H 01

APPENDIX C ZONEt J LINE ttmSER LINE NURSER LINE NUtlBER LINE NUISER 2-CNA-006-002-4 2-CNA-006-052-4 2-CNA-150-006-4 2-OSlt-010-023-4 2-TIIE-008-419-4 2-TIIE-010-038-4 2-TtlE-012-418-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-J -01

APPENOIX C ZONE: L LINE NUtSER LINE NUtSER LINE NUtSER LINE NUtSER 2-CNO-002-07d-0 2-CNO-002-077-0 2-CtlO-002-081- l 2-Ct0l-030-017-0 2-CNt I-030-018-0 0982-12177-HC3 C-L -01


'2-ARC-008-012-4 2-ARC-010-607-4 2-ARC-012-009-4 2-ARC-012-605-4 2-ARC-025-015-4 2-ASS-002-103-4 2-ASS>>002-132-4 2-ASS-002-151-4 2-ASS-004-023-4 2-ASS-004-092-4 2-ASS-006-025-4 2-ASS-025-058-4 2-Cttll-030-018-4 2-CtQI-030-022-4 2-CIOI-030-174-4 2-DTI I-125-145-4 2-DTtl-150-146-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-N -01


APPENDIX C ZONE: P LINE INIIDER LINE HUISER LINE HUIIDER LINE NQIDER 2-ARC-006-098-4 2-ARC-008-008-4 2-ARC-008-011-4 2-ARC-010-607-4 2-ARC-010-608-4 2-ARC-012-009-4 2 ARC-025-01d-4 2-ASS-003-502-4 2-ASS-004-024-4 2-ASS-004-403-4 2-ASS-006-018-4 2-ASS-006-025-4 2-ASS-006-027-4 2-ASS-00d-126-4 2-ASS-006-128-4 2-ASS-008>>019-4 2-ASS-008-142-4 2-ASS-010-520-4 2-ASS-025-022-4 2-ASS-025-057-4 2-ASS-150-107-4 2-ASS-150-507-4 2-CIOI-030-020-4 2-CNII-030-022-4 2-OTII-125-143-4 2-OTI I-125-145-4 2-DTI I-150-135-4 2-OTI I-150-144-4 2-OTI l-150-146-4 2-OTI 1-150-473-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-P -01

APPENDIX C ZONE: R LINE NUlSER LINE NUlSER LINE NNSER LINE NNSER 2-TNE-006-041-4 2-TIIE-008-084-4 2-TNE-008-085-4 0482-12171-HC3 C-R -01


APPENDIX C ZottEt H LINE HUltBER LINE HvtlBER LINE HQtBER LIHE HUtlBER 2-ASS-006-038-4 2-ASS-006-400-4 2-ASS-006-505-4 2-ASS-006-506-4 2-ASS-150-110-4 2-ASS-150-111-4 2-ASS-150-515-4 2-ASS-150-516-4 2-CNA-002-023-4 2-CtlA-002-025-4 2-CtlA-002-02d-4 2-CNA-002-028-4 2-CtlA-002-604-4 2-CHA-002-601-4 2-CtlA-002-d08-4 2-CHA-002-611-4 2-CNA-003-303-4 2-CNA-003-304-4 2-CtlA-004-024-4 2-CHA-004-048-4 2-CHA-004-652-4 2-CHA-004-d53-4 2-CHA-150-019-4 2-CtlA-150-021-4 2-DTII-150-139-4 2-DTtl-150-140-4 2-DTII-150-429-4 2-DTt t-150-480-4 2-NVH-006-006-4 2-HVH-006-007-4 2-HVH-006-008-4 2-HVH-006-009-4 0482-12117-HC3 C-H -01

APPEIQIX C ZONE: X LINE WISER LINE HOSER LINE WISER LINE WISER 2-CtQ-002-075-4 2-CtQ-002-074-4 2-CtQ-002-077-4 2-CIOI-020-039-4 2-CNI-020-040-4 2-CNI-020-041-4 2-CIOI-030-042-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-X -Ol

APPENOIX C ZONE: Z LINE NQSER LINE NNSER LINE GUISER 2<<AAS-004-102-4 2-HVH-004-025-4 2-HVH-004-026-4 2-IAS-006-102-4 2-IAS-006-202-4 2-IAS-006-302-4 0482-12177-HC3 C-Z -01



PC250-624 PC261-207 PC261-637 PC261-643 PC261-646 PC261-651 PC287-617 PC287-669 PC287-674 Building: Reactor Building Elevation: 240'-0" 25P I Plt 261'"0" 287t~Ptt HELB S stem Control S stem E22 High Pressure Core B35 Reactor Recirculation CSH Spray System RCS System (27-4) (25-1)

E21 Low Pressure Core CSL Spray System (27-5)

FWS Feedwater System (6-1)

E51 Reactor Core Isolation ICS and Cooling System (27-6)

MSS Main Steam (3-1)

B35 Reactor Recirculation RCS System (25-1)

E12 Residual Heat RHS Removal System (27-7)

C41 Standby Liquid SI,S Control System (27-16) 0655-12177-HC3 D-PC-1

G33/G36 Reactor Water WCS Cleanup (RWCU)


1. Following is a list of high-energy lines analyzed on a system basis.
a. Hi h Pressure Core S ra S stem (CSH 27-4)

Line: All high-energy lines for high pressure core spray sys-tem inside primary containment Function:

High pressure core spray injection lines to reactor vessel.

Failure Effect:

Loss of coolant inside primary containment.

b. 'Iow Pressure Core S ra S stem (CSL 27-5)

Line: All high-energy lines for low pressure core spray system inside primary containment Function:

Iow pressure core spray injection lines to reactor vessel.

Failure Effect:

Loss of coolant inside primary containment.

C ~ Feedwater S stem (FWS 6>>1)

Line No.: All feedwater lines inside primary containment Function:

Feedwater lines to reactor vessel.

Failure Effect:

Total loss of feedwater flow.

d. Reactor Core Isolation and Coolin S stem (ICS'7-6)

Line: Main steam supply line to ICS turbine Function:

Steam supply to ICS turbine.

0655-12177-HC3 D-PC"2

Failure Effect:

Loss of coolant.

e. Main Steam (MSS 3-1)

Line: All main steam lines inside primary containment Function:

Main steam supply header lines from reactor vessel and main steam drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main steam.

f. Reactor Recirculation S stem (RCS 25-1)

Lines: All reactor recirculation system high energy lines in-side containment Function:

Reactor coolant recirculation lines.

Failure Effect:

Loss of reactor coolant inside primary containment.

g. Residual Heat Removal S stem (RHS 27-7)

Lines: Residual heat removal system high-energy lines inside the containment Function:

RHR system high-energy lines to reactor vessel and reactor re-circulation system.

Failure Effect:

Loss of reactor coolant inside primary containment.

h. Standb Li uid Control S stem (SLS '7-16)

Lines: All standby liquid control system high-energy lines inside primary containment Function:

Standby liquid control system injection lines to reactor vessel.

0655-12177-HC3 D-PC-3

Failure Effect:

Loss of coolant inside primary containment.

i. Reactor Water Cleanu S stem (WCS 26-3)

Lines: All reactor water cleanup system high-energy lines in-side containment Function:

Reactor water cleanup recirculation suction lines.

Failure Effect:

Loss of reactor coolant inside primary containment.

2. The following is the list nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control component is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for function of individual components.

a~ Reactor Coolant Recirculation (RCS . 25-1)

1) 2RCPAOV45A (B35-F079A), 2RCS+AOV4SB (B35-F079B)

Failure Effect:

Failure of these valves would result in loss of recircu-lation pump seal staging control. The worst case failure would be closure of these valves resulting in loss of seal staging flow. There is no short-term effect on reactor parameters.

2) 2RCS-TE12A (B35"N028A), 2RCS-TE12B (B35"N028B)

Failure Effect:

These instruments provide a signal indicative of recircu-lation pump suction temperature. Failure of these devices could result in recirculation pump trip and transfer to IZHG.

3) 2RCS"TE21A (B35-C001A-A1), 2RCS" TE21B (B35-COOlB-A2),

2RCS-TE22A (B35-C001A-Bl)) 2RCS- TE22B (B35-C001B-B2),

2RCS-TE23A (B35-C001A-C1), 2RCS- TE23B (B35-C001B-C2),

2RCS-TE24A (B35-C001A-Dl), 2RCS- TE24B (B35-C001B-D2),

2RCS-TE25A (B35-C001A-El), 2RCS-TE25B (B35-C001B-E2))

2RCS-TE26A (B35-COOlA"Fl)) 2RCS-TE26B (B35"C001B-F2),

2RCS-TE27A (B35-COOlA-Gl)) 2RCS-TE27B (B35-C001B-G2)7 2RCS"LS32A (B35-C001A-LSH)) 2RCS-LS32B (B35-C001B-LSH)7 2RCS-LS33A (B35-C001A"LSL), 2RCS-LS33B (B35-C001B"LSL))

2RCS-NBS20A (B35-C001A-VBSH) 2RCS"NBS20B (B35"C001B-VBSH) 0655"12177"HC3 D-PC-4

Failure Effect:

- These devices are related to and located on the recircu-lation pump motor. The worst case effect of any combina-tion of failures would be a possible recirculation pump trip and transfer to IZMG.

3. Combined Effects A break in high pressure core spray high>>energy line in this zone causes a steam and coolant release inside the primary con-tainment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses.

Failure of the control components in this zone does not exacer-bate this event.

b. A break in the low pressure core spray high energy line in this zone causes a steam and coolant release inside the primary con-tainment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses.

Failure of the control components in this zone does not exacer-bate this event.

c ~ A break in feedwater high-energy line in this zone causes loss of feedwater to reactor inside primary containment an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of the con-trol components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

0 d. A break in this in reactor zone causes core isolation and cooling high-energy line release of main steam and loss of ICS tur-bine inside primary containment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of the control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

e. A break in main steam high-energy line in this zone causes loss of main., steam inside primary containment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of the control compo-nents in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

A break in reactor recirculation high-energy line in this zone causes loss of reactor coolant inside primary containment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of the control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

go A break in residual heat removal high-energy line in this zone causes a loss of reactor coolant inside primary containment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of con-trol components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

h. A break in standby liquid control high energy line in this zone causes loss'f reactor coolant inside primary containment, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

0655-12177"HC3 D-PC-5

A break in reactor water cleanup high-energy line in this zone causes loss of reactor coolant inside primary containment, an

'event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.5 analyses. Failure of con-trol components does not exacerbate this event.

0655"12177-HC3 D-PC-6

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK (HELB) ANALYSIS ZONE MAIN STEAM TUNNEL Building: Steam Tunnel Elevation: 261'-0" Control S stem MSS Main Steam MSS Main Steam (3-1)) (3-1)

FWS Feedwater (6-1)

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

a~ Main Steam MSS 3-1)

1) Line Nos. 2MSS-006-117-4, -006-12-4, -006-21-4, -006-18-4, 002 19 4) 002 173 4) 002 181 4) 002 22 4) 002 176 4)

-002-180-4, -002-13-4, -002"179-4) -002-178-4) -002-16-4,

-002-182-4, -002-177-4) -002-183"4, -002-184-4, "002-187-4, -002-188-4 Function Low point main steam, line drains to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2MSS-002-097-4, -002-098-4 Function Main steam header drain to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

3) Line Nos. 2MSS-026-151-1, 2MSS-026-152-1, 2MSS-026-153-1, 2MSS"026"154-1, 2MSS-028-3-4, 2MSS-028-1-4, 2MSS-028-7-4, 2MSS-028-5-4 0644-12177"HC3 D-MST"1

Function Main steam lines to the main steam header.

Failure Effect Loss of main steam.

b. Feedwater (FWS 6-1)-

Line Nos. 2FWS-024-027-4, 2FWS-024-028-4, 2FWS-024-050-1, 2FWS-024-051-1 Function .

Feedwater header discharge lines.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high-energy line break- on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-

~ hlS nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones A, B, and C. The signifi-cant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

a 4 Main Steam (MSS 3-1)

1) 2MSS-AOV85A, 2MSS-SOV85A, 2MSS-AOV85B, 2MSS-SOV85B, 2MSS-AOV85C) 2MSS-SOV85C, 'MSS-AOV85D, 2MSS-SOV85D, 2MSS"AOV87A, 2MSS-SOV87A) 2MSS-AOV87B, 2MSS-SOV87B, 2MSS"AOV87C) 2MSS-SOV87C, 2MSS-AOV87D, 2MSS-SOV87D Failure Effect If the above valves fail in open position, this may cause an uncontrolled admission of high pressure and high temperature steam to the main condenser which may ulti-mately result in a loss of condenser vacuum.
2) 2MSS-SOV210 Failure Effect Failure of the above valve in any position has no signifi-cant effect.

0644-12177-HC3 D-MST-2

b. Feedwater (FWS 6-1) 2FWS-SOV23A) 2FWS-SOV23B Failure Effect Failure of the above solenoid valve will not pose any threat to the feedwater flow.
3. Combined Effect
1) A break in any of the main steam high energy lines

[Item l.a.l) or l.a.2)] will result in a loss of main 'con-denser vacuum. Loss of condenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of any control component in this zone or Zones A, B, or C does not exac-erbate the event.

2) A break in any of the main steam lines [Item l.a.3)] will result in a loss of main steam. Loss of main steam event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses. Failure of any control component in this zone or Zones A, B, or C does not exacerbate this event.
b. A break in any of the feedwater high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater. Loss of feedwater event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses.

The failure of control component [Item 2.a.l)] in this zone may result in a loss of condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of components in the Zones A, B, or C'oes not exacerbate this event.

0644-12177-HC3 D-MST-3

f~ I

~ 4>

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK (HELB) ANALYSIS Zones: ABNI7503 SC175102 SC215122 SC261145 SC289155 SC289182 SC328193 Building: Reactor Building Elevation: 175 ft 215 ft 261 ft 289 ft 328 ft Control S stem ICS Reactor Core Isolation CCP Reactor Plant Component (27-6) Cooling (RCIC) (9-1) Cooling Mater WCS Reactor Mater Cleanup CNS Condensate Makeup/

(26-3) (RWCU) (4-3) Drawoff CI2 Control Rod Drive IAS Instrument Air RDS Hydraulic System (12-1)


C12 Control Rod Drive RDS Hydraulic (CRD)


C33 Feedwater Control ISC System (awe)

B35 Reactor Recirculation RCS System (25-1)

The following is a list of HELBs analyzed on a system basis:

a. Reactor Core Isolation Coolin (ICS 27-6)
1) Line No. 2ICS-004-36-2 Function Steam supply to reactor core isolation cooling pump turbine.

0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB"1

Failure Effect Loss of reactor core isolation cooling pump.

2) Line No. 2ICS-010-62-2 Function Main steam supply to reactor core isolation cooling system Failure Effect Loss of reactor core isolation cooling and residual heat removal (steam condensing mode)
b. Reactor Water Cleanu WCS 26-3)

Line No. 2WCS-010-316-3, 2WCS-008-88-3 Function

, ~

Reactor water cleanup supply line from recirculation system and return line to feedwater system .

Failure Effect Loss of reactor water cleanup system

c. Control Rod Drive H draulic S stem (RDS 36-1)

All CRD lines located in zones SC261-145 and SC289-155.

Function Supplies hydraulic drive water and cooling water to the control rod drive system.

Failure Effect Loss of control rod drive system cooling and loss of hydraulic control unit supply to accumulators.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a HELB on any of the lines listed in Item 1.

The consequence of failure of each control component is analyzed.

Refer to Appendix B for the function of individual components.

a. Reactor Plant Co onent Coolin Water (CCP 9-1)
1) 2CCP-PS45A, 2CCP"PS45B, 2CCP-PS45C, 2CCP-PS47A, 2CCP-PS47B') 2CCP-PS47C 0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-2

-0 T

J'l IL L

Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above devices will result in tripping the reactor building component cooling water booster pump and consequent loss of the CCP system.

2) 2CCP"PS67A, 2CCP"PS67B) 2CCP-PS67C Failure Effect Failure of any one or all of the above pressure switches will trip the component cooling water pumps. This will result in losing the total RBCLCW system.
3) 2CCP-PS96A) 2CCP-PS96B) 2CCP-PS96C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of these instruments will not allow the automatic startup of the selected standby component cooling water pump. However, two pumps are always run-ning, and a complete loss of component cooling will not occur.
4) 2CCP-I/P108, 2CCP>>TV108 Failure Effect Failure of a single or the group,of instruments listed above may cause the bypass valve portion of 2CCP-TV-108 to open and the control valve portion of 2CCP-TV-108 to close. This will allow the component cooling water to bypass the heat exchangers, thereby raising the CCP water temperature and may have a long-term effect on the reactor plant components.
5) 2CCP-LS120, 2CCP"SOV120, 2CCP-AOV120 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above instruments will pre-vent replenishing water to expansion tank 2CCP-TK1. This will have a significant effect to the operation of RBCLCW system.
b. Condensate Makeu /Drawoff (CNS 4-3) 2CNS-PCV132 0390-12177-HC3 D "RXB"3

"L Failure Effect Failure of the above pressure control valve will fail to main-tain condensate water pressure of 100 psig to spent fuel pool cooling and cleanup, radioactive liquid waste, and high pres-sure decontamination systems.

c. Instrument Air (IAS 12-1) 2IAS-PS178) 2IAS-PS180) 2IAS-PSI83, 2IAS-PS185 Failure Effect Failure of the above pressure switches will fail the ADS com-pressor C2 from automatic starting causing loss of air supply to recharge ADS accumulator tanks.
d. Control Rod Drive (RDS 36-1)
1) 2RDS"PS2A (C12-NOQlA)) 2RDS"PS2B (C12-N001B), 2RDS-PS14A (C12"N018A), 2RDS-PS14B (C12-N018B), 2RDS"FE107 (C12-N003)

Failure Effect Failure of the above pressure switches would cause the CRD drive water pumps to trip, leading to an increase in CRD temperature and potential rod block.

2) 2RDS-A/M6A (C12-D009A), 2RDS-A/M6B (C12-D009B)

Failure Effect These devices provide CRD cooling water flow control.

Potential effects of failure include loss of instrument air pressure and closure of valves 2RDS-FV6A (C12-F002A),

2RDS-FV6B (C12-F002B) leading to an increase in CRD tem-perature and potential rod block.

3) 2RDS-FV6A (C12-F002A)) 2RDS-FV6B (C12-F002B)

Failure Effect Failure of these valves to the closed position would re-sult in loss of instrument air and loss of cooling water flow leading to an increase in CRD temperature and poten-tial rod block. Failure of these valves such that they remain open is of no consequence.

4) 2RDS-PCV101 (C12-F003), 2RDS-SOVX7A and 2RDS-SOVY7A (C12-F007A), 2RDS-SOVX7B and 2RDS-SOVY7B (C12-F007B),

2RDS-I/P107 (C12-K001), 2RDS-mS106 (C12-N002),

2RDS-FT107 (C12-N004)) 2RDS-PT108 (CZ2-N005)) 2RDS-FT112 (C12"N007), 2RDS-FT115 (CI2-N009) 0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB".4

0 Failure Effect 0 The would worst case failure of any combination of these devices result in loss of cooling water flow leading to an increase in CRD temperature and potential rod block.

5) 2RDS-IS125 (C12-N013E), 2RDS-IS127 (C12-N013G)

Failure Effect Failure of these transmitters would result in loss of rod block capability or an actual rod block.

6) 2RDS-PT139 (C12-N052)

Failure Effect Failure of this device would result in a loss of the scram valve pilot air header pressure signal. The worst case would be a reactor scram.

7) Transponder, Branch Junction Module (RDS)

Failure Effect, Ioss of manual control of rods. Scram still available.

e. Feedwater Control System (ISC, C33)
1) 2ISWPT108 (C33-N005)

Failure Effect Recirculation pump thermal shock interlock. Worse case failure would result in transfer to low frequency MG set.

2) 2ISC+PDT14A (C33"N004A)) 2ISC-PDT14B (C33-N004B)

Failure Effect Reactor vessel level. Ioss of signal would result in increased feedwater flow. Potential scram on high water level.

3) 2ISWPT109 (C33-N008)

Failure Effect Reactor pressure. Used for cavitation interlock. Worse case failure would result in transfer to low speed.

0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-5


f. Reactor Recirculation System (RCS, B35)
1) 2ISWPT115 (B35-N040)

Failure Effect Recirculati.on pump thermal shock interlock. Worse case failure would result in transfer to low frequency MG set.

2) 2RCS+PT84B (B35-N050B)

Failure Effect High drywell pressure. Worse case failure would inhibit motion of recirculation flow control valve. No effect at full power.

3. Combined Effect A break in any of the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of steam to reactor core isolation cooling turbine. This pipe break will result in closure of containment isolation valves for the ICS turbine steam supply due to high area ambient temperatures.

This will cause loss of RCIC pump trip bounded by FSAR Section 15.3.1 analyses.

Failure of CCP system (RBCLCW) control components has no sig-nificant effect since this system is not required to operate during emergency or faulted plant condition. However, during this condition, a portion of the system provides a Cat I pres-sure boundary for backup cooling from the service water system to cool the SFC heat exchangers, RHR pump seal coolers, and recirculation pump seal coolers.

Failure of the condensate makeup/drawoff control component (2CNS-PCV132) to maintain condensate water pressure of 100 psig to spent fuel pool cooli4g and cleanup, radioactive liquid waste, and high pressure decontamination has no significant effect.

Failure of the instrument air system control components will cause loss of air supply to recharge ADS accumulator tanks.

Since these tanks are isolated and contain sufficient volume to operate the ADS system when required, no significant effect will result.

Failure of the control rod drive system control components will lead to the following:

1) Loss of instrument air pressure (no significant effect)
2) A reactor scram 0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-6


3) Toss of rod block capabilities
4) A rod block.
5) Ioss of manual control of rods.

Item 2), 3), 4), and 5) are events bounded by FSAR Section 15.4 analyses.

Failure of feedwater control system control components will result in feedwater controller failure in maximum demand.

Increased feedwater flow to reactor will result in reactor high water level scram. This event is bounded by FSAR 15.1.2.

Failure of recirculation system control components will result in transfer of recirculation pump to low speed. This event is less severe ~n described in FSAR Section 15.3.

b. A break in the reactor water cleanup high energy line in this zone will cause loss of reactor water cleanup return line to feedwater system. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6. Failure of control components in this zone is described in Item 3.a.

c ~ A break in any control rod drive system high energy line in this zone will'esult in a loss of control rod drive hydraulic fluid This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.4.

0 pressure.

analyses. Failure of control components in this zone is de-scribed in Item 3.a.

0390-12177-HC3 D-RXB-7


Elevation: 277'-6" 250'-0" 239t~0lt HELB S stem Control S stem ARC Condenser Air ARC Condenser Air (5-1) Removal (5-1) Removal ASS Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9) (3-9)

OFG OFG Off-Gas (31-4) (31-4)


1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1)

Line No. 2ARC-012-009-4 Function Condenser air removal air ejector discharge to off-gas system Failure Effect Loss of main condenser off-gas treatment

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)


1) Line Nos. 2ASS-002-132-4, 2ASS-002-133-4, 2ASS-150-010-4, and 2ASS-150-039-4 Function Auxiliary steam supply piping to off-gas system preheaters 20FG-ElA and EIB and supply piping safety valve Failure Effect Loss of auxiliary steam supply to off-gas system resulting in loss of off-gas treatment capability
2) Line No. 2ASS-003-502-4 0393A-12177-HC3 D"AA-1

Function Off-gas system auxiliary steam supply piping safety valve discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Toss of main condenser vacuum C ~ Off-Gas (OFG 31-4)

Line Nos., 20FG-003-006-4, 20FG-003-012-4, 20FG-003-01'3-4, 20FG-003-026-4, 20FG-003"027"4, 20FG-003-033-4) 20FG-003-035-4) 20FG-003-044-4) 20FG-003-063-4, 20FG-003-197"4) 20FG-012-187-4 Function


Off-gas condenser discharge to off-gas dryers and charcoal absorbers Failure kffect Loss of off-gas treatment and/or inadvertent release of untreated recombined off-gas

2) Line Nos. 20FG-003-059-4, 20FG-003-060-4, 20FG-003-061-4, 20FG"003-062-4, 20FG-003-063-4) 20FG>>003-064-4, 20FG-003-065-4, 20FG-003-066-4, 20FG-003-067-4, 20FG-003-198-4 Function Off-gas system charcoal absorber discharge to HEPA filters and vacuum pumps Failure Effect Loss of off-gas treatment
3) Line Nos. 20FG-003-068-4, 2OFG-003-069-4, 20FG-003-083-4, 20FG-003-092-4 Function I

Off-gas system discharge to main plant stack Failure Effect Loss of treated off-gas flow

4) Line Nos. 20FG-008-228-4, 20FG-008-229-4, 20FG-012-003-4, 20FG-012-004-4, 20FG"012-005-4, 20FG-012"009"4) 0393A-12177-HC3 D-AA-2

20FG-012-195-4, 20FG-012-196-4, 20FG-012"230-4, 20FG-012-231-4 Function Condenser air removal air ejector discharge to off-gas system preheaters, catalytic recombiners, and off-gas condensers Failure Effect Loss of off-gas treatment

5) Line Nos. 20FG-002-206-4, 20FG-002-241-4 Function Off-gas condensers drain to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum 2- The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-neat is analyzed.- Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1) 2ARC-LS111 Failure Effect Failure of the above level switch will cause the air removal recovery tank 2ARC-TKI isolation valve 2ARC-SOVlll to the main condenser to open. This vill cause the tank to drain its con-densate to the. main condenser and expose the tank to the main stack which will result in a gradual loss of condenser vacuum.
b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9) 1)- 2ASS-PIC125 0393A"12177-HC3 D-AA-3

Failure Effect Failure of this device may 'cause main steam pressure con-trol valve for off-gas, 2ASS-PV125, to close resulting in loss of heating steam for off-gas preheater, 20FG-ElA and 20FG-ElB. This will reduce performance in the off-gas recombiners, 20FG-RBNRlA and 20FG-RBNR1B. Auxiliary steam is the backup supply for this system.

2) 2ASS-PIC140 Failure Effect of this dev'ice may cause auxiliary steam pressure o'ailure control valve, 2ASS-PV140, to close resulting in loss of heating steam for off-gas preheaters, 20FG-EIA and 20FG-E1B. This will reduce performance in the off-gas recombiners, 20FG-RBNRlA and 20FG-RBNR1B. Main steam is the normal supply for this system.

'C Off-Gas (OFG 31-4) 20FG-AOV1A 20FG-SOV1A 20FG-AOV1B 20FG"SOV1B Failure Effect If both the above off-gas preheaters (20FG-ElA, ElB) inlet valves fail closed, off-gas removal capability will be lost. Such failure will result in loss of condenser vacuum.


20FG-PDIS117 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above freeze-out dryer inlet or outlet valves in the closed position may result in loss of off-gas removal capability. Such failure will result in loss of condenser vacuum.

~ g 20FG"AOV9A 20FG-SOV9A 20FG"AOV9B 20FG-SOV9B 0393A"12177-HC3 D-AA-4

Failure Effect 0 If either of these preheater'trainer blowdown valves fail, open or closed, there is no significant effect.

4) 20FG-AOV11A 20FG-SOV11A 20FG"AOV11B 20FG-SOVIIB Failure Effect If both the off-gas condenser 20FG-CND1A, 1B outlet valves fail closed, off-gas removal capability will be lost.

Such failure will result in loss "of condenser vacuum.

5) 20FG-AOV45A 20FG-SOV45A 20FG-AOV45B 20FG" SOV45B 20FG-AOV52A 20FG-SOV52A 20FG-AOV52B 20FG-SOV52B 20FG-PV44A 20FG-SOVK44A (SOV44A1) 20FG"PV44B 20FG-SOVY44A (SOV44A2) 20FG-PT44A 20FG-SOVX44B (SOV44B1) 20FG-PT44B 20FG-SOVY44B (SOV44B2) 20FG-I/P44A 20FG-PIC44A 20FG-I/P44B 20FG-PIC44B Failure Effect Failure of these devices can cause the off-gas system vac-uum pump inlet and outlet valves to close, thereby shut-ting down the off-gas system.

If these devices fail such that shutdown of the vacuum pumps due to high radiation is prevented and vacuum pump inlet and outlet valves are maintained open, inadvertent release of off-gas to the main stack wili result.

6) 20FG-AOV103 20FG-SOV103 Failure Effect Failure of the above air>>operated stack isolation valve in the closed position will affect the capability of the off-gas system to operate properly, resulting in eventual loss of condenser vacuum.

Failure of the stack isolation valve in the open position may inadvertently release radioactive off-gas to the main stack.

7) 20FG-I/P71A 20FG-PT71A 20FG"PIC71A 20FG-SOV14A 20FG-I/P71B 20FG"PT71B 20FG-PIC71B 20FG-SOV14B 0393A"12177"HC3 D-AA-5

20FG-SOV70A 20FG-SOV70B Failure Effect If failure of these devices causes auxiliary steam supply inlet valves to close, a loss of auxiliary steam supply to the associated off-gas preheater will result. This may affect off-gas catalytic recombiner efficiency.

8) 20FG-LT20A 20FG-LV20A 20FG-SOVX20A (SOV20A1) 20FG-LT20B 20FG-LV20B 20FG"SOVY20A (SOV20A2) 20FG-LIC20A 20FG-SOVX20B (SOV20Bl) 20FG"LIC20B 20FG"SOVY20B (SOV20B2)

Failure Effect If the valves fail closed, condensate level in off-gas condensers may rise, affecting the moisture removal capa-bility and the efficiency of the system.

9) 20FG-LV28A 20FG-SOV28A 20FG-LIS28A 20FG-LV28B 20FG-SOV28B 20FG-LIS28B C%

c'+ 20FG-LV28C'0FG-SOV28C 20FG-LIS28C Failure Effect Failure of any of the above valves will cause water level in the associated off-gas freeze-out dryer to rise. This may affect the 'efficiency of the off-gas removal system.

If any of these valves fail open, a path will be provided for off-gas to return to the main condenser. Some effect on condenser vacuum may result.

10) 20FG"PV71A, 20FG"PV71B Failure Effect Failure of 20FG-PV71A or 20FG"PV71B in the closed position results in loss of the auxiliary steam supply to the asso-ciated off-gas preheater. This may affect off-gas cata-lytic recombiner efficiency..

20FG-RE13A, 20FG-RE13B, 20FG-FT13A) 20FG-FT13B Failure Effect Failure of radiation monitors to shut down the off-gas system vacuum pumps and close the stack isolation valve may inadvertently cause release of some radioactive off-gas to the main stack.

0393A-12177"HC3 D-AA-6

12 ) 20FG ASHH 1 6A ) 20FG ASHH1 6B ) 20FG AT1 6A ) 20FG AT1 6B

'0 Failure Effect Failure of any of the above control components to sense high hydrogen level will prevent isolation of the hydrogen recombiners 20FG-RBNR1A, B. If the components fail indi-cating high hydrogen level inadvertently,'hus isolating the condenser off-gas system, main condenser vacuum will gradually be lost due to the loss of the condenser air removal system.

13) 20FG-FSH3A, 20FG-FSH3B) '0FG-FSL3A, 20FG-FSL3B, 20FG'-PCV111, 20FG-SOV112) 20FG-FT3A, 20FG-FT3B Failure Effect If the above instruments fail causing the service air makeup valves 20FG-SOV112 and 20FG-PCVlll to either fail open or close (one inch line), no significant effect occurs.
14) 20FG-PCV63A) 20FG-PCV63B) 20FG-PCV63C) 20FG-SOV62A) 20FG-SOV62B, 20FG>>SOV62C, 20FG-TCV6A, 20FG-TCV6B) 20FG-TCV6C, 20FG"TCV7A) 20FG-TCV7B) 20FG-TCV7C) 20FG-TCV8A, 20FG-TCV8B, 20FG-TCV8C Failure Effect If any or all of the above control components fail causing the valves to close, moisture removal capability of the off-gas system will be lost. This will cause loss of off-gas treatment.
3. Combined Effect a ~ A break in the condenser air removal high energy line in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser off-gas treatment and a gaseous release of significant radiation levels in the turbine building. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone will cause loss of condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

As a result of high energy line break in this zone, control components in Zone D may fail, resulting in any or all of the following events:

1) Ioss of feedwater heating in 4th and 6th point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.

0393A-12177-HC3 D "AA"7

3) -Turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2. 3 analyses.
4) Loss of condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

b-l. A break in the auxiliary steam high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.b.1) will cause a loss of main condenser off-gas treat-ment capability, resulting in eventual loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

Failure of control components in this zone can prevent automat-ic shutdown of the main condenser off-gas system; in combina-tion with reduced treatment efficiency of the off-gas treatment system, this can result in release of radiactive off-gas to the main stack. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analys-es. For failure of control components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

b-2. A break in the auxiliary steam high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.b.2) will cause a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR'ection 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone will cause loss of main con-denser off-gas treatment system causing gaseous release of sig-nificant radiation levels in the turbine building. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. For failure of con-trol components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

c-l. A break in the off-gas system high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.c.1, 1.c.2, 1.c.3, 1.c.4) will result in loss of off-gas treatment and inadvertent gaseous release of signifi-cant radiation levels in the turbine building. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. Failure of control com-ponents in this zone will cause loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For failure of con-trol components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

c-2. A break in the off-gas system high energy line in this zone (Item 1.c.5) will result in loss of main condenser vacuum.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone will cause gaseous release of significant radiation levels in the turbine building. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. For failure of:

control components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a. I 0393A-12177"HC3 D-AA-8

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE AB Building: Turbine Building Elevatio'n: 306' 0" Control S stem

1. ASS Auxiliary Steam TME Turbine Generator (3-9) (16-1) Gland Seal 'nd Exhaust
2. HVH Hot Water Heating (22-16)
3. TME Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Auxilia Steam (Nuclear) (ASS 3-9)
1) Line Nos. 2ASS-016-013-4 and'2ASS-016-014-4 Function Steam supply to clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A and 2TME"E1B for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect Failure of these lines will result in loss of turbine gen-erator gland seal and exhaust steam. Additionally, fail-ure of these lines will result in loss of extraction steam at fourth point when extraction steam is normal source of heating or auxiliary steam when auxiliary steam is used as a source of heating.

b. Hot Water Heatin (HVH 22-16)
1) Line Nos. 2HVH-004-025-4 and 2HVH>>004-026-4 Function Heating water supply to radwaste building glycol heat exchanger.

0137-12177"HC3 D"AB-1

Failure Effect Loss of plant hot water heating.

c. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

I) Line Nos. 2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-012-77-4 Function Connecting turbine generator steam gland seal and exhaust steam line safety valve 2TME-SV124 and 2TME-SV125 to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) ; Line Nos. 2TME-012-66-4, 2TME-016-5-4, 2TME-016-6-4 Function Supplies clean steam for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

3) Line No. 2TME-006-041-4 Function Supplies main steam for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust (a backup source).

Failure Effect Loss of backup source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

4) Line No. 2TME-010-038-4 Function Supplies steam to waste evaporator reboiler 2LWS-E4A.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam and loss of condensate.

0137"12177-HC3 D-AB"2 1

5) Line Nos. 2TME-008-411-4, 2TME-008-412-4 0 Function Connects turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam header to 2TME-SRV124 and 2TME-SRV125.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones AC and AD. The signifi-cant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1) 2TME-PT103, 2TME-PTI07, 2TME-PC111, 2TME-PV111, 2TME-PCV114 Failure Effect Failure of any one or all of the above instruments or control devic-es will result in loss of turbine generator gland seal steam;

3. Combined Effects a~ A break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone will result in loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam from clean steam reboilers. However, a back-up source from main steam is available by opening 2TME-MOV110.

Loss of extraction steam from fourth point extraction will re-sult in partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heat-ers. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Failure of control components in this zone may cause 2TME-MOV110 not to open. This will result in loss of turbine generator gland steam, which will cause air infiltration through the low pressure turbine glands resulting in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

Failure of control components in Zones AC or AD may cause backup of condensate in the clean steam'eboiler resulting in water induction into the turbine. This will result in high turbine vibration and turbine trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.

0137-12177"HC3 D"AB"3

b. A break in hot water heating high energy line in this zone has no effect on reactor parameters. However, component failure in this zone or in Zones AC or AD can cause loss of turbine gener-ator gland seal and exhaust steam or high turbine vibration leading to turbine trip. These events are analyzed above in Item 3a.

c 1) A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line in this zone (Item 1.c.l) results in loss of main condenser vacuum, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5.

Control system component failure does not exacerbate this event.

2) A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line in this zone (Item 1.C.2, 1.C.4) will cause the loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal steam. However, a backup source from main steam is available. Refer to Item 3.a above for control component failure.
3) A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.C.3) in this zone will cause the loss of backup source for turbine generator gland seal steam. However, if failure of control components causes loss of main seal steam source, then loss'f main condens-er vacuum will result as described above in 3a. Control component failure effects for Zones AC and AD are dis-cussed in Item 3.a above.
4) A break in a turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam header relief valve line will result in loss of tur-bine seal steam. This results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR.Section 15.2.5. Failure of control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

Failure of control components in Zones AC or AD is dis-cussed in Item 3.a above.

0137-12177-HC3 D "AB-4


Elevation: 306'-0" Control S stem ASS Auxiliary TME Turbine Generator Gland (3-9) Steam (16-1) Seal and Exhaust CNA Auxiliary Condensate (4-4)

TME Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

a. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)

Line Nos. 2ASS-016-013-4 and 2ASS-016-014-4 Function Steam supply to clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A and 2TME-E1B for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect Failure. of these lines will result in loss of main supply to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. Additionally, failure of these lines will result in loss of extraction steam at fourth point when extraction steam is normal source of heat-ing or auxiliary steam when auxiliary steam is used as a source of heating. A partial loss of 4th point feedwater heating will also result.

b. Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)
1) Line Nos. 2CNA-002-013-.4, 2CNA-002-015-4, 2CNA-004-014-4 Function Instrument standpipe and standpipe connections for level measurement to reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A.

0393-121j7"HC3 D-AC-1

Failure Effect Loss'f condensate at reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A, and partial loss of condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, 3C.

2) Line Nos. 2CNA-150-6-4, 2CNA-150-044"4, 2CNA-006-052-4 Function Drain and vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

3) Line Nos. 2CNA-006-002-4 Function Condensate line from reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A to 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.

c~ Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

1) Line Nos. 2TME-003-57-4, 2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-008-84-'4 Function Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2TME-016-06-4, 2TME-016-5-4 Function Supplies clean steam for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

0393"12177"HC3 D"AC-2

3) Line Nos. 2TME-003-59-4, 2TME-003-55-4 Function Clean steam reboiler 2TME-E1A, E1B, shell blowdown lines to main condenser before MOVs.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam and partial loss of condensate inventory.

2~ The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components as described in Zone AB, Item 2.

The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to Zone AB control components failure in the "Combined Effects" section of this zone.

Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

1) 2TME-LS12A, 2TME-LS13A, 2TME-LT13A, 2TME-LVI3A, 2TME-SOV13A Failure Effect Failure of the above devices will cause condensate to in-filtrate into the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system which may result in water induction to the turbine.

This in turn may cause turbine vibration leading to a tur-bine trip.

2) 2TME-HV21A, 2TME-SOV21A Failure Effect Failure of the above devices which results in closure of 2TME-HV21A will stop condensate flow to the clean steam boiler, 2TME-ElA, which could stop gland seal steam. How-ever, there is a backup source for gland seal steam in zone AD. There is also an alternate source of gland seal steam from the main steam system.

0393-12177"HC3 D"AC-3

3. Combined Effect a ~ A break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone will result in loss of main source for turbin'e generator gland seal and exhaust steam. However, a backup source from main steam is available. A loss of extraction steam from fourth point extraction will result in partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Ioss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

If control components in this zone fail to isolate the clean steam reboilers, condensate may back up and infiltrate into turbine generator gland seals and turbine trip may occur dUe to high turbine vibrations. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.

Failure of control components in Zone AB may result in loss of turbine generator gland sealing 'steam supplied from both the primary and backup source. Loss of main condenser vacuum will occur due to air infiltration to the condenser through the low pressure turbine glands. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

b. 1) A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item 1.b.1, 1.b.3) results in partial loss of feedwater heating at 3rd point heater, bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.1.1 analyses. Control component failure in this zone and Zone AB is described above in Item 3.a.
2) A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item 1.b.2) results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5. Control component failure in this zone is described above in 3.a. Control component failure in Zone AB does not exacerbate this event any further.

C ~ 1) A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.c.2, 1.c.3) in this zone results in loss of main source of turbine gland seal steam and/or partial loss of condensate inventory. Backup source of main steam is available for turbine gland seals, and the loss of condensate will be made up by the condensate make-up and drawoff. This event, therefore, results in no sig-nificant effect. Control component failure in this zone and zone AB is described above in Item 3.a.

2) A break in any turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.c.1) results in loss of .

main condenser vacuum. Results of loss of main condenser vacuum are analyzed in Item 3.b.2.

0393"12177"HC3 D-AC-4


Elevation: 306'-0" Control S stem ASS Auxiliary TME Turbine Generator Gland (3-9) Steam (16"1) Seal and Exhaust CNA Auxiliary Condensate (4-4)

TME Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

a. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)

Line Nos. 2ASS-016-013>>4 and 2ASS-016-014-4 Function Steam supply to clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A, E1B for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect Failure of these lines will result in loss of main supply to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. Additionally, failure of these lines will result in loss of extraction steam at fourth point when extraction steam is normal source of heat-ing or auxiliary steam when auxiliary steam is used as a source of heating. 'A partial loss of 4th point feedwater heating will also occur.

b. Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)
1) Line Nos. 2CNA-002-16-4, 2CNA-002-20-4, 2CNA-004-17,-4 Function Instrument standpipe for reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1B.

0393-12177-HC3 D-AD-1

Failure Effect Loss of condensate at reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TKIB and partial loss of condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.

2) Line Nos. 2CNA>>006-18-4, 2CNA-150-55-4, 2CNA-150-56-4 Function Drains and vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

3) Line Nos. 2CNA-006-008-4 Function Condensate line from reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TKIB to 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of condensate heating at 3rd point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 3B, and 3C.

c~ Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

I) Line Nos. 2TME-008-85-4, 2TME-012-077-4 Function Relief.and drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2TME-003-055-4, 2TME-003-60-4 Function Clean steam reboiler 2TME-EIB shell blowdown lines to main condenser before MOVs.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for gland seal and exhaust steam and partial loss of condensate inventory.

0393-12177"HC3 D-AD"2

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components as described in Zone AB, Item 2.

The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to Zone AB control components failure in the "Combined Effects" section of this zorie.

a. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust TME 16-1)
1) 2TME-LS12B) 2TME-LS13B, 2TME"LT13B, 2TME-LV13B, 2TME-SOV13B Failure Effect Failure of the above devices will cause condensate to in-filtrate into the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system, which may result in water induction to the tur-bine. This in turn may cause turbine vibration leading to a turbine trip.
2) 2TME-HV21B) 2TME-SOV21B Failure Effect Failure of the above devices which results in closure of 2TME-HV21B will stop condensate flow to the clean steam boiler, 2TME-E1B, which could stop gland seal steam. How-ever, there is a backup source for gland seal steam in zone AC. There is also an alternate source of gland seal steam from the main steam system.
3. Combined Effect A break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone re-sults in loss of main source of turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam and partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Turbine seals are maintained by main steam as backup source.

If control components in this zone fail to isolate the clean steam reboilers, condensate may back up and infiltrate into turbine generator gland seals and turbine trip may occur due to high turbine vibrations, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.


Failure of control components in Zone AB may result in loss of turbine generator gland sealing steam supplied from both the primary and backup source. Loss of main condenser vacuum will occur due to air infiltrate to the condenser through the low pressure turbine glands. This event is bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.2.5 analyses.

b. A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item'1.b.1 and 1.b.3) results in partial loss of feed-water heating at third point heaters, bounded by FSAR Sec-tio'n 15.1.1 analyses. Control component failure in this zone and Zone AB is described above in Item 3.a.
2) A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item 1.b.2) results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5. Control component failure in this zone is described in Item 3.a.. Control component failure in Zone AB does not exacerbate this event any further.

c~ 1) A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item ).c.2) in this zone results in loss of main source of turbine gland seal steam. Backup source of main steam is available for turbine gland seals, and the loss of condensate will be made up by the condensate makeup and drawoff. This event, therefore, results in no significant effect. Control component failure in this zone or zone AB is described in Item 3.a.

2) A break in any turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line (Item 1.c.1) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. Results of loss of main condenser vacuum are analyzed in Item 3.b.2.

0393-12177"HC3 D "AD"4

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE AF Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in.

K~HI Control S stem HVH Hot Water Heating None (22"16)

1. The following is a list of high-energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

Hot Water Heatin (HVH 22-16)

Line No. 2HVH-004-025-4, 2HVH-004-026"4 Function.

Hot water heating pump 2HVH-P1A and P1B discharge header to turbine building, radwaste, and reactor building.

Failure Effect Loss of building heating.

2. There are no nonsafety-related control components in this zone af-fected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.

However, a high-energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone S. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from Zones S in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

3. Combined Effect A break in the hot water heating high-energy lines in this zone will have no significant effect on reactor parameters. Also, there are

'no control components in this zone requiring analysis. It is un-likely that a break in these high-energy lines would have any 0643-12177-HC3 D-AF"1

significant effect on control components in Zone S. Failure of com-ponents in Zone S, however, might lead to high turbine vibration and turbine trip due to water induction or loss of turbine lube oil or lube oil cooling. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.

0643-12177.-HC3 D-AF-2

APPENDIX D 0 HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE A Building: Turbine Building Location: El 277 ft 6 in.

ARC Condenser Air Removal CND Condensate Demineralizer (5-1) K (4-7)

ASS Auxiliary Steam (Nuclear) CNM Condensate (3-9) (4-1)

CWS Circulating Water (2-1)

CNA Auxiliary Condensate DTM Turbine Building (4-4.1) (32-5) Miscellaneous Drains HRS Hot Reheat System (3-3)

'CNM Condensate MSS Main Steam (B-22)

(4-1.3) (3-1)

DSM Moisture Separator SVH Feedwater Heater Relief (32-7) Vents and Drains (32-14) Drains and Vents TMA Turbine Trips (1-4)

DSR Moisture Separator Reheater TMB Turbine Generator EH (32-6) Vents and Drains (16-5.2) Fluid System TML Turbine Generator (16-2) Lube Oil DTM Turbine Building TMS Turbine Generator (32-5) Miscellaneous Drains (16-9) Exhaust Hood Spray ESS Extraction Steam (3-4)

FWR FDW Pump Recirculation (6-3)

FWS Feedwater System Low-Pressure Feedwater (4-2) Heater Drain HRS Hot Reheat (3-3) 0115"12177"HC3 D-A"1

MSS Main Steam (3-1)

OFG Off-Gas (31-4)

SVH FDW Heater Relief (32-14) Vents and Drains THE Turbine Generator (16-1) . Gland Seal and Exhaust

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis for this zone.
a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC, 5-1)

Line Nos.. 2ARC-010-607-4 and 2ARC-010-608-4 Function Zntercondenser 2ARC-E3A (2ARC-E3B) shellside safety valve 2ARC-SV-19A (2ARC"SV-19B) discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum


1) Line No. 2ASS-010-504-4 Function Auxiliary steam header to clean steam reboiler safety valve 2ASS-SV101 discharge to main condenser Failure Effects Loss of condenser vacuum
2) Line No. 2ASS-010"520-4 Function Auxiliary steam header to condenser air removal system safety valve 2ASS-SV102 discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum 0115-12177-HC3 D-A"2
c. Auxilia Condensate (CNA, 4-4)
1) Line No. 2CNA-006-002-4 Function Reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1 discharge to the third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, C
2) Line No. 2CNA-150-006-4 Function Vent line from'eboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A to the condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
3) Line No. 2CNA-008-180-4 Function Reboiler drain tank discharge line to the condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
d. Condensate (CNM, 4-1)

Line Nos. 2CNM-006-321-4, 2CNM-006-322-4, 2CNM-006-323-4 Function Relief valves 2CNM-RV61A, B and C disch'arge line to condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

e. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM, 32-7)
1) Line No. 2DSM-016-1-4 0115" 12177-HC3 D-A-3

Function Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A discharge line to fourth point feedwater heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, and C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in fourth points heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C

2) Line Nos. 2DSM-016>>8-4, 2DSM-016-26-4 Function Moisture separator drain receivers 2DSM>>TK4A and 2DSM-TK4B to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR, 32-6)
1) Line No. 2DSR-008-122-4, 2DSR-008-121-4 Function 2DSR-SV85A, B discharge to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
2) Line No. 2DSR-016-1-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A discharge line to the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-ers 2FWS-E6A, B, C
3) Line Nos. 2DSR-016-7-4, 2DSR-016-8-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A discharge lines to the condenser 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-4

. Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

4) Line No. 2DSR-016-21-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B discharge line to the condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
5) Line Nos. 2DSR-006>>106-4, 2DSR-018-108-4, 2DSR-006-105-4, 2DSR-018-107-4 Function Scavenging steam line from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A, B to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
6) Line No. 2DSR-008-104-4 Function Reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A vent line to the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6A, B, C
g. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM, 32-5)
1) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-5-4, 2DTM-002-6-4, 2DTM-002-7-4, 2DTM-002"333-4) 2DTM-002-334-4, 2DTM-002-335"4) 2DTM"012"297-4


Function (2ESS-MOV15A, B, C) Upstream drain lines from extraction steam to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum 0115-12177-HC3 D-A"5

2) Line Nos. 2DTM-125-143"4, 2DTM-150-144"4, 2DTM-125-145-4, 2DTM-150-146-4) 2DTM-003-142-4 Function From air ejector motive steam line strainer blowdown drains and condenser air removal lines to condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
3) Line Nos. 2DTM-004-275-4, 2DTM-004-276-4 Function Drain line from 2HRS-SV5A, B, C and 2RHS-SV6A, B, C to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
4) Line No. 2DTM-002-512-4 Function From turbine generator gland seal and exhaust and steam low point drains to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
5) Line Nos. 2DTM-020-68-4, 2DTM-002-69-4, . 2DTM-002-70-4,.

2DTM-002-71-4) 2DTM"002"72"4) 2DTM-002-73-4) 2DTM"002-74"4, 2DTM-002-75"4, 2DTM-002-76-4 Function Cold reheat line drains to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

6) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-510-4, 2DTM-002-511-4 Function Hot reheat low point drains to the main condenser 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-6

Failure Effect

. 7)

Loss of condenser vacuum Line No. 2DTM-150-263-4, 2DTM-150-366-4, 2DTM-150-367-4 Function Auxiliary steam line heater drain to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

8) Line No. 2DTM-006-470-4 Function Auxiliary sealing steam low point drain header to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
9) Line Nos. 2DTM-025-173-4, 2DTM-025-174-4, 2DTM-025-175-4, 2DTM-010-179 "4 Function Combined intermediate valve (CIV-4, 5, and 6) first steam leakoff from turbine generator gland seal and exhaust drain lines to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
10) Line No. 2DTM-004-314-4 Function Steam seal header low point drain from turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum 0115-12177-HC3 D"A-7

ll) Line Nos. 2DTM-025-170-4, 2DTM-025-176-4, 2DTM-025-177-4, 2DTM-010-181-4 Function Combined intermediate valve (CIV-1, 2, 3) first steam leakoffs from turbine generator gland seal and exhaust system to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

12) Line Nos. 2DTM-006-309-4, 2DTM-006-310-4, 2DTM-006-311-4, 2DTM-006-312-4, 2DTM-018-313-4 Function High pressure turbine second steam leakoffs from turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
13) Line Nos. 2DTM>>150-231-4, 2DTM-150-232-4, 2DTM-150-233-4, 2DTM""150-234-4, 2DTM-150-235-4, 2DTM"150"236-4 Function Turbine exhaust hood bearing cones-waste, water and oil drains Failure Effect No significant effect
h. Extraction Steam (ESS, 3-4)
1) Line Nos. 2ESS-014-1-4, 2ESS-014-2-4 Function Extraction steam line from H.P. turbine discharge to sixth point heaters FWS-E6A, B, and C Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating to the sixth point heat-ers FWS-E6A, B, and C 0115-. 12177-HC3 D-A-8


2) Line No. 2ESS-003-4-4 Function High pressure turbine header drain line to main condenser Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating to sixth point heaters FWS-E6A, B, C
3) Line No. 2ESS-006-251-4 Function From extraction steam fifth point heaters 2CNM-ESA, B and C header line to building heating intermediate heat ex-changers 2HVH-E1A and 2HVH-E1B header line Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth point heat-ers 2CNM-ESA, B, C due to loss of extraction steam
4) Line Nos. 2ESS-014-120-4, 2ESS-014-24-4, 2ESS-014-121-4, 2ESS-014-27-4) 2ESS-014-122-4, 2ESS-014-30-4 Function Extraction steam lines from LP turbines 2TMS-T2A, B, C to the fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C Failure Effect Loss of feedwater .heating in the fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C and loss of extraction steam
5) Line Nos. 2ESS-026-126-4, 2ESS-026-34-4, 2ESS-026-127-4, 2ESS-026-39-4, 2ESS-026-128"4, 2ESS-026-42-4 Function Extraction steam lines from LP turbines 2TMS-T2A, B, C to the third point heater 2CNM-3A, B, C Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, C and loss of extraction steam 0115-12177-HC3 D-A-9
6) Line Nos. 2ESS-004-37-4, 2ESS-004-38-4 Function High pressure turbine 2TMS-Tl gland steam packing to the third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, and C Failure Effect Partial reduction of feedwater heating to third point heaters 2CNN-E3A, B, and C FDW P Recirculation {FWR, 6-3)

Line Nos. 2FWR-020-4-4, 2FWR-020-5-4, 2FWR-020-6-4 Function Feedwater recirculation lines from 2FWR-FV2A, B, C to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum Feedwater (FWS, 6-1)

Line Nos. 2FWS-008-117-4, 2FWS-014-142-4, 2FWS-008-120-4, 2FWS-014-143"4) 2FWS-008-122"4, 2FWS-014-144"4 I

Function High energy feedwater cycle cleanup lines to the drain condenser Failure Effect'oss of condenser vacuum

k. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL, 4-2)
1) Line Nos. 2HDL-002-103-4, 2HDL-002-104-4, 2HDL-004-105-4, 2HDL-002-113-4) 2HDL-002-114"4, 2HDL-004-115-4) 2HDL"002-123"4), 2HDL"002-124"4) 2HDL-, 004"125-4 Function Standpipe c'onnections for first point heaters 2CQi-E1A, B, C level measurement Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

0115-12177"HC3 D"A-10

2) Line Nos. 2HDL-014-101-4, 2HDL-014-111-4, 2HDL-014-121-4 Function First point heaters 2CNM-ElA, B, and C drain connection to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
3) Line Nos. 2HDL-014-201-4, 2HDL-014"211-4, 2HDL-014"221-4 Function Drain lines from second point heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, C to the drain receivers 2HDL-TK2A, B, C Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the second point heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, C due to loss of condensate
4) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-209-4, 2HDL-004-219-4, 2HDL-004-229-4 Function Steam line connection from drain receivers'2HDL-TK2A, B, C to second point heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, and C Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the second point heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, and C Hot Reheat (HRS, 3-3)

Line Nos. 2HRS-026-1-4, 2HRS-026-2-4, 2HRS-026-3"4, 2HRS-026-4-4) 2HRS-026-5-4, 2HRS"026-6-4 Function Hot reheat safety valves 2HRS-SVSA, B, C and 2HRS-SV6A, B, C discharge to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

m. Main Steam (MSS, 3"1)

Line No. 2MSS-010-189-4 0115"12177-HC3 D-A-11

Function Main steam line drain header to main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

n. Off-Gas (OFG, 31-4)
1) Line No. 20FG-003-200-4 Function Off-gas filter 20FG-FLTlB inlet Failure Effect Loss of off-gas system
2) Line No. 20FG-003-201-4 Function Off-gas vacuum pump suction header Failure Effect Loss of off-gas system 0~ FDW Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH, 32-14)

I) Line Nos. 2SVH-002-101-4, 2SVH-002-131-4, 2SVH-002-161-4, 2SVH-002-201-4) 2SVH-002-231-4) 2SVH-002-261-4, Function First point feedwater heaters 2CNM-ElA, B, C and second point feedwater heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, C drain lines to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

2) Line Nos. 2SVH-025-206-4', 2SVH-025-205-4, 2SVH-025-236-4, 2SVH 025 235 4 ) 2SVH 025 266 4 ) 2SVH 025 265 4 Function Second point feedwater heaters 2CNM-E2A, B, C vent lines to the main condenser 0115-12177"HC3 D"A-12

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

3) Line Nos. 2SVH-QO&-604-4, 2SVH-008-504-4, 2SVH-008-404-4, 2SVH"008-805-4) 2SVH-002-704-4) 2SVH-004-207-4, 2SVH-004"105-4) 2SVH-004-106-4, 2SVH"002-204-4, 2SVH-002-104-4) 2SVH"024"901"4) 2SVH-008"634-4, 2SVH-008"534-4, 2SVH-008-434"4, 2SVH-008-835-4, 2SVH-002-734-4) 2SVH-004-237-4, 2SVH" 004" 135-4, 2SVH-004-136"4, 2SVH-002"234-4) 2SVH-002"134-4, 2SVH-024-931-4) 2SVH-QQ&-664-4, 2SVH-008-564-4)

- 2SVH-008-464-4, 2SVH-008-865-4, 2SVH-002-764-4, 2SVH-004-267-4, 2SVH-004-165-4, 2SVH-004-166-4, 2SVH-002-264-4) 2SVH-002-164-4) 2SVH-024-961"4 Function Feedwater heaters relief vent, drain lines and headers to the condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

p. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME) 16-1)
1) Line Nos. 2TME-003-57-4, 2TME-003-58-4 Function Clean steam boiler 2TME-E1A drain line to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum
2) Line No. 2TME"012-76-4 Function Clean steam header safety valve 2TME-SV125 discharge to the main condenser Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum 0115-12177-HC3 D"A-13
3) Line Nos. 2TME-003-78-4, 2TME-006-79-4, 2TME-003-80-4 Function Main steam control valve, stop valve, and bypass valve gland sealing steam discharge lines to the main condenser I

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for function of individual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break .in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones D and AB. The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analy-sis by referring to the appropriate Failure Effect from the above listed 'zones in the Combined Effect section of this zone.

a. Condensate Demineralizer (CND, 4-7) 2CND-FV294

" -" -Failure Effect Failure of condensate system recycle outlet valve 2CND-FV294 in open position will bypass a portion of demineralized condensate to main condenser, resulting in additional inventory to main

'ondenser. Condensate hotwell level is maintained by level control valve 2CNS-LV103 and LV105. Therefore, failure of 2CND-FV294 has no significant effect.

b. Condensate (CNM, 4-1) 2CNM-TV121 Failure Effect If temperature valve 2CNM-TV121 fails closed, high turbine hood temperature can result, which can trip turbine.

c ~ Circulatin Water (CWS, 2-1) 2CWS-LSS IA, 2CWS-LS51B, 2CWS-I S51C) 2CWS-LS51D, 2CWS-LS51E, 2CWS-LS51F Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level switches has no sig-nificant effect on reactor parameters.

0115-12177-HC3 D-A-14

d. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drain (DTM, 32-5) 2DTM-AOV111, 2DTM"SOV111) 2DTM-AOV166, 2DTM-SOV166, 2DTM-AOV102) 2DTM-SOV102) 2DTM-AOV143) 2DTM-SOV143, 2DTM-AOV5A, 2DTM-SOV5A, 2DTM-AOVSB) 2DTM-SOV5B, 2DTM-AOV5C) 2DTM-SOV5C Failure Effect If any or all of these valves fail open, no significant effect occurs
e. Hot Reheat S stem (HRS, 3"3)
1) 2HRS-PS 107 Failure Effect'ailure of the above pressure switch will cause inadver-tent closure of moisture separator reheaters 2MSS-ElA, B, main steam supply valves 2MSS-AOV92A) B, which can result in reduction of hot reheat steam temperature to low-pressure turbine.

Failure of this instrument will also cause inadvertent opening of moisture separator drain receiver tanks 2DSM-TK4A, B drain valves 2DSM-LV78A, B to the main con-denser which will r'esult in partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C.

2) 2HRS-PS108 Failure Effect Failure of the above pressure switch will fail the valves 2DSR-AOV82A, B in the open position,'alves 2DSR-AOV83A, B in the close position, and 2DSR-LV68A, B in the open posi-tion, which will result in a partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FMS-E6A) B, C.
3) 2HRS-CIV1, 2HRS-CIV2, 2HRS-CIV3) 2HRS-CIV4) 2HRS-CIV5, 2HRS-CIV6 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above control valves in the close position will result in partial or total loss of hot reheat steam to the low-pressure turbines, 2TMS-T2A, B, C.

This will cause a turbine trip.

0115-12177"HC3 D-A-15

f. Main Steam (MSS, 3-1)
1) 2MSS-AOV191, 2MSS-SOV191, 2MSS-AOV194, 2MSS-SOV194, 2MSS AOV203) 2MSS SOV203) 2MSS AOV205) 2MSS SOV205 Failure Effect If any or all of the above valves fail open, no signifi-cant impact results
2) 2MSS-PSV89A) '2MSS"PSV89B) 2MSS-PSV89C) 2MSS"PSV89D, 2MSS-PS89E Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves in the open po-sition will cause dumping of main steam to the main con-denser through the turbine bypass lines. This will cause reduction of main steam flow to the turbine, and possible loss of condenser vacuum if the circulating water tempera-ture is high reducing condensing effect, which helps main-tain m'ain condenser vacuum.
g. Feedwater Heater Relief Drains and Vents (SVH,32-14)
1) 2SVH HV1 4A ) 2SVH SOV 14A 2SVH HV14B ) 2SVH SOV 14B )

2SVH"HV14C, 2SVH-SOV14C, 2SVH"HV24A, 2SVH"SOV24A, 2SVH-"HV24B, 2SVH-'SOV24B, 2SVH-HV24C, 2SVH-SOV24C Failure Effect Failure of the above heater channel drain valves in open or close position has no significant effect


2SVH-HV2C, 2SVH-SOV2C Failure Effect



Failure of the close position 2TMA PSX1A) above heater shell vent valves has no significant effect


2TMA PSX1B) 2TMA-PSY1B, 2TMB-PSY1C 2TMB PSX1C) in open 2TMA PSY1A) or 0115-12177"HC3 D-A-16

Failure .E ffect Failure of the above pressure switches (one out of three X and one out of three Y) may cause inadvertent turbine trip. Also, failure of these instruments may prevent tur-bine trip during low condenser vacuum. This event will not pose any serious threat to the reactor because Category I condenser vacuum transmitter 2CNM-"PT46A) B, C, D) will signal the main steam isolation valves to close and the reactor to scram.

2) 2TMA-TS3A) 2TMA-TS3B, 2TMS-T3C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above temperature switches such that turbine exhaust hood temperature high-high is indicated will result in turbine trip.

Failure of all of the above temperature switches to indi-cate turbine exhaust hood high-high temperature would pre-vent turbine trip and possibly cause high turbine vibration and trip.

Turbine Generator EH Fluid S stem (TMB, 16-5.2)

A 0- 1) 2TMB-HVY130

'ailure Effect Inadvertent failure of 2TMB-HVY130 may result in closure of moisture separator main steam supply valve 2MSS-PU28A) 2MSS-PU2SB, 2MSS-PV29A,and 2MSS-PU29B. Loss of main steam supply to moisture separators will result in low turbine efficiency; therefore, failure of this instrument has no significant effect on reactor parameters.

2) I 2TMB PS2A ) 2TMB PS2B ) 2TMB PS 1 2A ) 2TMB PS 1 2B ) 2TMB PSX 3A )

2TMB-PSX13B, 2TMB-PSY13A, 2TMB-PSY13B) 2TMB-PS109, 2TMB-PS110) 2TMB"PS111; 2TMB"PS112 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the'bove pressure switches will cause EHC fluid pumps 2TMB-P1A (or B) to malfunction on low electrohydraulic pressure. Loss of electrohydraulic pressure will ultimately cause the turbine trip.

0115-12177-HC3 D-A"17

3) 2TMB-SE123) 2TMB-SE124, 2TMB-SE125 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above turbine speed switches may cause inadvertent turbine trip oil if either the turbine shaft pump lube discharge pressure is low or EHC dc control power is lost.

Turbine Generator Lube Oil (TML, 16-2)

1) 2TML-PS14A, 2TML"PS14B, 2TML-PS14C) 2TML-PS14D) 2TML PS14E) 2TML PS14F ) 2TML PS14G ) 2TML PS 14H Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above pressure switches may not permit auto starting of turbine 2TML-P6A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H due to lift low oil pumps suction pump pressure. Since these pumps are used only during low tur-bine RPM or startup condition, failure will not impact normal operation'of the plant.
2) 2TML"PS15A, 2TML-PS15B, 2TML"PS15C, 2TML-PS15D, 2TML PS15Ev 2TML PS15Fs 2TML:PS15Gs 2TML PS15H Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above pressure switches may not permit starting of turning gear piggyback motor due to any lift pump oil pressure low. Since this pump is used only during low turbine RPM or startup condition, failure will. not impact normal operation of the plant.
k. Turbine Generator Exhaust Hood S ra (TMS, 16-9) 2TMS"TT101, 2TMS-TT102, 2TMS-TY103 Failure Effect Failure of the above temperature transmitter may cause inadver-tent closure of exhaust hood condensate temperature control valve 2CNM-TV121, causing high exhaust hood temperature which can cause high turbine vibration at low load or startup condi-tions. During normal plant operation (higher loads), no ad-verse effect occurs whether the temperature control valve is closed or opened.
3. Combined Effect
a. A break in any of the condenser air removal high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum.

0115-12177"HC3 D-A"18

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. As a result of the high energy line break in this zone, control components in this zone or zone AB or zone D may fail, result-ing in any or all of the following events:

1) Turbine trip in Zone A and Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
2) Loss of main condenser vacuum in Zone A, Zone AB, and Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
3) Toss of feedwater heating in 4th and 6th point heaters in Zone A, and 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three forth point heaters in Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.1.1 analyses.
4) Ioss of feedwater flow (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

If the turbine trip occurs at a reactor power level ele-vated from initial operating value due to the loss of

-feedwater heating, the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of incidents of moderate frequency anticipated operational transients of FSAR Chapter 15.

See Section 3.0 for further discussion.

b. A break in any of the auxiliary steam high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zones AB or D is de-scribed in Item 3.a.

C ~ 1) A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item 1.C.1) results in loss of condensate to the third point heaters. This results in loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

2) A break in any of the auxiliary condensate high energy lines (Item 1.C.2 or 1.C.3) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

0115-12177-HC3 D"A"19

d. A break in any of the condensate high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of con-trol components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
e. 1) A break in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy line (Item l.e.l) results in a loss of condensate to the fourth point heaters. This results in a loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 ana-lyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D refer to Item 3.a.
2) A break in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy line (Item l.e.2) results in a loss of condensate vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 ana<<

lyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D refer to the Item 3.a.

1) A break in any of the moisture separator reheater vents drains high energy lines [Item 1.f.l), 1.f.3), l.f.4),


and or 1.f.5)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

A break in the moisture seperator reheater vents and drains high energy line [Item 1.f.2) or 1.f.6)] results in a loss of condensate to the 6th point heaters. This re-sults in. a loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR

'4 Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of the control com-ponents in this zone, refer to Item 3.a.

g. A. break in any of the turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. The event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.
h. A break in any of the extraction steam high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of extraction steam to the third, fourth, fifth or sixth point heater. This results in a loss of feedwater heating in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone C refer to Item 3.a.

A break in any of the feedwater pump recirculation high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vac-uum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

0115"12177"HC3 D-A-20

A break in any of the feedwater high energy lines result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR

. Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

k. 1) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines (Item 1.P.3 or 1.P.4) will result in a loss of condensate and extraction steam to the first and second point heaters. This results in a loss of feedwater heating in the first and second point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 ana-lyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D refer to.Item 3.a.
2) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines (Item 1.P.1 or 1.P.2) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control com-ponents in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

A break in any of the hot reheat high energy lines result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

A break in main steam high energy line will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

A break in any of the off-gas high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of off-gas system. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. The failure of control compo-nents in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

oi A break in any. of the feedwater relief vents and drains high energy line will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of control components is this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

po A break, in any of the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy lines will result in a loss of main condenser vacu-um. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

The failure of control components in this zone or Zone AB or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

0115-12177"HC3 D-A-21





HIGH ENERGY IINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE B Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 250'-0", 277'-6",

306'-0" HELB S stem Control S stem ARC Condenser Air Removal ARC Condenser Air Removal (5-1) (5-1)

ASS Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9) (3-9)

CNA Auxiliary Condensate CNS Condensate Makeup/Drawoff (4-4) (4-3)

CNM Condensate DSM Moisture Separator (4-1) (32-7) Vents and Drains CNS Condensate DSR Moisture Separator RHTR (4-3) Makeup/Drawoff (32-6) Vents and Drains DSM 'oisture Separator DTM Turbine Building Miscel-(32-7) Vents and Drains (32-5) laneous Drains DSR Moisture Separator RHTR FWS Feedwater (32-6) Vents and Drains (6-1)

DTM Turbine, Building HDH High Pressure Feedwater (32-5) Miscellaneous Drains (6-6) Heater Drains ESS Extraction Steam HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (3-4) (4-2) Heater Drains HDH High Pressure FDW MSS Main Steam (6-6) Heater Drains (3-1)

HDL Low Pressure FDW TME Turbine Generator Gland (4"2) Heater Drain (16-1) Seal and Exhaust HVH Hot Water Heating (22-16)

MSS Main Steam (3-1)

, (32-14)

FDW Heater Relief Vents and Drains 0145-12177-HC3 D-B-1

TME Turbine Generator Gland d ~)

(16-1) Seal and Exhaust I. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed .on a system basis:

a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1)


~ C Line No. 2ARC-025-015-4 Function ~ ~

Condenser air removal intercondenser 2ARC-E3A and 2ARC-E3B drain to. main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)

I) Line Nos. 2ASS-003-26-4, 2ASS-150-512-4, 2ASS-003-211-4, 2ASS-003-201-4, 2ASS-006"125-4, 2ASS-006"126-4) 2ASS-006-1-4 Function Main steam backup supply to=-= clean. steam- reboiler and-building heating intermediate heat exchangers, main steam supply to condenser air removal system, and off-gas system.

Failure Effect Loss of main steam supply for condenser air removal, air ~ ~

ejectors, and off-gas preheaters results in loss of con-denser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2ASS-006-620-4, 2ASS-003-3-4, 2ASS-150-517-4, 2ASS-006-140"4) 2ASS-006-147"4) 2ASS-006-70-4, 2ASS-006-400-4 Function Steam supply to building heating intermediate heat exchangers.

Failure Effect Loss of building heating intermediate heat exchangers, ad-ditional partial loss'f extraction steam at fifth point, and partial loss of condensate heating at fifth point heaters.

0145"12177"HC3 D-B-2

3) Line Nos. 2ASS-006-11-4, 2ASS-006-17-4, 2ASS-150-518-4, 2ASS-012-141"4, 2ASS-008"146-4) 2ASS-012-63-4 Function Steam supply to clean steam reboilers.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal. and exhaust steam. Partial loss of extraction steam at fourth point and partial loss of condensate heating at fourth point heaters.

4) Line Nos. 2ASS-008-503-4, 2ASS-010-504-4, 2ASS-003-502-4 Function Building heating heat exchangers and clean steam reboilers steam supply header vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

c. Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)

I) Line Nos. 2CNA-006-52-4, 2CNA-150-19-4, 2CNA-150-21-4 Function Drain lines from clean steam reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A and building heating intermediate heat exchangers 2HVH-EIA, ElB to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of 2HVH-E1A or EIB building heating intermediate heat exchanger.

2) Line Nos. 2CNA-003-303-4, 2CNA-003-304-4 Function Building heating intermediate heat exchanger relief lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect e Loss of main condenser vacuum.

0145-12177-HC3 D-B-3

d. Condensate (CNM 4-1)
1) Line Nos. 2CNM-002-93-4, 2CNM-002-94-4, 2CNM-002-95-4 Function Condensate line relief lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2CNM-012-034-4,, 2CNM-012-035-4 Function Condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2B, P2C recirculation lines.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate inventory and partial loss of condensate flow.

e. Condensate Makeu /Drawoff (CNS 4-3)
1) Line Nos. 2CNS-006-40-4, 2CNS-003-25-4 Function Condenser hotwell condensate makeup lines from condensate storage tanks.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2CNS-003-34-4, 2CNS-002-33-4, 2CNS-004-95-4, 2CNS-004"24-4 Function Condensate supply to. condensate makeup and drawoff system, and control rod drive hydraulic system.

Failure Effect Partial .loss of condensate inventory and loss of control rod drive hydraulic system pressure.

'0145"12177"HC3 D-B-4


f. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32"7)

Line No. 2DSM-006-53-4 Function Vent line from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A to hot reheat for low-pressure turbine T2A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of steam supply to low-pressure turbine T2A.

2) Line Nos. 2DSM-012-9-4, 2DSM-012-10-4, 2DSM-012-11-4, 2DSM-012"12"4, 2DSM 012 13 4) 2DSM 012 14 4) 2DSM-012-47-4, 2DSM-016-48-4, 2DSM-018-49-4, 2DSM-020-51-4 Function Moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElA drains to MSR drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK1A.

Failure Effect I

Loss of condensate from moisture separator 2MSS-E1A to moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heat-ers. Loss of condensate inventory. Fourth point heater drain pump flow reduced. (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)

3) Line Nos. 2DSM-002-16-4, 2DSM-002-18-4, 2DSM-004-17-4 Function Level instromentation standpipe and process, connections for 2DSM"TK4A.

Failure Effect Loss of moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4A condensate, and partial loss of steam to low-pressure tur-bines. Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Fourth point heater drain pump flow is reduced. (The most significant'. event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)

4) Line No. 2DSM-016-1-4 Function Provides condensate from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A to third point heaters.

0145-12177"HC3 D-8-5

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Heater drain pump flow is reduced, which is not significant.

5) Line No. 2DSM-016-8-4 Function Provides path to main condenser from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

6) Line No. 2DSM-016-7-4 Function Provides path to main condenser from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A, partial loss of main steam to conden'ser," and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Heater drain pump flow is reduced. (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)

g. Moisture Se arator RHTR Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)

Line Nos. 2DSR-002-11-4, 2DSR-002-13-4, 2DSR-004-12-4 Function Level instrumentation standpipe and . process connections for reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A.

Failure Effect Loss of 2DSR-TK6A condensate and steam resulting in par-tial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

2) Line No. 2DSR-016-8-4


'Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TEA.

0145-12177-HC3 D-B-6

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

3) Line No. 2DSR-016-1-4 Function Condensate from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A to sixth point heaters.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate to sixth point heaters and loss of steam from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-ElA resulting .

in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

4) Line Nos. 2DSR-002-120-4, 2DSR-006-10-4, 2DSR-006-102-4, 2DSR-008-104-4 Function Scavenging steam supply header from moisture separator 2MSS-ElA to sixth point heater.

Failure Effect Loss of moisture separator reheat steam and partial loss of feedwater/condensate heating at sixth point heater.

5) Line No. 1DSR-024-9-4 Function Condensate from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-ElA to reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate from 2MSS-ElA to 2DSR-TK6A and loss of condensate and steam to sixth point heater resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

6) Line Nos. 2DSR-016-7-4 Function Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator reheater drain receiver ZDSR-TK6A or 2DSR-TK6B.

0145-12177 "HC3 D-B-7

Failure Effect Loss of condensate from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A and loss of steam, from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-ElA resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

h. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5)
1) Line Nos. 2DTM-025-170-4, 2DTM-025-177-4, 2DTM-025-176-4 Function Combined intermediate valves steam leakoff drain path to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

, 2) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-14-4, 2DTM-002-15-4 Function 2ESS-MOV22A, B, upstream drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of extraction steam from fourth point heater extraction lines and partial loss of heating at fourth point heaters.

3) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-69-4, 2DTM-002-70-4, 2DTM-002-71-4, and 2DTM-002-72-4 Function Cold reheat line drains.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

4) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-64-4, 2DTM-150-65-4, 2DTM-150-111-4, 2DTM-150-185-4) 2DTM-150-186-4) 2DTM-002-337-4, 2DTM"002"339-4, 2DTM-002-341-4 Function Drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

0145"12177-HC3 D-B-8

5) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-231-4 through 2DTM-150-236-4 Function Turbine exhaust hood bearing cones waste, water, and oil drains.

Failure Effect No effect.

6) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-28-4, 2DTM-002-29-4, 2DTM-002-30-4, 2DTM-002-61-4, 2DTM-002-62-4, 2DTM-002-63-4, 2DTM-003-27-4, 2DTM'-003-60-4 Function Fifth aad sixth point extraction header drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of extraction steam from fifth or sixth point heater extraction lines and partial loss of heating at fifth or sixth point heaters.'o

7) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-457-4 through 2DTM"002-462-4, 2DTM-003-344-4, 2DTM-003-422-4, 2DTM-004-407-4) 2DTM-004-420-4, 2DTM"004-471-4, 2DTM-004-519-4) 2DTM-006-417-4, 2DTM-008-414-4, 2DTM-016-464-4, 2DTM-018-463-4, 2DTM-020-10-4, 2DTM-150-41-4, 2DTM-150-56-4 through 2DTM-150-59-4, 2DTM-150-135"4, 2DTM-150-343-4) 2DTM-150-400-4, 2DTM-150-403-4, 2DTM-150-405-4, 2DTM-150-412" 4, 2DTM-150-415-4, 2DTM-150 "473-4, 2DTM-150"479-4, 2DTM-150"480-4, 2DTM-150-499-4, 2DTM-150"520"4) 2DTM"150"487"4, 2DTM-150-515-4) 2DTM"150-516-4 Function Drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

8) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-139-4, 2DTM-150-140-4, 2DTM"150-214-4 Function
I Auxiliary steam low point drains.

0145-12177-HC3 D-B-9

Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth or fifth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth or fifth point feedwater heating.

9) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-513-4 and 2DTM-150-514-4 Function Low point drains from clean reboiler auxiliary steam sup-ply header to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth point feedwater heating.

Extraction Steam (ESS 3-4)

Line No. 2ESS-006-251-4 Function Extraction steam to auxiliary steam system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of fifth point extraction steam and loss of fifth point feedwater heating.

Hi h Pressure FDW Heater Drains (HDH 6-6)

1) Line Nos. 2HDH-014-604-4, 2HDH-014-614-4, 2HDH-014-624-4 Function Sixth point heater high level drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2HDH-014-603-4, 2HDH-014-613-4, 2HDH-014-623-4 Function Sixth point heater high level drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of sixth point heating and partial loss of condensate.

0145-12177-HC3 D-B"10

k. Low Pressure FDW Heater Drain (HDL 4-2)

Line Nos. 2HDL-002-413-4, 2HDL-002-433-4, 2HDL-002-453-4) 2HDL-006-134"4) 2HDL-006 135-4, 2HDL-006-136-4, 2HDL-008-102-4) 2HDL-008-112"4) 2HDL-008-122-4) 2HDL-014-101-4, 2HDL-014-111-4) 2HDL-014"121-4) 2HDL-008-235"4, 2HDL-008-303"4) 2HDL-018-403-4 )

2HDL-018-423-4, 2HDL"018-443-4, 2HDL-016-504-4) 2HDL"016-514"4, 2HDL-016-524"4 Function Low pressure heater drains to condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of Hain condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2HDL-008-202-4, 2HDL-008-203-4, 2HDL-008<<212-4, 2HDL-008-213-4) 2HDL-008-223-4, 2HDL-008-205-4, 2HDL-008-215-4, 2HDL-008-225-4 Function Second point heater drain receivers drain lines to condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of second point feedwater heating and partial loss of condensate.

3) Line Nos. 2HDL-008-302-4, 2HDL-008-312-4, 2HDL-008-322-4, 2HDL"008-304-4, 2HDL-008-314-4) 2HDL-008"324-4) 2HDL-018-402-4, 2HDL-018"422-4, 2HDL-018-442-4, 2HDL-016-503-4) 2HDL-016"513"4) 2HDL-016-523-4 Function Heater drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating and partial loss of condensate.

l. Hot Water Heatin (HVH 22-16)

Line No..2HVH-006-023-4 Function Hot water supply to turbine building glycol heat exchanger.

0145-12177"HC3 D-B-11

Failure Effect No significant effect.

2) Line No. 2HVH-006-24-4 Function Hot water supply to radwaste building glycol heat exchanger.

Failure Effect No significant effect.

Main Steam (MSS 3-1)

1) Line Nos. 2HSS-002-147-4, 2MSS-002-148-4, 2MSS-150-252-4, 2MSS-150-257" 4) 2MSS-150 "251-4, 2MSS-150-258-4, 2MSS"002-177-4, 2MSS-002-178-4, 2MSS-002-180-4, 2MSS-002-181"4 Function Main steam drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum and partial loss of main steam.

2) Line Nos. 2MSS-016-26-4, 2MSS-018-10-4, 2MSS-018-34-4, 2MSS-028-6-4, 2MSS-028.-8-4 Function Main steam supply to moisture separator 2MSS"ElB, main steam chest bypass, and turbine main steam stop valves.

Failure Effect Loss of main steam to turbine generator.

0145.-12177"HC3 D-B-12

n. FDW Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14)

Line Nos. 2SVH-002-101-4, 2SVH-002-161-4, 2SVH-002-201-4) 2SVH-002-231-4) 2SVH-002-261-4) 2SVH-003-202-4) 2SVH-003"232"4) 2SVH-003-262-4) 2SVH-002-302-4, 2SVH-002-332"4) 2SVH-002-362"4, 2SVH-002-402-4) 2SVH-002-407"4, 2SVH-002-432-4) 2SVH-002"437-4) 2SVH"002-462-4, 2SVH-002-467-4) 2SVH-003 307"4, 2SVH"003"337-4, 2SVH-003-367-4) 2SVH-010-902"4) 2SVH"010-932-4, 2SVH-010-962-4, 2SVH-004-992-4) 2SVH-004-993-4) 2SVH-004-994"4, 2SVH"006"995-4, 2SVH-002-991-4 Function Feedwater heater drains to condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.'urbine 0 ~ Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

1) Line Nos. 2TME-003-078-4, 2TME-003-080-4, 2TME-006-079-4, 2TME-012-077-4) 2TME-008-075-4) 2TME-008-084-4) 2TME"008-085-4, 2TME-012-418-4 Function e Turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam vents and drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No. 2TME-004-413-4 Function Main steam backup supp1y to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect Partial loss of main steam.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.
  • 0145-12177"HC3 D-B-13

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result.

in failure of control components in Zones C and D. The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the analy-sis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above listed zones(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.


a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1}

2ARC HV25A ) 2ARC SOV25A v 2ARC HV26A v 2ARC SOV26A > 2ARC HV25B s 2ARC"SOV25B, 2ARC-HV26B, 2ARC-SOV26B) 2ARC-HV25C, 2ARC-SOV25C, 2ARC-HV26C ) 2ARC-SOV26C Failure Effect, Failure of any or all of these devices in the close position may result in a partial or total loss of condenser vacuum.

b; Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)

'I) 2ASS-PVI06, 2ASS-SOVI06) 2ASS-STV143) 2ASS<<SOV143 Failure Effect Failure of these valves in either the open or close posi-tion has no significant effect.

2) 2ASS-STVI12). 2ASS-SOV112) 2ASS-PVI13) 2ASS"SOV113 Failure Effect Failure of either of these valves in the close position will stop the supply of main steam to the clean steam reboilers, 2TME-EIA and 2TME-EIB. Extraction steam from the fourth point extraction will normally supply the reboilers. Auxiliary steam can also supply the clean steam reboilers. Loss of all these sources results in loss of turbine generator gland seal steam and subsequent gradual reduction in condenser vacuum.
3) 2ASS"AOV144) 2ASS"SOV144 Failure Effect Failure of the above AOV in either open or close postion has no significant impact.

C~ Condensate Makeu /Drawoff (CNS 4-3) 2CNS-LT103) 2CNS-AOV304) 2CNS-SOV304, 2CNS-LS104, 2CNS-LT105, 2CNS-LV105.

0145-12177"HC3, D"B"14

Failure Effect Failure of 2CNS-LT103, 2CNS-LS104) and 2CNS-LT105 which causes closure of 2CNS-LV103, 2CNS-AOV304 and opening of 2CNS-LV105 will result in loss of condensate inventory in the condenser hotwell, 2CNM-CND1A. This loss of inventory will eventually result in loss of feedwater flow to the reactor.

d. Moisture'e arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7) 2DSM-LS78A, 2DSM"LV78A) 2DSM-SOV78A Failure Effect Failure of any device in this control loop which causes 2DSM-LV78A to fail open will result in partial loss of feed-water heating at the fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, and 2CNM-E4C. Failure which causes valve 2DSM-LV78A to fail close will result in a high condensate level in 2DSM-TK4A.
e. Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)
1) 2DSR-LS67A Failure Effect Failure of this device which causes 2MSS-AOV92A to fail closed results in loss of main steam to moisture separa-tor, 2MSS-E1A, with subsequent reduction in turbine effi-ciency. Operation of the turbine with only one moisture separator on-line may result in turbine vibration due to unbalanced steam flow and turbine trip due to high vibration.
2) 2DSR-LS68A,'2DSR-LV68A, 2DSR-SOVX68A, 2DSR-SOV68A Failure Effect Failure of any device in this control loop which causes 2DSR-LV68A to fail open will drain 2DSR-TK1A to the main condenser. This condition reduces heating in the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, and 2FWS-E6C.
3) 2DSR-AOV83A, 2DSR-SOV83A, 2DSR-AOV84A, 2DSR-SOV84A Failure of the scavenging steam warming and isolation valves in, closed. position may result in partial loss of feedwater heating and sixth point heater.

0145-12177-HC3 D"B-15

f. Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5) 2DTM-AOU2A, 2DTM-AOU2B, 2DTM-AOU2C 2DTM-SOV2A, 2DTM-SOV2B) 2DTM-SOV2C 2DTM AOV8A) 2DTM AOV8B ) 2DTM AOV8C 2DTM-SOV8A) 2DTM-SOV8B ) 2DTM-SOV8C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above AOVs in the open posi" tion results in a small loss of 5th or 6th point extrac-tion steam and associated feedwater heating. This failure may have an insignificant effect on condenser vacuum.
2) 2DTM-AOV3A, 2DTM-AOV3B,: 2DTM-AOV3C) 2DTM-SOV3A, 2DTM-SOU3B, 2DTM-SOV3C Failure Effect Failure of the above AOVs in the open position results in a small decrease in fourth point extraction steam flow and associated feedwater heating. An insignificant decrease in condenser vacuum may also result.


Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above AOVs in the open posi-tion results in a small decrease of extraction steam. No significant impact will result.

4) 2DTM-AOV104, 2DTM-AOV105) 2DTM-SOV104, 2DTM"SOV105 Failure Effect Failure of the above AOVs in the open position may cause water induction to the H.P. turbine.

Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above AOVs in either open or e g~

close position has Feedwater (FWS 6-1) no significant impact.

2FMS-LV55B (C33-F002B)

Failure Effect This valve is normally closed. If the valve is to open, there will be no effect since the feedwater control system would close 2FWS-LVlOB (C33-F001B) to maintain proper flow.

h. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDH 6-6) 2HDH-LV26A, 2HDH-LV26B, 2HDH-IV26C, 2HDH-SOV26A, 2HDH-SOV26B, 2HDH-SOV26C.

Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above AOVs in the open position will result in a decrease in sixth point feedwater heater level and a partial reduction in feedwater heating.

1~ Iow Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4"2)

1) 2HDL-LV2A, 2HDL-LV2B, 2HDL-LV2C 2HDL-LV3A, 2HDL-LV3B) 2HDL-LV3C Failure Effect Failure of any or position will result in all'f the a

above reduction valves in the close in feedwater heating in low pressure feedwater heaters, 2CNM-E2A, 2CNM-E2B, 2CNM"E2C) 2CNM-E3A, 2CNM"E3B) 2CNM-E3C.


Failure Effect I,


of any or all of the above level control valves in 'ailure the open position will drain the associated heater drain receiver tanks, 2HDL-TK2A, 2HDL-TK2B, 2HDL-TK2C, to the.


Failure of any or all of the above level control valves in the close position will stop the flow of backup .water to the heater drain receiver tanks with a consequent reduc-

,0 tion or loss of feedwater heating.

0145-12177-HC3 D-8-17


'3) 2HDL-LV24A, 2HDL-LV24B) 2HDL-LV24C, 2HDL-SOV24A) 2HDL-SOV24B, 2HDL-SOV24C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level-control valves in the open or close position will result in reduction or loss of heating in the fourth point low pressure feedwater heaters 2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, 2CNM-E4C.

4) 2HDL-LV23A, 2HDL-LV23B, 2HDL-LV23C, 2HDL-SOV23A) 2HDL-SOV23B, 2HDL-SOV23C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level control valves in the close position will result in reduction of feedwater heating in the third point heaters, 2CNM-E3A, 2CNM-E3B, 2CNM-E3C.
5) 2HDL LV25A) 2HDL LV25B ) 2HDL LV25 C ) 2HDL SOV25A )

2HDL-SOV25B, 2HDL-SOV25C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above level control valves in the open or close position will result in reduction or loss of heating in the fifth point low pressure feedwater heaters 2CNM-ESA, 2CNM-ESB, 2CNM-E5C.

Main Steam (MSS 3-1) 2MSS-AOV10B, 2MSS-SOV10B, 2MSS-AOV10D, 2MSS-SOV10D Failure Effect These valves are normally closed. Failure of these valves in the open position will have no significant effect.

2) 2MSS-I/P22A) 2MSS-PV28A, 2MSS-PV29A Failure Effect Device failure causing inadvertent closure of moisture separator main steam supply valve, 2MSS-PV28A or 2MSS-PV29A, which can result, in reduction of hot'eheat steam temperature to low-pressure turbines.
3) 2MSS-AOV92A, 2MSS-SOV92A Failure Effect If this valve fails closed, main steam supply to moisture separator reheater 2MSS-ElB will be shut off. .This will 0145-12177"HC3 D-B-18

cause poor quality reheat steam to the low pressure tur-bines, which may lead to turbine vibrations and trip.

4) 2MSS-AOV180, 2MSS-SOV180 Failure Effect Failure of this device in the open or closed position has no significant effect.
k. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1) 2TME-AOVI30, 2TME-SOV130 Failure Effect This AOV is a I/4 inch valve. Failure of this AOV in the open position will cause draining of the gland exhaust cooler drain receiver tank to the condenser. There is no significant impact on reactor parameters.
3. Combined Effect a ~ A break in the condenser air removal high energy line in this zone will result in loss of main condenser vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2'.5 analyses.

Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.

b.l. A break in the auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone (Items 1.b.l, 1.b.4) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.

b.2. A break in the auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone (Items 1.b.2, 1.b.3) results in loss of extraction steam at fourth point or fifth point heaters causing loss of feedwater heating. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Failure of control component in this zone (Items 2.d, 2.e.2, 2.e.3, 2.f.l, 2.f.2, 2.h, 2.i.l through 2.i.5) may also result in further partial loss of feedwater heating to the second through sixth point heaters of as many as three feedwater heat-ing strings. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Additionally, failure of control components in this zone (Item l.e.1) may result in turbine trip due to unbalanced steam flow and high vibration. If turbine trip occurs at a reactor power level elevated from the initial operating value due to 0145-12177-HC3 D-B-19

the loss of feedwater heating, the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of incidents of moderate frequency (anticipated operational transients) of FSAR Section 15.1.1.

Failure of control components in Zones C or D may result in any of the following: Loss of feedwater flow to the reactor, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses; partial loss of feed-water heating bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses; a tur>>

bine trip bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses; loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5; or feedwater controller failure maximum demand, bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.1.2 analyses. For detailed discussions concerning these control component failures, refer to Appendix D, Zones C or D, Item 3.

c.l. A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.c.1) will result in partial loss of feedwater heating. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analys-es. Failure of control components in this zone and in Zones C and D is analyzed in Item 3.b.2 above.

c.2. A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.c.2) will result. in loss of main condenser vacuum.

This event is bounded by FSAR Se'ction 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.2 above for analyses of control component fail-ures in this zone and in Zones C and D.

d. l. A break in the condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.d.1) will result in loss of main condenser vacuum.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for analysis of control component failures in this zone and in Zones C and D.

d.2. A break in the condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.d.2) will result in a loss of condensate inventory and a partial or total loss of feedwater flow. This will ultimate-ly lead to reactor scram on low reactor vessel level. This event i:s bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses or 15.6.6 ana-lyses, depending on the extent of the loss of feedwater event.

Failure of control components in this zone may result in par-tial loss of feedwater heating. If this occurs before the re-actor scram occurs due to loss of feedwater, the analysis of this event is as presented in Item 3.b.2 above. Failure of control components in Zones C and D is also discussed in Item 3.b.2.

e.l. A break in the condensate makeup and drawoff high energy lines in this zone (Item l.e.l) will result in a loss of main con-denser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Control component failures in this zone or in Zones C or D do not exacerbate this event.

0145-12177"HC3 D-B-20

e ~2' break in the condeasate makeup and drawoff high energy lines in this zone (Item l.e.2) will result in loss of control rod drive cooling water supply and loss of operator ability to coa-trol rods manually. Loss of rod drive cooling water will re-sult in no immediate significant effects; over the long term, some deterioration of control rod mechanism seals may occur.

If the reactor is ih automatic control, loss of ability to man-ually move control rods will have no immediate effect. Ulti-mately, other effects which change reactivity will drive the automatic control system out of raage and the reactor will ex-perieace slowly decreasiag or increasiag reactor temperature aad steam pressure, depending on other reactivity changes oc-curriag. If the reactor is in manual control, no compensation for reactivity changes will be available from the automatic control system. Ia the absence of aay other effects, loss of control rod drive supply water will be annunciated and due to the long-term nature of the effects of this event, sufficient time will be available for the operator to initiate a manual reactor scram. However, the loss of condensate inventory may result in low hotwell level, which will ultimately cause loss of coadensate pump suction pressure leading to loss of feed-water. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6.

Failure of control system components in this zone or in Zones C or D can cause a partial loss of feedwater heating. For this event, the analysis presented ia Item 3.b.2 above provides a description of failure effect.

A break in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this zone (Items l.f.2, l.f.3, l.f.4, and l.f.6) will cause a partial loss of feedwater heating at the third and fourth point feedwater heaters. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Effects of coatrol compoaent failures ia this zone or in Zones C and D are presented in Item 3.b.2.

f.2. A break in the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this zone (Item 3.f.5) will result in a loss of main coadenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control componeats in this zone or in Zones C aad D does not exacerbate this event.

f.3. A break in moisture separator vents and drains high eaergy lines in this zone (Item l.f.l) will cause a loss of hot reheat steam to the associated low pressure turbine, causing unbal-anced steam temperatures resulting in asymmetrical operation.

This will lead to high vibration and turbine trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses. Effects of control compoaent failures are analyzed in Item 3.b.2.

g.l. A break in the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Items l.g.l, I.g.3, l.g.4, l-g.5, and l.g.6) will result in a partial loss of feedwater heating 0145-12177-HC3 D"B-21

to the sixth point f'eedwater heaters. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones C or D is analyzed in Item 3.b.2 above.

ge2 ~ A break in the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.g.2) will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.

h.l. A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line in this zone (Items 1.h.2, 1.h.6, 1.h.8, and 1.h.9) will result in loss of feedwater heating at fourth, fifth, or sixth point heaters. Ioss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Control component failure analyses is discussed in Item 3.b.2.

h.2. A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy lines (Items 1.h.l, 1.h.7) will result in loss of main condens-er vacuum and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C and D does not exacerbate this event.

h.3. A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line (Items I.h.3, 1.h.4) will result in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For'ontrol component failure analyses refer to Item 3.b.2.

h.4 A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line (Item 1.h.5) in this zone has no significant effect.

Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure effect.

A break in extraction steam high energy line in this zone will result in loss of feedwater heating to the fifth point heater bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure analyses.

j.l. Alines break in high pressure feedwater heater drains high energy in this zone (Item 1.j.l) results in loss of main con-

denser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Control component failure in this zone or in Zones C or D does not ex-acerbate this event.

J ~2~ A break in high pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.j .2) results in partial loss of heating at .sixth point heater bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For control component failure analyses refer to Item 3.b.2 above.

k.l. A break in the low pressure FDW heater drains high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.k.l) will result in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Control compo-neat failure does not exacerbate this event.

0145-12177-HC3 D-B>>22

k.2. A break in the low pressure FDW heater drains high energy lines

'0 in this zone (Items 1.k.2 and 1.k.3) will result in loss of feedwater heating bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure.

A break in hot water heating system high energy line in this zone (Items 1.1.1, 1.1.2) has no significant effect on the re-actor parameters. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for. control component failure analyses.

m. 1. A break in main steam high energy lines (Item 1.m.l) will re-sult in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure analyses.

m+2 ~ A break in the main steam high energy lines in this zone (Item I.m.2) will result in a loss of main steam. This event results in closure of main steam isolation valves due to high steam flow and reactor scram. The event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones C or D does not exacerbate this event.

n. A break in FDW heater relief vents and drains high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component failure analyses.

F 1 A break in turbine generator .gland seal and exhaust steam high energy line in this zone (Item l.o.l) results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

Failure of control components does not exacerbate this event.

0-2 A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy line in this zone results in a partial loss of main steam. This event may result in main steam isolation valve closure and reactor trip. This event .is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses. If main steam isolation valve closure does not occur, this event will result in a partial loss of main steam. If the line cannot be isolated, the line break will not significantly affect reactor parameters. Eventually, however, the presence of steam will affect control components in this zone or in Zones C or D. Refer to Item 3.b.2 for control component. failure analyses.

0145-12177-HC3 D"B-23


=I I




HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE C Building: Turbine Building Locations: El 277 ft 0 ia.

El 306 ft 0 in.

Control S stem ARC Condenser Air Removal ARC Condenser Air Removal (5-1) (5-1)

ASS Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam



CNA Auxiliary Condensate CNM Condensate (4-4) (4-1)

CNM . Condensate DSM Moisture Separator (4-1) (32-7) Vents and Drains DSM Moisture Separator Vents and DSR Moisture Separator Re-(32-7) Drains (32-6) heater Vents and Drains DSR Moisture Separator Reheater ESS Extractioa Steam (32-6) Vents and Drains (3-4)

DTM Turbine Building FWR Feedwater Pump (32"5) Miscellaneous Drains (6"3) Recirculatioa ESS Extraction Steam FWS Feedwater (3-4)

FWR Feedwater Pump HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (6-3) Recirculation (4-2) Heater Drains FWS Feedwater MSS Main Steam (6-1) (3-1)

HDL Low Pressure Feedwater TME Turbine Geaerator Gland (4-2) Heater Drains (16-1) Seal aad Exhaust MSS Main Steam (3-1)

SVH Feedwater Heater Relief (32-14) Drains aad Vents

. THE Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust 0131-12177-HC3 D-C-1

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1)

Line Nos. 2ARC-010-607-4 and 2ARC-010-608-4 Function:

Condenser Air Removal Intercondensers 2ARC-E3A and 2ARC-E3B shell safety valve discharge lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condenser vacuum.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9
1) Line Nos.: 2ASS-010-80-4, 2ASS-010-81-4, 2ASS-006-82-4, 2ASS-008-83-4 Function:

Auxiliary steam supply lines to clean steam reboilers.

Failure Effect:

Loss of auxiliary steam supply as backup source of heating for clean steam reboilers 2TME-ElA and ElB.

2) Line Nos.: 2ASS-010-84-4, 2ASS-016-13-4, 2ASS-016-14-4, 2ASS-150-71-4, 2ASS-150-72-4, 2ASS-012-063-4 Function:

Steam supply line to clean steam reboilers.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. Partial loss of extraction steam at fourth point heaters, when extraction steam is normal source of heating for clean steam reboilers (likewise main steam or auxiliary steam when heating is from one of the two sources).

3) Line Nos.: 2ASS-003-502-4, 2ASS-010-520-4 Function:

Building heating heat exchangers and clean steam reboilers steam supply header vent lines to main condenser.

0131-12177"HC3 D-C"2

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

4) Line No.: 2ASS-006-126-4 Function:

Main steam backup supply to condenser air removal system and off-gas system.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of main steam and loss of backup supply steam to clean steam reboilers, building heating intermediate heat exchangers, condenser air removal system and off-gas system.

c~ Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)

Line Nos.: 2CNA-006-8-4, 2CNA-006-2-4, 2CNA-003-415-4 2CNA-003-318-4,'CNA-003-414-4, Function:

Carry condensate from reboiler drain tanks 2CNA-TKIA, TKIB to third point heater.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of condensate heating at third 'point heater.

2) Line Nos.: 2CNA-006-18-4, 2CNA-006-52-4 Function:

Drain lines from clean steam reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TKIA, TKIB to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate and condensate heating at third point heater.

3) Line Nos.: 2CNA-150-006-4, 2CNA-150-056-4 Function:

Clean steam reboilers vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

0131-12177-HC3 D"C"3

d. Condensate (CNM 4-1
1) Line Nos.: 2CNM-018-47-4, 2CNM>>018-50-4, 2CNM-018-53-4 Function:

Carry condensate/feedwater from third point drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3A to first point heater 2CNM-E1A, to second point heater 2CNM-E2A to third point heater 2CNM-E3A.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate/feedwater from heater train A.


Line Nos.: 2CNM-018-48-4, 2CNM-018-51<<4, 2CNM-018-54-4 Function:

Carry condensate/feedwater from third point drain cooler 2CNM>>DCL3B to first point heater 2CNM-ElB, to second point heater 2CNM-E2B to third point heater 2CNM-E3B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate/feedwater 'from heater train B.

3) Line Nos.: 2CNM-018-49-4, 2CNM-018-52-4, 2CNM-018-55-4 Function:

Carry condensate/feedwater from third point drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3C to first point heater 2CNM"E1C, to second point heater 2CNM-E2C to third point heater 2CNM-E3C.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate/feedwater from heater, train C.

4) Line Nos.: 2CNM-004-318-4, 2CNM-004-319-4, 2CNM-004-320-4 Function:

Condensate/feedwater relief lines to pressure relief valves.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate/feedwater inventory and reduced feedwater flow.

0131-12177-HC3 D~C~4

5) Line'Nos.: 2CNM-006-321-4, 2CNM-006-322-4, 2CNM-006-323-4 Function:

Condensate/feedwater relief lines from pressure relief valves to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.


6) Line No.: 2CNM-010-29-4 Function:

Condensate recirculation to main condenser and bypass.

Failure Effect:

Loss of feedwater/condensate flow.

7) Line Nos.: 2CNM-012-33-4, 2CNM-Q12-34-4, 2CNM"Q12-35-4 Function:

Condensate booster pump recirculation to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of feedwater/condensate flow.

e. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7)
1) Line Nos.: 2DSM-012-27-4 through 2DSM-012-32-4, 2DSM-012-37-4) 2DSM-016-38-4, 2DSM-018-39-4, 2DSM"020-41-4 Function:

Drains from moisture separator 2MSS-E1B to moisture sepa-rator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate from moisture separator 2MSS-ElB to moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters.

Loss of condensate inventory. Fourth point heater drain pump flow reduced. (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)

0131-12177"HC3 D<<C-5

2) Line No.: 2DSM-006-54-4 Function:

Vent line from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B to hot reheat for low-pressure turbine T2B.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of steam supply to low-pressure turbine T2B.

3) Line Nos.,: 2DSM-002-36-4, 2DSM-002-34-4, and 2DSM-004-35-4 Function:

Level instrumentation standpipe and process connections for 2DSM-TK4B.

Failur'e Effect:

Loss of moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B condensate, and partial loss. of steam to low-pressure tur-bines. Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Fourth point heaters drain pump flow is reduced. (The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)

4) Line No.: 2DSM-016-19-4, 2DSM-016-001-4 Function:

Provides condensate from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A/B to fourth point heaters.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters from 2DSM-TK48. Heater drain pump flow is reduced, which is not significant.

5) Line No.: 2DSM-016-26-4 Function:

Provides path to main condenser from- moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

0131-12177-HC3 D>>C-6

6) Line No.: 2DSM-016-25-4

Provides path to main condenser from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate from moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B, partial loss of main steam to condenser, and partial loss of condensate/feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Heater drain pump flow is reduced. .(The most significant event is the loss of condensate/feedwater heating.)

f. Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)

Line Nos.: 2DSR-002>>24-4, 2DSR-002-26-4, and 2DSR-004-25-4 Function:

Level instrumentation standpipe and process connections for reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of 2DSR-TK6B condensate and steam resulting in par-tial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

2) Line No.: 2DSR-016-20-4 Function:

Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate from reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B and loss of steam from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-E1B resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating'at sixth point heaters.

Line No.: 2DSR-016-21-4 Function:

w Provide path to main condenser from moisture separator


reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B.

0131-12177"HC3 D-C"7

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

4) Line Nos.: 2DSR-006-73-4, 2DSR-006-101-4, 2DSR-008-103-4, 2DSR-002-119-4) 2DSR"008-105"4 Function:

Scavenging steam supply line and condensate drain line from moisture separator 2MSS-E1B to sixth point heater.

Failure Effect:

Loss of separator reheat steam and partial loss of feedwater/condensate heating at sixth point heater.

5) Line Nos.: 2DSR-008-104-4, 2DSR-006-106-4 Function:

Scavenging steam supply line and condensate drain line from moisture separator reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A.

Failure Effect:

Loss of moisture separator reheat steam and partial loss of feedwater/condensate heating at sixth point heater.

6) Line No.: 2DSR-002-42-4 Function:

Blanketing steam header.

Failure Effect:

No significant effect.

7) Line Nos.: 2DSR-008-121-4, 2DSR-008-122-4 Function:

Vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

0131-12177-HC3 D-C-8

8) Line Nos.: 2DSR-016-1-4, 2DSR-016-14-4 Function:

e Condensate from reheater drain and TK6B to sixth point heaters.

receiver tanks 2DSR-TK6A Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate to sixth point heaters and loss of steam from reheater moisture separators 2MSS<<ElA, E1B re-sulting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

9) Line No.: 2DSR-024-22-4 Function:

Condensate from reheater moisture separator 2MSS-E1B to reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate from 2MSS-ElB to 2DSR-TK6B, and loss of condensate and steam to sixth point heater 2FMS-E6B re-


suiting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters.

g. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5)
1) Line Nos.: 2DTM-002-73-4 through 2DTM-002-76-4) 2DTM-150-111"4, 2DTM-125-143-4, 2DTM"150-144-4, 2DTM-125.-145-4, 2DTM-150-146-4, 2DTM-025-173"4, 2DTM-025-174-4, 2DTM-025-175"4 Function:

Drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos.: 2DTM-002-5-4, 2DTM-002-6-4, 2DTM-002-7-4 Function:

2ESS MOV15A, 15B and 15C upstream drains to main condenser.

0131"12177"HC3 D-C-9

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of extraction steam from third point heater extraction lines, and partial loss of heating at third point heaters.

3) Line No.: 2DTM-002-16-4 Function:

2ESS-MOV22C upstream drain to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

loss of extraction steam from fourth point heater 4)'artial extraction line, and partial loss of heating at fourth point heater.

Line No.: 2DTM-150-214-4 Function:

Auxiliary steam low point drain.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of fourth point extraction steam, and fourth point feedwater heating.

5) Line Nos.: 2DTM-150-513-4, 2DTM-150-514-4 Function:

Low point drains from clean steam reboilers, auxiliary steam supply header to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of fourth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth point. feedwater heating.

h. Extraction Steam (ESS 3-4)

Line Nos.: 2ESS-002-6-4, 2ESS-002-8-4, 2ESS"002-10-4, 2ESS-003-4-4, 2ESS-002-22-4) 2ESS"002"20-4) 2ESS"002-17-4, 2ESS-003-15-4, 2ESS-002-25-4) 2ESS-002-28-4) 2ESS-002"31-4) 2ESS-150-153-4, 2ESS"002-35-4) 2ESS-002-40-4, 2ESS-002-43-4 Function:

Extraction steam line drains from third, fourth, fifth, and sixth point heater lines to main condenser.

0131"12177-HC3 D>>C-10

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate inventory and partial loss of feedwater/condensate heating.

2) Line Nos.: 2ESS-012"5-4, 2ESS<<012-7-4, 2ESS-012-9-4, 2ESS"002-020"4, 2ESS"002-18-4, 2ESS-002-23"4 Function:

High pressure turbine 2TMS-Tl extraction steam lines to sixth point heaters, 2FWS-E6A) E6B, E6C.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, E6B, E6C, and partial loss of condensate inventory.

3) Line Nos.: 2ESS-016-16-4, 2ESS-016>>19-4, 2ESS-016-21-4, 2ESS-002-70-4, 2ESS-002-71.-4, 2ESS-018-11-4, 2ESS-024-13 4, 2ESS-008-60-4) 2ESS"006"251-4) 2ESS-018-12-4 Function:

Cold reheat extraction steam to fifth point heaters 2CNM-E5A, E5B, ESC, and building heating intermediate heat exchangers.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate heating at fifth point heaters 2CNM-E5A, E5B, E5C, and loss of building heating and par-tial loss of condensate inventory.

4) Line Nos.: 2ESS-014-24-4, 2ESS-014-27-4, 2ESS-014-30-4, 2ESS-002-85-4, 2ESS"002-86"4, 2ESS-012-95-4) 2ESS-012-96-4, 2ESS-012"97-4) 2ESS-016-200-4) 2ESS-016-33-4 Function:

L.P. tur'bines 2TMS-T2A, -T2B, -T2C extraction steam lines to fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, -E4B, -E4C, and turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate heating at fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, E4B, E4C, and loss of clean steam reboilers 2TME-ElA, E1B for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam; partial loss of condensate inventory.


5) Line Nos.: 2ESS-026-34-4, 2ESS-026-39-4, 2ESS-026-42-4, 2ESS-004-155-4, 2ESS-004-154-4) 2ESS-002-88-4, 2ESS-002-87-4, 2ESS"004"158-4, 2ESS"004-157"4, 2ESS-004-156-4, 2ESS-004-38-4 Function:

L.P. turbines 2TMS-T2A, -T2B, -T2C extraction steam lines and H.P. turbine gland packing steam to third point heat-ers 2CNM-E3A, -E3B, -E3C.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of condensate heating at third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, -E3B, "E3C and partial loss of condensate inventory.

Feedwater P Recirculation (FWR 6-3)

1) Line Nos.: 2FWR-020-4-4, 2FWR-020-5-4, and 2FWR-020-6-4 Function:

Feedwater pumps 2FWS-PlA, PlB, and P1C recirculation to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of feedwater and main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos.: 2FWR-010-1-4, 2FWR-010-2-4, and 2FWR-010-3-4 Function:

Feedwater pump 2FWS-PlA, 1B, or 1C recirculation line.

Failure Effect:

Reduced feedwater flow and loss of condensate inventory.

Feedwater (FWS 6-1)

1) Line Nos.: 2FWS-020-110-4, 2FWS-016-116-4 Function:

Feedwater cycle cleanup system supply lines from sixth point heater's discharge header.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of feedwater and reduced flow to reactor.

0131-12177"HC3 D-C-12

2) Line Nos.: 2FWS-008-117-4, 2FWS-008-120-4, 2FWS-008-122-4, 2FWS-012-119-4, 2FWS-016-125-4 Function:

High and low energy feedwater cleanup lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

During normal operation no significant effect as the sys-tem is isolated. However, if the respective feedwater cycle cleanup valve connecting to the main condenser is open loss of main condenser vacuum will result.

k. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2)

Line Nos.: 2HDL-002-206-4, 2HDL-002-207"4, 2HDL-004-208-4) 2HDL-002-216-4) 2HDL"002"217-4, 2HDL-004-218-4, 2HDL-002-227-4) 2HDL-002-226-4, 2HDL<<004-228-4 Function:

Second point heater drain rec'eiver tanks 2HDL-TK2A, 2B, or 2C level instrumentation standpipe.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate inventory and loss of condensate heat-ing at second point heater drain coolers 2CNM-DCL2A, 2B, or 2C.

2) Line Nos.: 2HDL-014-201"4, 2HDL-014-211-4, and 2HDL-014-221-4 Function:

Second point heater 2CNM-E2A, E2B, or E2C drains to drain receiver tank 2HDL"TK2A, 2B, or 2C.

Failure Effect:

Loss of condensate inventory and partial loss of conden-sate heating at second point heater 2CNM-E2A, E2B, or E2C and second point heater drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2A, 2B, or 2C.

3) Line Nos.: 2HDL-008-203-4, 2HDL-008-213-4, and 2HDL-008-223"4 0131-12177-HC3 D"C-13


Fifth point heater drain receiver tanks 2HDL-TK2A, 28, or 2C bypass to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Same as Item 1) above.

4) Line No.: 2HDL-004-209-4, 2HDL-004-219-4, 2HDL-004-229-4 Function:

Vent lines from second point drain receiver tank 2HDL-TK2A, TK2B, TK2C to respective second point heater 2CNM-E2A, -E2B, or -E2C.

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of second point feedwater heating and extrac-tion steam.

1. Main Steam (MSS 3-1)
1) Line Nos.: 2MSS-010-189-4, 2MSS"006-167-4, 2MSS-002-237-4, 2MSS-002-146-4, 2MSS<<150-251-4 through 2MSS-150-254-4, 2MSS-002-98-4, 2MSS-002-160-4, 2MSS-002-171-4, 2MSS-002-97-4 Function:

Main steam drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No.: 2MSS-2-141-4 Function:

Main steam lines to turbine stop valves drain line to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Insignificant loss of main steam.

3) Line No.: 2MSS-016-25-4 Function:

Main steam supply to moisture separator 2MSS-ElB.

0131-12177-HC3 D"C"14

Failure Effect:

Loss of heating steam to moisture separator 2MSS-ElB and partial'oss of main steam.

4) Line Nos.: 2MSS-028-2-4, 2MSS-028-4-4 Function:

Main steam supply lines to turbine stop valves 2MSS-MSVlA,


Failure Effect:

Loss of main steam to turbine stop valve 2MSS MSV1A or 2MSS-MSV1B.

m. Feedwater Heater Relief Drains and Vents (SVH 32-14)

Line Nos.: 2SVH-002-734-4, 2SVH-002-764-4, 2SVH-008-404-4, 2SVH-008-434-4, 2SVH-008-464-4, 2SVH-008-504-4) 2SVH-008"534-4, 2SVH 008 564 4 ) 2SVH 008 604 4 ) 2SVH 002 704 4 ) 2SVH-008-634-4) 2SVH"008-664-4, 2SVH-008-835"4) 2SVH-008-865-4, 2SVH"008-805-4, 2SVH"002-704-4 Function:

Safety valve drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

n. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)
1) T.ine Nos.: 2TME-008-75-4, 2TME-012-76-4, 2TME-008-84-4, 2TME-008-85"4, 2TME-012-418-4, 2TME-003-57-4 Function:

Safety and relief valve drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect:

Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos.: 2TME-002-74-4, 2TME-004-413-4 Function:

Main steam backup supply to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

0131-12177"HC3 D"C-15

Failure Effect:

Partial loss of main steam.

3) Line Nos.: 2TME-004-414-4, 2TME-006-41-4, 2TME-006-101"4 Function:

Main steam backup supply and relief line to turbine gener-ator gland seal and exhaust steam.

Failure Effect:

Loss of turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam backup source.

The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

A high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zones D and S.. The significant consequences of such a failure have been integrated into the by referr-

'ng to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the analysis above listed zones in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

Condenser Air Removal ARC 5-1) 2ARC-AOV104) 2ARC-SOV104 Failure Effect:

If this air ejector isolation valve 2ARC-AOVI04 fails close during normal operation when the air. removal system for the condenser is shut down (which is manually started), then no air removal from the condensers will take place resulting in tur-bine trip on loss'of condenser vacuum.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)
1) 2ASS-AOV145, 2ASS-SOV145 Failure Effect:

Failure of 2ASS-AOV145 valve in closed position will stop supply of auxiliary steam to clean steam reboilers. Aux-iliary steam is alternate source to clean steam reboilers.

Extraction steam and main steam sources are still avail-able. In the event these sources are also lost due to closure of main steam valve 2ASS-STV112, or extraction 0131"12177-HC3 D-C-16

steam nonreturn valves 2ESS-NRV113 or NRV114 are inadver-tently closed, turbine generator gland seal steam would be lost. This may result in gradual loss of condenser vacuum.

2) 2ASS"PV146, 2ASS-SOV146 Failure Effect:

If a failure of the auxiliary steam supply valve 2ASS-PV146 in the close position occurs, auxiliary steam backup to the main steam and fourth point extraction steam supply to the clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A and 2TME-ElB will be lost. This is highly unlikely; however, if it occurs, turbine generator gland seal steam would be lost.

C ~ Condensate (CNM 4-1)

1) 2CNM-FV38A, 2CNM-SOV38A, 2CNM-FV38B) 2CNM-SOV38B, 2CNM-FV38C, 2CNM-SOV38C Failure Effect:

Failure of any or all of the condensate booster pump 2CNM-P2A, P2B, or P2C, recirculation valves 2CNM-FV38A, FV38B, or FV38C in open position will bypass condensate to main condenser, resulting in reduced feedwater flow and

-.-=possibly loss of feedwater suction pressure.

If these valves fail closed, minimum booster pumps flow will not be maintained when required.

2) 2CNM-HV55A, 2CNM-SOV55A, 2CNM-HV55B) 2CNM-SOV55B, 2CNM-HV55C) 2CNM-SOV55C Failure Effect:

Failure of the above valves has no significant effect.

3) 2CNM-FV114, 2CNM-SOV114 Failure Effect:

Failure of the valve in the open position will bypass condensate to the main condenser resulting in loss of feedwater flow.

d. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7) 2DSM-LV78B) 2DSM-SOV78B 0131-12177"HC3 D"C"17

Failure Effect:

If valve 2DSM-LV78B fails open, partial loss of feedwater heat-ing at fourth point heaters 2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, and 2CNM-E4C if will result. Also, the valve fails close, a high condensate level in 2DSM-TK4B may result.

e. Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)
1) 2DSR-LS67B Failure Effect:

If 2DSR-LS67B failure causes 2MSS-AOV92B to close, the result will be loss of main steam to moisture separator 2MSS-ElB. Ioss of main steam to the moisture separator will result in reduced turbine efficiency and may lead to turbine vibration and consequent turbine trip.

2) 2DSR-LS68B, 2DSR-LV68B) . 2DSR-SOV68B, 2DSR-SOVX68B, 2DSR-LT68B Failure Effect:

Failure of any of the above devices which cause 2DSR-LV68B to open 'will drain condensate from 2DSR-TKlB to the main condenser. This drainage will result in a reduction of heating at sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, and 2FWS-E6C.

3) 2DSR-AOV82A) 2DSR-SOV82A) 2DSR-AOV82B) 2DSR-SOV82B Failure Effect:

Failure of 2DSR-AOV82A in the open position will result in reduction of feedwater heating.

4) 2DSR-AOV83B) 2DSR-SOV83B, 2DSR-AOV84B) 2DSR-SOV84B Failure Effect:

Failure of the scavenging steam warning and isolation valves in closed position may result in partial 'loss of feedwater heating and sixth point heater.

f. Extraction Steam (ESS 3-1)
1) 2ESS-NRV113) 2ESS-SOVX113, 2ESS-SOVY113, 2ESS-NRV114, 2ESS-SOVX114, 2ESS-SOVY114, 2ESS-STV104, 2ESS-SOV104 0131"12177-HC3 D-C-18

Failure Effect:

Failure of STV104 in closed position will stop extraction steam to clean steam reboilers. Clean steam reboiler has alternate sources of steam available from main steam or auxiliary steam. In the event both sources are lost due to closure of main steam isolation valve 2ASS-STV112 or auxiliary steam supply valve 2ASS-PV146, turbine generator gland seal steam would be lost. This may result in gradual loss of condenser vacuum. Failure of the NRVs and associated SOVs has no significant effect.

2) 2ESS-NRV103, 2ESS-SOVX103 ) 2ESS-SOVY103, 2ESS-NRV109, 2ESS-SOVX109, 2ESS-SOVY109, 2ESS-STV105) 2ESS-SOV105 Failure Effect:

Failure of STV105 in closed position will stop extraction steam to building heating heat exchangers. No significant effect on the system. Failure of the NRVs and associated SOVs has no significant effect.



2ESS-SOVY34C Failure Effect:

Failure of the above valves in the closed position has no significant effect.


Failure of the above nonreturn valves in the close posi-tion has no significant effect.



'Pailure Effect:

Failure of the above valves closed will have no signifi-cant effect.

0 0131-12177-HC3 D"C-19

6) 2ESS-HV47A, 2ESS-SOV47A, 2ESS "HV47B, 2ESS-SOV47B, 2ESS-HV48A, 2ESS-SOV48A, 2ESS-HV48B, 2ESS-SOV48B, 2ESS-HV47C, 2ESS-SOV47C, 2ESS-HV48C, 2ESS-SOV48C, 2ESS "HV46A, 2ESS-SOV46A, 2ESS"HV46B, 2ESS-SOV46B, 2ESS-HV46C, 2ESS-SOV46C, 2ESS "HV49A, 2ESS-SOV49A, 2ESS "HV49B, 2ESS-SOV49B, 2ESS-HV49C, 2ESS-SOV49C Failure Effect:

If any of the above fourth or fifth point heater warming valves fail open or close, there is no significant impact.

g. Feedwater P Recirculation (FWR 6-3) 2FWR-FV2A, 2FWR-SOVX2A, 2FWR-SOVY2A) 2FWR-FV2B) 2FWR-SOVX2B, 2FWR-SOVY2B, 2FWR-FV2C, 2FWR-SOVX2C, 2FWR-SOVY2C Failure Effect:

If valves fail open, feedwater flow to reactor will be reduced resulting in turbine runback.

If valves fail closed, feedwater pump minimum recirculation requirement may not be met, causing feedwater pump degradation at low feedwater flow levels.

h. Feedwater (FWS 6-1)
1) 2FWS-HVXI13) 2FWS-HVY113, 2FWS-SOVX113) 2FWS-SOVY113 I

I adk Failure Effect:

~s Vt If the low energy cleanup valves fail open during normal plant operation, no effect 'will result unless 2FWS-MOV112 fails open due to failure of pressure switch 2FWS-PS112 or 2FWS-PS113 and inadvertent operator action to open the MOV112 from the main control room. This will divert feed-water flow to the main condenser and not to the reactor.

2) 2FWS"HVX111, 2FWS-HVY111) 2FWS-HVZ]11 Failure Effect:

If the above valves open during normal plant operation, no effect will result unless 2FWS-MOV110 is inadvertently open. 2FWS-MOV110 is manually controlled from the main control room, and if this valve is inadvertently opened then a significant 'feedwater flow will be diverted to main condenser and not to the reactor.

i. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2)
1) 2HDL-LT2A, 2HDL-LT2B, 2HDL-LT2C 0131"12177-HC3 D-C-20

Failure Effect:

If the above instrumentation fails the normal drain. valves 2HDL-LV2A, 2HDL-LV2B, and 2HDL"LV2C in the open position, then a partial loss of second point low pressure feedwater heating will result.

2) 2HDL-LS22A) 2HDL-LS22B) 2HDL"LS22C ) 2HDL"LT22A )

2HDL-LT22B, 2HDL-LT22C Failure Effect:

If the above instrumentation fails the emergency level control valves 2HDL-LV22A, 2HDL-LV22B, and 2HDL-LV22C in the open position, second point low pressure feedwater heating from heaters 2CNM-E2A, 2CNM-E2B, and 2CNM-E2C will be reduced or lost due to the draining of the drain re-ceiver tanks 2HDL-TK2A, TK2B and TK2C to the condenser.

If any or all of the above valves fail closed, second po'int low pressure feedwater heating may also be reduced or lost, due to the backup of water from the tanks to the heaters.

3) 2HDL LS7A) 2HDL LS7B ) 2HDL LS7C ) 2HDL LS8A) 2HDL LS8B )

2HDL-LS8C Failure Effect:

If the above level switches fail such that high level in the first and second point heaters is not sensed, a high level condition in the first and second point feedwater heaters will result. This can eventually cause water in-duction into the low-pressure turbines, leading to turbine vibration and turbine trip.,

If the level switches fail such that two or more of the associated low-pressure feedwater strings are isolated and the associated heater drain pumps stop, a total loss of feedwater to the reactor may occur as a result.

If only one of the low-pressure feedwater heater strings is isolated, the other two strings will pick up the flow.

Main Steam (MSS 3-1) 2MSS-I/P22B, 2MSS-PV28B, 2MSS-PV29B Failure Effect:

Instrumentation failure causing inadvertent closure of moisture separator main steam supply valves 2MSS-PV28B or

. 2MSS-PV29B which can result in reduction of hot reheat steam temperature to low-pressure turbines.

0131-12177"HC3 D-C"21

2) 2MSS"AOV201, 2MSS-SOV201) 2MSS"AOV209) 2MSS-SOV209 Failure Effect:

If these valves fail open, no significant impact occurs.

3) 2MSS-AOV92B, 2MSS-SbV92B Failure Effect:

If this valve fails close, main steam supply to moisture separator reheater 2MSS-E1B will be shut off. This wi:ll cause poor quality reheat steam to the low pressure tur-bines, which may lead to turbine vibrations and trip.

k. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1) 2TME-AOV121, 2TME-SOV121, 2TME"PV122 Failure Effect:

If either of these valves fail close, then the main steam back-up supply to the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust sys-tem will be lost. Normal supply is from the clean steam reboilers 2TME-E1A or 2TME-EIB. 'If this supply is lost, con-denser vacuum will eventually be lost.

3. Combined Effect a~ A break in condenser air removal high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5. Failure of control components in this zone or in Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.
b. A break in auxiliary steam line in this zone (Item 1.b.l) has no significant effect. However, failure of control components in this zone may result in failure of condensate booster pumps recirculation valves 2CNM-FV38A, FV38B or FV38C in open position will bypass condensate to main condenser, resulting in reduced :feedwater and

'possible loss of feedwater suction pressure. This will bring the reactor vessel level down resulting in reactor scram. Loss of feedwater event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.

Failure of control components in Zones D or S may result in the following events:

a) Loss of feedwater (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.

0131-12177-HC3 D"C-22

b) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event (Zone D) bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

c) Partial loss of feedwater heating (Zone D), in fifth and sixth point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three fourth point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

d) Turbine trip (Zones D or S), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.

e) Loss of main condenser vacuum, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

f) Misoperation of rod sequence control system (RSCS) (Zone S) which leads to reactor scram, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.4 analyses.

For a detailed discussion of these events, refer to Appendix D, Zones D or S, Section 3.

When partial loss of feedwater heating occurs, failure of certain components in this zone (Items 2.d, 2.e.2, 2.e.3, 2.f.3 through 2.f.5, 2.i.l through 2.i.3) can result in loss of sixth point feedwater heaters affecting as many as

. three feedwater strings, and in partial loss of second and fourth point feedwater heaters.

FSAR Section 15.1.1 analysis.

This event is bounded by

2) A break in auxiliary steam line in this zone will result in loss of turbine general gland seal (1.b.2,'.b.4) and exhaust steam. An additional source of main steam is available for turbine generator gland seals. However, both sources are lost, turbine trip will occur due to loss if of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Control component failure is analyzed in Item 3.b.l above.
3) A break in auxiliary steam line in this zone (Item 1.b.3) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. Refer to Item 3.a for further analyses.

0131-12177-HC3 D"C-23

C ~ A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line (Items 1.c.l, 1.c.2) in this zone results in loss of con-densate inventory and condensate heating at third point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.1 for analysis of control component failures.

2) A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line (Item 1.c.3) in this zone results in loss of main condens-er vacuum. Refer to Item 3.b.l for further analyses.
d. A break in any condensate high energy lines in this zone (Items I.d.1, 1.d.2, 1.d.3) will result in loss of con-densate flow in feedwater heater train associated with the pipe break. A low feedwater suction pressure will result in reactor feedwater pump trip. This is a pipe break in feedwater line outside thd containment and bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones D or S does not,exacerbate this event.
2) A break in condensate high energy l'ine in this zone (Items 1.d.4 through 1.d.7) results in loss of feedwater or reduced flow to the reactor. Loss of feedwater flow event is bounded by FSAR Secti'on 15.6.6 analyses. Reduced feedwater flow will result in proportional reduction of reactor vessel inventory causing the vessel level to drop.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses..

Control component failure for this zone or .Zones D or S is discussed in Item 3.b.l above.

e. A break in any of the moisture separator vent or drain high energy lines in this zone (Item l.e.2) causes loss of hot reheat steam to associated low-pressure turbines, causing unbalanced steam temperature resulting in asymmetrical operation leading to high vibration and turbine trip. For failure of control components in this zone or Zones D or S, refer to Item 3.b.l above.
2) A break in any of the moisture separator vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Items l.e.l, l.e.3, l.e.4, l.e.6) results in loss of condensate from moisture separator and loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.1 for control component failure analyses.
3) A break in moisture separator vent and drain high energy line in this zone (Item l.e.5) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.

0131-12177"HC3 D-C-24

f. 1) A break in any of the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.f.l, 1.f.2, 1.f.4, 1.f.5, 1.f.8', and 1.f.9) results in loss of conden-sate from moisture separator reheater and/or moisture sep-arator reheater drain receiver and loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heaters. Ioss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.1 for control component failure analyses.
2) A break in the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.f.3 and 1.f.7) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of con-trol components in this zone or Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.
3) A break in the moisture separator reheater vent and drain high energy line (1.f.6) has no significant effect. How-ever, failure of control components in this zone or in Zones D or S may result in one or more events analyzed in Item 3.b.1.

go 1) A break in the turbine plant miscellaneous drains high energy line in this zone (Item 1.g.l) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. Thi's event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For control component failure analysis, refer to Item 3.b.l above.

2) A break in the turbine plant miscellaneous drains high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.g.2, 1.g.3, 1.g.4, and I.g.5) results in loss of feedwater heating at third or fourth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.1 for control component failure analysis.
h. A break in the extraction steam high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.h.l, I.h.2, 1.h.3, and 1.h.5) will result in loss of condensate inventory and/or extraction steam, and in loss of feedwater heating to third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point feed-water heaters. Additionally, a break (Item 1.h.4) may result in loss of clean steam reboiler which supplies steam for the turbine gland seal system. A backup source is available from main steam to supply turbine generator gland seal steam. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Refer to Item 3.b.l.for analysis of control component failures.

I ~

A break in the feedwater recirculation high energy lines in this zone will result'n loss of main condenser vacuum concur-rent with partial or total loss of feedwater to the reactor.

I 0131-12177"HC3 D-C-25

This event is bounded by FSAR Sections 15.6.6 and 15.2.5 ana-lyses. Failure of control components located in this zone or Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.

1) A break in the feedwater high energy line (Item 1.j.1) results in loss of feedwater causing a low reactor water level reactor scram. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses, feedwater line break outside con-tainment. Failure of control components in. this zone or Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.
2) A break in feedwater line (Item 1.j.2) during normal oper-ation results in no effect, since this portion of the .sys-tem is isolated from the high energy feedwater.

A break in the low-pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines in this zone results in loss of condensate inventory from system drain points and loss of feedwater heating at second or fifth point feedwater heaters. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.b.l for control component failure analysis.

1) A break in the main steam high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.1.3 and 1.1.4) results in a loss of main steam.

This event results in closure of main steam isolation valves 'due to high steam flow and reactor scram. The event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.

2) A break in the main steam high energy line (Item 1.1.1) will result in a loss of condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of con-trol components in this zone or Zones D or S does not this event in the event of an immediate loss If loss of vacuum is gradual, Item 3.b.l

'xacerbate of vacuum.

discusses effects of control component failures.

3) A break in the main steam high energy line in this zone (Item 1.1.2) will result in no significant effect. Howev-er, in the unlikely event that the failure of this line does affect performance of control components in this zone, Item 3.b.l provides the centrol component failure analysis.
m. A break'n the feedwater heater relief vents and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in loss of condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

Refer to jItem 3.b.1 for analysis of control component failures for cases where the loss of vacuum is gradual. If the loss is immediate, control component failures do not exacerbate the event.

0131-12177-HC3 D"C-26

1) A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy lines in this zone (Item l.n.l) will result in 0 a loss of condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zones D or S does not exacerbate this event.
2) A break in the 'turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy line in this zone (Item l.n.2) will result in a partial loss of main steam. This event may result in main steam isolation valve closure and reactor trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.4 analyses. If main steam isolation valve closure does not occur, this event will result in" a partial loss of main steam.

break cannot be isolated, entry of steam into this zone If the or Zones D or S may cause control component failures which are analyzed in Item 3.b.l.

3) A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy lines .in this zone (Item l.n.3) during normal operation results in no significant effect, since this line is normally isolated from the high energy steam.

'lC 0131-12177"'HC3 .D-C"27

I kg',




El 277 ft 6 in.

El 250 ft 0 in. Tunnels HELB SYSTEM CONTROL SYSTEM ARC Condenser Air Removal ARC Condenser Air Removal (5-1) (5-1)

ASS Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9) (3-9)

CNA Auxiliary Condensate CCS Turbine Plant Component (4-4) (9-7) Cooling Water CNM Condensate CND Condensate (4-1) (4-7) Demineralizer 0,(32-5)

Turbine Building Miscellaneous Drains CNM (4-1)

Condensate FWP Feedwater Pump Seal CNO Condensate Booster (6-4) and Leakoff (4-10) Pump Lube Oil FWR Feedwater Pump CNS Condensate Makeup/

(6-3) Recirculation '(4-3) Drawoff FWS Feedwater DSM Moisture Separator (6-1) (32-7) Vents and Drains HDH High Pressure Feedwater DSR Moisture Separator (6-6) Heater Drain (32-6) Reheater Vents and Drains HDL Iow Pressure Feedwater ESS Extraction Steam (4-2) Heater Drain (3-4)

HVG Glycol Heating FWL FDW Pump and Drive (22"17) (7-3) Lube Oil Hot .Water Heating FWP FDW Pump Seal and (22-16) (6-4) Leakoff OFG Offgas FWR FDW Pump (31-4) (6-3) Recirculation 0116"12177-HC3 D-D-1

SVH FDW Heater Relief FWS Feedwater (32"14) Vents and Drains TME Turbine Generator Gland GMC Generator Stator (16-1) Seal and Exhaust (16-8) Cooling Water GMH Generator Hydrogen (16-7) and C02 GML Generator Leads (16-10) Cooling GMO Generator (16-6) Seal Oil HDH High Pressure Feedwater (6-6) Heater Drains HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (4-2) Heater Drains MSS Main Steam (3-1)

SWP Service Water (9"10)

TMB Turbine Generator EH (16-5.2) Fluid TME Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust TML Turbine Generator (16-2) Lube Oil 1

The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

a ~ Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1)

I) Line No. 2ARC-012-009-4 Function Condenser steam air ejector discharge to offgas system.

Failure Effect Los's of offgas processing. High radiation.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D-2

2) Line Nos. 2ARC-025-015-4 and 2ARC-025-016-4 Function Condenser air removal intercondenser 2ARC-E3A and 2ARC-E3B drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)
1) Line Nos. 2ASS-150-10-4 and 2ASS-150-69-4 Function Auxiliary steam supply to o5fgas system.

Failure Effect Loss of offgas treatment due to loss of steam to offgas preheaters 20FG-E1A, E1B.

2) Line No. 2ASS-003-502-4 Function

- Safety valve drain to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

3) Line No. 2ASS-004-91-4 Function Auxiliary steam supply to condenser air removal system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of auxiliary steam.

4) ":Line No. 2ASS-004-92-4 Function Auxiliary steam supply to 'condenser air removal system.

Failure Effect Loss of offgas removal capability from steam jet air ejectors.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D-3

C ~ Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4<<4)

I) Line Nos. 2CNA-150-6-4, 2CNA-003-303-4, and 2CNA-003-304-4 Function Safety valve and vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2CNA-006-2-4 and 2CNA-006-52-4 Function Reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TKIA drain lines.

Failure Effect Partial loss third point heating and partial loss of con-densate inventory.

~ I 3) Line Nos. 2CNA-004-652-4 and 2CNA-004-653-4 Function Building heating intermediate heat exchangers 2HVH-EIA"and EIB safety valve lines.

Failure Effect Loss of building heating and partial loss of condensate.

4) Line Nos. 2CNA-150-19-4 and 2CNA-150-21-4 Function Building heating intermediate heat exchangers drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect ~

loss of condensate

'artial 4 ~


d. Condensate (CNM 4-1}'.

I) Line- Nos. 2CNM-030-17-4, 2CNM-030-18-4, 2CNM-030-20-4, 2CNM"030"22"4, 2CNM-030-23-4) 2CNM-030-24-5,.

2CNM-030-25-4, 2CNM-030-174-4, 2CNM-025-317-4, and 2CNM-010-029"4 0116-12177"HC3 D-D"4

Function 0 Carry condensate condensate from condensate pumps discharge header to demineralizer to air ejector intercondensers, to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam 'condens-ers (2TME-E2A and E2B) to condensate booster pump suction header.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate flow.

2) Line Nos. 2CNM-024-012-4, 2CNM-024-13-4, 2CNM-024-74-4, 2CNM-030-236-4 Function Condensate pumps 2CNM-PIA, PIB, and PIC discharge lines.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate flow.

3) Line Nos. 2CNM-024-32-4, 2CNM-024-75-4, and 2CNM-024-211-4 Function Condensate booster pumps 2CNM-P2A, P2B, and P2C suction lines.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate flow and loss of respective condensate booster pump.

4) Line Nos. 2CNM-024-84-4, 2CNM-024-85-4, and 2CNM-024-86-4 Function Feedwater pumps 2FWS-PIA, PIB, and PIC suction lines.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow and loss of respective feedwater pump.

5) Line Nos. 2CNM-020-39-4, 2CNM-020-40-4, 2CNM"020"41"4, 2CNM-030-42-4, and 2CNM-012-33-4 Function Condensate booster pump discharge lines and header.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D-5

Failure Effect Loss of condensate flow;

6) Line No. 2CNM-002-276-4 Function Condensate pumps 2CNM-P1A, P1B, and P1C seal injection water lines.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate pump seals.

7) Line Nos. 2CNM-003-173-4, 2CNM-002-237"4, and 2CNM-002-69-4 Function Condensate to turbine exhaust hood spray system.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine exhaust hood spray system which may result in .high turbine exhaust hood temperature.

8) Line No. 2CNM-016-19-4 Function Condensate demineralizer system bypass line.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate inventory and reduced condensate flow.

9) Line No. 2CNM-004-71-4 Function Condensate drawoff connection to condensate storage tank.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate inventory and partial loss of condensate flow.

10) Line No. 2CNM-004-203>>4 Function Condensate supply to clean steam reboilers 2TME-ElA and ElB.

0116"12177-HC3 D"D-6

Failure Effect 0 Partial loss of condensate inventory and loss of turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam.

11) Line No. 2CNM-003-200-4 Function Condensate supply to feedwater pump seals.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater seals and partial loss of condensate inventory.

e. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5)
1) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-64-4, 2DTM-150-65-4, 2DTM-150-135-4, 2DTM-150-185-4, 2DTM-150"473-4 'DTM-150-479-4 2DTM-150-480-4, 2DTM-025-175-4, 2DTM-025-176-4, and 2DTM-150-186-4 Function Miscellaneous drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No. 2DTM-002-14-4, 2DTM-002-15-4, and 2DTM-002-16-.4 Function 2ESS-MOV22A, 22B, and 22C upstream drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of extraction steam from fourth point heater extraction lines and partial loss of heating at fourth point heaters.

3) Line Nos. 2DTM-002-28-4, 2DTM-002-29-4, 2DTM-002-30-4, 2DTM-003-27-4, 2DTM-002-61-4) 2DTM-002"62-4) 2DTM-002-63-4, and 2DTM-003-60-4 Function Fifth and sixth point extraction header drain lines to main condenser.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D"7

Failure Effect Partial loss of extraction steam from fifth or sixth point heater extraction lines, and partial loss of heating at fifth or sixth point. heaters.

4) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-139-4, 2DTM-150-140-4, and 2DTM-150-214 Function Auxiliary steam low point drains.

Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth or fifth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth or fifth point feedwater heating.

5) Line Nos. 2DTM-150-513-4, 2DTM-150-514-4 Function Low point drains from clean reboilers auxiliary steam sup>>

ply header to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth point feedwater heating.

f. Feedwater Seal and Leakoff (FWP 6-4)

Line Nos. 2FWP-003>>001-4, 2FWP-002-002-4, 2FWP-002-003-4, 2FWP-002-004-4 Function Condensate'upply to reactor feed pump seals and leakoffs.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate and loss of feed pump seals and leakoffs.

g. Feedwater P Recirculation (FWR 6-3)

Line Nos. 2FWR-010-001"4, 2FWR"010-0Q2-4, and 2FWR-010-Q03-4 Function Feedwater pump 2FWS-P1A, 2FWS-PlB,'FWS-P1C individual recircu-lation line to main condenser.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D-8

Failure Effect Reduce feedwater flow and loss of condensate inventory.

h. Feedwater (FWS 6-1)
1) Line Nos. 2FWS-024-6-4, 2FWS-024-7-4, 2FWS-024-9-4, 2FWS-024-10-4) 2FWS-024-12-4, 2FWS-024-13-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-P2A, 2FWS>>P2B, and 2FWS-P2C dis.-

charge line.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater flow.

2) Line Nos. 2FWS-006-89-4, 2FWS-006-90-4, 2FWS-006-91-4, 2FWS-006"92-4, 2FWS-006-138-4, 2FWS"006"139-4, 2FWS-006-140-4, 2FWS-006-141"4 Function Reactor feedwater pump 2FWS-P2A, P2B startup discharge lines.

Failure Effect Reduced feedwater flow.

3) Line Nos. 2FWS-024-27-4, 2FWS-024-28-4 Function Feedwater discharge lines to reactor.

Failure Effect Loss of .feedwater flow.

4) Line No. 2FWS-020-110-4 Function High/low energy feedwater cycle cleanup header.

Failure Effect Reduced feedwater flow.

0116-12177"HC3 D"D-9

i. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDH 6-6)

Line Nos. 2HDH-014-603-4,k 2HDH-014-613-4, and 2HDH-014-623-4 Function Sixth point heater emergency drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of sixth point feedwater heating and loss of con-densate inventory.

Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2)

1) Line Nos. 2HDL-008-202-4, 2HDL-008-203-4, 2HDL-008-205-4, 2HDL-008"212"4, 2HDL-008-213-4, 2HDL-008-215"4, 2HDL-008-222-4) 2HDL-008-223"4, 2HDL-008-225-4 Function Condensate heaters 2QlM-E2A, E2B, E2C drain receiver tank 2CNM-TK2A, TK2B, TK2C discharge lines to or from respec-tive drain coolers to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate heating and partial loss of condensate inventory.

2) Line Nos. 2HDL-008-302-4, 2HDL-OO&-304-8, 2HDL-008-312-4, 2HDL-008-314-4, 2HDL-008-322"4, 2HDL"008-324-8 Function Third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, E3B, E3C discharge lines to or from respective drain coolers to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate heating and partial loss of condensate inventory.

~ '

3). Line Nos. 2HDL-018-402-4, 'HDL-018-422-4, 2HDL-018-442-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM"E4A; E4B, E4C drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate heating at fourth point heater and partial loss of condensate inventory.

0116-12177"HC3 D-D-10

4) Line Nos. 2HDL-016-503-4, 2HDL-016-513-4, 2HDL-016-523-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA, ESB, ESC drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate heating at fifth point heater and partial loss of condensate inventory.

k. Gl col Heatin (HVG 22-17)
1) Line Nos. 2HVG-006-1>>4, 2HVG-006-2-4, 2HVG-006-3-4, 2HVG 006 4 4 ) 2HVG 006 5 4 ) 2HVG 006 6 4 ) 2HVG 003 15 4 through 2HVG-003-22-4, 2HVG-025-150-4 through 2HVG"025-157-4 Function Supply glycol heating to: turbine building from outside air heating coil 2HVT-CHl.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine building heating.

2) Line Nos. 2HVG-002-12-4, 2HVG-002-13-4, 2HVG-004-14-4, 2HVG-150-38-4 Function Expansion tank 2HVG-TK1 supply line and level instrumenta-tion standpipe.

Failure Effect Eventual loss of turbine building heating due to loss of heating fluid.

3) Line Nos. 2HVG-150-121-4, 2HVG-150-122-4, 2HVG-150-123-4 Function Glycol addition connections.

tank 2HVG-TK4 fill and discharge Failure Effect Eventual loss of turbine building heating due to loss of heating fluid.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D-ll

l. Hot Water Heatin (HVH 22-16)
1) Line Nos. 2HVH-006-23-4, 2HVH-006-24-4, 2HVH-006-37-4, 2HVH-006-38-4, 2HVH-006-39-4) 2HVH-008"81-4) 2HVH-008-82-4, 2HVH-008-87-4, 2HVH-008-88-4) 2HVH-008-89-4 Function Hot water supply to turbine building glycol heat exchanger 2HVG-E1.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine building heating.

2) Line Nos. 2HVH-002-34-4, 2HVH-002-35-4, 2HVH-004-36-4 Function Hot water heating expansion tank 2HVH<<TK1A level instru-mentation standpipe.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine building heating hot water and eventual loss of turbine building heating.

3) Line Nos. 2HVH-006-6-4 through 2HVH-006-9 "4, 2HVH-008-16-4) 2HVH-008-17-4 Function Turbine building intermediate heat exchanger 2HVH-E1A and ElB hot water supply and discharge lines.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine building heating.

4) Line Nos. 2HVH-008-10-4, 2HVH-008-11-4, 2HVH-006-12-4 through 2HVH-006-15-4 Function Turbine building heating auxiliary heat exchanger 2HVH-E3A and E3B supply and discharge lines.

Failure Effect Loss of backup turbine building heating source.

0116-12177-HC3 ,D-D"12

5) Line Nos. 2HVH-008-19-4 through 2HVH-008-22-4, 2HVH-004-25-4) 2HVH-004>>26-4) 2HVH-006-27-4) 2HVH-006-28-4) 2HVH-006-62"4, 2HVH-006"66"4 Function Hot water heating pumps 2HVH-PIA and PIB supply and dis-charge header and supply and return lines to turbine building, radwaste and reactor building.

Failure Effect Loss of turbine building, radwaste and reactor building heating.

6) Line No. 2HVH<<150-18-4 Function Hot water heating expansion tank 2HVH-TKI connecting line to air separator tank 2HVH-ASPI.

Failure Effect Eventual loss of hot water heating.

m. Off as (OFG 31-4)

Line Nos. 20FG-002-206-4 and 20FG-003-186-4 Function Offgas condenser 20FG-CNDIB condensate drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

n. Feedwater. Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14)

Line Nos. 2SVH-002-302-4, 2SVH-002-332-4, 2SVH-002"362-4) 2SVH-002-402-4) 2SVH-002-407-4, 2SVH-002"432"4) 2SVH-002-437-4, 2SVH-002-462"4) 2SVH-002-467-4) 2SVH-002-991-4) 2SVH-003-307-4, 2SVH-003-337-4, 2SVH-003"367-4) 2SVH-004"992-4, 2SVH-004-993-4, 2SVH-004"994-4) 2SVH-002-501-4, 2SVH"002-502-4, 2SVH-002-531-4,,

2SVH"002-532-4) 2SVH-002-561-4, 2SVH-002-562-4) 2SVH-002-602-4, 2SVH"002-632-4, 2SVH-002-662-4 Function Feedwater heater relief vents and drains to main condenser.

0116-12177-HC3 D"D-13

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

o. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

Line Nos. 2TME-008-84-4, 2TME-008-85-4, 2TME-012-418-4) 2TME-.012-77-4, 2TME-008-75-4, 2TME-012-76"4 1

Function Safety and relief valve drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect'oss of main condenser vacuum.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-.

al components.

a~ Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1)

1) 2ARC FS8A ) 2ARC FS8B ) 2ARC SOV1 8A j 2ARC SOV 1 8B Failure Effect Failure of these devices will affect the operation of the condenser air removal pumps or may affect the supply of water to the condenser air removal pump discharge separa-tor tanks. Since the air removal pumps are in service during plant startup only, this event has no significant effect during normal plant operation when air ejectors are in service.
2) 2ARC-AOV105, 2ARC"SOV105 Failure Effect This valve is required to remove air and noncondensable gases during startup. Therefore, failure of this valve in either position 'will not pose any significant effect.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D"14

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9) 2ASS-AOV147) 2ASS-SOV147) 2ASS-PC107, 2ASS"PC139 Failure Effect If the above pressure 'controllers cause either or both of the pressure control valves (2ASS-PV107 or 2ASS-PV139) to fail close, then the main steam supply to the condenser air removal system may be reduced or lost. If the auxil-iary steam inlet valve to steam jet air ejectors 2ASS-AOV147 also fails close, then the condenser air re-moval backup system is lost. Loss of condenser vacuum will result.
2) 2ASS-PV140, 2ASS-SOV138 Failure Effect If either valve from the auxiliary steam system backup supply fails close, the main steam normal supply pressure control valve 2ASS-PV125, in a different zone (N) from the main steam supply to the preheaters 20FG-E1A and 20FG-E1B, will continue to supply the offgas preheaters.

If both valves fail open, increasing the pressure to the offgas preheaters and therefore increasing the flow to the condenser, the offgas temperature to . the recombiners 20FG-RBNRlA and 20FG-RBNR1B will be elevated.

C~ Turbine Plant Co onent Coolin Water (CCS 9-7) 2CCS-AOV105, 2CCS-SOV105, 2CCS-LS105 Failure Effect If the valve 2CCS-AOV105 fails in closed position at low level in the surge and makeup tank 2CCS-TK1, closed loop cooling water pumps 2CCS-P1A, B, C may trip on low suction pressure causing possible loss of closed loop cooling wa-ter in turbine building which may ultimately cause run-back/trip of turbine or loss of coolant in generator winding.

2) 2CCS-I/P32A, 2CCS-TV32A) 2CCS"I/P32B, 2CCS"TV32B Failure Effect Failure of exciter cooler temperature control valve 2CCS-TV32A and 2CCS-TV32B in closed position will result in exciter alternator cooler high temperature. This will require some operator action.

0116"12177"HC3 D-D-15

3) 2CCS-I/P109, 2CCS-TV109 Failure Effect Failure of hydrogen cooler temperature modulating valve 2CCS-TV109 in closed position will result in loss of cool-ing water to generator hydrogen coolers. This will result in increased generator stator winding temperature. Higher stator winding temperature will result in turbine runback.
4) 2CCS-PS102, 2CCS-PS17A, 2CCS-PS17B, 2CCS"PS17C Failure Effect If any of the above instruments fail, closed loop cooling water pumps 2CCS-P1A, 2CCS-P1B, or 2CCS-P1C may fail to start or fail to trip or may start or trip inadvertently.

If the above reduces the number of turbine building closed loop cooling water pumps in service, a reduction or loss of closed loop cooling will occur. If the above fails to trip the respective pump, then after a period of time the pump or pumps could be damaged and 'cause a reduction or loss of closed loop cooling.

5) 2CCS-I/P104, 2CCS-TV104 Failure Effect If the bypass portion of 2CCS-TV104 fails open bypassing turbine plant component cooling water heat exchangers, this results in higher component cooling water temperature.
6) 2CCS"TV15A) 2CCS-TV15B, 2TMB-TIClA, 2TMB-TIC1B Failure Effect If these valves fail close, cooling to the turbine electrohydraulic fluid control system will be lost. This will have no significant short-term impact.
d. Condensate Demineralizer (CND 4-7) 2CND"AOV333 Failure Effect Failure of 2CND-AOV333 in open or close position', has no signif-icant effect.

0116"12177-HC3 D-D-16

e. Condensate (CNM 4-1) 2CNM-I/P137 Failure Effect Failure of startup bypass valve 2CNM-LV137 in open or close position will have no affect on feedwater pumps.
2) 2CNM-FT114, 2CNM-I/P114 Failure Effect If the failure of the transmitter 2CNM-FT114 leads to the failure of the valve 2CNM-FV114 to open position, reduc-tion of condensate/feedwater flow will result.
3) 2CNM-AOV109, 2CNM-SOV109A, 2CNM-SOV109B.

.Failure Effect If these devices fail, some condensate flow may bypass the condensate polisher. This has no significant short-term effect. If 2CNM-AOV109 is prevented from opening follow-ing turbine trip, however, the requirement for 115 percent feedwater flow to the reactor following turbine trip can-not be met, and initiation of the reactor core isolation cooling system will occur on low reactor ,water level.

4) 2CNM-PS73A, 2CNM-PS73B, 2CNM-PS73C, 2CNM-PS74A, 2CNM PS74B ) 2CNM PS74C ) 2CNM FT68A ) 2CNM FT68B ) 2CNM FT68C Failure Effect Failure of the above instruments will cause the reactor feed pumps to trip, resulting to a total loss of reactor feedwater.
5) 2CNM-PS39A) 2CNM-PS39B, 2CNM"PS39C, 2CNM-PS42A, 2CNM-PS42B, 2CNM"PS42C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above instruments during the normal operation will cause the selected standby conden-sate pump to fail to start and also will cause the operat-ing condensate booster pumps to trip resulting in a total loss of reactor feedwater.
6) 2CNM FT38A ) 2CNM I/P38A j 2CNM I/P38B ) 2CNM I/P38C ')

2CNM-FT38B, 2CNM-FT38C 0116-12177 "HC3 D-D-17

Failure Effect If the above instrumentation fails and causes any or all of the condensate booster pump recirculation valves 2CNM-FV38A, 2CNM-FV38B, and 2CNM-FV38C to open, then con-densate flow will be decreased.

If the above instrumentation fails any or all of the con<<

densate 'booster pump 'recirculation valves close, then the booster pumps may become subject to a lack of flow and be damaged if the condensate demand diminishes.

Condensate Booster P Lube Oil S stem (CNO 4-10) 2CNO-PS1A, 2CNO-PS1B, 2CNO-PSIC, 2CNO-PS2A) 2CNO-PS2B, 2CNO-PS2C) 2CNO-PS9A, 2CNO-PS9B, 2CNO-PS9C Failure Effect Failure of the above condensate booster pump pressure switches may cause a trip of the running condensate booster pumps or associated electric lube oil pumps, and/or may block automatic start of the standby condensate booster pump. This will result in partial or total loss of feedwater flow to the reactor.

g~ Condensate Makeu /Drawoff (CNS 4-3)

1) 2CNS-LV103 Failure Effect Failure of the valve 2CNS-LV103 in closed position will result in reduced condensate inventory from normal conden-sate makeup system to the main condenser.
2) . 2CNS-LIC103, 2CNS-LIC105 ) 2CNS-LSL103 Failure Effect If the failure of the above instruments drives the valves 2CNS-LV103 and 2CNS-AOV304 in closed position and 2CNS-JV105 in open position, condensate inventory in the condenser will be affected, which may cause reduction in feedwater in the reactor.
h. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7)
1) 2DSM I/PX75A ) 2DSM I/PY75A ) 2DSM I/PZ75A ) 2DSM I/PX75B )

2DSM-I/PY75B, 2DSM-I/PZ75B 0116-12177-HC3 D-D-18

Failure Effect If the instrumentation fails any or all valves 2DSM-LVX75A) 2DSM"LVY75A) 2DSM-LVZ75A) 2DSM"LVX75B, 2DSM-LVY75B, or 2DSM-LVZ75B in closed position, partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth pointer will result.

2) 2DSM-I/P78B) 2DSM-LT78B Failure Effect If 2DSM"LT78B fails 2DSM-LV78B in open position, conden-sate from 2DSM-TK4B will drain from 2DSM-TK4B to main con-denser, causing partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A, E4B, or E4C.
3) 2DSM-I/P78A, 2DSM-LT78A Failure Effect Same as above item 2) except for A valves and tank.
4) 2DSM-LT75B Failure Effect If this transmitter fails causing closure of control valves 2DSM-LVX75B, 2DSM-LVY75B, and 2DSM-LVZ75B which supply heating to the fourth point feedwater heaters 2CNM-E4A, 2CNM-E4B, and 2CNM-E4C from moisture separator drain receiver 2CNM-TK4B, partial loss of fourth point feedwater heating will result.
5) 2DSM-LT75A Failure Effect Same as above item 4) except for A loop.
6) 2DSM-LS70A, 2DSM-LS70B Failure Effect If the above level switches fail in such a direction as to signal false high level in the moisture separator reheaters, a turbine trip will result.

If the level switches fail such that a high level in the moisture separator reheater is not detected, water induc-tion into the high pressure turbine may result. This may cause excessive turbine vibration leading to turbine trip.

0116-12177-HC3 D"D"19

i. Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6) 2DSR-I/PX65A, 2DSR-I/PY65A, 2DSR-I/PZ65A) 2DSR-I/PX65B) 2DSR-I/PY65B) 2DSR-I/PZ65B Failure Effect If the instrumentation fails any or all valves, 2DSR-LVX65A, 2DSR-LVY65A, 2DSR-LVZ65A, 2DSR-LVX65B, 2DSR-LVY65B, or 2DSR-LVZ65B in closed position partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater results.
2) 2DSR-PT78A, 2DSR-PT78B Failure Effect If these instruments fail and cause scavenging steam valve 2DSR"MOV68A (2DSR-MOV68B) to fail in the close position, then sixth point feedwater heating will be reduced.
3) 2DSR-I/P68A) 2DSR-I/P68B, 2DSR-LT68A, 2DSR-LT68B Failure Effect If this instrumentation causes failure of 2DSR-LV68A (2DSR-LV68B) in the open position, condensate from 2DSR-TK6A (2DSR-TK6B) will drain to the main condenser, resulting in partial loss of heating at sixth point heat-ers 2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, and 2FWS-E6C.
4) 2DSR-LT65A, 2DSR-LT65B Failure Effect Failure of these devices which cause closure of control valves 2DSR-LVX65A (2DSR-LVX65B), and 2DSR-LVY65A (2DSR-LVY65B) which supply heating to the sixth point feedwater heaters 2FWS-E6A, 2FWS-E6B, 2FWS-E6C from mois-ture separator reheater drain receiver tank 2DSR-TK6A (2DSR-TK6B), will result in reduction of sixth point feed-water heating.

Extraction Steam (ESS, 3-4) 2ESS-PS110) 2ESS-PS115 Failure Effect Failure of these instruments will fail control valve 2ESS-STV105 either open or close. This will affect the backup steam supply to building heating intermediate heat exchangers 2HVH-E1A and 2HVH-ElB. No significant impact on the system will occur.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D-20

2) 2ESS-PS112, 2ESS-PS116 Failure Effect 0 Inadvertent cause failure of 2ESS-PS1i2 and/or 2ESS-PS116 may failure of 2ESS-STV104 in closed position which will stop extraction steam to clean steam reboilers. Clean steam reboiler has alternate sources of steam available from main steam or auxiliary steam. In the event both main steam isolation valve 2ASS-STV112 and auxiliary steam supply. valve 2ASS-PV146 are closed, turbine generator gland sealing steam would be lost. This may result in gradual loss of condenser vacuum.
k. FDW P and Drive Lube Oil (FWL 7-3) 2FWL-PS1A, 2FWL-PS1B, 2FWL-PS1C, 2FWL-PS2A, 2FWL-PS2B, 2FWL-PS2C Failure Effect Instrumentation failure may cause either inadvertent feedwater pump trip or failure to trip feedwater pump on extreme low lube oil pressure.
1. FDW Seal and Leakoff (FQP 6-4) 2FWP-PCV5A) 2FWP"PDIC5A) 2FWP-PDK5A) 2FWP"PDTSA, 2FWP"PCV5B, I


2FWP-PDK5C) 2FWP-PDTSC, 2FWP-PS5A, 2FWP-PS5C Failure Effect Failure of the above instrument will cause loss of reactor feedwater pumps bearing seal water. This event has no signifi-

'cant effect.

m. FDW P Recirculation (FWR 6-3) 2FWR-I/P2A, 2FWR-I/P2B, 2FWR-I/P2C Failure Effect Failure of these instruments causes recirculation valve 2FWR-FV2A, B, C to open, thus reducing the feedwater flow to the reactor.

If failure of these instruments causes the recirculation valve 2FWR-FV2A, B, C to close, feedwater pump minimum recirculation requirement may not be met.

0116-12177-HC3 D"D"21

n. Feedwater (FWS 6-1) 2FWS-I/PX113, 2FWS-I/PY113, 2FWS-PS112, 2FWS"PS113 Failure Effect Failure of the above instrumentation can cause low energy cleanup valves 2FWS-HVX113 and 2FWS-HVY113 to open. Fail-ure of 2FWS-HVX113 or 2FWS-HVY113 in open position has no effect during normal plant operation unless 2FWS-MOV112 fails open due to failure of pressure switch 2FWS-PS112 or 2FWS-PS113 and inadvertent operator action to open 2FWS>>MOV112 from main control room. This will divert feedwater flow to the main condenser and not to the reactor.
2) 2FWS-I/PX111, 2FWS-I/PY111, 2FWS-I/PZ111 Failure Effect If the above instruments cause high energy feedwater cycle cleanup control valves 2FWS-HVXlll, 2FWS-HVY111, and 2FWS-HVZlll to open during normal plant operation, no ef-fect will result unless the 2FWS-MOV110 in zone C is inad-vertently open. If the MOV which is manually controlled from the main control is open, then a significant amount of feedwater flow will be diverted to the condenser and not to the reactor.
3) 2FWS"HV105, 2FWS-SOV105 Failure Effect If this instrument fails in the open position, insignifi-cant amount of feedwater to the reactor vessel will 'be diverted to the condenser. This valve is on 3/4 in. line.
4) 2FWS LVlOA) 2FWS LV10B) 2FWS LV10C ) 2FWS FT1A) 2FWS FTlB Failure Effect If these valves fail open, in the worst, case 'a reactor vessel high level will result, causing reactor scram, tur-bine trip, and main feedwater pump trip. If one or. more of these valves fail closed, a decrease in reactor. water level may occur. Recirculation pump runback will occur at level 4, and a reactor scram and turbine trip will occur if reactor vessel level 3 is reached. Similar sequence will occur upon failure of the above flow transmitters which provide signals to the feedwater level control system.

0116-12177'-HC3 D-D"22

5) 2FWS-LV55A Failure Effect This valve is normally closed. If the valve were to open there would be no effect since the feedwater control system would close 2FWS-LVlOA (C33-FOOlA) to maintain proper flow.

0 Generator Stator Coolin Water (GMC 16-8) 2GMC-TVIOI, 2GMC-PDC102 Failure Effect Failure of the temperature control valve may cause the stator cooling water to bypass the coolers resulting in higher inlet/outlet stator coolant temperature which could result in reduction of generator output.

If the valve 2GMC-PDV102 fails in closed position causing total loss of generator coolant, turbine runback/trip will occur.

2) 2GMC-FS140, 2GMC-FV127, 2GMC-FV128, 2GMC-PDV102) 2GMC-PNL141, 'GMC-PS103, 2GMC"PS105) 2GMC"PS139) 2GMC-PS6A, 2GMC-PS6B) 2GMC-SOV130, 2GMC-TIC101, 2GMC"TS109 Failure Effect Failure of the above devices may result in the loss of the generator stator cooling water system. This will result in turbine runback and may result in turbine trip if gen-erator armature current is not reduced after 3.5 minutes.

P ~ Generator H dro en and CO (GMH 16-7) 2GMH-AOV162) 2GMH-SOV162) 2GMH-PS174 Failure Effect If this valve fails open, the generator hydrogen supply will be vented to atmosphere and eventually generator hy-drogen pressure and cooling will be lost reducing genera-tor output.

2) 2GMH AOV1 19 ) 2GMH SOV1 19 ) 2GMH PCV1 1 1 ) 2GMH PV1 17 2GMH-PT117 0116-12177"HC3 D-D-23

Failure Effect If either valve fails close, the generator hydrogen supply will not be available for replenishing generator hydrogen pressure lost through control of these valves. However, the operator can bypass these valves manually.

3) 2GMH"SOU173 Failure Effect This valve is normally deenergized (closed) and is ener-gized manually by operator only when the generator'as analyzer is in standby. Failure of this valve in the, open position would result in a very small loss of hydrogen sample gas to atmosphere within the makeup capability of the hydrogen storage system. Therefore, failure has no effect.

Generator Leads Coolin (GML 16-10) 2GML-FS1A) 2GML-FS1B Failure Effect If these instruments fail indicating low air flow after a time delay, the generator leads cooling fans 2GML-FN1A, -FN1B will be stopped causing"a loss of. generator lead cooling.

Generator Seal Oil GMO 16-6)

1) 2GMO-PS102 Failure Effect If this pressure switch should fail, such that it did not sense main seal oil pressure low and did not start the emergency seal oil pump 2GMO-P2, the emergency seal oil pump would not start.
2) 2GMO-LV115, 2GMO-PCV116, 2GMO-SOV117 Failure Effect If the above valves fail close, then seal oil will be lost to the main generator seal oil system.

S ~ Hi h-Pressure FDW Heater Drains (HDH 6-6) 2HDH-LIC26A, 2HDH-LIC26B, 2HDH-LIC26C) 2HDH-LIC6A, 2HDH-LIC6B, 2HDH-LIC6C, 2HDH"ISH26A, 2HDH-LSH26B) 2HDH-LSH26C 0116-12177"HC3 D-D-24

Failure Effect If the above level instrumentation fail their respective level valves open, which drain the sixth point high pressure feed-water heaters (2FWS-E6A, 6B, 6C) to the condenser, then partial loss of sixth point high pressure feedwater heating will result.

Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2)

1) 2HDL-I/P35A, 2HDL-I/P35B ) 2HDL-I/P35C ) 2HDL-FT35A) 2HDL"FT35B ) 2HDL-FT35C Failure Effect If the above valves fail in full open position, heater drain pump discharge flow to the condensate system will be reduced, thus causing partial loss of feedwater.

If the above valves in heater drain fail in closed position it may result overheating in low flow condition.


2) 2HDL-I/P4A, 2HDL"I/P4B, 2HDL-I/P4C, 2HDL"LT4A) 2HDL-LT4B, 2HDL-LT4C Failure Effect If the above instrumentation fails level control valves (2HDL-LV4A, B, C) for the fourth point heaters (2CNM-E4A, B, C) in the open position, the heater drain pumps (2HDL-P1A, B, C) will eventually be tripped on low suction pressure, to loss of fourth point heater condensate inven-tory causing pump failure. If valves fail closed, then a loss of feedwater heater drain flow to the condensate sys-tem will occur.
3) 2HDL-PS50A, 2HDL-PSSOB, 2HDL-PS50C Failure Effect If the above instrumentation fails, causing fourth point heater drain pumps (2HDL-PlA, P1B, P1C) to stop, then par-tial feedwater flow will be lost.

2HDL L C5C ) 2HDL LV3A) 2HDL LV3B ) 2HDL LV3C 0116-12177-HC3 D "D-25

Failure Effect If the above level instruments fail their respective level valves open which drain the second, third, fourth, and fifth point low pressure feedwater heaters or drain receiver tanks (2HDL-TK2A, 2B, 2C; 2CNM-E3A, 3B, 3C; 2CNN-E4A, 4B, 4C; 2CNM-E5A, 5B, 5C) to the condenser, then partial loss of low pressure feedwater heating will result.'owever, if two of the three fourth point heaters drain to the condenser through their respective level valves, which fail open, then respective heater drain pumps will eventually trip causing loss of feedwater flow.

Main Steam (MSS 3-1)

1) 2MSS-PT103 Failure Effect Failure of this pressure transmitter can result in the opening of numerous main and auxiliary startup drain lines to the main condenser. This will cause bypassing of steam to the main condenser during normal operation, but will have no significant effect on reactor parameters.
2) 2MSS-PT104

.Failure Effect Failure of this device may result in the opening of main steam line startup drain valves 2MSS-AOV85A through D.

The resulting bypassed steam to the main condenser will have no significant effect on reactor parameters. Also, failure of this device may prevent condensate demineraliz-er bypass valve 2CNM-AOV109 from opening following 'turbine trip.. In this event, the requirement for 115 percent feedwater flow to the reactor following turbine trip can-not be met, and initiation of the reactor core isolation cooling system will occur on low reactor water level. If turbine trip does not occur, partial .loss of condensate polishing will occur. This has no significant effect.

ve Service Water (SWP 9-10) 2SWP HV98A j 2SWP SOV98A) 2SWP HV98B) 2SWP SOV98B Failure Effect If the above valve fails in closed position, service water flow to the vacuum pump seal water coolers will be lost resulting in loss of cooling of the vacuum pumps 2ARC-E1A and 2ARC-ElB seal water. This will not have any effect on reactor parameters directly or indirectly because the vacuum pumps will be used only during startup.

0116"12177-HC3 D-D-26

Wi Turbine Generator Fluid 16-5.2)


1) 2TMB-PS130 Failure Effect Failure of this device which causes opening of 2MSS-MOV21A, 2MSS-MOV21B, 2MSS-MOV21C, and 2MSS-MOV21C results in bypassing an insignificant amount of main steam to the main condenser through a 2-inch line.

Failure of this device may also cause misoperation of 2DSR-AOV82A) 2DSR-AOV82B) 2DSR-AOV83A) 2DSR"AOV83B, 2DSR"AOV84A, 2DSR-AOV84B, 2DTM-AOV105) 2DTM-AOV166, 2MSS-AOV191, 2MSS-AOV194, 2MSS-AOV203, 2MSS-AOV205, and/or 2MSS-AOV209 which'esults in an insignificant impact.

2) 2TMB-SOV121, 2TMB-TS101, 2TMB-TS116 Failure Effect Failure of these devices may affect EHC fluid test func-tions or cooling of the EHC fluid reservoir. These fail-ures have no significant effect.

x Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1) 2TME-LS130 Failure Effect Failure of this device has no significant effect in the short term.

y. Turbine Generator Lube Oil (TML 16-2) 2TML-SS1A, 2TML-SSlB Failure Effect Misoperation of the above switches has no significant impact.
3. Combined Effect a ~ A break in the condenser air removal high energy line in this zone (Item l.a.l) will result in loss of main condenser offgas treatment and gaseous release in, the turbine building. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. Upon detection of turbine building high radiation, due to potential loss of offgas system, the operator should manually isolate the offgas "

system and scram the reactor.

Failure of control components in this zone can result in par-tial or total loss of feedwater flow to the reactor. This will 0116-12177-HC3 D"D-27

lead to reactor, low water level with subsequent scram and ini-tiation of reactor core isolation cooling. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses. If the failure affects components in the feedwater level control system, a high reactor water level may occur with subsequent reactor scram; turbine trip, and feedwater pump trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

If the reactor is operating at 100 percent power at the time the operator initiates a manual scram due to loss of offgas, the condensate demineralizer bypass valve (2CNM-AOV109) instru-mentation may cause the valve not to open. In this case, the requirement to attain 115 percent feedwater flow after turbine trip may not be met. Therefore, a normal post-trip transient will not occur. Instead,. reactor vessel level will decrease and the reactor core isolation cooling system will initiate.

This event is bounded, however, by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses.

Failure of certain other control components in this zone (Items 2.h.l through 2.h.5, 2.i.l through 2.i.4) may result in partial loss of feedwater heating. These failures may include partial loss from the fifth and sixth point feedwater heaters affecting as many as three heater strings. Failure of other control components in this zone (Item 2.t) may result in par-tial loss of feedwater heating from second and third point heater drain coolers and fifth point heaters in all three heater strings and in only one of three fourth point heaters.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analysis. If sub-sequent turbine trip occurs due to failure of other control components (Item 2.h.6) or due to manual action by the operator to scram on loss of offgas, the trip may occur at a reactor power level elevated from the initial operating value due to the loss of feedwater heating. In this event, the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of moderate frequency (anticipated operational transients) of FSAR Section 15.1.1.

See Section 3.0 for further discussion.

Several other events which may occur as a result of control component failure may lead to turbine runback or operator ac-tion to reduce turbine load. This is a less severe transient than those discussed, and provides a more conservative initial condition for any other subsequent events which may occur.

b. 1) A break in the auxiliary steam high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.b.l, 1.b.3, and 1.b.4) will result in loss of offgas treatment capability or reduction in treatment efficiency which will ultimately lead to system shutdown and manual reactor scram by the 'operator. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses.

For control component failure analysis in this zone, see Item 3.a.

0116-12177"HC3 D-D-28

2) A break in the auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone (Item 1.b.2) will result in a loss of condenser vacu-0 um. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analys-es. For an analysis of control component failures in this zone, see Item 3.a.

c~ A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.c.l) will result in a loss of main con-denser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For analysis of control compo-nent failures, refer to Item 3.a.

2) A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy lines in this zone (Items 1.c.2, 1.c.3, and 1.c.4) will cause a parti'al loss of condensate, which will have no significant short-term effect. This event may also result in a par-tial loss of feedwater heating at third point feedwater heaters., which is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

For analysis of control component failures, refer to Item 3.a above.

A break in the condensate high energy line in this zone (Item d.l through d.5, d.8) will result in total loss of feedwater flow. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses (feedwater break outside con-tainment). Control component failure does not exacerbate this event.

2) A break in the condensate high energy lines in this zone (Item 1.d.8, 1.d.9, and '1.d.10) will result in loss of condensate inventory. If the rate of such loss exceeds the makeup capability of the condensate makeup system, the result will be a total loss of condensate and feedwater flow due to condensate or feedwater pump suction pressure trip. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 ana-lyses. It should be noted that Item 1.d.8 will also cause a loss of the condensate supply to the control rod drives, which will prevent normal control motion. This has no significant short-term effect; refer to Appendix D, Zone B, Item 3.e.2 for a detailed analysis of longer-term effects.

For analysis of control component failures, refer to Item 3.a above.

3) A break in the condensate high energy line in this zone (Item 1.d.7) will cause a loss of condensate to the tur-bine generator hood spray temperature control valve 2CNM"TV121. Since hood spray is required primarily during startup and low load, loss of hood sprays during normal operation will have no significant effect on the turbine.

A partial loss of condensate inventory will 'occur, howev-er; refer to Item 3.d.2 for analysis of this event.

0116-12177-HC3 D-D"29

4) A break in the condensate high-energy lines in this zone (Item 1.d.6, 1.d.11) will cause loss of sealing water to the condensate and/or feedwater pump seals. This may cause loss of pump suction pressure and pump trip, result-ing in a loss of feedwater. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses. For a discussion of control com-ponent failures, refer to Item 3.a.
5) A break in the condensate high-'energy line in this zone (Item 1.d.10) results in condensate to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust reboiler, causing a loss of turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam and loss of condensate inventory.

A backup source of main steam is available for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam. For loss of con-densate inventory analysis and control component failure, zefer to Item d.2.

e. 1) A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high-energy line in this zone (Item l.e.l) results in loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For an analysis of control com-ponent failures in this zone see Item 3.a.
2) A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high" energy line in this zone (Item l.e.2, l.e.3, l.e.4 l.e.5) will- result in partial loss of feedwater heating at fourth, fifth, or sixth point heaters. Loss of feed-water heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 ana-lyses. Refer to Item 3.a for control component failure analyses.
f. A'reak in feedwater pump seal and leakoff high-energy line in this zone will cause loss of sealing water to the feedwater pump. Refer to Item d.4 for further analyses.
g. A break in feedwater recirculation high-energy line in this zone will result in loss of feedwater flow. This is a feed-water pipe break outside containment bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. Failure of control components does not exacerbate this event.
h. A break in feedwater high energy line in this zone will result in total/partial loss of feedwater flow. This is a feedwater pipe break outside containment bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6.

analyses. Failure of control components does not exacerbate this event.

A break in high pressure feedwater heater drains high-energy line in this zone will result in loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Refer to Item 3.a for con-trol component failure analyses.

0116"12177-HC3 D-D-30

J ~ A break in low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy line in this zone will result in loss of feedwater heating at second, third, fourth, or fifth point heaters. Loss of feed-water heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Refer to Item 3.a for control c'omponent failure analyses.

k. A break in glycol heating high-energy line in this zone has no effect on reactor parameters. Refer to Item 3.a for control component failure analyses.

A break in hot water heating high energy line in this zone has no effect on reactor parameters. Refer to Item 3.a for con-trol component 'failure analyses.

m. A break in offgas high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analys-es. Refer to Item 3.a for control component failure analyses.

A break in feedwater heater relief vents and drains high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.a for control component f'ailure analyses.

0~ A break in turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high-energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to Item 3.a for control component failure analyses.

0116-12177"HC3 D-9-31

PW APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE F Building: Turbine Building Location: El 277 ft 6 in. and 250 ft 0 in. Tunnels Control S stem

1. CNA Auxiliary Condensate 2. CNM Condensate (4-4) (4-1)

CNM Condensate DSM Moisture Separator (4-1) . (32-7) Vents and Drains DSM Moisture Separator DSR Moisture Separator (32-7) Vents and Drains (32-6) Reheater Vents and Drains DSR Moisture Separator Reheater FWS Feedwater (32-6) Vents and Drains (6-1)

ESS Extraction Steam HDH High Pressure Feedwater (3-4) (6-6) Heater Drain FWS Feedwater HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (6-1) (4-2) Heater Drain HDH High Pressure Feedwater SVH FDW Heater Relief (6>>6) Heater Drain (32"14) Vents and Drains HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (4-2) Heater Drains SVH FDW Heater Relief (32-14) Vents and Drains

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)

Line No. 2CNA-003-414-4 Function Reboiler drain tanks 2CNA-TKlA, 2CNA-TK1B Discharge line to third point heater 2CNM-E3A 0120-12177"HC3 D-F-1

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, and C.

b. Condensate (CNM 4-1)
1) Line No. 2CNM-018-76-4 2CNM-018-44-4, 2CNM-018-47-4, 2CNM-018-53-4) 2CNM-018-56-4, 2CNM-012-324-4) 2CNM-018-327-4) 2CNM-018"59-4, 2CNM-020-79-4, 2CNM-020-62-4 Function Feedwater piping for low pressure heater string "A."

Failure Effect Partial or total loss of feedwater.

2) Line No. 2CNM-002-226-4 Function Reactor Feed Pump 2FWS-P1A isolation valve 2CNM"MOV84A bypass line

.-----Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater

3) Line No. 2CNM-024<<84-4 Function Reactor Feed Pump 2B6-PlA inlet piping.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

4) Line Nos. 2CNM-030-042-4, 2CNM-024-043-4 Function Condensate booster pumps 2CNM-P2A, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

0120 12177-HC3 D-F-2

5) Line No. 2CNM-012-65-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDC-PlA discharge line to the condensate system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

c. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7)

Line No. 2DSM-010-44-4, 2DSM-010-46-4 Function Moistuxe separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A and B drain lines to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

d. Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)
1) Line No. 2DSR-010-28>>4, 2DSR-010-30-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A and B drain lines to the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-er 2FWS-E6A.

2) Line No. 2DSR-008-104-4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A vent line to the sixth point heaters inlet header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-ers 2FWS-E6A, B, C.

.0120-12177-HC3 D-F-3

3) Line No. 2DSR-012-118-4 Function Reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A, B vent lines header to the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-er 2FWS-E6A, B, C.

4) Line No. 2DSR-012-112-4 Function Sixth point heater inlet piping from reheater drain re-ceivers 2DSR-TK6A, B vent line header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-er 2FWS-E6A.

e. Extraction Steam'S stem (ESS 3-4)
1) Line No. 2ESS-012-5-4 Function Extraction steam line to the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A."

Failure Effect Loss'f feedwater heating in the sixth point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, C.

2) Line No. 2ESS-016-16-4 Function Cold reheat steam line to the fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the fifth point heaters 2CNM-ESA, B, C.

3) Line No. 2ESS-014-24-4 Function Extraction steam line to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

0120-12177"HC3. D-F-4

I1 4)

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

Line No. 2ESS-026-34-4 Function Extraction steam line to the third point heater 2CNM-E3A.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the third point heater 2CNM-E3A.

f. Feedwater S stem (FWS 6-1)
1) Line No. 2FWS-024-7-4, 2FWS-020-38-4, 2FWS-020-8-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-P1A discharge line.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater flow.

- 2) Line No. 2FWS-024-19-4 Function Reactor feed pumps 2FWS-P1A, B, C discharge header.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater flow.

3) Line No. 2FWS-006-91-4 Function Startup line for the reactor feedpump 2FWS-PlA.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

g.'i h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain (HDH 6-6)

1) Line Nos. 2HDH-004-607, 2HDH-002-605-4, 2HDH-002-606-4 0120-12177"HC3 D-F"5

Function Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A standpipe and standpipe con-nection for level measurement.

Failure Effect er 2FWS-E6A condensate.

due to the loss 'f Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heat-extraction steam and

2) Line No. 2HDH-012-601-4 Function Sixth point heater 2FWS"E6A drain line to the fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A and the fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A.

3) Line No. 2HDH-014-603-4 Function Sixth point heater" 2FWS-E6A drain line 'to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

h. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain (HDL 4-2)
1) Line No. 2HDL-008-301-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3A drain line to the drain cooler 2HDL-DCL3A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third point heater 2CNM-E3A due to the loss of condensate.

0120-12177-HC3 D-F"6

2) Line No. 2HDL-008-302-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3A drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser. vacuum.

3) Line No. 2HDL-004-308-4, 2HDL-002-306-4, 2HDL-002-307-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3A standpipe and standpipe con-nections for level measurement.

Failure Effect Paitial loss of feedwater heating in third point heater 2CNM-E3A due to loss of extraction steam and condensate.

4) Line No. 2HDL-014-401-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A discharge line to heater drain pump 2HDL-P1A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A and loss of condensate.

5) Line No. 2HDL-018-402-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM E4A drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of consenser vacuum.

6) Line No. 2HDL-008-411-4, 2HDL-008-414-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A drain lines to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

0120-12177-HC3 D"F-7

'Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

7) Line No. 2HDL-002-406-4 Function Vent line from heater drain pump 2HDL-PlA to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A due to loss of condensate.

8) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-410>>4, 2HDL-002-408-4, 2HDL-002-409-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A standpipe and'tandpipe con-nections for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater . 2CNM-E4A 'ue to'oss'f'xtr'action st'earn 'and condensate.

9) Line No. 2HDL-006-412-4 Function Heater drain pump 2HDL-PlA recirculation line to fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A due to loss of condensate.

10) Line No. 2HDL-012-501-4, 2HDL-012-502-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA drain line to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA and fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

0120-12177-HC3 D"F-8

11) Line No. 2HDL-008-202-4

-I Function Drain line from drain receiver cooler 2CNM-DCL2A.

2HDL-TK2A to the drain Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the second point heater 2CNM-E2A and the drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2A.

12) Line No. 2HDL-008-205-4 Function Drain line from drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2A to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

13) Line No. 2HDL<<006-210-4 Function Relief vent line from drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3A to the main


Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

14) Line No. 2HDL-008-304-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3A discharge line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

15) Line Nos. 2HDL-012-404-4, 2HDL-012-405-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1A discharge pipe to condensate system.

0120-12177-HC3 D"F-9

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

16) Line No. 2HDL-006-407-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-PlA recirculation line.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

17) Tine No. 2HDL-002-413-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A feedwater heater relief vent to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

18) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-507-4, 2HDL-002-505-4, 2HDL-002-506-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA standpipe and standpipe con-nection for level measurement.

Failure Effect.

Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth point heat-er 2CNM-E5A due to loss of extraction steam and condensate.


19) Line No. 2HDL-016-503-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Toss of condenser vacuum.

i. Feedwater Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14)
1) Line No. 2SVH-002-401-4, 2SVH-002-402-4, 2SVH-008-404-4, 2SVH-002"4'05-4) 2SVH-150-406-4, 2SVH-002-407-4 0120-12177"HC3 D-F"10

Function Fourth point feedwater heater 2CNM-E4A relief, vent and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. NSVH-002-301-4, 2SVH-002-302-4, 2SVH-002-305-4, 2SVH-250"306-4, 2SVH-003-307-4 Function Third point feedwater heater 2CNM-E3A vent and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

3) Line Nos. 2SVH-002-804-4, 2SVH-008-805-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3A relief and vent lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

4) Line No. 2SVH-002-704-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2A vent line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

5) Line Nos. 2SVH-008-604-4, 2SVH-150-606-4, 2SVH-002-605-4, 2SVH"002"602-4 Function Sixth point feedwater heater 2FMS-E6A relief vent and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.


6) Line Nos. 2SVH-008-504-4, 2SVH-150-506-4, 2SVH-002-505-4, 2SVH-002-501-4, 2SVH-002-502"4 Function Fifth point feedwater heater 2CNM-ESA relief vent and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Xtem 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for 'the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

a. Condensate (CNM 4-1 2CNM HV5 lA) 2CNM SOV5 1A ) 2CNM HV52A) 2CNM SOV52A j 2CNM HV56A )

2CNM-SOV56A, 2CNM-HV57A, 2CNM-SOV57A, 2CNM-HV58A, 2CNM-SOV58A) 2CNM-HV59A) 2CNM-SOV59A, 2CNM-HV60A) 2CNM-SOV60A Failure Effect F

Failure of the above valves. has no significant effect.

b. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7) 2DSM-LVX75A, 2DSM-SOVX75A, 2DSM-LVX75B, 2DSM-SOVX75B Failure Effect Failure of the above valves to. closed position will cause high water level in the moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A, B resulting in dumping the drains to the condenser through the valve 2DSM-LV78A, B, thus causing partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A.

c ~ Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)

1) 2DSR-AOV81A, 2DSR"SOV81A 0120-12177-HC3 D-F-12

Failure Effect The above valve is intended to operate only when the tur-bine is tripped; therefore, failure of the valve at that time will have no effect on reactor parameters.

If the valve fails to close, position during the normal reactor operation, partial loss of feedwater heating will result in the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A.

2) 2DSR LVX65A) 2DSR SOVX65A ) 2DSR LVX65B) 2DSR SOVX65B Failure Effect Failure of the above valves to closed position will cause high water level in the reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A, B, resulting in dumping the drains to the condenser through the valve 2DSR-LV68A, B, thus causing partial loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A.
d. Feedwater (FWS 6-1) 2FWS-HV42A) 2FWS-SOV42A) 2FWS-HV43A, 2FWS-SOV43A Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves has no significant effect.
e. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain (HDH 6-6) 2HDH-LV6A) 2HDH-SOV6A, 2HDH-LT6A, 2HDH LT26A ) 2HDH LS7A )

2HDH-LS26A Failure Effect If 2HDH-LV6A fails closed as a failure of instrumentation, par-tial heating of condensate at fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA will be lost.

If 2HDH-LT26A or LS26A fails, thereby signaling high level in sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A, thereby opening 2HDH-LV26A to drain the heater to condenser, this will bypass the heater drain to the fifth point heater 2CNM-ESA resulting in loss of partial heating of condensate at fifth point heater.

2HDH-LS26A failure will also close 2HDH-LV26A resulting in loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A.

If 2HDH-LS7A fails, thereby signaling extreme high level in sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A, sixth point extraction steam iso-lation valve 2ESS-MOV3A and nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV34A will close. This will result in loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater 2FWS-E6A.

0120-12177"HC3 D-F-13

f. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain (HDL 4-2) 2HDL-LV4A Failure Effect If the valve 2HDL-LV4A fails in open position, fourth point heater low level switch 2HDL-LS14A will eventually trip the heater drain pump 2HDL-P1A. If the valve fails in closed position the same result will occur without the heater drain pump trip.
2) 2HDL-LV5A, 2HDL-SOV5A Failure Effect Failure of the above valve in the closed position will cause bypassing the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4A resulting .

in partial loss of feedwater heating.

3) 2HDL-LT3A, 2HDL-LS9A) 2HDL-LT23A, 2HDL"LS23A Failure Effect If 2HDL-LT3A, 2HDL-LT23A, and 2HDL-LS23A signal in such a way that the third point heater drain valves 2HDL-LV3A and 2HDL-LV23A fail in closed position, it may cause flooding of the drain cooler and the third point heater, resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.

If level switch 2HDL-IS9A causes inadvertent closure of extraction steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV15A, loss of feedwater heatin'g in .the third point heater will result.

4) 2HDL-FV35A) 2HDL-SOVX35A, 2HDL-SOVY35A Failure Effect If the above valve fails in open position, heater drain pump discharge flow to the condensate system will be re-duced, thus causing partial loss of feedwater.

If the valve heater drain fails in closed position, it may result in pump overheating in low flow condition..

5) 2HDL-LT4A (tubing), 2HDL-LS10A, 2HDL-LT24A, 2HDL-LS24A, 2HDL-LS14A Failure Effect If 2HDL-LT4A causes 2HDL-LV4A to fail in closed position, partial loss of feedwater will result. Failure of 0120-12177-HC3 D-F-14

2HDI-LV24A to open position due to the failure of 2HDL-LT24A and 2HDL-LS24A will. also result in a partial loss of feedwater. Failure of 2HDL-LS14A may cause heater drain pump 2HDL-P1A to trip, resulting in partial loss of feedwater.

Failure of 2HDL-LS10A may cause closing of extraction

'te'am valve 2ESS-MOV22A, resulting in loss of feedwater heating in fourth point heater 2CHM-E4A.

6) 2HDL-LTSA, 2HDL-LS11A, 2HDL-LT25A) 2HDL-LS25A Failure Effect If 2HDL-LTSA signals in such a way that fifth point heater drain valve 2HDL-LVSA fails closed bypassing the fourth point heater 2HDL-E4A resulting in partial loss of feed-water heating.

If 2HDL-LT25A or 2HDL-LS25A fails the fifth point heater drain bypass valve 2HDL-LV25A in open position, the fourth point heater 2HDL-E4A is bypassed, resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.

If 2HDL-LSllA fails, thereby signaling extreme high level in fifth point heater 2HDL-ESA, fifth point heater extrac-tion steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV28A will close, result-ing in loss of feedwater heating at fifth point heater 2CNM-E5A.

go FDW Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14) 2SVH-HV27A) 2SVH-SOV27A, 2SVH-HV36A) 2SVH"SOV36A, 2SVH-HV52A, 2SVH-SOV52A, 2SVH"HV58A, 2SVH"SOV58A, 2SVH-HV26A, 2SVH-SOV26A) 2SVH"HV37A) 2SVH"SOV37A Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves has no signifi-cant effect.

2) 2SVH"HV31A, 2SVH-HV44A, 2SVH"SOV31A, 2SVH"SOV44A Failure Effect If these shell vent valves fail open and cause venting of third and fourth point heaters (A) to the condenser, no significant impact results.
3) 2SVH-HV32A~ 2SVH HV45As 2SVH"SOV32Ai 2SVH"SOV45A 0120-12177"HC3 D-F-15

Failure Effect If these heater channel vent valves fail open and cause venting of third and fourth point heaters (A) to the equipment drains, no significant impact results.

3. Combined Effects a ~ A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

The failure of control components [2.b, 2.c.2), 2.e, 2.f.1),

2.f.2), 2..f.3), or 2.f.6)] in this zone may also result in fur-ther reduction in feedwater heating, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. In addition to this, failure of the control components [2.f.4) or 2.f.5)) may result in loss of feedwater. I,oss of feedwater event. is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.

As a result of high energy line break in this zone, control components in this zone or Zone D may fail, resulting in any or all of the following events:

1) Loss of feedwater heating in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th point heaters in the A string only (Zone F) and partial loss of 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point drain coolers in Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2) Loss of feedwater (Zone F, Item 2.f.l, and Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
3) Turbine trip (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
4) Loss of condenser vacuum (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

If the turbine trip occurs at a reactor power level ele-vated from initial operating value due to the loss of feedwater heating (caused by the failure of control compo-nents in this zone or zone D), the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that de-scribed in the unacceptable results of incidents of moder-ate frequency anticipated operational transients of FSAR Chapter 15. See Section 3.0 for further discussion.

0120-12177"HC3 D-F-16

b. 1) A break in any of the condensate high energy lines

[Item 1.b.l)] will result in a loss of feedwater heating, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, re-fer to Item 3.a.

2) A break in any of the condensate high energy lines

[Item 1.b.l) through I.b.5)] will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analys-es. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

c~ A break in any of the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

d. A break in any of the moisture separator reheater vents and drains high energy lines .in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heater. Toss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.
e. A break in any of the extraction steam high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of extraction steam to the

- third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss of extrac-tion steam will cause a loss of feedwater heating in third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss of feedwater heat-ing event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or'zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

'f. A break in any of the feedwater high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by 'FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

g. 1) A break in any of the high pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines [Item 1.g.l) or 1.g.2)] will result in a loss of feedwater heating in fifth and sixth point heat-ers. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control compo-nents in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.
2) A break in the high pressure feedwater heater drain high energy line [Item 1.g.3)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone or zone D does not exacerbate this event.

,0 0120-12177-HC3 D-F-17

h. A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines [Item 1.h.1), 1.h.3), 1.h.4), 1.h.6),

1.h.7) through 1.h.ll), or 1.h.18),] will result in a loss of feedwater heating in second, third, fourth, or fifth point heater. Toss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

2) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines [Item 1.h.2), 1.h.5), 1.h.12), 1.h.13),

I.h.14), I.h.17), or 1.h.19)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum, an event bounded. by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For failure of any control com-ponent in this zone or zone D refer to Item 3.a.

3) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines [Item 1.h.15) or 1.h.l6)] will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Sec-ion 15.6.6 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone or Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

A break in any of the feedwater heater relief, vents, and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. Toss of 'ondenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. For failure of any control component in this zone or zone D refer to Item 3.a.

0120-12177-HC3 D-F-18

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE G Building: Turbine Building Location: El 277 ft 6 in., 250 ft 0 in.

and Tunnels HELB S stem Control S stem CNA Auxiliary Condensate CNM Condensate (4-4) (4-1)

CNM Condensate DSM Moisture Separator (4-1) (32-7) Vents and Drains DSM Moisture Separator DSR Moisture Separator (32-7) Vents and Drains (32-6) Reheater,Vents and Drains DSR Moisture Separator FWS Feedwater (32-6) Reheater Vents and Drains (6-1)

ESS 'xtraction Steam HDH High Pressure Feedwater (6-6) Heater Drain Feedwater HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (4-2) Heater Drain HDH High Pressure Feedwater SVH FDW Heater Relief (6-6) Heater Drain (32"14) Vents and Drains HDL Low Pressure Feedwater (4-2) Heater Drains SVH FDW Heater Relief (32-14) Vents and Drains TME Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

a ~ Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)

Line No. 2CNA-003-318-4 Function Reboiler drain tanks 2CNA-TKlA, 2CNA-TKlB discharge line to third point heater 2CNM-E3A.

0113-12177"HC3 D-G-1

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters 2CNM-E3A, 2CNM-E3B, 2CNM-E3C.

b. Condensate CNM 4-1)
1) Line No. 2CNM-004-313-4 Function Line for moisture separator drain tank quench spray.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater

2) Line Nos. 2CNM-018-77-4, 2CNM-018-45-4, 2CNM-018-48-4, 2CNM-018-54-4) 2CNM-018-57"4, 2CNM"012-325-4, 2CNM-018-328-4, 2CNM-018-60-4, 2CNM-020-80-4, 2CNM-020-63-4 Function Feedwater piping for the low pressure heater string "B".

Failure Effect Partial or total loss of feedwater.

3) Line Nos. 2CNM-020-62-4, 2CNM-030-219-4 Function LP heater string discharge header Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater
4) Line Nos. 2CNM-'18-238-4, 2CNM-018-91-4, 2CNM-006-239-4, 2CNM-006-136-4 Function Reactor feed pumps bypass line.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

0113-12177-HC3 D"G-2

5) Line No. 2CNM-030-225-4 0 Function Reactor feed pumps inlet header.

Failure Effect Total'.loss of feedwater.

6) Line Nos. 2CNM-024-84-4, 2CNM-024-85-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-PIA, B suction piping.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

7) Line No. 2CNM-002-227-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-PIB isolation valve 2CNM-MOV84B bypass line.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

8) Line No. 2CNM-024-43-4 Function LP heater string inlet header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

9) Line No. 2CNM-012-66-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-PIB discharge line to the condensate system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

OII3"12177"HC3 D-G"3

10) Line No. 2CNM-018-78-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2C feedwater inlet piping.

Failure Effect Partial or total loss of feedwater.

C ~ Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7)

1) Line No. 2DSM-012-43-4, 2DSM-010-3>>4, 2DSM-010-44-4 Function Moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A drain lines to the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A and B.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C.

2) Line No. 2DSM-010-21-4 and 2DSM-010-46-4 Function Moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4B drain lines to the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A and B. '

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, C.

Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)

1) Line Nos. 2DSR-012-27-4, 2DSR-012-29-4, 2DSR-010-3-4, 2DSR-010-16-4) 2DSR-010"28"4, 2DSR-010-30"4 Function Reheater drain receiver 2DSR-TK6A and B drain lines to the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating to the 6th point heaters 2FNS-E6A:, B, and C.

0113-12177-HC3 D"G-4

2) Line No. 2DSR-012-113-4 Function 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B inlet piping from reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A, B vent line header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B.

3) Line No. 2DSR-012-110-4 Function 6th point. heater 2FWS-E6B inlet piping from reheater drain receiver,",.2DSR-TR6A, B vent line header.

Failure Effect Partial loss~;of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A<;,.B,. and C.

4) Line No.- 2DSR-008-103-4

.e Function Reheater; drain receiver 2DSR-TK6B vent point. heaters inlet header.

line to the'th-.:

Failure Effect Partial >loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater, 2FWS-E6A",'"B, and C.

5) Line No."-2DSR-012-118-4 Function<

Reheateri,'drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A, B vent lines header to "

the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

I Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

e. Extraction Steam (ESS 3-4)
1) Line No. 2ESS-012-7-4 0113-12177-HC3 D-G-5

Function Extraction steam line to the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

2) Line.No. 2ESS-016-19-4 Function Extraction steam line to the 5th point heater 2CNM-ESB.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 5th point heaters 2CNM-E5A, B, and C.

3) Line No. 2ESS-014-27-4 Function Extraction steam line to the 4th point heater 2CNM-E4B.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heater 2CNM-E4B.

4) Line No. 2ESS-026-39-4 Function Extraction steam line to the 3rd point heater 2CNM-E3B.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 3rd point heater 2CNM-E3B.

f. Feedwater (FWS 6-1)
1) Line No. 2FWS-024-19-4, 2FWS-024"20-4.

Function Reactor feed pumps 2FWS-PlA, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater flow 0113-12177-HC3 D-G-6

2) Line No. 2FWS-018-18-4

- Function LP heater string bypass line.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater flow.

3) Line No. 2FWS-004-128-4 Function Line for reheater drain tank quench spray.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

4) Line No. 2FWS-024-10-4, 2FWS-020-39-4, 2FWS-020-11-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-PlB discharge piping.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater flow.

5) Line No. 2FWS-006-92-4 Function Startup line for reactor feed pump 2FWS-P1B.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

6) Line No. 2FWS-016-100-4 Function 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C bypass line.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater flow.

0113-12177"HC3 D"G"7

7) Line No. 2FWS-024-29-4 Function 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater flow.

g. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain (HDH 6-6)
1) Line Nos. 2HDH-004-617-4, 2HDH-002-616-4, 2HDH-002-615-4 Function 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B standpipe and standpipe connec-tions for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B due to the loss of extraction steam and condensate.

.2) Line No. 2HDH-012-611-4 Function 6th point, heater 2FWS-E6B drain line to the 5th point heater 2CNM-E5B.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B and the 5th point heater 2CNM-E5B.

3) Line No. 2HDH-014-613-4 Function 6th point heater 2FWS-E6B drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

h. Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2)
1) Line Nos. -2HDL-004-318-4, 2HDL-002-316-4, 2HDL-002-317-4 0113-12177"HC3 D"G"8


. Third point heater 2CNM-E3B standpipe nection for level measurement.

and standpipe con-Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third. point heat-er 2CNM-E3B due to the loss of extraction steam and condensate.

2) Line No. 2HDL-008-311-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3B drain line to the drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3B.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third point heater 2CNM-E3B.

3) Line No. 2HDL-008-312-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3B drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

4) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-430-4, 2HDL-002-428-4, 2HDL-002-429-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B standpipe and standpipe con-

. nections for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B.

5) Line Nos. 2HDL-012-511-4, 2HDL-012-512-4, 2HDL-008-431-4, 2HDIi,008"434-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-ESB drain lines to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B.

0113"12177"HC3 D-G-9

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth and fourth point heaters 2CNM-ESB and 2CNM-E4B.

6) Line No. 2HDL-002-426-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B vent line to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B due to 1'oss of condensate.

7) Line No. 2HDL-014-421-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B drain line to the fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B suction.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B.

8) Line No. 2HDL-018-422-4 Function Fourth point heat'er 2CNM-E4B drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

9) Line Nos. 2HDL-006-432-4, 2EDL-006-427-4 Function Fourth point point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B recircula-tion line.

Failure Effect Pa'rtial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B and partial loss of condensate inventory.

0113-12177-HC3 D"G-10

10) Line No. 2HDL-002-433-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B relief vent to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

11) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-517-4, 2HDL-002-515-4, 2HDL-002-516-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B standpipe and standpipe con-nections for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth point heat-er 2CNM>>ESB due to loss of extraction steam and condensate.

12) Line No. 2HDL-016-513-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-ESB drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

13) Line Nos. 2HDL-012-424-4, 2HDL-012-425-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B discharge lines.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

14) Line No. 2HDL-008-212-4 Function
I Drain line from the drain receiver 2HDL-TK2B to the drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2B.

0113-12177-HC3 D"G"11

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the second point heater 2CNM-E2B and .the drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2B.

15) Line No. 2HDL-008-215-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2B drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

16) Line No. 2HDL-006-220-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3B relief vent line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

17) Line No. 2HDL>>008-314-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3B drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

FDW Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14)

1) Line Nos. 2SVH-008-634-4, 2SVH-002-635-4, 2SVH-150-636-4, 2SVH-002-632-4 Function 6th point feedwater heater 2FWS-E6B relief, vent, and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos.'2SVH-008-534-4, 2SVH-002-535-4, 2SVH-150-536-4, 2SVH-002-532-4i 2SVH-002-531"4 0113-12177-HC3 D-G-12

Function 5th point feedwater heater 2CNM-E5B relief, vent, and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

3) Line Nos. 2SVH>>008-434-4, 2SVH-002-435-4, 2SVH-150-436-4, 2SVH-002-432"4, 2SVH"002"431-4, 2SVH-002-437"4 Function 4th point feedwater heater 2CNM-E4B relief, vents and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

4) Line Nos. 2SVH-250-336-4, 2SVH-002-335-4, 2SVH-002-331-4, 2SVH-003-337-4, 2SVH"002-332"4 Function 3rd point feedwater heater 2CNM-E3B vent and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

5) Line No. 2SVH-008-835-4, 2SVH-002-834-4.

Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3B relief and vent lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

6) Line No. 2SVH-002-734-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2B vent line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

0113-12177-HC3 D"G-13

j. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

Line No. 2TME-012-076-4 Function Safety valve 2TME-SV125 discharge to main condenser.

Failure Effect Toss of condenser vacuum.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate Failure Effect from the above listed zones in'he Combined Effect section of this zone.

a. Condensate (CNM 4-1)
1) 2CNM-AOV101, 2CNM-SOV101A, 2CNM"SOV101B) 2CNM-SOV101C, 2CNM-SOVI01D Failure Effect Inadvertent opening of 2CNM-AOV101 will cause the feed-water to bypass the LP heater string resulting in loss of feedwater heating.

If the valve 2CNM-AOV101 fails to open in the event of feedwater tube failure in the first and second point heat-ers, possible water induction into the turbine may ulti-mately cause turbine trip due to excessive vibration.

2) 2CNM-HV56A, 2CNM-SOV56B) 2CNM-HV57B, 2CNM"SOV57B, 2CNM-HV58B, 2CNM-SOV58B) 2CNM-HV59B) 2CNM-SOV59B, 2CNM"HV60B, 2CNM-SOV60Q) 2CNM-HV51B, 2CNM"SOU51B, 2CNM-HV52B) 2CNM-SOV52B Failure Effect Failure of the above valves has no significant effect.

0113-12177-HC3 D-G-14

3) 2CNM-LV137 Failure Effect Failure of the above valve either in the close or open position will pose no significant effect on feedwater pumps
b. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7) 2DSM-LVY75A, 2DSM-SOVY75A, 2DSM-LVY75B, 2DSM-SOVY75B Failure Effect Failure of the above valves to closed position will cause high water level in the moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A, B resulting in dumping the drains to the condenser through the valve 2DSM-LV78A, B thus causing partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B.

c~ Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)

1) 2DSR"SOVY65A) 2DSR-LVY65A, 2DSR-SOVY65B, 2DSR-LVY65B Failure Effect If the solenoid valve, 2DSR-SOVZ65A (or 65B) fails the

.0 control valve 2DSR-LVZ65A (or 65B) in close position, par-tial loss of feedwater heating at the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B will result.

2) 2DSR-AOV81B) 2DSR-SOV81B Failure Effect If the valve fails to closed position during the normal

.reactor operation, partial loss of feedwater heating will result in the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B.

d. Feedwater (FWS 6-1) 2FWS-HV42B) 2FWSrSOV42B, 2FWS-HV43B) 2FWS-SOV43B yA Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves has no significant effect.
e. Hi h Pressure Feedwate'r'"'eater Drain (HDH 6-6)
1) 2HDH-LV6B, 2HDH-LT6B) 2HDH-SOV6B) 2HDH-LT26B, 2HDH-LS26B) 2HDH-LS7B 0113"12177"HC3 D-G-15

If 2HDH-LV6B fails closed as a failure of instrumentation, partial heating of condensate at fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B will be lost.

If 2HDH-LT26B or LS26B fails, thereby signaling high level in sixth point heateq 2FWS-E6B, thereby opening 2HDH-LV26B to drain the heater to condenser. This will bypass the heater drain to the fifth point heater 2CNM-ESB, resulting in loss of partial heating of condensate at fifth point heater. 2HDH-LS26B failure will also close 2HDH-LV26B resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B.

If 2HDH-LS7B fails, thereby signaling extreme high level in sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B, sixth point extraction steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV3B and nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV34B will close. This will result in loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater 2FWS-E6B.

2) 2HDH-SOV29B Failure Effect Failure of the valve 2HDH-SOV298 in the close or open po-sition has no significant effect.
f. Iow Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain (HDL 4-2) 2HDL-FV35B, 2HDL-SOVX35B) 2HDL>>SOVY35B Failure Effect If the above valve fails in open position, heater drain pump discharge flow to the condensate system will be re-duced, thus causing partial loss of feedwater.

If the valve fails in closed position, it may result in heater drain pump overheating in low flow condition.

2) 2HDL-LT4B (tubing), 2HDL-LS10B) 2HDL-LT24B, 2HDL-LS24B) 2HDL-LS14B Failure Effect If 2HDL-LT4B causes 2HDI-LV4B to fail in closed position, partial loss of. feedwater will result. Failure of 2HDL-LV24B to open position 'ue to the failure of 2HDL-LT24B and 2HDL-LS24B will also result in a partial loss, of feedwater. Failure of 2HDL-LS14B may cause heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B to trip resulting in partial loss of feedwater.

0113-12177-HC3 D-G-16

Failure of 2HDL-ISlOB may cause closing of extraction steam valve 2ESS-MOV22B resulting in loss of feedwater heating in fourth point heater 2CNM-E4B.

3) 2HDL-LV4B Failure Effect If the valve 2HDL-LV4B fails in open position, fourth point heater low level switch 2HDL-LS14B will eventually trip the heater drain pump 2HDL-P1B. If the valve fails, in closed position the same result will occur without the heater drain pump trip.
4) 2HDL-LT3B) 2HDL-LS9B, 2HDL-LT23B, 2HDL-LS23B.

Failure Effect If 2HDL-LT3B, 2HDL-LT23B, and 2HDL-IS23B signals in such a way that the third point heater drain valves 2HDL-LV3B and 2HDL-LV23B fail in closed position, it may cause flooding in the drain cooler and the third point heater resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.

If the level switch 2HDL-LS9B causes inadvertent closure of the extraction steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV15B, loss of feedwater heating in the third point heater will result.



2HDL-LS25B Failure Effect If 2HDL-LTSB signals in such a way that fifth point heater drain valve 2HDL-LV5B fails closed bypassing the fourth point heater 2HDL-E4B resulting in partial loss of feed-water heating.

If 2HDL-LT25B or 2HDL-LS25B fails the fifth point heater drain bypass valve 2HDL-LV25B in open position, the fourth point heater 2HDL-E4B is bypassed resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.

If 2HDL-LS11B fails thereby signaling extreme high level in fifth point heater 2HDL-E5B, fifth point heater extrac-tion steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV28B will close, result-ing in loss of feedwater heating at fifth point heater 2CNM-E5B.

0113-12177-HC3 D-G-17

g. FDW Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14)
1) 2SVH-HV26B) 2SVH-SOV26B, 2SVH-HV37B) 2SVH-SOV37B Failure Effect Failure of the above heater channel drain valve in open or close position has no significant effect.
2) 2SVH-SOV27B, 2SVH-HV27B) 2SVH-SOV36B, 2SVH-HV36B) 2SVH-SOV52B, 2SVH-HV52B, 2SVH-SOV58B) 2SVH-HV58B Failure Effect Failure of the above shell vent valves of feedwater heat-ers in open or close position has no significant effect.
3) 2SVH-HV32B, 2SVH-HV45B, 2SVH-SOV32B, 2SVH-SOV45B Failure Effect If these heater channel vent valves fail open causing venting of third and fourth point heaters (B) to the equipment drains, no significant impact results.

'"Failure Effect If these shell vent valves fail open causing venting of third and fourth point heaters (C) to the condenser, no significant impact results.

3. Combined Effect a~ A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

The failure of control components [Items 2.b, 2.c.1), 2.c.2),

2.e, 2.f.2), 2.f.3), 2.f.4), or 2.f.5)] in this zone may also result in further reduction in feedwater heating in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th point heaters in the B string only, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. In addition to this, failure of the'ontrol components [Item 2.f.1) or 2.f.5)] may result in loss of feedwater. Loss of feedwater event is bound-ed by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses. Also, failure of the con-trol component [Item 2.a.1)] may result in turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.

As a result of the high energy line break in this zone, control components in Zone D may fail resulting in any of the following events:

0113-1217 T"HC3 D-G-18

1) Turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
2) Loss of condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
3) I,oss of partial feedwater heating in 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point drain coolers, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1.
4) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

If the turbine trip occurs at a reactor power level elevated from initial operating value due to the loss of feedwater heating (caused by the failure of control components in this zone or Zone D), the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of incidents of moderate frequency (anticipated operational transients) of FSAR Chapter 15. See Section 3.0 for further discussion.

b. A break in any of the condensate high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater. Ioss of feedwater event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. In addition to this, a break in any of the high energy lines [Item 1.b.2)] will re-sult in a loss of feedwater heating, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

c ~ A break in any of the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heaters. Ioss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

d. A break in any of the moisture separator reheater vents and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heaters. Loss of feed-water heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

e. A break in any of the extraction steam high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of extraction steam to the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss of extrac-tion steam will result in a loss of feedwater heating in third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

0113-12177"HC3 D-G-19

f. A break in any of the feedwater high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

go A break in any of the high pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines [Item 1.g.l) or 1.g.2)] will result in a loss of feedwater. heating in fifth and sixth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater. drains high energy lines [Item 1.h.1), 1.h.2), 1.h.4), 1-h'5),

1.h.6), 1.h.7), 1.h.9), 1.h.ll), or 1.h.14)] will result in a loss of feedwater heating in second, third, fourth, or fifth point heater. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

2) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines [Item I.h.13)] will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analys-es. For failure of control components in this zone or Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.
3) A break in any of the low pressure'feedwater heater drains high energy lines [Item 1.h.3), 1.h.8), 1.h.10), 1.h.12),

1.h.15), 1.h.16), or 1.h.17)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. Loss of condenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone or Zone D does not exacerbate this event.

A break in any of the feedwater heater relief, vents, and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. Loss of condenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone or Zone D does not exacerbate this event.

A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy line will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone or Zone D does not ex-acerbate this event.

0113-12177"HC3 D-G-20

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE H Location: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in., 250 ft 0 in.,

and Tunnels HELB S stem Control S stem ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9)

CNA Auxiliary Condensate CNM Condensate (4-4) (4-1)

CNM Condensate DSM Moisture Separator (4-1) (32-7) Vents and Drains DSM Moisture. Separator Vents DSR Moisture Separator (32-7) and Drains (32-6) Reheater Vents and Drains DSR Moisture Separator Reheater FWS Feedwater (32-6) Vents and Drains (6-1)

ESS Extraction Steam HDH High Pressure Feedwater (3-4) (6>>6) Heater Drains FWS Feedwater HDL Iow Pressure Feedwater (6-1) (4-2) Heater Drains HDH High Pressure Feedwater SVH Feedwater Heater Relief (6-6) Heater Drains (32-14) Vents and Drains HDL Low Pressure Feedwater Heater (4-2) Drains SVH. Feedwater Heater Relief Vents (32-14) and Drains

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3"9)

Line No. 2ASS-003-502-4 Function Relief line 2ASS-SV123 to the main condenser.

0128"12177-HC3 D-H-1

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

b. Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)

Line No. 2CNA-003-415-4 Function Third point feedwater heater 2CNM-E3C inlet piping.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 3rd point feedwater heaters 2CNM-E3A, B, and C.

C ~ Condensate (CNM 4-1)

I) Line No. 2CNM-002-228-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-P1C isolation valve 2CNM-MOV4C by-pass line.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

2) Line No. 2CNM-012-067>>4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1C discharge line to the condensate system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

3) Line Nos. 2CNM-018-78-4, 2CNM-018-46-4, 2CNM-018-49-4, 2CNM-018-55"4, 2CNM-018-58-4) 2CNM"012-326"4, 2CNM-018-329-4, 2CNM-018-61-4, 2CNM-020-81-4, and 2CNM-020-64-4 Function Feedwater piping for the low pressure heater string "C".

Failure Effect Partial or total loss of feedwater.

0128-12177-HC3 D-H-2

4) Line No. 2CNM-024-043-4 Function Low pressure heater string inlet header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

5) Line No. 2CNM-024-86-4 Function Feedwater pump 2FMS-PlC suction piping.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater.

6) Line No. 2CNM-030-219-4 Function Low pressure heater string discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

7) Line No. 2CNM-030-225-4 Function Reactor feed pumps inlet header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

8) Line No. 2CNM-036-222-4 Function Connecting line between low pressure heater string dis-charge header and reactor feed pump suction header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

d. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32"7)
1) Line No. 2DSM-'010-005-4 0128-12177"HC3 D-H-3

Function Moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A drain line to the 6th point heater 2CNM-E4C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point, heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, and C.

2) Line No. 2DSM-016-001-4 Function Moisture separator drain receiver 2DSM-TK4A drain line to the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, and C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, and C.

3) Line Nos. 2DSM-016-19-4, 2DSM-010-23-4, 2DSM-012-45-4, 2DSM-010-21-4, and 2DSM-010-46-4 Function Moisture seperator drain receiver 2DSM-'TK4B'drain lines 'to the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, and C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heaters 2CNM-E4A, B, and C.

e. Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains (DSR 32-6)
1) Line Nos. 2DSR-010-005-4, 2DSR-010-018-4, 2DSR-012-027-4, 2DSR-012-029-4, 2DSR-016-001-4, and 2DSR-016-014-4 Function Reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A and B drain lines to the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FMS-E6A, B, and C.

2) Line No. 2DSR-012-114-4 0128-12177"HC3 D-H"4

Function Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C inlet piping from reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A and B vent line header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6C.

3) Line No. 2DSR-012-118-4 Function Reheater drain receivers 2DSR-TK6A and B vent line header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

f. Extraction Steam (ESS, 3-4)
1) Line No. 2ESS-012-009-4 Function e Extraction steam line to the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6C.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating to the 6th point heaters 2FWS-E6A, B, and C.

2) Line No. 2ESS-014-030-4 Function Extraction steam line to the 4th point heater 2CNM-E4C.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 4th point heater 2CNM"E4C.

3) Line No. 2ESS-016-021-4 Function Extraction steam line to the 5th point heater 2CNM-E5C.

0128"12177"HC3 D"H-5

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 5th point heaters 2CNM-E5A, B, and C.

4) Line No. 2ESS-026-042-4 Function Extraction steam line to the 3rd point heater 2CNM-E3C.

Failure Effect Loss of feedwater heating in the 3rd point heater 2CNM-E3C.

g. Feedwater FWS 6-1)
1) Line Nos. 2FWS-020-040-4, 2FWS-020-041-4, and 2FWS-024-013-4 Function Reactor feed pump 2FWS-PlC discharge piping.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater flow.

2) Line No. 2FWS-024-019-4 Function Reactor feed pumps 2FWS-PlA, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater flow.

3) 'ine No. 2FWS-024-029-4 Function Sixth point heaters 2FWS>>E6A, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater flow.

h. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDH 6-6)
1) Line Nos. 2HDH-002-625-4, 2HDH-002-626-4, and 2HDH-004-627-4 0128"12177"HC3 D-H-6

Function Sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C standpipe and standpipe con-nections for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6C due to the loss of extraction steam and condensate.

2) Line No. 2HDH>>012-621-4 Function Sixth point heater 2FWS-K6C drain line to the 5th point heater 2CNM-E5C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 6th point heater 2FWS-E6C and thh 5th point heater 2CNM-E5C.

3) Line No. 2HDH-014-623-4 Function

- Sixth point heater condenser.

2FWS-E6C drain line to the main Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2)

1) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-328-4, 2HDL-002-326-4, and 2HDL-002"327-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3C standpipe and standpipe con-nections for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third point heat-er 2CNM-E3C due to loss of extraction steam and condensate.

2) Line No. 2HDL-002-446-4 Oi28-12177-HC3 D"H-7

Function Fourth point. heater drain pump 2HDL-PlC vent line to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C due to loss of condensate.

3) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-450-4, 2HDL-002-448-4, and 2HDL-002"449-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C standpipe and standpipe con-nections for level measuxement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C due to loss of extraction steam and condensate.

4) Line No. 2HDL-002-453-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C relief vent to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

5) Line Nos. 2HDL-004-527-4, 2HDL-002-525-4, and 2HDL-002-526-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C standpipe and standpipe con-nection for level measurement.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth point, heat-er 2CNM-E5C due to loss of extraction steam and condensate.

6) Line No. 2HDL-006-230-4 0128"12177-HC3 D"H"8

Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3C relief vent line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

7) Line Nos. 2HDL-006-452-4 and 2HDL-006-447-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-PlC'ecirculation line.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C and partial loss of condensate inventory.

8) Line No. 2HDL-008-222"4 Function Drain line from drain receiver 2HDL-TK2C to drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the second point heater 2CNM-E2C and drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2C.

Line No. 2HDL-008-225-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2C drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

10) Line No. 2HDL-008-321-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3C drain line to the drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the third point heater 2CNM-E3C and drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3C.

0128"12177-HC3 D-H-9

11) Line No. 2HDL-008-322-4 Function Third point heater 2CNM-E3C drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

12) Line No. 2HDL-008-324-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3C drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

13) Line Nos. 2HDL-012-521-4, 2HDL-012-522-4, 2HDL-008-451-4, and 2HDL-008-454-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C drain lines to the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fifth and fourth point heaters 2CNM-E5C and 2CNM-E4C.

14) Line Nos. 2HDL-012-444-4 and 2HDL-012-445-4 Function Fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-PlC discharge line.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater flow.

15) Line No. 2HDL-014-441-4 Function Fourth point heatez; 2CNM-E4C drain line to the fourth point heater drain pump 2HDL-P1C suction.

Failure Effect Partial loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C.

0128-12177-HC3 D-H"10


16) Line No. 2HDL-016-523-4 Function Fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

17) Line No. 2HDL-018-442-4 Function Fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C drain line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

Feedwater Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14)

1) Line Nos. 2SVH-008-664-4, 2SVH-002-665-4, 2SHV-150-666-4, and 2SVH-002-662-4 f Function Sixth point feedwater heater 2FWS-E6C relief, vent, and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2) Line Nos. 2SHV-008-564-4, 2SHV-150-566-4, 2SVH-002-565"4, 2SHV-002-562-4, and 2SVH-002-561-4 Function Fifth point feedwater heater 2CNM-E5C relief, vent, and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

3) Line Nos. 2SVH-008-464-4, 2SVH-002-465-4, 2SVH-150-466-4, 2SVH-002-461-4, 2SVH-002-462-4, and 2SVH<<002-467-4.

Function Fourth point feedwater heater 2CNM-E4C relief, vent, and drain lines to the main condenser.

0128-12177"HC3 D"H-11

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

4) Line Nos. 2SVH-250-366-4, 2SVH-002-365-4, 2SVH-002-362-4, 2SVH-003-367-4, and 2SVH-002-361-4 Function Third point feedwater heater 2CNM-E3C relief, vent, and drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

5) Line Nos. 2SVH-008-865-4 and 2SVH-002-864-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL3C relief and'ent drain lines to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

6) Line No. 2SVH-002-764-4 Function Drain cooler 2CNM-DCL2C vent line to the main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a HELB on any of the lines listed in Item 1.

The consequence of failure of each control component is analyzed.

Refer to Appendix B for the function of individual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

'a ~ Condensate (CNM 4-1)

1) 2CNM-HV51C, 2CNM"SOV51C; and 2CNM-HV52C, 2CNM-SOV52C Failure Effect Failure of the above valves has no significant effect.

0128-12177-HC3 D-H-12

2) 2CNM-HV56C, 2CNM-SOV56C; 2CNM-HV57C, 2CNM-SOV57C )

2CNM-HV58C, 2CNM-SOV58C; 2CNM-HV59C, 2CNM-SOV59C; and

-0 2CNM-HV60C) 2CNM-SOV60C Failure Effect Failure of the above valves has no significant effect.

3) 2CNM-HV119 and 2CNM-SOV119 Failure Effect Failure of this valve has no significant effect.
b. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7) 2DSM-LVZ75A, 2DSM-SOVZ75A; and 2DSM-LVZ75B, 2DSM-SOVZ75B Failure Effect Failure of the above valves to the closed position will cause high water level in the moisture separator drain receivers 2DSM-TK4A and B, resulting in dumping of the drains to the main condenser= through valve 2DSM-LV78A and B, thus causing partial 2'oss of feedwater heating in the'fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C.

c~ Moisture Se arator Reheater Vents and Drains.(DSR 32-6)


~ Failure Effect If solenoid valve 2DSR-SOVZ65A (or 65B) fails control valve 2DSR-LVZ65A (or 65B) in the closed position, partial loss of sixth point feedwater heating will result.

2) 2DSR-AOV81C and 2DSR-SOV81C Failure Effect If the valve fails to closed position during normal reac-tor operation, partial loss of feedwater heating will re-sult in the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C.

d.:,. Feedwater (FWS 6-1) 2FWS-HV42C, 2FWS-SOV42C; and 2FWS-HV43C, 2FWS-SOV43C Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves has no significant eff'ect.


e. Hi h Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDH 6-6) 2HDH-LV6C) 2HDH-LT6C) 2HDH-SOV6C; 2HDH-LT26C, '2HDH-LS26C) 2HDH-LS7C Failure Effect If 2HDH-LV6C fails closed as a failure of instrumentation, partial heating of condensate at fifth point heater 2CNM-ESC will be lost.

If 2HDH-LT26C or LS26C fails, thereby signaling high level in sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C, 2HDH-'LV26C will open to drain the heater to the condenser. This will bypass the heater drain to the fifth point heater 2CNM-E5C, result'ing in 'oss 'of partial heating of condensate at the fifth point heater.

Failure of level switch 2HDH-IS26C will also close 2HDH-LV26C, resulting in loss of feedwater heating at the sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C.

If level switch 2HDH-LS7C fails, thereby signaling extreme high level in sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C, sixth point extraction steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV3C and nonreturn valve 2ESS-NRV34C will close. This will result in loss of feedwater heating at sixth point heater 2FWS-E6C.

2) 2HDH-SOV29C Failure Effect Failure of the valve 2HDH-SOV29C in the close or open po-sition has no significant effect.
f. Iow Pressure Feedwater Heater Drains (HDL 4-2) 2HDL-FV35C, 2HDL-SOVX35C, and 2HDL-SOVY35C Failure Effect If the above valve fails in the open position, heater drain pump discharge flow to the condensate system will be reduced, thus causing partial loss of feedwater. If the valve fails in the closed position, it may result in heat-er drain pump overheating due to a low flow condition.

2HDL-LT3C, 2HDL-LS9C, 2HDL-LT23C, and 2HQL-LS23C Failure Effect If 2HDL-LT3C, 2HDL-LT23C, and 2HDL-LS23C provide a signal such that the third point heater drain valves 2HDL-LV3C and 2HDL-LV23C fail in the closed position, it may cause.

0128-12177-HC3 D-H-14

flooding of the drain cooler and the third point heater, resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.

- If I

level switch 2HDL-LS9A causes inadvertent closure of the extraction steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV15C, loss of feedwater heating in the third point heater will result.

3) 2HDL-LT4C (tubing), 2HDL-LS10C, 2HDL-LT24C, 2HDL-LS24C, and 2HDL-LS14C Failure Effect If 2HDL-LT4C causes 2HDL-LV4C to fail in the closed posi-tion, partial loss of feedwater will result. Failure of 2HDL-LV24C to the open position due to the failure of 2HDL-LT24C and 2HDL-LS24C will also result in a partial loss of feedwater. Failure of 2HDL-LS14C may cause heater drain pump 2HDL-P1C to trip, resulting in a partial loss of feedwater.

Failure of 2HDL-LSlOC may cause closure of extraction steam valve 2ESS-MOV22C resulting in loss of feedwater heating in fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C.

4) 2HDL-LT5C, 2HDL-IS11C, 2HDL-LT25C, and 2HDL-IS25C Failure Effect If 2HDL-LTSC provides a signal such that fifth point heat-er drain valve 2HDL-LV5C fails closed, bypassing the fourth point heater 2EDL-E4C, partial loss of feedwater heating will result.

If 2HDL-LT25C or 2HDL-LS25C fails the fifth point heater drain bypass valve 2HDL-LV25C in the open position, the fourth point heater 2HDL-E4C, is bypassed, resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.

If 2HDL-LS11C fails, thereby signaling extreme high level in fifth point heater 2HDL-E5C, fifth point heater extrac-tion steam isolation valve 2ESS-MOV28C will close, result-ing in loss of feedwater heating at fifth point heater 2CNM-ESC.

5') 2HDL-LV4C Failure Effect If valve 2HDL-LV4C fails in the open position, fourth point heater low level switch 2HDL-LS14C will eventually trip the heater drain pump 2HDL-PlC. If the valve fails in the closed position, the same result will occur except for the heater drain pump trip.

0128-12177-HC3 D"H-15

6) 2HDL-LV5C and 2HDL>>SOVSC Failure Effect Failure of the above level control valve in the closed position will cause bypassing of the fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C, resulting in partial loss of feedwater heating.
g. Instrument Air (IAS 12-1) 2IAS-TS2A, 2IAS-TS2B, 2IAS-TS2C, 2IAS-TS4A, 2IAS"TS4B, and 2IAS-TS4C Failure Effect Failure to any of the above instruments will cause the instrument air compressors 2IAS-C1A, B, and C to trip.

Tripping of instrument air compressors has no significant effect on reactor parameters.

h. Feedwater Heater Relief Vents and Drains (SVH 32-14) 2SVH-SOV26C, 2SVH-HV26C, 2SVH-SOV37C, and 2SVH"HV37C Failure Effect Failure of the above heater channel drain valve in open or closed position has no significant effect.
2) 2SVH-SOV27C, 2SVH-HV27C; 2SVH-SOV36C, 2SVH-HV36C; 2SVH-SOV52C, 2SVH-HV52C; 2SVH-SOV58C) 2SVH-HV58C Failure Effect Failure of the above shell vent va1ves of feedwater heat-ers in open or closed position has no significant effect.
3) 2SVH HV3 1 C y 2SVH HV44C } 2SVH SOV3 1C ) and 2SVH-SOV44C Failure Effect If these shell vent valves fail open causing venting of third and fourth point heaters (c) to condenser, no sig-nificant effects result.

2SVH-HV32C, 2SVH-HV45C, 2SVH-SOV32C, and 2SVH-SOV45C Failure Effects If these heat channel vent valves fail open causing vent-ing of third and fourth point heaters (c) to the equipment drains, no significant impact results.

0128-12177-HC3 D"H-16

3. Combined Effect a ~ A break in the auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone will result in a loss of condenser vacuum. Loss of condenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

As a result of the high energy line break in this zone, control components in this zone or Zone D may fail, resulting in any or all of the following events:

1) Turbine trip (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3. analyses.
2) Ioss of condenser vacuum (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
3) Loss of feedwater heating in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th point heaters in the C string only (Zone H) and partial loss of 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point drain coolers (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1.
4) Ioss of feedwater (Zone H, Item 2.f.3 and Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure maximum demand (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.

If the turbine trip occurs at a reactor power level elevated from initial operating value due to the loss of feedwater heat-ing (caused by the failure of control components in this zone or zone D), the reactor may experience a change in critical power ratio greater than that described in the unacceptable results of incidents of moderate frequency anticipated opera-tional transients of FSAR Chapter 15. See Section 3.0 for further discussion.

b. A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the third point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

The failure of control components [Item 2.b 2.c.1), 2.c.2),

2.e.l), 2.f.2), 2.f.3), 2.f.4), 2.f,5), or 2.f.6)] in this zone may also result in further reduction in feedwater heating, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. In addition to this, failure of the control components [Item 2.f.l) or 2.f.3)]

may result in a loss of feedwater. I,oss of feedwater event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.

c~ A break in any of the condensate high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater. A break in feedwater line event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. In addition to this, a break in any of the high energy lines [Items 1.c.3)]

0128-12177-HC3 D-H-17

will result in a loss of feedwater heating, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control com-ponents in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

d. A break in any of the moisture separator vents and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the fourth point heaters. Loss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.
e. A break in any of the moisture separator reheater vents and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the sixth point heaters. Loss of feed-water heating event is bounded by FSAR'Section 15.1.1 analyses.

For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

f. A break in any of the extraction steam high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of extraction steam to the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss extraction steam will result in a loss of feedwater heating in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth point heater. Loss of feedwater heat-ing event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.
g. A break in any of the feedwater high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss" of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

A break in any of the high pressure feedwater heater drain high energy lines [Item 1.h.l) or 1.h.2)] will result in a loss of feedwater heating in fifth and sixth point heat-ers. I,oss of feedwater heating is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. For failure of the control com-ponents in this zone or zone D, eefer to Item 3.a.

2) A break in the high pressure feedwater heater drains high energy line [Item 1.h.3)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone or zone D is described in Item 3.a.
1) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines [Item 1.i.1), l.i.2), l.i.3), l.i.5),

l.i.7); l.i.8) l.i.10), l.i.l3), or l.i.l4)] will result in a loss of feedwater heating in second, third, fourth, or fifth point heater. Loss of feedwater heating event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1. analyses. For failure of control components in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

0128-12177-HC3 D-H-18

2) A break in any of the low pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines [Item l.i.7), or l.i.14)] will result in

.0 a loss of feedwater, Section 15.6.6 analyses.

an event bounded by FSAR For failure of control compo-nents in this zone or zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

3) A break in any of the low-pressure feedwater heater drains high energy lines [Item l.i.4), l.i.6), l.i.9), l.i.11),

l.i. 12), l.i. 16), or l.i. 17)] will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. Loss of condenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control components in the zone or zone D is described in Item 3.a.

A break in any of the feedwater heater relief, vents, and drains high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of main condenser vacuum. Loss of condenser vacuum event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone or zone D is described in Item 3.a.

~I 0128-12177"HC3 D"H-19

0 I

I sl F


APPENDIX D 0 HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE J Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in.

Control S stem CNA Auxiliary Condensate None in this zone (4-4)

DSM Moisture Separator (32-7) Vents and Drains TME Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust

1. The following is a list of high-energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

Auxilia Condensate (CNA 4-4)

1) Line No. 2CNA-006-002-4 Function Carry condensate from reboiler drain tank 2CNA-TK1A to third point heaters.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate and partial loss of condensate heating at third point heater.

2) Line No. 2CNA>>006-052-4, 2CNA-150-006-4 Function Drain and vent lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

b. Moisture Se arator Vents and Drains (DSM 32-7)

Line No. 2DSM-010-023-4 0555-12177"HC3 D-J-1

Function Moisture separator drain receiver tank 2DSM-TK4B drain to fourth point heater 2CNM-E4C.

Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth point feedwater heating and partial loss of condensate inventory.

c~ Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

1) Line No. 2TME-008-419-4, 2TME-010-038-4 Function Supplies steam to waste evaporator reboiler 2LWS-E4A and relief valve.

Failure Effect Loss of main source for turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam and partial loss of condensate.')

Line No. 2TME-012-418-4 Function Safety and relief valve drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Ioss of main condenser vacuum.

2. There are no nonsafety-related control components located in this zone which could be affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item I.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

3. Combined Effect a ~ A break in the auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone results in loss of feedwater heating in third point heat-er, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1il analyses; in loss of feedwater/condensate, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses and in loss of main condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

0555-12177-HC3 D-J-2

As a result of high energy line break in this zone, control components in Zone D may fail, resulting in any or all of the following events:

1) Partial loss of feedwater heating in fifth and sixth point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three fourth point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
3) Turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15:2.3.
4) Loss of condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.
b. A break in the moisture vents and drains high energy line in this zone results in loss of fourth point heater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses; and loss of feedwater/condensate, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. There are no nonsafety-related control components located in this zone which could be affected by high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. Failure of control components in Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

c~ A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy line in this zone results in loss of feedwater/conden-sate, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses, and loss of main condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. There are no nonsafety>>related con-trol components located in this zone which could be affected by high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1.

Failure of control components in Zone D is described in Item 3.a.

0555-12177-HC3 D-J-3



APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE L Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in.

Control S stem CND Condensate Demineralizer CND . Condensate Demineralizer (4-7) (4-7)

CNM Condensate (4-1)

1. The following is a list of high-energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Condensate Demineralizer (CND 4-7)
1) Line No. 2CND-002-76-4, 2CND-002-77-4, 2CND-002-81-4 Function Condensate sluicing water header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate.

b. Condensate (CNM 4-1)
1) Line No. 2CNM-030-017-4 Function Condensate pumps 2CNM-PlA, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

~ ~

gv 1

P ~ 'I 2) Line No. 2CNM-030-018-4 Function Air ejector intercondensers, 2ARC-E3A and B, inlet piping.

0555"12177-HC3 D-L-1

Failure Effect Total loss 'of feedwater.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone U. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate Failure Effect from the above listed zones in the Combined Effect section of this zone.

a. Condensate Demineralizer (CND 4-i)
1) 2CND-AOV2A through 2CND-AOV2J, 2CND-AOV7A through 2CND-AOV7J Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves in the close position will result in partial or total loss of conden-sate demineralizer system.
2) 2CND-AOV3A through 2CND-AOV3J, 2CND-AOV4A through 2CND-AOV4J, 2CND-AOV5A through 2CND>>AOV5J, 2CND-AOV6A through 2CND-AOV6J Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves has no signifi-cant effect on the reactor parameters.
3) 2CND-CE101, 2CND-CE105, 2CND-CE10A through 2CND-CElOJ, 2CND-CE322, 2CND-CE323 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above conductivity instru-ments has no significant effect on the reactor parameters.
3. Combined Effect

'. A break in any of the condensate demineralizer high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater. A break in feedwat'er line event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6


0555-12177-HC3 D-L-2

The failure of control components (Item 2.a.l) in this zone may also result in a loss of feedwater due to the loss of conden-sate demineralizers. Loss of feedwater event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.

High energy line break in this zone may cause failure of the control components in the Zone U. Failure of the control com-ponents in Zone U does not exacerbate the event described above.

b. A break in any of the condensate high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. For failure of the control components in this zone or Zone U, refer to Item 3.a.

0555-12177-HC3 D-L"3

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY I INE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE N Building: Turbine Building Locations: El 277 ft 6 in.

Control S stem ARC Condenser Air ARC Condenser Air (5-1) Removal (5-1) Removal ASS Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9) (3-9)

CNM Condensate (4-1)

DTM Turbine Building (32-5) Miscellenous Drains

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

- a. Condenser 1)

Air Removal (ARC Line No. 2ARC-006-099-4 5-1)

Function Condenser air removal system intercondenser 2ARC-E3A safe-ty valve inlet line.

Failure Effect Inadvertent release of untreated offgas.

2) Line Nos. 2ARC-008-010-4, 2ARC 008 012 4) 2ARC 012 009 4p 2ARC-012-605-4 Function Condenser air removal air ejector discharge to off-gas system.

Failure Effect Loss of off>>gas treatment and inadvertent release of un-treated off"gas to the turbine building.

0130-12177"HC3 D-N-1

3) Line Nos. 2ARC-010-607-4, 2ARC-025-015-4 f

Function Condenser air removal intercondenser 2ARC-E3A safety valve discharge and drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)
1) Line Nos. 2ASS-002-103-4, 2ASS-002-132-4, 2ASS-002-151-4 Function Auxiliary steam supply to off-gas system preheaters.

Failure Effect Partial loss of steam from either main or auxiliary steam and reduction in off-gas treatment capability.

2) Line Nos. 2ASS-004-023-4, 2ASS-004-092-4, 2ASS-006-025-4, 2ASS-025-058-4 Function Auxiliary steam supply to condenser air removal system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of either main or auxiliary steam and loss of steam air ejectors.

c. Condensate CNM 4-1)

Line Nos. 2CNM"030-018-4, 2CNM-030-022-4, 2CNM-030-174-4 Function Main condensate to and from air ejector intercondensers 2ARC-E3A and E3B.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate/feedwater flow.

d. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5)

Line Nos. 2DTM-125-145"4, 2DTM-150-146-4 0130-12177-HC3 D-N-2

Function Condenser air removal system steam line strainer blowdown drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.


'hat following The is the list of nonsafety-related control components

'are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for function of individual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1) 2ARC>>HV16A, 2ARC-SOV16A; 2ARC-HV17A, 2ARC-SOV17A Failure Effect If the above strainer blowdown valve 2ARC-HV16A (2ARC-HV17A) fails either closed or open, there is no significant effect.
b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9) 2ASS-PV125, 2ASS-SOV125 Failure Effect If the control valve fails in the closed position, then off-gas preheaters 20FG-ElA and ElB may be lost resulting in reduced off-gas catalytic recombiners 20FG-RBNRIA and 1B performance.

Auxiliary steam is the backup supply for this system.

3. Combi'ned Effects A break in the condenser air removal high energy lines (Item'.a.l and l.a.2) results in release of. untreated off-gas within. the turbine building. This event is bounded by FSAR Sections,15 .7 analyses.'he failure of any control component in this zone

l~ does not exacerbate this event. A break in condenser air removal high energy line (Item l.a.3) results in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR

-0 Section 15.2.5 analysis. The failure of any control component in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

0130-12177-HC3 D"N-3

As a result of high energy line break in this zone, control components in Zone D may fail resulting in any or all of the following events:

1) Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 5th and 6th point heaters and second and. third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three fourth point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
3) Turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
4) Loss of condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded. by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.
b. A break in the auxiliary steam high energy lines (Item 1.b.1 and 1.b.2) results in a loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5. The failure of any control component in this zone causes reduced off-gas system performance, resulting in radioactive release from subsystem components, bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. For failure of control components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

C~ A break in the condensate system high energy lines to and from the air ejector intercondensers results in loss of condensate/2tedwater. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses. The failure of any control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event. For failure of control components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

d. A break in the turbine building miscellaneous drains high ener-gy lines in this zone will result in loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

The failure of any control components in this zone causes re-duced off-gas system performance, resulting in radioactive re-lease from subsystem components, bounded by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. For failure of control components in Zone D, refer to Item S.a.

0130"12177"HC3 D-N-4

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY I INE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE P Building: Turbine Building Locations: El 277 ft 6 in.

Control S stem ARC Condenser .Air ARC Condenser Air (5-1) Removal (5-1) Removal ASS Auxil'iary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9) (3-9)

CNM Condensate (4-1)

DTM Turbine Building (32-5) Miscellaneous Drains

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1)
1) Line No. 2ARC-010-607-4, 2ARC-010-608-4, 2ARC-025-016-4 Function Safety valve and drain lines to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No. 2ARC-008-11-4, 2ARC-012-9-4, 2ARC-008-008-4 Function Supply diluted steam to offgas removal system.

Failure Effect Loss of offgas treatment and inadvertant release of un-treated offgas.

3) Line No. 2ARC-006-98-4 Function Offgas system into condenser 2ARC-E3B to safety valve.


Failure Effect.

Inadvertant release of untreated offgas.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)
1) Line No. 2ASS-006-126-4, 2ASS-006-128-4, 2ASS-008"19-4, 2ASS-008-142-4, 2ASS-006-18-4, 2ASS"004-403-4) 2ASS"006-25-4, 2ASS-006"27-4, 2ASS-025"57-4, 2ASS-004-24"4, 2ASS-150-107-4) 2ASS"150-507-4, 2ASS-025-22-4 Function Steam supply to condenser air removal system.

Failure Effect Partial loss of either main steam or auxiliary steam and loss of offgas steam air ejectors.

2) Line No. 2ASS-003-502-4, 2ASS-010-520-4 Function Safety valve drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

c. Condensate (CNM 4-1)

Line No. 2CNM-030-20-4, 2CNM-030-22-4 Function Condensate supply to and from air ejector intercondenser 2ARC-E3B.

Failure Effect Loss of condensate flow.

d. Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5)
1) Line No. 2DTM-125-143-4, 2DTM-150-144-4, 2DTM-125-145-4, 2DTM-150-146-4 Function Condenser air removal system steam line strainer blow down drains to main condenser.

0130"12177-HC3 D-P-2

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No. 2DTM-150-135-4, 2DTM-150-473-4 Function Loss of main condenser vacuum.
2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a HELB on any of the lines listed in Item 1.

The consequence of failure of each control component is analyzed.

Refer to Appendix B for function of individual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

a ~ Condenser Air Removal (ARC 5-1) 2ARC-HV16B, 2ARC-SOV16B) 2ARC-HV17B, 2ARC-SOV17B Failure Effect If the above strainer blowdown valve 2ARC-HV16B (2ARC-HV17B) fails either closed or open, there is no significant effect.

b. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9) 2ASS-PV107, 2ASS-SOV107) 2ASS-PV139) 2ASS-SOV139 Failure Effect If the control valves fail in - the closed position, the main steam supply to the condenser air removal system may be reduced or lost. If the backup auxiliary steam supply valve 2ASS-AOV147 also fails close, then the condenser air removal system is lost which results in loss of condenser vacuum.
3. Combined Effects a ~ A break in the condenser air removal system high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bound by FSAR Section 15.2.5, or loss of offgas treatment and inadyertant release of untreated offgas bound by FSAR Section 15.7 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

0130-12177-HC3 D-P"3

As a result of high energy line break in this zone, control components in Zone D may fail, resulting in any or all of the, following events:

1) Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three fourth point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.7 analyses.
3) Turbine trip> an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
4) Loss of condenser vacuum, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.
b. A break in the auxiliary steam system high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bound by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses, or loss of steam to offgas air- ejec-tors which produces a very slow rate of loss of main condenser vacuum bound by FSAR Section analyses. Failure of control components in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

Refer to 3.a above for failure of Zone D control components.

c ~ A break in the condensate system high energy line in this zone results in loss of condensate/feedwater flow bound by FSAR Section .15.6.6 'analyses for a line break in feedwater outside containment. Failure of control components in this zone re-sults in loss of condenser vacuum bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Refer to 3.a above for failure of Zone D control components.

d. A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line in this zone results in loss of condenser vacuum bound by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of the control com-ponents in this zone does not exacerbate this event. Refer to 3.a above for failure of Zone D control components.

0130-12177-HC3 D-P-4

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE R Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in.

Control S stem TME Turbine Generator CCS Turbine Plant Compo'nent (16-1) Gland Seal and Exhaust (9-7) Cooling Water TML Turbine Generator Lube Oil (16-2)

1. The following is a list of high-energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust (TME 16-1)

a. Line No. 2TME-006-041-4 Function Main steam supply pressure control valve 2TME-PV122 to turbine generator gland seal and exhaust steam supply pressure -reducing--

valve (2TME-PVlll).

Failure Effect Loss of this line will cause the main steam backup supply to the turbine generator gland'eal and exhaust system to be lost.

This will cause gradual loss of condenser vacuum through the connected turbine plant miscellaneous drains line to the main condenser.

b. Line No. 2TME-008-084-4 Function I

Clean steam boiler 2TME-E1A shell side safety valve discharge to main condenser.

Failure Effect 1 ~

p Loss og'ain conden'ser vacuum.

QV c ~ Line No. 2TME-008-085-4 I

0555-12177-HC3 D-R-1


.Clean steam boiler 2TME"ElB shell side safety valve dipcharge to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2. The following is the list, of nonsafety-related control'omponents that are affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to, Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone S. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate Failure Effect from the above listed zone in the Combined Effect section of this zone.

Turbine Plant Co onent Coolin Water (CCS 9-7) 2CCS-TV43A, 2CCS-TV43B Failure Effect Failure of the above valves to the closed position will cause loss of turbine lube oil cooling resulting in higher turbine bearing temperature.

b. Turbine Generator Lube Oil (TML, 16-2)
1) 2TML-PS102, 2TML-SOV114 Failure Effect Failure of this pressure switch or SOV will prevent auto-matic start of the ac motor-driven suction oil pump 2TML-P3, which supplies suction pressure to the main shaft-driven oil pump either during startup or when oil-driven booster pump discharge pressure drops to a pre-determined value.
2) 2TML-PS103, 2TML-PS104, 2TML-SOV115 Failure Effect:

Failure of these pressure switches or valve to allow auto-matic start" of the turning gear oil pump 2TM2-P4 on low pressure has no significant effect when the turbine is not on turning gear. However, this pump also serves as a 0555-12177-HC3 D-R-2

backup to the main shaft-driven oil pump. A dc motor"driven emergency bearing oil pump also is provided in case of failure of both the ac power or turning gear oil pump failure.

3) 2TML-PS105 Failure Effect Failure of this pressure switch will prevent automatic start of the system.

lift pumps for turbine generator lube oil

4) 2TML-PS106, 2TML-PS107) 2TML-SOV117, 2TML-SOV118 Failure Effect Failure of these control components will prevent automatic start of the emergency bearing oil pump 2TML-PS. This pump is used as a backup of main shaft oil pump and turn-ing gear oil pump, both of which are used during startup.

Therefore, failure of the pressure switches will not im-pact normal operation of the plant.

I 5) 2TML-PS127 Failure Effect Failure of this pressure switch may cause inadvertent tur-bine trip or the failure to trip the turbine on turbine shaft pump lube oil discharge pressure low.

6) 2TML"PS101, 2TML-SOV116 Failure Effect Failure of these instruments will prevent automatic start of the turning gear piggyback motor. Since this motor is used for startup or turning gear operation only, it will not impact normal operation of the plant.
7) 2TML"SOV13A, 2TML-SOV13B) 2TML-SOV13C, 2TML-SOV13D, 2TML-SOV13E, 2TML-SOV13F) 2TML-SOV13G Failure Effect Failure of these valves will cause inadvertent testing'f the respective turbine-generator through lift oil pumps (2TML-P6A P6H) by dumping pressure-to-pressure switches 2TML-14A through 14H, causing the pumps to stop. Since these pumps are used only at very low turbine-generator rpms, failure of the solenoid valves will not impact nor-mal operation of the plant.

0555-12177-HC3 D"R-3

8) 2TK-TS2A) 2TML-TS2B) 2TML-TS2C) 2TK-TS2D, 2TK-TS2E, 2TK-TS2F, 2TK-TS2G, 2TML"TS2H Failure Effect Failure of these turbine-generator lube oil lift pump mo-tor temperature switches have no significant effect during normal operation of the plant, since the lift pumps (2TK-P6A through P6H) are used only at very low turbine-generator rpms.
3. Combined Effect A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy line in this zone (Item l.a) will result in a gradual loss of condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

Failure of control components in this zone or zone S may lead to loss of the turbine lube oil system or lube oil cooling. A turbine trip will ultimately occur due to loss of lube oil or high vibration. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.

b. A break in the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy lines in thi's zone (Items l.b, 1.c) will cause a turbine trip due to loss of main condenser vacuum. This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analysis. Failure of control components will not exacerbate this event.

0555-12177-HC3 D-R"4

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE S Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in.

HELB S stem TME Turbine Generator Gland ASS Auxiliary Steam (16-1) "Seal and Exhaust (3-9)

CCS Turbine Plant Component (9-7) Cooling Water CRS Cold Reheat (3-2)

MSS Main Steam (3-1)

TME-. Turbine Generator Gland (16-1) Seal and Exhaust The following is a list \

of high-energy lines analyzed on a, system basis:

Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust. (TME 16-1)

Line No. 2TME-012-077-4 Function Turbine generator gland seal steam supply header safety valve 2TME-SV124 discharge to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of condenser vacuum.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individu-al components.


a. Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)'ASS-PIC113) 2ASS-PIC146 Failure Effect If failure of the above instruments drives valves 2ASS-PV113 and 2ASS-PV146 to the fail-closed position, main steam auxilia-ry boiler steam supply to the clean steam reboilers (2TME-E1A and B) will be lost. Extraction from the fourth point will normally supply the reboilers; if then turbine gland sealing steam would be lost, resulting in this source is also lost, gradual loss of condenser vacuum.
b. " Turbine Plant Co onent Coolin Water (CCS 9-7) 2CCS-I/P43A, 2CCS-I/P43B Failure Effect Failure of the above instruments may cause turbine closed loop cooler temperature control valves 2CCS-TV-43A and 2CCS-TV43B to fail in &e closed position, resulting in loss of turbine lube oil cooling, thus causing higher turbine bearing temperature.
c. Cold Reheat (CRS 3-2) 2CRS-PT103 Failure Effect Failure of the above instrument may cause inadvertent closure of moisture separation main steam supply valves 2MSS-PV28A, 2MSS-PV28B, 2MSS-PV29A, and 2MSS-PV29B, which can result in reduction of hot reheat steam temperature to low-pressure turbines.
d. Main Steam (MSS 3-1)
1) 2MSS-AOV88A) 2MSS-SOV88A, 2MSS-AOV88B, 2MSS-SOV88B Failure Effect Failure of the above air-operated valves in the closed po-sition may cause water buildup in the main steam header to the HP turbine, which may cause water induction to the HP turbine, resulting in turbine trip.
2) 2MSS-PT101 Failure Effect I'f the above instrument provides a signal level during low main steam inlet header pressure, which drives the main 0555-12177-HC3 D-S-2

steam reboiler trip valve 2ASS-STV112 to the open position and the auxiliary boiler steam supply valve 2ASS-PV146 to the reboiler to the closed position, no significant effect 4l results.

3) 2MSS-PT22B, 2MSS-PT22A Failure Effect Failure of the above instrument, which causes closure of moisture separator main steam supply valves 2MSS-PV28B or A and PV29B or A, will result in reduction of hot reheat temperature to the LP turbines.
4) 2MSS-PT96B (C12-N054-B), 2MSS-PT96A (C12-N054-A)

Failure Effect Failure of these first stage turbine pressure transmitters would result in loss of the low power set point (LPSP) and low power alarm point (LPAP). This would not affect reactor parameters.

e. Turbine Generator Gland Seal and Exhaust S stem (TME 16-1) 2TME-LIC13A) 2TME-LIC13B, 2TME-LT13A (tubing), 2TME-LV13A (tubing), 2TME-LT13B (tubing), 2TME-LV13B (tubing)

Failure Effect If the above instrumentation fails closed, the condensate source to the clean steam boilers (2TME-E1A, ElB) will be lost.

In addition, there is an alternate source from the main steam sy'tem for gland seal and exhaust steam.

If the failure causes the condensate source level control valves to the clean steam reboilers (2TME-E1A, E1B) to fail open, then condensate may rise in the reboilers and infiltrate into the turbine gland seal and exhaust steam system. This will'ause water induction into the low-pressure turbine, resulting in high turbine vibra-tions, which may lead ta turbine trip.

2) 2TME-PIC122 Failure Effect

'f this instrument causes emergency pressure control valve 2TME-PV122 for the turbine generator gland seal and ex-0555-12177-HC3 D-S-3

haust steam to close, then the main steam backup supply will be lost. Normal supply is from .the clean steam reboilers, 2TME-E1A or 2TME-E1B. If this supply is lost, condenser vacuum will eventually be lost.

3. Combined Effect Failure of the turbine generator gland seal and exhaust high energy line in this zone will result in loss of main condenser vacuum.

This event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses. Failure of control components in this zone may result in misoperation of rod sequence control system (RSCS) which may lead to reactor scram, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.4 analyses.

0555-12177-HC3 D"S-4

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE U Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 277 ft 6 in.

Control S stem None CND Condensate Deminera'lizer (4-7)

1. There is no high energy line in this zone.

.2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components in this zone. Although there are no high energy lines in this zone, control components in this. zone may be affected by high energy lines in other zones as described in Item 3. The consequence of failure of each control component is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of individual components.

a. Condensate Demineralizer (CND 4-7) 2CND-AOV218 through 2CND-AOV224, 2CND-AOV226 through 2CND AOV233 ) 2CND FCV225 ) 2CND PCV234 ) I 2CND F S238 )

2CND-FIS264, 2CND-LS235 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above instruments has no signifi-cant effect on reactor parameters.

3. Combined Effect Since this zone is environmentally connected to Zone L, high energy line break in Zone L may cause failure of the control components in this zone. Failure of the control components in this zone will not exacerbate the event that could be caused by the high energy line break in Zone L.


1 APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE W Building: Turbine Building Locations: El 250 ft 0 in.

HELB S stem Control S stem ASS Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam (3-9) (3-9)

CNA Auxiliary Condensate (4-4)

DTM Turbine Building (32-5) Miscellaneous Drains HVH Hot Water (22-16) Heating I. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9)

Line No. 2ASS-006-38-4, 'ASS-006-400-4, 2ASS-006-505-4, 2ASS-006-506-4, 2ASS-150-110"4, 2ASS-150-111"4, 2ASS-150-515-4) 2ASS-150-516-4 Function Steam supply to building heating intermediate heat exchangers 2HVH-E1A, "ElB.

Failure Effect Partial loss of main steam or fifth point extraction steam and loss of building heating and partial loss of feedwater heating at fifth point heaters if extraction steam is the source of supply. (Normal supply is from fifth point extraction steam.)

b. Auxilia Steam (CNA 4-4)
1) Line No. 2CNA-003-303-4, 2CNA-003-304-4 Function 0 Safety valve drain to main condenser.

0130-12177"HC3 D-W"1

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No. 2CNA-150-19-4, 2CNA-150-21-4, 2CNA-002-23-4) 2CNA-002-25-4) 2CNA"002-26-4) 2CNA-002-28-4, 2CNA-002-604-4, 2CNA"002"607-4, 2CNA-002"608-4, 2CNA-002-611-4) 2CNA-004-24-4, 2CNA-004-48-4) 2CNA-004-652-4) 2CNA-004-653>>4 Function instrument standpipes, drain and vent lines to main condenser.


Failure Effect Partial loss of supply steam and partial loss of conden-sate inventory.

c~ Turbine Buildin Miscellaneous Drains (DTM 32-5)

I) Line No. 2DTM-150-479-4, 2DTM-150-480-4 Function Building heating heat exchangers low point drains to main condenser.

Failure Effect Loss of main condenser vacuum.

2) Line No. 2DTM-150-139-4, 2DTM-150-140-4 Function Auxiliary steam low point drains.

Failure Effect Partial loss of fourth or fifth point extraction steam and partial loss of fourth or fifth point feedwater heating.

d. Hot Water Heatin (HVH 22-16)

Line No. 2HVH-006-6-4 through 2HVH-006-9-4 Function Turbine building intermediate heat exchanger 2HVH-EIA and -EIB hot water supply and discharge lines.

0130-12177-HC3 D-W-2

Failure Effect

, The Loss of turbine building heating.

following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a HELB on any of the lines listed in Item 1.

The consequence of failure of each control component is analyzed.

Refer to Appendix B for function of individual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

Auxilia Steam (ASS 3-9) 2ASS-TV5A) 2ASS-SOV5A; 2ASS-TVSB) 2ASS-SOVSB Failure Effect Failure of the above valves in either the open or closed position has no significant effect.

3. Combined Effects A break in auxiliary steam high energy line in this zone re-sults. in reduction of fifth point feedwater heating. This event is bound by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Control compo-neat failure in this zone has no significant effect.

Additionally, failure of control components in Zone D may re-sult in the following events:

1) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Sect-ion 15.2.7 analyses.
2) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.
3) Partial loss of feedwater heating in fifth and sixth point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three fourth point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
4) Turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.

'ain N

5) Ioss of condenser'acuum, ,Bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

For a detailed discussion of. these events, refer to Appendix D, Zone D, Section 3.

0130"12177"HC3 D-W"3

b. A break in auxiliary condensate high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bound by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses and partial loss of condensate invento-ry and feedwater heating at fifth point heaters bound by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses. Control components failure in this zone has no significant effect. Refer to Section 3.a for con-trol component failure in Zone D.

c~ A break in turbine building miscellaneous drains high energy line in this zone results in loss of main condenser vacuum bound by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses and partial loss of feed-water heating. in fourth or fifth point heaters. Loss of feed-water heating is bound by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.

Control component failure in this zone has no significant ef-fect. 'efer to Section 3.a for control component failure in Zone D.

d. A break in the hot water heating high energy line in this zone causing loss of turbine building heating has no impact on reac-tor parameters. Control component failure in this zone has no significant effect. A 'failure of control component in Zone D is highly unlikely due to release of hot water from this hreak

.in this zone. Xn the event these failures do occur, they are summarized in Section 3.a above.

0130-12177-HC3 D"W-4

APPENDIX D 0 HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE X Building: Turbine Building Elevation: 250 ft 0 in.

HELB S stem CND Condensate Demineralizer CND Condensate Demineralizer (4-7) (4-7)

CNM Condensate (4-1)

The following is a list of high-energy lines analyzed on a system basis:

Condensate Demineralizer CND 4-7)

1) Line No. 2CND-002-075-4 Function Strainer blowdown line to sump 2CND-SUMP1.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate. (Valves in system are manual-ly operated.)

2) Line No; 2CND-002-076-4 Function Condensate sluicing water header.

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate. (Valves in system are manual-ly operated.)

3) Line No. 2CND-002-077-4 Function Strainer blowdown line to waste neutralizer tank 2CND"TK12.

0555"12177"HC3 D-X-1

Failure Effect Partial loss of condensate. (Valves manually operated.)

b. Condensate (CNM 4-1)
1) Line Nos. 2CNM-020-039-4, 2CNM-020-040-4, 2CNM-020-041-4 Function Condensate booster pumps'CNM-P2A, B, and C discharge line.

Failure Effect Partial or total loss of feedwater.

2) Line No. 2CNM-030-042-4 Function Condensate booster pumps'CNM-P2A, B, and C discharge header.

Failure Effect Total loss of feedwater.

, 2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high-energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequences of failure of each control com-ponent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for the function of indi-vidual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integr'ated into the analysis by referring to the appropriate Failure Effect from the above listed zones in the Combined Effect section of this zone.

a ~ 2CND-AOV106) 2CND-AOV108, 2CND-AOV113 through 2CND-AOV118, 2CND"AOV124, 2CND-AOV125, 2CND-AOV129 through 2CND-AOV138, 2CND-AOV140 through 2CND"AOV146, 2CND-AOV148, 2CND-AOV149, 2CND-AOV150, 2CND-AOV155, 2CND-AOV156, 2CND-AOV162 through 2CND-AOV166, 2CND-AOV174, 2CND-AOV183, 2CND-AOV184, 2CND-AOV194, 2CND-AOV195, 2CND-AOV196, 2CND-AOV206) 2CND"AOV207, 2CND-AOV208) 2CND>>AOV216, 2CND-AOV271, 2CND-SOV271, 2CND-AOV273, 2CND"SOV273) 2CND-AOV276) 2CND-AOV277, 2CND AOV309 ) 2CND AOV3 10 2CND AOV320 )

2CND-AOV321, 2CND-AOV334, 2CND-AOV335) 'CND-AOV338) 2CND-SOV338) 2CND-AOV339, 2CND"SOV339, 2CND-AOV341, 2CND-AOV342, 2CND-PV121, 2CND"PV188, 2CND"TV199 0555-12177"HC3 D-X-2

Failure Effect Failure of any or all of the above valves in close or open po-sition has no significant effect on reactor parameters.

2) 2CND-CEC157, 2CND-CE158, 2CND-CE159, 2CND-CE198, 2CND-CE251, 2CND-CE268, 2CND-CE308) 2CND-FIS190) 2CND-FIS213) 2CND"LS256) 2CND-LS28A, 2CND-LS28B, 2CND-LT169) 2CND-LT178) 2CND-LT267) 2CND-LT281, 2CND-TIS176, 2CND-TIS187, 2CND>>TIS199, 2CND-TIS311, 2CND-TS211, 2CND-LS185, 2CND-LS283, 2CND"LS345 Failure Effect Failure of any or all of'he above instruments has no signifi-cant effect on reactor parameters.
3. Combined Effect a~ A break in any of the condensate demineralizer high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater. A break in feedwater line event is bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone does not exacerbate this event.

As a result of high pressure line break in this zone, control components in Zone D may fail, resulting in any or all of the following events:

1) Partial loss of feedwater heating in the 5th and 6th point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers and in only one of three fourth point heaters in Zone D, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
2) Loss of feedwater (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Chap-ter 15.2.7 analyses.
3) Turbine trip (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3 analyses.
4) Loss of condenser vacuum (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.
5) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand (Zone D), an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.
b. A break in any of the condensate high energy lines in this zone will result in a loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.6.6 analyses. The failure of any control component in this zone does not exacerbate this event. For failure of control components in Zone D, refer to Item 3.a.

0555-12177-HC3 D-X-3



~ ~ I

APPENDIX D HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ANALYSIS ZONE Z Building: Turbine Building Locations: El 250 ft 0 in.,

Control S stem AAS Breathing Air CCP Reactor Plant .

(12-9) (9-1) Component Cooling Water HVH Hot Water Heating IAS Instrument Air (22-16) (12-1)

IAS Instrument Air (12-1)

1. The following is a list of high energy lines analyzed on a system basis:
a. Breathin Air (AAS 12-9)

Line No. 2AAS-004-102-4 Function Breathing air from air 'ompressor 2AAS-Cl to aftercooler 2AAS-E1.

Failure Effect No significant effect.

b. Hot Water Heatin (HVH 22-16)

Line Nos. 2HVH-004-025-4 2HVH-004-026-4 I

Function ~

Heating hot water supply and return lines to radwaste building.

Failure Effect i

Loss of turbine building, radwaste building. and reactor build-.

ing heating.

~ Instrument Air (IAS 12-1)

Line Nos. 2IAS-006-102-4, 2IAS-006-202-4, 2IAS-006-302-4 0130-12177-HC3 D-Z-1

Function Air 'compressor discharge lines to aftercoolers.

Failure Effect No significant effect.

2. The following is the list of nonsafety-related control components that are affected by a high energy line break on any of the lines listed in Item 1. The consequence of failure of each control compo-nent is analyzed. Refer to Appendix B for function of individual components.

Additionally, a high energy line break in this zone will also result in failure of control components in Zone D. The significant conse-quences of such a failure have been integrated into the analysis by referrring to the appropriate "Failure Effect" from the above-listed zone(s) in the "Combined Effect" section of this zone.

a ~ Reactor Plant Co onent Coolin Water (CCP 9-1)

1) 2CCP-AOV180, 2CCP-SOV180 2CCP-PS25A, 2CCP-PS25B 2CCP-FISX128, 2CCP-FISY128 2CCP-LSX180) 2CCP-LSY180 Failure Effect If valve 2CCP-AOV180 fails in the closed position at low level in expansion tank 2CCP-TK2, or because of level switch failure, closed loop cooling water pumps 2CCP-P2A and B will trip on low, suction pressure which will eventu-ally trip the instrument air compressors 2IAS-ClA, B, and C on high temperature of compressor precooler or aftercooler.

Failure of pressure switches 2CCP-PS25A, B will trip the closed loop cooling water pumps 2CCP-P2A and B which will eventually trip the instrument air compressors as de-scribed above.

Failure of flow switches 2CCP-FISX128 and 2CCP-FISY128 may cause failure to start the standby closed loop cooling water pump 2CCP-P2A or 2B which may ult'imately trip in-strument air compressors 2IAS-ClA, C1B, and C1C due to high temperature in precooler or aftercooler.

0130-12177-HC3 D-Z-2

2) 2CCP-TS89A, 2CCP-TS89B, 2CCP-TS89C Failure Effect If these temperature switches fail indicating high com-pressor (2IAS-C1A, ClB, and C1C) cooling jacket water tem-perature, then the compressors will inadvertently be stopped.
3) 2CCP-SOV87A, 2CCP-SOV87B, 2CCP-SOV87C Failure Effect If the above valves fail close, the cooling water to the station air compressors (2IAS-C1A, ClB, and C1C) will be cut off causing higher temperature to the aftercoolers and tripping of the compressors on- high outlet temperature (2IAS-TS2A, TS2B, TS2C).
b. Instrument Air (IAS 12-1) 2IAS-AOV171, 2IAS-SOVI71, 2IAS"PS171 Failure Effect Failure of the above service air system isolation valve in any position has no adverse effect on the instrument air systems.
2) 2IAS-PS7A, 2IAS-PS7B, 2IAS-PS7C 2IAS-PS33A, 2IAS-PS33B, 2IAS-PS33C 2IAS-PS13A, 2IAS-PS13B, 2IAS-PS13C Failure Effect Failure of instrumentation will result in trip of station air compressors 2IAS-ClA, B,'and C.
3) 2IAS-PS104, 2IAS-PS223 Failure Effect Failure of 2IAS-PS104 and 2IAS-PS223 will result in fail-ure of the backup or standby air compressor to start when instrument air header pressure is low.

'4) 2IAS-SOV9A) 2IAS-SOV9B, 2IAS-SOV9C If these compressor unloader valves fail close, the air compressors (2IAS"ClA, C1B, C1C) will work harder and trip out on overload.

0130"12177-HC3 D-Z-3

3. Combined Effects
a. A break in breathing air high energy line in this zone has no impact on reactor parameters. Control component failure in this zone has no effect on reactor parameters.

Failure of control components in Zone D results in numerous effects (reference Section 3.b.). In this case, however, the high energy line failure is in an air system where pressure is less than '90 psig, and Zone D i;s a very large zone where the effects of releasing high temperature compressed air from Zone Z will not result in significant effects. In this case, therefore, 'the break is expected to have no .significant effect on the control components located in Zone D.

b. A break in hot water heating high energy line in this zone has no impact or reactor parameters. Control component failure in this zone has no effect on reactor parameters.

Failure of control components in Zone D is highly unlikely due to release of hot water from this break in Zone Z. In the event that failures do occur, however, the following summarizes the effects which might result:

1) Loss of feedwater, an event bounded by FSAR Sec-tion 15.2.7 analyses.
2) Feedwater controller failure - maximum demand, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.2 analyses.
3) Partial loss of feedwater heating in fifth and sixth point heaters and second and third point heater drain coolers. and in only one of three fourth point heaters, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.1.1 analyses.
4) Turbine trip, an event bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.3.
5) Loss of main condenser vacuum, bounded by FSAR Section 15.2.5 analyses.

For a detailed discussion of these events, refer to Appendix D, Zone D, Section 3.

c~ A break in instrument air high energy line in this zone has no.

impact on reactor parameters. Control component failure in this zone has no effect on reactor parameters.

Control component failures in Zone D due to failure of the in-strument air compressor discharge line in this zone are unlike-ly; a discussion of the failures which might occur, however, is provided in Section 3.b.

0130-12177-HC3 D"Z"4


FSK 03-01.0 Main Steam 8 FSK 03-01A Main Steam 12 FSK 03-01B Main Steam 10 FSK 03-01C Main Steam 8 FSK 03-01D Main Steam 10 FSK 03-01E Main Steam 11 FSK 03-01F Main Steam '8 FSK 03-01G Main Steam 9 FSK 03-01H Main Steam 8 FSK 03-01J Main Steam 1 FSK 03-03 Hot Reheat FSK 03-04.0 Extraction Steam FSK 03-04A Extraction Steam FSK 03-04B Extraction Steam FSK 03-04C Extraction Steam FSK 03-04D Extraction Steam ZSK 03-04E Extraction Steam FSK 03-09.0 Auxiliary Steam 8 FSK 03-09A Auxiliary Steam 10 FSK 03-09B Auxiliary Steam 10 FSK 04-01.0 Condensate 8 FSK 04-01A Condensate 9 FSK 04-01B Condensate 9 FSK 04-01C Condensate 10 FSK 04-01D Condensate 9 FSK 04-OIE Condensate 7 FSK 04-OIF Condensate 8 FSK 04-02.0 LP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 04-02A LP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 04-02B LP Feedwater Heater Drains-FSK 04-02C LP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 04-02D LP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 04-02E LP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 04-02F LP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 04"03.0 Condensate Makeup and Drawoff FSK 04-03A Condnesate Makeup and Drawoff FSK 04-03B Condensate Makeup and Drawoff FSK 04-03C Condensate Makeup and Drawoff FSK 04-03D Condensate Makeup and Drawoff FSK 04-03E Condensate Makeup and Drawoff FSK 04"03F Condensate Makeup and Drawoff 0590"12177"HC3 R"1

Flow Dia ram No. Title Rev .

FSK 04-04.0 Auxiliary Condensate 4 FSK 04-04A Auxiliary Condensate 7 FSK 04-04B Auxiliary Condensate 5 FSK 04-04C Auxiliary Condensate 1 FSK 04-07.0 Condensate Demineralizer FSK 04-07A Condensate Demineralizer 6 FSK 04-07B Condensate Demineralizer 4 FSK 04-07C Condensate Demineralizer 3 FSK 04-07D Condensate Demineralizer 4 FSK 04-07E Condensate Demineralizer 6 FSK 04-07F Condensate Demineralizer 6 FSK 04"07G Condensate Demineralizer ~

6 FSK 04"07H Condensate Demineralizer 4 FSK 04-07J Condensate Demineralizer 4 FSK 04-07K Condensate Demineralizer 6 FSK 04-07L Condensate Demineralizer 3 FSK 04"07M Condensate Demineralizer 6 FSK 04-07N Condensate Demineralizer 2 FSK 05-01.0 Condenser Air Removal FSK 05-01A Condenser Air Removal FSK 05-01B Condenser Air Removal FSK 06-01.0 Feedwater FSK 06-OIA Feedwater FSK 06-01B Feedwater FSK 06-OIC Feedwater FSK 06-01D Feedwater FSK 06-03 Feedwater Pump Recirculation FSK 06-04 Reactor Feed Pump Seal 6 Leakoff FSK 06-06 HP Feedwater Heater Drains FSK 12-01.0 Instrument Air 6 FSK 12"01A Instrument Air 10 FSK 12-01B Instrument Air 10 "FSK 12-01C Instrument Air 10 FSK 12-01D Instrument Air 7 FSK FSK 12"01E 12-01F Instrument Instrument Air Air ll 9

FSK 12"01G Instrument Air 10 FSK 12"01H Instrument Air 10 FSK 12"01J Instrument Air 7 FSK 12"01K Instrument Air 7 FSK 12-01L Instrument Air 8 FSK 12"01M Instrument Air 8 FSK 12"01N Instrument Air FSK 12.09.0 Breathing Air FSK 12.09A Breathing Air 0590-12177'-HC3 R-2

Flow Dia ram No. Titlt'. Rev.

FSK 16-01.0 Turb Gen Gland Seal 8 Exh Steam 4 FSK 16-01A Turb Gen Gland Seal 6 Exh Steam 10 FSK 16-01B Turb Gen Gland Seal 6 Exh Steam 5 FSK 16-01C Turb Gen Gland Seal 6 Exh Steam 4 FSK 16-01D , Turb Gen Gland Seal 8 Exh Steam 6 FSK 22-16.0 Hot Water Heating 6 FSK 22-16A Hot Water Heating 6 FSK 22-16B Hot Water Heating 6 FSK 22-16C Hot Water Heating 8 FSK 22"16D Hot Water Heating 6 FSK 22-16E Hot Water Heating 6 FSK 22-16F Hot Water Heating '6 FSK 22-16G Hot Water Heating 3 FSK 22-16H Hot Water Heating 2 FSK 22-.16J Hot Water Heating 2 FSK 22-16K Hot Water Heating 2 FSK 22-16L Hot Water Heating 2 FSK 22-16M Hot Water Heating 2 FSK 22-17.0 Glycol Heating FSK 22-17A Glycol Heating FSK 22-17B Glycol Heating FSK 22"17C Glycol Heating FSK 22-17D Glycol Heating FSK 22-17E Glycol Heating 0 FSK 26-03.0'SK 26-03A Reactor Reactor Water Water Cleanup Cleanup 2

6 FSK 26-03B Reactor Water Cleanup 6 FSK 26-03C Reactor Water Cleanup 3 FSK 26-03D Reactor Water Cleanup 7 FSK 26-03E Reactor Water Cleanup 7 FSK 26-03F Reactor Water Cleanup 6 FSK 26-03G Reactor Water Cleanup 6 FSK 26-03H Reactor Water Cleanup 7 FSK 26-03J Reactor Water Cleanup 6 FSK 26-03K Reactor Water Cleanup 5 FSK 26-03L Reactor Water Cleanup 5 FSK 26-03M Reactor Water Cleanup 4 FSK 27-06.0 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 5 FSK 27-06A Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 7 FSK 27-06B Reactor Core Isolation Cooling '

FSK 27-06C Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 8 FSK 27-06D Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 8 FSK 27-06E Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 7 FSK 27-06F Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 2 F SK 31-04.0 Off-gas System FSK 31"04A Off-gas System FSK 31-04B Off-gas System FSK 31"04C Off"gas System 0590"12177"HC3 R-3

Flow Dia ram No. Title Rev.

FSK 31-04D Off-gas System 4 FSK 31-04E Off-gas System 5 FSK 31-04F Off-gas System 4 FSK 32-05.0 Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 2 FSK 32-05A Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 3 FSK 32-05B Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 3 FSK 32-05C Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 3 FSK 32-05D Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains FSK 32-05E Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 3 FSK 32-05F Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 4 FSK 32-05G Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 2 FSK 32-05H Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains 2 FSK 32-06.0 Moisture Separator Rehtr Vents 8 Drains 8 FSK 32-06A Moisture Separator Rehtr Vents 6 Drains 10 FSK 32-06B Moisture Separator Rehtr Vents 8 Drains 10 FSK 32-06C Moisture Separator Rehtr Vents 6 Drains 4

'SK 32-07.0 Moisture Separator Vents 6 Drains 6 FSK 32-07A Moisture Separator Vents 8 Drains 11 FSK 32-07B Moisture Separator Vents 6 Drains ll FSK 32-14.0 Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 8 Drains FSK 32-14A Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 8 Drains FSK 32-14B Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 8 Drains FSK 32-14C Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 5, Drains FSK 32-14D Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 8 Drains FSK 32-14E Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 6, Drains FSK 32-14F Feedwater Heater Relief Vents 6 Drains 0590-12177-HC3 R-4


LSK 1-4A Turbine Trips 3 LSK 1-4B Turbine Trips 3 LSK 1-4C Turbine Trips 3 LSK 1-4D Turbine Trips 3 LSK 1-4E Turbine Trips 3 LSK 1-4F Turbine Trips 3 LSK 1"4G Turbine Trips '3 LSK 1-7 Turbine Generator Run Back 2-1. 1A Circulating Water LSK 3-1A Main Steam LSK 3-1B Main Steam LSK 3-1C Main Steam LSK 3-1D Main Steam LSK 3-1E Main Steam LSK 3-1F Hain Steam

LSK 3-1H Main Steam LSK 3-1M Hain Steam Reheater Control

.0 LSK 3-2 Cold Reheat System "LSK,3-4A Extraction Steam LSK 3-4B Extraction Steam LSK 3-4C Extraction Steam LSK 3-4D Extraction Steam LSK 3-4E Extraction Steam LSK 3-4F ~ Extraction Steam LSK 3-4G Extraction Steam LSK 3-9A Auxiliary Steam LSK 3-9B Auxiliary Steam LSK 3-9C Auxiliary Steam LSK 3-9E Auxiliary Steam LSK 3-9F Auxiliary Steam LSK 4-1.1G Condensate Pumps LSK 4-1.3A Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3B Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3C Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3D Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3G Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3J Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3K Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.3L Condensate Booster Pumps LSK 4-1.4 Condensate Recirculation 0590-12177"HC3 R-5

Io ic Dia ram No. Title Rev.

ISK 4-1.6 LP Heater String Isolation LSK 4-2.1A LP Feedwater Heater Drain LSK 4-2.1B LP Feedwater Heater Drain LSK 4-2.1C LP Feedwater Heater Drain LSK 4-2.1D LP Feedwater Heater Drain .

LSK 4-2.2 1st,and 2nd Points LP Feedwater Ht Drain LSK 4-3E Condensate Makeup and Drawoff LSK 4-7A Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 4-7B Condensate Demineralizer System .'5 LSK 4-7C Condensate Demineralizer System 5

'SK 4-7D Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 4-7E Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 4-7F Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 4-7G Condensate Demineralizer System 5 ISK 4-7H Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 4-7J Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 4-7K Condensate Demineralizer System 5 LSK 5-1B Condenser Air Removal

'LSK 5-1C Condenser Air Removal LSK 6-1.1A Motor Driven Feedwater Pump 7 LSK 6-1.1B Motor Driven Feedwater Pump 7 ~

LSK 6-1.1C Motor Driven Feedwater Pump 7 LSK 6-1.1D Motor Driven Feedwater Pump 7 LSK 6-1.1F Motor Driven Feedwater Pump 7 LSK 6-3 Reactor Feed Pump Recirculation LSK 6-6A HP Feedwater Heater Drains .6 ISK 6-6B HP Feedwater,. Heater Drains 6 LSK 7-3.1A RF Pump Lube Oil LSK 7-3.1B RF Pump Lube Oil LSK 9-1A Reac Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water LSK 9"1B Reac Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water LSK 9-1K Reac Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water ISK 9-1L Reac Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water LSK 9-1M Reac Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water LSK 9-7A Turbine Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water LSK 9-7B Turbine Bldg Closed Loop Cooling Water LSK 9"10M Service Water LSK 12" 1A Instrument Air System LSK 12-1B Instrument Air System LSK 12-1C Instrument Air System 0590"12177-HC3 R-6

Lo ic Dia ram No. Title Rev.

LSK 16-1.IA Turbine Generator Gland Seal Steam LSK 16-1.1B Turbine Generator Gland Seal Steam LSK 16-1.1C Turbine Generator Gland Seal Steam LSK 16-2.1 Turb Gen Lube Oil Mot Suction Oil Pmp LSK 16-2.4 Turbine Generator Lift Pumps LSK 16-4A Turbine Gen-Turning Gear LSK 16-4B Turbine Gen-Turning Gear LSK 16-4C Turbine Gen-Turning Gear LSK 16-5.2A Turbine Generator EHC Fluid System 6 LSK 16-5.2B Turbine Generator EHC Fluid System '6 LSK 16-6A Generator Seal Oil LSK 16-6B Generator Seal Oil LSK 16-6C Generator Seal Oil LSK 16-7A Generator Hydrogen and C02 4 LSK 16-7B Generator Hydrogen and C02 4 LSK 16-7C Generator Hydrogen and C02 4 LSK 16-7D Generator Hydrogen and C02 4 LSK 16-8A Generator Stator Cooling Water LSK 16-8B Generator Stator Cooling Water LSK 16-8C Generator Stator Cooling Water LSK 16-8D Generator Stator Cooling Water LSK'l6-'8E Generator Stator Cooling Water LSK 16-8F Generator Stator Cooling Water LSK 16-9 Turbine Exhaust Hood Spray LSK 16-10A Generator Leads Cooling LSK 16-lOB Generator Leads Cooling LSK 22-16A Hot Water Heating LSK 31-4A Off-gas System LSK 31-4B Off-gas System LSK 31-4F Off-gas System (Radn Mon)

LSK 32-5A Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32"5B Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32"5C Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32-5D Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32-5E Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32-5F Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32-5G Turbine Plant Miscellaneous Drains LSK 32-5.1 Steam Line Drains to Condenser LSK 32-6A Moisture Separator Reheater Drains LSK 32-6B Moisture Separator Reheater Drains LSK 32"6C Moisture Separator Reheater Drains 0590-12177-HC3 R-7

Lo ic Dia ram No. Title Rev.

LSK 32-6D Moisture Separator Reheater Drains 6 LSK 32-6E Moisture Separator Reheater Drains 6 LSK 32-7A Moisture Separator Drains 4 LSK 32-7B Moisture Separator Drains 4 LSK 32-7C Moisture Separator Drains 4 LSK 32-14 Feedwater Htr Relief, Vents and Drains 0590-12177-HC3 R-8


2ARC"A Various 2 2ARC-8 :Seal Water Suction Flow Low PPlA 2 2ARC-16 Air Ejct Str Bldn W J1A,B 1 2ARC-17 Air Ejct Str Bldn W J2A,B 1 2ARC-25 Cond Air Takeoff Valve 1 2ARC-26 Cond Air Takeoff Valve 1 2ARC-104 Air Ejector Isol Valve '1 2ARC-105 Air Rem Pumps Isol Valve 2 2ASS-5 Bldg Htg Temp Cont V 2 2ASS-6 Aux Stm to Air Rem System 4 2ASS-106 Bldg Htg Inter Ht Cont Valve 7 2ASS-107 Cond Air Removal Cont Valve 10 2ASS-112 Clean Stm Rblr Trip Valve 6 2ASS-113 Cln Stm Rblr Cont V 6 2ASS-115 Bldg Htg Ht Exch Inlet 5 2ASS" 116 Cln Stm Reblr Stm Press 7 2ASS-122 Cond Air Rem Stm Press 7 2ASS-125 Off-gas Stm Press Cont 7 2ASS-127 Off-gas Stm Press 6 2ASS-138 Aux Blr Stm Block Vlv 4

-0 2ASS-139 2ASS-140 2ASS-143 2ASS-144 Cond Air Remvl Stm Press Off-gas Preheater Stm Bldg Htg Steam Trip Aux Steam V

V to Off-gas Drain V 5

4 4

3 2ASS-145 A Blr St Inl V-Cln St Rblr 0 2ASS-146 A Blr Spcv-Cln St Rblr 3 2ASS" 147 A Blr St Inl V - St Jet A Ejctr 1 2CCP-A Various 2 2CCP-25 RBCLCW Pmp P2A Suet Press 0 2CCP"45 Booster Pmp Suction Pressure 0 2CCP-47 Booster Pmp Disch Hdr Press 0 2CCP-51 RBCLCW Fr 2RCS-PIA 3 2CCE-67 RBCLCW Pump PlA Suction 2CCP-76 RBCLCW to 2RHS+PlA Clr 3 2CCP-96 Pump Disch Hdr Press L 2 2CCP-102 RBCLCW Exp Tk Lvl H 4 2CCP-105 HVVl Disch Air Temp 0 2CCP-107 Booster Pmp Disch Hdr Press 0 2CCP-108 RBCLCW Fr E1A, B, C Temp 2CCP-110 Expansion Tkl Level L/L 2CCP-115 RBCLCW Rtn Hdr Radn 2CCP-120 Expansion Tkl Lvl L/Norm 2CCP-125 P1A, B, C Disch Hdr Press 2CCP"126 Heat Exchanger Flow 2CCP-128 P2A, B Disch Header Flow 2CCP"129 PlA, B, C Disch Flow 2CCP-131 RBCLCW Hdr-RWCU Radn 0590-12177-HC3 R-9

Loo Dia ram No. Title Rev.

2CCP-132 PlA, B, C Suction Cndt 2 2CCP-133 PlA, B, C Suction Ph 2 2CCP-135 RBCLCW Fr Dw Unit Clrs 1 2CCP-180 Expansion Tk2 Ievel Control 0 2CCS-15 2TMB-El Clrs Temp Cont 4 2CCS"17 2CCS Pmp Suet Press 3 2CCS"32 2EXC-El Clrs Temp Cont 2 2CCS-43 2TML-El Clrs Temp Cont 2 2CCS-102 2CCS Pmps Disch Hdr Press 3 2CCS-104 Heat Exch Disch Temp 5 2CCS-105 Surge 8 Makeup Tk Lvl Cont 4 2CCS-109 Hydrogen Cold Gas Temp Cont 3 2CCS-136 2CCS Pmps Suet L Fl Alm 2CCS-149 2CCS Pmps Disch Hdr Press 3 2CND-A Dmnrlzr (A thru H) Influent Flow 1 2CND-B Dmnrlzr (J thru G) Influent Flow 1 2CND-C Various 1 2CND-D Various 1 2CND-E Various 1 2CND-F Various 1 2CND-G Various 1 2CND-H Various 3 2CND-J Various 1 2CND-K Various 1 2CND-L Various 1 2CND"M Various 1 2CND-N Various 2 2CND-P Various 1 2CND-Q Dmnlzr Influent Flow 0 2CND-R Dmnlzr Influent Flow 0 2CND<>E6A Norm Drain 6 2HDH-7 2FWS-E6A Htr Ievel H/H 5 2HDH"8 2FWS-E6A Htr Level Low 5 2HDH-26 2FWS-E6A Htr Emerg Dr 8 2HDH-29 Norm Drain Line Drain Valve 0 2HDL-2 2HDL-Tk Drain Receiver 4' 2HDL-3 2CNM-E3 Norm Drain 2HDL"4 4th Pt Htr Water Level 6 2HDL-5 2CNM-ESA Norm Drain 4 2HDL-7. 2CNM-ElA Lvl Hi 4 2HDL-8 2CNM"E2A Lvl Hi 5 2HDL"9 2CNM-E3A Htr Level H/H 4 2HDL-10 2CNM-E4A Htr Level H/H 4 2HDL-ll 2CNM-E5A Htr Level H/H 4 2HDL-12 Dr Rcvr Level L 'K-2A 4

2HDL-13 2CNM-E3A Htr Level L 4 2HDL-14 2CNM"E4A Htr Level L '4 2HDL-22 2HDL-TK2A Emer Drain 5 2HDL-23 2CNM-E3A Emer Drain 5 0590-12177-HC3 R" 13

Ioo Dia ram No. Title Rev .

2HDL-24 2CNM-E4A Emer Drain 5 2HDL-25 2CNM-ESA Emer Drain 5 2HDL-33 2CNM-E5A Htr Ievel L 4 2HDL"35 Heater Dr Pump Recirc 7 2HDL-41 Dr Pump Disch Press 6 2HDL-50 2HDL-P1A Suet Press Iow 5 2HRS" 7 2TMS-LP Turb Inl Fr 2MSS-E1A 4 2HRS" 8 2TMS Hrs From 2MSS-E1A 5 2HRS-9 2TMS Hrs From 2MSS-ElB 5 2HRS-107 MSR Cross Around Pressure 0 2HRS 108 MSR Cross Around Pressure 0 2IAS-A Various 1 2IAS-2 Compressor Precooler Temperature High '5 2IAS-4 Compressor After Cooler Temperature High 5 2IAS-'7 Comp A Rcvr Tank Press L 3 2IAS-13 Compressor Lube Oil Press Low 2IAS-33 Comp A Rcvr Tank Press H 2 2IAS-104 Comp A Hdr Press L 5 2IAS-110 Prefltr Diff Press H 6 2IAS-111 AFT Fltr Diff Press H 6 2IAS-171 ,

Comp A Hdr~Press LL 2

'XAS-178 ADS Cprsr Rcvr TK-4 Pressure High 3

2IAS-180 Comp A Rcvr~4 Press H 1 "2IAS-183 ADS Cprsr Rcvr ~5 .Pressure High 3

"*2IAS-185 Comp A Rcvr~ Press H 1 2IAS-194 Comp A Rcvr TK3 Press L 2 2IAS-223 Inst 6 Svce Air Header Pressure Low 1 2MSS-C Various 2'


2MSS-22 MS/R Regulated Steam Press

'2MSS-23 RHR Reheating Steam Flow 5 2MSS"28 2MSS-E1A Inl High Load Vlv 1

2MSS-29 2MSS-ElA Inl Low Load Vlv 1 2MSS-52 Rhr Steam Supply Press 2 2MSS-85 Steam Line A Drain Valve 2MSS-87 Low Point Mn Stm Line Drain 1 2MSS"88 Mn St Combined Hdrdr Vlv 0 2MSS-92 Main Steam to Reheater 2 2MSS-101 2TMS-T1 Mn St Inl Hdr Pxess 7 2MSS-103 2TMS-Tl 1st Stage Pressure 5 2MSS-191 Mn St Combined Hdr Dr Vlv 0 2MSS-194 Turb Byp Chest Dr Vlv 0 2MSS-201 Rhr St Line A Hdr Dr Vlv 0 2MSS-203 Mn St Combined Hdr Dr Vlv 0 2MSS-205 Turb Byp Chest Dr Vlv 0 2MSS-209 Mn St Turb Lead Dr Vlv 0 20FG-A Various 2 20FG-B Various 2 20FG"C Various 2 20FG-D Various 3 20FG-F Various 3 20FG-J Various 4 20FG-K Various 2 20FG"L Various 1 0590-12177"HC3

Loo Dia ram No. Title Rev .

20FG-3 Mn Cond Air Xnleakage Flow 2 20FG-9 Preheater Strainer Blowdown 20FG-13 Off-gas Pre-trtmt Hdr Radn 20FG-107 Off-gas System Inlet Press 20FG-120 Out L Flow to Stack 20FG-122 Off-gas Control Panel 2RCS-A Various'arious 2RCS-G 2RCS-B Various 2RDS"A Various 2 2RDS-B Various 2 2RDS-C 'Various 2 2RHS+LS . Level Switch '1 2RHS-LS Level Switch 2 2RHS-PT Pressure Temp 0 2SVH-1 1st Pt Htr Shell Vent 3 2SVH-2 2nd Pt. Htr Shell Vent 3 2SVH-14 1st Pt Htr Channel Drain 2 2SVH-24 2nd Pt Htr Channel Drain 2 2SVH-26 6th Pt Htr Channel Drain 2SVH-27 6th Pt Htr Shell Vent 2SVH-31 4th Pt Htr Shell Vent 2SVH-32 4th Pt Htr Channel Drain 2SVH"36 5th Pt Htr Shell Vent 2SVH-37 5th Pt Htr Drain 2SVH-44 3rd Pt Htr Shell Vent 2SVH-45 3rd Pt Htr Channel Drain 2SVH-52 3rd Pt Dr Clr Shell Vent 2SVH-58 2nd Pt Dr Clr Shell Vent 2SWP-98 Svc Wtr Fr Clr 2ARC-ElA 2SWP-143 SWP Loop A Disch Ph 2SWP"144 SWP Loop A Disch Cndt 2SWP-568 FR Clg Coil 1HVR-CLC2 2SWP-569 FR Clg Coil 2HVR-CLC2 2TMA"A Various 2TMA-3 Turbine Exhaust Hood Temp H 2TMB-A Various 2TMB-B Various 2TMB-1 EHC Fluid Cooler Temp 2TMB-101 Hydraulic Fluid Temp H/L 2TMB"110 EHC Fluid Pump Start 2TMB"111 EHC Fluid Pump Start 2TMB-116 EHC Heater Unit Control 2TMB-130 ~

Extraction Air Relay 2TME"A Various 2TME-HV Hand Valve 2TME-12 2TME Reblr Shell Lvl L 2TME-13 2TME Reblr Shell Lvl H 2TME-14 2TME Reblr Shell H/H 2TME-15 2TME Reblr Disch Press 2TME-AOV Air Operated Valve 2TME-103 E1A 6 B Disc Hdr Press 0590-12177"HC3 R-15

Loo Dia ram No. Title Rev .

2TME" 104 Steam Seal Cont Pnl 1 2TME-107 ElA 8 B Stm Seal Red Press 7 2TME 111 Steam Seal Press Red 6 2TME-113 2TME-ElA 6 B Out Hdr Press L 4 2TME-122 Gland Seal Emer Supply Pressure 2 2TME" 130 Seal Drain Tank TKl Level 3 2TML-A Various 1 2TML-B Various 3 2TML-1 Turbine Speed Low 2 2TML-14 Lift Pmp Suet Press L 2 2TML"15 Lift Pmp Suet Press L 3 2TML-101 Turbine Bearing. Oil Header Press Low 2TML-102 Main Shaft Oil Pump Suction Press Low 'I 2TML-103 Main Shaft Oil Pump Discharge Press Low 1 2TML-104 Turb Bearing Oil Header Press Low 1 2TML-106 Main Shaft Oil Pump Discharge Press Low 1 2TML-107 Turning Gear Oil Pump Disch Press Low 1 2TMS-151 Exhaust Hood Spray Press 1 2TMS-A Various 1 0590-12177"HC3 R" 16


12177-EP2D Main Steam Piping Turbine Area 12177-EP2F Main Steam to Moisture Separator and Reheater Turbine Area 12177-EP2G Main Steam to Moisture Separator and Reheater Turbine Area 12177-EP-6A Point Extraction Steam Piping - LP 12177-EP-6C 3rd Point Extraction Steam Piping - LP 12177-EP-7A 4th Point Extraction Steam Piping - LP 12177-EP"7B 4th Point Extraction Steam Piping - LP 12177-EP-7C 4th Point Extraction Steam Piping - LP 12177-EP"8A 5th Point Extraction Steam Piping - LP 12177-EP-9A 6th Point Extraction Steam Piping - HP 1, 12177-EP-9B 6th Point Extraction Steam Piping - HP 2 12177-EP-9C 6th Point Extraction Steam Piping - HP '3 12177-EP-12A 12177-EP-13A

'rd Turbine Bypass Steam Piping - Main Steam RHS Heat Exchange Steam PP Reactor Bldg 12 12177-EP-13B RHS Heat Exchange Steam PP Reactor Bldg 12 12177-EP-15A Aux Steam Piping Turbine Bldg 1 12177-EP-15B Aux Steam Piping Turbine Bldg 2 12177-EP-15C Aux Steam Piping Turbine Bldg 3 12177-EP-15D Aux Steam Piping Section - Turbine Bldg 4 12177-EP-15E Aux Steam Piping Section - Turbine Bldg 5 12177-EP-16A Aux Condensate PP Turbine Bldg 12177-EP-16B Aux Condensate PP Turbine Bldg 12177-EP-16C Aux Condensate PP Plan Turbine Bldg 12177"EP-16D Aux Condensate PP Section Turbine Bldg 12177"EP-17A Feedwater Piping Turbine Bldg 12177"EP-17B Feedwater Piping Turbine Bldg 12177-EP-17F Feedwater Piping Turbine Bldg 12177"EP-18A Condensate Piping Turbine Bldg ll 12177-EP-18B Condensate Piping Turbine Bldg 10 12177"EP-18C Condensate Piping Heater Bays 9 12177-EP-18D Condensate Piping Heater Bays 9 12177-EP-18E Condensate Piping Turbine Bldg 8 12177-EP-18F Condensate Piping Turbine Bldg 8 12177-EP-18G Condensate Piping Turbine Bldg 9 12177-EP-18J Condensate Piping Turbine Bldg 6 0590"12177-HC3 R-17

Piping Sht Title No. Rev.

12177-EP-23A Moisture Separator 5, Reheater Drain PP 1 12177-EP-23B Moisture Separator 8 Reheater Drain PP 2 12177-EP-23C Moisture Separator 6 Reheater Drain PP 3 12177-EP-23D Moisture Separator 6 'Reheater Drain PP 4 12177"EP-23E Moisture Separator 6 Reheater Drain PP 5 12177-EP-23G Moisture Separator 6 Reheater Drain PP 7 12177-EP-23H Moisture Separator 6 Reheater Drain PP 8 12177-EP"23J Moisture Separator 6 Reheater Drain PP 9 12177-EP"23K Moisture Separator 6 Reheater Drain PP 10 12177-EP-25A High Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain Piping 12177"EP-26A Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain Piping 12177-EP-26B Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain Piping 12177-EP-26C Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain Piping 12177-EP-26D Iow Pressure Feedwater Heater Drain Piping 12177-EP-27A Feedwater Heater Vent 8 Drain Piping 12177-EP-27B Feedwater Heater Vent & Drain Piping 12177-EP-27C Feedwater Heater Vent 6 Drain Piping 12177-EP-27E Feedwater Heater Vent Relief 6 Drain Piping 12177-EP-31A Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 1 5 1'2177-EP-31B Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 2 4 12177-EP-31C Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 3. 6 12177-EP-31D Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 4 5 12177-EP-31E Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 5 4 12177-EP-31F Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 6 3 12177-EP-31G ~

Misc Drain Piping Turbine B1dg 7 2 12177-EP-31H Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 8 2 12177-EP-31J Misc Drain Piping Turbine Bldg 9 3 12177"EP-33A Air Removal Piping Turbine Bldg 12177-EP-33C Air Removal Piping Turbine Bldg 12177-EP"36A Turbine Gland Steam 8 Leak-off Piping 12177-EP-36B Turbine Gland Steam 6 Leak-off Piping 12177-EP-36C Turbine Gland Steam 6 Leak-off Piping 12177-EP-36E Turbine Gland Steam & Leak-off Piping 12177-EP-40C Compressed Air Piping Intake Air and Equipment 12177"EP-40Y Compressed Air Piping Sec 8 Dtls 12 Turbine Bldg 12177-EP-46A Condensate Dmnrlzr PP Turbine Bldg 12177-EP-46B Condensate Dmnrlzr PP Turbine Bldg 0590-12177-HC3 R"18

Piping Sht Dia ram No. Title No. Rev.

12177-EP-57A Fdwtr Pump Recirc PP Turb Bldg Plan 12177"EP-58A Misc S.V. Disch 6 Vent Piping Turb Bldg 12177-EP-58C Misc S.V. Disch 8 Vent Piping Turb Bldg 12177-EP-65A Fdwtr Pump Injection Seal Water Piping 12177-EP-69A Off-gas Recombiner Piping 1 12177-EP-69B Off-gas Recombiner Piping 2 12177-EP-69C Off-gas. Recombiner Piping 3 12177-EP-69D Off-gas Recombiner Piping 4 12177-EP-71B Residual Heat Removal Pump Reactor Bldg 12177-EP-72N Closed Loop Cooling and Sealing Water 13 Piping - Reactor Building 12177-EP-76C Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Piping Reactor Building 12177-EP-78B High Pressure Core Spray Piping 15 Reactor Building 12177-EP-108B Tunnel Piping 2 17 1'2177-EP-108D Tunnel Piping 4 14 1'2177-EP-108H Tunnel Piping 8 10 12177-EP-108J Tunnel Piping ll

- 12177-EP-108K 12177-EP-109H Tunnel Piping Cond Make-up 8 Draw-off PP Plan Turbine 9

10 10 Bldg 12177-EP-139A Main Steam Drain Piping Reactor Bldg 12177-EP-139B Main Steam Dxain Piping Reactor Bldg 12177-EP-139C Main Steam Drain Piping Reactor Bldg 12177-EP-139D Main Steam Drain Piping Reactor Bldg h

0590"12177-HC3 R"19


Heating 6 Cooling Water PP Turbine 1 9 12177-EB"27A'2177-EB-27C Bldg El 250 Ft Heating 6 Cooling Water PP Turbine Bldg El 250 Ft 12177-EB"27F Htg 8 Clg Wtr PPG Turb B ldg El 250 Ft-0 In. 6 MS Tnl 12177-EB-27J Heating Sc Cooling Water PP Turbine Building El 250 Ft 12177-EB-27K Heating 6 Cooling Water PP Turbine 10 Building El 227 Ft - 6 In.

12177-EB-27N Heating 8 Cooling Water PP Turbine 13 Building El 277 Ft, - 6 In.

12177-EB-27R Heating 8 Cooling Water PP Turbine 16 Building El 277 Ft - 6 In.

'12177-EB-27S Heating 8 Cooling Water PP Turbine 17 Building El 277 Ft - 6 In.

12177-EB-27T Heating 6 Cooling Water PP Turbine 18 Building El 277 Ft - 6 In.

12177-EB-27V Heating Sc Cooling Water PP Turbine 20 Building El 306 Ft 12177"EB-27AC Heating 8 Cooling Water PP Turbine 27 Building El 250 Ft "12177-EB"27AE Heating 6 Cooling Water PP Turbine 29 Building El 288 Ft - 6 In.

-12177-EB-27AK Heating 8 Cooling Water PP Turbine 34 Building - Sections 12177-EB-70V Htg 6 Clg Wtr PPG Elec Tnl 8 Aux Serv 20 Bldg South 12177-EB-131A Bldg Services Chiller Rm Bldg Piping Plan El 261 Ft - 0 In.

0590-12177-HC3 R-20


12177-EK-3A Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 250 Ft- 1 5 0 In.

12177-EX-3B Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 250 Ft-0 In. \

12177-EX-3C Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 250 Ft- 5 0 In.

12177-EX-3D Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 250 Ft-0 In.

12177-EK-3E Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 277 Ft-6 In.

12177-EK-3F Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 277 Ft-6 In.

12177-EK-3G Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 277 Ft-6 In.

12177-EX-3H Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Plan El 277 Ft-6 In.

12177"EX-3J Instr PP - Turbine Bldg Miscella neous 12177-EX-4A Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 250 Ft - 0 In.

12177-EX-4B Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 250 Ft - 0 In.

12177-EX-4C Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 250 Ft - 0 In.

12177-EX-4D Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg,- Plan El 250 Ft - 0 In.

12177-EK-4E Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 277 Ft - 6 In.

12177"EX"4F Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 277 Ft - 6 In.

12177"EX-4G Instr Air,Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 277 Ft - 6 In.

12177"EX-4H Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg - Plan El 277 Ft - 6 In.

12177"EX-4J Instr Air Supply PP - Turb Bldg Misc 12177"EK-6A Instr Piping Level Control 6 Switches 1 3 12177-EX-6B Instr Piping Level Control 6 Switches 2 4 12177"EX"6C Instr Piping Level Control 8 Switches 3 5 12177-EK-6D Instr Piping Level Control 6 Switches 4 4 12177-'EX-6E Instr Piping Level Control 8l Switches 5 4 12177-EK-6F Instr Piping Level Control Switches Sc 6 3 12177-EX"6G Instr Piping Level Control 8 Switches 7 5 12177"EK"6K Instr Piping Level Control 8 Switches 8 3 2'

12177-EK"6L Instr Piping Level Control Switches 8c 9 12177-EK-6M Instr Piping Level Control 6 Switches 10 12177-EX-6N Instr Piping Level Control 6 Switches 11 2 0590"12177-HC3 R-21

Instrumeat Sht Title No.

12177-EX-7A Iastr Piping Water Treating 12177-EZ-SA Instr Piping Turbiae Bldg El 277 Ft 6 In.

12177-EX-8J Instr Piping, Standby Gas Bldg El 286 Ft 12177-EK-9C Instr PP Radwaste Bldg Plan El 279 Ft 12177-EZ-9D Instr PP Radwaste Bldg Plan El 291 Ft 6 In.

12177-EK-9K Instr PP Radwaste Bldg Plan El 291 Ft 6 Ia.

12177-EX-13A Instr PP Coad Demia Plan El 250 Ft 0 Ia.

12177-EZ"13B Iastr PP Cond Demin Plan El 277 Ft 6 In.

12177-EZ-13C Instr PP Coad Demin Miscellaaeous 12177 "EX-15D Instr PP Radiation Monitoring 12177"EX-15G Instr PP Radiation Monitoring - Main Stack 12177-EZ-18A Instr PP - Htr Bays Plan El 250 Ft 0 In.

12177"EK-18B Instr - Htr Plan El Ft In.

- Htr Bays 277 PP 6 12177-EK-18C Instr PP Bays Plan El 306 Ft 0 In.

12177-EZ-19B Instr PP - Screenwell 12177"EZ-39A Hydrogea Monitoring Turbine Gen 12177-EX-40A Instr PP Off-gas TRT Area 12177-EX-40B Instr PP Off-gas TRT Area 12177-EZ-401A Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 175 Ft 0 In.

12177-EX-401B Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 175 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK"40IE Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 175 Ft 0 Ia.

12177-EK"401F Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 175 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK-401G Instr Pipiag Plan - Reac Bldg El 215 Ft 0 In.

12177-EX"401H, Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 215 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK-401J Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 215 Ft 0 In.

12177"EK"401L Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 215 Ft 0 In.

12177"EK-401M Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 215 Ft 0 In.

12177-EZ-401N Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 240 Ft 0 In.

12177>>EK-401R Instr Piping Plaa - Reac Bldg El 240 Ft 0; In.

12177-EZ-401S Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 240 Ft 0 In.

0590-12177-HC3 R-22

Instrument Sht Title No. Rev.

12177"EK-401T Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 240 Ft 5 3 0 In.

12177-EZ"401U Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 261 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK-401V Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 261 Ft 0 In.

12177-EZ"401X Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 261 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK-401Y Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 261 Ft 0 In.

12177-EZ-401AA Instr Piping Plan -. Reac Bldg El 289 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK-401AD Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 289 Ft 0 In.

12177-EK-401AE Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 289 Ft 0 In.

12177",EX-401AF Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 289 Ft 6 0 In.

12177-EX-401AK Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 306 Ft 6 In.

12177-EX-401AL Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 306 Ft 6 In.

12177-EX-401Ati Instr Piping Plan - Rea'c Bldg El 328 Ft 10 In.

12177-EX-'401AS Instr Piping Plan - Reac Bldg El 328 Ft 10 In.

12177-EX-401AW Instr Piping Plan - North A/B El 175 Ft 0 In.

12177-EX"401AX Instr Piping Plan - North A/B El 175 Ft 10 0 In.

1'2177-EK-401AY Cnstr Piping Plan - South A/B El 175 Ft 0 In.

12177-EZ-401CA Instr PPG, Reactor Bldg Plan, El 353 Ft 10 In.

12177-EZ-403D Instrument Piping Tunnels 12177-EK-406E Instr PPG, Level Controls 8 Switches, Sheet 5 12177"EZ-408A Instr PPG, Turbine Building 0590-12177-HC3 R-23

0 I:







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> s<<<<E ED ~ ~ P<<S s<<ws <<<<E<<<<>> <<>><<D ~ Dsr>> It NON-SAFETY HELB ANALYSIS ZONE MAP TAC Droavs>sat Ot T<<sar>tl+ Va> VO> SC EL ITS-0 CV44 Oa vs>4>44 4>ACE >Ds ~ st Tv NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION-UNITR Sat>ESW>POV.<<SAD>I ~ ~ D [ a>r><<V >4 1st >LDVI Ss>as> ~ 4> ~ > ~ . ~ >4 NAGARA MO)(AWK POWER CORPORATION ~ IPC '>s>LC ~ Lo> ~ ~ >DECL A 4 DA a>LA vav vs>Est>D <<vts ~ sapvvspv al>LET> Da Ak ~". FIGURE 5 K ~ ~ ~ ~ P<< Sf D<<PLED V I' f ) 9 3UA913 90' R40LB' Oi EL 24't'-4 ~ I ~ STANDbY DAS BLDO ROPF QM PLAIF, EL SU'-O ft'RVOLB E'L 345 lrlllE~ B ill'-0'I gt 'LATF II ~ I ~ TUNNEL EL ~ EL EPV-0'~ EL k R44(0'c 244L PART PL At( EL 0 VC 343L4'LEEV SPENT F(IEL POOI. NEW FUEL EL 239LF ~ ~ r EL 254'0 ol STORAGE VAULT.' R49'0') PLATF ~ 2$ 'r 0 ~ '1 OR( W(CL ~ 1PC 0'L M 24256'CII PLAIF, ~ EL 't. EL I80'+x EL54(7.4 PLATF IB04-Ox f'I'k's (its) DRf W~EC ~ OS PLATF EL 339 t PED(4AL ~HOIST SPACE to'LATF, ~ Ill ~ QES I I h EEPEP EPLEE LATF, LLR49' EL Q)$ 3)bLATF Q<<'09I3 PARt PLAtt NO.4 4'LEV PLATE fl'PEEL EL 334(to EL 23950'LECT TUttt(EL HOISt SPACE! PLATF, ~ ELEP rlr ~ EL 244L0' ~ HOIST SPACE ~ ~ HOIST SPACE EL 337 4 PLAIF, C(N(RAC Not(51 ELE00-0'~ ~ I PLATF, EL 252)0'L ~ PLATF EL IQ INOICal(5 tov( Novi(8$ ELECTRICAL BAY EL R)9 I $4 tSO'-8', 340OrC(C(C PUIGS r~rSv t. IOII Cf N(NAC Nol($ Avo a(l tat NCtl 5(C f10 ), 0't ),SCACC: NONC Q)$ E Lt47 or .204( ~ UIIOENC 1ovl NOS. 10N($ ICV 1 20<<t VOW Q)C )I A~ llt40)l I )I 4 ~ N140)t 11$ SCWIIIC EL R40'-9' M 4 ~ vtroM III SCWlill EL232a EL PLAN )~ N 4$ 5140ic Allt401$ 4151 ~ ON III ill 5 C it I 5( Willi EN Eto 5CW IEIO ~I 0051140\4 I'lI CCMII~ I 270'LAN SRB'-to'0'tEft ~$ U5W40 ~ S I)1 5CWlitt I'I ) 5 C M I I)l ill FUEL I)$ I)C SCtaoi)$ '$(tiol)C III SC Wlitc ~ 141 EL SIORAGE VAULT I)1 5(tliiit I 1) 5(Wlit) IN $ ()t ~ ltl 240'-0'L 0 0$ $ (t401) ~ I'll I)1 SC1401) S SCWIISI 5(it ~ It ~ PEP~ I I) I~ I Ill $ (tool40 $ (140141 5(14') icl 5(t4'iiri ISI Itt too 10i 5C 5C Mlitt itItOO 'II.'I I~ ) 5(i)MOI Appg;fUlr tot 5(ilWOI C 5) ASINI)) 4$ $ 140$ ~ 8 I)1 ~ 1 )0 4'0'c0 PART PLAN IA-II I I Ill 45$ t40$ $ Rotaotrr )W: FN II f'II Nlt402EI I ii l,h ralaral ((401 )j 0 '0 0' tat t)0 ~ I 1140tal (1140taS it",AR9 2~0 0 0 t(1401)0 26) C82 )I 'W 264 C 82)1254 EL 24 EL 244'-0'~g ~ IOO Cf Sf C tv ( 'vali l 1CON5 ilC ~ 2(6 C82 )126 S C 82)12CS -o CONC VC'o 261 Cst )22C) ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~(c 401 )I 00'R ) =(s Also Av ilable Or VVE 5 lAI A104 t I 0 Apery re Card I SIKE 0ART PL N REACt STAIR EL 40SL3 R45Lo'LEV 24

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'. 8 0 PL CURB ($ FENCE F PART PLAN EL HOST SPACE IG 6) EL 25OL0'A, ~ ~+ ~ Et. 270'LAN 35'5'o'N sbaz~wsdl- 8b ~~ ~ L ~ELRSOL <<r 0 ~ ~~ ~ I 244'-0'a ~ <<vvr lvl Pr 'iliiiair i'al ~ IV<<0 ~0 ~ ~ 00 ~ Lrrw0 rh<< Pvr 00 0 It SEC S<<ETV HELS ANALVSIS ZONE MAP loll 040 ~ ri IEEE rol ~ ( I PARI PLAN CONTROL 6'G STAIR ~ vc<<<<allo<< CE<<400 ~ 00 VIIOIOA 01<<cr 1000 I< NNE NLE POINT NUCLEAR STATION-UNIT2 KL 2)O NORMAL SWITCIIGEAR BUILDIN(j Wrvlno>>. vllhnhl~ CC Ch'Alp 'A-0 I 01 104 VLA<<l IrlallI CC ICE III>> 1<<C Iilit 4 00 NtAGARA S(OHAWK POWER CORPORATION 'EL 237'-0  ! I i<< 004. amvL' llano<<lVri N<<EPIAVV<<Chil I' lilvvvallor I I vhrll pha 04 ~ 1 0 h v r FIGURE 6 Il ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ V 123 4.$ m E ItL I'l c"