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This revision of the procedure supercedes the copy of the procedure submitted as a part of an attachment to the referenced letter.If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr.Gregg A.Sinders at (919)836-8168.Yours very truly, GAS/crs (612GAS)cc: Mr.B.C.Buckley (NRC)Mr.G.F.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)
This revision of the procedure supercedes the copy of the procedure submitted as a part of an attachment to the referenced letter.If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr.Gregg A.Sinders at (919)836-8168.Yours very truly, GAS/crs (612GAS)cc: Mr.B.C.Buckley (NRC)Mr.G.F.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)
Dr.J.Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)Mr.Travis Payne (KUDZU)Mr.Daniel F.Read (CHANGE/ELP)
Dr.J.Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)Mr.Travis Payne (KUDZU)Mr.Daniel F.Read (CHANGE/ELP)
Wake County Public Library 850SaS0400 SS0S<3-PDR ADDCK 05000400 l F PDR S.R.i erman Manager Nuclear Licensing Section Mr.Wells Eddleman Mr.3ohn D.Runkle Dr.Richard D.Wilson Mr.G.O.Bright (ASLB)Dr.J.H.Carpenter (ASLB)Mr.3.L.Kelley (ASLB)Mr.J.Wing (NRC)411 Fayettevitte Street o P.O.Box 1551 o Raleigh.N.C.27602 pp s~E-~I 1 I APR008~'AROLINA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY SHEARON HARRlS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PLANT OPERATING MANUAL VOLTE 2 PART 5 PROCEDURE TYPE: PLANT EME GENCY PROCEDURE (PEP)iiMBER: PEP-3 1 TITLE: N IFICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS VISION 0 0 0\APPROVED: TITLE: Signature P~yp PEP-301 Rev.0 ge 1 of 23 APR008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table List 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 of Contents of Effective Pages PURPOSE REFERENCES
Wake County Public Library 850SaS0400 SS0S<3-PDR ADDCK 05000400 l F PDR S.R.i erman Manager Nuclear Licensing Section Mr.Wells Eddleman Mr.3ohn D.Runkle Dr.Richard D.Wilson Mr.G.O.Bright (ASLB)Dr.J.H.Carpenter (ASLB)Mr.3.L.Kelley (ASLB)Mr.J.Wing (NRC)411 Fayettevitte Street o P.O.Box 1551 o Raleigh.N.C.27602 pp s~E-~I 1 I APR008~'AROLINA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY SHEARON HARRlS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PLANT OPERATING MANUAL VOLTE 2 PART 5 PROCEDURE TYPE: PLANT EME GENCY PROCEDURE (PEP)iiMBER: PEP-3 1 TITLE: N IFICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS VISION 0 0 0\APPROVED: TITLE: Signature P~yp PEP-301 Rev.0 ge 1 of 23 APR008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table List 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 of Contents of Effective Pages PURPOSE REFERENCES 2.1 Emergency Plan References 2.2 Referenced, Plant Emergency Procedures 2.3 Corporate Emergency Plan and Implementation Procedure References RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Site Emergency Communicator 3.2 Emergency Response Manager 3.3 Emergency Communicator DEFINITIONS GENERAL INITIATING CONDITIONS 6.1 Incidents Requiring Off-Site Assistance 6.2 Emergency PRECAUTIONS/LIMITATIONS SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT PROCEDURE STEPS 9.1 Immediate Emergency Response Organization Notifications 9.2 Notification of State and County Authorities 9.3 Notification to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9.4 Notification of Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 9.5 Follow-up Notifications and Communications DIAGRAMS/AT1'ACHMENTS 1.Immediate Response Organization Notification Form 2.North Carolina Emergency Notification Form 3.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Incident Notification Form 4.Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Notification Form~Pa e 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 10 12 13 13 14 16 20 23 PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 2 of 23 APR008 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES~Pa e 1 thru 23 Revision 0 PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 3 oZ 23 APR008 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to implement Section 4.2 of the SHNPP Emergency Plan,"Notification." It provides instructions for notifica-tions of offsite response organizations and authorities in emergency situations.
===2.1 Emergency===
Plan References 2.2 Referenced, Plant Emergency Procedures
===2.3 Corporate===
Emergency Plan and Implementation Procedure References RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Site Emergency Communicator
===3.2 Emergency===
Response Manager 3.3 Emergency Communicator DEFINITIONS GENERAL INITIATING CONDITIONS
===6.1 Incidents===
Requiring Off-Site Assistance
===6.2 Emergency===
===9.2 Notification===
of State and County Authorities
===9.3 Notification===
to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
===9.4 Notification===
of Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 9.5 Follow-up Notifications and Communications DIAGRAMS/AT1'ACHMENTS 1.Immediate Response Organization Notification Form 2.North Carolina Emergency Notification Form 3.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Incident Notification Form 4.Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Notification Form~Pa e 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 10 12 13 13 14 16 20 23 PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 2 of 23 APR008 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES~Pa e 1 thru 23 Revision 0 PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 3 oZ 23 APR008 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to implement Section 4.2 of the SHNPP Emergency Plan,"Notification." It provides instructions for notifica-tions of offsite response organizations and authorities in emergency situations.
The notification of SHNPP and CP&L emergency personnel is addressed in PEP-321.Mobilization of outside organizations that have no immediate response function is addressed in PEP-322.The dissemination of information to personnel and the news media is addressed in CEPIP-13.
The notification of SHNPP and CP&L emergency personnel is addressed in PEP-321.Mobilization of outside organizations that have no immediate response function is addressed in PEP-322.The dissemination of information to personnel and the news media is addressed in CEPIP-13.


===2.1 EMERGENCY===
2.1 EMERGENCY PLAN REFERENCES 1.Section 4.2,"Notific'ation" 2.2 REFERENCED PLANT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES,"Initial Emergency Actions" PEP-102,"Site Emergency Coordinator
PLAN REFERENCES 1.Section 4.2,"Notific'ation" 2.2 REFERENCED PLANT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES,"Initial Emergency Actions" PEP-102,"Site Emergency Coordinator
-Control Room" PEP-103,"Site Emergency Coordinator
-Control Room" PEP-103,"Site Emergency Coordinator
-Technical Support Center" PEP-217,"Emergency Communicator" PEP-302,"Communications Activities" PEP-303,"Use of Communications Equipment" PEP-321,"Notification of Emergency Personnel" PEP-322,"Mobilization of Outside Organizations" Plant Special Order,"Emergency Phone List" 2.3 CORPORATE EMERGENCY PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE REFERENCES 1.Section 5.0-"Notification of Emergencies" 2.CEPIP-1,"Corporate Emergency Plan Notification" 3.CEPIP>>.13,"Site Public Information Coordinator" 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 SITE EMERGENCY COORDINATOR The Site Emergency Coordinator is responsible for implementation of I.this procedure and for termination of its use as discussed in PEP-102 and PEP-103.3.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGER Once the Emergency Response Manager announces the Emergency Operations Facility is activated, he assumes responsibility for communications with off-site agencies and thereby assumes responsibility PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 4 of 23 APR008 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES
-Technical Support Center" PEP-217,"Emergency Communicator" PEP-302,"Communications Activities" PEP-303,"Use of Communications Equipment" PEP-321,"Notification of Emergency Personnel" PEP-322,"Mobilization of Outside Organizations" Plant Special Order,"Emergency Phone List" 2.3 CORPORATE EMERGENCY PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE REFERENCES 1.Section 5.0-"Notification of Emergencies" 2.CEPIP-1,"Corporate Emergency Plan Notification" 3.CEPIP>>.13,"Site Public Information Coordinator" 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 SITE EMERGENCY COORDINATOR The Site Emergency Coordinator is responsible for implementation of I.this procedure and for termination of its use as discussed in PEP-102 and PEP-103.3.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGER Once the Emergency Response Manager announces the Emergency Operations Facility is activated, he assumes responsibility for communications with off-site agencies and thereby assumes responsibility PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 4 of 23 APR008 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGER (Cont'd)for implementation of this procedure, and for termination of its use.3.3 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATOR The Emergency Communicator and staff (or Shift Foreman, if an Emergency Communicator is not appointed in the early stages of an emergency) are responsible for performing the notifications.
===3.2 EMERGENCY===
RESPONSE MANAGER (Cont'd)for implementation of this procedure, and for termination of its use.3.3 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATOR The Emergency Communicator and staff (or Shift Foreman, if an Emergency Communicator is not appointed in the early stages of an emergency) are responsible for performing the notifications.
His duties are discussed in PEP-217.4.0 DEFINITIONS None Applicable 5'GENERAL If any injury or fire occurs or law enforcement assistance is needed, the Shift Foreman or his delegate (security personnel normally summons law enforcement personnel) summons the immediate response organization.
His duties are discussed in PEP-217.4.0 DEFINITIONS None Applicable 5'GENERAL If any injury or fire occurs or law enforcement assistance is needed, the Shift Foreman or his delegate (security personnel normally summons law enforcement personnel) summons the immediate response organization.
After reviewing the criteria for declaration of an incident or emergency condition, it may be realized that the incident, or the act of summoning outside assistance for the incident, creates a condition whereby notifications to local agencies and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are required.6.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS'his procedure is activated under the following conditions:
After reviewing the criteria for declaration of an incident or emergency condition, it may be realized that the incident, or the act of summoning outside assistance for the incident, creates a condition whereby notifications to local agencies and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are required.6.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS'his procedure is activated under the following conditions:
6.1 INCIDENTS REQUIRING OFF-SITE ASSISTANCE l.An incident has occurred requiring assistance from an immediate response emergency organization.
===6.1 INCIDENTS===
6.2 EMERGENCY 1.An emergency condition has been declared at SHNPP as provided in the SHNPP Emergency Plan and PEP-101.2.An existing emergency condition has been reclassified to a higher emergency category, and/or a significant deteriora-tion in conditions has occurred.3.The emergency situation has been corrected and the emer-gency terminated.
REQUIRING OFF-SITE ASSISTANCE l.An incident has occurred requiring assistance from an immediate response emergency organization.
7.0 PRECAUTIONS LIMITATIONS 1..The Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager after the Emergency Operations PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 5 of 23 APR008 7.0 PRECAUTIONS LIMITATIONS (Cont'd)Facility is activated, must review and approve all mes-sages to off-site agencies prior to transmittal.
===6.2 EMERGENCY===
1.An emergency condition has been declared at SHNPP as provided in the SHNPP Emergency Plan and PEP-101.2.An existing emergency condition has been reclassified to a higher emergency category, and/or a significant deteriora-tion in conditions has occurred.3.The emergency situation has been corrected and the emer-gency terminated.
LIMITATIONS 1..The Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager after the Emergency Operations PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 5 of 23 APR008 7.0 PRECAUTIONS LIMITATIONS (Cont'd)Facility is activated, must review and approve all mes-sages to off-site agencies prior to transmittal.
No press releases on the incident shall be made by CPGL personnel prior to completion of all notifications, and will be made only by Media Center staff.Do not provide information to any individual whose identity is unknown, or to any organization not listed on the Emergency Notific-ation Call List.Refer all such calls for information to the Site Public Information Coordinator at the Plant Media Center, to the Corporate Headquarters Media Center, or offsite authorities.
No press releases on the incident shall be made by CPGL personnel prior to completion of all notifications, and will be made only by Media Center staff.Do not provide information to any individual whose identity is unknown, or to any organization not listed on the Emergency Notific-ation Call List.Refer all such calls for information to the Site Public Information Coordinator at the Plant Media Center, to the Corporate Headquarters Media Center, or offsite authorities.
8.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND E UIPMENT 1.Emergency communications equipment (telephone and/or radio'ystems), which has the ability to contact the necessary off-site agencies and authorities.
===8.0 SPECIAL===
TOOLS AND E UIPMENT 1.Emergency communications equipment (telephone and/or radio'ystems), which has the ability to contact the necessary off-site agencies and authorities.
Use of this equipment is discussed in PEP-302 and PEP-303.9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS NOTE: All notification forms for messages to offsite agencies will be assigned a message number in the following format: SH-XXX-XX for Shearon Harris, always the same sequential number beginning with 51 Control Room (CR), Technical Support Center (TSC), or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), depending on where the notification is initiated 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS 1.When the Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager is notified of a request for assistance, or decides that assistance from one or more organizations is needed, he completes an Immediate Response Organization Notification Form (Attachment 1).As part of the informa-tion he specifies where to respond initially.
Use of this equipment is discussed in PEP-302 and PEP-303.9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS NOTE: All notification forms for messages to offsite agencies will be assigned a message number in the following format: SH-XXX-XX for Shearon Harris, always the same sequential number beginning with 51 Control Room (CR), Technical Support Center (TSC), or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), depending on where the notification is initiated 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS 1.When the Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager is notified of a request for assistance, or decides that assistance from one or more organizations is needed, he completes an Immediate Response Organization Notification Form (Attachment 1).As part of the informa-tion he specifies where to respond initially.
2.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)designates an Emergency Communicator, if not previously done, or assumes the duties himself.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 6 of, 23 APR008\~9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS (Cont'd)NOTE: The Site Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response Manager are the only individuals authorized to request off-site assistance (other than for law enforcement personnel which is normally handled by security).
2.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)designates an Emergency Communicator, if not previously done, or assumes the duties himself.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 6 of, 23 APR008\~9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS (Cont'd)NOTE: The Site Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response Manager are the only individuals authorized to request off-site assistance (other than for law enforcement personnel which is normally handled by security).

Revision as of 23:24, 5 May 2019

Forwards Rev 1 to Plant Emergency Procedure PEP-362, Interpretation of Liquid & Gas Samples for Core Damage Assessment, to Fulfill Requirement of SER (NUREG-1038), License Condition 3 Re post-accident Sampling Sys
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/1985
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18018B952 List:
RTR-NUREG-1038 NLS-85-419, NUDOCS 8505230400
Download: ML18018B951 (28)



NO DOCKET FACIL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant(Unit 1(Carolina 05000400 AUTH BYNAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ZIMMERMAN(S,RE Carolina Power L Light Co~RECIP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON(HE RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation(Oir ector ()~g)i g (o/p~t


Forwards Rev 1 to Plant Emergency Procedure PEP>>36 ("Interpretation of Liqu,id 8 Gas Samples for Core Damage Assessment(" to fulfill requirement of SER (NUREG"1038)('icense Condition 3 re post accident s mpling sys, DISTRIBUTION CODE: BOOID COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ENCI.SIZE:.../~TITLE: Licensing Submittal:


NRR/OHFS/PSRB NRR/OSI/AEB 26 NRR/OS I/CPB 10 NRR/OS I/ICS8 16 NRR/DS I/PSB 19 NRR/DSI/RSB 23 RGN2 EXTERNAL: BNL(AMOTS ONLY)LPDR 03 NSIC 05 COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 0 6 6 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME NRR LB3 BC BUCKLEY(B 01 AOM/I.FMB IE F ILE IE/DQA VT/QAB21 NRR/DE/AEAB NRR/DE/EHEB NRR/OE/GB 28 NRR/DE/MTEB 1T'RR/DE/SGEB 25 NRR/DHFS/LQB 32 NRR/DL/SSPB NRR/DS I/ASB NRR/DS I/CSB 09 NRR/OS I/METB 12 NRR/OS I/RAB 22 04 A I/MI8 DMB/DSS (AMDTS)NRC PDR 02 PNL GRUEL(R COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED:, LTTR.51 ENCL 43 0 f r t h'1~~tt II~1 t It e k'l 11'r~I ll II+J'g tl CNK Carolina Power 8 Light Company MAY13 1886 SERIAL: NLS-85-019 Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO.1-DOCKET NO.50-000 CORE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE


Letter dated September 12, 1980 from Mr.R.A.Watson (CPRL)to Mr.3.P.O'Reilly (NRC)

Dear Mr.Denton:

Carolina Power k Light Company (CPRL)hereby provides additional information regarding the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-1038)

License Condition 3-Post-Accident Sampling System.A portion of this, 7 License Condition requires that CPttcL submit for NRC approval a core damage assessment procedure.

To fulfill this requirement, CPRL-hereby submits Revision 1 to Plant Emergency Procedure-362,"Interpretation of Liquid and Gas Samples for Core Damage Assessment".

This revision of the procedure supercedes the copy of the procedure submitted as a part of an attachment to the referenced letter.If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr.Gregg A.Sinders at (919)836-8168.Yours very truly, GAS/crs (612GAS)cc: Mr.B.C.Buckley (NRC)Mr.G.F.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)

Dr.J.Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)Mr.Travis Payne (KUDZU)Mr.Daniel F.Read (CHANGE/ELP)

Wake County Public Library 850SaS0400 SS0S<3-PDR ADDCK 05000400 l F PDR S.R.i erman Manager Nuclear Licensing Section Mr.Wells Eddleman Mr.3ohn D.Runkle Dr.Richard D.Wilson Mr.G.O.Bright (ASLB)Dr.J.H.Carpenter (ASLB)Mr.3.L.Kelley (ASLB)Mr.J.Wing (NRC)411 Fayettevitte Street o P.O.Box 1551 o Raleigh.N.C.27602 pp s~E-~I 1 I APR008~'AROLINA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY SHEARON HARRlS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PLANT OPERATING MANUAL VOLTE 2 PART 5 PROCEDURE TYPE: PLANT EME GENCY PROCEDURE (PEP)iiMBER: PEP-3 1 TITLE: N IFICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS VISION 0 0 0\APPROVED: TITLE: Signature P~yp PEP-301 Rev.0 ge 1 of 23 APR008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table List 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 of Contents of Effective Pages PURPOSE REFERENCES 2.1 Emergency Plan References 2.2 Referenced, Plant Emergency Procedures 2.3 Corporate Emergency Plan and Implementation Procedure References RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Site Emergency Communicator 3.2 Emergency Response Manager 3.3 Emergency Communicator DEFINITIONS GENERAL INITIATING CONDITIONS 6.1 Incidents Requiring Off-Site Assistance 6.2 Emergency PRECAUTIONS/LIMITATIONS SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT PROCEDURE STEPS 9.1 Immediate Emergency Response Organization Notifications 9.2 Notification of State and County Authorities 9.3 Notification to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9.4 Notification of Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 9.5 Follow-up Notifications and Communications DIAGRAMS/AT1'ACHMENTS 1.Immediate Response Organization Notification Form 2.North Carolina Emergency Notification Form 3.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Incident Notification Form 4.Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Notification Form~Pa e 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 10 12 13 13 14 16 20 23 PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 2 of 23 APR008 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES~Pa e 1 thru 23 Revision 0 PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 3 oZ 23 APR008 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to implement Section 4.2 of the SHNPP Emergency Plan,"Notification." It provides instructions for notifica-tions of offsite response organizations and authorities in emergency situations.

The notification of SHNPP and CP&L emergency personnel is addressed in PEP-321.Mobilization of outside organizations that have no immediate response function is addressed in PEP-322.The dissemination of information to personnel and the news media is addressed in CEPIP-13.


2.1 EMERGENCY PLAN REFERENCES 1.Section 4.2,"Notific'ation" 2.2 REFERENCED PLANT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES,"Initial Emergency Actions" PEP-102,"Site Emergency Coordinator

-Control Room" PEP-103,"Site Emergency Coordinator

-Technical Support Center" PEP-217,"Emergency Communicator" PEP-302,"Communications Activities" PEP-303,"Use of Communications Equipment" PEP-321,"Notification of Emergency Personnel" PEP-322,"Mobilization of Outside Organizations" Plant Special Order,"Emergency Phone List" 2.3 CORPORATE EMERGENCY PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE REFERENCES 1.Section 5.0-"Notification of Emergencies" 2.CEPIP-1,"Corporate Emergency Plan Notification" 3.CEPIP>>.13,"Site Public Information Coordinator" 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 SITE EMERGENCY COORDINATOR The Site Emergency Coordinator is responsible for implementation of I.this procedure and for termination of its use as discussed in PEP-102 and PEP-103.3.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGER Once the Emergency Response Manager announces the Emergency Operations Facility is activated, he assumes responsibility for communications with off-site agencies and thereby assumes responsibility PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 4 of 23 APR008 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGER (Cont'd)for implementation of this procedure, and for termination of its use.3.3 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATOR The Emergency Communicator and staff (or Shift Foreman, if an Emergency Communicator is not appointed in the early stages of an emergency) are responsible for performing the notifications.

His duties are discussed in PEP-217.4.0 DEFINITIONS None Applicable 5'GENERAL If any injury or fire occurs or law enforcement assistance is needed, the Shift Foreman or his delegate (security personnel normally summons law enforcement personnel) summons the immediate response organization.

After reviewing the criteria for declaration of an incident or emergency condition, it may be realized that the incident, or the act of summoning outside assistance for the incident, creates a condition whereby notifications to local agencies and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are required.6.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS'his procedure is activated under the following conditions:

6.1 INCIDENTS REQUIRING OFF-SITE ASSISTANCE l.An incident has occurred requiring assistance from an immediate response emergency organization.

6.2 EMERGENCY 1.An emergency condition has been declared at SHNPP as provided in the SHNPP Emergency Plan and PEP-101.2.An existing emergency condition has been reclassified to a higher emergency category, and/or a significant deteriora-tion in conditions has occurred.3.The emergency situation has been corrected and the emer-gency terminated.

7.0 PRECAUTIONS LIMITATIONS 1..The Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager after the Emergency Operations PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 5 of 23 APR008 7.0 PRECAUTIONS LIMITATIONS (Cont'd)Facility is activated, must review and approve all mes-sages to off-site agencies prior to transmittal.

No press releases on the incident shall be made by CPGL personnel prior to completion of all notifications, and will be made only by Media Center staff.Do not provide information to any individual whose identity is unknown, or to any organization not listed on the Emergency Notific-ation Call List.Refer all such calls for information to the Site Public Information Coordinator at the Plant Media Center, to the Corporate Headquarters Media Center, or offsite authorities.

8.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND E UIPMENT 1.Emergency communications equipment (telephone and/or radio'ystems), which has the ability to contact the necessary off-site agencies and authorities.

Use of this equipment is discussed in PEP-302 and PEP-303.9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS NOTE: All notification forms for messages to offsite agencies will be assigned a message number in the following format: SH-XXX-XX for Shearon Harris, always the same sequential number beginning with 51 Control Room (CR), Technical Support Center (TSC), or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), depending on where the notification is initiated 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS 1.When the Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager is notified of a request for assistance, or decides that assistance from one or more organizations is needed, he completes an Immediate Response Organization Notification Form (Attachment 1).As part of the informa-tion he specifies where to respond initially.

2.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)designates an Emergency Communicator, if not previously done, or assumes the duties himself.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 6 of, 23 APR008\~9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS (Cont'd)NOTE: The Site Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response Manager are the only individuals authorized to request off-site assistance (other than for law enforcement personnel which is normally handled by security).

However, the Emergency Communicator may relay the request from the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager).3.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)or Emergency Communicator notifies the organization(s) needed using the primary telephone number listed under the heading"Immediate Response Organizations" in the Plant Special Order,"Emergency Phone List." 1'f the orga-nizations cannot be contacted by the primary telephone number listed, use the alternate telephone number or method listed.NOTE: If the only notification method available is the Security/Local Law Enforcement Agency radio channel, the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)will direct the Emergency Security Team Leader to perform the notification and request that the message be relayed to the appropriate emergency response agency (Fire, Rescue, etc.).4.When the organization answers, the Emergency Communicator reads the introductory paragraph on the Immediate Response Organization Notification Form and then pauses long enough to permit the individual to obtain his copy of the form or blank paper on which to record the notification.

5.The Emergency Communicator reads the notification.

After the notification has been completed, the Emergency Communica-tor asks the individual to read back the notification and, if necessary, correct any errors.NOTE.When the dispatch of emergency equipment to SHNPP is necessary, a verification call should in no way delay their dispatch.The verification call may be made after equipment is in route to SHNPP.6.The Emergency Communicator reminds the individual that authentication of the message by a verification call to the plant is required.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 7 of 23 APR008 9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.1 IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATIONS (Cont'd)7.The Emergency Communicator records the name of the indi-vidual contacted and the time of contact on the notifica-tion form.8.If more than one organization has to be notified, repeat steps 3 through 7 until all organizations needed have been notified.9.Unless Security, performed the notification, the Emergency Communicator notifies security of the following:

Type of responder (Fire, Sheriff, Ambulance, etc.)Where to meet responder (CP6L gate, etc.)Number of vehicles responding Number of personnel responding Estimated time of arrival Final destination on site 10.The Emergency Communicator (or security, if they performed the notification) notifies the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)of the following:

~Type of assistance responding (Fire, Sheriff, ambu-lance, etc.)~Number of vehicles and personnel expected~Estimated time of arrival~Where they were instructed to go on site If a verification call is received from a designated individual, the Emergency Communicator records the time" and the name of the individual on the notification form.9.2 NOTIFICATION OF STATE AND COUNTY AUTHORITIES 1.After declaration by the Site Emergency Coordinator of an emergency condition at SHNPP, the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)prepares (or assigns an available individual to prepare)the notification message (Part 1 of the North Carolina Emergency Notification form, which is Attachment 2).2.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)reviews the initial notification message, makes changes if necessary,, and approves it for release by signing his initials, the time, and the date.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 8 of 23 APROOS 9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.2 NOTIFICATION OF STATE AND COUNTY AUTHORITIES (Cont'd)NOTE: 3.4, The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)gives the approved notification message and the sealed envelope containing verification codes to the Emergency Communicator, and instructs him to notify the five off-site agencies.The sealed envelope containing the verification code words is kept in the Shift Foreman's desk in the Control Room.The Emergency Communicator notifies the five primary off-site emergency response organizations using the Automatic Ring-Down system (blue phone): Pick up the Automatic Ring-Down phone (blue phone)which will cause the phone to ring simultaneously at the State warning point and the four county warning points.Vait for approximately 20 seconds (unless somebody responds sooner in which case say: "THIS IS SHEARON HARRIS NUCIEAR POVER PLANT, STAND BY"),~Sa: "THIS IS SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT;ANSWER TO ROLL CALL," (pause)"STATE WARNING POINT" (Pause for response)"CHATHAM COUNTY VARNING POINT" (Pause for response)"HARNET COUNTY VARNING POINT" (Pause for re-sponse)"SANFORD-LEE COUNTY VARNING POINT (Pause for response)VAKE COUNTY VARNING POINT" (Pause for response)If one or more organizations did not respond to roll call and at least one did, repeat the roll call.If all warning points still do not respond, proceed with the notification.


RECORD THE FOLLOWING INFORMA-TION ON AN INITIAL NOTIFICATION FORM WHICH IS PART 1 OF THE NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM." I WILL WAIT 20 SECONDS WHILE YOU OBTAIN THE FORM OR A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER.(Pause, approximately 20 seconds to allow the individuals to obtain their copy of the form or blank paper on which to record the notification.)

PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 9 of 23 APR008 9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.2 NOTIFICATION OF STATE AND COUNTY AUTHORITIES (Cont'd)Read the notification.

When you get to line 5 on the form, if"code word" is specified, request one of the agencies to specify a number from his list, then respond with the corresponding word from the list in the sealed envelope provided by the Site Emergency Coordinator.

If"call back" is specified, remind the parties that a call back to the number you have just provided as item 4 does not constitute a valid authentication, and that they must use a phone number from their list.After the notification has been completed, request, one warning point to read back the notification and, if necessary, correct any errors.Say RESPOND TO ROLL CALL WITH YOUR NAME, TITLE, AND WARNING POINT.Call roll and record the information on the notification form.Say: "THIS IS THE END OF THE INITIAL NOTIFICATION MESSAGE (If appropriate say, THIS IS AN EXERCISE MESSAGE).YOU MAY LEAVE THE NET.THIS IS SHEARON HARRIS OUT." If any station did not respond initially use a backup peans to contact them.Notify them as outlined above.9.3 NOTIFICATION TO THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 1.After declaration by the Site Emergency Coordinator of an emergency condition at SHNPP, the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)prepares (or assigns an available individual to prepare)the notification message (Part 1 of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Incident Notification Information form, which is Attachment 3).2.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)reviews the Nuclear Regulatory Commission notification message, makes changes if necessary, and approves it for release by signing his name, the time and the date.3.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)gives the approved Nuclear regulatory Commission initial notification message to the Emergency Communicator and instructs him to notify the Nuclear.Regulatory Commission.

PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 10 of 23 APR008'0 9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.3 NOTIFICATION TO THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (Cont'd)The Emergency Communicator contacts the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Headquarters Duty officer by picking up the red Nuclear Regulatory Commission Emergency Notification System phone, which rings automatically.

If the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Emergency Notification System phone is inoperable, use the commercial telephone number for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operation Center listed in Plant Special Order,"Emergency Phone List." 5.Vhen the Headquarters Duty officer responds, say"THIS IS SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POVER PLANT.If Applicable, also say"THIS IS AN EXERCISE MESSAGE." THIS IS A NOTIFICATION OF (AN UNUSUAL EVENT, or AN ALERT, or A SITE EMERGENCY, or A GENERAL EMERGENCY as appxopriate).

NOTE For classifications above Unusual Event, the Headquarters Duty Officer will be attempting to patch the Region II Administrator and other Region II personnel into the call concurrent with recording your message.You may be interrupted by patch-ins and/or requested to repeat information, and you should comply with these requests, If the Regional Administrator or his Deputy have not been patched in by the time you have completed your message, the Regional Duty Officer will probably request additional information.

You should respond to any requests for additional information that you can answer accurately, otherwise, state that the information is not yet available and will be provided in a follow up message;Record any such requests on a message form and foxward them to the Site Emergency Coordinator, 6.If the classification is Unusual Event, pause as necessary to allow the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Headquarters Duty Officer time to obtain writing materials, then read the notification form.If the classification is higher than Unusual Event, wait for the Headquarters Duty Officer to patch the Region II Duty Officer onto the line before you read the message.7.After the notification has been completed, request the Headquarters Duty Officer to read back the notification and, if necessary, correct any erroxs.(If applicable say, THIS VAS AN EXERCISE MESSAGE.)8.Record the name of the individuals contacted and time of contact on the notification form.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 11 of 23 APR008 9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.3 NOTIFICATION TO THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (Cont'd)9.Tell them you are signing off.(They may request you stay on and leave the line open.If this occurs, notify the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)to see if he wishes to replace you or take other action.)9.4 NOTIFICATION OF INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR POWER OPERATIONS NOTE: Because Institute of Nuclear Power Operations does not have immediate response capabilities, assistance will not'ormally be requested during the initial notification.

After declaration of an Alert, Site Emergency, or General Emergency, the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)prepares (or assigns someone to prepare)an Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Notification Form.(Attachment 4).2.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency

'Response Manager)signs the Institute of Nuclear Po'wer Operations Notification Form to authorize the notification, delivers it to the Emergency Communicator, and directs the Emergency Communicator to perform the notification.

NOTE When the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations emergency number's'alled outside of normal working hours', the telephone will be answered by an automatic answering machine or an answering service.3.The Emergency Communicator consults the Plant Special Order,"Emergency Phone List" to obtain the telephone number, then contacts the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Duty Officer.NOTE: If the notification is read to an answering machine, enter"machine" in lieu of an individual's name.The Emergency Communicator reads the notification form to the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Duty Officer, answering machine, or answering service.He then obtains and records the name of the person notified, and signs and dates the form.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 12 of 23

~~APR008 9.0 PROCEDURE STEPS 9.5 FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1.The Site Emergency Coordinator (Emerg'ency Response Manager)or other person designated by the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)completes Part II of the North Carolina Emergency Notification Form (Attachment 2)and Part II of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Incident Notification Form (Attachment 3).2.The Emergency Communicator performs follow-up notifica-tions using the same notification methods as in sections 9.2 and 9.3.3.The Emergency Communicator records the name of the person contacted, time, date, and any related information on the notification form.4.Any detailed questions or questions which the Emergency Communicator cannot answer immediately are recorded on a message form (See PEP-302).The answer is obtained from the appropriate person and the questioner notified of the response as time permits.10.0 DIAGRAMS ATTACEPiENTS 1.Immediate Response Organization Notification Form 2.North Carolina Emergency Notification Form 3.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Incident Notification Form 4.Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Notification Form PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 13 of 23 APRO08 TO: Attachment 1 IliMEDIATE RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATION FORM (Organization) a Page 1 of,2 Message No: SH-Time: Date: THIS IS THE SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT.RECORD THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ON A NOTIFICATION FORM.1.This is Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant 2.My name is: (Site Emergency Coordinator/Emergency Response Manager)3.This message: (a)REPORTS A REAL ENERGENCY (S)IS AN EXERCISE NESSAGE c.d e.f.4.The emergency involves a: a.Personnel injury b.Personnel injury involving contamination or irra-diation Fire Fire in a radiologically controlled area Nature caused emergency:

Man caused emergency:

5.Your assistance is requested to: a.Transport injured b.Receive injured c.Control a fire d.Other: 6.Other information: (Note: Inform them where to respond ini-tially and that security will provide dosimetry, if required, and escort(s).)

7.If on-site response will be provided request: (Responder to.provide following infor'mation) a.Number of vehicles responding to site b.Number of personnel responding'.

Estimated time of arrival Message Approved://Shift Foreman Time/Date Site Emergency Coordinator Emergency Response Manager PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 14 of 23 APR008 C 4~.Attachment 1 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ORGANIZATION NOTIFICATION FORM Page 2 of 2 Message No SH Time: Date: 8.Please read back this message beginning with item 1.9.Message received by: Name//Title/Time/Date NOTE: If on-site responses will be provided, contact security;tell them to be prepared to issue security badges, dosimetry devices (if needed)and provide escort service to the responders.

Inform them of: a.Type of responder b.Vhere to meet the responder c.Number of vehicles responding d.Number of personnel responding e.Estimated time of arrival f.Final destination on site Security Name notified Time Date by Initials 10.Notify the Site Emergency Coordinator (Emergency Response Manager)of the information in item 11.SEC/ERM Name notified/by Time Date Initials PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 15 of 23 APR008~'!Page 1 of 4 Hessage No.:SH" Dat'e Time Attachment 2 NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM Instructions:

For Sender: 1.Complete Part 1 for the Initial Varning Message.2.Complete Parts 1&II for follow-up messages For Receiver: 1.Record the date, time, and your name in the area below.Authenticate this message by verifying the code word or by calling back to the facility.(See Part 1.5)A.B.Date: Time: PART I 1.This is: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant 2.My name is: (Insert name of person authorizing message, either Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager)3.This message number SH-(a)Reports a real emergency.(b)Is an exercise message.My telephone number/extension is: 5.Message authentication: (Code word or call back)6.The class of the emergency is: (a)Notification of Unusual Event Alert Site Emergency General Emergency (h)(d)7.This classification of emergency was declared at: (a.m./p.m.)

on.,(dace).8.The initiacing event causing the emergency classification is: 9.The emergency condition: (a)Does not involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant.(b)Involves the potential for a release, but no release is occurring.(c)Involves a release of radioactive material.PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 16 of 23~~~

APR008~~'I Attachment, 2 NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM Page 2 of 4 Message No.:SH-Date evacu-PART I (Continued) 10.We recommend the following protective action: (a)No protective action is recommended at this time.(b)People living in zones remain indoors with the doors and windows closed.(c)People in zones evacuate their homes and businesses.(d)Pregnant women and children in zones ate to the nearest shelter/reception center.(f)Other recommendations:

11.There will be;(a)A follow-up message (b)No further communications 12.I repeat, this message: (a)Reports an actual emergency (b)Is an exercise message 13.RELAY THIS INFORMATION TO THE PERSONS INDICATED ON YOUR ALERT PROCEDURE FOR AN INCIDENT AT A NUCLEAR FACILITY.'eEND OF INITIAL WARNING MESSAGE~Approved: Shift Foreman-Site Emergency Coordinator-Emergency Response Manager/Time/Date NOTE: Record the name, title, date, time, and warning point notified.(Senders)Record the name, title, date, time, and persons notified per alert procedure.(Receivers) 2.3.(name)(date)(time)(name)(date)(time)(name)(title)State (warning point)(title)Chatham Count (warning point)(title)Harnet Count (date)4,.(name)(time)(warning point)(title)Sanford-Lee Count 5.(date)(time)(name)(date)(time)(warning point)(title)Wake Count (warning point)PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 17 of 23 APR008 Attachment 2 NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM Page 3 of 4 Message No;:SH-Date Time PART II 1.The type (a)(d)<<t'-FOLLOW UP MESSAGE<<<<<<

of actual or projected release is: Airborne Waterborne Surface spill Other 2..The source and description of the release is: 3..(a)Release began/will begin at a.m./p.m.;

time since reactor trip is hrs.(b)The estimated duration of the release is hours.4.Dose projection base data: Radiological release: Windspeed:

Find direction:

From Stability class:" Release height: Dose conversion factor: Precipitation:

Temperature at the site: 5.Dose projections:

curies, or mph 0 curies/sec.

oF (A,B,C,D,E,F, or G)Ft.R/hr/Ci/m (whole body)R/hr/Ci/m (Child Thyroid)Distance Site bounda 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles<<Dose Commitments<<

Whole Body Rem hour (Child Thyroid)Rem hour of inhalation

<<Pro'ected Inte rated Dose in Rem<<Distance Site bounda 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles Whole Bod Child Th roid 6.Field measurement of dose rate or contamination (if available):

PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 18 of 23 APR008 Page 4 of 4 Message No.:SH-Date Time Attachment 2 NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM PART II (Continued) 7.Emergency actions underway at the facility include: 4 8.On-site support needed from off-site organizations:

9.Plant status: (a)Reactor is: not tripped/tripped (b)Plant is at:!power/hot shutdown/cold shutdown/cooling down (c)Prognosis is: stable/improving/degrading/unknown 10.I'repeat, this message: (a)Reports an actual emergency.(b)Is an exercise message.11.Do you have any questions?

'END OF MESSAGE<~Approved: Shift Foreman-Site Emergency Coordinator-Emergency Response Manager/Time/Date NOTE: Record the name, title, date, time, and warning point notified.(Senders)Record the name, title, date, time, and persons notified per alert procedure.(Receivers) 2.3.5.(name)(date)(name)(date)(name)(date)(name)(date)I (name)(date)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(title)State (warning point)(title)Chatham Count (warning point)(title)Harnet Count (warning point)(title)Sanford-Lee Count (warning point)(title)Make Count (warning point)PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 19 of 23 APR008 Page 1 of 3 Attachment 3 Message No.:SH-Time: Nuclear Regulatory Commission INCIDENT NOTIFICATION FORM PART I-INITIAL NOTIFICATION Date: Complete for all incident notifications Name Time Date Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hqs Duty Officer contacted:

//Region II Duty Officer contacted:

/Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector contacted:


Facility Phone number Response Manager)SHNPP Caller's Name (SEC or Emergency B.EVEtLT CLASSIFICATION:

Notification of Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency C.DESCRIPTION:

What Happened: Cause: Consequences:

Action::" Current Status: D.LICENSEE (CP&L)NOTIFICATIONS: (What notifications have been made.)STATE(S)LICENSEE (CP&L)MANAGEMENT LOCAL OTHER Nuclear Regulatory Commission RESIDENT OTHER E.PRESS RELEASE: Has a press release been made2~YES NO p 1anned2 YES NO+Include any protective action recommendations to local authorities.

Approved://Shift Foreman-Site Emergency Coordinator Emergency Response Manager/Time/Date PEP-301 Hev.0 Page 20 of 23 APR008 a Attachment 3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission INCIDENT NOTIFICATION PART II" FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION Complete for all ALERT, SITE AREA, and GENERAL F.LICENSEE (CPBTL)ACTIONS: Taken Page 2 of 3 Message No.:SH-Time: FORM Date: emergencies Planned Property Damage G.H.RADIOACTIVITY RELEASED (OR INCREASED RELEASE): YES NO Liquid/Gas?

Iocation/Source of Release Elevation Release Rate Duration Stopped?Release Monitored?

Amount of Release%Tech.Specs.INCREASED RADIATION LEVELS IN PLANT: YES NO Location(s)

Radiation Level(s)Areas Evacuated Maximum site boundary dose races Location Integrated dose Location I.METEOROLOGY:

~Wind Direction from Wind Speed (Meter/sec or miles/hr)AT (C or F)'emperature

('C or'F)Stability Class A B C D E F-(Sigma Theta)Raining (Yes/No)Pro'ected Peak: Dose Rates 2 mi (WB/I)5 mi (WB/I)10 mi (WB/I)Sectors Contamination (Surface):

in-plant onsite Integrated Dose (WB/I)(WB/I)(WB/I)(WB/I)offsite J.REACTOR OPERATIONS:

Reactor S stem Status Pressure Temp.Cooling Mode Containment Status Containment Isolaced?Containment Press Leak Rate Reactivit Control Control Rods Inserted Power Level Flow (pumps on)ECCS Operating/Operable Containment Temp.Containment Radiation R/hr'.Status of Emer.Boration System+If the answer is NO, it is not necessary to fill out the subsection for the initial notification.

<~lf a gaseous release is not occurring or is not imminent, it is noc neces-sary to fill out this subsection for the initial notification.

PEP-301 Rev.0 ,Page 21 of 23 APR008 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 3 Message No.:SH-Time: Nuclear Regulatory Commission INCIDENT NOTIFICATION FORM PART II" (CONTINUED)

Date: K.STEAM PLhVZ STATUS: S/G Levels Equip.Failures Feedwater Source/Flow Electrical Dist.Status: Normal Off-site Power Available?

Major Busses/Loads Lost D/G Running?S/G Isolated?Loaded?L.SECURITY/SAFEGUARDS:


YES NO<<(Contact Security for information)

Bomb Threat: Search Conducted?

Search Results Site Evacuated?


Source.(Phone, letter, etc.)?Location of Letter Intrusion:

Insider?Outs ider?Furthest Point of Intrusion Fire arms related?Stolen/Hissing Material?Demonstration:

Size of Group Demands Violence?Fire arms related'Arson Involved?Stolen/Missing Material?M.Carrier (On Vehicle)Surveys TRANSPORTATION:


YES NO<<Mode (Road/Rail/Air/etc.)

Exact Location Type of Material (HEU/Spent Fuel/Cat II/Other)Description of Shipment Labels: (On material package)Spillage Physical damage to containers?

Fire/Smoke Missing material?Radiation Levels/Contamination

<<If the answer is no, it is not necessary to fill out the Subsection for the initial notification.

Approved: Emergency Response Manager//Shift Foreman-Site Emergency Coordinator-

/Time/Date PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 22 of 23 APR008 Page 1 of 1 Attachment 4 Message No.: SH-Institute'of Nuclear Power 0 erations NOTIFICATION FORM 1.This is at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, (name of Site Emergency Coordinator or Emergency Response Manager)telephone/P (919)2.This message reports: A REAL EMERGENCY A DRILL 3.An ALERT A SITE EMERGENCY A GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared at, Shearon Harris.4.No assistance is requested at this time.or The following assistance is requested:

S.My name is (SEC or Emergency Response Manager)Notification Authorized I Name of Person Contacted (signature) 6.My telephone number is:'19~~END OF MESSAGE-: ': Date Time h Notification Completed (signature)

Date Time PEP-301 Rev.0 Page 23 of 23